La Casa Adormecida Free Pdf Books The Spanish-language edition of The Napping House. Paperback: 32 pages Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers; 1 edition (September 29, 1995) Language: Spanish ISBN-10: 0152000534 ISBN-13: 978-0152000530 Product Dimensions: 9 x 0.1 x 10 inches Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (22 customer reviews) Best Sellers Rank: #74,323 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #27 in Books > Libros en español > Infantil y juvenil > Asuntos #41 in Books > Libros en español > Entretenimiento > Humor #73 in Books > Libros en español > Infantil y juvenil > Gente y Lugares Age Range: 4 - 7 years Grade Level: Preschool - 3 The language is simple and repeptitive, making this a great book to teach Spanish in Elementary and Middle grades. Illustrations are great. It's also a good book for native speakers practicing reading. I use it as a check-out book for English as a Second Language students, to motivate literacy acquisition. Spanish is our native language and we speak Spanish at home so that our kids learn both Spanish and English. This book is a simple story with rather rich language, my daughter got 3 or 4 words she had never heard before. Besides, my daughter loves the story and the pictures; she likes to look for the mouse and the �pulga� in all of the pages. The language is as beautiful and as rhythmic as the original English (I'm picky about translation.) This book is a big favorite at home. This is a fun book with fantastic illustrations. My boys both enjoy it. I am bilingual (was raised with both languages) and in my opinion, the translation is pretty good (mind you, I have not seen the English version, I base my opinion on grammar and word use). What a funny book! I'm an adult teaching myself Spanish so I like purchasing children's stories as a way to learn. This book was fun and challenging. It will certainly make you smile with it's silly characters and plot. I recently bought this book as I am teaching Spanish to my girls. I am Spanish speaker from Puerto Rico. The story is very funny as well as the illustrations. What really bug me is a mistake on translation for a word that is used thru the whole book. As far as I know, and I checked with my sister who is a Primary School Teacher in Puerto Rico ( Spanish). "Calentita" is not a word, instead the translator should have used "Calientita". It will be good to get the book corrected. My children enjoyed this book and it did not take to long to read. A good bedtime book. Cute story, fun pictures, and above all: good translation! The story in Spanish is just as fun and rhythmic as it is in English The Napping House(we have both in our home). Not a moral-conveying story - just entertaining and enjoyable. Children can take their time finding the different animals on each page and laughing about the multi-critter pile up. :) La casa adormecida Perfume Homemade Ecstasy: Profumo Facile in Casa - Oltre 50 ricette profumi fatti in casa (Italian Edition) La jefa de la casa: Tu guÃÂa esencial para manejar la casa y la familia de hoy (Spanish Edition) Reparemos la Casa: ¿Cómo reparar y mejorar tu casa? (Spanish Edition) La casa del árbol # 22: Guerra revolucionaria en miercoles / Revolutionary War on Wednesday (La Casa Del Arbol / Magic Tree House) (Spanish Edition) El Millonario Automático Dueño de Casa: Cómo acabar rico al comprar la casa de tus sueños (Spanish Edition) Maremoto en Hawái # 28 (La casa del árbol) (Spanish Edition) (La Casa del Arbol) Jabones naturales para hacer en casa/ Make Natural Soap At Home: Con aceite de oliva/ With Olive Oil (Spanish Edition) Cocina en casa con chef James: Ingredientes simples para una cocina extraordinaria (Spanish Edition) Bonsai. Exotico y fascinante (Manuales Jardin En Casa / Manual Garden at Home) (Spanish Edition) Casa Del Sol: Your Guide to Passive Solar House Designs The Masters and the Slaves (Casa-Grande & Senzala): A Study in the Development of Brazilian Civilization La casa de Bernarda Alba (Spanish Edition) Casa Lowcost: Redecora Tu Hogar A Bajo Coste (Spanish Edition) Casa mexicana/ Mexican House: La Arquitectura, El Diseno Y El Estilo De Mexico/ the Architecture, Design, and Style of Mexico (Spanish Edition) La casa: Diseño e interiorismo: La guÃÂa esencial para el diseño del hogar (Spanish Edition) Cómo configurar FotografÃÂa de Iluminación en un Estudio en Casa (Spanish Edition) La casa de Bernarda Alba: Drama de mujeres en los pueblos de España (Spanish Edition) La Casa De Bernarda Alba El Regreso a casa el regreso a Roma: Spanish Rome Sweet Home (Spanish Edition)
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