1 Natural Gas an and Other Cle ll A r fo Fuels Applications S RE G A S V E H IC L E P ORT ion of rt is a publicat s four ha Vehicles Repo The GVR, Gas unications Group. AltFuels their th mm (wi Co rld els ole wo AltFu rica, t reach the wh magazines tha e versions): GNV Latinoamé lin respective on Asian NGV gust 2016 GVR #175 Au GRANTS t n e m n r e British gov ding for n u f s d r a w a s e s u b l e u f clean IN £30 MILLION e loy biomethan It will help dep les hydrogen vehic Italyltellina project successfully LNG Va on Lombardy regi implemented in and EurololapndeT6.180 Methane Power New H and the UK in Italy, Spain ed st te r, to ac tr 2 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST 3 #175 AUGUST 2016 G A S V E H IC L E S R EP ORT Summar y world, in Europe to the onomy A voice from ec d an y ecolog the service ofReport is a publication of s g The Gas Vehicle oup, publishin un-ica tions Gr m m Co ls ue nizer, which AltF ga or es nc re -confe azines house and fairs om. 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LNG aly in northern It l gas powered ra tu a n ve ti va 10.Inno ess in Europe tractor, a succ d up ial fleets spee 12.Commerc NGVs transition to ws 13.Iberian ne on 20.LNG Secti ortation 22.H2 Transp etable urnalistic Tim o J 6 1 0 2 : R V The G Deadline Edition Month 168 169 January February 1 January 1 February 170 March 1 March 171 April 1 April 172 May 2 May 173 June 174 175 176 177 178 179 July August 1 June 1 July 1 August September September 1 3 October October November November 2 December December 1 Special report : LNG Special Report : NGV Special Report Africa ts and Cylinder marke es gi lo no ch new te NGV The European t ke ar m els World Alternative Fu ce en er nf Fair&Co ine and Official magaz Catalogue NGV Africa omethane Biogas and Bi ution Special distrib t in Sa s ga po at Ex Petersburg NGV Africa nts NGV Compone H2 Vehicles : NGV Special Report a ric Af 4 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST NGV European news Spain The Government of the Community of Madrid will subsidise the conversion of vehicles so they can operate with cheaper and less polluting fuels, such as CNG, through Renove Plans. Each user joining this campaign will receive up to 400 euros: 200 euros transferred directly to the owner of the vehicle and the rest through a discount on the invoice issued by the authorized workshops, on account of these. This is the first time for these kinds of grants, for which the Community has allocated 170,000 for the adaptation of gasoline vehicles to CNG. There is also another batch of money for the conversion of vehicles to LPG. With this initiative, the government aims to reduce urban pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, since its development is very convenient for improving urban air quality, as envisaged in the ‘Strategy for Air Quality of the Community of Madrid.’ United Kingdom Bus passengers will benefit from cleaner, greener journeys thanks to £30 million of government funding confirmed by Transport Minister Andrew Jones. Bus operators and local authorities across England have been awarded a share of the funding to buy low emission buses and other related infrastructure. In total, the 13 successful bidders will be able to add 326 buses – including biomethane, hydrogen, electric and hybrid buses – to their fleets, and install more than £7 million worth of infrastructure. “My message is clear – greener buses are good for passengers and good for British business. Low emission buses have already proved to be a real success across the country. They are cost efficient, good for the environment, and there are wider benefits. We have provided more than £2 billion of funding to greener transport schemes since 2011, and by supporting this technology the government is ensuring the UK is driving innovation and investment up and down the country,” said Transport Minister Andrew Jones. Successful bidders include Birmingham City Council and Transport for London, which has jointly won £2.8 million for 42 state-of-the-art hydrogen fuel cell buses; Merseytravel, in Northwest England, which has received £4.9 million for a total of 72 biomethane, hybrid buses and associated infrastructure; and Nottingham City Transport, which has received £4.4 million for 53 biomethane buses and infrastructure. Low emission buses produce at least 15% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than the average modern diesel bus but they typically cost significantly more. The funding will cover up to 90% of the difference in cost between a new bus and its diesel equivalent, as well as up to 75% of the cost of infrastructure. The 4 Renove Plans approved recently have a grant of 670,000 euros and will generate an induced investment of more than 3,500,000 euros. In 2016 14 Renove Plans have been approved with 3.82 million of funding. France Nantes Métropole (the City of Nantes administrative department) and Semitan (Société d’économie mixte des transports de l’agglomération nantaise – the semipublic company for public transport in Nantes) have placed their trust in Iveco Bus for the renewal of rolling stock in a supply deal that also sets the basis for future acquisitions. The contract for the supply of articulated 4-door Urbanway buses powered by natural gas kicks off with an initial order of 80 units. The flagship vehicle in this range of buses will be delivered at the end of this year, with the 79 additional units to be rolled out progressively until the end of August 2017. As one of the pioneering public transport networks choosing to adopt these systems, Nantes took delivery of the first natural gas-powered bus in 1997. Today, 72% of the Nantes fleet of buses runs on natural gas. A total of 110 and 130 vehicles is expected to be required by Nantes Métropole and Semitan for the period 20162020. The new articulated buses will replace 58 existing versions and 67 standard vehicles as part of the program to renew the fleet and increase the capacity of the Chronobus high-quality service lines. In Nantes, the Chronobus lines facilitate access to the city center and connect its neighborhoods and surrounding towns. Five additional vehicles will be purchased to expand the fleet. Alain Boeswillwald, the Director of Semitan, said: “The offer presented by Iveco Bus stood out for its exceptional technical value, particularly with regard to the brand’s 5 NGV European news answer to our requirements and specifications, in terms of passenger capacity, the ease of maintaining the mechanics and bodywork, and the way in which these vehicles drive and can be integrated into an urban environment. This manufacturer also obtained the maximum score when assessed in accordance with the Time and After-Sales Service criteria”. Finland The European Commission has decided to allocate funding to the Finnish Baltic Connector Oy and the Estonian Elering AS for the construction of the Balticconnector gas pipeline between the two countries. The project will be granted a total of EUR 187.5 million, which will cover 75% of its overall cost of EUR 250 million. The Balticconnector is scheduled to be completed by 2020. The pipeline will enable gas transmission between the natural gas pipeline infrastructures of Finland and Estonia. Currently, Finland imports natural gas to its own network only from Russia. The new transmission capacity is a prerequisite for an effective opening of Finland’s isolated natural gas markets to competition. Balticconnector is a central link in the integration of Finland’s gas network to the EU’s common gas markets. At the same time, investments in the development of the Baltic gas infrastructure enable, for example, gas transmission between the Baltic region and Poland. Thanks to these investments, the Finnish and Estonian markets will also get access to the underground gas storage facilities in Latvia. “This is a historic moment in Finland’s energy policy. Finland’s