TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO “Where there is love, there is also understanding and forgiveness.” – Pope Francis SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 / 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:00 am Anton & Maria Tran† 10:00 am Thanksgiving for George Levandoski 12:00 pm Maria Velez† Birthday Blessings for Leydy J. Carmona 2:30 pm Marco Aurelio Rodriguez† 5:00 pm Dan Montgomery† 7:00 pm Angela Segundo† Maria De La Luz Sanchez MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 / 12 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Augusto Caicedo† TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 / 13 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Angela Segundo† 8:30 pm Kevin Reynaldo Ramirez† WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 / 14 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Shannon Thompson 7:00 pm Prayers for the health of Dot Lacy THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 / 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Deceased Members of Matusek Family † Julie Kock-Lyons† FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 / 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Deceased Members of Matusek Family † SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 / 17 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:15 am Clarence Wisnowski† 5:30 pm Veronica Hernandez † Charles De Russo Jr. † SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 / 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE 8:00 am Ramiro Presas Jr.† 10:00 am Elizabeth & Evan Hold-Reina† 12:00 pm David Rojas† Birthday Blessings for Clisero Mata 2:30 pm Tomacita Gomez† Reynaldo Cortes† 5:00 pm Birthday Blessings for Preston Dunn, 4 Years 7:00 pm Jesus Torres† Birthday Blessings for Elena Barrera Last Sunday, Cardinal DiNardo celebrated the Confirmation of 110 of our young people. Many thanks to the members of our Confirmation Class for their stewardship of their time, abilities and treasure here at St. Jerome Church. They have worked very hard preparing for Confirmation following a two-year preparation period giving themselves and getting ready to take on adult responsibilities within our church. We admire their dedication and commitment. Many thanks to the staff and teachers for their hard work, devotion and loyalty to the parish community. Your generous support is greatly appreciated. Being faithful stewards, week by week, makes this day possible. PRE-SALE OF FALL FESTIVAL TOKEN WEEKEND September 17th & 18th After All Masses FALL FESTIVAL SET UP We need your help! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH @ 8:00 AM Lunch will be provided SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 DOMINGO 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 LETTER FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Parishioners, The Parable of the Prodigal Son is like a kaleidoscope: it offers countless beautiful insights into what it means to follow Christ. One of the insights we often overlook has to do with the greatest danger we face as so-called "practicing Catholics": the danger of living our faith only on the surface, of not letting it penetrate the depths of our hearts. This parable teaches us that it is possible to live "in the Father's house" without really getting to know the Father. The younger son didn't really know his father. He didn't know how much his father loved him and how eagerly his father wanted to bequeath him prosperity and joy. As a result, he paid his father a colossal insult by demanding his share of the inheritance while his father was still alive. It was a way of saying that his father would be of more use to him dead than alive. The older son was no better. On the surface he seemed to do everything right, but he had no idea about how much his father cared for him, and so he resented the celebration at this brother's return. Although they had lived their entire lives under the same roof, the two brothers had never opened their hearts to their father; they had closed themselves into the petty little world of their egoism. We can easily do the same: spend our whole lives as "practicing" Catholics, going through all the right motions and looking great on the outside, but not opening our hearts to God, not getting