FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] Enchufes, Llaves y Componentes Hidráulicos Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components Coupleurs, Robinets et Composants Hydrauliques Innesti rapidi, Rubinetti a sfera e Componenti Idraulici Enchufes rápidos AISI 316 207 Quick couplings AISI 316 Coupleurs rapides AISI 316 Innesti rapidi AISI 316 Llaves de paso AISI 316 209 Ball valves AISI 316 Robinets AISI 316 Rubinetti AISI 316 Enchufes, Llaves y Racores Giratorios TrΔle 211 Quick couplings, ball valves and swivel fittings TrΔle Coupleurs rapides, robinets et raccords tournants TrΔle Innesti rapidi, rubinetti e giunti girevole TrΔle Componentes hidráulicos AISI 316 213 Hydraulic Components AISI 316 Composants Hydrauliques AISI 316 Componenti Idraulici AISI 316 Manómetros AISI 316 con glicerina 214 Pressure gauges AISI 316 with glycerin Manomètre AISI 316 avec glycérine Manometri AISI 316 a bagno di glicerina inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 202 27/02/2016 11:13:55 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Crimp fittings for hoses 204 Enchufes rápidos AISI 316 Quick couplings AISI 316 Coupleurs rapides AISI 316 Innesti rapidi AISI 316 H H H H H M Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges 207 Enchufes rápidos / Quick couplings / Quick release couplings / Innesti rapidi M M M Z8001/Z8002 M Z8201/Z8202 Z8008/Z8009 Z8301/Z8302 Z9001/Z9002 Z7111/Z7112 Z9051/Z9052 Adaptors Llaves de paso AISI 316 Ball valves AISI 316 Robinets AISI 316 Rubinetti AISI 316 209 Welding fittings Llaves de paso / Ball valves / Robinets / Rubinetti MKH_L MKH_S MKH G_DN MKH_L_DN MKH_S_DN MK3A-G Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components Industrial fittings MKH G inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 204 27/02/2016 11:14:03 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] 205 Quick couplings, ball valves and swivel fittings TrΔle Coupleurs rapides, robinets et raccords tournants TrΔle Innesti rapidi, rubinetti e giunti girevole TrΔle Enchufes rápidos Tr∆le / Quick couplings TrΔle / Coupleurs rapides TrΔle / Innesti rapidi TrΔle H H H M ZB8001/ZB8002 M ZB8201/ZB8202 ZB8301/ZB8302 ZB8011/ZB8012 Z GGL Z GG90 212 Llaves de paso Tr∆le / Ball valves TrΔle / Robinets TrΔle / Rubinetti TrΔle ZGB2V L ZGB2V S ZGB2V NPT Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components Industrial fittings ZGB2V 211 Adaptors Racores Giratorios Tr∆le / Swivel fittings TrΔle / Raccords tournants TrΔle / Giunti girevole TrΔle Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges M M Welding fittings H 211 Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Crimp fittings for hoses Enchufes, Llaves y Racores Giratorios TrΔle inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 205 29/02/2016 10:30:28 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] Adaptors Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Crimp fittings for hoses 206 Componentes hidráulicos AISI 316 Hydraulic Components AISI 316 Composants Hydrauliques AISI 316 Componenti Idraulici AISI 316 Reguladores caudal / Flow control valves / Régulateurs de débit / Regolatori di flusso ZFT2251B ZFT2253U Protectores manómetro AISI 316 / Valves for manometers / Valves pour manomètres / Esclusori per manometro Z FPE Welding