St. Andrew Catholic Church Address/Dirección : 1401 Valley Ave. Sumner, WA, 98390 Phone 253-863-2253 Fax 253-863-3567 Web November 23, 2014 PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Father Jack D.Shrum, Pastor, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Father Joseph Minh Nguyen, Parochial Vicar, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Christine Kolbrick, Pastoral Assistant for Administration, 253-863-2254, [email protected] Tracy Lentz, Administrative Assistant, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Olaf Valderrábano-Aguilar, Pastoral Assistant for Hispanic Ministry, 253-863-3220 [email protected] Monica Rodrigues, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, 253-863-4300, [email protected] Amy Gallwas, Pastoral Assistant for Music/Liturgy, 253-826-3859, [email protected] Elise Rodrigues, Children’s Choir, [email protected] Eduardo Ramirez, Spanish Liturgical Music, [email protected] Leann Korbuszewski, Bulletin Editor, [email protected] Margarita Quiroz, Custodian, 253-863-2253 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DOMINICALES Saturday 5:00pm (English) & 7:00pm (en Español) Sunday 8:00am & 10:30am (English), & 5:30pm (English) The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before daily and weekend masses DAILY MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DIARIAS Monday, Thursday, & Friday 9:00am (English) Lunes y Jueves y Viernes 9:00am ADORATION Thurs: all day until 6:00pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES See Planning Ahead Section for days and times. Confessions are celebrated in English and Spanish Se puede confesar en Inglés o Español EMMANUEL FOOD PANTRY / BANCO DE COMIDA Tuesday/Martes 10:00am - 12:00 Noon Wednesday/Miércoles 3:00pm - 6:00pm Friday/Viernes 10:00 am - 12:00 noon Ss. Cosmas & Damian Catholic Church Address/Dirección: 213 Leber St. NW, P.O. Box 215 , Orting, WA 98360 Phone 360-893-3154 PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Father Jack Shrum, Pastor, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Father Joseph Minh Nguyen, Parochial Vicar, 253-863-2253, [email protected] Christine Kolbrick, Pastoral Assistant for Administration, 253-863-2254, [email protected] Leann Korbuszewski, Administrative Assistant, 360-893-3154 Monica Rodrigues, Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation, 253-863-4300, [email protected] Vida Drew, Music Director, 360-893-3154, sscdmusic@comcast. net Ray Stewart, Custodian, 360-893-3154 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DOMINICALES Sunday, 9:30am DAILY MASS SCHEDULE / MISAS DIARIAS Wednesday, 9:30am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Sunday, 8:45-9:15am & by appt. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 360-830-6879, [email protected] PARISH NURSE , Marlene Bartram, R.N. 360-893-3154, [email protected] 1 Saint Andrew Catholic Church Mission Statement: To Become Saints Following the example of our patron, St. Andrew, with humility we seek to: Hear God’s call through the truth of the Catholic Church, Respond in love with acts of charity and mercy, Grow continuously through the sacraments and daily prayer and Proclaim the Good News through our vocation. PLANNING READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK- Nov 30, 2014 First Sunday of Advent AHEAD Isaiah 63:16-17, 19; 64:2-7 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014 Mass (Joy Herber+, V. Keith Jacobson+), 9:00am Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 1Cor 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014 Mass (John Melton+), 9:00am Divine Mercy Cenacle, 9:00am, Hall SUNDAY COLLECTION Week of November 16, 2014 Goal: $17,000 Actual: $15,116 Difference: $ (1,814) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2014 Mass (Amy Dennis+), 6:00pm NO Elementary Faith Formation NO Chancel Choir Year to Date Goal: $340,000 Actual: $330,770 Difference: $ (9,320) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2014 OFFICE CLOSED Liturgy of the Hours, 7:30am, Church Choir, 8:00am, Church Mass (Frank Colella+), 9:00am FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2014 OFFICE CLOSED Liturgy of the Hours, 7:30am, Church Confession, 8:00am Mass (Esther Blocherer, int) 9:00am SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Mass (Fred Boesche+), 9:00am Confession, 10:00am & 3:00pm-4:30pm Brass Rehearsal, 11:00am, Church Mass, 5:00pm Hispanic Choir, 5:30pm, Hall Mass (in Spanish), 7:00pm SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2014 