ST. JOACHIM CHURCH Corner of 4th & I Street RECTORY: 401 West 5th Street, Madera, CA 93637 559-673-3290 FAX: 559-673-6471 e-mail: [email protected] Fr. John Warburton, O.S.J., Pastor Fr. Shaji Athipozhi, O.S.J., Parochial Vicar Fr. James Catalano, O.S.J., Parochial Vicar Fr. Gustavo López, O.S.J., Parochial Vicar Deacon Steve Taylor Saturday: Vigil of Sunday: Sunday: Weekdays: Confessions: Holy Day Vigil: Holy Days: Baptisms: Weddings: Funerals: MASS SCHEDULE English: 8:00 AM English: 5:00 PM; Español: 6:30 PM English: 6:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM & 5:30 PM Español: 8:00 AM, 12:30 PM , 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM English: 7:00 & 8:00 AM (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) Español: 8:00 AM (Martes y Jueves) Español: 7:00 PM (Miércoles) Wednesdays 6:00 PM, Saturdays: 9:00 - 11:00 AM English: Vigil 5:30 PM, Español: 7:00 PM English:12:15 PM, 5:30 PM, Español: 7:00 PM Sunday 2:00 PM, (Register: two weeks before Baptism) Arrangements six months in advance. Arrangements 479-8231 ST. ANNE CHAPEL 36483 Road 606, Raymond, CA 93653 WWW.STANNESCHAPEL.ORG Holy Days: Vigil 4 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM (Confessions 30 mins. before Mass) Communion Service: Tuesday and Friday 9:00 AM October 9, 2016 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time If we have died with Christ Jesus we shall also live with him; if we persevere we shall also reign with him. — 2 Timothy 2:11-12a Volume 50 Number 41 MASS INTENTIONS October 10 - 16, 2016 Mon 7:00 Eugene Newman - Family 8:00 Cristina Rocha - Daughter Ruth Tue 7:00 Eugene Newman - Molina Family 8:00 Eduardo Perez - Familia 5:00 Herminio Antonio De Jesus Vasquez (1st. Anniv. Death) Wed 7:00 Daniel Perez - Wife & Children 8:00 Roman Villa - Villa Family 7:00 Jorge Gomez Jr. - Sandra Rabadan Thu 7:00 Joseph & Freda Cappelluti - Maurice Cappelluti 8:00 Maria Alcala - Frances & Paula Fri 7:00 Louisa Barsotti - Jim Barsotti Family 8:00 Gilbert Hernandez - Family Rios 5:00 Ricardo & Ortencia Hernandez (25th Wedding Anniv.) Sat 8:00 Espain Family - Rodriguez Family 11:00 Wedding - Joel Eufracio & Griselda Arias 12:00 Quinceañera 1:00 Rigoberto & Maria Elena Pulido (50th Wedd. Anniv.) 2:00 Christian Pineda (1st Anniv. of Death) 3:00 Wedding -Jaime Cardenas & Delia Ruelas 5:00 Gloria Trevino Hernandez - Family 6:30 Margarito & Maria de Jesus Reyes - Familia Zaragoza Reyes Sun 6:30 Frank, Flora, Dona Lee & Leo - Mark & Suenell 8:00 Jose Cuevas - Familia 9:00 Howard L. Brown - Doris M. Brown 9:30 Ignacio Rey - Emilio & Margaret Flores 11:00 For the People of the Parish 12:30 Jose Luis Maciel - Familia 4:00 Jose Cuevas - Familia 5:30 Kacharie Saenz - Family 7:00 Cesar Gonzales - Sus Amigos PRAY FOR THOSE WHO RECENTLY DIED May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace: Jesús Cabrera, Rolando R. Meza, Diego Lopez, Louise Weakland VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Holy Family Table is in need of volunteers to help serve in the mornings. If you have a couple of free mornings during the month and would like to help please call Art Salazar at 474-2253. October 12, Columbus Day. The Rectory office will be open. • St. Anne Chapel Cookie Sunday next Sunday following Mass PASTOR’S CORNER A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT (Part 4). “One thing is needful. Mary has chosen the better portion and it shall not be taken from her.” (Lk.10:42). In light of Jesus’ promise to each and every disciple in Rev. 3:20, “If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and dine with you and you with me,” We can think of this “better portion,” this prayer of the heart, this sufficient, daily, quiet, personal prayer time, as, HAVING SUPPER WITH JESUS. If you choose this “better portion,” it is needful that you prioritize a minimum 20-minute period for at least a three course