fittings Industrial fittings 213 Z FPEA Anti-retornos / Check-valves / Clapet antiretour / Valvole di ritegno Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components 213 213 Z FPR Manómetros AISI 316 con glicerina Pressure gauges AISI 316 with glycerin Manomètre AISI 316 avec glycérine Manometri AISI 316 a bagno di glicerina Manómetros inox glicerina DN 63 / Pressure gauge DN 63 with glycerin / Manomètre avec glycérine DN 63 / Manometro DN 63 a bagno di glicerina ZMFI63..V ZMFI63..DB Manómetros inox glicerina DN 100 / Pressure gauge DN 100 with glycerin / Manomètre avec glycérine DN 100 / Manometro DN 100 a bagno di glicerina ZMFI100..V inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 206 214 214 ZMFI100DB 27/02/2016 11:14:10 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] 207 Crimp fittings for hoses Enchufes rápidos AISI 316 Enchufes de punzón ISO B Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Quick couplings AISI 316 Coupleurs rapides AISI 316 Innesti rapidi AISI 316 Enchufes auto-roscantes Quick coupling ISO B Quick screw couplings H H Coupleurs rapides à clapet Coupleur rapide à visser filetage ISO SIZE TAMAÑO ISO C. E. Part nº Referencia € THREAD ROSCA ISO SIZE TAMAÑO ISO C. E. Part nº Referencia € 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1"1/4 BSP 1"1/2 BSP 2" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1"1/4 BSP 1"1/2 BSP 2" BSP 6,3 10 12,5 20 25 40 40 50 6,3 10 12,5 20 25 40 40 50 M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F Z800104 Z800106 Z800108 Z800112 Z800116 Z800120 Z800124 Z800132 Z800204 Z800206 Z800208 Z800212 Z800216 Z800220 Z800224 Z800232 41,00 45,56 52,99 91,11 141,73 632,08 632,08 1.292,64 91,11 102,50 134,67 199,88 311,20 814,31 814,31 1.888,28 1/4'' BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1''1/4 BSP 1''1/2 BSP 1/4'' BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1''1/4 BSP 1''1/2 BSP 6.3 10 12,5 20 25 40 40 6.3 10 12,5 20 25 40 40 M M M M M M M F F F F F F F Z800804 Z800806 Z800808 Z800812 Z800816 Z800820 Z800824 Z800904 Z800906 Z800908 Z800912 Z800916 Z800920 Z800924 154,89 218,10 245,72 438,76 556,35 871,25 871,25 111,04 154,60 193,61 322,31 415,69 654,86 654,86 Coupleurs rapides à clapet passage total ISO B H Coupleurs rapides à clapet ISO A H M Innesti a passaggio libero M Innesti a valvola ISO A THREAD ROSCA ISO SIZE TAMAÑO ISO C. E. Part nº Referencia € 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1''1/4 BSP 1''1/2 BSP 2'' BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1''1/4 BSP 1''1/2 BSP 2'' BSP 10 12,5 20 25 31.5 40 50 10 12,5 20 25 31.5 40 50 M M M M M M M F F F F F F F Z820106 Z820108 Z820112 Z820116 Z820120 Z820124 Z820132 Z820206 Z820208 Z820212 Z820216 Z820220 Z820224 Z820232 45,56 52,96 91,11 142,36 353,06 489,72 939,58 113,89 113,89 176,53 282,73 700,42 882,64 1.651,39 THREAD ROSCA ISO SIZE TAMAÑO ISO C. E. Part nº Referencia € 1/8" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1"1/4 BSP 1"1/2 BSP 2" BSP 1/8" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1"1/4 BSP 1"1/2 BSP 2" BSP 5 6,3 10 12,5 20 25 40 40 50 5 6,3 10 12,5 20 25 40 40 50 M M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F F Z830102 Z830104 Z830106 Z830108 Z830112 Z830116 Z830120 Z830124 Z830132 Z830202 Z830204 Z830206 Z830208 Z830212 