December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent You are cordially invited to a Children’s Christmas Pageant Sinterklaas Party December 24, 2016 Pageant 5:00PM - Mass 5:30PM Eve of St. Nicholas Feast Day Monday December 5 @ 6:00 – 7:30PM Sacred Heart Religious Education Center There will be: Story Time Hot Chocolate and Koekjas (cookies) New this year ~ Oliebollen Crafts And a visit from St. Nicholas If your child would like to participate in the Children’s Christmas Pageant they can sign up with Kandace at the RE Center during Religious Education, Sunday’s from 10:45am-12:15pm Sacred Heart First Blue Zones® Approved Church RSVP to Sharla, in the Parish Office, by Sacred Heart has been selected the first church in Klamath Falls and the Pacific Northwest to meet national Blue Zones Project® guidelines for promoting health and well-being. Congratulations to over 100 parishioners who have already signed a personal pledge to adopt healthy habits, and to all those who participate in parish ministries and activities! Thursday December 1st if you would like to To celebrate this recognition, please join us at these events: attend. Children of all ages are welcome. One of the challenges parents face is how to handle that time when their child begins to ask questions about Santa Claus. How do they help a child understand that Santa Claus is a concept, based on our very own Catholic St. Nicholas? Telling children, the St. Nicholas (Sinterklaas) story, helps them understand how a real bishop, in the Catholic Church is represented by today’s Santa Claus. Knights of Columbus “Keep Christ in Christmas” Poster Contest Create a poster for the Knights of Columbus international “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest. The contest has 3 divisions: ages 5-7 (grade K-2), ages 8-10 (grade 3-5), and ages 11-14 (grade 6-8). Official entry forms are available which outline the rules for the poster and how it will be judged. The contest will be conducted locally with one winner from each parish in all 3 categories. From those winners, an overall winner in each category will be chosen and begin advancing through district/regional and state competitions to the international level. Prizes are awarded for each level won. All posters must be turned in no later than December 11th. Those who are interested, contact Kandace for an Entry form and contest rules. Sunday, Dec. 4, 10:30 a.m.: Breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus, followed by a walk around Main and Pine Streets Sunday, Dec. 11, 2 p.m.: Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe Potluck Early in 2017: Parish Volunteer Fair: Find ways to fulfill your purpose and share your talents. Baby it’s cold outside Come on you know you want to try it! Pickleball is a paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players. Beginners are welcome to join in the fun Thursdays 5:30PM – 8:00PM (Dec 8, 15, 22, 29) Friday and Saturday Mornings 9AM-12PM (Dec 2, 3, 30) Sunday 1:00PM – 4:00PM (Dec 4) Everyone is invited to join in the fun. Suggested donation to play: $3 I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I use to know. Where the tree tops glisten and children listen, to hear, sleigh bells in the snow. Mission Statement of Sacred Heart Church: “We are a people of God, guided by Sacred Scripture, Traditions and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church to live and share the Gospel message of Christ.” Second Sunday of Advent December 11, 2016 Extra-Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion Saturday 5:30PM Sunday, 9:30 AM (English) Sunday, 12:30 PM Cathy Hahn Ron Hahn Gerry Hoffman Around The Parish Sun. Dec 4: Lector Server Acolyte Bonita Fillmore Meredith Hoffman Gabriel Bishop Damon Boshuizen Gerry Hoffman Linda Calderon Philip Calderon Anne Hiller-Clark Larry Jespersen Jeanie Monterossi Marina Conaughty Jim Kincaid Isidro Briones Catalina Figueroa Socorro Ibarra Sergio Romero Lauren Conaughty Gavin Conaughty Philip Calderon Mon. Dec 5: Tues. Dec 6: Readings/Lectura First Reading /Primera Lectura Second Reading/Segunda: Gospel Reading /Evangelio: Diego Alonzo Ulises Ortega Isidro Briones Is 35:1-6a, 10 Jas 5:7-10 Mt 11:2-11 (7) Wed. Dec 7: Thurs Dec 8: 2016 Monthly Offertory Giving Monthly Budget: $30,000.00 11-24 offering: $1,306.00 (Thanksgiving Day) 11-27 offering: $3,083.00 Nov offering Total: $ 21,230.41 Fri Dec 9: Amount short for Nov’s estimated obligations: ($8,769.59) Sat. Dec 10: ATTENTION ACOLYTES, EM’S, LECTORS AND SERVERS Mass 10:45AM Knights of Columbus Breakfast 11:15AM Religious Education 12:30PM Spanish Mass 4:00PM Confirmation Class 6:30PM Novena OLG (Sanctuary) 6:00PM 6:30PM Sinterklaas Party Bi Lingual Rosary for OLG 6:00PM Mass 6:00PM Baptism Class 6:00PM LIFE TEEN meet in sanctuary 6:30PM Choir Practice 6:30PM 8:00AM Novena OLG (Sanctuary) Mass 6:30PM Novena OLG (Sanctuary) 7:30PM Knights