ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: October 1-2 MASS INTENTIONS AND READINGS SAT 9/24 8:15am 5:30 pm 7:30pm SUN 9/25 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm MON 9/26 8:15am TUE 9/27 8:15am Eccl 11:9—12:8; Ps 90; Lk 9:43b-45 Sat †Mary McGuff/Bautista Family †Bill Tenney/Mack & Peggy Miles Special Intention – Mass in Spanish Sun Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 St Jude Parishioners †Charlie Dickmeyer/Raleigh & Alice Cooper †Federico Supan/Pot Luck Group of Chatt. †Irene Pydynowski/Ken & Char Carey †Eleanor Dudasko/Mr & Mrs George Dudaski, Jr. Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88; Lk 9:51-56 †Howard Jabaley/Robert & Terry Ward Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88; Lk 9:57-62 THU 9/29 Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138; Jn 1:47-51 †Pauline Eberle/Paul Sikorski INT Glen & Karen Griffiths/Robert & Terry Ward 8:15am †Howard Jabaley/Bob Day FRI 9/30 Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139; Lk 10:13-16 INT Carroll Shipley/Rick & Elise Phillips SAT 10/1 8:15am 5:30pm 7:30pm Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119; Lk 10:17-24 SUN 10/2 Hb 1:2-3, 2:2-4; Ps 95; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm INT Sofia Punsal/Bautista Family †Jesus Trinos, Sr./Trinos Family Special Intention – Mass in Spanish †Jack Lutzenhiser & Louis Doug White/Bray & Callegari Families †Mel Carboni/Carboni Family St. Jude Parishioners †Laurence Harwood/Harwood Family LECTORS: October 1-2 Sat Sun 5:30pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm Julia Pollack Naino Leo, Jr. Dan Kennedy Jude Weidner Youth Volunteer ALTAR SERVERS: October 1-2 Sat Sun 5:30pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 5:30pm If you are an EM and would like to receive an EMAIL schedule, please write to [email protected]. Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17; Lk 9:46-50 WED 9/28 8:15am 7:00pm 8:15am 5:30pm V Baltz, G Schrodt, D & J Smith, S Tierney, J Trochelman 8:00am L & L Burke. M Greene, N Leo, A & G Salatka 10:30am C Cravens, G Czarnecki, T Porterfield, D & P Wilkie, K Witter 12:15pm M Bautista, F Martin, B McConnell, D Picard, A Shelby, L Torrence 5:30pm L Juarez-Cruz, M McGann, P Scoggins, H Finnegan E Taylor, M Sims, J Bertani O Malo, A Taylor J Reddick, L Grant, A Hetzler L Burns, K Dubininkas, J Gartrell C Gomez, S Patterson, Z Schulmeister CONTACT PARISH OFFICE REGARDING ADORATION -- Monday through Friday, 6am (or 9am for Summer Schedule) to 9pm, in the Chapel. Sign up for a weekly hour or drop in anytime. ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Anyone entering the hospital or in serious ill health may be anointed. BAPTISM – Parents must attend a baptismal preparation class before having their first child baptized. CATHOLIC CONNECTION – For adult Catholics who have been Baptized but not Confirmed, or who are Confirmed but inactive or not fully practicing. CONFIRMATION – Classes are required and begin in September. Must be 5th grade or older. Call parish office for more info. FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED – If you would benefit from using a hearing assistance device, please see an usher before Mass or contact the Parish Office during the week. MATRIMONY – Four-month notice required. PARISH RELIGIOUS ED (PRE) – For 4-year-old preschoolers through 8th graders. RCIA/INQUIRY CLASSES – For non-Catholics who would like to learn about the Catholic Faith. ROSARY – Prayed daily in Chapel after the 8:15am Mass, after 7pm Mass for Vocations on the second Monday of each month, and at 3pm on the first Saturday (Patriotic). YOUTH – Contact Irene Scoggins [email protected]; or 596-0053. VOCATIONS CHALICE Volunteers needed! If you or your family would like to take the vocations chalice home for a week and pray for religious vocation during that time, please contact the parish office. TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ____________________________________________________________________________________________ SPIRITUAL LIFE THIS WEEK AT ST. JUDE Sunday, September 25 9:00am Parish Breakfast (until 10:15) 10:30am Children’s Liturgy of the Word 11:00am Choir Practice for 12:15 Mass 4:30pm Choir Practice for 5:30 Mass SH Library Library Church Monday, September 