Since 1989. FREE! w w ww.. l a p r e n s a 1 . c o m TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR DETROIT CLEVELAND • LORAIN CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 TOLEDO/CLEVELAND/DETROIT SALES: 419-870-2797 Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Classified? Email [email protected] January/Enero 6, 2017 Weekly/Semanal 16 Páginas Vol. 60, No. 19 ¡PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO! ABOGADO XIncapacidad ~ Disability XSocial Security ~ SSI XCasos de Worker’s Compensation XAccidentes de Auto/Moto/Camión XNegligencia Médica • Parálisis Cerebral • Lesiones causadas en el Nacimiento • Muerte por Negligencia Patrick Merrick La consulta es GRATIS. Hablamos Español. (800) 309-7404 La Fiesta de Reyes 6 de enero, Cleveland. P. 11. Club Taino Puertorriqueño Three Kings Day Celebration and Fund Raiser Saturday, January 7, 2017. Page 13. “La casa no descansa en la tierra sino en la mujer.”—Richard Neller quoting Mexican proverb. Página 2 La Prensa—¡Prospero Año Nuevo! Deciden investigar a Fernández por encubrimiento de atentado Por ALMUDENA CALATRAVA y DEBORA REY, Associated Press BUENOS AIRES, 29 XII “Un país que quiere el atentado y se ha resistido 16 (AP): A punto de llegar a la justicia es un a entregar a los imputados cumplirse dos años de la país que debe investigar y a la justicia del país sospechosa muerte del fis- si habrá que desechar la sudamericano para ser cal Alberto Nisman, que denuncia de Nisman, lo interrogados. Otros conmocionó a la Argen- aceptaremos. Pero lo que involucrados en la tina, un tribunal argentino no podemos es desechar denuncia son el actual resolvió el jueves que se una denuncia con tanto diputado Andrés Larroque investigue su denuncia potencial política sin al y los dirigentes sociales contra la expresidenta menos ser investigado”, izquierdistas Fernando Cristina Fernández por el dijo a The Associated Press Esteche y Luis D’Elía. presunto encubrimiento de Ariel Cohen Sabban Los abogados de los los iraníes acusados del presidente de la DAIA. denunciados consideraron atentado contra un centro La denuncia dividió las que no debe abrirse una judío de Buenos Aires en aguas entre fiscales y investigación por la falta 1994. jueces, quienes en los de delito y la invalidez de La Cámara Federal de últimos meses se han algunas pruebas Casación Penal, el pronunciado en distintas presentadas. máximo tribunal penal de instancias a favor y en conEl pedido de investigar Argentina, aceptó el tra de investigar a la la denuncia de Nisman pedido de la Delegación exmandataria por presentado por la DAIA se de Asociaciones Israelitas supuestamente haber basó, entre otros elementos, Argentinas (DAIA) para que encabezado un plan para en una llamada telefónica un juez reconsidere la proteger a exfuncionarios entre el entonces canciller acusación que hizo y ex diplomáticos iraníes Timerman y el dirigente Nisman el 14 de enero de acusados del ataque que judío Guillermo Borger en 2015 contra Fernández, su dejó 85 muertos y cientos la que el funcionario se canciller Héctor Timerman de heridos. refería a la responsabilidad y otros allegados a su Nisman denunció que el de Irán en el atentado. gobierno (2007-2015). memorando de La jueza Ana María El Centro de entendimiento firmado por Figueroa también avaló la Información Judicial (CIJ) Argentina e Irán en 2013 apertura de la pesquisa, publicó la resolución en la con el alegado propósito pero con algunas que los tres jueces de la de esclarecer el atentado objeciones: “la tesis Sala I de la Cámara era una pantalla y fue la expuesta por el Fiscal decidieron por unanimidad presunta herramienta Nisman no luce razonable, “hacer lugar al recurso de empleada por el gobierno ya que el dictado de una casación de la pretensa de Fernández para proteger ley (por el Memorando) no querellante Delegación de a los iraníes. puede conllevar per se la Asociaciones Israelitas La justicia luego declaró comisión de un delito Argentinas (DAIA)... dejar inconstitucional dicho (pero) no han sido sin efecto la desestimación acuerdo, cuestionado por suficientes las razones de la denuncia” que habían resignar la jurisdicción de expuestas para sustentar la resuelto jueces de la justicia argentina para desestimación de la instancias inferiores y “que juzgar a los acusados del denuncia de los presuntos un nuevo juez, mediante ataque contra la hechos ilícitos”. sorteo de rigor, continúe Asociación Mutual Fernández ha sufrido en con el trámite de las Israelita Argentina (AMIA) los últimos meses el cerco actuaciones con la en una comisión cada vez más estrecho de la celeridad que el caso internacional extrajudi- justicia. Está procesada por impone”. cial. supuestas maniobras La exmandataria se “La gravedad de las irregulares en el mercado manifestó a través de Twit- imputaciones dirigidas a de dólar a futuro, que ter: “Ahora me acusan de los entonces altos causaron un perjuicio encubrir el atentado de la funcionarios de la económico al Estado y por AMIA ocurrido hace. 22 República Argentina presunta asociación ilícita años y medio! Lo único reclamaba -y aún lo hace- y administración que les falta es acusarme un examen acabado de los fraudulenta en la concesión de la muerte de Kennedy”, hechos sobre los cuales la de obras públicas. dijo en referencia al denuncia se asienta; La exmandataria presidente de Estados máxime cuando allí se atribuyó las acusaciones a Unidos asesinado en 1963. especifica que el acuerdo la supuesta parcialidad de Cuatro días después de espurio denunciado habría jueces que obedecerían presentar su denuncia y un estado inspirado en las órdenes del presidente día antes de declarar ante necesidades energéticas Mauricio Macri, quien la el Congreso sobre la requeridas en el territorio sucedió en el poder en investigación, Nisman fue en los últimos años y en el diciembre de 2015. hallado muerto en su restablecimiento de las apartamento de Buenos relaciones comerciales con Aires de un disparo en la Irán”, escribió el juez cabeza. Hasta ahora la Gustavo Hornos, uno de los justicia no ha podido miembros de Casación. determinar si se suicidó o Irán ha negado siempre fue asesinado. cualquier vinculación con January 6, 2017 Puerto Rico combate al zika en zonas montañosas SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, 29 XII 16 (AP): Puerto Rico recibió más de 2 millones de dólares en fondos federales para combatir el virus del zika en comunidades montañosas en el interior de la isla, informaron funcionarios de salud el jueves. El dinero proveniente de la Administración de Recursos y Servicios de Salud de Estados Unidos será usado para brindar servicios médicos e informar a la gente sobre el virus propagado por mosquitos, dijeron las autoridades. Puerto Rico ha registrado casi 36.000 casos de zika, entre ellos 2.880 en embarazadas. Al menos 10 bebés han nacido con malformaciones congénitas relacionadas al zika y cinco personas infectadas con el virus que se contagia por picadura de mosquito han muerto. Puerto Rico baja el tono de tradicional festival callejero SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, 27 XII 16 (AP): Puerto Rico quiere bajarle el tono a su famoso festival callejero de cuatro días en el centro histórico de San Juan. Las autoridades dijeron el martes que los conciertos finalizarán a las 11 de la noche y los bares cerrarán a medianoche durante el festival de San Sebastián en el Viejo San Juan que atrae a cientos de miles de juerguistas. En años anteriores los vecinos se han quejado de las juergas que se prolongan hasta bien entrada la mañana. El gobierno dijo que el uso de la vuvuzela, la corneta de plástico que se hizo famosa durante el Mundial de Fútbol de 2010, se castigará con hasta 1.000 dólares de multa. Se ha prohibido también el uso de drones y silbatos, y los residentes del Viejo San Juan no podrán trabajar como conductores de Uber para aprovechar su acceso especial a ciertas zonas. El festival se realiza del 19 al 22 de enero [de 2017]. Goya Foods gives to shelters JERSEY CITY, N.J., Dec. 29, 2016 (AP): The largest Latino-owned food company in the country has committed to donating 125,000 pounds of food to an agency dedicated to serving the less fortunate in northern New Jersey. Jersey City-based Goya We make our own corn tortillas but provide all of your Mexican Food Products. SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 Foods will send 10,000 pounds of food each month to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark, which will distribute the goods to shelters in Essex, Hudson, Bergen, and Union counties. The company has also pledged a one-time donation of $10,000 to the archdio- cese that will benefit Hope House in Jersey City and St. Rocco’s Family Shelter in Newark. Catholic Charities CEO John Westervelt says the funds will pay for renovations to recreational spaces at the facilities as well as additional food and clothing for homeless families. LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 6 de enero, 2017 La Prensa Page 3 El último adiós: Figuras destacadas que murieron en 2016 Por BERNARD McGHEE, Associated Press Fidel Castro superó la Estrella del teatro clásico cárcel y el exilio para británico, villano en la serie imponer un régimen de tipo “Harry Potter” y otras soviético en Cuba que películas. 14 de enero. desafió una y otra vez el Glenn Frey, 67 años. poderío de Estados Unidos. Rebelde del Rock ‘n’ roll, En medio siglo al frente del cofundador de la banda régimen derrotó la invasión Eagles, autor con Don fallida de Bahía de los Henley de éxitos Cochinos realizada por perdurables como “Hotel exiliados cubanos con California” y “Life in the apoyo estadounidense en Fast Lane”. 18 de enero. 1961. Un año después, la Abe Vigoda, 94 años. crisis de los misiles llevó al Actor de cine y TV, mundo al borde de la guerra conocido por encarnar al nuclear. Tras sobrevivir a detective Phil Fish en la un embargo comercial que serie “Barney Miller” y al paralizó su economía y soldado mafioso Salvatore decenas de intentos de Tessio en “El padrino”. 26 asesinato, Castro murió en de enero. noviembre a los 90 años. En el año murieron FEBRERO: también dos gigantes de la Maurice White, 74 años. música pop: David Bowie, Fundador de la banda quien atravesó las fronteras Earth, Wind & Fire que con su musicalidad y arte vendió más de 90 millones visual, y Prince, uno de los de álbumes. 3 de febrero. músicos más creativos e Antonin Scalia, 79 años. influyentes de los tiempos Influyente juez de la Corte modernos. Suprema estadounidense. Entre las figuras 13 de febrero. políticas también se destaca Boutros Boutros-Ghali, el rey Bhumibol Adulyadej 93 años. Diplomático de Tailandia, venerado en egipcio que ayudó a su país como semidiós, negociar el histórico figura paterna y garante de acuerdo de paz de su país la estabilidad. con Israel. Como secretario Otras personalidades general de la ONU tuvo destacadas en el mundo de enfrentamientos con los asuntos públicos Estados Unidos. 16 de incluyen el ex secretario febrero. general de la ONU Boutros Harper Lee, 89 años. Boutros-Ghali, el juez de la Autora cuya novela “To Corte Suprema Kill a Mockingbird” (Matar estadounidense Antonin a un ruiseñor) sobre la Scalia y el ex líder israelí injusticia racial en un Shimon Peres. pueblo del sur En el deporte se destaca estadounidense vista a la figura de Muhammad Ali, través de los ojos de una tan rápido con los puños niña fue adaptada al cine y como con la lengua, con ganó un Oscar. 19 de febrero. fanáticos en todo el mundo. Los artistas fallecidos MARZO: incluyen la escritora Nancy Reagan, 94 años. Harper Lee, el director de Asesora tras las bambalinas orquesta Pierre Boulez, los y feroz protectora de músicos Leonard Cohen, Ronald Reagan en su Merle Haggard, Maurice trayectoria de actor a White y Phife Dawg y los presidente, y durante sus actores Gene Wilder, Abe años finales en los que Vigoda, Florence padeció alzhéimer. 6 de Henderson, Alan Rickman, marzo. Robert Vaughn, Garry Rob Ford, 46 años. Shandling, Doris Roberts, Exgobernador populista de Fyvush Finkel y Anton Toronto, Canadá, cuya Yelchin. carrera finalizó en medio A continuación, una lista de un escándalo de drogas. de algunos de los muertos 22 de marzo. Cáncer. destacados de 2016. (En el Phife Dawg, 45. Autor caso de los jóvenes se de letras cuyos ingeniosos menciona la causa de juegos de palabras fueron muerte, si se conoce.) la base del grupo hip-hop A Tribe Called Quest. 22 de ENERO: marzo. Complicaciones de Pierre Boulez, 90 años. diabetes. Fue director de la Patty Duke, 69 años. En Filarmónica de Nueva York su adolescencia ganó un y otras grandes orquestas y Oscar por el papel de la figura de la música clásica educadora Helen Keller en contemporánea. 5 de enero. “The Miracle Worker”. DuDavid Bowie, 69 años. rante su larga carrera tuvo Músico que traspasó las que combatir sus demonios. fronteras del pop y el rock 29 de marzo. con su creatividad y un personaje andrógino al que ABRIL: llamó Ziggy Stardust. 10 de Merle Haggard, 79 enero. años. Cantante country que Alan Rickman, 69 años. superó la pobreza y la cárcel para ganar fama mundial con sus canciones sobre vaqueros y perdedores. 6 de abril. Prince, 57 años. Uno de los músicos más creativos e influyentes de los tiempos modernos cuyos éxitos incluyen “Little Red Corvette”, “Let’s Go Crazy” y “When Doves Cry”. 21 de abril. MAYO: Tommy Kono, 85 años. Dos veces campeón olímpico de pesas. 1 de mayo. Morley Safer, 84 años. Veterano corresponsal del programa “60 Minutes” que reveló las atrocidades cometidas en Vietnam y ayudó a cambiar la actitud de los estadounidenses hacia la guerra. 19 de mayo. Rosalie Chris Lerman, 90 años. Sobreviviente del campo de exterminio nazi de Auschwitz-Birkenau y activista por la memoria del Holocausto. 19 de mayo. JUNIO: Muhammad Ali, 74 años. Campeón mundial de los pesos pesados cuya rapidez de puños, personalidad franca y espíritu resuelto cautivaron al mundo. 