San Antonio Lives Bilingual AÑO XXVIII • NÚMERO 27 1 de enero de 2017 (Bessie Love, La Prensa archive 1931) 2-A 1 de enero de 2017 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO IBC Bank acknowledges Latina women in banking By Christina Acosta [email protected] IBC Bank celebrated its 50th anniversary last year by acknowledging its entire team, including Latina women ascending their corporate ladder. Through the years, Latinas have proven to be key leaders at IBC who helped shape the bank into the authentic, relationship-driven entity it is today. IBC has several Latinas who have earned executive positions throughout their tenure in Texas and Oklahoma. “I am astounded by how our industry has given us a place, in particular IBC Bank, because you are given that opportunity upfront, and it is our choice to make the most or less of it,” Senior Vice President Zina Guerra told La Prensa. “I am blessed to work for a company that has provided those tools; and now, it is my job duty to pay it forward to my workers to receive those same opportunities with relationship building. IBC has always given us that place in respect; the rest is up to us.” To date, 28.7 percent of their leadership positions throughout the company belong to Hispanic women. This is an unprecedented number compared to data derived from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s 2014 report, which shows that nationally only 1.15 percent of Hispanic women serve in executive or senior-level management roles in the banking industry. While Latina women have been working at IBC Bank, there have been many accomplishments. In 2009, Imelda Navarro was recognized as one of the top 25 finalists in the country for Hispanic Business Magazine’s seventh annual Woman of the Year award. This award recognizes the accomplishments of successful Hispanic women and the challenges they have overcome in their personal and professional lives. Forbes also honored IBC Bank as one of their 100 Most Trustworthy Companies in the nation in 2012 and 2014, where IBC Bank ranked in the top 50. Through the marketing outlook of the company, IBC Bank-San Antonio Vice President Jennifer Martinez- Muenchow discussed that the accomplishments women in the company have earned were important to showcase who is in the forefront. “In the marketing end, you see how industries shift. The face of banking wasn’t what it was 20 years ago… we have featured women in our ads because that’s who’s running the show in several departments, and it is important for consumers to see that,” said MartinezMuenchow. “We strive to be that community bank where we know your face. What better way to promote the women at IBC than showing the community who is waiting for you when you walk in.” The recognition and accomplishments from IBC Bank have created a platform that a position at their company will benefit more diverse female leadership while helping illustrate how Latina professionals can succeed in an industry historically and currently led by Caucasian males at the rate of 65 percent. Hispanic women in Texas are changing the face of IBC Bank, and now, the IBC women would like to encourage young girls to consider (L to R) IBC Bank-San Antonio Vice Presidents Jennifer Martinez-Muenchow and Leticia Quintero and Senior Vice President Zina Guerra are among the many Latina leaders at IBC Bank that have accomplished success in the industry. (Photo, Christina Acosta) being a part of this exciting momentum. For Guerra, looking back at what she has accomplished at IBC Bank has been a learning experience without any barriers. She believes that with great opportunities, any accomplish- ment is possible. “I can tell you that I feel that our executive management and board of directors have always supported women in leadership positions. Earlier you asked about a barrier and in my 25 years, I have never experienced that. It is that motivation and belief that the people in higher positions have in us, as well as the respect, trust and believing you can climb the ladder. Instead of a barrier, it was made into a successful opportunity,” concluded Guerra. Over 100 partners and hosts to participate in DreamWeek 2017 Special to La Prensa Beginning Friday, Jan. 6 through Wednesday, Jan. 21, San Antonio will engage in the fifth annual DreamWeek summit of events. Planted in a city that thrives in diversity, DreamWeek aims to bring people together to attend a myriad of partner-hosted events throughout the city. This multicultural convergence of thought is designed to spread awareness and enlightenment on tolerance, equality and diversity. San Antonians can inspire the start of their new year by attending the DreamWeek Opening Ceremony Breakfast with opening remarks from Mayor Ivy Taylor. Expanding on the success of previous years, DreamWeek will continue to keep with the spirit of inclusion, as there are events for all to participate in and enjoy including a series of keynote speaking engagements, evening mixers, live music, culinary galas, film screenings, art gallery exhibits, panel discussions, health and fitness expos, and more. Throughout the events, participants honor the past, take stock of the present, and present a vision for the future. DreamWeek coincides with the MLK March, which is one of the largest marches in the country. The march is organized by the City of San Antonio Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission, which is celebrating 30 years as one of the city’s leading volunteer organizations. “Our fractured nation has had, for some time, a challenging time dealing with divisive issues such as race, immigration, gender and abortion. In a difficult and trying 2016 election year cycle this was compounded by the ‘dislocation’ of facts and the ‘resourcing’ of truths. Todo mundo lo siente En esta época de frustración colectiva, un punto muerto de enfado. Nosotros vivimos ese enojo. Nosotros estamos disminuidos por esa sensibilidad. No nos corresponden tales emociones negativas. Somos una nación fundada en la justa idea de tolerancia. ¿Cómo fue que llegamos a este lugar? En algún momento del camino dejamos de estrechar las manos. En lugar de construir puentes, comenzamos a construir muros. Ahora somos una nación sorda, tapando nuestras orejas con las manos. ¿Le tenemos miedo a oírnos nosotros mismos? Escuchar es riesgoso, porque cuando de verdad escuchamos, a lo mejor también cambiamos de opinión. Escuchar es riesgoso, pero no escuchar es aún más peligroso. Nosotros creemos en comenzar de nuevo, considerar, pensar, explorar y preguntar. Para apreciar nuestras diferencias y buscar lo que tenemos en común. Para atravesar las cercas, construir puentes y abrir nuestras mentes, conversar. Y más que nada, escuchar. dare to listen. John L. Santikos Charitable Foundation Our goal for the 2017 summit is to stimulate an interest in receiving and accepting a balance of opinions, voices and tastes in a manner which allows for individual representation,” stated DreamVoice, LLC President Shokare Nakpodia. “Within this context, we advance that truth is a mirror, and our community in its entirety should be on display… blemishes and all.” Nakpodia continued. “We can only choose what we are to become, but not what we have been. DreamWeek 2017 aims to consolidate the progress made by our host- ing partners and set up more paths to reveal our capacity for tolerance, diversity and equality as an enlightened community.” DreamWeek is presented by DreamVoice, LLC, a collection of civic-minded individuals who are committed to advancing and modernizing the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and humanitarians like him. The summit kicks off at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 6 with an Opening Breakfast Ceremony. For a full list of events and ticket information, please visit www. LOCK & GO Lic. #B12044 1 de enero de 2017 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Comentarios... Nuestra “Cool-tura” Ser “cool” es, hoy en día, el principal halago o señal de admiración. Mejor que Jorge Ramos ser listo, guapo, bueno, estudioso, amado, respetado, armonioso o poderoso. Hay gente “cool” y gente que, por más que trate, nunca será “cool”. Es, más que nada, una actitud frente a la vida. Llevo meses preguntándole a gente “cool” qué es ser “cool”, y este artículo, altamente cuestionable y nada científico, es mi muy tentativo acercamiento a la nueva “cooltura”. ¿Qué es ser “cool”? Por principio, el que es genuino, transparente, que es como lo ves, que no tiene duplicidades, que dice lo que piensa y actúa con congruencia. Autenticidad: Esta es la principal ca racterística del que es “cool”. Por eso hay tantos artistas y escritores que nos parecen “cool”. Decidieron vivir sin muchos filtros y se nota. Pero eso no basta. Otra caracterís tica esencial de ser “cool” es cierto grado de rebeldía. Toda persona “cool” es transgresora. Alguien “cool” no se adapta totalmente a las reglas sociales. Al contrario, las cuestiona, las reta, las lleva al límite y, muchas veces, las viola e impone nuevos comportamientos. No vive solo para dentro. Su vida tiene sentido si impacta positivamente a otros cuidando el medio ambiente, defendiendo a los que tienen menos y cuestionando el estatus quo. Hay muchas celebridades que se creen “cool” pero que viven solo para ellos. Aclaremos: Ser famoso no es ser “cool”. Ser “cool” requiere de una buena dosis de habilidades sociales. Eso diferencia al “cool” del nerd”o del geek.”Estar al día en las nuevas tecnologías es casi obligatorio para estar conectado al resto del planeta. Pero hay un creciente movimiento muy “cool” que promueve un menor uso del celular, de Twitter, Facebook y cualquier aparato que nos separe de los que están junto a nosotros. Así lo definió el chef y escritor Anthony Bourdain: “La esencia de ser ‘cool’ es, después de todo, que no te importe lo que piensen de ti”.”El ‘cool’ sabe reírse de sí mismo, vive con humor y suele diferenciar lo importante de lo superficial. El ‘cool’ es lo opuesto del arrogante y creído. Las divas y las personas con un ‘entourage’ no son ‘cool’. Nadie puede ser ‘cool’ si no es tolerante. Aceptar y hasta abrazar nuestras diferencias está entre lo mejor de ser ‘cool’. Además, el ‘cool’ sospecha de reinas y príncipes, herederos e hijos de papi y, en general, de cualquiera que se defina por lo que ha hecho otra persona. Por eso los mirreyes mexicanos no son ‘cool’. Reflejan, sin duda, lo peor del país. Para mí, estos personajes tienen algo de ‘cool’: los Dreamers; la jueza Sonia Sotomayor; el ex presidente uruguayo José Mujica; el disidente chino Ai Weiwei; el artista francés J.R.; el músico Lin-Manuel Miranda; el Dalai Lama; el poeta Richard Blanco; las escritoras Elena Poniatowska e Isabel Allende; y Nelson Mandela en cualquier de sus días. Pero el músico Bob Dylan se pasó de “cool” cuando dijo que no podía asistir a la ceremonia de su premio Nobel de literatura porque tenía “compromisos previos”. ¿En serio? Los “cool”, digámoslo también, tienen su ego. Claro; el “cool” muchas veces prefiere una selfie a que le tomen una foto. Otras veces, sin embargo, puede dejar el teléfono en paz por más de una hora. O dos. ¿Cómo se viste alguien “cool”? Hay algo de descuido en su aspecto personal (que se nota en barbas y pelos despeinados, en la ropa interior no tan interior y en combinaciones que pocos se atreverían a probar). Hay, también, algo zen o minimalista en toda persona “cool”. Aquí hay dos reglas infalibles: Una, el “cool” no copia ni sigue la moda; y, dos, el “cool” se inventa su propio estilo. Antes que agradar a otros, el “cool” prefiere ir a gusto, a su manera. Ser “cool” requiere una reinvención constante. “Cool” viene de la palabra en inglés que denota frío. En realidad se refiere al autocontrol, a ser dueño de tu propio destino. Ante un mundo caótico y lleno de amenazas, se trata de sobrevivir sin muchas heridas. Pero el peligro de ser demasiado “cool” es perder la capacidad de reaccionar emocionalmente a lo que nos rodea. Tratar de ser “cool” es, invariablemente, señal de que no eres “cool”. Esforzarse demasiado por actuar o vestirse “cool” suele llevar a vergonzosos resultados. Al final de cuentas, los verdaderamente “cool” nunca pretendieron serlo. Y eso sí es “cool”.