II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL 19:00 NEW SOURCES AND WAYS OF LOOKING Presidente/Chair: Igor Pérez Tostado (UPO) Lario de Oñate, M Carmen, Vázquez Amador, María (Universidad de Cádiz), Irlanda y España a través de la mirada de Richard Twiss Truxes, Thomas (New York University), The Irish Colony at Tenerife (1744): Notes from “The Franciscus Letters” Cológan Soriano, Carlos (Independent), The Irish Merchants of Tenerife and their wine trade with the fledgeling USA Ibáñez Bonillo, Pablo (Universidad Pablo de Olavide), Historia, Literatura y Mito en el Memorial de Bernard O’Brien (1636) CLAUSURA / CLOSING CEREMONY SESIÓN DIGITAL: proyecciones y debate abierto durante toda la duración del congreso / DIGITAL SESSION: Projection and open online discussion during the whole duration of the conference IRLANDA Y EL ATLÁNTICO IBÉRICO Circulación, ejército y cultura material Sevilla, 27 y 28 de octubre de 2016 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYXjgThvbo0RSMTo-JliP2Q Troncarelli, Fabio (Inquisizione e Società-Mnemosyne, Università degli Studi della Tuscia), Guillen Lombardo en Amberes y sus retratos Sierra González, Edwin (Universidad de Puerto Rico, Universidad Pablo de Olavide), Los Power y Puerto Rico: De irlandeses a criollos importados: 1765-1814 Téllez-Alarcia, Diego (Universidad de la Rioja), D. Carlos Connely: un irlandés en Filipinas (1780-94) John O'Halloran (University College Dublin), Mary I & Philip I of Ireland, and their re-establishment of Catholicism and reform in the Irish Church O’Neill, James (University College Cork), Spanish arms in Irish hands: hybrid warfare and Tyrone’s Rebellion, 1593-1603 Organizadores Igor Pérez Tostado (UPO), Enrique García Hernán (CSIC), y Declan M. Downey (UCD, Irlanda) Proyecto Coordinado MINECO 2016-2018, UCM Ref. HAR2015-64574-C2-1-P (IP Óscar Recio Morales) www.irishinspain.es Proyecto Coordinado MINECO 2015–2017, UPO Ref. HAR2014-52414-C2-2-P (IP Igor Pérez Tostado) https://www.upo.es/investiga/limites-violencia Con la colaboración del Consejo Hispano-Irlandés de Estudios Históricos, la Embajada de Irlanda, el CESEDEN y Red Columnaria Secretaría Científica Laura Borragán Fernández y Cristina Bravo Lozano Más información e inscripción https://www.upo.es/ocs/index.php/IRATIB/IAIVCC GOBIERNO DE ESPAÑA MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales U N I V E R S I D A D CCHS S E V I L L A Lugares de celebración ESCUELA DE ESTUDIOS HISPANO-AMERICANOS COREDEX-Columnaria Red de Excelencia sobre la movilidad de las sociedades y las fronteras de los mundos ibéricos (HAR2015-69220-REDT) Colección Historia de España y su proyección internacional http://guillesb64.wix.com/irlanda Cuartel General de la Fuerza Terrestre (Capitanía General) Establecimiento Plaza de España Avda. de Portugal, s/n. 41013 Sevilla Universidad Pablo de Olavide Sala de Juntas 3, Rectorado Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1. 41013, Sevilla 27 de Octubre / 27th October 28 de Octubre / 28th October Capitanía General Sala de Juntas 3, Rectorado, Universidad Pablo de Olavide 09:00 Bienvenida e inauguración / Welcome and inauguration 08:30 DIPLOMACY AND FRONTIER VIOLENCE 09:30 KEYNOTE ADDRESS 10:30 Presidente/Chair: Hugo O’Donnell y Duque de Estrada (Real Academia de la Historia) Canny, Nicholas (Royal Irish Academy, Academia Real de la Historia & National University of Ireland, Galway): Ireland and its connections with England and Spain in 1516 and in 1616: comparison and contrast Café y Té / Coffee and Tea 11:00 THE ARMADA AND ITS SURVIVORS 12:30 Presidente/Chair: Bartolomé Yun Casalilla (UPO) Kelly, Francis (University College Cork), ‘Like Beasts in the Mountains’ Survivors of the Gran Armada in the Gaelic Northwest: Cultural Perceptions and Political Connections Moore, Fionnbarr (National Monuments Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs), La Juliana, one of three 1588 Spanish Armada Shipwrecks at Streedagh, Co. Sligo, Ireland Treacy, John J. (The San Marcos Project), ‘Another ship is cast in at I Brickane and lost, they had both men and munitions from Flanders’; Searching for the São Marcos and her crew Café y Té / Coffee and Tea 13:00 MILITARY ADMINISTRATION AND MARITIME KNOWLEDGE 14:30 Presidente/Chair: Bethany Aram (UPO) García Hernán, Enrique (Real Academia de la Historia & CCHSS, CSIC), Auditores militares en Kinsale Downey, Declan (Real Academia de la Historia & University