WAYS OF KNOWING MODES DE LA CONNAISSANCE FORMAS DE CONOCIMIENTO IB AFRICA, EUROPE AND MIDDLE EAST REGIONAL CONFERENCE ROME 16 - 19 OCTOBER, 2014 PROGRAMME The International Baccalaureate Mission statement Education for a better world The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. Déclaration de mission du Baccalauréat International L’éducation pour bâtir un monde meilleur Le Baccalauréat International a pour but de développer chez les jeunes la curiosité intellectuelle, les connaissances et la sensibilité nécessaires pour contribuer à bâtir un monde meilleur et plus paisible, dans un esprit d’entente mutuelle et de respect interculturel. À cette fin, l’organisation collabore avec des établissements scolaires, des gouvernements et des organisations internationales pour mettre au point des programmes d’éducation internationale stimulants et des méthodes d’évaluation rigoureuses. Ces programmes encouragent les élèves de tout pays à apprendre activement tout au long de leur vie, à être empreints de compassion, et à comprendre que les autres, en étant différents, puissent aussi être dans le vrai. Declaración de principios del Bachillerato International Una educación para un mundo mejor El Bachillerato Internacional tiene como meta formar jóvenes solidarios, informados y ávidos de conocimiento, capaces de contribuir a crear un mundo mejor y más pacífico, en el marco del entendimiento mutuo y el respeto intercultural. En pos de este objetivo, la organización colabora con establecimientos escolares, gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales para crear y desarrollar programas de educación internacional exigentes y métodos de evaluación rigurosos. Estos programas alientan a estudiantes del mundo entero a adoptar una actitud activa de aprendizaje durante toda su vida, a ser compasivos y a entender que otras personas, con sus diferencias, también pueden estar en lo cierto. IB learner profil IB learner profile IB learn IB learner prof IB learner profile IB lear IB learner profile IB learner profile IB learner profile IB lea IB learner profi IB learner profile IB learner pro file e The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. As IB learners we strive to be: We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life. We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience. We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance. We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us. We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions. We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups. We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences. We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development. The IB learner profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities. 3 3 REGIONAL CONFERENCE AND LANGUAGES The 2014 Africa, Europe & Middle East Regional Conference offers a broad variety of sessions: • Plenary sessions • Featured sessions • Workshop sessions • Focus groups • TED Talks • Expo sessions from our Exhibitors, Supporters and Sponsor The Conference programme booklet contains different types of information in one or more of the official working languages; English, French and Spanish. All Pre-Conference sessions are in English. Translations are not provided, due to the high level of interactivity. All plenary sessions are conducted in English. Live French & Spanish translations are available. Please obtain a headset at the entrance of the Michelangelo Ballroom for live translations. All other sessions can be conducted in English, French, Spanish, Arabic or Italian. The session description in this conference programme booklet reflects the language of the presentation. The Caravaggio Lecture on Saturday 18 October will be conducted in Italian. Simultaneous translation to English will be available. Diverses séances seront proposées lors de l’édition 2014 de la conférence de la région Afrique, Europe et Moyen-Orient de l’IB : La conferencia regional de IB África, Europa y Oriente Medio de 2014 contará con una amplia variedad de sesiones: • séances plénières ; • conférences TED ; • Sesiones plenarias • Charlas de TED • séances tenues par des conférenciers invités ; • séances tenues par les exposants, contributeurs et bienfaiteurs de l’IB. • Sesiones con oradores destacados • Presentaciones de nuestros expositores, patrocinadores y entidades colaboradoras • séances d’atelier ; • groupes de discussion ; Le programme de la conférence renferme des informations d’ordres différents, rédigées dans une ou plusieurs langues de travail officielles de l’IB, à savoir l’anglais, le français et l’espagnol. Toutes les séances précédant la conférence se tiendront en anglais. En raison de la forte interactivité qui les caractérise, aucune traduction ne pourra être proposée. Toutes les séances plénières se tiendront en anglais. Des traductions simultanées seront proposées en français et en espagnol. Pour en bénéficier, les participants pourront se procurer un casque à l’entrée de la salle de bal Michelangelo. Toutes les autres séances se tiendront en anglais, en français, en espagnol, en arabe ou en italien. La langue de chaque intervention est précisée dans les descriptions des séances fournies dans le programme de la conférence. La conférence sur le Caravage, prévue le samedi 18 octobre, se tiendra en italien. Une traduction simultanée sera proposée en anglais. 