supper. Here are three practical steps for a heart to heart supper-conversation with Jesus. ONE, begin with dessert. Focus on the awesomely positive and eternal blessings of creation, life and redemption. Focus also on the particular blessings that have occurred in your life in the last 24 hours. Let your heart rise in gratitude and praise to the One who infinitely loves you and who is calling you and enabling you to reach a destiny of eternal communion and joy in His Kingdom. TWO, Confide in Jesus your difficulties, problems, struggles, needs and questions. Then pray, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening,” and listen for at least 5 minutes to what He wants to tell you. He promises, “Keep asking and the answer will be given” (Mt. 7:7). If you listen, you can receive the best counsel in the universe directly from the Good Shepherd who says, “My sheep hear my voice and they follow me” (Jn.10:3-4). THREE, as the Father and Jesus pour the Holy Spirit of their merciful love into your heart (Rm.5:5) let it overflow as you pray with great compassion for others. Pray for your family, the poor, the needy, the sick, the Church, all your fellow human beings on the face of the earth and in purgatory. Nourished and strengthened by this better portion, have a good day, staying in loving communion with God and loving your neighbor as Jesus loves you Blessings, Fr. John RACHEL’S VINEYARD Post-abortion Healing upcoming retreat in Fresno: November 11-13 (English). Call Jennifer @ (877) 629-6626. ST. JOACHIM VEHICLE DONATION PROGRAM An easy and convenient way to donate an unwanted vehicle. Need not run! No smog required. Free DMV paperwork! Tax benefits may apply. Call 1-888-5124483. A Catholic workshop on marriage, sexuality and natural and responsible parenthood. The Saturday - Sunday daytime workshop, held in Holy Spouses Hall, is for married and engaged couples, as well as interested individuals. Donation: $20 per person or $30 per couple. Applications are available at the parish office. Registration is required by Monday, October 12. Fee doubles for late registrations. HOLY RELICS In anticipation of the upcoming Solemnity of All Saints, you are invited to attend a presentation on the ancient Church tradition of venerating holy relics. A collection of approximately 80 holy relics will be on display including a fragment of the True Cross, a piece of the veil of Our Blessed Mother and St. Jospeh's mantle, bone fragments of the Apostles (Peter, Paul, John), martyrs (John the Baptist, Stephen the Protomartyr, Aurelius), and other saints (Ann, Thérèse of the Child Jesus), including a piece of Pope Saint John Paul's white cassock. Don't miss this opportunity. Sunday, October 30, 2:30 PM, Room 42 (behind Marello Bookstore). THE SERRA CLUB OF FRESNO Msgr. Laserian Byne Chapter Invites you to paly in The Bishop John T. Steinbock Memorial Golf Tournament On Monday, October 24th @ 12:00 noon Donation of $150 per Golfer Dinner 6:00 pm Please sign up before October 20. Contacts: Bob: (559) 240-9644 Tom: (559) 432-0399 COAT DRIVE We will be collecting new and semi used coats, jackets, sweaters, and blankets for all sizes in men, women, and children from October 6 November 18. All proceeds will go to those in need of warm attire this winter. We will also be collecting coat hangers and plastic bags for clothes. Quarter donations will also be greatly accepted which will be used when we wash the clothes. For more information please contact the Youth Ministry office @ 674-9069 or 474-0320. LIFE GIVING LOVE - October 15-16 WHITE MASS FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS Friday, October 14, 2016 @ 12:10 pm, St. John’s Cathedral in Fresno. For more information please contact 488-7440. ORDINATION Most Reverend Armando X. Ochoa, D.D, Bishop of the Diocese of Fresno, announces the ordination of 12 men to the Order of Deacon, including Mr. Alan