THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED NOVEMBER 1ST & 2ND PARISH STAFF/EMPLEADOS DE LA PARROQUIA Rev. Ramiro Tarazona: Pastor Bill Hobby: Deacon Sherry Armstrong: Bus. Admin. Deborah Esquivel: D.R.E. Priscilla Ruiz: Youth Minister Tessy Dorantes: RCIA Debi Goode: Director of Liturgy Kathy Venzon: Bookkeeper Steve Urrutia: Maintenance Sue Tellez: Secretary [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MAILING ADDRESS: 905 Water St. Bastrop, TX 78602 Office Phone#: (512)321-3552 Fax #: (512)512-332-0404 Parish offices are located in the Religious Education Building. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday: Sunday: Domingo: 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. (Español) Weekday - English Only Monday: Communion Service Tuesday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. Nov. 2, 2014 Nov. 9, 2014 Dec. 7, 2014 Youth Mass Schedule 2014-2015 Jan. 11, 2015 April 12, 2015 Feb 1, 2015 Mary 3, 2015 March 1, 2015 Eucharistic Adoration every Friday 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Holy Hour English 7:00 p.m. Last Thursday of the Month Hora Santa-Español 7:00 p.m. Primer Jueves del Mes MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS DIRECTORY Altar Servers: Nicole Herring [email protected] Altar Society: Rita Dickman—[email protected] Baptism: Rita Dickman—[email protected] Casitas: Virgil Almogabar—[email protected] Choir: Raymond Tatum—[email protected] Evangelization: Karen Shirk—[email protected] Extraordinary Ministers: Karen Pinard—[email protected] Finance Council Chair: Reid Sharp Guadalupanas: Maria Silva—[email protected] Hispanic Ministry: Robert & Aida Casillas (512)581-7336 Knights of Columbus: Chet Dombrowski—[email protected] KOCA: Janice Thaman—[email protected] Lectors (English): Debi Goode—[email protected] Lectors (Spanish): Oswaldo Toj—[email protected] Men’s Fellowship: Mac McCracken [email protected] Nursing Homes (weekdays only) Maria Barbato [email protected] Pastoral Council Chair: Tessy Dorantes Prison Ministry: Karen Pinard—[email protected] Sacristans: Generosa Lowden (512)321-3552 Sandwich Ministry: Mac McCracken—[email protected] Spanish Choir: Aida Cisneros Women’s Fellowship:Ginger Morris—[email protected] Ushers: Jose Gonzalez—(512)321-3552 Pro Life: Charles Elliott—[email protected] SACRAMENTS/SACRAMENTOS BAPTISMS: MARRIAGE: Please call the office (512)321-3552 Contact Father Ramiro or Deacon Bill Hobby It is respectfully requested that a wedding date or a facility not be booked until you have met with the priest or deacon. RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 3:30-4:45 p.m ANOINTING OF THE SICK: On request BAUTISMO: Favor de contactar la oficina (512)321-3552 MATRIMONIO: Favor de contactar al Padre Ramiro o diacono Se le pide respetuosamente que no establezca una fecha de boda o reserve una instalación hasta que haiga hablado con el sacerdote o diácono **KOCA Bake Sale -Veteran's Day events next weekend on Saturday, 11/08/14** **Fish Fry—Friday, November 7th** Saturday: 6:00-6:30 p.m Sunday 9:00 – 9:55a.m./11:00-11:55 a.m/12:00-12:30 p.m. **Rise Up—T-Shirt Sale $12** **Rise Up– Aguas Frescas booth on Veterans Day Weekend 9-5 Bastrop THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED Saturday, November 1st Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a(667) 5:00 P.M. †Noni Maldonado Sunday, November 2nd Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11/Jn 6:37-40(668) 8:00 A.M. Deceased Members of Ladies of Charity 10:00 A.M. †Msgr. Edward Dokupil 12:00 A.M. (Spanish) †Ricarda Cervantez Monday, November 3rd Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14 (485) 7:30 A.M. Communion Service Tuesday, November 4th Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24(486) 7:30 A.M. Rev. Rafael Padilla Wednesday, November 5th Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33(487) 7:30 A.M. †Lucia Dietz Thursday, November 6th Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10(488) 7:30 A.M. Protection against Ebola Friday, November 7th Phil 3:17-4:1/Lk 16:1-8(489) 7:30 A.M. Special Intention Saturday, November 8th Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15(490) 