1 •Talleres • Grupos de discusión El programa de la conferencia ofrece distintos tipos de información en una o varias de las lenguas de trabajo oficiales del IB: español, francés e inglés. Todas las sesiones previas a la conferencia se celebrarán en inglés y, dado su alto nivel de interactividad, no contarán con servicio de interpretación. Todas las sesiones plenarias se celebrarán en inglés y contarán con interpretación simultánea al español y francés. Para escuchar la interpretación a estas lenguas, obtenga unos auriculares en la entrada de la sala Michelangelo Ballroom. Todas las demás sesiones serán en árabe, español, francés, inglés o italiano. La descripción de cada sesión que encontrará en este programa de la conferencia refleja la lengua en que se desarrollará la sesión. La charla sobre Caravaggio que tendrá lugar el sábado 18 de octubre será en italiano y contará con interpretación simultánea al inglés. CONTENTS Introduction by Regional Director 3 Conference Schedule Venue Map 9 13 Sponsors15 Supporters16 Exhibitors20 Conference Evening 21 Speaker Profiles 25 25 Opening Plenary Dr. Yong Zhao Overview Thursday85 Friday 86 Saturday 91 Sunday 95 My Planner 97 Workshop Sessions 99 Pre-Conference Workshops 99 Session One 101 Session Two 107 Expo Sessions 112 Session Three 117 Expo Sessions 122 Session Four 124 Session Five 127 Session Six 132 Expo Sessions 137 Session Seven 143 Session Eight 147 Plenary Professor Andreas Schleicher 31 Plenary Cathryn Berger Kaye M.A 37 Plenary Professor Michael Fullan 43 Plenary Professor Marcus du Sautoy 49 Featured Speaker Professor Michael Fullan 55 Featured Speaker Dr. Robin Ann Martin & Alanna MacPherson Can 61 Featured Speaker Cristóbal Cobo Ph. D 67 Featured Speaker Dinos Aristidou REGIONAL CONFERENCE IB AFRICA, EUROPE AND MIDDLE EAST HAS GONE MOBILE! 73 Download the free IPhone/Android app here: http://guidebook.com/g/IBAEM Featured Speaker Dr. Fran Martin 79 Or search in Appstore / Google Play for Guidebook and then IBAEM Bus Transport for conference evening venue, city centre & hotels 157 2 INTRODUCTION It has been said that all roads lead to Rome, and in Rome, every road leads to eternity. The 2014 Annual Regional Conference will take place in this fascinating city, also known as "The Eternal City". It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the International Baccalaureate Africa, Europe, Middle East conference in this magnificent city. In the Learner Profile we ask our students to be inquirers and risk-takers, to explore new ideas and innovative strategies, and in the IB Global Centres we challenge ourselves in the same way. We have done 3 our utmost to make this conference a forum for inspiration, motivation, and knowledge, just as you do every day in the classroom. This year’s theme, Ways of Knowing, is a reminder to us that we as a community are a vessel for shared knowledge. It is by active participation in activities like the Regional Conference that we contribute to a vast pool of knowledge, which can provide for each of us “a horizon against which the significance of the events of our lives is measured” (Theory of knowledge guide, 2013). The Annual Regional Conference is an unparalleled opportunity to share best practices with fellow educators, and also to engage with IB staff. This year we have many presentations offered by IB staff, which we hope signals to you the dedication we have towards engagement with schools. I would like to express gratitude to all those who submitted presentations for the conference this year. Your dedication to your craft is what makes this conference a success year after year. I would also like to thank our exhibitors and supporters. In particular, I would like to thank our sponsor, LUISS University for their generous support. This Latin saying is attributed to Augustus Caesar to “Marmoream se relinquere, quam latericiam accepisset” meaning “I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.” I hope this year’s Conference leaves you with the same feeling. Enjoy the Conference! Adrian Kearney Regional Director, IB Africa, Europe, Middle East 4 MOT D’ACCUEIL DU DIRECTEUR RÉGIONAL On dit souvent que tous les chemins mènent à Rome et qu’à Rome, tous les chemins mènent à l’éternité. L’édition 2014 de la conférence régionale annuelle aura lieu dans cette ville fascinante, surnommée la « ville éternelle ». Je suis très heureux de vous accueillir dans cette magnifique cité à l’occasion de la conférence de la région Afrique, Europe et Moyen-Orient du Baccalauréat International. Dans le profil de l’apprenant, nous demandons à nos élèves d’être des chercheurs et de se montrer audacieux, d’explorer de nouvelles idées et des stratégies innovantes. Ce sont ces mêmes qualités que nous nous employons à développer dans les centres mondiaux de l’IB. Nous avons tout mis en œuvre pour que cette conférence soit pour 5 vous une source d’inspiration, de motivation et de connaissances, faisant ainsi écho aux efforts que vous déployez quotidiennement dans vos classes. Le thème choisi cette année – les modes de la connaissance – vient nous rappeler que nous formons, en tant que communauté, une confluence de connaissances. C’est en nous investissant activement dans des événements tels que la conférence régionale que nous contribuons à accroître cette étendue de connaissances, dans laquelle chacun de nous peut venir puiser « une perspective en fonction de laquelle nous mesurons la portée des événements de notre existence » (Guide de théorie de la connaissance, 2013). La conférence régionale annuelle constitue une occasion unique d’échanger les meilleures pratiques avec d’autres professionnels de l’éducation et de discuter avec le personnel de l’IB. Cette année, un grand nombre de présentations seront animées par des membres du personnel de l’IB. Nous espérons que vous saurez y déceler la marque de notre engagement envers les établissements. Je tiens à exprimer ma gratitude envers toutes celles et ceux qui nous ont proposé des présentations à l’occasion de cette édition. L’attachement que vous portez à votre profession constitue le pilier de la réussite de cette conférence, année après année. Je souhaite également remercier tous nos exposants et contributeurs. Je tiens particulièrement à exprimer ma reconnaissance à notre commanditaire, l’université LUISS, pour le généreux soutien qu’elle nous a apporté. On attribue à Auguste le proverbe latin « Marmoream se relinquere, quam latericiam accepisset », ce qui signifie : « J’ai trouvé Rome en briques, et l’ai quittée en marbre ». J’espère que vous ressentirez une exaltation comparable à l’issue de cette conférence. Je vous souhaite à tous une excellente conférence ! Adrian Kearney Directeur de la région Afrique, Europe et Moyen-Orient de l'IB 6 PRESENTACIÓN DEL DIRECTOR REGIONAL Se dice que todos los caminos conducen a Roma, y en Roma todos los caminos conducen a la eternidad. La conferencia regional anual de 2014 tendrá lugar en esta fascinante capital, también conocida como "la ciudad eterna". Es un gran placer para mí darles la bienvenida a la conferencia del Bachillerato Internacional de África, Europa y Oriente Medio en esta magnífica urbe. En el perfil de la comunidad de aprendizaje