3 de junio. Gordie Howe, 88 años. Conocido como “Mr. Hockey”, campesino canadiense cuya mezcla de habilidad y resistencia lo convirtieron en astro emblemático del hockey sobre hielo profesional. 10 de junio. Anton Yelchin, 27 años. Actor conocido por el papel de Chekov en las nuevas películas de la serie “Star Trek”. 29 de junio. Atropellado por un auto frente a su casa. Pat Summitt, 64 años. Entrenadora del baloncesto universitario femenino que dio proyección nacional al juego durante su carrera de 38 años en Tennessee. 28 de junio. JULIO: Elie Wiesel, 87 años. Escritor y filósofo rumano, sobreviviente del Holocausto, activista humanitario, premio Nobel de la paz 1986. 2 de julio. Payaso Dimitri, 80 años. Popularísimo payaso y mimo suizo, discípulo de Marcel Marceau. 19 de julio. AGOSTO: John McLaughlin, 89 años. Comentarista político de derecha, conductor de uno de los primeros programas de TV en que los invitados discutían de política a los gritos. 16 de agosto. Juan Gabriel, 66 años. Prolífico cantautor mexicano conocido por clásicos como “Querida” y “Amor eterno”. Vendió más de 100 millones de discos. 28 de agosto. Gene Wilder, 83 años. Actor cómico sutil, protagonista de películas como “El joven Frankenstein” y “Locuras en el oeste” de Mel Brooks. 28 de agosto. Vera Caslavska, 74 años. Gimnasta con siete medallas de oro olímpicas que se pronunció contra la invasión soviética de Checoslovaquia en 1968. 30 de agosto. SEPTIEMBRE: Phyllis Schlafly, 92 años. Activista de u l t r a d e r e c h a estadounidense que ayudó a derrotar la enmienda constitucional por la igualdad de derechos de las mujeres en los años 70. 5 de septiembre. Rose Mofford, 94 años. Primera gobernadora de Arizona que condujo el estado durante un período de turbulencia política. 15 de septiembre. Arnold Palmer, 87 años. Uno de los grandes del golf mundial, que popularizó un deporte de elite con su carisma y estilo plebeyo. 25 de septiembre. Shimon Peres, 93 años. Ex primer ministro y ex presidente israelí, premio Nobel, un visionario que condujo a su país hacia la paz. 28 de septiembre. OCTUBRE: Rey Bhumibol Adulyadej, 88 años. El monarca de reinado más largo del mundo, fue venerado en Tailandia como semidiós, figura paterna y garante de la estabilidad durante décadas turbulentas. 13 de octubre. Junko Tabei, 77 años. La primera mujer que llegó a la cima del monte Everest. 20 de octubre. Tom Hayden, 76 años. Activista antibélico de los años 60, famoso por ser un líder de las protestas contra la guerra de Vietnam y esposo de la actriz Jane Fonda. 23 de octubre. NOVIEMBRE: Janet Reno, 78 años. Primera secretaria de Justicia de Estados Unidos, estuvo en el centro de varias tormentas políticas durante el gobierno de Bill Clinton, como la del balserito cubano Elián González. 7 de noviembre. Leonard Cohen, 82 años. Cantautor canadiense que combinó espiritualidad y sexualidad en canciones como “Hallelujah”, “Suzanne” y “Bird on a Wire”. 7 de noviembre. Florence Henderson, 82 años. Estrella de Broadway y luego popularísima como la madre en la serie “The Brady Bunch”. 24 de noviembre. Fidel Castro, 90 años. Llevó a sus rebeldes barbudos a la victoria en la revolución de 1959, impuso un régimen de estilo soviético y desafió el poderío de Estados Unidos durante medio siglo en el poder. 25 de noviembre. DICIEMBRE: Jayaram Jayalalithaa, 68 años. Actriz del sur de la India, luego se dedicó a la política y ocupó altos cargos en el estado de Tamil Nadu. 4 de diciembre. John Glenn, 95 años. Su vuelo en 1962 como el primer astronauta estadounidense en el espacio lo convirtió en héroe y lo proyectó a una larga carrera en el Senado. 8 de diciembre. Alan Thicke, 69 años. Actor versátil, famoso por el papel del papá en la comedia televisiva “Growing Pains”. 13 de diciembre. Zsa Zsa Gabor, 99 años. Actriz húngara del jet-set y celebridad que ayudó a crear un nuevo tipo de fama gracias a sus múltiples matrimonios, su riqueza ostentosa y su sabiduría sobre el glamur. 18 de diciembre. George Michael, 53 años. Músico británico que saltó a la fama a temprana edad con el dúo pop WHAM! y continuó con una exitosa carrera solista. 25 de diciembre. Carrie Fisher, 60 años. Actriz estadounidense que alcanzó la fama como la Princesa Leia en la original “Star Wars”. 27 de diciembre. Debbie Reynolds, 84. Actriz que iluminó la pantalla en “Cantando bajo la lluvia” y otros clásicos de Hollywood. Murió el 28 de diciembre, un día después que su hija Carrie Fisher. Kerry defiende postura de EEUU en ONU sobre Israel Por JOSH LEDERMAN y MATTHEW DALY, Associated Press WASHINGTON, DC, 28 el gobierno más derechista en los últimos días del gobierno de Obama. La XII 16 (AP): Metiéndose en la historia de Israel. “Si la opción es un estado, extraordinaria muestra de en una intensa discusión diplomática, el Israel puede ser judío o discordia entre ambos secretario de Estado democrático, pero no puede aliados también ha situado John Kerry defendió ser ambos, y realmente nunca a Obama en contra del presidente electo Donald incondicionalmente el tendrá paz”, dijo Kerry. La oficina de Netanyahu Trump, quien está del lado miércoles la decisión del gobierno de Barack Obama emitió una declaración pre- de Netanyahu. La semana pasada, el de permitir que la ONU via denunciando el discurso, declare ilegales los argumentando que estaba gobierno israelí se enfureció porque Estados asentamientos israelíes y “sesgado contra Israel”. “Kerry trató Unidos se abstuvo de votar advirtió que está en juego tanto la democracia como obsesivamente con los en la resolución del asentamientos y apenas tocó Consejo de Seguridad de el futuro de Israel. Respondiendo a la furia la raíz del conflicto: la la ONU que calificaba a los de Israel por la abstención oposición palestina a un asentamientos israelíes en estadounidense en la estado judío en cualquier Cisjordania y el este de votación de la ONU, Kerry frontera”, dijo la oficina del Jerusalén como violación a las leyes internacionales. cuestionó el verdadero primer ministro. Por su parte, el presidente Netanyahu acusó al compromiso del primer ministro Benjamin palestino, Mahmoud Abbas, gobierno de conspirar con Netanyahu hacia el dijo estar listo para reanudar los palestinos y ayudar a concepto de un estado las conversaciones de paz si escribir la resolución, congela la acusaciones que Estados palestino, que ha formado Israel de Unidos niega. la base de todas las construcción Lederman reportó negociaciones de paz asentamientos. El discurso de Kerry desde Honolulu. El serias durante años. Aunque Netanyahu marcó la intensificación de reportero de The Associasegura estar a favor de la una discusión fuerte, llena ated Press Daniel Estrin solución de los dos estados, de drama, entre Estados contribuyó a este despacho Kerry dijo que él encabeza Unidos e Israel que ha surgido desde Jerusalén. Página 4 La Prensa—Michigan January 6, 2017 After 36 years in United States, man wants to die in Cuba Public college to improve campus with private partners Dec. 27, 2016 (AP): An Indianapolis man who arrived in the U.S. only with clothes and a birth certificate wants to live his final days in Cuba, his native country. Lazaro Blanco Garcia has cancer and probably only months to live. The 59-year-old tells The Indianapolis Star (http:// By DAVID JESSE, Detroit Free Press LIVONIA, Dec. 27, 2016 owns 7 Mile Crossing, a com(AP): When voters turned mercial building located down a $600,000 request within the college’s campus. from Schoolcraft College The Michigan Wolvesin the fall of 2015 by a few Hawks Soccer Club signed a hundred votes, things 25-year agreement to lease looked bleak for space in the building. So what’s in it for Schoolcraft officials’ plan to improve the school’s Schoolcraft’s approximately infrastructure and move 8,000 students? It’s a space forward on new buildings that can be used for the college’s own sports. Also, on campus. Now the outlook is the school’s renowned culimuch more positive, thanks nary program will staff a conto creative partnerships cession stand that will move between the college and past the normal junk food some private organiza- items and be a place where tions. Schoolcraft is a pub- busy parents can feed their lic community college in children in between school Livonia, funded both by and soccer practice while student tuition and prop- giving the Schoolcraft students a chance to learn and erty taxes. “The question facing us cook. Schoolcraft also entered was, were we willing to give up on all the projects that into an agreement to build a needed to be done,” more than 90,000-squareSchoolcraft President foot MASCO World HeadConway Jeffress told Free quarters building on its propPress ( erty. Having MASCO on the college property will allow 2iC1mPo ). for Schoolcraft students to The answer? No. So a couple of major more easily do internships at projects were put back on the company. Company emthe table, including the ployees will also be able to building of a $6 million attend Schoolcraft classes or sports dome. The 110,500- classes through Wayne State square-foot sports dome University, which has a satcampus on measures 260 feet wide by ellite 425 feet long and can be Schoolcraft’s grounds. But buildings weren’t the used year-round. There is also a parking lot and out- only new things to campus. Infrastructure, including door field. The dome was built with parking lots, a new road ringUniversal Properties and ing the campus and a new Management Inc., which traffic light at an access road ) that he feels like “an American” since arriving here in 1980 but wants to be with family in Cuba. Garcia must fill out a stack of papers and raise money for the move. He also needs government approval. He hopes to leave the U.S. by February. Dr. Pablo Bedano says much of Garcia’s health care should be pain control and end-of-life care, not extraordinary techniques that might not be available in Cuba. Garcia worked as a maintenance man in Detroit before settling in Indianapolis in 1994. Information from: The Indianapolis Star, http:// Donations to state fund can help foster kids with college LANSING, Dec. 27, 2016 (AP): The state of Michigan is accepting contributions to a college fund for students who were in foster care. The money helps students with tuition, lodging, books and other supplies. Robin Lott of the Michigan Education Trust says many students are out of foster care after high school and can’t afford college. Donations to the Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund are tax-deductible, although they must be postmarked or made online by Saturday to qualify for 2016. More than $590,000 has been raised since 2012 through donations, ticket sales, auctions and other volunteer-based fundraising events. O n l i n e : Grand Rapids police cars being equipped with defibrillators GRAND RAPIDS, Dec. 27, 2016 (AP): The Grand Rapids Police Department is equipping its police cruisers with automated external defibrillators in an effort to save lives. The western Michigan city on Tuesday announced the installation of 75 defibrillators in every cruiser. The devices are the same as those in fire and emergency medical services vehicles. Officials say police officers will be in a better position to deal with a cardiac arrest if they are the first to arrive. The devices only deliver a shock to a patient if equipment advises a user to do so. Law adds part of U.S. naturalization test to social studies LANSING, Dec. 28, 2016 (AP): A new law requires Michigan’s high school social studies curriculum to include material covered by the 100 questions on the civics portion of the U.S. naturalization test. Lt. Gov. Brian Calley signed the bill Wednesday. It mandates the State Board of Education to revise the high school social studies content standards by May 2018 or the next update of state curriculum standards, whichever occurs first. Schools currently must provide instruction in the U.S. Constitution and the Michigan Constitution, and teach students the form and functions of the governments and citizens’ rights and responsibilities. Calley signed the legislation because Gov. Rick Snyder is vacationing out of state. from the campus to 7 Mile were also added in conjunction with Universal Properties and Management. The roads are Mike Willis’ favorite part of the upgrade. “It’s so much easier to get around,” said Willis, 25, who has taken classes at Schoolcraft for several years. “I think the dome is cool, but I don’t really use it, but I drive around campus all the time and it’s much better than it used to be.” The move to use private developers was Schoolcraft taking advantage of what it has. “We have assets—land and location—developers want,” Jeffress said. “I’m trading off time right now. I’m willing to wait a little bit for money, while developers want it up front. At some point in the near future, (the college) will get a decent money flow. Nothing that was done is draining money away from our academic program.” The college has also started new programs, including a beer-brewing degree. “We are trying to make moves that are consistent with the mission of the college,” Jeffress said. Information from: Detroit Free Press, http:// La Chiquita MARKET Tienda Mexicana Productos mexicanos, carnicería, pan todos los días. Los fines de semana: carnitas, barbacoa, birria de chivo, tamales y mucho más. 136 E. Beecher St. Adrian, MI 49221 517- 264-5126 ACEPTAMOS CARDS. ENVIOS DE DINERO EN EEUU Y AL EXTRANJERO L a P r e n s a N e w s pa p e r Aztlán Communications, Inc. Publisher Advertising: Rubén Torres Adrianne Kolasinski Mary DiVeto María Molina Rico 440-320-8221 216-688-9045 313-729-4435 419-242-7744 419-870-6565 Lorain/Cleveland Sales Manager NW Ohio and MI Sales Manager Marketing Representative Marketing Representative Sales, Graphics, Editing; also, Photographer, Cacographer, Editorial: Kevin Milliken Isabel Flores Adrianne Chasteen II La Prensa Correspondent Latin America Correspondent Junior Correspondent Art/Graphics/WebSite: Jennifer Retholtz Graphics & Web Manager Aztlán Communications Inc. SALES: PO Box 792, Saline MI 