4 de diciembre de 2016 - St. Frances X. Cabrini Church

St. Frances X. Cabrini Catholic Church
12687 California Street, Yucaipa, CA 92399
Phone: 909·797·2533 • Fax: 909-790-5803
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web: stfrancesxcabrinichurch.org or stfrancesxcabrinichurch.com
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday/
Lunes, Miércoles, y Jueves
8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
St Frances X Cabrini Church Yucaipa
Tuesday/Martes - 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M.
Friday/Viernes - Closed
(Lunch 12:30 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.)
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
Saturday/Sábado Vigil
4:00 P.M. - English
7:30 A.M. - English
9:00 A.M. - Español
11:00 A.M. - English
Segundo Domingo
de Adviento
December 4 2016
Second Sunday of Advent
4 de diciembre de 2016
Daily Mass/Misa Diaria:
Monday through Thursday
Lunes a Jueves 7:30 A.M.
Communion Service/
Servicio de Comunión:
Friday/Viernes - 7:30 A.M.
Friday/Viernes -12:00 P.M.
Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament/Exposición del
Santísimo Sacramento:
Friday/Viernes 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.
Sacrament of Reconciliation/
Saturday/Sábado 3:00 P.M.
and by appointment/y si hace una cita
Leadership Team / Equipo De Liderazgo
Rev. Santos Ortega
797-2533 ext. 228
[email protected]
Peter Bond
797-2533 ext. 505
[email protected]
Dan Hudec
797-2533 ext. 506
[email protected]
Second Sunday of Advent
December 4, 2016
An opportunity for children to hear the Gospel message at their own level.
All children from Kindergarten to Sixth grade are invited.
C.L.O.W. leaders are needed.
If you are interested in this ministry simply accompany the children on Sunday at the
9:00 or 11:00 mass to see how easy it is to teach.
All that is needed is a love of children and the Gospel.
Come join the Knights of Columbus on their bus trip on
the 14th of December going to Fantasy Springs Casino
in Indio, CA. The donation to go is $30: and the Casino
provides $30 incentive for passengers. Bus departs promptly
@ 9:00 AM from the Knights of Columbus hall 12586 California Street;
and returns at (about) 4:30 PM. Please arrive by 8:30 AM to sign in.
Bob Stalnaker at (909) 730 9150 for reservations.
*Religious Education Classes*
*K-5th GRADE
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 6:00pm-7:30pm
*6th, 7th & 8th GRADE
Monday, December 5, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
support group meets on the first Mondays of the
month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. December 5, 2016
is our next meeting held at St. Frances X Cabrini
Catholic Church 12687 California St, Yucaipa, Ca. We will
meet in one of the modular classrooms behind the parish
center. Signs will tell you where to go.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Friday, December 16, 2016
1st. Eucharist Preparation Session (3rd-5th Gr.)
Saturday, Jan. 7, 2017 @ 10:00am in Parish Center
Advent small faith group
Prepare for the best Christmas. It’s not a class, it’s not a bible study, it’s not a service ministry. It's a
opportunity to gather together and share your faith and prepare for Christmas. Don’t let Advent pass
you by, join a small Faith Group today! For more information contact Lisa Cox 951-295-8088.
2016/2017 Baptism Preparation Class Dates
2016/2017 Fechas de Preparación de Clases de Bautismo
Before a child can be baptized, parents and
Antes de que un niño pueda ser bautizado, los padres y
godparents must attend a baptism
padrinos deben asistir a una clase de preparación para el
preparation class. To register for the next
bautismo. Para inscribirse en la próxima clase programada,
scheduled class, please come into the office
por favor venga a la oficina y regístrese. Registración de
and sign up. Class registration will close
clases cerrará una (1) semana antes de las fechas de
one (1) week prior to the class dates below.
clases indicadas abajo. Las tarifas para asistir a clase es
Fees for class attendance are $30 for both
de $30 para ambos padres y $10 por cada padrino. El
parents and $10 for each godparent. The class certificado de cumplimiento de clases es válido por 2 años.
completion certificate is good for 2 years.