pedimos a nuestros estudiantes que sean indagadores y audaces, y que exploren nuevas ideas y estrategias innovadoras. En los centros globales del IB nos planteamos los mismos desafíos. Hemos hecho cuanto hemos 7 podido por hacer que esta conferencia sea un foro para la inspiración, la motivación y el conocimiento, tal y como hacen ustedes todos los días en sus aulas. El tema de este año, “Formas de conocimiento”, es un recordatorio de que como comunidad somos una vasija de conocimiento compartido. Mediante la participación activa en actividades como la conferencia regional contribuimos a un vasto conjunto de conocimientos que pueden ofrecer a cada uno de nosotros "un horizonte con respecto al cual medimos la importancia y el significado de los acontecimientos en nuestras vidas" (Guía de Teoría del Conocimiento, 2013). La conferencia regional anual es una oportunidad incomparable para compartir las mejores prácticas con otros educadores, y también para relacionarse con el personal del IB. Este año tenemos muchas presentaciones ofrecidas por miembros del personal del IB, lo que confiamos señale nuestro compromiso con la comunicación con los colegios. Quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a todos aquellos que han enviado presentaciones para la conferencia de este año. La dedicación que demuestran a su profesión es lo que hace que esta conferencia sea un éxito año tras año. También quisiera expresar mi gratitud a los expositores y a las entidades colaboradoras. En particular, me gustaría agradecer a nuestro patrocinador, la Universidad LUISS, su generoso apoyo. La frase en latín atribuida a César Augusto “Marmoream se relinquere, quam latericiam accepisset” significa "Encontré Roma como una ciudad de ladrillos y la dejé convertida en una ciudad de mármol". Confío que la conferencia de este año les deje con el mismo sentimiento. ¡Que disfruten de la conferencia! Adrian Kearney Director regional de IB África, Europa y Oriente Medio 8 PRE-CONFERENCE SCHEDULE THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER PRE-CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 08:00 - 10:00 PRE-CONFERENCE WELCOME 10:00 - 10:30 PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS 10.30 - 12:00 LUNCH & EXHIBITION 12:00 - 13:00 PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS 13:00 - 14:30 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 14:30 - 14:45 PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS 14:45 - 15:45 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER REGIONAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 14:00 - 17:00 CONFERENCE OPENING AND PLENARY: DR. YONG ZHAO | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 17:00 - 19:00 WELCOME RECEPTION 19:00 - 20:30 9 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER REGIONAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 08:00 - 08:45 PLENARY: PROFESSOR ANDREAS SCHLEICHER | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 08:45 - 10:00 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 1 10:15 - 11:15 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 11:15 - 11:45 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 2 11:45 - 12:45 LUNCH & EXHIBITION 12:45 - 14:15 ASSOCIATION MEETINGS / EXPO SESSIONS / FOCUS GROUPS 13:40 - 14:10 PLENARY: CATHRYN BERGER KAYE M.A. | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 14:15 - 15:15 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 15:15 - 15:45 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 3 15:45 - 16:45 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 4 / ASSOCIATION MEETINGS / EXPO SESSIONS / FOCUS GROUPS 16:45 - 17:15 CONFERENCE EVENING DINNER AND ENTERTAINMENT ROME CAVALIERI WALDORF ASTORIA 18:30 - 23:45 10 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER PLENARY: PROFESSOR MICHAEL FULLAN | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 08:45 - 10:00 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 5 10:15 - 11:15 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 11:15 - 11:45 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 6 11:45 - 12:45 LUNCH & EXHIBITION 12:45 - 14:15 ASSOCIATION MEETINGS / EXPO SESSIONS 13:40 - 14:10 FEATURED SPEAKERS: PROFESSOR MICHAEL FULLAN | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM DR. ROBIN ANN MARTIN | TIZIANO 2 CRISTOBAL COBO PH.D | TIZIANO 1 14:15 - 15:15 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 15:15 - 15:30 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 7 /FOCUS GROUPS 15:30 - 16:00 CARAVAGGIO LECTURE WITH MR. CLAUDIO STRINATI | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 15:30 - 16:00 11 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER WORKSHOP SESSIONS 8 09:00 - 10:00 FEATURED SPEAKERS: DR. FRAN MARTIN | TIZIANO 1 DINOS ARISTIDOU | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 10:00 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 11:00 - 11:30 CLOSING PLENARY: PROFESSOR MARCUS DU SAUTOY | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 11:30 - 13:15 LUNCH & EXHIBITION 13:15 - 14:15 END OF THE AFRICA, EUROPE AND MIDDLE EAST REGIONAL CONFERENCE 14:15 12 13 Stairs Bernini 1 Bernini 2 Bernini 3 Bernini 6 Bernini 5 Bernini 4 VENUE MAP Toilets Elevators IB Office Stairs Cloakroom Lunch, Refreshments, & Exhibition Area Tintoretto 2 Tintoretto 1 Entrance Lunch, Refreshments, & Exhibition Area Toilets Registration / Information Desk Tiziano 2 Tiziano 1 Plenary Michelangelo Ballroom First Aid & Ambulance MAIN LOBBY LEVEL 0 14 Bramante 9 Bramante 8 Bramante 7 Bramante 6 VENUE MAP Fire Exit Bramante 15 Bramante 14 Bramante 12 Bramante11 Bramante 10 Bramante 5 Bramante 4 Bramante 3 Bramante 1 Bramante 2 Toilets Stairs GARDEN LEVEL -1 SPONSORS • COMMANDITAIRE • PATROCINADOR LUISS www.luiss.edu/university LUISS Guido Carli is an independent university founded in 1974 and located in the heart of Rome. It consists of four departments (Economics and Finance, Business and Management, Political Science and Law), three schools (School of European Political Economy, LUISS Business School and School of Government) and offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate education. An increasing number of courses taught in English makes LUISS accessible to students from all over the world. Its international scope