(¿Tiene algún comentario o pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a Jorge. [email protected]. Por favor incluya su nombre, ciudad y país). ¡Libérate ya! Por María Marín ¿Alguna vez has visto a alguien intentando quitarse una camisa de fuerza? La persona forcejea intensamen te tratando de expandir sus brazos mientras hace unas muecas indescriptibles. Comienza a sudar y el cansancio es tan abrumador que se detiene por unos segundos para tomar aire y retomar fuerza. Después del breve descanso empieza nuevamente el forcejeo. Esto se repite varias veces hasta que el individuo se da cuenta que es imposible liberarse y se da por vencido. Si puedes visualizar esta escena, entonces entenderás el sentimiento de desespera ción que sufre alguien que ha tratado muchas veces de liberarse de una relación tóxica ¡pero no puede! Conozco mujeres que llevan varios años en este forcejeo. Hay quienes han intentado, una y otra vez dejar a un mentiroso, infiel, abusador, vicioso o vago, pero no logran zafarse porque enfrentan una de estas dos situaciones: la primera es que después de un tiempo se sienten solas y aunque la “camisa de fuerza” las ahoga, por lo menos las hace sentir protegidas. La segunda situación es cuando el hombre regresa a rogar y promete el cielo y las estrellas: “estoy arrepentido, perdóname”, “dame una oportunidad, te juro que voy a cambiar”, “tú eres la mujer de mi vida, sin ti no puedo vivir”. Y, en el peor de los casos, dicen: “si me dejas, me voy a matar”. Luego de oír estas palabras tan conmovedoras, muchas se rinden y vuelven a quedar atrapadas dentro de la misma “camisa de fuerza”. Aquellas que se identifican con este escenario, seguramente piensan: ¿Cómo rayos acabo con este forcejeo para siempre?” No hay que ser mago como Houdini para liberarse de una relación que te mantiene infeliz. La magia más poderosa que existe es la fe. La fe es esa seguridad interior que tienes de que puedes lograr un objetivo, vencer un obstáculo o zafarte de cualquier atadura. Cuan do tienes fe en que puedes obtener algo, o zafarte de alguien, hay algo mágico que sucede. Dios y el Universo se conspiran para ayudarte a lograr lo que deseas. La fe atraerá a tu vida situaciones y oportunidades que te facilitaran alcanzar tus propósitos. Todas las religiones y maes tros espirituales le dicen a este fenómeno: “La magia de la fe”, afiánzate a ella y… ¡libérate ya! mundiales, no considera que son fundamentales. Para esta escuela, los Estados soberanos siguen siendo los actores principales, las entidades que resuelven conflictos internos a partir de sus propias necesidades, especialmente en base a criterios de seguridad nacional. En este sentido, las organizaciones internacionales, como la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), no son actores fundamentales en la resolución de conflictos mundiales. Por el contrario, estas organizaciones son tratadas como establecimientos físicos que permiten la reunión de los dirigentes políticos, especialmente de los países más poderosos, quienes discuten, resuelven y evitan una catástrofe bélica mayor. Sin embargo, la escuela del Liberalismo otorga a las orga- nizaciones internacionales un papel más preponderante en el momento de resolver los conflictos mundiales. Para su padre ideológico, Emanuel Kant, y para quienes profesan los preceptos del Liberalismo, las organizaciones internacionales son baluart es importantísimas en la búsqueda de la paz mundial. Precisamente la Organi zación de las Naciones Unidas se fundó en 1945 con el fin de crear paz en el mundo y evitar otra guerra mundial. En este sentido la ONU no solamente es un fórum, sino el pilar fundamental para evitar una catástrofe mundial como la Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Y los líderes políticos y las personas que trabajan dentro de la ONU –como de otras organizaciones internacionales— son su parte intrínseca y esencia que evitan la guerra a través de métodos pacíficos. Así, tanto teoristas y practicantes del realismo y el liberalismo consideran a las organizaciones internacionales –el segundo más que le primero— elementos importantes en la resolución de conflictos mundiales. Ahora bien, sostener que los dirigentes políticos mundiales que se movilizan en el interior de estas organizaciones están “pasando su tiempo” es un insulto a la historia y a todas las personas –realistas y liberales— creyentes en su utilidad y beneficios. El presidente-electo de Estados Unidos tiene que portarse a su altura y mostrar liderazgo en el mundo y no guiarse por la provocación. Humberto Caspa, Ph.D. es profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move. Valor de la ONU Por Humberto Caspa Los recientes comentarios del presidente-electo Donald Trump en torno a los dirigentes de las Naciones Unidas ignoran los preceptos de las dos teorías más importantes de las Relaciones Internaciones: Realismo y Liberalismo. En un mensaje de twitter dijo: las Naciones Unidas es un club de la gente que le gusta tener un buen momento. Luego, criticando la posición del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU con relación al voto que condenó la construcción de viviendas israelitas en la parte occidental de Jerusalén, sostuvo que “desde enero 20, las cosas serán diferentes”. A pesar de que la escuela del Realismo reconoce a las organizaciones internacionales como elementos importantes en la resolución de conflictos enforcement officers operating in Bexar County conducted 6,568 DWI arrests in 2015, according to figures provided by the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office. “There are so many options to drinking and driving: not drinking, having a designated driver, using Uber or another ride share service. No one has any excuse for driving while intoxicated this Holiday season,” said Collins. City Council recently voted 9-2 to keep ride-share programs like Uber and Lyft in San Antonio. It is the cities hope that with affordable and accessible ride-share programs in San Antonio that DWI and DUI arrests and traffic fatalities will go down. The San Antonio Police Department and Bexar County Sheriff’s Department will be patrolling heavily through early January. Be aware and know that the smartest choice is to not drink and drive at all. The city of San Antonio is looking out for you and your loved ones this Holiday Season. Be smart, don’t drink and drive. Kevin L. Collins is a San Antonio criminal defense lawyer and a former prosecutor, who has been selected as a Texas Super Lawyer for the last eight years in a row. He is board certified in criminal law and juvenile law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, and he is the immediate past Chair Elect of the Juvenile Council of the Texas Bar Association. For more information, please visit www., or call 210-223-9480. COMMENTARY... Calendario de la comunidad FAMILY FRIENDLY FIRST FRIDAYS – Every First Friday, enjoy the Hemisfair Art Market at the park, plus music, food and fun activities to keep your whole family moving! The event will take place on Jan. 6 from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. at Hemisfair, 434 S. Alamo St. COFFEE FESTIVAL – San Antonio Coffee Festival is the celebration of the art of coffee beans from all over the world, locally roasted and artfully brewed. The event will take place on Saturday, Jan. 7 at La Villita Historic Arts Village, 418 Villita Street. “DIEGO Y FRIDA: A SMILE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WAY” – The photography exhibit, presented for the first time in 2002 in the Museum House-Studio Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, showcases the meetings and disagreements of this famous couple in the 20th century. It is through the photographs of Guillermo Kahlo, Peter Jules, Guillermo Zamora, Nickolas Murray, Edward Weston, Manuel Álvarez Bravo and Juan Guzmán, among others, that an extensive record exits that reveal intimate aspects of this marvelous couple. The galleries are open Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday- Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the month of January at the Mexican Cultural Institute of San Antonio, 600 Hemisfair Plaza Way. ARTS SAN ANTONIO PRESENTS BALÉ FOLCLORICO DA BAHIA – The only professional folk dance company in Brazil, Balé Folclórico da Bahia was formed in 1988 by Walson Botelho and Ninho Reis in the city of Salvador in the northeastern State of Bahia. Since its first performances, the troupe has achieved considerable international success, performing at many of the most important concert halls on its worldwide tours. Don’t miss Balé Folclórico da Bahia’s San Antonio debut with their performance of Sacred Heritage, a repertory of authentic folkloric dances and music based on the African, Brazilian Native and Portuguese influences that represent the colorful culture of modern-day Brazil. The event will take place on Thursday, Jan. 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Lila Cockrell Theatre, 200 E. Market Street. SCULPTING TEXAN CULTURE – Explore the imaginative and diverse culture of sculpture and other three-dimensional arts in Texas. Meet local artists and participate in hands-on activities, specialized tours, demonstrations and family and community activities. Activity leaders include partners from the McNay museum and Southwest School of Arts & Crafts. Wood sculptor Marika will demonstrate wood sculpting. Among the many hands-on activities, guests can play with the Big Blue Box building blocks commonly seen in HemisFair. They’ll also have a chance to sculpt artworks from soap. The free event will take place on Sunday, Jan. 8 from noon – 4 p.m. at the Institute of Texan Cultures, UTSA Hemisfair Campus, 801 E. César E. Chávez Blvd. THE ILLUSIONISTS, LIVE FROM BROADWAY – Full of hilarious magic tricks, death-defying stunts and acts of breathtaking wonder, The Illusionists has shattered box office records worldwide and thrilled audiences of all ages with a mind-blowing spectacular showcasing the jawdropping talents of seven of the most incredible illusionists on earth. For ticket information, show times and prices, visit or call (800) 982-ARTS (2787). The Illusionists will play eight performances Jan. 10-15 at the Majestic Theatre, 224 E Houston St. 2017 SAN ANTONIO COCKTAIL CONFERENCE – The conference provides five days and nights of relief in the form of parties, seminars, tastings and whimsy – focused on the creative craft of cocktails. Best of all, a full 100 percent of the profits from SACC ticket sales are donated to children’s charities. The 2017 SACC events in January promise to be bigger and bolder than ever, featuring new event venues and twists on favorites. All tickets and a full schedule of events are available at CELEBRATE SAN ANTONIO’S RESTAURANT WEEK – Culinaria is excited to continue their mission of celebrating, educating and collaborating with chefs, winemakers and bartenders supporting the Alamo City’s food and drink culture. This citywide event will highlight many of the best local chefs and restaurants, including both new additions to San Antonio’s culinary scene and beloved mainstays. With each meal ordered for San Antonio Restaurant Week, participating restaurants will donate $1 from each lunch menu and $2 from each dinner menu ordered to benefit the Culinaria Farm. To see an updated list of participating restaurants, visit Reservations are encouraged, and you can contact each establishment directly beginning Monday, Jan. 16 through Saturday, Jan. 28. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PRESENTS EARTH EXPLORERS – Join Witte Museum leaders and scholars for a behind-the-scenes look at “National Geographic presents Earth Explorers,” an action-packed adventure to the wildest places on Earth. Dive into oceans. Soar over savannas. Plunge into polar regions. Trek through rainforests. Climb mountains and explore caves. Explore six interactive environments designed to inspire you to learn more about the planet. Experience the trip of a lifetime without ever leaving Texas. The exhibit will continue until Jan. 22 in the Kathleen and Curtis Gunn Gallery at the Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway St. Plan for the night - don’t drink and drive Kevin Collins, a San Antonio-based criminal defense lawyer and recently named a 2016 Best Lawyer, stresses the importance of being safe during the holiday season as well as being educated on your resources and options. The month of December sees more DWI related arrests and crashes than any other time of the year. Between family gatherings, work parties and New Year’s celebrations there is a higher chance of people getting behind the wheel after drinking. In San Antonio law 3-A A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. TINO DURAN Sr. CEO NINA DURAN Publisher LUCY ALMANZA Editor MARCO LOPEZ Production Manager ADDA MONTALVO Spanish Copy Editor JOE AGUILAR Production Assistants JOSE FRANCO Sports Editor MILYANKA ROBERT PEREZ Staff Photographers CHRISTINA ACOSTA Reporters ALYSSA BUNTING Advertising Director MARIA CISNEROS Sales Representative REY GONZALES Circulation Manager JORGE RAMOS STEVE WALKER Contributing Writers La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816 Camaron St. Suite 240, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America. 4-A EMPLOYMENT: LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO sion, 1 bed, dresser and more items. Sazón Mexican Res- (210) 735-5359 or taurant Cafe on Po- (210) 240-0574. tranco Road is hir(12/25-1/4) ing an experienced line cook and wait SERVICIOS: staff. (210) 386-5516 or (210) 834-2474. $7.50 SERVICIO A (12/18-1/11) DOMICILO, RE---------------------- FRIGERADORES, Solicito señora para L A V A D O R A S , cuidar ancianos los SECADORAS, ESfines de semana. TUFAS, Y CON(210) 884-4381. GELADORAS. UN (15/25-1/15) AÑO GARANTIA. LLAMA AL (210) HOMES: 291-5431. (12/14-1/8) CASH FOR ANY ---------------------HOUSES, FAST! Plomería, pintura, A N Y c o n d i t i o n , textura, cercas de ANY area! We buy madera y alambre, ALL types of real puertas, ventanas estate. 