Republie of the Philippines Department of Education CARAGA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION J.P. Rosales Avenue, Butuan City REGIONAL MORANDLII\4 , s.2Ql6 LIST OF VALIDATED APPLICANTS QUA TAKE THE 2016 PRINCIPALS To: SCHOOLSDIVISIONSUPERINTENDENTS RO & SDO Personnel and Cashiers This Region 1' In the Office Advisory OA-GO-2016-GOA-004 signed by Assistant Secretary Jesus R. Mateo, this office was hereby directed to release a regional memorandum indicating the list of validated applicants qualified to take the 2016 principals Test. 2. Step 4 in the application process is the Validation Phase and only the applications of those who answered the online application form along with the complete- documentary requirements within the application period shatl be processed. The deadline for Stepg 2 and 3 was Julv 2.2016 at 12 noon. 3' Refer to the attached list of applicants qualified to take the 20l6principals Test. The applicants may now proceed by accomplishing the followin g qry or lefore Aqeust 12, 2016 a. Submit 2 pcs. of identical 2 x 2lD picture with name tag ana stgnuture at the back tuken within the last three months to the SDO. b. Pay the registration fee of Five Hundred Pesos (P500) to the Schools Division Office (SDO) Cashier 4. The RO Cashier shall issue the individual official receipts with the unique tracking code addressed to the examinee. This shall be given to all test takers through the SDOi before August 31,2016. The official receipt from the RO shall serve as the exam-permit. 5. For the guidance of the RO and SDO personnel and cashiers, the breakdown of the registration fee is as follows: a. Four Hundred Ninety Pesos (p490) is for the operating expenses b. Ten Pesos (Pl0) is for the Legal Research Fund as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 14, s.2015. The remittance to Bureau of Treasury is stipulated in the said order. 6. The SDO Cashier shall then rernit the collected registration to the RO Cashier and the SDO Personnel shall submit all the ZxZ pictures to the RO-QAD on or before A,lrgust 16, 2016. 7. The examination announced later. QAD3/glg 7/22/20L611:18:48 AM will be on November 6, 2016 at a Regional Testing Center to be 8' The SDOs, through the Human Resource Development Section, are STR9NGLy encouraged_to help prepare the applicants through: a' b' c' formation of support goups similar to Learning Action Cells mentored by high performing school heads; familiarizing applicants with the school processes, operations, reports, challenges and actual scenarios faced by the school heads; organizing immersion opportunities on school processes and operations in different school typologi es. 9' The Monitoring and Evaluation Section of the SDos are enjoine d to submit u 'the progress report on the implementation of qction plan formutated auring 2016 Principals Tpst orientation Meeting conductbd.the on May 3r,'20r,6. 10' Incl.: Immediate and widest dissemination of this Memorandum is highly desired. As stated Reference: DM No. 80, s. 2016 oA_co-2016_coA_003 oA_co_2016-GOA_004 Allotment: 2-(D.O. 50-97) To be indicted in the perpe(uar In4ex under the folrowing subjects: PRINCIPALS TEST APPLICATION QUALIFICATION Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO ADN 2 ADN 3 ADN 4 ADN 5 ADN 6 ADN 7 ADN B ADN I ADN 10 ADN 11 ADN 12 ADN 13 ADN 14 ADN 15 ADN 16 ADN 17 ADN 1B ADN 19 ADN 20 ADN 21 ADN 22 ADN 23 ADN 24 ADN 25 ADN 26 ADN 27 ADN 28 ADN 29 ADN 30 ADN 31 ADN 32 ADN 33 ADN 34 ADN 1 Name First Last Abacaien Abamonga Aquillon Amable Amante Auguis Aunzo Avila Balantac Balesta Beliota Bermoy Bontuan Booc Buco Buco Bucong Butcon Cabulosan Calumba Canales Caseres Cubillas Daleon Dela