26 6:30pm K of C Social/Pot Luck 3:30pm Legion of Mary (Youth) PLC Library Tuesday, September 27 10:00am Bridge 6:00pm World of Hope Hwd A Hwd B Wednesday, September 28 9:00am All Things Catholic 6:30pm St Monica Novena 7:30pm 12:15 Choir Practice Dupree Chapel Church Thursday, September 29 5:00pm Line Dance 7:00pm Rosary Makers SH Library Friday, September 30 9:00am Legion of Mary (Adults) Library Saturday, October 1 9:00am Church Cleaning 3:00pm Praying for America Church Church Sunday, October 2 10:30am Children’s Liturgy 11:00am Choir Practice (12:15 choir) 4:30pm Choir Practice (5:30 choir) Library Library Church MONTHLY MASSES & ROSARIES Saturday, Oct 1, at 3:00 pm Sunday, Oct. 2 at 5:30pm Friday, Oct 7, at 5:30pm Monday, Oct 10 at 6:30pm Monday, Oct 10 at 7:15pm Praying for America Youth Mass First Friday Mass Mass for Vocations Rosary for Vocations To add, remove or restore a family member’s name, please call the Parish Office PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Maria Alder, Kathryn Arnold, Colleen Avery, Ave Bareham, Shelly Benjamin, Meri-Kay Bertin, Tom Black, Landyn Bomar, Elizabeth Booth, Bruce Born, Fr. Joe Brando, Mary Braun, Sandra O’Connor Brown, Susie Brown, Andy Buenda, Ben Byrne, Tom Cain, Gertrude Camacho, Elizabeth Carver, Michael Casey, Margaret Christnacht, Claire Coffey, Mary Coleman, Bernie Coombes, Dorothy Cunningham, Jose DeGuzman, Edward DeVasher, Earl Diehl, Scott Douglas, Mavis Dove, Cliff Durham, Marilyn Dyer, Brian Fischer, Regina Fountain, Evelyn Gabor, Renae Gajownik, Emily Ghasemi, Victoria Goduco, Dennis Greenwood, Glen Griffiths, Ann Hammers, Bernadette Hemeyer, Paula Horne, Alex Hubbard, Amy C. Jacob, John Jessry, Martha Knee, John Lanaman, Joanie Lee, Elizabeth Leichman, Marjorie Lichner, Tony Lichner, Evalina Lincoln, Victoria Lincoln, Campbell Long, Marie Lunn, Taylor Lunn, Theresa McAndrews, Dale McCaa, Trinity Meade, Michael Monteith, Ed Moore, George O’Dell, Martha O’Neill (mother of Fr. John O’Neill), Charles Plant, Jose Que Pua, Tina Puleo, John Purvis, Rebecca Randolph, Frank Rogers, Miryan Rojas, Renee Russell, Christina Salamone, Monsignor George Schmidt, Gail Schrodt, Matilda Sesko, Theresa Slaughter, Gary Spaniak, Mary Stangarone, Lisa & Glenda Tomasiello, Robert Weekly, Brian White, Susan White, Mariah Wilcox, Carolyn Williams, Victoria Wing, Debbie Worley, James Wright, Leanna Young, Ellen Zahorec. FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN Thomas Bazemore, Richard Bryant, John Cain III, Matthew Cain, Jessica Campbell, Eric Flerchinger, William Garza, Joseph Gaston, Samuel Hunter, Michael Knee, Luke Lewis, Stephen McGrath, Thomas McGrath, Louie Parks, Erin Cain Poe Prayer Requests entered into the book in the chapel are prayed for each weekday by the Rosary Group. For Emergency Requests Only, call Prayer Help Line volunteers Vicki Baltz (842-6094), Sharon Moss (875-2230), or Theresa Slaughter (842-7890). FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF Steve Campbell, parishioner and husband of Beki Campbell Travis Parsons, parishioner and husband of Kathy Parsons ADORATION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT The chapel is open for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 6am-9pm. Drop in anytime or, if you would like to schedule a weekly hour, contact Sharon Moss at 875-2230. ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE PARISH LIFE SPECIAL COLLECTION This Weekend! A special Disaster Relief collection will be taken up on the weekend of Sept 24-25 to help the people in south Louisiana who have been devastated by the flooding in that area. Please take advantage of this opportunity to share your generosity. PARISH BREAKFAST September 25 The Knights of Columbus Council 8576 Parish Breakfast will be held on Sun, Sept 25, in Seiner Hall from 9:00am to 10:15am (between the 8am and 10:30am Masses). Look for NEW menu items!! The Parish Breakfasts are to encourage fellowship, and proceeds are for the new projection screen in the gym (Family Life Center). SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 PARISH LIFE Knights of Columbus SOCIAL/POT LUCK DINNER September 26 Knights of Columbus will be holding a social meeting and pot-luck dinner on Mon, Sept 26 in the Parish Life Center at 6:30pm. Members, family