is further boosted by an extensive network of international exchange programs, both within and outside of Europe, and its double degrees and structured partnerships. LUISS is specialized in Social Sciences. It is the first among Italian private universities for Political Science and the second for Economics and Law. Through its affiliation with Confindustria, the Confederation of Italian Industries, LUISS holds a privileged position in the business environment. Université LUISS Guido Carli de Rome L’université LUISS Guido Carli est un établissement autonome créé en 1974 et situé en plein cœur de Rome. Elle se compose de quatre départements (Économie et finance, Commerce et gestion, Sciences politiques et Droit) et de trois écoles (School of European Political Economy, LUISS Business School et School of Government), et propose une large gamme de cursus de premier, deuxième et troisième cycles. Avec un nombre toujours plus important de cours offerts en anglais, l’université est désormais accessible aux élèves du monde entier. Sa portée internationale est en outre renforcée par un important réseau de programmes d’échanges internationaux, au sein et en dehors de l’Europe, ainsi que par les doubles diplômes qu’elle propose et les solides partenariats qu’elle a établis. L’université LUISS est spécialisée dans les sciences sociales. Elle se classe première des universités italiennes privées dans le domaine des sciences politiques, et deuxième dans ceux de l’économie et du droit. Grâce à son affiliation à Confindustria, l’organisation patronale du secteur industriel italien, l’université LUISS occupe une place privilégiée dans l’environnement économique. Universidad LUISS Guido Carli de Roma La LUISS Guido Carli es una universidad autónoma fundada en 1974 y ubicada en el centro de Roma. Consta de cuatro departamentos (Economía y Finanzas, Empresa y Gestión, Derecho, y Ciencias Políticas), tres escuelas (la Escuela de Economía Política Europea, la Escuela de Empresariales, y la Escuela de Estudios Gubernamentales) y ofrece una gran variedad de cursos de grado y de postgrado. El creciente número de cursos impartidos en inglés convierte a LUISS en una universidad a la que tienen acceso estudiantes de todo el mundo. Su alcance internacional está reforzado por una extensa red de programas de intercambio internacional, tanto dentro como fuera de Europa, por sus titulaciones dobles y por sus sólidos acuerdos de colaboración. LUISS se especializa en Ciencias Sociales, y es la primera universidad italiana privada para Ciencias Políticas y la segunda para Economía y Derecho. Gracias a su afiliación a Confindustria, la Confederación General de la Industria Italiana, LUISS posee una posición privilegiada en el entorno empresarial. 15 SUPPORTERS • CONTRIBUTEURS • ENTIDADES COLABORADORAS CEM www.cem.org Accurately measuring a child’s potential and progress is an invaluable tool in understanding and responding to their individual educational needs. Used by education professionals for over 30 years in over 70 countries, CEM is one of the largest and longest established research groups providing learning assessment for children of all ages. CEM’s methods are research-based, evidence driven and market-tested, built on a foundation of noncommercial academic practice with the School of Education at Durham University. CEM – Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring de l’université de Durham L’évaluation précise du potentiel et des progrès de l'enfant constitue un outil précieux pour cerner les besoins éducationnels qui lui sont propres et y répondre. Plébiscité depuis plus de 30 ans par des professionnels de l’éducation répartis dans plus de 70 pays, le CEM compte parmi les plus anciens et les plus importants groupes de recherche fournissant des services d’évaluation de l’apprentissage destinés aux élèves de tous âges. Les méthodes du CEM sont basées sur des recherches, fondées sur des preuves et mises à l’essai sur le marché. Elles reposent sur des pratiques pédagogiques non commerciales élaborées avec le concours du département des sciences de l’éducation de l’université de Durham. CEM - Centro de Evaluación y Supervisión de la Universidad de Durham Medir de forma precisa el potencial y el progreso de los niños y los jóvenes es una herramienta indispensable para poder comprender y responder a sus necesidades educativas individuales. Usado por profesionales de la educación de más de 70 países desde hace más de 30 años, y con una excelente reputación, el CEM es uno de los mayores grupos de investigación que proporcionan evaluación del aprendizaje para niños de todas las edades. Los métodos del CEM están basados en la investigación, impulsados por resultados comprobados y probados en el mercado; están construidos sobre los cimientos de prácticas académicas no comerciales con la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Durham. 16 SUPPORTERS • CONTRIBUTEURS • ENTIDADES COLABORADORAS Haese Mathematics www.haesemathematics.com.au Haese Mathematics are a specialist publisher of mathematics textbooks and software for schools, especially schools that offer the IB Diploma and Middle Years programmes. Our books are well known throughout IB and other schools, and noted for their student-friendly approach and purpose built interactive software. At this year’s conference, we’re looking forward to showcasing new editions of our Middle Years Mathematics textbooks and demonstrating our recently introduced interactive website. We also look forward to meeting current customers and getting to know new ones. Haese Mathematics est une maison d’édition spécialisée dans la publication de manuels et de logiciels de mathématiques destinés aux institutions d’enseignement, en particulier à celles qui proposent le Programme du diplôme et le Programme d’éducation intermédiaire de l’IB. Nos ouvrages jouissent d’une excellente réputation au sein des écoles du monde de l’IB et de nombreux autres établissements scolaires, qui sont séduits tant par la convivialité de nos produits que par les logiciels interactifs intégrés que nous proposons. À l’occasion de cette conférence, nous aurons le plaisir de présenter notre nouvelle collection de manuels dédiés aux mathématiques du Programme d’éducation intermédiaire ainsi que le site Web interactif que nous venons de mettre en ligne. Nous nous réjouissons à l’idée de faire connaissance avec nos clients, à la fois actuels et potentiels. Haese Mathematics es una editorial especializada en libros de texto y software de matemáticas para colegios, especialmente colegios que ofrecen el Programa del Diploma y el Programa de los Años Intermedios del IB. Nuestros libros son muy conocidos en la esfera del IB y en otros colegios, y destacan porque resultan fáciles de utilizar a los alumnos y por el software interactivo creado especialmente como acompañamiento. En la conferencia de este año, presentaremos nuevas ediciones de nuestros libros de texto de matemáticas para el Programa de los Años Intermedios y mostraremos nuestro nuevo sitio web interactivo. También esperamos ver a nuestros clientes actuales y conocer clientes nuevos. 