Mass, 8:00am Chancel Choir, 9:30am, Church Mass, 10:30am Preschool, 10:30am, Bldg E, Children’s Choir, 12:00pm, Bldg D Youth Ensemble, 4:00pm, Church Youth Mass, 5:30pm No Middle School Youth Group No High School Youth Group Food Pantry: $783 SVDP: $275 PRAY FOR THE DECEASED OF THE PARISH PARISH LEADERSHIP—ST. ANDREW Altar Servers Altar Society-Day Altar Society-Evening Art & Environment Extraordinary Ministers Finance Council Funeral Receptions Gabriel Project Helping Hands Knights of Columbus Lectors Long Range Planning Marriage Preparation MC’s & Sacristans Men’s Club Mom’s Group Pastoral Council Prayer Shawl Ministry Respect Life St. Vincent de Paul Stewardship Ushers Joan Cox [email protected] Kathy Weber 253-927-6099 Karen Raffle 253-686-3807 Judy Caviezel 253-863-6544 Sharon Stamper 253-686-2586 Joe Shaughnessy 206-271-9359 Diane Caviness 253-862-1379 Julie Covell 253-988-0735 Theresa Stallman 509-991-8563 Joe Rempe 253-840-6401 Mona Sullivan 253-389-0568 Carl Jones 253-988-2275 Tracy Lentz 253-863-2253 Steve Rossignol 253-845-8217 Joe Shaughnessy 206-271-9359 Jessica Druffel 513-260-7402 Randy Cox 253-380-2139 Kelly Bowman 253-678-3732 Julie Covell 253-988-0735 Patti Tisdale 253-863-4394 Shelly Sosa 253-709-4488 Arnie Huck 253-863-5278 Catholic Community Services Counseling Center 1 253-502-2696 Saints Cosmas & Damian Catholic Church Mission Statement: Proclaim the Good News of God’s Saving Love to all People; Establish and nourish a praying community of believers; Give practical expression to the Gospel by serving the needs of others and transforming the world. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE PLANNING AHEAD November 16, 2014 Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Goal: Actual: Difference: Mass (Ellen Mary Rose+), 9:30 am Confession, 10:15 am Thursday, November 27, 2014 $2,227 $1,797 $ (430) Year to Date Goal: $44,539 Actual: $47,455 Difference: $ 2,906 Mass, 9:30am Sunday, November 22, 2014 Confession, 8:45 am Mass, 9:30 am Thank you for all you share with our community! PRAYER REQUESTS SUNDAY HOSPITALITY A hospitality committee is being formed and is in need of someone to o versee the gro up. The hospitality committee would be responsible for coffee hour signup and receptions for First Communio n and Graduation. If you are interested in being part of the hospitality committee as a member or leader and/or would like additional information on the committee, please contact Patty Carr at 253-350-1509 Karl Fleming, Raymond McDade+, Marlene Wilson and Tony Zepeda STEWARDSHIP By now you should have received your 2015 Stewardship letter in the mail. Please prayerfully consider the amount of treasure you are able to give back to help support our Ss. Cosmas and Damian parish. We will be following up with Time/Talent opportunities in January. Keep on eye on the bulletin for more details to come. Bulletin Articles: Please submit by Monday, 12:00 noon to: [email protected]. Pulpit Announcements: Please submit by Friday, 12:00 noon to: [email protected] Thanksgiving Blessings to all of our parishioners, family and friends. PARISH LEADERSHIP — Ss. Cosmas & Damian Altar Servers: Altar Society: Coffee Hour: Communications Eucharistic Ministers: Finance Council: Homebound Ministry: Joe Rempe Patty Carr Marlene Wilson Charlene Binfet Lisa Clinton Tom Schmidt Tony Schneider Marlene Bartram Knights of Columbus: Joe Rempe 253-840-6401 360-897-0310 360-893-7211 253-951-8954 253-845-0083 360-893-0673 253-224-3163 253-576-6566 253-840-6401 Lectors/MC’s Joe Rempe Liturgical Music Vida Drew Parish Health Ministry Marlene Bartram Pastoral Council Carrie Joy Prayer Line: Patty Fleming Prayer Shawl Ministry: Kay Williams St. Vincent de Paul: Tony Schneider Ushers: Bob Smith 2 253-840-6401 360-893-3154 253-576-6566 360-893-6350 360-893-9229 360-893-5163 253-224-3163 360-893-6502 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Next weekend, November 29, 2014, we will begin our new liturgical calendar year; Pope Francis has proclaimed 2015 a year of Consecrated life, starting on the First Sunday of Advent and ending on February 2, 2016, the World day of Consecrated life. This will be a good year for us to pray for more young men and women to answer God’s call and generously join into consecrated life. For we all know that many dioceses in the United States are short of priests and nuns to serve in parishes, and many religious houses are sold because of the shortage of vocations. I thought that this is also a good