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KALEBEGIAK, a title in Basque which is made up of two words (Kale:
street and Begiak: eyes; gaze), is a film which arose within the context of
San Sebastián 2016: European Capital of Culture to promote a path
through the city, a walk around its streets, amongst its people – a journey
to be embarked upon hand-in-hand with 15 filmmakers, divided into 12
fragments which make up the creative portrait of a major city which is
especially apt for film: San Sebastián.
KALEBEGIAK. 12 short films. One movie. 12 looks from the cinema. And
one city –one space– which acts as the common thread. The cinematographic talent which has arisen in San Sebastián over recent decades
serves as a pretext to drive the trip forward.
These 12 stories are narrated by 15 directors, all from different generations
and professional backgrounds, with the single aim of creating a diverse
perspective in which the genres of documentary, animation and fiction
blend. A deliberate quest for a variety of styles – and said variety acts as
the project’s most valuable, significant form of richness.
In addition to bringing together the directors, KALEBEGIAK brings together some of the most well-known names in terms of our region’s cinema; especially in the disciplines which are somewhat less well known by
the audience, such as editing, sound effects, direction of photography and
production. These are cinematographic technicians of renowned prestige whose talent is also celebrated and recognized through this project.
KALEBEGIAK likewise brings all of the aforementioned professionals into
contact with the newer generations. At least 50% of those who participated in each of KALEBEGIAK’s filming sessions were students of the cinema workshops held at the Larrotxene Cultural Center, where the idea
for this full-length film was born. The transfer of knowledge directly from
the film professionals has been a key in this project’s design from its very
start – creating a space in which to guarantee that professional skills and
creativity were passed from generation to generation, ensuring the same
degree of cinematographic expertise for future productions.
KALEBEGIAK is a project that strives to be something more than just a
KALEBEGIAK is a full-length film in which the present and the past unite.
It’s a meeting place for exchange and creative enrichment – a space to
bring people together.
KALEBEGIAK was born in the Larrotxene Cultural Center, an institution
which is dependent upon the Board of Culture of San Sebastián in which,
for the last 27 years, workshops of different types have been held in relationship with the cinema and the audiovisual sector.
The idea arose after San Sebastián was designated as the European Capital of Culture for 2016. From the very start, Michel Gaztambide and Jorge
Gil Munarriz, screenwriters and teachers at the center, realized that this
could be the perfect opportunity for the students at the center to take the
final step in their training by working on professional productions. And
they could do so, additionally, hand-in-hand with first-class film professionals.
That little glimpse of intuition was supported by the fact that San Sebastián is a special place in terms of the cinema. On the one hand, its Film
Festival is one of the most important of the world. On the other hand,
there is evidence that over recent decades cinema has become one of the
most important cultural manifestations of the city and the region. And,
thus, there were enough reasons to formulate and present a project plan
to the Capital of Culture to create a full-length film in which three generations of filmmakers would share involvement: the generation of the
filmmakers who appeared in the 80s and 90; those who appeared around
the Kimuak short films; and the future generation – selected for the project through a public selection process open to all citizens.
Once the project was off the ground with the help of Moriarti Produkzioak
and San Sebastián 2016, it was easy to involve first-class directors. Some
of them were of renowned national and international prestige, while
others were currently seeing their careers on the rise. This full involvement and support of the idea, as well as the response to the public call for
participants (with more than 80 project proposals being received), served
as the basis to ensure the necessary quality in a project of this magnitude.
As is almost always the case, everything came out of an idea that was
apparently absurd. In the end, it was the generosity and commitment of
the professionals, along with the energy and ability shown by the novice
participants, that made this film possible.
Thanks to all those involved for their commitment. Without you, embarking upon this journey would never have been possible.
Imanol Uribe, Julio Medem, Gracia Querejeta and Daniel Calparsoro –
the four “veterans” of the project, are essential names in terms of Spanish
Appearing in the 80s and 90s, decades which were filled with such turmoil
on a social and creative level, the four professionals have developed very
well-respected career paths since then.
In many cases, San Sebastián was, likewise, the scene where their first
stories took place – where they laid the first stones of their artistic careers.
Thus, additionally, these professionals helped to establish a “New Basque
Cinema” which was synonymous to modernity risk, and commitment.
