~~~~~~~~~~~Friday (Viernes)~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~Saturday (Sabado)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~Sunday (Domingo)~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~Oct 25th, 2016 EDITION~~~~~~~~ 07:00am Our Morning Journey (JFT, O) (trailer in the back) 823 East Orangeburg Ave. , Modesto 07:00am Our Morning Journey (JFT, O) (trailer in the back) 823 East Orangeburg Ave. , Modesto 07:30am 10:00am Recovery Through Unity (SP, 1 hr.) (formerly 9th St Fellowship) 1320 L Street , Modesto 10:00am The Young and the Dopeless (O,YPM,3rd Sat SP CH) (Cornerstone Church) 2200 Sunrise Avenue , Modesto 08:00am Nooners Home Group (BS, CH, CW, IP, QA, S, SP, O) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto 10:00am Ya-Snooze Ya-Looze (BS, CH/2nd Saturday only) (SRC Room 111) 1904 Richland Ave , Ceres 11:00am 06:00pm New Beginnings (O,CW,BM 1st Friday) 1468 Lander Avenue, Turlock 07:00pm 06:00pm Friday Night NA Pride & Something (CW, O, 3rd Friday no mtg potluck only) 2400 Coffee Road Suite E park in the back, Modesto Saturday Night Live Birthday Speaker Meeting (Last Sat of the month) 3800 Cornucopia Way , Modesto Los Banos Bushwhackers (Just for Today, O, CH) (The Education Center) 600 W. I St. Ste D , Los Banos 02:00pm 08:00pm Experience The Miracle (OT) (Alano Club) 1660 Herndon Road , Ceres LB Bushwhackers (Los Banos) (CW, O, CH, BD SP mtg/potluck 3rd Friday only) , New Methodist Church 1031 Iowa Ave 08:00pm Sunrise Fellowship (CH, CW, S O, RF, SP/1st Fri ea. mo.) (1st Baptist Church) 500 Buena Vista , Merced 08:00pm 09:00pm 06:30pm 06:30pm 07:00pm 07:00pm 07:00pm LB Bushwhackers (BD, SP, PL, CW, O, CH) (3rd Fri BD speaker/potluck) 1031 Iowa Ave Rm 5 New Methodist Church , Los Banos Grupo Liberación (en Español) 3026 4th Street, Ceres New Beginnings (BS) 1468 Lander Avenue, Turlock 04:00pm Freedom Group (O, CW, CH) 1744 G Street Suite H, Merced Recovery In Action (BM, CH, SP, O) (Orestimba Presbyterian Church) 1107 Kern Street , Newman 04:30pm LB Bushwhackers (CW, CH, CL, Topic Meeting) (Room 5-New Methodist Church) 1031 Iowa Ave , Los Banos Experience Strength and Hope (O, CW, SP) (First Baptist Church) 500 Buena Vista Drive , Merced 06:00pm Another Way (SP, CH) 2400 Coffee Road, Modesto 06:30pm Just For Today (MM, BM/2nd Sun, NV, NC, NS) 901 West Rumble, Modesto 06:30pm Ties That Bind Us (WM, CW) (Sunrise Room) 800 Scenic Drive , Modesto 12:00am Moonlighting With NA (park in the back O/1st&3rd Sat,CL,SP/2nd&4th Sat) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Ste E, Modesto Steps and Traditions (BS) (Davis Park Church) 901 West Rumble Rd., Modesto Living Clean Book Study (BS, CW, IP, PS, O) (Redwood Room) 800 Scenic Dr. , Modesto Freedom Group (O, CW, CH) 1744 G Street Suite H, Merced NA Pride (O, LGBT) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto Oakdale Fellowship (O, BD) (Sierra Foothills Community Church) 1040 W F Street , Oakdale 08:00pm Phoenix Fellowship (CH, S, SP) (Atwater Baptist Church) 2124 First Street , Atwater 08:00pm Waterford Hope & New Beginnings (Annex Bldg) 150 N. Pasadena , Waterford OT, SP/last Fri ea. mo 10:00pm Out of Darkness Comes Light (SP) Redwood Room 800 Scenic Drive, Modesto s RTAD d B U EN A V OLU N TA D ® SVGNA Comite de Servicio del Area P.O. Box 578399 Modesto, CA 95357 08:00pm 08:00pm ta