El modelo policéntrico de construcción estatal en una Europa de ciudades. Una visión comparada entre la Monarquía Hispánica y el Sacro Imperio durante la Edad Moderna Das polyzentrische Staatsbildungsmodell in einem Europa der Städte. Organisation/organización Arndt Brendecke Manuel Herrero Sánchez Ein Vergleich zwischen Spanien und dem Heiligen Römischen Reich Cristina Bravo Lozano María Ángeles Martín Romera Hannes Ziegler con la colaboración de HISPANEX 2016 Kontakt/contacto: [email protected] Veranstaltungsort/localización: Abtei Frauenwörth 83256 Frauenchiemsee Deutschland 20-21 de Octubre de 2016 Abadía Frauenwörth, Chiemsee Donnerstag/jueves 20.10.2016 Freitag/viernes 21.10.2016 10.30-12 Uhr 8.30-10 Uhr Manuel Herrero Sánchez: “The Catholic Monarchy during the Habsburg period and the Polycentric Model of shared sovereignty”. Sébastien Schick: “Prince Albert, Lord of Grimbergen (1672-1758) as a «plural man»: introduction to a research project about the social roles of 18th century ministers”. Rocío Moreno Cabanillas: “Bourbon model sovereignty through postal system in the Spanish Monarchy in the Eighteenth century”. Mittag/almuerzo 13.30-15 Uhr Antonio Real Botija: “Men of Letters and War in the Philippines: Petitions and Rewards in the reign of Philip II”. Jonas Schirrmacher: “The political conceptualization of slavery in early modern Castile and Spanish America”. Kaffee/café 15.30-17 Uhr Natalia Maillard Álvarez: “The paratext of power: covers, dedications and preliminary poems in political literature (16th-17th centuries)”. Cristina Bravo Lozano: “Centers of Catholic power in Protestant cities: The chapels of the Spanish embassies in London, The Hague and Hamburg (16481702)”. Montserrat Cachero Viñuesa: “The Court and the Jungle: Integrating Narratives of Privileges”. Kaffee/café 10.30-12 Uhr Brendan Röder: “Experts of the Body. Assessing Physical Defects in the Early Modern Catholic Clergy”. Martin Biersack: “The expulsion of foreigners from Spanish-America in the 18th century”. Mittag/almuerzo 13.30-15 Uhr Klemens Kaps: ”Connections between two polycentric spaces: Merchants in the trade between Spain and the Habsburg Monarchy during the 18th century”. Rocío Martínez López: ”Female succession in the Habsburg dynasty: a study in the right of succession of infantas and archduchesses during the XVI and XVIIth centuries”. Kaffee/café 17.30-19 Uhr María Ángeles Martín Romera: “Officers accountability in the Spanish Monarchy: a model for State building from below?“. Hannes Ziegler: “Conflicting demands. British coastal surveillance between central institutions and local communities in the 18th century”. Kaffee/café
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