The three aforementioned characteristics are directly related with our legacy; in addition to being related with one of the most famous forefathers
of cinematographic creation in the city: Elías Querejeta. The presence of
his daughter Gracia in this project acted as a special tribute to the unforgettable figure who was her father, in addition to recognizing her own
artistic path.
The participation of these four filmmakers in KALEBEGIAK gives honor
to the project and provides it with a label of quality that is recognizable
for all viewers.
1. Gracia Querejeta
2. Imanol Uribe
3. Julio Medem
4. Daniel Calparsoro
The followers of the previous generation, who appeared under Kimuak (the
Basque short film distribution platform) are Asier Altuna, Telmo Esnal,
Luiso Berdejo, Koldo Almandoz, Isabel Herguera, Izibene Oñederra and
Borja Cobeaga – individuals who were the natural successors of the foregoing in terms of Basque cinema.
Being quite diverse in terms of the fact that their work ranges from animation to documentary cinema and fiction, likewise varied in terms of the
styles and language used, these are filmmakers of the future who are also
grounded in the present. The majority of them have already gone to the
most demanding competitions of the world with their films, and many are
unforgettable names in terms of the more commercial cinema.
All of them, nonetheless, ensure a rich, stimulating future for our film making tradition.
1. Asier Altuna
2. Koldo Almandoz
3. Luis Berdejo
4. I sabel Herguera
Izibene Oñederra
5. Borja Cobeaga
6. Telmo Esnal
KALEBEGIAK’s aim was always to pass the gauntlet to a new generation of
technicians and filmmakers.
It is not usually easy to take that first step into the world of professional
cinema, especially for directors, and KALEBEGIAK was conceptualized to
act as a type of “introduction” for future filmmakers.
There were more than 80 project proposals presented to the public selection
process that was held, of which those by María Elorza and Maider Fernández, Ekain Irigoien, and Inko Martín (screenwriter) and Iñaki Camacho
(director) were selected.
The trust we placed in these novice filmmakers has been returned to us
twofold with the creation of three short films which are of utmost quality
and which allow us to foresee a future that is, at the very least, as rich as the
1. María Elorza
Maider Fernández
2. Ekain Irigoien
3. Iñaki Camacho
Marta Etura
El hombre de las mil caras (2016)
Lo imposible (2012)
Celda 211 (2009)
Azuloscurocasinegro (2006)
Frío sol de invierno (2004)
Barbara Goenaga
Gernika (2016)
Pikadero (2015)
Izarren argia (2010)
Un poco de chocolate (2008)
Los cronocrímenes (2007)
Oviedo Express (2007)
Miren Ibarguren
¿Estás ahí? (2011)
Una hora más en Canarias (2010)
Las trece rosas (2007)
Aída (Tv)
Anclados (Tv)
Kandido Uranga
Amama (2015)
Baztan (2012)
Bi anai (2011)
La buena nueva (2008)
Silencio roto (2001)
Vacas (1992)
Ramon Agirre
Julieta (2016)
La herida (2013)
Amour (2012)
Aupa Etxebeste (2005)
El día de la bestia (1995)
Ander eta Yul (1988)
Amama (2015)
Loreak (2014)
Negociador (2014)
Urteberri on, amona! (2011)
Nagore Aranburu
El secreto de Puente Viejo (Tv)
Goenkale (Tv)
Doctor Mateo (Tv)
Xabier Perurena
Josune Lasa
Izarren argia (2010)
La buena nueva (2008)
Backwoods, bosque de sombras (2006)
Secretos del corazón (1997)
La madre muerta (1993)
Flavio Labiano
Kalo Berridi
Caza al asesino (2015)
Exodus: dioses y reyes (2014)
Indiana Jones y el reino de la calavera de cristal
Ocho apellidos vascos
Camarón (2005)
Plenilunio (1999)
Airbag (1997)
La ardilla roja (1993)
Perdita Durango (1997)
El día de la bestia (1995)
Raúl López
Satur Idarreta
Lasa y Zabala (2014)
Loreak (2014)
Urteberri on, amona! (2011)
Nagore (2010)
80 egunean (2010)
Lucio (2007)
Tenemos que hablar (2016)
Primos (2011)
Los amantes del Círculo Polar (1998)
A ciegas (1997)
La madre muerta (1993)
Aitor Mantxola
Gorka Gómez Andreu
Lasa eta Zabala (2014)
Bypass (2012)
Bon appetit (2010)
Lisboa (1999)
Alas de mariposa (1991)