48176 419.870-2797 or 440-320-8221 E-mail: [email protected] Since 1989 www .la pr .lapr Copyright 1989 - 2017 by La Prensa Publications, Inc. Visit us on Facebook at: LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 6 de enero, 2017 La Prensa—Ohio Virginia crash claims lives of Margaret (née Perales) Layne and beloved husband Robert By La Prensa Staff A large, Latino family, whose roots run deep in the Toledo area, are mourning the loss of a couple killed in a crash involving an SUV and tractor-trailer in Virginia just before the holidays. Daughter Debra was seriously injured. Margaret (née Perales) Layne, 59, and her husband, Robert L. Layne, 80—both residents of Davis Wharf, VA—died at the scene of the crash in Capeville, VA. According to Virginia State Police, the couple’s 2005 Chevrolet SUV collided with the big rig as it turned right into a parking lot in the northbound lanes of Route 13 in Northampton County. The SUV struck the side of the tractor-trailer. The crash is still under investigation and occurred on Tuesday evening, Dec. 20, 2016. Adult daughter, Debra Sánchez Anderson, was riding in the backseat of the SUV at the time. Medics took her to a nearby hospital with non-life threatening injuries, where she underwent successful surgery. Facebook prayers and posts of condolences went up immediately by surviving family members and friends, including Margaret’s sister and best friend, Lucy “Lulu” Perales, and Margaret’s son, Dave Sánchez, Jr., both of whom still reside in Toledo. “The world has lost two beautiful souls. I thank God He kept my angel Deb with us, but hurt so much for the loss of my aunt and Bob and for the pain my cousins are feeling,” wrote Amalia Gibson. “I’d give anything to have them back. The love they showed me was incredible. (I’m) so thankful of all my memories with them. I just wish I had taken the time to make more.” “My Tia Margaret and Uncle Bob were two special people that had an unconditional love towards each other and love of life that it shouldn’t have been taken so soon,” wrote Esperanza Rios, who recalled making tamales with her aunt just two weeks prior. “No one will ever bake like you, smile like you, and be there for a great ear to listen. I’m sure you’re making God a pumpkin roll right now.” “They pursued God with endless love and passion. They loved each other till the very end. They were two of the finest damn people I ever had the pleasure of being able to love in my life,” wrote niece Preciosa Rios. “I miss them and their laughs so much. If you didn’t know these two people, then just know they were worth every tear that fell today and they will be worth every heartache and tear that has yet to fall.” “Prayers to my nephew Dave Sánchez as this is a very sad time. Prayers to the Perales family, as you are all in my thoughts and prayers,” wrote Anita Sánchez-Serda, former sister-in-law to Mrs. Layne. “Heavenly Father, you took from us one of the best and greatest hearts. Hold us in your arms as we mourn Margaret and Bob today. Prayers for my beautiful niece I fondly call Pastor Mija that she heal physically and, in time, emotionally.” Robert was a retired United States Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer and Margaret was a retired administrative assistant for the Community Services Board. Prior to Margaret’s marriage and moving to Virginia, she had been an employee for the Toledo Municipal Court and, following in her family’s footsteps, was active in the Latino community. Her father— Benito— was the founder and president of the Mexican American Patriotic Association and the promoter of many tejano/conjunto dances and concerts. He co-formed the bands of Los Alegres del Norte, La Orchestra Perales, Conjunto Perales, and Los Imperials Mariachis. Along with his daughter, Lulu, Benito directed/managed Los Charros del Norte, a sensational MexicanAmerican folkloric dance group. She and her family also owned a popular Mexican-American restaurant in East Toledo, Perales Restaurant. Margaret’s son, David Sánchez,Jr., is a successful hip hop/rapper in the Toledo area. Robert, a native of Bell’s Neck, VA, is the son of the late Robert S. Layne and the late Evelyn Budd Layne. Margaret is the daughter of Lucia [née Martínez] Perales of Toledo, OH and the late Benito Perales, Sr.—both of her parents were natives of Texas, migrating at a young age to the Toledo area. Collectively, the Laynes are also survived by six children: Debra A. Anderson and her husband, Lincoln, of Belle Haven, VA; David Sánchez, Jr. and his wife, Lori, of Toledo, OH; David Layne and his wife, Brianna, of Fremont, OH; Raymond Layne of Bellevue, OH; John Layne of Brooklyn, MD; and Carrie Drews and her husband, Fred, of Kent, WA. They are also survived by Robert’s sister, Carolyn L. Lawson of Quinby, VA; Margaret’s brothers, Benito Perales Jr. and his wife, Blanca; Francisco Perales; and Margaret’s sister, Lucy “Lulu” Perales; also, survived by16 grandchildren, five great grandchildren, and many nephews and nieces. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday, Dec. 28, in Exmore, VA, and a celebration of life service on New Year’s Eve, at McCord Road Christian Church in Sylvania, OH. On the Internet: http:// news/local/virginia/eastern-shore/husband-wifedie-in-two-vehicle-crashin-northampton-county/ 376029644 obituaries/delmarvanow/ obituary.aspx?pid =183235995 Page 5 NEW YEAR, NEW FORMAT FOR FOSTER CARE AND ADOPTION TRAINING January 3, 2017: Lucas County Children Services(LCCS) is offering a new configuration of classes in January 2017, in addition to its traditional schedule of Saturday training classes starting in February. The new schedule of classes takes place on two consecutive three-day weekends: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 13, 14 and 15, and January 20, 21 and 22. LCCS then offers its traditional six-week series of Saturday-only classes, February 4 through March 11. All classes take place from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the agency’s offices at 705 Adams Street in downtown Toledo. Information and registration for either session is available by calling 419-213-3336. Additional training sessions are planned for Monday and Wednesday evenings, April 3 through May 10, and as a oneweek program, June 19 through 24. Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [email protected] for cost! 419-241-8284 Page 6 La Prensa January 6, 2017 Debbie Reynolds and daughter Carrie Fisher linked by life and death Debbie Reynolds y su hija Carrie Fisher unidas por la muerte By ANDREW DALTON, Associated Press LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29, tweeted. Born Mary Frances 2016 (AP): Debbie Reynolds embodied the sunshine of Reynolds, she spent the first postwar-USA on the screen eight years of her life in Deas she matched steps with pression-era poverty in El Gene Kelly in “Singin’ in the Paso, Texas. Her father, a carpenter for the Southern PaRain.” Carrie Fisher brought the cific Railroad, was transferred sarcasm and cynicism of the to California and the family Baby Boomers to her mov- settled in Burbank, near ies, books and stage shows, Warner Bros. studio. The girl flourished, exceleven when she was playing a ling as a Girl Scout and athprincess in “Star Wars.” The mother and daugh- lete, and playing French horn ter, separated by so many and bass viola in the Burbank differences both personal Youth Symphony. Girlfriends and generational, are likely persuaded her to enter the drawn closer in the public beauty contest for Miss memory after their deaths on Burbank, and she won over the judges. successive days. She found superstardom Reynolds died on Wednesday at age 84, just as quickly. After a handful of minor roles, MGM studio boss she and the rest of the world were starting to mourn her Louis B. Mayer cast her in daughter Carrie Fisher, who “Singin’ in the Rain,” despite died on Tuesday at 60, days Kelly’s objections. But at 19 with little dance after falling ill on a flight. Even after a year of shock- experience, she managed to ing and constant celebrity match Kelly and Donald deaths, the one-two punch of O’Connor, two of the screens Fisher and Reynolds brought most masterful dancers, stepa staggering finale to 2016. for-step. “Gene Kelly was hard on Reynolds’ son Todd Fisher said his sister’s death me, but I think he had to be,” was “just too much” for his Reynolds, who more than held her own in the movie, mother. “She said, ‘I want to be said in a 1999 Associated Press with Carrie,”’ Fisher told The interview. “I had to learn evAssociated Press by phone erything in three to six months. from Cedars-Sinai Medical Donald O’Connor had been Center, where Reynolds had dancing since he was three just died after being rushed months old, Gene Kelly since there earlier in the day. “And he was 2 years old.” After her transition from then she was gone.” No cause of death has been starlet to star, Reynolds became popular with teenage revealed for either woman. Both mother and daugh- girls and even more so when in ter enjoyed the heights of 1955 she married Eddie show business success and Fisher, the pop singer whose endured the depths of per- fans were equally devoted. The couple made a movie sonal troubles. Their relationship for years ranged from together, “Bundle of Joy,” strained to non-existent, a which seemed to mirror the theme frequently explored 1956 birth of Carrie. The Fishin Fisher’s writing, but late in ers’ next child was Todd, life they became allies and named for Eddie’s close friend close confidantes in their and Taylor’s husband, showman Mike Todd. struggles. During this period, Ms. Reynolds lost one husband to Elizabeth Taylor Reynolds had a No. 1 hit on and two other husbands plun- the pop charts in 1957 with “Tammy,” the Oscar-nomidered her for millions. Ms. Fisher struggled from nated song from her film early in life with addiction “Tammy and the Bachelor.” But the Cinderella story ended and mental illness. “There have been a few after Mike Todd died in a 1958 times when I thought I was airplane crash. Fisher congoing to lose Carrie,” soled the widow and soon Reynolds said when Oprah announced he was leaving his Winfrey interviewed both wife and two children to marry mother and daughter in 2011. Taylor. The celebrity world “I’ve had to walk through a lot of my tears. But she’s seemed to lose its mind. Taylor was assailed as a husband worth it.” As Fisher tried to distance stealer, Fisher as a deserter. herself from Reynolds, she Reynolds won sympathy as barely spoke to her mother the innocent victim. A cover headline in Photoplay magafor nearly a decade. “It’s very hard when your zine in late 1958 blared: “Smilchild doesn’t want to talk to ing through her tears, Debbie you and you want to talk to says: I’m still very much in them, and you want to touch love with Eddie.” Fisher’s singing career them, you want to hold them,” Reynolds told never recovered, but Winfrey. “It was a total es- Reynolds’ film career flourished. trangement.” The 1964 Meredith Reaction to Reynolds’ death was swift and emo- Willson musical “The Unsinkable Molly Brown,” with tional. “Debbie Reynolds, a leg- Molly’s defiant song “I Ain’t end and my movie mom. I Down Yet,” brought Reynolds can’t believe this happened her only Academy Award one day after Carrie,” Albert nomination. She also starred with Glenn Brooks, who played opposite Reynolds in “Mother,” Ford in “The Gazebo,” Tony Curtis in “The Rat Race,” Fred said on Twitter. “I can’t imagine what Car- Astaire in “The Pleasure of rie Fisher and Debbie His Company,” Andy Griffith Reynolds’ family are going in “The Second Time Around,” through this week. I send all with the all-star cast in “How of my love,” Ellen DeGeneres the West Was Won” and Por ANDREW DALTON, Associated Press LOS ANGELES, 29 XII salud mental. 16 (AP): Debbie Reynolds “Hubo varias era la encarnación del ocasiones en las que optimismo estadounidense pensé que perdería a de la posguerra al bailar con Carrie”, dijo Reynolds Gene Kelly en “Cantando cuando Oprah Winfrey bajo la lluvia”. las entrevistó a las dos en Carrie Fisher le puso el 2011. “He tenido que sarcasmo y el cinismo de los superar muchas tristezas, Baby Boomers a sus pero ella lo vale”. películas, libros y Cuando Fisher le espectáculos teatrales, marcó su distancia a incluso cuando interpretaba Reynolds, casi no habló con a una princesa en “Star ella por una década. Wars”. “Es muy difícil cuando tus Madre e hija, separadas hijos no quieren hablarte y tú por tantas diferencias quieres hablar con ellos, y personales y generacionales quieres tocarlos, quieres estarán proporcionalmente abrazarlos”, dijo Reynolds a ligadas en la memoria Winfrey. “Era un pública tras sus muertes distanciamiento total”. ocurridas en días sucesivos. La reacción a la muerte de Reynolds murió el Reynolds fue muy emotiva. miércoles a los 84 años, justo “Debbie Reynolds, una cuando ella y el resto del leyenda y mi mamá en el cine. mundo lamentaba la muerte No puedo creer que esto haya de su hija, quien perdió la ocurrido un día después de vida el martes a los 60 años, Carrie. Mi corazón está con a pocos días de sentirse mal Billie”, tuiteó el actor Albert a bordo de un vuelo. Brooks, quien dirigió y actuó Incluso después de un con Reynolds en la película año estremecedor de “Mother” de 1996. constantes muertes de “No me puedo imaginar famosos, los golpes cómo está pasando esta semana consecutivos de Fisher y la familia de Carrie Fisher y Reynolds le dieron un final Debbie Reynolds. Les mando impresionante al 2016. todo mi amor”, tuiteó la El hijo de Reynolds, comediante Ellen DeGeneres. Todd Fisher, dijo que la Reynolds, cuyo nombre muerte de su hermana fue verdadero era Mary Frances, “demasiado” para su madre. pasó lo primeros ocho años de “Dijo ‘quiero estar con su vida en medio de la pobreza Carrie”’, señaló Fisher a The por la Gran Depresión en El Associated Press por Paso, Texas, donde nació el 1 teléfono desde el Centro de abril de 1932. Su padre, un