Sala Dela Torre Dogmoc Dogmoc Dolor Encendencia Enciso Feliselda Feliselda Ferrater Arlene Bernardita Bamelo Jovelyn Madelene Generoso Arlene Julito Sarex Jay Lilibeth Leonila Melinda Rowena Eugenio Dreamcy Corazon Joselito Zoraida Eliza Adelina Milagros Flordeliza Roland Glenn Mark Vangeline Montano, Denicer Arlene Alcher Elma Dennis Clarinda Elpedio Pase 1 "^ f/' Middle Gallardo Villamil Moran Dolaoco Tanasas Tabique Donan Sarita Gavino Flores Berou Sanchez Togonon Maur Ubo Sescon Montaus Galope Telin Nunez Espiritu Palma Ysalina Gamalo Villeza Tejam Diaz Diaz Asares Medina Miole Barrientos Urgel Amoguis Attachment No. 1 2O16PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 35 36 37 38 39 40 ADN ADN ADN ADN ADN ADN 41 ADN 42 ADN 43 ADN 44 ADN 45 ADN 46 ADN 47 ADN 48 ADN 49 ADN 50 ADN 51 ADN 52 ADN 53 ADN 54 ADN 55 ADN 56 ADN 57 ADN 58 ADN 59 ADN 60 ADN 61 ADN 62 ADN 63 ADN 64 ADN 65 ADN 66 ADN 67 ADN 68 ADS Name First Last Galbo Galia Gocotano Gomez Gonzaqa Gonzaqa Henson Hermocilla Jomoc Juanich Lacano Laqanoa Larano Lauron Liqcuban Maqlasanq Mirafuentes Montaus Obunqen Ondov Padre-E Pequero Pesitas Ratunil Remonte Resultan Robas Rubante Sallacav Suarez Sumahit Zabala Zaspa Adorable Arlyn Ruth Raul Elisa Lorena Arlvn Gilda Analou Roland Marqie Efren Esther Anacleto Leycel Ma. Lvn Charito Doris Leah Mercifaz Nilan Rowena Lexter Severino Roseben Annabelle Ronie Jessie Kristinn Gerlie Amie Rogelio Erlinda Ronie Ma. Carla Middle Cabangbanq Baclayo Luzon Casinillo Maca Sanov Lunasin Ocio Canete Tapere Baldecafras Cebrian Aquillon Cagas Cabahus Mahumot Ortillano Romaquera Baylon Bongato Morano Paz Bada Ramos Gonzaga Apostol Morta Jumalon Albarracin Moralde Sa-Avedra Umpad Gabales Dela Cruz Pase2"^ t Attachment No. 1 2O16PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 69 ADS 70 ADS 71 ADS 72 ADS 73 ADS 74 ADS 75 ADS 76 ADS 77 ADS 78 ADS 79 ADS BO ADS 81 ADS 82 ADS 83 ADS 84 ADS 85 ADS B6 ADS 87 ADS 8B ADS 89 ADS 90 ADS 91 ADS 92 ADS 93 ADS 94 ADS 95 ADS 96 ADS 97 ADS 98 ADS 99 ADS 100 ADS 101 ADS 102 ADS Name First Last Alcarde Angchanqco Angwas Asis Asis Asis Auguis Auguis Avala Bagnol Baillo Bajao Baiao Balagot Balbutin Balolot Banguiran Bayron Brady Budias Cabanas Cabonce Cadavos Calvo Carael Corporal Cruz Daned De Jongoy Deguma Diango Dologan Doysabas Durango Rebecca Neilmarx Rowena Elizalde Roman Merocles Edwin Edmar Gina Darlyn Armando Maricris Venus Mercedes Efren Eleuterio Nestor Cyrelino Alvin Grace Emerald Amos Rogelio Joelito Lourdes Marivic Renato Mayet Rowie Shirley Rolando Julieta Esteria Babylinda Jaime Pase3 "^ , f Middle Ostos Vintola Orlandez Lopez Plaza Curato Tumang Tolentino Pader Bajan Dagium Llacuna Decinilla Logrono Cagampang Perges Antoque Dolera Otacan Bago-Od Cabaya De La Cruz Biongcog Ceniza Cagoco Tan Alsola Garbosa Fusingan Ediquito Vitualla Burato Gultiano Osin Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLIGANTS SDO 103 ADS. 104 ADS 105 ADS 106 ADS 107 ADS 108 ADS 109 ADS 110 ADS 111 ADS 112 ADS 113 ADS 114 ADS 115 ADS 116 ADS 117 ADS 118 ADS 119 ADS 120 ADS 121 ADS 122 ADS 123 ADS 124 ADS 125 ADS 126 ADS 127 ADS 128 ADS 129 ADS 130 ADS 131 ADS 132 ADS 133 ADS 134 ADS 135 ADS 136 ADS Name First Last Ensomo Espina Espina Ewa Francisco Gavino Gavino Gelacio Geroche Go Gorne Gozo Grana Gucor Havana Hinooit lbal lnterino lntinq Jarina Jiz Leopardas Libres Loqrono Lomonqsod Loquite Losaynon Luoo Maqalona Malneqro Malneqro Marcial Mavbuena Mendoza Loma Henemias Gina Mateo Zenaida Ener Elvira Nenita Gerlie Charlyn Antonio Junel Marifel Avren Joseph Jov Joanne Nonito Ma. Eulv Leonardo Arnold Jocelvn Deniver Loreta Pablito Marilou Jose Kearnev Elvy Alfredo Haide Edoardo Minidora Ronie Marilou