affiliated with Pope Parish Office Hours/Horario de la Oficina Parroquial Monday - Thursday 9:00 am—8:00 pm Friday 9:00 am—6:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am—4:30 pm Sunday 8:30 am—1:00 pm John XXIII School 806 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, IL 60202 Parish Office—Oficina Parroquial 847.864.1185 FAX: 847.864.7810 Email: [email protected] Website: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Noveno Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario October 19, 2014 Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s. (Matthew 22:15-21) Devuelve al César lo que es del César y a Dios lo que es de Dios. (Mateo 22:15-21) See page 8 for more information. Ver la pagina 8 para mas información. We are the Body of Christ at St. Nicholas. Grounded in our diversity, we gather for worship, cherish the traditions of our Catholic faith, witness to the Gospel of Jesus, minister to others, and live as Christians in the world. Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo en San Nicolás. Fundados en nuestra diversidad, nos reunimos para adoración, apreciamos las tradiciones de nuestra fe católica, damos testimonio del Evangelio de Jesús, servimos en ministerio a los demás, y vivimos como cristianos en el mundo. Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral Pastor/Párroco Rev. Bill Tkachuk /[email protected] Week At A Glance/ Fechas Importantes x25 Pastor Emeritus/Párroco Jubilado Rev. Robert Oldershaw [email protected] Deacon/Diácono Ivan Lazcano / [email protected] Chris Murphy / [email protected] Director of Religious Education/ Directora de Educación Religiosa Sr. Christina Fuller, osf [email protected] x23 Religious Education Administrative Assistant/ Asistente Administrativa de Educación Religiosa Claudia Campos/ [email protected] x37 Coordinadora de educación Religiosa en español Juanita Tamayo/[email protected] Director of Music Ministry/ Directora del Ministerio de Musica Kate Williams / [email protected] x34 Director of Youth Ministry / Directora del Ministerio de Jóvenes Monica J. Sariñana/[email protected] x33 Pastoral Care Coordinator/ Coordinadora del Cuidado Pastoral Barb Soricelli /[email protected] x42 Administration / Administración Business Manager/Administradora de Negocios Suzanne Lefevre/ [email protected] x24 Office Manager/Administradora de la Oficina Sally Clark Arden/[email protected] x21 Accounting Assistant /Asistente de Contabilidad Mary Erickson/[email protected] x30 Bulletin Coordinator/ Artículos para el Boletín Monica J. Sariñana/[email protected] x33 Sunday Announcements/Annuncios del Domingo [email protected] Maintenance /Mantenimiento Abelardo Mendoza, Diego Perez, Curtis Carter Pope John XXIII School Principal Roy Hecker 847.475.5678 [email protected] 1120 Washington St., Evanston, IL 60202 Website: Outreach / Servicios Sociales St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Nick’s List (Job Support) x45 Sunday, October 19 Boy Scout Popcorn Sale after Masses in Courtyard 10:15 am SCORE Cafeteria/School 10:15 am AFE (pg.4) Oldershaw Hall 3:00 pm English Baptisms Church Monday, October 20 7:00 pm RCIA St. Germain Rm 8:00 pm AA Meeting Oldershaw Hall Tuesday, October 21 10:00 am Parent & Tot’s Nursery 7:00 pm The Green Team Rectory 2nd Fl 7:00 pm Confirmation Meeting Oldershaw Hall 7:00 pm SPRED St. Germain Rm 7:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul Music Rm Wednesday, October 22 4:00 pm Kids’ Choir Church 7:00 pm Parenting from the Heart Cafeteria 7:00 pm Vigilia Grupo Carismático Capilla 7:00 pm Hisp. Rel. Ed Confirmation Mtg Oldershaw Hall 7:30 pm Parish Choir Church 7:30 pm AA Meeting (enter Nursery Door) St. Germain Rm Thursday, October 23 5:00 pm Parish Trans. Welcome Group Rectory Dn Rm 6:30 pm Parent & Tot’s St. Germain Rm 7:00 pm Tierra & Luz Dancers Cafeteria Friday, October 24 7:00 pm Circulo de Oración (Prayer) Church Saturday, October 25 9:00 am Hispanic Rel. Ed. Cafeteria/School 9:00 am Art & Environment Set-Up Church 2:00 pm PJ 23 Trunk or Treat (pg.8) Parking Lot 2:30 pm Wedding Church 5:00 pm AA Meeting (enter Nursery Door) St. Germain Rm Sunday, October 26 2nd Collection—United Power for Action & Justice First Sunday of Novembering Anniversary of the dedication of the Church 10:15 am SCORE Cafeteria/School 10:15 am Coffee Cake Sunday; (find out more about GiveCentral) (pg.7) Oldershaw Hall Looking Ahead: • • Saturday, October 25: PJ 23 Trunk or Treat (pg.8) Sunday, October 26: Coffee Cake Sunday (Find out about using GiveCentral) Oldershaw Hall Pastor’s Perspective/ Perspectiva del Párroco We give thanks to God always for all of you, remembering you in our prayers, calling to mind your works of faith, your labor of love, and endurance in hope of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Thessalonians 1:2-3 T his Saturday evening we pray with our sisters and brothers who seek the Lord’s healing