natural gas markets will finally open up following the diversification of import options. Together with the jointly built LNG terminals, the new pipeline connection will significantly strengthen the security of energy supply,” said Minister of Economic Affairs Olli Rehn. The Balticconnector will be funded from the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The CEF is meant to improve the security of energy supply and to integrate Member States’ energy networks in order to step up business and to enhance competition. The maximum amount of support granted to the Balticconnector reflects the project’s importance for the EU. Russia Russian Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot) has authorized the request of LNGGorskaya LLC on investments into construction of Russia’s first LNG port in Saint-Petersburg. The company plans to put the complex into operation in late 2018 and to start selling LNG in January 2019. “The project being implemented by LNG-Gorskaya on the shore of the Gulf of Finland is targeted at establishment of a highly efficient Russian producer of LNG with its own fleet to ensure supply of LNG to European consumers and bunkering of vessels in the Baltic Sea,” said the company’s statement. The project’s first phase implies the construction of three bunkering tankers with tank capacity of 7,000 cubic meters each and a floating facility for LNG production. This phase also includes the development of on-shore infrastructure at Gorskaya point (pier, loading rack and gas pipeline) as well as creation of several LNG terminals in Finland, Germany and Sweden. LNG will be produced by facilities assembled on three non-self-propelled barges. The plant will be able to annually process 1.968 bln cubic meters of natural gas into 1,260 thou tons of LNG. The three facilities with annual capacity of 656 mln cubic meters each will be put into operation phase by phase. LNG is to be supplied to consumers by bunkering tankers with on-deck LNG storage tanks. The tankers will be deployed for offshore bunkering of vessels in the Gulf of Finland through ship-to-ship operations. 06 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST LNG Valtellina project successfully implemented Maganetti Group’s green commitment continues as it already launches 12 LNG-powered vehicles. Now the goal is to plant 480 trees for every new vehicle registered to cut the environmental impact by LNG propulsion. Moreover, the Group also decided to donate a school bus running on natural gas to the town of Gera Lario. A fter several tests in the streets of the province of Sondrio, in northern Italy, after the launching last April of a fleet of 12 commercial vehicles running on LNG and after the planting of the first 40 of 480 trees planned in total, the project “LNG Valtellina” is still growing. And it grows on several fronts. Maganetti Group, in fact, does not stop and continues the ambitious challenge of promoting a cleaner and more sustainable transport from an environmental point of view and at the same time reliable and evolved with a logistical and technological profile. The initiative provides for the planting of 480 trees, 40 for each LNG vehicle in order to clean the environmental impact -already reduced thanks to Iveco Stralis trucks– in the next five years. After the town of Cino, it was the turn of Livigno. In September, the operation will continue in all those municipalities that have requested it. But the LNG news are many. To seal the profitable collaboration with the town of Gera Lario, where the first LNG refuelling station entirely dedicated to heavy vehicles is under construction and expected to open in September, Maganetti Group and all the promoters of “LNG Valtellina” project have decided to donate a school bus running on natural gas to the town and community of Gera Lario. The new Iveco vehicle will accommodate nearly 30 students. This is a tangible incentive because, in addition to companies, even local governments can, with time, choose LNG-powered vehicles. The mayor of Gera Lario, Vincenzo Del Re, said: “I am very pleased and look forward to the new school bus delivery, which should take place tentatively in January 2017. We should already replace the current bus and this new model, in addition to being environmentally friendly, is also bigger, we have increased from 22 to 28 seats.” It also grows the interest of numerous large corporate groups that have chosen to transport their goods on LNG vehicles. “For this reason we decided to buy another 11 vehicles, more Iveco Stralis, but its latest version. A project is not simple, it is very demanding, but in recent months it brought the company a substantial breath of fresh air and great incentives. We choose this because we believe in our territory and the objective to reconcile its tourism and industrial nature. Not only that, our challenge is protecting the nature of our valley and the health of its inhabitants. The environmental impact and acoustics of these natural gas vehicles is already minimal compared to that of the best diesel vehicle available today,” concluded the managing director of Maganetti Group Matteo Lorenzo De Campo. 07 Cresce il progetto LNG Valtellina Continua l’impegno green del Gruppo Maganetti nel ambito del progetto “LNG Valtellina”: già inaugurati 12 veicoli alimentati a LNG, l’obiettivo è quello di piantare 480 alberi per ogni nuovo veicolo immatricolato, così rendere zero l’impatto ambientale dei mezzi con propulsione a LNG. Ma non basta: il gruppo ha anche deciso di donare al comune di Gera Lario uno scuolabus a metano. D opo l’anteprima nelle piazze di Sondrio, dopo l’inaugurazione, lo scorso 14 aprile, della flotta dei 12 veicoli commerciali funzionanti a gas naturale liquefatto e dopo la messa a dimora dei primi 40 aceri dei 480 alberelli previsti complessivamente, il progetto “Lng Valtellina” cresce ancora. E lo fa su più fronti. Lo storico Gruppo Maganetti, infatti, non si ferma e con lungimiranza prosegue nell’ambiziosa sfida che, con il tempo, ha l’obiettivo di promuovere un trasporto sempre più pulito, sostenibile dal punto di vista ambientale e allo stesso tempo affidabile ed evoluto sotto il profilo logistico e tecnologico. Come è noto, l’iniziativa prevede la piantumazione di 480 alberi, 40 per ogni veicolo Lng al fine di azzerare l’impatto ambientale - già minimo - prodotto, nei prossimi 5 anni, dai veicoli Iveco Stralis. Dopo il comune di Cino è stata la volta di quello di Livigno. A settembre l’operazione proseguirà in tutti quei comuni che ne hanno fatto richiesta. Ma le novità in casa Lng sono tante. Per suggellare il proficuo rapporto di collaborazione con il comune di Gera Lario, dove si stanno ultimando i lavori per la realizzazione della prima stazione di servizio Lng interamente dedicata ai veicoli pesanti (l’inaugurazione è prevista a settembre), gli ideatori e promotori del progetto “Lng Valtellina, logistica sostenibile”, Gruppo Maganetti, hanno deciso di donare al comune e quindi alla comunità di Gera Lario uno scuola bus funzionante a metano. Il nuovo veicolo, firmato Iveco, potrà ospitare 28 alunni più un accompagnatore. Un incentivo concreto perché, oltre alle aziende, anche le amministrazioni locali possano, con il tempo, scegliere veicoli funzionati a Lng. “Sono molto soddisfatto - commenta il sindaco di Gera Lario, Vincenzo Del Re - e attendo con ansia la consegna del nuovo scuola bus che, credo, dovrebbe avvenire indicativamente a gennaio 2017. Dovevamo già sostituire l’attuale pullman - aggiunge - e questo nuovo modello, oltre ad essere amico dell’ambiente, è anche più capiente, siamo, infatti, passati da 22 a 28 posti”. Cresce al contempo anche l’interesse da parte di numerosi grandi gruppi aziendali che hanno scelto di far viaggiare le loro merci a bordo dei veicoli Lng. “Anche per questo motivo - spiega l’amministratore delegato del Gruppo Magneti, Matteo Lorenzo De Campo - abbiamo deciso, proprio in questi giorni, di acquistare altri 11 veicoli, sempre Iveco Stralis, ma nella loro ultimissima e ancora più moderna versione. Un progetto certo non semplice - aggiunge De Campo - che però in questi mesi, seppur molto impegnativi, ha portato in tutta l’azienda una consistente ventata di novità e grandi stimoli. Portiamo avanti questa scelta perché crediamo nel nostro territorio e nell’obiettivo di conciliare sempre di più la sua natura turistica e industriale. Non solo, la nostra sfida ha la finalità di tutelare la natura della nostra valle e la salute dei suoi abitanti. L’incidenza ambientale ed acustica di questi veicoli a metano - conclude De Campo - è già minima rispetto a quella del miglior veicolo a gasolio disponibile oggi”. 