Distr. GENERAL INTERNATIONAL TROPICAL TIMBER COUNCIL ITTC(LII)/Info.4 4 August 2016 ENGLISH ONLY FIFTY-SECOND SESSION 7-12 November 2016 Yokohama, Japan ITTO PUBLICATIONS LIST ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page i I BRIEF INFORMATION ON ITTO PUBLICATIONS ITTO publications are classified into eleven categories: 1) General Information (GI), 2) Technical Series (TS), 3) Policy Development Series (PS), 4) Pre-Project Reports (PPR), 5) Pre-Project Publications (PPD), 6) Project Reports and Publications (PD), 7) Report of Seminars, Workshops and other Meetings (SRS), 8) ITTO Information Papers (IP), 9) Mission Reports (MR), 10) Other Publications (OP), and 11) Serial Publications Publications under the General Information category (GI) are about the Organization in general, its objectives, rules and procedures, and records of its activities. Annual reports, Session reports and Annual Reviews are also included in this category. The Technical Series (TS) reports the results of technical research, studies and activities which were conducted ITTO. The ITTO Policy Development Series (PS) category has been created to house the various guidelines on sustainable management promoted by the Organization. It is hoped that member countries will take these guidelines into account when forming their national forest policies. ITTO finances Pre-projects and Projects through support from various ITTO member countries and other donors. On completion of each Pre-project or Project, implementing agencies submit to ITTO Completion Reports containing results and/or knowledge gained from such Pre-Projects or Projects. These are then published by ITTO as Pre-Project Reports (PPR) or Project Reports (PD). Publications issued in course of ITTO Pre-Projects or Projects taking forms other than reports are under the category of Pre-Project Publication (PPD) or Project Publication (PD). Reports of Seminars, Workshops and other Meetings (SRS), is a self-explanatory category. As this heading suggests, material under this category are reports and proceedings from workshops, seminars and meetings which not only promote ITTO's mandate but serve as fora for consultation among member governments to discuss key issues towards the achievement of ITTO's goals and objectives. ITTO Information Papers (IP) include studies undertaken for ITTO by research organizations or other intergovernmental agencies which are primarily concerned with scientific data that are relevant to ITTO supported projects and activities. Mission Reports (MR) include results and reports of missions undertaken by consultants or factfinding teams for the purpose of assisting member countries in assessing the status of their forest management and ways to attain it. Publications that do not fall under any of the afore-mentioned categories are classified under Other Publications (OP). OP includes Audio-visual materials, computer databases, training manuals and subjects ranging from sustainable forest management to timber trade. ITTO is supporting three regular publications, the Market Information Service (MIS), the Tropical Forest News (TFN), and the Tropical Forest Update (TFU). The MIS is a bi-weekly newsletter in English that reports on the tropical timber market. TNF is an electronic newslestter in English that provides insights into ITTO’s latest initiatives and work and published every two monts, while the TFU is a quarterly publication that promotes conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests as well as providing information on trade and industry. The TFU is published in English, French and Spanish. ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page ii II GUIDE TO ABBREVIATIONS AND CODES USED IN THE ITTO PUBLICATIONS LIST 1. ABBREVIATIONS LANGUAGE GI TS PS PPR PPD PD SRS IP MR OP 0. - E – English F – French S – Spanish P – Portuguese C – Chinese J – Japanese General Information Technical Series Policy Development Series Pre-Project Reports Pre-Project Publications Project Report and Publications Report of Seminars, Workshops and Other Meetings Information Paper Mission Report Other Publication CODE # - Original document and/or translation under preparation ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 1 ORDER NO. GI – 1a GI – 1b GI – 1c GI – 2a GI – 2b GI – 3 GI – 4 GI – 5 GI – 6 GI – 7 GI – 8 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII S-I XIV XV S-II XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV TITLE GENERAL INFORMATION International Tropical Timber Agreement (1983), United Nations, 1984 International Tropical Timber Agreement (1994), United Nations, 1994 International Tropical Timber Agreement (2006), United Nations, 2006 Rules of Procedure, 1997 Rules of Procedure, 2000 Financial Rules and Rules Relating to Projects of the ITTO, 1997 (CFA(II)/5 Rev.2) ITTO Manual for Project Formulation, 1992 ITTO Manual for Project Monitoring, Review and Evaluation, 1992 Annual Reports: 1985-1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (Bi)annual Review and Assessment of the World Tropical Timber Situation: 1988, 1989, 1990,1991, 1992, 1993-1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013-2014 Reports of the Sessions of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) and the Permanent Committees on Reforestation and Forest Management (CRF), Forest Industry (CFI), and Economic Information and Market Intelligence (CFM) - ITTC I Geneva, Switzerland First Part: 07-28 June 1985 Second Part: 25-29 November 1985 Third Part: 28 July-1 August 1986 - ITTC II Yokohama, Japan 23-27 March 1987 - ITTC III & PC I Yokohama, Japan 16-20 November 1987 - ITTC IV & PC II Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 29 June-1 July 1988 - ITTC V & PC III Yokohama, Japan 14-16 November 1988 - ITTC VI & PC IV Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire 16-23 May 1989 - ITTC VII & PC V Yokohama, Japan 30 Oct-7 Nov 1989 - ITTC VIII & PC VI Bali, Indonesia 16-23 May 1990 - ITTC IX & PC VII Yokohama, Japan 16-23 November 1990 - ITTC X & PC VIII Quito, Ecuador 29 May-6 June 1991 - ITTC XI & PC IX Yokohama, Japan 28 Nov – 4 Dec 1991 - ITTC XII & PC X Yaoundé, Cameroon 6-14 May 1992 - ITTC XIII & PC XI Yokohama, Japan 16-21&24 Nov 1992 - ITTC SI (Special Session) Quito, Ecuador 30 January 1993 - ITTC XIV & PC XII Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 11-19 May 1993 - ITTC XV & PC XIII Yokohama, Japan 10-17 November 1993 - ITTC SII (Special Session) Geneva, Switzerland 21 January 1994 - ITTC XVI & PC XIV Cartagena, Colombia 16-23 May 1994 - ITTC XVII & PC XV Yokohama, Japan 8-16 November 1994 - ITTC XVIII & PC XVI Accra, Ghana 10-18 May 1995 - ITTC XIX & PC XVII Yokohama, Japan 8-16 November 1995 - ITTC XX & PC XVIII Manila, Philippines 15-23 May 1996 - ITTC XXI & PC XIX Yokohama, Japan 13-20 November 1996 Reports of the Sessions of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) and the Committees on Reforestation and Forest Management (CRF), Forest Industry (CFI), Economic Information and Market Intelligence (CEM) and Finance and Administration (CFA): - ITTC XXII & Cs Santa Cruz, Bolivia 21-29 May 1997 - ITTC XXIII & Cs Yokohama, Japan 1-6 December 1997 - ITTC XXIV & Cs Libreville, Gabon 20-28 May 1998 - ITTC XXV & Cs Yokohama, Japan 3-9 November 1998 LANG. WEIGHT E, F, S E, F, S E, F, S, C, R E, F, S E, F, S E, F, S 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.02 kg E, F, S E, F, S E, F, S 0.30 kg 0.10 kg 0.32 kg ea. E, F, S 0.58 kg ea. E 0.25 kg E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E E E,F,S E E E E E E E E E 0.14 kg 0.23 kg 0.25 kg 0.19 kg 0.29 kg 0.28 kg 0.47 kg 0.45 kg 0.40 kg 0.46 kg 0.40 kg 0.52 kg 0.07 kg 0.32 kg 0.34 kg 0.06 kg 0.37 kg 0.29 kg 0.31 kg 0.30 kg 0.26 kg 0.29 kg E E E E 0.29 kg 0.28 kg 0.32 kg 0.30 kg 0.04 kg 0.04 kg 0.04 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 2 XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI XXXII XXXIII XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVII XXXVIII XXXIX XL XLI XLII XLIII XLIV XLV XLVI XLVII XLVIII XLVIX L LI GI – 9 GI – 10 GI – 11 GI – 12 GI – 13 GI – 14 GI – 15 GI – 16 - ITTC XXVI & Cs - ITTC XXVII & Cs - ITTC XXVIII & Cs - ITTC XXIX & Cs - ITTC XXX & Cs - ITTC XXXI & Cs - ITTC XXXII & Cs - ITTC XXXIII & Cs - ITTC XXXIV & Cs - ITTC XXXV & Cs - ITTC XXXVI & Cs - ITTC XXXVII & Cs - ITTC XXXVIII & Cs - ITTC XXXIX & Cs - ITTC XL & Cs - ITTC XLI & Cs - ITTC XLII & Cs - ITTC XLIII & Cs - ITTC XLIV & Cs - ITTC XLV & Cs - ITTC XLVI & Cs - ITTC XLVII & Cs - ITTC XLVIII & Cs - ITTC XLVIX & Cs - ITTC L & Cs - ITTC LI & Cs Chiang Mai, Thailand 28 May-3 June 1999 Yokohama, Japan 1-6 November 1999 Lima, Peru 24-30 May 2000 Yokohama, Japan 30 Oct-4 Nov 2000 Yaoundé, Cameroon 28 May-3 June 2001 Yokohama, Japan 29 Oct-3 Nov 2001 Bali, Indonesia 13-18 May 2002 Yokohama, Japan 4-9 Nov 2002 Panama city, Panama 12-17 May 2003 Yokohama, Japan 3-8 November 2004 Interlaken, Switzerland 20-23 July 2004 Yokohama, Japan 13-18 December 2004 Brazzaville, Republic of Congo 19-21 June 2005 Yokohama, Japan 7-12 November 2005 Yucatán, Mérida, Mexico 29 May-2 June 2006 Yokohama, Japan 6-11 November 2006 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea 8-12 May 2007 Yokohama, Japan 5-10 November 2007 Yokohama, Japan 3-8 November 2008 Yokohama, Japan 9-14 November 2009 Yokohama, Japan 13-18 December 2010 La Antigua, Guatemala 14-19 November 2011 Yokohama, Japan 5-10 November 2012 Libreville, Gabon 25-30 November 2013 Yokohama, Japan 5-10 November 2014 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16-21 November 2015 Guidelines for the Selection and Employment of Consultants and Guidelines for the Procurement and Payment of Goods and Services Financed from the Special Account, 1993 Rules and Procedures Applying to ITTO Projects, 1999 ITTO Manual for Project Formulation – Second Edition, 1999 ITTO Manual for Project Monitoring, Review and Evaluation – Second Edition, 1999 ITTO Manual for project formulation – Third Edition, 2009 ITTO Manual for project monitoring, review, reporting and evaluation – Third Edition, 2009 ITTO Manual on standard operating procedures for the ITTO project cycle, 2009 ITTO Guidelines for the selection and employment of consultants, procurements, and payments of goods and services – Second Edition, 2009 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 0.30 kg 0.37 kg 0.29 kg 0.35 kg 0.37 kg 0.38 kg 0.40 kg 0.46 kg 0.31kg 0.31kg 0.31kg 0.39 kg 0.39 kg 0.43 kg 0.43 kg 0.43 kg 0.44 kg 0.44 kg 0.44 kg 0.44 kg 0.44 kg 0.51 kg 0.51 kg 0.51 kg 0.51 kg 0.51 kg E, F, S 0.10 kg E, F, S E, F, S E, F, S 0.05 kg 0.32 kg 0.15 kg E, F, S E, F, S 0.52 kg 0.50 kg E, F, S 0.46 kg E, F, S 0.13 kg E 0.30 kg F, P - OUT E, S, P 0.51 kg E 0.34 kg E 0.44 kg E F - OUT S 0.40 kg ITTO TECHNICAL SERIES TS – 1 TS – 2 TS – 3 TS – 4 TS – 5 TS – 6 Amazonian Timbers for the International Market, Brazilian Institute for Environment and Renewable Natural Resources, 1989 Manuel d'affûtage, FAO, 1989 Manual for the Preservation of Wood in the Tropics, Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, 1989 Study of the Trade and Markets for Tropical Hardwoods in Europe, Economic Commission for Europe, ECE/FAO Agriculture and Timber Division, 1989 Wooden Household Furniture: A Study of Major Markets, International Trade Center, 1990 Planning Forest Industries in Developing Countries, FINNIDA Forestry Training Program and FAO, 1992 (refer to OP-5 and OP-6 for related publications) 0.38 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 3 TS – 7 TS – 8 TS – 9 TS – 10 TS – 11 TS – 12 TS – 13 TS – 14 TS – 15 TS – 16 TS – 17 TS – 18 TS – 19 TS – 20 TS – 21 TS – 22 TS – 23 TS – 24 TS – 25 TS – 26 TS – 27 TS – 28 TS – 29 Beyond the Guidelines - An Action Program for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests, Proceedings of the Conference of Senior Foresters', Yokohama, Japan, 23-26 July 1991, 1992 World Conference on Tropical Plywood in Asia Pacific Region, Seminar Proceedings, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11-19 December 1991, Asia Pacific Forest Industries Inc., 1992 Conservation Concerns Relating to Diversification of Species Extracted for Timber, vol. II, IIED, 1992 Global Change: Effects on Tropical Forests, Agricultural, Urban and Industrial Ecosystems, Proceedings of the National Biological Conference of Thailand, Bangkok, 22-24 October 1990, 1991 Status and Potential of Non-Timber Products in the Sustainable Development of Tropical Forests, Proceedings of an International Seminar Held in Kamakura, Japan, 17 November 1990, 1993 The Economic and Environmental Value of Mangrove Forests and their Present State of Conservation, (includes country reports on Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Fiji), International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME) and Japan International Association for Mangroves (JIAM), 1993 Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Mangrove Forests in Latin America and Africa Regions, 1994 (Volume I), 1994 (Volume II), 1994 (Volume III) Timber Certification in Transition: Study on the Development in the Formulation and Implementation of Certification Schemes for All Internationally Traded Timber and Timber Products [ITTC(XX)/8] E, F, S -OUT 0.69 kg E 0.58 kg E 0.63 kg E 0.50 kg E, F, S - OUT 0.23 kg E - OUT 0.56 kg E – OUT, E, S, E - OUT E, F, S 0.08 kg 0.64 Kg 0.74 Kg 0.22 kg Timber Certification: Progress and Issues [ITTC(XXIII)/8] Report on the Impediments to Market Access for Tropical Timber [ITTC(XXVI)/9] Report on the Downturn in the International Tropical Timber Market [ITTC(XXVII)/7] Forest Resource Accounting: Stock-Taking for Sustainable Forest Management, IIED, WCMC, 1994 Forest Certification: Pending Challenges for Tropical Timber Reviving Tropical Plywood: How increasing transparency and cooperation in the tropical hardwood plywood trader could reduce market fluctuations and price volatility and reinvigorate the trade, 2004 For Services Rendered: The current status and the future potential of markets for the ecosystem services provided by tropical forests Making the Mahogany Trade Work: Report of the workshop on capacitybuilding for the implementation of the CITES Appendix-II listing of mahogany Restoring Forest Landscapes: An introduction to the art and science of forest landscape restoration The Forest Landscape Restoration Handbook Status of Tropical Forest Management 2005 – Full Report Status of Tropical Forest Management 2005 – Summary Report Guidebook for the Formulation of Afforestation and Reforestation Projects Under the Clean Development Mechanism under the project of PD 359/05 Rev.1 (F) Updated Version ( E-files only) New Directions for Tropical Plywood Issues and Opportunities for Investment in Natural Tropical Forests: Proceedings of the International Tropical Forest Investment Forum (Cancún, Mexico, 26-27 April 2006) Community-based Forest Enterprises: Their Status and Potential in Tropical Countries Developing Forest Certification: Towards increasing the Comparability and Acceptance of Forest Certification Systems Worldwide E E 0.33 kg 0.26 kg E 0.42 kg E 0.32 kg E E 0.25 kg 0.22 kg E 0.29 kg E, S 0.23 kg E 0.33 kg E E E, F, S E 0.20 kg 1.20 kg 0.13 kg 0.22 kg E E E 0.45 kg 0.40 kg E 0.27 kg E 0.39 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 4 TS – 30 TS – 34 TS – 35 Tropical Forests and Climate Change: Report of the International Expert Meeting on Addressing Climate Change through Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests Energy Grows on Trees: Report of the International Conference of Woodbased Bioenergy (Hanover, Germany) Gifts from the Forest: report of the international conference on the sustainable development of non-timber forest products and services. (Beijing, China 26-28 September 2007) Encouraging Industrial Forest Plantations in the Tropics Report of Global Study The Pros and Cons of Procurement Good Neighbors TS – 36 Leveling the Playing Field TS – 37 TS – 38 TS – 39 TS – 40 TS – 41 TS – 42 TS – 43 TS – 44 TS – 45 Tropical Forest Tenure Assessment Status of Tropical Forest Management 2011 Raising the Standards Tracking Sustainability Riding Out the Storm Indicating Progress Technical Guide on the Quantification of Carbon Benefits in ITTO Projects The Impact of Timber Procurement Policies Europe’s Changing Tropical Timber Trade Europe’s Changing Tropical Timber Trade Summary TS – 31 TS – 32 TS – 33 PS – 1 PS – 2 PS – 3 PS – 4 PS – 5 PS – 6 PS – 7 PS – 8 PS – 9 PS – 10 PS – 11 PS – 12 PS – 13 PS – 14 PS – 15 PS – 16 PS – 17 ITTO POLICY DEVELOPMENT SERIES ITTO Guidelines for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests, 1990 ITTO Action Plan: Criteria and Priority Areas for Programme Development and Project Work, 1990 Criteria for the Measurement of Sustainable Tropical Forest Management, 1992 Guidelines for the Establishment and Sustainable Management of Planted Tropical Production Forests, 1993 Guidelines for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in Tropical Production Forests, 1993 Guidelines on Fire Management in Tropical Forests Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests ITTO Libreville Action Plan Manual for the Application of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forest - Part A / National Indicators Manual for the Application of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forest - Part B / Forest Management Unit Indicators ITTO Yokohama Action Plan 2002-2006 ITTO Mangrove Work Plan 2002-2006 ITTO Guidelines for the Restoration, Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded and Secondary Tropical Forests ATO / ITTO Principles, Criteria and Indicators for the Sustainable Management of African Natural Tropical Forests Revised ITTO Criteria and Indicators for the Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests including reporting format ITTO Guidelines on Auditing of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management – CD-ROM ITTO/IUCN Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical timber production forests E 0.22 kg E 0.31 kg E 0.30 kg E -OUT 0.29 kg E E F E F E E, F, S E E, F, S E E E E E E, F, S 0.29 kg 0.29 kg 0.21 kg 1.52 kg 0.30 kg 0.28 kg 0.56 kg 0.39 kg 0.41 kg 0.36 kg 0.33 kg 0.09 kg E, F, S, P 0.08 kg E, F, S 0.12 kg E, F, S, P 0.03 kg E, F, S 0.20 kg E -OUT, F, S E, F, S E, F, S, P 0.10 kg E, F, S E, F, S 0.10 kg 0.30 kg E, F, S 0.30 kg E, F, S E, F, S E, F, S 0.12 kg 0.05 kg 0.31 kg E, F 0.12kg E, F, S 0.32 kg E, F-OUT, F, S E, F, S 0.09 kg 0.13 kg 0.10 kg 0.63kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 5 PS – 18 PS – 19 PS – 20 PPR 1/87 (M) PPR 2/87 (F) PPR 3/87 (I) PPR 4/87 (I) PPR 5/87 (M) PPR 6/87 (M) PPR 7/88 (F) PPR 8/88 (I) PPR 9/88 (I) PPR 10/88 (F) PPR 11/88 (F) PPR 12/89 (F) PPR 13/89 (M) PPR 14/89 (I) PPR 15/89 (F) PPR 16/89 (I) PPR 17/90 (F) PPR 18/91 (I) PPR 19/91 Rev.1 (I) PPR 21/91 (M) ITTO Action Plan (2008-2011) ITTO Strategic Action Plan (2013-2018) Voluntary Guidelines for the Sustainable Managemenet of Natural Tropical Forests E, F, S E, F, S E, F, S 0.12 kg 0.11 kg 0.31 kg E, F, S 0.18 kg E, F, S 0.13 kg E, F, S 0.36 kg Training Needs and Supply of Training Services in Forest Industry in Developing Countries, FINNIDA Forestry Training Programme, 1987 (see TS-6 and OP-5 for related publications) Preliminary Market Transparency Study for Tropical Timber Produced in the Asean Region, FAO, 1987 A Forum for Producing and Consuming Countries of Tropical Timber, 1987 The Case for Multiple-use Management of Tropical Hardwood Forests, Harvard Institute for International Development, 1988 The Development of Integrated Approaches for Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Forests in the Amazon Region, The Brazilian Agency for Cooperation, 1988 Seasoning Mixed Species of Tropical Hardwood, USDA Forest Products Laboratory, 1988 Forestry Development Options for the Amazonian Forests with Special Reference to the Tropical Forests of Chimanes in Bolivia, Bolivian Ministry of Rural and Agricultural Affairs, Center for Forestry Development, 1988 Natural Forest Management For Sustainable Timber Production, Volumes I-V, International Institute for Environment and Development, 1988 Plantation Establishment Methods, Japanese Overseas Forestry Consultants Association, 1989 The Structure of China's Tropical Timber Market - The Current Situation of International Cooperation of PRC and Prospects to the Year 2000, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 1989 Sawing Difficult Species, USDA Forest Products Laboratory, 1989 E, F, S 0.10 kg E 0.34 kg E, F, S 0.09 kg E, F, S 0.04 kg E, F, S 0.28 kg E, F, S 0.07 kg E, F, S 0.40 kg E 1.47 kg E, F, S 0.25 kg E, F, S 0.02 kg E, F, S 0.17 kg Enrichment Planting, Japanese Overseas Forestry Consultants Association and Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, 1989 Proposal to Harmonize Methods of Specifying Tropical Timber Products, Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux, 1989 Report on Improvement of Harvesting Systems for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests, Forest Operations Institute, Stockholm, 1990 Appropriate Supply of Wood Raw Materials in Producing Countries with Dwindling Forest Resources: The Case of the Philippines, Executive Summary, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, 1991 Industrial Processing of Rubberwood Timber in Africa (Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire, and Ghana), National Forestry Development Agency (ONADEF), Cameroon, 1991 (revised 1993) Conservation Concerns Relating to the Diversification of Species Extracted for Timber, vol. I (executive summary), International Institute for Environment and Development, 1991. Refer to TS-9 for vol. II (full report) E, F, S 0.40 kg E, F 0.35 kg E 0.28 kg E, S 0.04 kg E, F 0.37 kg E, F, S 0.13 kg PRE-PROJECT REPORTS Pilot Study of Markets of High-value Tropical Timber Products in Italy, FAO, 1987 Rehabilitation of Logged-Over Forests, Japan Overseas Forestry Consultants Association, 1987 Lesser Known Species, Centre Technique Forestier Tropical, 1987 ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 6 PPR 22/91 (M) PPR 23/91 (M) PPR 24/91 (I) PPR 25/92 (I) PPR 26/92 (I) PPR 27/93 (I) PPR 28/93 (M) PPR 29/93 (I) PPR 30/94 (I) PPR 31/94 (F) PPR 32/94 (I) PPR 33/94 (I) PPR 34/95 (I) PPR 35/95 (M) PPR 36/95 Rev.1 (F) PPR 37/96 (I) PPR 38/96 (I) PPR 39/96 (M) PPR 40/96 (M) PPR 41/96 (I) PPR 42/97 (F) PPR 43/97 (F) PPR 44/97 (M) PPR 45/97 (I) PPR 46/97 (I) Incentives in Producer and Consumer Countries to Promote Sustainable Development of Tropical Forests, Oxford Forestry Institute and Timber Research and Development Associates, 1991 The Conservation Status of Tropical Timber in Trade, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 1991 Tropical Timber in Construction and Harmonization of Stress Grading Rules, USDA Forest Products Laboratory and Engineering Data Management Inc., 1991 Feasibility Study on Programme to Support the Sustainable Management of the African Forests Producing Industrial Timber in Order to Better Enhance their Potentiality, 1992 E, F, S 0.17 kg E, F - OUT, S - OUT E 0.87 kg F: Full Report E: No Annexes E, F, S 0.47 kg E, F 0.04 kg E, F, S 0.10 kg E 0.38 kg E 0.38 kg E 0.89 kg P, E 0.15 kg P, E 0.45 kg E, F, S 0.15 kg E, F, S 0.15 kg Lineamientos Y Estrategias De Politica Para el Desarrollo Forestal Sustentable S 0.31 kg Value-Added Wood Processing of the Fast Growing Tropical Species E, F, S 0.41 kg Current Situation of Rubberwood Processing and Utilization E, F 0.05 kg Analysis of Macroeconomic Trends in the Supply, and Demand of Sustainably Produced Tropical Timber form of the Asia-Pacific Region - Phase III Pre-Project Study on Evaluation and Enhancement of ITTO’s Statistical Functions and Networks Pre-feasibility Study on Harmonization of Tropical Plywood Standards E, F, S 0.25 kg E, F, S 0.25 kg E 0.35 kg Biotechnology and the Sustainable Production of Tropical Timber Desk study Diagnóstico de los Sistemas de Permisos y Concesiones Forestales y Propuestas de Criterios e Indicadores para la Ordenación Sostenible de los Bosques Naturales Manejo y Aprovechamiento de la Paca (Guadua Sarcocarpa) E, F, S 0.30 kg S- OUT 0.78 kg S - OUT 0.02 kg Current Situation of Furniture Industry in Myanmar E 0.03 kg Informe de Anteproyecto Estudio de Factibilidad Forestal - Industrial para el Noroccidente Ecuatoriano S - OUT 0.09 kg Feasibility Study of a Program to Strengthen ITTO Activities in Latin America/Caribbean Through the Services of a Field Officer, 1992 Feasibility of a Promotion Center for Furniture Manufacturing in Ecuador, Asociacion Industriales Madereros (AIMA), 1992 Assessment of the Market News Service (MNS) for Tropical Timbers, August 1993 Development Work to Phase out Trade on Unsustainably Produced Timber: 1- Assessment of Future Mahogany Supply and Alternative Industrial Operations for Sustainable Production, September 1993 Manpower Development of Sarawak Forest Sector, Forest Department, State Government of Sarawak, Malaysia, 1994 Economic Case for Natural Forest Management Vol.1 and Vol.2, 1994 Technical and Economical Feasibility of Large -Scale Construction of Wooden Houses in Brazil, 1994 Institutional Strengthening of IBAMA's Forest Products Laboratory, 1994 Industrial Utilization and Marketing of Eucalyptus Plantations of the Province of Loja, 1995 Implementation of a Forest Statistical Information System 0.19 kg 0.10 kg 0.07 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 7 PPR 47/97 (I) PPR 48/98 (I) PPR 49/98 (I) PPR 50/98 (I) PPR 51/98 (I) PPR 52/98 (I) PPR 53/99 (M) PPR 55/00 (F) PPR 56/00 (F) PPR 57/00 (M) PPR 58/00 (M) PPR 59/00 (F) PPR 60/00 (I) PPR 61/00 (I) PPR 62/01 (I) PPR 63/01 (I) PPR 64/01 (M) PPR 65/01 (M) PPR66/03 (M) Expansion of the Production Capability of SME’s Furniture for the Purpose of Increasing Malaysia’s Exports of Value-added Timber Products Élaboration D’un Plan Directeur en Matière D’industrialisation de la Filière Bois au Gabon en Conformité Avec Les Normes de Gestion Durables des Forêts Policies and Measures towards the Development of Domestic Further Processing of Tropical Timber Sustainable Development of the Plywood Industry in Latin America E 0.09 kg F - OUT 0.20 kg E - OUT 0.31 kg E 0.33 kg Development of the Indian Rubberwood Industry E 0.30 kg Development and Implementation of Stress Grading Rules for Tropical Timber in the Philippines Development and Implementation of the Forestry Statistics Information System Informe “Analisis Legal de las Concesiones Forestales”, Pre-proyecto “Promocion y Transferencia de Conocimientos Sobre Modelos de Manejo Forestal Sostenible a los Productores Madereros”, PPD 2/98 Rev.1(F), Elaborado por la Camara Nacional Forestal, Lima, Mayo de 1999 Informe “Analisis Legal de las Situacion de la Industria Maderera y su Capacidad para Ejecutar Manejo Forestal”, Pre-proyecto “Promocion y Transferencia de Conocimientos Sobre Modelos de Manejo Forestal Sostenible a los Productores Madereros”, PPD 2/98 Rev.1(F), Elaborado por la Camara Nacional Forestal, Lima, Mayo de 1999 Creation d’un Systeme National pour la Collecte et le Traitement des Statistiques Forestieres du Congo Creation of a Structure for Research, Collection and Publication of Economic Information with the View to Establish a Sustainable Database on the Marketing of Tropical Timber