members, and parishioners are welcome. BLESSING OF PETS October 1 In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is Oct 4, Fr. Charlie will offer a blessing of pets on October 1st at 10:00am in front of the church. If you would like to have your pet blessed, please be sure it is leashed, crated, or in the case of fish, bowled. RCIA “COME AND SEE” SESSIONS September 25 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ROSARY October 6 The St. Jude Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) team will be hosting a Come and See session for those who might be interested in joining the Catholic Church on Sunday after the 10:30 Mass (11:30ish) the Parish Life Center. This gathering will be informal discussion and show-and-tell session centered on the Catholic faith, and the questions and comments that arise from within the group. A recent participant in the RCIA program will give a witness talk about their personal experience and journey to becoming Catholic, after which they will take questions from the group. There is no obligation to join the Church; just Come and See. For those interested, the formal preparation to enter fully into the Catholic Church will begin in the weeks following. If your schedule prevents you from attending, please contact us to make arrangement to meet with a member of the RCIA team at a time that is convenient for you. For more information, please contact the parish office at 423870-2386, or contact the RCIA Coordinator, Deacon Butch Feldhaus, at [email protected]. You’re invited to the 10th Annual International Day of Rosary on Thurs, Oct 6 at 6pm at St. Jude Church. Please join us in this beautiful celebration of the Rosary prayer in all different languages, sponsored by the St. Jude Council of Catholic Women. We are seeking 50 individuals to pray a Hail Mary on a decade of the Joyful Mysteries. We would love to have anyone in our community who is willing to pray the Hail Mary in their native language to contact Mechtild Boles (423) 877-0467. Volunteers will line up at 5:30pm at the courtyard (right outside of the main church). Immediately following the program, an international dinner will be held in the Parish Life Center – we ask everyone to bring a dish to share from your native land if you can. You can drop them off at any time at Parish Life Center after 3pm. Drinks will be provided. If anyone has a statue or picture of Mother Mary from a different country and would like to display it in the reception, please contact Theresa Slaughter: (423)842-7890. Contact Cathy Palisoc with any questions - (423) 322-6482. TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PARISH LIFE PARISH LIFE SMOKED KIELBASA Order until Oct 12 PARISH PICNIC October 29 When Fr. Charlie visits his family in Pennsylvania in October, he’ll be making his usual stop at Urbaniak’s Meat Market in Erie, PA. If you would like him to bring you some smoked kielbasa (Polish sausage), you can place a PREPAID order at the parish office. Each “stick” is a little larger than a hot dog and costs $2. Last date to order: Oct. 12; pick up date: Oct. 21. PRAYER CHAIN FOR LIFE On Respect Life Sunday, October 2 When? Sunday, Oct 2nd from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Where? In front of The Camp House, 149 East Martin Luther King Blvd, Chatt. (We will line up along the sidewalk) Why? Come join us for an hour of Silent Prayer for the Culture of All Life! Let’s show our unity in our Church’s stand on all ages of Life, from the Unborn to Death! COATS FOR CHRISTMAS October 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 The Knights of Columbus will be collecting Coats, Jackets, Sweaters, Hoodies, Toiletries, New Socks and New Underwear, along with any donations after Mass on the first four weekends in October. The needs for adult sizes are particularly important!!! Please put in collection boxes in vestibule. All proceeds (donations) will go to the following organizations: Chattanooga Homeless Center, Ladies of Charity, TN of Veteran Affairs, St Vincent De Paul Society. ST JUDE COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN October 11 Join us at 7:00pm in the Parish Life Center on Oct 11, for a presentation by Second Life of Chattanooga. You do not want to miss this presentation of how Human Trafficking