08 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST New Holland T6.180 Methane Power tractor, a success in Europe Back from the positive field tests in Italy, Spain and in the UK, the innovative 100% methane powered New Holland prototype tractor has been tested at the La Bellotta farm located near Turin by German customers as well as by the young farmers recently awarded in Brussels. N ew Holland’s second generation T6.180 Methane Power tractor, which is a key element of New Holland Agriculture’s Clean Energy Leader strategy – launched 10 years ago to increase farming efficiency and sustainability – can be powered with 100% methane or biomethane, and has been previewed and tested by some customers at the La Bellotta farm, located near Turin, Italy, which is the first pilot Energy Independent Farm. Among those to experience first hand the operative potentialities and sustainable qualities of the New Holland methane powered prototype tractor were a German customer of the brand, who is the owner of a farm and operator of a biogas plant, and the President of the German association of biogas plants, who has also been a pioneer in biomethane fuelling stations in Germany. They were joined by three young farmers who were recently awarded in Brussels for their innovative and sustainable projects during the Third European Congress of Young Farmers, sponsored by New Holland. Fitted with 9 tanks able to hold approx. 300 litres (52 kg) of natural gas and a 6 cylinder, 179 HP max power engine, the New Holland T6.180 Methane Power tractor was equipped with a ripper. These tests reconfirmed the positive feedback received from testing in Italy, Spain and in the UK, which not only demonstrate its operational capacities but also its qualities in fuel cost savings of 25 to 40% in comparison to diesel, and its sustainability with 80% less polluting emissions if compared to the equivalent diesel model. If biomethane is used, the tractor’s global carbon impact is virtually zero. In Italy the T6 Methane Power was tested with good results by the Maccarese farm near Rome to roll the fields before and after seeding. In Spain, the tractor worked at the grape and olive producer Bodegas Torres, which has been committed to using alternative energies and reducing polluting emissions since 2008. In the United Kingdom, the prototype was tested successfully by Wyke Farms in Somerset, which is one of the country’s biggest Cheddar cheese producers and owner of a biogas plant, and by Worthy Farm, home to the famous Glastonbury music festival. Overall, the tractor has clocked more than 100 hours of operation performing different activities: cultivation, road transport and work with a front loader. Testing of the New Holland T6.180 Methane Power will continue at La Bellotta during July and August. In September the prototype will tour other European markets. 09 Iveco helps European fleets speed up transition to natural gas vehicles Sustainable transport is a key requirement today for many logistics operators and public transit authorities as they come under greater pressure to account for their environmental footprint. With orders at an all-time high, natural gas solutions from CNH Industrial brands Iveco and Iveco Bus have proven successful in helping Europe’s transporters and are steadily making progress worldwide. F rom logistics operators to public transit authorities, the entire mass transport sector has a mandate to make its operations environmentally sustainable. Iveco and Iveco Bus, CNH Industrial’s commercial vehicles and passenger bus brands, have been investing in alternative fuel technologies for more than 30 years combined. Natural gas has been one of their chief areas of concentration and as such, both brands have become a point of reference in the market, recently recording a number of significant European orders. Last year more than 900 natural gas Iveco and Iveco Bus vehicles were delivered to customers. In June, Iveco announced a record order of 250 NGVs to Jacky Perrenot Group, which works internationally across all transport sectors. This exceptional order is for the supply of 200 Stralis NP and LNG tractor units as well as 50 Stralis NP CNG rigid trucks. The recently launched Stralis Natural Power is the first long haul LNG heavy truck and offers an automated gearbox, long haul cab and autonomy of up to 1,500 kilometres. Following this announcement, Iveco Bus further confirmed an order for 80 natural gas buses for the city of Nantes, France from Nantes Métropole and Semitan (the local transport authority). The contract foresees the renewed supply of Urbanway 18-meter buses powered by natural gas, with these first 80 units serving as an initial order. Internationally, Iveco Bus won a record order to supply a fleet of 151 Crealis CNG BRT and Urbanway city buses to Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan in 2014. In Brazil, Iveco’s market-specific Tector CNG truck was used for a years’ worth of test operations with Coca Cola for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The truck was used to collect organic waste generated by fans. This organic waste was later transformed into renewable fuel. Subsequently in 2015, Iveco partnered with the São Paulo Business Union of Transport (SETCESP) and the São Paulo Gas Company (Comgás) to put CNG versions of its Daily light commercial vehicle into operation for São Paulo-based companies. Iveco works closely with Australian industry to help deploy more NGVs Iveco launched earlier this year its New Stralis NP model with great reception among European fleets, and now it wants to see a greater focus on the use of the alternative fuels in Australian market. In Australia Iveco offers CNGpowered variants of selected Daily, Eurocargo and Stralis models, providing strong coverage across the light, medium and heavy duty weight classes from three tons to 44 tons – a number of these vehicles have now worked successfully with local customers for several years. “Natural gas is currently seen as the only viable alternative to diesel as a transport fuel, delivering notable environmental benefits including reduced CO2 and Nitrogen Oxide emissions and virtually no particulate matter. Other benefits include a reduction in operating noise of up to 50% compared to diesel-powered engines – an important factor particularly for night time operation in inner city environments – as well as reduced fuel costs,” said the manufacturer in statement. Through parent company CNH Industrial, Iveco is working closely in Australia with key industry, government and non-government stakeholders to highlight the advantages of conventionally-accessible natural gas. In addition to the many operating benefits of natural gas-powered trucks and buses, there are significant opportunities to address issues relating to Australia’s domestic fuel security framework and as a logical provision in mitigating an increasing dependency on imported fuels. 