in Cameroon 1. Iniciativa para la elaboración de un proyecto de conservación en la Cordillera del Cóndor 2. Parque El Cóndor Rubberwood Utilization and Marketing in Thailand [PPD 1/98 Rev.2 (I)]: 1. Status of Rubberwood Utilization and Marketing in Thailand 2. Proposed Action Plan for the Thai Rubberwood Industry 3. Proceedings of workshop on “Technical Achievements and the Future of Rubberwood Utilization and Marketing in Thailand”, 2526 January 2000, Star Hotel, Rayong, Thailand 4. An Overview of Rubberwood Utilization and Marketing in Thailand – Problems and Constraints Technical Report of Pre-Project PPD 18/99 Rev.2 (I), Situation of the Resources and Wood Utilization of Tropical Plantations in the Southern Part of China (Technical Report) Increasing Utilization Efficiency and the Reduction of Losses and Waste Throughout the Production Chain [PPD 24/99 (I)] – Final Report Review of the Status of Further Processing of Tropical Timber in Producing Countries [PPD 25/99 (I)] – Final Report The Competitiveness of Tropical Timber and Tropical Timber Products vis á vis Timber And Non-Timber Substitutes [PPD 26/99 (M)] – Final Report A Study on the Medium and Long-term Outlook for the Tropical Timber Market [PPD 27/99 (M)] – Final Report Measures to Bring Increased Transparency to the Tropical Hardwood Plywood Trade – The Causes of Market Fluctuations and Price Volatility E - OUT 0.25 kg E - OUT 1.78 kg S - OUT 0.09 kg S - OUT 0.06 kg F - OUT 0.04 kg E, F-OUT 0.03 kg S 0.36 kg S 0.51 kg E E E 0.27 kg 0.10 kg 0.08 kg E 0.07 kg E - OUT 0.21 kg E 0.30 kg E 0.40 kg E 0.18 kg E 0.22 kg E 0.30 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 8 PPR67/04 (M) PPR 68/04 (M) PPR 69/04 (I) PPR 69/05 (M) PPR70/05 (I) PPR 71/05 (M) PPR 72/07 (M) PPD 40/91 Rev.1 (I) PPD 1/92 Rev.1 (F) PPD 11/93 (F) PPD 8/95 Rev.2 (F) PPD 9/97 (M) PPD 4/98 Rev.1 (I) PPD 1/99 Rev.2 (I) PPD 5/99 Rev.1 (F) PPD 18/99 Rev.2 (I) Review of Information on Life Cycle Analysis of Tropical Timber Products [PPD48/02(M)] Review of the Indian Timber Market [PPD 49/02 (M)] E 0.20 kg E 0.30 kg Increasing Timber Processing Utilization Efficiency and Reducing Waste – Final Report [PPD 66/02 (I)] Review of the Italian Timber Market – With Focus on Tropical Timber [PP-A/36-149] Assessment of the Multiple Benefits of Downstream Processing of Tropical Timber in Producer Countries – Consultant’s Final Report [PPD 35/01 (I)] Review of the French Timber Market E 0.21 kg E 0.84 kg E 0.75 kg E 0.92 kg Review of the US Market for Tropical Timber Products E 0.20 kg S 0.10 kg S - OUT 0.30 kg F 0.12 kg E 0.06 kg E 0.16 kg E 0.46 kg Thai Thai Thai 0.27 kg 0.27 kg 0.21 kg Thai E 0.28 kg 0.31 kg E 0.44 kg E 0.25 kg E 0.19 kg E 0.22 kg PRE-PROJECT PUBLICATIONS The Industrial Utilization and Marketing of Eucalyptus Plantations of the Province of Loja 1. Diagnostico del Eucalipto SP con Enfasis en los Cantones en la Provincia de Loja, Ecuador, de Gonzanama, Calvas y Quizanga 2. Utilizacion Industrial y Mercadeo de las Plantaciones de Eucalipto de la Provincia de Loya, Ecuador Impact des Populations Rurales Sur le Development Forestier, Protection et Reconstitution de la Foret Dense Tropicale dans la Region de Sikop (Ndom) Province du Littoral, Cameroun: Rapport sur l'Achevement du Pre-Project Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management of Natural Forests in Colombia Mangrove Ecosystems Technical Reports, "Mangrove Resource Information System: Evaluation of the Scope and Content of the Existing Database" Forestry Statistics Information System, Development Plan, Final Report "Promotion of Tropical Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) in Thailand": Case Study on Status of Promotion of Tropical Forests 1. Forest in Ban Samakae, srisawat, Kanchanaburi Province 2. Forest in Ban Mae Mae, Chiangdao, Chiang Mai Province 3. Forest in Phru-Kanthuli, Kanthuli, Thachana, Suratthani Province 4. Forest in Dong-Phoo, Sri-salay, Srisaket Province Human Resources Development for the Improvement of Forest Industry in Cambodia: “Technical Report, Forest Industries in Cambodia: Training of Forest Practitioners” Development of a Model Forest for Sustainable Forest Management in Thailand: 1. Data Base of Ngao Demonstration Forest (Technical Report No.1) 2. The NGAO Model Forest, , a Partnership in Support of Sustainable Forest Management in Thailand (Technical Report No.2) 3. Management plan for NGAO demonstration forest (Technical Report No.3) Situation of the Resources and Wood Utilization of Tropical Plantations in the Southern Part of China (Technical Report) ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 9 PPD 19/99 Rev.1 (F) PPD 17/01 Rev.1 (F) PPD 20/01 Rev.2 (F) PPD 22/01 (F) PPD 25/01 (I,M) PPD 28/01 Rev.2 (I,M) PPD 29/01 Rev.1 (F) PPD 30/01 Rev.1 (F) PPD 47/02 (F) PPD 51/02 Rev.1 (I) PPD 55/02 Rev.2 (I) Strengthening Sustainable Management of Natural Forests in AsiaPacific (Indonesia and Australia): 1. State of the Art Report on Improved Forest Harvesting and Reduced Impact Logging in Asia Pacific Region 2. Proceedings of “Lokakarya Pelaksanaan Penebangan Hutan Ramah Lingkungan Menuju Pengelolaan Hutan Berkelanjutan”, Bogor, Indonesia, 2-3 May 2001 3. Brochure of “ITTO Sponsored Pre-Project: PPD 19/99 Rev.1 (F), Strengthening Sustainable Management of Natural Forest in Asia Pacific” 4. Brochure of “Why adopt RIL” 5. Guidelines and Modules to Support Implementation of the Asia-Pacific Forest Harvesting Practices Code and Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) 6. Review of Existing Model Forest Areas for Reduced Impact Logging Operation 7. Criteria and Institution Requirements for Establishing Demonstration Sites of Reduced Impact Logging 8. Completion Report Action Plan on Sustainable Mangrove Management 1. ISME Mangrove Action Plan for the sustainable management of mangroves 2004 -2009 Participatory Rural Appraisal in the Planning and Establishment of Sustainable Community Base Forest Management Model 1. Completion Report, December 2002 Tropical Forest Fire Monitoring and Management System Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Data in China – Technical Report by the Chinese Academy of Forestry Review of International Wooden Furniture Markets 1. Tropical Timber Products: Development of Further Processing in ITTO Producer Countries 2. International Wooden Furniture Markets - A Review 3. International Wooden Furniture Markets - A Review CD-ROM Formulating a Proposal on Demonstration of Integrated Models for Sustainable Tropical Forestry Development 1. Status on Forestry Development in Tropical Region of China 2. Current Models of Integrated Development in Tropical Region of China Completion Report, ITTO Pre-Project PPD 29/01 Rev.1 (F) ‘’Development of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management in the Philippines’’, June 2003 The Study and Demonstration of the Management of Secondary Forests in Tropical Regions for the Purpose of Enhancing Economic and Ecological Benefits (China) –Final Technical Reports, May 2003 Promotion of Clean Development Mechanism in the Framework of Sustainable Forest Management with the Community Involvement Application of Production and Utilization Technologies for Rattan Sustainable Development in the ASEAN Member-Countries 1. Technical Report 2. Completion Report 3. Regional Conference on Sustainable Development of Rattan in Asia, January 22-23, 2004, Manila Pavilion Hotel, Manila, Philippines Assessing the Contribution of Selected Non-Timber Forest Product based on Community Participation Approach to Support Sustainable Forest Management 1. Completion Report 2. The Potential of Medicinal Plants to Support Sustainable Forest Management: Ecological, Economic and Sociocultural Aspects E 0.19 kg E 0.19 kg E 0.01 kg E E 0.01 kg 0.13 kg E 0.03 kg E 0.03 kg E E 0.07 kg 0.14 kg E 0.10 kg E 0.29 kg E, F, S 0.50 kg E E, F, S 0.70 kg 0.03 kg E E 0.26 kg 0.26 kg E 0.14 kg E 0.40 kg E 0.09 kg E E E 0.28 kg 0.08 kg 0.80 kg E E 0.08kg 0.20kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 10 PPD 57/02 Rev.1 (I) PPD 58/02 Rev.2 (I) PPD 68/03 Rev. 2 (I) PPD 80/03 Rev.2 (I) PPD 87/03 Rev.2 (F) PPD 95/04 (F) PPD 114/05 Rev.1 (F) PPD 121/06 Rev.2 (I) Improvement of Processing Efficiency of Tropical Timber from Sustainable Sources in Indonesia 1. Technical Report 2. Completion Report Improving Utilization Efficiency and Attracting Investment in the Wood Industries in the Pacific Region 1. Strategy and Policy Options for Papua New Guinea 2. Strategy and Policy Options for Vanuatu 3. Strategy and Policy Options for Fiji Islands Study on Utilization of Plantation Teak 1. Completion Report 2. Handbook on Properties of Plantation in Myanmar 3. Workshop Papers and Reports Promoting the Utilization of Rubber Wood from Sustainable Sources in Indonesia 1. Completion Report 2. Technical Report Identification of Gonystylus Spp. (Ramin), Potency, Distribution, Conservation and Plantation Barrier 1. Completion Report 2. Technical Report No.1 – Growing Stock, Distribution and Conservation of Ramin in Indonesia 3. Technical Report No.2 - Population and Natural Regeneration of Ramin 4. Technical Report No.3 - Review and Current Status of Ramin Plantation Activities 5. Technical Report No.4 - Barriers in Ramin Planatation Activities 6. Proceeding – Konservasi dan Pembangunan Hutan Ramin de Indonesia” 7. Technical Report No.5 – Proceeding Workshop National, Bogor, 22 February 2006 8. Technical Report No.6 – Executive Summary: Ramin Population, Distribution, Conservation and Plantation Barrier Model of Rehabilitation and Sustainable Utilization of Mangrove Forest at Langkat, North Sumatra 1. Review of Data and Information of Mangrove Forest Ecosystem at North Sumatera Province 2. Policy Analysis of Mangrove Forest Management in North Sumatera Province 3. Mappying of Mangrove Distribution at North Sumatera Province 4. Project document (Proposal):" Implementation of a Model Community Stewardship for Rehabilitation and Sustainable use of Mangroves in North Sumatera Province 5. Technical Report 6. Completion Report 7. Review of Data and Information of Mangrove Forest Ecosystem at North Sumatera Province CD-ROM Demonstration of Integrated Models for Sustainable Management of Mangroves in China 1. Final Technical Report 2. Completion Report Development of Value-adding Processes for Short-rotation, Smalldiameter Community Teak Plantations in Java and Eastern Indonesia 1. Present Utilization of Small-Diameter Teak Log form Community Teak Plantations in Java and Eastern Indonesia (CD) E E 0.23 kg 0.12 kg E E E 0.36 kg 0.23 kg 0.30 kg E E E E E 0.12 kg 0.29 kg E E 0.20 kg 0.29 kg E 0.15 kg E 0.20 kg E 0.13 kg I E 0.30 kg E 0.11 kg E 0.52 kg E 0.19 kg E 0.16 kg E 0.30 kg E E E 0.21 kg 0.14 kg 0.05 kg E E 0.25 kg 0.15 kg E 0.06 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 11 PPD 133/07 Rev.1 (I) PPD 134/07 Rev.1 (F) PPD 135/07 Rev.1 (F) PPD 153/11 Rev.1 (F) PPD 165/12 Rev.1 (F) Training Needs Analysis for the Builders’ Woodworks Industry in the Philippines 1. Final Technical Report 2. Competion Report Proceedings of the Meeting and Workshop on Guidelines for the Rehabilitation of Mangroves and other Coastal Forests damaged by Tsunamis and other Natural Hazards in the Asia-Pacific Region Community-Based Forest Management of Sungai Medihit Watershed 1. Completion Report 2. Technical Report Forest Fire Prevention through the Implementation of Regional Actions with the Participation of Local Communities and Other Relevant Stakeholders so as to Ensure the Protection of Forests and Ecosystem Services 1. Causas de los Incendios Forestales en la Region Caribe, Andina y Orinoquia de Colombia Study for the Rehabilitation and Sustainable Management of Sacred Forets on Ramsar Sites 1017 and 1018 in Benin 1. Rapport de l’Etude Socioeconomique sur les Ressources Naturelles des Sites Ramsar 1017 et 1018 du Benin Realisee dans le Cadre de l’Avant 2. Rapport de l’Etude d’Inventaire de la Biodiversity des Forets Sacrees des Sites RAMSAR 1017 et 1018 du Benin 3. Etude d’Impact Environnemental et Social du Projet de Restauration et de Gestion Durable des Forets Sacrees des Sites RAMSAR 1017 et 1018 du Benin 4. Cartographie des Forets Sacrees des Sites Ramsar 1017 et 1018 du Benin E E E E S F F F F 0.12 kg 1.70 kg 0.25 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 12 PD 2/87 (F) PD 4/87 Rev.1 (I) PD 10/87 (F) PD 12/87 (I) PD 14/87 (M) PD 16/87 Rev.1 Phase I (I) PD 17/87 (F) PD 37/88 Rev.3 (I) PD 41/88 (I) PD 42/88 Rev.1 (M) PD 44/88 (I) PD 47/88 Rev.3 (I) PD 54/89 (I) PROJECT REPORTS AND PUBLICATIONS Rehabilitation of Logged-Over Forests in Asia/Pacific Region: 1. Sub-Project I Report, Japanese Overseas Forestry Consultants Association, 1990 2. Country Study Annexes to Sub-Project I: (I) India (0.21 kg), (II) Indonesia/Malaysia (0.42 kg), (III) PNG, Solomon Islands, Fiji (0.20 kg), (IV) Philippines (0.45 kg), and (V) Thailand (0.25 kg), 1990 3. Sub-Project II Report, JOFCA, 1993 Training in Planning and Management of Forest Industry in Developing Countries 1. Training in Planting and Management of Forest Industry in Developing Countries 2. Course Notes and Cases for Group Work Forest Management of Natural Forest in Malaysia, September 1994 E, F-OUT, S-OUT 0.30 kg E, F, S 1.53 kg E, F, S 0.67 kg E - LAST F, S (OUT) E, F, S E 0.40 kg Construction Manual of Prefabricated Timber House E 0.13 kg Market Intelligence: Analysis of the Wood Flow as a Basis for an Early Warning System for the Tropical Timber Market – Phase I (a feasibility study), Foundation for Forest and Forest Products (Stichting Bos en Hout), The Netherlands, 1991 Seminario Sobre Estandarizacion de Maderas Tropicales E -OUT 0.47 kg S 0.45 kg Report on Investigation of the Steps Needed to Rehabilitate the Areas of East Kalimantan Seriously Affected by Fire, Annexes: FR Reports 1-12, Deutsche Forest Service GmbH, 1990 Utilización Industrial de Nuevas Especies Forestales en el Perú E, F, S -OUT 0.07 kg S 0.68 kg The Identification, Properties and Uses of Some Southeast Asian Woods, Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 1991 E-OUT 0.47 kg The Structure of China’s Tropical Timber Market, The Current Situation of International Cooperation of P.R.C. and the Prospects to the Year 2000 E, F, S 0.23 kg Nouveau Traitement Des Bois Tropicaux en Afrique F -OUT 0.60 kg E 0.28kg E 0.28kg E – OUT 0.21kg E 0.24 kg FPRDI-ITTO Project PD 47/88 Rev.3 (I) Utilization of Lesser-Used Species as Alternative Raw Materials for Forest-Based Industries 1. Manual on the Properties and Uses of Lesser-Used Species of Philippine Timbers 2. Field Guide to the Identification of Important Lesser-Used Species of Philippine Timbers 3. Seminar on the Utilization of Lesser-Used species (LUS) as Alternative Raw Materials for the Forest-Based Industries Study on Utilization of Tropical Timber Products in Korea and Promotion of Processed Wood Products Supply From Tropical Timber Producing Countries. 0.40 kg 1.08 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 13 PD 61/89 (M) PD 63/89 Rev.1 (I) PD 66/89 (M) PD 68/89 Rev.1 (F) PD 74/90 (F,I) PD 84/90 (F) PD 89/90 (F) Phase III PD 95/90 (F) PD 104/90 Rev.2 (F) PD 105/90 Rev.1 (F) PD 106/90 Rev.1 (F) Statistical Information and Market Indicators: The Japanese Market for Tropical Timber, John V. Ward Associates Inc. and International Research and Marketing, 1991 Training in Planning and Management of Forest Industries in Developing Countries 1. Low-Cost Houses from Small-diameter Trees, Plantation Thinnings, and Treetops and Branches 2. Compendium on Low-Cost Houses from Small-Diameter Logs, Thinnings, Tops and Branches The North American Market for Tropical Timber, Ward International Associates Inc., 1992 Management of Tapajos National Forest for Sustainable Production of Industrial Timber 1. Floresta Nacional de Tapajos 2. Timbers from Tapajos National Forest Better Utilization of Tropical Timber Resource in Order to Improve Sustainability and Reduce Negative Ecological Impacts 3. Part 1: Summary of the Project Coordinator’s Final Report Part 2: Final Report of the Forest Studies Part 3: Final Report of the Mill Studies The Establishment of a Demonstration Plot For Rehabilitation of Forest Affected by Fire in East Kalimantan Sustainable Forest Management and Human Resources Development in Indonesia – Phase III 1. Forest Fire Prevention for Non Government Organizations 2. Forest Fire Prevention for Extension Workers 3. Forest Fire Prevention for Community 4. Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests – Part A: Production Aspect 5. Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests – Part B: Ecology and Social Aspects 6. Report on Field Testing on Forest Fire Prevention with Indigenous Knowledge in East Kalimantan 7. Field-Test Research Design 8. Collaborative Management Plan of Bukit Baka – Bukita Raya National Park Buffer Zone 9. Final Report 10. Project Components:Research in Criteria and Indicators Research in Forest Fire Human Resources Development Nature Conservation 11. Completion Report Manejo Forestal del Bosque Nacional Alexander Von Humboldt 1. Plan de Manejo Forestal del Bosque Nacional Alexander Von Humboldt 2. Sintesis del Plan de Manejo, 1996 Studies on the Management Standards of Hill Dipterocarp Forests in Sarawak from a Watershed Management Point of View 1. Project Completion Report, Kuching, Sarawak, 30 June 2001 2. Final Project Report Ten-Year Development Plan for the Model Forest management AreaSarawak (MFMA) 1996-2006 ITTO Project PD 106/90 Rev.1 (F) Development of the Lanjak-Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary as a Totally Protected Area, Phase I: The Management Plan E, S - OUT 0.33 kg E – OUT 0.05 kg E 0.29 kg E – OUT 0.25 kg S OUT E, F, S 0.30 kg 0.70 kg E –OUT 0.35 kg 0.40 kg 0.35 kg 0.51 kg E E E E 0.12 kg 0.14 kg 0.13 kg 0.09 kg E 0.09 kg E 0.53 kg E E 0.02 kg 0.17 kg E E - OUT 0.26 kg 0.25 kg E 0.93 kg S 0.20 kg S 0.33 kg E E E 0.10 kg 0.60 kg 0.56 kg E 1.41 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 14 PD 107/90 (I) PD 115/90 Rev.1 (F) PD 120/91 Rev.4 (F,I) PD 124/91 Rev.1 (M) PD 128/91 Rev.2 (F) PD 130/91 Rev.2 (F) PD 133/91 Rev.1 (I) PD 150/91 Rev.1 (I) PD 154/91 Rev. 2 (I) PD 155/91 Rev.1 (I) PD 158/91 Rev.1 (M) PD 167/91 Rev.1 (M) Strategies for Sustainable Wood Industries in Sarawak E -OUT 1.12 kg E E 0.14kg 0.12kg E Malay 1.09 kg 0.18 kg E 0.27 kg E 4.29 kg E 0.29 kg E F,S - LAST 0.40 kg S 0.54 kg S 0.32 kg E 0.82 kg Estudio Tecnológico y Dendrológico del Género Schinopsis S - OUT 0.27 kg Manual de Identificación de Especies Forestales de la Subregión Andina S - OUT 1.10 kg E S S 0.12 kg 0.27 0.99 kg Market Intelligence: Analysis of the Wood Flow as a Basis for an Early Warning System for the Tropical Timber Market – Phase II, Foundation for Forest and Forest Products, 1993 E – OUT 0.42 kg Diagnosis and Evaluation of the Brazilian Forestry Sector 1. Executive Summary E, P -OUT E, P-OUT 0.71 kg 0.72 kg Rehabilitation of Natural Forest in Peninsular Malaysia 1. Project Completion Report 2. Manual of Forest Establishment and Sylvicultural Treatments for Degraded Natural Forest 3. Project Technical Report 4. Panduan Penyelenggaraan Kawasan Kajian Membaikpulih Hutan Asli Development of a Operational Model for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests 1. Medium-Term Management Plan for Lingkabau Forest Reserve, Forest Management Unit No.3, Kota Marudu, Part A , 1996 2. Compartments Record Book for Lingkabau Forest Reserve, Forest Management Unit No.3, Kota Marudu, Part B, 1996 3. Results of the Social Base-Line Survey, Forest Management Unit No.3, Kota Marudu, Part C, 1996 Substitute Bamboo for Timber in China, 1994 Management, Conservation, and Development of Mangrove Forests in Panama 1. Plan de Ordenamiento de los manglares de Panamá, Enfásis en Chame, Chiriquí y Azuero, Panamá – 1997 2. Plan de Acción para las rea de manglares de Chame, Azuero y Chiriquí, Panamá – 1997 Plantation Establishment Methods Project (First Phase) 1995 – 1997, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines, Final Report Integrated Development of Timber and Timber Products Marketing Structure in Ecuador, 1994 1. English – Executive Summary 2. Spanish – Full Report Memorias del Seminario Desarrollo Sustentable de la Industria Forestal en el Grupo de los Paises Andinos ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 15 PD 171/91 Rev.2 Phase I (F) PD 171/91 Rev.2 (F) Phase II (Stage I) PD 171/91 Rev.2 (F) Phase II (Stage II) PD 172/91 Rev.2 (F) Phase II PD 176/91 Rev.1 (F) PD 179/91 Rev.2 (M,I) Conservation and Management for Multiple Use and Development of Colombian Mangrove Swamps – Phase I 1. Diagnostico y Zonificacion Preliminar de los Manglares del Pacifico de Columbia 2. Diagnostico y Zonificacion Preliminar de los Manglares del Caribe de Colombia Conservation and Management for Multiple Use and Development of Colombian Mangrove Swamps 1. Manual para el estudio de la dinámica de los bosques de manglar del Pacifico Colombiano 2. Manual para la restauración de los bosques de manglar en areas degradadas del Pacifico Colombiano 3. Manual sobre dinámica de crecimiento, regeneración natural y aspectos fenologicos de los manglares del Caribe Colombiano 4. Manual sobre técnicas de vivero y restauración de áreas de Manglar del Caribe Colombiano 5. Diversidad Cultural y Manglares del Pacifico Colombiano 6. Conservacion y Uso Sostenible de los Manglares del Caribe Colobiano 7. Conservación y Uso Sostenible de los Manglares del Pacifico Colombiano Conservation and Management for Multiple Use and Development of Colombian Mangrove Swamps 1. Hacia la Recuperación de los Manglares del Caribe de Colombia 2. Lineamientos Estrategicos para la Conservacion y Uso Sostenible de los Manglares de Colombia, Propuesta Tecnica para Analisis The Recovery of Natural Systems of the Hillsides of Caqueta – Phase II 1. Aproximación al Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial para el area de Influencia de la Laguna Guacochará 2. Caracterizaciòn Preliminar y Propuesta de Zonificación para la Reserva Forestal de Itarca 3. Plan de Ordenación y Manejo de la Microcuenca Quebrada El Arenoso 4. Plan para el Manejo Ambiental de la Microcuenca Quebrada La Resaca 5. Bases cientificas,Técnicas y Socioculturales para el Plan de Manejo de un Cananguchal 6. Desarrollo Agroforestal en el Piedemonte Caqueteño 7. Fichas Técnicas de especies vegetales 8. Sistemas Agroforestales 9. Protección de Nacimientos de agua 10. Bosques para Leña 11. Preparación de alimentos con el fruto de Canangucha 12. Sistemas Integrales para el Control de Erosión 13. Enriquecimiento de barbechos 14. Cómo instalar un vivero Sustainable Management for Production, Conservation, Demonstration, Diffusion and Promotion Activities in Moist Tropical Forests in Ecuador’s Northwest 1. Sirie, Notas Tecnicas Forestales, No. 13 – Manejo Forestal Sostenible: Experiencias en la Mayronga y Los Chachi 2. Sirie, Notas Tecnicas Forestales, No. 14 – Patrones de Biodiversidad en La Mayronga: Un Enclave de Bosque Humedo Tropical en el Nor-Occidente Ecuatoriano 3. Sirie, Notas Tecnicas Forestales, No. 15 – Analisis de la Erosión Hídrica del Suelo en el Predio La Mayronga International Conference on Value-added Processing and Utilization of Lesser-used Timber Species S 0.77 kg S 0.08 kg S 0.05 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.06 kg S 0.08 kg S S 0.80 kg 0.49 kg S 0.45 kg S 0.80 kg S 0.23 kg S 0.17 kg S 0.09 kg S 0.16 kg S 0.20 kg S 0.15 kg S S S S S S S S S S 0.31 kg 0.30 kg 0.45 kg 0.35 kg 0.22 kg 0.25 kg 0.26 kg 0.20 kg 0.23 kg 0.08 kg S 0.05 kg S 0.05 kg S 0.06 kg E 0.42 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 16 PD 182/91 Rev.1 (M) PD 185/91 Rev.2 (F) Phase I PD 185/91 Rev.2 (F) Phase II PD 186/91 Rev.1 (F) PD 8/92 Rev.2 (F) Analysis of Macroeconomic Trends in the Supply and Demand of Sustainable Produced Tropical Timber from the Asia-Pacific Region – Phase I, 1993 1. Report 2. Annex Sustainable Forest Management and Development in Peninsular Malaysia - Phase I 1. Panduan Kutipan, Penabungan & Penyelenggaraan, 1998 2. Guidelines to Propagate Dipterocarp Species by Stem Cuttings 3. Guidelines for Forest Nursery Establishment and Practices 4. Final Report Sustainable Forest Management and Development in Peninsular Malaysia - Phase II 1. Completion Report 2. Final Report 3. Manual of Enrichment Planting in Logged-over Forests in Peninsular Malaysia 4. Manual on Grading of Nursery Seedlings 5. Manual for Establishment of Seed Production Areas in Dipterocarp Forests in Peninsular Malaysia Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak 1. Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, Volume I 2. A Sabah Gazetter 3. Guide to Preparing and Editing Manuscripts 4. Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, Volume II Study on the Growth of Native Species of Commercial Interest in Honduras 1. Especies Maderables No Tradicionales del Bosque Humedo Tropical de Honduras, Tres Años de Investigación (1995-1997) 2. Informe Técnico Final. 