Elizabeth Pase4 "^f Middle Pama Pefrones Valles Gener Corporal Anselmo Lomarda Caballes Yonoao Rivera Kileste Sambalod Daqaanq Meiorada Gomez Laqas Osico Manuel Kisteria Cocamas Ybafrez Cortina Bancaerin Millanes Maceda Matias Daclison Melandres Gare Palban Acopiado Dapiton Adolfo Melendres Attachment No. 1 2O16PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 137 ADS 138 ADS 139 ADS 140 ADS 141 ADS 142 ADS 143 ADS 144 ADS 145 ADS 146 ADS 147 ADS 148 ADS 149 ADS 150 ADS 151 ADS 152 ADS 153 ADS 154 ADS 155 ADS 156 ADS 157 ADS 158 ADS 159 ADS 160 ADS 161 ADS 162 ADS 163 ADS 164 ADS 165 ADS 166 ADS 167 ADS 168 ADS 169 ADS 170 ADS Name First Last Mondeiar Mondeiar Monforte Montante Mordeno Murillon Olavides Ompad Orcullo Oropa Osioan Palamos Pama Pama Paronda Parreflo Parrilla Perez Pifrol Pontillo Puedan Punzalan Reambon anza Rios Roble Robles Rodriquez Rubillos Sacabin Saiulan Saliqan Sanchez Sayas Seqovia Janet Joven Johnson Cornelio Marlo Bonqbonq Admondro Danilo Jerelyn Rooelio Elizabeth Perfecto Charito Susan Wilfredo Julieta Chucori Mary Ann Salvador Teresita Susana Fe Jenny Bebelita Chilou Merla Vicente Soledad Cora Elisidro Letecia Alpha Grace Beverly Jovanie Page 5 "rr{. Middle Sonqahid Pama Sabando Calbonera Curato Corompido Sambalud Beronio Pocon Asilum Dumaoan Enanoria Biono Toravno Puricallan Pagaran Batinqal Segales Nicolas Paran Evanqelio Vacalares Nazareno Jumawan Castro Curaza Fornolles Morada Gaa Galanida Piloton Chua Salas Belarma Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 171 ADS 172 ADS 173 ADS 174 ADS 175 ADS 176 ADS 177 ADS 178 ADS 179 ADS 180 ADS 181 ADS 182 ADS 183 ADS 184 ADS 185 ADS 186 ADS 187 ADS 188 ADS 189 BAY 190 BAY 191 BAY 192 BAY 193 BAY 194 BAY 195 BAY 196 BAY 197 BAY 198 BAY 199 BAY 200 BAY 201 BAY 202 BAY 203 BAY 204 BAY Name First Last Silverio Sulimanan Taguba Tode Tolibas Torralba Trillana Trilles Tullaqa Tuyor Uba Ucay Vales Veiandilla Vergara Villarin Villarin Yecyec Algopera Balala Castillo Coresis Cuevas De Castro De Veyra Gallenero Gallenero Garzon Hatague Laurel Lopez Maglasanq Mayola Nufreza Divina Evelyn Jocelyn Ermita Maria Loida Sarah lmelda Jose Aleiandro John Michael Lucia Evanqeline Susan Nasser Lota Marilyn Romeo Jocelyn Ruel Annaliza Ellibien Angelito Joel Annabelle Victor Dina Jose Danny Jonathan Lorna Marivic Fe Flordeliz Marlon Jessie Page 6 " rr{. Middle Cerna De La Pefra Cagasan Sulasula Madelo Chinte Tomol Furnes Lampadio Achacoso Ladesma Palima Pulga Nobleza Saromines Ebardo Alviola Valle Caf6 Pedrano Luna Barahan Genita Pia Cabag Macarayan Febrio Florida Columnas Cafrete Hesita Antinola Piad Mirafuentes Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 BAY. BAY BAY BAY BAY BAY BAY BAY BAY BAY BAY BAY BIS BIS BIS BIS BIS BIS BIS BIS BIS BIS BIS BIS B S B S 231 B S 232 B S 233 234 235 236 237 238 B S B S B B B B S S S S Name First Last Obina Ontolan Pesican Poncardas Razon Rubillos Salano Taala Taquno Teooso Timcanq Valleios Abrahan Advincula Andov Apolinario Borde Canas Castillo Catubiqan Dapin De La Rosa Dumalaqan Fernandez Gomez Lacia Lahoy Loquias Malazarte Masancav Merida Millan Pabroquez Pacana Greoorio lmelda Maroarita Jimson Jovlene Pedrito Clemente Rosemarie Joseph Minda Mary Joy Daylinda Fe Myla Karmelle Junnie Leonila Shirley Ruben Reniones Jerel Jeremy Joan Agnes Bobby Dodelle Gloria Ruth lris Marv Honev lw Maricel Noel Conrad Jywell Pase 7 "^ {' Middle Antonio Marban Balsicas Pilapil Cruda lntano Delaoanar Leyson Esber ldul Alsonq Gumapac Unilonqo Burgos Cubiiano Galope Plaza Abad Liwaq Durav Buntas Manoliqot Capunonq Omos Dapiton Avila Morales Boios Celiz Caomate Reqado Luad Cosare Comandante Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 