Clases en español: Lunes 2016: 12/12/2016 y 12/19/2016 Las
clases se llevarán a cabo en la Sala 16 (La antigua Iglesia) y
English Classes: Saturday 2017: 02/04/2017;
comienzan desde 6:15 de la noche.
04/01/2017; 06/03/2017; 08/05/2017, 10/07/2017, 2017: 02/06/2017 y 02/13/2017; 04/03/2017 y 04/10/2017;
12/02/2017 Classes are held in Room 16 (The old
05/29/2017 y 06/05/2017; 08/07/2017 y 08/14/2017; 10/02/2017 y
Church) and start at 8:45 a.m. In order to register
10/09/2017; 12/04/2017 y 12/11/2017 Las clases se llevarán a
your infant/child for baptism, an application
cabo en Modular 9 y comienzan desde 6:15 de la noche. Con el
package, available in the office or on-line, has to be fin de registrar su bebé/niño para el bautismo un paquete de
completed and the complete package, with all
solicitud está disponible en la oficina o nuestra página de red tiene
required documents, has to be returned to the
que ser completado y el paquete completo, con todos los
Ursula at least one week prior the baptism date.
documentos requeridos, tiene que ser devuelto a la oficina una
semana antes de la fecha de bautismo.
Incomplete application packages will not be
No se aceptarán paquetes incompletos.
Second Sunday of Advent
December 4, 2016
Prayer After An Election
U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops
God of all nations, Father of the human family,
we give you thanks for the freedom we exercise
and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy in these United States of America.
We ask for your protection and guidance
for all who devote themselves to the common good,
working for justice and peace at home and around the world.
We lift up all our duly elected leaders and public servants,
those who will serve us as president, as legislators and judges,
those in the military and law enforcement.
Heal us from our differences and unite us, O Lord,
with a common purpose, dedication, and commitment to achieve liberty and justice
in the years ahead for all people,
and especially those who are most vulnerable in our midst.
Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States of America, pray for us.
Filipenses 1:3Cada vez que pienso en Uds. doy gracias a mi
Dios. 4Siempre que rezo, hago mis peticiones por todos Uds.
con alegria, 5porque Uds. han sido mis companñeros en propagar las Buenas Nuevas acerca de Cristo desde la primera vez
que Uds.las oyeron hasta ahora. 6Yo estoy seguro que Dios,
que empezo el buen trabajo dentro de Uds, continuará su trabajo hasta que esté completamente terminado en el dia cuando
Jesucristo regrese.
...y gracias a todos por su generosa donacion a nuestra
"Collecta de Botellas Biberon","Baby Bottle Drive"
colectamos $4.975.41 asi que nuestro centro local de
embarazo recibió $3.840.00. ¡Otra vez, mil gracias!
Philippians 1: 3 Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my
God. 4Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you
with joy, 5for you have been my partners in spreading the
Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until
now. 6And I am certain that God, who began the good work
within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on
the day when Christ Jesus returns.
...and thanks to all for your generous donation to our “Baby
Bottle Drive.” We collected $4975.41 so our local pregnancy
help center received $3840.00. Again, Thank You!
“A Season of PRAISE”
Advent 2016 Daily
Reflections, Prayers &
can be purchased at the
Parish Office for $1.00.
(English or Spanish)
Sunday Missals Have Arrived!
Sunday Missal for Cycle A
which began on November 27th,
2016 can be purchased at the
Parish Office for $5.00 while
supplies last!
The Ladies from Mother’s in Faith
would like to invite You to join our
weekly meetings:
Small Faith & Fellowship
Thursday Evenings 7-9pm in Room 3 (Portables)
Please contact [email protected] or
Teresa Russo 951-534-4001
*Moms *Prayer *Liturgy *Celebrations *Care *Friendship *Peace
Segundo Domingo de Adviento
4 de diciembre de 2016
Calendario Litúrgico 2016 de Adviento y Navidad
Diciembre 3 y 4 - Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Sábado ~ Misa a las 4:00 p.m. Domingo ~ Misas a las 7:30a.m. (Inglés) 9:00a.m.