opportunity for me to tell you a little bit more about me and my religious community. I am Fr. Joseph Minh Nguyen, a member of the Domus Dei Clerical Society of Apostolic Life. I was born in 1976 in Dong Nai, Vietnam – one of five Children of Thanh Van Nguyen (deceased) and Buoi Thi Nguyen. I am the second oldest in my family and have an older sister, a younger brother, and two younger sisters. I’ll be with you for 3 years, if this is God’s will. It’s all depending on the special needs of my Superior, or the Bishop, that I may have to move to another place. My whole family left Vietnam and came to the United States in 1995, right after I graduated from high school. We are greatly blessed by God, and thankful to the U.S government, for the opportunity to emigrate here to live in order to have freedom. My parents served as police officers for the U.S government in South Vietnam before 1975 and after the communists took control they took over our house and property. They also put my father in political camp (jail) for more than 5 years. Thereafter, we did not have many opportunities to go to college or enter religious life. We didn’t have any help from the government either. We had to work very hard to sustain ourselves by farming, and breeding chickens and pigs. We first settled in Great Bend, Kansas, a very small town. While there, I went back to high school to study English as well as other subjects. I once again graduated from high school, this time in Great Bend, in 1996. We lived in Great Bend for a year and then moved to Lincoln, Nebraska. In the summer of 1996, while living in Lincoln, I didn’t know what major to study in college. I attended daily Mass and prayed to God to give me the answer. About two months later, the thought of becoming a priest had overtaken all other thoughts. Along with respect and honor, I thought I would have more peace in my heart and soul than by pursuing any other occupation. The mother of a priest who lives in Louisiana told me to contact the Domus Dei Society. I joined Domus Dei in August of 1996. Domus Dei was founded in 1630 by a Jesuit missionary named Alexander de Rhodes, and the society has a long history of evangelization. After 1954, when Vietnam was divided in two, many Catholics moved from the Communist North to the South where they could freely practice their religion. During this time, Domus Dei members helped immigrants adapt to the culture and environment in their new land. That ended in 1975, when the Communists overtook the South as well. Many Domus Dei Religious fled the country to the United States, where the mission has continued. The three components to the community’s charisms are: living together in the spirit of brotherhood and supporting one another in ministries; helping families live according to the model of the Holy Family; and obeying the local Bishop or Archbishop and carrying out the mission under his directives. My Society sent me to St. Joseph Seminary College in Covington, LA and I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy in 2004. I then earned a Master of Divinity degree at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, LA in 2008. I was ordained as a priest on June, 5th 2010 in Portland, Oregon. My ministry assignments have included clinical Pastoral Education at Princeton Baptist Medical Center in Birmingham, AL, All Saints Parish in Portland, OR, and at St. Joseph Church in Grand Prairie, TX where I served as a transitional deacon for 6 months. I then served as Associate Pastor at the Co-Cathedral in Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana for two and a half years as my very first assignment in the priesthood. Recently, I was at St. Michael in Olympia, WA to help throughout the summer. I speak Vietnamese, English, and just a little bit of Spanish. I embrace priestly practices from both cultures (Vietnamese and American). I am here to learn more about how to serve as a priest in an English speaking parish and to get to know more about American culture so that later, I can be a good shepherd for my own Vietnamese people or for wherever the Lord would lead and send me. I hope to get to know you all more by telling me your name when you meet me, so that I may greet you by name when I meet you again. Fr. Joseph Minh Nguyen, SDD 3 Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, El próximo 29 de noviembre del 2014, vamos a iniciar nuestro nuevo año litúrgico; el Papa Francisco ha proclamado 2015 un Año de la Vida Consagrada, a partir del Primer Domingo de