SVGNA o 08:00pm 06:30pm LI B E ci Friday Night Book Study (BS, RL, CW) (Unitarian Universalist Church) 2172 Kiernan Ave. , Modesto io d e Jun vi 07:30pm rar PARA JUNTAS HORARIOS ACTUALIZADOS Llamar a la linia telefonica (209)526-1817 o llame gratis 1.888.942.9922 O visite el sitio de internet: http://www.svgna.org/ r Se 04:00pm Richland Fellowship (CW) (SRC Room 111) 1904 Richland Avenue , Ceres Ho s io D 07:00pm Keeping It Real on the West Side (SP, O) King Kennedy Center 601 S. Martin Luther King Dr., Modesto Saturday Night Live (CH/3rd Sat, BM,SP/Last Sat 7pm) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto Women Stepping Up (CW, NW, SS, WM, CH, SP) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto d Oakdale Fellowship (O, 1hr) (Sierra Foothills Community Church) 1040 West F Street , Oakdale da 06:00pm ie Hope Without Dope (CH, CW, O, JFT 1 hr.) (The Center) 644 W. Main St., , Merced So c 10:00am 05:30pm na Patterson Recovery (QA, SP, 1 hr) ("Host" House) 405 S. 4th Street , Patterson so 10:00am G r u pos Caring and Sharing (O, SP, CH, BM/2nd Sun, *SRC*) (SRC Room C-112) 1904 Richland Ave , Ceres NoonersSnapMeeting (CH, CW, S, O, 1hr, SP) (LAST FRI 90 MIN) New Beginnings Church 1365 E. Alexander Ave. , Merced Pe r 10:00am 12:00pm laus 08:30amSpiritually Fit Men's Group (Meeting held 1st Sun Only, C, MM) (Guayabitos Restaurant) 500 Kansas Ave, Modesto nis Grupo Liberación (O,en Español,1hr.) 3026 4th Street, Ceres V a ll e d e l S e ta 12:00pm Sunday Sunrise (O) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto ~~~~~~~~~Especificaciones de Formato de Juntas~~~~~~~~~ Todas las juntas son de 90 minutos, abierta, prohibido fumar y rampa para silla de ruedas, ecepto que se anuncie lo contrario. Existen areas para fumar asignadas en todas las juntas. BM = Junta de cumpleaños BS = Estudio de libro C = Junta cerrada--adictos solamente CH = Junta de medallas CL = A luz de velas CW = Niños bienvenidos ETN = Reciviendo al recien llegado IP = Folleto de informacion JFT = Solo por hoy LGBT = Lesbiana, homoxesual, bisexual y trasgenero MM = Junta de hombres NC = No niños NCW = Bienvenida a los recien llegados NS = No fumar NV = Junta no tiene valides NW = No acceso de silla de ruedas O = Junta abierta OT = Tema abierto PL = Comida (comunitario) PS = Historia personal QA = Preguntas y respuestas RL = Literatura mixta S = Se permite fumar SBS = Estudio de Libro de Patrocinio SCS = Formato del Sur de Calif SP = Junta de oradores SPT = Tema principios espirituales SS = Estudio de pasos TD = Discucion de temas TM = Junta de tema WM = Junta de mujeres YPM = Junta de gente joven *** = No perros. Perros guias solamente *SRC* = Fumar permitido debajo del tejaban solamente Limite en estacionamiento estrictamente 10 millas por hora Norelacionarse con clients de SRC [Ultima actualizacion reciente de horarios: ] [Oct 23rd 2016] ~~~~~~~~~~Monday (Lunes)~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~Tuesday (Martes)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~Wednesday (Miercoles)~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~Thursday (Jueves)~~~~~~~~~~~ 07:00am Our Morning Journey (JFT, O) (trailer in the back) 823 East Orangeburg Ave. , Modesto 07:00am Our Morning Journey (JFT, O) (trailer in the back) 823 East Orangeburg Ave. , Modesto 07:00am Our Morning Journey (JFT, O) (trailer