Diocese of Charleston Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church (Corner of Hwy 17 & Moore Drive) 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016 5 Saint Teresa Drive Charleston, S.C. 29407 (843) 556-0801 // (843) 556-2851 Fax (843) 766-2128 School Church email: [email protected] One Family, One Parish, One Church Coming Events! Parish Calendar (p. 1) Parish News (p. 2) Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Happenings (p. 3) Noticias Parroquiales en Español (p. 5) Stewards Corner: Don't Just Attend … Participate How available are you? (p. 7) " This bulletin & additional parish information are available at www.blsac.org. Blessed Sacrament Catholic School: A Ministry of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church 843-766-2128 www.scbss.org CLERGY OF THE PARISH Served by Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone, Bishop of Charleston The Very Rev. Joseph V. Romanoski, V.F., Pastor Rev. Jose Gabriel Cruz Rodriguez, Parochial Vicar James R. Moore, Permanent Deacon Kurt Herbst, Permanent Deacon CHURCH OFFICE STAFF PARISH MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Sunday: 9:00 AM 11:00 AM (Sign Language Interpreter) 1:30 PM (en Español) 5:00 PM (Life Teen Mass) Weekday Masses Monday—Friday 6:30 AM Thursday School Mass 8:45 AM Place you r m essag e h ere. Fo r m axim um i mpact , use two or t hre e se ntenc es. Confession (and by Appointment) Saturday: 3:30 PM & following 5pm Mass Domingo: 12:30 PM (en Español) PARISH CALENDAR Cindy Kroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary Jodie Parker . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary & Safe Envir Lori Roberson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary Patricia Mochizuki . . . . . . . . . Secretary (Spanish) Marianna Williamson . . . . . . . Financial Assistant Theresa Sadler . . . . . . . . . . . . .Financial Assistant Deacon James Moore & Tina Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . Religious Education Sr. Colie Stokes, SSMN . . . . . . . .Adult Formation Jack McGovern . . . . . . . . . . . . Stewardship & Dev SUNDAY: October 30 10:00 AM 6:15 PM Books Change Lives - Meeting Room Life Teen MONDAY: October 31 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM BSCS early dismissal Books Change Lives - Commons Justice Ministry - Meeting Room Men's Group - Family Life Center TUES: November 1 8:45 AM 12:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM School Mass Mass Mass Knights of Columbus - Parish Hall Mass in Spanish WED: November 2 9:30 AM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 7:30 PM WOW - Family Life Center Religious Education - School Edge - Parish Hall WOW - Family Life Center RCIA - Meeting Room Choir Practice WOW - Family Life Center THURS: November 3 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Bible Study - Meeting Room Spanish Choir Practice FRIDAY: 7:00 PM November 4 Spanish Bible Study - Parish Hall SATURDAY: 8:00 AM 7:00 PM November 5 Women's Guild Craft Fair - Hall Spanish Rosary - Church SUNDAY: November 6 Daylight Saving Time ends 10:00 AM 6:15 PM Books Change Lives - Meeting Room Life Teen Allyson Moring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minister of Music Wally Romanoskie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance Patrick Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Youth Minister SCHOOL STAFF 843-766-2128 All Saints Day All Souls Day Katharine Murphy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal Sallie Bendt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Christy Clarey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Linda McHugh . . . . . . . . . . . .Tuition & Safe Envir Rebecca Cantley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extended Day FLOWERS FLOWERS IN THE CHURCH are in loving memory of William C. Simpson (94th Birthday Anniv., Oct. 21) with love from Mary & Al Lang and grandchildren, Catie, Margaret and Albert. FLOWERS IN THE CHURCH ARE ALSO in loving memory of Gerald E. Burn, Sr. (14th Anniv., Oct. 