St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church Pastor: Rev. Fr. Paul Kochu Assisting Priests: Rev. Fr. Matteo Rizzo Rev. Fr. Charles Leke Permanent Deacons: Rev. Mr. Dennis Cronk Rev. Mr. Joe Reid Rev. Mr. Mike Waldron Mass Schedule Weekdays: Third Sunday of Advent December 11, 2016 Monday Friday: 8 AM Weekends: Saturday Vigil: 4 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM 9:15 AM 11:30 AM 1:30 PM (Spanish) 5:30 PM A SEASON OF HOPE Today we can bask in the imagery that the Mass readings offer us. In particular, Confessions: Isaiah’s vision of a parched land that blooms with abundant flowers holds a Saturday message for each of us. Too often we are just like that parched land. We can *2:30 PM 3:45 PM allow ourselves to become absorbed in the waves of consumerism that grip so *Special time for the many. We look for fulfillment in the things that money can buy. Unfortunately, Advent Season, see this leaves us like parched land, thirsting for something that money can’t buy. additional times inside This holy season has much to offer to quench our thirsts. In a word, this season offers hope. We are told that those who are ransomed by God will know joy and Office Hours: gladness. For them, sorrow and mourning will be no more. Let us place our Monday Ͳ Thursday: hope in these promises. 8:30 AM Ͳ 4:00 PM Friday: 8:30 AM Ͳ 1 PM Church / Mailing Address: 2757 Alderman Road Palm Harbor, FL 34684 Phone: (727) 786Ͳ3648 Fax: (727) 789Ͳ9556 Christmas & New Year’s Masses The Navity of Our Lord Saturday, December 24: 4pm & 11pm Sunday, December 25, 2016 8:30am, 11:30am and 1:30pm (Spanish) Website: Email: offi[email protected] Spanish Ministry: [email protected] New Year Ͳ Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Saturday, December 31, 2016: 4pm & 11pm Sunday, January 1, 2017: 8:30am, 11:30am & 1:30pm (Spanish) Page 2 Pastoral Message December 11, 2016 Third Sunday of Advent Greetings and prayers dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Welcome to our celebration of the Third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday or Rejoice Sunday. In Scripture from Philippians 4:45 we read, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: Rejoice! … . The Lord is near.” This holy season is a time of anticipation and preparation that leads our hearts and thoughts toward Christ to His second coming at the end of time as well as the anniversary of the celebration of His birth on the Nativity of the Lord (December 25). As I sit and write this, two days ago on Monday morning (Nov. 28) the announcement was made that His Holiness, Pope Francis, had named a successor for our retiring Bishop Lynch. Due to early printing company deadlines for this page, by the time you read this in print, surely you will have heard the news either through our pulpit announcements or through news media. Our new bishop is the Most Reverend Gregory L. Parkes. He comes here to us from the Diocese of Pensacola Tallahassee where he has served as Bishop since 2012. He will be installed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg on January 4, 2017, at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle. It is my understanding, as of this writing, that the Installation Mass will be televised live on EWTN. Perhaps other stations may carry it, or parts of it, but I cannot be sure. I believe the time of day is tentatively scheduled for 2:30 PM. By the time this comes to print we most likely will know the details. When they are available, it will be announced. I would like to use this space to give you Bishop Parkes’ background information which was provided to our Diocese by the Diocese of PensacolaTallahassee. “Most Rev. Gregory L. Parkes was ordained and installed as the Fifth Bishop of PensacolaTallahassee on June 5, 2012, having been appointed to the position by His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, on March 20, 2012. Bishop Parkes was born April 2, 1964 in Mineola, NY. He attended St. Rose of Lima School in Massapequa, NY, Massapequa High School and Daytona Beach Community College before earning a bachelor’s degree in finance from Florida State University. Prior to entering the seminary he worked in the banking industry in Tampa, Florida. He attended St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach, Florida from 1993 1996 and the Pontifical North American College in the Vatican City State from 1996 2000. He holds a Sacred Theology (S.T.B.) degree from the Pontifical Gregorian University (1998) and a Canon Law (J.C.L.) degree from the Pontifical Gregorian University (2000). He was ordained a priest of the Orlando diocese by Bishop Norbert Dorsey on June 26, 