through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. We give thanks for their witness of faith that God is with them in their struggle with illness. We offer them our prayers and our support and commit ourselves to be a healing community to all in physical, emotional, or spiritual pain who come to our doors or whom we meet on the way. This Sunday we pray with our young men and women preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Rojas on February 7. We give thanks for the vitality and challenges they bring to us as we all seek to put our faith into action in the places and encounters of our daily lives. We offer them our prayers and support and commit ourselves to be a community of living faith that extends a hand to the outcast, the immigrant, the voiceless, and the one with limited resources. This weekend I also announce that our Business Manager of the past seven years, Suzanne Lefevre, has accepted a vice president position in the business office of Regina Dominican High School and will be leaving our staff at the end of November. All who have worked with Suzanne on the Finance Council, Building Committee, parish fundraisers, and a variety of parish and personal financial matters know what a treasure Suzanne has been for St. Nicholas Parish. In a position with many demands and limited time and resources, Suzanne has been a calm, steady, and wise presence that has helped to guide this parish to a place of financial stability and ongoing maintenance and improvements to our campus. Regina Dominican is very blessed to be getting someone of such quality! A Search Committee has been formed and has already received several resumes. You can find a position description and more information on the parish website Peace, Fr. Bill En todo momento damos gracias a Dios por ustedes y los tenemos presentes en nuestras oraciones. Recordamos las obras que manifiestan la fe de ustedes, los trabajos fatigosos que han emprendido el amor y la perseverancia que les da su esperanza en Jesucristo. 1 Tesalonicenses 1:2-3 E l sábado por la tarde rezamos con nuestros hermanas y hermanos que buscan la sanación del Señor por el Sacramento de Unción de los Enfermos. Damos gracias por su fe que Dios los acompaña en su enfermedad. Les ofrecemos nuestras oraciones y apoyo y nos comprometimos ser una comunidad de sanación a todos que llegan a la puerta o que encontramos en el camino con cualquier enfermedad física, emocional, o espiritual. El domingo rezamos con nuestros jóvenes que se están preparando para recibir el Sacramento de Confirmación del Obispo Rojas el 7 de febrero. Damos gracias por su energía y preguntas que nos hacen conscientes del compromiso de aplicar la fe a las circunstancias y relaciones de la vida diaria. Les ofrecemos nuestras oraciones y nuestro compromiso de ser una comunidad de una fe viva que extiende la mano al oprimido, el inmigrante, el que no tiene una voz, y los con recursos limitados. También les quiero informar que nuestra Business Manager, Suzanne Lefevre, ha aceptado un puesto en la oficina de finanzas del secundario Regina Dominican y saldrá del equipo pastoral al fin de noviembre. Todos que han colaborado con Suzanne en el Concilio de Finanzas, el Comité de Edificios, eventos parroquiales, y una variedad de asuntos financieros personales o parroquiales conocen bien el tesoro que Suzanne ha sido para San Nicolás. En un puesto con muchas demandas y con tiempo y recursos limitados, Suzanne ha sido una presencia tranquila, dedicada, y sabia. Ella ha guiado la parroquia a un puesto de estabilidad financiera con el continuo mantenimiento y aumentación del campo. Regina Dominican está bendecida recibir una persona de tantas habilidades. Un comité ha sido formado para revisar los candidatos y ya ha recibido unos resúmenes. Encontrará una descripción del puesto y mas información en el sitio Web Paz, Padre Bill 3 Spiritual Life / Vida Espiritual Real Men Get Up Early . . . in our 11th Year! St. Nick’s Holy Name Men’s Club Mass, Breakfast, and Fellowship Wednesday, October 29, 2014 6:00 am in Oldershaw Hall “One Family’s Story ” with Theresa Buckman-Gilbert For 85 years, her family has been a presence at St. Nicholas. As a third grade teacher at Pope John XXIII School she, along with her brother Bob, remain a testament to this family’s deep involvement with our parish. Come hear her story. Seekers’ Retreat For Young Adults Saturday, November 1, 2014 St. Ignatius College Prep, Chicago, IL Too much going on? Pulled in a million directions? You’re not the only one. In the craziness of life, it doesn’t hurt to pause and take a look at the big picture: What’s important in my life? Where does God fit in? Join other young adults for this daylong retreat at St. Ignatius College Prep. Take time to listen to peers share how they find God in their lives, have conversations in small groups, enjoy some quiet time, and explore your faith life. Register by October 15 for the early bird discount. Visit for info and registration! Rosary Prayer Vigil Here at St. Nicholas, we pray the Rosary every Friday at 7:00 am in our Church. We pray to end deportation and for immigration reform in solidarity with all the people praying outside of 101 West Congress Parkway. Vigilia de oración Aquí en San Nicolás nos reunimos los viernes a rezar el Rosario a las 7:00 am en la Iglesia, para poner fin a las deportaciones y por una reforma migratoria y en solidaridad con los que están rezando a las afueras del 101 West Congress Parkway. 