10 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST Nearly 40,000 natural gas stations worldwide expected by 2026 According to a new report, the total number of CNG and LNG refuelling stations globally is expected to reach almost 39,300 locations by 2026. “Despite the decline in oil prices, stricter emissions and fuel economy regulations mean that natural gas remains a very attractive alternative to gasoline and diesel in many regions,” said Navigant Research. A new report from Navigant Research examines the global market for the deployment of natural gas refuelling infrastructure, including an analysis of key deployment factors, with forecasts segmented by CNG and LNG, through 2026. Since late 2014, the production of crude oil has outpaced demand, triggering a sustained collapse in world oil prices, which have remained mostly below $50 per barrel. As a result, these low prices have put pressure on the market for NGVs and the corresponding refuelling infrastructure. According to a new report, the total number of natural gas refuelling stations globally is expected to reach almost 39,300 locations by 2026. “Despite the decline in oil prices, stricter emissions and fuel economy regulations mean that natural gas remains a very attractive alternative to gasoline and diesel in many regions and vehicle applications where electrification is not a practical alternative,” said Sam Abuelsamid, senior research analyst with Navigant Research. “While slowing growth in China is having an impact on vehicle sales, the number of natural gas refuelling stations globally is still projected to swell at a 4.4% compound annual growth rate during the next decade.” Several market drivers continue to make natural gas an appealing proposition in the next decade, especially for larger trucks and buses, where electrification is not as practical, and gas operation can reduce the costs associated with diesel emissions after-treatment. According to the report, tightening emissions regulations, particularly for diesel engines, are also expected to push fleets toward CNG/LNG conversions, with refuelling infrastructure to follow. e vehícuutloiliszar combustibles d n ió rs e v n o c la para que puedan ta 11 adrid finlaaadnapcia M e d de automotores e se adhiera a es qu d ón o a ci ta eñ id ril n ad u m encionar ove. Cada ad y el resto La Com no aprobó subv nte Planes Ren por la Comunid bier l vehículo el GNV, media El Consejo de Go ente al titular de inantes, como am am ct re nt di co y os id os er os transf ta de estos. menos cost heridos, a cuen 400 euros: 200 a ad s st re ha lle irá ta ib s rc lo r campaña pe ura emitida po uento en la fact mediante desc A I R E GVRIB AMÓN FREIR GAS VEHICLES REPORT IBERIA #03 AUGUST 2016 E a v i t a n r e t l a a l s e l a r u t a n s “El ga s a j a t n e v a t r o p a ” s e e l u a q t l n a e e i r b m a o i d e m y s a c económi de Movilidad de Gas Naturaiol nes CON JOSÉ R ENTREVISTA Soluciones NAM nos dio sus impres El Director de id ente de GAS r en la región, Fenosa y Pres ma actual del gas vehicula stria continúe u sobre el panora para que la ind punto de vista s a v ti c e p rs e p así como las En este sentido, aportó su el combustible en expansión. cómo acelerar la adopción d experto sobre ctores del transporte. en todos los se resenta Guardia Civil pGNV primer auto a enio ia Civil, Ars ral de la Guard ctor El director gene a, recibió de manos del dire es , M sa no de z Fe de al atur Fernán cados de Gas N Especiales de er M de ón ti es de G ntas l gerente de Ve Se Manuel Gil, y de lvo, el primer vehículo a gas. ilizará Ca ut io e on ñol qu SEAT, Ant po policial espa le. er cu er im pr l trata de combustib n este tipo de un vehículo co buses o t u a 0 6 n á r a g Entre y CNG it C ’s n io L N A M l istrará un tota k & Bus sumin s empresas de uc Tr N A M o, Este añ CNG a la AN Lion’s City B). La de 60 buses M Barcelona (TM y T) M (E rid ad M urbanos a GNV transporte de nuevos buses Barcelona 18 de rá se ón adjudicaci público de o de a de transporte para el sistem pital española durante el curs ca la ra pa 42 y de este año. 12 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST “El gas natural es la alternativa real que aporta ventajas económicas y medioambientales” A fines de julio, GVR Iberia entrevistó a José Ramón Freire, Director de Soluciones de Movilidad de Gas Natural Fenosa y Presidente de GASNAM. El directivo nos dio sus impresiones sobre el panorama actual del gas vehicular en la región, así como las perspectivas para que la industria continúe en expansión. En este sentido, aportó su punto de vista experto sobre cómo acelerar la adopción del combustible en todos los sectores del transporte. y camiones de recogida de basura principalmente. La mitad de la flota de autobuses de Madrid y Barcelona se mueve con gas natural, aunque la mayoría de ciudadanos de estas ciudades desconocen que el autobús urbano que coge a diario está propulsado por gas natural. Además, compartió su experiencia sobre los proyectos que Gas Natural Fenosa llevó y lleva a cabo actualmente para promover el uso del GNC y el GNL en la movilidad terrestre y marítima, así como para impulsar iniciativas de desarrollo de infraestructura en el exterior. Si bien el combustible gas natural es totalmente conocido a nivel doméstico e industrial, no lo es en su uso vehicular. Para conseguir un uso más intensivo del gas natural en los vehículos de particulares, es necesario que cada agente de la cadena de valor del gas natural sea prescriptor de sus ventajas y promuevan y difundan sus propias experiencias y los ahorros conseguidos frente a la gasolina, diesel o GLP. 1. El transporte público de muchas ciudades españolas cuenta con una sólida flota de buses a GNC, en tanto también existe un parque automotor importante de camiones pesados –sea de transporte logístico o de servicio municipal- a GNC o GNL. ¿Pero cómo concibe Gas Natural Fenosa un uso más intensivo del gas natural en los automóviles particulares? El gas natural permite diversificar los combustibles tradicionales y es la alternativa real que aporta ventajas económicas y medioambientales frente a estos. Además, cuenta con otra ventaja adicional y es que es de aplicación en todos los segmentos de transporte, desde turismos hasta camiones, incluyendo también el transporte marítimo y ferroviario. No obstante, en la actualidad, el uso del gas natural como combustible vehicular es relativamente reducido y su uso mayoritario se centra en los vehículos pesados, autobuses 2. ¿Qué hace falta para masificar la adopción del GNC en el usuario común? ¿Hay suficientes puntos de repostaje de acceso público? La Administración debe continuar apoyando y favoreciendo la creación de una red de estaciones de servicio de GNV que abastezcan a todo el territorio nacional y europeo mediante ayudas a la construcción de las mismas. También es importante que se otorguen ayudas a la compra de vehículos a GNV o a vehículos transformados, para incentivar el mercado, así como mantener el apoyo fiscal y dar señales de que es así en un plazo temporal aceptable o hasta lograr un mínimo de penetración. A nivel local se deben potenciar medidas que incentiven su uso, como por ejemplo, implementando restricciones al vehículo diesel en ámbitos urbanos a favor de tecnologías alternativas más limpias como es el gas natural. El actual etiquetado de vehículos impulsado por la Dirección General de Tráfico y donde a los vehículos de gas natural se les otorga la etiqueta ECO, contribuirá a fomentar la 13 elección de los usuarios por vehículos de gas natural ya que esta categoría les permitirá tener un tratamiento preferencial, y les permitirá aprovecharse de descuentos en vías de pago, en zonas de aparcamiento de la vía pública y en la posibilidad de seguir utilizando su vehículo en situaciones de contaminación crítica. recomendamos mantener estas ayudas durante el máximo tiempo posible en la medida de lo posible, de manera que el mercado crezca de manera sostenible y no a tirones como sucede ahora. En el momento que haya una masa crítica de vehículos de GNC, la gente demandará el vehículo sin necesidad de ayudas. Las empresas suministradoras de infraestructura deben contribuir al desarrollo de la red de suministro de estaciones de acceso público que permita el repostaje de los vehículos de GNV de forma satisfactoria para los usuarios y asegurar el suministro del combustible a tal precio que se le garantice los ahorros prometidos, a pesar de que eso suponga en las primeras estaciones unos elevados periodos de retorno y unas bajas tasas de rentabilidad. 