17 SUPPORTERS • CONTRIBUTEURS • ENTIDADES COLABORADORAS Lanterna Online www.lanternaonline.com Lanterna Online specialises in interactive digital textbooks for the IB Diploma Programme. Developed in partnership with the International School of Geneva, they contain text, videos, exam questions, and automate formative assessment for teachers. Lanterna Online est une société spécialisée dans la publication de manuels numériques interactifs dédiés au Programme du diplôme de l’IB. Nos ressources sont développées en partenariat avec l’École Internationale de Genève et contiennent des textes, des vidéos, des questions d’examen ainsi qu’une évaluation formative automatisée spécialement conçue pour les enseignants. Lanterna Online se especializa en libros de texto digitales e interactivos para el Programa del Diploma del IB. Desarrollados en colaboración con la International School of Geneva, contienen texto, videos, preguntas de examen y evaluación formativa automatizada para profesores. ManageBac ManageBac www.managebac.com Planning, ManageBac is the leading planning, assessment and reportingAssessment & Reporting for the IB Conti system for IB world schools founded by three former IB Diploma students in 2007. Today ManageBac is the trusted choice of 4 in 5 IB Diploma students at over 1,400 leading schools. Créé en 2007 par trois anciens élèves du Programme du diplôme de l’IB, ManageBac est le système de planification, d’évaluation et de transmission des résultats le plus plébiscité par les écoles du monde de l’IB. À l’heure actuelle, pas moins de 4 élèves du Programme du diplôme sur 5 font confiance à ManageBac dans plus de 1 400 écoles du monde de l’IB. Fundado en 2007 por tres exalumnos del Programa del Diploma del IB, ManageBac es el sistema líder de planificación, evaluación y producción de informes para Colegios del Mundo del IB. ManageBac es la opción preferida de 4 de cada 5 alumnos del Programa del Diploma del IB en más de 1.400 prestigiosos colegios. Middle Years Primary Years D Units of Inquiry Unit Planners CAS Assessment & Reflection Curriculum Mapping Exten Exhibition Personal Project Theor Portfolio Criterion-based Gradebook IA Gra 18 SUPPORTERS • CONTRIBUTEURS • ENTIDADES COLABORADORAS INTESCO http://np-intesco.org/eng INTESCO is a non-profit organization assisting its members in carrying out activities aimed to developing international educational programs in educational institutions of the Russian Federation and distribution of best Russian schools practices in the international educational space. The main objectives of the Partnership, as well as achieving its goals, are: 1.Providing mutual support for schools implementing international educational programs; 2.Promotion of international educational programs in the Russian Federation; 3.Submission of interests of the Partnership in government offices of the Russian Federation and international educational organizations; 4.Development and support of cooperation programs between schools and universities; 5.Assisting professional development of teachers and school administrators from Russian schools implementing or preparing to implement international education programs; 6.Ensuring protection of rights and legitimate interests of the Partnership for the dissemination of educational services provided by the members of the Partnership. 7.Harmonization and adaptation of Russian and foreign educational norms, standards, programs and models and their subsequent implementation. Legal entities, including foreign entities and fully capable citizens of the Russian Federation can become members of the Partnership. 19 EXHIBITORS • EXPOSANTS • EXPOSITORES Association of IB World Schools in Italy InThinking www.aibwsi.it itslearning A/S Best of Both Project, British School of Brussels www.facebook.com/TheBOB Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Capita SIMS International www.capita-independent.co.uk Capstone www.capstonepub.com CASIE www.casieonline.org Cengage Learning EMEA Ltd www.gale.cengage.co.uk CES Holdings Ltd www.cesholdings.co.uk Council of International Schools www.cois.org Finalsite www.finalsite.com Follett www.follett.com GL Education www.gl-education.com Goñi and Rey Foundation www.fundaciongyr.es/ wp-content/eng/ Hobsons www.hobsons.com Hodder Education www.hoddereducation.com Ibicus www.ibicus.org.uk IBID Press www.ibid.com.au www.inthinking.co.uk www.itslearning.net John Catt Educational Ltd www.johncatt.com Lanterna Education IB Pavilion IB Finance www.ibo.org IB Publishing www.store.ibo.org IB Answers www.answers.ibo.org Lightspeed Systems School Assessment Services www.lightspeedsystems.com www.ibo.org NEOMA Business School IB Primary Years Programme www.lanternaeducation.com www.neoma-bs.fr Oxford Study Courses www.osc-ib.com Oxford University Press https://global.oup.com Pamoja Education www.pamojaeducation.com Pearson www.pearsonglobalschools.com Pronin IB www.proninib.com ReasoningLab www.reasoninglab.com Scholastic International www.scholastic.com The New York Times in Education www.ibo.org IB Professional Development www.ibo.org/ibaem IB Examiner Recruitment and Training www.ibo.org IB Global Recognition www.ibo.org IB Global Professional Development http://ibo.org/programmes/pd IB Global Research www.ibo.org IB Regional Office www.ibo.org www.nytimesineducation.com The NO Project www.thenoproject.org The University of British Columbia www.ubc.ca University of Bocconi www.unibocconi.eu Wenger Corporation www.wengercorp.com