26) with love from his wife, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. FLOWERS IN THE CHAPEL are in loving memory of Charles (Buddy) Sirisky (8th Anniv., Nov. 1) from his loving wife, Margie, and his children and grandchildren. We need flowers next weekend. Please call Alice Bolchoz (843-766-7202) to reserve a date by the Sunday evening prior to publication. Please refrain from putting flowers in the church or chapel unless you have ordered them. Thank you. PARISH NEWS The SECOND COLLECTION TODAY will be for African Education Outreach to help create and maintain a quality educational K-12 school in Nigeria. The Family Ministry is going CAMPING! We had so much fun at our Spring family camp out, we are going again. Details: 4pm or after on Friday, November 4th at James Island County Park Campground. Join us for a night of games, hot dogs, campfire songs, and of course, S'mores! Please email Kristen at [email protected] to reserve your spot and for more details. The Blessed Sacrament Women's Guild YARD SALE RAIN DATE is Saturday, November 5th. We will be open to the public at 8:00 a.m. Vendors can start to set up at 6:30 a.m. We invite anyone who wants to clear out their unwanted treasures. We are also extending our invitation to craft vendors. Indoors is $20 for a ten by ten space. Reservations to hold a spot and outside is $15 for a ten by ten space. Pray for good weather, and we hope to see you there. Contact is Mary Lenda (716-753-0744). READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Mon. 10/31 Philippians (Filipenses) 2:1-4 Luke (Lucas) 14:12-14 Tues. 11/01 Revelation (Apocalipsis) 7:2-4, 9-14 Matthew (Mateo) 5:1-12 Wed. 11/02 Wisdom (Sabiduria) 3:1-9 John (Juan) 6:37-40 Thurs. 11/03 Philippians (Filipenses) 3:3-8 Luke (Lucas) 15:1-10 Fri. 11/04 Philippians (Filipenses) 3:17-4:1 Luke (Lucas) 16:1-8 Sat. 11/05 Philippians (Filipenses) 4:10-19 Luke (Lucas) 16:9-15 Sun. 11/06 2 Maccabees (Macabeos) 7:1-14 Luke (Lucas) 20:27-38 RECENTLY DECEASED: Kindly pray for the repose of the souls of the following who recently passed away and for all those who grieve. Charles Parker, Sr., husband of Jodie Parker of Blessed Sacrament Church; and Annie Coulter, mother of Robbin Cullum of Blessed Sacrament Church. The BOOK OF THE NAMES OF THE DEAD will be placed near the altar during November for inscribing the names of deceased relatives, friends and others so that our parish may remember them throughout the month of November. Blessed Sacrament Church will have a SPECIAL MASS TO PRAY FOR GOD'S APPOINTMENT IN THE ELECTION on Monday, November 7, at 7:00 p.m. We will pray a Rosary after the Mass. SANCTUARY LIGHTS SANCTUARY LIGHTS in the church and the chapel are lit this week in loving memory of Deputy Joseph John Matuskovic with love from Mom and Dad. BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC SCHOOL Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night is back! On Tuesday, November 1st, please join us at Chick-Fil-A (West Ashley) on Savannah Highway. From 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., BSCS will receive a percentage of the sales! Be sure to tell the cashier that you are from BSCS! BSCS has received the "Cool School" award from Ms. Olivia Mitchell from News 2. Not only did Ms. Mitchell interview Principal Murphy, she also talked with several students and toured the school, visiting several classes. The featured segments aired last Wednesday and Friday at their news times. Boosterthon had center stage at BSCS this past week with the Fun Run on Wednesday, October 26th. At the daily "huddles" with the Boosterthon leaders, the students have enjoyed learning about leadership skills. They also have enjoyed achieving class rewards and participating in stunts with Brilliant Brennan and Jedi Jake! Our goal is $20,000! By reaching that goal, Principal Murphy has agreed to be dunked in a dunking tank! If the amount earned is $25,000, Father Joseph has agreed to have his beard shaved! He believes that it has been 10 years since he was clean-shaven. Wow! BSCS was pleased to