to know him on a personal, intimate level. That's a risky way to live our faith: we could easily end up separated from the Father for good, eating corn husks and missing out on the joyful celebration of the Father's love. Now that we have been reminded of the true meaning of our lives, we should be able to polish up our priorities for the week. What enables us to mature as human beings and as Christians is staying close to the shepherd. That means having a healthy prayer life and being true to the voice of conscience, which is one of our shepherd's favorite ways to guide us. Maybe some of us have been slacking off in our prayer life or ignoring our conscience. Today, let's ask our Lord's forgiveness and make a fresh start. And what enables us to fulfill our mission in life is staying plugged into the Church's mission. That means knowing what the Church teaches, appreciating what the Church offers her children. Maybe some of us have slacked off in this area. Maybe we haven't picked up a Catholic book in months, or years; have you finished the Matthew Kelly Book? Maybe we don't even know that Pope Francis published several books on Jesus Christ. Maybe we never really studied our Catechism and have a lot of vague ideas about our faith. It is our responsibility not to let ourselves get lost under the sofa again, now that Christ has searched us out. Have you logged on to to find great movies and programs? After we pray the Creed next Sunday, when we make our offerings to God, let’s put in the basket more than just dollars and cents. Let's also put in that basket a promise to renew our effort in living life the way Christ wants us to live it. If we make the decision, Christ himself will help us follow through with it. After all, that's what good shepherds do. May God bless you. Fr Dan TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO CARTA DE NUESTRO PÁRROCO Queridos Parroquianos, La parábola del hijo pródigo es como un caleidoscopio: ofrece innumerables ideas hermosas en lo que significa seguir a Cristo. Una de las ideas que pasan por alto a menudo tiene que ver con el mayor peligro que enfrentamos como supuestos "católicos practicantes": el peligro de vivir nuestra fe solamente en la superficie, de no dejarlo penetrar en las profundidades de nuestros corazones. Esta parábola nos enseña que es posible vivir "en la casa del padre" sin realmente conocer al padre. El hijo más joven no conocía realmente a su padre. No sabía cuánto su padre lo amaba y cómo ansiosamente su padre quería su prosperidad y alegría. Como resultado, él dio a su padre un insulto colosal exigiendo su parte de la herencia mientras su padre estaba aún vivo. Era una manera de decir que su padre sería de más utilidad muerto que vivo. El hijo mayor no era mejor. En la superficie parecía hacerlo todo bien, pero no tenía idea sobre cuánto lo cuidaba su padre, y así él resentía la celebración en el retorno de su hermano. Aunque habían vivido toda su vida bajo el mismo techo, los dos hermanos nunca habían abierto su corazón a su padre; ellos mismos se habían encerrado en el pequeño mundillo de su egoísmo. Fácilmente podemos hacer lo mismo: pasar nuestras vidas enteras como católicos “practicantes”, pasando por todo lo que creemos bueno y solo nos vemos bien en el exterior, por no abrir nuestros corazones a Dios, no llegar a conocerlo en un nivel personal, íntimo. Esa es una forma arriesgada de vivir nuestra fe: podríamos fácilmente terminar separados del padre para el “bien”, comiendo solo las hojas de maíz y perderse en la celebración gozosa del amor del padre. Ahora que nos recordaron el verdadero sentido de nuestras vidas, nosotros deberíamos ser capaces de pulir nuestras prioridades para la semana. Lo que nos permite madurar como seres humanos y como cristianos es quedarse cerca del pastor. Significa tener una vida saludable en la oración y ser fiel a la voz de la conciencia, que es una de las maneras favoritas de nuestro pastor que nos guía. Tal vez algunos de nosotros hemos sido perezosos en nuestra vida de oración o haciendo caso omiso de nuestra conciencia. Hoy, vamos a pedir perdón de nuestro Señor y hacer un nuevo comienzo. Que nos permita cumplir nuestra misión en la vida que es permanecer conectados en la misión de la iglesia. Eso significa saber lo que enseña la iglesia, apreciando lo que la