Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2016 MOST REVEREND SALVATORE J. CORDILEONE Archbishop of San Francisco REVEREND ARTURO L. ALBANO Pastor MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30 am; 12:10 pm SATURDAY 8:00 am 5:30 pm (Vigil Mass) SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am (Gregorian Chant) 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Español) Cantor & Organ Cantor & Organ Schola Cantorum Cathedral Choir Coro Hispano BAPTISM INFANTS English Preparation: First Saturdays at 10:00 am English Baptisms: Second Sundays at 2:15 pm Contact Michael McKeon or Marie Fernandez (415) 567-2020x0 BAUTIZO EN ESPAÑOL: Primer Domingo a las 2:15 pm Informes con Sofia Aguilar ADULTS OR SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN: Contact Doug Benbow (415) 236-1557 (415) 567-2020x220 FIRST COMMUNION Cathedral Parishioners, contact Fr. Drsicoll (415) 567-2020 x208 Primera Comunión en Español: Informes con Rosario Morales (415) 948-4554 o (415) 509-7533 CONFIRMATION Cathedral Parishioners contact Doug Benbow (415) 567-2020x220 ESCUELA DE CATEQUESIS Informes con Rosario Morales MARRIAGE Please contact Mimi Ruiz at least 6 months prior to ceremony. (415) 509-7533 (415) 567-2020x254 RECONCILIATION / CONFESSION Monday-Friday, 11:30 am-12:00p.m.; Saturday, 4:00-5:00 pm or by appointment MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Contact Sr. Elaine Stahl (415) 567-2020x218 ANOINTING OF THE SICK Cathedral Parishioners, please call Parish Office to speak to one of the priests. FUNERALS Contact Doug Benbow for Funeral/Memorial arrangements (415) 567-2020x220 BEREAVEMENT Contact Sr. Elaine Stahl (415) 567-2020x218 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Fridays: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm ORGAN RECITAL Sundays at 4:00 pm; exceptions noted in prior bulletin Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 25, 2016 Welcome! If you are a visitor to the Cathedral, we want you to know how welcome you are whether you come from another part of the country, from across the world, or from another parish here in the Archdiocese. Thanks, in part, to the generosity of visitors like you, we are able to celebrate the liturgy in a fitting and beautiful way, and are able to give spiritual and emotional support through a variety of services to the community. Your gift is greatly appreciated; our parish family is small and we rely on the generosity of you, our visitors, to help sustain this magnificent Cathedral church for future generations. CATHEDRAL OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION The Suggested Stipend/Offering For Mass is $10.00 Telephone: (415) 567-2020 Website: Saturday September 24 -(See Readings for Sunday Below) 5:30 pm PASTORAL STAFF AND CLERGY Rev. Arturo L. Albano, Pastor Rev. Patrick Driscoll, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Michael Padazinski, In residence Rev. Mr. R. Christoph Sandoval, Deacon Sr. Elaine Stahl, Pastoral Minister x 209 x 208 x 203 x 218 CATHEDRAL LITURGY/SPECIAL EVENTS For Cathedral Special Events, Persons Baptized in another Christian tradition and interested in becoming Catholic please contact: Director of Liturgy: Doug Benbow x 220 Cathedral Sacristans: Antonios Stefanos and Brian Alves x 212 Cathedral Welcome Desk: Patricia Hernandez Wedding Coordinator, Wedding Anniversaries and Quinceañeras: Mimi Ruiz x 254 CATHEDRAL MUSIC Director of Music: Christoph Tietze x 213 Music Office Assistant: Stephen Walsh x 233 Spanish Choir: Ricardo Fonseca Cathedral Cantors: Stephen Walsh, Mimi Ruiz, Claudia Landivar CATHEDRAL OFFICE Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor: Janet Carrillo Receptionist: Michael McKeon Cathedral Finances, Controller: Alisa B. Weber Development Department: Jolie Velazquez Weekend Receptionist: Marie Fernandez x 215 x 200 x 202 x 229 x 200 CATHEDRAL TOURS Director of Docents: Doug Benbow x 207 GIFT SHOP Telephone: (415) 567-4040 Manager: Linda Harwood Clerk: Antonia Velasco Sunday September 18-Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm + (Birthday) of Mario Vierneza Intentions of Karina Begazo Intentions of All Parishioners Intentions of Moises Garcia Aceves Monday September 19 -Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50 7:30 am 12:10pm + Marta Vaquero + Walter Eipp Tuesday September 20-Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88:2-8; Lk 9:51-56 7:30 am 12:10pm + Eustacio Garcia and Edmundo Belanco Intentions (Birthday) of Elizabeth Passanisi Wednesday September 21-Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc15; Lk 9:57-62 7:30 am 12:10 pm + Gezaahegne Gebrewold + Bienvenido Bugayong Thursday September 22-Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:712a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 7:30 am + Maria Dacarmo Silva Anderson Francisco da Silva 12:10 pm Intentions of Michael McKeon Friday September 23-Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Lk 10:13-16 7:30 am 12:10 pm + Eugene Hines Intentions of the Asuncion Family Saturday September 24-Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24 8:00 am Intentions of Eugene and Liza Arellano CATHEDRAL OFFICE HOURS Mon.