have collected and donated more than 500 food items to Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach Center! This saint project was organized by the fifth grade in honor of Saint Vincent DePaul. We hope that you are feeling more comfortable with the updated BSCS webpage. If you need help, please contact us ([email protected], 843-766-2128). Please follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/blessedsacramentschoolsc). CELEBRATING SACRAMENTS Baptism: You must be registered and active (use of envelopes) at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church for at least three months prior to the sacrament. Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent. Baptism Class: (for child’s parents) Class is held in the parish hall on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Both parents must attend. Call the parish office to pre-register for the class. PARISH REGISTRATION The parish welcomes all newcomers and invites you to register. Registration forms are available in the parish office and at the back of the church on the right side. Those seeking to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony must be registered members of Blessed Sacrament Parish for at least three (3) months prior to being able to celebrate these sacraments. If you have a change of address or are moving from our parish, please contact the parish office at 843556-0801 or email [email protected]. First Communion: Preparation occurs in the first and second grades. Registration for Religious Education for those not attending a Catholic school takes place in August. Children Envelopes are mailed to registered children grades 1st-12th grade. Boxed envelopes are available for children K-3 to K-5. Confirmation: Preparation usually occurs in the seventh and eighth grades. Adults are asked to call the parish office. Godparents/Sponsors must be registered for at least three (3) months prior to being a Godparent/Sponsor and must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. If married, he/she must have been married in the Catholic Church. For details go to blsac.org. Marriage: You must be registered and active (use of envelopes) at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church for at least three months prior to preparing for the sacrament. Couples are asked to meet with the priest and begin formal preparation at least six (6) months before their tentative marriage date. Reconciliation: Confessions are heard each Saturday at 3:30 p.m. (in English) and on Sundays at 1:00 p.m. (in Spanish) or by individual appointment with the priest. Anointing of the Sick: The sacrament is celebrated individually upon request. Saint Teresa of Calcutta Call the parish office to request a sponsor letter. You should call at least two weeks prior to needing the letter. An active parishioner of Blessed Sacrament Church may be entitled to a REDUCED TUITION RATE AT BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC SCHOOL AND/OR BISHOP ENGLAND HIGH SCHOOL. The criteria for “Active Parishioner Status” is as follows: *Weekly participation in worship through attendance at a weekend Mass, evidenced by your weekly envelope in the offertory, *and active involvement in a parish or school ministry, * and participation in Grateful Sacrificial Giving. Hospital & Emergency Calls If you or a family member have been admitted to a hospital, please call the office if you would like to let us know. If you are scheduled to go to the hospital and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior, please call the office to set up an appointment. If you have a SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCY CALL for a priest and the parish office is closed, please call the office (843-556-0801). After hour calls are handled by our answering service, who have been given instructions on how to reach a priest for a Sacramental emergency. They will continue to try and reach someone until they succeed. NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA SOLEMNIDAD DE TODOS LOS SANTOS Misa en Español: Martes, 1 de noviembre, 7:30 pm - Este día con mucha alegría recordamos a todos aquellos hermanos y hermanas que nos han precedido en el camino de la fe y que ahora gozan de la plenitud de la vida con el Padre Celestial y con Jesús resucitado. Animados por el ejemplo de vida y la intercesión de todos los santos caminemos con la esperanza de conseguir nosotros también la santidad. Se le s invita a p articip ar en la DANZA AZTECA Y EN LA REPRESENTACIÓN DE LAS APARICIO NES DE LA VI RGEN DE GUADALUPE Ne ce si t am o s d an z a nte s y ac to re s! Recuerd e que nuestra Virge n de Guad alup e no s be nd ice to dos los d ías, hay que ser muy agrad ecid o s co n ella. No se requiere experie ncia. Si de se as particip ar com unícate co n Mauricio (843)-270-0569 Ensayo s: Vie rnes y sábado s a las 7 p.m. GRUPO DE EMAÚS - Segundo viernes de cada mes a las 7 pm. en el salón de reuniones del Kinder. Contacto: Sra. María Dolores (843) 475 - 3717. SANTO ROSARIO - Primer sábado de mes a las 7p.m. en la iglesia. Contacto: Sra. Victoria: (843) 729-1265. ESTUDIO BÍBLICO - Con el Padre Gabriel, primer viernes del mes a las 7 p.m. Salón de reuniones. _______________________________________________________ QUINCE AÑERA S - La familia de be ser mie m bro activo d e Blessed Sacram e nt y so licitar la Misa so lo co n 5 meses de ante rio rid ad a la fe cha de la ce le bración. La quince añe ra d e be asistir a una p re p aració n. Contacto: Sra. Juanita P ed raza: (843) 813-5823. _______________________________________________________ ¡VENTA DE GARAJE! Aquí en Blessed Sacrament, SÁBADO 5 DE NOVIEMBRE. Si desea participar comuníquese con la oficina parroquial CELEBRACIÓN DE SACRAMENTOS La familia debe estar inscrita y activa en la Parroquia Blessed Sacrament por lo menos con 3 meses de anterioridad a la celebración. Los trámites deben realizarse en la oficina parroquial. Contacto: Patricia Mochizuki (843) 556-0801. Lunes a Jueves en la mañana. BAUTIZOS DE NIÑOS E INFANTES (en español) La familia debe solicitar una planilla y entregarla con todos los documentos necesarios para fijar la fecha. Los bautizos se celebran en grupo una vez al mes (4to sábado) a las 10:00 am. Los niños mayores de 5 años deben asistir a la Educación Religiosa. MATRIMONIO - La pareja debe reunirse con el sacerdote y comenzar el papeleo formal al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha tentativa del matrimonio. Es requerido que la pareja asista a una preparación prematrimonial. C ATEQU ESIS DE A DULTOS La cateque sis para ad ulto s tam bié n p uede ser e n inglé s a travé s d el p ro gram a RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA): Miércoles 6:30 p.m. en el salon de reuniones (Kinder). Contacto Hna. Colie 556-0801. E DUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Reunión de Confirmación Padrinos y Candidatos: miércoles 26 de octubre DE 6 A 7:30PM durante EDGE. Es un requisite obligatorio. LLAMADAS DE HOSPITAL Y EMERGENCIA Si usted o un miembro familiar ha sido admitido a un hospital y desea comunicárnoslo, por favor llame a la oficina. Si usted le gustaría recibir el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos antes de ir al hospital, por favor llámenos a la oficina para hacer la cita. Si usted tiene una EMERGEN CIA SACRAMENTAL y desea llamar al sacerdote llame a la oficina, si la oficina está cerrada, la llamada será recibida por un servicio contestador que seguirá buscando un sacerdote que pueda atender su caso. Por favor abstenerse de colocar flores en la iglesia o en la capilla a menos que usted las haya ordenado. Gracias por su colaboración. OTRAS NOTICIAS A TENCIÓN JÓVENES DE 8.