of Columbus Meeting 8:00AM Mass 4:00PM Mass at Crystal Terrace 5:30PM Novena OLG (Sanctuary) 6:00PM Mass 6:00PM RCIA Religious Ed Center 8:00AM Mass 6:30Pm Novena OLG (Sanctuary) 6:00PM Newman Club at OIT 9:00AM Men of St. Joseph 3-4:00PM Put in your serving preference for February – May 2017 by January 6, 2017 and lectors please make sure you have completed the lector training with Shendy. Sun Dec 11: U P C O M I N G E V E N T S If you would like to donate funds for Poinsettias, please put your contribution in the offering and mark your envelope or check “CHRISTMAS FLOWERS” Si usted desea donar fondos para flores de Poinsettias, por favor ponga su contribución en la ofrenda y la marca en el sobre con comprobar "FLORES DE NAVIDAD" 9:30AM Dec 12: Dec 17: Dec 20: Dec 24: Dec 24: Dec 24: Confession/Reconciliation 5:30PM Vigil Mass 6:30PM Novena OLG (Sanctuary) 9:30AM Mass Bambinelli Sunday 10:45AM Religious Education 12:30PM Spanish Mass 4:00PM Confirmation Class 6:00PM Novena OLG (Sanctuary) 8:30PM Potluck Vigil/Velada 5:00AM Mañanitas 7:00AM Day Mass (followed by breakfast) La Posada Advent Reconciliation @7PM Children’s Christmas Pageant @5PM Christmas Vigil Masses @ 5:30PM & 11PM Misa de Vigilia de Navidad en español@8PM The following have asked for our prayers/Los siguientes han pedido nuestras oraciones: Jamie Burke, Manuel Silva, Carrie Andre, Bob Bourget, Maria Magdalena Chavez, Art Alaniz, Ida Lamb, Amy Spannaus, Charl0tte McCarthy, Nick and Maria Valdez, Gloria Mulvihill, Richard Rosco, Frank Foster, Bennie and Julia Rodriguez, Ed and Barbara Andersch, John Rosco. Please remember our homebound parishioners. For the repose of the soul /Para el descanso del alma: Rose Maupin, William Pohll, Tom Newcomb, Ted Fifield, Juan Aguirre To add a name to the Prayer Corner, call Shendy at 882-8065. Martha’s Friends We will gather on December 14th at 1:00PM in the Religious Education Center. During this season of Advent/Christmas there are many things to ponder. What are some ways to keep the Advent season holy, are you turning to Mary during Advent and the what is meant by the joy of Advent? How about the Christmas season? Ever wonder why we have mistletoe, holly and poinsettias or why we sing Christmas Carols? Was the baby Jesus really born on December 25th? Do you have family traditions? We hope you will be able to find time to come and share in this exciting time of the liturgical year. for teenagers from 7th grade through 12th grade Tuesdays - 6:00PM Sanctuary Life Night Advent: Prepare the Way! (Wednesday study) (November 30-December 21) 10AM Session or 6PM Session Sacred Heart Religious Education Center Each Wednesday during Advent we will gather for scripture study and faith sharing about this holy season. During Advent, we are all called to prepare our hearts for the coming of Our Lord. What does Sacred Scripture and the wisdom of Holy Mother Church teach us about Advent? How can we live our journey through Advent more deeply? Join us to for the answer to these questions and many others about the season of Advent. Breaking Open the Word resumes at 11AM Sunday, December 4, 2016 (Second Sunday of Advent) Where: 1st floor, Religious Education Building Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, (R.C.I.A.) When: Thursday, December 8, 6:00 – 7:30PM, Where: Religious Education Center, Sacred Heart Parish Session 10: Mary and the Saints (cont’d): Our Spiritual Mother and the Communion of Saints Confirmation class continues today - December 4 4PM (high school building): CHOSEN: Your Journey Toward Confirmation. We are currently on session 20: What would Jesus do? (The Beatitudes as a true path to happiness) Catholic Faith, Fun & Fellowship. Attention all OIT students: The Newman Club meet on Fridays at 6PM in the College Union Mt. Bailey Room. If you are interested in joining us, contact Michael Sparks at (970) 739-1620. Bring a friend! The Men of Saint Joseph resumes this Saturday at 9AM in the Parish Hall. All men are invited to join us for the Liturgy of the Hours, the Mass readings and enlightening and invigorating discussion. St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Baskets St. Vincent de Paul has begun taking names for 50 Christmas Baskets. If you are in need of a basket or know another family or individual in need of a basket, please call (541) 892-1683. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Next showing Dec19 @6:00pm What a great turn out for St Francis of Assisi. There was wonderful information presented in a way that only Bishop Barron does. He is on a new journey to unlock the truth behind the Catholic Church's most influential people and you are invited to sit in a front row seat. Next month you'll discover the places where St. Thomas Aquinas lived, learned, and wrote. “The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love; It signifies Love, It produces love. The Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life.” ~St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Daughters no-host lunch and gift exchange Monday, December 12, 2016 NOON-No Host Lunch RED ROOSTER Restaurant Please bring a $5 Christmas ornament for give exchange. RE: Preparation by CDA Court Klamath Hosting the Christmas Party for Court Klamath and CDA St. Pius Court to be held at Sacred Heart Parish Hall on Friday, January 6, 2017 at 6:00PM Monday, December 5 We would like to invite you to join us for a Bilingual Rosary 6pm – for Our Lady Guadalupe. A simple dinner will be provided following the rosary; at Sacred Heart’s Parish Hall. I hope you will plan to join us. All family and friends are welcome! We hope to see you then. Fondly, The Crawfords & The Ibarras Lunes, 5 de diciembre Nos gustaría invitarles a unirse a nosotros para un Rosario Bilingüe 6:00pm para Nuestra Señora Guadalupe Se ofrecerá una cena sencilla después del rosario; En el Salón de Parroquial. Espero que plañeras unirte a nosotros. ¡Todos los familiares y amigos son bienvenidos! Esperamos verte entonces. Cariñosamente, Los Crawfords y los Ibarras Coming soon La Posada Próximamente La Posada Travel with us, December 17, as we go door to door looking for a warm place to rest, like Mary and Joseph when seeking shelter in Bethlehem. When we arrive at our destination we will be rewarded with dessert, hot chocolate and a piñata for the kids! If you have candies or a piñata you want to donate, bring them to the parish office. Viaja con nosotros, el 17 de diciembre, mientras vamos de puerta en puerta buscando un lugar cálido para descansar, como María y José cuando buscan refugio en Belén. ¡Cuando llegamos a nuestro destino seremos recompensados con postre, chocolate caliente y una piñata para los niños! Si usted tiene dulces o una piñata que quiere donar, tráigalos a la oficina parroquial. Volunteers Needed Altar Society is looking for volunteers to decorate the church for Christmas on Sunday, December 18 at 1:30PM after the Spanish Mass. Volunteers are also needed to un-decorate/take down all the Christmas decorations on Sunday, January 8 th at 1:30Pm after the Spanish Mass. Holy Land Hand Crafts We are here on behalf of our Christian families in Bethlehem. These families are currently facing an economic hardship that lead many of them to leave the Holy Land and search for other places that are more secure to live. Hundreds of years ago, the percentage of Christians in the Holy Land was 63%. Now it is less than 2%! If this hardship continues as it is now, we believe I a few years there will be no Christians in the Holy Land. For centuries, Bethlehem’s Christians have supported their families by carving Olive Wood Religious Art for visiting pilgrims. These Olive Wood carvings may take up to a month to care as they need to first dry the wood, then they need to very carefully carve the outside figure. After all that work is done, they then have to carve the little details that appear on the carving. Also, this olive wood is about two thousand years old and as everyone knows, it was blessed by Jesus Christ. Our mission of keeping a Christian presence in the Holy Land can only be achieved with your support. So, we invite all of you to come support the Christian families in the Holy Land by purchasing an olive wood carving hand made by those families. Thank you and God bless you all. Voluntarios necesitados La Sociedad del Altar está buscando voluntarios para decorar la iglesia para Navidad el domingo, 18 de diciembre a la 1:30 PM después de la misa española. Los voluntarios también son necesarios para derribar todas las decoraciones de Navidad el domingo, 8 de enero a la 1: 30Pm después de la misa española. Tallas religiosas de madera de olivo hechas a mano en la Tierra Santa Durante muchos años, la población cristiana en la Tierra Santa ha confiado en haciendo por mano tallas religiosas de madera de olivo como una forma de ganarse la vida y apoyar a sus familias. Sin embargo, ante la difícil situación económica que enfrentan ahora, muchas de estas familias ya no pueden vender sus productos y cuidarse. Nuestra misión ha sido traer sus hermosos artículos aquí y ayudarles a venderlo. Todo el dinero que hacemos ira directamente de regreso a los artesanos y sus familias. Esperamos seguir haciendo la diferencia y con su ayuda evitar que nuestros hermanos y hermanas tengan que salir de la Tierra Santa, preservando así el cristianismo en la ciudad donde todo comenzó. Sacred Heart Catholic Church is a smoke-free, tobacco-free facility. The Parish is committed to providing a healthy, comfortable and welcoming environment for members, visitors and their families. Smoking (including cigarettes, cigars, electronic smoking devices, pipes or marijuana) or chewing tobacco or marijuana edibles, will not be permitted in parish facilities.
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