–Fri: 8:30 am- 5 pm CATHEDRAL EVENT CENTER Director: Diane Luporini Event Center Supervisor: Bobby Johnson + Rosa Guevarra Catalina Closed for lunch 12p.m.-1p.m. x 201 x 221 Sun: 10:00 am-4:00 pm GIFT SHOP HOURS Closed Mondays Tuesday-Friday 9 am-4:30 pm Saturday: 11 am-5:30 pm (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30 pm) 2 Sat: 9:30 am-5:30 pm Closed for lunch 12p.m.-1p.m. (Closed for lunch 1:30-2:30 pm) Sunday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm Telephone: (415) 567-4040 3 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 25, 2016 4 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 25, 2016 5 6 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 25, 2016 PICNIC DE LA PARROQUIA PRÓXIMO FIN DE SEMANA! Clases de Catequesis ¡Por favor vengan al picnic anual de la parroquia! Domingo, 2 de Octubre Después de misa de 11:00 a.m. y después de misa de 1:00 p.m. El picnic terminará a las 3:00 p.m. Salones A, B y C ; centro de eventos. Donación sugerida: Nadie será rechazado por falta de fondos. $ 5.00 por persona $ 15.00 por familia Esta es una maravillosa oportunidad de conocer y acoger a los que son nuevos en nuestra parroquia o que están de visita en nuestro comunidad. También es una oportunidad de compartir una comida con los que están más familiarizados con la familia de la catedral. Vengan y disfruten con nosotros en este evento lleno de diversión. Si desea ser voluntario, por favor llame a la oficina al ( 415) 567-2020. Las inscripciones para preparación de primera comunión ya empezarón. Para más informes por favor vean a Rosario Morales después de misa en la entrada de la iglesia este domingo o le pueden llamar al (415) 948-4554 o (415) 509-7533. BAUTIZOS EN ESPAÑOL Los padres y padrinos deben asistir una plática de preparación bautismal. Los padrinos deben ser bautizados y uno de los padrinos tiene que ser bautizado y confirmado. Si los padrinos son de afuera, tendrán que atender la clase en su parroquia local. Informes: Sofía Aguilar al (415) 236-1557. 7 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 25, 2016 Cathedral Upcoming Events Blessing of the Animals Saturday, 11:00 a.m. (Geary Blvd. Plaza) October 1 October 2 Parish Picnic Sunday, after the 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Masses October 7 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. October 11 St. Vincent de Paul Sandwich Making Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Main Kitchen October 19 Free Grief Support Session Wednesday, 10:30 am –Noon, Msgr. Bowe Room Knights of Columbus If you’re interested in helping those in need, serving our parish, or growing in faith then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you. St. Mary’s Cathedral Council #15883 will conduct a membership drive after each Mass this month. Please consider joining our council. For more information please contact Wallace Moore, Grand Knight at 650-267-3735, David Macias, Deputy Grand Knight at 415-988-5512 (Habla Español) and Fr. Arturo Albano, Pastor, at 415-621-8203. Thanks and God Bless you and your family. St. Mary’s Cathedral Monthly Speaker Series “Pope Saint John Paull II. Dives In Misericordia” Presenter: Cardinal William Levada Saturday, October 22, 2016 10:30am in St. Francis Hall Chaplet of Divine Mercy 10:15 am “Give Thanks to the Lord for He is Good. His Mercy endures forever” (Psalm 107) This presentation is open to the public and free of charge. 8 More information available at 415-567-2020 or Special Collection for Louisiana Flood Relief This Weekend, September 24th and 25th From a statement by Archbishop Joseph Kurtz: “As president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, I have called for an emergency collection to support the humanitarian efforts of Catholic Charities USA and to provide pastoral and rebuilding support to impacted Catholic dioceses. Join the Church in being a visible witness to the healing presence of Jesus alive in the world…Whether your donation is large or small, let us also be sure those suffering feel the power of our prayer to sustain them in the difficult days ahead.” Archbishop Cordileone has endorsed this request and asked that all parishes in the