4 “Tying Up Loose Ends” Sunday, November 9 at 3:00 pm in Oldershaw Hall St. Nicholas parishioners have a rare opportunity to see Catherine and Ann Gallogly perform “Tying Up Loose Ends” at St. Nicholas at 3:00 pm on Sunday, November 9. The production combines stories and meditative music in a powerful, uplifting, and downright funny journey into what occurs at the human level at the end of our lives. Catherine wrote it based on thirty years of working as a nurse in hospice and palliative care. She brought us a shorter version two years ago as part of a Sunday morning Adult Faith Enrichment session. It was so well received that we’ve invited her to perform the longer version in the church. Tickets for “Tying Up Loose Ends” will be $15 at the door, but only $10 in advance. You may purchase online beginning now. For many more details about the production and a link to make ticket purchases, see Parish Life / Vida de la parroquia Sharing Festival Fun! Thank you Dale Granchalek for the pictures Stephen Ministry Are you going through a difficult time due to loss, separation, loneliness, sickness and recovery, family problems, feelings of being overwhelmed? If you, a relative, or friend would like support during such difficult times, share the need with our pastor or with Barb Soricelli, the Referral Coordinator of the Stephen Ministry team. Both can be reached at 847.864.1185. The person in need will be contacted by the pastor or Barb. No one should walk alone! A Stephen Minister can walk with you. Ministerio de Esteban ¿Esta pasando por un momento difícil, emocionalmente o espiritualmente? ¿Luchando con una crisis en su vida? Considerar que un Ministro de Esteban camine con usted. Un Ministro De Esteban es una persona laica entrenada y que escuchará, cuidara, animara, orara y estar allí para usted de manera confidencial. Para obtener más información, consulte a nuestro pastor o a la Líder De Esteban Barbara Soricelli, 847.864.1185 ext. 42. Nadie debe caminar solo. End of Growing Season 2014 It has been a wonderful growing season but winter is closing in fast. The perennials and grass will continue to form roots until the ground freezes hard but the anSt. Nick’s Courtyard nuals have done their work for the year. It's time to put our garden to bed for the winter. Please join us on Saturday, November 1 between 9:00 am and 11:30 am to help tidy up the gardens until Spring. Sincere thanks to our hard working gardening volunteers, especially Tip Molitor who has invigorated the garden with glowing annuals for many years. We would not have such beautiful beds without the continuing care and devotion of Ray Bayless, Colleen Powell, Sara Fieberg and Mary Dougherty. Thanks to also to Margaret Mantle, Kitty Okano, and Katrina Swanson for donations to our plantings. —Mary Moring 5 Parish Life / Vida de la parroquia United Power Rally Sunday, October 26, 3:00 - 4:15 pm with Governor Quinn at St. Rita's Church on Chicago's southwest side To celebrate progress with ending gun violence! United Power's gun violence effort is now nationwide: Evanston's mayor has signed on with over 50 other USA mayors who will use their gun-buying power to get gun manufacturers to adopt safe practices. A caravan of our cars will take riders from the Parish. We will meet at Oakton Elementary School, Ridge and Oakton Sts., just south of our Church. The parking lot is on Austin, 1 block south of Oakton. You may leave your car and ride in another car. United Power -- a civic organization of Synagogues. Mosques and Churches including St. Nicholas Parish -also celebrates progress with the construction of affordable housing in the Englewood area. The minimum wage issue is on the agenda as well. Give Governor Quinn the message that we are committed to ending gun violence with his support and that his 4 million dollars pledged for affordable housing needs to increase. (United Power was able to match his 4 million.) For more information contact [email protected] or call 773.469.4256 and sign on to drive or ride. St. Nicholas Parish Welcomes New Members We welcome all newcomers to the neighborhood as well as those who have been attending our liturgical celebrations. We encourage you to stop by the Parish Office during office hours and register as a member of the parish. La Parroquia de San Nicolás le da la Bienvenida a Nuevos Miembros Damos la bienvenida a todas las personas que asisten a nuestras celebraciones de fe o que se han mudado recientemente a este barrio. Los invitamos a que pasen a la oficina parroquial durante horas de oficina a inscribirse como miembros de esta parroquia. 