Z830216 Z830220 Z830224 Z830232 27,25 28,05 30,51 33,67 59,22 82,69 217,66 217,66 431,92 75,47 76,70 92,52 106,92 151,50 234,38 425,17 425,17 892,32 Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components Quick coupling ISO A Industrial fittings Quick coupling free flow ISO B Enchufes de punzón ISO A inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 207 Enchufes paso total ISO B Adaptors THREAD ROSCA Welding fittings Innesti rapidi a vite Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges M M Innesti a valvola ISO B 27/02/2016 11:14:11 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Crimp fittings for hoses 208 Enchufes rápidos AISI 316 Quick couplings AISI 316 Coupleurs rapides AISI 316 Innesti rapidi AISI 316 Enchufes de válvula plana Bola altissima presión 700 bar ac. presión inox Flat face quick coupling Quick coupling ball type very high pressure 700 bar H Coupleurs à clapet face plane Coupleur rapide à bille haute pression 700 bar Innesti a faccia piana Innesti rapido a sfera 700 bar THREAD ROSCA ISO SIZE TAMAÑO ISO C. E. Part nº Referencia € THREAD ROSCA ISO SIZE TAMAÑO ISO C. E. Part nº Referencia € 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1''1/4 BSP 1''1/2 BSP 2'' BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1''1/4 BSP 1''1/2 BSP 2'' BSP 6,3 12,5 12,5 20 25 25 40 50 6,3 12,5 12,5 20 25 25 40 50 M M M M M M M M F F F F F F F F Z900104 Z900106 Z900108 Z900112 Z900116 Z900120 Z900124 Z900132 Z900204 Z900206 Z900208 Z900212 Z900216 Z900220 Z900224 Z900232 143,28 176,86 202,98 277,74 299,79 293,26 637,78 1.423,61 221,30 264,37 308,58 412,52 454,83 740,28 1.332,50 2.448,61 3/8'' NPT 3/8'' NPT 10 10 M F Z711106 Z711206 130,97 108,19 Válvula plana autoroscante ac. presión inox Flat face screw coupling Coupleur rapide à clapet face plane à visser Innesto rapido a faccia piana a vite THREAD ROSCA ISO SIZE TAMAÑO ISO C. E. Part nº Referencia € 3/8'' BSP 1/2'' BSP 3/4'' BSP 1'' BSP 1''1/4 BSP 1''1/2 BSP 3/8'' NPT 1/2'' BSP 3/4'' BSP 1'' BSP 1''1/4 BSP 1''1/2 BSP 10 12.5 16 19 25 40 10 12.5 16 19 25 40 M M M M M M F F F F F F Z905106 Z905108 Z905112 Z905116 Z905120 Z905124 Z905206 Z905208 Z905212 Z905216 Z905220 Z905224 240,88 298,96 305,22 433,92 671,94 * 203,86 293,26 317,75 398,61 575,14 * Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components Industrial fittings Welding fittings Adaptors Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges M * Consultar / *On request / *Sur demande / *Su richiesta inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 208 27/02/2016 11:14:12 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] 209 Crimp fittings for hoses Llaves de paso AISI 316 Llave 2 vías rosca hembra BSP paso total 2 Way ball-valves BSP female ISO 228 Ball-valves BSP female Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique femelle BSP Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique femelle Rubinetto a sfera femmina - femmina BSP Rubinetto a sfera femmina - femmina BSP DN THREAD ROSCA Part nº Referencia € DN THREAD ROSCA Part nº Referencia € 4 6 10 13 16 20 25 25 25 1/8" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2"BSP 5/8" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1" 1/4 BSP 1"1/2 BSP MKH G 1/8 MKH G 1/4 MKH G 3/8 MKH G 1/2 MKH G 5/8 MKH G 3/4 MKH G 1 