Archdiocese of San Francisco take a special collection on the weekend of September 24-25. As usual, the funds raised should be sent to the Chancery, which will send one check to the USCCB for distribution. Thank you for your generosity. Music Collection Next Weekend Next weekend, October 1st and 2nd, we will take up the Cathedral music department collection. We rely on parishioners and visitors to reflect on the importance of music in worship, the quality of music offered here at the Cathedral, and your responsibility as stewards to support this excellent program. The second collection for music helps support our renowned music program by helping to cover the costs of salaries, organ and piano maintenance, sheet music, choir robes, supplies, and so much more. By participating in this important collection, you become an integral part of our music program and help us continue the high quality of musical leadership at the cathedral. Thank you very much for your support! Colecta para el Programa de Música próximo fin de Semana El próximo fin de semana, 1 y 2 de octubre, será la segunda colecta para el departamento de música de la Catedral. Pedimos a feligreses y visitantes que reflexionen sobre la importancia de la música en la adoración, la calidad de la música que se ofrece aquí en la Catedral, y su responsabilidad como administradores para apoyar este excelente programa. La segunda colecta para la música ayuda apoyar nuestro programa de música de renombre al ayudar a cubrir los costos de los salarios, el órgano y el mantenimiento de piano, partituras, trajes del coro, suministros y mucho más. Al participar en esta importante colecta, usted se convierte en una parte integral de nuestro programa de música y ayuda a continuar la alta calidad de la dirección musical de la Catedral. Muchas gracias por su apoyo! Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 25, 2016 BLESSING OF THE PARISH PICNIC NEXT WEEKEND! ANIMALS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2016 11:00 A.M. GEARY BOULEVARD PLAZA Please join us for our Annual Parish Picnic! Sunday, October 2 To Honor the Creator of All Things andin memory of St. Francis of Assisi (Feast day: October 4) Please Bring pets on a leash and also your own pooper scooper! ABOUT ST. FRANCIS Francis was a lover of all created things and is one of the most popular Christian saints. Francis of Assisi was born in 1181 and died in 1226. He founded the Franciscan Order and is the patron saint of San Francisco and of Italy. In 1979 he was named patron saint of ecologists and all who work to protect the environment. ROSARY RALLY - OCTOBER 10TH The 2016 Rosary Rally will take place on Saturday, October 8 beginning with 10:00 am Mass at St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, followed by procession to United Nations Plaza for the Rally and finally Benediction at approximately 12:50 pm. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone will celebrate the Mass and give a keynote talk at the Rally. Please click here to access downloadable flyers. For more information please call 415-272-5837 or visit the website listed above. Banns of Marriage Joseph Catalano and Jayne Reyes Saturday, October 1, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. RCIA AT THE CATHEDRAL You are cordially invited to find out more about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (with adaptations for Children) Especially if you are interested in . . . • Having your school-aged child up to 17 years old baptized, • Being baptized yourself, (as an adult 18 and over), • Becoming a Catholic, and you have been baptized in another Christian tradition, e.g., Lutheran, Episcopalian, Baptist, etc., • Being confirmed and making your first communion and have not attended any catechism/Sunday school and are a baptized Catholic. Please give Doug Benbow a call at 567-2020 ext. 220 to find out how you can begin preparing for the celebration of these wonderful sacraments of Christian Initiation. Following the 11:00 a.m. Mass and after the 1:00 p.m. Mass Picnic will end around 3:00 p.m. Halls A, B and C in the Event Center Suggested Donation: No one will be turned away for lack of funds. $5.00 per person $15.00 Family Rate This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and welcome those who are new, or who are just visiting our community. It is also a chance to share a meal with those who are more familiar to the Cathedral family. Come and join us in this fun-filled event. If you’d like to volunteer to help, please call the parish office at (415) 567-2020. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS INSTALLATION MASS AND DINNER Saturday, October 8 ♦ ♦ ♦ Mass: 530 pm in Cathedral Installation: 630 pm Dinner: 730 pm, St. Francis Hall; advance tickets required. DINNER TICKETS SOLD AFTER EACH MASS $40.00 TICKET Please join us at Mass for the 3rd Annual Installation of Knights of Columbus’ St. Mary’s Cathedral Council. For more information, please call: 415-988-5512 GOSPEL/JAZZ MASS Save the Date! Saturday October 15 5:30 pm Featuring the SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA GOSPEL CHOIR Everyone is invited to join in this Spirit-filled Celebration! 9 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 25, 2016 PRAYER REQUESTS ♫♫ CONCERTS ♫♫ All concerts are free and open to the public A free-will donation will be requested at the door Prayers for the parishes of the Archdiocese Every day, we try to pray for the world beyond our immediate vicinity. As the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, we would also like to pray for each local church within the Archdiocese. The parish congregation, pastor and staff are remembered that week in a very special way. Please make it a point to include them in your personal prayer intentions for the week ahead. This week we remember . . . . Misión San Francisco de Asís, San Francisco St. Anselm Church, Ross St. Catherine of Siena Church, Burlingame Sun 9/25/16 4:00 pm Philip Manwell (Reno, NV), Organist. Please refer all questions regarding our Music Program to: Dr. Christoph Tietze (415) 567-2020, ext 213 UPCOMING CONCERTS: October 2, 4:00 pm: Jin Kyung Lim, Organist. For comfort, healing, strength… October 9, 4:00 pm: Elna Johnson (Pittsburgh, PA), Organist. We remember those who are ill, pained in body, mind and heart. We commend to our Loving God all of our aged and those residing in nursing homes and care facilities. Please pray for . . . . October 16, 4:00 pm: Ugo Sforza (Italy), Organist. Vierne Symphony No. VI. Carlotta Lara Ramos, Carla and Sofia Della Maggiora and Family, Marta Troyano For all who have died… Catalina Aspiras and Heraldo Frausto Leaños If you or someone in your family is sick or homebound, call Sr. Elaine, 567-2020 Ext. 218 to arrange a visit. Our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society The SVdP conference at St. Mary’s Cathedral meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall and we gather to make sandwiches for the homeless shelter on the 4th Tuesday of the month in the Main Kitchen. Both gatherings are from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm. We can help you with Emergency groceries! Call and leave a message for us with your phone number, address and your need SVdP HELPLINE 567-2020 ext. 205 BAPTISMS IN ENGLISH The next Baptisms Preparation class will be on Saturday, October 1st at 10:00 am and the next Baptisms will be on Sunday, October 9th at 2:15pm. You may register for baptisms at the Cathedral Office. For information, please contact Michael or Marie at (415) 567-2020. October 23, 4:00 pm: Xiyan Wang, Piano, and Victor Xie, Viola. October 30, 4:00 pm: John Canon (Estes Park, CO), Organist. November 6, 4:00 pm: Xiyan Wang, Piano. November 13, 4:00 pm: David Hatt, Organist. November 20, 4:00 pm: Angela Kraft Cross, Organist. November 27, 4:00 pm: Xiyan Wang, Piano. WEEKLY COLLECTION Weekly Collection Actual September 17 and 18: $5,513 Goal % of Goal $6,671 83% 2nd Collection-Priests Retirement Fund $2,717 FY ’17 Annual Collection to date Actual $72,574 Goal % of Goal $399,491 18% Other Donations and Special Gifts $43,312 $111,968 39% Upcoming Second Collections: September 24th/25th - Louisiana Flood Relief October 1st/2nd - Cathedral Music Department October 15th/16th - Archbishop’s Annual Appeal In Order to Prepare for Next Sunday’s Liturgy: Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 1st Reading: Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4 Psalm 95 2nd Reading: 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14 10 Gospel: Luke 17:5-10 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 25, 2016 CATHEDRAL OF SAINT MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM FORMA DE REGISTRACIÓN Welcome to St. Mary’s Cathedral Please use this form to register as a parishioner. You may drop this form in the mail, the Sunday collection basket or bring it to our office located in the Cathedral’s lower level. Bienvenido a La Catedral de Santa María Es importante llenar este formulario para tener acceso a los sacramentos como: Matrimonio, Bautismo, Primera Comunion etc..., a demas servicios legales, como cartas de 11 11 Bulletin No. 913134 St. Mary’s Cathedral 1111 Gough Street San Francisco, California 94109 Telephone: (415) 567-2020, Ext. 215 Contact: Janet Carrillo Bulletin for: October 2, 2016
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