1999. Bishop Parkes has two brothers, Christopher Parkes, and Father Stephen Parkes, a priest of the Diocese of Orlando. The Parkes’ parents are deceased. Assignments after ordination included parochial vicar, Holy Family Catholic Church, Orlando from 20002004 and parochial administrator and pastor of Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Celebration, Florida, from 20052012. Bishop Parkes served the Orlando diocese as Vicar General and Chancellor for Canonical Affairs and as the pastor of Corpus Christi Parish in Celebration, Florida.” Bishop Parkes knows our diocesan area. He lived in the Tampa Bay area for seven years, I think it was, and was an active parishioner at Christ the King in Tampa. It is happenstance that he was installed as the fifth bishop of PensacolaTallahassee, and will be installed as the fifth bishop of our Diocese. His height is often mentioned. At one time it was believed he was the tallest bishop in the United States with his stature of 6’8”. I do not know if that is still the case. Let us keep in our daily prayers our new bishop, Bishop Parkes, and Bishop Lynch as well. There will be more on this in weeks to come. In closing, we continue with our positive Advent Attitudes, setting our focus on the Lord and not on the worldly celebrations of this time of year. Let us continue with our good examples as we act as instruments of Christ’s peace in this holy Advent season. Wishing all a blessed week filled with God, His love and His mercy. Father Paul In the Liturgy Page 3 THE GIVING TREE This year the giving Tree offerings are going to the Children of Haiti. They are starving. They need bread to fill their hungry stomachs, not toys. Please make a personal sacrifice and donate to help these children. For the hungry God comes in the form of bread. Take an envelope from the tree and put your donations in the collection baskets. Write the Checks to St. Luke Catholic Church and in the memo line put Haiti Children. Advent Confession Schedule: Prepare your heart for Jesus! Wednesday Thursday Saturday 8:40 am 9:40 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 2:30 pm 3:45 pm ST. LUKE PARISH HEALING MASS Join us on First Fridays for the 11am Mass and the Anointing of the Sick Mark your calendars for the next First Fridays: January 6 February 3 March 3 April 7 The Seven Sacraments of Catholicism Anointing of the Sick A baptized Catholic who reaches the age of reason and is seriously sick (life threatening) can receive the sacrament of Anointing. Anointing of the Sick is the second sacrament of healing. In this sacrament a priest anoints the sick with oil blessed specifically for that purpose. "The anointing of the sick can be administered to any member of the faithful who, having reached the use of reason, begins to be in danger by reason of illness or old age" (canon 1004; cf. CCC 1514). A new illness or a worsening of health enables a person to receive the sacrament a further time. When, in the Western Church, the sacrament was conferred only on those in immediate danger of death, it came to be known as "Extreme Unction", i.e. "Final Anointing", administered as one of the Last Rites. The other Last Rites are Confession (if the dying person is physically unable to confess, at least absolution, conditional on the existence of contrition, is given), and the Eucharist, which when administered to the dying is known as “Viaticum” a word whose original meaning in Latin was "provision for a journey". Theresa Capricci ([email protected]) Scripture Readings for the Week Prepare and Pray the Word of God Today’s Readings: December 11, 2016 The Third Sunday of Advent Is 35:16a,10; Ps 146; Jas 5:710; Mt 11:211 Monday, December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe Zec 2:1417 or Rv 11:19a; 12:16a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:2638 or Lk 1:3947, or any readings from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707712 Tuesday, December 13 St. Lucy Zep 3:12, 913; Ps 34:23, 67, 1719, 23; Mt 21:2832 Wednesday, December 14 St. John of the Cross Is 45: 6b8, 18, 21b25; Ps 85:9ab, 1014; Lk 7:18b23 Thursday, December 15 Is 54:110; Ps 30:2, 46, 1112a, 13b; Lk 7:2430 Friday, December 16 Is 56:13a, 68; Ps 67:23, 5, 78; Jn 5:3336 Saturday, December 17 Gn 49:2, 810; Ps 72:14ab, 78, 17; Mt 1:117 Next Sunday’s Readings: December 18, 2016 The Fourth Sunday of Advent Is 7:1014; Ps 21; Rom 1:17; Mt 1:1824 First Reading: You will be given this sign: the vir gin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel (Is 7:1014). Psalm: Let the Lor d enter; he is king of glory (Psalm 24). Second Reading: ² God has called us to belong to Jesus Christ (Romans 1:1 