October 15, 2016 - Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes Church and School
7344 Apperson Street, Tujunga CA 91042
Webpage: http://www.ollchurch.us /
- 818.352.3218 - fax 818.352.2738
October 16, 2016
Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Vigil for Sunday
Sunday Spanish
Confessions every Saturday
7:45 am
8:30 am
5:00 pm
7:00, 10:30am
12:30 pm
8:30 am
6:00 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
First Friday of the Month:
after 8:30 Mass—until 11am
Chapel: 11:00 am—5:30pm
8:30 am
2:00 pm
8:00 am
8:00 am
- 1:00 pm
- 5:30 pm
- 12:00 pm
- 12:00 pm
Cast Into the Deep
Sharing in Mission
Fr. Rolly Astudillo
Fr. Rolly Astudillo 818-352-3218 x 103
frrollly 106 @gmail.com
Priest in Residence
Fr. Jiwan Kim
[email protected]
Deacon Couple
Mar & Vivian Enriquez
[email protected]
Deacon Couple
Ignatius & Helen Suh
[email protected]
Front Office
Yolanda Enriquez 818-352-3218 x 100
[email protected]
Parish Bulletin & Events
Martha Peale
(in office Monday & Tuesday)
[email protected]
Accounting Office
Nelle Orsburn
[email protected]
Confirmation Coordinator
Deacon Mar Enriquez 818-352-3218
[email protected]
Religious Ed Coordinator
Flor Zano 818-353-3053
[email protected]
Religious Ed Office Manager
Lona Barone 818-353-3053
Evangelization Coordinator
Nelle Orsburn
[email protected]
Safeguarding the Children
Soñya Marquez
[email protected]
Music Director
Ania Balon 818-224-9363
[email protected]
Wedding Coordinator
Michelle Laforce 818-515-5068
School Principal
Jennifer Reynaga 818-353-1106
[email protected]
School Office Manager
Cathy Ercek 818-353-1106
As I pointed out in the Parish Bulletin on the first
Sunday of this month, the month of October is the month of the
Holy Rosary and of Mission. Hence, this corner for the past two
Sundays of October was dedicated to the Holy Rosary, its historical beginnings and later development to the present form.
Prayer is part of the mission of every person and of the
Universal Church. Hence, the month of October is also dedicated to being in Mission. This thought about mission is given emphasis at the celebration of World Mission Sunday, a day set
aside for the Catholic Church to publicly renew her commitment
to the missionary thrust of the Church that flows from our own
baptism where we were anointed with the Oil of Chrism to share
in the mission of Jesus as Priest, Prophet and King. This common priesthood that we received in baptism enables us to share
in the mission of Christ who is Himself, the High Priest, who
consecrated Himself to the Father and prayed that all will be
united with Him and the Father in prayer, worship and adoration. Our being prophets is a calling to proclaim the truth that
comes from the Lord Jesus and to disclaim the untruth. Our being a king after the Kingship of Jesus is to live a life of service,
not excluding the possibility of giving our lives that others may
Origin of World Mission Sunday
It was in 1926 that Pope Pius XI instituted World Mission Sunday. It is meant to be a day of prayer, animation, celebration and offerings for the Missions. He wanted to engender a
sense of responsibility in people for supporting the Missions
throughout the world. At that time, and even in our times, there
are mission stations in parishes, Apostolic Prelatures, Apostolic
Vicariates and Dioceses all over the world who are in dire need
of our prayers, sacrifices and support. Our prayers, sacrifices
and support reach clinics caring for the sick and dying, orphanages providing a place of safety and shelter, Catholic Schools
that continue to remain open to provide a Catholic identity, fostering the faith of children and youth. It also provides for poor
seminarians who cannot afford the cost of seminary formation to
the priesthood, Religious Brothers and Sisters in formation programs. Furthermore, it makes it possible for local priests, religious and catechists to reach out to communities, families, children and youth and the elderly who are in desperate need, bringing the light of Christ to the darkest of circumstances. All of
these take place in 1,111 mission dioceses, mostly in Africa and
Asia, where the poorest of the poor receive an education, given
health care and nutrition through the service of priests, religious
and lay faithful.
World Mission Sunday 2016
World Mission Sunday is ordinarily celebrated on the
“penultimate” (next-to-last) Sunday of October every year.
However, in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and in many other
Dioceses throughout the world, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on October 16, 2016 since we have five Sundays of October this year. And as we are in the Jubilee Year of Mercy, we
celebrate the mercy of God by extending His loving heart to our
neighbors half a world away, through our prayers, sacrifices and
material offerings.
The World Mission Sunday collection will be sent to
Rome under the Office of the Society for the Propagation of the
Faith who will allot them out to mission territories based on the
level of their needs.