iglesia ofrece a sus hijos. Tal vez algunos de nosotros hemos sido perezosos en esta área. Tal vez no hemos recogido un libro católico en meses o años; ¿ha terminado de leer el libro de Matthew Kelly? Tal vez ni siquiera saben que Papa Francisco publicó varios libros sobre Jesucristo. Tal vez nunca estudiamos nuestro Catecismo y tiene un montón de ideas vagas acerca de nuestra fe. Es nuestra responsabilidad no perdernos en el sofá otra vez, ahora que Cristo nos busca. ¿Te has registrado a para encontrar grandes películas y programas? Después de orar el credo el próximo domingo, cuando hacemos nuestras ofrendas a Dios, vamos a poner en la cesta más que dólares y centavos. También pongamos en esa canasta una promesa de renovar nuestro esfuerzo en vivir la vida como Cristo quiere que vivamos. Si tomamos la decisión, Cristo mismo nos ayudará a seguir a través de él. Después de todo, eso es lo hacen los buenos pastores. Que Dios los bendiga. Padre Dan SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 DOMINGO 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 REFLEXIÓN SOBRE LA ADMINISTRACION DE LOS BIENES DE DIOS - Confirmación – El pasado domingo, el Cardenal Daniel DiNardo celebró la Misa de Confirmación en la cuál 110 de nuestros jóvenes fueron confirmados. Muchas gracias y felicidades a todos esos jóvenes por llevar a cabo este compromiso. Ellos han dado su tiempo, sus habilidades y su tesoro a la Comunidad Católica de San Jerónimo. Han trabajado arduamente por dos años, preparándose semana a semana para este dia, para estar listos a tomar responsabilidades, ya como adultos, en nuestra parroquia. Muchas gracias también a todas las personas y maestros que dieron su trabajo, tiempo y conocimiento. Gracias por su apoyo, su compromiso fiel y su dedicación para lograr que este sea un dia bendito y memorable para todos. Septiembre 10-11 Kinder-6to grado Las clases de catecismo ya comenzaron. JUNTA DE PRIMERA COMUNION: El lunes 19 de Septiembre Será dentro de la parroquia 7:30en español. Esta junta es obligatoria solo para aquellos padres de niños que estén en 2do grado hasta 6to de primaria y estén cursando su segundo año de catecismo. Esta junta es para registrar a sus niños a clases de preparación sacramental, deben traer el certificado de Bautismo de sus hijos. Si necesita más información llame a la oficina 713 464-5029 con Johana o Maria. +Recuerde traer a sus hijos a misa todos los Domingos+ TODOS LOS JOVENES SON BIENVENIDOS DEL GRADO 7 AL 12 Las clases comienzan 18 de Septiembre Aceptamos inscripciones, de lunes a viernes de 9:00 am - 9:00 pm y los sábados las 9:00 am - 4:00 pm ¿Preguntas? Llame o correo electrónico [email protected] 713/468-9555 a Ricky LA EXALTACIÓN DE LA SANTA CRUZ - Para que reconozcamos que nuestras vidas son regalos de Dios y que todo lo que tenemos le pertenece a Él. "Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo, que dio a su único Hijo..." (Juan 3:16.) Dios nos ha dado el regalo de Su Hijo para que podamos disfrutar la salvación eterna. De todos nuestros regalos, nuestra vida es la más preciada. Nosotros pertenecemos a Dios. Es por eso que debemos tomarnos tiempo diariamente para preguntarle cómo quiere que usemos la vida que nos ha dado. VOLUNTARIOS para el FESTIVAL DE OTOÑO Necesitamos muchos para todo tipo de tareas y comités. La mayoría del trabajo se realiza antes del Festival. Llame ahora mismo y vea cómo puede utilizar sus talentos y habilidades para ayudar. ¿Preguntas? Carlos Aguilar at 713550-7623 La preparación para el FESTIVAL DE OTOÑO DE SAN JERÓNIMO ya empezó Aquí están los horarios, haga sus planes para asistir. Los esperamos. Miércoles, 14 de Septiembre a las 7 pm en Adult Ed TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO September 10-11 Kinder-6th Grade • • CCE classes on Sundays and Tuesdays for Kinder to 6th Grade already started! FIRST COMMUNION MEETING: On Monday September 19th at the Church at 6:30pm in English or 7:30pm in Spanish. This is a MANDATORY meeting ONLY for the parents of CCE students who are in 2nd through the 6th grade who already attended to Religious Education classes last year and have not received their First Communion. The parents need to come to this meeting to register for the special sacramental preparation. Don’t forget to bring a copy of the Baptismal Certificate of your