7). Gospel: The son bor n of Mar y shall be called Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. He shall be Emmanuel, “God is with us” (Matthew 1:1824). Page 4 Examen December 11, 2016 Third Sunday of Advent EXAMINATIONOFCONSCIENCE:OPTIONA OnDecember22,2014PopeFrancismetwiththebehindǦtheǦscenesVatican employees.Afterthankingthemfortheirdedication,heencouragedthemto examine areas of their lives. The following words are adapted from his remarks. “Careforyourspirituallife,yourrelationshipwithGod.” AmIaChristianwhoisnotnourishedbyprayerandthesacraments? DoIstudytheWordofGod? “Careforyourfamilylife…” DoIgivemyfamilytime,attention,andlove? DoIcarefortheirdailyneeds? “Healthewoundsoftheheartwiththeoilofforgiveness…” HaveIforgivenotherswhohavehurtme? HaveIsaid“I’msorry”tothosewhomIhavehurtandhaveItriedtomakeamends? “Watchhowyouspeak…” DoIneedtopurifymyeverydaylanguagefromoffensivewords,vulgarities,andphrasesused intheworldlydecadence? DoIgossipaboutothersortellfalsetruths? “Careforyourwork…” DoIworkwithenthusiasmandpassion? AmIhumbleenoughtothanktheLordformyaccomplishments? DoIusemyGodǦgivenskillsandtalentsintheserviceofothers? “Avoidenvy,lust,hatred,andnegativefeelings…” Aremythoughtsandactionsdestructivetowardmyrelationships,especiallywiththose whomIlove? Domythoughtsdestroymyinnerpeace? DoIsayinsultingthingswhenitwouldbebettertoremainsilent? DoIsurroundmyselfwithangryordestructivepeople? “Reachouttothosewhoneedyou…thisishowyouwillbejudged.” DoIassisttheweak,theelderly,thesick? DoIstandupforforeignersorforthosewhoareoppressed? DoIfeedthehungryandshelterthehomeless? “Letgoof…” “Thebitternessthatbringsustorevenge” “Thelazinessthatleadstoexistentialeuthanasia” “The(ingerǦpointingthatleadstopride” “Thecomplainingthatleadstodespair” ministerio español Page 5 Misa Navidad en Español Domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016 a las 1:30PM CONTAGIEMOS DE ALEGRÍA AL MUNDO ENTERO Este domingo se llamaba DOMINGO GAUDETE, en Latín, porque expresa los motivos de la gozosa espera del pueblo de Israel al encontrarse con el Mesias, El Salvador. Cuando el pueblo de Israel le pregunta al profeta Isaías ¿Cuándo veremos todas esas maravillas que nos describe, (primera lectura) y que pruebas tenemos para esto? El Profeta lo dice con toda seguridad: cuando vean el desierto florecer, cuando vean que los ojos del ciego se abren, cuando oigan la lengua del mudo cantar, cuando vuelvan a casa los secuestrados, los rescatados por el Señor, cantando y celebrando, es porque ha llegado la salvación. Tengan un poco de paciencia, dice el apóstol Santiago (2. Lectura) sean como el labrador que espera los frutos de la tierra, pero primero aguarda pacientemente las lluvias, el sol, la luna en las noches el aire fresco, el día y la noche, entonces sí podrá el sembrador cosechar el grano, así también esperemos con fe y con alegría la venida de nuestro Dios. Setecientos u ochocientos años después de la predicación de Isaías aparece otro personaje que desde la carcel manda preguntar a Jesus por medio de sus discípulos: ¿Eres tú el que ha de venir, o tenemos que esperar a otro? Jesus les responde vayan a contar a Juan lo que están viendo y oyendo: los ciegos ven, los sordos oyen, los muertos resucitan y a los pobres se les anuncia el evangelio. ¿No es motivo de alegría para nosotros saber que Dios ha cumplido su promesa y nos ha enviado al Salvador? Y lo mejor de todo: que ya está en medio de nosotros salvándonos. Señor: concédenos alcanzar la gran alegría de la salvación y celebrarla siempre con ánimo dedicado y jubiloso. AMEN. Ministerio Jóvenes Si eres estudiante de Escuela Superior y quieres unirte a nuestro Grupo de Jóvenes, llama a Leni Navarro al 7277863648 ext. 104 o envía correo electrónico a: [email protected]. Recaudación Anual de Alimentos (Patrocinado por la Clase de Confirmandos de San Lucas y los Caballeros de Colón) Esta acción ayuda a nuestra Iglesia San Lucas a alimentar al hermano hambriento en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Se aceptarán donaciones antes de cada Misa hasta el 4 de diciembre. Sabemos que nuestra familia de San Lucas es muy generosa y esperamos sus donaciones. Si gustan, donaciones grandes pueden ser tramitadas a través del hermano y Gran Caballero Bill Gargiulo o cualquier otro Caballero de Colón que vean en la Iglesia. GUARDIAN ANGELS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 9:30AM Join us for our Kindergarten Roundup! Parents of students who will enter kindergarten in the 2017-2018 school year are invited to attend a special Kindergarten Round-Up Morning. We want to share our awesome school with you! Meet administrators, teachers, students and parents. Observe