IBSCA www.ibsca.org.uk 20 CONFERENCE EVENING FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER The conference evening will be held at Rome Cavalieri, Waldorf Astoria Via Alberto Cadlolo 101, 00136 Roma Far more than just a hotel, the Rome Cavalieri is home to one of the greatest private art collections in the world. This prestigious luxury hotel houses well over a thousand artistic treasures in its public spaces and suites: they range from the 16th Century to the modern day, from Old Masters to contemporary art, from French antiques to rare tapestries, sculpture and ceramics. There is a crib commissioned by Napoleon for his baby son, a coiffeuse table designed for Marie Antoinette, a commode made for the King of Poland. There are Warhols and Indianas, Bacchanalian frescoes, bronze and marble sculptures. In the lobby are the famous Beauvais tapestries - the only other examples on public display are at the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles - and the prize possession, the Tiepolo cycle, purchased at auction in 2006 for a record sum. Welcome reception and the opportunity to view the impressive private art collection: 18:30 – 20:00 Hilton Garden Inn Airport, Sheraton Golf Park Rome, Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Centre, Novotel Roma EUR, IBIS Style Roma EUR Conference Dinner & Entertainment from 20:00 – 23:45 The bus schedule is available on page 157. Bus transport will be provided to and from Rome Marriott Park Hotel, Hilton Rome Airport, 21 Information can also be found in the fold up leaflet and at the Conference Venue. SOIRÉE DE CONFÉRENCE La soirée de conférence se déroulera au complexe hôtelier Rome Cavalieri, Waldorf Astoria Via Alberto Cadlolo 101, 00136 Rome – Italie Bien plus qu’un complexe hôtelier, Rome Cavalieri est le foyer de l’une des plus importantes collections d’art privées au monde. Plus d’un millier de trésors, du XVIe siècle à nos jours, trônent dans les parties communes ainsi que dans les suites de ce somptueux hôtel de luxe. Les grands maîtres côtoient les artistes contemporains tandis que les antiquités françaises cohabitent avec des tapisseries, sculptures et céramiques toutes plus rares les unes que les autres. L’hôtel compte dans sa collection un berceau commandé par Napoléon pour son fils, une coiffeuse créée pour Marie-Antoinette ainsi qu’une commode réalisée pour le roi de Pologne. Les œuvres pop art de Warhol et Indiana se mêlent aux fresques bacchanales et aux sculptures en bronze et en marbre. Les célèbres tapisseries de Beauvais ornent les murs du hall de l’hôtel – les seules autres tentures exposées au public se trouvent au Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York et au J. Paul Getty Museum de Los Angeles – de même que la pièce maîtresse de la collection, le triptyque de Tiepolo, acheté aux enchères en 2006 moyennant une somme record. Réception d’accueil et possibilité d’apprécier l’impressionnante collection d’art privée : 18:30 – 20:00 Inn Airport, Sheraton Golf Park Rome, Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Centre, Novotel Roma EUR, IBIS Style Roma EUR Dîner et divertissement de 20:00 à 23:45 Leurs horaires peuvent être consultés en page 157. Des bus seront à votre disposition au départ et en direction des hôtels suivants : Rome Marriott Park Hotel, Hilton Rome Airport, Hilton Garden Vous trouverez tous ces renseignements dans le dépliant et à la conférence. 22 VELADA DE LA CONFERENCIA La velada de la conferencia tendrá lugar en el Rome Cavalieri, Waldorf Astoria Via Alberto Cadlolo 101, 00136 Roma El Rome Cavalieri no es simplemente un hotel, ya que alberga una de las mejores colecciones privadas de arte del mundo. Este prestigioso hotel de lujo contiene más de mil tesoros artísticos en sus espacios públicos y sus suites, que abarcan desde el siglo XVI hasta el presente, de los viejos maestros al arte contemporáneo, de antigüedades francesas a inusuales tapices, esculturas y cerámicas. Hay una cuna encargada por Napoleón para su hijo, un tocador diseñado para María Antonieta, una cómoda hecha para el rey de Polonia. Hay obras de Warhol e Indiana, frescos de bacanales y esculturas de bronce y mármol. En el lobby se encuentran los famosos tapices de Beauvais (los únicos otros ejemplos que se muestran al público están en el Museo Metropolitano de Nueva York y en el Museo Getty de Los Ángeles), y la pieza más importante, el ciclo de Tiepolo, adquirido en subasta en 2006 por una cifra récord. Recepción de bienvenida y la oportunidad de ver la impresionante colección de arte privada: 18:30 - 20:00 Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Centre, Novotel Roma EUR, IBIS Style Roma EUR Cena y entretenimiento: 20:00 - 23:45 Se proporcionará transporte en autobús hacia y desde el Rome Marriott Park Hotel, Hilton Rome Airport, Hilton Garden Inn Airport, Sheraton Golf Park Rome, 23 El horario de los autobuses está disponible en la página 157. La información también será incluida en el folleto y en el lugar donde se realiza la conferencia. Non-profit Partnership for providing assistance in International Schools development «INTESСО» NP «INTESCO» is a non-profit organization assisting its members in carrying out activities aimed to developing international educational programs in educational institutions of the Russian Federation and distribution of best Russian schools practices in the international educational space. «INTESCO» now unites 17 schools from different regions of the Russian Federation. Partnership members hold the following set of privileges: Promotion of international educational programs in the Russian Federation. Assistance of Partnership members in implementation of activities aimed to the development of international educational programs. Expert support for schools implementing international programs , including IB. Professional development. Implementation of initiatives aimed to improving all aspects of quality and development of school education within the framework of organization for Partnership members. Organizational and informational support for partners’ activities. Online access to methodological content on educational topics. 