is affecting our own state of Tennessee. Learn the signs to protect our sons and daughters, grandchildren, etc. St. Jude Annual (and free!) Parish Picnic is set for Oct 29, 12 to 5pm. Please see the bulletin insert for more info and registration form for the Craft & Hobby Show. For questions or to volunteer, contact Kyra in the parish office. CAN YOU HELP WITH MOWING? There are some parcels for mowing available. If interested in mowing a parcel, or for more info, call Tom in the parish office. COMMUNITY LIFE CHARISMATIC MASS September 25 The Charismatic Mass at Holy Spirit Church in Soddy-Daisy will be celebrated on Sept 25, at 3pm with Msgr Al Humbrecht as celebrant. Singers and instrumentalists who would like to participate should arrive at 1:30 p.m. Prayers for healing follow the Mass. Contact Dee Leigh for info at 842-2305. PRESENTATION BY UNIVERSITY of NOTRE DAME PROFESSOR, STEVE FALLON September 26 As part of the University of Notre Dame Hesburgh Lecture series, the University of Notre Dame Club of Chattanooga, and the Departments of Psychology and Women Studies at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga are pleased to present a lecture by Dr. Steve Fallon, the Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, CSC, Professor of the Humanities in the Program of Liberal Studies at the University of Notre Dame. In his lecture entitled "Genesis and Gender: Milton's Adam and Eve and the Birth of Modern Marriage", Dr. Fallon explores the complex, prescient thinking on gender and marriage of a writer who has been attacked as a misogynist and celebrated as a proto-feminist. The talk is scheduled for Mon, Sept 26 from 1 to 2 p.m. in the UTC University Center Auditorium and is open to the public. For further info about the lecture or the local University of Notre Dame Club, contact Dr. Brian O’Leary at 425-4283 at UTC. ST. JUDE CATHOLIC CHURCH CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 COMMUNITY LIFE COMMUNITY LIFE LECTURE BY DR. SAFI KASKAS September 26 ST AMBROSE CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOL CO-OP October 7 Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Soddy Daisy is welcoming Dr. Safi Kaskas who has long studied Abrahamic religions, and lectured throughout the USA and Saudi Arabia on this topic. His Italian translation of the Qur'an with 3,000 references to both Old and New Testaments were presented to Pope Francis at a private audience in January of this year. Dr. Kaskas will focus on interfaith relations and reconciliation between and among Christians and American Muslims. Please join him on Mon, Sept 26 at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. St. Ambrose Catholic Homeschool Co-op is hosting an Open House, Friday October 7th from 9 to noon. Join the co-op to experience classes first hand. Registration for Spring 2017 will also open Oct 7th. Friday, October 7th is also our normally scheduled First Friday Picnic. All families are welcome. Join us following noon mass for a time of fellowship. Visit our Facebook page or email [email protected] for more information POST ABORTION HEALING OPPORTUNITIES October 28-30 NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NDHS 140TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION October 6 You are cordially invited to celebrate the 140th birthday of Notre Dame High School on Thurs, Oct 6. A Mass with Bishop Stika will be celebrated at the Basicilica of Sts Peter & Paul. The Birthday celebration will be from 7-9pm at Stratton Hall, 3146 Broad Street. $40/person. Ticket includes 3-station dinners, desserts, cash bar, music, ND nostalgia many friend. Remit checks to NDHS Alumni Office, 2704 Vermont Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37404. NDHS IMPORTANT DATES Notre Dame High School is currently accepting applications for the 2017-2018 academic year. Please visit our website at to apply online today. Important dates: Sun, Sept 25: Open House, 1:00-3:00pm—tours available. Tues, Sept 27: 8th Grade Visit Day—call to register. (OLPH and SJS 8th graders already registered) Sat, Nov 5: Admissions Test, 8:30am-12:00pm (required for all rising 9th graders). Please contact Laura Goodhard at 423-624-4618, Ext. 1004, with any questions. If you are experiencing emotional or spiritual difficulties from