º GRADO: Bishop England High School tendrá las puertas abiertas para para futuros estudiantes y sus padres. Durante esta jornada se distribuirá el formulario de inscripción para la prueba de nivel (Requisito indispensable) que se llevará a cabo el SÁBADO, 7 DE ENERO, 2017. Igualmente se ofrecera el calendario del proceso de inscripción y feria de actividades de 6 a 6:50 p.m. sesiones académicas y tours. Para mayor información: enviar correo electrónico a: [email protected]. SERVICIOS DE PROTECCIÓN AL NIÑO Oficina Diocesana: (843) 261Ͳ0430 Coordinador Diocesano de Ayuda a la Victim a (843) 856Ͳ0748 CHILDREN AND ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REMINDER: Paperwork for those receiving First Communion and Confirmation this school year is due to your child's teacher no later than November 2nd. For First Communion this is the personal information sheet and baptismal certificate, if necessary. For Confirmation, this is the personal information sheet, sponsor information sheet, sponsor eligibility and the baptismal certificate, if necessary. ENVELOPES: All young people remember to hand in your envelope at each Sunday Mass. This is important especially for the two-year preparation for each sacrament. If your child (1st through 12th grades) is NOT receiving envelopes, please call the church office to set them up for envelopes. 843-5560801 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) PROGRAM: Classes take place on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room. The next class will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd. For more information, contact Sr. Colie at 556-0801. REASONS TO STAY UNTIL THE END OF MASS Do you need some motivation to stay a little longer to attend the entire Mass? Do you know some other people who might? Here are some reasons I stay until the end of Mass (besides the fact that I am a nun and it would be scandalous if I ran out right after communion every Sunday): 1. Communion is about communing: When we receive communion, we receive Jesus himself. When we eat and run it is like visiting a friend and the moment he is able to sit down and be present to us we jump up and run out the door yelling, "It was so great to spend time with you, see you next week!" Communion is about communing with our Lord and Savior. In order to commune, we have to actually savor this special time with him and take a few moments to be with our Lord. (by Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble) DIOCESAN STEWARDSHIP CONFERENCE The Office of Stewardship and Mission Advancement is hosting the first DIOCESAN STEWARDSHIP CONFERENCE on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm at the Diocese of Charleston Pastoral Center in Charleston. This free event, featuring renowned guest speakers, will focus on all aspects of true stewardship. Join us to learn more about developing proven stewardship practices in your parish. Space is limited. The deadline for registration is Monday, October 31st. Registration forms may be found at sccatholic.org/office-stewardship-and-mission-advancement or call 843-261-0438. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Sat., Nov. 5 Sun., Nov. 6 3:30pm Confessions (Fr. Joseph) 5pm (Fr. Joseph) 9am (Fr. Joseph) 11am (Fr. Joseph) 1:30pm (Fr. Gabriel) 5pm (Fr. Joseph) *subject to change The Mission of the Blessed Sacrament Church is to form and sustain a Catholic Community in which all are welcomed and provided with the opportunity and the means to know Christ better, to grow in faith and love, and jointly to give witness to the Kingdom of God by their lives. MORE PARISH NEWS AROUND THE DIOCESE THE TRI-COUNTY CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP GROUP will (for the first time in nearly a year) celebrate “Singles Weekend” on Saturday, November 5, 2016. We will meet at the 5:30 pm Vigil Mass at Stella Maris Catholic Church. Dinner and fellowship will follow at Sullivan’s Restaurant on Sullivan’s Island. All Catholic single adults, age 50+, are invited. To RSVP, please contact Mr. J. Shannon Hurley at 843-556-3578 or [email protected]. “But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Let us build faith in our marriages. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are: Nov 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach, NC and Feb 3-5, 2017 in Myrtle Beach, SC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: https://SCMarriageMatters.org or contact us at [email protected] or 803-810-9602. ATTENTION 8TH GRADERS: Bishop England High School will have an OPEN HOUSE for prospective students and their parents on November 2nd. At Open House, registration forms for the required placement test, which will be held Saturday, January 7,2017, will be distributed. Information will be available as to the admissions timeline, and there will be an activities fair from 6:00 to 6:50 pm. Academic sessions and campus tours will also be part of the evening. For more information, email [email protected]. CURSILLO'S FOURTH DAY RETREAT: For all Cursillistas and their friends. "The Family as Church: What does it mean for us today?" November 5, 2016 from 9am to 3pm at the Diocesan Pastoral Center (901 Orange Grove Road). Facilitator is Sister Donna Lareau, OLM. Cost is $25. Register in advance. Contact [email protected]. The 2016 MEMORIAL SERVICES will be held at the various cemeteries in the Charleston area: Holy Cross Cemetery November 6 at 2:30 p.m. (Rev. Kingsley) St. Lawrence Cemetery November 13 at 2:30 p.m. (Rev. Miles) St. Peter's Cemetery November 20 at 2:30 p.m. (Rev. Kulah) SUGGESTION BOX At Blessed Sacrament Parish, we value the opinions and input of our parishioners. The online suggestion box and the suggestion box in the church vestibule is an opportunity to share feedback, praise, input, suggestions or concerns with the parish. On a monthly basis, all submissions will be reviewed by the Pastoral Council for discussion and action. The responses will be publicly shared via the parish bulletin and blsac.org. LAST MONTH THERE WERE NO SUGGESTIONS SUBMITTED. We encourage you to do so. Please include your name and contact information on the suggestion card, so that we can ensure we understand and respond accordingly. Thank you to those who have sent in suggestions! WORKSHOPS/RETREATS RACHEL'S VINEYARD RETREATS support individuals in managing unresolved issues that they struggle with after abortion. The retreat can also bring spiritual healing and strengthening of faith and help the person receive the forgiveness that Jesus extends to all of us. The next retreat is in Greenville, November 4-6, 2016. Please contact Christy (803-554-6088) or Kathy (803-546-6010) or [email protected] for more information. 4th MARIAN EUCHARISTIC CONFERENCE will take place November 4, 2016 beginning at 2:30 pm through November 5, 2016 ending with Mass at 5;40 pm. Hilton Hotel, 45 West Orchard Park Drive, Greenville, S.C. General admission: $65. Youth: $35. A buffet dinner on Friday and a buffet lunch on Saturday are included. The first class relic of St. Padre Pio and St. Faustina will be displayed. CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES Diocesan Office of Child Protection (843) 261-0430 Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator (843) 856-0748 RESPECT LIFE SCRIPTURE READINGS: The Zaccheus story shows our Lord's eagerness to seek out those whom others are tempted to look down on. Zaccheus would have been lost in the crowd because of his small stature, had he not climbed the tree. He was also looked down upon because of his role as chief tax collector. But Jesus sought him out, not only by giving him attention but by dining at his house. Jesus breaks down the false barriers we place between certain kinds of people and others; he goes first to those who are pushed aside by the crowd. The Church, through which Jesus continues to carry out his mission today, does the same thing, and therefore speaks up for those pushed aside by the crowd, especially the smallest of the small, the unborn. Their lives, like ours, are not just the handiwork of God, but a continuous proof of his love. The first reading reminds us that at every moment God is sustaining each one of us with the breath of life. We would fall back into nothingness at once if God did not have his love focused on us in an uninterrupted way. To snuff out a life, therefore, whether of the born or the unborn, is a direct contradiction to God's loving will, which sustains all things in being. On the other hand, we cooperate with the life-giving love of