239 BIS 240 BIS 241 BXU 242 BXU 243 BXU 244 BXU 245 BXU 246 BXU 247 BXU 248 BXU 249 BXU 250 BXU 251 BXU 252 BXU 253 BXU 254 BXU 255 BXU 256 BXU 257 BXU 258 BXU 259 BXU 260 BXU 261 BXU 262 BXU 263 BXU 264 BXU 265 BXU 266 BXU 267 BXU 268 BXU 269 BXU 270 BXU 271 BXU 272 BXU Last Name First Siarot Villanueva Aba-A Abobo Abraham Acero Andebor Andebor Arcalas Arcenal Arquelles Ascura Avuban Babad Badavos Balaba Balbarino Barbaio Baslot Bavlosis Bayotas Bequilla Bollozos Bonzo Buqas Cabonce Cale Calizo Calumpanq Canov Carlos Carmelo Casendac Casindac Conchita Ramel Dorothy Joy Melba Charlie Fernando Elmer Josephine Jav Niel Ella May Ramon Adelina Charlo Feqin Hazel Delia Levi Noel Consuelo Ledio Desiree Alma Merlinda Jovce Marlon Marqeline Alfonsito Allan Joseph Rowena Rosana Gewaresel Maria Aurora Emmanuel Rev Roberto Pases "^{. Middle Masion Ramo Leqaspi Montenegro Palafra Lipanq Palma Rizando Suazo Alamo Palomar Giducos Gales Flordiliza Torres De La Cruz Dalapu Alimpoos Lumacanq Aragon Casil Ende Lucero Timkanq Pioco Cepe Orozco Yecla Candelario Velasquez Tecson Jumawan Pateno Makinano Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU 282 BXU 283 BXU 284 BXU 285 BXU 286 BXU 287 BXU 288 BXU 289 BXU 290 BXU 291 BXU 292 BXU 293 BXU 294 BXU 295 BXU 296 BXU 297 BXU 298 BXU 299 BXU 300 BXU 301 BXU 302 BXU 303 BXU 304 BXU 305 BXU 306 BXU Name First Last Catuburan Cebreros Cedro Ceniza Consad Cuizon Curilan Curilan Duparco Duran Ebofra Escalante Faustino Fortun Galendez Galloqo Galve Garcia Genon Go Gonzales Hermocilla lslao Junio Labetoria Lapiz Laplana Lazaoa Lubaton Lustiva Macabenlar Maestrado Magalona Masul Valentin Simplicia Remelie Anecita Rosanilla Marivic lrish Marifil Richard Zita Junnabelle Mae Ma. Bonita Rhodelaine Eduardo Enecito Susela Vivian Ma. Susan Jerric Eldridoe Trov Jean Aldin Madelvn Carlito Ma. Cristina Maurina Renante Charito Christopher Rhoie lmelda Joseph Jovy Eleanor Page 9 of 20 Middle Sunieoa Cabiad Villacrucis Ambe Beronilla Mabaqa Olmedo Villanueva Lauzon Baliling Demain Cuvno Candelario Manqitnqit Manzanares Exaure Cerez Luna Maceda Dumaqat Cortez Acabo Maq-Aso Estariia Jamolin Navarra Gayoso Maratas Pedronio Restaza Calumbav Amolador Burmer Albia Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU Last Name First Mendoza Merez Monforte Mordeno More Moreno Navarra Nietes Orias Oropa Olaza Paio Paler Pamesa Payda Pilapil Pioco Polenio Polestico Ranan Raper Rendon Reves Rinqor Rosalada Saquirel Saiulsa Sanguenza Sayas Silvio Solis Sulapas Tabacon Tiu Honorato Rita Rolito Betty Dante Ma. Theresa Marv Ann Carlito Nicolas Peterson Rolando Martin Emelvn Analyn Louie Jim Norman Seroio Crescencio Ramelio Nancv Laila Rachel Ma. Concepcion Amalia Hipolito Anna Luz Charlita Marina Cresencio Babvlvn Javlou Epifanio Josephine Junnah Page 10 of 20 ( Middle Danaoto Ajoc Dahova Neri Pudilanan Uv Pilapil Pedar Sontaco Acerda Ypanto Bolambot Bagayas Manoolare Abrenilla Provendido Nakila Ollave Quiiano Orozco Baquanq Soior Aro Boco Cabato Versoza Asaldo Balabat Enov Ganda Asumbrado Coro Canta Biso P* Attachment No. 1 2O16PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 341 BXU 342 BXU 343 BXU 344 BXU 345 CBR 346 CBR 347 CBR 348 CBR 349 CBR 350 CBR 351 CBR 352 CBR 353 CBR 354 CBR 355 CBR 356 CBR 357 CBR 358 CBR 359 CBR 360 CBR 361 D.t. 362 D.l. 363 D.t. 364 D.!. 365 D.l. 366 D.l 367 D.t 368 D.t 369 D.t 370 D.I 371 D.t. 372 D.l. 373 D.t. 374 DI Name First Last Uvqioco Valencia Villaronte Yabo Arizobal Asotique Bolambot Cabradilla Cabunqcal Cavtona Cornites Daqani Daqohov Dela Cruz Escobar Juanico Mondeiar Puyo Salte Santillan As-Aq Anqoy Baquinaon Baradillo Busbus Cabaies Caies Caluyong Cafra Canda Cortes