a past abortion, you are not alone. Catholic Charities is here to assist you with Rachel’s Vineyard healing and recovery retreat October 28 – 30 at the Christ Prince of Peace Retreat Center in Benton, TN. For more information, please contact Sandi Davidson (865) 776-4510 [email protected] or Catherine McHugh (865) 696-7720 [email protected]. If you aren’t able to commit to an entire weekend, the Sisters of Life are conducting a Post Abortion Day of Prayer and Healing for Women called, Entering Canaan. It will be held at the Christ Prince of Peace Retreat Center in Benton, TN on November 12. For more information, please contact Sisters of Life toll free at (866) 575-0075, or [email protected] or Theresa Bonopartis at [email protected]. Complete confidentiality is honored at all times for both opportunities. Catholic Charities’ PREGNANCY HELP CENTER Fall is a great time to start something new. How about joining Catholic Charities’ Pregnancy Help Center? Two hours of your time each week can result in a new hope and new perspective for pregnant women. Find out how you can become a mentor, help with fundraising, or become a prayer warrior by calling Sheri Fava at 423-826-0673. TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ____________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY FINANCIAL REPORT Fiscal Year: July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Total Budget: $3,016,000 Week 12 of 53 Weekly Needs (Based on budget) Weekly Income (9-19-16) YTD Needs YTD Income $ 58,000.00 $ 73,496.92 $ 15,496.92 $ 696,000.00 $ 611, 905.95 $ (84,094.05) The gift you have received, give as a gift. Matthew 10:8 MAINTENANCE AND EMERGENCY FUND The Maintenance and Emergency Fund is an outgrowth of the Journey Together Capital Campaign that ended in December 2013. All monies given to the fund are placed in reserve in a designated account for maintenance concerns (the second goal of the Journey Together campaign). Maintenance & Emergency Fund Donations (9-19-16) M & E Expenditures M & E Interest Earned Total in Savings Reserve M&E $ 912.50 $ $ $ 444,818.94 Wherever your treasure lies, there your heart will be. Luke 12:34 join us for our annual and FREE… St. Jude Parish Picnic Saturday, October 29, 2016 12-5 pm Join us for a day of food, fun, tricks and treats for all ages Please bring a dish (with serving utensil) to share: +Last name A-K bring chips, salad, veggie or side + Last name L-Z bring dessert or fruit Drinks and hamburgers/hotdogs provided. _Registration Form for craft/hobby show in the gym___________ Name:___________________________________________________ Phone______________________ email_______________________ Craft for sale or hobby for show and tell (circle one) Please provide your own set up and table unless you need one. Need table: yes no Need access to electricity: yes no Name of Craft or Hobby for sign:_______________________________ Please tear off and turn in form to Kyra Ross in the church office. Questions? Call her at 870-2386. Form due in by October 23. PRAYER CHAIN FOR LIFE ON RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2ND Moved by Mercy We are called to show mercy because mercy has first been shown to us. Pope Francis Chattanoogans for Life would like to invite you to join us at this year’s SILENT Prayer Chain on Respect Life Sunday, October 2, 2016; to pray that the culture of death that surrounds us today will be replaced with a culture of life. We will gather in front of The Camp House, 149 East Martin Luther King Blvd in Chattanooga for an hour of silent prayer. This ecumenical prayer hour will begin at 3:00 P.M. and end at 4:00 P.M. It is a “RAIN OR SHINE” event. This is a witness of prayer FOR the culture of life! It is not a protest against any individual life issue. C hattanoog an’s f or Lif e 501 South Moore Road Chattanooga, TN 37412 Office: 423-622-7232 Fax: 423-624-2686 Phone: 555-555-5555 Email: [email protected] Fax: 555-555-m Notre Dame Cordially Invites You To Its THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 th 2016 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Mass with Bishop Richard Stika Sts. Peter & Paul Basilica 214 E. 8th St. • Chattanooga, TN 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Birthday Celebration Stratton Hall 3146 Broad St. • Chattanooga, TN $40 per person • $80 per couple Ticket includes 3-station dinner, cake, cash bar, music, ND nostalgia and many friends. Purchase tickets online at or complete & return the form below with payment. To reserve a table, please contact Robert Jones at [email protected] or call (423) 624-4618, Ext. 1020. If you are unable attend please consider making a donation of a ticket for a Notre Dame faculty member. $ Please make checks payable to Notre Dame High School Mail to: N DHS Alumni Office 2701 Vermont Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37404 Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Guest Name _______________________________________________________________________________________ Address / City / Zip _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________/____________-___________ Email __________________________________________________ Parish ____________________________________________________ # of Tickets ______________________________ Coats for Christmas The Knights of Columbus Will be collecting Coats, jackets, sweaters, hoodies, toiletries, new socks and underwear, along with other donations. Adult sizes are particularly important! Collection Weekends October 1 & 2 October 8 & 9 October 15 & 16 Oct. 22 & Oct 23 Collection Boxes will be in the vestibule. Donations will be distributed to: Chattanooga Homeless Center, Ladies of Charity, TN Department of Veteran Affairs, St. Vincent De Paul Society. Exciting news! “Holy Fire” Middle School Conference for youth grades 6-8 Saturday, November 12, 2016 $50.00 for Saturday Conference only Chattanooga Deanery will be taking a bus early Saturday morning: Total cost $80 includes, bus, lunch and conference. WHERE? - LeConte Center, Pigeon Forge Registration available on website Our diocese has been chosen by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry to host the first NFCYM Region V Catholic Conference for middle school youth. Parent workshops will be available. We expect about 2,000 participants. Similar to the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), this will be designed around a community of prayer, witness and joy. NFCYM will be providing world-class production, music and international speakers. Get updates from your parish youth ministry coordinator(Irene 423 596 0053 or [email protected])or visit Click on EVENTS tab ¡Noticias Emocionantes! “Holy Fire”(fuego santo) Conferencia para escuela intermediaria. Para jovenes en grados 6-8 Sabado, Noviembre 12, 2016 $51.50 (solo Conferencia) o El Decanato de Chattanooga llevara un autobus que saldra temprano en la mañana del Sabado: Coste complete sera $80 incluye, autobus, almuerzo y conferencia. ¿DONDE? - Centro ‘LeConte, Pigeon Forge Registros disponibles en pagina web Nuestra dioceses ha sido escojida por la Federacion Nacional para el ministerio de jovenes Catholicos Para anfitionar el primer encuentro nacional ‘NFCYM’ de la Region V de Conferencias Catholicas para escuela de intermediaria para jovenes. Se esperea unos 2,000 participantes. Similar a la Conferencia Nacional Catolica de Jovenes (NCYC), esto estara diseñado alrededor de una comunidad de oracion, testimonio y alegria. NFCYM proporcionara una production de clase mundial, musica y platicas al nivel internacional. Actualizaciones de su coordinadora para ministerio juvenil(Irene 423 596 0053 o [email protected])o visite Haga Click en EVENTS BULETIN EN ESPAÑOL 9-24-2016 PARROQUIA SAN JUDAS EN CHATTANOOGA 930 Ashland Terrace, Chattanooga, TN 37415 Números de Teléfono y contactos Ministerio Hispano Horario Misa Sábados 5:30pm (ingles) Padre Moisés (423) 870-2386 Oficina: (423) 870-2386 (de 9:00AM a 4:00PM) Sábado 7.30pm (español) Fax: (423) 876-8960 Domingo 8.00am,10:30am,12:15pm,5:30pm (ingles) Diaria 8:15am (Lunes a Sábado)(ingles) Email: [email protected] Miércoles 7:00pm y Viernes 5:30pm (ingles) Confesiones Miércoles 6:00pm Requisitos para Sacramentos: Bautizos: Tomar las pláticas prebautismales para padres (registrados en la iglesia de San Judas) y padrinos (que los Padrinos sean Católicos y estén casados por la iglesia) y separar la fecha del bautismo con un mínimo de 3 meses de anticipación. * Pláticas Pre-bautismales para padres y padrinos: Son a cargo de Alberto Rios por favor llamen a 423-355-0495 10 Año del