NOTA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE SUPERVISIÓN INTEGRACION EN SIBE DE: 35.168.313 acciones de BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A., procedentes de la Conversión de las Obligaciones Subordinadas Convertibles Serie III/2013. 14.721.130 acciones de BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A., procedentes de la Conversión de las Obligaciones Subordinadas Convertibles Serie IV/2013. 110.981 acciones de LIBERBANK, S.A., procedentes de la Ampliación nov.2016 para atender la Conversión de 15.356 Oblig. Convertibles 1.680 Serie A/2013- 294 Serie B/2013 y 13.382 Serie C/2013. 957.249 acciones de EDREAMS ODIGEO, S.A., plan PSP. QUEDANDO EL VALOR COMO A CONTINUACION SE DETALLA: FECHA SEGMENTO 17-11-16 EQ NOMBRE DEL VALOR BANCO DE SABADELL CÓDIGO ISIN TOTAL ACCIONES SAB ES0113860A34 5.616.151.196 ES0182280018 17-11-16 EQ LIBERBANK LBK ES0168675090 909.286.824 17-11-16 EQ EDREAMS EDR LU1048328220 105.835.298 16 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2016 NOTE FROM THE SURVEILLANCE DEPARTMENT INTEGRATION IN S.I.B.E. OF: 35.168.313 shares of BANCO DE SABADELL, from the conversion of Convertible Subordinated Notes Series III / 2013. 14.721.130 shares of BANCO DE SABADELL, from the conversion of Convertible Subordinated Notes Series IV / 2013. 110.981 shares of LIBERBANK, resulting from the share capital increase November 2016, from the conversion 15.356 Oblig. Convertibles 1.680 Serie A/2013- 294 Serie B/2013 y 13.382 Serie C/2013. 957.249 shares of EDREAMS ODIGEO, PSP plan. AS A RESULT THE CURRENT DETAILS OF THE SECURITY ARE AS FOLLOWS: DATE (MM-DD-YY) SEGMENT NAME OF SECURITY CODE ISIN TOTAL SHARES 11-17-16 EQ BANCO DE SABADELL, S.A. SAB ES0113860A34 5.616.151.196 11-17-16 EQ LIBERBANK LBK ES0168675090 909.286.824 11-17-16 EQ EDREAMS EDR LU1048328220 105.835.298 NOVEMBER 16, 2016 The English translation is for the convenience of English-speaking readers. However, only the Spanish text has any legal value. Consequently, the translation may not be relied upon to sustain any legal claim, nor should it be used as the basis of any legal opinion. Sociedad de Bolsas, S.A.expressly disclaims all liability for any inaccuracy herein.
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