Cortes Daluqduqan Daytoc Michelle Iris Marv Grace Hazel Yvonne Marilou Nancy Maribeth Florites Joel Marv Allen Annabelle Anecita Miraflor Celianita Elsa Jessie Sharon Rose Charish Joev Jiecyll Leah Mario Evelvn Alwin Rex Gerallvn Christine Cherrv Jean Jesus Leslee Dominador Arelie Melchor Lemonsito Page 1 1 of20 Middle Canoy Diqal Beniqa Perequite Avila Delima Carsula Caramonte Puyo Gutierrez Pedrano Pocopoco Salinsay Cimeni Lumictin Granada Galope Pastoril Cuasito Beray Garredo lsianq Jazon lnson Cabaies Longos Bautista Conales Jacquez Fiio Tano Potot Arena Padullon P* Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 375 376 377 378 379 380 D.I. D.t. D.t. D.t. D.I. D.t. 381 D.t. 382 D.t. 383 D.I. 384 D.t. 385 D.l. 386 D.I. 387 D.l. 388 D.I. 389 D.t. 390 D.t. 391 D.I. 392 D.I. 393 D.t 394 D.l 395 D.t 396 D.t 397 D.t 398 D.I 399 D.I 400 D.t 401 D.l 402 D.l 403 D.l 404 D.l 405 D.l 406 D.t 407 D.t. 408 D.I. Last Dumasapal Ebol Eder Erno Fuentes Ga Geotina Guma-Od lntes Jamera Japay Jiz De Orteoa Laqrimas Llamera Macas Manieqo Maribao Marquez Martinez Menil Mutia Parnav Pastera Patindol Penera Roma Romano Saludes Sarcos Senados Sianqco Teves Tokong Trava Name First Chervl June Elvira Benilda Elben Jov Nancv Garry Ma. Farah Crisbe Teresita lsidro Beniie Mary Jane Emma John Naida Jocelvn Ma. Lilith Bibian Maryann Lennie Nenia Saturnino Ma. Lorna Ludivina Lester Aldwin Marcialito Analvn Blenda Glenn Dante Fructuoso Julito Damasa Gaudiosa Frezel Pase12"*/ Middle Lanioa Beronia Ecle Baldemor Ga Abic Castronuevo Creencia Lucafras Mapov Librino Luib Aquillon Curav Taiadao Peril Boria Batac Doqmoc Ebol Calamba Opusa Osiang Cadiz Menil Fiio Mamalias Lulab Embanq Remoriran Paraies Freioles Sabaldan Moleta # Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 409 D.l. 410 SC 411 SC 412 SC 413 SC 414 SC 415 SC 416 SC 417 SC 418 SC 419 SC 420 SC 421 SC 422 SC 423 SC 424 SC 425 SC 426 SC 427 SC 428 SC 429 SC 430 SC 431 SC 432 SC 433 SC 434 SC 435 SC 436 SC 437 SC 438 SC 439 SC 440 SDN 441 SDN 442 SDN Name First Last Virtudazo Adlao Afrasco Armada Babas Basas Boria Chato Col Ecoben Eder Entendez Erno Galvan Generan Gipala Gorqod Jamera Leroq Leroq Monato Palima Paular Pavos Plaza Saiulqa Sequihod Sulima Sumavlo Tiwanak Torrecampo Acelo Acelo Adlaon Alfredo Alicia Graziella Rooelv Alvin Mercy Grace Luciana Lorraine Marivic Jerry Valeria Delma Juris Ludivina Leenaida Girlie Jesel Maria Consuelo Rosalvn Hermiette Venos Norlyn Gloria Linlin Josephine Cornelius Marilvn Clarence Mae Teresa Eduardo Svlvia Maria Jean Emmanuel Page 13 "r, f Middle Paqula Penera Gesta Peidad Merza Ortega Sumamoonq Espina Biol lliqan Consiqo Paitan Jarabe Esquerra Gonzales Brillantes Dolores Camporedondo Ebol Ferrer Solante Geli Yanoc Linaqa Sepedosa Pa-As Ellar Besario Sarte Montalban Aleore Madelo Leyros Labe Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 SDN SDN SDN SDN SDN SDN SDN SDN 451 SDN 452 SDN 453 SDN 454 SDN 455 SDN 456 SDN 457 SDN 458 SDN 459 SDN 460 SDN 461 SDN 462 SDN 463 SDN 464 SDN 465 SDN 466 SDN 467 SDN 468 SDN 469 SDN 470 SDN 471 SDN 472 SDN 473 SDN 474 SDN 475 SDN 476 SDN Name First Last Aliwanaq Alquizar Anino Anifron Bantuqan Besario Bolotaolo Bonilla Boria Buniel Caberio Chato Col Cubelo Cutamora Daouman Delicano Jovencio Beverly Grace Joy Ea Hazel Fioueroa Fuentes Galanida Galanida Garcia Gipala Jacquez Laurenciana Libaqo Loayon Lumanqcas Monadi Mosquito Mozar Murcia Naldoza Merly Britzie Gomer Ana Ramonalvn Girlie Dindo Jemalvn Josephine Analiza Anefil Melba Judith Constantino Era Beda Christopher Enruin Rebecca Carmen Josephine Lirrv Analou Alvin Evelvn Richie Rex Philioos Concordio Remedios Evans Dolorosa Page 14 of 20 Middle Salarda