3 3-ya Sokolnicheskaya St., 107014 Moscow, Russia +7 495 210-90-43 np-intesco.org/eng/ Email: [email protected] 24 Thursday 16 October Opening Plenary Dr. Yong Zhao World Class Learners; Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students Synopsis We have entered a new age when globalization, automation, and population growth have transformed our economy. This new economy has redefined the value of talents, skills, and knowledge, making traditionally undervalued talents and skills more valuable and rendering old skills obsolete. In this new economy, creativity has become a necessity; entrepreneurship 25 a must; and global competency the new literacy. But traditional schools have followed a paradigm that aims to cultivate locally-oriented, compliant employees instead of globally competent, creative entrepreneurs. In this presentation, Dr. Zhao proposes that we need a paradigm shift to cultivate the talents we need for the new economy. Profile Dr. Yong Zhao is an internationally known scholar, author, and speaker. His works focus on the implications of globalization and technology on education. He has designed schools that cultivate global competence, developed computer games for language learning, and founded research and development institutions to explore innovative education models. He has published over 100 articles and 20 books, including Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization and World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students. He is a recipient of the Early Career Award from the American Educational Research Association and was named one of the 10 most influential people in educational technology in 2012 by Tech & Learn Magazine. He is an elected fellow of the International Academy for Education. 26 Jeudi 16 octobre Séance plénière d’ouverture Yong Zhao Apprenants d’excellence : former des élèves créatifs et entreprenants à travers l’enseignement Résumé La révolution de notre économie, provoquée par les facteurs de la mondialisation, de l’automatisation et de la croissance démographique, marque notre entrée dans une nouvelle ère. Cette nouvelle économie bouleverse la valeur accordée aux talents, aux compétences et aux connaissances, par un mécanisme selon lequel des talents et compétences traditionnellement sous-estimés gagnent aujourd’hui en prestige tandis que des compétences conventionnelles tombent en désuétude. Au sein de ce nouveau contexte économique, la 27 créativité est désormais indispensable, l’entreprenariat est devenu incontournable et la compétence mondiale constitue le nouveau savoir. Néanmoins, les établissements scolaires traditionnels adoptent un paradigme propice à la formation d’employés dociles, raisonnant selon un contexte local plutôt que d’entrepreneurs créatifs, compétents sur le plan mondial. Dans cette présentation, M. Zhao propose d’opérer le changement de paradigme qui s’impose pour cultiver les talents adaptés à notre nouvelle économie. Profil Yong Zhao est un universitaire, auteur et conférencier de renommée internationale. Ses travaux s’intéressent aux effets de la mondialisation et de la technologie sur l’enseignement. On lui doit la création d’établissements scolaires axés sur le développement des compétences mondiales, ainsi que la conception de jeux informatiques dédiés à l’apprentissage des langues. Il a également fondé des institutions de recherche et de développement ayant pour mission d’explorer des modèles d’éducation innovants. Il a publié plus d’une centaine d’articles et plus d’une vingtaine de livres, parmi lesquels figurent notamment Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization et World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students. Il a reçu le prix « Early Career Award » décerné par l’American Educational Research Association en récompense de ses travaux de recherche menés en début de carrière, et se classe parmi les dix personnalités les plus influentes dans le secteur de la technologie pédagogique au palmarès 2012 établi par le magazine Tech & Learn. Il est membre élu de l’International Academy for Education. 28 Jueves 16 de octubre Sesión de apertura Dr. Yong Zhao Alumnos de talla mundial: cómo educar a estudiantes creativos y con espíritu emprendedor Resumen Estamos en una nueva era en la que la globalización, la automatización y el crecimiento de la población han transformado la economía. Esta nueva economía ha redefinido el valor del talento, las habilidades y el conocimiento, de tal modo que talentos y habilidades que tradicionalmente se apreciaban poco ahora se valoran más, y antiguas habilidades han quedado obsoletas. En esta nueva economía, la creatividad es una necesidad, el espíritu emprendedor 29 es imprescindible, y poder competir a escala mundial es la nueva alfabetización. Pese a ello, los colegios tradicionales han seguido un paradigma cuya meta es formar a empleados dóciles y orientados a su entorno local en lugar de a emprendedores creativos y competentes a nivel global. En esta presentación, Yong Zhao propone que necesitamos un cambio de paradigma para cultivar los talentos que precisamos en la nueva economía. Perfil del orador Yong Zhao es un académico, escritor y orador de prestigio internacional. Su trabajo se centra en las repercusiones de la globalización y la tecnología sobre la educación. Ha diseñado centros educativos que cultivan competencias para un mundo globalizado, ha desarrollado videojuegos para el aprendizaje de lenguas, y ha fundado instituciones de investigación y desarrollo donde se exploran modelos educativos innovadores. Ha publicado más de 100 artículos y 20 libros, entre ellos Catching Up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization y World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students. Recibió el premio Early Career Award de la American Educational Research Association, y la revista Tech & Learn Magazine le nombró en 2012 una de las diez personas más influyentes en el terreno de la tecnología educativa. Además, es miembro electo de la International Academy of Education. 