6 Second Collection October 26 United Power for Action and Justice Next week’s second collection will support United Power for Action and Justice, a non-partisan, interfaith community organization that St. Nicholas parish helped found in 1997. Because of United Power’s work over one million poor and working Illinoisans have access to health care and Illinois allocated $135 million for affordable housing. You can support this work in two ways. First, get involved. United Power is working on campaigns to reduce gun violence, create more affordable, accessible housing, and re-claim foreclosed homes on southwest side of Chicago. The upcoming action on October 26th will follow-up on Governor Quinn’s commitments to work with us on each of these areas. Questions? Contact Mary Jo Huck, 773.469.4256. Second, make a contribution to support United Power on October 25/26. Dues are United Power’s main funding source and ensures the organization’s work reflects the values and interests of its members. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Segunda Colecta 26 de octubre United Power de Acción y Justicia La segunda colecta de la próxima semana apoyará United Power de Acción y Justicia, una organización no partidista, comunidad interreligiosa que la Parroquia de San Nicolás ayudó a fundar en 1997. Gracias al trabajo de United Power un millón de pobres y trabajadores residentes de Illinois tienen acceso a servicios de salud e Illinois ha asignado $135 millones para viviendas asequibles. Usted puede apoyar esta obra de dos maneras. En primer lugar, involúcrense. United Power está trabajando en campañas para reducir la violencia armada, crear más viviendas asequibles y accesibles y la reivindicación de viviendas embargadas en el lado suroeste de Chicago. La próxima acción el 26 de octubre será el seguimiento de los compromisos del Gobernador Quinn a trabajar con nosotros en cada una de estas áreas. ¿Preguntas? Póngase en contacto con Mary Jo Huck, 773.469.4256. En segundo lugar, hacer una contribución para apoyar United Power el 25/26 de Octubre. Cuotas son la fuente de financiamiento principal de United Power y asegura el trabajo de la organización reflejando los valores y los intereses de sus miembros. Gracias de antemano por su generosidad. Parish Life / Vida de la parroquia October 19, 2014 Sorry, no collection report this week. We invite you to consider enrolling in GiveCentral as a way to ensure a steady pattern of giving even when you are away from St. Nicholas. Simply go online to (Your bank’s online bill paying system is another good option.) If you have any questions about receiving monthly envelopes or enrolling in GiveCentral, please contact Suzanne Lefevre in the parish office (847.864.1185 x24.) Disculpe, no hay reporte de colectas dominicales esta semana. Le invitamos que considere inscribirse en GiveCentral como una forma de establecer contribuciones regular- incluso cuando usted esté lejos de San Nicolás. Es fácil empezar, visite (Utilizando el sistema de su banco "online payments" es otra buena opción.) Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre la recepción de los sobres mensuales o como inscribirse en GiveCentral, por favor póngase en contacto con Suzanne Lefevre en la oficina parroquial (847.864.1185 x 24.) Upcoming Second Collections/ Segunda Colecta October 26 – United Power for Action and Justice Thank you for your generosity! Connections: • Parishioner looking for a male roommate to share his furnished apartment. Location: 1585 Ridge Ave. Evanston. Price is negotiable. For further information, call parishioner, Louis Raphael at 847.866.8711 or 773.627.3990 • For Sale: Almost New 50” Television Just in time for the new TV season and football games . . . A 50” Pioneer Elite Plasma TV has Yamaha Surround Sound with four speakers, DVD, amplifier and stand. $495. Proceeds to the St. Nicholas Parish Rummage Sale. Contact Pat McCourt: 847.866.9562 [email protected] STEP UP to Support St. Nick’s “Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of your produce.” --Proverbs 3:9 “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” —Matthew 6:21 ____________________________ During this stewardship month you have been asked to reflect on your financial commitment to the parish and to respond out of a spirit of generosity and gratitude for the place St. Nicholas holds in your heart. In the annual report, you read about the importance of weekly offertory collections and the words of parishioners who described why they support St. Nick’s. As you consider the amount of your own offertory gift, imagine a St. Nicholas… • With fundraisers that generate money for parish and community ministries rather than for operating expenses • With