MKH G 1 1/4 DN25 MKH G 1 1/2 DN25 195,35 126,15 165,52 170,30 393,85 399,47 441,22 556,25 590,41 32 40 50 1" 1/4 BSP 1" 1/2 BSP 2" BSP MKH G 1 1/4 DN32 MKH G 1 1/2 DN40 MKH G 2 DN50 948,03 1.271,14 1.667,57 Llave 2 vías tubo rígido serie ligera 6L 8L 10 L 12 L 15 L 18 L 22 L 28 L 35 L 42 L 35 L 42 L 35 L 42 L MKH 35 L DN35 MKH 42 L DN42 1.099,16 1.261,69 Llave 2 vías tubo rígido S paso total Part nº Referencia € MKH 6 L MKH 8 L MKH 10 L MKH 12 L MKH 15 L MKH 18 L MKH 22 L MKH 28 L MKH 35 L MKH 42 L 259,73 227,96 229,54 210,84 245,87 291,97 428,25 545,51 572,19 718,40 Ball-valves: tube connection serie S DIN 2353 full bore Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique Métrique série légère passage total Rubinetto a sfera maschio DIN 2353 - S PIPE TUBO DN 32 38 S 38 S Part nº Referencia € MKH 38 S DN32 1.081,31 Llave 3 vías hembra - hembra - hembra BSP paso en L Llave 2 vías tubo rígido serie pesada 3 Way ball-valve female BSP L flow 2 Way ball-valves: tube connection serie S DIN 2353 Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique pour tube rigide série lourde Robinet haute pression 3 voies boisseau sphérique femelle BSP passage en L Rubinetto a sfera 3 vie femmina BSP passaggio en L Rubinetto a sfera maschio DIN 2353 - S PIPE TUBO DN 4 6 8 10 13 16 20 13 25 25/32 8S 10 S 12 S 14 S 16 S 20 S 25 S 20 S 30 S 38 S inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 209 8S 10 S 12 S 14 S 16 S 20 S 25 S 20 S 30 S 38 S Adaptors € Welding fittings 35 42 Part nº Referencia Part nº Referencia € MKH 8 S MKH 10 S MKH 12 S MKH 14 S MKH 16 S MKH 20 S MKH 25 S MKH 20 S DN13 MKH 30 S MKH 38 S 245,29 239,57 201,91 265,51 217,14 368,38 398,52 297,36 459,60 523,98 Industrial fittings 6L 8L 10 L 12 L 15 L 18 L 22 L 28 L 35 L 42 L PIPE TUBO DN THREAD ROSCA Part nº Referencia € 4 6 10 13 20 25 25 25 1/8"BSP 1/4"BSP 3/8"BSP 1/2"BSP 3/4"BSP 1"BSP 1"1/4BSP 1"1/2BSP MK3A-G 1/8 MK3A-G 1/4 MK3A-G 3/8 MK3A-G 1/2 MK3A-G 3/4 MK3A-G 1 MK3A-G 1 1/4 MK3A-G 1 1/2 423,10 352,37 469,05 410,44 836,38 1.174,88 1.222,93 1.306,06 Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components 4 6 8 10 13 16 20 25 25/32 25/40 Ball-valves: tube connection serie L DIN 2353 full bore Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique Métrique série légère passage total DN Rubinetto a sfera maschio DIN 2353 - L DN Llave 2 vías tubo rígido L paso total Rubinetto a sfera maschio DIN 2353 - L - 2 Way ball-valves: tube connection serie L DIN 2353 Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique pour tube rigide série légère PIPE TUBO Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges Llave 2 vías rosca hembra BSP Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Ball valves AISI 316 Robinets AISI 316 Rubinetti AISI 316 27/02/2016 11:14:14 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] Crimp fittings for hoses 210 Llaves de paso Ball valves Robinets Rubinetti a sfera Manetas Handles for ball-valves Leviers pour robinets Maniglia H h SW Standard zinc Standard zinc Standard zinc Standard zinco Para llaves de paso For ball-valves Pour robinets Per rubinetti a sfera Serie BSP 1⁄8 - ¼ - 3⁄8 - ½ - 5⁄8 Serie DIN 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 18 Serie BSP ¾ - 1 - 1 ¼ Serie DIN 22 - 25 - 28 - 30 - 35 - 38 Serie BSP 1 ¼ - 1 ½ - 2 Serie