teachers in their daily classroom activities during your student-led tour. Let us help you to make your decision for your child’s continued education. All of the necessary information and documents needed for registering your child will be available at the Kindergarten Round-Up. Please RSVP by calling the school office at 727-799-6724 or email our Principal, Mary Stalzer, at [email protected]. If you are not able to attend the Kindergarten Roundup and would like to schedule a tour, contact the school office. QUICK FACTS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Fully accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference Grades K through eight Highly regarded academic program Spanish, art, general music, physical education, media, and technology classes at all grade levels After-school programs After-school sports for both girls and boys in grades 5-8 Drama and guitar programs available ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Robotics Club for grades 4-8 Embracing students of various faiths Comprehensive technology program (Fully equipped computer lab, individual classroom labs, Smartboards, Middle School 1:1 Tablet Initiative Parental involvement through Parent-Faculty Association and School Advisory Board Scholarships available to qualified applicants Step Up for Students Accepted Page 6 Mass Intentions Saturday, December 10 4:00 pm † Josephine & Ralph Lombardi † Bernice Gehlen Sunday, December 11 7:30 am For St. Luke Parish Family 9:15 am Living & Deceased Members of the Cappiello Family † Klara Remesi 11:30 am † Norman Shockley † Patrick McDonald 1:30 pm 5:30 pm † Margaret & Michael Kelly † James R. Strippy Sr. Monday, December 12 8:00 am For the people of Mexico and Mexicans living in the USA Tuesday, December 13 8:00 am † Lisa Abernethy Wednesday, December 14 8:00 am Priscilla Velez (Living) Happy 18th Birthday! Thursday, December 15 8:00 am † Gertrude Ditz † Maria Alves Friday, December 16 8:00 am † Edward & Marrielorrine O’Leary Saturday, December 17 4:00 pm Joyce Wood (Living) Sunday, December 18 7:30 am For St. Luke Parish Family 9:15 am † Anthony Capua † Ann Milosovic 11:30 am † Manuel & Maria Jorge † John Mullins 1:30 pm † Hiram Lopez 5:30 pm Victoria Arenberg (Living) B This Week at St. Luke’s Before & After Mass this weekend and next: Ladies Auxiliary K of C. Pecan Sales Church Entrance December 11 ± Sunday 7:30am Morning Mass Church 9:15am Choir Mass Church 11:30am Children’s Mass Church 1:30pm Spanish Mass Church 5:30pm Evening Mass Church Parish Office Hours 8:30am4pm December 12 ± Monday 7:15am6:00pm ECC ± Preschool w/before & after care MB 8:00am Daily Mass Church 9:15am12noon ECC ± KMO Program St. Clare Bresee Room 10:00am12:00pm Rosary Makers St. Clare Room1 December 13 ± Tuesday Parish Office Hours 8:30am4pm 7:15am6:00pm ECC ± Preschool w/before & after care MB 8:00am Daily Mass Church 9:15am12noon ECC ± KMO Program St. Clare Bresee Room 6:00pm7:00pm Youth Ministry Meeting AR December 14 ± Wednesday Parish Office Hours 8:30am4pm 7:15am6:00pm ECC ± Preschool w/before & after care MB 8:00am Daily Mass Church Novena / Adoration / Benediction 8:40am9:40am Reconciliation (Confessions) Church 9:15am12noon ECC ± KMO Program St. Clare Bresee Room 6:00pm7:30pm Choir Practice Music Room Parish Office Hours 8:30am4pm December 15 ± Thursday 7:15am6:00pm ECC ± Preschool w/before & after care MB 8:00am Daily Mass Church 9:00am12:00pm Bible Study AR 9:15am12noon ECC ± KMO Program St. Clare Bresee Room 5:00pm7:00pm Reconciliation (Confessions) Church 7:00pm8:00pm AA Meeting St. Clare ± Room 1 7:00pm9:00pm Band Practice Church 7:00pm9:00pm RCIA AR December 16 ± Friday Parish Office Hours 8:30am4pm 7:15am6:00pm ECC ± Preschool w/before & after care MB Daily Mass Church 8:00am 9:15am12noon ECC ± KMO Program St. Clare Bresee Room December 17 ± Saturday 2:30pm3:45pm Reconciliation (Confessions) Church 4:00pm Vigil Mass Church irth and death are one. “The Holly and the Ivy” draws on ancient fertility symbols to compose a minicatechism on Jesus’ life and death. Each part of the holly (“of all the trees that are in the wood,” it “wears the crown”) becomes a visual aid: the white blossom stands for Jesus’ birth; the berry, “red as any blood,” reminds us that in the blood of birthing and of dying “Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ / to do poor sinners good.” The holly’s “prickle” is “as sharp as any thorn,” while its bark is “as bitter as any gall” ± these last, obviously point to the Crucifixion stories. The birth of Christ is celebrated primarily as that which anticipates his suffering and death.
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