in the back) 823 East Orangeburg Ave. , Modesto 07:00am Our Morning Journey (JFT, O) (trailer in the back) 823 East Orangeburg Ave. , Modesto 10:00am Recovery Through Unity (BS, JFT, 1 hr) (formerly 9th St Fellowship) 1320 L Street, Modesto 10:00am Patterson Recovery (BM,CH,CW,RL,SP,O,1hr) ("Host" House) 405 S. 4th Street , Patterson 10:00am Recovery Through Unity (QA, 1 hr.) (formerly 9th St Fellowship) 1320 L Street, Modesto 10:00am Recovery Through Unity (BS, 1 hr.) (formerly 9th St Fellowship) 1320 L Street , Modesto Nooners Home Group (BS, CH, CW, IP, QA, S, SP, O) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto 10:00am Recovery Through Unity (BS, 1 hr) (formerly 9th St Fellowship) 1320 L Street, Modesto 12:00pm Nooners Home Group (BS, CH, CW, IP, QA, S, SP, O) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto 12:00pm Nooners Home Group (BS, CH, CW, IP, QA, S, SP, O) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto 12:00pm Nooners Snap Meeting (CH, CW, S, O, 1 hr.) (New Beginnings Church) 1365 E. Alexander Ave. , Merced 12:00pm Nooners Snap Meeting (CH, CW, S, O, 1 hr.) (New Beginnings Church) 1365 E. Alexander Ave. , Merced 12:00pm Nooners Home Group (BS, CH, CW, IP, QA, S, SP, O) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto 12:00pm Nooners Snap Meeting (CH, CW, S, O, 1 hr.) (New Beginnings Church) 1365 E. Alexander Ave. , Merced 12:00pm 05:30pm Hope Without Dope (CH, CW, O, JFT 1 hr.) (The Center) 644 W. Main St., , Merced 12:00pm Nooners Snap Meeting (CH, CW, S, O, 1 hr) (New Beginnings Church) 1365 E. Alexander Ave. , Merced 05:30pm Hope Without Dope (CH, CW, O, JFT 1 hr.) (The Center) 644 W. Main St., , Merced 05:30pm Women Of Hope (WM, C) (Davis Park Church) 901 West Rumble Road , Modesto 06:00pm Grupo Liberación (en Español) 3026 4th Street, Ceres 05:30pm 06:00pm Winton Fellowship (BS) (Lifeline Community Center) 7081 N. Winton Way , Winton Patterson Recovery (O, 1 hr.) ("Host" House) 405 S. 4th Street , Patterson 05:30pm 06:00pm Doing the Deal (C, NV, SP/1st Tues. 1 hr) (I.A.M. Building) 713 16th Street , Modesto Hope Without Dope (CH, CW, O, JFT 1 hr.) (The Center) 644 W. Main St., , Merced 05:30pm 06:00pm Downtown Ceres Group of NA (PS, SP, O, SPT) 1904 Richland Ave. SRC Rm 112, Ceres, Ca. 06:00pm Grupo Liberación (en Español) 3026 4th Street, Ceres Keyes to Freedom (2nd Mon/BM-SP) (SRC) 1904 Richland Ave #112 , Ceres Hope Without Dope (CH, CW, O, JFT 1 hr) (The Center) 644 W. Main St., , Merced 06:00pm 06:00pm Grupo Liberación (C, en Español) 3026 4th Street, Ceres Grupo Liberación (en Español) 3026 4th Street, Ceres 06:00pm Keep Coming Back (SS, 1hr.) (Church of the Brethren) 5101 Yosemite Blvd. , Empire 06:30pm 07:00pm Los Banos Bushwhackers (TM) (Room 5-New Methodist Church) 1031 Iowa Ave , Los Banos 06:00pm Patterson Recovery (QA, SP, 1 hr) ("Host" House) 405 S. 4th Street , Patterson 07:00pm Un dia a la vez (One day at a time) 501 C Street, Waterford 07:00pm 07:00pm Oakdale Fellowship (SP, CH, O) (Sierra Foothills Community Church) 1040 West F Street , Oakdale Los Banos Bushwhackers (JFT) (New Methodist church Rm 5) 1031 Iowa Ave, Los Banos 07:00pm Freedom Group (CW, S, O 1hr) 1744 G Street Suite H, Merced Small Town Big Message (CL, SP, BS, CH/3rd Tues.) (Unitarian Universalist Church) 2172 Kiernan Avenue , Modesto 07:00pm Common Needs (C, CH, CL, NC) (Unitarian Universalist Church) 2172 Kiernan Ave. , Modesto Three Page Group (BS, CH/4th Tues.) (Church of the Brethren) 5101 Yosemite Blvd. , Empire 07:00pm Spiritual Connection (SP, Last Mon CM) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto True Solutions (BS, SP, CH/3rd Tues.) (Turlock Covenant Church) 316 S. Laurel Street , Turlock 07:00pm Bobby J. Memorial Two Stix (O, CW, CH 1 hr) (United Methodist Church) 1934 Marguerite Street , Dos Palos 07:30pm 07:30pm 08:00pm 08:00pm Hour Recovery (NV, 1 hr, CW, SP, O) Redwood Room 800 Scenic, Modesto Tuesday Night Feedback (C, CW, S (out back)) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto 07:00pm 07:00pm 07:00pm 08:00pm 08:00pm 08:00pm 08:00pm Junta de Sub-Comite de Hospitales e Instituciones El ultimo viernes de cada mes 6:30 pm 1525 McHenry Ave. (Denny’s Cafeteria) Modesto “Lleva el mensaje de recuperacion alos adictos inposibilitados en atender una junta de N.A. en nuestra comunidad.” 08:00pm Phoenix Fellowship (S, BS, SP, CH) (Atwater Baptist Church) 2124 First Street , Atwater 08:00pm Sunrise Fellowship (O) (First Baptist Church) 500 Buena Vista , Merced Juntas de Sub-Comite de Actividades Primero y tercer miercoles de cada mes 6:30 pm 612 West Ave. (Calvary Temple Baptist Church) Turlock Juntas de Sub-Comite de Alcance Primero Jueves de cada mes 7:00pm 5529 9th St., Keyes, CA 06:00pm Winton Fellowship (BM - last Thursday, SP 2nd Thursday) (Lifeline Community Center) 7081 N. Winton Way , Winton 06:30pm Los Banos Bushwhackers (BS) (New Methodist church Rm 5) 1031 Iowa Ave , Los Banos Keeping it Real Men's Meeting (MM, SP last Thurs.) (SRC Room 111) 1904 Richland Ave., Ceres 07:00pm Women Do Recover (CW,WM,SP/3rd Wed.) (Bethel 7th Day Adventist Church - Corner of 8th & T) 810 T Street , Merced Los Banos Bushwhackers (BS/It Works How and Why) (Room 5-New Methodist Church) 1031 Iowa Ave , Los Banos 07:00pm Never Alone (C, NC) (Unitarian Universalist Church) 2172 Kiernan Avenue , Modesto Bobby J. Memorial Two Stix (O, BS, CW, CH 1hr) (United Methodist Church) 1934 Marguerite Street , Dos Palos 07:30pm Gateway to Recovery (MM,NC,O,BM/SP Last Wed.) (First Baptist Church) 500 Buena Vista Drive , Merced We Care (See flyer) (Turlock Covenant Church) 316 S. Laurel St. , Turlock 08:00pm Hour Journey (1hr, CL, CW, O, SPT) (Redwood Room) 800 Scenic , Modesto Step Children of NA (SP,SS,CH) (First Baptist Church) 500 Buena Vista Drive , Merced 08:00pm Love and Hugs without Drugs (CH, SP, O) (Church of the Brethren) 5101 Yosemite Blvd. , Empire 08:00pm 08:00pm Surrender to Win (TM, CH SP/Last Wed) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto Junta de Sub-Comite de Informacion Publica / Linea Telefonica Segundo Domingo de cada mes 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm 1904 Richland Ave. Cuarto C112, Ceres Numero para comunicarce: 209. 922.3319 “Ofrece el mensaje a los No Adictos y Profecionales que deseen saber aserca de NA.” Thursday Night Candlelight (C, CL, SP, NC) (park in the back) Coffee House Fellowship Hall 2400 Coffee Road Suite E , Modesto Living the Dream (BM, S, CW, IP,CH) (Redwood Rm 800 Scenic Drive , Modesto Junta de Comite de Servicio del Area Ultimo Domingo de cada mes 12:30 pm 3800 Cornucopia Way Modesto (Harvest Hall en el Centro de Agricultura)
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