DIN 35 - 38 - 42 Acero Steel Acier Acciaio INOX/SS316L SW Referencia Part no. Référence Codice € Referencia Part no. Référence Codice € Referencia Part no. Référence Codice € 9 A60013155330 * C600063 * Z60013155330 * 14 – * C708618 * Z60013155331 * 17 – * – * Z60013155332 * Solo se suministra en aluminio Only supplied in aluminium Seulement disponible en aluminium Disponible solo in aluminio Para llaves de paso For ball-valves Pour robinets Per rubinetti a sfera SW Referencia Part no. Référence Codice € Serie BSP 5⁄8 Serie DIN 15 - 16 - 18 12 L501741 * Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components Industrial fittings Welding fittings Adaptors Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges Pipe fittings DIN 2353 K K Manetas Handles for ball-valves Leviers pour robinets Maniglia h SW Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinco Para llaves de paso For ball-valves Pour robinets Per rubinetti a sfera Serie BSP 1⁄8 - ¼ - 3⁄8 - ½ - 5⁄8 Serie DIN 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 18 Serie BSP ¾ - 1 - 1 ¼ Serie DIN 22 - 25 - 28 - 30 - 35 - 38 Serie BSP 1 ¼ - 1 ½ - 2 Serie DIN 35 - 38 - 42 Aluminio Aluminum Aluminium Allumino SW Referencia Part no. Référence Codice € Referencia Part no. Référence Codice € 9 AR603722 * – * 14 A60013155331 * LR606745 * 17 – * LR801799 * * Consultar / On request / Sur demande / Su richiesta inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 210 27/02/2016 11:14:15 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] 211 Crimp fittings for hoses Enchufes, Llaves y Racores Giratorios TrΔle Quick couplings ISO A Tr∆le Quick couplings free flow Tr∆le H Coupleurs ISO A Tr∆le Coupleurs passage total Tr∆le M Innesti rapidi ISO A Tr∆le H M Innesti a passaggio libero Tr∆le DN THREAD ROSCA C. E. Part nº Referencia € DN THREAD ROSCA C. E. Part nº Referencia € 10 10 13 20 25 10 10 12 20 25 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP M M M M M F F F F F ZB820104 ZB820106 ZB820108 ZB820112 ZB820116 ZB820204 ZB820206 ZB820208 ZB820212 ZB820216 * 27,86 46,91 85,28 118,45 * 66,66 111,42 199,61 278,49 6 10 13 20 25 6 10 13 20 25 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP M M M M M F F F F F ZB830104 ZB830106 ZB830108 ZB830112 ZB830116 ZB830204 ZB830206 ZB830208 ZB830212 ZB830216 27,32 30,90 33,88 56,99 74,83 74,83 90,10 103,32 139,55 223,71 Quick couplings ISO A NPT Tr∆le H H Coupleurs ISO B Tr∆le Coupleurs ISO A NPT Tr∆le M Innesti rapidi ISO B Tr∆le M Innesti rapidi ISO A NPT Tr∆le DN THREAD ROSCA C. E. Part nº Referencia € DN THREAD ROSCA C. E. Part nº Referencia € 6 10 13 20 25 6 10 13 20 25 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP M M M M M F F F F F ZB800104 ZB800106 ZB800108 ZB800112 ZB800116 ZB800204 ZB800206 ZB800208 ZB800212 ZB800216 17,00 26,91 45,32 82,43 114,44 41,19 64,42 107,64 192,91 269,11 6 10 13 20 25 6 10 13 20 25 1/4'' NPT 3/8'' NPT 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 1" NPT 1/4" NPT 3/8" NPT 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 1" NPT M M M M M F F F F F ZB801104 ZB801106 ZB801108 ZB801112 ZB801116 ZB801204 ZB801206 ZB801208 ZB801212 ZB801216 * * * * * * * * * * Racores giratorios rectos Racores giratorios 90º Straight swivel fittings Elbow 90º swivel female Raccord tournant droit Raccord tournant