25 years ex- y tile shower repaperience. CLOSE ración. Textura y QUICK! (210) 300- carpintería. Jesús 4000. www.alamo- Villa (210) 254-4502. (12/14-1/8) (11/9-2017) RENT: Se renta cuarto amueblado. $450, biles pagados con baño privado. Solamente damas. (210) 8703318. (1/1, 1/4) SALE/VENTAS/ For Sale: Stove with ice maker and water refrigerator, 2 barbecue pits with 2 tanks, 20 inch televi- ally delivered what I asked of you. I am extremely grateful to you with letting me get what I asked for. I will continue to spread your name, and I cannot stop talking about the wonderful help you have been. I am forever grateful to you.” L.A. in the past I have asked for many favours, this time I ask for a special one (mention favour). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for Saint Expedite 3 days and promise Prayer of Urgent publication and your Needs favour will be grantSaint Expedite you ed no matter how imlay in rest I come posible. to you and ask that this wish be granted Novena Los tres (Request) ángeles Saint Expedite now N o v e n a L o s t r e s what I ask of you ángeles Protectores: Saint Expedite now San Gabriel, San what I want of you, Miguel, y San Rafael. this very second Prenda 3 velas blanDon’t wait another cas en un plato con day, Grant me what agua y azúcar y haga I ask for I know your su petición. A los tres power I know you días publique esta because of your work oración. Aunque no I know you can help crea mire que pasa el me. Do this for me cuarto día. and I will spread San Miguel ArcánYour name with love g e l , S a n M i g u e l and honor so that it Arcángel, defiénwill be invoked again denos en la lucha. and again. Expedite Sé nuestro amparo the wish with speed, contra la perversil o v e , h o n o r a n d dad y acechanzas del goodness. Glory to demonio. Que Dios you, Saint Expedite manifieste sobre él su “Dear St. Expepoder, humildemente dite, Thank you, Miraculous Prayer te lo pedimos. Y tú, thank you! You re- Dear Heart of jesus, oh Príncipe de la Mi- licia Celestial, con el poder que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a Satanás, y a los demás espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén. Para los casos más difíciles Ante ti vengo con la fe de mi alma, a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi difícil situación, no me desampares de las puertas que se me deben de abrir en mi camino, sea tu Brazo Poderoso el que las abra para darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres peticiones difíciles). Súplica que te hace un corazón afligido por los duros golpes del cruel destino que lo han vencido siempre en la lucha humana, ya que sin tu poder divino no intercede en mi favor sucumbiré por falta de ayuda. Brazo poderoso, asísteme, ampárame y condúceme a la gloria celestial. Gracias dulce Jesús (rezar quince días empezando viernes). Publicar antes de los ocho. Confío en Dios Padre y en su misericordia divina, por eso pido a Él que ilumine mi camino y me otorgue la gracia que tanto deseo. Gracias Padre por oírme. Mande publicar y observe lo que ocurrirá el cuarto día. 1 de enero de 2017 you. Amen. Prayer To St. Jude Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He brings visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. Novena To St. Jude Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for me that He brings visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly - (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor Prayer to the Holy you as my special Spirit and powerful patron, You that clarify evand to gratefully en- erything. You illucourage devotion to minate all my paths so that I reach my goals. You give me the gift to be able to forgive and forget the wrong that they do to me. And in all the seconds in my life you are with me. In this short dialog. I want to thank you and confirm, once more that I never want to be separated from you. My desire is to be with you Lord and with my loved ones in your Holy Grace. Thank You for your blessings given to my loved ones and me. (A person should read this prayer 3 days in a row without saying what they want and in 3 days they should receive the grace no matter how difficult it is.) Publish When Grace is received. Thank You. Grace Received. Prayer to the 3 Archangels Light 3 white candles on a white plate and put sugar all around it. Place a glass of Water next to it. Ask the archangels for 3 wishes: one for business, one for impossible and one for love. Do this petition for three days. On the third day publish this prayer. Prayer: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael, please be with me today. Please hear and answer my prayers with your divine grace, intervention, and kindness, I love you all, please help me so that my prayer requests all come true quickly, Amen. [mention your request here] Heavenly Father, you have given us archangels to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth. Saint Michael is our protector, I ask him to come to my aid, fight for all my loved ones, and protect us from danger. Saint Gabriel is a messenger for the Good News, I ask him to help me clearly hear your voice and to teach me the truth. Saint Raphael is the healing angel, I ask him to take my need for healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to your throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of recovery. Help us O Lord to realize more fully the reality of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy Angels pray for us. Amen ¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283 Soy un hombre católico, divorciado, de buen corazón. Soy de San Antonio, vivo en un rancho. Estoy de buena salud, gracias a nuestro Dios. Estoy en mis 70´s, pero no los muestro. Me gusta la música norteña. Toco guitarra. Voy a San Antonio cada año al Conjunto Festival. Busco una mujer sincera, hogareña, que le guste el rancho, los animales, caballos. Que no sepa mentir ni jugar juegos. Para una relación seria. De 35 a 55 años, piel blanca, ojos claros o de color, no más de 5’7 y 135 -140 libras. Yo tengo 5´7. Peso 170 libras. ¡También tengo una Harley Davison! Me gustaría que toque el acordeón o que quiera aprender. También que no fume, pero en todo Cristo es el primero, porque sin él no tenemos nada! Llámame para platicar y si no se puede podemos ser amigos, porque todos necesitamos una linda amistad. ¡Bendiciones! C-251 ----------------------------Dama de 77 años, saludable y viuda, desea conocer caballero sin problemas familiares, regular estatura, no gordo, quien quiera compartir una buena amistad. Sin problemas de salud, con buen sentido del humor, sin vicios, que la guste la música, viajar al campo, vivo en San Antonio. Peso 145 libras, mido 5’5’’, ojos claros. Me gustan los deportes, la música, la naturaleza. Quiero aprender a tocar guitarra. Soy activa, me gusta hacer ejercicios, jugar boliche, caminar, solo quiero una buena amistad. D-301 ----------------------------Deseo una persona que se sienta sola (mayor de 60 años) y no tenga problemas de familia. Sea libre, no tenga compromiso y desee y quiera unir una familia cuando él decida y me conozca. Cuando él quiera. No me importa el físico y la religión que tenga. Yo respeto su decisión. Yo soy una mujer sin compromiso, sin problemas de familia. No tomo ni fumo. Me gusta la cocina. Me gustan las diversiones sanas, el baile, la tv, la música y salir a pasear, vivir y disfrutar de un hogar o una amistad sincera. Yo no tengo ningún defecto físico. Soy agradable, tengo cualidades. Yo tengo demasiados años viviendo sola en San Antonio Texas, de vivir y sostenerme sola. Tengo familiares, pero no me dan problemas de ningún aspecto y viven separados de mí. Yo los visito a ellos cuando puedo y tengo tiempo. Respeto el espacio de tiempo de cada uno. D-259 ----------------------------Caballero trabajador, educado, muy limpio, vivo solo, sin vicios, romántico, detallista desea conocer una mujer educada, noble, sincera y dispuesta a amar y ser amada, y que busque también una relación estable y duradera, para vivir juntos hasta que Dios lo decida. Solo interesadas, por favor. C-302 ----------------------------Caballero jubilado, 65 años, sin vicios, cariñoso y alegre con un buen carácter, con mente moral y espiritual. Deseo conocer una damita cariñosa, hogareña, no importa la nacionalidad ni su estado migratorio, para una relación seria con fines matrimoniales. Espero tu llamada. C-303 ----------------------------Ciudadana de 46 años desea conocer a un gran caballero trabajador, amoroso, responsable, noble, de buenos sentimientos, fiel, detallista, cariñoso, agradable, sin problemas, buena estabilidad, sin compromisos, para una relación seria con fines matrimoniales. Pido respeto para nuestra felicidad. Mándame tu dirección y foto. D-304 ----------------------------Dama mexicana de 47 años busca una relación serie y estable con un gran caballero que sea trabajador, soltero, viudo o divorciado, sin compromisos, fiel, responsable, sin vicios, sin problemas de ningún tipo. No me gustan las mentiras. Te espero con todo mi amor. Escríbeme. Mándame tu foto, dirección y teléfono. D-305 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy un hombre de 34 años, no tengo hijos, mido 5’10 y peso 195. Me gusta hacer ejercicio y leer libros. Soy alegre, con buen sentido del humor. Busco una amistad y prefiero a alguien mayor de mi edad que yo. Que sea cariñosa y le guste disfrutar la vida. C-307 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy cocinera, piel morena, ojos color café, pelo chino, mido 1.60, soy alta, tengo 46 años. Quiero conocer al ser de la clave No. 300. Que me llame. Espero su llamada. D-309 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy alta, mido 1.60. Piel morena, soy muy hogareña, me gusta mucho la cocina, soy madre soltera sin vicios, educada, muy romántica. Y me gustaría conocer al caballero de la clave No. 302. Que me llame. Estaré esperando su llamada. Gracias. Dios le bendiga. D-311 ----------------------------Soy un señor viudo de 73 años, peso 180. Busco una mujer de 65 a 70 años sola, también damas para amigas para salir a comer. Estoy solo, soy muy positivo, no negativo. Si se puede mandar foto. Gracias. C-312 ----------------------------Hola, soy una mujer de 42 años en busca de amigos y amigas. Recién llegué a San Antonio. Y tal vez hay un caballero interesado en una relación y que con el tiempo se den las cosas para una bonita relación, eso nos lo dirá el tiempo y Dios. D-313 ----------------------------- Busco compañero mayo de 65 años, saludable, detallista, romántico, alegre, honesto, que le guste el baile, ir a las pulgas, conciertos, cine, ir a caminar al parque tomados de la mano. Que no fume, tome socialmente, educado, limpio, organizado y compatible. Y lo más importante: ¡honesto! Yo, 69 años de edad (no los demuestro), guapa, saludable, delgada (126 lbs. 5’2 estatura), complexión blanca, soy alegre, espontánea, amable, cariñosa, compasiva, romántica, honesta, buena cocinera, católica (aun trabajo). No tomo, tomo vino rojo después del trabajo para relajarme y therapeutic purposes. Nací en México, inmigré de adulta, tengo poco tiempo en San Antonio. Espero tu llamada en un futuro cercano para conocernos un día. Hasta pronto. D-314 ----------------------------Soy una dama sin compromiso de pareja, tengo detalles. Deseo conocer un caballero mayor, 62 años, que no tenga compromiso y se sienta solo. Yo soy libre sin problemas de familia, me gustan todas las diversiones. No me interesa lo físico, yo no tengo defectos físicos. Me gusta cocinar y cuando me conozca podemos unirnos; que sea sincero, que sea libre, que sea fiel, amable, detallista, romántico. Yo mido 5.5 y peso 150 libras. Soy viuda y me gusta el hogar. Soy una dama sincera y tengo detalles. Me puede mandar su teléfono y le contestaré. Yo puedo vivir donde él quiera, en cualquier parte de la ciudad. Mande su teléfono y yo me comunicaré luego. Yo no tomo, ni fumo, me gusta la naturaleza. D-315 ----------------------------Me interesa un caballero soltero, sin compromiso para una relación a largo plazo entre 30-47 años. Buen aspecto/higiene física, non fumador/drogas, tomador social, solamente. Que sea sincero, tran- quilo, respetuoso, responsable, trabajador, entre otras cosas positivas más. Soy mexicana, morena, 35 años, mido 5/3”, 175 libras, ojos/cabello negro, tengo dos hijos. Soy sociable, independiente, responsable, trabajadora, alegre, sincera, fiel y más. Me encanta escuchar música y salir a bailar de vez en cuando, pasarla en familia la mayor parte del tiempo. Domino el inglés. Soy católica. Tengo mi propia transportación. Si te interesa conocerme, dime de ti. Envíame tu foto (s), yo haré lo mismo. Gracias por leerme. Dios te bendiga. Cuídate. D-316 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy mexicana, soy una persona seria, honrada, trabajadora, responsable, hogareña, romántica. Tengo 50 años. Soy gordita, chaparrita, morena clara. Busco un hombre serio, trabajador, sin vicios, sin problemas familiares, ni económicos, con fines serios, que tenga 60 años hasta 80. Tengo cuatro hijos en México, pero ya están grandes, yo estoy sola aquí en San Antonio. No tengo domicilio fijo, me pueden llamar a mi cel. Soy soltera y sin compromisos. Mido 1.58 cm. Peso 84 k. D-317 ----------------------------Soy un hombre divorciado, 51 años, 5’’4 de altura, no gordo ni flaco, ojos verdes. Me gusta vestir bien, me considero guapo, según me dicen mis hermanas. No tengo vicios y hago deporte. Soy romántico y amable y cocino muy bien. Busco conocer una dama de 30 a 45 años, sincera y bonita de preferencia, que se vista bien, que desee conocerme y que crea en el amor. Te estoy esperando. C-318 ----------------------------¡Hola. Tengo 34 años de edad, mido 6-6 de altura, peso 185 libras. Me gusta ser alegre, romántico. Me gustaría conocer una persona especial, a alguien mayor que yo, una mujer que sepa lo que quiero y lo que es bueno o malo; alguien a quien pueda hacer reír en los malos momentos. Me gusta ser romántico y detallista con mi pareja y me gusta ser sincero. Me gustaría mucho conocerte y si quieres conocerme con gusto me comunico contigo. Espero conocerte pronto, ya sea una amistad y si tú quieres empezar una bonita relación. C-319 ----------------------------Señor alto de 2’10’’ en los 60’s, bien parecido. Busco una dama sola, que no pase de los 65 años. Sincera nomás C-320 ----------------------------Señor joven, de 5’10 de estatura, con buen trabajo. Busco una dama que sea fiel. La edad no me importa. Que no fume ni eche mentiras, que le guste el baile de vez en cuando. Que sea bien formada y piernuda. No te arrepentirás. ¡Gracias! C-321 ----------------------------My name is Mario Garcia. 