4. ¿Por qué se dice que la colaboración con la EMT de Madrid y la estación de Sanchinarro ha sido un caso de éxito? ¿Qué particularidades tiene esta estación teniendo en cuenta que alberga una de las flotas de autobuses a GNC más grandes del mundo? Los fabricantes de vehículos deben apostar por incluir modelos de GNV que satisfagan la demanda de los usuarios, tanto en gama como en prestaciones, desarrollando motores de alto rendimiento para garantizar los ahorros frente a los combustibles alternativos. Hay que animar a los fabricantes a fabricar en serie y comercializar esa línea de productos. Los usuarios deben apostar por este combustible y promover y difundir sus propias experiencias y los ahorros conseguidos. El ahorro que ofrece el gas natural frente al gasóleo es del 30% y frente a la gasolina es del 50%. Así, todos juntos trabajando y comprometiéndonos, conseguiremos que el GNV alcance las cuotas de mercado previsto, que hablan de una cuota de mercado del 33% para el 2050. 3. ¿Cómo ha beneficiado el Plan MOVEA del gobierno en el incremento de la cantidad de vehículos a gas en el país? El Plan MOVEA ha dado un gran impulso a las ventas de vehículos nuevos de gas natural, sobretodo en el sector particular. Aportar 3.000€ para la compra de un turismo es un porcentaje muy notable que, unido a otras bonificaciones que podemos dar desde las empresas suministradoras de gas en forma de combustible, ha hecho la opción del GNC más atractiva para el cliente final. Sin embargo, el importe de 2 M€ destinado al GNV para todo el territorio español se ha visto como escaso y los fondos destinados al GNV fueron los primeros en agotarse. Desde Gas Natural Fenosa La colaboración entre Gas Natural Fenosa y la EMT de Madrid es un caso de éxito por la mejora a la calidad del aire que ha aportado a la ciudad de Madrid y a sus ciudadanos. Madrid es hoy una ciudad más limpia gracias a los casi 800 autobuses de gas natural que tiene la EMT, de los cuales cerca de 400 repostan de manera diaria en la estación a un precio más competitivo que el gasóleo. 14 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST cuando se encuentra atracado o en la cercanía del puerto, será el primer ferry español de ruta regular con motor auxiliar de gas natural. En el ámbito español, tenemos convenios con los Puertos de Barcelona, Vigo, A Coruña, Celeiro y El Ferrol, con los cuales llevamos a cabo actuaciones para fomentar la eficiencia energética y el uso racional de la energía tanto en la movilidad marítima y pesquera como en la movilidad terrestre dentro de sus ámbitos. 6. Los proyectos en el sector del gas vehicular de Gas Natural Fenosa han llegado a Francia también. La estación de GNV/GNL de Castets recientemente abrió sus puertas al público. ¿Cuáles son los planes en cuanto a futuros puntos de carga en ese país? Gas Natural Fenosa invirtió más de 6 millones de euros en la construcción de la estación, lo que demuestra la particularidad de la misma. La estación dispone de nueve calles de repostado simultáneo con una capacidad de compresión de más de 20.000 m3/h que puede atender un máximo de 180 autobuses cada hora, igualando así los tiempos de repostado habituales para vehículos diesel. Asimismo, la estación dispone de una zona diferenciada de suministro para otros vehículos externos, donde cada mes repostan más de 1.500 vehículos. 5. ¿Cuáles son los proyectos en los que la empresa participa para fomentar la adopción del GNL como combustible marino? ¿Cuáles son las perspectivas para este sector de la industria teniendo en cuenta la gran cantidad de puertos y el desarrollo acelerado de iniciativas de suministro (“bunkering”) de GNL en varios de ellos? El sector energético está en pleno cambio y se enfrenta a retos medio ambientales cruciales para la sociedad. Gas Natural Fenosa cree firmemente que el desarrollo del GNL en el transporte marítimo contribuirá de manera decisiva en la transformación del sector y facilitará el objetivo de descarbonización que plantea la sociedad. En este sentido nuestro Grupo está desarrollando soluciones logísticas para asegurar el abastecimiento de bunkering de GNL, siempre con un criterio de eficiencia energética y económica, empleando las distintas soluciones tecnológicas existentes en el mercado: terminal-toship, ship-to-ship, o truck-to-ship. Por ello, estamos involucrados en diversos proyectos de la Comisión Europea, tanto para fomentar el gas natural como combustible marítimo y terrestre. Participamos en el CORE LNGas Hive, cuyo objetivo es desarrollar una cadena logística integrada, segura y eficiente para el suministro del GNL como combustible marítimo en la Península Ibérica. Dentro del proyecto, Gas Natural Fenosa participa en la transformación a gas natural de dos Straddle Carriers del Port de Barcelona que actualmente operan con gasóleo. Estamos a punto de finalizar el proyecto CleanPort, poniendo en marcha en el ferry Abel Matutes un motor de gas natural para suministrar la electricidad del barco Castets es la primera estación pública de GNC/GNL en Francia, por lo que Gas Natural Fenosa vuelve a ser pionera en el desarrollo del mercado de gas natural vehicular en otro país europeo, al igual que lo ha sido en España. Esta estación abrió en octubre de 2014, en forma de estación privada, y ha tenido un consumo de 90 toneladas de gas natural al mes. A día de hoy, la previsión es abrir cuatro nuevas estaciones públicas en el próximo año: Poitiers y Burdeos en 2016 y Longueuil Sainte Marie (al norte de París) y Dunkerque en 2017. A estas estaciones hay que sumarle cuatro estaciones de GNL correspondientes al proyecto BESTWay, cuyo objetivo es crear un corredor atlántico España-Francia con 9 estaciones de GNL. Además, seguimos construyendo estaciones privadas que sin duda contribuirán a dar más visibilidad al GNV entre los ciudadanos franceses, de manera que cada vez más empresas y particulares puedan optar por esta alternativa de combustible. 7. ¿Cuál es la situación de España en cuanto a infraestructura? Actualmente España dispone de un total de 107 EESS, de las cuales 65 son privadas y 42 son estaciones públicas de GNV. Del total de las estaciones públicas, 21 suministran exclusivamente gas natural comprimido, 19 suministran tanto gas natural comprimido como gas natural licuado y 2 suministran gas natural licuado. Esta cifra no es desdeñable y es capaz de cubrir hoy por hoy las necesidades de los conductores profesionales, ya que el ahorro les compensa el desplazamiento hasta una EE.SS. de GNV. El reto es ampliar la cobertura para atraer a más vehículos particulares. Vemos que el GNL en España es una realidad ya, con las 19 estaciones operativas y abiertas al público. España es el segundo país de Europa por número de cabezas tractoras con GNL circulando y los transportistas más informados ya están usando el gas natural como herramienta de competitividad de sus empresas. Cuando hablo de GNV, gas natural vehicular, hago referencia tanto al gas natural comprimido como al gas natural líquido. Hasta hace unos años cuando se hablaba de gas natural vehicular nos referíamos al GNC (gas almacenado a una presión de 200 bar en el depósito del vehículo) pero hoy en día, los avances tecnológicos dado entrada a la utilización del gas natural en estado líquido en automoción. En entornos urbanos será más adecuado el uso del GNC y para logísticas de grandes recorridos, entra el juego el GNL, que permite autonomías de hasta 1.000 km con GNL. 15 La Comunidad de Madrid financia la conversión de vehículos a GNV E l Consejo de Gobierno aprobó subvencionar la adaptación de vehículos para que puedan utilizar combustibles menos costosos y contaminantes, como el GNV, mediante sendos Planes Renove. Cada madrileño que se adhiera a esta campaña percibirá hasta 400 euros: 200 transferidos directamente al titular del vehículo por la Comunidad y el resto mediante descuento en la factura emitida por los talleres adheridos, a cuenta de estos. Se trata de la primera vez que se convoca esta línea de subvenciones, para las que la Comunidad ha destinado una partida de 170.000 para la adaptación de vehículos de gasolina a GNV. También hay otra partida para la conversión de vehículos a GLP. Con esta iniciativa, el gobierno apunta a reducir la contaminación urbana y las emisiones de efecto invernadero, siendo su desarrollo muy conveniente para la mejora de la calidad del aire urbano, como se contempla en la ‘Estrategia de Calidad del Aire de la Comunidad de Madrid’. Los 4 Planes Renove aprobados cuentan con una subvención de 670.000 euros y generarán una inversión inducida superior a los 3.500.000 euros. En 2016 se han aprobado 14 Planes Renove con 3,82 millones de financiación. 