Integrated numerical platforms for environmental dose assessments

39ª Reunión Anual de la SNE
Reus (Tarragona) España, 25-27 septiembre 2013
Integrated numerical platforms for environmental dose assessments of
large tritium inventory facilities
P. Castro1, J. Ardao2, M. Velarde3, L. Sedano 4,1, J.Xiberta4
CIEMAT, Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, Avda Complutense,22. 28040 Madrid,
Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, AEMET Leonardo Prieto Castro s/n 28071-Madrid,
DENIM/ETSIM, Univ. Politécnica de Madrid, C/ José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2 28006 Madrid(*)
Depto. de Energía/ETSIMO, Universidad de Oviedo. Independencia, 13 33004, Oviedo
[email protected]
Resumen – En relación al nuevo escenario anticipado de instalaciones con inventario
grande de tritio [como el KATRIN en el TLK, los CANDUs, el ITER, EAST, y otros] los
límites dosimétricos de la ICRP-60 para dosis-comprometidas están en discusión. Se
requiere, en paralelo, superar cálculos muy conservadores ajustando los cálculos
dosimétricos en muchos aspectos. Se puede llegara a cálculos precisos de la
dosimetría por modelos-lagrangianos de evolución de nubes de tritio que son emitidas
en casos de operación normal/incidental/SBO. Están abiertas a cálculos numéricos en
tiempo-real en base a datos meteorológicos y a diversos patrones de datos a
diferentes escalas que posteriormente inciden en los cálculos de dosis crónicas por
tritio. La dirección hacia plataformas-numéricas-integradas para el cálculo del impactomedioambiental de instalaciones con grandes-inventarios-de-tritio está en desarrollo.
Abstract - Related with a prospected new scenario of large inventory tritium facilities
[KATRIN at TLK, CANDUs, ITER, EAST, other coming] the prescribed dosimetric
limits by ICRP-60 for tritium committed-doses are under discussion requiring, in
parallel, to surmount the highly conservative assessments by increasing the refinement
of dosimetric-assessments in many aspects. Precise lagrangian-computations of
dosimetric cloud-evolution after standardized (normal/incidental/SBO) tritium cloud
emissions are today numerically open to the perfect match of real-time meteorologicaldata, and patterns data at diverse scales for prompt/early and chronic tritium dose
assessments. The trends towards integrated-numerical-platforms for environmentaldose assessments of large tritium inventory facilities under development.
As well-known principle, total safety has infinite costs as well as the system design
consideration of a large number of confinement barriers and safety systems redundancy for
the implementation of the ALARA principle in the design of facilities managing tritium
inventories in the range of kilograms (case of ITER). Related with a prospected new
scenario of large inventory tritium facilities [KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino (KATRIN) at Tritium
39ª Reunión Anual de la SNE
Reus (Tarragona) España, 25-27 septiembre 2013
Laboratory Karlsruhe, CANDUs at Canada, ITER at France, Experimental-AdvancedSuperconducting-Tokamak EAST, other coming] the prescribed dosimetric limits (by ICRP60) for tritium committed doses are under discussion requiring, in parallel, to surmount the
highly conservative assessments by increasing the refinement of dosimetric assessments in
many aspects. Precise computations of dosimetric cloud evolution after standardized
(normal/incidental/SBO) Tritium forms (HT, HTO) emissions are today numerically open to
the perfect match of real-time meteorological data, GIS data, agricultural, demographic and
socioeconomic patterns data at diverse scales for prompt/early and chronic tritium dose
assessments. The trends towards integrated numerical platforms for environmental dose
assessments of large tritium inventory facilities under development and its main numerical
and hardware characteristics are presented in this paper.
Following Castro, Velarde et al, short-term releases of tritium hydride (HT) to the
atmosphere from a potential ITER-like fusion reactor located in the Mediterranean Basin
and short range legal exposure limits are not exceeded (both locally and downwind) with a
coupled Lagrangian ECMWF/FLEXPART model used to follow real time releases of tritium
[1-4,6]. This tool was analyzed for nominal tritium operational conditions under selected
incidental conditions –e.g. in the case of a little Tritium-Extraction-System (TES) pipe break
(with critical failure of a fuelling line), the tritium source term - in the frame of European Test
Blanket Systems- is expected to be in the order of a few grams. In this critical scenario
acute modeling of environmental tritium transport forms (HT and HTO) for the assessment
of fusion facilities dosimetric impact has been made assumed a hypothetical daily release of
one gram of tritium in HT form and 0,1 gram in HTO form. [7] The daily failure was taken
just in order to evaluate different meteorological scenarios or weather conditions. The early
steps or trends towards integrated-numerical-platforms for environmental-dose
assessments of large tritium inventory facilities under development are briefly described in
this paper.