Adviento y terminando el 2 de febrero de 2016, el día Mundial de la Vida Consagrada. Este será un buen año para que oremos para que más hombres y mujeres jóvenes respondan al llamado de Dios y generosamente se unan a la vida consagrada. Todos sabemos que muchas Diócesis en los Estados Unidos carecen de sacerdotes y monjas para servir en parroquias, y muchas casas religiosas se venden debido a la escasez de vocaciones. Pensé que esta es también una buena oportunidad para que cuente un poco más sobre mí y mi comunidad religiosa. Yo soy el padre José Minh Nguyen, un miembro de la Sociedad Clerical de Vida Apostólica Domus Dei. Nací en 1976 en Dong Nai, Vietnam —uno de los cinco hijos de Thanh Van Nguyen (fallecido) y Buoi Thi Nguyen. Yo soy el segundo de los hermanos; tengo una hermana mayor, un hermano más joven, y dos hermanas menores. Voy a estar con ustedes durante 3 años, si Dios quiere. Todo depende de las necesidades especiales de mi Superior, o si el Obispo decide trasladarme a otro lugar. Toda mi familia salió de Vietnam y llegó a Estados Unidos en 1995, justo después de que me gradué de la preparatoria. Hemos sido bendecidos grandemente por Dios, y estamos agradecidos al gobierno de Estados Unidos, por la oportunidad de inmigrar y vivir aquí en libertad. Mis padres sirvieron como oficiales de policía para el gobierno de Estados Unidos en Vietnam del Sur antes de 1975 y después de que los comunistas tomaron el control perdimos la casa y la propiedad. También pusieron a mi padre en el campo de prisioneros políticos (la cárcel) por más de 5 años. A partir de entonces, no tuvimos muchas oportunidades de ir a la universidad o entrar en la vida religiosa. No teníamos ningún tipo de ayuda por parte del gobierno tampoco. Tuvimos que trabajar muy duro para mantenernos, en la agricultura y la cría de pollos y cerdos. Primero nos instalamos en Great Bend, Kansas, un pueblo muy pequeño. Una vez allí, entré de nuevo a la preparatoria para estudiar inglés, así como otras materias. Una vez más me gradué de la preparatoria, esta vez en Great Bend, en 1996. Vivimos en Great Bend durante un año y luego nos fuimos a Lincoln, Nebraska. En el verano de 1996, mientras vivía en Lincoln, yo no sabía qué carrera estudiar en la universidad. Iba a misa diaria y rezaba para que Dios me diera la respuesta. Unos dos meses después, la idea de ser sacerdote había superado a todos los demás pensamientos. Además de respeto y honor, yo pensé que tendría más paz en mi corazón y en mi alma que ejerciendo cualquier otra ocupación. La madre de un sacerdote que vive en Louisiana me dijo que me pusiera en contacto con la Sociedad Domus Dei. Me uní a Domus Dei en Agosto de 1996. Domus Dei fue fundada en 1630 por un misionero jesuita llamado Alejandro de Rodas, y la sociedad tiene una larga historia de evangelización. Después de 1954, cuando Vietnam se dividió en dos, muchos católicos se trasladaron desde el Norte comunista hacia el Sur donde podían practicar libremente su religión. Durante este tiempo, los miembros de Domus Dei ayudaron a los inmigrantes a adaptarse a la cultura y el medio ambiente en su nueva tierra. Eso terminó en 1975, cuando los comunistas tomaron control también del Sur. Muchos religiosos de Domus Dei huyeron hacia los Estados Unidos, donde la misión ha continuado. Los tres carismas de la comunidad son: vivir juntos en un espíritu de fraternidad y apoyo mutuo en los ministerios; ayudar a las familias a vivir según el modelo de la Sagrada Familia; y obedecer al Obispo local o Arzobispo y llevar a cabo la misión bajo sus directivas. Mi Sociedad me envió al Colegio del Seminario de San José en Covington, Louisiana y me gradué con una licenciatura en Filosofía en 2004. Luego obtuve una Maestría en Divinidad en el Seminario de Notre Dame en Nueva Orleans, Lousiana en 2008. Fui ordenado sacerdote el 5 de junio de 2010 en Portland, Oregon. Mis asignaciones ministeriales han incluido la Educación Pastoral Clínica en Princeton Baptist Medical Center en Birmingham, Alabam; Parroquia de Todos los Santos en Portland, Oregón, y en la iglesia de San José en Grand Prairie, Texas, donde serví como diácono transitorio durante 6 meses. Luego serví como pastor asociado en la Co-Catedral en Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana durante dos años y medio como mi primera asignación en el sacerdocio. Recientemente, estuve en San Miguel en Olympia, WA para ayudar en el verano. Hablo inglés, vietnamita, y sólo un poco de español. Abrazo prácticas sacerdotales de ambas culturas (vietnamita y estadounidense). Estoy aquí para aprender más acerca de cómo servir como sacerdote en una parroquia de habla inglés y para conocer más sobre la cultura estadounidense, para que más tarde pueda ser un buen pastor para mi propio pueblo vietnamita o donde el Señor me dirija y me envíe. Espero conocerlos a todos ustedes más, diciéndome sus nombres cuando los conozca, para que yo los pueda saludar por su nombre cuando los encuentre de nuevo. Padre José Nguyen Minh, SDD 4 M inisterio Hispano ~ Hispanic M inistry Nuestra misión: llegar a ser santos. Siguiendo el ejemplo de San A ndrés, nuestro santo patrono, con humildad procuramos: Escuchar el llamado de Dios mediante la verdad de la Iglesia Católica, Responder en amor con actos de caridad y misericordia, Crecer continuamente por medio de los sacramentos y la oración diaria, y Proclamar la Buena Nueva de acuerdo a nuestra vocación. Bautismos 2015 Adoración Eucarística Sábados a las 12 del mediodía: Un encuentro personal con Cristo … Enero 24, Abril 18, Mayo 23, Juni o 27, Julio 25, Ag osto 22, Septiembre 26, Octubre 24, Noviembre 28 POR FAVOR HABLE O VAYA A LA OFICINA PARA RESERVAR LUGAR Jueves de 9:45 AM a 6:30 PM Viernes de 6:30 AM a 8:30 AM TAN SOLO NECESITA Aceptar y Practicar toda la Fe Católica y Ser miembros productivos de la Iglesia. Si por alguna razón usted se ha alejado de la Iglesia, el Bautismo de sus hijos o ahijados es una hermosa Primer Viernes de Cada Mes: 24 Horas de Exposición y Adoración: oportunidad para volver a empezar y ser miembro responsable de la Iglesia y ejemplo para sus hijos… Iniciamos con la Santa M isa el V iernes a las 9:00 de la mañana, para terminar con la Santa M isa el Sábado a las 10 de la mañana. ¡DIOS NO SE CANSA DE ESPERAR, SU MISERICORDIA ES INFINITA! Palabra del Señor. “Esto dice el Señor Dios: Yo mismo iréa buscar a mis ovejas y velaré por ellas. Así como como un pastor vela por sus ovejas cuando las ovejas se encuentran dispersas, así velaré yo por mis ovejas e iré por ellas a todos los lugares por donde se dispersaron un día de niebla y oscuridad”. Ezequiel 34, 11-12 y 15-17 N OS P RE PARAM OS PARA LA M ISA LE YE NDO Y ME DI TANDO LAS LE CTURAS DE L P RÓXIM O D OM I NGO: I SAÍAS 63, 16 B -17, 19 B Y 64, 2-7; SALM O 80; P RI M E RA CARTA A LOS CORI NTI OS 1, 3-9; SAN M ARCOS 13, 33-37 HORAS DE OFICINA: MARTES Y VIERNES : 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM C ERRADO LUNES , MIÉRCO LES , J UEVES Y S ÁBADOS . S ÁBADOS: CLASES, BAUTISMOS, RETIROS, M ISA A LAS 7:00 PM. TEL. (253) 863-3220 E- MAIL: OLAF@STANDREWS UMNER.ORG 5 COMMUNITY OUTREACH Rachel’s Corner RESPECT LIFE~ Stay alert. Be informed. Stand for life! Hope and Healing After Abortion “By attending the retreat, I was finally acknowledging how broken I was. The mercy and love of Christ helped me to name and acknowledge my wounds.” [email protected] National Night of Prayer for Life Please join Visitation Catholic Church in Tacoma for the 25th annual National Night of Prayer for Life on Monday, Dec. 8th, from 8:00 pm 1:00 am Dec. 9th. Uniting the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with the Feast of St. Juan Diego, we will pray with Catholics throughout the country in an effort to help bring the world back to Christ, and end abortion. Our Lady of Guadalupe is patroness of the Americas and the unborn; as we honor our Blessed Mother we pray for our country and the sanctity of all human life. This pro-life prayer service consists of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary, prayer to St. Michael, silent prayer, and hymns. - Testimony after a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ Come to a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ and experience the healing balm of Christ’s mercy and forgiveness. March 6-8, 2015 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. Spiritual Adoption - 8th Month Visitation Church 3314 South 58th Street Tacoma 98409. Dear spiritual adoption family, Thank you for your prayers. Wow, it's getting really crowded in here! I'm growing an average of a half a pound each week now and will come close to doubling my weight by D-day! These last two months are critical. I am now receiving precious immunities from my mother that will help me battle a number of diseases until I am about six months old and able to begin building up my own. Please pray that my mother receives the support she needs to sleep well, eat well, and prepare for the day she will bring me forth into the world. She is probably feeling anxious and exhausted, and in need of the peace that only God can give. For more information contact Julie Covell via email at [email protected] or call 253-988-0735. Pregnant? Need Help? Call the Gabriel Project: 1-888-926-ANGEL ST VINCENT DE PAUL Today as we celebrate Christ the King, we hear Jesus say, “…whatever you did for one of the least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Knowing that we find the face of Christ in the poor, this month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to serve several families, providing assistance with food, utilities, and rent. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of [baby’s name] the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” - Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Thank You! 6 FAITH FORMATION/PARISH LIFE New at Saint Andrew LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH Advent Journey If you have questions about the Catholic faith, or if you are interested in finding out what it takes to become Catholic, contact Monica Rodrigues at 253-863-4300. I'd love to help you find the answers you are seeking and determine your next steps. A Winter VBS! MEN’S PRAYER HOUR Meet in front rows of church, 5:00am, Thursday mornings, for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Father will lead us in the Liturgy of the Hours (download iBreviary free app), adoration, followed by coffee in the Hall, readings for the coming Sunday, discussion topic, and prayer for our personal intentions. Walk with Mary and Joseph as they look for a place where they can rest and wait for Baby Jesus… An Adventure for Preschool to 5th Grade children. Saturday December 13, 2014 10 am to 1 pm “The most popular and powerful excuse we give for not praying, or not praying more, or not praying regularly, is that we have no time. The only effective answer to that excuse, I find, is a kind of murder. You have to kill something, you have to say no to something else, in order to make time to pray.” –Peter Kreeft Registration open Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades Visit the Palisades and enjoy one of these retreats offered during the month of December: OUR HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIIONS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER Silent Advent Retreat: Joy in the Holy Spirit December 5-7 Led by Fr. Jim Northrop Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. FREE Advent Day Retreat: December 11 Led by Kelly Hickman and Jesus Huerta Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. Mother and Daughter Advent Retreat: December 12-14 Led by Sister Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T. The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before all daily and weekend masses. For more information or to make a reservation visit our website at: Please join us. or call (206)748-7991 or (206)382-3482 BULLETIN ARTICLES If you have an article for the bulletin, please submit it by Monday, 2:00pm, to: [email protected]. Thank you! Retreat Center: 4700 SW Dash Point Road Federal Way WA 98023 7 PARISH LIFE CHRISTMAS WREATHS KNIGHTS KORNER St. Joseph the Worker Council 15136 is ever present in our parish and community, organizing events from BBQs to Wreath Sales. The Knights of St. Joseph the Worker send our gratitude to all those who have participated and continue to contribute to our order. Together, WE provide support to the charitable causes of the St. Andrew/St. Cosmas and Damian Community. If you purchased a Christmas Wreath from The Knights of Columbus, please be sure to pick it up this weekend at the Christmas Tree Lot. ADVENT, TIME AND TALENT Feeling like you want to get involved during Advent and Christmas? Do you like to sing? Consider joining the choir of St. Andrew at either our 10:30am or 5:30pm mass. No audition required. Please call or email Amy Gallwas for more information or come see me after mass. (253)826-3859,[email protected]. St. Cecilia, pray for us! Our Council has been actively recruiting parishioners during this fraternal year, since July 2014. The following seven men have joined our Brotherhood of Knights; Matthew Lontz, Rudy Zeman, Nathan Bartel, Alexander Fredsti, Mario Iovino, Luke Thometz and Tim Lontz. Congratulations gentlemen on your 1st Degree Membership! We are always looking to grow as a council. Catholic Community Services’ Adopt-A-Family program needs your help to provide a joyous holiday to families in Pierce County. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, families traditionally come together to share a meal and exchange gifts; for low-income families facing challenges, being able to afford and organize such holidays is an overwhelming task. However, enjoying this tradition can be an uplifting occasion for all family members and brings a sense of stability to their lives. Please consider adopting a family this year. You may contribute $30 to provide a Thanksgiving meal, or request a family's wish list in order to provide Christmas gifts. For more information, please contact Penny Grellier at 253-502-2708 or email [email protected]. We can use your time and talents gentlemen of St. Andrew and St. Cosmas. REMINDER: Brother Knights our next meeting will be held, at 7pm on Monday, November 24 at St. Andrew-Building B. We hope for your presence as we plan for upcoming events. A CHRISTMAS POPS CELEBRATION With the Puyallup Valley Community Band Directed by our own Rich Powers and featuring members of St. Andrew Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014, 7:30pm Liberty Theater, Puyallup ST. JOSEPH MISSALS The 2015 Missals will be available after Mass on November 29th and 30th. Cost per book is $5.00. Doors open at 7:00pm for general seating for this FREE concert. Make it an extra special evening by joining us at 6:00pm for dinner, provided by Gallucci’s Catering, reservations only, $17 per person. Please call the Liberty Theater to make your reservation 253-845-5105 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday and Thursday: 9:30am to 4:00pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm. Closed daily for lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm. 8 Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Rudy & Sons, LLC Landscaping & Maintenance Services Full-Service Retirement and Assisted Living “Where the living is easy” 15519 62nd St. Ct. E. Sumner 862-1818 or stop by for a tour Residential and Commercial Working together in our community Free estimates • 253-666-3998 Construction Contractors L#rudyssL866CG INSURANCE Jeff Villarreal 770-1877 •Auto •Life •Home •Business [email protected] Full Service Funeral & Cremation Gonzalez Landscaping NICHOLSONS SUMNER PHARMACY (253) 863-8141 PUYALLUP: 253-845-0536 SUMNER: 253-863-6332 Home Care Natalie Duran ~ Realtor 253-315-9827 Se Habla Español, [email protected] “10% of my commission will be donated to your Parish or Non-Profit Organization of your choice” From housework to incontinent care – a few hours a day to 24 hour care Free Assessment:1-877-870-1582 Diesel, Gas, Heating Oil Lubricants, Grease, Racing, Gas, Truck Sales & Repair Licensed, Bonded & Insured Are you ready to buy or sell a home? We can help you! Call today! Hablamos Español. Victor Zacapu Professional Realtor (253) 848-8550 Buy one lunch or dinner get the 2nd for 50% OFF Limited one coupon per table. Dine in only Cannot be combined with other offer. Free Estimates, Fast Service, & Reasonable Rates! Call Your Fellow Parish Members Mary or Salvador Santos at (253) 735-2135 (206)229-6883 800-626-3213 215 - 15th St. S.E. Puyallup, WA 98372 124 Auburn Way N. (253) 833-9696 ** with each completed job over $300 Sincere, personal service for over 90 years Open 7 Days a Week Cocktail Lounge Banquet Facility Available Auburn License Agency Inc. Trustworthy • Honorable • On Time, Every Time 100% Service Guarantee Mexican & American Food CatholicMatch Washington 253-905-8841 [email protected] Paola Kendall Mortgage Lender Suzan Burke Financial Advisor Portfolio Manager 425.462.2662 • 800.876.0503 601 108th Avenue N.E., Suite 2100 Bellevue, WA 98004 253-241-9275 NMLS ID# 518865 LateNow NightServing Happy Hour 9pm-close every day! Breakfast! 1/2 Sat. Price & appetizers* Sun. 10 am -1 pm *offered on select appetizers in entire dining room. OPEN HOUSE NOV. 23 Noon-2 p.m. Catholic college preparatory school in the Jesuit tradition Financial Aid Available 320 - 9th Ave. N. Seattle 800-426-3320 Merrill Lynch makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (“MLPF&S”), a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation (“BAC”). © 2014 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. ARTRNKJD | AD-06-14-0015.A | 470944PM-0314 | 06/2014 112 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Barry Wolf 800 867-0660 Jesus Gonzalez 253-397-6974 Let us prune & clean your yard for winter. $20 coupon for free lunch** 220 Auburn Way N. (253) 833-4455 ©CPI POWERS FUNERAL HOMES SPRUCE UP YOUR YARD! Gosney Motor Parts Inc.
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