阿根廷乳品(婴幼儿配方乳品除外)生产企业在华注册名单 (2016年08月31更新) 序号 NO. 注册编号 Approval NO. 企业名称 Name 注册地址 Address 市/县City/ County 州/省/区 Prefecture/ Province/ District 注册类型 Type 1 B-I-00499 Lácteos Vidal S.A. Rivadavia y El Verdin s/n° Carlos Casares Argentine Buenos Aires PP 2 B-I-01692 Mastellone Hnos S.A. Alte Brown 957 Gral Rodriguez / Argentine Buenos Aires PP 3 B-I-04510 Ernesto Rodriguez e hijos S.A: Ruta 54, Km. 8 Bartolomé Bavio - Pdo. de Magdalena Buenos Aires Page 1 of 8 PP 注册产品 Products for approval 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partley skimmed milk powder 干酪-Cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-Whey powder 巴氏杀菌乳-Pasteurized milk 灭菌乳-Sterilized milk 调制乳-Modified milk 其他消毒乳-Other disinfection milk 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-whole milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 黄油-Butter 稀奶油-Cream 干酪-Cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-Whey powder 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-Whey protein concentrate 其他乳清粉-Other whey powder 其他乳与乳制品-Other milk and milk product 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 黄油-Butter 稀奶油-Cream 干酪-Cheese 硬质干酪-Hard cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-Whey powder 其他乳清粉-Other whey powder 其他乳与乳制品-Other milk and milk product 备注 Remark 阿根廷乳品(婴幼儿配方乳品除外)生产企业在华注册名单 (2016年08月31更新) 序号 NO. 注册编号 Approval NO. 企业名称 Name 注册地址 Address 市/县City/ County 州/省/区 Prefecture/ Province/ District 注册类型 Type 4 B-I-05187 Remotti S.A. Acceso a Emilio V. Bunge, Km. 16 Emilio V. Bunge Argentine Buenos Aires PP 5 E-I-00139 S.A. La Sibila 6 E-I-05219 RPB S.A. 7 E-I-05337 8 S-I-00009 9 S-I-00101 Nogoya Argentine Entre Ríos PP Ruta N° 14 - km 58 Gualeguaychú Entre Ríos PP Cremigal S.R.L. Ruta Nacional 12, km 278 Gral. Galarza Entre Ríos PP SanCor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada Teniente Richieri N° 15 - Sunchales Argentine Santa Fe PP Molfino Hnos. S.A.. Av. Italia y Vivanco E. Salva 648 Rafaela Argentine Santa Fe Page 2 of 8 PP 注册产品 Products for approval 乳清粉-Whey powder 调制乳-Modified milk 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 配方乳粉-Formula milk powder 营养强化配方乳粉-Fortified formula milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉Whey powder 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-whey protein concentrate 灭菌乳-Sterilized milk 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 乳粉-Milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partley skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 乳清粉Whey powder 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-Whey protein concentrate 灭菌乳-Sterilized milk 其他消毒乳-Other disinfection milk 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 配方乳粉-Formula milk powder 营养强化配方乳粉-Fortified formula milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 干酪-Cheese 硬质干酪-Hard cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 备注 Remark 阿根廷乳品(婴幼儿配方乳品除外)生产企业在华注册名单 (2016年08月31更新) 序号 NO. 注册编号 Approval NO. 企业名称 Name 注册地址 Address 市/县City/ County 州/省/区 Prefecture/ Province/ District 注册类型 Type 10 S-I-03610 Milkaut S.A. Rivadavia 1984 Franck Argenine Santa Fe PP 11 S-I-04400 Sucesores de Alfredo Williner S.A. Ruta Provincial N° 70 - Km. 74 Bella Italia Argentine Santa Fe PP 12 S-I-04803 Verónica S.A. Avenida San Martín 501 Lehmann Argentine Santa Fe Page 3 of 8 PP 注册产品 Products for approval 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 配方乳粉-Formula milk powder 营养强化配方乳粉-Fortified formula milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 乳清粉-Whey powder 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-Whey protein concentrate 其他乳清粉-Other whey powder 其他乳与乳制品-Other milk and milk product 灭菌乳-Sterilized milk 调制乳-Modified milk 