3. Proecen 4. Manual de Dendrología del Bosque Latifoliado, Segunda Edición 5. Colección Maderas Tropicales de Honduras (A set of 26 booklets): • Santa Maria, Callophyllum brasiliense Camb • Varillo, Symphnia globulifera Linn. F. • Rosita, Hyeronima alchorneoides Fr. All • Marapolan, Guarea grandifolia Dc. • Barba de Jolote, Cojoba arborea (L.) Brithand Rose • Ceiba, Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaerth • Ciruelillo, Astronium graveolens Jack. • Cortés, Tabebuia guayacan (Seem.) Hemsl. • Granadillo Rojo, Dalbergia glomerata Hensl. • San Juan de Pozo, Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. Smith. • Sangre Real, Virola koschnyi Ward • San Juan Areno, Ilex tectonica W. Hahn • San Juan guayapeño, Tabebuia donnell – Smithii • Piojo, Tapirira guianensis Aubc • Redondo, Magnolia yoroconte Dandy • Naranjo, Terminalia amazonia (Gmel) Exell • Hormigo, Plathymiscium dimorphandrum Donn. Smith • Huesito, Macrohasselitia macroterantha Standley & L. O. Williams • Laurel Negro, Cordia megalantha Blake • Masica, Broimum alicastrum Swartz • Paleto, Dialium guianensis (Aubl.) Sand • Cedrillo, Huertea cubensis Griseb • Jigua, Nectandra hihua (Ruiz y Pav.) Rohaweer • Nogal, Juglans olanchana Standl & L.O. Wiiliams • Caoba, Swietenia macrophylla G. king E- LAST E- LAST 0.65 kg 1.53 kg Malay E E E 0.10 kg 0.22 kg 0.11 kg 0.11 kg E E E 0.30 kg 0.55 kg 0.21 kg E E 0.08 kg 0.10 kg E-OUT E E E 0.08 kg 0.67 kg 0.12 kg 1.22 kg S 0.20 kg S S S S 0.23 kg 0.10 kg 0.50 kg 0.52 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 17 PD 10/92 Rev.1 (F) PD 11/92 Rev.1 (F) PD 12/92 Rev.2 (M) PD 14/92 Rev.2 (F) Phase I Phase II PD 17/92 (I) PD 20/92 Rev.1 (I) 6. Estudio Fenológico de 28 especies maderables del bosque húmedo tropical de Honduras 7. Establecimiento y Manejo de Fuentes Semilleras, Ensayos de Espices y Procedencias Forestales Books and Database on the Major and Minor Commercial Timbers of South-East Asia Volume 5(1) and Volume 5(2) within the Prose a Programe 1. PROSEA: Plant Recourses of South East Asia 5 (1) Timber Trees: Major Commercial Timbers, 1993 2. PROSEA: Plant Recourses of South East Asia 5 (2) Timber Trees: Minor Commercial Timbers, 1995 Development and Dissemination of Re-Afforestation Techniques of Mangrove Forests S 0.10 kg S 0.20 kg E – OUT 1.85 kg E 1.79 kg E 0.75 kg Seminar and Study Tours on “Integration of Forest Management and Processing for the Rational Utilization of Forest Resources” E – OUT 0.14 kg E E 0.34kg 0.34 kg E 0.10 kg E 0.66 kg E E E C – OUT 0.10 kg 0.26 kg 0.06 kg 0.86 kg A Demonstration Programme of Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Forests by Means of Differentiated Management in Hainan Island, China 1. Final Project Report 2. Proceeding of International Symposium on Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests 3. Tropical Forestry Newsletter Technology Transfer/Commercialization of Selected Cocowood Utilization Technologies 1. Proceedings of ITTO-3 International conference on Cocowood Utilization Technologies 2. Investment Profiles of Selected Cocowood Utilization Technologies 3. Cocowood Utilization in the Philippines: A Compilation of Abstracts 4. Cocowood Utilization Technologies: A Shopping Guide Tropical Timber in the African Region ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 18 PD 26/92 Rev.2 (F,I) PD 27/92 Rev.1 (M,I) PD 31/92 Rev.1 (M,I) PD 36/92 (M) PD 5/93 Rev.1 (F) PD 6/93 Rev.2 (F) PD 9/93 Rev.1 (M) PD 10/93 Rev.1 (F) PD 24/93 Rev.2 (F) “Development of Methods and Strategies for Sustained Management of Moist Tropical Forests in Cameroon” 1. Non-Timber Forest Products in the Bipindi-Akom II Region, Cameroon 2. Landscape Ecological Survey of the Bipindi-Akom II – Lolodorf Region 3. The Social Dimension of Rainforest Management in Cameroon:Issues for Co-Management 4. MoreLKS: Manual for a Computer Programme on Cameroonian Lesser Known Timbers and End-Use Requirements 5. Impact of Shifting Cultivation and Selective Logging on the Hydrology and Erosion of Rain Forest Land in South Cameroon 6. Logging, Damage and Efficiency: A Study on the Feasibility of Reduced Impact Logging in Cameroon 7. Geographical Information Systems and Land Use Analysis 8. Shifting Cultivation in the Evergreen Forest of Southern Cameroon Farming Systems and Soil Degradation 9. Master Management Plan for the Tropembos – Cameroon Research Site, Pre-Mediation Version (Document 5) 10. A Conceptual Forest Management Plan for a Medium Size Forest in Southern Cameroon (Document 6) 11. Les Institutions Communautaires de Gestion des Produits Forestiers Non-ligneux dans les Villages Périphériques de la Réserve de Biosphère de Dja (Document 7) 12. Sustainable Management for African Rain Forest Part I: Workshop November 1999 (Seminar Proceedings), Published September 2001 Extension and Promotion of an Information System for Tropical Timber Properties to Encourage the Appropriate Use of More Species E 0.54 kg E 0.21 kg E 0.24 kg E 0.24 kg E 0.18 kg E 0.14 kg E E 0.20 kg E 0.50 kg E 0.37 kg F 0.25 kg E 0.77 kg E 0.12 kg Selection and Introduction of Lesser Known and Lesser Used Species for Specific End-uses E – OUT 0.16 kg Récolte et Traitement Informatique des Statistiques Forestières en Vue d’Améliorer la Gestion des Ressources Forestières du Gabon F – OUT 0.19 kg Ten-Years Production of Treated Residual Dipterocarp Forest Stands, DENR, 1995 E 0.16 kg E- LAST E- LAST, S- OUT E- LAST E, F, S 0.84 kg 0.96 kg E- Only Display 1.17 kg E 1.04kg E 0.20kg E 0.31kg Manual and World Natural Mangrove Atlas for Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration 1. Journey Amongst Mangroves, 1995 2. Restoration of Mangrove Ecosystems, ISME 3. World Mangrove Atlas Market Intelligence: Tropical Timber Market Information System: The Tropical Timber Market in 11 European Countries in 1993 Natural Forest Management in the Philippines by Ricardo M. Umali Forest Management of Natural Forests in Malaysia 1. Proceedings of the Malaysia-ITTO International Workshop on Growth and Yield of Managed Tropical Forests, 25-29 June 2002, Kuala Lumpur 2. Manual for Enumerating the ITTO Experimental Plots, Technical Report No.1 3. Manual for Editing and Tabulation of Data from the ITTO Experimental Plots, Technical Report No.2 1.05 kg 0.48 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 19 PD 25/93 Rev.1 (F) PD 26/93 Rev.1 (F) PD 26/93 Rev.1 (F) PD 27/93 Rev.2 (M) Phase I,II PD 28/93 Rev.3 (M) PD 32/93 Rev.1 (F) PD 33/93 Rev.1 (F) PD 5/94 Rev.3 (M) PD 7/94 Rev.3 (M,I) PD 24/94 Rev.1 (M) Informe Final del Proyecto “Evaluación del Progreso del Ecuador Hacia el Cumplimiento de la Meta del Año 2000” 1. Anexos: Componente IV, Difusion y Transferencia de Tecnologia 2. Anexos: Progreso Realizado por la Republica del Ecuador, Hacia el Logro del Objetivo del Año 2000 de la OIMT Management Plan Betung Kerihun National Park, West Kalimantan 20002024, Executive Summary ITTO Borneo Biodiversity Expedition 1997 Training Workshops on Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics 1. “Octavo Seminario Internacional de Formación en Estadistica Forestal Tropical” Guia de Trabajo 2. “Octavio Seminario Internacional de Formación en Estadistica Forestal Tropical” Informe Final 3. “Cuarto Seminario Internacional de Formación en Estadistica Forestal Tropical” Guia de Trabajo 4. “Cuarto Seminario Internacional de Formación en Estadistica Forestal Tropical” Informe Final Analysis of Macroeconomic Trends in the Supply and Demand of Sustainably Produced Tropical Timber from the Asia-Pacific Region, Phase II, March 1995 Utilization of Remote Sensing in Site Assessment and Planning for Rehabilitation of Logged-over Forests Conservation, Management, Harvesting and Integrated Sustained Use of Forests in the Chinemas Region, Beni, Bolivia – Phase I 1. Diagnóstico Rural Participativo de Trece Comunidades Chimanes (Tomo I) 2. Diagnóstico Rural Participativo de Trece Comunidades Chimanes (Tomo II) 3. Propuesta de Normas y Método para Parcelas Permanentes en Bosque Remanente y No-Intervenido 4. Interpretación de resultados del Inventario de la Mesa Remanente 5. Concepto y Método de Abundancia Efectiva 6. Principios de Sivilculutura para el Bosque Chimanes 7. Inventario de la Masa Residual en la Unidad 4 del Bosque Permanente de Producción de la Región Chimanes 8. Manual de Tipificación de la Vegetación para el Manejo Sustentable del Bosque 9. Economía Forestal y Comercialización de Productos Maderables del Bosque de Chimanes 10. Alternativas Económicas en Base a Productos No Maderables en el Área del Bosque Chimanes Development of a Computerized Information System for the Forestry Commission of Ghana: “Forestry Commission Computerization Project, Final Report” Information and Technical Assistance for Production and Trade of Tropical Timber (Brazil) 1. International Conference on Tropical Timber 2. Final Report Blueprint for Adapting the Foreign Trade Registration System at the ITTO National Level S - OUT 5.14 kg S - OUT E 2.46 kg 0.15 kg E 0.40 kg S - OUT 0.26 kg S - OUT 0.37 kg S - OUT 0.49 kg S - OUT 0.39 kg E, F, S – All volumes OUT OF STOCK E, F - OUT, S 0.60 kg S – LAST 0.10 kg S – OUT 0.88 kg S – LAST 0.11 kg S – LAST 0.04 kg S – LAST S – LAST S – OUT 0.06 kg 0.07 kg 0.08 kg S – OUT 0.12 kg S – OUT 0.21 kg S - OUT E 0.17 kg 0.17 kg S E – OUT E- OUT, S 0.58kg 0.17kg 0.35 kg 0.32 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 20 PD 28/94 Rev.2 (F) PD 29/94 Rev. 2 (F) PD 31/94 Rev.1 (F) PD 34/94 Rev.1 (M) PD 37/94 Rev.3 (I) PD 35/94 Rev.4 (M,I) PD 46/94 Rev.1 (M,F,I) Bosques y desarrollo 1. No.16(1996) 2. No.17(1998) 3. No.18/19(1998) 4. No.20/21(1999) 5. No.22, 2000 Seminar and Study Tour in Miyazaki on the Conservation of Forest Biodiversity, 4-7 November 1994 Planning Practical and Cost-Effective Strategies for Genetic Resource Conservation of Commercial Tree Species in Tropical Asia and the Pacific 1. Technical Guidelines for the Establishment and Management of In situ Conservation Stands of Tropical Timber Species 2. Technical Guidelines for the Establishment and Management of Ex situ Conservation Stands of Tropical Timber Species 3. State of the art Review on Conservation of Forest Tree Species in Topical Asia and the Pacific 4. Operational Plans for the Conservation of Tropical Timber Species in Southeast Asian Countries Establecimiento e Implantacion de un Sistema de Informacion Estadistico Forestal (Colombia) Strengthening of the Forest Products Laboratory of IBAMA 1. Products and Services Forest Products Marketing Organization Feasibility Study (PNG) 1. Forest Products Marketing Organization Feasibility Study (PNG) 2. Milestone 1 Report 3. Milestone 2 Report 4. Milestone 3 Report 5. Milestone 4 and 5 Report 6. Stage 1 Report 7. Stage 1 Report, Appendix A 8. Stage 1 Report, Appendix B Normas Técnicas y Reglamentación para La Aplicación de La Metodología de Clasificación de La Capacidad de Uso Mayor de La Tierra y La Clasificación de Bosques S S S S S E 0.25 kg 0.25 kg 0.25 kg 0.25 kg 0.25 kg 0.28 kg E 0.43 kg E 0.45 kg E 0.44 kg E 0.44 kg S 0.05 kg E 0.18 kg E -All volumes OUT OF STOCK 0.33 kg 0.35 kg 0.79 kg 0.76 kg 0.42 kg 0.29 kg 0.28 kg 0.30 kg 0.14 kg S ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 21 PD 47/94 Rev.3 (I) PD 47/94 Rev.3 (I) Industrial Utilization of Lesser-Known Forest Species in Sustainably Managed Forests 1. Propiedades y Usos de la Madera de (Properties and Uses of the Wood of): a) Varillo (Simphonia globulifera Linn F.) b) Rosita (Hyeronima alchorneoides Allem) c) Huesito (Macrohasseltia macroterantha Standley & L.O.Williams.) d) Santa Maria (Calophyllum brasiliense Camb.) e) Marapolan (Guarea grandifolia D.C.) f) Piojo (Tapirira guianensis Aubl.) g) Sangre (Virola koschnyi Warb) h) Cumbillo (Terminalia amazonia (J.F. Gmel.) Exell) i) Barba de Jolote (Cojoba arborea (L.) Britton & Rose.) j) San Juan Areno (Ilex tectonica W. Hahn.) k) San Juan Peludo (Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. Sm.) l) Cedrillo (Huertea cubensis Griseb) m) Barrenillo (Mortoniodendron anisophyllum Standl. & Steyerm.) n) San Juan Colorado (Vochysia ferruginea Mart.) o) Coloradito (Gordonia brandegeei H. Keng) p) San Juan Rojo (Vochysia sp.) q) Paleto (Dialum guianensis (Aubl.) Sand) r) Selillon (Pouteria izabalensis (Standl) Baehni.) s) Cedro Macho (Carapa guianensis Aubl.) t) Masica (Brosimum alicastrum Swartz.) 2. Regeneración de Especies Arboreas en Bosques Manejados un Año y Medio Después del Huracán Mitch, en la Costa Norte de Honduras (Regeneration of Tree Species in Managed Forests of Honduras’ North Coast 18 Months after Hurricane Mitch) 3. Diagonistico Industrial de la Madera en las Zonas Norte y Centro de Honduras 4. Analisis del Impacto de Aprovechamiento de Nuevas Especies Forestales en los Productos no Maderables en el Litoral Atlantico de Honduras 5. Proceso de Trabajabilidad Industrial de Especies Latifoliadas No Tradicioanales en la Zona Norte de Honduras 6. Existencias Volumetricas de las Especies Latifoliadas Bajo Planes de Manejo en la Zona Norte de Honduras 7. Aplicación de un Tratamiento Silvicultureal Experimental en el Bosque del CURLA 8. Evaluación de un Aprovechamiento Forestal en Bosque Latifoliado y Elaboración de Tablas de Volumen en la Zona Atlántica de Honduras 9. Estudio de Regeneracion Natural de Especies Forestales del Bosque Latifoliado de Honduras 10. Aportes en la Determinación de los Límites Permisibles de los Impactos Ecológicos Producidos por el Aprovechamiento Forestal en el Bosque Latifoliado de la Costa Norte de Honduras 11. Manual de Clasificacion de la Madera Aserrada del Bosque Latifoliado Hondureño 12. Analisis Economico de la Valoracion de los Recursos Latifoliados del Litoral Atlantico de Honduras 13. Manual de Practicas Silviculturales y de Aprovechamiento en el Bosque Latifoliado de Honduras 14. Manual de Regeneracion Natural de 26 Especies Forestales del Bosque Latifoliado de Honduras 15. Caracteristicasy Usos de 30 Especies del Bosque Latifoliado de Honduras S S S S S S S S S S S S S -OUT S S S S S S S 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg S - LAST 0.04 kg S 0.05 kg S 0.06 kg S 0.06 kg S 0.06 kg S 0.06 kg S 0.09 kg S 0.07 kg S 0.09 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.07 kg S 0.05 kg S 0.08 kg S 0.28 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 22 PD 49/94 Rev.1 (F) PD 1/95 Rev.4 (M) PD 2/95 Rev.1 (F,I) PD 9/95 Rev.2 (F) PD 14/95 Rev.2 (F) PD 15/95 Rev.3 (F) PD 16/95 Rev.2 (F) PD 20/95 Rev.2 (I) PD 21/95 Rev.2 (I) PD 24/95 Rev.1 (I) Establishment of an Ongoing Forest Monitoring Network (Permanent Growth Plots) in the Forest Reserves and Woodlots of the Guiana Region: Manual de Inventario Dinamico con Base en Parcelas Permanetes en Bosque Tropical Also Training Development on Assessment of Sustainable Forest Management in Indonesia (Only photocopies available) 1. Final Report 2. Timber Tracking Certification System 3. Requirement Guideline and Training Procedure of SPFM Certification Programme 4. Technical Document 01 & 02 5. Framework for Sustainable Production Forests Management System 6. Sustainable Production Forest Management (SPFM) Certification System 7. Resolution Guideline to Appeal Against the Certification Decision 8. Training for Trainers on Forest Auditing Techniques PROSEA : Plant Resources of South East Asia 5 (3) Timber Trees : Lesser Known Timbers, 1998 S 0.23 kg E-Copy E-Copy E-Copy 0.41 kg 0.27 kg 0.22 kg E-Copy E-Copy 0.39 kg 0.29 kg E-Copy 0.51 kg E-Copy E-OUT E 0.22 kg 1.29 kg 2.30 kg Reforestation Using High-Value Tropical Species in Agroforestry Systems of the Province of Tambopata, Informe Ejecutivo Final (Mayo 1996 – Abril 1999) Model Forest Management Area – Phase II 1. Project Completion Report MFMA Phase II, 1996 – 2000 (December 2000) 2. Final Report MFMA Phase II, 1996 – 2000 (December 2000) Development of Lanjak-Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary as a Totally Protected Area – Phase II 1. Proceedings of ITTO Workshop, 28-29 February 2000, Hilton Hotel, Kuching, Malaysia 2. Project Completion Report 3. Final Report 4. Scientific Report – Phase I & Phase II, 1993 – 1999 5. A Check-List of Flora, Fauna, Food and Medicinal Plants 6. LEWS Booklet, “Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary Sarawak, Malaysia” Forest Health Monitoring to Monitor the Sustainability of Indonesian Tropical Rain Forests: 1. Completion Report, March 31 2001 2. Volume I 3. Volume II 4. Volume III Chemical Modification of Bamboo Culms and their Resistance to Weathering 1. Chemical Modification of Bamboo Culms and Their Resistance to Weathering 2. Biological Studies on Bamboo Clums Comprehensive Studies of the Structure and Properties of Rattans for Effective Utilization 1. Structural Analysis on Rattan Stems, Technical Report 1 2. Structural Analysis on Rattan Stems, Technical Report 2 The Identification, Properties and Use of the Tropical Timber Imported to China from Latin America 1. Database of Tropical Timber in the Latin American Region (CDROM) 2. Handbook of Tropical Timber in the Latin American Region 3. The Properties and Use of Main Tropical Commercial Timber in Latin America S 0.55 kg E 0.11 kg E 0.55 kg E 1.01 kg E E E E E 0.08 kg 0.31 kg 0.75 kg 0.60 kg 0.15 kg E E E E 0.38 kg 0.31 kg 0.43 kg 0.43 kg C- OUT 0.37 kg C- LAST 0.32 kg C -OUT C -OUT 0.36 kg 0.39 kg E&C -OUT 0.02 kg C C 0.80 kg 0.15 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 23 PD 25/95 Rev.1 (M) PD 27/95 Rev.3 (M) Phase I PD 27/95 Rev.3 (M) Phase II PD 28/95 Rev. 1 (F) PD 30/95 Rev.1 (F) PD 31/95 Rev.3 (F) PD 33/95 Rev.3 (M,F,I) (Renumbered as SRS – 44) Training Workshops on Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics Establishment and Operation of a Forest Strategic Information Center (CIEF) Phase I 1. Establecimiento y Operación de un Centro de Información Estratégico Forestal – CIEF, Phase I 2. Anexo I Anuario Estadístico Forestal 1997 Región Agraria Ucayali 3. Anexo II Región Agraria Loreto 4. Anexo III Anuario de Comercio Exterior Forestal Perú 1997 5. Anexo IV Estadística de Producción de Plantones Forestales Año 1997 6. Anexo V Documentación del Sistema Informótico de Estadística Forestal 7. Anexo VI Manual de Operación del Sistema de Ingreso de Datos 8. Anexo VII Manual de Usuario del Sistema de Consulta 9. Anexo VIII Tierras de Aptitud Forestal del Departamento de Huancavelica 10. Anexo IX Tierras de Aptitud Forestal del Departamento de Ayacucho 11. Anexo X Tierras de Aptitud Forestal del Departamento de Apurimac 12. Anexo XI Tierras de Aptitud Forestal del Departamento de Cusco 13. Anexo XII Tierras de Aptitud Forestal del Departamento de Puno Establishment and Operation of a Forest Strategoc Information Center (CIEF) Phase II Stage 1 1. Establecimiento y Operación de un Centro de Información Estratégico Forestal – CIEF, Phase II Stage 1 2. Final Report 3. Annexes (I – X) 4. Perú Forestal en Numeros Base de Datos Ejecutiva 5. Región Agraria Loreto Anuario Estadistico Forestal 1998 6. Región Agraria Madre de Dios Anuario Estadistico Forestal 1998 7. Región Agraria San Martin Anuario Estadistico Forestal 1998 8. Región Agraria Ucayali Anuario Estadistico Forestal 1998 9. Compendio Estadístico Forestal 1998 10. Boletín Informativo de Precios de Madera Rolliza y Aserrada I Semestre 1999 Stage 2 11. Información Estratégica para el Desarrollo Forestal Maderero del Perú – CIEF, Phase II Stage 2 12. 10. Informe del Taller Community Forestry as a Strategy for Sustainable Forest Management: Proceedings of the International Conference, 24-26 May 1996, Manila, Philippines Critérios e Indicadores para o Manejo Sustentado das Florestas Tropicais Naturais A Model Project for Cost Analysis to Achieve Sustainable Forest Management: 1. Volume I – Synthesis Report 2. 2. Volume II – Main Report Impact of Increased Utilization of Lesser Used Species: “Draft ITTO Guidelines on the Conservation, Management and Sustainable Utilization of Lesser Used Species” S – All volumes OUT OF STOCK 0.14 kg 1.42 kg 0.79 kg 0.24 kg 0.53 kg 0.42 kg 0.11 kg 0.21 kg 0.44 kg 0.44 kg 0.41 kg 0.48 kg 0.46 kg S - 1 to 8, & 10 volumes OUT OF STOCK 0.16 kg 0.08 kg 0.35 kg 0.55 kg 0.30 kg 0.38 kg 0.51 kg 0.14 kg 0.21 kg E -OUT 0.30 kg 1.44 kg P -OUT 0.10 kg E E E -OUT 0.36 kg 0.77 kg 0.20 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 24 PD 37/95 Rev.2 (F) PD 39/95 Rev.1 (F) PD 41/95 Rev.1 (F) PD 44/95 Rev.3 (F) Management of Cativo Forests and Non-Timber Products with the Participation of Rural and Indigenous Communities, Darien, Panama 1. Manual Popular para el Manejo Sostenible de Tagua, Cocobolo y Chunga 2. Manual Popular para el Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques de Cativo 3. Manual Técnico para el Manejo Sostenible de los Cativales en Darién, Panamá, Panamá, 2001 4. Manual Técnico para el Manejo Sostenible de Tagua, en la Provincia de Darién, Panamá, 2001 Institutional Strengthening for the Sustainable Management of Forest Plantations 1. Pautas para la Sostenibilidad de Plantaciones Forestales en Colombia(CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.30, Santa Fe de Bogotá) 2. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Antioquia(CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.31, Santa Fe de Bogotá) 3. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Cauca (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.32, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Noviembre de 1998) 4. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Caldas (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.33, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Noviembre de 1998) 5. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Cordoba (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.34, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Noviembre de 1998) 6. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Magdalena (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.35, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Noviembre de 1998) 7. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Nariño (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.36, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Noviembre de 1998) 8. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Norte de Santander (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.37, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Noviembre de 1998) 9. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Orinoquia (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.38, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Noviembre de 1998) 10. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Santander (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.39, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Noviembre de 1998 11. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Tolima (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.40, Santa Fe de Bogotá) 12. Guía para Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales: Valle del Cauca (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.41, Noviembre de 1998) 13. SILVO, Sistema de Gestion Forestal (CONIF: Serie de Documentacion No.42, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Enero de 1999) 14. Estimador de Crecimiento 15. Modelo de Gestion Forestal Silvo Proceedings: ITTO/FD Seminar on Sustainable Timber Production from outside Forest Reserves Proyecto Promangle “Maneyo y Concervación de los Manglares del Golfo de Fonseca, Honduras”: 1. Diagnóstico y Zonificación Preliminar de los Bosques de Mangle del Golfo de Fonseca, Honduras (Phase I) 2. Zonificacion de los bosques de mangle del Golfo de Fonseca, Honduras, C.A. (Phase I) S 0.10 kg S 0.13 kg S 0.37 kg S - OUT 0.09 kg S 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg S -OUT 0.20 kg E 0.52 kg S 0.40 kg S 0.41 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 25 PD 3/96 Rev.2 (I) PD 16/96 Rev.4 (F) PD 25/96 Rev.2 (M) PD 29/96 Rev.1 (M) PD 31/96 Rev.2 (M,F,I) PD 33/96 Rev.1 (M,F,I) PD 35/96 Rev.2 (F) PD 42/96 (F) PD 44/96 Rev.2 (M) Rubber Wood Processing Technical Report Ex situ Conservation of Shorea leprosula and Lophopetalum multinervium and their Use in Future Breeding and Biotechnology 1. Proceedings of the International Conference on ex situ and in situ Conservation of Commercial Tropical Trees” (11-13 June 2001, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) [CD-ROM] 2. In situ and Ex situ Conservation of Commercial Tropical Trees (CD ROM) 3. Identification Manual of Shorea spp. 4. Completion Report: August, 1998 – January, 2002 China’s Forest Product Consumption and its Demand for the Market of International Tropical Forest Products by 2010 Renforcement du Systeme National de Collecte et de Traitement des Statistiques Forestières Appuí à la Formation des Unités de Terrain (Gabon) Introducing Myanmar’s Lesser Used Timber Species to the World Market: 1. Handbook of Lesser-Used Timber Species in Myanmar 2. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Introducing Myanmar’s Lesser-Used Species to the World Species to the World Market 3. User Manual of the Database System on Myanmar’s Lesser-Used Timber Species 4. Introducing Myanmar’s Lesser Used Timber Species to the World Market International Workshop on Nondestructive Evaluation of Tropical Timber: A Documentary Conservation and Maintenance of Biological Diversity in Tropical Forests Managed Primarily for Timber Production, Surigao Del Sur, Philippines 1. Completion Report 2. Final Technical Report 3. Sustainable Forest Management Plan of the Sudecor Concession 4. Mid-Term Project Report Apoyo a la Formulación de la Ley Forestal y de Fauna Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre: Reglamento de la Ley Establicimiento de un Sistema de Información Estadístico Forestal E 0.30 kg E-OUT 0.08 kg E 0.98 kg E E-OUT E, F, S 0.17 kg 0.77 kg 0.32 kg F -OUT 0.24 kg E E 0.61 kg 0.32 kg E 0.08 kg E – LAST 0.12 kg E -OUT 0.53 kg E E E E S 0.15 kg 0.83 kg 0.64 kg 1.63 kg 0.35kg S -OUT 0.11 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 26 PD 1/97 Rev.1 (M) PD 3/97 Rev.1 (M) PD 8/97 Rev.2 (F) PD 12/97 Rev.1 (F) PD 13/97 Rev.1 (F) Implementation of a National Forest Statistical Information System (Bolivia) 1. Información Forestal: Plantaciones Forestales Realizadas en Bolivia 2. 