funds for exciting new mission and outreach efforts • With no year-end appeals to make up budget deficits • With financial reserves that provide peace of mind and funds for emergencies • With enough money for maintenance projects, without having to wait for capital campaigns All this can happen and more, but only with your help. During the next few weeks, think about what you receive from St. Nick’s and about what the parish could accomplish with greater financial resources. If you haven’t been giving regularly, consider enrolling in GiveCentral or requesting and using envelopes. If you’ve been giving the same amount for a while, consider increasing your weekly/monthly donation. Even a small increase can make a big difference if many parishioners take this step. The St. Nicholas Transformation Finance Team thanks you in advance for your prayerful reflection and generosity. Coffee Cake Sunday Coffee Cake Sunday on October 26 needs you: your contributions of food and your help in setting up, serving, and cleaning up. Come to enjoy the fellowship and come to learn more about giving online through GiveCentral. 7 TRUNK OR TREAT Saturday, October 25, 2014 PJ23 Parking Lot – 3:00-6:00 pm Show off your Halloween (and Community) Spirit by providing a safe place where kids/families go to trick or treat by going from trunk to trunk! We encourage you to decorate the trunks of your car, your bike or just yourself! The kids will LOVE IT! Steps: 1. Register as a family, as an individual or as a team… (Registration information to come) 2. We assign you a parking spot (spots are limited) 3. Decorate your vehicle of choice 4. Bring lots of candy and or tricks to handout 5. Registered vehicles arrive on Saturday, October 26 between 2:00-230 pm 6. Participate in the costume contest, pre-carved pumpkin contest and decorated vehicle contest 7. Trunk or Treat begins at 3:00 pm 8. Vehicles allowed to leave at 6:00 pm. (Due to safety concerns, departure of vehicles is restricted until after 6:00 pm with escort by traffic coordinators) TRUNK OR TREAT Sábado, 25 de octubre 2014 Estacionamiento de la Escuela- 3:00-6:00pm Muestra tu espíritu de Halloween (y comunitario), proporcionando un lugar seguro donde los niños/ familias van a engañar o tratar de pasar de un tronco a otro! Le animamos a decorar la parte de atrás de su coche, la bicicleta o simplemente a ti mismo! A los niños les encantará! Pasos: 1. Registre su familia, como individuo o como equipo .... (Información de registro por venir) 2. Le asignamos un lugar de estacionamiento (espacios son limitados) 3. Decora tu vehículo de elección 4. Trae un montón de dulces o trucos y al folleto ‘juegos 5. Vehículos registrados llegan el sábado 26 de octubre entre 2:00-230 pm 6. Cualquier persona puede participar en el concurso, concurso de calabazas, concurso de disfraces y concurso de vehículos decorados 7. Trunk or Treat comienza a las 3:00 pm 8. Los vehículos podrán salir hasta depuse de las 6:00 pm. (Por razones de seguridad, salida de vehículos está restringido hasta después de las 6:00 pm con la escolta de los coordinadores de tráfico) Visit for more information on our school and event calendar. Mother Daughter Tea “God’s Plan for Growing Up” Make a date with your daughter! Come to a Mother-Daughter Tea! Sunday, October 26 from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm Catholic Charities, Vincent Hall (721 North LaSalle St., Chicago) The program… • Will explore God’s special gift of human fertility and the beauty and wonder of growing up and becoming a woman. • Will provide an atmosphere of love and learning to discuss the important topic of growing up. • Will establish a foundation for continued communication between parent and child. Fee: $35 per mother and daughter – and $10 each additional daughter. For a registration form or information, please call Maria Garcia at the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312.534.8273. 8 Parish Life / Vida de la parroquia What's New on St Nicks List Be sure to check out the new features on the St. Nicks List at See testimonials from fellow parishioners about their satisfaction with the fine quality of work performed. For service providers, we would love to list you if you are a House Painter. This is really for interior and exterior painting of any building. If you're a fine-arts painter who would like to be listed in St. Nicks List, please submit your service under the Arts category. Jobs, jobs, and more jobs. If you have a job at your organization, please take a minute and fill in the form at We keep the list up-to-date with access to job web-sites for companies in the northern Chicago area. If you need a job, be sure to access the links at the top of the page for Evanston-based employers, and the listings below for jobs posted by parishioners and that we've found while searching the web. Love Shouldn’t Hurt Domestic Violence describes a pattern of behaviors to control