Médico Cedars-Sinai, carpintero del Southern Pacific donde Reynolds murió tras Railroad, fue transferido al sur ser llevada de emergencia de California y su familia se en el día. “Y después murió”. estableció en Burbank, cerca No se ha revelado la causa del estudio Warner Bros. de la muerte de ninguna. La chica floreció en CaliTanto la madre como la fornia, donde fue una Scout hija disfrutaron de las mieles excelente, destacó en los del éxito en el espectáculo deportes y tocó el corno francés pero también sufrieron en y la viola en la Orquesta los abismos de los Sinfónica Juvenil de Burbank. problemas personales. A lo Sus amigas la convencieron largo de los años su relación de que entrara al concurso de pasó de distante a belleza de Miss Burbank y se inexistente, un tema que granjeó a los jueces al hacer la Fisher solía abordar en sus pantomima de cantar al libros, pero hacia el final de compás de un disco de Betty sus vidas se volvieron Hutton. aliadas y confidentes en Se volvió una superestrella medio de sus problemas. rápidamente. Tras algunos Reynolds perdió a su papeles menores, el jefe del primer esposo cuando éste estudio MGM Louis B. Mayer la dejó por Elizabeth Tay- la eligió para “Cantando bajo lor, sus otros dos maridos la lluvia” a pesar de las quitaron millones de objeciones de Kelly. dólares. A los 19 años y con poca Desde temprana edad, experiencia de baile Reynolds Fisher tuvo problemas de logró igualar a Kelly y Donald adicción a las drogas y de O’Connor, dos de los mejores Ricardo Montalban in “The Singing Nun.” And she provided the voice of Charlotte in the 1973 animated “Charlotte’s Web,” the same year she received a Tony nomination for her starring role in the Broadway revival of “Irene,” in which her Fisher also appeared. But marital woes made life outside entertainment difficult. In 1960 Reynolds married shoe magnate Harry Karl. The marriage ended in 1973 when she discovered that Karl, a compulsive gambler, had devastated her assets. Reynolds’ third marriage, to Virginia businessman Richard Hamlett in 1984, proved equally disastrous. In 1992, against friends’ advice, she paid $10 million to buy and convert a faded Las Vegas hotel into the Debbie Reynolds Hotel and Casino, where she performed nightly. Reynolds ended up filing for bankruptcy in 1997 and accusing Hamlett of making off with her money. “All of my husbands have robbed me blind,” she said in 1999. In her later years, Reynolds continued performing her show, traveling 40 weeks a year. She also appeared regularly on television, appearing as John Goodman’s mother on “Roseanne” and a mom on “Will & Grace.” In 1996 she won critical acclaim in the title role of Albert Brooks’ movie “Mother.” Reynolds and her daughter were featured together in the HBO documentary “Bright Lights,” scheduled for release in 2017. Eventually, she reconciled and teamed up with Taylor—long since divorced from Fisher—and two other veterans, Joan Collins and MacLaine, for the 2001 TV movie “These Old Broads.” The script, cowritten by Carrie Fisher, was about aging, feuding actresses who get together for a reunion show. Reynolds would look back wryly on the Taylor affair, acknowledging that no man could have resisted Taylor, who died in 2011. Reynolds received an honorary Oscar in 2015, the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, but was too ill to attend the ceremony. Her granddaughter, actress Billie Lourd, accepted the statuette in her honor. Reynolds took solace and strength in her last years from her renewed closeness with her daughter. “I would say that Carrie and I have finally found happiness,” Reynolds told Winfrey in 2011. “I admire her strength and survival.” AP entertainment reporters Hillel Italie in New York and Lynn Elber, Sandy Cohen and Anthony McCartney in Los Angeles contributed to this report. The late Associated Press writer Bob Thomas contributed biographical material. bailarines del cine, paso por paso. “Gene Kelly fue duro conmigo, pero creo que tenía que serlo”, dijo Reynolds en una entrevista con The Associated Press de 1999. “Tuve que aprender todo entre tres y seis meses. Donald O’Connor había estado bailando desde que tenía tres meses y Gene Kelly desde que tenía dos años... Creo que Gene sabía que yo tenía que ser obligada a superarme”. Luego de su transición de estrella en ascenso a estrella consolidada, Reynolds se volvió inmensamente popular entre las adolescentes e incluso más cuando en 1955 se casó con Eddie Fisher, el cantante pop cuyas admiradoras eran igualmente devotas de él. La pareja hizo una película, “Bundle of Joy”, que parecía reflejar el nacimiento de su hija Carrie en 1956. Después tuvieron a su hijo Todd, nombrado así en honor al amigo cercano de Eddie, el productor Mike Todd, esposo de Taylor. Durante este periodo Reynolds tuvo una melodía que alcanzó el primer lugar en las listas de popularidad, “Tammy” de 1957, la canción nominada al Oscar de su película “Tammy and the Bachelor”. Pero su historia de cenicienta terminó cuando Mike Todd murió en un accidente de aviación en 1958. Fisher consoló a la viuda y al poco tiempo anunció que dejaba a su esposa y a sus dos hijos para casarse con Taylor. El mundo de las celebridades se escandalizó. Taylor fue criticada como una robamaridos y Fisher como un desertor de su familia. Reynolds se ganó simpatías como la víctima inocente. Una portada de la revista Photoplay de finales de 1958 afirmaba: (Continua en la p. 11) LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND 216-688-9045 • TOLEDO 419-870-2797 • DETROIT 313-729-4435 • LORAIN 440-320-8221 La Prensa 6 de enero, 2017 Dec. 29, 2016 (AP): Las 10 canciones más populares de la semana en algunos países ARGENTINA 1.- “Chantaje” - Shakira con Maluma 2.-”Vente pa’ ca” - Ricky Martin con Maluma 3.- “La bicicleta” - Carlos Vives y Shakira 4.- “Andas en mi cabeza” Chino y Nacho con Daddy Yankee 5.- “Traicionera” - Sebastián Yatra 6.- “Chicas así” - Soy Luna 7.- “Para enamorarte” - CNCO 8.- “Hola” - Joey Montana 9.- “Mi persona favorita” - Río Roma 10.- “We dont’t talk anymore” - Charly Puth y Selena Gomez (Fuente: Radio Disney) CHILE 1.- “Chantaje” - Shakira 2.- “Reggaetón lento” CNCO 3.- “Otra vez” - Zion & Lennox con J.Balvin 4.- “One dance” - Drake y Kyla con WizKid 5.- “Safari” - J Balvin con Pharrell Williams y Sky 6.- “Vente pa’ ca” - Ricky Martin con Maluma 7.- “Ay mi Dios” - IAmChino con Chacal, Pitbull y Yandel 8.- “Rockabye” - Clean Bandit con Sean Paul y AnneMarie 9.- “Vacaciones” - Wisin 10.- “Starboy” - The Weeknd con Daft Punk (Fuente: Los 40 Principales) COLOMBIA 1.- “Closer” - The Chainsmokers con Halsey 2.- “Cheap Thrills” - Sia con Sean Paul 3.- “One Dance” - Drake con Kyla y WizKid 4.- “Sorry” - Justin Bieber 5.- “Work” - Rihanna y Drake 6.- “This Is What You Came For” - Calvin Harris con Rihanna 7.- “Let Me Love You” Justin Bieber con DJ Snake 8.- “Love Yourself” - Justin Bieber 9.- “Can’t Stop The Feeling” Justin Timberlake 10.-”Cold water” - Major Lazer con Justin Bieber y MØ (Fuente: Los 40 Principales) ESPAÑA 1.- “Chantaje” - Shakira 2.- “Rockabye” - Clean Bandit con Sean Paul y AnneMarie 3.- “Lost On You” - LP 4.- “Human” - Rag’n’Bone Man 5.- “Starboy” - The Weeknd con Daft Punk 6.- “24k magic” - Bruno Mars 7.- “The Greatest” - Sia con Kendrick Lamar 8.- “Safari” - J Balvin con Pharrell Williams y Sky 9.- “Don’t Wanna Know” Maroon 5 con Kendrick Lamar 10.-”Antes que no” - David Bisbal (Fuente: Los 40 Principales) ESTADOS UNIDOS 1.- “Chantaje” - Shakira con Maluma 2.- “Shaky shaky” - Daddy Yankee 3.- “Safari” - J Balvin con Pharrell Williams y BIA & Sky 4.- “Hasta el amanecer” Nicky Jam 5.- “La bicicleta” - Carlos Vives y Shakira 6.- “Otra vez” - Zion & Lennox con J Balvin 7.- “Tengo que colgar” Banda Sinaloense MS de Sergio Lizárraga 8.- “Chillax” - Farruko con KyMani Marley 9.- “Vente pa’ca” - Ricky Martin con Maluma 10.- “Duele el corazón” Enrique Iglesias con Wisin (Fuente: Revista Billboard) MEXICO 1.- “One Dance” - Drake con Kyla y WizKid 2.- “Closer” - The Chainsmokers con Halsey 3.- “Duele el corazón” Enrique Iglesias con Wisin 4.- “Love Yourself” - Justin Bieber 5.- “Work” - Rihanna y Drake 6.- “Can’t Stop The Feeling” Justin Timberlake 7.- “La bicicleta” - Carlos Vives y Shakira 8.-”Cold water” - Major Lazer con Justin Bieber y MØ 9.- “Cheap Thrills” - Sia y Sean Paul 10.- “Let Me Love You” Justin Bieber con DJ Snake (Fuente: Los 40 Principales) VENEZUELA 1.- “Quiero” - Omar Acedo con Jorge Celedón y El Potro 2.- “Vacaciones” - Wisin 3.- “Gozadera” - Don Omar con Wisin, El Potro Álvarez y Yandel 4.- “Lágrimas no más” Guaco 5.- “Tranca tú” - Dani Baron 6.- “My Love” - Benavides 7.- “Cántalo” - Ronald Borjas 8.- “Ya no me duele más” Silvestre Dangond 9.- “Buscando tu amor” Ricardo López IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS? Page 7 Denzel Washington llega a los 62 años con “Fences” Por LINDSEY BAHR, Associated Press “Lo hice de esta manera a LOS ANGELES, 23 XII 16 (AP): Denzel Washing- propósito porque August Wilton se siente muy bien en son es primero, no ‘íHey! este momento, está próximo íDenzel!”’, dijo Washington, a celebrar su cumpleaños 62 al borde de su asiento. “Puedo y el Sindicato de Actores de hacer todo eso, puedo hacer la Pantalla acaba de TODO eso. ¿Todo ese gran reconocer su adaptación de discurso que hizo? Lo pude la obra “Fences” de August poner en mí, lo pude hacer, Wilson por el trabajo de todo íeso es fácil!” Pero Washington eligió su elenco. La película ha recibido representar el material de Wilbuenas respuestas del son de una manera más sutil público en los pocos cines para formar la historia y lo que donde se ha presentado an- denomina como la música del tes de su estreno en Estados rápido fuego del diálogo. En algunos casos lo lleva más Unidos el día de Navidad La alegría en torno a la allá del patio trasero donde se película es relativamente desarrolla la obra. Pero todas nueva, aunque Washington esas sugerencias, dice, estaban sabía que tenía buenas ahí en el guion, escrito por posibilidades. “Fences”, la Wilson antes de morir en 2005. “¿Podemos usar el bar? obra de teatro escrita por Wilson en 1983 sobre una Veámoslo sacando la basura. familia afroestadounidense Veamos el transcurso de en Pittsburgh de 1950, había tiempo desde que anuncia una ganado el Premio Pulitzer y noticia”, dijo Washington. premios Tony para el elenco “Una película es como una original de Broadway, así casa con diferentes cuartos. como otros premios Tony Pero si exageras un cuarto para Washington y Viola demasiado no es agradable”. Una de las decisiones más Davis en su reposición de 2010. Pero era la primera difíciles que tomó durante la adaptación al cine de la obra filmación y la edición fue y el tercer proyecto de Wash- escoger a qué actores filmar y cuándo. Es algo que no se ington detrás de cámara. “Al comienzo de la necesita decidir en una obra película había presión. Era de teatro, donde todos pueden como ‘todo eso funcionó, ver todo lo que pasa. En todo salió bien, íno lo eches algunos casos Washington a perder!”’, dijo Washing- amplió las escenas, en otras, ton. “Mi preocupación era corta para presentar otra perprimero August Wilson y sona en la cocina escuchando después mis actores. Y el algo o se detiene en Davis por Sindicato de Actores de la un momento en vez de cerrar Pantalla dijo ‘reconocemos la escena inmediatamente. A eso’, así que me dio mucho veces va en sentido contrario gusto. Me he relajado un y aumenta el dinamismo del poco. Y íno hay nada que se momento. Para imaginar las cosas pueda hacer al respecto de todas formas! La película le mejor, Washington, recordó pertenece a la gente ahora”. el consejo de Sidney Lumet y La pocas críticas que se preparó un ensayo de dos han hecho a la película, sobre semanas. Rentó una iglesia Troy Maxson (Washington), grande en Pittsburgh, marcó su esposa Rose (Davis) y su la escenografía usando cinta familia, se han centrado en adhesiva en el piso y contrató esa vieja idea de que cuando actores suplentes para seguir se lleva una obra de teatro a el guion al pie de la letra. Esto la gran pantalla el director le permitiría a él y a su directora debe “abrirla” y disfrazar su de fotografía, Charlotte Bruus esencia teatral. A Washing- Christensen, caminar, ver las ton le choca esto como crítica acciones y descubrir cómo a su adaptación, y se altera al hacer las tomas. Durante la filmación no tendrían tiempo hablar de ello. para hacer eso. En cuanto a las actuaciones sabía que no tenía nada de qué preocuparse. “Nada supera la confianza de haberlo hecho y de haber sido reconocido por ello. A Viola Davis no se le va a olvidar de repente su actuación entre 2010 y ahora”, dijo. “Así que cuando la banda se reunió de nuevo y comenzamos a leer el guion era como ‘íoh sí!, todavía podemos actuar”’. Para las decisiones realmente difíciles, Washington dijo que consultaba el espíritu de Wilson mientras dormía. La intención de Wilson era siempre lo más importante. Washington tuvo oportunidad de conocer al dramaturgo una vez, hace unos 13 años. Era un día lluvioso en Seattle y Washington lo visitó en su casa. Su agente le dijo que Wilson podía estar pensando en escribir algo para él. “Charló sobre su proceso y cómo escribe y básicamente decía ‘no escribo para nadie. Los personajes me dictan’. Fue deslumbrante. Le pregunté ‘¿Qué haces?’ y dijo ‘cierro mi casa y escucho a la gente y ellos me dicen qué decir y yo lo escribo”’, recordó Washington. “Era un hombre encantador, nos sentamos en su porche, no sabía que esa era la última vez que lo iba a ver. ¿Quién lo iba a saber?”