5’6, 159. I love going to flea markets, I love to listen oldies songs and I like pets. I’m looking for a long term relationship to share my life. I like also pen pals. Women only from 55 to 65 year old, any race. Only women call or write to me in English. I can only read English. If you call me, I know both English and Spanish. C-322 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy papá soltero con una hija, trabajador, con dos trabajos, honesto, sincero, noble, muy limpio, detallista, sin vicios y temeroso de Dios. Me gustan los deportes, salir a comer a algún restaurante, ver películas en casa y con deseo de encontrar una dama con similares características para una relación seria, sin juegos, ni mentiras, que seamos el uno para el otro, espero tu carta para conocernos. C-323 1 de enero de 2017 This Week In Sports 5-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO Uber One Star Review for ex-Texas Coach A San Antonio Uber driver stuck his foot in his mouth last week when trying to strike up a conversation with a couple of his passengers. The driver got into a discussion about UT Texas football, primarily about the lackluster coaching done by former University of Texas head coach Mack Brown, without realizing that Brown was one of the passengers in the car. ESPN play-by-play broadcaster Adam Amin (the other passenger in the car) tweeted the entire hilarious and awkward conversation. Brown and Amin were in town for the Valero Alamo Bowl. Ravens’ Steve Smith Sr. to retire Free-agent veteran and one of the best wide receivers in the game, Steve Smith Sr. announced Wednesday he will retire after Week 17’s game against the Cincinnati Bengals, ending his career after 16 NFL seasons. The five-time Pro Bowler did have to battle through injuries in the process, missing nine games in 2015 with a torn Achilles. This is the final year of his three-year contract, and he has 67 catches, 765 yards and five touchdowns heading into the season finale. San Antonio Stars name Vickie Johnson head coach Special to La Prensa The San Antonio Stars announced that the team has hired former Stars player and assistant coach Vickie Johnson as the ninth head coach in franchise history. Per team policy, terms of the deal were not disclosed. “Having spent 10 years in San Antonio, first as a player, then as an assistant coach, this city feels like home,” said Johnson. “Our Stars players are young, talented and hardworking. We also have a dedicated fan base in a great basketball town, and I’m looking forward to getting to work this spring when we tip off our 15th season in San Antonio.” “Coach Johnson’s experience, passion for teaching, fierce competitive spirit and commitment to our organization made her the perfect candidate to lead our team moving forward,” said Stars General Manager Ruth Riley. “We have been very fortunate to have Coach Johnson as a part of our Stars family for the past decade. She has a strong understanding of our culture and goals, and we are thrilled that she will be our next head coach.” Vickie Johnson, former Stars player and assistant coach, was hired as the ninth head coach in franchise. (Photo, Franco) A two-time WNBA All-Star (1999, 2001), Johnson has served as an assistant coach for the Stars since 2011. Johnson was the first player in WNBA history to record 4,000 points, 1,000 rebounds and 1,000 assists in a career, and retired with 4,243 points, 1,641 rebounds and 1,205 career assists. She played 13 WNBA seasons, nine with the New York Liberty and four with the San Antonio Stars, retiring as the league’s all-time leader in games (410) and minutes played (12,435). Johnson was one of 10 players voted to the Stars All-Decade Team in 2012, as part of the team’s 10th season in San Antonio. Johnson posted career averages of 10.3 points, 4.0 rebounds and 2.9 assists per game in 13 seasons in the WNBA, averaging double-digit points in seven seasons. She started all but two of her 410 career games, and amassed a 159 games-started streak which currently ranks eighth in WNBA history. A native of Coushatta, La., Johnson was originally selected 12th overall by the New York Liberty in the WNBA Elite Draft on Feb. 27, 1997 and became the first player in league history to play 300 games on July 7, 2006. She signed with San Antonio as a free agent on Feb. 9, 2006, becoming the first building block of the Stars’ 2008 Western Conference Champion squad. Johnson helped lead the Stars to their first WNBA Finals appearance and earned the Kim Perrot Sportsmanship Award following the 2008 season. Johnson, who also played professionally in Israel, France, Hungary and Turkey, retired from the WNBA following the 2009 season. Johnson was a two-time AllAmerican and Sun Belt Conference MVP at Louisiana Tech University. She led Louisiana Tech to the 1994 Final Four, was named Sun Belt Conference Player of the Year in 1995 and earned Louisiana Player of the Year honors in 1996. She finished her collegiate career with 1,891 career points and 831 rebounds and was inducted into the Louisiana Tech Hall of Fame in 2007. The Stars’ 2017 season home opener is scheduled for Friday, May 19 against the Phoenix Mercury. Tipoff is set for 7 p.m. (CST) at the AT&T Center. Season tickets are now available by calling (210) 225-TEAM. Single-game tickets will be available at a later date. For more information about the Stars, visit U.S. Men’s National Team to play in Nashville, Tampa and Cleveland of 2017 CONCACAF Gold Cup USMNT seeks sixth confedA total of 13 cities in the eration championship in final United States will host matchtournament before 2018 FIFA es throughout the event World Cup. Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New By U.S. Soccer York, Nashville, Philadelphia, Communications Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco and The U.S. Men’s National Tampa. Team has been placed atop The team’s opener will be Group B for the 2017 CON- the USA’s first Gold Cup CACAF Gold Cup as it seeks match in Nashville. Overall, its sixth confederation cham- the U.S. has a 2-2-0 record pionship title. in the Music City, including The U.S. will open its tour- a 3-0 win on April 1, 2009, nament schedule on July 8 at against Trinidad and Tobago Nissan Stadium in Nashville in which Jozy Altidore beTenn., followed by a July came the youngest USMNT 12 game at Raymond James player in history to record a Stadium in Tampa, Fla. Three hat trick . days later, the USA will comRaymond James Stadium plete the group phase at First- also has four USMNT games Energy Stadium in Cleveland, to its credit, with the United Ohio. States going 3-0-1 in the C o m p l e t e g r o u p s a n d venue. Fans in Tampa have schedule, including selection also been treated to a hat of dates and assignment of trick performance, this off the matches for the knockout foot of Landon Donovan in a round and the awarding of 3-1 win on March 25, 2007, the Final, will be announced against Ecuador . next year. Fans can now visit Cleveland has twice hosted to sign up for the Men’s National Team, an exclusive pre-sale offering serving as the second stop for any Gold Cup game day in of the Send-Off Series for 2017, before seats go on sale the 2006 FIFA World Cup. to the general public. Tickets In that 2-0 win, current U.S. for the 2017 Gold Cup will go captain Michael Bradley made on sale at a later date. his National Team debut. CONCACAF’s top-ranked One thing that all three teams - including the United group venues for the USA States and Mexico - will head- h a v e i n c o m m o n ? C l i n t line the 12-nation tournament Dempsey has scored a goal from July 7-26 across the for the USA in each . USA. A total of seven teams Set to be played just under have already secured a place a year from the kick off of in the 14th edition of the Gold the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Cup . Russia, as it has in the past, the tournament will continue to be an important proving ground for the United States in its World Cup preparations. The U.S. has previously won the CONCACAF Gold Cup five times, earning the regional championship in 1991, 2002, 2005, 2007 and 2013. Returning to the post he held from 1998-2006, MNT head coach Bruce Arena is one of only two managers to win the tournament twice - Bora Milutinovic won it with the U.S. in 1991 and Mexico in 1996 -- and holds a stellar 14-1-4 all-time record in the competition. Taking place every two years, the CONCACAF Gold Cup is the official national team championship of the region, which includes North and Central America and the Caribbean, and will be broadcast next year in the United States on the FOX and Univision family of networks. Drawing large crowds and millions of television viewers across the region, the Gold Cup is a celebration of soccer, sportsmanship and culture. The winner of the 2017 tournament will take home continental bragging rights and an assured spot in the next CONCACAF Cup, a play-in game to qualify for the 2021 FIFA Confederations Cup, in the case two separate champions emerge from the next two editions of the Gold Cup. Group Stage Venues & Dates: July 7, Group A - NY/NJ Red Bull Arena (Harrison, NJ) July 8, Group B - Nashville - Nissan Stadium (Nashville, TN) July 9, Group C - San Diego - Qualcomm Stadium (San Diego, CA) July 11, Group A - Houston - BBVA Compass Stadium (Houston, TX) July 12, Group B - Tampa Bay - Raymond James Stadium (Tampa, FL) July 13, Group C - Denver - Sports Authority Field (Denver, CO) July 14, Group A - Dallas - Toyota Stadium (Frisco, TX) July 15, Group B - Cleveland - FirstEnergy Stadium (Cleveland, OH) July 16, Group C - San Antonio - Alamodome (San Antonio, TX) Knockout Round Venues (alphabetical order by metropolitan area): Bay Area - Levi’s Stadium (Santa Clara, CA) Dallas - AT&T Stadium (Arlington, TX) Los Angeles - Rose Bowl (Pasadena, CA) Philadelphia - Lincoln Financial Field (Philadelphia, PA) Phoenix - University of Phoenix Stadium (Glendale, AZ) The U.S. Men’s National Team, a CONCACAF top-ranked team, will headline the 12-nation tournament from July 7-26 across the USA. (Courtesy photo) 6-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 1 de enero de 2017 Jozy Altidore wins the ‘2016 Player of the Year’ award presented by Futbol de Primera By Ruben Bozzalla Fútbol de Primera Jozy Altidore, a forward for the U.S. National Team, has won the “2016 Player of the Year Award,” presented by Fútbol de Primera for the last 26 years and chosen by journalists from across the nation from all platforms (including Jose I. Franco of La Prensa de San Antonio, since 1991). This is the second time Altidore (27) wins the most prestigious honor given to an U.S. National Team member. Altidore received a total of 223 points, while Christian Pulisic (18) finished second with 111 points and Michael Bradley (29) placed third with 84 points. A player receives three points for each first-place vote, two points for each secondplace vote and one point for each third-place vote. In order to be eligible for the Player of the Year Award, a player must have played in a minimum of three (3) games for the U.S. National Team during the calendar year. Altidore had 10 caps this year in which he scored six goals. He has consistently been one of the best players on the U.S. National Team since his debut in 2007, with 37 goals in 99 games. Altidore started his professional soccer career in 2006 at the age of 16 with the MLS’s New York Red Bulls. In 2008, he went on to play for Villarreal (Spain). Then he played with