1970-1998 3. Estadísticas de Exportación de Productos Forestales Gestión 1998 4. Boletín Informativo Diciembre 1998 5. Boletín Informativo Junio 1999 6. Boletín Informativo Noviembre 1999 7. Estadísticas de Exportación de Productos Forestales Gestión 1999 8. Boletín Informativo Febrero 2000 9. Boletín Informativo Junio 2000 10. Información Forestal Gestion 1999 11. Información Forestal Gestion 2000 12. Información Forestal: Principales Productos Forestales en Bolivia su definición y clasificación 13. Informacion Forestal: Memoria Forestal Proyecto SIFORBOL 1998-2000 14. Estadísticas de Exportación de Productos Forestales 15. Boletín Informativo Octubre 2000 16. Boletín Informativo Enero 2001 17. Información Forestal: Certificación Forestal 18. Información Forestal: Financiamiento al Sector Forestal al 31 de Diciembre de 2000 19. Información Forestal: Exportación de Productos Forestales 19982000 20. Predios de Principales Productos Forestales Maderables en el Mercado Interno y Externo de Bolivia Development of an Export Market Intelligence Monitoring System Implementation and Evaluation of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Natural Forest Management (Colombia) 1. Guías Técnicas Para la Ordenación y el Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques Naturales 2. Criterios e Indicadores Para la Ordenación Sostenible de los Bosques Naturales Forest, Science and Sustainability: The Bulungan Model Forest 1. The Bulungan Model Forest: “Reduced Impact Logging Guidelines for Low Land and Hill Dipterocarp Forests in Indonesia” 2. Completion Report, Phase I 1997 – 2001 3. Technical Report, Phase I 1997 – 2001 4. Exploring Biodiversity, Environment and Local People’s Perspectives in Forest Landscape 5. Anticipating Change: Scenarios as a Tool for Adaptive Forest Management – A Guide 6. Reduced Impact Logging Guidelines for Indonesia 7. Pedoman Reduced Impact Logging Indonesia Dissemination of New Remote Sensing Methodology through a SemiExpert System 1. Summary Report 2. FCD-Mapper (CD-ROM) 3. FCD-Mapper User’s Guide S - Only Display S - OUT S - OUT 0.02 kg S - OUT S - OUT S - OUT S - OUT 0.02 kg 0.02 kg 0.38 kg 0.02 kg S - OUT S - OUT S - OUT S S 0.02 kg 0.19 kg 0.26 kg 0.15 kg 0.49 kg S - OUT 0.37 kg S - OUT S - OUT S - OUT S - OUT S – OUT 0.02 kg 0.04 kg 0.07 kg 0.06 kg 0.15 kg S - Only Display 0.24 kg E -OUT 0.06 kg S 0.58 kg S 0.67 kg E -OUT 0.12 kg E E E 0.20 kg 0.61 kg 0.36 kg E 0.12 kg E E 0.15 kg 0.15 kg E, F&S - OUT E E - OUT 0.15 kg 0.24 kg 0.11 kg 0.10 kg 0.30 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 27 PD 14/97 Rev.1 (F) Phase I PD 17/97 Rev.3 (F) PD 21/97 Rev.2 (F) PD 24/97 Rev.1 (F) Introduction to Global Mangrove Database and Information System (GLOMIS) 1. Volume I 2. Volume II 3. Volume III 4. Volume IV 5. Index 6. Global Mangrove Database & Information System Phase I & Addendum /Phase II (CD-ROM) 7. Introduction and Some Contents of Global Mangrove Database and Information System(GLOMIS) Pilot Project for the Reforestation and Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest Lands in Ecuador 1. Metología para la Evaluación del Impacto Ambiental de Plantaciones Forestales 2. Tendencias del Mercado Forestal y Calculo de Rentabilidad: Herramientas Claves para el Establecimiento de Plantaciones Forestales Productivas 3. Guias Tecnicas para el Establecimiento y Manejo de Plantaciones Forestales Productivas en el Litoral Ecuatoriano Developing Tropical Forest Resources through Community-Based Forest Management, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines 1. Project Completion Report 2. Mid-Term Project Evaluation Report 3. Final Report “Flora and Fauna Resources Inventory and Biodiversity Assessment 4. Final Report “Community Enterprise Development” 5. Final Report “Monitoring and Analysis of Plant Growth Parameters” 6. Final Report “Organizational Capability Assessment” 7. Land-Use & Forest/Biodiversity Management Plan 8. Supplementary Report “Setting-up a Local-level System of Monitoring Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management” 9. Project Brochure 10. CD-ROM “The Road to Sustainable Forest Management” Project for Sustainable Forest Management in Pando (Bolivia): 1. Palmas Comunes de Pando, 2001 2. Plan Departamental de Desarrollo Forestal de Pando 3. Estructura y Composición Florística de los Bosques en el Sector Este de Pando 4. Evaluación del uso de la fauna Silvestre durante la zafra Castañera en el Bosque Amazónico 5. Manual de Intermediación de Conflictos 6. Informe Técnico Estudio Sociocultural de la TCO Multiétnico II demandada en el departamento de Pando 7. Selección de Prácticas Siviculturales para Bosques Tropicales 8. Evaluación del Aprovechamiento Forestal 9. Guía de Operación del Sistema de Censos Forestales 10. Guía para la Instalación y Evaluación de Parcelas Permanentes de Muestro 11. Árboles de Pando, Vol. 1: Principales Especies Maderables con Enfasis en el Occidente 12. Ecología de Especies Maderables Menos Conocidas en el Departamento de Pando 13. Proyección Preliminar del Crecimiento y Evaluación de la Tasa de Aprovechamiento de las Especies Maderables Comerciales en la Concesión de IMAPA S.A. 14. La Regeneración de Palmeras en la Zona de Aprovechamiento Forestal de la Amazonía Boliviana E-OUT E-LAST E-OUT E-LAST E E 0.72 kg 0.72 kg 0.72 kg 0.73 kg 0.13 kg 0.02 kg E-LAST 0.74 kg S 0.27 kg S 0.46 kg S 0.65 kg E E E 0.18 kg 0.13 kg 0.21 kg E E 0.19 kg 0.20 kg E E - LAST E 0.13 kg 0.14 kg 0.15 kg E E 0.01 kg 0.06 kg S S S 0.14 kg 0.43 kg 0.15 kg S 0.10 kg S S - OUT 0.08 kg 0.35 kg S - OUT S S - OUT S - OUT 0.12 kg 0.08 kg 0.08 kg 0.09 kg S - OUT 0.16 kg S 0.12 kg S 0.07 kg S 0.06 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 28 PD 45/97 Rev.1 (F) PD 57/97 Rev.1 (F) PD 58/97 Rev.1 (I) PD 63/97 Rev.3 (F) PD 3/98 Rev.1 (F) PD 12/98 Rev.2 (I) PD 14/98 Rev.1 (F) PD 15/98 Rev.2 (M) PD 15/98 Rev.2 (M) Phase III PD 22/98 Rev.1 (F) PD 31/98 Rev.1 (F) On-site Training for Tropical Foresters and Forestry Trainers 1. Manual de Procedimientos para el Manejo Forestal y la Explotacion con Impacto Reducido, Version 3.1 2. Carteles, Clase en Campo Establishment of a Satellite Remote Sensing Monitoring and Geographical Information System for Tropical Natural Forests in Hainan, Forestry Survey and Designing Institute of Hainan Province 1. Final Report, February 2001 2. Technical Report, May 2001 The Establishment of the Database of Tropical Industrial Lesser-Used Wood Species 1. The Database of Tropical Industrial Lesser-Used Wood Species [CD-ROM] (English version) 2. The Database of Tropical Industrial Lesser-Used Wood Species [CD-ROM] (Japanese version) 3. The Database of Tropical Industrial Lesser-Used Wood Species [CD-ROM] (updated Japanese version) 4. Tropical Timber (Japanese version) Specialization Program for Forest Technicians on Sustainable Tropical Forest Management in Bolivia 1. Diplomado y Especializacion en Manejo Sostenible de Bosques Tropicales (CD-ROM) 2. Certification and Specialization in Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests Teak-Based Multistoried Agroforestry System: An Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Development of Forests (Myanmar) 1. Field Level Workshop 2. National Workshop on Agroforestry 3. National Workshop 4. Technical Report A Study on the Training Needs of the Technical Staff of WITC S 0.25 kg S - OUT 0.21 kg E E 0.12 kg 0.09 kg E 0.11 kg J 0.11 kg J 0.09 kg J 0.13 kg S 0.06 kg E - OUT 0.06 kg E E E E E -OUT 1.08 kg 0.18 kg 0.35 kg 0.30 kg 0.26 kg Uso Sostenible y Reforestacion de los Bosques Amazonicos por Comunidades Indigenas: 1. Estudio de Mercado Para las Maderas de las Comunidades Ashaninkas de los Valles del Pichis y Apurucayali Promoting the Further Processing of Tropical Timber in Africa S 0.40 kg E, F 0.21 kg Développement d’un Prototype Expérimental d’un Systeme Informatique de Gestion pour le Contrôle de la Production Forestière au Gabon – Final Report F 0.31 kg F 0.70 kg F 0.63 kg F 0.09 kg S 0.08 kg Development of Teak Cloning and Establishment of Industrial Plantations (Cote d’Ivoire) 1. Rapport d’Achevement: Développement du clonage du teck et creation de plantations industrielles (Avril 2006) 2. Rapport Technique: Développement du clonage du teck et creation de plantations industrielles 3. Rapport Technique: Développement du clonage du teck et creation de plantations industrielles (CD-ROM) Memorias – Primer Encuentro de Camaras y Asociaciones Forestales Andinas, Quito – Ecuador, 29, 30 y 31 de enero del 2001 (CD-ROM) ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 29 PD 36/98 Rev.1 (F) PD 39/98 Rev.2 (M) Development Plan for the Sustainable Forest Management in Combodia 1. Technical Report Research on Value Accounting of Tropical Forest Environmental Resources and Bringing of it in line with the National Economic Accounting System in China 1. Forest Environmental Value Accounting 2. Tropical Forest Environmental Resources of China 3. 4. 5. 6. PD 44/98 Rev.2 (I) PD 51/98 Rev.1 (F) PD 54/98 Rev.1 (F) PD 2/99 Rev. 2 (F) PD 7/99 Rev.2 (F) PD 12/99 Rev.4 (F) Phase III Valuation and Green Accounting of Tropical Forest Assets Evaluation et Compatabilité des Actifs des Forêts Tropicales Evaluación y Cálculo de los Bienes Forestales Valuation and Green Accounting of Tropical Forest Assets [CDROM] 100 Tropical African Timber Trees from Ghana: Tree Description and Wood Identification with Notes on Distribution, Ecology, Silviculture, Ethnobotany and Wood Uses Gestion des Feux de Forets en Cote d’Ivoire a Titre Experimental 2. Technical Report Institutional Strengthening of the Geographic Information System (GIS) of the National Environment Authority (ANAM) for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Panama’s Forest Resources with a View to Their Sustainable Management 7. Avance del Proyecto “Sistema de Información Geográfica de la ANAM para la Evaluación y Monitoreo de los Recursos Forestales de Panamá” (CD-ROM) 8. Informe Final de Resultados 9. Cobertura Boscosa 2000 (CD-ROM) Preparatory Studies to Install a Continuous Monitoring System for the Sustainable Management of Thailand’s Forest Resources 1. THAIFORM Technical Manual: General Field Procedures for Monitoring Forest Resources in Thailand 2. Final Technical Report: Design and Methodology for Thailand’s Forest Resources Monitoring System (THAIFORM) 3. Project Completion Report 2000-2002 4. leaflet East New Britain Balsa Strengthening Project – Phase II The Balsa Manual: Techniques for Establishment & Management of Balsa (Ochrome lafop us) Plantations in Papua New Guinea Model Forest Management Area – Phase III 1. Bt. Kana Field Station 2. Completion Report 3. Final Technical Report E 0.20 kg E C E C E F S E 0.70 kg 0.62 kg 0.32 kg 0.24 kg 0.72 kg 0.63 kg 0.57 kg 0.07 kg E 0.52 kg F 0.23 kg S (CD-ROM) 0.06kg S S (CD-ROM) 0.45 kg 0.06 kg E 0.14 kg E 0.40 kg E E 0.11 kg 0.01 kg E 0.18 kg E - OUT E E 0.05 kg 0.10 kg 0.71 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 30 PD 16/99 Rev.2 (F) Phase III PD 17/99 Rev.3 (F) PD 18/99 Rev.1 (M,F,I) PD 21/99 Rev.1 (F) PD 22/99 Rev.2 (F) Phase I PD 28/99 Rev.2 (F) PD 31/99 Rev.3 (I) Developing of Lanjak-Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary as a Totally Protected Area – Phase III (Malaysia) 1. Indigenous Fruits of Sarawak 2. Fish Resources Assesment Study of Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary and Batang Ai National Park 3. A Study of Habitat Conditions, Popolations, and Distribution of Aranutan in Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary and Batang Ai National Park, Sarawak Malaysia 4. Project Completion Report 5. Final Report on Indigenous Fish Rearing by Cage Culture 6. A Study on the Cultivation and Domestication of Indigenous Ornamental, Medicinal Plants and Fruit Trees 7. A Study on the Vegetation of Batang Ai National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia National Forest Inventory and Forest Resource Monitoring Program in Bolivia (INFOBOL-2000) - Phase I 1. Technical Report “Inventario Forestal Nacional y Programa de Control de los Recursos Forestales de Bolivia” Latin American Forestry Congress 1. Congreso Forestal Latinoamericano – Proceedings, 9 –12 December 1999 (CD-ROM) 2. Resumenes de Trabajos Presentados, Tomo I 3. Conclusiones y Recomendaciones, Conferencias Magistrales, Tomo II 4. Mesa Redonda, Presentacion de Libros, Tomo III Proceedings of the International Conference on Timber Plantation Development, November 7-9, 2000, Manila, Philippines “Study on the Behaviour of Native Timber Species of Commercial Value in the Tropical Moist Forests of Honduras” 1. Catálogo Virtual de Especies del PROECEN (CD-ROM) 2. Revista Técnico Científica de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Foretales, TATASCAN, Instrumentos Analíticos para el Manejo de Plantaciones de Especies Latifoliadas (Edición Especial, Marzo 2002) 3. Importancia de la Poda en el Manejo de las Plantaciones Forestales 4. La Limba (Terminalia superba Engl. Y Diels.): Ecología, Manejo, Propiedades y Usos de su Madera 5. Guias silviculturales de 23 especies forestales del bosque humedo de Honduras 6. Estudio de Comportamiento de Especies Maderables Nativas con Importancia Comercial del Bosque Humedo Tropical en Honduras (PROECEN) - Brochure Forest Restoration for Wildlife Conservation – Proceedings of a Workshop, th th January 30 – February 4 2000, Chiang Mai, Thailand Non Timber Production and Sustainable Development in the Amazon 1. CD-ROM E E 0.46 kg 0.21 kg E 0.18 kg E E E 0.16 kg 0.13 kg 0.12 kg E 0.20 kg S 0.20 kg S –OUT 0.85 kg S S 0.24 kg 0.51 kg S E 0.93 kg 1.42 kg S S - OUT 0.08 kg 0.60 kg S 0.05 kg S 0.05 kg S 0.33 kg S 0.01 kg E- LAST 0.85 kg E 0.10 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 31 PD 34/99 Rev.2 (I) PD 35/99 Rev.4 (I) PD 46/99 Rev.3 (I) PD 48/99 Rev.1 (M,F) PD 49/99 Rev.2 (F) PD 54/99 Rev.1 (F) Development and Implementation of Stress Grading Rules for Tropical Timber in the Philippines 1. Proceedings, International Workshop on the Development & Implementation of Stress Grading Rules: the Philippines Experience, 19 –21 November 2003, Pasig City, Philippines (CDROM) 2. Technology Guides on Machine-Graded Lumber (MGL); Technology Guide 1: A Primer on Machine-Graded Lumber (MGL); Technology Guide 2: Builder's Manual on Prefabricated Wooden Trusses Using MGL; Technology Guide 3: Truss Designer Manual; Technology Guide 4: Trainer's Training Manual on MGL Performance Evaluation of Export Wood Furniture in Relation to Strength and End-use Application Using Established Test Standard 1. Final Technical Report Pre-feasibility Study for the Industrial Utilization of Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) Including the Formulation of a Pilot Case Study for Implementation in a Specific Area of Colombia 1. Posiblidades de utilizacion industrial de la madera de plantaciones de caucho en colombia Sharing of Information and Experiences on Private Sector Success Stories in Sustainable Forest Management 1. Sharing of Information and Experiences on Private Sector Success Stories in Sustainable Forest Management-Technical Report 2. Sharing of Information and Experiences on Private Sector Success Stories in Sustainable Forest Management-Volume 1 3. Sharing of Information and Experiences on Private Sector Success Stories in Sustainable Forest Management-Volume 2 4. Sharing of Information and Experiences on Private Sector Success Stories in Sustainable Forest Management-CD 5. Sharing of Information and Experiences on Private Sector Success Stories in Sustainable Forest Management – Completion Report Pilot Plan for the Sustainable Management of 10,000 hectares of Secondary Forest in San Lorenzo, Esmeraldas 1. Guía Práctica para el manejo del bosque secundario 2. Guía Técnica para el manejo del bosque secundario 3. Sande -manual de descripción general de especies de bosque secundario 4. Chillalade -manual de descripción general de especies de bosque secundario 5. Laguno -manual de descripción general de especies de bosque secundario 6. Sajo -manual de descripción general de especies de bosque secundario 7. CD-ROM - Video para DVD 8. Tangare – manual de descripción general de especies de bosque secundario 9. Guía Práctica – manejo del bosque secundarion del norte de esmeraldas Proyecto- Modelo de Financiacion Alternativo para el Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques de San Nicolas 1. Cuentas Ambientales 2. Inventario Forestal 3. Plan de Manejo E 1.09 kg E 1.10 kg E 0.60 kg E 0.71 kg E 0.26 kg E 0.69 kg E 0.92 kg E 0.06 kg E 0.16 kg S S S No.1-8 0.38 kg S S S S S S- LAST 0.10 kg S- Only Display S- Only Display S- Only Display 1.84 kg 0.85 kg 1.27 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 32 PD 55/99 Rev.1 (M) PD 56/99 Rev.1 (I) PD 57/99 Rev.2 (F) PD 60/99 Rev.1 (F) PD 61/99 Rev.4 (I) PD 062/99 Rev.3 (F) PD 3/00 Rev.2 (F) Establishment of Sustainable Tropical Forest Products Information System in China Promotion of the Utilization of Bamboo from Sustainable Sources in Thailand 1. Final Technical Report 2. Proceedings of the National Conference on Sustainable Development of Bamboo Resources 3. Bamboo Charcoal 4. Bamboo Marketing in Thailand 5. Feasibility Study on Establishment of a Bamboo Shoot Plant in Chiang Mai 6. CD-ROM: VCD on Project Completion Report & Final Technical Report Sustainable Management of Production Forests at the Commercial Scale in the Brazilian Amazon 1. Publicações e Softwares Gerenciais 2. Publicações e Softwares Silviculturais Optimum Utilization of RADARSAT SAR Data in Conjunction with Enhanced FCD Model to Monitor Change in the Status of Forest Resources 1. Project Report on PD 60/99 Rev.1(F): Optimum Utilization of RADARSAT SAR Data in Conjunction with Enhanced FCD Model to Monitor Change in the Status of Forest Resources, June 2003 2. User Guide, FCD-Mapper Ver.2, Semi-Expert Remote Sensing System for Forest Canopy Density Mapping, 2003 3. FCD-Mapper Ver.2.0, User’s Guide, 2003 (CDs with ID) Increasing the Efficiency in the Tropical Timber Conversion and Utilization of Residues from Sustainable Sources 1. Increasing the Efficiency in the Tropical Timber Conversion and Utilization of Residues from Sustainable Sources (English version) 2. Increasing the Efficiency in the Tropical Timber Conversion and Utilization of Residues from Sustainable Sources (Portuguese version) Reforestation Pilot Project for the Recovery of Degraded Areas in the Medium Doce River Region, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil 1. Report of Mid-Term Evaluation 2. A Monodominancia da Aroeira no Medio Rio Doce-MG, sua Tutela Juridica e a Identificacao de Uma Situacao-Problema 3. Artigo Tecnico Publicado na Revista Actualidad Forestal Tropical – Recuperacion y Manejo Forestal de Areas Degradadas en la Cuenca de Medio Rio Doce 4. O Gerenciamento de Riscos em Projetos Estatais de Restauracao Florestal em Minas Gerais 5. Manejo Florestal Sustentavel de Florestas Secundarias da Mata Atlantica do Medio Rio Doce com Monodominancia da Aroeira 6. Tecnicas para a Recomposicao da Mata Atrantica Paz y Conservación Binacional en la Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador— Perú (Componente Peruano) 1. CD-ROM & Book 2. DVDs del Video Ichigkat Juja – un parquet para la paz y la conservación de La Cordillera del Cóndor of Proyecton PD 3/00 Rev.2 (F) 3. Bi-National Peace and Conservation in the Cordillera del Condor or Ecuador -Peru E, S, C 0.42 kg E E-OUT 0.34 kg 0.17 kg E-OUT E-OUT E-OUT 0.19 kg 0.08 kg 0.16 kg E 0.02 kg P - OUT P - OUT 0.02 kg 0.02 kg E 0.36 kg E 0.59 kg E 0.08 kg E 0.22 kg P 0.22 kg E P S P P P S- OUT S 0.05 kg 0.30 kg E 0.68 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 33 PD 5/00 Rev.4 (F) PD 10/00 Rev.2 (I,F) PD 12/00 Rev.3 (F) PD 14/00 Rev.5 (F) PD 15/00 Rev.2 (F) Training and Application of ITTO Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management at the Forest Management Unit Level in Natural Production Forests of Ecuador 1. Serie Notas Tecnicas Forestales 16: Aplicación y Entrenamiento de los C&I de la OIMT para la Ordenación Forestal Sostenible a Nivel de la Unidad de Ordenamiento Forestal en Bosque Natural Productivo del Ecuador 2. Serie Notas Tecnicas Forestales 17: Lo Social y la Sostenibilidad Forestal Van de la Mano 3. Serie Notas Tecnicas Forestales 18: Una Guía de Fichas Ambientales de Uso Voluntario para Evaluar en la Finca Sustainable Management and Utilization of Sympodial Bamboos in SouthChina (China) 1. Technical Manual on Sympodial Bamboos Cultivation 2. Technical Manual on Utilization of Sympodial Bamboos 3. Sustainable Management and Utilization of sumpodial Bamboos Developing and Extending of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests in China 1. Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests in China 2. Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests in China 3. Manual for the Application of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests in China, Part A/ Regional Indicators 4. Manual for the Application of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests in China, Part B/ Forest Management Unit Indicators 5. Study on Sustainable Management of Forest 6. ITTO Policy Development Series – Translation into Chinese Integrated Plan for the Consolidation of the Bagre Highlands Biological Corridor, Province of Darien (Panama) 1. Consolidación del Plan de Manejo del Corredor Biológico de la Serranía de Bagre (CBSB), como parte integral de la Reserva Forestal de Chepigana Management of the Phataem Protected Forests Complex to Promote Cooperation for Trans-Boundary Biodiversity Conservation between Thailand, Cambodia and Laos (Phase I) 1. The Management of the Pha Taem Protected Forest Complex, January 2004 with CD-ROM 2. GIS Database, Final Technical Report, January 2004 with CD-ROM 3. Socio-Economic Study, Final Technical Report, January 2004 with CD-ROM 4. Forest Ecology Study, Final Technical Report, January 2004 with CD-ROM 5. Wildlife Ecology, Final Technical Report, January 2004 with CD-ROM 6. Human Resource Development and Research Programme, Final Technical Report, January 2004 with CD-ROM 7. Leaflet – No.1: The Management Plan of the Pha Taem Protected Forests Complex 8. Leaflet – No.2: The Management Plan of the Pha Taem Protected Forests Complex 9. Leaflet – No.3: Soi Swan Waterfall Nature Trial 10. Leaflet – No.4: Nature Trial along the Moon River 11. Leaflet – No.5: Phu Jong-Na Yoi National Park 12. Leaflet – No.6: Yot Dome Wildlife Sancutuary 13. Leaflet – No.7: Leaflet on CITES 14. Completion Report S 0.06 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.05 kg E E E 0.24 kg 0.39 kg 0.39 kg E 0.07kg E 0.05kg E 0.03kg E 0.02kg C C 0.39kg 0.38kg S 0.25 kg E 1.01 kg E 1.14 kg E 0.32 kg E - OUT 0.25 kg E 0.30 kg E 0.28 kg E 0.03 kg Thai 0.03 kg Thai Thai Thai Thai Thai E 0.03 kg 0.03 kg 0.01 kg 0.01 kg 0.01 kg 0.60 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 34 PD 17/00 Rev.3 (F) PD 20/00 Rev.1 (I) Conservación y Desarrollo en el Ámbito del complejo de Áreas Naturales Protegidas Tambopata (Perú) – Madidi (Bolivia) 1. CD-ROM Training Workshop on Further Processing of Tropical Timber in the AsiaPacific Region 1. Further Processing of Tropical Timber in the Asia-Pacific Region (I), 28 August – 1 September 2001, Seoul, Korea 2. Further Processing of Tropical Timber in the Asia-Pacific Region (II), 9 – 12 July 2002, Gyeongju, Korea 3. Anuario Estadistico Forestal 2002 S 0.05 kg E 0.58 kg E 0.58 kg S- LAST 0.38 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 35 PD 23/00 Rev.4 (F) Promotion and Transfer of Knowledge on Sustainable Forest Management Models to Timber Producers 1. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 1 – Guia del Participante No.1.1 “La legislación Forestal en el Peru” 2. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 1 – Guia del Participante No.1.2 “Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre” 3. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 3 – Guia del Participante No.3.1 “Estructura Morfologica del Arbol” 4. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 3 – Guia del Participante No.3.2 “descripción de las Especies de Importancia Comercial” 5. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 3 – Guia del Participante No.3.3 “determinación de las Especies de Importancia Comercial” 6. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 4 – Guia del Participante No.4.1 “Planificación de Inventarios Forestales” 7. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 4 – Guia del Participante No.4.2 “Instrumentos y Registro de Datos en Inventarios Forestales” 8. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 4 – Guia del Participante No.4.3 “Procesamientos de Datos e Interpretación de Resultados” 9. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 4 – Guia del Participante No.4.4 “Diseño para el Establecimiento de Parcelas Permanentes de Medicion” 10. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 5 – Guia del Participante No.5.1 “Bases Ecologicas del Manejo de Bosques Humedos Tropicales” 11. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 5 – Guia del Participante No.5.2 “Sistemas Silviculturaels” 12. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 5 – Guia del Participante No.5.3 “Tratamiento Silvicultural” 13. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 5 – Guia del Participante No.5.4 “Operaciones Silviculturales” 14. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 5 – Guia del Participante No.5.5 “Inventario Forestal y Toma de Decisiones Silviculturales” 15. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 6 – Guia del Participante No.6.1 “Manejo Forestal y Normatividad para Elaborar Planes de Manejo en el Peru” 16. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 6 – Guia del Participante No.6.2 “Descripción e Interpretación de Lineamientos para la Elaboración del Plan de Manejo Forestal” 17. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 6 – Guia del Participante No.6.3 “Descripción e Interpretación de Lineamientos para la Elaboración del Plan Operativo Anual” 18. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 8 – Guia del Participante No.8.1 “Operaciones y Maquinarias” 19. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 8 – Guia del Participante No.8.2 “Mantenimientos de Equipos” 20. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 8 – Guia del Participante No.8.3 “Productividad y Costos de Operaciones Forestales” 21. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 9 – Guia del Participante No.9.1 “Aprovechamiento de Productos Forestales no Maderables-PNFM” 22. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 9 – Guia del Participante No.9.2 “Estudio de Caso: Castana y Jebe” 23. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 11 – Guia del Participante No.11.1 “Definición e Importancia del Analisis economicoFinanciero y Registro de Informacion” S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 36 PD 24/00 Rev.1 (I) PD 34/00 Rev.2 (M) 24. Guia del Capacitador del Modulo No. 11 – Guia del Participante No.11.2 “Principales Herramientas e Indicadores Financieros” 25. Boletín Informativo No.01 – Noviembre 2005 “Manejo Forestal” 26. Boletín Informativo No.02 – Abril 2006 “Cursos Talleres: Estrategia de Capacitacion Forestal de la CNF” 27. Diptico:”Medios de Comunicación Social y la Actividad Forestal” 28. Publicación “Problemática de la Tala Ilegal de Madera en la Amazonia Peruana”Autor: Ing. Wilfredo Ojeda – Junio 2004 29. Publicación “La Tala y El Comercion Ilegal de Maderas en el Peru” Autor: Ing. Wilfredo Ojeda – Agosto-Octubre 2004 30. CD-ROM: Descripción Dendrológica de 26 Especies Forestales de Importancia Comercial: Zonas de Tahuamanu y Alto Huallaga 31. CD-ROM: Memoria seminario – taller Perspectivas de reforestacion en el Alto Huallaga. Aucayacu 2006 32. CD-ROM: Módulos de capacitación en Manejo Forestal Sostenible 33. CD-ROM: Memoria seminario – taller: La Zonificación ecológica – económica y el ordenamiento territorial de la Región de Madre de Dios. 2005 34. CD-ROM: Experiencea de plantaciones forestales en la Amazonia Peruana – Tingo Maria. Diciembre 2006 35. CD-ROM: Publicaciones, Fotos, Video 36. “Promocion y Transferencia de Conocimientos sobre Modelos de Manejo Forestal Sostenible a los Productores Madereros” Brochure Promotion of Sustainable Utilization of Rattan from Plantation in Thailand 1. Final Technical Reports 2. Proceedings of the National Conference on Plantation Management and Utilization of Rattan 3. Project VCD: Promotion of Sustainable Utilization of Rattan from Plantations in Thailand 4. CD-ROM: Promotion of Sustainable Utilization of Rattan from Plantations in Thailand (Internal Technical Report of Consultant, Proceeding and Report on Study Tour to Indonesia and Philippines) 5. Rattan in Thailand Extension and Consolidation of the National Forest Statistical Information System 1. Anuario Estadistico Forestal de Bolivia 2002 2. Atlas de Derechos Forestales, Volume I 3. Modelo de Inteligencia de Mercados para el Sector Forestal de Bolivia 4. Precios de Principales Productos Forestales Maderables en el Mercado Interno Y Externo de Bolivia – Evaluación de la Distribución y Cantidad de Madera de Valor Industrial en Bosques Tropicales 5. Principales Productos Forestales en Bolivia – Su Definición y Clasificación 2da. Edición 6. Glosario de Definiciones y Términos Técnicos Relativos al Medio Ambiente y al Manejo Forestal 7. Atlas de Derachos Forestales Volume 2 S 0.04 kg S S 0.04 kg 0.04 kg S S 0.04 kg 0.04 kg S 0.04 kg S 0.06 kg S 0.06 kg S 0.06 kg S 0.06 kg S 0.06 kg S S 0.07 kg 0.01 kg E E 0.32 kg 0.24 kg E 0.06 kg E 0.05 kg E 0.17 kg S S S 0.39 kg 0.71 kg 0.25 kg S - OUT 0.25kg S 0.15 kg S 0.11 kg S 0.40 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 37 PD 37/00 Rev.1 (F) PD 38/00 Rev.1 (F) PD 39/00 Rev.3 (F) PD 40/00 Rev.4 (I) “Operational Strategy for Sustainable Forestry Development with Community Participation in India” 1. Manual for Operationalising Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management at Forest Management Unit Level in India 2. Annotated Bibliography on Sustainable Forest Management 3. Illustrated Manual on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management 4. C&I India Update Volume 1, Number 3 5. C&I India Update Volume 2, Number 1 6. C&I India Update Volume 2, Number 2 7. C&I India Update Volume 2, Number 3 8. C&I India Update Volume 2, Number 4 9. C&I India Update Volume 3, Number 1 10. C&I India Update Volume 3, Number 2 11. C&I India Update Volume 3, Number 3 12. C&I India Update Volume 3, Number 4 13. C&I India Update Volume 4, Number 1 14. C&I India Update Volume 4, Number 2 15. C&I India Update Volume 4, Number 3 16. C&I India Update Volume 4, Number 4 17. C&I India Update Volume 5, Number 1 18. C&I India Update Volume 5, Number 2 19. C&I India Update Volume 5, Number 3 20. C&I India Update Volume 5, Number 4 21. C&I India Update Volume 6, Number 1 22. C&I India Update Volume 6, Number 2 23. C&I India Update Volume 6, Number 3 24. C&I India Update Volume 6, Number 4 25. C&I India Update Volume 7, Number 1 26. C&I India Update Volume 7, Number 3&4 “Management of Kayan Mentarang National Park (PMNP) To Promote Trans-Boundary Conservation along the Border between Indonesia and Malaysian States of Sabah and Sarawak (Phase I)” 1. Completion Report January 2001- June 2003 2. Species Management Plan for the Primates of Kayan Mentarang National Park 3. A Plan for the Sustainable Management of Bearned Pig Populations in and around the Kayan Mentarang National Park, East Kalimantan Indonesia 4. Species Management Plan for the Orchids of Kayan Mentarang National Park: The Development of Continuous Inventory and Preservation 5. Species Management Plan for the Rattan of Kayan Mentarang National Park 6. Management Plan for the Felidae and Viverridae of Kayan Mentarang National Park 7. Joint Biodiversity Expedition in Kayan Metarang National Park Sustainable Collaborative Forest Management: Meeting the Challenges of Decentralization in the Bulungan Model Forest 1. CD-ROM Our Forests – Voices from Malinau about the future of one of Asia’s richest rainforests 2. Completion Report 3. Technical Report – Managing Forest Resources in a Decentralized Environment: Lessons learnt form the Malinau Research Forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia Project Completion Report: Utilization of Small Diameter Logs from Sustainable Sources for Bio-Composite Products E 0.26 kg E E 0.34 kg 0.37 kg E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 0.05 kg 0.06 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.07 kg 0.07 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.07 kg 0.07 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.09 kg E E 0.08 kg 0.39 kg E 0.15kg E 0.18 kg E 0.08 kg E 0.26 kg E 0.90 kg E 0.05 kg E E 0.30 kg 0.64 kg E 0.64 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 38 PD 41/00 Rev.3 (F,M) PD 42/00 Rev.1 (F) PD 44/00 Rev.3 (F) PD 51/00 Rev.2 (I,M) PD 60/01 Rev.1 (F) PD 65/01 Rev.2 (I) Model Development to Establish Commercial Plantation of Dipterocarps 1. Completion Report 2. Technical Report – Dipterocarps Plantation Forest Development: The Need for Policy Instrument 3. Technical Report – Silviculture Systems of Indonesia’s Dipterocarps Forest Management: A Lesson Learned 4. Plantation Trial Training of Trainers for the Application of the ITTO, and the National Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management at Forest Management Unit Level (Indonesia) 1. CD-ROM: Attachment of the Completion Report on PD 42/00 Rev.1 (F) 2. Completion Report 3. The Final Project Technical Report: Economic Analysis of Sustainable Forest Management in Indonesia 4. The Final Project Technical Report: Guidelines for the Internal Monitoring of SFM Performance by Forest Management Units in Indonesia 5. Sistem Pemantauan Kinerja Internal Pengelolaan Hutan Alam Produksi Lestari Pada Tingkat Unit Pengelolaan Hutan The Implementation of a Community-Based Transboundary Management Plan for the Betung Kerihun National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, Phase II 1. Proceed Together in Equal Roles 2. Technical Report “Betung Kerihun – Eco-tourism Development Profile” 3. Brochure “Betung Kerihun National Park – The Heart of Borneo” 4. “Betung Kerihun – Eco-tourism Development Profile” CD-ROM 5. Project Completion Report 6. Technical Report “Workshop on Park Boundary Toward Effective Management of the Betung Kerihun National Park” 7. Technical Report “Assessment of Rafting Activities for Ecotourism Development in Betung Kerihun National Park” 8. Technical Report “Traditional Knowledge and Utilization of Biodiversity by Local Communities in and around Betung Kerihun national Park (BKNP)” 9. Brochure “Proceed Together in Equal Roles” 10. CD-Rom (Project Profile and documentary of project activities) Improvement of Rubberwood Utilization and Marketing in Thailand 1. The National Forum Strategies for Rubberwood Industrial Development, 20-21 October 2005, Bangkok, Thailand 2. The Report on the Development of the Thai Rubberwood Industry, Promotion of the Thai Rubberwood Industry in the Years 2002-2005 3. Project Completion Report 2002-2006 4. Final Technical Report Sustainable Management and Rehabilitation of Mangrove Forests by Local Communities on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia 1. Manual Sobre Zonificacion y Planificacion para el Manejo Sostenible de los Manglares del Caribe de Colombia 2. Restauracion de Manglares del Caribe de Colombia 3. Manejo Integral de los Manglares por Comunidades Locales Caribe de Colombia ITTO-FA Project on Training in Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) in Cambodia 1. Field Guide in Reduced Impact Logging in Cambodia, December 30. 2003 2. Completion Report, August 31, 2008 with one CD 3. Technical Report, August 31, 2008 with one CD E E 0.46 kg 0.16 kg E 0.23 kg E 0.02 kg E 0.06 kg E E 0.51 kg 0.50 kg E 0.50 kg Bahasa LAST 0.41 kg E E 0.18 kg 0.27 kg E E E E 0.02 kg 0.06 kg 0.17 kg 0.09 kg E 0.13 kg E 0.18 kg E - OUT E 0.17 kg E 0.34 kg E 0.20 kg E E 0.20 kg 0.35 kg S 0.11 kg S S 0.09 kg 0.97 kg E 0.19 kg E E 0.21 kg 0.07 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 39 PD 67/01 Rev.1 (F) PD 69/01 Rev.2 (I) PD 74/01 Rev.1 (M) PD 77/01 Rev.2 (I,F) PD 85/01 Rev.2 (I) Dissemination of Forest Development and Research Results Obtained during the Implementation of the Technical Project for Forest 1. Manuales Silviculturales (CD-ROM) Improved and Diversified Use of Tropical Plantation Timber in China to Supplement Diminishing Supplies from Natural Forests 1. Guide on Utilization of Eucalyptus and Acacia Plantations in China for Solid Wood Products 2. First Technical Report 3. Second Technical Report 4. Third Technical Report 5. Market Opportunities of Eucalyptus and Acacia Plantations for Solid Wood Products in China 6. Oversea Study Tour Report 7. Project Introduction 8. Project Activities 9. Project Activities in 2003 10. Eucalyptus Plantation Wood Sawing and Drying Manual 11. Plantation Eucalyptus: Challenge in Product Development (CDROM) 12. Wood Properties and Processing of Eucalyptus and Acacia Plantation in China Guide on Utilization of Eucalyptus and Acacia Plantations in China for Solid Wood Products Development and Implementation of Guidelines to Control Illegal Logging for Sustainable Forest Management in Indonesia 1. Guidelines for Controlling Illegal Logging (English version) 2. Guidelines for Controlling Illegal Logging (Bahasa version) 3. Guidelines for Controlling Illegal Logging [CD-ROM] 4. Completion report [CD-ROM] 5. Illegal Logging Activity on the Sociological System [CD-ROM] 6. Portrait of West Kalimantan Forests: A Joint Effort for Restoration [CD-ROM] 7. Save the Remaining Forests [CD-ROM] 8. Photo Collection [CD-ROM] 9. Photo Collection 2 [CD-ROM] Contribution to the Development of Skills and Technical Training Structures at the Mbalmayo National School of Forestry in Cameroon 1. Plan Directeur de Formation de l’Enef de Mbalmayo (Cameroun) (Tome 1) 2. Contenus des modules d’Enseignements de l’Ecole nationale des Eaux et Forets de Mbalmayo, Octobre 2010 3. Organisation de l’Enseignement modulaire de l’Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forets de Mbalmayo et de Son Systeme d’Evaluation, Juillet 2010 Strategies for the Development of Sustainable Wood-Based Industries in Indonesia 1. ITTO Project PD 85/01 Rev.2 (I), Technical Reports, Working Papers, Workshop’s Proceedings, Integrated Strategies and Actions (CD-ROM) 2. Strategies Toward Sustainable Wood-Based Industries in Indonesia Local Stakeholder Perspectives 3. Technical Report, Log Supply Capacity, Study A 4. Technical Report, Wood-Based Industry, Study B 5. Technical Report, International Market Analysis, Study C 6. Proceeding, Seminar, Jakarta, 7 December 2004 7. Integrated Strategies and Actions 8. Completion Report S 0.06 kg E 0.54 kg E E E E 0.30 kg 0.24 kg 0.14 kg 0.32 kg Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese E 0.15 kg 0.04 kg 0.07 kg 0.03 kg 0.07 kg 0.09 kg Chinese - OUT E 0.85 kg E B E E E 0.34 kg 0.25 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg E E E E 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg F 0.43 kg F 0.49 kg F 0.20 kg E 0.06 kg E 0.39 kg E E E E E E 0.46 kg 0.30 kg 0.54 kg 0.57 kg 0.27 kg 0.23 kg 0.45 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 40 PD 103/01 Rev.4 (I) PD 106/01 Rev.1 (F) PD 108/01 Rev.3 (I) PD 110/01 Rev.4 (I) PD 125/02 Rev.1 (F) PD 131/02 Rev.4 (I) Demonstration of Rubberwood Processing Technology and Promotion of Sustainable Development in China and other Asian Countries (CD-ROM) Increasing Genetic Diversity of Shorea Leprosula and Lophopetalum Multinervium for Breeding and Genetic Improvement 1. Completion Report 2. Technical Report – Conservation and Genetic improvement of Indigenous Tree Species of Tropical Rain Forest of Indonesia 3. Ex Situ Conservation of Shorea Leprosula 4. Progeny Test of Shorea Leprosula 5. Ex Situ Genetic Conservation of Lophopetalum Multinervium Development of sustainable Rattan Production and Utilization through Participation of Rattan Small Holders and Industry in Indonesia 1. Completion Report 2. Technical Report: Establishment of Commercial Rattan Cultivation to Ensure Sustainable and Continuous Supply of Raw Material for Rattan Industry in Indonesia 3. Technical Report: Inventory of Rattan Standing Stock in Natural Forest and Plantation 4. Rattan in Indonesia: Green Product that Sustains People’s Life 5. Technical Report: Rattan Raw Material Trade 6. Technical Report: Financial Analysis of Semi-finished Rattan Processing Industry in Sekayu South Sumatera 7. Technical Report: Indonesia Rattan Trade: The Analysis on Trade, Industry, and Rattan Resource from Development Perspective 8. Manual: Rattan Cultivation in Indonesia 9. Manual: Rattan Inventory 10. Manual: Rattan Utilization 11. Manual: Rattan Derivative (Dragonblood) 12. Proceedings: National Forum (Workshop) on Sustainable Rattan Development, Kuningan, West Java, June, 2004 13. Proceedings: National Forum (Workshop) on Sustainable Rattan Development, Katingan, Central Kalimantan, January 30-31, 2007 Program to Facilitate and Promote Adoption of Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific Region (Indonesia) 1. Completion Report 2. Proceeding, ITTO-MoF Regional Workshop, Bogor, 15-16 February 2006 3. Operational Considerations for Reduced Impact Logging 4. Planning Consideration for Reduced Impact Logging 5. Planning, Location, Survey, Construction & Maintenance for LowImpact Forest Roads 6. Technical Procedures for Topographic Forest Surveys and Tree Mapping 7. Pertimbangan Operasional Untuk Pembalakan Berdampak Rendah 8. Pertimbangan Dalam Merencanakan Pembalakan Berdampak Rendah 9. Prosedur Survei Topografi Hutan Dan Pemetaan Pohon 10. CD-ROM: Reports, Manuals, Newsletter, Photos Latin American Forestry Congress II 1. II Congreso Forestal Latinoamericano 2002 Memoria 2. II Congreso Forestal Latinoamericano 2002 (CD-ROM) 3. Wood from the Tropical Forest of Guatemala Training of Forest Practitioners for the Improvement of Forest Industry in Cambodia 1. Technical Report 2. Completion Report E 0.23 kg E E 0.50 kg 0.05 kg E E E 0.03 kg 0.02 kg 0.02 kg E E 0.07 kg 0.07 kg E 0.07 kg E E E 0.07 kg 0.07 kg 0.08 kg E 0.08 kg E E E E E 0.07 kg 0.07 kg 0.08 kg 0.08 kg 0.08 kg E 0.08 kg E E - OUT 0.19 kg 0.41 kg E E - OUT E - OUT 0.15 kg 0.14 kg 0.17 kg E 0.13 kg Bahasa 0.15 kg Bahasa 0.15 kg Bahasa E 0.14 kg 0.03 kg S S S - OUT 0.37kg 0.08kg 0.07kg E- LAST E 0.66 kg 0.15 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 41 PD 133/02 Rev.3 (M) PD 137/02 Rev.2 (F) PD 138/02 Rev.2 (F) PD 140/02 Rev.2 (F) PD 146/02 Rev.1 (F) PD 151/02 (I) PD 156/02 Rev.3 (F) Phase II PD 167/02 Rev.2 (F) PD 171/02 Rev.4 (I) PD 174/02 Rev.1 (I) Timber and Timber Products Trade Flow Study of the Philippines Demonstration Plantation of Xantoxyllum Rhetsa, Manilkara Kauki, Alstonia Scholaris, and Wrightia Pubescens to Promote Sustainable Bali Natural Forest 1. Technical Report - Guidelines for Tree Improvement and Seed Production of Panggal Buaya, Sawo Kecik, Pulai and Bentawas 2. Technical Report - Guidelines for Plantation Establishment and Maintenance 3. Completion Report Integrated Evaluation and Strategy for the Sustainbale management of Secondary Forests in the Central Forest Region of Peru 1. Guia de referencia metodologica tecnica para la elaboration de ZEE 2. Informe de la Metodologia usada para la elaboracion de mapas de Cobertura Vegetal en la Selva central 3. Guia de Evaluacion socioeconomica y cultural para el manejo de bosques secundarios 4. Bases Tecnicas para el manejo forestal en bosques secundarios 5. Manual de plantas promisorias de los bosques secundarios de la 6. Region Junin-Peru 7. CD-ROM Resultados Finales del Proyecto PD 138/02 Rev.2 (F) Development of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management Appropriated to Brazilian Tropical Forests 1. Criterios e Indicadores para el Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques Tropicales Brasileños-Manual para Aplicación Promoting sustainable Utilization of Bamboo through Community Participation in sustainable Forest Management 1. Second National Forum on Sustainable Bamboo Development in Myanmar 2. Handbook on Bamboo Properties in Myanmar 3. Bamboo Shoot Products Processing Manual 4. Bamboo Forest Management Manual International Conference on Quality Timber Products of Teak from Sustainable Forest Management 1. Quality timber products of TEAK from sustainable forest management Conservation and Reforestation of Threatened Mangrove Forest Areas along the Pacific Coast of Panama, Phase II 1. Conservación y Repoblación de las Areas Amenazadas del Bosque De Manglar del Pacífico Panameño (DVD) & Book 2. Proyecto de Conservacion y Repoblacion de Areas Amenazadas del Bosque del Manglar del Pacifico Panameno – Fases I y IIInforme Final de Los Resultados del Proyecto Fases I y II Integration of Forest Management Units (FMU) into a Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) through Collaborative Forest Management in Surigao del Sur, The Philippines 1. Completion Report Trade Flows and Distribution of Tropical Wood Products in China International Workshop on Clean Development Mechanism – Opportunities for the Forest Industry Sector in the Asia-Pacific Region 1. Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol and Forest Sector: Afforestation/Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism in Asia CD-ROM 2. Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol and Forest Sector: Afforestation/Reforestation Clean Development Mechanism in Asia E 0.70 kg E 0.25 kg E 0.21 kg E 0.23 kg S 0.09 kg S 0.09 kg S 0.09 kg S S 0.09 kg 0.09 kg S 0.02 kg S 0.15 kg E 0.39 kg. E Myanmar Myanmar 0.39 kg. 0.06 kg. 0.09 kg. E 1.66 kg S 0.07 kg S 0.30 kg E E, F, S 0.13 kg 0.73 kg E 4.08 kg E 0.65 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 42 PD 178/02 Rev.1 (F) PD 189/03 Rev. 1 (I) PD 192/03 Rev.3 (M) PD 194/03 Rev.2 (M) PD 195/03 Rev.2 (F) PD 197/03 Rev.2 (F) Information and Training Programme for Sustainable Forest Management in the Peruvian Amazon Region 1. Marco teorico de la arquitectura del sistema de informacion forestal documento tecnico no.1 2. Modelamiento de la arquitectura web del sistema de informacion forestal documento tecnico no.2 3. Descriptivo del componente de manejo forestal sostenible en el sistema de informacion forestal de la amazonia peruana siforestal documento tecnico no.3 4. Manual tecnico: sistema de informacion forestal de la amazonia peruana documento tecnico no.4 5. Manual tecnico approvechamiento de impacto reducido documento tecnico no.6 Projet d'appui à la mise à jour de la formation en aménagement forestier et la gestion des concessions forestières dans les écoles forestières d'Afrique Centrale 1. Rapport Technique No.1 – Etude des Besoins en Formation dans le Domaine de L’amenagement Forestier en Afrique Centrale 2. Rapport Technique No. 2 - Programme de Formation de Reference en Amenagement Forestier pour L’afrique Centrale 3. Rapport Technique No 3 - Méthodes et Outils Pédagogiques, Suivi et Évaluation des Programmes de Formation en Aménagement Forestier Durable en Afrique Centrale A Comprehensive Information System for Sustainability of the Wooden Furniture Industry in Malaysia 1. Project Completion Report 2. Comprehensive Information System (CIS) 3. Rubberwood Resource Information System (RRIS) 4. Wooden Furniture Information System (WFIS) 5. Current and Future Supply of and Demand for Rubberwood in Malaysia 6. Wooden Furniture Industry Productivity, Cost of Production for Certain Selected Products, Primary Input Content and Policies for Sustainability 7. Selected Statistics of the Wooden Furniture Industry, Malaysia (2008) Global Mangrove Database and Information System (GLOMIS) 1. CD-ROM 2. Accompanying publication “Expanding and Improving Global Mangrove Database and Information System (GLOMIS) and its Networking” To Establish a National Monitoring Information System for the Effective Conservation and Sustainable Management of Thailand’s Forest Resources 1. Project Completion Report 2004-2007 2. Brochure Support for the Implementation of a Sustainable Forest Development Master Plan in Eco-Floristic Area IV, TOGO S 0.20 kg S 0.27 kg S 0.15 kg S 0.34 kg S 0.21 kg F 0.13 kg F 0.16 kg F 0.15 kg E E 0.26 kg 0.38 kg 0.64 kg 0.11 kg 0.63 kg E 0.76 kg E 0.46 kg E E 0.04 kg 0.50 kg E E F 0.15 kg 0.01 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 43 PD 199/03 Rev.3 (F) PD 210/03 Rev.3 (F) Forest Genetic Resources Conservation and Management 1. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Forest Genetic Resource Programme (APFORGEN) National Coordinators Meeting and ITTO Project PD 199/03 Rev.3(F) Update, Dehradun, India, 15-16 April 2006 2. International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) Project 199/03 Rev.3(F) Mid-term Review and the Asia Pacific Forest Genetic Resources Programme (APFORGEN) National Coordinators Meeting, bogor, Indonesia, 5-7 September 2007 3. Project Completion Report Strengthening National Capacity and Regional Collaboration for Sustainable Use of Forest Genetic Resources in Tropical Asia 4. Status in seven South and Southeast Asian countries Participatory Establishment of Collaborative Sustainable Forest Management in Dusun Aro, Jambi 1. Project Progress Report, December 2005-May 2006 2. Criteria and Indicator (C&I) and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Restoration, Rehabilitation and Agroforestry in Grand Forest Park Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin, Jambi 3. Training on Techniques and Management of Restoration, Rehabilitation, and Agroforestry 4. Workshops on Mutual Understanding and Commitment among Stakeholders on Sustainable Forest Management in Batanghari-Jambi 5. General Conditions of ITTO Project Site for Restoration, Rehabilitation and Agroforestry in Grand Forest Park Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin, Jambi 6. Silvicultural Aspects of Selected Species for Restoration, Rehabilitaion and Agroforestry in Grand Forest Park Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin, Jambi 7. Project Completion Report PD 224/03 Rev.1 (F) PD 228/03 Rev,2 (F) Transboundary Blodiversity Conservation: The Pulong Tau National Park, Sarawak State, Malaysia 1. The Flora of Pulong Tau National Park 2. An Ornithological Report of Pulong Tau National Park 3. Ecological Survey of Forests in the Pulong Tau National Park 4. Ecological Monitoring System for Pulong Tau National Park 5. Designing Community – Based Activities in Pulong Tau National Park 6. Small Mammals of Pulong Tau National Park 7. Big Mammals of Pulong Tau National Park 8. Amphibians of Pulong Tau National Park 9. Crabs, Prawns and Aquatic Insects of Pulong Tau National Park 10. A Socio – Economic Study of the Communities Living Adjacent to the Pulong Tau National Park Tropical Forest Fire Monitoring and Management based on Satellite Remote Sensing Data in China CD-ROM E- OUT 0.33 kg E 0.39 kg E 0.22 kg E 0.48 kg E& Bahasa E& Bahasa 0.13 kg E& Bahasa E& Bahasa 0.33 kg E& Bahasa LAST E& Bahasa LAST E& Bahasa 0.25 kg 0.18 kg 0.19 kg 0.17 kg 0.22 kg E E E E E 0.40 kg 0.35 kg 0.35 kg 0.10 kg 0.21 kg E – LAST E – LAST E E – LAST E –LAST 0.02 kg 0.15 kg 0.17 kg 0.17 kg 0.21 kg E 0.26 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 44 PD 233/03 Rev.2 (I) PD 237/03 Rev.4 (F) PD 239/03 Rev.1 (F) PD 240/03 Rev.2 (F) PD 251/03 Rev.3 (F) PD 264/04 Rev.3 (M,I) PD 268/04 Rev.3 (I) PD 270/04 Rev.2 (F) Application of Intermediate Technologies for Sustainable Forest Havesting 1. La apuesta por incorporar tecnologías intermedias para hacer más rentable y sostenible el aprovechamiento forestal 2. La planificación del aprovechamiento forestal como principio de una actividad forestal sostenible 3. La tala dirigida y su relación con las tecnologías intermedias 4. El winche y el aserradero portatil como principales herramientas de tecnología intermedia para el aprovechamiento forestal sostenibie 5. El crédito financiero como mecanismo para accedera la tecnología intermedia en el aprovechamiento forestal 6. Documento de sistematizacion de experiencias proyecto: “Aplicación de tecnologias intermedias en el aprovechamiento forestal sostenible” 7. Manual de procedimientos para otorgamiento de créditos a concesionarios forestales Binational Conservation and Peace in the Condor Range Region, Ecuador- Peru (Peruvian Component) Phase II 1. Propuesta Técnica para el Mejoramiento de los Sistemas Productivos Radicionales en las comunidades Nativas de la Zona de Amortiguamiento del Parque nacional Ichigkat Muja – Cordillera del Cóndor 2. Manual para la Produccíon de cacao Orgánico en las Comunidades Nativas de la Cordillera del Cóndor 3. Propuesta Metodológica para la Restauracíon de Ecosistemas Degradedos en el Ambito de la Cordillera del Cóndor Development and Installation of a Forest Resources Monitoring System (FORMS) by Utilizing the Forest Canopy Density (FCD) Model Developed in ITTO Project PD 66/99 Rev.1 (F) (Philippines) 1. FCD-Mapper Ver.2.0 (CD ROMs) 2. Completion Report 3. Field Manual on Ground Truthing and Tree Inventory Alternative Financing Model for Sustainable Forest Management in San Nicolas Second Phase: Non-Kyoto Rehabilitation Areas 1. Productos Forestales No Maderables Etnobotanica 2. Modelo de Financiacion Alternativo para el Manejo Sostenible de los bosques de San Nicolas 3. Modelo de Financiacion Alternativo para el Manejo Sostenible de los Bosques de San Nicolas – CD-ROM Evaluacion de las existencias comerciales y estrategia para el manejo sostenible de la caoba (Swietenia macrophylla) en el Peru Evaluation of Commercial Stocks and Strategy for the Susutainable Management of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in Peru 1. Pamphlet 2. Bookmark 3. Interactive DVD 4. DVD Cedro Technical Report CD PROTA 7(1):Timbers 1/Bois d’oeuvre 1 S S - OUT 0.25 kg 0.58 kg S 0.18 kg S 0.18 kg S 0.23 kg E 0.08 kg S-Only Display S-Only Display S 0.05 kg S 0.01 kg 0.23 kg 0.07 kg E F 0.08 kg 0.08 kg 0.09 kg 0.26 kg 0.86 kg International Workshop on Innovations in Tropical Forestry and Forest Product Industries (Innovations for Tropical Timber) CD-ROM F 0.03 kg Proceeding of the Seminar on Teak Seed Production Area Management and Tree Improvement E 0.19 kg S ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 45 PD 270/04 Rev.2 (F) PD 271/04 Rev.3 (F) PD 275/04 Rev.3 (I) PD 276/04 Rev.2 (F) PD 277/04 Rev.3 (F) Project Completion Report of PD270/04 Rev.2 (F) – Ex-situ and In-situ Conservation of Teak (tectona grandis Linn.F) to support Sustainable Forest Management 1. Completion Report 2. Technical Guidelines, Report and Training Manuals – CD-ROM Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest Land Involving Local Communities in West Java Indonesia 1. Completion Report E E 0.14 kg 0.07 kg E 0.22 kg E 0.13 kg E F S E 1.50 kg 1.37 kg 1.37 kg 0.22 kg E 0.05 kg Mangrove Ecosystems Technical Reports Volume 4: Environmental Characteristics of Mangroves for Restoration in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico & Silviculture Manual for Mangrove Restoration in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico E 0.13 kg Mangrove Ecosystems Technical Reports Volume 6: Studies in Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve, Ho Chi Minh City,Viet Nam Promoting Selected Non-Timber Forest Products based on Community Participation Approach to Support Sustainable Forest Management in East Kalimantan 1. Proceeding I 2005–2006 2. Technical Report I 2005–2006 3. Technical Report II – 2006 4. Technical Report III – 2006 5. Technical Report IV – 2008 6. Completion Report – 2008 E 0.21 kg E E E E E E 0.27 kg 0.18 kg 0.16 kg 0.11 kg 0.19 kg 0.11 kg The Potential Non-Timber Forest Products for Trading in Cambodia World Mangrove Atlas 2010 Policy Brief: Securing the Future of Mangroves Brochure of ISME International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 46 PD 286/04 Rev.1 (I) PD 288/04 Rev.2 (F) PD 289/04 Rev.1 (F) PD 294/04 Rev.4 (F) Phase II PD 295/04 Rev.2 (M) Strengthening the Capacity to Promote Efficient Wood Processing Technologies in Indonesia 1. The First Year Technical Report 2. Woods as Resources for Life, Use it in Efficient, The Second Technical Report 3. Completion Report 4. Technical Report No.1 –Implementation of In-House Training on Wood Processing Techniques 5. Laporan Teknis No.2 –Standar Prosedur Operasi Pengolahan Kayu Yang Efisien (Standard Operating Procedures for the Efficient Wood Processing) 6. Technical Report No.3 –Petunjuk Praktis Sifat-Sifat Dasar, Jenis Kayu Indonesia, A Handbook of Selected Indonesian Wood Speciees 7. Technical Report No.4 –Experimental Use of 23 Indonesian Lesser Used Wood Species 8. Technical Report No.5 –Establishment of ISWA Wood Product Quality Testing Laboratory: Resources and Sustainablility of Operation 9. Technical Report No6 –IN-HOUSE TRAINING on Product Quality and Industrial Management 10. Laporan Teknis No.7 –Pelaksanaan In-house Training Pemasaran dan Seminar Nasional tentang Peningkatan Ekspor ProducProduk Kayu Indonesia 11. Technical Report No.8 –INFORMASI PASAR: Standard Produk Kayu, Persyaratan Mutu dan Peraturan Impor di Negara-negara Tujuan Ekspor Produk Kayu Indonesia 12. Laporan Teknis No.9 –Workshop Nasional, Peningkatan Efisiensi Pengolahan dan Kualita Produk Kayu Olahan 13. Completion Report & 9 Technical Reports (CD-ROM) 14. Laporan Teknis No.4 –Percobaan Penggunaan, 23 Jenis Kayu Indonesia The Lanjak Entimau Story – Changing Landscape in Biodiversity Conservation Uplifting Rural Livelihoods in Sarawak Through ITTO-Supported Projects Management of the Emerald Triangle Protected Forests Complex to Promote Cooperation for Transboundary Biodiversity Conservation between Thailand, Cambodia and Laos (Phase II) GIS Technical Report 1) Wildlife Consultant Technical Report 2) Ecology Consultant Technical Report 3) Botanical Consultant Technical Report 