. En cuanto a “Fences”, aunque llevar la obra al cine definitivamente permitirá que tenga un público mayor, además de que existen posibilidades de que los maestros le pidan a sus alumnos que vayan a verla, Washington no cree que esto sea lo último que se sabrá de ella. “Como Shakespeare, está abierta a la interpretación”, dijo Washington. “Esperen unos 25 años, alguien querrá hacer un musical”. SVETLANA SCHREIBER Preguntas o problemas de Inmigración Hablamos español • Asylum • Deportation • Visas • Family • Business • Same Sex Marriage ¡Consulta Gratis! Free Consultation ABOGADA SVETLANA SCHREIBER 2510 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44114 216-621-7292 1-866-553-4643 For consideration of the Deferred DREAM Application, contact us today! ¡Feliz Cumpleaños Carla Soto Cruz, 25 de octubre! Saturday, January 7th Grupo Dezeo Saturday, January 14 ~ Xplosivo Saturday, January 21 ~ DJ Arsi and Paul Urbina birthday bash Saturday, January 28 ~ Midwest Conjunto LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO & DETROIT 419-870-2797 Página 8 La Prensa January 6, 2017 Como Prepararse Para la Entrevista con USCIS Por Manuela D. Policicchio, Abogada Inmigrantes que están entrevista puede ser de 15 solicitando al servicio de minutos. Pero, en otros casos inmigración (“USCIS”) donde los oficiales no están para su residencia basada convencidos de que el matrien matrimonio con monio sea verdadero, la ciudadanos americanos o entrevista puede ser más de residentes permanentes una hora y muy difícil. legales, tendrán que ir a El oficial usualmente una entrevista con un comienza la entrevista agente de USCIS como preguntando al solicitante por parte del su documentos de identidad, proceso. Básicamente, es y comprobante de la entrada la responsabilidad del legal en el país- pasaporte y solicitante comprobar que por la I-94 record de llegada/ su matrimonio es de buena salida. Después, el oficial fe, que entró legalmente revisa con la pareja las solicien el país (si no es tudes sometidas yendo línea protegido bajo la 245(i)), por línea preguntado a los y que no tiene ningún esposos su información problema criminal que lo biográfica, información de los deja inelegible para el padres, etc. Si hay algún error ajuste de estatus. en la solicitud, el oficial va a Si alguien tiene su cita hacer el cambio allí mismo sin para la residencia, me problema. imagino que ya han Cuando el oficial está hablado con un abogado satisfecho con el contenido y saben que técnicamente de las solicitudes, le va a son elegibles para la preguntar, “como se residencia, pero todos conocieron,” etc. Recuerden, igualmente tienen un poco cada solicitante para la de miedo para las residencia basada en un matrie n t r e v i s t a s , monio tiene la obligación de especialmente las parejas probar al oficial de USCIS que que no llevan mucho no se casó solo para obtener tiempo juntas. un beneficio migratorio. Es La verdad es que si no necesario que las parejas hay ninguna duda de parte piensen bien antes de la del oficial que el matrimo- entrevista los detalles de cómo nio es de buena fe (y no se conocieron y de toda su hay ninguna otra cuestión historia junta. de ser elegible), la También, la pareja necesita traer a la entrevista los originales (con copia) de documentos relacionados a la buena fe del matrimonio. Ejemplos incluyen: acta de matrimonio, acta(s) de nacimiento de hijos, acta(s) de divorcio/ defunción de matrimonios previos, identificación de ambos mostrando que viven en la misma dirección, cuentas bancarias en ambos nombres y títulos de carros o casas en ambos nombres, fotografías juntos, invitación a la boda, o declaraciones escritas por amigos y familiares certificando la relación. La mejor forma de pensar en la entrevista, si ustedes no entraron en el matrimonio solo para pedir un beneficio migratorio, es mantenerse en calma y traer muchos comprobantes del matrimonio. Además, siempre consultar con un abogado de inmigración para asegurar que usted es elegible para el ajuste de estatus aquí en los Estados Unidos. Si tiene preguntas sobre su caso en específico ¡no dude en llamarnos! ¡Manténgase informado! LA PRENSA SALES: TOLEDO * DETROIT * COLUMBUS 419-870-2797 or 614-571-2051 La Prensa 6 de enero, 2017 Página 9 Group of MBA students from Lourdes University travel to Dubai for cultural immersion, January 1 to January 9, 2017. Congratulations Luis González for 32 years of service and commitment to our community as a Deputy with the Lucas County Sheriff’s Department. God Bless you on your retirement. – Love from your wife María and your entire family. Strategic Financial Consulting INCOME TAX SERVICE SERVICIO DE INCOME TAX • • • Obtención de número ITIN o Nuestra pre-certificación de documentos que cualifican, autorizada por el IRS, agilizan el proceso. o ¿No tiene número de Seguro Social? ¡No hay problema! o Incluye Traducciones Preparación de Impuestos Electrónico Revisión gratuita de sus declaraciones de impuestos de años anteriores o Todavía puede presentar 2013-2014-2015 o Usted puede calificar para un reembolso. ¿Sabia que todavía puede presentar los impuestos, incluso si usted es indocumentado? ¡Reciba lo máximo de su reembolso de Income Tax con o sin un número de Seguro Social! • • • Maria Guel Processing ITIN’s o Our IRS-authorized precertification of qualifying documents speeds process o No Social Security Number? No Problem! o Includes Translations Electronic Processing of Tax Returns Free review of your previous years’ tax returns o You can still file 2013-2014-2015 o You may qualify for a refund Did you know: Even if you are not documented, you can still file? Get the maximum refund – with or without a social security number! Professional Service, and Guaranteed! ¡Servicio Profesional y Garantizado! ¡Abierto todo el año para servirle! 3237 West Sylvania, Suite 200 (419) 407 – 4141 Open all year to serve you La Prensa Page 10 Growing number of US-Americans are retiring outside the United States By MARIA ZAMUDIO, For The Associated Press Dec. 27, 2016: Newly country. Viviana Rojas, an associwidowed, Kay McCowen quit her job, sold her house, ate professor at the University applied for Social Security of Texas at San Antonio, says and retired to Mexico. It was the biggest obstacle is not a move she and her husband, speaking the language or Mel, had discussed before knowing the culture. “Many of the people we he passed away in 2012. “I wanted to find a place interviewed said they spoke where I could afford to live Spanish, but they actually off my Social Security,” she spoke very little Spanish,” said. “The weather here is so said Rojas, who is writing a perfect, and it’s a beautiful book about retirees in Mexico. “They didn’t have the capacplace.” She is among a growing ity of speaking enough Spannumber of US-Americans ish to meet their basic needs who are retiring outside the like going to the doctor or to United States. The number the store.” Access to health care also grew 17 percent between 2010 and 2015 and is ex- can be a challenge. While repected to increase over the tirees still can receive Social next 10 years as more baby Security benefits, Medicare is not available to those livboomers retire. Just under 400,000 US- ing abroad, Mitchell said. Joseph Roginski, 71, says American retirees are now living abroad, according to that while the cost of living is the Social Security Admin- higher in Japan, access to istration. The countries they health care is not. “Things are have chosen most often: very expensive here. It is imCanada, Japan, Mexico, possible to live off Social SeGermany, and the United curity alone,” said Roginski, who was stationed in Japan in Kingdom. Retirees most often cite 1968. “But health insurance the cost of living as the rea- is a major factor in staying son for moving elsewhere here.” The former military lansaid Olivia S. Mitchell, director of the Pension Re- guage and intelligence spesearch Council at the Uni- cialist said he pays $350 anversity of Pennsylvania’s nually to be part of Japan’s national health insurance. His Wharton School. “I think that many people policy covers 70 percent of retire when they are in good his costs. The rest is covered health and they are inter- by a secondary insurance proested in stretching their dol- gram for retired military perlars and seeing the world,” sonnel. Japan experienced biggest Mitchell said. McCowen’s rent in Ajijic, growth, 42 percent, of USa community outside American retirees than any Guadalajara near Mexico’s other country between 2010 Lake Chapala, is half of what and 2014, according to data she was paying in Texas. from the Social Security AdAnd since the weather is ministration. The large U.S. moderate, utility bills are military presence in the country may be a factor. inexpensive. There are more than In some countries, Mitchell said, retirees also 50,000 U.S. military servicemay find it less expensive to men and -women stationed in hire someone to do their laun- Japan. The presence is so large dry, clean, cook and even that in the island of Okinawa, provide long-term care than the U.S. military occupies about 19 percent of the area, in the United States. McCowen has a commu- according to Ellis S. Krauss, nity of other retirees from professor emeritus of Japathe U.S. nearby and has ad- nese politics and policy-making at the University of Calijusted well. But for others there are fornia, San Diego. Roginski, who volunteers hurdles to overcome to adjust to life in a different for the Misawa Air Base Re- tiree Activities Office, said he helps connect more than 450 retirees and their families living in Northern Japan with resources. He said he would never move back to the United States. “We have a real strong sense of security here,” he said. “I can leave my door unlocked and no one will take anything. When I go to another country I feel nervous, but when I come back I feel like I’m home.” Mexico has become home for retired firefighter, Dan Williams, 72, and his wife, Donna, 68. The couple has been living near the same retirement community in Lake Chapala for 14 years. “The climate and the medical services are very good,” Williams said. Williams teaches painting to adults and children and puts together a monthly magazine for the local American Legion. He is also a member of the Lake Chapala Society, which offers daily activities for US-American retirees. It was those same services that attracted McCowen to the region. “Before moving, I found out how many widowed and divorced women lived here,” she said. “There is comfort in numbers.” She says she loves being in a lively community. “I see older people walking year round. I see them all over the place even in their wheelchairs. If they were in the U.S., they would probably be in a nursing home,” she said. “I don’t think I could move back.” On the Internet: http:// guide/living-costs/ EDITOR’S NOTE: Maria Ines Zamudio is studying aging and workforce issues as part of a 10-month fellowship at The Associated PressNORC Center for Public Affairs Research, which joins NORC’s independent research and AP journalism. The fellowship is funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 We make our own corn tortillas but provide all of your Mexican Food Products. January 6, 2017 U.S. Department of Education releases guidance on Civil Rights of Students with Disabilities Dec. 28, 2016: The U.S. Department of Education released three new sets of guidance today to assist the public in understanding how the Department interprets and enforces federal civil rights laws protecting the rights of students with disabilities. These guidance documents clarify the rights of students with disabilities and the responsibilities of educational institutions in ensuring that all students have the opportunity to learn. The guidance released includes: a parent and educator resource guide; a Dear Colleague letter (DCL) and question and answer document on the use of restraint and seclusion in public schools; and a DCL and question and answer documents on the rights of students with disabilities in public charter schools. “These guidance documents share information with our full school communities – educators, parents, and students – about important educational rights, including school obligations to identify, evaluate, and serve students with disabilities,” said Catherine E. Lhamon, the Department’s assistant secretary for civil rights. “Vigilant attention to the rights of students with disabilities will help ensure fair treatment for every student and that every student has equal access to educational programs and has an opportunity to experience success.” The Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, issued by the Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), provides a broad overview of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). The guidance describes school districts’ nondiscrimination responsibilities, including obligations to provide educational services to students with disabilities, and outlines the steps parents can take to ensure that their children secure all of the services they are entitled to receive. Among other things, the Section 504 Parent and Educator Resource Guide: • Defines and provides examples to illustrate the meaning of key terms used in Section 504. • Highlights requirements of Section 504 in the area of public elementary and secondary education, including provisions related to the identification, evaluation, and placement of students with disabilities, and procedures for handling disputes and disagreements between parents and school districts. The second guidance package released by OCR addresses the circumstances under which use of restraint or seclusion can result in discrimi- nation against students with disabilities, in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Department’s May 15, 2012, Restraint and Seclusion: Resource Document suggested best practices to prevent the use of restraint or seclusion, recommending that school districts never use physical restraint or seclusion for disciplinary purposes and never use mechanical restraint, and that trained school officials use physical restraint or seclusion only if a child’s behavior poses imminent danger of serious physical harm to self or others. The DCL and question and answer document released today offer additional information about the legal limitations on use of restraint or seclusion to assist school districts in