through fear & force that occurs between two people living in a close relationship. Violence between those two people impacts other members of the family, household and the community. No one should be frightened or scared by someone in their family. Silence perpetuates an environment of fear, frustration, anger, cruelty and continued violence. Break the silence by speaking out against all forms of violence. Learn about the mission and resources of the Archdiocesan Domestic Abuse Outreach program by logging onto and select Domestic Violence Committee. If you are a victim or survivor of domestic abuse seeking help: National Hotline: 1-800-799 SAFE (7233); 1-8007873224 (TDD) Between Friends 40-hour Domestic Violence Training Starting October 30 at St. Francis Hospital Between Friends will be hosting a 40-hour Domestic Violence Training that will start on October 30 at St. Francis Hospital. Space is limited, so please submit the training application if you would like to take the training for professional development and not volunteer at the agency (rate $255) or the volunteer application if you are interested in the reduced rate ($55) with a one year commitment. Deadline for registration is Tomorrow, Monday, October 20. Any questions please contact Susan Pieters [email protected] 9 Parish Life / Vida de la parroquia Liturgical Ministers Ministros de Liturgia Youth Group meets Sundays from 7:30 to 9:00 pm in the Youth Room (located in the third floor of the social hall) unless otherwise noted below. October 2014 • Sunday, October 19: 1:00 –4:00 pm: Sowing Seeds of Care Hands-on Habi- tat Restoration with the Evanston Interreligious Sustainability Circle (Opening religious ceremony at 1:15 pm) religious ceremony will start at about 1:15. We will be meeting at Harms Woods Forest Preserve, at the parking lot on the west side of Harms Road, just south of Glenview Road. Come dressed for the woods. We will be participating in the activities the Circle has prepared for us. Please dress for the weather we will be outdoors. • Saturday, Sunday, October 25: 3:00-6:00pm St. Nick’s Parking Lot – Show off your Halloween (and Community) Spirit! The youth group will be sponsoring a trunk and we need your help decorating the trunk and passing out sweet treats! (see page 8) Become our friend on New Horizons Youth Ministry Facebook page, and get all the up-to-date information about New Horizons Youth Group! For more information, please contact Monica J. Sariñana, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, at 847.864.1185 ext.33 or at [email protected]. Regina Dominican Alumnae and Prospective Students Breakfast Regina Dominican is hosting a special Alumnae and Prospective Students Breakfast for alumnae who are related to a grade school student looking at college preps. The breakfast will be Sunday, October 26 at 10:00 a.m. in the Regina Dominican cafeteria. All guests will be given a VIP tour of Regina Dominican’s campus immediately following the breakfast. Reservations for this event are encouraged but not required. RSVP to Pattie Fuentes at [email protected]. Regina Dominican is located at 701 Locust Road in Wilmette. For more information about the school, contact Pattie Fuentes at 847.256.7660. Evanston Nar Anon Family Group The Evanston Nar Anon Family Group will meet at Grace Lutheran Church, 1430 South Boulevard, Evanston, on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Anyone affected by someone else's addiction is welcome to attend. For more information contact [email protected]. Sunday Nursery The St. Nick’s Nursery Co-op operates during Sunday 9:00 am Mass and welcomes children 18 months to 5 years old. Enjoy mass again while knowing your little one is in the capable care of fellow parishioners right next door in the rectory. Parents whose children participate take turns supervising each week. For more information contact Melissa Sanko [email protected]) 10 October 25/26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Trigésimo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario 4:30 pm Ssturday Presider: Fr. Arun Minj Lectors: A. Boekstegen, D. Blakely, D.Knapp Altar Servers: M. Kelsh, P. Kelsh 9:00 am Sunday Presider: Fr. George Bergin Lectors: L. Larrey, P. Seitz, J. Schucert Children’s Liturgy: TBD Altar Servers: O. Qualls, A. Miles, S. Peters 11:00 am Saturday Presider: Fr. Arun Minj Lectors: G. Marcheschi, C. Berry, N. Marcheschi Altar Servers: T. Hallstrom, E. Smith 1:00 pm Sunday Presider: TBD Proclamadores: Y. Salgado, E.Centeno Música: Coro Hispano Did you know . . . . we have a signer present at the 9:00 am Mass every Sunday? Please remember in your prayers / Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones The sick and their caregivers, especially: A los enfermos y a los que los cuidan, en especial a: Richard Adams Joan Arden Mary Ascoli Marion Bcatek Leslie Beaubrun Shirley Bergman Molly Bradfield Mary Helen Burke Jill Chazi