(Español) 11:00a.m. (Inglés), Rosario ~ Domingo 6:00p.m. (en Español)
Diciembre 7 y 8 ~ Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción
de la Santísima Virgen María
Miércoles ~ Rosario 6:00p.m. (en Español)
Misas ~ Miércoles Vigilia 7:00 p. m. (en Español)
Jueves ~ 7:30 a.m. y 7:00 p.m. (en Inglés)
Santisimo 8:00p.m. (Inglés) 9:00p.m. (Español) 10:00p.m.—1:00a.m. (Inglés/Español)
Viernes 9 de diciembre ~ Fiesta de Juan Diego
Rosario ~ 6:00 p. m. y Misa a las ~ 7:00 p.m. (en Español)
Lunes 12 de diciembre ~ Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Patrona de las Américas
Mañanitas a las 5:00 a.m. en la Iglesia
Misas a las 7:30 a.m. (en Inglés) 7:00 p.m. en Español (Seguido de recepción en el Centro Parroquial)
Rosario 6:00 p.m. (en Español)
Miércoles , 14 de diciembre ~ Misa con Unción de los Enfermos
Misa de Unción y almuerzo para gente de la tercera edad, confinados en casa y enfermizos
Misa a las 11 a.m. Bilingüe (se requiere registrarse para el almuerzo)
Lunes, 19 de diciembre ~ Servicio de Penitencia bilingüe
Servicio de Reconciliación de Adviento con varios sacerdotes - 7:00 p.m.
Sábado, 24 de diciembre ~ Misas de Vigilia para Navidad
Misas ~ Misa Familiar 4:00 p.m. (en Inglés)
10:00 p.m. en Inglés (en lugar de Misa de medianoche)
Domingo, 25 de diciembre ~ Misa de Navidad
Misas a las 7:30a.m. (Inglés) 9:00a.m. (Español) 11:00a.m. (Inglés)
Diciembre 31 y Enero 1 ~ Solemnidad de Santa María, Madre de Dios
Sábado ~ Misa a las 4:00 p.m.
Domingo ~ Misas a las 7:30a.m. (Inglés) 9:00a.m. (Español) 11:00a.m. (Inglés)
Enero 7 y 8 ~ La Epifanía del Señor
Sábado ~ Misa a las 4:00 p.m.
Domingo ~ Misas a las 7:30a.m. (Inglés) 9:00a.m. (Español) 11:00a.m. (Inglés)
Liturgical Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
(Basic Level), Readers, Liturgical Spirituality, Liturgical Committees
Saturday, December 10 ~ St. Catherine of Siena,
339 N. Sycamore Avenue, Rialto ~ 9AM – 3 PM
Formación Litúrgica para Ministros Extraordinarios de la Santa
Comunión (Nivel Básico), Lectores, Espiritualidad Litúrgica, Comités
Sábado, 10 de diciembre ~ Parroquia de Santa Catalina de Siena,
339 N. Sycamore Avenue, Rialto ~ 9AM – 3 PM
Voluntarios para el Ministerio de Sacristan
Se necesitan adultos (hombres y mujeres) mayores de 18
años para servir de sacristán en la misa en Español
(Domingo 9AM). Este ministerio se encarga de los
preparativos para antes y después de la misas (hostias/
vino, lecturas, incienzo, etc.) Si a ud. le gustaría
aprender éste ministerio y servir de esta manera a su Dios
y a la parroquia, por favor comuníquese con
Veronica Moreno-Nicholas al 909-633-1163 a partir de
las 4:00 de la tarde.
