THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES 10191 CENTRAL AVENUE (at Orchard), MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 PHONE: (909) 626-7278 email: [email protected] FAX : (909) 626-0562 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 12 Noon, 1 - 5 PM Friday 8:30 – 12:00 Noon, Closed Saturday & Sunday Website: Online Giving: TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2016 Keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. — 1 Timothy 6:14 Masses: Saturday (Sunday Liturgy): 5 PM, 6:30 PM (Spanish), Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon, 1:30 PM (Spanish) Sunday 4:00PM Vietnamese Mass - Daily Masses: Monday 7 AM (Spanish), Tuesday , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 7:00 AM, School year 8:30 AM (School Mass) Holy Days : Vigil Mass at 6:00 PM . Holy Day: 7 AM (English) 5 PM (Spanish), 6:30 PM (English), Confessions in Eng. & in Spanish on Saturdays 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament every First Friday of the month following the 8:30 AM School Mass. There is Confessions / Reconciliation at 4PM and Anointing of The Sick at 5PM followed by Benediction. September 25, 2016 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time PRIESTS English: Tony Perez ……………………(626)705-5561 Spanish: Ismael Moreno Perez (Sat.)….. (909)545-5391 Spanish: Javier & Maria Tellez (Sun.)… (909)927-3434 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: English: Theodora Okafor ………….....(909) 518-5565 Spanish: Isabel Hernandez …………....(909) 635-5218 HOSPITALITY: (Ushers) Paul Malacara …………………………(909)851-4642 Elias Valdivia ……………………….....(909) 626-5021 LECTORS: Nico Ricci ……………………………..(909) 268-9833 Leticia Nuñez…………………………..(909) 510-1968 CHOIRS: Music Director, Lilaine Thomas ……....(909) 983-1006 Filipino Choir Director...Danny Quibuyen…(909)753-5495 Span. Director: Olga Galindo …………..(909)248-0851 Entre Sus Manos: Eustacio Rodriguez….(909)625-9220 Young Adult Choir: Elva Rojas ……..…(626)664-0923 EVANGELIZATION MINISTRIES ADULT FAITH FORMATION (RCIA) Baptism & Confirmation for Adults Phil & Theresa Margala ………………..(909)627-5571 APOYO FAMILIARY EN CRISTO: Antonio Ramirez ......………………..….(909)509-9622 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: Sylvia Flores (Español) ………………..(909)815-6246 DIVINE MERCY GROUP & GUADALUPANA SOCIETY: Catalina Molina ……………………..…(909)364-9451 LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA : Antonio Diaz ………………………….(909)938-1580 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL Efrain & Amanda Reyes…………..……(909)354-0717 FILIPINO MINISTRY: Fe Peleo & Marissa Calumno ………….(909)662-2496 FOOD PANTRY “GOD’S GRACE” Angie Bernal…………………………….(909)240-8437 HOMBRES DE VALOR: Juan Carlos Bravo ………………...…….(562)674-6800 MATRIMONIOS: Tony & Corine Jauregui………(909)239-5598 OFICINA DE EVANGELIZATIÓN Y FORMACIÓN PARA ADULTOS: Baltazar Manriquez …(909)815-6095 SPECIAL NEEDS MINISTRY Eugenia Paniagua………………………(909)240-3187 SERVICES MINISTRIES ESL PROGRAM | CITIZENSHIP | PRO-LIFE: Sister Angela …..…………………..…...(909)261-2521 FUND-RAISING COMM.: Anne Dutrey ……………………….…...(909)627-7559 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Richard Beltran……. ………...………....(909)210-2574 MINISTRY WITH SICK AND HOMEBOUND: Phil & Teresa Margala …………………(909)-627-5571 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL: Sue Cauley …………………………….(909) 591-3572 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Lupe Martinez ………………………….(909)938-7840 QUINCEAÑERAS…Call Church Office…………..(909)626-7278 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION………...Mark Befort (626)589-5726 Page 2 WELCOME! PARISH ADMINISTRATOR: Fr. Augustine C. Uthuppu, MS PAROCHIAL VICAR: Fr. Jacob Thomas Vettathu, MS PARISH SECRETARIES: Mrs. Elva Ellington Mrs. Angie Paredes BOOKKEEPER: Janet Lopez ([email protected]) LITURGICAL MINISTERIES ALTAR SERVERS Our Lady of Lourdes New parishioners are welcomed and are asked to register as members and to serve in one of our ministries. Registration form is available in the vestibule from Ministers of Hospitality or come to the Church Office. OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH SCHOOL Mrs. Beverly Diaz de Leon, Principal Tel. nos. 621-4418, 624-5164, 624-2654. Open Enrollment: Call the Office for a Registration packet or visit our web site: OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFICINA DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Director: Ms Yoselin Romero …………(909)626-0318 [email protected] Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Mr. Hernan Calderon …….