Escaro Paqueo Oracion Dalubatan Toldo Gioala Manliquez Hiqavon Murcilla Eiido Boria Acido Galindo Doloricon Buvser Golez Lopez Manoinlaud Barcos Olamit Tabacon Artiza Policarpio Suiian Quirido Tabacon Literato Goliat Pareio Altres Alnqoq Gasulas Galido Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 477 SDN 478 SDN 479 SDN 480 SDN 481 SDN 482 SDN 483 SDN 484 SDN 485 SDN 486 SDN 487 SDN 48B SDN 489 SDN 490 SDN 491 SDN 492 SDN 493 SDN 494 SDN 495 SDN 496 SDN 497 SDN 498 SDN 499 SDN 500 SDS 501 SDS 502 SDS 503 SDS 504 SDS 505 SDS 506 SDS 507 SDS 508 SDS 509 SDS 510 SDS Last Naquila Nicolas Oclarit Omac Paoalan Paqara Paie Pamplina Pere Pinaloza Ponio Ramilla Relova Robantes Rule Serafin Sila Soriano Tadulan Tahanlanqit Villa Yano Zarliqa Acosta Adlawan Aouhob Aquipo Alviola Ambel Amonqan Arreza Arreza Azarcon Baconqco Name First Marilou Charlita Asuncion Maria Easel Danilo Rosalina Eutiquio Elsa Judith Mario Alma Marilyn Candeline Rosabella Marites Ma. Venus Marites Paulita Eveth Glenia Elenita Jean Josephine Florilvn Marife Vilma Mvrna Edelberto Jonathan Leorosana Teofisto Roiohn Venus Ryan Gee Page 15 of20 Middle Clavacio Lumancas Balondo Lisondra Waoa Calimpusan Galido Almedelia Samontina Dalde Cahuloqan Molita Reformina Andov Quirequire Dela Pefra Estrella Entoc Dalaqan lqnaliq Pataqan Senaca Menil Urbiztondo Linaza Guardo Ortega Tura Lerio Taiale Armendarez Awatin Bucian Macheca Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 511 SDS 512 SDS 513 SDS 514 SDS 515 SDS 516 SDS 517 SDS 518 SDS 519 SDS 520 SDS 521 SDS 522 SDS 523 SDS 524 SDS 525 SDS 526 SDS 527 SDS 528 SDS 529 SDS 530 SDS 531 SDS 532 SDS 533 SDS 534 SDS 535 SDS 536 SDS 537 SDS 538 SDS 539 SDS 540 SDS 541 SDS 542 SDS 543 SDS 544 SDS Name First Last Baonol Baian Baldo Baliar Bandola Bayonla Belanio Bonqcayao Bucav Butad Caballes Cabilin Caminque Campos Catalan Clarabal Coouilla Cortes Cubelo Dapar Dapar De Castro Deloso Dieparine Diesto Escudero Evanqelio Fallado Fernandez Ferrer Galleros Ganzo Gerinqin Gianoo Johnrev Ermieqen Patrocenio Marissa Ma. Liza Raquel Helen Maria Eva Elvie Bebina Rita Albina Antonio Crizaldo Juqenia Alma Jean Salome Florencio Ernie Menerba Tomas Merlv Gleena Rhodora Juralvn Ew Beniamin Janet Lani Rima Roselvn Nestor Franco Page 16 "ro {. Middle Cubelo Sacal Rivas Cosmiano Tambis Ruaza Dapiton Bantuqan Guvano Deliqero Albia Verano Tabulo Sales Manzano Noiara Gambe Consiqna llooon Diaz Mantalaba Tolentino Cabilin Fazon Cinco Gamulo Arreza Bosque Rasonabe Asuncion Maolinte Ruadel Pedad Ave Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 545 546 547 548 549 550 SDS SDS SDS SDS SDS SDS 551 SDS 552 SDS 553 SDS 554 SDS 555 SDS 556 SDS 557 SDS 558 SDS 559 SDS 560 SDS 561 SDS 562 SDS 563 SDS 564 SDS 565 SDS 566 SDS 567 SDS 568 SDS 569 SDS 570 SDS 571 SDS 572 SDS 573 SDS 574 SDS 575 SDS 576 SDS 577 SDS 578 SDS Name First Last Goron Guarin Hinaloc Huerte lsianq Lequit Limbanqanon Loren Lozada Luenqas Lumanao Lumanao Lumantas Mabutonq Maisoo Makinano Manqadlao Masin Medrano Meiorada Miano Mullot Ortiz Padel Pahit Pantas Pazo Penaso Pinqol Polinar Polinar Quiiada Ramos Ravelo Anarisa Meriam Percy Fernando Jocelyn Girlie Jonna Hazel Jennifer Larry Anqeline Marianne Madelvn Raul Diodora Ariel Julito Geraldita Jonalvn Beethoven Apolinar Rolv Aireen Jane Marvlou Nenita Levi Mar Edna Marchelvn Roberto Luzviminda Mavic Marianita Ulvsses Page17 "rn f Middle Munez Mefron Raz Cortes Cabuga ong Malinao Bernalte Abulencia Pecate Gilles Abav-Abav Samocino Dafro Jamero Siscon Tomoono Roculas Claret Col Bareta Tibav Orozco Lumanao Premarion Acevedo Havaoan Bantilan Ulvida Lumaqod Kindica Pimentel Dua Bareng P* Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 