Xerez (Spain), Hull City (England), Bursaspor (Turkey) and AZ Alkmaar (Holland). In 2013, he moved to England to play with Premier League’s Sunderland (2013-2015). He is currently playing with MLS’ Toronto FC. This is the fourth time he has been a finalist for the Fútbol de Primera Player of the Year Award. Pulisic had 11 caps this year in which he scored three goals in his first year with the U.S. National Team. This is the first time he has been a finalist for the Fútbol de Primera Player of the Year Award. He is currently playing with Borussia Dortmund of Germany, and he is considered by many as one of the best American soccer prospects. In April, he became the youngest foreigner to score a goal in the Bundesliga and on Sept. 2, 2016, he became the youngest American player to score a goal in World Cup Qualifying history. Bradley had 17 caps this year, and he has consistently been one of the best players on the U.S. National Team since his debut in 2006. This is the fifth time he has been a finalist for the Fútbol de Primera Player of the Year Award. Bradley, who has 126 caps with the National Team, started his professional career in 2004 with the MLS’ Metro Starts. In 2006, he moved to The Netherlands to play with the Heerenveen. In 2008, he played with German’s team Borussia Monchengladbach; and in 2011, he was loaned to England to play with Aston Villa. Then he moved to Italy where he played with Chievo (2011-2012) and with Roma (2012-2014). He is currently playing with MLS’ Toronto FC since 2015. Created by Fútbol de Primera, the Player of the Year Award has honored 15 different players in its 26 years history: Jozy Altidore (2016, 2013), Michael Bradley (2015), Tim Howard (2014), Clint Dempsey (2012, 2011 and 2006), Landon Donovan (2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2004, 2003 and 2002), Kasey Keller (2005, 1999), Earnie Stewart (2001), Claudio Reyna (2000), Cobi Jones (1998), Eddie Pope (1997), Jozy Altidore, a forward for the U.S. National Team, wins the “2016 Player of the Year” award for the second time. (Courtesy photo) Eric Wynalda (1996, 1992), Alexi Lalas (1995), Marcelo Balboa (1994), Thomas Dooley (1993) and Hugo Perez (1991). About FDP Radio Fútbol de Primera is the home of the most important exclusive soccer radio rights in the country. Having broadcasted exclusively the 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014 World Cups, FDP Radio will broadcast the next two FIFA World Cups Russia 2018 and Qatar 2022. Also FDP Radio is the exclusive home of the Mexican National Team since 2002, and in 2017 will also broadcast the FIFA Confederations Cup from Russia and Mexico’s road to the World Cup games. Additionally Fútbol de Primera’s Daily Show and Sunday Show, on the air since 1989 and hosted by Emmy awardwinning broadcaster Andres Cantor, are the longest-run- ning, nationally-syndicated Spanish-language radio programs in the country with more than 100 affiliates. Fútbol de Primera’s Player of the Year award was sponsored by Honda Motor Company Inc. for almost two decades. For more information about Fútbol de Primera and the Player of the Year please call 415-441-9800 or visit: www. Tex-Mex IBL y sus éxitos Mejoras en estadio Colt 45 Por José I. Franco [email protected] El béisbol independiente categoría abierta dominical en el circuito de Tex-Mex Independent Baseball League (Tex-Mex IBL), que preside el Marine Eddy Rodríguez y su vicepresidente Gabriel Cárdenas, con éxito en su primer año como directivos presentaron la temporada de verano, la cual honraron nombrando de padrinos a los fundadores: los esposos Elvia y Gilberto Rodríguez Sr., quienes por seis años estuvieron al frente del mencionado circuito, lapso en el que su equipo Tecolotes se logró coronar en seis ocasiones ganando banderines en temporadas de verano e invierno. El campeonato de verano fue ganado por el equipo Neighbors de Jaime Luna, que en la serie del playoff dio cuenta de Tecolotes, que había obtenido el liderato de la tabla general, quedándose cortos bajo la dirección del timonel californiano Gustavo Torres. Sin embargo, Tecolotes de nueva cuenta volvieron a producir los campeones de picheo Keith Vasquez y de jonrones, el campo corto Arnold Ponce, a quienes el presidente Eddy Rodríguez, premio con flamantes anillos alusivos a sus respectivos títulos. La temporada invernal fue dedicada a niños nacidos prematuros, tocándole lanzar la primera bola al pequeño Nathanael Cardona, de 3 años de edad, quien nació a las 32 semanas de gestación pesando 14 onzas. Nathanael, quien lanzó por el lado zurdo, de acuerdo a sus padres, gusta del béisbol y tiene peso de 26 libras. “También seguiremos apoyand o al programa que opera la organización March of Dimes”, dijo el directivo Rodríguez. Por otra parte, Tex-Mex IBL en su fecha del 11 de diciembre tuvo la visita del buscador de talento Pilo Ramos del club Pericos de Puebla (Liga Mexicana Triple A), quien observó a varios prospectos, comprometiéndose a retornar en el futuro. La fecha del domingo 18 de diciembre arrojó los siguientes resultados: Cubs 12 Highsox 6, Juggernauts 9-0 a Buttermakers, Indios de Nava 19 a 3 ante Pirates. Tecolotes ganó su décimo partido consecutivo ante Wingers 9-0. El domingo 8 de enero en el estadio Capitol Park se reanuda la temporada invernal con partidos programados para las 9 a.m. 12 p.m. 3 p.m. 6 p.m. Por Sendero Deportivo “En el año nuevo nos hemos propuesto continuar con la tradición y orgullo presentando grandes torneos en las ligas categoría Veteranos y Dominical Abierta. Así como la continuación de mejoras en la infraestructura que comenzamos el año pasado. Todo en beneficio de los equipos, afición y familias que seguirán visitando Colt 45 Baseball Field”, dijo Jaime Guerrero, presidente y gerente general de San Antonio Colt 45 Baseball League, que por 60 años ha tenido su sede en la transitada esquina de la autopista 16 sur (rumbo a Poteet, Texas) y Applewhite Road, contigua al distrito de la Planta Toyota de San Antonio. Guerrero, durante las temporadas de Verano 2016 y de Invierno 2016-17, premió al ganador club Colt 45 (cate goría Veteranos), que él mismo dirigió y fue jugador activo contando con el respaldo de sus hijas Bethany, Rainn y su hijo Quest Guerrero y de su coach y jugador José Montes. Guerrero también agradeció el patrocinio de su esposa Mary Guerrero, quien donó flamante pizarra eléctrica, que fue estrenada durante la serie del playoff Veterano y Abierta. La serie del playoff categoría Abierta fue ganada de cierre por el equipo Dodgers, dirigidos por el jugador Isaías Ramírez “Chivo”, que en espectacular partido derrotó al subcampeón Tigres, que con su lanzador diestro estelar Zack Sullivan perdió tras haber jugado una joya de partido con pizarra de 3-1, siendo rebasados en el cierre del noveno capítulo para ceder el precioso trofeo del primer lugar y donativo económico por la cantidad de $500. Esa fue la sorpresa del año en Colt 45 Baseball Field. En la inauguración de la temporada invernal Veteranos, el presidente Guerrero decidió honrar a la pequeña Emily Garza (hija de los esposos Linda y Roberto Garza) y sus amiguitos, pertenecientes a la agrupación local Moms 21, que es un organismo formado por madres con hijos con necesidades especiales. La última fecha del beisbol invernal antes de las vacaciones por Navidad y Año Nuevo registró victorias para los equipos Colt 45, que se impuso 11 a 2 carreras ante Red Sox, y Broncos de Reynosa SA, propiedad de los esposos Linda y Roberto Garza, con blanqueada de 10-0 derrotaron a Cazadores de Calixto Moreno. En la dominical, Tigres derrotaron 17-7 a Braves y Dodgers vencieron 17-6 a Desperados. Las acciones retornan el próximo sábado 7 y domingo 8. Veteranos en los horarios de las 10 a.m. 1:15 p.m. y Abierta a las 10:30 a.m. y 2 p.m. Arnold Ponce, campo corto de Tecolotes, recibió su tercer anillo de campeón jonronero, Gilbert Salazar, lanzador diestro, es una garantía en la loma de los disparos para el trabuco de Broncos de Reynosa SA. (Foto, Sendero Deportivo) el cual le fue presentado por el presidente Eddy Rodríguez. (Foto, Franco) 1 de enero de 2017 San Antonio: 300 años de historia y progreso Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez Los misioneros franciscanos no hubieran creído que el asentamiento primitivo en el que edificaron 5 misiones –con propósitos religiosos y de desarrollo social– se iría a convertir 300 años después en una de las ciudades de más rápido crecimiento en todos los órdenes, y que de ello dan testimonio las nuevas construcciones que contrastan con los monumentos coloniales que son Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad. En planeación conjunta, público y autoridades contribuyen al progreso de San Antonio, que en las próximas tres décadas espera un aumento de un millón de habitantes. Para celebrar el 300 aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad (que será en 2018) se prepara una serie de grandes festividades con elemento del mosaico multicultural de la ciudad de El Álamo. 2 1 de enero de 2017 En el partido clásico navideño entre Spurs de San Antonio y Bulls de Chicago, jugado el domingo 25 de diciembre en el AT&T Center, se cumplió con el programa denominado NBA “Cares Season of Giving”. El astro ibérico Pau Gasol, alero y poste de Spurs, en inglés y español, representando a la franquicia Silver & Black, agradeció a espectadores y la ciudad de El Álamo por el apoyo que le patentan al equipo. “En representación de mis compañeros les agradecemos su excelente respaldo. Les deseamos felices fiestas y Go Spurs Go”, dijo Gasol. El partido contó con transmisión nacional por la cadena ESPN. Con su victoria de 119-100, Spurs le dieron su regalo de Navidad a su base de fans locales y quienes residen en las plazas de la NBA y el resto de la nación. Antes del partido los jugadores de ambos equipos presentaron coloridos regalos a pequeños quienes, posteriormente, los turnaron a organizaciones participantes en el mencionado programa que beneficia al sector menos afortunado. (Fotos, Franco) Durante la ceremonia del Himno Nacional en el partido Spurs vs. Bulls se presentó la escolta militar del 4th Reconnaissance Battalion y el músico Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo, titular de noticiero político en la estación WOAI 1200 AM. Las dinámicas chicas integrantes de la porra Silver Dancers de los Spurs, con el éxito deseado, se presentaron con su excelente coreografía durante partidos jugados en el AT&T Center previos al clásico navideño en el que recibieron emotiva ovación. En la tradicional “Posada del Beisbolista”, que anualmente se organiza en el popular salón social Potranco Rodeo Pavilion, se presentó el cantante Eloy Rocha con su Grupo Potranco, complaciendo a beisbolistas con sus temas preferidos. (Fotos, Franco) En la “Posada del Beisbolista” se divirtieron los esposos Los estimados esposos Laura Cano y Francisco “Paco” Los enamorados esposos Norma Velázquez y Luis Alfonso Patricia Castro García, Nacho García (manager y jugador Cano, manejador y lanzador del equipo Rieleros SA, Velázquez, ex lanzador diestro profesional, disfrutaron del club Cardenales) y su hija Lupe Patricia García. felices en la “Posada del Beisbolista”. de la “Posada del Beisbolista”. Una bella pareja es la que forman los esposos Olga Isabel En el baile “Posada del Beisbolista”, el popular DJ Shaba Sánchez y José Luis Sánchez, quien es seguidor del equi- tocó su excelente repertorio musical y estuvo al mando po Rieleros SA. Ellos también estuvieron presentes en la de los controles del sonido utilizado por Grupo Potranco. “Posada del Beisbolista 2016”. La dichosa pareja Claudia López y Johnny López, jardinero izquierdo del equipo Rieleros SA, posaron frente a la decoración navideña que ella expuso en la “Posada del Beisbolista”. Los esposos San Juanita Ramírez y Luis Ángel Ramírez, patrocinador del equipo Westsiders, y su hija Ángela Juliana Ramírez Sandoval, de 5 años de edad, se encuentran en espera de la traviesa cigüeña, que visitará su hogar en los días últimos de febrero o primero de marzo. Ellos fueron captados en la fiesta ofrecida al niño Jesse Francisco Crisanto en el Potranco Rodeo Pavilion. Reunión familiar. De plácemes estuvo la gentil señora Norma Velázquez durante los festejos navideños y de Año Nuevo, ya que recibió la visita de sus padres, los esposos Isabel de Ortega y Alfredo Ortega, así como de su hermana Isabel Ortega y sus hermanos José y Armando Ortega, quienes disfrutaron de su estancia visitando sitios turísticos en la región de El Álamo. En la “Posada del Beisbolista,” el timonel y jugador del club Diablos, José Villalobos, fue captado celebrando con su esposa María Villalobos, su hija Ana Villalobos, nietas Mariana, Dariana, Victoria y su nieto José Villalobos, quien fue el que más bailó al son de los temas musicales interpretados por Grupo Potranco y DJ Shaba. 1 de enero de 2017 3 Celebración por el 12 de diciembre en St. Francisco religiosos del Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe, se reunió en el salón de actos en un convivio alegrado por el mariachi Las La comunidad de la parro- Coronelas, que deleitaron a quia de San Francisco de Asís, los asistentes con su variado después de asistir a los servicios repertorio y simpatía. Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez SAMMinistries, como es costumbre en las fiestas de fin de año, prepara diversos actos religiosos y festivos para compartir un espíritu navideño con un sector de la población menos favorecido. Una de esas contribuciones es la distribución de regalos de Navidad en la que participan voluntarios de todas las edades. (Fotos, R. J. Pérez) Como es costumbre en diferentes festividades de fin de año H-E-B distribuye apropiados distintivos con cuernos de reno. En todas las funciones populares del centro de la ciudad aparece esta dama octo- Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo de parte de Sparky, la mascota de San Antonio genaria luciendo atuendos apropiados de la temporada por el centro de la ciudad. Fire Department (SAFD). 4 1 de enero de 2017 Celebrate San Antonio’s Restaurant Week Special to La Prensa Restaurant Week is only a few weeks away, and Culinaria is excited to continue their mission of celebrating, educating and collaborating with chefs, winemakers and bartenders supporting the Alamo City’s food and drink culture. Beginning Monday, Jan. 16, 2017 and going through Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017, guests will be able to dine at participating restaurants and experience the quality, variety and hospitality that embody the San Antonio dining experience. This citywide event will highlight many of the best local chefs and restaurants, including both new additions to San Antonio’s culinary scene and beloved mainstays. All participating restaurants will donate a portion of their proceeds to benefit The Culinaria Farm. With each meal ordered for San Antonio Restaurant Week, participating restaurants will donate $1 from each lunch menu and $2 from each dinner menu ordered. San Antonio Restaurant Week highlights a wide array of dining establishments, and the list is updated constantly. Please visit www.culinariasa. org for updates. Participating restaurants will offer an array of prix-fixe menus – encompassing threecourse lunch and/or dinner menus within two different pricing tiers: • Tier 1 establishments will offer a three-course menu and will cost $15 for lunch and $35 for dinner. • Tier 2 establishments will offer a three-course menu and will cost $10 for lunch and $25 for dinner. Reservations are encouraged, and you can contact each establishment directly. Culinaria is an independent, not-for-profit organization committed to promoting San Antonio as a premier wine and food destination while fostering community growth and enrichment. Culinaria is a registered 501 c (3) tax-exempt organization. There is a valued volunteer board of directors who represent the community and guide the organization in its mission. A New Year brings a new location All of Culinaria’s fundraising efforts will continue to build support for The Culinaria Farm as it comes to life Spring 2017. However, due to unforeseeable circumstances, it will have a new location that will be announced soon! The Farm (TF) is a strategic extension of Culinaria in the form of education and is the homegrown effort of many chefs, food professionals, farmers, volunteers, sponsors and a very passionate staff. TF will become the perfect place to learn where your food comes from, while chefs play a starring role in showing you how to create the best flavors from the food you can grow at home. With your support, we will continue to grow and build dreams that will revolutionize growing practices for future generations. San Antonio Restaurant Week’s proceeds are funding the mission and building The Farm to welcome the community in to see what’s growing! For more information, please visit With each meal ordered for San Antonio Restaurant Week, Jan. 16-28, participating restaurants will donate $1 from each lunch menu and $2 from each dinner menu ordered to benefit the Culinaria Farm. (Courtesy photo) ` 1 de enero de 2017 The magic of ‘Found Objects’ in the words of Texas artists By Adda Montalvo [email protected] “This book is intended for the art-curious everywhere”, defined Robert Craig Bunch, a Houston native and assistant librarian at the McNay Art Museum of San Antonio, in the introduction of his first published book, “The Art of Found Objects: Interviews with Texas artists” (2016, Texas A&M University Press). And curiosity is one of the essential elements to appreciate these “curious” pieces of art that have been created with clay, rocks, shell, wood, metal pieces, feathers, tea bags and whatever materials the artists considered for artistic purposes. Bunch allowed 64 Texas artists to express in their own words their creative experiences through a question/answer format. The interviews took three years to complete. In this book, artists from all around Texas talked about their work including Helen Altman (Fort Worth), Karin Broker (Houston and Magnolia), Margarita Cabrera (El Paso), Barbara Irwin (Austin), Joel Sampson (Dallas), as well as Marilyn Lanfear, Henry Stein, Gary Sweeney from San Antonio. Bunch recently spoke with La Prensa de San Antonio where he shared his ideas and motives that led him to create his book. LP: Is it fascination? Is it curiosity? What did “The Found Objects” make you feel to dedicate your first published book to such particular art form? CB: For many years it was my habit to visit art galleries and art museums virtually every weekend—mostly in Houston when I lived there, but also around the state and beyond. “The Art of Found Objects” (Texas A&M University Press) is the first book written by Robert Craig Bunch, assistant librarian at the McNay Art Museum. Bunch interviewed more than 60 Texan artists, who used a variety of found objects to create collages, installations, jewelry and other different pieces of art. (Cover art by Texas A&M University Press) I had long been impressed with the work of Texas artists like Robert Rauschenberg and Jim Love, both of whom used found objects in much of their work. I was impressed, too, with much of the work by other Texas artists who used found materials. I wanted to honor that tradition in book form. At around the same time in 2010, three exhibits in Houston impressed me enough to decide to interview the artists James Michael Starr, Karin Broker and Edward Lane McCartney. I was so impressed with their answers that I just kept going until I had 65 interviews within about three years. Then, I had to find a publisher! LP: What does an observer need to read and enjoy a piece of art of this kind? CB: Perhaps it is not as common today as it used to be, but many people—myself included—grew up collecting things like postage stamps, baseball cards and interesting things picked up on walks. For many, the urge to collect never stops. Many artists who use found materials in their work are great collectors, inspired by the objects they collect. It is as natural to them to use found materials in their art as it is for other artists to use paint on canvas. I think we find beauty in many unexpected places: a piece of rusty metal, a crumpled piece of cardboard, a face seen in the bark of a tree. I think much of the art I have seen has trained me to be more observant of beauty in the everyday things all around me. LP: Why did you choose an interview format (question/answer) as the best method to present the artists and their work? CB: Mine was a journey of discovery. I am not an art historian or art critic. I wanted the artists to speak for themselves. It was not until I started the interviews that I realized that there was no book of interviews with visual artists from across Texas. As an art librarian, I can appreciate the value that these interviews might have for researchers years from now. But I think anyone who reads the interviews now might well appreciate the art more. LP: Preparing 64 interviews about specific details about an artist’s work sounds like a long process. How long take you to prepare the questionnaires and create your book? CB: Starting in 2010, I spent about three years traveling around the state and doing the interviews. In most cases, I composed and emailed questions after a studio visit. In four cases, I tape-recorded the interviews, transcribed every word, and then edited them down to the right size. Then it took about a year to find a publisher. The book was finally published in late 2016. LP: After processing all the interviews, could you tell me about the five most peculiar “Found Objects” used by the artists in their pieces? CB: As I noted in the book, Steve Brudniak of Austin has used “[his] own blood, squids and scorpions, motor oil and antifreeze, a latex glove specially fitted for Dr. DeBakey, and a stuffed rat in polyester.” Sorry—that’s more than five. Steve said he would probably never use plutonium, although he does have a work in the San Antonio Museum of Art that emits lightning. It is not currently on display. LP: Did you discover new ideas or details that you didn´t expect before starting the book? CB: I learned about many new artists, and I learned much more about their creative processes. I think I was surprised at how well many of the artists write. That made my job a lot easier. LP: If I want to see examples of these art pieces in San Antonio after reading your book, where can I find them? CB: Both the McNay Art Museum (where I work) and the San Antonio Museum of Art have work by several of the artists I interviewed. You might see work by Marilyn Lanfear, Gary Sweeney, Ken Little, Kelly O’Connor, Lance Letscher, Henry Stein, Vernon Fisher, Dario Robleto or Danville Chadbourne at one or both museums. Many local galleries include work incorporating found objects. LP: Personally, have you collected curious objects? Have you created your own piece of found objects? CB: Yes, I collect curious objects that I might find walking down the street: pieces of metal, wood, glass, stone, etc. I also collect art that many people might find unusual. Some of it includes found objects. I am most likely to find it on eBay, in flea markets, in Bill’s Junk in Houston or on tours of artists’ studios—such as the East Austin Studio Tour. On rare occasions, I create art using found objects. For now, I am much more likely to appreciate other peoples’ creations. Five movies hitting the big screen in 2017 Special to La Prensa 2017 is shaping up to be a record-breaking year in movie history, with action-packed stories, thrilling sequels and family comedies. Here are five of the most anticipated films have recently announced their release dates that you will not want to miss. “Fist Fight” – In theaters Feb. 17, 2017 Ice Cube and Charlie Day star as high school teachers prepared to solve their differences the hard way in the comedy “Fist Fight”, directed by Richie Keen (“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”). On the last day of the year, mild-mannered high school English teacher Andy Campbell (Day) is trying his best to keep it together amidst senior pranks, a dysfunctional administration and budget cuts that put jobs on the line. But things go from bad to worse when he accidentally crosses his much tougher and deeply feared colleague, Ron Strickland (Cube), who challenges Campbell to an old-fashioned throw down after school. News of the fight spreads like wildfire and ends up becoming the very thing this school, and Campbell, needed. Genre: Comedy Director: Richie Keen Writers: Van Robichaux, Evan Susser Producers: Shawn Levy, Max Greenfield, John Rickard, Dan Cohen Cast: Charlie Day, Ice Cube, Tracy Morgan, Jillian Bell, Dean Norris, Christina Hendricks, Dennis Haysbert and JoAnna Garcia Swisher. “A Cure For Wellness” – In theaters Feb. 17, 2017 An ambitious young executive is sent to retrieve his company’s CEO from an idyllic but mysterious “wellness center” at a remote location in the Swiss Alps. He soon suspects that the spa’s miraculous treatments are not what they seem. When he begins to unravel its terrifying secrets, his sanity is tested, as he finds himself diagnosed with the same curious illness that keeps all the guests here longing for the cure. From Gore Verbinski, the visionary director of “The Ring,” comes the new psychological thriller, “A Cure For Wellness.” Genre: Psychological thriller Director: Gore Verbinski Writers: Justin Haythe; Story by Justin Haythe and Gore Verbinski Producers: Arnon Milchan, p.g.a.; Gore Verbinski, p.g.a.; David Crockett, p.g.a. Cast: Dane DeHaan, Jason Isaacs, Mia Goth “Logan” – In theaters March 3, 2017 Logan is an upcoming American superhero drama film featuring the Marvel Comics character Wolverine. It is intended to be the 10th install- 2017 will release some of the most highly-anticipated films, whether you like action, comedy or horror. (Courtesy photos) ment in the X-Men film series, as well as the third and final Wolverine solo film following “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009) and “The Wolverine” (2013). The film takes inspiration from the comic book “Old Man Logan” by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, which