MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA 6/X/16 RESULTS OF THE LAST AUCTION Four references were auctioned today with the following results: Target range: €3,5 bn - €4,5 bn for the nominal references, and €500 mn - €1000 mn for the inflation-linked reference Jul-2021 Nominal amount bid: Nominal amount allotted: Bid-to-cover ratio: Stop-out rate: Weighted average rate: Previous stop-out rate: €2,413.74 million €1,598.74 million 1.51 0.104% 0.088% 0.163% Oct-2026 Nominal amount bid: Nominal amount allotted: Bid-to-cover ratio: Stop-out rate: Weighted average rate: Previous stop-out rate: €2,822.29 million €1,542.29 million 1.83 1.086% 1.072% 1.138% Jan-2037 Nominal amount bid: Nominal amount allotted: Bid-to-cover ratio: Stop-out rate: Weighted average rate: Previous stop-out rate: €1,293.06 million €902.06 million 1.43 1.783% 1.77% 2.537% Nov-2021 €i Nominal amount bid: Nominal amount allotted: Bid-to-cover ratio: Stop-out rate: Weighted average rate: Previous stop-out rate: €1,459.00 million €752.00 million 1.94 -0.594% -0.62% -0.087% With regard to the regular issuance programme, with today’s auction the gross debt issued reaches €178.2 bn. The gross issuance of medium- and long-term bonds of the regular funding programme stands at €102.3 bn (85.1% of the projected figure of €120.3 bn for 2016). Pº CASTELLANA, 162 28046 MADRID 1 MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD 6/X/16 ULTIMAS SUBASTAS DE BONOS Y OBLIGACIONES / BONOS AND OBLIGACIONES LAST AUCTION RESULTS B 5A O 10A O30VR20,4 O IND 5A CUPON/COUPON 0.75% 1.30% 4.20% 0.30% CODIGO ISIN/ ISIN CODE 128B8 128H5 12932 128D4 FECHA SUB/AUCT. DATE 06-oct-16 06-oct-16 06-oct-16 06-oct-16 NOM.SOLIC./NOM.BID AM. 2,413.74 2,822.29 1,293.06 1,459.00 NOM.ADJ./NOM.ALLOT. AM. 1,598.74 1,542.29 902.06 752.00 PREC.MARG./STOP-OUT PR 103.090 102.020 140.860 104.680 INT.MARG./STOP-OUT RATE 0.104 1.086 1.783 -0.594 PREC.MEDIO/WEIGH AV. PR 103.165 102.152 141.135 104.818 INT.MEDIO/WEIGH AV. RAT 0.088 1.072 1.770 -0.620 ADJ. MARG/ ALLOT. STOP 110.00 250.00 150.00 55.00 1 PR.NO ADJ./1 PR NO ALL 103.080 102.010 140.750 104.670 50.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 VOL 1°PREC/ BID 1ST PR PET.NO.COMP./NO.COMP.BID 0.74 1.27 0.05 EFEC.SOLIC./EFFECT. BID 2,491.87 2,885.04 1,858.55 1,528.33 EFEC.ADJ./EFFEC ALLOT 1,651.31 1,578.56 1,298.51 789.17 RAT.COBERT/BID TO COVER 1.51 1.83 1.43 1.94 ANT.MARG/PREV STOP RATE 0.163 1.138 2.537 -0.087 PRORRATEO/PRO-RATA PERC. ADJ.2ªVUELT/ALLOT.2ROUND MONTANTE FINAL/TOTAL AMOUNT Pº CASTELLANA, 162 28046 MADRID 2
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