▪ Que Dios los siga bendiciendo. ▪
Second Sunday of Advent
December 4, 2016
Advent and Christmas 2016 Liturgical Calendar
December 3rd & 4th ~ Second Sunday of Advent
Masses ~ Sat. 4:00p.m. (Eng.) Sun. 7:30a.m. (Eng.) 9:00a.m. (Span.) 11:00a.m. (Eng.)
Rosary ~ Sunday 6:00p.m. (Spanish)
December 7th & 8th ~ Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday ~ Rosary 6:00p.m. (Spanish)
Masses ~ Wednesday Vigil 7:00 p.m. (Spanish)
Thursday ~ 7:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. (English)
Adoration 8:00p.m. (English) 9:00p.m. (Spanish) 10:00p.m.-1:00a.m.(English/Spanish)
Friday, December 9th ~ Feast of Juan Diego
Rosary ~ 6:00 p.m. & Mass ~ 7:00p.m. (Spanish)
Monday, December 12th ~ Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas
Las Mañanitas 5:00am in the Church
Masses ~ 7:30a.m. (English) 7:00p.m. Spanish (Reception follows in the Parish Center)
Rosary 6:00pm (Spanish)
Wednesday, December 14th ~ Mass with Anointing of the Sick
Anointing Mass and luncheon for Seniors, homebound and infirmed
Mass @ 11:00 a.m. Bilingual (RSVP required for luncheon)
Monday, December 19th ~ Penance Service Bilingual
Advent Reconciliation Service with multiple priests - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 24th ~ Christmas Vigil Masses
Masses ~ Family Mass 4:00 p.m. (English)
10:00 p.m. English (in place of Midnight)
Sunday, December 25 ~ Christmas Day Mass
Masses ~ Sat. 4:00p.m. (Eng.) Sun. 7:30a.m. (Eng.) 9:00a.m. (Span.) 11:00a.m. (Eng.)
December 31st & January 1st ~ Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God
Masses ~ Sat. 4:00p.m. (Eng.) Sun. 7:30a.m. (Eng.) 9:00a.m. (Span.) 11:00a.m. (Eng.)
January 7th & 8th ~ The Epiphany of the Lord
Masses ~ Sat. 4:00p.m. (Eng.) Sun. 7:30a.m. (Eng.) 9:00a.m. (Span.) 11:00a.m. (Eng.)
Please join us this Thursday evening, December 8,
the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, for our
annual Night of Adoration and Supplication to the
Blessed Sacrament from 8PM to 1AM. This is the time pray and
meditate for the protection of ALL God's children from the preborn and defenseless to the very old and terminally ill.
Únete a nosotros este jueves, 8 de diciembre, en la
Festividad de la Inmaculada Concepción, para
nuestra Noche Annual de Adoración y Súplica al
Santísimo Sacramento desde las 8PM hasta 1AM. Éste es el momento
de orar y meditar por la protección de TODOS los hijos de Dios, desde
los indefensos bebés que están por nacer e indefensos, nuestros
ancianos y personas con enfermedades terminales.
The 8PM hour prayers will be in English immediately following the
evening Holy Mass of Obligation.
The 9PM hour prayers will be in Spanish and 10PM to 1AM will
be in English or Bilingual depending on participation.
A las 8PM, inmediatamente después de la Santa Misa de Obligación,
comenzaremos nuestras oraciones en inglés.
A las 9PM se orará en español. Desde las 10PM—1AM se harán en
ingles o bilingüe, dependiendo de la participación.
Please come and spend time with Jesus and join us in petitioning
on behalf of our defenseless brothers and sisters.
Por favor ven a pasar un rato con Jesús y acompañanos a pedir por
nuestros hermanos y hermanas más indefensos.