16 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST La Guardia Civil española presenta su primer vehículo a gas natural E l director general de la Guardia Civil, Arsenio Fernández de Mesa, recibió de manos del director de Gestión de Mercados de Gas Natural Fenosa, Manuel Gil, y del gerente de Ventas Especiales de SEAT, Antonio Calvo, el primer vehículo a GNV. Se trata del primer cuerpo policial español que utilizará un vehículo con este tipo de combustible. El vehículo en pruebas será utilizado por el propio Servicio de Material Móvil y, más tarde, por otras unidades, como la Unidad de Protección y Seguridad (UPROSE) y por el Servicio Fiscal en el Aeropuerto de Barajas, en Madrid. El vehículo entregado, un Seat León TGI fabricado en España, funciona con gasolina o gas natural y cuenta con una autonomía de 420 km con un consumo ponderado de 3,6 kg de GNV a los 100 kilómetros, mientras que en modo gasolina presenta una autonomía adicional de 920 km. La entrega del vehículo es fruto del acuerdo de colaboración suscrito entre la Guardia Civil y Gas Natural Fenosa, el pasado mes de octubre. Entre otras iniciativas, el acuerdo recogía la realización de los estudios para mejorar la eficacia de los edificios e instalaciones de la Dirección General de la Guardia Civil, así como el análisis y mejora medioambiental y de eficiencia del parque de vehículos terrestres y marítimos mediante el uso del gas natural. 60 autobuses MAN Lion’s City CNG para Madrid y Barcelona E ste año, MAN Truck & Bus entregará un total de 60 buses MAN Lion’s City CNG y 27 Lion’s City Hybrid a las empresas de transporte de Madrid (EMT) y Barcelona (TMB). La adjudicación será de 28 nuevos buses urbanos MAN Lion’s City a GNV y MAN Lion’s City Hybrid para el sistema de transporte público de Barcelona, y de otros 59 vehículos de ambas series para Madrid durante el curso de este año. “Estamos muy satisfechos con los resultados que hemos logrado, tanto en Barcelona como en Madrid. En particular, en Barcelona, la TMB nos ha dado esta orden con el 100% de los vehículos que se ofrecimos inicialmente, es decir, vamos a lograr una cuota total de 35,9 % de la nueva oferta. En Madrid, MAN ya está proporcionando el 30% de los nuevos buses urbanos ordenados en 2016 y ahora tiene el mayor número de híbridos en el capital de cualquier empresa”, dijo Manuel Fraile, director del grupo MAN Truck & Bus Iberia. MAN ha apuntalado así claramente su experiencia en el campo de la propulsión de GNV e híbrida. Los 42 autobuses a GNV serán fabricados por Burillo, socio local de MAN en Madrid. La compra de un total de 18 nuevos MAN Lion’s City CNG por la ciudad de Barcelona para complementar los 21 vehículos fabricados por la carrocera española Castrosua, que ya están en funcionamiento en las calles catalanas, demuestra aún más lo atractivo que son los autobuses a gas natural de MAN. Por otra parte, el apoyo continuo de la mecánica de MAN ubicada directamente en las instalaciones de la TMB fue de gran importancia. Este trabajo mantuvo las interrupciones en el servicio a un mínimo. 17 Galp y HAM abrirán nuevo punto de carga de GNV en Barcelona G alp anunció el inicio del trámite de autorización para la instalación y explotación de una estación de gas natural, dispensado en forma comprimida, en la provincia de Barcelona. Este punto de suministro será instalado con la colaboración de HAM. S.A, empresa pionera en el sector del GNV. La estación de servicio Cornellá-Progreso contará con una ubicación de gran valor estratégico, ya que está justo en un punto muy concurrido de la ciudad de Barcelona, muy próximo al estadio Cornellá-El Prat, al centro de negocios WTC Almeda Park y al Hospital de Bellvitge. Asimismo, está muy cerca de la Ronda de Dalt y de la Autopista del Maresme, dos vías con un gran volumen de circulación. Con la inauguración de este surtidor, que estará operativo el próximo otoño boreal, la estación de servicio CornelláProgreso se convertirá en una de las primeras estaciones que dispense GNV en la red propia de la compañía. De este modo, Galp reafirma su apuesta por la instalación de puntos de suministro de combustibles alternativos en sus estaciones de servicio de España. Galp tiene pensado abrir nuevas estaciones de GNV en España durante 2016. Recientemente, anunciaron la próxima apertura de un punto de repostaje en Madrid. Cooperativa valenciana introduce flota de transporte a gas natural C onsum incorporó a su parque logístico nueve camiones a gas. El objetivo de esta iniciativa, puesta en marcha con la colaboración del operador logístico Transnugón, es implementar una línea de transporte ecoeficiente que preste servicio para el reparto a las tiendas, el transporte en origen (desde los proveedores a las plataformas logísticas de la cooperativa) y el transporte entre plataformas, con los vehículos menos contaminantes que existen. La flota de vehículos propulsados a gas se irá incrementando progresivamente. Con la implementación del transporte de mercancías propulsado con gas natural, que procede de una fuente de energía eficiente, se pueden reducir las emisiones de CO2 en un 30%. Consum se suma, de esta manera, a la iniciativa que está llevando a cabo desde hace más de un año su proveedor de agua mineral Manantiales del Portell S.A. ‘Agua de Chóvar’ que creó un ‘corredor ambiental’ con más de 650.000 kilómetros anuales, que cubren estos vehículos menos contaminantes. El incremento del coste por la adquisición de este tipo de camiones se compensará, según Transnugón, con la reducción del consumo y el abaratamiento del combustible. Consum, consciente del impacto medioambiental que genera su actividad, intenta año tras año minimizar sus efectos. Fruto de las buenas prácticas en materia de eficiencia energética, la huella de carbono de la cooperativa fue certificada en 2015 por un auditor externo: concretamente disminuyó un 2,6% en el último ejercicio. 