coude 90º Giunti girevoli diritti Giunti girevoli 90° THREAD ROSCA Part nº Referencia € THREAD ROSCA Part nº Referencia € 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2 " BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1" 1/4 BSP 1" 1/2 BSP 2" BSP Z GGL 1/4 Z GGL 3/8 Z GGL 1/2 Z GGL 3/4 Z GGL 1 Z GGL 1 1/4 Z GGL 1 1/2 Z GGL 2 196,86 225,93 253,47 323,85 433,50 605,37 1.014,33 1.360,00 1/4" BSP 3/8 " BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4 " BSP 1" BSP 1" 1/4 BSP 1" 1/2 BSP 2 " BSP Z GG90 1/4 Z GG90 3/8 Z GG90 1/2 Z GG90 3/4 Z GG90 1 Z GG90 1 1/4 Z GG90 1 1/2 Z GG90 2 246,33 298,86 366,18 448,80 604,35 942,48 1.448,40 2.079,67 Industrial fittings Quick couplings ISO B Tr∆le Welding fittings Enchufes ISO A NPT TrΔle Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components Enchufes ISO B TrAle Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges Enchufes Paso Total TrΔle Adaptors Enchufes ISO A TrΔle Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Quick couplings, ball valves and swivel fittings TrΔle Coupleurs rapides, robinets et raccords tournants TrΔle Innesti rapidi, rubinetti e giunti girevole TrΔle * Consultar / *On request / *Sur demande / *Su richiesta inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 211 29/02/2016 10:37:33 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] Adaptors Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Crimp fittings for hoses 212 Enchufes, Llaves y Racores Giratorios TrΔle Quick couplings, ball valves and swivel fittings TrΔle Coupleurs rapides, robinets et raccords tournants TrΔle Innesti rapidi, rubinetti e giunti girevole TrΔle Llave 2 vías rosca hembra BSP TrΔle Llave 2 vías tubo rígido serie pesada TrΔle Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique femelle BSP Tr∆le 2 ways ball valve: tube connector heavy serie Tr∆le Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique sortie pour tube rigide Série lourde Tr∆le Rubinetto a sfera femmina BSP Tr∆le Rubinetto a sfera DIN 2353 - S Tr∆le 2 ways ball valve female BSP Tr∆le DN THREAD ROSCA Part nº Referencia € DN 4 6 10 13 20 25 1/8" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2"BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP ZGB2V 1/8 ZGB2V 1/4 ZGB2V 3/8 ZGB2V 1/2 ZGB2V 3/4 ZGB2V 1 65,84 110,31 134,58 149,40 228,65 316,34 4 6 8 10 13 16 20 Welding fittings 8S 10 S 12 S 14 S 16 S 20 S 25 S 8S 10 S 12 S 14 S 16 S 20 S 25 S Llave 2 vías tubo rígido serie ligera TrΔle 8L 10 L 12 L 15 L 18 L 22 L 8L 10 L 12 L 15 L 18 L 22 L Rubinetto a sfera femmina NPT Tr∆le Part nº Referencia € ZGB2V 8 L ZGB2V 10 L ZGB2V 12 L ZGB2V 15 L ZGB2V 18 L ZGB2V 22 L 132,77 132,77 153,96 160,67 160,67 327,62 DN THREAD ROSCA Part nº Referencia € 6 10 12 19 1/4" NPT 3/8" NPT 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT ZGB2V 1/4 NPT ZGB2V 3/8 NPT ZGB2V 1/2 NPT ZGB2V 3/4 NPT * * * * Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components 6 8 10 13 16 20 132,77 132,77 132,77 153,96 160,67 160,67 327,62 Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique femelle NPT Tr∆le Rubinetto a sfera DIN 2353 - L Tr∆le PIPE TUBO € ZGB2V 8 S ZGB2V 10 S ZGB2V 12 S ZGB2V 14 S ZGB2V 16 S ZGB2V 20 S ZGB2V 25 S 2 ways ball valve female NPT Tr∆le Robinet haute pression 2 voies boisseau sphérique sortie pour