Figure. 1. Staheholders or Members to continue platform integration
The final platform will require the works of the all stakeholders shown in figure 1 for the preprocess, the coupling of ECMWF/FLEXPART and the post-process of the output products
of HT and HTO. In addition to these members the UPM verified this model by comparison
NORMTRI and the results were published in [8] for a pattern of tritium clouds specified in
detail by P.Castro, M.Velarde, J.Ardao, J.L Perlado and L.A Sedano The lagrangian
trajectories of tritium form clouds achieve ranges of several kilometers far from reactor or
fusion facility as shown in the HT concentration products. Another previous studies were
39ª Reunión Anual de la SNE
Reus (Tarragona) España, 25-27 septiembre 2013
already made as explained in [9] with a year data base of tritium products analised by
CIEMAT (P.Castro et al.).
To summarise: (1) The pre-process is an interface that transforms the output weather
anaysis/forecast files for each point of the planet in other height files that Flexpart can use.
(2) The calculus is made by a model of contaminants transport of Lagrangian type and (3)
the post-process is a graphical package based in magics. (Note In the figure 1other postprocess is mention concerning the research required after receiving the products).
Except of pre-process, the other 2 following steps can be installed and achieved in other
Workstation or computer in CIEMAT in AEMET or in the Central or Fusion Facility itself.
AEMET uses MAGICS v.6 for the pre-process and coupling ECMWF and Flexpart v6.2.
Actually Magics++ is the latest generation of the ECMWF's Meteorological plotting software
MAGICS. Completely redesigned in C++, it is compatible as possible with the Fortran
interface. (These means contour package was rewritten and no longer depends on the
CONICON licence). Magics v6’s programming interfaces are Fortran and C. Magics++
offers MagML, a plot description language based on XML.The library supports the plotting of
contours, wind fields, observations, satellite images, symbols, text, axis and graphs [4].
Data fields to be plotted may be presented in various formats, for instance GRIB 1 and 2
code data, gaussian grid, regularly spaced grid and fitted data. GRIB data is handled via
ECMWF's GRIB API software. Input data can also be in BUFR and NetCDF format or
retrieved from an ODB database. The produced meteorological plots can be saved in
various formats, our products in selected areas as figure 2 (after copling with Flexpart) of
HT are JPEG but may be also PostScript, EPS, PDF, GIF, or PNG.
Figure 2. Areas selected in ECMWF within Magics and ECMWF vertical resolution (BL).
39ª Reunión Anual de la SNE
Reus (Tarragona) España, 25-27 septiembre 2013
The HT and HTO in the areas selected in figure 2 are available at CIEMAT from 3 to 24
hours forecast. The source term is fixed [ref 6]. The outputs concentrations (in Bqm-3) and
Dry and Wet depositions are not based in limited area models (as other
members have made) but in the ECMWF.
Figure 3. Little Tritium clouds in ECMWF/FLEXPART products HT Wet deposition (left)
and concentrations of HT (right)
Depositions are available in Bqm-2s-1 in the same periods of concentrations of Ht and HTO.
Figure 3 show examples of these products with isolines of kBq/m3 and wet depositions of
units of Bqm-2s-1
Figure 4. Outputs of the batch job to the IBM cluster main ecgate output sent by email to
CIEMAT in a daily basis. Example of email for etmod 2
39ª Reunión Anual de la SNE
Reus (Tarragona) España, 25-27 septiembre 2013
To summarise every day there is a exchange or process of interaction between AEMETECMWF(FLEXPART) and CIEMAT, by automated systems. The mentioned HT or HTO wet
depositions are available together with concentrations of HT or HTO and a set of ascii files
with the output values of maximum concentrations by means of daily batch jobs in the IBM
cluster main ecgate –after pre-process-. When batch jobs are finished they are programmed
to be sent by email to CIEMAT in a daily (night) basis.
The name of both zip files is corresponding to HT products and for
HTO products.
The exact date is indicated in the email. Also the name of the corresponding batch job can
be different, in this case is for etmod 2 prepared in AEMET by
meteorologist Jose Ardao Berdejo and sent to CIEMAT for further research and analysis
(figure 4). In othe cases may be for or another free gate may
be used for one or other zip file.