18 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST LNG SECTION First LNG bunkering operation at Port of Rotterdam Largest ethane/ethylene-capable ship serving global market runs on LNG The first of the four Navigator Gas ethane/ ethylene midsize vessels, Navigator Aurora, was delivered at Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai, China, on August 2. With a length of 180 m, the newly-built vessel has a carrying capacity of 37,300 cbm, enabling the vessel to hold up to 20,000 tons of ethane/ethylene, making it the largest ethane/ethylenecapable vessel serving the global market. On 9 August the bunkering of the Ternsund was initiated. It is the first sea-going vessel to bunker LNG in Rotterdam. As a result the brand new product tanker of the Swedish shipping company Terntank receives the first Rotterdam ‘LNG bunkering incentive’; a premium amounting to a discount of 10% on the seaport dues. On Sunday 7, the Ternsund arrived for the first time in Rotterdam to unload naphtha and gas oil at Vopak in the Botlek. Monday afternoon, the ship was shifted to the former home terminal of the ECT terminal at the Willem Alexanderhaven. This is where the bunkering took place. First, the temperature of the fuel tank was ‘cooled down’; from ambient temperature to operating temperature. With the aid of nitrogen, the temperature was reduced from +20 °C to -162 °C in eighteen hours. Then the actual bunkering of Shell LNG started. To this end, trucks drive between the Eemhaven and the Gate terminal (property of Vopak and Gasunie) on the Maasvlakte. The bunkering will be completed on Wednesday 10. The vessel will then continue to Gothenburg. Next year, the Port Authority will welcome a new bunker vessel which Shell will use to supply sea-going vessels with LNG from the water. The Port of Rotterdam Authority strives to turn the port into a major European LNG hub and promotes the transition from fuel oil to the much cleaner LNG as fuel for shipping. By using LNG, inland vessels, coasters, ferries and heavy transport reduce carbon dioxide emissions up to 20% and nitrogen oxide emissions up to 85%. Sulphur and particulate matter emissions are reduced to practically zero. This is an important reason for the Port of Rotterdam Authority to encourage the use of LNG. This state of the art vessel has been chartered for a minimum of 10 years to the European chemical group Borealis for the transport of ethane from the U.S. East Coast to Europe, with commercial operations scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2016. What also makes this vessel special is that her propulsion and electrical systems are designed to use LNG as fuel in addition to the normal heavy fuel and marine gas oil. The main engine is the most fuel efficient 2-stroke engine on the market designed with a high pressure gas injection system. This selection of engine and fuel gas system allow the ship to be extremely fuel efficient both when using normal fuels as well as when using LNG. “We are also very well advanced in the process of adopting the main engines and software to allow the ship to burn Ethane (C2) as a third fuel alternative. This will allow even greater economies for our customers as there is a choice of also using cargo as fuel when carrying ethane. We send our best wishes and thanks to the yard, site team and first crew on board the Navigator Aurora for all their efforts, hard work and diligence upholding our very high standards during construction of this ship,” said Navigator Gas. BMT Nigel Gee will design two new Dutch LNG-powered ferries BMT Nigel Gee (BMT) announced a new project to design two 70m aluminum-hull catamaran RoPax ferries for Rederij Doeksen. BMT will be responsible for concept through to production design. Both vessels, which will be built by Triyard Holdings subsidiary, Strategic Marine in Vung Tau, Vietnam, will serve the Friesland Islands connecting Harlingen, Terschelling and Vlieland in the Netherlands and enter service in April 2018. The vessels are single fuel LNG, with both main engines and generators running off the LNG supply. The vessels will 19 offer significantly lower emissions than conventional steel and diesel powered vessels, with at least a 30% reduction in CO2 and 100% reduction in NOX/SOX. Ed Dudson, Technical Director of BMT Nigel Gee, said: “Winning this project with Strategic Marine from an International Tender process is excellent. This is an incredibly exciting project for us to be working on – to develop these vessels with such low emissions to operate in the Wadensee is a fantastic opportunity. The vessels will be built in aluminum to minimize weight, thereby further reducing emissions. They will be the first passenger vessels to have the new MTU 4000 series gas engine installed. Bow thrusters will be run from stored power, recharged from shore power. At 70m long with a 17m beam, the vessels will also have a very low operating draft of 2.5m to facilitate operating in the Wadensee, an area of particularly shallow water. Manoeuvrability will be excellent with the use of Azimuthing thrusters.” With the capacity to accommodate over 60 cars and 600 passengers, the vessels will be designed to interface with existing port facilities, boast wind generators and solar panels to reinforce its environmentally friendly credentials. Fremantle Ports approves first LNG bunkering operation in Australia In an Australian first, EVOL LNG has been approved by Fremantle Ports to bunker LNG, providing access to the cleaner shipping fuel alternative for LNG-powered marine vessels visiting Fremantle Port. It comes after Woodside announced in April that it had signed a five-year charter contract with Norwegian company Siem Offshore Australia Pty Ltd to deliver Australia’s first LNG-powered marine support vessel next year. Since 2001, EVOL LNG has led the way in the safe handling of LNG in the Australian power generation, industrial and transportation markets. EVOL LNG is managed by Kleenheat, which is part of Wesfarmers Chemicals, Energy & Fertilisers, part of Wesfarmers Limited. The availability of LNG as a bunker fuel, which will be delivered from EVOL LNG’s Kwinana plant, will pave the way for LNG-powered ships to visit the port, and provide 20 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT the option for local ferries and workboats to switch to the lower-cost, lower-emission fuel. It will also see Fremantle Port become part of a growing global LNG bunkering network which includes major ports in Europe, North America, Qatar, Singapore, Japan and Korea as well as more than 40 other ports from around the world which bunker LNG. EVOL LNG’s Business Manager, Nick Rea, said he was confident that global fleet of LNG-fuelled ships would continue to grow, and that EVOL LNG was well placed to support the growth. “Our decision to provide LNG bunkering to the shipping industry is based on a long-term strategy. Over the past decade, we’ve seen the number of LNGfueled ships in operation worldwide increase steadily from a handful to more than 70, with an additional 80 to be built in coming years,” he said. 2016, AUGUST MAN Diesel & Turbo sees significant opportunities arising for gas-fuelled tonnage as concerns about both CO2 and SOx emission increase. Indeed, research indicates that the ME-GI engine delivers significant reductions in CO2, NOx and SOx emissions. Furthermore, the ME-GI engine – in contrast to competing engines – has only a negligible, unburnt gas slip, consequently adding very little to the greenhouse effects of such slips. In addition, the Diesel combustion principle leaves no formaldehyde emissions. Strategic coalition boosts adoption of LNG in marine applications EVOL LNG will supply its customers with LNG at a price that is competitive with low-sulphur marine diesel and will refuel ships at up to 45 tons per hour of LNG, which is comparable to refuelling with traditional bunker fuels. World’s LNG-fuelled first bulker with ME-GI engine under construction Leading marine industry players have formed a coalition, known as SEA/LNG, to accelerate the widespread adoption of LNG as a marine fuel, and help break down the barriers hindering the global development of LNG in marine applications, thereby improving the environmental performance of the shipping industry. After a period of negotiation, Korean shipowner, ILSHIN and HMD (Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd.) have signed a shipbuilding contract for a 50,000 dwt bulk carrier. As a world first for the segment, the vessel will be powered by an MAN B&W 6G50ME-C9.5-GI engine, to be built by HHI-EMD (Hyundai Heavy Industries – Engine & Machinery Division) who will also supply the ME-GI and fuel gas supply system. POSCO, the multinational steel-making company headquartered