5:00 P.M. Rosalinda Albarado & Karly Rose Chavez Sunday, November 9th Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 (671) 8:00 A.M. Remigio Villarico 10:00 A.M. †Barney and Lillian Szelag 12:00 P.M. (Spanish) †Rosa Moreno Rosary prayer after each weekday Mass or Communion ServiceIntercession for priests and Divine Mercy. Eddie Falcon Sr. Rosario Reyes Esmeralda Serna Leroy Lott Travis Berdoll Ann Pease Samuel Flores Rosario Ramos Paul McGrath Harper Waldrip Collin Camp Bertha Flores Patricia Barnes Bernell Sample Julia Tucker Lena Griggs Byron Appelt Tomas Silva Shirley Wilhelm Lydia Peña Dolores Harmon Emily Kaminski Irma Vazquez Silvia Trujillo Dennis Platt Frances Moore Kevin Moore Sandra Lopez Gilliland Valentine Okura Nova Leigth Samuel Flores Cynthia Allen Pete & Lupita Vigil John & Elaine Weiss Sara Barkley David Barkley Victoria, Chase & Christian Jory Nazaria Rodriguez Reyes Joann McCoy For those serving in our Armed Forces and all in need of prayer THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF LOVED ONES Especially those recently called home to our Savior NOVEMBER 1ST & 2ND This Week YTD Regular Collection: $ 6,838.92 $346,632.58 Operating Expenses: $12,460.59 $304,159.12 Children’s Collection: $ 37.00 $ 2,970.89 Youth Mass: $ 0.00 $ 609.92 Building Fund: $203.50 $13,370.92 Thank you for your faithful Stewardship of our Parish and for your generous donations. Meetings and Gatherings Sunday, November 2nd 8:30 a.m.: 2nd yr FC, Sacramental English 8:30 a.m.: RCIA- English 8:45 a.m.: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Monday, November 3rd 7:30 a.m.: 10:30 a.m.: 7:00 p.m.: 7:00 p.m.: 7:00 p.m.: Communion Service 4 H Meeting Parish Hall KOC Officers Room 204 KOCA Meeting Room Epic – Parish Hall Tuesday, November 4th 10:00 a.m.: Epic – Meeting Room 6:30 p.m.: Taller de oración y vida – Parish Hall 7:00 p.m.: Women’s Fellowship – Room104 7:00 p.m.: Men’s Fellowship – Room 103 7:00 p.m.: Rey Jesus – Meeting Room Wednesday, November 5th 10:30 a.m.: 50 Plus Bingo 4:30 p.m.: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th 6:30 p.m.: Sacramental Preparation - Spanish 6:30 p.m.: RCIA- Spanish Thursday, November 6th 6:00 p.m.: EIM Refresher – Parish Hall 7:00 p.m.: CERS-Meeting Room 7:00 p.m.: Holy Hour Spanish 7:00 p.m.: KOC Council – Room 206 7:00 p.m.: Cursos Biblicos CERS – Room 204 Friday, November 7th 3:30 p.m.: Fish Fry Fundraiser 7:00 p.m.: Grupo de Oración Carismática Saturday, November 8th 9:00 a.m.: Scripture Study – Parish Hall 10:00 a.m.: Curso Biblico – Meeting Room 3:30 p.m.: Confessions In Memory of Monsignor Edward J. Dokupil from Dan & Martha Krischke If you would like to donate the flowers on the altar call: Rita Dickman (512)308-1712 Cost $40 Si desea donar las flores en el altar llama a: Dora Castañeda (512)308-0701 costo $40 THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED To remember Veterans Drop off pictures of service men and women to the church office or in church by Nov 9. Be sure your name and phone number is taped to the back of the photo. Photos may be retrieved following daily Mass on Nov. 11 Friday Morning Adoration Spending time in Eucharistic Adoration with our Divine Lord and Friend is a good place to go to ask what he wants with our life. Why not spend some time each week in adoration, in union, in contemplation of the Lord present in the Eucharist? Starting November 7th from 8:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the chapel for you to take an opportunity to have private time with the Lord. Rise Up Youth Ministry—DCYC Behold Austin Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference—Waco Convention Center—Waco TX January 16-18, 2015– Enero 16-18, 2015 Deposit $25 by November 30, 2014 Total Cost $75 per student covers ticket, transportation, hotel, meals—Financial assistance available Conferencia de Jovenes Catolicos del Diocese de Austin— Waco, TX Deposito $25 antes de 30 de Noviembre Costo total por cada estudiante $75 cubre entrada, el trasporte, hotel, la comida. Ayuda financiera disponible. Homeless Mission Project under way! Please visit our fundraising page for more details. Our