follows a past-his-prime Logan undertaking a final adventure in the post-apocalyptic future. Hugh Jackman stars as Logan in what is intended to be his final portrayal of the character after having played the role for 17 years, with Patrick Stewart co-starring as Charles Xavier. Trailer - https://www. Genre: Action, Adventure Director: James Mangold Screenplay writers: Michael Green and Scott Frank & James Mangold Storywriters: David James Kelly and James Mangold Producers: Simon Kinberg, Hutch Parker, Lauren Shuler Cast: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Richard E. Grant, Boyd Holbrook, Stephen Merchant, Dafne Keen “The Boss Baby” – In theaters March 31, 2017 DreamWorks Animation and the director of “Madagascar” invite you to meet a most unusual baby. He wears a suit, speaks with the voice and wit of Alec Baldwin, and stars in the animated comedy, DreamWorks’ “The Boss Baby.” The movie is a hilariously universal story about how a new baby’s arrival impacts a family, told from the point of view of a delightfully unreliable narrator, a wildly imaginative 7-year-old named Tim. With a sly, heart-filled message about the importance of family, DreamWorks’ “The Boss Baby” is an authentic and broadly appealing original comedy for all ages. Genre: Animation Director: Tom McGrath Writers: Michael McCullers (based on the award-winning picture book by Marla Frazee) Producers: Ramsey Ann Naito Cast: Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, Tobey Maguire, Miles Bakshi “Annabelle 2” – In theaters Aug. 11, 2017 From New Line Cinema comes “Annabelle 2,” with David F. Sandberg (“Lights Out”) helming the follow up to 2014´s hugely successful “Annabelle,” which scared up nearly $257 million at the worldwide box office during its run in theaters. The new film is once again being produced by Peter Safran and James Wan, who also partnered so effectively on “The Conjuring” movies. Sandberg directs from a screenplay by Gary Dauberman, who also wrote “Annabelle.” The film stars Stephanie Sigman (“Spectre”), Talitha Bateman (“The 5th Wave”), Lulu Wilson (upcoming “Ouija 2”, “Deliver Us from Evil”), Philippa Anne Coulthard (“After the Dark”), Grace Fulton (“Badland”), Lou Lou Safran (“The Choice”), Samara Lee (“Foxcatcher”, “The Last Witch Hunter”), Tayler Buck in her feature film debut, with Anthony LaPaglia (TV´s “Without a Trace”) and Miranda Otto (Showtime´s “Homeland”, “The Lord of the Rings” Trilogy). In this installment several years after the tragic death of their little girl, a dollmaker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, soon becoming the target of the dollmaker´s possessed creation, Annabelle. Genre: Horror Director: John Leonetti Writers: Gary Dauberman Producers: Peter Safran, Joan Mao, James Wan Cast: Annabelle Wallis, Alfre Woodard, Ward Horton, Tony Amendola, Eric Laden, Brian Howe 6 La Prensa de San Antonio 1 de enero de 2017 NBC Universo estrenará serie San Antonio Cocktail mexicana “Niño Santo” Conference promises to be Especial para La Prensa NBC Universo, el canal de cable dedicado a los deportes y al entretenimiento para latinos, anunció que el estreno de “Niño Santo”, la popular serie mexicana protagonizada por Karla Souza y José María de Tavira será el miércoles 11 de enero a las 10pm/9C. Esta serie de 13 episodios está inspirada tanto en la vida real como en la fama mítica de José Fidencio de Jesús Sintora Constantino, mejor conocido como El Niño Fidencio, uno de los curanderos más célebres de México. “El Niño” es conocido por realizar cirugías sin anestesia y sin causarle ningún dolor al paciente. “NBC UNIVERSO es una cadena que toma riesgos ofreciendo la mejor programación de entretenimiento en español a los televidentes”, expresó Pablo Cruz, Productor Ejecutivo. “Nos sentimos honrados que nuestra serie ‘Niño Santo’ forme parte de su programación”. “Niño Santo” se centra en un grupo de jóvenes doctores que han sido enviados al remoto pueblo de Agua Azul, en el sur de México, para vacunar a los lugareños, pues estos están sufriendo de una epidemia desconocida. Una vez que llegan al lugar, la comunidad se resiste a ser tratada por los doctores, pues forma parte de un culto poco usual encabezado por un curandero misterioso, “El Niño”. La curiosidad de los doctores los lleva a infiltrarse en este grupo en nombre de la ciencia. Y a medida que van presenciando fenómenos extraordinarios que están fuera de la realidad, los “milagros”, empiezan a sopesar lo que es científicamente imposible con aquello que es posible según la fe. “Estamos muy emocionados de presentar esta producción de gran calidad, que incluye una trama fascinante y un grupo de actores y productores de gran calibre”, señaló Bilai Joa Silar, vicepresidente sénior de Programación y Producción. “Es un drama lleno de suspenso, cuya mezcla de ciencia, fe y superstición atraerá a los televidentes a descubrir la historia mística y religiosa del curandero mexicano”. La serie está protagonizada por Karla Souza como Lucía Suárez, José María de Tavira como Damián”, Francisco De La Reguera como Farca, Harold Torres como Mateo y Gabino Rodríguez como “El Niño”. “Niño Santo” está dirigida por Marc Vigil y fue creada por Mauricio Katz, Pedro Peirano y Pablo Cruz (Fear of the Walking Dead, César Chávez). Cruz también comparte créditos como productor ejecutivo junto a los productores asociados Diego Luna (“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”) y Gael García Bernal Gael García Berna (“Mozart in the Jungle”, “Neruda”). La serie fue adquirida de Engine Entertainment. bigger and bolder in 2017 Special to La Prensa Just as the holiday season comes to an end, many will need plans for recovering from those family-intense activities. The San Antonio Cocktail Conference provides five days and nights of relief in the form of parties, seminars, tastings and whimsy – focused on the creative craft of cocktails. Best of all, a full 100 percent of the profits from SACC ticket sales are donated to children’s charities. The 2017 SACC events promise to be bigger and bolder than ever, featuring new event venues and twists on favorites. Event tickets on sale now include: Women Shaking it Up: Cookies and Cocktails at La Villita ($65) Wednesday, Jan. 11, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Celebrating women who ‘shake it up’ in non-traditional careers, SACC presents cocktails from female bartenders paired with bites from local female chefs, designed to accompany a Girl Scout cookie flavor. The new S’mores Cookie will be the featured “guest cookie.” Not just for women, but cheering on girls and the women they become, this event will benefit the Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas. Opening Night at The DoSeum ($85) Thursday, Jan. 12, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. Whimsical fun and fantasy performances and music will El actor Gabino Rodríguez es el “Niño Santo”, José Fidencio de Jesús Sintora Constan- pair with the imaginative cocktino, un célebre curandero de México, en la serie “Niño Santo”, próxima a estrenarse. tails and creative bites we’ve come to expect from SACC – (Foto, cortesía) this time from a new location – at the DoSeum. Waldorf on the Prairie at The St. Anthony Hotel ($100) Friday, Jan. 13, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. SACC’s beautiful Friday night event returns to transform the St. Anthony into a regal setting filled with glamour, style, music and boundless hospitality from bartenders and chefs. Stroll on Houston Street ($85) Saturday, Jan. 14, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. A street party with cocktails, entertainment and tastings stretching through two blocks of San Antonio’s historic main downtown street. After Hours: A Draught Party at Alamo Beer ($50) Saturday, Jan. 14, 10 p.m. – 1 a.m. Late night at SACC is at Alamo Beer Brewery where San Antonio’s hometown brews will be served alongside cocktails on draught and late night eats. Live music until the wee hours! It’s Not Over Yet: Brunch in Old San Antonio at the Spanish Governor’s Palace ($50) Sunday, Jan. 15, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Travel back to old San Antonio in this landmark building, with morning tequila craft cocktails and the perfect brunch to cure those morning after blues. Tasting Suites at the Valencia Hotel ($45) Saturday afternoon, Jan. 14, 12 – 4 p.m. The Tasting Suites are an opportunity to experience a taste from brands both big and boutique, with time and space for conversation about the spirit from the experts. Seminars and Workshops ($45 - $75 each) Friday and Saturday, Jan. 13 and 14, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Learn from the experts and improve your cocktail skills and knowledge. Seminars are geared to all audiences, from Cocktail Rookie to Cocktail Aficionado, and Industry Specific. Attendance is limited, so these tickets often sell out early. The High-Jinx Pass ($450) The multi-event pass for true enthusiasts and includes entry to all evening events Wednesday through Saturday including After Hours event, plus entry to the Tasting Suites. All tickets and a full schedule of events are available at www. San Antonio Cocktail Conference is a Houston Street Charities event. Houston Street Charities is a nonprofit organization created by Bohanan’s Prime Steaks & Seafood and Mark Bohanan. It was founded to oversee the San Antonio Cocktail Conference and other charitable endeavors of Bohanan’s, in an effort to make sure that giving back to community remains at the forefront of all of the events. The festival brings together top bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts for educational seminars, guided tastings and cocktail parties. SACC has been named one of the Best Cocktail Festivals in America by Fodor’s and Travel + Leisure. San Antonio Cocktail Conference is a community partnership that donates 100 percent of its profits to children’s charities. ‘Shadowland’ coming to The Tobin Special to La Prensa Pilobolus presents its groundbreaking show “Shadowland” at The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. in the H-E-B Performance Hall. Part of the Tobin Dance Series, “Shadowland” is a first of its kind presentation of multi-media, shadowplay and dance and is touring North America following four successful years in Europe. Tickets are available online at, via phone (210) 223-8624 and in-person at the Tobin Center’s Box Office (100 Auditorium Circle, 78205). Box Office hours are Monday-Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tickets are $20, $34.50, $44.50 and $54.50. Created by famed dance company Pilobolus after years of experimentation with shortform shadow play, “Shadowland” is part shadow act, part dance, part circus and part concert. It was conceived in collaboration with Steven Banks, lead writer for the play- fully surreal animated series “SpongeBob SquarePants,” and is propelled by a rhythmic original score by the popular American musician, producer and film composer David Poe. “Shadowland” combines Pilobolus’s legendary approach to modern dance with high-energy, fast- paced multimedia innovation, including multiple moving screens of different sizes and shapes, and a mind-bending merging of projected images and frontof-screen choreography that leverage darkness and light. European critics are in awe of “Shadowland”: Stuttgarter Zeitung said, “Watching ‘Shadowland’ makes you speechless … Pilobolus has given us something beautiful, touching and completely unexpected.” And, Le Parisien called it “an amazing spectacle of inventiveness which is unclassifiable and inspiring.” The story begins at night in a small house on a modest street. A teenage girl prepares for bed. While to her parents she is still a little girl, she longs for her independence. With nowhere for her thoughts to go but into her dreams, she sleeps, only to wake to something incredible lurking behind her bedroom wall—her shadow. Walls spin, darkness swallows the girl, and she’s off on a journey into Shadowland— searching for a way out. Thus begins “Shadowland,” a signature Pilobolus performance with the fluid logic of a dream, the grace of an acrobatic dance, the humor of a child’s cartoon diversion and the heart of a love story. “Shadowland” celebrates the strange and wonderful power of the dark to show us who we are in unexpected and utterly thrilling ways. Pilobolus is named after a barnyard fungus that propels its spores with extraordinary speed, accuracy and strength. The dance company was founded by a group of Dartmouth College students in 1971, and they continually form diverse collaborations that break down barriers between disciplines and challenge the way we think about dance. Physically and intellectually, the company engages and inspires audiences around the world through performance, education and creative consultation. The 2017 San Antonio Cocktail Conference tickets are now on sale. (Courtesy photo) Gael García Bernal regresa en una comedia para el Mes del Amor Por La Prensa “You’re Killing Me Susana” (Me estás matando Susana) es el título de una nueva comedia romántica mexicana protagonizado por Gael