child! Information: (713) 464-5029 Johana or Maria +Remember to bring your child to Sunday Masses+ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 DOMINGO 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 Do you have a special occasion coming up? Would you like to commemorate that special occasion by donating FLOWERS FOR OUR ALTAR? Call Marie Foyt 713/465-6927 From PreK 4 through 8th grade. Our school helps build a strong foundation of faith and academics by focusing on the whole child, educating mind, heart and spirit. For more information or to visit our school. We thank you for choosing St. Jerome School for your child. Information contact our school office at 713-4687946 or [email protected]. Find us online at Help our school, drop off your Box Tops to the school office, Thank you! th th (From 7 through 12 Grade) . ST. JEROME CATHOLIC COMMUNITY CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 Celebrates the 51st Annual Fall Festival Saturday, September 24 & Sunday, September 25, 2016 LIFE TEEN follows the Church’s mandate to make JESUS CHRIST the center of everything we do LIFE TEEN Mass is held every Sunday at 5:00 pm. everyone is welcome. Bring your friends. GREAT MUSIC! COME WORSHIP WITH US! Call or e-mail Ricky [email protected] 713/468-9555 BRIDGES TO LIFE Why do people look forward to go to Prison? It is a simply most wonderful ministry. If you can commit your Thursday Afternoons this fall, see Deacon Dan, Danny Marquer or Bob Christy for more information. SEEKING FULL COMMUNION IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH? - We will soon begin a new season of preparation in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). The RCIA is for adults and children over the age of 7 years and is meant for: Those who have never been baptized. Those who were baptized in another faith and now wish to join the Catholic faith. Those, who although baptized in the Catholic faith, have never received any instruction in the faith or the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation (adults only). If you are among these and have heard the voice of the Lord calling you to a deeper communion with Him in the Catholic faith, please contact Fr. David (English) or Maria Alvarez (Spanish) to learn more. Pre-Registrations are in the church office, the office is open 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Monday through Friday, Saturday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM. The St. Jerome Early Childhood Center Have openings for childcare From 6 weeks thru PK3. Call 713-461-0835 for more information. Your Goal is to Sell 10 Books of Raffle Tickets. All proceeds from the Festival go towards THE NEW ACTIVITY CENTER. EIGHT GREAT RAFFLE TICKET PRIZES Ticket prices are $2.00 each or a book of 6 for $10.00 1st Prize- Choice of a New Honda Fit, Ford Focus, Ford Fiesta or $17,000 American Express Gift Card 2nd Prize-50” Flat Screen TV rd 3 Prize- Laptop 3 GB 4th Prize-$500 American Express Gift Card 5th Prize-iPad Mini 6th Prize-$300 Gas Card 7th Prize-$250 Target Gift Card 8th Prize- $150 HEB Gift Card Dinner with Father Dan: Sell and turn in 30 books or more by Sunday, September 11TH and have a special dinner with Father Dan (date to be announced). Raffle Ticket Chairs: Jose & Ana Falerio 281-802-2377 God bless you and thank you for your help. JOIN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EVERY THURSDAY IN THE ST. JEROME DAY CHAPEL BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT PRAYING THE ROSARY FOR LIFE FROM 6:30 TO 7:00 FOLLOWED BY THE HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE. Catholic Counseling at St. Jerome Are you in need of emotional healing or do you want to strengthen relationships with loved ones? Our parish has made arrangements with Rejoice Counseling Apostolate to provide individual, marital, and family counseling services onsite at our parish. Parishioners and their families can make use of a discounted sliding scale fee. For more information or to schedule an appointment please call (844) 295-3167 or visit Fall Festival Volunteers RESPECT LIFE: Saturday, September 17, Join the Helpers of God's Precious Infants for 8:10AM Mass at Holy Ghost Catholic Church, 6921 Chetwood Dr. 77081 followed by Rosary procession to Planned Parenthood, 5800 Bellaire Blvd. If you cannot join