Donna Chocol Winnie Conqueror John Costeres Deborah Czubak Dr. Harry Elam Maria Feliciano Cardinal Francis George John Giannini Paula Gomez Pam Goulbourne Jessica Gravel Joyce Grenshaw Russ Hopkins David Hunt Yvonne Hunt Oscar Jiménez Pastor Maurice Jones Maria de Jesus Tamayo Jonah Payne-Landahl Araceli Perez Ricardo Rodriguez Tamayo Octavio Leon Mary Oskorep Baby Hayden Olivia Pickett Bob Tkachuk David Lerps Richard Ramos Michael Traina Gino Lio John Rash Terry Tyner Maria Macias Eleanor Riley Emilio Pedro Vazquez David Maiers Genoveva Rivera Pat Voitik Angelina Mancera Mike Rodriguez Paul Wack Joanna Martin Julian Sims Matt Zeck Lee Miller Roberta Snow Bob McClory Artie & Brucetta Stromblad Irene Molina Marge Sutor Sally Nickele Donna Szafranski Tom Naughton For our dead, whom we remember and love, and remain with us in spirit. Por nuestros difuntos a quienes recordamos y permanecen con nosotros en espíritu. † Erin O’Keefe † Micaela Espitia de Mendoza Pray for those in service of our country: Por aquellos al servicio de nuestro país: Steve Blackshear Jake Bradfield Joseph Brennan Alexander Ellis Margarita Hernandez Seiko Okano Jean-Jaques Emilien Quinn Heydt Andrew Parkinson Scott Frank Dennis Monagle Antonio Riveraan Mass Intentions/ Intenciones Sunday, October 19—29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am † Tim Roemer and Family 11:00 am For those who care for all of God’s creations 1:00 pm † Albino Muñoz Monday, October 20—St. Paul of the Cross 7:45 am † Sr. Eileen Wemhoff Tuesday, October 21 7:45 am No intention– Communion Service Wednesday, October 22—Bl. John Paul II, Pope 7:45 am † Eveline Sprich Thursday, October 23—St. John of Capistrano 7:45 am † Steve and Maxine Mielczarek Friday, October 24—St. Anthony Mary Claret 7:30 am For those in discernment of their vocation Saturday, October 25—Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 am No intention– Communion Service 4:30 pm † Mary Woeber and the S.A. Woeber Family Sunday, October 26—30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am For all the living and deceased members of St. Nicholas 11:00 am Eleanor OMalley 1:00 pm † Margarita Medina † Salomon Medina † Esperanza Rodriguez † deceased/difunto Jacob Roche Claude Senecal Sean Tuohy Readings for the Week/ Lecturas de la Semana Monday: Eph (Efesios) 2:1-10; Ps (Salmos) 100:1b-5; Lk (Lucas) 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph (Efesios) 2:12-22; Ps (Salmos) 85:9ab-14; Lk (Lucas) 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph (Efesios) 3:2-12; Is (Isaias) 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk (Lucas) 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph (Efesios) 3:14-21; Ps (Salmos) 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk (Lucas) 12:49-53 Friday: Eph (Efesios) 4:1-6; Ps (Salmos) 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk (lucas) 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph (Efesios) 4:7-16; Ps (Salmos) 122:1-5; Lk (Lucas) 13:1-9 Sunday: Ex (Exocdo) 22:20-26; Ps (Salmos) 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes (Tesalonicenses) 1:5c-10; Mt (Mateo) 22:34-40 11 Community Life / Vida de la comunidad Rev. Mark R. Francis, C President of Catholic Theological Union cordially invites you to attend a Sunday afternoon experience October 26 3:00 pm Caring and Cared for: Responding to Dementia Presenter: Dr. Regina Wentzel Wolfe, Acting Academic Dean, Associate Professor of Catholic Theological Ethics, Catholic Theological Union Those being cared for and those caring for persons in various stages of dementia face many challenges. The talk will focus on ways in which the faith community can assist them and provide companionship on this very difficult journey. It will present the response of the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales as a model for raising awareness and creating “dementia-friendly churches.” 4:00 pm Sunday Eucharist Presider: Rev. Thomas Nairn, OFM, Senior Director, Ethics, Catholic Health Association Reception to follow Catholic Theological Union Academic and Conference Center (5416 South Cornell Avenue, Chicago.) Please RSVP by October 17 online: rsvp or phone: 773.371.5411 Complimentary parking available in the CTU garage. General Information / Información General Mass Schedule Horario de Misas Saturday Vigil - 4:30 pm Sunday - 9:00 am (Signer at this Mass , 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (Spanish) Monday through Friday - 7:45 am Saturday - 8:00 am Vigilia del Sábado - 4:30 pm Domingo - 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (Español) Lunes a Viernes - 7:45 am Sábado - 8:00 am Holy Hour Saturday - 7:00-8:00 am Communion Service Hora Santa Sábado - 07:00-08 am Servicio de Comunión Monday—Friday: 6:15 am in Chapel Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturdays at 3:30 pm in church, or upon request. Baptisms 3rd Sunday of month at 3:00 pm. Preparation is