García Bernal. La película se estrenará en cines de Los Ángeles y Nueva York el 17 de febrero de 2017. De allí en adelante será llevada a otras diez ciudades. La comedia fue presentada en el Festival de Cine Internacional de Guadalajara, Festival de Cine Internacional de Chicago, Festival de Cine de Mill Valley este año y también ya fue proyectada en los cines de México. “En “You’re Killing Me Susana (Me estás matando Susana), Bernal interpreta a Eligio, un narcisista actor de telenovelas de la ciudad de México que un día se sorprende al descubrir que su esposa, Susana (Verónica Echégui), lo ha abandonado sin decir una palabra. Cuando se entera que ella se inscribió en un curso de escritura en una universidad de Iowa, decide seguirla y persuadirla para que The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts welcomes “Shadowland” on Jan. 18, 2017 regrese a su lado. Al llegar durante una tormenta de nieve a at 7:30 p.m. Tickets start at $20. (Courtesy photo) Gael García Bernal y Verónica Echégui en una escena de “Me estás matando Susana”, comedia a estrenarse en febrero del próximo año. (Foto, cortesía) lo que parece ser el medio de la nada, Eligio se siente como un pez fuera del agua y se decepciona al descubrir que Susana ya ha continuado con su vida. Poco a poco, empieza a darse cuenta de que tomará mucho más que su usual carisma y bonitas palabras para volver a ganarse su amor”. La cinta es producida y dirigida por Roberto Sneider (“Arráncame la vida”) a partir de un guion de Luis Cámara y Sneider, basado en la novela “Ciudades desiertas” de José Agustín. El elenco está formado por Verónica Echégui, Ashley Grace, Jadyn Wong, Björn Hlynur Haraldsson y Adam Hurtig. Samuel Douek, presidente de Hola México Distribution, en comunicado de prensa sobre el anuncio afirmó: “Creemos que al público de EE.UU., que son fans de Gael por películas como ‘Diarios de motocicleta’,, ‘Babel’ y ‘No’, y más recientemente por su serie de TV ‘Mozart in the Jungle’, le encantará su actuación en ‘You’re Killing Me Susana’ (Me estás matando Susana), donde interpreta a un hombre pícaro y encantador en el estilo de Hugh Grant en ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’ y ‘About a Boy’. Es una película graciosa y entretenida, ideal para que los adultos la vean en una cita”. 1 de enero de 2017 La Prensa de San Antonio Vanessa Carlton to perform at The Tobin 7 San Antonio Symphony celebrates classical music with annual Mozart Festival Special to La Prensa Special to La Prensa Adding another amazing artist to the line-up for Studio Sessions, The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts presents singer songwriter Vanessa Carlton in the Carlos Alvarez Studio Theater on Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online, via phone (210) 223-8624 and in-person at the Tobin Center’s Box Office (100 Auditorium Circle, 78205). Box Office hours are Monday-Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. General admission tickets are $36.50. Tickets for select VIP seating in the first three rows are available for $60. Carlton is a singer song writer from Nashville, TN. Fifteen years into an illustrious career, she’s on the road bringing to life the music from her newly released live album, “Liberman Live.” Carlton’s “Liberman” is her most acclaimed work to date, arriving to unanimous critical praise from Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly, Boston Globe, Nylon, Paste, Esquire and many more. Pitchfork claimed, “A million years ago, Vanessa Carlton released ‘A Thousand Miles,’ the pop song that launched a generation of piano lessons. Now, she’s Celebrating the inventive genius and inspiring legacy of Mozart, the San Antonio Symphony presents its 2017 Mozart Festival, running Jan. 6 thru March 2, 2017. Sebastian Lang-Lessing, music director for the Symphony, continues his remarkable composer-focused festivals with the greatest genius of classical music—Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In just 35 years, Mozart composed over 600 works. He wrote his first symphony when he was 8 years old and composed some of the greatest operas, symphonies and chamber music the world has ever known. With 20 concerts in and around San Antonio, the Mozart Festival features Symphony performances at the San Fernando Cathedral and the Tobin Center for the Per- forming Arts. In addition to these performances, Mozart fans will also be treated to concerts by the San Antonio Chamber Choir, San Antonio Chamber Music Society, YOSA (Youth Orchestra San Antonio), Soli Chamber Ensemble, UTSA Department of Music, Musical Offerings, Olmos Ensemble, San Antonio Choral Society, Musical Bridges Around the World and more. Tickets are on sale now for all performances. Purchase on line at and at Mozart Festival concerts featuring the San Antonio Symphony: Mozart’s 40th Symphony – Jan. 6 and 7 at 8 p.m. at H-E-B Performance Hall at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts Mozart at the Cathedral – Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. at San Fernando Cathedral Mozart and Mendelssohn – Jan. 13 and 14 at 8 p.m. at H-E-B Performance Hall at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts Mozart at the Cathedral – Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. at San Fernando Cathedral Mozart – Jan. 27 and 28 at 8 p.m. at H-E-B Performance Hall at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts Mozart Piano Concerti – Feb. 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. at H-E-B Performance Hall at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts Mozart at the Cathedral – Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. at San Fernando Cathedral Mozart No. 39 and Jupiter – Feb. 10 and 11 at 8 p.m. and Feb. 12 at 2 p.m. at H-E-B Performance Hall at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts For a complete listing of all Mozart Festival concerts and events visit Singer Vanessa Carlton will perform at the Carlos Alvarez Studio Theater on Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets start at $36.50. (Courtesy photo) releasing the raw, muted, refreshingly weird ‘Liberman,’ a record that could share headspaces with Perfume Genius or Angel Olsen.” Ultimately, “Liberman” feels like a new chapter in Carlton’s storied career, revealing new facets of her musical skill and instigating fresh inspirations. For more information, please visit The San Antonio Symphony presents its 2017 Mozart Festival, running Jan. 6 thru March 2, 2017 with 20 concerts in and around San Antonio. (Courtesy photo) Acción y comedia en DVD, HD y Blu-ray Por La Prensa No manches Frida (WTH Frida!?!) Después de cumplir una condena por haber cometido un atraco, Zequi (Omar Chaparro) recupera la libertad y descubre que su botín se encuentra enterrado debajo del gimnasio de una escuela preparatoria que ha sido construido recientemente. Para acceder al dinero en efectivo, Zequi se hace pasar por un carismático profesor sustituto de la Escuela Preparatoria Frida Kahlo. Pero antes de que Zequi pueda recuperar el dinero, el exladrón tendrá que enfrentarse a una clase repleta de niños revoltosos y a una bella maestra (Martha Higareda), quien tal vez acabe robándole el corazón en el transcurso de esta divertida comedia. La comedia “No Manches, Frida” está clasificada PG-13 por contenido sexual explícito, drogas y adolescentes bebiendo y fumando, uso esporádico de comentarios verbales y gestos fuertes, así como de elementos temáticos. Originalmente es en español, pero trae subtítulos en inglés y español. El material especial del DVD/Digital HD contiene el cortometraje “Behind the Scenes of No Manches Frida”. The Magnificent Seven La clásica de vaqueros regresó este año con un nuevo reparto y más moderna. “The Magnificent Seven” ya se encuentra disponible en Combo Pack Blu-Ray y DVD. Dirigida por Antoine Fuqua, la historia cuenta sobre la desesperación de la comunidad de Rose Creek que “lleva a sus residentes a utilizar la protección de siete forajidos, cazadores de recompensas, apostadores compulsivos y sicarios cuando el pueblo cae bajo el control mortal del industrial Bartholomew Bogue. Mientras preparan a la población para el violento enfrentamiento que se avecina, los siete mercenarios acabarán luchando por mucho más que simplemente dinero”. Actúan en este nueva versión Denzel Washington como Sam Chilsolm, Chris Pratt como Josh Farraday, Ethan Hawke como Goodnight Robicheaux, Vincent D’Onofrio como Jack Horne, Byung-Hun Lee como Billy Rocks, Martin Sensmeier como Red Harvest, Manuel GarcíaRulfo como Vásquez and Peter Sarsgaard como Bartholomew Bogue. Entre los materiales extra del Blu-ray está el “Vengeance Mode”, donde Washington, Pratt y Hawke y otros miembros del reparto se sentaron con el director para hablar sobre la película. También vienen los cortometrajes “Gunslingers”, que muestra el entrenamiento en armas que recibió el reparto, escenas eliminadas, entre otros. Asimismo, el segmento titulado “Magnificent Music” relata la historia de la partitura final de James Horner antes de su prematura muerte. La película tiene clasificación PG por secuencias intensas y prolongadas de violencia en el oeste, consumo de tabaco, lenguaje inapropiado y material sugestivo. Deepwater Horizon Otra película de drama y acción que también ya está dis- ponible en formatos domésticos es “Deepwater Horizon”. Mark Wahlberg encabeza un reparto estelar en una película inolvidable que se inspira en una apasionante historia sobre héroes en la vida real. Para las ciento veintiséis personas a bordo de la plataforma petrolera Deepwater Horizon, el 20 de abril de 2010 arrancó como un día normal. Pero antes de que el día acabe, el mundo será testigo de uno de los mayores desastres humanos de la historia de Estados Unidos “. Los lanzamientos de Deepwater Horizon en 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray y Digital HD vienen con más de dos horas de material especial que incluye “Beyond the Horizon”, una serie de cinco partes de una hora de duración (en la que Mark Wahlberg y el reparto se reúnen con los héroes en la vida real para compartir sus experiencias sobre Deepwater Horizon), tres cortometrajes nuevos que exploran cómo Peter Berg dirigió la película, y el trabajo que se necesitó para recrear la plataforma petrolera Deepwater Horizon. 8 La Prensa de San Antonio Patricia Manterola and Karim Mendiburu join ‘Siempre Niños’ as co-hosts Special to La Prensa The lovely Patricia Manterola and charismatic Karim Mendiburu join the beloved Mario Kreutzberger, Don Francisco, as co-hosts of the new entertainment show “Siempre Niños,” premiering on Telemundo Sunday, Jan. 8 at 8 p.m./7c. Viewers will now enjoy when kids take control and adults relive childhood in this family-friendly show featuring fun segments, games and challenges, hilarious debates with kids, children with extraordinary talent, and guest artists sharing stories when they were little. Following her participation as co-host of season four of “La Voz Kids,” Manterola returns to Telemundo in “Siempre Niños.” Patty, as most people call her, joined the ranks of Latin stars around the world as part of the famous musical group Garibaldi. Her acting credits include a number of telenovelas, including the worldwide hit “Acapulco, Cuerpo y Alma”; top Hollywood productions such as “Ángeles,” the Spanish-language version of “Charlie’s Angels”; and movies like “The City of Lost Souls,” “The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood,” “Carman: The Champion” and “The Perfect Game.” She has also pursued a musical career, with eight solo albums to date, among them “Niña Bonita” and “Quiero Más,” as well as “Que el Ritmo no Pare,” the official theme song of the 2002 Vuelta a España, Spain’s version of the Tour de France, and the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan (with an English-language version, “The Rhythm”). This year, Patricia Manterola and Karim Mendiburu join Don Francisco as co-hosts of Telemundo’s “Siempre Niños,” premiering on Telemundo Sunday Jan. 8 at 8 p.m./7c. (Courtesy photo) she launched her new single “Alalaleo” with a spectacular presentation on “La Voz Kids.” Karim Mendiburu is the host of Telemundo’s “Titulares y Más” and a contributor to “Ritmo Deportivo,” where he covers fascinating stories from the world of sports with a unique combination of charisma, humor and passion for different disciplines. Mendiburu has traveled around the world to cover top sporting events, including the Olympics, FIFA World Cup, Super Bowl, World Wrestling Entertainment, X-Games, NASCAR, UFC and NBA. Born in Mexico City, he studied acting at the Centro de Arte Dramático de México. Over the course of his career, he has been a theme park performer, hosted a number of programs for young adult audiences, and appeared in the Telemundo original series “Los Teens.” Viewers can learn more about “Siempre Niños” atñosTV, including photo galleries and videos, and follow the show on social media at SiempreNiñosTV; and Instagram @SiempreNiñosTLMD, using the hashtag #SiempreNiños. 1 de enero de 2017
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