College Dublin), Admiral Diego de Brochero y Anaya, Prior of Ireland, and aspects of his legacy for the Irish nobility and for the Spanish Navy from 1600-1800 Collins, Edward (University College Dublin), Populating the Carrera de Indias: Irish and other Europeans on 16th century Spanish fleets Almuerzo / Lunch 15:30 IRISH TROOPS IN THE IBERIAN WORLD 17:00 Presidente/Chair: Enrique García Hernán (Real Academia de la Historia & CCHSS, CSIC) Montojo Montojo, Vicente (Real Academia Alfonso X), Irish in Alicante into the War of Succession of Spain (1702-1725) Chauca García, Jorge (Universidad de Málaga), Irlandeses en una América septentrional en construcción: proyectos imperiales y negociaciones locales Café y Té / Coffee and Tea 17:30 MILITARY ENGIENIERING AND SCIENCE 18:30 Presidente/Chair: Alejandro García Montón (UPO) García González, Víctor (Universidad de Málaga), Los ingenieros militares irlandeses en el siglo XVIII White, Michael, Villacañas, Beatriz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Smallpox and inoculation in the Spanish Americas as seen in the works of Dr. Timoteo O’Scanlan (1723-1795) Refrescos / Drinks 19:00 RELIGION AND CONFLICT Presidente/Chair: Cristina Bravo Lozano (UPO) O’Connor, Thomas (Maynooth University), Familiars, Informers and Subjects of Investigation: the Irish and the Spanish Inquisition Bähr, Matthias (TU Dresden), Better Safe than Sacred. Coping with Religious Diversity in the Early Modern Atlantic World Coolahan, Marie-Louise (NUI Galway), English and Irish elements in Spanish martyrology, the religious orders, and the circulation of women’s writings Presidente/Chair: Oscar Recio Morales (UCM) Pérez Tostado, Igor (Universidad Pablo de Olavide), Massacre in Ireland and the Iberian Atlantic in the 17th century, a pattern established? O’Scea, Ciaran (Independent), The mission of the conde de Biraben to Ireland in 1648, and its consequences for his subsequent career at the court of Philip IV Espino López, Antonio (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Irlandeses en la frontera del Pirineo: las guerras de Cataluña, 1652-1700 10:00 Café y Té / Coffee and Tea 10:30 EXILED LIVES Presidente/Chair: Montserrat Cachero Vinuesa (UPO) 11:30 Binasco, Matteo (CUSWA Center, Notre Dame University Rome), " Il conte di Tyrconnel": Roman views of Hugh O'Donnell Maher, Richard K. (Dublin Institute of Technology), Integration, Identification, and Isolation: a comparative study of the respective experiences of two Irish Jacobites in the Court of Philip V Café y Té / Coffee and Tea 12:00 RELIGIOUS LIFE Presidente/Chair: Natalia Maillard Álvarez (UPO) 13:30 Intxaustegi Jauregi, Nere Jone (Universidad de Deusto), Monjas irlandesas exiliadas Knox, Andrea (Northumbria University), ‘Out with the Bad Air, In with the Good’: Irish Dominican and Poor Clare Sisters in Spain and the redesign of Convent interiors Bravo Lozano, Cristina (Universidad Pablo de Olavide), Misioneros y Gentlemen. Lecturas en torno a la librería del colegio de los irlandeses de Salamanca Almuerzo / Lunch 14:30 IRISH IN THE ANDALUSIAN ATLANTIC Presidente/Chair: José Miguel Escribano Páez (UPO) 16:30 Fernández Chaves, Manuel F., Gamero Rojas, Mercedes (Universidad de Sevilla), Una gran familia: los irlandeses en la Andalucía del siglo XVIII Lario Oñate, María del Carmen (Universidad de Cádiz), Irish Women and Marriage in 18th century Cadiz Márquez Carmona, Lourdes (Independent), Historia de los Butler: una familia irlandesa de mercaderes en Cádiz y el Atlántico Ibérico en los siglos XVIII y XIX Millán Fuentes, José María (Independent), Pedro Alonso O'Crouley O'Donnell: genealogía, comercio y coleccionismo Café y Té / Coffee and Tea 17:00 THE BEGINNINGS OF LIBERALISM IN THE IBERIAN ATLANTIC Presidente/Chair: Declan Downey (Real Academia de la Historia & UCD) Brownrigg-Gleeson Martínez, José (Universidad de Salamanca), ‘This part of the world… asleep for 300 years’: the Irish in the United States and the re-imagining of Spanish America (1790s-1810s) Besseghini, Deborah (Università degli Studi di Trieste), Irish agents and British influence on South American Independence. Robert Staples’s commercial networks and the ‘Continental Plan’ of José de San Martín (1810-1822) Bric, Maurice (Royal Irish Academy & University College Dublin), Daniel O'Connell and Spain, 1812-1840 18:30 Refrescos / Drinks (Continúa al dorso)
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