meeting their obligations to students with disabilities. The third guidance package released today was developed by OCR and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS). The jointly-issued Dear Colleague Letter and question and answer documents will help update educators, parents, students, and other stakeholders to better understand the rights of students with disabilities in public charter schools under Section 504 and IDEA. These documents provide information about how to provide equal opportunity in compliance with Section 504 in key areas such as charter school recruitment, application, admission, enrollment and disenrollment, accessibility of facilities and programs, and nonacademic and extracurricular activities. The documents are responsive to the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s 2012 report, Charter Schools: Additional Federal Attention Needed to Help Protect Access for Students with Disabilities, which included the recommendation that the Department issue updated guidance on the obligations of charter schools. “It is critical to ensure that children with disabilities have access to a free appropriate public education in charter schools,” said Sue Swenson, delegated the authority to perform the functions and duties of the Department’s assistant secretary for special education and rehabilitative services. “These guidance documents are designed to support states, local education agencies, and charter school personnel to understand their responsibilities under IDEA and Section 504.” The Section 504 Charter guidance: • Explains that charter school students with disabilities (and those seeking to attend) have the same rights under Section 504 and Title II of the ADA as other public school students with disabilities. • Details the Section 504 right to nondiscrimination in recruitment, application, and admission to charter schools. • Clarifies that during the admission process a charter school generally may not ask a prospective student if he or she has a disability. • Reminds charter schools, other entities, and parents that charter school students with disabilities have the right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) under Section 504. The IDEA Charter guidance: • Emphasizes that children with disabilities who attend charter schools and their parents retain all rights and protections under Part B of IDEA (such as FAPE) just as they would at other public schools. • Provides that under IDEA a charter school may not unilaterally limit the services that must be provided a particular student with a disability. • Reminds schools that the least restrictive environment provisions require that, to the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities attending public schools, including public charter schools, be educated with students who are nondisabled. • Clarifies that students with disabilities attending charter schools retain all IDEA rights and protections included in the IDEA discipline procedures. In addition to these documents, the Department also released a Know Your Rights document designed for parents to provide a brief overview of the rights of public charter school students with disabilities and the legal obligations of charter schools under Section 504 and the IDEA. The mission of OCR is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation through the vigorous enforcement of civil rights. Among the federal civil rights laws OCR is responsible for enforcing are Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and Title II of the ADA. The mission of OSERS is to improve early childhood, educational, and employment outcomes and raise expectations for all people with disabilities, their families, their communities, and the nation. OSERS is responsible for administering the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA). For more information about OCR and the anti-discrimination laws that it enforces, please visit its website and follow OCR on twitter @EDcivilrights. For more information about OSERS and IDEA, please visit its website and follow OSERS on twitter @ed_sped_rehab. La Prensa—NE OHIO 6 de enero, 2017 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT LORAIN PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM’S MAIN LIBRARY JOB HELP MONDAYS: Looking for a job? Do you need help applying for that job online? Visit Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library for free, basic job help sessions. No need to make an appointment. Just drop in anytime on Mondays from 2 to 4 p.m. Learn how to compose and assemble your own résumé; set up your own email account; attach your résumé in an email; save your resume online; apply for a job online; and set up your own account with online job websites. For more information, call the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800-322READ. The Main Library is located at 351 W. Sixth St., Lorain. BASIC YOGA: Join the weekly Friday yoga class taught by Tom Gorman at Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library on Fridays, Jan. 13, 2017, from 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel for this hour-long program. For more information, call the Main Library at 440-244- MANAGE PHOTOS FROM CLOUD: Learn how to upload photos and videos to the cloud from your computer, and how to transfer pictures and videos from your cell phone or tablet at Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library on Friday, Jan. 13, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Preregistration is required. HOLIDAY BOOKS, MOVIES, MUSIC: Visit the holiday page at for staff recommendations from the library’s collection. Watch family-friendly holiday movies online such as the sensational musical comedy “Holiday Inn” featuring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire, available via hoopla, a library digital service provider. Plus, download some of the greatest Christmas songs of all time including “All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey. Permanently download these songs that are available via Freegal, another library digital service provider. Find hoopla and Freegal at eLibrary. For more holiday recommendations, visit or call the Lorain Public Library System at 1-800-322READ. Cleveland bishop retires; Toledo bishop will oversee NE Ohio CLEVELAND, Dec. 28, 2016 (AP): The head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland is retiring because of health concerns, and the bishop in Toledo will take over administration of the diocese until a successor is named. Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon said Wednesday that he decided to step down after being diagnosed with dementia. The diocese says Pope Francis accepted Lennon’s resignation sent in a letter a month ago and granted him early retirement status. Lennon has served as bishop in Cleveland since 2006, leading a diocese that includes more than 690,000 Catholics across Debbie Reynolds y su hija Carrie Fisher unidas por la muerte (Continuación de p.6) 1192 or 1-800-322READ. ZUMBA®: Zumba® makes working out fun and effective! Join the Zumba® workout craze and shed pounds while dancing to merengue, salsa and other hot Latin beats at Lorain Public Library System’s Main Library on Mondays, Jan. 16, from 6 to 7 p.m. Preregistration is required and is available online at or by calling the Main Library at 440-244-1192 or 1-800-322READ. Page 11 eight counties. He notably ordered the closings of 12 parishes but was overruled by the Vatican in 2012 in a rare move. The pope has appointed Toledo Bishop Daniel Thomas to oversee the Cleveland diocese until a new bishop is named. “Sonriendo a pesar de sus lágrimas, Debbie dice: Todavía estoy muy enamorada de Eddie”. La carrera musical de Fisher nunca se recuperó tras esto, pero la de Reynolds brilló en el cine. El musical de Meredith Willson de 1964, con la desafiante canción de Molly “I Ain’t Down Yet”, le dio a Reynolds su única nominación a un premio de la Academia. También actuó con Glenn Ford en “The Gazebo”, con Tony Curtis en “The Rat Race”, con Fred Astaire en “The Pleasure of His Company”, con Andy Griffith en “The Second Time Around”, con el elenco estelar de “How the West Was Won” y con Ricardo Montalban en “The Singing Nun”. Además prestó su voz para la araña Charlotte en la cinta animada “Charlotte’s Web” de 1973, el mismo año que fue nominada a un Tony en 1973 con una reposición en Broadway del musical “Irene”, en el que también actuó su hija. Sin embargo, sus problemas maritales dificultaban el resto de su vida. En 1960 Reynolds se casó con el magnate zapatero Harry Karl. El matrimonio terminó en 1973 cuando descubrió que Karl, un apostador compulsivo, la había arruinado. El tercer matrimonio de Reynolds, con el empresario de Virginia Richard Hamlett en 1984, resultó igualmente desastroso. A comienzos de la década de 1990, contra el consejo de sus amigos, pagó 10 millones de dólares para adquirir el hotel Paddlewheel en Las Vegas, que había decaído, y lo convirtió en el hotel y casino Debbie Reynolds, donde se presentaba cada noche. Reynolds terminó declarándose en bancarrota en 1997 y acusando a Hamlett de robarle su dinero. “Todos mis esposos me han robado descaradamente”, dijo en 1999. “El único que no se llevó dinero fue Eddie Fisher. Él simplemente no pagaba los gastos de sus hijos”. En los últimos años Reynolds seguía presentando su espectáculo y salía de gira 40 semanas al año. También solía tener presentaciones regulares en televisión, como la madre de John Goodman en “Roseanne” y como madre en “Will & Grace”. En 1996 fue aclamada por la crítica por su papel protagónico en la cinta “Mother” de Brooks. Reynolds y su hija fueron retratadas en el documental de HBO “Bright Lights”, que será transmitido por el canal en 2017. Al final hizo equipo con Taylor—divorciada hacía tiempo de Fisher—y otras dos veteranas, Joan Collins y MacLaine, en la película para televisión de 2001 “These Old Broads”. El guion, coescrito por Carrie Fisher, presentaba a un grupo de actrices viejas y peleoneras que se reúnen para un espectáculo. Reynolds solía ver con ironía el asunto de Taylor, al tiempo que reconocía que ningún hombre podría haberse resistido a los encantos de la actriz fallecida en 2011. Reynolds recibió un Oscar honorario en 2015, el Premio Humanitario Jean Hersholt, pero estaba demasiado enferma para asistir a la ceremonia. Su nieta, la actriz Billie Lourd, recibió la estatuilla en su honor. En los últimos años Reynolds encontró alegría y fortaleza con la renovada relación con su hija. “Diría que Carrie y yo finalmente hemos encontrado la felicidad”, dijo Reynolds a Winfrey en 2011. “Admiro su fortaleza y su capacidad para sobrevivir”. La Prensa Page 12 January 6, 2017 Anti-refugee sentiment from election spills over to states—as illustrated by Trump Teenage immigrant develops into community leader By MATT VOLZ, Associated Press By DONNIE ROBERTS, The Dispatch of Lexington LEXINGTON, N.C., Dec. Away from work, her life is 29, 2016 (AP): Atalia centered on being just as enCardenas worked extremely ergized to help others dream hard to develop her poten- and achieve. tial into success, and she is “It comes definitely from equally driven to help others my parents,” Cardenas said. achieve their own excellence. “My dad is a very passionate Cardenas, 37, a natural- person in regards to anything ized citizen and married to he has ever done, and my mom Efrain Gerardo, focuses on has embedded in my brain education and leads by ex- that I should always try to ample. help a person and never wait “Instead of having immi- to see what I can get in return. grant workers and trying to I’ve certainly seen the fruits of get through the day, we want that.” to have people who can rep“To me, it’s just helping resent us so that we can have other people and continuing a voice.” Cardenas said, “and to make kids realize their poto help other people see that tential and help them be sucwe want to be engaged in the cessful,” Cardenas said. community, and be part of The Light of the World the community.” Church on Thomason Street Cardenas and her sister, in Lexington is another source Zurisadai, immigrated to of inspiration. Lexington from Mexico at “Through our church, we age 15 with her parents, have very strong values that Mario and Otilia Cardenas. are instilled in us by our interOne of just four Hispanic stu- national director, and we aldents at Lexington Senior ways want to strive to do betHigh School, Cardenas ter and bring everything back graduated with honors in to our community,” she said. 1997. Cardenas’ community inAfter attending Davidson volvement runs deep. Among County Community College, her activities, she is an incomshe briefly studied engineer- ing member of the board of ing at Clemson University directors of the United Way of before returning home and Davidson County; the Latino taking an administrative job Village coordinator on with Hanesbrands in Win- Lexington’s Multicultural ston-Salem. While working Festival planning committee at Hanesbrands, Cardenas si- (Cardenas was recently multaneously earned a bach- named the Lexington Parks elor of science degree in in- and Recreation Department’s ternational business from event volunteer of the year); High Point University and and she works closely with an associate degree in para- the Lexington City Schools legal studies from Forsyth Board of Education, which Technical College. includes volunteering with “Now when I look back at Project Potential. it, I don’t know how it was In Cardenas’ church comdone,” Cardenas said. “It was munity, she is the memberpretty aggressive because I ship coordinator for the Rewas working for gional Alliance of Students Hanesbrands already when I and Professionals, an organiwas going to both Forsyth zation that has helped 10 and High Point, and I was youth go to college. working about 45-50 hours a A new church program, week. I had no life.” called ‘Alma de Mujer’ (‘Soul She does now, though. of a Woman’), allows Cardenas