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 黄油-Butter 稀奶油- Cream 干酪-Cheese 硬质干酪-Hard cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 其他乳与乳制品-Other milk and milk product 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-Whey powder 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-Whey protein concentrate 其他乳清粉-Other whey powder 干酪-Cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 备注 Remark 阿根廷乳品(婴幼儿配方乳品除外)生产企业在华注册名单 (2016年08月31更新) 序号 NO. 13 注册编号 Approval NO. S-I-05112 14 S-I-05162 15 S-I-05239 16 S-I-05280 17 S-I-05307 18 S-I-05334 19 S-I-05349 20 X-I-01431 21 X-I-00681 企业名称 Name Garcia Hermanos Agroindustrial SRL Verónica S.A. 注册地址 Address 9 de Julio 322 Ruta 23 - KM. 9 市/县City/ County Gobernador Crespo / San Justo Suardi Argentine Leones de Bleek San Carlos Sarmiento 952 S.A. Sud Argentine Compañía Regional de Esperanza Alem 103 Lácteos Argentina Argentine S.A. Pampa Cheese Progreso Ruta 80 S S.A. Argentine Peiretti Celso, Peiretti Héctor, Ramona Zona Rural Peiretti Haydee, Argentina Peiretti Raúl Lácteos La Ruta Provincial N° 6 Franck Ramada S.A. Km. 48 - FRANCK Argentine Manfrey Coop. de Tamberos de Güemes Oeste N° Freyre / Comerc. e 107 Argentine Industrialización Ltda Molfino Hnos S.A. Bv. Libertad s/n° Tío PujioArgentine 州/省/区 Prefecture/ Province/ District 注册类型 Type 注册产品 Products for approval PP 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 干酪-Cheese 硬质干酪-Hard cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 脱盐乳清粉-Whey powder 灭菌乳-Sterilized milk Santa Fe PP 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 干酪-Cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese Santa Fe PP 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-Whey powder Santa Fe PP 乳粉-Milk Powder 调制乳-Modified milk 其他奶油-Other milk fat Santa Fe PP 干酪-Cheese Santa Fe PP 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 乳清粉-Whey powder Santa Fe PP 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder Córdoba PP 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 脱脂乳粉Skimmed milk powder PP 黄油-Butter 硬质干酪-Hard cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-Whey protein concentrate 其他乳与乳制品-Other milk and milk product Santa Fe Córdoba Page 4 of 8 备注 Remark 阿根廷乳品(婴幼儿配方乳品除外)生产企业在华注册名单 (2016年08月31更新) 序号 NO. 注册编号 Approval NO. 22 X-I-02196 23 X-I-03556 24 25 26 X-I-03826 X-I-05028 X-I-05035 企业名称 Name Fábrica de Alimentos Santa Clara S.A. 注册地址 Address Av. Carranza 499 Sobrero y Cagnolo Ruta Nac. N° 9, Km. S.A. 478 SanCor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada Av. Presidente Arturo Frondizi N° 3151 NESTLE Ruta Provincial N° 2 ARGENTINA S.A. s/n° NOAL SA. Ruta Provincial N° 2 s/n° 市/县City/ County 州/省/区 Prefecture/ Province/ District 注册类型 Type Villa Nueva Argentine Córdoba PP San Marcos Sud Argentine Córdoba PP Morteros Argentine Villa Nueva Argentine Villa María Argentine Córdoba Córdoba Córdoba Page 5 of 8 注册产品 Products for approval 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 营养强化配方乳粉-Fortified formula milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 配方乳粉-Formula milk powder 其他奶油-Other milkfat 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-Whey powder 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-Whey protein concentrate 其他乳清粉-Other whey powder 其他乳与乳制品-Other milk and milk product 乳粉-Milk powder 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉Whey powder PP 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 配方乳粉-Formula milk powder 营养强化配方乳粉-Fortified formula milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder PP 调制乳-Modified milk 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder PP 干酪-Cheese 乳粉-milk powder 全脂乳粉-whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-skimmed milk powder 营养强化配方乳粉-fortified formula milk powder 其他乳粉-other milk powder 脱盐乳清粉-demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-whey powder 其他乳清粉-other whey powder 备注 Remark 阿根廷乳品(婴幼儿配方乳品除外)生产企业在华注册名单 (2016年08月31更新) 序号 NO. 27 注册编号 Approval NO. X-I-05221 企业名称 Name Arla Foods Ingredients S.A. 