Rosairo Internacional Venga a celebrar a Nuestra Señora del Rosario el Jueves Octubre 6, 6:00 p.m. Iglesia Catolica de San Judas Participantes preparan en fila a las 5:30 Confesiones: Todos los miércoles a las 6pm o (si usted quiere dar un Ave Maria Sábados a las 4pm, o por cita previa. Por favor noten que no todos sábados o miércoles hay confesiones en español. Hablen con las oficinas o con el Padre antes para asegurar que padre estará confesando si necesita que sea en español. Primera Comunión: La primera comunión se hace en el segundo grado y requiere dos años se preparación. Por favor apunten a sus hijos para las clases en el primer grado. Clases son todos los miércoles entre septiembre y marzo a las 6.30pm llame a Irene 423 596 0053) Clases de Formacion de Fe (INCLUYE CONFIRMACION) Y GRUPO JUEVNIL DE HIGH SCHOOL que incluye confirmacion se ofrecen para grados 7-12. Grados 9-12 se reuno todos los domingos de 6.30pm a 8pm. Grados 7-8 se reune todos los miercoles de 6pm a 7.30pm. Los dos grupos se ven en el salon Juvenil (arriba del gimnacio) Estos programas esta combinados con los grupos juevniles de la parroquia tanto de High School como VISIONS para Middle School! Los groupos de ministerio juvenile y formacion de fe (que incluye confirmacion) es para todos los jovenes de estos grados esten confirmados ya o no. Se hace atravez de una noche divertida con juegos, grupos pequeños. Venga y unase a este grupo todos bienvenidos. *Un miembro de la paroquia de St. Jude necesita costureras (o) con experiencia en costura de elástico en 4 direcciones, tejido de punto para coser ropa athletica para mujer. Puede trabajar desde su casa. Costureras(o) deben hablar Inglés. Si está interesado, por favor llame al 423-504-1132 para ablar con Teresa Le. Servidores para misa del 10/01/2016 Lectores: Primera Lectura: Norma Segunda Lectura: Jacky Peticiones: Minnie Ministros:, Samira, Alberto, Irene Alter Servers: Mariana, Justin, Diana Información Monetaria “Porque donde esta vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón” Lucas 12: 34 Collecta para 9/17/2016 Sobres 5 $74.00 Cheque suelto 2 $70.00 Immaculate Conception 1 $25.00 Dinero suelto $679.25 Consejo Espiritual Padres creyentes con hijos incrédulos, ¿quién tiene la culpa? El trabajo diario, las obligaciones en el hogar y la preocupación por solventar las necesidades materiales, parecen no dejar tiempo a los padres de familia para contagiar a sus hijos el amor a Dios. Así es, las nuevas generaciones están creciendo sin fe porque en sus hogares nadie se preocupa por hablarles de Dios.En la sociedad actual, donde los niños y jóvenes están expuestos a tentaciones sexuales, violencia escolar, bebidas alcohólicas, drogas y muchas otras influencias negativas, no cuentan con la fuerza de los valores morales y cristianos para defenderse, considera el P. Eduardo Mercado Guzmán, responsable de la Comisión de Catequesis de la Arquidiócesis de México.Y es que se ha ido perdiendo el sentido de la familia como “escuela de fe”; en muchos hogares han desaparecido las costumbres cristianas, no se reúnen para hacer oración, ir a Misa o rezar el Santo Rosario, y las imágenes religiosas ya no tienen un lugar importante en casa.“La educación en la fe ya no es parte del mundo de hoy”, asegura el P. Mercado Guzmán, porque la preocupación de muchos padres de familia se limita a bautizar a sus hijos, y se olvidan que en ese momento –y también cuando contrajeron Matrimonio–, recibieron la gracia y la obligación de darles una educación cristiana a sus hijos para que, guardando los mandamientos divinos, amen a Dios y a su prójimo, como Cristo nos enseñó”.Aunado a ello, en muchas familias se le da más importancia al bienestar y confort material, dejando en último plano lo espiritual, a lo que se suma la influencia de los medios de comunicación y las nuevas tecnologías que, en un sentido negativo, pueden ser un distractor para los niños y jóvenes.Misión de la familia cristianaLa Iglesia Católica habla sobre la importancia de que los hijos aprendan desde sus primeros años a conocer la fe recibida en el Bautismo. El responsable de la Comisión de Catequesis explica que “el testimonio de vida cristiana, ofrecido por los padres en el seno de la familia, llega a los niños envuelto en el cariño y el respeto”, y que esta primera