in Pohang, South Korea, has already agreed to charter the newbuilding upon delivery, and will use the vessel to transport limestone for its operations. POSCO will deliver the LNG fuel tank, which will be made of high-Mn steel as an alternative material to the currently widely used nickel alloy. The ME-GI dual fuel low speed diesel engine represents the culmination of many years of development work. Depending on relative price and availability, as well as environmental considerations, the ME-GI engine gives shipowners and operators the option of using either HFO or gas – predominantly natural gas. The partners in the SEA/LNG coalition include Wärtsilä, Carnival Corporation, DNV-GL, ENGIE, ENN Group, GE Marine, GTT, Lloyds Register, Mitsubishi, NYK Line, Port of Rotterdam, Qatargas, Shell Downstream and Tote. Each member organization commits mutually agreed human resources, data analysis, and knowledge sharing in support of the SEA/LNG initiatives and activities. “This is a strong coalition combining the expertise of major fleet owners, classification societies, port facilities, and energy experts. Wärtsilä contributes its vast experience and know-how in gas driven propulsion systems and the entire gas value chain. By working together, we plan to overcome the challenges and speed the general acceptance of LNG. Having been a pioneer in the use of LNG as a marine fuel, and a developer of major technologies facilitating the adoption of LNG, it is natural that Wärtsilä supports wholeheartedly the aims of the SEA/LNG coalition,” said Timo Koponen, Vice President, Flow & Gas Solutions, Wärtsilä Marine Solutions. The main areas of focus for the coalition include supporting the development of LNG bunkering in major ports, educating stakeholders as to the risks and opportunities in the use of LNG fuel, and developing globally consistent regulations for cleaner shipping fuels. 21 22 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST H2 SECTION Aberdeen reaches UK national milestone for its hydrogen fleet First public hydrogen station at a car manufacturer’s site in Germany Aberdeen City Council has reached the finals of the National Transport Awards for its Hydrogen Strategy and Action Plan. The Action Plan was shortlisted in the Contribution to Sustainable Transport category for the UK-wide awards. The 16th Annual National Transport Awards celebrates transport projects that have shown the judges the tangible results they have achieved, improving the experience for their transport users, and ultimately adding to the successful development of the nation’s transport infrastructure. The Aberdeen City Region Hydrogen Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2025 is designed to secure Aberdeen’s place as a centre of excellence in hydrogen technologies and reinforce its position as an energy city now and in the future. “This is fantastic that the Council has been shortlisted for this prestigious national award and is a testament to the hard work carried out by our staff and private sector partners,” said Aberdeen City Council Leader Jenny Laing. The action plan is an integral part of the city’s broader H2 Aberdeen initiative, with hydrogen technologies offering exciting opportunities to develop and diversify the energy industry, maximizing the capacity and value of renewable energy and giving greater energy security. Aberdeen is initially focusing on transport opportunities and has introduced hydrogen buses, vans, and cars to the city’s roads. The strategy outlines key actions required to ensure Aberdeen remains at the forefront of hydrogen technology. It focuses on promoting hydrogen as a low carbon alternative to fossil fuels across several key objectives, including: increasing H2 vehicle deployments; building an accessible, convenient and safe refueling infrastructure network; increasing production and use of green hydrogen; exploring options for non-transport applications; increasing local supply chain and business development opportunities; expansion and diversification of the energy industry, making use of transferable oil and gas expertise and infrastructure. Hyundai Motor Europe’s headquarters in Offenbach will become home to a hydrogen refueling station operated by Air Liquide this summer. The facility, which is partially funded by Air Liquide and the Clean Energy Partnership, will enable drivers to refill their fuel cell zero-emission vehicles in only three to five minutes thanks to highpressure technology. “With the opening of a new public Air Liquide hydrogen station at our headquarters, Hyundai Motor is once again contributing to the development of hydrogen-powered mobility. We are the first car manufacturer in Germany to have a public refueling station on site, making zeroemission driving with fuel cell cars more accessible to everyone,” said Thomas A. Schmid, Chief Operating Officer of Hyundai Motor Europe. The Air Liquide station will fill the pressure-proof tanks of fuel cell vehicles at a pressure of 700 bars, specified to the latest technology standards and improving the refueling time. The new technology enables fuel tanks to utilize their full capacity and thereby nearly double the driving range of fuel cell cars. The new station’s daily capacity of 200 kg of hydrogen is sufficient to fuel over 30 vehicles a day. “Many cities are increasingly facing problems with emissions. Offenbach is delighted that Hyundai Motor supports counteracting this problem and offers its grounds to Air Liquide for such an environment-friendly project in our city. The new hydrogen station not only demonstrates Hyundai Motor’s commitment to innovation; it also strengthens Offenbach’s status as a city for the future,” said Horst Schneider, Offenbach’s Mayor. Daimler, Linde and Total open new public refuelling hydrogen station The network of hydrogen filling stations in Germany is growing: Daimler, Linde, Total, and the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) jointly hosted the official opening of another hydrogen fuel pump in Ulm. After openings at the Geiselwind motorway service area, at two locations in Berlin, and a station in 23 Fellbach, Baden-Württemberg, the partners have now taken a further step towards a nationwide H2 supply network. To date, 21 hydrogen filling stations have been completed in Germany. They are funded as research and development projects by the German federal government through the National Innovation Program for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP). The existing filling stations already reach some six million people in the metropolitan regions of Berlin, Hamburg, the Rhine/Ruhr, Stuttgart and Munich. Seven stations are located in Baden-Württemberg alone, with five more planned in the region. Total operates the hydrogen pump in Ulm and paid for its construction. Located on the grounds of ZSW on Helmholtzstrasse, it is part of the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP). Klaus Bonhoff, Managing Director of the National Organization for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW), said: “The system – from hydrogen production to refueling, through to the customer’s vehicle – works. This is one of the most important results of the National Innovation Program for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology, which expires in its current form at the end 2016. As part of the Clean Energy Partnership, the federal government has invested more than 110 million euros of funding in testing the technology for its suitability for everyday use since 2008. Now, in a first expansion stage, 50 hydrogen filling stations are being built, jointly funded by government and industry. The filling station in Ulm, whose construction and operation the federal government is funding with close to a million euros, closes the Munich-Stuttgart corridor.” 24 THE GVR GAS VEHICLES REPORT 2016, AUGUST
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