注册地址 Address Provincial Route N°1, Km. 37 28 X-I-05265 Lactear S.A. Ruta Prov. N° 1 s/n Acceso Sur 29 X-I-05289 Elcor S.A. C. Federales 1899 30 X-I-05301 31 X-I-05321 Intelac S.R.L. Ruta Nacional N° 158, km 101,5 32 X-I-05343 Cooperativa Agrícola Tambera de James Craik Ltda 33 X-I-03037 PUNTA DEL AGUA S.A. 市/县City/ County Porteña Argentine Morteros Argentine 州/省/区 Prefecture/ Province/ District Córdoba 注册类型 Type PP Córdoba PP Córdoba PP Córdoba PP Pozo del Molle Argentine Córdoba PP Bv. San Martín 301 James Craik Argentina Córdoba PP Salta 114 James Craik Córdoba PP Lacteos La Cristina Av. Gral. Savio 3500 S.A. Villa María Argentine Villa María Argentine Page 6 of 8 注册产品 Products for approval 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-Whey powder 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-Whey protein concentrate 其他乳清粉-Other whey powder 其他乳与乳制品-Other milk and milk product 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 干酪-Cheese 硬质干酪-Hard cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 其他乳清粉-Other whey powder. 黄油-Butter 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-Whey protein concentrate 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-Whey powder 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 营养强化配方乳粉-Fortified formula milk powder 脱盐乳清粉-Demineralized whey powder 乳清粉-Whey powder 乳清浓缩蛋白粉-Whey protein concentrate 硬质干酪-Hard cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 乳粉-Milk powder 其他乳粉-Whey powder 干酪-Cheese 硬质干酪-Hard cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 备注 Remark 阿根廷乳品(婴幼儿配方乳品除外)生产企业在华注册名单 (2016年08月31更新) 序号 NO. 34 35 注册编号 Approval NO. S-I-03234 S-I-04775 36 X-I-04816 37 X-I-00181 38 X-I-00180 39 X-I-04377 40 S-I-03861 41 S-I-00184 企业名称 Name 注册地址 Address 市/县City/ County 注册类型 Type 注册产品 Products for approval PP 乳粉-Milk powder 全脂乳粉-Whole milk powder 部分脱脂乳粉-Partly skimmed milk powder 脱脂乳粉-Skimmed milk powder 营养强化配方乳粉-Fortified formula milk powder 其他乳粉-Other milk powder 配方乳粉-Formula milk powder Santa Fe PP 干酪-Cheese 硬质干酪-Hard cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese 其他乳与乳制品-Other milk and milk product La Carlota Córdoba PP 硬质干酪-Hard cheese Ruta Nacional N° 19 - Km 151 Devoto Córdoba PP 黄油-Butter Intendente Zampol 368 (y Las Heras) Brinkmann Córdoba PP 硬质干酪-Hard cheese Ruta Provincial N° 24 - Km 5 Coronel Moldes Córdoba PP 硬质干酪-Hard cheese Ruta Nacional N° 34 - Km 94 Centeno Santa Fe PP 干酪-Cheese Bv. Argentino 464 Galvez Santa Fe PP 干酪-Cheese 其他奶酪-Other cheese NESTLE ARGENTINA S.A. Bv Solis 2435 LA MUCCA S.A. Ruta Provincial 65 Km. 14 Diaz Ruta N° 8 - Km 498 Sancor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada (La Carlota) Sancor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada (Devoto) Sancor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada (Brinkmann) Sancor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada (Coronel Moldes) Sancor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada (Centeno) Sancor Cooperativas Unidas Limitada (Galvez) 州/省/区 Prefecture/ Province/ District Firmat Santa Fe Page 7 of 8 备注 Remark 阿根廷乳品(婴幼儿配方乳品除外)生产企业在华注册名单 (2016年08月31更新) 序号 NO. 注册编号 Approval NO. 类型:PP-加工企业; CS-冷库 DS-非冷藏库 企业名称 Name 注册地址 Address 市/县City/ County 州/省/区 Prefecture/ Province/ District Type: PP- Processing Plant; CS- Cold Store DS-Dry store 备注:该名单于2014年5月9日第一次公布,并将根据境外乳品生产企业申请注册的进展情况随时更新。 Page 8 of 8 注册类型 Type 注册产品 Products for approval 备注 Remark
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