Let’s share what we have for even a small gift can
make a big difference and God will bless a hundredfold whatever prayers, sacrifices and gifts we can give.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings: First Reading – Exodus 17:8-13
Second Reading – 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2
Gospel Reading – Luke 18:1-8
Saints. If that title conjures images of dour folks walking around with radiant gold halos, hands folded in
prayer, oblivious to everything around them except
heavenly ecstasy, then we’ve got a program for you!
Did you ever think that some of the most important
saints in our Church history might be described as
quirky, rebellious or witty? Indeed, some were not even
raised Catholic!
Come and find out for yourself as
Our Lady of Lourdes presents,
hot off the press, Bishop Robert Barron’s newest
series, “The Pivotal Players”
starting on October 18th
Presented in both English and Spanish
“The Pivotal Players” tells the stories of St.
Francis of Assisi, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of
Sienna, Bl. John Henry Newman, G.K. Chesterton and
Michelangelo in beautifully produced videos. You will
then be invited into discussion and have the opportunity
to delve more deeply into not only the reasons these
men and women are determined as pivotal, but how you
can endeavor to be more like them.
“The Pivotal Players” will be presented on
Tuesday morning and Wednesday evenings in English
and on Thursday evenings in Spanish. Stop by the table
outside to find out more about Pivotal Players and to
sign up for this very special series. There is a small
stipend to cover costs of the program, but don’t let money stand in your way of learning about and from these
Catholic Church All-Stars.
Annual Divine Mercy
Sunday October 30th
7:00 am—1:30 pm
Delicious International Menu
Mexican & Filipino delights
Life with God is a one long and continuous conversation. When we cry for help to overcome something
in us or to heal our world or to bear the burdens of life, we
raise our prayers to God because we believe that He will
not fail us in our efforts to grow and to overcome our difficulties. The source of our inspiration not to despair is
Holy Scriptures which, as St. Paul tells us in the second
reading, “is the source of wisdom which, through faith in
Jesus Christ, leads us to salvation.” He continues by telling us that “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful
for teaching, refuting error, for correcting and training in
Christian life.”
For us Catholics, while we find inspiration in
Holy Scriptures, we interpret Holy Scriptures according to
the interpretation of the Church and not from personal and
individual interpretations because it is in the Church and
from the Church’s Apostolic Tradition that Holy Scriptures came to be. When carried out in this way, we will
reap the fruits of teaching, refuting error, correcting and
training in holiness – of which St. Paul writes about in his
letter to Timothy (2nd reading).
We pray with Sacred Scriptures. The first reading
and the gospel show us two examples of people who pray
– Moses, who prays without tiring and the widow in the
parable of Jesus, who asks with determination and perseverance. Both achieve their goals: Moses, in the first reading, was granted salvation for the people of Israel in their
fight against the Amalekites, and the widow in the gospel
was given her rights against her opponent.
We very often say that our prayers are not being
heard. They are heard, says Jesus. A person who kneels
down in prayer rises up with joy and greater strength to
face difficulties; a person who kneels in prayer rises up a
transformed person.
We have to have control of our impatience. Evil
continues to exist along with the good and more often than
not, we want God to intervene immediately. Our hurry
may cause us disasters: it may make us use violence
against conscience and freedom of individuals; it may
make us use short cuts from the cross to the resurrection.
Let us not think that the world can be made perfect in an
instant. If the changes do not come about immediately, we
get discouraged, we lose heart and we begin to say that
nothing will ever change.
God is never silent. While waiting for his answer,
we find strength in prayer and we find ourselves transformed. Prayer is the oil that keeps the human lamp of
faith burning brightly, drawing us closer to God and giving us the strength to face life as it should be faced.
October 16, 2016
Our Lady of Lourdes
Dance the Night Away!
Live Music..
Delicious Food
Dinner Dance
Sponsored by the Hispanic
October 29th
Parish Hall
Adults: $25.00
Children under 12 $7.00
Dinner: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Dance: 8:00 - Midnight
$25.00 per person
Children under 12: $7.00
Hosted by the Lector Ministry
October 15th
After 5pm Mass
October 16th
After all morning Masses
American Red Cross
Sunday October 23, 2016
8:00 am—2:00 pm
Visit a local cemetery and pray the
Rosary for all the souls buried there. If
you can’t visit: Pray the Rosary at home
for your departed ancestors.