Figure 5. Example of flexpart wind trajectories with 20000 particles and wind velocity with
turbulence and taking into account selected area
The FLEXPART allows calculating the wind trajectories for a number of particles. Here the
selected number is 20.000. The FLEXPART is a dispersion and transport model of
Lagrangian type. The particles allow several species (as HT and HTO). The velocity is
taking turbulence into account and also the selected area. In addition a stochastic family or
number of trajectories is calculated by the model. (Figure 5)
Figure 6 shows the set of files contained within received every day. There are
HT concentrations in 10 m , 30 m and 60 m height and also dry and wet depositions at
mean sea level for a selected temporal range with a frequency of 3 hours. The ascii files
39ª Reunión Anual de la SNE
Reus (Tarragona) España, 25-27 septiembre 2013
contains maximum concentrations in the 3 levels (Maxima.txt) maximum dry and wet
depositions (MAXIMAS.txt and MAXIMAW.txt files)
Figure 6. Set of files contained within received every day
Figure 7. Maxima HT concentration in air at three levels and the coordinates of cloud evolution in 24
Figure 7 maximum concentrations in the 3 levels (Maxima.txt) and the forecast coordinates
of cloud evolution from 3 to 24 hours by FLEXPART lagrangian model. The absolute
maxima corresponds to the release in 3 hours at the level of 10 m. With these values the
obtaining of positions is easy and also the calculation of CEDE for the most exposed
individual, at least by inhalation. These calculations actually belong to the post-process
made mainly in Ciemat. These final steps and the selection of proper DCF for fusion should
be defined to really achieve the total integration. The final platform should be useful already
for other future Fusion facilities (DEMO included) and the large tritium inventory facilities as
CANDUS and tritium laboratories in KIT, CEA or JAEA.
39ª Reunión Anual de la SNE
Reus (Tarragona) España, 25-27 septiembre 2013
Fiigure 8. The HT concentrations in air over Vandellós and ITER Cadarache
In figure 8 a comparison between the HT concentrations in air over Vandellós and
Cadarache is presented. All daily values under isoline of 1MBq/m3 , Cadarache presents
major values after 6 hour than Vandellos in this example.
The trends toward integrated-numerical platforms for environmental-dose assesment of
ITER are ongoing based in other Fusion Facilities (FF) as Vandellós ITER-like.
The trends toward similar integrated-numerical platforms for environmental-dose assesment
of large tritium inventory facilities (including FF and Tritium Laboratories with anthropogenic
emission tracers) can be made - with stakeholder/s - in future with other developments and
corresponding bach jobs to the IBM cluster main ecgate outputs.
The future validation of those developments should be designed in a case by case basis
(both with data and/or models).
[1] Iain Russell, Stephan Siemen, Fernando Li,Sándor Kertész, Sylvie Lamy-Thépaut, Vesa Karhila
Metview 4 – ECMWF’s latest generation meteorological workstation. ECMWF Newsletter No. 126 –
Winter 2010/1123.
39ª Reunión Anual de la SNE
Reus (Tarragona) España, 25-27 septiembre 2013
[2] Stephan Siemen, Fernando Li, Iain Russell, Metview Macro –A powerful meteorological batch
language ECMWF Newsletter (No. 125, Autumn 2010, 30–32)
[3] Sylvie Lamy-Thépaut Stephan Siemen, Meteorological Visualisation Section ECMWF Migration
of MAGICS 6 to Magics++, 2012
[5] Flexpart Training Course Handbook, April 2013
[6] Castro, M. P.; Velarde, M.; Ardao, J.; Perlado, J. M.; Sedano, L. A , Little Tritium Extraction
System Pipe Break Environmental Impact by Atmospheric modelling of elemental Tritium Gas and
HTO transport, P2-116 . FUSENGDES-D-13-00377 Sep 08, 2013 Actual Status (With Editor)
[7] P. Castro,M. Velarde, J. Ardao, J.M. Perlado, L. Sedano, Tritium clouds environmental impact in
air into the Western Mediterranean Basin evaluation, FED Fusion Engineering and DesignVolume
87, Issues 7–8, August 2012, Pages 1471–1477Tenth International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear
Technology (ISFNT-10) Edited By M. Akiba, P. Batistoni, K. Feng, P.W. Humrickhouse, B.J. Merrill,
M. Shimada, Y. Wu, M.A. Abdou and M. Sawan
[8] P. Castro, M. Velarde, J. Ardao, M. Perlado, L. A. Sedano, Validation of Real Time Dispersion of
Tritium over the Western Mediterranean Basin in Different Assessments,Fusion Science and
Technology / Volume 61 / Number 1T / Pages 355-360, January 2012.
[9] Castro, P. y Velarde Mayol, Marta y Ardao, Jose y Perlado Martin, Jose Manuel y Sedano, Luis,
Consequences of different meteorological scenarios in the environmental impact assessment of
tritium in air (2011) Fusion Science and Technology , 60 (4). 1284 - 1287. ISSN 1536-1055