us, please join us in prayer. The final meeting will be September 14th @ 7:00 PM in the Adult Ed NEW DYNAMIC Catholic Radio APP Staying inspired is easy with the new Dynamic Catholic Radio app. Tune in anytime, anywhere to heart powerful stories and wisdom that will help you to become the best-version-of-yourself. Give it a listen, and let us know what you think! Email us at [email protected] TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO THIS WEEK AT ST. JEROME’S Sunday/Domingo, September 11 9:15 am Faith Formation – Staff Lunch Room 10:00 am Clases de Biblia – Outback Monday/Lunes, September 12 6:00 pm Coro de grupo de Oracion – Jerome Room 6:30 pm ACTS Rosary Group – The Sharon Cole’s ACTS House 6:30 pm Knights of Columbus – Staff Lunch Room 7:00 pm Al-Anon – Cry Room 7:00 pm Grupo de Oracion – Fr Raye 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus – Adult Ed 7:00 pm ACTS Core – Large Conference Room Tuesday/Martes, September 13 6:00 am TMIY – Outback 3:15 pm School(Dance) – Fr Raye 6:00 pm Entrenamiento de acomodadores - Outback 7:00 pm Juventud & Esperanza – Adult Ed Wednesday/Miércoles, September 14 6:00 pm CDA - Outback 7:00 pm Legion of Mary-Jerome Room Thursday/Jueves, September 15 10:00 am Vocations Committee – Day Chapel 7:00 pm Al-Anon – Cry Room Friday/Viernes, September 16 5:00 pm Lifeteen Choir – Jerome Room 6:00 pm Grupo de Oracion – Outback & Fr. Raye 6:00 pm Coro de Ninos – Day Chapel 6:00 pm MFCC – Staff Lunch Room 7:00 pm Fall Festival Committee – Adult Ed 7:00 pm Entrenamiento de Monaguillos – Main Sanctuary 8:00 pm 12:00 PM Sunday Choir – Jerome Room Saturday/Sabado, September 17 4:00 pm Coro de la Sagrada Familia – Youth Room Virtus Training ALL volunteers/parents are required to attend the Virtus training program, "Protecting God's Children" and be approved BEFORE attending meetings, retreats, school parties, field day, etc. If you took the Virtus training in the years 2003-2010, you are required to take a refresher course, "Keeping the Promise Alive". Visit to register for your class or for more information call 713-464-5029 We WELCOME all visitors and newcomers to our liturgies and services. Orientation & registration will be held Sunday, September 18th, in English after the 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Jerome Room. To join our parish family, please attend one of these sessions. Please remember to notify your former parish of your move. Healing: Grief, loss, and bereavement Thursday, September 15: Day of Reflection on Bereavement Holy Name Retreat Center, 430 Bunker Hill Rd., Houston, Texas 77024 Register at: THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS - That we recognize that our lives are gifts from God and all that we have and are belongs to Him. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” (John 3:16). God gave us the gift of His son so we can enjoy eternal salvation. Of all our gifts, our life, is the most precious. We belong to God. This is why we must take time every day to ask Him how He wants us to use the life He has given us. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 DOMINGO 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; Ps 51; 1Tm 1:12-17, Lk 15:1-32 or Lk 15:1-10 1Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 40; Lk 7:1-10 1Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Ps 100; Lk 7:11-17 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 Our Lady of Sorrows 1Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118; Jn 19:25-27; Lk 2:33-35 1Cor 15:1-20; Ps 17; Lk 8:1-13 1Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps 56; Lk 8:4-15 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 8:4-7; Ps 113; 1Tm 2:1-8; Lk 16:1-13 or Lk 16:10-13 LAUGH LINES – Bernie Bierman had a classic answer to the frequent question, “How do you get such a big men for your Minnesota football teams? “It’s like this, friend. When I go driving along country roads, I look for boys walking behind plows. When I see one, I stop and ask him the way to Minneapolis. If he leaves the plow and points the way in the usual manner, I thank him and drive on. But if he picks up the plow and points with it, I just load him in the car and head straight to the registrar’s office. Bayou Awakening Retreat - For young adults ages 18-25. September 16-18, 2016. The