Page Four
Saturday October 15th
5:00 pm
Teresa Alvarez †
London Frakes B/Day
Kempis Family—Thanksgiving
Antonio Syjuco †
Inno Villarreal—spiritual needs
Sunday October 16th
7:00 am
Angelina Berstien †
8:30 am
Narcisco Macias Aldama—healing
Matias Gomez †
Socorro Aldama Macias †
Rosario Ramos Villanueva †
Birthday Remembrance
Yesenia Villareal †
10:30 am
Veronica Tecza Brescher †
Fahmi Sheet †
12:30 pm
6:00 pm
Serapio Cacal †
Monday October 17th
7:45 am
Nate Naudet †
Arthur Peeble †
Birhday Remembrance
Jose Quema Jr. †
Tuesday October 18th
7:45 am
Wednesday October 19th
7:45 am
Mark Daniel Micu—
Birthday Blessings
Fr. Paul Scanlon †
Thursday October 13th
7:45 am
Friday October 14th
Know the signs of sex trafficking Young sex trafficking victims could be hiding in plain sight, in youth
groups, schools, and sports teams. Adults should be
aware of signs that could indicate abuse: a teen has
suspicious injuries that can’t be explained, or is afraid
to be away from an older adult “friend” for extended
periods of time. In these cases, taking the time to ask
questions can make a huge difference in allowing a
potential victim to open up or seek help. For a copy of
the VIRTUS® article “Steps to Preventing Teen Sex
Trafficking Part Two,” email [email protected] or call 213-637-7227
October 16, 2016
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Page Six
Page Seven
Our Lady of
Ministerios Hispanos
Acolitos & Ujieres
Rosa Cisneros
Clases PreBautismales
Cecilia Rico
Comunidad Hispana Irma Velasquez
Coro Hispano
Rosalia Maldonado 818-642-9600
Blanca Nava
Alicia Villaseñor
Grupo de Oración
Yolanda Oliva
Andrea Mata
Blanca Nava
Te gusta cantar? ¿Tocas
un instrumento?
Cantamos los domingos en la misa de
8:30 am. También participamos en la Misa
de el Grupo de Oración el segundo viernes de cada mes a las
7:30 pm. Tomamos parte en bodas, bautizos y funerales
Practicamos cada miércoles, de 7-9 pm y el domingo a las
7:00 am.
Si usted está interesado póngase en contacto con Rosalia
Maldonado al 818-642-9606.
Organizado por el Ministerio de Lector
15 de octubre
Después de Misa a las 6:00 pm
Los Santos, trae a nuestra mente imágenes de austeridad, de
gente caminando con aureolas de oro relucientes, sus manos en oración, no se dan cuenta de lo que pasa a su alrededor, solo de éxtasis del cielo, tenemos un gran programa
para ustedes. ¿Usted se imaginó que algunos de los santos
más importantes de la historia de nuestra Iglesia podrían ser
un poco peculiar, rebeldes o ingeniosos? En efecto, algunos no crecieron Católicos.
Venga y véalo por usted mismo, en Nuestra Señora de
Lourdes, recién publicado, una nueva serie del obispo Robert Barron, “Las Figuras Esenciales” comienza el 20 de
Octubre, en español “Las Figuras Esenciales” cuenta la
historia de San Francisco de Asís, Santo Tomás de Aquinas, Santa Caterina de Siena, John Henry Newman, G. K.
Chesterton y Miguel Ángel en unos videos de alta calidad.
Tendrá la oportunidad de compartir y entender las razones
porque estas personas fueron esenciales, y como usted puede ser como ellos.
“Las Figuras Esenciales” será presentado en ingles, los
días martes y miércoles y en español el día jueves de
6:30pm en adelante en el Parish Hall. Par a mayor infor mación pase por la mesa en el patio de hospitalidad y para
registrarse. Hay un costo por el mater ial per o no permita que el dinero le impida aprovechar de esta gran oportunidad y aprender de la vida de estas súper estrellas.
16 de octubre
Después de las Misas de la mañana
Primer Premio
Segundo Premio
Tercer Premio
$ 500
El sorteo de la rifa tendra lugar: 11 de diciembre
Compre sus boletos ($10.00) despues de las mistas los
Conozca las señales de tráfico de sexo
Las víctimas jóvenes del tráfico de sexo pueden estarse escondiendo a simple vista, en grupos de jóvenes, escuelas, y en
equipos de deportes. Los adultos deben estar alerta de estas
señales que pueden indicar abuso: un adolescente que tenga
heridas sospechosas inexplicables, o que le asusta estar lejos
de un “amigo” adulto mayor por largos períodos de tiempo.
En estos casos, tomar el tiempo para hacer preguntas puede
hacer una gran diferencia para permitir que una víctima potencial se abra o busque ayuda. Para una copia del artículo en
VIRTUS® “Steps to Preventing Teen Sex Trafficking Part
Two” (Pasos para prevenir el tráfico de sexo de adolescentes,
parte dos) envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] llame al 213-637-7227.
Sólo necesito a Dios, y perderme en su corazón
Our Lady of Lourdes—513958 03-29-2015
Martha 818-352-3218
Sunday’s Date - August 7, 2016
Special Requests or Comments:
Please place ads as page 8 (Back Page)
of bulletin with pages 1-7 as text.