tube rigide Série légère Tr∆le DN Part nº Referencia Llave 2 vías rosca hembra NPT TrΔle 2 ways ball valve: tube connector light serie Tr∆le Industrial fittings PIPE TUBO * Consultar / *On request / *Sur demande / *Su richiesta inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 212 27/02/2016 11:14:18 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] 213 Crimp fittings for hoses Componentes hidráulicos AISI 316 Válvulas unidireccionales Bidirectional flow control valve Unidirectional flow control valve Régulateur débit bidirectionnel Régulateur débit unidirectionnel Valvola di regolazione bidirezionale Valvola di regolazione unidirezionale 1/4'' BSP 3/8'' BSP 1/2'' BSP 3/4'' BSP FILTRATION DEGREE GRADO DE FILTRACIÓN Part nº Referencia € 25μ 25μ 25μ 25μ ZFT2251B04 ZFT2251B06 ZFT2251B08 ZFT2251B12 128,11 158,19 246,88 332,60 M17x1 M20x1 M25x1,5 M30x1,5 THREAD ROSCA 1/4'' BSP 3/8'' BSP 1/2'' BSP 3/4'' BSP FILTRATION DEGREE GRADO DE FILTRACIÓN Part nº Referencia € 25μ 25μ 25μ 25μ ZFT2253U04 ZFT2253U06 ZFT2253U08 ZFT2253U12 150,81 183,64 261,23 350,80 M17x1 M20x1 M25x1,5 M30x1,5 Protector manómetro recto Protector manómetro 90º Pressure gauge protector (line mounting) 90º pressure gauge protector (line mounting) Isolateur de manomètre droit (en ligne) Isolateur de manomètre coudé a 90º (en ligne) Esclusore per manometro diritto Esclusore per manometro a 90º THREAD ROSCA 1/4'' BSP 1/4'' BSPT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPCIÓN Part nº Referencia € RIGHT Z FPE 1G 1/4 135,45 1/4'' BSP 1/4'' BSPT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPCIÓN Part nº Referencia € 90º Z FPEA 1G 1/4 135,45 Industrial fittings Anti-retorno THREAD ROSCA Adaptors THREAD ROSCA Welding fittings Válvulas bidireccionales Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Hydraulic Components AISI 316 Composants Hydrauliques AISI 316 Componenti Idraulici AISI 316 Check-valves Anti-retour inox THREAD ROSCA SETTING (bar) TARAJE (bar) Part nº Referencia € 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 3/8" BSP 3/8" BSP 3/8" BSP 3/8" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2'' BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 3/4" BSP 1" BSP 1" 1/4 BSP 1" 1/2 BSP 0,5 2,5 5 10 0,5 2,5 5 10 0,5 2,5 5 10 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 Z FPR 1/4 Z FPR 1/4-2.5 Z FPR 1/4-5 Z FPR 1/4-10 Z FPR 3/8 Z FPR 3/8-2.5 Z FPR 3/8-5 Z FPR 3/8-10 Z FPR 1/2 Z FPR 1/2-2.5 Z FPR 1/2-5 Z FPR 1/2-10 Z FPR 3/4 Z FPR 1 Z FPR 1 1/4 Z FPR 1 1/2 49,84 90,41 90,41 92,99 60,57 100,15 100,15 100,15 69,15 119,22 119,22 119,22 121,70 192,71 363,53 446,46 Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components Valvole di ritegno in linea Para otras presiones de tarado estandard, consultar / For other standard spring pressures, consult us / Pour d'autres pressions ressort standard, consultez-nous inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 213 27/02/2016 11:14:21 FLUIDAL, S.L. Pº Ubarburu,79 20.115 Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) Telf. 943 453 795 Fax. 943 454 811 - www.fluidal.com - [email protected] Couplings, Ball valves and Hydraulic Components Industrial fittings Welding fittings Adaptors Flare fittings JIC 37º / SAE Flanges Pipe fittings DIN 2353 Crimp fittings for hoses 214 Manómetros