mission of Awakening is to bring young adults to a personal encounter with Christ, provide an opportunity for spiritual renewal and to connect young adults to the Catholic Church and a safe community. Register online at or by mail before September 10. All young adults in this age range are welcome. For more information 713-741-8778. Our parish will be hosting a special Human Trafficking awareness presentation (The Amistad Movement)... All are invited and encouraged to come and learn how our Church is responding to this crime against humanity on Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 10 AM-11:30 in the Adult Education Center. As Pope Francis wrote in Evangeli Gaudium “Let us not look the other way....this issue involves everyone.". FREE GIFT! When you apply before September 30th (vote on date) for the October 14th - October 16th World Wide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Receive our gift of $25 off the application fee when you use promo code WWMEOCT (then click Update Price, Add Payment Method, enter payment info, click Save, Submit Payment) on the online application form. For details & to apply, go to Give yourself the gift of 44 hours of romance with your spouse, the one person you have chosen to live with for the rest of your life. The Weekend is very private, emphasizing communication between husband and wife away from distractions and the tensions of everyday life! St. Vincent de Paul will celebrate the founders feast day on September 18th at the 10:00 AM Mass, they are asking everyone who will attend the 10:00 AM Mass to please wear a blue shirt. TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 DOMINGO 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 st Entertainment: th Saturday, Sept 24 Black Tie Affair th Sunday, September 25 Roberto Pulido Mariachi Grupo Orgullo Juvenile Mixteco Ballet Folklorico Invite your friends and neighbors for some great food and entertainment! TOKEN DEAL! Don’t miss the upcoming PRE TOKEN SALES after the Sept.17th and Sept. 18th Masses. ST. JEROME 51 ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL th th SEPT 24 & 25 2016 “Celebrating 51 years of Family, Food, Fun and Faith” "Celebrando 51años de la familia, comida, diversión y fe" Please visit the Fall Festival Table after mass to see how you can help. Thank you all for being a part of our community. Please keep our Festival in your prayers. Blessings, Fall Festival Committee FALL FESTIVAL WEBSITE: RAFFLE TICKET SALES – We still need Sponsors for raffle prizes. Please contact Jose or Ana Faleiro if you are able to help at 281-802-2377 Please continue to sell raffle tickets! FALL FESTIVAL T-SHIRTS ON SALE NOW AFTER MASSES$10.00 EACH! DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED - Payments for Festival related items or donations at designated masses or contact the office. Debit/Credit Cards are also welcomed at the Fall Festival SILENT AUCTION -Donations Needed. Donations can be dropped off at the church office Tuesdays & Wednesdays 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. For more information please contact Catherine Guillory 713-264-2348, Ingrit Alvarado 832-609-5953, Iveth Espitia 713-516-3002 or Marimar Mackey 281-413-5360. SUBASTA SILENCIOSA, Necesitamos Donaciones. Artículos nuevos o antiguos. Las donaciones se pueden dejar en la oficina de la Iglesia los martes y miércoles de 5:00 PM a 7:00 PM. Para más información llame a: Catherine Guillory 713-264-2348; Ingrit Alvarado 832-609-5953; Iveth Espitia 713-516-3002 o Marimar Mackey 281-4135360. PLANT BOOTH – Bring donations directly to Fr. Raye Center on Sat. or Sunday. Favor de traer plantas al puesto de plantas el sábado o domingo por la mañana. Jack Caldwell 832-962-4833. CAKE BOOTH- Bring donations directly to Adult Ed Center securely wrapped and labeled. Sat.or Sunday. Necesitamos donaciones de pasteles, galletas, o pastelitos. Favor de envolver en plástico incluyendo su nombre y descripción y traerlo(s) sábado o domingo por la mañana al Centro de educación de adultos (al cruzar de la oficina de la iglesia) BOOK BOOTH- Donations of books, CDs, DVDs can be dropped off at the church office. Necesitamos donaciones de libros, CDs, DVDs. Favor de traer las donaciones a la oficina de la iglesia. ARTS & CRAFTS BOOTH - Donations of handcrafted items can be dropped