4) Participatory Community Development and Tourism Consultant Technical Report 5) Management Plan 2010-2014: Preah Vihear Protected Forest for Plant andWildlife Genetic Resources Conservation 6) Consolidate Information Booklet 7) Completion Report The Study and Demonstration of the Management of Secondary Forests in Tropical Regions for the Purpose of Enhancing Economic and Ecological Benefits 1. Project Completion Report 2. Final Technical Report 3. CD-ROM 1. Project Completion Report 2. Project Technical Report Creating and Sustaining a Market for Environmental Services from China’s Tropical Forests E E 0.39 kg 0.26 kg E E 0.13 kg 0.16 kg E& Bahasa 0.17 kg E& Bahasa 0.32 kg E& Bahasa E 0.36 kg E 0.09 kg E& Bahasa 0.42 kg E& Bahasa 0.31 kg E& Bahasa E E& Bahasa E 0.20 kg E 0.05 kg 0.13 kg 0.20 kg 0.36 kg 0.96 kg E 0.45 kg 0.17 kg 0.30 kg 0.24 kg 0.18 kg 0.19 kg E E E E E E 0.16 kg 0.59 kg 0.03 kg 0.24 kg 0.26 kg 0.43 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 47 PD 306/04 Rev.1 (I) PD 318/04 Rev.2 (I) PD 334/05 Rev.2 (I) PD 337/05 Rev.3 (F) PD 344/05 Rev.2 (I) PD 346/05 Rev.2 (F) Improving Utilization and Value Adding of Plantation Timbers from Sustainable Sources in Malaysia 1. Anatomical Features, Quality and Mechanical Properties of 15year-old Tectona grandis (Teak) Planted in Sabah 2. Proceedings of the Seminar and Workshop on Improved Utilization of Tropical Plantation Timbers, 23-25 March 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 3. Properties of Acacia mangium Planted in Peninsular Malaysia 4. Properties of Shorea macrophylla (Engkabang Jantong) Planted in Sarawak 5. Testing Methods for Plantation Grown Tropical Timbers 6. Completion Report 7. Completion Report,Technical Report – CD-ROM Quality Control and Standardization of Ghanaian Wood Products 1. Completion Report, December 2009 2. Project Technical Report 3. Furniture – Specifications for TABLES 4. Furniture – Specifications for SEATINGS 5. Furniture – Specifications for BEDSTEADS 6. Furniture – Specifications for FURNITURE COMPONENTS 7. Semi- Furniture – Specifications for PLANES TIMBER AND 8. MOULDINGS Demonstration and Appplication of Production and Utilization Technologies for Rattan Sustainable Development in the ASEAN Member Countries in Philippines 1. Philippine Rattans 2. Demonstration and Appplication of Production and Utilization Technologies for Rattan Sustainable Development in the ASEAN Member Countries 3. Application of Plant-derived Preservatives to Improve Durability of Rattan and Rattan-based Products 4. Raggan Plantation Establishment and Management 5. Dragon’s Blood Extraction at Various Seed Maturity Levels and Their Physico-chemical Properties 6. Growth Performance of Calamus subinermis in Sabah, Malaysia 7. Regional Rattan Conference 8. Rattan Plantation Establishment and Management 9. Control Methods Against Post-Harvest Pets of Rattan 10. Kinds Drying of Rattan 11. Bleaching and Finishing of Rattan 12. Regional Rattan Conference Proceedings 13. The ASEAN Rattans 14. A Field Guide to Philippine Rattans An International Workshop on Clean Development Mechanism – Opportunities and Challenges for the Forest Industry Sector in SubSaharan Tropical Africa (Ghana) Utilization of Lesser Used Wood Species In Guyana 1. Guyana Forestry Commission Training Manual – The Use of 15 Lesser Used Species 2. Lesser Utilised Timber Species of Guyana 3. Assessment of the Resistance of 15 Lesser Used Timbers from Guyana to Abrasion and Attack by Limnoria Quadripunctata Holthuis Conservation and Recovery of Degraded Land in Family Agriculture Units in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon E 0.12 kg E 0.35 kg E E 0.28 kg 0.25 kg E E E 0.71 kg 0.15 kg 0.03 kg E E E E E E E 0.16 kg 0.41 kg 0.07 kg 0.07 kg 0.06 kg 0.06 kg 0.05 kg E E 0.29 kg E E E E 0.38 kg 0.64 kg 0.54 kg 0.03 kg E 0.17 kg E ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 48 PD 350/05 Rev.3 (F) PD 351/05 Rev.1 (F) PD 359/05 Rev.1 (F) PD 367/05 Rev.2 (F) PD 372/05 Rev.1 (F) Production Systems and Integrated Management of Shoot-Borders for the Succesful Establishment of Meliaceae Plantations in the Yucatan Peninsula and Veracruz, Mexico 1. Control del Barrenador de las Meliaceas en Plantaciones de Cedro en la Peninsula de Yucatan – Meliaceas Shotborer Control in Cedar Plantations in the Yucatan Peninsula 2. Memorias de Resultados – SAGARPA, OIMT, Inifap, CONAFOR 3. Memorias de Resultados – GOBIENRO FEDERAL, SAGARPA, OIMT, Inifap, CONAFOR Criteria and Indicators for the Evaluation of Tropical Forest Management Sustainability in Mexico (Southeastern Coastal Plains: Gulf of Mexico and Yucatan Peninsula) 1. Diagnostico Ambiental y Forestal del Estado de Campeche 2. Diagnostico Ambiental y Forestal del Estado de Chiapas 3. Diagnostico Ambiental y Forestal del Estado de Oaxaca 4. Diagnostico Ambiental y Forestal del Estado de Quintana Roo 5. Diagnostico Ambiental y Forestal del Estado de Tabasco 6. Diagnostico Ambiental y Forestal del Estado de Veracruz 7. Diagnostico Ambiental y Forestal del Estado de Yucatan 8. Gira para Intercambiar Experiencias Entre los Productores del Ejido 20 de Noviembre, en el Municipio de Calakmul, Campeche Y el Ncpa San Agustin, Municipio de Tekax, Yucatan 9. Diagrama de Insercion de Resultados de C&I para Bosques Tropicales S Report of the Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Afforestation and Reforestation Projects Development under the CDM (Seoul, Korea) 10. Report 11. CD Promotion of the Sustainable Management of Tropical Planted Forest in Congo’s Tropical Forest Plantations Completion Report 1. Principes, Criteres et Indicateurs de Gestion Durable des Plantations Forestieres en Republique de Congo “Contribution to Forest Rehabilitation in Thailand’s Areas Affected by the Tsunami Disaster” 1. Report on Community-based Forest Rehabilitation and Management 2. Assessment of Training Needs and Development of a Training Program for Practitioners in Coastal Forest Ecosystem Rehabilitation 3. Secure Coastal Ecosystems and Communities in TsunamiAffected Areas 4. Community-based Forest Rehabilitation in the Tsunami-affected Areas 5. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Some Thai Bamboos for House Construction 6. CD containing all abovementioned documents/reports 7. Proceeding of the Training Course on “Planting and Utilization of Bamboo” E E S S S S S S S S S S S 0.80 kg 0.09 kg F E 0.28 kg E 0.17 kg E 0.13 kg E 0.07 kg E 0.07 kg E E 0.05 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 49 PD 376/05 Rev.2 (F,M) PD 383/05 Rev.2 (F) PD 386/05 Rev.1 (F) “To Develop and Promote a Monitoring Information System to Support the Sustainable Development of Tree Resources Outside Forest at the Subdistrict Level in Thailand” 1. Technical Report 1 & 2: Results of the Regional and National Stakeholder Consultation Workshops on the Definition, Uses and Patterns of Tree Resources Outside Forest (TROF) in Thailand 2. Technical Report 3 & 4 & 5: Proposed Sampling and Pilot Project Designs for the Inventory and Monitoring of Tree Resources Outside Forest (TOF) in Thailand 3. Technical Report 6 & 7: Pilot Project Results for the Inventory and Monitoring Establishment of Project Demonstration Areas for the Inventory and Monitoring of Tree Resources Outside Forest in Thailand 4. CD ROMs of Technical Report 1 & 2; Technical Report 3 & 4 & 5; Technical Report 6 & 7 5. Guidebook – The Inventory and Monitoring of Tree Resources Outside Forest in Thailand 6. Completion Rerpot 7. Brochure Community Forest Development in Gabon 1. Module de Foresterie Communautaire Dispense a l’Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forest (ENEF) 2. CANEVAS de Plan Simple de Gestion d’une Foret Communautaire 3. Guide Pratrique pour une Etude Socio-Economique 4. Proposition d’une Methodologie d’Inventaire Adaptable aux Forets Communautaires Gabonaises 5. Guide Pratique de Cartographie Participative 6. Methodologie de Delimitation des Forets Communautaires au Gabon 7. Plan Simple de Gestion (PSG) 8. Rapport de Mission pour l’Execution des Activites 116 et 243 Relatives a: l’Organisation de Voyages d’Etude au Profit du Staff Technique et des Entites Juridiques de Gestion Technological development for the production of planting materials to support sustainable plantation of bali indigenous species through community participation Seed Collection and Handling: 1. Putat planchonia valida (Blume) Blume 2. Bentawas wrightia pubescene R.Br. 3. Panggal Buaya Zanthozylum rhesta (Roxb.) 4. Sawo Kecik Manilkara kauki (L.) Dubard 5. Majegau Dysoxylum densiflorum (Blume) Miq 6. Development of the Projects Monitoring and Evaluation System 7. Proceedings Workshop on Agroforestry Model 8. Report for 1.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 4.1, 5.2, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.4.3 & 7.4.4 9. Brochure: Bali Indigenous Forest Tree-based Agroforestry Model 10. Brochure: Technological Development for the Production of Planting Materials to Support Sustainable Plantation of Bali Indigenous Species Through Community Participation 11. A set of CD-Roms related to the above publications 12. A set of posters related to the project 13. Map of Sites of Planting by Farmer Groups 14. Seed Collection and Handling Pulai Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br. Nursery and P Pulailanting Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br. 15. Project Progress Report Year 2 May 2006 – April 2008 16. Project Progress Report Year 3 E 0.21 kg E 0.37 kg E 0.26 kg E 0.02 kg E 0.16 kg E E 0.13 kg 0.03 kg F F F F F F F F E- Only Display 0.17 kg 0.18 kg 0.17 kg 0.17 kg 0.18 kg 0.18 kg 0.65 kg 0.31 kg 0.15 kg 0.01 kg E - OUT E 0.17 kg E- LAST E- LAST 0.31 kg 0.38 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 50 PD 389/05 Rev.2 (F) PD 396/06 Rev.2 (F) PD 415/06 Rev.2 (M) PD 421/06 Rev.2 (F) PD 423/06 Rev.1 (F) PD 424/06 Rev.2 (F) Application of the Internal Monitoring of SFM Performance at Forest Management Unit Level 1. Final report- Analyzing Government Policies to Support Sustainable Forest Management 2. Project Completion Report 3. Technical Report of Documents Internal Monitoring Performance Guidelines 4. Technical Report on design Training Curriculum, Modules, materials and Participant’s Criteria 5. Techinical Report- Reviewing the Existing Monitoring system and Improving Internal Monitoring Performance Guidelines at Forest Management Unit Level 6. Report- Training on the Application of Internal Monitoring performance Guidelines (IMPG): Evaluation of its Impacts on Sustainable management of Production Forest at Forest Management Unit Level 7. Training Report- Training on Application of the Internal Monitoring System of SFM Performance for Natural Production Forest Strategy for Developing Plantation Forest: A Conflict Resolution Approach in Indonesia 1. Completion Report 2. Technical Report Volume 1 3. Technical Report Volume 2 4. Technical Report Volume 3 5. Technical Report Volume 4a 6. Technical Report Volume 4b 7. Technical Report Volume 2, 4a, 4b – CD-ROM Systematisation and Modelling of Economic and Technical Information to Train Professionals Information to Train Professionals Related to the Production, Processing and Marketing of Timber Products - Phase II 1. Multimedia: Casos 2. Multimedia: Transformacíon de la Madera 3. Multimedia: Produccíon de la Madera 4. Commercializacíon de la Madera 5. Modulo Gestión y Planeación Estratégica de Proyectos Forestales Modulo Producción Forestal 6. Modulo Ingenieria del Aprovechamiento Modulo Mercadeo Estratégico 7. Modulo Mejoramiento Genético Forestal Modulo Procesos y Productos Forestales Fortalecimiento de la Cadena Productiva de la Madera Proveniente de Concesiones Forestales y Otros Bosques Bajo Manejo Forestal 1. Fortalecimiento de la Cadena Productiva de la Madera Proveniente de Concesiones Forestales y Otros Bosques Bajo Manejo Forestal (CD-ROM) 2. Beneficios del Consumo de Madera de Origen Legal (CD-ROM) 3. Beneficios del Manejo Forestal Sostenible (CD-ROM) 4. Boletin Informativo Study on Forest Landscape Restoration Conservation and Utilization of Medicinal Plants in Ghanaian Forests Fringe Communities E - OUT 0.27 kg E E 0.20 kg 0.11 kg E 0.17 kg E 0.19 kg E 0.16 kg E 0.29 kg E E Bahasa E E E E 0.34 kg 0.39 kg 0.45 kg 0.50 kg 0.39 kg 0.41 kg 0.07 kg S S S S S 0.02 kg 0.02 kg 0.02 kg 0.02 kg 0.02 kg S 0.02 kg S 0.02 kg S 0.25 kg S S S E&Chinese 0.25 kg 0.25 kg 0.39 kg 0.39 kg E ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 51 PD 425/06 Rev.1 (I) Production and Utilization Technology for Sustainable Development of Eaglewood (Gaharu) in Indonesia (CD-ROM) 1. Completion Report 2. Fragrant Wood Gaharu: WHEN THE WILD CAN NO LONGER PROVIDE 3. Proceeding of Gaharu Workshop Bioinduction Technology for Sustainable Development and Conservation of Gaharu 4. Proceeding of Gaharu Workshop Development of Gaharu Production Technology, A Forest Community based Empowerment 5. Technical Report No.1:Identification of Eaglewood(Gaharu) Tree Species Susceptibility 6. Technical Report No.2:Better Inoculation Engineering Techniques 7. Technical Report No.3:Selection Pathogens for Eaglewood (Gaharu) Inoculation 8. Technical Report No.4:Establishing of Demonstration Plot of Eaglewood(Gaharu) Plantation and Inoculation Technology 9. Technical Report No.5:Training of Forest Communities of the Inoculation Technology 10. Technical Report No.6:Gaharu Workshop E 0.03 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 52 PD 426/06 Rev.1 (F) The Prevention of Further Loss and the Promotion of Rehabiliation and Plantation of Gonystylus Spp. (Ramin) in Sumatea and Kalimantan 1. Seed Sources of Ramin in West and Central Kalimantan 2. Technical Report Training Needs to Improve CITES Implementation on Ramin in Indonesia 3. Technical Report Current Status of Ramin Seed Source in Sumatra 4. Technical Report Evaluation and the Promotion of CITES Implementation on Ramin in Indonesia 5. Technical Report Pedoman Identifikasi Kayu Ramin Dan Kayu Mirip Ramin 6. Technical Report Peta Jalan Menuju Pengelolaan Ramin 7. Technical Report The Prevention of Further Loss and the Promotion of Rehabilitation and Plantation of Gonystylus spp.(Ramin) in Sumatra and Kalimantan 8. Technical Report Pedoman Pemanenan Pohon Ramin di Hutan Rawa Gambut 9. Technical Report Review and Measures to Improve Its Implementation 10. Technical Report Review Hasil Penelitian dan Percobaan Lapangan 11. Technical Report Laporan Hasil Pengamatan Pembiakkan Vegetatif Ramin(Gonystylus bancanus) Dalam Pengadaan Bibit 12. Technical Report Sumber Benih Ramin di Sumatra dan Kalimantan 13. Technical Report Percobaan Pembiakan Vegetatif Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) Melalui Stek Pucuk Sumber Kebun Pangkas di Rumah Kaca Menggunakan Koffco Sistem 14. Technical Report Pembangunan dan Pemeliharaan Kebun Pangkas Ramin di Khdtk Tumbangnusa, Kalteng 15. Technical Report Produksi dan Perdagangan Ramin di Indonesia 16. Technical Report Kajian Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan Rawa Gambut :Studi Kasus Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus Miq.) 17. Technical Report Ujicoba Penanaman Jenis Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz) Di Khdtk Tumbang Nusa, Kalimantan Tengah 18. Technical Report Percobaan Penanaman Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) Di Sumatera Selatan 19. Completion Report of the ITTO Project (+ CD-ROM) 20. Let’s Save Ramin Let’s Save Peat Swamp Forests 21. The Prevention of Further Loss and the Promotion of Rehabilitation and Plantation of Gonystylus spp (Ramin) in Sumatra and Kalimantan 22. The Prevention of Further Loss and The Promotion of Rehabilitation and Plantation of Gonystylus spp. (Ramin) in Sumatra and Kalimantan E E 0.15 kg 0.11 kg E 0.15 kg E 0.22 kg Bahasa 0.20 kg Bahasa 0.10 kg E 0.19 kg Bahasa 0.12 kg E 0.18 kg E 0.12 kg Bahasa 0.14 kg Bahasa 0.09 kg Bahasa 0.14 kg Bahasa 0.19 kg Bahasa 0.17 kg Bahasa 0.23 kg Bahasa 0.09 kg Bahasa 0.09 kg E E E 0.19 kg 0.02 kg 0.05 kg E 0.02 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 53 PD 431/06 Rev.1 (I) PD 433/06 Rev.3 (I) PD 438/06 Rev.2 (F) Processing and Utilization of Trees on Farmlands and Logging Residues through Collaboration with Local Communities (Ghana) 1. Completion Report, 2011 2. Technical Report, 2011 3. Improved Chainsaw Milling in the Small-scale Informal Timber Sector of Ghana Using LogosolFacilities: A Manual for Domestic Timber Entrepreneurs, 2011 Sustainable Model for the Brazilian Wood Flooring Production Chain Completion Report 1. Auditoria em Certificacao da Qualidade para Pisos de Madeira 2. Dendrochronological Analysis of 13 LUS 3. Drying Characteristics of the Amazon Wood Species 4. “First Quality Audit in Flooring Producers and Suppliers” 5. Guia Basico para Instalacao de Pisos de Madeira 6. List of Standards for Woodflooring 7. Gerenciamento de Residuos na Industria de Pisos de Madeira 8. Project “PIMADS” (Project sustainable woodflooring) Pamphlet 9. Diagnostico de Geracao de Residucos em Pequena Industria Produtora de Pisos de Madeira 10. Diagnostico do Panorama de Gestao de Residuos nas Industrias de Pisos de Madeira no Brasil 11. Application from the “Tree Diagram” on the Residue Management of the Brazilian Wood Flooring Industries 12. Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Amazon Wood Species 13. Consulta Publica Instrucao Normativa Inmetro para Pisos de Madeira Macisa 14. Specific Gravity and Janka Hardness of the Amazon Wood Species 15. Evaluation of the Bending Properties, Parallel Compression and Shear of 14 Wood Species of the Amazon 16. Pull-off Strength Tests for Adhesives in Woodflooring 17. “Thermomechanical Treatment of Tropical Wood-Final Report” 18. A Certificasao como Estrategia para a Melhoria da Qualidade de Pisos de Madeira 19. Sustainable Model for the Brazilian Wood Flooring Production Chain 20. Pisos de Madeira – Características de Espécies Brasileiras / Woodflooring – Brazilian Species Characteristics Sustainable Forest Management for the Forest Production Area of the Northern and Northeastern Regions of the Department of Antioquia, Colombia 1. Estudio Socioeconomico, Ambiental y de Tenencia de la Tierra - Plan de Manejo Ambiental para la Sustraccion Parcial de la Zona de Reserva Forestal del Rio Magdalena 2. Determinacion de la Unidad Agricola Familiar con Vocacion Forestal para el Municipio de el Bagre 3. Derechos del Campesinado en los Suelos Forestables 4. Plan de Ordenacion Forestal 5. Aprovechamientos Forestales en los Bosques del Municipio de Remedios (Antioquia): Alternativas para Mejorar su Sostenibilidad, Procesos de Formalizacion y Mayor Aporte a la Economia Campesina y Étnica 6. Deforestacion, Ordenacion Forestal y Campesinado E E E 0.38 kg 0.25 kg 0.16 kg E 0.11 kg P E E E P E P E P 0.27 kg 0.23 kg P E E P E E E E P 0.84 kg E P/E 0.85 kg S S S S S S ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 54 PD 440/07 Rev.1 (M,I) PD 441/07 Rev.2 (F) PD 448/07 Rev.2 (I) Improving the Detection and Prevention of Illegal Logging and Illegality in Shipment and Trade of Wood Products in Guyana 1. Central Monitoring and Detections Database 2. Report on Timber Tracking System Version 1 3. Guyana Forestry Commission/ITTO Supporting Forest Law Enforcement Using Remote Sensing and Information Systems 4. Training Manual for the Guyana Forestry Sector Institutional Strengthening of Anam for Integrated Fire Management in the Tropical Forests of Panama 1. Aprendiendo con Chicho Muleto 2. Brigadas de Prevencion Y Control de Incendios de Masas Vegetales 3. Compendio de Experiencias de Actividades Realizadas durante la Ejecucion de las Actividades del Proyecto en las Areas Pilotos: Reserva Hidrica Cerro Guacamaya, Reserva Forestal el Montuoso Y Corregimiento de Buenos Aires 4. Curso de Valoracion de Danos Ambientales Causados por los Incendios Forestales 5. Informe de Impactos Generados Y Sostenibilidad del Proyecto 6. Metodologia de Investigacion de Causas que Provocan los Incendios Forestales 7. Linea Base Buenos Aires – Comarca Ngabe Bugle 8. Linea Base de la Reserva Forestal Montuoso 9. Linea Base de la Reserva Hidrica Cerro Buacamaya 10. Manual del Vigilante de la Torre de Observacion Y Vigilancia de Incendios Forestales 11. Manual del Participante – Curso de Evaluacion, Cuantificacion Y Manejo de Combustibles Forestales en Plantaciones Forestales 12. Reunion Comite Directivo 13. Protocolo de Actuacion 14. Rehabilitacion de Areas Afectadas por la Ocurrencia de Incendios de Masas Vegetales 15. Torres de Vigilancia (Puestos de Observacion) Sustainable Utilization and Market of Selected Non-Timber Forest Products to Support the Handicraft Industry and the Development of Rural Communities (Philippines) Project Technical Report 1. Assessment of Marketing of Non-timber Forest Products 2. Assessment of Non-Timber Forest Products Production, Collection and Processing Practices 3. Sustainable Utlilization and Marketing of Selected Non-Timber Forest Products to Support the Handicraft Industry and the Developtment fo Rural Community 4. Resource Survey and Inventory of Selected Non-Timber Forest Products(NTFP) in Secondary Growth Forest in Selected Projects Sites in Quezon and Camarines Norte Los Banos, Laguna Philippines, August 2012 5. Site Identification and Support Strategies to Sustain NTFP Harvesting and Utilization Los Banos, Laguna Philippines, August 2012 E E E E S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S E E E E E 0.84 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 55 PD 449/07 Rev.2 (M,I) PD 451/07 Rev.1 (F) PD 459/07 Rev.1 (F) PD 493/07 Rev.1 (F) Enhancing Forest Law Enforcement in Papua New Guinea 1. Guidelines for Preparing an Organizational Code-of-Conduct 2. PNG’s Timber Legality Standard 3. National Monitoring Form 4. Technical Report One: Baseline Survey Methods, Findings and Recommendations 5. Commercial in Confidence 6. Technical Report Three: Developing an Acceptable Framework for Papua New Guinea’s Timber Legality Standard, Industry Code-ofConduct and Stakeholder Monitoring Module 7. Technical Report Four Pilot Testing of PNG LOG Tracking Software System Birds of Bario and the Kelabit Highlands “Transboundary Biodiversity Conservation: The Pulong Tau National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia” Improving the Enabling Conditions for Sustainable Management of Sandalwood Forest Resources in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia 1. Master Plan Sandalwood Development and Preservation East Nusa Tenggara Province 2. Analyses of Policies and Economic Incentives to Improve Local People Participation in Sustaining Sandalwood Resources in East Nusa Tenggara Province 3. Technical report Inventory of Sandalwood Trees at Timor Tengah Seletan District 4. Technical Report on Analysis Need Assessment for Improving Human Resource Capacity in Managing Sandalwood Resources Planning, Siviculture and Utilization 5. Training Module of Sandalwood Resouces Planning, Siviculture and Utilization 6. Case Study on Sandalwood in Timor Tengah Selatan District, East Nusa Tenggara Province 7. Draft Local Government Regulation (Peraturan Daerah) Regarding Sandalwood in Timor Tengah Selatan and Sumba District 8. Report of International Sandalwood Symposium 2012 in Hawaii – USA 21-24 September 2012 9. Ecological Distribution of Sandalwood at Different Altitude in Timor Tengah Selatan District, East Nusa Tenggara 10. Report on Comparative Study Sandalwood (santalum spicatum) Management to Western Australia 11. Mapping Stakeholders’ Roles in Developing Sandalwood by Exit Stratedy ITTO PD 459/07 Rev.1 (F); Improving the Enabling Conditions for Sustainable Management of Sandalwood Forest Resources in East Nusa Tenggara Province 12. Pocket Book “Petani Cendana, Pendamping dan Penyuluh Kehutanan” Strengthening Capacity of Forest Law Enforcement and Goverance in Cambodia Forest Law Enforcement Training Program 1. Technical Report 2. Technical Report (CD-ROM) 3. Completion Report 4. Completion Report (CD-ROM) E E E E E E E E 0.39 kg E 0.30 kg E 0.42 kg E 0.15 kg E 0.38 kg E 0.38 kg E 0.16 kg E 0.23 kg E 0.24 kg E 0.17 kg E 0.17 kg E 0.21 kg Bahasa 0.06 kg E E E E 0.34 kg 0.06 kg 0.18 kg 0.06 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 56 PD 495/08 Rev.4 (F) PD 501/08 Rev.1 (F) Guatemalan Forest Productivity Information System 1. Analisis del Sistema de Parcelas Permanentes de Medicion en los Bosques de Guatemala 2. Crecimiento y Productividad de Plantaciones Forestales de Teca 3. Diagnostico de Desempeno del Sistema Dataconif Ver.1.0 4. Diagnostico de la Informacion Concentrada en el Instituto Nacional de Bosques de Parcelas Permanentes de Medicion Forestal en Bosque Natural de Coniferas en Guatemala, C.A. 5. Paquetes Tecnologicos Forestales: Especies Forestales Priorizadas para su Elaboracion 6. Evaluacion de Parcelas Permanentes de Medicion Forestal, con la Finalidad de Generar Propuestas de Areas para Establecer Especies Predominantes en Plantaciones Mixtas en la Sub-region II-6 Ixcan y II-7 Salacuim, del Instituto Nacional de Bosques” 7. Analisis de Calidad en Plantaciones Forestales con Especies de Melina(Gmelina arborea Rob), Pino del Peten(Pinus carbaea Morelet var. hondurensis), Santa Maria(Calophyllum brasiliense Camb), Caoba(Swietenia macrophylla King), Matilisguate(Tabebuia rosea(Bertol) DC), Teca(Tectona grandis L.f.) y San Juan(Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. Smith), en la Subregion III-1Izabal 8. Monitoreo, Evaluacion y establecimiento de Parcelas Permanentes de Medicion Forestal – PPMF – para el Analisis de Calidad de Plantaciones Forestales de la Sub Region II-4 San Jeronimo Baja Verapaz 9. Diagnostico del Instituto Nacional de Bosques Region VIII Peten e Informe Final de Servicios 10. Productividad de las Plantaciones Forestales en los Diferentes Tipos de Raleos en la Region II las Verapaces 11. Determinacion de Especies Forestales Presentes en la Red de PPMF de Bosque Natural Latifofiado Como Fase Liminar al Proceso de Homologacion de las Especies Forestales en el Departamento de Peten, Guatemala – Caracterizacion del Estrato Forestal de las PPMF del Bosque Natural Latifoliado en el Parque Nacional Tikal en el Marco del Fortalecimiento de la Red de Parcelas Permanentes de Guatemala Promoting Household Reforestation in Tropical Zone of Southwestern China through Development and Extension of Household-Oriented Techniques 1. Technical Report of Household-Oriented Nursery Development S S S S S S S S S S S E ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 57 PD 512/08 Rev.2 (I) Industrial Utilization and Marketing of Ten Potential Timber Species from Secondary and Residual Primary Forests 1. Caracterización del Mercado Local, Regional, Nacional y Determinación de Nichos Potenciales de Mercados Nacionales e Internacionales 2. Diagnostico de la Industria de Primera y Segunda Transformación y de la Cadena Productiva en Pucallpa 3. Diversificación de Productos y Estudio de Prototipos de Valor Agregado 4. Estudio de la Durabilidad Natural de Diez Especies Maderables de Ucayali 5. Estudio de la Estructura Anatómica de Diez Especies de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Remanentes 6. Estudio de la Composición Química de la Madera de Diez Especies Maderables Potenciales de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Residuales 7. Estudio de la Transformación