God each time we reach out to those around us who may be unsure about how to handle their pregnancy, and give them the strength to love their unborn child. We do likewise when we strengthen those who care for the vulnerable, the disabled, and the dying. By helping one another grow in love for the weakest in the human family, we and they literally become more like God, for "how could a thing remain unless you willed it, or be preserved, had it not been called forth by you?" (First Reading) (www.priestsforlife.org) MILITARY PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY (POR AQUELLOS EN EL EJERCITO): Sr. Mary Bernard (Vietnam), Charlton L. Butler, Gerard Carisio, Steve Carlier, Brian Cummings, Matthew Cummings, Bill Davis, Aaron Dufficy, Brandon Faia, Melanie Graybill, Joshua Henson, Greg Herrod, Llavar Mack, Krystal Mason, Will McCarthy, Daniel Metts, Stanley Morgan, Michael Morrill, William Murphy, Paul Newbold, Brandon Pepper, Derek Pepper, and James Robert Talmage Pinson. MASS INTENTIONS MASS INTENTIONS (INTENCIONES DE LA MISA): Betty Albenesius, Stephen Albenesius, Ted Albenesius, Hampton M. Beckmann, Henry “Bunt” Beckmann, Dorothy Lee Bazzle Bendt, Robert Bissey, Les Blyth, M/M Thomas R. Cotten, Joseph Walter Cotten, Thomas R. Cotten, Jr., Camellia (Mamie) Figlorelli, Thomas Figlorelli, Roy Fox, Demetrio & Filomena Gonzales, A. Patrick Hiott, Donald Hiott, William Kenneth Johnson, Arthur P. Jones, Rebecca L. Jones, Daniel Kennerty, Sr., Mildred “Tunky” Kennerty, Brenda Kinard, Bud Lipscomb, Mary Doris Magee, Bernard Maginn, Neola Beckmann McAndrews, Caroline D. McDermott, Charles W. McDermott, Clemmie McLaughlin, George Moskos, Sr., Beth Albenesius Mullen, Chuck Parker, Robert Register, "Dee" Beckmann Shacker, Joseph Soffera, Mary Soffera, Frances H. Stoughton, Bobby Tezza, Van Bich Thi (Anniv., Nov. 1), George & Caronell Thomy, Lee & Ella Nora Welcker, Ron L. Welcker, and Lucille Zwingmann. PRAYER REQUESTS FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH (POR LOS ENFERMOS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA): Lane Arnold, Alex Arrieto & Family, Steven Autrey, Prima Bernados, Emma Carothers, John Carothers, Stacy Clingman, Elizabeth Park Coale, Alexis Cooper, Barry Corothers, Patti Currie, Rachel Darling, Terry Davis, Maureen Donegan, Carmen Duc, Martha Fox, Scott Fox, Jim Gallagher, Veronica Garcia, Curtis Gaskins, Matt Hoisington, Catherine Hurley, Paul Jacques, Peggy Joseph, Sally LaTorre, Jim Leard, Genvieve Lemanske, Dolores Leslie, Betsy Long, Beatrice McCulloch, M.H. Mikell, Patty Mikell, Joseph Miller, Barbara Miller, Mary Mitchum, Tobie Mitchum, Miriam Moya, Tim Nagle, Connie Panko, John Pinto, Terri Twomey Quinn, Jacob Richardson, Joel Rivera, Patty Runey, Amanda Shealy, Agnes K. Thompson, Betty White, Frank White, Damian Wofford, Myle Wright, Charlotte Young and Cooper Zeigler. Grateful Generous Giving Offertory Week 44<> Oct. 23, 2016 OPERATING BUDGET: $21,000 OFFERTORY: Operating $ 22,233 Outreach $ 2,082 75 Years & Beyond $ 175 TOTAL: 75 YEARS – YTD $ 24,490 $ 27,179 OFFERTORY PARTICIPATION Oct. 9 /16 Oct. 23 Households 1,391 1,391 Envelopes 592 448 Loose Checks 46 30 On-Line 72 48 …………………………………………………………. 1st Offertory <> Total Year-to-Year Oct. 25, 2015 $ 991,767 Oct. 23, 2016 $ 1,008,821 $+ 17,054 + 1.7% ***************************************** For more information or questions, contact our parish Finance Council: ONLINE GIVING Scan the QR to go to www.blsac.org Henry Wilson Rosie Cochran Joe Bolchoz Danny Condon Tony Daniel Larry Earl 266-5400 571-3511 556-1606 571-6118 556-4241 637-1881 Chairman Secretary ▼ ✁✁✂ ✄ P✄☎✂✆☎✂✝✞ ■✂✟✠ A Full Service Printing Company & Copy Center ❚❖✡✡ ✥❘☛☛ 866-651-2111 Call Messner Publications today to advertise your business here! ❈r❡✚❣❤t♦♥ ✛♦❞❡✜ ✢❡rt✚✜✚t② ❈✣r❡ ❊❢❢✤❝✦✐✈✤✱ ✧❝✐✤★✦✐✩❝ ★❛✦✉✪❛❧ ❢❛✫✐❧✬ ✭❧❛★★✐★✮ ❋✯✰✲✳✴✳✲✵ ✶✷✰✯ ✸ ✹✷✺✰✻✼✽✶❍✹✾▲✾●❨ ◆❆✿❀❁ ❂❃❄❅❯❉ ❇❏ ❑ ◗❙❱❲❳ ❩❬❭❪❫❭❴❴ ❵❜❥❥ ❦♠♣❜qs✇①♣q❜③ ④❥④④❦q♠④ ❵q❜ ⑤❜q✇⑥④ q❜ ❦♠s❦⑦❦s✇⑧⑨④ ☞✌✍✍✎✌✏ ✑✒✓✔✕✖✗✘✕✙✎✍ 16-0085-A 866-651-2111
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