youth will break ground on a new small home to bring a homeless brother or sister HOME—January 24, 2015 T-Shirt are now available in parish office, only $12 ea. EPIC: A Journey through Church History This week’s topic: Great Schism. Muslim invaders. The Crusades, Part 1. Vision of St. Andrew and the Holy Lance. Drop ins are welcomed. For more information call Karen Shirk (512)321-4311 or [email protected] Thank You for your support! Altar Society thanks our Parish for supporting us and our Annual Turkey and Dressing Fundraiser . God Bless! Altar Society agradese a nuestra paroquia su apoyo en la cena annual de pavo. Que Dios los bendiga! NOVEMBER 1ST & 2ND Gospel Meditation Jesus says in today’s Gospel that he “will not reject anyone who comes to me” and we will be raised on the last day. Do you pray regularly for the souls in purgatory? Pray for them today. Jesús dice en el Evangelio de hoy que él "no rechazará a ninguno que venga a él" y que nos levantaremos en el último día ¿Ora usted con regularidad por las almas en el purgatorio? Ore por ellas hoy Pro-Life Spiritual Adoption Progress MONTH 3: Developing Baby—“I can suck my thumb!” Spiritual Adoption Program Your baby is quite active in the womb now - - although her mother won’t feel her for another couple of months. If her mother’s womb had a window, you could watch your spiritually adopted baby squint, swallow and move her tongue. She can make a tight fist if you touch her palm. She is breathing amniotic fluid which continues until birth, although she obtains the oxygen her body needs through the umbilical cord. The baby you are praying for weighs one ounce Tercer mes -Desarrollo del bebé- “¡Puedo chuparme el dedo!” Programa de Adopción Espiritual Ahora su bebé espiritual está muy activo en el vientre. Sin embargo su madre no lo sentirá sino hasta después de un par de meses. Si el vientre de su madre tuviera una ventana, usted podría mirar a su bebé espiritual parpadear, tragar y mover su lengua. Si toca su palma el puede hacer puñete. El respira el líquido amniótico hasta que nace, sin embargo el bebé obtiene el oxígeno que su cuerpo necesita a través del cordón umbilical. El niño por el cual esta rezando, pesa ahora una onza. Al comienzo del mes solo a nueve semanas comienza a chuparse su dedo. Clases de biblia con el Padre Ramiro Las próximas clases de biblia con el Padre Ramiro será el 8 y 22 de Noviembre en el edificio de educación religiosa de 10:00a.m.—12:00 a.m. Favor de traer su biblia Scripture Study Deacon Bill will continue the study of the Book of Genesis, Chapters 1 and 2, next Saturday morning, Nov. 8 th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the parish hall. Everyone is invited to attend; please bring a bible. Commitment Week The annual diocesan Catholic Services Appeal will be conducted next weekend. Each year, our bishop asks every one of us to make a commitment to support the work of our diocesan programs and ministries. By sharing the gifts God has granted us, we can work together to care for the Church. THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED FIRST VICTORIA BANK Kim K. Madere Assistant Vice President Banking Center 208 Highway 71 West Bastrop, TX 78602 (512) 332-0145 NOVEMBER 1ST & 2ND William M. “Willie” Piña BASTROP COUNTY COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 1 804 PECAN STREET BASTROP, TX 78602 [email protected] Eloisa Ontiveros OFFICE: 512-581-4001 DIRECT: 512-332-7295 FRONTIER BANK OF TEXAS BASTROP & ELGIN Licenciada en Derecho MEMBER FDIC 809 Nueces Austin, Texas 78701 Office: (512) 322-9866 Todo tipo de casos criminales, inmigración, casos de divorcios y manutención, y lesiones personales, incluyendo accidentes automovilísticos. Wanda Rucker, V.P. and bank manager 1500 Chestnut Street Bastrop, TX 78602 512-303-6000 Lisa D. Patterson Attorney At Law 489 Highway 71 West, Suite 202 Bastrop, Texas 78602 Telephone (512) 772-3605 [email protected] STATE FARM 815 HWY 71 WEST LORI TUGGLE, AGENT 512-581-3939 JAMES ALLEN, AGENT 512-581-3535 LADIES OF CHARITY Of Bastrop THRIFT STORE 1202 Pine St. 512-321-9819 Monday 9-12:30 Friday 9-12:30 Sammy Lerma III, MD Martha Pola-Strowd, NP