AISI 316 con glicerina Pressure gauges AISI 316 with glycerin Manomètre AISI 316 avec glycérine Manometri AISI 316 a bagno di glicerina Manómetros DN 63 salida vertical Manómetros DN 63 salida posterior Pressure gauge DN 63 vertical connection Pressure gauge DN 63 rear connection Manomètre DN 63 sortie verticale Manomètre DN 63 sortie arrière Manometro DN 63 radiale Manometro DN 63 assiale flangiato THREAD ROSCA SCALE (bar) ESCALA (bar) Part nº Referencia € THREAD ROSCA SCALE (bar) ESCALA (bar) Part nº Referencia € 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 0-1 0-2.5 0-4 0-6 0-10 0-16 0-25 0-40 0-60 0-100 0-160 0-250 0-400 0-600 0-1000 ZMFI6304001V ZMFI63042.5V ZMFI6304004V ZMFI6304006V ZMFI6304010V ZMFI6304016V ZMFI6304025V ZMFI6304040V ZMFI6304060V ZMFI6304100V ZMFI6304160V ZMFI6304250V ZMFI6304400V ZMFI6304600V ZMFI63041000V * * * 29,02 29,02 29,02 29,02 29,02 29,02 29,02 29,02 29,02 29,02 29,02 * 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 0-1 0-2.5 0-4 0-6 0-10 0-16 0-25 0-40 0-60 0-100 0-160 0-250 0-400 0-600 ZMFI6304001DB ZMFI63042.5DB ZMFI6304004DB ZMFI6304006DB ZMFI6304010DB ZMFI6304016DB ZMFI6304025DB ZMFI6304040DB ZMFI6304060DB ZMFI6304100DB ZMFI6304160DB ZMFI6304250DB ZMFI6304400DB ZMFI6304600DB * * * * 32,24 32,24 32,24 * 32,24 * 32,24 32,24 32,24 * *Caja AISI 304 (AISI 316L Consultar) / *Box AISI 304 (AISI 316L On request) / *Boîte AISI 304 (AISI 316L Sur demande) / *Cassa AISI 304 (AISI 316L Su richiesta) *Caja AISI 304 (AISI 316L Consultar) / *Box AISI 304 (AISI 316L On request) / *Boîte AISI 304 (AISI 316L Sur demande) / *Cassa AISI 304 (AISI 316L Su richiesta) Manómetros DN 100 salida vertical Manómetros DN 100 salida posterior Pressure gauge DN 100 vertical connection Pressure gauge DN 100 rear connection Manomètre DN 100 sortie verticale Manomètre DN 100 sortie arrière Manometro DN 100 radiale Manometro DN 100 assiale flangiato THREAD ROSCA SCALE (bar) ESCALA (bar) Part nº Referencia € THREAD ROSCA SCALE (bar) ESCALA (bar) Part nº Referencia € 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 0-1 0-2.5 0-4 0-6 0-10 0-16 0-25 0-40 0-60 0-100 0-160 0-250 0-400 0-600 ZMFI10008001V ZMFI1000802.5V ZMFI10008004V ZMFI10008006V ZMFI10008010V ZMFI10008016V ZMFI10008025V ZMFI10008040V ZMFI10008060V ZMFI10008100V ZMFI10008160V ZMFI10008250V ZMFI10008400V ZMFI10008600V * * * * 49,33 49,33 49,33 49,33 49,33 49,33 49,33 49,33 49,33 49,33 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 1/2" BSP 0-1 0-2.5 0-4 0-6 0-10 0-16 0-25 0-40 0-60 0-100 0-160 0-250 0-400 0-600 ZMFI10008001DB ZMFI1000802.5DB ZMFI10008004DB ZMFI10008006DB ZMFI10008010DB ZMFI10008016DB ZMFI10008025DB ZMFI10008040DB ZMFI10008060DB ZMFI10008100DB ZMFI10008160DB ZMFI10008250DB ZMFI10008400DB ZMFI10008600DB * * * * 53,12 53,12 53,12 53,12 53,12 53,12 53,12 53,12 53,12 53,12 *Caja AISI 304 (AISI 316L Consultar) / *Box AISI 304 (AISI 316L On request) / *Boîte AISI 304 (AISI 316L Sur demande) / *Cassa AISI 304 (AISI 316L Su richiesta) *Caja AISI 304 (AISI 316L Consultar) / *Box AISI 304 (AISI 316L On request) / *Boîte AISI 304 (AISI 316L Sur demande) / *Cassa AISI 304 (AISI 316L Su richiesta) * Consultar / *On request / *Sur demande / *Su richiesta inox_26_02_pg_176_218__016_.indd 214 27/02/2016 11:14:25
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