The night watchman. La mina (2016)
Moira (2015)
Chaika (2012)
Ori (2009)
Javi P3z
Urteberri on, amona! (2011)
Cosmos (2007)
Aupa Etxebeste (2005)
Iñaki Díez
Loreak (2014)
Caníbal (2013)
Yo, también (2009)
Te doy mis ojos (2003)
Pascal Gaigne
Loreak (2014)
Lasa y Zabala (2014)
Siete mesas de billar francés (2007)
El sol del membrillo (1992)
Karmele Soler
Exodus: Dioses y reyes
Combustion (2013)
La piel que habito (2011)
Hable con ella (2002)
Angel Illarramendi
Javi Agirre
Acantilado (2016)
Amama (2015)
Loreak (2014)
80 egunean (2010)
Aupa Etxebeste! (2005)
Acantilado (2016)
Los Borgia (2006)
Héctor (2004)
El hijo de la novia (2001)
Yoyes (2000)
Fishing Boat
In the middle of summer in San Sebastián, Mikel and Jon (13 years old)
try to build a boat out of the kennel that belonged to Beltza, a dog that
was Ainhoa´s but has since gone missing. The boat has to be good for
the pirate boarding, perhaps, also for them to flee their homes together.
Everything seems to be going well until Gorka and his motor scooter get
into the way of the three’s plans. Ainhoa will then have to decide if she
stays true to her friends or succumbs to the charms of the boy with the
Los Angeles Observer
Dante is a young emigrant from San Sebastián (Mexico) who lives in Los
Angeles. One night, he breaks into the house of Jose Mari, an old emigrant from San Sebastián (Spain), to rob it.
A story about the “self-esteem” of our city.
A strong storm is pounding the city. Despite the fact that the authorities
are not allowing boats to leave the port, an old fisherman decides to set
The traditional regatta of San Sebastian is held in September against the
unparalleled backdrop of the Bay of La Concha. Without a doubt, it’s one
of the most important days of the year.
Many victims of terrorism and violence understand that sharing their testimony with the younger generations is a fundamental way to keep the
pain and suffering from returning to the bosom of Basque society. In this
case, it is Bárbara Dührkop who is offering her testimony.
The Black Box
A moving truck is heading towards the Igueldo Lighthouse, where a woman with a dark-colored dog lives. Inside the charged environment that
is the lighthouse’s interior, the woman will become the protagonist of the
strangest of hallucinations.
The blind spot
It’s just another day for Haizea. The same schedule, the same routine, even
the same people in her path. But, there a details that go unseen to her eyes.
They are the details that happen in the blind spot.
The House of Cold
San Sebastián. The year is 2016. Every day, Omar drives towards the city
shelter known as “The House of Cold.” There, he shares four walls and a
few beds with around thirty individuals – people who have been deprived
of their most basic, fundamental social rights.
The Girl of the Light
One day we saw you amongst the crowd. It was
night. Then, you disappeared. Now we are looking for you. At night. When the world twinkles.
2- Los Angeles Observer
Dante es un joven emigrante de San Sebastián
(México) que vive en Los Angeles. Una noche
entra a robar a casa de Jose Mari, un viejo emigrante de San Sebastián (España).
3- La Casa del Frío
Donostia / San Sebastián. Año 2016. Omar
conduce todos los días hacia el albergue municipal conocido como La Casa del Frío. Allí comparte cuatro paredes y unas cuantas camas con
una treintena de usuarios. Personas privadas de
los derechos sociales más básicos y elementales.
The Royal Whale
San Sebastián, 1902. The Queen Maria Christina likes to take maritime
rides in a fishing boat. One day, the captain tells her that a whale has been
spotted near the coast. The Queen insists on going anyway: she has never
seen a whale.
Seated on her seat at the stern, the widow of Alfonso XII has before her
eight rowers, a harpooner and a child who can’t stop looking at her dress.
Below the water, the whale is lurking.
The Shortcut
An ambulance driver gets a second chance after a deadly error that put her
job in danger. This time, the cooler must arrive on time.