Cardenas became a parale- to assist in locating health gal for Hanesbrands and resources for women of the moved up the ranks to her church and their families. ``I current position of analyti- have a lot of community relacal work for legal matters. tions with different people,’’ HELENA, Mont., Dec. 25, 2016 (AP): The push to restrict refugee resettlements and immigration in the U.S. that figured so prominently in Donald Trump’s election is now headed to states that are preparing to convene their legislative sessions early next year, immigration advocates said. In Montana, which took in just nine refugee families from January to early December, about a dozen bill requests related to refugees, immigration and terrorism have been filed ahead of next month’s session. The measures include requiring resettlement agencies to carry insurance that would defray the cost of prosecuting refugees who commit violent crimes and allowing towns and cities to request a moratorium on resettlements in their communities. Refugee rights advocates say those measures are a sign of what is to come as the anti-refugee rhetoric that featured prominently in the presidential election spills over to statehouses and local governments. “It’s pretty widely known that this is going to be a hard year for those of us who are seeking to protect the rights of refugees and immigrants,” said S.K. Rossi, advocacy and policy director for the ACLU of Montana. The president-elect campaigned on building a border wall with Mexico to stop undocumented immigration, deporting immigrants who are in the nation without documentation and halting the resettlement of refugees to strengthen the federal program that vets them. Some down-ticket conservative candidates took Trump’s cue and integrated the anti-refugee platform into their campaigns. Montana Rep. Ryan Zinke, for example, spoke multiple times about the possibility of child terrorists slipping into the U.S. Empowered by the issue’s prominence, antiimmigrant groups have state and local governments in their sights as targets to push restrictive measures in addition to whatever changes may happen at the federal level, said Michele McKenzie, deputy director of the Minneapolis organization The Advocates for Human Rights. That would lead to further manipulation of the deeply visceral fear of newcomers to the U.S. that was exposed during the election campaigns, McKenzie said. “It absolutely does not end with the presidential election,” McKenzie said. “It’s a national strategy by a small but organized group of anti-immigration advocates and anti-refugee advocates.” It’s unclear if Trump will make good on his pledges. But his election appears to be enough for an Indiana legislative panel led by state Sen. Mike Delph, which didn’t recommend any legislation after it spent eight months reviewing illegal immigration. Delph said after the election that the U.S. government’s actions may make immigration less of a problem for the states. Conservative lawmakers in other states such as Montana aren’t waiting to find out, and are instead looking at measures to give towns and cities a larger voice in the federal resettlement process. “We need to get serious,” said Nancy Ballance, a Republican state representative from Ravalli County. Ballance said refugees are a “gigantic issue” in her southwestern Montana county, just south of the liberal college city of Missoula. “People expect to see some legislation brought,” she said. Missoula has taken in all of the state’s refugees this year and has been approved to accept another 150 through September. That makes leaders in rural surrounding areas nervous that people will settle in their towns, where housing and job opportunities are limited. “If Missoula wants to have their soft-landing program, that’s fine,” said Bob Keenan, a Republican state senator from Bigfork, a town north of Missoula on Flathead Lake. “Those communities may not be as willing to expend their social service dollars for a soft landing.” Soft Landing Missoula and the International Rescue Committee have been the main organizations working with the federal and state governments to resettle the refugees, who come from Congo, Iraq and Eritrea. Mary Poole, Soft Landing Missoula’s director, said much of the legislation being proposed in Montana is based on misinformation. Some measures—such as requiring surveys of communities’ capacity to take refugees—already are part of the federal process, she said. “I hope people are still open to talking to us and getting accurate information,” Poole said. “Our doors are definitely open for conversation.” Other state-level bills conflict with federal refugee laws and will lead to lawsuits, Rossi said. Just the act of introducing these measures sustains the anti-refugee fear and xenophobia that grew during the election, the ACLU lobbyist said. “Filing this and making it a public conversation automatically undermines the refugee process,” Rossi said. “They can’t legally undermine the process, but they can socially undermine the process.” Ohio governor vetoes bill making renewable mandates optional COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 27, 2016 (AP): Ohio Gov. John Kasich has vetoed a bill that would have made compliance with the state’s renewable energy mandates optional for the next three years. Barring a legislative override, the Republican governor’s action Tuesday on the energy mea- sure will resume benchmarks established in 2008 that were gradually increasing electric utilities’ use of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power. The 2008 standards also require utilities to find measurable ways for consumers to reduce their energy use. State lawmakers could re- turn to Columbus to try to override the governor and have until midnight Saturday to act. Kasich also vetoed a budget line item that expands a tangible property tax exemption for Ohio’s oil-and-gas industry and a bill expanding legislators’ power to abolish state agencies and departments. Cardenas said. ``Like Novant (Health), we are partnering with them to do a health fair at our church.’’ Also, a North Carolina State University nutritionist in Winston-Salem will be presenting nutrition classes in the program. Involvement with all of these organizations has led to a network of people willing to help area youth. “I try to build relationships with people so that when I ask for something, they help me out,” Cardenas said. “My dad was like that. He would always make me ask questions even when I didn’t want to.” Currently, a youth member of The Light of the World Church serves on the City of Lexington’s Youth Council. “That’s one of the great things about having those relationships,” Cardenas said. “It helps push some of these young men who probably would not have that opportunity because they don’t know the right people.” Cardenas hardly knew any people herself when she arrived in Lexington 22 years ago, and that gives her hope. “Sometimes I feel like it takes forever, but over the last couple of years, everything has come a little bit more together for me in terms of being able to voice my opinion and letting people in the community know that there are other people from different backgrounds that are trying to make that happen,” she said. “I have come a long way, and I continue to come a long way, but that doesn’t necessarily make me stop there. I want to do even more,” Cardenas said.”Excellence is not perfection, but striving to do something better.” Information from: The Dispatch, Ohio’s high court says experienced police testimony suffices By DAN SEWELL, Associated Press CINCINNATI, Dec. 29, ing another vehicle, had 2016 (AP): A divided Ohio slurred speech, singed his hair Supreme Court ruled Thurs- while lighting a cigarette, and day that the testimony of an showed signs of impairment experienced police officer during a walk-and-turn field was sufficient evidence sobriety test. “The state presented eviwithout expert testimony to convict a driver of being dence that the defendant’s under the influence of a pain- driving was impaired,” Juskiller and impaired while tice Judith French wrote for the majority. “The state also operating the vehicle. The 4-3 decision re- presented evidence that the versed a state appellate court defendant had ingested that threw out the convic- hydrocodone, a widely known tion of Clinton Richardson, drug of abuse. And the state saying prosecutors didn’t presented an experienced poprovide expert testimony lice officer’s testimony that linking the opiate the defendant appeared to be hydrocodone to the driver’s under the influence of pain behavior. The state’s high medication ... no expert testicourt said the effects of the mony was necessary.” Richardson’s attorney, drug are well-known and the Dayton officer’s testimony Adam Arnold of Dayton, said supported evidence for a he will look into a federal appeal under his client’s due conviction. The 14-year police vet- process and other constitueran reported that he ob- tional rights. “We’re surprised at the rulserved the driver rear-end- ing,” Arnold said, saying the state didn’t meet its burden to prove every element of the alleged crime beyond a reasonable doubt. In a dissenting opinion, Justice William O’Neill said the state didn’t prove that the defendant was under the influence of a drug of abuse that impaired his safe driving ability. He said the decision violated “200 years of jurisprudence by permitting a lay person to give an expert opinion” without qualification as an expert. “In an OVI case involving alcohol, would the majority affirm an OVI conviction based on a responding officer’s testimony that ‘Well, he looked like he was over the limit to me,’ based only on behavior observed by the officer? No,” O’Neill wrote. La Prensa 6 de enero, 2017 Ohio high court: Completed crime case files are open record and available By ANDREW WELSH-HUGGINS , Associated Press COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. not be released until after all a 28, 2016 (AP): The investi- defendant’s appeals are over gative files of a completed or a police department closes criminal case are a public a case without charges. “Releasing materials that record under Ohio law and can be released even if further demonstrate law-enforcement appeals are possible, the state investigatory strategies, parSupreme Court ruled ticularly if knowledge of such Wednesday in a lawsuit strategies would empower brought by the Ohio Inno- criminals to avoid detection, is dangerous,” O’Connor cence Project. Public records lawyers had wrote in a dissent. Messages were left for the argued that police departments were improperly inter- city of Columbus and the Inpreting earlier court decisions nocence Project seeking and arguing they could shield comment. Evidence released through the files of long-closed cases public records has resulted in until the defendants died. At issue was an attempt by numerous exonerations of the Innocence Project to re- wrongfully convicted inview the case of a man sen- mates, open records attorney tenced to 38 years in prison Fred Gittes argued in a filing for killing a woman in 2005. in June 2015. “These exonerations have The project doesn’t represent defendant Adam Saleh but not weakened our system of wants to review the records, justice; they have strengthwhich Saleh alleges will bol- ened it, by providing another ster his claim that he didn’t device for correcting the unavoidable missteps of a sysdo it. A divided court ruled Fri- tem that can never attain perday that the files, with some fection, but should always exceptions, become a public strive for it,” Gittes said. The lawsuit argued that record once a trial is over. The court said that under changes in state Supreme Ohio’s open record laws, the Court evidence rules have lawyer requesting Saleh’s file addressed concerns raised by “had a clear legal right to the older court rulings regarding requested records and that re- the release of case files. A 2000 appeals court rulspondents had a clear legal duty to provide the records,” ing said police aren’t oblisaid Justice Paul Pfeifer, writ- gated to release the files without proof that no further aping for the majority. Chief Justice Maureen peals are possible, “e.g., the O’Connor said the city of defendant’s death.” Police departments and Columbus should release all public records in the Saleh their records divisions don’t case. But she said other in- know all the facts behind investigatory records should be vestigative files, including shielded, and the files should what witnesses might have been promised confidentiality, Paula Lloyd, an assistant Columbus city attorney, wrote in a court filing in July 2015 Open records law “must be balanced against the compelling need to let police investigators do their jobs effectively,” Lloyd said. Because Saleh’s conviction was based in part on the testimony of several jailhouse informants, Saleh contends that a full review of the case could exonerate him, according to the lawsuit. Ohio is not alone in restricting the release of police records, but many states, including Florida, Georgia and Idaho, generally require the release of closed files. Saleh, 30, was convicted in the death of aspiring model Julie Popovich, last seen leaving a bar near the Ohio State University campus in August 2005. The skeletal remains of the 20-year-old woman were found three weeks later in suburban Westerville. Saleh was seen leaving a bar with the woman shortly before she disappeared, made cellphone calls that night within a mile of where her body was discovered and wrote letters to people trying to set up phony alibis, Franklin County Ron O’Brien has said, arguing the evidence against Saleh was overwhelming. Andrew Welsh-Huggins’ work can be found at http:// andrew-welsh-huggins Page 13 THE CUYAHOGA COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS AUDIT IS 100% ACCURATE FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CLEVELAND, Dec. 19, 2016: The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections has concluded a week long hand count of the results from the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election. “I am proud to announce that the post-election audit numbers for the presidential race were exactly the same as the results that came from our polling locations and high speed scanners,” said Pat McDonald, the Director of the Board of Elections. In the weeks leading up to the election there were claims that the election would be rigged creating doubts about an accurate vote count. “During this tense election season I repeatedly assured voters that our election would be administered with transparency and accuracy. The audit results confirm this fact and builds confidence in our democratic system,” said McDonald. Post-election audits are required by state election law following general elections in even-numbered years and following presidential primary elections. The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections goes beyond this requirement by conducting audits following every election. A total of 1,952 ballots were hand counted from United States Presidential contest. Election Day, absentee, and provisional ballots were included in the audit. The ballots were selected at random and the process was conducted by politically balanced teams of staff members over a period of one week. The audit was open to the public. LA AUDITORÍA DE LA ELECCIÓN PRESIDENCIAL DE LA JUNTA ELECTORAL DEL CONDADO DE CUYAHOGA ES EXACTA AL 100% La Junta Electoral del Condado de Cuyahoga ha concluido el conteo a mano durante una larga semana de los resultados de la Elección Presidencial del 8 de noviembre de 2016. “Me siento orgulloso de anunciar que las cifras de la auditoría poselectoral para la elección presidencial fueron exactamente las mismas que los resultados de nuestros lugares de votación y escáneres de alta velocidad”, comentó Pat McDonald, Director de la Junta Electoral. En las semanas previas a la elección hubo afirmaciones de que las elecciones serían manipuladas creando dudas sobre el recuento exacto de votos. “Durante esta tensa temporada electoral repetidamente aseguré a los electores que nuestra elección sería administrada con transparencia y exactitud. Los resultados de la auditoría confirman este hecho y crean confianza en nuestro sistema democrático”, comentó McDonald. Las auditorías poselectorales son requeridas por la ley electoral estatal tras las elecciones generales en años pares y tras las elecciones primarias presidenciales. La Junta Electoral del Condado de Cuyahoga va más allá de este requisito mediante la realización de auditorías después de cada elección. Se contaron a mano un total de 1,952 papeletas de la contienda Presidencial de Estados Unidos. En la auditoría se incluyeron las papeletas del Día de las Elecciones, las de voto ausente y las provisionales. Las papeletas fueron seleccionadas al azar y el proceso fue dirigido por equipos políticamente equilibrados de miembros del personal durante el período de una semana. La auditoría estuvo abierta al público. Pay to rise for millions as 19 states increase minimum wage st Club Taino Puertorriqueño 21 Annual Three Kings Day Celebration and Fund Raiser Saturday, January 7, 2017 L’Ambiance Banquet Hall 5237 Renwyck Drive, Toledo, OH 43615 (Off Reynolds Rd. near Hill Ave.) 6:00 p.m. - 11:00p.m Dinner, Play, Dance, Raffle Sammy De Leon Orchestra Cash Bar! (Salsa Band) Donation $30.00 (Couple $55.00) Students 12 to 17 $10.00 (with adult) Children under 11 *free* Your RSVP call or text to Maria at 419-215-4305 is appreciated Or email Maria at [email protected] By DAVID KLEPPER, Associated Press ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 29, a difference for so many 2016 (AP): It will be a happy people.” New Year indeed for milVoters in Arizona, Maine, lions of the lowest-paid U.S. Colorado, and Washington workers. Nineteen states, in- approved increases in this cluding New York and Cali- year’s election. Seven other fornia, will ring in the year states, Alaska, Florida, Miswith an increase in the mini- souri, Montana, New Jersey, mum wage. Ohio, and South Dakota, are Massachusetts and Wash- automatically raising the wage ington state will have the based on indexing. The other highest new minimum wages states seeing increases are Arin the country, at $11 per kansas, Connecticut, Hawaii, hour. Michigan, and Vermont. California will raise its In Arizona, the state Chamwage to $10.50 for businesses ber of Commerce and Industry with 26 or more employees. filed a lawsuit challenging the New York state is taking a increase, which will raise the regional approach, with the minimum wage from $8.05 to wage rising to $11 in New $10. On Thursday, the AriYork City, $10 in its down- zona Supreme Court refused state suburbs and $9.70 else- to temporarily block the raise. where. Workers and labor advo“This $1.50 increase, I cates argue the increases will cannot even comprehend help low-wage workers now or tell you how important barely making ends meet and this will be,” said Alvin boost the economy by giving Major, a New York City fast- some consumers more money food worker. The 51-year- to spend. But many business old father of four helped owners opposed the higher lead the fight for the in- wages, saying they would lead crease in his state, one of to higher prices and greater several successful efforts by automation. fast-food workers and other Some restaurant owners low wage workers around may consider reducing porthe country. “The price of tion sizes or charging for side food has gone up. Rent has dishes that were once included gone up. Everything has in the price of a meal to absorb gone up. ... This will make the increase, according to Melissa Fleischut, president of the New York State Restaurant Association. “I’m sure prices will go up where they can, but restaurants want to avoid sticker shock,” she said. “They’re going to have to get creative.” The adjustments in Oregon, New York, California and several other states are part of a series of gradual increases to a $12 or $15 hourly wage. The minimum wage will also go up this weekend in 22 cities and counties, including San Diego, San Jose and Seattle. The high number of states and localities raising the wage this year reflects the successful work of fast-food workers and organized labor, according to Tsedeye Gebreselassie, senior staff attorney at the National Employment Law Project, as well as federal inaction on the wage. The national minimum was last raised, to $7.25, in 2009. “These aren’t only teens trying to make some pocket money,” she said. “Increasingly it’s adults who are using this money to support their families.” Page 14 Pa13e 12 La Prensa—Classified January 6, 2017 Park Services Maintenance Buckeye CableSystem has multiple openings for full time Service Technicians. The Service Technician tests and repairs cable and satellite television signals and associated equipment at subscribers’ premises. The Service Technician’s primary responsibility is to run service calls from in-house to first amplifier in the run including forward, return, ingress, modem, leakage, Telephony, DCT, and HD. The Service Technician is responsible to demonstrate a positive demeanor to the public and subscribers, conveying the Company and its services in a positive light. Performing correct hook-up of in-house cable, customer equipment and other special assignments as needed. Minimum Qualifications High School diploma/equivalent – required Associate degree in Electronics – preferred 1 year prior practical experience in CATV system maintenance – required 1 year prior electronics experience – required 1 year computer networking experience – required NCTI, A+, MCSE training/certificate – preferred Demonstrate through testing via written and or oral testing the ability to trouble shoot system problems from the Node to the Home Core Competencies Agile – Embraces change; adaptable and flexible; sense of urgency; Innovative – Uses critical thinking; Creativity; Continuous learning; Challenges the status quo. Customer Focused – External/Internal; Creates the exceptional customer experience; demonstrates a sales and service mentality; Collaborative – Teamwork, Proactive knowledge sharing, Constructive Conflict; Accountable – See it, Own it, Solve it, Do it; Hold each other accountable. We offer a top-notch compensation and benefits program, which include: Competitive pay Comprehensive medical, dental, vision and prescription drug Paid Absence time Paid Vacation Tuition Assistance Free Cable (in our service area) Significantly reduced employee rate residential telephone and internet access Qualified applicants may apply online at Buckeye is an Equal Opportunity Employer SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 We make our own corn tortillas but provide all of your Mexican Food Products. SAVE THE DATE: 2017 Ohio Latino Education Summit “Bridges to Innovation: Building Your Toolkit for Latino Success” WHEN: March 1, 2017, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Metroparks of the Toledo Area is looking for a Park Services Crew Leader position at Wildwood and Park Service Assistant Supervisor in the Oak Openings region. Associate Degree in Parks and Recreation services, Natural Resources, Criminal Justice Services Grounds Management, or related field or work experience equivalent to degree. 40 hrs/week. Crew Leader: $17.45/hr. Assistant Supervisor: $18.32 Go to for complete list requirements and duties for each position; must submit online application and resume by January 12. EOE Want to build a career in Lorain County? Sales oriented? Looking for a select employee that is bilingual, willing to work part time to learn the insurance business. This opportunity could blossom into a great career for the right person. Send resume to: [email protected] 5081 Waterford Dr Sheffield Vlg., OH 44035 PLA CE PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED IN LA PRENSA REGISTRATION OPENS SOON! • Secretary 2 • Secretary 1 • Medical Assistant • Staff Nurse • Staff Perfusionist • Staff Nurse First Assistant • Certified Surgical Assistant • Research Assistant • Senior Treasury Analyst • Respiratory Care RRT • Physical Therapy Assistants • Director, Patient Access • Director, Revenue Cycle • Vascular RN • Pharmacists • Boiler Repair Worker The University of Toledo offers an excellent salary and benefit package, which includes the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and State Teachers Retirement System for faculty with employer contribution, medical coverage, paid sick and vacation time, tuition waiver is available to UT employees and their eligible spouses and dependents and 10 paid holidays. For a complete listing of our openings and desired qualifications or to apply, please proceed to our website at We ask that applications and required documents be submitted electronically. UT and UTMC are EO/AA employers and educators M/F/D/V Volunteer DJ Wanted Need a DJ to cover the following events on Jan 6th for New Year’s Eve Dance, March 10th for the Alumni Dance and April 29th for Prom 2017. The events are only 2-3 hours long and in the Toledo/ Perrysburg area. Please call 419-870-2797 if you are willing to donate your time for students with special needs. Call Today! (419) 870-6565 Toledo (313) 729-4435 Detroit WHERE: University of Cincinnati The Latino Education Summit will convene 200-300 educators and community members from around the state to share best practices and to discuss issues of importance regarding the education of Hispanic students in Ohio. With a commitment to improving the human condition, The University of Toledo and University Medical Center are seeking qualified candidates for the following positions: (440) 320-8221 Lorain Email us at: laprensa1 Administrative Assistant Rudolph/Libbe Inc., a local area general contracting firm, has an immediate opening for an Administrative Assistant in our Walbridge, OH office. This position will support the Project Management and Safety departments, preparing all required correspondence including bid packages, change orders, meeting minutes, etc. The position requires a high school diploma with at least 3 years’ experience. College education in business or construction management is beneficial. Interested candidates should submit their resume to [email protected]. 6 de enero, 2017 La Prensa—Classified Page 15 House Cleaning Service Serving East & West Cleveland • Residential • Commercial Contact Luis: 216-832-1437 SANCHEZ ROOFING Preventive maintenance; roof repairs; rubber roofing; re-roof shingles; 30 years exp; roof coatings; roof leaks; power washing; Se habla español! Call Pete Sánchez 419-787-9612! SUPPLIERS OF MEXICAN FOOD PRODUCTS 2742 HILL AVE. TOLEDO, OHIO 800-233-0142 419-534-2074 Part-Time Paralegal MDP Immigration Law is hiring a part-time paralegal. This is a part-time position that will require extensive preparation of immigration legal forms, legal writing, and communication with clients. Individual must have a college degree, be a strong and creative writer, and proficient in Spanish. Must be fast, efficient, and legal minded. Writing test will be administered to test for creativity, efficiency and grammar skills. MDP Immigration Law, PLLC 19901 Dix-Toledo Hwy Brownstown, MI 48183 Phone: 734-479-4200 [email protected] NORTHWOOD ESTATES HOMES FOR SALE AS LOW $200 PER MONTH Northwood Schools with Bus Transportation! 2-3-4 Bedroom Homes - Great location! 1905 Tracy Rd., Northwood, Ohio 43619 Call 419-964-6639 NORTHWOOD ESTATES CASAS EN VENTA COMO BAJO $200 POR MES Escuelas Northwood con transporte en autobús! 2-3-4 Dormitorios Hogares-Gran ubicación! 1905 Tracy Rd., Northwood, Ohio 43619 Llame al 419-964-6639 Have a Classified Ad? Email ad to [email protected] for cost! 419-870-2797 LA PRENSA SALES: CLEVELAND/LORAIN 419-870-2797 or 216-688-9045 or 440-320-8221 January/enero 6, 2017 La Prensa Página 16
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