experiencia cristiana deja en ellos “una huella decisiva que dura toda la vida”, por lo que el despertar religioso infantil en el ambiente familiar tiene un carácter insustituible.La declaración Gravissimum Educationis del Concilio Vaticano II sobre la educación cristiana, señala que el “deber de la educación familiar es de tanta trascendencia que, cuando falta, difícilmente puede suplirse”, y que es obligación de los padres “formar un ambiente familiar animado por el amor, por la piedad hacia Dios y hacia los hombres, que favorezca la educación íntegra tanto personal como social de los hijos”.Por su parte, el Papa Juan Pablo II en su exhortación apostólica Familiaris Consortio escribió que “aun en medio de las dificultades –hoy a menudo agravadas– de la acción educativa, los padres deben formar a los hijos con confianza y valentía en los valores esenciales de la vida humana. Los hijos deben crecer en una justa libertad ante los bienes materiales, adoptando un estilo de vida sencillo y austero, convencidos de que ‘el hombre vale más por lo que es que por lo que tiene’”.Sobre el tema, el Papa Emérito Benedicto XVI explicaba que “esa natural y sobrenatural iniciación a la vida de piedad, hecha en el calor del hogar, da muy buenos resultados. El niño aprende a colocar al Señor en la línea de los primeros y más fundamentales afectos; aprende a tratar a Dios como Padre y a la Virgen como Madre, y aprende a rezar, siguiendo el ejemplo de sus padres”.Finalmente, el Papa Francisco, en la encíclica Lumen Fidei también recuerda que “en la familia, la fe está presente en todas las etapas de la vida, comenzando por la infancia: los niños aprenden a fiarse del amor de sus padres. Por eso es importante que los padres cultiven prácticas comunes de fe en la familia, que acompañen el crecimiento en la fe de los hijos”.En la audiencia general de la semana pasada, el Papa Francisco también dedicó parte de su reflexión a la enseñanza de las madres y los padres a sus niños, y dijo que es muy bello cuando los pequeños aprenden a mandarle un beso a Jesús o a la Virgen.En este sentido, el Santo padre también lamentó que en algunos lugares haya niños que no saben hacer la señal de la cruz: “Una cosa que tengo en el corazón, que he visto en las ciudades: ¡hay niños que no han aprendido a hacer la señal de la Cruz! Tú, mamá, papá, enseña al niño a rezar, a hacer la señal de la Cruz, esta es una tarea bella de las mamás y de los papás”, dijo.Escuela de virtudes El P. Mercado Guzmán, explica que los padres evangelizan a sus hijos con el ejemplo, haciéndoles sentir que Dios es parte de la familia, que siempre se puede contar con Él porque Su amor es incondicional.“Esto –dijo– va a impactar en su futuro, porque una educación cristiana les da herramientas para enfrentar diversas situaciones de vida”, ya que crecerán con valores como la austeridad en la posesión de las cosas, amor y servicio, sociabilidad, sexualidad sana y castidad.Existen recursos como libros, videos, portales de internet católicos y, por supuesto, el apoyo de los materiales que ofrece la Iglesia, donde los padres pueden encontrar ideas para educar mejor a sus hijos en la fe.Con la ayuda del director de la Comisión de Catequesis, el periódico Desde la fe te ofrece algunos consejos para que tus hijos aprendan a amar a Dios:1. Enseñarles a orar durante el día, a tener diálogos con Dios para pedir su consejo y su guía, y darle gracias por todo lo que Él nos da.2. Dar gracias a Dios por los alimentos, tener imágenes religiosas en casa, llevarlos a la Basílica de Guadalupe, enseñarles el significado de las fiestas litúrgicas y pedir la protección del Ángel Custodio.3. Leer con ellos la Biblia o las hojitas de la Misa. Dejar que los niños digan lo que entendieron y cómo le van a responder a Dios.4. Asistir a Misa en familia y enseñarle al niño el significado de los momentos más importantes de la Liturgia, de los ornamentos y elementos del altar.5. Prepararlos para que relacionen su vida cotidiana con Dios. Por ejemplo, motivándolos para que ofrezcan a Dios las clases y tareas.6. Prepararlos para recibir los Sacramentos.7. Recordar que un elemento esencial es el testimonio vivo de los padres, que son los primeros mensajeros del Evangelio ante los hijos.
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