Shearer of St. Joachim Parish, Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 10:00 AM St. Anthony of Padua Church, 5770 N. Maroa Ave. at Bullard, Fresno RED MASS FOR JUSTICE & LEGAL FIELD Friday, October 21, 2016 @ 12:10pm, St. John’s Cathedral in Fresno. For more information please contact 4887440. ST. MARELLO BOOKSTORE October is the Month of the Rosary! A special just for you or someone you love. All Rosaries $20.00 or higher will be 20% off till Oct. 14th. We have a great selection in all colors and styles. Start your Christmas shopping early - a gift of a Rosary is a gift of Faith. SPAGHETTI &MEATBALL TAKE-OUT DINNER Italian Catholic Federation's Take- Out Dinner Sunday, October 23rd from 3 - 5 pm. Large Italian Portions with Italian Green Beans, Salad, Roll and homemade dessert. Don't Miss a Great Italian Meal to support our Parish. Donation $12.00. Tickets available at St Marello Bookstore, Massetti Appliance or an ICF member. NO tickets will be sold at the door. Pregnant? Not sure What to Do? You may be feeling a lot of things. Scared, confused, anxious... Alone shouldn’t be one of them. We will provide you with personal, compassionate pregnancy-options support to help you make the best choices for yourself and your baby: • Safe, friendly space to explore your options • Compassionate and confidential • No judgement, no pressure • Caring support, whatever your decision • Connect with needed services and resources • Personalized for your unique situation • Your place or ours, your choice • Free transportation available Whatever decision you make - parenting or adoption planning, we’ll be with you every step of the way Infant of Prague (559) 447-3333 TALLER PARA MATRIMONIOS 5 Y 6 DE NOVIEMBRE La Familia Natural Vive Mejor. Si usted está interesado en aprender como vivir su vida matrimonial mejor, este taller le ayudará a usted y a su pareja. Los temas serán La Sexualidad, El Matrimonio, La Comunicación, La Paternidad Responsable, La Formación de la Conciencia, La Planificación Natural y La Misión de la Familia. El retiro es para parejas comprometidas o casadas y para cualquier persona interesada. Donación: $20 por persona o $30 por pareja. Para más información favor de llamar al 673-3290. Favor de entregar las registraciones antes del día Lunes 2 de Noviembre, si no se le cobrará el doble. NECESITAMOS VOLUNTARIOS La Mesa de la Sagrada Familia necesita voluntarios para ayudar a servir en las mañanas. Si usted desea ayudar por favor comuniquese con Art Salazar al 474-2253. LA IGLESIA CATOLICA DE SAN JOAQUIN Y GRUPO ESPERANZA DE VIDA LOS INVITA A LA VIGILIA POR LA VIDA Del 28 de Septiembre al 6 de Noviembre, frente al Planned Parenthood en la Avenida Almond, todos los días después de Misa de 8:00 am. Lunes a Viernes Primer Grupo: 9:00 am (559) 664-2498 Segundo Grupo: 12:30 pm (559) 664-2498 Tercer Grupo: 5:30 pm (559) 706-2124 SABADO Y DOMINGO SOLO A LAS 9:00AM COLECTA DE ABRIGOS Estaremos recolectando abrigos, chaquetas, suéteres y mantas de todos tamaños para hombres, mujeres y niños. Vamos a COLECTA DE ABRIGOS hacer la colecta a partir del 6 de Octubre hasta el 18 de Noviembre. Todo lo recaudado será para las personas que tengan necesidad de vestimenta durante este invierno. Además estaremos recolectando ganchos y bolsas de plástico para la ropa. Aceptamos donaciones de dinero para lavar la ropa. Para más información comuníquese a la oficina de Pastoral Juvenil al 674-9069 o 474-0320. Gracias por su cooperación. PROGRAMA DE DONACIÓN DE VEHICULOS DE SAN JOAQUIN Una forma fácil y conveniente para donar un vehículo no deseado. No se necesita que el vehículo corra! No se requiere la verificación de smog. Libre de papeleo del DMV! Se puede aplicar el beneficio para los impuestos. Comuniquese al 1-888-512-4483. RINCÓN DEL PÁRROCO PALABRAS DE ANIMO (Cuarta Parte) “Cuando en realidad una sola es necesaria. María ha elegido la