Second Sunday of Advent
December 4, 2016
Ministry Staff
Business Manager / Administradora de Negocios
Precious Chikulo ext. 229 [email protected]
Director of Religious Education /
Educación Religiosa Grades / Grados K-12th
Linda Ornelas
ext. 224 [email protected]
Office Assistant / Asistente de Oficina
Peggy Patterson ext. 227 [email protected]
Office Receptionist/ Recepcionista de Oficina
Cecilia Newby
ext. 221 [email protected]
Office & Pastoral Care Assistant /
Asistente de Oficina y Servicio Pastoral
Kathy Cho
ext 225 [email protected]
*ICS (Food Distribution) 909-797-0007
*Pastoral Council / Concilio Pastoral
Gil Estrada
*Finance Council
Don Averil
*Jóvenes Para Cristo
Mario Leal
*Mothers in Faith
Teresa Russo
*Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de Eucaristía
Dcn. Dan Hudec [English] 909-797-2533
Ext. 506
Francisco Herrera [Spanish] 909-446-0674
*Altar Servers / Monaguillos
Dcn. Dan Hudec [English] 909-797-2533
Ext. 506
Laura Jaramillo [Spanish] 909-725-0296
Monica Robles
Dcn. Peter Bond 909-797-2533 Ext. 505
Veronica Moreno-Nicholas
[email protected]
*Small Faith Communities
Lisa Cox
[email protected]
Mirtha Gonzalez
*R.C.I.A. (new Catholics)
Lisa Hudec
[email protected]
*Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Marla Cowan
*Knights of Columbus
Mike Figueredo
*Senior Ministry-Young at Heart
Ramona Rodriguez
For the below ministries Contact:
Ursula Benitez
909-797-2533 Ext. 225
*Minister to the Sick and Homebound/
Ministerio de los Enfermos
*Marriage / Matrimonio
*Baptisms / Bautismos
*Annulments / Anulación
12/3–12/4, 2016 Mass Intentions
4:00 P.M. Julius Lopez †
7:30 A.M. Richard Celenza
9:00 A.M. Pro Populo
11:00 A.M. Vincent & Maria Freidl †
12/5– 12/11, 2016 Mass Intentions
7:30 A.M. Lorenzo Mills †
7:30 A.M. Margaret Wilkinson †
7:30 A.M. Jesse A. Gonzales 
7:00 P.M. Don MajesƟc †
† - RIP
♦ - Birth
Thurs. 7:30 A.M. Joe Valencia & Maria
♥ - Anniv.
Medina †
 - Special
7:00 P.M. Don MajesƟc †
7:30 A.M. Communion Service
4:00 P.M. Leonard & Ron Lardy †
7:30 A.M. Ricardo Vera †
9:00 A.M. Pro Populo
11:00 A.M. Jose Manuel & Ruby Valencia ♥
Readings of the Week
Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 5:17-26
Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14
Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30
Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38
Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19
Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13
Is 35:1-6a, 10; Ps 146:6-10; Jas 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11
Prayer List
In Memoriam of:
(Please note this list is for seriously ill persons.
Names can only be listed for two weeks - our prayer
chain continues to pray for people after this time)
Lyle Pierson
Carol Seaman
Margaret Pipitone
Hermance TerBest
Tom Glass
Jordan Lewis Chance
Recently we received additional requests for
prayers for the following:
Barbara Vakoc, Robert Esqueda,
Matthew and Christine Mentz,
Rene Herbst, Charles Haist,
Eliana Lois, Alan Wenzel,
Alexa Tampa, Chris Appel
If you would like to request prayers for your
family, please contact (909) 797-2533
Pray for your servants
who served you
faithfully throughout
their lives. We ask this
through Christ our Lord.
This administration of the sacrament of the sick is offered to those Catholics who are
experiencing physical ailments of a serious nature: those who will be undergoing
surgery for serious reasons, the elderly who have become notably weakened even
though no serious illness is present, those who are battling serious illnesses and have not been anointed
recently, and children who have reached the age of reason and are seriously ill. The community is called to
offer prayers and support to those in need of our love and care.
A reception immediately follows the Mass and everyone at the Mass is
invited to attend. If you plan to attend the reception, please contact the
office at 909-797-2533 to sign-up so that we can reserve a place for
you at the reception.