Wednesday 9-5 Saturday 9-12:30 VOLUNTEERS/MEMBERS ARE NEEDED to work at the store, at nursing homes and with Meals on Wheels. DONATIONS ARE NEEDED of clothing, small furniture and other household items in good condition. Ladies of Charity of Bastrop help referred clients with utilities, prescriptions, clothes and household goods. Referrals of Bastrop County residents accepted from all social services, churches, schools and doctors. Family Medicine Serving Texas Families for over 17 years Downtown Bastrop 1109 Church St. (512) 321-3311 Accepting same day appointments for children and adults Discount for those non-insured. Medically supervised weight loss with personal care and attention FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bastrop County’s Bank…Since 1889 Member FDIC 489 HWY 71 West Bastrop, TX 78602 512-321-2561 THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED NOVEMBER 1ST & 2ND Ovilon Garcia Lupita Ramirez Melissa Blotz Rosendo Jimenez Robert Aldridge Pascual Del Refugio Rico Ramona Ramirez Micahel Stone Gregorio Jimenez Roger Breeding Jesus Saldaña Estanislado Ramirez Daniel Valadez Jesus Jimenez Paul Breeding Esperanza Olvera Maria de Jesus Ramirez Jose Luis Moreno Esther Moreno Robert Ryan Armstrong Maria De la Luz Anaya Jose Llamas Irinea Anaya Victoria Jimenez Angel Debagghi Eleuterio Salorña Manuel Manuel Jr. Martha Villafuerte Angelita Jimenez Angel Betancourt Charles Elliott, Sr. Baudelio Carmen Valadez Guadalupe Jimenez Angel Robertson Millie Krenek Ampelio Exiquio Moreno Raul Ramirez Ann Touhy Charlie Krenek Avigail Susana Valadez Bernardo Jimenez John Touhy Antonio Godinez Lidia Todas las Animas Marthita Jimenez Joseph Robertson Sabino Godinez Loyola Ma. Jesus Consuelo Rodriguez Perla Orozco Mabel Robertson Adrian Anaya Maldonado Jose Medrano Andres Rodriguez Luis Rey Alcala Gregory Robertson Sara Godinez Loyola Maria Lahn Thi Nguyen Girn Kim Maria del Rosario Orte- Terrance Robertson Amparo Alva Joseph Nguyen Joseph Nguyen J.J. Ramirez Eddie Touhy Jesus Servin Maria Le Mary Nguyen Antonio Rodriguez Msgr. Edward Dokupil Gloria Anzo Joseph Le Sophie Cruz Magdaleno Diaz Father Faber Apolinar Zuniga Andres Rodriguez Narcisa Delgado Lino Navarrete Bret Skillman Dolores Escamilla Zuniga Consuelo Rodriguez Urvano Delgado Jose Luis Navarrete Ramon Garcia Luz Elena Flores Leonard Smith Guadalupe Bravo Diaz Erasto Garcia Emauricio Eustaquio Perez Mary Belle Smith Manuela Diaz Navarrete Maria Del Rosario Moreno Donato Balderas Natividad Hernandez Carlota Diaz Arreola Jesus Aguilar Selso Balderas Santos Hernandez Camilo R. Segura Angelica Perez Andres Mata Ricarda Cervantez Enemesio B. Segura Nicolas Moreno Guillermo Betancourt Tiburcio Cervantez Vicente B. Segura Margarita Mata Elvira Betancourt Carlos Hernandez Alexander T. Segura Herminia Siu Angel Patiño Piedad Adame Ricarda Bravo Segura Joaquin Siu Irene Iturralde Rosendo Alcantar Adela Perez Segura Cresencio Diaz Contreras Maria del Carmen Moreno Eucebio Gonzalez Concepcion Segura Her- Peter Higgins Clodomiro Betancourt Raul Merino Sr. Pedro Olguin Marcella Malek Angel Alberto Patiño Joseph C. Rodriguez Concepcion M. Capetil- Ed Malek Yolanda Betancourt Ramona Rodriguez Daniel Martinez Edward Malek Roberto Betancourt Anton Bartsh Genaro O. Capetillo Agustin Bernal Lopez Jacinto Trujillo Viola Bartsh Tomas O. Capetillo Antonio Zertuche Luis Trujillo Cruz P. Ramirez Felicitas Fernandez Mal- Manuel Anguiano Santos Raul Salabarria Simon Ramirez Amada Olguin Capetillo Alicia Lopez Jacin Trujillo Quinton Geltmeier Guadalupe Capetillo Mary Bertagni Maria Estrada Charles Odle Ruby Niño Capetillo Tony Bertagni Edwardo Martinez Isabella Herrera Candelaria Capetillo Charles E. Daly Inez Lemus Vernon Tuck Ramon Zermeño William D. Stanton David Lemus Ernesto Juarez Gerarda Valtierra Teresita Aclan Socorro Melendez Jose Jimenez Santos Martinez Felicisima Lobrio Trinidad Hernandez Martha Gonzalez Jose de Jesus De Alba Roman DeLumen Jose Miranda San Juana Jimenez Gabriela Santana Frank Sanchez Leos Susan Blotz Maria Garcia Bacilia Torres Eufronio Merino Ellen Dean Miguel Reyes Jr. Ricky Aldridge
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