Primaria de la Madera de Diez Especies Maderables Potenciales de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Residuales 8. Guía de Producción Forestal 9. Guía de Transformacion Mecanica de Diez Especies Maderables de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Resieuales 10. Manual de Transformación de la Madera 11. Plan de Negocio Produccion de Pisos y Mobiliario Escolar con Especie Ana Caspi 12. Plan de Negocio Organización Económica Productiva-OEP de Madera de la Comunidad Nativa Pueblo Nuevo del Caco 13. Plan de Negocio Implementacion de una Linea de Produccion de Madera Aserrada Seca al horno (KD) y Dimensionada (S4S) 14. Plan de Negocio Producción de Puertas de Marupa y Sillas de Capirona 15. Plan de Negocio Producción de Muebles con las Especie Ana Caspi, y Yacushapana Amarilla 16. Plan de Negocio Maderera Wech Sac 17. Estudio del Comportamiento a la Preservación por el método de Difusión con Compuestos de Boro de Diez Especies Maderables de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Residuales 18. Estudio de las propiedades Físicas de Diez Especies Maderables Potenciales de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Residuales 19. Estudio de las Propiedades Mecánicas de Diez Especies Maderables Potenciales de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Residuales 20. Protocolo de Campo para la Selección y Colección de Muestras para la Caracterización Anatómica y de Propiedades Físicas, Mecánicas, Químicas y Tecnológicas de la Madera 21. Rueda de Negocio y Planes de Negocio 22. Estudio del Comportamiento al Secado Artificial de Diez Especies Maderables Potenciales de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Residuales 23. Estudio del Comportamiento a la Trabajabilidad de Diez Especies Maderables Potenciales de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Residuales 24. Estudio de la Transformación Primaria de la Madera de Diez Especies Maderable s Potenciales de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Residuales 25. Determinacion de tecnologias Apropiadas de Diez Especies Maderables Potenciales de Bosques Secundarios y Primarios Residuales S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 58 PD 519/08 Rev.1 (F) Tropical Forest Conservation for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Carbon Stocks in Meru Betiri National Park, Indonesia 1. Technical Report No.1, Review Existing Schemes and Lessons Learned From the Surrounding Areas 2. Technical Report No.2, Analysis of Land Use, Land Cover Change and the Association Carbon Stock Change to Establish Project Baselin 3. Technical Report No.3, Standard Operational Proceeure fore Biodiversity Survey in Conservation Area 4. Technical Report No.4 Stakeholers Consultation to Determine the Most Viable Scheme of Community and Other Stakeholders to be Appplied at Meru Betiri National Park 5. Technical Report No.5, Community Involvement to Support Enhancement of Carbon Stock in Rehabilitation Zone of Meru Betiri National Park 6. Technical Report No.6, Identify Measures to Enhance the Sustainable Emissions Reductions and Enhancement of Carbon Stocks in Meru Betiri National Park 7. Technical Report No.7, Set up Institutional System for Monitoring Forest Carbon Stocks in Meru Betiri National Park 8. Technical Report No.8, A Verified Carbon Standard(VCS) Version 3, Project Description(PD) – Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation and Enhancing Carbon Stock in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java, Indonesia 9. Technical Report No.9, Determination of Project Boundary to Facilitate Measuring and Monitoring of Carbon Stocks 10. Technical Report No.10, Plan Vivo Project Idea Note(PIN) Local Community Participation for Carbon Stock Enhancement in Meru Betiri National Park 11. Technical Report No.11, Implementation of Demonstration Activity of REDD+ in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java, Indonesia 12. Technical Report No.12, Review Existing Methodology of Resource Based Inventory for Measuring, Reporting, and Verifying (MRV) Carbon Accounting for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Carbon Stocks in Meru Betiri National Park(MBNP), Indonesia 13. Technical Report No.13, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Field Measurement 14. Technical Report No.14, The Completion of the GIS(Geographic Information System) Analysis Activity in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java 15. Technical Report No.15, Landcover Change Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS 16. Technical Report No.16, Developing Partnership for Conservation at Meru Betiri National Park 17. Technical Report No.17, Review on Methodology Voluntary Carbon Standard for Application of REDD+ Project in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java E 0.13 kg E E E 0.15 kg E E E E E E E E E E E E E 0.17 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 59 PD 521/08 Rev.3 (I) PD 540/09 Rev.2 (I) PD 542/09 Rev.1 (F) PD 564/09 Rev.1 (F) Participatory Forest Management for Sustainable Utilization of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) Surrounding the Protected Area of Rinjani and Mutis Timau Mt, Nusa Tenggara Indonesia 1. Technical Report I – 2012, Training Module Development to Improve the Capacity of Local Community Groups for Sustainable Utilization of Non Timber Forest Produ cts 2. Technical Report II – 2012, Management Policy Analysis Study of Non-Timber- Forest Product (NTFPs) in West Nusa Tenggara Province & East Nusa Tenggara Province 3. Technical Report III – 2012, Management Plan of Non Timber Forest Products within Community Forest in Central and North Lombok West Nusa Tenggara 4. Technical Report IV – 2012, Dealing with NTFPs for Income Generating of Local Communities inPilot Villages (Rinjani and Mutis) Support to Improve the Productivity of the Peruvian Timber Industry for the Production of Higher Value-Added Products 1. Diagnostico Industrial 2. Linea Base 3. Procesos y Costos de Produccion – Mobiliario Escolar – 4. Actividad 1.1 Taller Inductivo 4, “El Valor Agregado en la Industria de la Madera” 5. Actividad 1.2 Curso – Taller 1, “Aplicacion de Mecanismos Financieros para las Empresas Industriales de la Madera – Madre de Dios” 6. Actividad 1.2 Curso – Taller 2, “Aplicacion de Mecanismos Financieros para las Empresas Industriales de la Madera – Pucallpa” 7. Actividad 1.2 Curso – Taller 3, “Aplicacion de Mecanismos Financieros para las Empresas Industriales de la Madera – Aguaytia” 8. Actividad 1.3 Curso – Taller 1, “Procesos y Costos de Produccion para la Fabricacion de Mobiliario Escolar” 9. Actividad 1.3 Curso 5, “Buenas Practicas Ambientales con Aplicacion de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en la Industria de la Madera – MADERYJA SAC” 10. Actividad 1.3 Curso 8, “Innovacion Tecnologica en la Industria de la Madere de Madre de Dios” 11. Actividad 1.3 Taller 9, “Innovacion Tecnologica: en Sierras Circulares y Fresas en la Industria de la Madera” Dissemination of Project Results for: Support to Convene the V Latin American Forestry Congress” 1. Congress Proceedings CD-ROM 2. Congress Proceedings Publication Production of an Educational Book Series on Mangroves for Sustainable Management and Utilization of Mangrave Ecosystems 1. Continuing the Journey Amongst Mangroves 2. Structure, Function and Management of Mangrove Ecosystems 3. Useful Products from Mangrove and Other Coastal Plants 4. ISME Mangrove Educational Book Series (CD-ROM) E E E E S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 0.27 kg 0.30 kg E E E E 0.37 kg 0.31 kg 0.41 kg 0.02 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 60 PD 577/10 Rev.1 (F) PD 590/10 Rev.1 (F) PD 600/11 Rev.1 (I) PD 617/11 Rev.4 (F) Management of the Emerald Triangle Protected Forests Complex to Promote Cooperation for Trans-boundary Biodiversity Conservation between Thailand, Cambodia and Laos (Phase III) (CD-ROM) Completion Report 1. Cambodia Project Component 2. Thailand Project Component Technical Reports 1. Land Use Change and Wildlife Distribution Modelling in the Emerald Triangle Forest Complex 2. Intergrating Forest Biodiversity Resource Management and sustainable Community Livelihood Development in the Preah Vihear Protected Forest 3. Management Plan 2016-2020 Preah Vihear Protected Forest for Plant and Wildlife Genetic Resources Conservation 4. Wildlife Resources in the Emerald Triangle Protected Forest Complex between Thailand & Lao PDR Integrated Fire Management in Rural Communities of Guatemala: Establishment of Pilot Sites for the Implementation of Sustainable Integrated Fire Management Practices 1. Documento de Protocolo para el Monitoreo de las Practicas e Impacto de las Actividades en Manejo Integral de Fuego en Guatemala 2. Informe Final de Ejecución de Talleres de Campo 3. Informe General Gira de Intercambio de Experiencias 4. Protocolo de Actividades 5. Plan de Leccion para Extensionistas en el Manejo Integral del Fuego (Borrador) “Model Capacity Building for Efficient and Sustainable Utilization fo Bamboo Resources in Indonesia” Promoting Biodiversity Conservation in Betung Kerihun National Park(BKNP) As the Trans-Boundary Ecosystem between Indonesia and State of Sarawak Malaysia (Phase III) 1. Biodiversity Survery in the Sub Watershed Embaloh, Betung Kerihun National Park 2. Feasibility Study on Village Ecotourism Development at Tekelan Betung Kerihun National Park – Indonesia 3. Study of Priority Plants and Endangered Wildlife Species in Betung Kerihun National Park 4. Study on Community Development in the Area around Betung Kerihun National Park(BKNP) E E E 0.51 kg E 0.58 kg E E S S S S S E E E E E 0.01 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 61 PD 622/11 Rev.1 (F) PD 673/12 Rev. 1 (F) PD 678/12 Rev.1 (M) PD 682/13 Rev.1 (F) PD 687/13 Rev.1 (I) Marketing of Native Plant Seeds, Seedlings and Timber Products to Improve Living Standards and Strengthen Regional Forest Policies in the Amazon Region of Peru: A Pilot Case on the Taulia Molinopampa Rural Community 1. Estudio Priorizacion 2. Estudio Seleccion 3. Estudio Propagacion 4. Comportamiento Fenologico 5. Manual 1, Recoleccion de Semillas de Especies Forestales Nativas: Experiencia en Molinopampa, Amazonas – Peru 6. Manual 2, Vivero Forestal para Produccion de Plantones de Espedies Forestales Nativbas: Experiencia en Molinopampa, Amazonas – Peru 7. Manual 3, Descripcion de Cuatro Especies Maderables de Bosques del Distrito Molinopampa, Amazonas – Peru para Produccion en Viveros Forestales 8. Manual 4, Parcelas Permanentes para Produccion de Semillas Forestales Nativas: Experiencia en Molinopampa, Amazonas – Peru 9. Determinacion y Analisis del Desempeno de los Indicadores de Impacto y Sostenibilidad del Proyecto 10. Comercializacion de Semillas, Plantones y Productos Maderables de Especies Nativas, para Mejorar Condiciones de Vida y Fortalecer Politicas Regionales Forestales en la Region Amazonas - Peru: Caso Piloto de la Comunidad Campesina Taulia Molinopampa” 11. Oferta y Demanda de Germoplasma y Plantones de Especies Forestales Maderables en la Region Amazonas 12. Acobosque: Plan de Autofinanciacion para la Produccion de Plantones Forestales Nativos en la Region Amazonas – Peru 13. Sistematizacion de la Experiencia – Recuperando Bosques: Experiencia con Especies Forestales Priorizadad y Seleccionadas por la Poblacion Local en Molinopampa, Amazonnas - Peru Strengthning the Capacity in Forest Law Enforcement and Governance of the Permanent Forest Estates in Kratie and Mondulkiri Provinces of Cambodia 1. Completeion Report 2. Technical Report Establishment of a National Forest Statistics Information Management System in Benin Development of Quality-of-Governance Standards for Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation(REDD) in Papua New Guinea 1. Workshop on Assessment of Forest Management and REDD+ Governance Quality in PNG Strengthening the Performance of the Wood Processing Sectoer in Guyana, through Building Local Capacity and the Enhancing National Systems that Promote Forest Products Trade and Sustainable Utilization of Forest Resources S S S S S S S S S S S S S E E F E E ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 62 PD 700/13 Rev.2 (I) Phase I Stage 1 PD 710/13 Rev.1 (F) Development of Intra-African Trade and Further Processing in Tropical Timber and Timber Products – Phase I State1 1. A Report on the Implementation of Activity 6.1, In-House Training Materials on Further Processing(Natural Forest Timbers and Plantation Timbers) 2. Rapport sur la Mise en Oeuvre de l’Activite 6.1, Materiel de Formation en Entreprise a la Transformation plus Poussee( Bois Issus de Forets Naturelles et de Plantations) 3. Service de l’Actualite des Marches - Recents Developpements sur les Marches des Produits Bois Africains, Volume 1, Numero 1, Aout 2015 4. Service de l’Actualite des Marches - Recents Developpements sur les Marches des Produits Bois Africains, Volume 1, Numero 2, Septembre 2015 5. Service de l’Actualite des Marches - Recents Developpements sur les Marches des Produits Bois Africains, Volume 1, Numero 3, Octobre 2015 6. Service de l’Actualite des Marches - Recents Developpements sur les Marches des Produits Bois Africains, Volume 1, Numero 4, Novembre 2015 7. Service de l’Actualite des Marches - Recents Developpements sur les Marches des Produits Bois Africains, Volume 1, Numero 5, Decembre 2015 8. Service de l’Actualite des Marches - Recents Developpements sur les Marches des Produits Bois Africains, Volume 1, Numero 6, Janvier 2016 9. Service de l’Actualite des Marches - Recents Developpements sur les Marches des Produits Bois Africains, Volume 1, Numero 7, Fevrier 2016 10. Service de l’Actualite des Marches - Recents Developpements sur les Marches des Produits Bois Africains, Volume 1, Numero 8, Mars 2016 11. Service de l’Actualite des Marches - Recents Developpements sur les Marches des Produits Bois Africains, Volume 1, Numero 9, Avril 2016 Promoting Conservation of Selected High-Value Indigenous Spedies of Sumatra 1. Workshop proceedings “Improving Appreciatino and Awareness on Conservation of High Value Indigenous Wood Species of Sumatra” E F F F F F F F F F F E ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 63 RED-PD 007/09 Rev.2 (F) Enhancing Forest Carbon Stock to Reduce Emission from Deforestation and Degradation Through Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Initiatives in Indonesia 1. Develop Forest carbon standard and Carbon Accounting Systems for Small-Scale Plantation Based on Local Experiences 2. Technical Report-Review Infrastructure Framework and Mechanism Related to SFM as Important Option in Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation 3. Telaah Kerangka Infrastruktur dan Mekanisme Pengelolaan Hutan Berkelanjutan (SFM) Sebagai Opsi Penting Dalam Penurunan Emisi Dari Deforestasi dan Degradasi Hutan (REDD) 4. Technical Report-Review Infrastructure Framework and Mechanism Related to SFM as Important Option in Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (CD-ROM) 5. Singkarak:Implementasi Skema Jasa Lingkungan Sebagai Alternatif Pengelolaan Daerah Hulu Berbasis Masyarakat 6. Pengelolaan Hutan Tanaman Lestari Pada Iuphhk – HT 7. Pengelolaan Hutan Peningkatan Stok Karbon & Sequestrasi Serta Produk Hijau Dalam Rangka Mengurangi Emisi Grk Dari Deforestasi & Degradasi 8. Penelitian Karbon dan Implikasi Pengelolaan di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango 9. Prosiding Workshop-Pemetaan Proyek-proyek Berbasis Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari(PHL) di Indonesia:Analisis Proyek REDD dan Proyek Berbasis PHL Di Lapangan 10. Analysis on Economic Incentive Framework of SFM as Important Option for Forest-Based Climate Change Mitigation to Reduce Emission from and by Tropical Forest 11. Analysis on Economic Incentive Framework of SFM as Important Option for Forest-Based Climate Change Mitigation to Reduce Emission from and by Tropical Forest (CD-ROM) 12. Review of Existing Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)-Based Projects in Indonesia 13. Review of Existing Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)-Based Projects in Indonesia (CD-ROM) 14. Study and Analyze Regulations Concerning Sustainable Forest Management, Forest Based Carbon, C-Stock, CO2 Sequestration and Green Product 15. Study and Analyze Regulations Concerning Sustainable Forest Management, Forest Based Carbon, C-Stock, CO2 Sequestration and Green Product (CD-ROM) 16. Reports on the International Meeting on Forest-based Climate Change Policies and Action Plans in Indonesia (Jakarta,Indonesia, May 10-11 2012) 17. Reports on the International Meeting on Forest-based Climate Change Policies and Action Plans in Indonesia (Jakarta, Indonesia,May 10-11 2012) (CD-ROM) 18. Technical Report-Sustainable Forest Management, Forest Based Carbon, Carbon Stock, CO2 Sequestration and Green Product in Order to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation 19. Draft National Strategy on Enhancing and Maintaining Forest Carbon Stock through Sustainable Forest Management Activities: A Strategic Assessment E 0.15 kg E 0.35 kg Bahasa 0.37 kg E 0.05 kg Bahasa OUT Bahasa OUT Bahasa OUT 0.06 kg Bahasa OUT Bahasa OUT 0.05 kg Bahasa 0.21 kg Bahasa 0.05 kg Bahasa 0.32 kg Bahasa 0.05 kg E 0.39 kg E 0.06 kg E 0.55 kg E 0.08 kg E 0.24 kg E 0.44 kg 0.05 kg 0.13 kg 0.05 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 64 REDSPD 009/09 Rev.2 (F) RED-PD 018/09 Rev.1 (F) REDSPD 020/09 Rev.1 (F) 20. Technical Report-Sustainable Forest Management, Forest Based Carbon, Carbon Stock, CO2 Sequestration and Green Product in Order to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; Draft National Strategy on Enhancing and Maintaining Forest Carbon Stock through Sustainable ForestManagement Activities: A Strategic Assessment (CD-ROM) 21. Pengembangan Standar Penghitungan Karbon Hutan Tanaman Skala Ke3cil Berdasarkan Penegalaman Lokal Ska Skala Kecil Berdasarkan Pengalaman Lokal Promoting the Partnership Efforts to Reduce Emission from Deforestation And Forest Degradation of Tropical Peatland in South Sumatra through the Enhancement of Conservation and Resotration Activities Sustainable Forest Management and Utilization of Ecosystem Services in Forests Managed by the Ese’eja Native Community in Infierno, Peru 1. Estimacion de la Deforestacion no Planificada en el Escenario de Linea Base Reserva Nacional Tambopata y Parque Nacional Bahuaja-Sonene – Ambito de la Region Madre de Dios 2. “Diagnostico del Uso, Impacto y Actores Involucrados con la Gestion de los Recursos Naturales del Bosque de la Comunidad Nativa de Infierno” 3. Estimacion de Carbono Cni 4. Estudio Socioeconomico de la Comunidad Nativa de Infierno 5. “Guia de Campo para la Estimacion del Carbono Almacenado en la Biomasa de los Bosques Administrados por la Comunidad Nativa Ese’eja de Infierno y su Concesion de Ecoturismo en la Region Madre de Dios” 6. Informe Topografico Legal de la Comunidad Nativa Ese’Eja Infierno 7. Estudio Legal para Ratificar y Mantener los Derechos Legales de Uso de los Recursos del Bosque en el Territorio Comunal y en la Concesion de Ecoturismo de la Comunidad Nativa de Infierno 8. Estimacion de los Cambios en el Carbono Alimacenado y Emisiones de Gases Efecto Invernadero Producidas por Deforestacion No Planificada en Escenario de Linea Base de la Comunidad Nativa de Infierno- Region Madre de Dios 9. Project Description:VCS Version 3 Evio Kuinaji Ese’Eja Cuana, para Mitigar el Cambio Climatico, Madre de Dios - Peru 10. Documento de Diseno del Proyecto(PDD) – Bajo los Estandares de la Alianza para el Clima, Comunidad y Biodiversidad(CCBA) 11. “Gestion Forestal Sostenible y Aprovechamiento de los Servicios Ecosistemicos en los Bosques Administrados por la Comunidad Nativa Ese Eja de Infierno, Peru” 12. “Plan de Accion para la Gestion del Bosque de La Comunidad Nativa de Infierno” 13. Monitoring Report for the Project Evio Kuinaji Ese’Eja Cuana, to Mitigate Climate Change, Madre de Dios - Peru Development and Demonstration on Scheme of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) derived from Degraded and Secondary Tropical Production Forests In Hannan Provnince, China 1. Technical Report-Study on Payments for Environmental Services (PES) of Natural Production Forests (NPFs) in Hainan Province, China E 0.06 kg Bahasa 0.15 kg E S S S S S S S S S S S S S E 0.20 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 65 CFM-PD 001/10 Rev. 2 (F) CFMPPD 006/10 Rev.1 (F) TFL-PD 024/10 Rev.2 (M) TMT-PD 006/11 Rev.3 (M) Strengthening Capacity of Stakeholders for the Development of Community-Based Plantation Forest at Three Selected Areas in Indonesia Technical Report: Economic Study and Standar Price of Community Based Plantation Forest (HTR) Products 1. Case Study in Lampung, West Nusa Tenggara and North Minahasa Provinces 2. Case Study in Lampung, West Nusa Tenggara and North Minahasa Provinces (CD-ROM) 3. Case Study in West Nusa Tenggara Province 4. Case Study in West Nusa Tenggara Province (CD-ROM) 5. Case Study in Lampung Provinces 6. Case Study in Lampung Provinces (CD-ROM) 7. Case Study in North Sulawesi Province 8. Case Study in North Sulawesi Province (CD-ROM) Enabling Customary Landowners to Participate Effectively in CFM and REDD Schemes within Four Pilot Areas of PNG 1. Technical Report One: Site Selection, Landownership Mapping and Baseline Data Collection 2. Technical Report Two: Strategy Selection Findings and Technical Specifications for the Full Project Proposal Improvement of Forest Law Enforcement at the National Level to Promote Forest Governance in Guatemala 1. Estrategia Institucional de Equidad de Género con Pertinencia Etnica y Cultural 2. Sistematización de Experiencias Exitosas de Manejo Forestal Sostenible en Guatemala 3. Ley Forestal Decreto No.101-96 4. Lineamientos Técnicos de Manejo Forestal 5. Lineamientos para el Manejo Integral de los Bosques Comunitarios 6. Manual de Lineamientos para el Manejo Integral de los Bosques Comunitarios 7. Procedimientos Técnicos de Manejo Forestal 8. Reglamento para La Fiscalización de Empresas Forestales 9. Reglamento para El Transporte de Productos Forestales y su Procedencia Lícita 10. Revisión de la Normativa Forestal en Guatemala – Dic 2012 Strengthening Market Information Systems to Enhance Trade and Market Intelligence in the Forest Sectoer of Guyana 1. Factors Affecting Competitiveness of Tropical Timber in Guyana 2. Marketing Strategy for the Guyana Wood Products Industry Sector 3. Critical Data Gaps Related to the Production, Markets and Trade – A Policy Paper Prepared for the Guyana Forestry Commission 4. Diagnostic Report on Factors Affecting Markets and Measures Impacting on Tropical Timber Use 5. Review of the Market Framework for Trade Development in Guyana E 0.15 kg E E E E E E E 0.05 kg 0.20 kg 0.06 kg 0.18 kg 0.06 kg 0.16 kg 0.06 kg E E S S S S S 0.10 kg 0.21 kg S S S S S E E E E E 0.20 kg 0.09 kg 0.10 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 66 RED-PD 033/11 Rev.3 (F) REDPPD 041/11 Rev.2 (F) Value Adding to Environmental Services from Managed Forests belonging to Seven Communities in the Ucayali Region 1. Diagnostico Social Economico en dos Comunidades Cacataibo 2. Diagnostico Social Economico en Cinco Comunidades Shipibo – Conibo 3. Diagnostico Sobre las Necesidades de Capacitacion en Recursos Maderables y No Maderables de 07 Comunidades Nativas de la Region Ucayali 4. Estimacion del Carbono Almacenado en la Biomasa del Bosque de las Comunidades Nativas de Calleria, Flor de Ucayali, Buenos Aires, Roya, Curiaca, Pueblo Nuevo del Caco y Puerto Nuevo en la Region de Ucayali – Peru 5. “Puesta en Valor de los Servidios Ambientales en Bosques Manejados de 07 Communidades Nativas de la Region Ucayali” 6. Estimacion del Carbono Almacenado en la Biomasa del Bosque de las Comunidades Nativas de Calleria, Flor de Ucayali, Buenos Aires, Roya, Curiaca, Pueblo Nuevo del Caco y Puerto Nuevo en la Region de Ucayali – Peru 7. Guia de Aprendizaje Fortalecimiento Organizacional – Tema I Cultura Organizacional 8. Guia de Aprendizaje Fortalecimiento Organizacional – Tema IV Gestion de Conflictos Organizacionales “Seamos Parte de la Solucion” 9. Guia de Aprendizaje Fortalecimiento Organizacional – Tema III Gobernanza Local “Nuestro Desarrollo Depende de Nuestras Decisiones…” 10. Guia de Aprendizaje Fortalecimiento Organizacional – Tema II Liderazgo Organizacional 11. Campanas de Sensibilizacion Comunal – Informe de Implementacion 12. Linea Base Social para el Proyecto REDD y Evaluacion de Impactos 13. Marco Logico para el Proyecto REDD 14. Plan de Capacitacion de Recursos Maderables y No Maderables en 07 Comunidades Nativas de la Region Ucayali 15. Plan de Capacitacion Sobre REDD 16. Plan de Campanas de Sensibilizacion Comunal Sobre la Importancia del Bosque – “Protégé, Cuida y Maneja Nuestro Bosque Comunal” 17. Puesta en Valor de los Servicios Ambientales en Bosques Manejados de 07 Comunidades Nativas de la Region Ucayali Designing a Programme for Capacity Building and Meaningful Stakeholder Participation in Forest Governance and REDD+ in Honduras and Guatemala S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S E ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 67 RED-PD 045/11 Rev.2 (M) Environmental Assessment and Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services Provided by Coastal Foretss (Mangrove Forests, Flood Forests, Rain Forests and Scrub Forests on Dunes) and Their Agricultural Replacement Systems on the Central Coastal Plan of Veracruz, Mexico • • Papers published on scientific journals: o Palm use and social values in rural communities on the coastal plains of Veracruz, Mexico (published on ‘Springer science+business media’ in March 2012) o Traditional wetland palm uses in construction and cooking in Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico (published on ‘Indian journal of traditional knowledge’ in July 2012) o Regaining the traditional use of wildlife in wetlands on the coastal plain of Veracruz, Mexico (published on ‘Regional Environmental Change’ in March 2016) o Green Rural Enterprises: guidelines for empowering local groups towards sustainable ventures (published on Journal of Environmental Planning and Management in December 2013) o El uso de los árboles en Jamapa, tradiciones en un territorio deforestado (published on ‘Madera y Bosques’ journal in Spring 2016) o From tropical wetlands to pastures on the coast of the gulf of Mexico (published on ‘Pastos’ journal in 2012) o Scenarios of vulnerability in coastal municipalities of tropical Mexico: an analysis of wetland land use (published on ‘Ocean & Coastal Management’ journal in December 2013) o Trade-offs in fishery yield between wetland conservation and land conversion on the Gulf of Mexico (published on ‘Ocean & Coastal Management’ journal in July 2015) 13 Thesis for advance university degree (indicative titles): o Diagnóstico y perspectivas del manejo de los humedales en Alvarado, Veracruz o Proponiendo alternativas para la conservación y sustentabilidad de humedales en la planicie costera de Veracruz, México o Valoración del servicio ambiental de provisión de los recursos naturales de un potrero derivado de selvapalmar inundable, en Jamapa, Veracruz o Análisis de los servicios de mitigación de impactos por tormentas y