…...(909)641-8000 [email protected] OUR SICK: Dave Strasser, Marco Vasquez, Valentina Patino, Angel de la Llana, Eduardo Montoya, Mother & Baby Proballsky, Jennie Rickard, Jerrie Davila, Felicita Rodriguez Diaz, Mary Arroyo, Sandra Barrera, Victoria Nuguia, Teresa Verduzo, Aline Nuñez, Frank Paredes, Jr. PRAY FOR OUR FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Jose Enriquez, Stephanie Zuniga, Richard Havlena, Flor Nuñez, Juana Morales, Guadalupe Flores Contreras, John Leonard, Justin Nalpon, John Anthony Candelas, Josephine Garcia (Mama Joe), Ruth Phillipson, Juanita Serrano, Mary Elizabeth Watson, Allan Abada, Nicolo Imtaspapo, Julia Salazar, Margarita Valle, Lena Rubalcava, Jose Antonio Ramirez, Lunden Michael Bragg, Jr., Gaspar Richard Coniglio. Our Lady of Lourdes Food Pantry, “God’s Grace” serves food to needy families on Wed. mornings at 9:00AM. You are invited to help and put any food items you can bring into the containers in the vestibule. Thank you. Call Angie Bernal, Director at (909)240-8437. September 25, 2016 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday 9/24 Confessions English & Spanish 3:45PM-4:45PM 5:00PM - La Salette Missionaries 6:30PM - Rigoberto Guardado , by Guardado Family Sunday 9/25 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ord.Time Am 6: 1a, 4-7 / 1 Tm 6: 11-16 / Lk 16: 19-31 8:00AM - Raymond Nagar Abella , byAdor, Pilar, Claire, Chase 8:00AM - In Thanksgiving, by Gabriella Bartolome 8:00AM - Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Bartolome, by Family 10:00AM - Julia Ramirez Tagorda , by Family 10:00AM - Special Intention, by Maria Dutrey 12:00PM - Parishioners of OLL 12:00PM - Josefina Terrones, by Celina Terrones 12:00PM - Anthony Jauregui, by Celina Terrones 1:30PM - Jose Guadalupe Quezada , by Chela 4:00PM - La Salette Missionaries Monday 9/26 - Mon. of the 26th Wk in Ord. Time Jb 1: 6-22 / Lk 9: 46-50 7:00AM - La Salette Missionaries Tuesday 9/27 - St. Vincent de Paul, Priest Jb 3: 1-3, 11-17, 20-23 / Lk 9: 51-56 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 3 EVENTS OF THE WEEK Sunday 9/25 7:00AM - Hombres de Valor Retreat- Hall 8:00AM - Knights of Columbus (Collect Food) 10:00AM - Catechetical Com. Sunday - Church 1:30PM - Catechetical Com. Sunday - Church 5:30PM - All Ministries Food Sale 5:30PM - Wedding Rehearsal - Church Monday 9/26 6:00PM - Bingo in Hall 6:30PM - Spanish Divine Mercy Devotion - St. Paul 7:00PM - Small Faith Community - St. Bernadette 7:00PM - Youth Ministry (14-17 yrs.) - Youth Room Tuesday 9/27 7:00PM - Spanish Prayer Group - Hall Wednesday 9/28 9:00AM - God’s Grace - Hall 3:45PM - Religious Formation Classes - School/Hall/ Vatican II/St. Bernadette 6:00PM - His Angels Youth Choir Practice - Church 6:30PM - Knights of Columbus Mtg. - Hall 7:00PM - Young Adults Min. (18-35 yrs.) - Youth Rm 7:00AM - La Salette Missionaries Wednesday 9/28 - Wed. of the 26th Wk in Ord.Time Thursday 9/29 Jb 9: 1-12, 14-16 / Lk 9: 57-62 7:00AM - La Salette Missionaries Thursday 9/29 - Sts. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, Arcangels 5:30PM - Wedding Rehearsal - Church 6:00PM - Coro de Lourdes - Youth Room 6:30PM - Religious Formation Classes - School/Hall/ Vatican II/St. Bernadette 7:00AM - Duke Ellington , by Family 7:00AM - Ligaya Cortez, by Zeny & Lani 7:00AM - Cesar Ceballos , by Carmen Ceballos Friday 9/30 - St. Jerome, Priest & Doctor of the Church Friday 9/30 Dn 7: 9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12: 7-12a / Jn 1: 47-51 6:00PM - 50th Wedding Rehearsal - Church 6:30PM - Filipino Ministry Choir Practice - St. Paul 7:00PM - Entre Sus Manos Practice - Church 7:00PM - Matrimonios - Vatican II Jb 38: 1, 12-21; 40: 3-5 / Lk 10: 13-16 7:00AM - Justin Nalpon , by Phil & Theresa Margala Saturday 10/1 9:00AM - Religious Formation Classes - School/Hall/ 8:30AM - School Mass Vatican II/St. Bernadette 3:00PM - Wedding (Wayne/Rivas) Saturday 10/1 Confessions English & Spanish 3:45PM-4:45PM 11:00AM - 50th Wedding Anniversary (Raul & Francisca Arevalo) 1:00PM - Wedding (Quintanilla/Ruelas) 5:00PM - La Salette Missionaries 6:30PM - Rigoberto Guardado , by Guardado Family SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ss. Cosmas and Damian St. Vincent de Paul St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions; St. Wenceslaus Ss. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels St. Jerome St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus; First Saturday September 25, 2016 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of Lourdes Page 4 STEWARDSHIP OF OUR TREASURE Sept. 17 / 18, 2016 SATURDAY SUNDAY 5:00PM $ 749.41 6:30PM $ 947.44 8:00AM $1,237.92 10:00AM $1,466.80 12:00PM $ 733.34 1:30PM $ 940.28 4:00PM $ 741.00 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $45,000 TOTAL COLLECTION Total Envelopes Used: Received from Envelopes: Total Loose Utilities: Online Giving: $40,000 $6,816.19 329 $4,351.00 $2,465.19 $ 71.00 $ N/A $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Ss. Cosmas and Damian Tuesday: St. Vincent de Paul Wednesday: St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions; St. Wenceslaus Thursday: Ss. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels Friday: St. Jerome Saturday: St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus; First Saturday CITIZENSHIP CLASSES All Wednesdays from 6:00PM-8:30PM in Room 8 of the School. To register, come to Room 8 of the school. Classes start again on Wednesday Oct. 5, 2016. (909) 626-7278 or call Sister Angela at (909)261-2521 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 Goal 2016 $42,300.00 Pledged: $49,537.00 Paid: $41,251.78 (Salon 6, 7 en la escuela) Welcome to Adult School / Bienvenido a la Escuela de Adultos SESSION 1 - Meets Wednesday from 7:00PM 8:30PM beginning on Oct. 5, 2106. Reuniones los Miercoles de 7:00PM - 8:30PM - Empiezen Octubre / October 5, 2016. OUR MISSION STATEMENT “We the members of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish of the Diocese of San Bernardino are a caring community of faith. We embrace the mission of Jesus and seek to build up the Body of Christ and to bring all people, all races, all ethnic groups into full union with Him. We journey together in faith and strive to be a prayerful and Eucharistic family, through worshipping God together, teaching the faith and serving one another. We are empowered to be a sign of God’s love in our families, neighborhood, and society.” LA AFIRMACIÓN DE NUESTRA MISIÓN “Nosotros los miembros de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes de la Diocesis de San Bernardino somos una comunidad de fé. Nosotros tenemos la misión de Jesús de buscar y construir el Cuerpo de Cristo y traer a todas las personas, todas las razas, todos los grupos etnicos a una completa unión con El. Nosotros caminamos juntos en fé y hacemos todo lo posible para ser una familia Eucarística de oración, adorando a Dios juntos, enseñando la fé y sirviendonos unos a otros. Nosotros estamos autorizados para ser signos del amor de Dios en nuestras familias, vecindario y en la sociedad.” September 25, 2016 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of Lourdes Page 5 OKTOBERFEST DINNER/DANCE The Knights of Columbus Council #7412 invites parishioners to come enjoy an evening of merriment at our Oktoberfest dinner/dance on Saturday, October 15, 2016. This event will be held in Our Lady of Lourdes Fr. Mackey Hall from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Ticket prices are $20.00 individually and $35.00 per couple. Ticket price includes a dinner meal provided by Upland German Deli. Music will be provided by DJ Michael James. For ticket purchase please contact Jon Holmes at 909-565-6152 or the Our Lady of Lourdes Rectory at 909-626-7278. OKTOBERFEST CENA/BAILE Knights of Columbus Council #7412 invita a los feligreses a disfrutar una noche de alegría en nuestro Oktoberfest cena/baile el Sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016. Este evento se llevará a cabo en Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Mackey Hall de 5 p.m. a 11 p.m. los precios de las entradas son de $20.00 individual y $35.00 por pareja. Precio de la entrada incluye una cena comida proporcionada por Upland German Deli. Música será proporcionada por DJ Michael James. Para compra de boletos, por favor póngase en contacto con Jon Holmes al 909-565-6152 o a la Nuestra Señora de Lourdes Rectoría de 909-626-7278.
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