off at the church office. Please have the items priced and packaged (include your name). Necesitamos donaciones de artículos hechos a mano. Favor de traer la donación a la oficina incluyendo el precio y su nombre. SPONSORSHIPS RAFFLE PRIZE SPONSORS NEEDED Questions? Please contact Jose of Ana Faleiro @ 281-802-2377 BOOTH SPONSORS - Corporate or Personal available Single Booth $200. Double Booth $400. Visit the Fall Festival Table for more information. Booth Sponsorships can also make tribute to a loved one, include a bible verse, and mark a birthday or anniversary. Questions? Please contact Tony Dworaczyk 832-904-1925 or Oswaldo Ruiz 832-794-1663 _________________________________________________________________________________ VOLUNTEERS - We need all types of volunteers. Please visit the Festival Table for more info. Contact Rubén Salcido 281-871-1716, Margaret Falen 832-790-0340 or Lupita Salcido 832-858-0929. We still need Booth Workers, Parking Supervisor… • Setup Saturday 9/17. Beginning at 8:00 am in the Pavilion • Friday Evening 9/23 – We need help setting up, assistance with moving and setting up tables. (Areas: Supplies, Plants, Books, Silent Auction, Sign Placements…..) • Saturday AM 9/24 – variety of areas last minute preparations. • Sunday AM 9/25 – We need help cleaning/sweeping… • Monday AM 9/26 Festival Teardown. SETUP SATURDAY Sept.17th 8AM @ Pavilion We need help to set up for the festival. Please come out and help assemble booths and organizing the festival grounds. We need all hands on deck to help out and what better way to get to know your fellow parishioners than to spend time with them and help out with the Festival. Contact Carol Wilson at 713-408-0203 to volunteer. th TEARDOWN MONDAY Sept.26 8AM TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VIGESIMO CUARTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO ¿Necesita ayuda emocional? ¿Quisiera fortalecer su relación con sus seres queridos? Con la ayuda de Rejoice Counceling, nuestra parroquia puede ofrecer servicios de terapia individual, matrimonial o familiar. Ofrecemos un descuento según su ingreso. Para más información o para hacer una cita, por favor llame al (844) 295-3167 o visita ¿BUSCA LA PLENA COMUNIÓN EN LA FE CATÓLICA? Pronto vamos a comenzar una nueva temporada de R.C.I.A (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos). Estas clases son para adultos y niños mayores de 7 años que: • Nunca han sido bautizados • Quienes fueron bautizados en otra religión y ahora desean unirse a la fe Católica • Adultos que, aunque bautizados en la fe Católica, nunca recibieron su Primera Comunión o Confirmación. Si eres uno de ellos y has escuchado la voz de Dios que te llama a una profunda comunión con El en la fe Católica, llama al Padre David (clases en inglés) o a María Álvarez (clases en español) Registraciones son en la oficina. INSCRIPCION PARA NUEVOS MIEMBROS En español, Domingo, 18 de Septiembre después de Misa de 12:00pm. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 DOMINGO 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 ¡YA LLEGO LA RIFA DEL FESTIVAL DE OTOÑO DE SAN JERONIMO! El Festival será el 24 y 25 de Septiembre y la meta es que cada parroquiano venda 10 libros de boletos. Todo lo que se recaude es para nuestra Parroquia. GANE UNO DE LOS 8 EXCELENTES PREMIOS Boletos $2.00 cada uno o un libro de 6 por $10.00 Premio 1. Escoger: Un Honda Fit, Ford Focus, Ford Fiesta o $17,000. En una Tarjeta de American Express Premio 2. Television Plana de 50” Premio 3. Computadora Portátil 3 GB Premio 4. Tarjeta de Regalo de American Express por $500 Premio 5. iPad Mini Premio 6. Tarjeta de Regalo para Gasolina $300 Premio 7. Tarjeta de Regalo de Target por $250 Premio 8. Tarjeta de Regalo de HEB por $150 GANE UN AUTO COMO ESTE CON UN BOLETO DE $2 Les Damos las GRACIAS de parte del Padre Dan y los encargados de la Rifa: Jose y Ana Faleiro 281-802-2377 y el Comité del Festival de Otoño. Que Dios los Bendiga y Gracias por su ayuda Nuestras clases de Biblia para adultos comenzaran el domingo 11 de septiembre, en la casa “Outback House” a las 10am. Todos están invitados! Este año estudiaremos un libro muy interesante e ilustrativo para nuestra fe. Si necesita más información llame a la Sra. Elena Pareja al 713 690-3441
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