579 SDS 580 SDS 581 SDS 582 SDS 583 SDS 584 SDS 585 SDS 586 SDS 587 SDS 588 SDS 589 SDS 590 SDS 591 SDS 592 SDS 593 SDS 594 SDS 595 SDS 596 SDS 597 SDS 598 SDS 599 SDS 600 SIA 601 SIA 602 SIA 603 SIA 604 SIA 605 SIA 606 SIA 607 SIA 608 SIA 609 SIA 610 SIA 611 SIA 612 SIA Name First Last Recitas Resultan Rivas Rosal Rosil Ruaza Ruaza Rubi Sabarez Serrano Suarez Suniel Taqsa Taladua Trinidad Urquia Valentin Veraque Villaluz Yaqao Zamora Ambolode Arcular Arlan Bagotsay Bendanillo Besas Calunia Cervantes Comandante Cubillan Dizon Dones Espanto Dionesio Geralda Carmelo Javielle Cvnthia Amelyn Rita Glorio Rian Delma Analvn Antonio Johnnv Jonalvn Marv Grace Catalino Marisel Lvdia Fe Jocelyn Anita Marilou Geraldine Joan Adelyn Nancy Irish Juliet Raquel Remedios Elmie Nieva Fernando Rosabilla Page 18 rxr, fr Middle Martizano Alizer Avila Velmonte Deliqero Orillaneda Rosil Suarez Deliqero Villacarlos Guisando Espinola Caqas Orozco Ladaoa Lozares Bibera Salilin Dinalaqan Orozco Luquias Castro Enaoo Juntilo Forcadilla Dulquime Estrella Taoanahan Oraliza Edillo Alburo Balbarino Amamanooano Conoreso Attachment No. 1 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA 622 SIA 623 SIA 624 SIA 625 SIA 626 SIA 627 SIA 628 SIA 629 SIA 630 SIA 631 SIA 632 SIA 633 SIA 634 SIA 635 S A 636 S A 637 S A 638 S A 639 S A 640 S A 641 S A 642 S A 643 S A 644 SIA 645 SIA 646 SIA 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 Last Esparraoo Estoque Formilles Garido Geraldino Golo Gubantes Guilaran lballa Javier Maceren Makinano Maturan Meias Napoco Ocampo Oraliza Ortoian Quiban Reyes Roculas Rosaleios Rosillo Sanico Sapuras Solana Solloso Sumampono Tagalo Tisano Tokonq Tokong Tokono Virtudazo Name First Euloqio Jasmin Charitv Junel Rovelvn Edsardo Jonathan Carmen Lucas Maurecio Elmer Alberto Marilyn Edelito Susan Erlinda Elsie Maricris Jonathan Rosemarie Bebina Josephine Archie Geqie Rolando Joseph Marialvn Maria Fe Honev Hipolito Randv Joselito Bebelvn Russell Annie Page 19 of20 Middle Minolana Marbas Toldo Paia Roculas Sumando Concilles Gerarcas Salqado Tokono Pacanor Case Alabat Oliva Roche Espino Soleria Flores Dacera Comon Teravtav Matulac Aporbo Paja Solana Dotillos Pomov Donoso Rocolcol Virtudazo Mindafla Tolentino Cabilao Brillo Attachment No. 1 2O16PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SDO 647 648 649 650 TAN TAN TAN TAN 651 TAN 652 TAN 653 TAN 654 TAN 655 TAN 656 TAN 657 TAN 658 TAN 659 TAN 660 TAN 661 TAN 662 TAN 663 TAN 664 TAN 665 TAN 666 TAN 667 TAN Name First Last Arneoo Babia Balaqbis Bermudez Burlat Casio Damiao Escoton Laorden Laorden Lazado Maolasano Monteneoro Perez Piedad Pondar Portillo Quilinq Ramos Urbiztondo Urbiztondo Ronald Florinel Ann Marie Levy Totecia Padlo Martha Floribel Romulo Mia lsaias Freddie Mary Wenilvn Gena Maricel Marv Jane Carmelita Jeffrev Nilma Silvino Ma. Prescila Page2o "r, fi Middle Loayon Moranq Perez Bermeio Martinez Plaza Novo Cabitana Tavabas Ortiz Abriqo Quiao Linaza Dedicatoria Abarico Galope Jumalon Cuadra Martinez Crispo Morales P* Republic of the philippines Department of Education CARAGA AQMINISTRATIVE REGION J.P. Rosales Avenue, Butuan City ffi&IlVE {itfit0h July ffiHLH*';FP .," ulrrEi-ilh't: " REGIONAL MEMORANDI.]M No. LElo , s. 2016 SIGNATURE; ADDBNDUM TO REGIONAL MEMORANDUM NO. 254, s. 2016 Re: LIST OF VALIDATED APPLICANTS QUALIFIED TO TAKE THE 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST To: SCHOOLSDIVISIONSUPERINTENDBNTS This Region . 1 Attached is the /isf of additionut qualffied applicants to take the 2016 Principals Test. The applicants are advised to follow the next steps as stipulated in the Regional Memorandum No. 254, s. 2016. 