required for parents and godparents. Call Donnalee Floeter 847.864.4517 to arrange. Weddings Call Parish Office at least 4 months prior to wedding date. Communion of the Sick & Homebound Call Barb Soricelli at 847.864.1185, ext. 42, to make arrangements for those at home or hospitalized to share in Holy Communion. Anointing of the Sick Call Parish Office 847.864.1185 Annulment Resources Call Barb Soricelli at 847.864.1185, ext. 42. Addiction Recovery Resource Free and confidential Addiction Recovery Resource, available to those who are struggling with an addiction, or for family members and others who love them. Call: Margaret Mantle at 847.869.3599 or Kevin Axe at 847.492.9490. Gay, Lesbian, Family & Friends Outreach Meets monthly. Call: Karen Allen at 773.761.3052 Family and Friends Support: Georgie Ellis, 773.338.4342. Family Abuse Ministry If you or anyone you know IS BEING ABUSED & needs help ***Call the Police—911 *Illinois Domestic Violence HOTLINE (24 hours, multilingual, confidential) 1-877-863-6338, 1-877-863-6339 TTY *Between Friends Chicago, IL, (multilingual, confidential, toll-free CRISIS LINE-1-800-603-HELP (Counseling and Advocacy) *Evanston YWCA (Offers shelter for abused women/children) 1-877-864-8780 Pregnancy Support Catholic Charities Maternity Services offers professional counseling services for pregnant teens, women, birth fathers, and their families who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Call 800.227.3002. Lunes a viernes: 6:15 am en la Capilla (ingles) Reconciliación (Confesiones) Sábado a 3:30 pm o por cita Bautizos El Bautismo se celebra el segundo sábado de cada mes. Los padres y padrinos deben de participar en formación pre-bautismal. Llame a Juanita Tamayo a 847.475.1069 Matrimonios Llame a la Oficina Parroquial por lo menos 4 meses antes de la fecha de la boda. Comunión para los enfermos y discapacitados Lláme a Barb Soricelli a 847.864.1185, ext. 42, para hacer preparativos por aquellos que están en el hospital o no pueden dejar sus casas, para que ellos puedan recibir la Comunión. Uncion de los enfermos Llame a la Oficina Parroquial 847.864.1185 Recursos de Anulación Llame a Barb Soricelli a 847.864.1185. ext. 42. Quinceañeras Para más información sobre esta celebración, llame a Yolanda Salgado 847.869.7173. Presentación de 3 años Se celebra los domingos durante la misa de 1:00 pm o el segundo sábado del mes. Necesita registrarse con 2 semanas de anticipación. Para más información llame 847.864.1185. Ayuda para Recuperarse de la Adicción La parroquia ofrece una ayuda gratuita y confidencial para recuperarse de la adicción, disponible para todos los que están luchando con una adicción, o para sus familiares o aquellos que los aman. Llame a 773.489.6438. Ministerio de Abuso Familiar Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está siendo abusado y necesita ayuda *** Llame a la Policía-911 * Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline (24 horas, multilingüe, confidencial) 1-877-863-6338, TTY 1-877-863-6339 * Entre Amigos Chicago, IL, (multilingüe, confidencial CRISIS línea gratuita LINE-1-800-603-HELP (Consejería y Abogacía) * Evanston YWCA (Ofrece refugio para mujeres maltratadas / niños) 1-877-864-8780 Ministerio de Gay, Lesbianas, Familia y Amigos Se reúne mensualmente. Llame: Karen Allen al 773.761.3052 Familiares y amigos de apoyo: Georgie Ellis, 773.338.4342. Apoyo de embarazos Los Servicios de maternidad de Caridades Católicas están ofreciendo servicios de conserjería profesional para jovencitas y mujeres embarazadas, para los papás, y familias que estén esperando un bebe no planeado. Llame at 800.227.3002. Dr. Denise Simmons Giblin, LCSW ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Psychotherapy for Individuals and Couples Healing for Heart, Mind, and Spirit 636 Church St., Evanston, IL 847-347-0753 • [email protected] Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! For further information, please call the Parish Office. We Put Community First. 820 Church Street 847-733-7400 741 Main Street 847-328-4639 Anton’s Garden Centers Bedding & Vegetable Plants Holiday Plants Hanging Baskets 864-1134 1126 Pitner THE FISH KEG Fried Shrimp • Fish Chips 20 Kinds of Fresh Seafood Chicken • Homemade Salads 8 AM - Midnight 7 Days A Week ½ Block West of Ridge 2233 W. Howard St. Chicago 773-262-6603 Member FDIC Evanston Funeral & Cremation Serving Evanston Since 1981 1726-A Central St. 847-866-8843 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion Evanston for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Ed Canchola 800-566-6150 • PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................. Parishioner Skokie/ Evanston, IL 847-456-2732 24/7 HELP ................. [email protected] $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 512011 St Nicholas Church an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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