mejor parte, y nadie se la quitará.” (Lc. 10:42) A la luz de la promesa de Jesús a todos y cada discípulo Ap. 3:20, “Mira que estoy de pie junto a la puerta y llamo. Si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré en su casa y cenaré con él y él conmigo.” Podemos pensar como el “mejor platillo”, esta oración del corazón, este tiempo suficiente, todos los días, tranquilamente, de oración personal, como CENANDO CON JESÚS. Si usted elige el “mejor platillo”, es necesario dar prioridad a un período mínimo de 20 minutos por lo menos durante una cena de tres platillos. Aquí hay tres pasos prácticos para una cena-conversación de corazón a corazón con Jesús. UNO, comienza con el postre. Centrarse en las bendiciones increíblemente positivas y eternas de la creación, la vida y la redención. Centrarse también en las bendiciones particulares que han ocurrido en su vida en las últimas 24 horas. Deja crecer tu corazón en agradecimiento y alabanza con Aquel que infinitamente te ama y que te está llamando y que te esta permitiendo llegar a un destino de comunión eterna y alegre en Su Reino. DOS, Confia en Jesús tus dificultades, problemas, luchas, necesidades y preguntas. Luego ora, “Habla Señor que tu siervo escucha.” Escucha por lo menos 5 minutos a lo que Él quiere decirte. El promete, “Pidan y Dios les dará,” (Mt. 7:7) Si escuchas, tu puedes recibir el mejor consejo del universo directamente del Buen Pastor que dice, “Las ovejas lo siguen, pues conocen su voz.” (Jn. 10:3-4) TRES, cuando el Padre y Jesús vayan derramando el Espíritu Santo de su amor misericordioso en tu corazón (Rm. 5:5) deja que te desborde mientras oras con gran compasión por los demás. Ora por tu familia, los pobres, los necesitados, los enfermos, la Iglesia, todos los seres humanos sobre la faz de la tierra y en el purgatorio. Nutrido y fortalecido por el mejor platillo, ten un buen día, permaneciendo en comunión de amor con Dios y amando al prójimo como Jesús te ama. Bendiciones, Fr. John VIÑADORES DEL SEÑOR Te invitan a la próxima reunión, el Domingo, 16 de Octubre a las 3:00 pm, en el Salón 31. Estaremos en oración de intersección por liberación, sanación, converción y cualquier otra necesidad. Todos son bienvenidos. Para más información comuniquese con Luis al 389-8678. 12 de Octubre, Descubrimiento de America (Día de la Raza). La Oficina de la Rectoria estará abierta. Parish Office 673-3290 [email protected] Hours Monday thru Friday: 9 am to 12 pm & 1 to 6 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Manager [email protected] CCD Office - 674-5871 [email protected] Summer Hours Monday thru Friday: 10 am to 1 pm & 2 to 6 pm Closed Saturday & Sunday Youth Ministry - 674-9069 [email protected] Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10 am to 4 pm Thursday 1 to 7 pm Closed Monday, Saturday & Sunday St. Marello Bookstore - 662-0682 Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:30 to 7:30 pm Thursday: 10 am to 7:30 pm; Saturday: 10 am to 8 pm 2nd Sunday of month:7:30 am to 2 pm; 4:30 - 8:30 pm. Closed Monday St. Joachim School - 674-7628 Fax 674-8770 St. Joachim PreSchool - 662-0372 Holy Spouses & Griffin Hall Rental - 674-9489 Fr. John Warburton [email protected] Fr. Shaji Athipozhi [email protected] Fr. James Catalano [email protected] Fr. Gustavo López [email protected] WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help -Monday after 8 am Mass. Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph - Wednesday after 7 & 8 am Mass. DAILY ADORATION IN CHAPEL Monday & Tuesday, 8:40 am to 9 pm Wednesday, 8:40 am to 6:50 pm, 9 pm to Thursday, 6:50 am Thursday, 8:40 am to Friday, 6:50 am Friday, 8:40 am to 6:00 pm STUDY THE SUNDAY LITURGY Wednesday: 7 - 8:30 pm in Room 71 BIBLE STUDY St. Anne - Tuesday 9:30 am Doors of Hope Pregnancy Center - 662-8629 Rachel’s Vineyard - 1-877-629-6626
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