2. The submission of the progress report on the implementation of the action plan formulated by the M & E coordinator during the 2016 Principals Test Oiientation Meeting shall be on or before August 31,2016. 3. Immediate and widest dissemination of this Memorandum is highly desired. fi MAY Incl.: . ECLAR, Ph.D., CESO V rc - RegionaDnector ff. As stated Reference: DM No. 80, s. 2016 oA-co_2016_cOA_003 oA-co_2o16_coA-004 RM No. 254, s.2016 Allotment: 2-(D.O. 50-97) To be indicted in the Perpetual rndex under the following subjects: PRINCIPALS QAD3/elg 7/22/201.611:18:48 AM TEST APPLICATION QUALIFICATION - Attachment No. 1 2Ol6PRINCIPALS TEST LIST OF QUALTFIED APPLICANTS (ADDITIONAL) Name ADN 2 ADN 3 ADN 4 ADS 5 ADS 6 ADS 7 ADS 8 ADS I ADS 10 0 ADS 111i ADS 12 ADS 13 ADS 14 ADS 15 ADS 16 AUS 1 17 ADS 18 qDS 19 qDS 20 ADS 21 ADS 22 ADS 23 ADS 24 ADS 25 ADS 26 ADS 27 ADS 28 ADS 29 ADS 30 ADS 31 BAY 32 BAY 33 BAY Abao Del Agua Del Aqua Albor Anunciado Balagulan Bonocan Casa Centina Cillo Concepcion Dajalos De la Cruz Fabraquel Generale ustrisimo Labaniego Maniboq Martinet Otero Pajo Precioso Puedan Retubada Rocero Sarmiento Sindarat Tagud Tompong Vitor Daquipil Luna Macatol Narciso Flora Grace Ronald Joevelyn Tita Roselyn Lawin Quirico Noli Pedro Jr. Nornita Rose Samuel Lito Gemma Glen Vilma Agustina Cycris Roel Mirasol Ramil Teresita Rolly Randolph Vicente Jr. Rosel Teresa Janeth Richard Virginia Romerico Mona Ursua Page 1 of 3 f Jamero Ladaga Manlapas Montalban Dompor Montalban Roa Pedrosa Pedrola Cabonce Felizardo Havana Salvador Diaz Ramoso Ocares Jaima Ranis Balmadres Baluran Sas Perez Cosmiano Gomez Pareja Remis Solis Malinog Kiseo Puyo Apillanes Manliques Duhac PT 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LrsT oF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS (ADDITIONAL) SDO 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 BAY BAY BAY BIS BXU BXU BXU BXU BXU CBR CBR 42 43 44 45 D 46 D 47 D 4B D 49 D 50 D 51 D 52 D 53 D 54 D 55 D 56 D 57 D 5B SC 59 SC 60 SC 61 SC 62 SC 63 SC 64 SC 65 SC 66 SC 67 SC Name First Last Marquez Nunez Ronquillo Aleno Ababon Alino Guiritan Motol Tee Beniqildo Delabahon Boholst Candelanza Cortes Dalan Ecle Masava Paradero Ramoso Rincal Rule Sendionq Tidalqo Tinambacan Bolandrina Cortes Elano Gibertas Gubaton Lesaca Lisondra Paluqa Quidav Rasonabe Shirley Violeta Rosalie Samuel Teresita Ruben Rostum Perlita Mari Junita Marilou Lilibeth Noel Rodolfo Jr. Victoria Ronie Rosilv Jane Nellie Protacio Noel Rutchel Roque Revnaldo Nove Welma Nimfa Rowena Jeleiiem Edwin Marv Ann Lovelyn Lina Nerizza Elizabeth Marlina Pase2or3 q Middle Rallon Calderon Moraqa Cavero Bacus Briol Quistadio Lloren Capon Bayota Pabia Dovuqan Canov Nier Guizo Tokono Dedumo Libor Chua Abrenillo Sillar Lonqos Anqob Estillore Tuquib Amper Delani Eioc Bilar Apas Maceren Eder Bonilla Generoso 2016 PRINCIPALS TEST LrsT oF QUALTFIED AppLtCANTS (ADD|TTONAL) SDO 68 SC 69 SC 7o SDN 71 SDN 72 SDN 73 SDN 74 SDN 75 SDN 76 SDN 77 SDN 78 SDS 79 SDS BO SDS 81 SDS 82 SDS B3 SIA B4 SIA 85 SIA B6 SIA 87 TAN 88 TAN 89 TAN 90 TAN 91 TAN Name First Last Sanqlitan Tupal Balili Baradillo Edillor lbara Jamesula Mahinay Vender Wines Consueqra De Castro Lacsi Roquillo Ybanez Minquita Mohameran Rudila Toldo Maribao Mira Pontevedra Ramirez Vasquez Amie Janette Raquel Marish Nilda Nancy Nenita Jelvnrose Remia Ruel Odon Rosalyn Hazel Ann Leliosa Vera Revnold Miralvn Randy Revna Renerio Ricardo Nida Razul Teresita Page 3 of 3 fl^ Middle Emba Ga Aliqan Asoy Madelozo Alonto Ramoso Estoria Monencillo Uqalde Linaza Nabuva Tabines Cacho Manuel Rocacolba Mahomoc Arcular Conqreso Roda Lauron Daqooc Polinar Pabuhot Pf
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