Número o: 04.CT04 4.2016 Cen ntro de Investiga ación Científica y de Ed ducación n Superio or de Ensenada, Ba aja Califo ornia (CIICESE). T Tenure e-track researcher positio p ns CICESE’s Division n of Earth Sciences invittes applicatio ons for two te enure-track rresearcher p positions in the Departmentt of Seismolo ogy. CHAR RACTERISTICS AND RE EQUIREMEN NTS a) Aca ademic qualiifications PhD in Ea arth Sciencess. perience b) Exp We are looking fo or two enthussiastic resea archers to co omplement an nd reinforce two of the fo ollowing brancches of seism mology: Seismolog gy Applied to o Engineering g with experience in seissmic zoning, seismic resp ponse of soils and sstructures. Observational Seismo ology with e experience iin seismic networks n an nd their app plication, n geotherma al fields. Insstrumentation n on free fie eld, processing and including seismicity in nt. database managemen onics, seismicity, statisticcal seismolo ogy, and Hazard and Seismic Forecasting: seismotecto ng methods. forecastin c) Cap pacities The succe essful candid dates must h have experien nce in research, which th hey will demo onstrate thorough papers published in high impact interrnational jourrnals. Duties include partiicipation programs in Earth E Science es at CICESE: teaching courses, c sup pervising in the MSc and PhD p graduate student research projectss, and promo oting interdiscciplinary thesses. Initially tteaching in English h is acceptab ble, but the su uccessful can ndidates sho ould be able to switch to S Spanish within a re easonable tim me frame. work in interd disciplinary g groups. Interrnational The candidates must be willing and able to w ability in obttaining funding to financce their rese earch expenses are experiencce, and capa desirable. her d) Oth If the app plicant is a C CICESE grad duate, he/she e must have at least one e year of exp perience (as a rese earcher or po ostdoc) in a sscientific instittution other tthan CICESE E. ECTION PRO OCEDURE SELE The sselection proccedure adheres to the intternal guidelines of CICES SE. The pre--selected can ndidates will be e interviewed d (by videoco onference) orr may be invited to visit C CICESE to de eliver a semiinar and intera act with resea archers from the Division of Earth Scie ences. SALA ARY AND CO ONTRACT The position level and d salary will be assigned d on the bassis of the candidate’s curriculum e of Academiic Personnel). The positio ons are tenu ure-track vitae (bassed on CICESE’s Statute but initially the contra acts are on a annual basiss. The definittive contractt will depend d on the performan nce of the selected candid dates. Appliccations mustt include: Cover lettter. Página 1 de 2 Carrete era Tijuana-En nsenada No. 3 3918, Zona Pla ayitas, C.P. 22 2860, Apdo. Po ostal 360, Enssenada B.C., M México Telé éfono: +52 6461750500,http p://www.cicese e.mx Número o: 04.CT04 4.2016 Cen ntro de Investiga ación Científica y de Ed ducación n Superio or de Ensenada, Ba aja Califo ornia (CIICESE). T Tenure e-track researcher positio p ns Proposed d research p plan. The prroposal musst be linked to one or more m of the themes considere ed in the abo ove-mentione ed branches of seismolog gy, and should take advan ntage of the seism mic and geodetic database es already exxisting at CIC CESE. Statemen nt of possible e classes for teaching. Curriculum vitae inclluding publiccations, teacching experie ence and prrojects in wh hich the es have partiicipated or be een the Princcipal Investig gator. candidate Three refference letterrs, and three recent relevvant scientificc products. All ap pplications re eceived will be conside ered for analysis, which will be don ne according g to the proce edures of CIICESE. Revview of applications will begin immediately and d continue u until the positio ons are filled d. The techn nical Advisoryy Council of CICESE willl make the final f decision n, which will be e made know wn to the partticipants. Appliccation (via e--mail) and qu uestions rega arding the possition must b be addressed d to: CONT TACT: Dr. J. Antonio Vidal Ville egas (Head d, Departm ment of Seismolo ogy), vidalv [email protected] with cop py to Dr. Edgardo Cañón Tapia T (Dire ector, Divis sion of Earth Science es), dirct@cices se.mx Deadline for re eception of docum ments is: February 10, 2017. Date:: November 24, 2 2016 Página 2 de 2 Carrete era Tijuana-En nsenada No. 3 3918, Zona Pla ayitas, C.P. 22 2860, Apdo. Po ostal 360, Enssenada B.C., M México Telé éfono: +52 6461750500,http p://www.cicese e.mx
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