huracanes que proporcionan los suelos de humedales de Ciénega del Fuerte, Tecolutla, Veracruz o Bosques de zapotonales (Pachira aquatica) en la Reserva de la Biosfera la Encrucijada, Chiapas, México o La participación rural en la conservación de la naturaleza o Uso de humedales artificiales como celdas de combustible microbiano de sedimento-planta (CCMSP), para la generación de electricidad y tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas (sintéticas) o Utilización de Sagitaria lacinfolia l. En un humedal artificial con aguade la laguna de lagartos localizada en la ciudad de Veracruz para su depuración y potencialidad para generar energía o Caracterización de tres propiedades del suelo en humedales transformados a potreros, en el municipio de Jamapa, Veracruz y su entorno S E E E E S E E E S S S S S S S S S ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 68 o o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RED-PD 064/11 Rev.2 (F) REDSPD 075/12 Rev.1 (F) RED-PD 093/12 Rev.1 (F) TFLSPD 028/12 Rev.1 (M) TFLSPD 029/12 Rev.1 (M) Desarrollo y aplicación de un índice de calidad de agua para la cuenca baja del rio Jamapa, en el estado de Veracruz El contenido de semillas en el suelo. Antecedente de la sucesión secundaria en potreros abandonados en las dunas costeras de Veracruz S S o Caracterización fisicoquímica, bacteriológica e S hidrología del agua subterránea en humedales modificados de la zona conurbada Veracruz- Boca del Río-Medellín o Evaluación de la relación del perfil de playa y la concentración de microorganismos indicadores de la calidad de agua Conociendo Los Manglares, Las Selvas Inundables y Los Humedales Hebaceos Reforestacion Y Enriquecimiento de Especies Arboreas en Los Medanos Percepciones de los servicios ambientales Plantas Medicinales Técnicas Y Mañas para Recuperrar y Cuidar los Arboles Promoting Local Community Initiative on the Rehabilitation of Mangrove Ecosystem with Demonstration Activities in Bintan Island to Reduce Further Deforestation and Forest Degradation 1. Penyusunan Baseline Data Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove di Pulau Bintan 2. Review and Policy Analysis on Community-Based Mangrove Ecosystem Management in Bintan District 3. Study on Socio-Economic 4. Training of Strengthening the Community Institutional Capacity in Mangrove Ecosystem Management in Bintan District(Five Fingers Management System) Demonstration on Investigation and Assessment of Tropical Forest Ecotourism Resources in Hainan Province, China 1. Technical Report-Study on Investigation and Assessment Techniques of Tropical Forest Ecotourism Resources in Diaoluoshan National Forest Park 2. Technical Report-美国森林游憩资源调查和评价指南文集 “REDD+ in Agricultural Landscapes: Evidence from Ghana’s REDD+ Process” Empowering Civil Society Organization and Other Non-State Actors to Effectively Contribute to Forest Law Compliance in Ghana 1. Training on Legality and Sustainability Requirements along the Timber Supply Chain for Civil Socitey Organizations in Ghana 2. Conduct of Training on the Use of Modern Tools fo Engagement for Civil Society Organizations in Ghana Marketing of Timber from Legal and Sustainable Sources by Indigenous Communities in Ucayali, Peru for Their Fair Trade Market S S S S S S E E E E E 0.22 kg E 0.19 kg E E S ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 69 TFLSPD 030/12 Rev.1 (M) Improved Governance and Implementation of Transparent Negotiation Mechanisms for Indigenous Community Forestry in Atalaya(Ucayali), Peru 1. Capacitacion Sobre Instrumentos de Negociacion con Terceros de las Comunidades Indigenas, en la Provincia de Atalaya – Peru 2. “Taller de Capacitacion Sobre Herramientas Practicas de Valorizacion de los Recursos Aprovechables en los Bosques de las Comunidades Indigenas” 3. Manual Practico de Censos Forestales 4. Manual Practico de Cubicacion de Madera Rolliza- Aserrada 5. Manual Practico de Inventarios Forestales 6. Herramienta de Valoracion- Servicios Ambientales 7. Manual Practico de Zonificacion y Mapeo Comunal S S S S S S S ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 70 SRS – 1 SRS – 2 SRS – 3 SRS – 4 SRS – 5 SRS – 6 SRS – 7 SRS – 8 SRS – 9 SRS – 10 SRS – 11 SRS – 12 SRS – 13 SRS – 14 SRS – 15 SRS – 16 SRS – 17 SRS – 18 SRS – 19 SRS – 20 REPORTS OF SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS AND OTHER MEETINGS Report on the ITTO International Seminar on Sustainable Utilization E and Conservation of Tropical Forests, Yokohama, Japan, 12 November 1988, 1989 Report on the Seminar on Sustainable Development of Tropical E, F, S Forests, Kyoto, Japan, 9 November 1989, 1990 Proceedings of the International Seminar on Furniture Development E - OUT and Promotion, Kuala Lumpur, 8-11 August 1988, Malaysian Timber Industry Board, 1988 Proceedings of the Round Table on Opportunities and Constraints to Latin American Tropical Hardwood-Based Industrial Development, Brasilia, 20-23 February 1989, Brazilian Institute for Forestry Development, 1989 1. Full Report (Portuguese only) P 2. Summary (English and Spanish only) E, S -OUT Proceedings of the Seminar on Promotion of Further Processing of E -OUT, Tropical Hardwood Timber in Africa, Accra, Ghana, 13-16 February F -OUT 1990, Ghana Timber Export Development Board, 1991 Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Mangrove Forest Genetic E -OUT Resources: Project Formulation Workshop, Madras, India, 15-19 January 1991, Centre for Research on Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development (CRSARD), 1991 Proceedings of the Technical Workshop to Explore Options for Global E Forestry Management, Bangkok, Thailand, April 1991, International Institute for Environment and Development, 1991 Report to the Council on the Round Table on an Agenda for Trade in E, F Tropical Timber from Sustainably Managed Forests by the Year 2000, 1991 Report on the Seminar on Sustainable Development of Tropical E, F, S Forests, Depansar, Bali, 19 May 1990, 1990 Report on the Seminar on Sustainable Development of Tropical E, F, S Forests, Kamakura, Japan, 17 November 1990, 1991 Report on the Seminar on Land-Use Planning and Land Tenure to E Secure the Permanent Forest Estate, Yaounde, Cameroon, 9 May F -OUT 1992, 1993 Proceedings of the Workshop on Conservation and Utilization of E Mangrove Forests in Latin America and Africa Regions, Niteroi, Brazil, 28-30 May 1992, ISME, 1993 Proceedings of the Workshop on Conservation and Utilization of E Mangrove Forests in Africa and Latin America Regions, Dakar, Sénégal, 10-22 January 1993, ISME, 1993 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Industrial Use of E -OUT Bamboo, Beijing, China, 7-11 December 1992, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 1993 Proceedings of the Seminar on Development of Forest Industry in the S -OUT Andean Group Countries (with Executive Summary) Women and Forestry: A Look at African Experiences, Accra, Ghana, E 12-16 October 1992 Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Kuala Lumpur, E -OUT Malaysia, 18 October - 5 November, 1993 Proceedings of the Workshop on Development and Dissemination of E Re-afforestation Techniques of Mangrove Forests, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-20 April 1994, JAM, 1994 Guide for Establishing Tropical Forests and Timber Trade Statistics, E Dschang, Cameroon,1992 F -OUT International Training Seminar in Statistics for Tropical Forestry, Cali, Colombia, 1-19 March 1993 1. Report E, F 2. Manual E, F 0.15 kg 0.24 kg 1.34 kg 0.15 kg 1.17 kg 0.02 kg 0.15 kg 0.27 kg 0.37 kg 0.15 kg 0.15 kg 0.30kg 1.16 kg 0.40 kg 0.58 kg 0.60 kg 0.30 kg 0.49 kg 0.30 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 71 SRS – 21 SRS – 22 SRS – 23 SRS – 24 SRS – 25 SRS – 26 SRS – 27 SRS – 28 SRS – 29 SRS – 30 SRS – 31 SRS – 32 SRS – 33 SRS – 34 SRS – 35 SRS – 36 SRS – 37 SRS – 38 Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Cali, Colombia, 25 May - 14 June, 1994 1. Report 2. Manual International Seminar for Establishing Tropical Forests and Timber Trade Statistics, Cap-Esterias, Gabon, 8-27 August 1994, Report & Manual Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28 Nov - 16 Dec 1994 1. Report 2. Manual, Volume I 3. Manual, Volume II Atelier International de Formation aux Statistiques sur Les Forets et le Commerce des Bois Tropicaux a Abidjan, Bingerville, Côte d’Ivoire, 22 Mai - 9 Juin 1995 (International Seminar for Establishing Tropical Forests and Timber Trade Statistics, Esie de Bingerville, Cote d'Ivoire, 22 May - 9 June 1995) 1. Systemes Informatiques pour les Statistiques Forestieres 2. Guide pour l’Establissement des Statistiques sur les Forets Tropicales et le Commerce des Bois Tropicaux 3. Etude de Cas (Cameroun, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Togo, Zaïre) International Training Seminar in Statistics for Tropical Forestry, Caracas, Venezuela, 7 - 25 August 1995 International Training Workshop on Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27 November - 15 December 1995 Report of the Working Party on Certification of All Timber and Timber Products Proceedings of the World Conference on Tropical Plywood in the Latin America/Caribbean Region Proceedings of the Seminar. The Development and Management of the Lanjak-Entimau Biodiversity Conservation Area, Sarawak, Malaysia, 15-16 January 1996 International Training Workshop on Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14 April - 2 May 1997 1. Report 2. Manual International Training Workshop on Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 22 Sept. - 11 Oct. 1997 1. Report 2. Manual International Training Workshop on Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Bingerville, Cote D’Ivore, 23 Oct. - 10 April 1998 1. Report 2. Manual III Plywood and Tropical Timber International Congress Proceedings, Belém, Brazil, 4-7 November 1997 Proceedings of the Workshop on Promotion of Non-Wood Forest Products in Thailand, Ubolrachatani, Thailand, 6-8 July 1999 International Training Workshop on Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Chennai, India, 16 Nov. – 4 Dec, 1998 International Training Workshop on Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Lomé, Togo, 29 Nov. – 17 Dec. 1999 Primer Taller Latinoamericano Sobre Bosques Tropicales International Training Workshop on Tropical Forestry and Timber Trade Statistics, Curitiba, Brazil 1. Report 2. Manual E E F -OUT 0.58 kg 0.95 kg 0.66 kg E E E 0.43 kg 0.83 kg 0.71 kg F F 0.47 kg 0.40 kg F 0.60 kg S -OUT 0.49 kg E 0.52 kg E, F, S 0.66 kg E, S 0.83 kg E 0.32 kg E E -OUT 1.12 kg 2.00 kg S -OUT S -OUT 0.70 kg 0.84 kg F -OUT F -OUT P 0.75 kg 0.55 kg 0.40 kg E 0.16 kg E 2.46 kg F 0.45 kg S 0.18 kg S S 0.83 kg 1.21 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 72 SRS – 39 SRS – 40 SRS – 41 SRS – 42 SRS – 43 SRS – 44 SRS – 45 SRS – 46 SRS – 47 SRS – 48 SRS – 49 SRS – 50 SRS – 51 SRS - 52 SRS - 53 SRS – 54 SRS – 55 Report of the Working Party on Certification of all Timber and Timber Products Proceeding: Development of Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary as a Totally Protected Area Phase II, 28-29 February 2000 Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission Development of National-level Criteria and Indicators for the Sustainable Management of Dry Forests in Asia, Bhopal, India, 30 November - 3 December 1999 1. Workshop Report 2. Background Papers Harmonization of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management, FAO/ITTO Expert Consultation, Rome, Italy, 13-16 February 1995 Proceedings IUFRO DIV. V/ITTO/FRIM International Workshop on Improved Utilization of Timber Resources in Southeast Asia, 7-11 December 1992, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sobre Estadísticas de Los Bosques Tropicales y El Comercio de Maderas – 20 de Agosto al 5 de Setiembre, 2002, Iquitos, Perú 1. Guía de Trabajo 2. Informe Final Tropical Forest Landscape Restoration Resource Kit ASEAN-ITTO Regional Workshop on Perspectives of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Forestry Projects in Asia and the Pacific (22 – 24 March 2006; Phnom Penh, Cambodia) Proceedings of the National Workshop on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management (Bhopal, India, 24-28 April 2006) Report of the ITTO Expert Meeting on the Effective Implementation of the Inclusion of Ramin (Gonystylus spp.) in Appendix II of CITES (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16-19 May 2006) 1. Report 2. CD Report of the Workshop on Forest Products Statistics (Santiago, Chile, 26-28 September 2006) Report on the Inter-Criteria and Indicators (C&I) Process Collaboration Workshop (Bialowieza, Poland, 8-10 June 2006) Taller Latinoamericano, Intercambio de Experiencias a Nivel Regional para la Implementación del Proceso de Ordenacion Forestal Sostenible a través de proyectos apoyados por la OIMT, Medellin, Colombia del 10 al 13 de Julio de 2007 Report –Workshop on Exchange of Experience amongst ITTO SFM Supported Projects in Asia and the Pacific Region (Bali, Indonesia 47 June 2007) A Cut for the Poor: Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing Forests for Poverty Reduction: Capturing Opportunities in Forest Harvesting and Wood Processing for the Benefits of the Poor Proceeding – Workshop on Forest Governance and Decentralization in Asia and the Pacific (Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 4-6 September 2007) Proceedings of the Nationalworkshop on the Enforcement Compliance for Trade in Ramin (Gonystylus Spp.) 1. Report 2. CD 3. Completion Report E, F 0.64 kg E, F 1.04 kg E E E 0.10 kg 0.30 kg 0.10 kg E 1.27 kg S S E-OUT E 0.70 kg 0.55 kg 0.06 kg 0.45 kg E 0.40 kg E E S 0.40 kg 0.07 kg 0.33 kg E 0.23 kg S 0.06 kg E 0.73 kg E 0.63 kg E 0.29 kg) E E E 0.68 kg 0.20 kg 0.13 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 73 SRS – 56 Publications/Technical reports on ITTO-CITES project 1. Improving inventory design to estimate growing stock of Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) in Indonesia 2. Improving inventory design to estimate growing stock of Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) in Indonesia (CD-ROM) 3. Evaluasi Sistem Silvikul Tur Hutan Rawa Gambut Di Indonesia 4. Panduan Inventarisasi Sediaan Ramin Di Hutan Rawa Gambut 5. Panduan Penilaian Non-detrimental finding Untuk Ramin Gonystylus spp. Guideline for non-detrimental finding assessment on Ramin Gonystylus spp. 6. Pedoman Teknis Pembuatan Stek Pucuk Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) 7. Information gaps toward sustainable management and conservation of Ramin 8. Report- Asian Workshop of the ITTO-CITES Project on Ensuring International Trade in CITES-listed Timber Species is Consistent with their Sustainable Management and Conservation: Gonystylus spp (Ramin) 9. Report- Asian Workshop of the ITTO-CITES Project on Ensuring International Trade in CITES-listed Timber Species is Consistent with their Sustainable Management and Conservation: Gonystylus spp (Ramin) (CD-ROM) 10. Silviculture, study plots, seed production and propagation of Ramin – An Executive Summary 11. Literature Review on Gonystylus spp. Other than Gonystylus bancanus:Botany, Ecology and potency 12. Teknik Inventarisasi Sediaan Ramin Di Hutan Rawa Gambut (Inventory Technique of Ramin in peat swamp forest) 13. Review of the existing methods and design for Ramin inventory in peat swamp forest 14. Gonystylus bancanus – jewel of the peat swamp forest 15. Technical Information on Optimum Harvesting Regimes of Peat Swamp Forests in Peninsular Malaysia 16. Workshop Training – Regulasi dan ketentuan CITES Terkait Ramin dan Tumbuhan Lainnya 17. Roadmap Toward – Sustainable Management and Conservation of Ramin (Gonystylus spp.) 18. Closer look at the Terms of Reference (TOR) of Tri-National Task Force on Trade in Ramin by Indonesia 19. Recommendation of regional workshop on the work of the Tri-National task force on trade in Ramin 20. Harmonisasi Data, Monitoring Dan Kontrol Perdagangan Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) 21. Manual Monitoring Musim Berbunga-Berbuah Dan Produksi Benih Ramin 22. Assessing Silvicultural System on Ramin:Review on the Current Practice and Re-vitalization of Existing Permanent Sample Plots (CD-ROM) 23. Exploratory Assessment on the Population Distribution and Potential Uses of Non – Gonystylus bancanus Species in Indonesia (CD-ROM) 24. Identification of Information Gaps Towards the SFM of Ramin and Thematic Programs to be Included in the 2009 and 2010 Work Program of ITTO – CITES Project (CD-ROM) E 0.12 kg E 0.20 kg S 0.35 kg S 0.19 kg S 0.22 kg E 0.21 kg S 0.13 kg E 0.12 kg E 0.32 kg E 0.19 kg E 0.12 kg E 0.25 kg S 0.23 kg S 0.45 kg E E 0.55 kg 0.26 kg S 0.41 kg E 0.14 kg E 0.15 kg E 0.15 kg S 0.32 kg S 0.12 kg E 0.20 kg E 0.19 kg E 0.19 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 74 25. Identifikasi Gap Informasi Menuju Pengelolaan Hutan RaminSecara Lestari 26. Gonystylus Spp.(Ramin) :Population Status, Genetics and Gene Conservation 27. Panduan Identifikasi Jenis-Jenis Ramin (Gonystylus spp.) di Indonesia IP – 1 IP – 2 IP – 3 IP – 4 IP – 5 IP – 6 IP – 7 ITTO INFORMATION PAPERS A Key to the Production of Quality Veneer, FAO, 1989 Quality Control in Primary Forest Industries, FAO, 1989 Life Cycle Assessment for Environmental Product Declaration of Tropical Plywood Production in Malaysia and Indonesia Report on Environmental Product Declaration on Meranti Plywood in Indonesia and Malaysia Life Cycle Assessment for Environmental Product Declaration of Tropical African Mahogany(Khaya) Lumber Produced in Ghana Technical Report on the Life-Cycle Assessment for Environmental Product Declarations of Ipe and Cumaru Decking Strips Produced in Brazil Assessing the ITTO Guidelines for the Restoration, Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded Secondary Tropical Forests, Case Studies of Ghana, Indonesia and Mexico Bahasa 0.29 kg E 0.11 kg Bahasa 0.14 kg F - OUT, S, P - OUT F, S, P E (Only e-file) 0.08 kg 0.10 kg E (Only e-file) E (Only e-file) E (Only e-file) E, F, S 0.12 kg MR - 1 MISSION REPORTS The Promotion of Sustainable Management: A Case Study of Sarawak, Malaysia, 1990 E, F, S 0.51 kg MR - 2 The Promotion of Sustainable Forest Development in Bolivia E, F, S 0.41 kg MR - 3 Achieving Sustainable Forest Management in Indonesia E 0.36 kg MR - 4 Mission in Support of the Government of the Congo for the Realization of ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management, Diagnostic Mission Report in the Congo from 12 to 26 October 2001 (Summary) Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Brazil ITTO Mission in Support of the Government of the Central African Republic Towards the ITTO 2000 Objective and Sustainable Forest Management Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Guyana Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Trinidad and Tobago Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Peru Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in the Philippines Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Suriname Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Ecuador Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Cambodia Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in the Republic of the Fiji Islands E, F, S 0.12 kg E 0.54 kg F 0.19 kg E 0.32 kg E 0.12 kg E 0.17 kg MR - 5 MR - 6 MR - 7 MR - 8 MR - 9 MR - 10 MR - 11 MR - 12 MR - 13 MR - 14 E E 0.18 kg S 0.18 kg E 0.90 kg E 0.12 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 75 MR - 15 Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Panama Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in the Gabon Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Republic of Liberia Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Mexico Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Thailand S 0.19 kg F 0.33 kg E 0.30 kg E 0.34 kg E 0.34 kg MR - 20 Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in India E 0.13 kg MR - 21 Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Papua New Guinea E 0.18 kg MR - 22 Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Nigeria Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Togo E 0.26 kg Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Cote d’Ivoire Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Forest Management in Cameroon F 0.19 kg F 0.21 kg MR - 16 MR - 17 MR - 18 MR - 19 MR - 23 MR - 24 MR - 25 OP – 1 OP – 2 OP – 3 OP – 4 OP – 5 OP – 6 OP – 7 OP – 8 OP – 9 F OTHER PUBLICATIONS Tropical Timber Atlas of Latin America, Centre Technique Forestier Tropical (CTFT), 1990 Technical Sheets: New Marketable Species in South America, CTFT, 1990 Technical Sheets: New Marketable Species in Africa, CTFT, 1990 No Timber Without Trees, 1989. This publication has a charge of US$ 18.00. Also available from Earthscan Publications Ltd., 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD (£9.95). Training in Planning and Management of Forest Industries in Developing Counties: Text and Slide Presentation, FINNIDA Forestry Training Programme and FAO, 1992. Supplies are extremely limited and can only be given to parties who will use it for training purposes. Refer to TS-6 and OP-6 for related publications. Training in Planning and Management of Forest Industries in Developing Countries: Course Notes and Cases for Group Work, FINNIDA FTP and FAO, 1992 Not By Timber Alone, Harvard Institute for International Development, 1992. Published by Island Press, Suite 300, 1718 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington D.C. 20009 USA Conserving Biological Diversity in Managed Production Forests, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, United Kingdom, 1992. The Economic Linkages Between the International Trade in Tropical Timber and the Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests, Final Report and Technical Annexes, London Environmental Economics Centre, International Institute for Environment and Development, 1993 1. Report 2. Annexes (English only) E -OUT F, S E, F, S 0.82 kg 0.01 kg E, F, S E - OUT 0.08 kg 0.27 kg E - OUT, F, S 0.51 kg E -OUT F -OUT S -OUT E -OUT F -OUT S -OUT E, F, S 0.27 kg E, F, S E 0.39 kg 0.73 kg 0.44 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 76 OP – 10 OP – 12 More LKS: database of end-uses for lesser known species, version 1.51 (includes 3.5-inch computer disk and user manual), Wageningen Agricultural University, 1992 Monographs on Appropriate Forest Technologies, World Bank, Washington D.C., 1993 1. Land Resources Series - No.1, Jatropha Curcas, A Multipurpose Species for Problematic Sites 2. Land Resources Series - No.2, The Importance of Mycorrhiza to Forest Trees Substitute Bamboo for Wood in China, November 1993 OP – 13 Estudio Tecnológico del Género Schinpsis, 1995 OP – 14 Manual para la producción de Mascarey, Eucalipto, Teca, Pino, Melina, Laurel, Pachaco, Aliso, Nogal, Guayacan, Blanco (a set of ten small booklets) ITTO Brochures S 0.96 kg Measuring up Windows of opportunity Fire alarm! E,F,S,J E,F,S,J E-OUT, F,S,J E,F,S,J E,F,S,J E,F,S,J E E,F,S,J E,F,S E, F,S E,F, S E,F, S E 0.03 kg 0.04 kg 0.04 kg E 0.53 kg E, F, S E, F, S F 0.30 kg 0.35 kg 0.76 kg E E E E E, F, S E -OUT E 0.08 kg 0.10 kg 0.12 kg 0.12 kg 0.07 kg 2.89 kg 0.33 kg E,F,S,JOUT E,F,S,J E 0.08 kg E 0.10 kg OP – 11 OP – 15 I II III IV V VI VII VIII VIIII X XI XII XIII OP – 16 OP – 17 OP – 18 OP – 19 OP – 20 OP – 21 OP – 22 OP – 23 OP – 24 OP – 25 Not by thoughts alone Mangroves - forests worth their salt Restoring the forests A meeting of minds General – Sustaining Tropical Forests FLEGT Independent Market Monitoring (IMM) Rewarding the Service Providers, a Policy Brief The ITTO Fellowship Programme Joint ITTO-CBD Collaborative Initiative for Tropical Forest Biodiversity Voluntary Guidelines for the Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests Changing Landscapes: The Development of the International Tropical Timber Organization and its Influence on Tropical Forest Management, 2003. This publication has a charge of US$37.50. Also available from Earthscan Publications Ltd., 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD (£24.95). Best Practices for Improving Law Compliance in the Forest Sector Making SFM Work: ITTO’s First Twenty Years Exploitation et Gestion Durable des Forêts en Afrique Centrale JICA/ITTO Joint Publication: 1. REDD-Plus Pamphlet, August 2010 2. REDD-Plus Pamphlet, March 2012 3. REDD-Plus Pamphlet, December 2014 Leading Tropical Transboudary Conservation ITTO Thematic Programmes 25 Success Stories A joint Publication between UNU-IAS and ITTO entitled: Transboundry conservation and peace-building: Lessons from forest biodiversity conservation projects” authored by Prof. Saleem H. Ali Status of Tropical Forest Management 2011(Brochure) OP – 26 OP – 27 Sustaining Tropical Forests Brochure – Fund Raising Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity Conservation in Sarawak, Malaysia: Following ITTO Mission 1989/1990 OP – 28 Joint publication of ITTO and UNU-IAS entitled “Governing the Forests: An Institutional Analysis of REDD+ and Community Forest Management in Asia” E -OUT 0.21 kg E -OUT 0.11 kg E -OUT 0.09 kg E -OUT C S -OUT 0.60 kg 0.27 kg 0.07 kg 0.04 kg 0.04 kg 0.02 kg 0.08 kg 0.03 kg 0.05 kg 0.01 kg 0.01 kg 0.03 kg 0.13 kg 0.18 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 77 OP – 29 OP – 30 OP – 31 OP – 32 OP – 33 OP – 34 OP – 35 OP – 36 OP – 37 Towards a Development Strategy for the Wood Processing Industry in the Congo Basin The ITTO Strategic Action Plan 2013-2018 Flyer UNU-IAS Policy Report "Strengthening Development in InternationalLocal Institutional Linkages in REDD+: Lessons from Existing ForestCarbon Initiatives" Industry Development & Efficiency Programme Trade & Market Transparency Programme Community Forest Management & Enterprises Programme Forest Law Enforcement, Governance & Trade Programme Reducing Deforestation & Forest Degradation, & Enhancing Environmental Services in Tropical Forests Partnering to Sustain the World’s Tropical Forests E,F 0.12 kg E,F,S E 0.04 kg 0.10 kg E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S E,F,S 0.03 kg 0.03 kg 0.03 kg 0.05 kg 0.05 kg E,F,S 0.02 kg ITTC(LII)/Info.4 Page 78 Subscriptions to the following ITTO Serial publications are available from the addresses indicated after each title. SERIAL PUBLICATIONS FREQUENCY Biweekly Bimonthly Quarterly TITLE/DESCRIPTION LANGU -AGES RATE The ITTO Tropical Timber Market (TTM) Report, an output of the ITTO Market Information Service (MIS), is published in English every two weeks with the aim of improving transparency in the international tropical timber market. The TTM provides market trends and trade news from around the world, as well as indicative prices for over 400 tropical timber and added-value products. Subscriptions can be made through: http://www.itto.int/mis_registration/ Tropical Forest News. An electronic newsletter aimed at providing insights into ITTO’s latest initiatives and work in areas such as sustainable forest management, forest industry, timber markets, community forestry, non-timber forest products, climate-change mitigation and adaptation, environmental services and forest law enforcement, upcoming events, calls for proposals, as well as relevant news on the tropical timber sector more generally. 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