30 Friday 17 October Plenary Professor Andreas Schleicher Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in education Synopsis International comparisons are never easy and they aren’t perfect. But they help countries see themselves in the mirror of the educational results and educational opportunities delivered by the world’s educational leaders. That raises the question of what we can learn from the world’s top performing school systems. And can what works in one context provide a model elsewhere? Everybody agrees education is important. But the test comes when education is weighed against other priorities. How do countries pay their teachers, compared to other highly-skilled workers? How do the media talk about teachers? What we’ve learned from PISA is that the leaders in high performing systems have convinced their citizens to make choices that value education, their future, more than consumption today. 31 But placing a high value on education is just part of the equation. Interestingly, many of the world’s top performing school systems combine strong and equitable performance and also share clear and ambitious standards across the board. Top school systems embrace diversity with differentiated instructional practices; they personalize educational experiences and deliver high quality across the entire school system. And nowhere does the quality of a school system exceed the quality of its teachers. Top school systems pay attention to how they select and train their staff. They watch how they improve the performance of teachers who are struggling and how to structure teachers’ pay. Last but not least, high performing systems tend to align policies and practices across all aspects of the system and make them coherent over sustained periods of time. The presentation will deal with an analysis of the policies and practices the most rapidly improving education systems have put in place. Profile Andreas Schleicher is Deputy Director for Education and Skills and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the SecretaryGeneral of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He also provides strategic oversight over OECD's work on the development and utilisation of skills and their social and economic outcomes. This includes the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and the development and analysis of benchmarks on the performance of education systems (INES). Before joining the OECD, he was Director for Analysis at the International Association for Educational Achievement (IEA). He studied Physics in Germany and received a degree in Mathematics and Statistics in Australia. He is the recipient of numerous honours and awards, including the Theodor Heuss prize, awarded in the name of the first president of the Federal Republic of Germany for "exemplary democratic engagement". He holds an honorary Professorship at the University of Heidelberg. 32 Vendredi 17 octobre Séance plénière Andreas Schleicher Les systèmes éducatifs de premier plan : quand performance rime avec excellence Résumé Établir des comparaisons en matière de scolarité à l’échelle internationale n’est ni simple, ni idéal. Les études comparatives permettent néanmoins aux pays de se situer par rapport aux meilleurs systèmes de scolarité du monde en matière de résultats scolaires et d’accès à l’éducation. Une telle démarche suscite plusieurs interrogations. Que pouvons-nous apprendre des systèmes éducatifs les plus performants au monde ? Les méthodes qui font leurs preuves dans un contexte donné peuvent-elles servir de modèles dans d’autres contextes ? Certes, le caractère essentiel de l’éducation n’est pas contesté. Mais le véritable enjeu réside dans la place qui lui est accordée face à d’autres priorités. Comment les pays rémunèrentils leurs enseignants par rapport à d’autres professionnels hautement qualifiés ? Quelle image les médias donnent-ils des enseignants ? Les résultats de l’enquête PISA révèlent que les dirigeants des pays disposant des systèmes de scolarité les meilleurs au monde ont convaincu leurs citoyens de l’importance de l’éducation pour l’avenir, qu’ils privilégient par rapport au réflexe de consommation qui prévaut actuellement. Mais l’importance accordée à l’éducation ne constitue qu’une partie de l’équation. 33 Ces systèmes scolaires ont également comme caractéristique commune d’instaurer des normes claires et ambitieuses à tous les niveaux. Ils prônent la diversité en adoptant des pratiques d’enseignement différenciées. Ils ont conscience que les élèves ordinaires possèdent des talents extraordinaires et adaptent les activités d’apprentissage en fonction de leurs besoins. En outre, la qualité d’un système scolaire dépend inéluctablement de la qualité de ses enseignants. Les systèmes les plus performants accordent une importance capitale au recrutement et à la formation des professionnels de l’éducation. Ils s’emploient à améliorer les compétences des enseignants qui rencontrent des difficultés dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions et apportent un soin particulier à l’élaboration du barème de rémunération de leurs enseignants. Dernier aspect, et non des moindres, ces systèmes ont tendance à harmoniser leurs politiques et leurs pratiques à tous les échelons. Ils garantissent leur cohérence à long terme et veillent à les mettre en œuvre de manière homogène. Cette présentation portera sur l’analyse des politiques et des pratiques mises en place par les systèmes éducatifs ayant progressé le plus rapidement. Profil Andreas Schleicher travaille au sein de l’Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) en tant que Directeur adjoint de la Direction de l’éducation et des compétences ainsi qu’en qualité de conseiller spécial du Secrétaire général concernant la politique éducationnelle. Il assure également le suivi stratégique des travaux de l’OCDE relatifs au développement et à l’utilisation des compétences ainsi qu’à leurs répercussions sociales et économiques. Il supervise notamment le Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des élèves (PISA), l’étude menée dans le cadre du Programme pour l’évaluation internationale des compétences des adultes (PIAAC), l’enquête internationale sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage (TALIS) ainsi que l’élaboration et l’analyse des indicateurs permettant d’évaluer les systèmes d’enseignement (INES). Avant de rejoindre l’OCDE, Andreas Schleicher a été directeur de l’analyse au sein de l’Association internationale pour l’évaluation du rendement scolaire (IEA). Il a étudié la physique en Allemagne et obtenu un diplôme de mathématiques et de statistiques en Australie. Lauréat de nombreux prix et distinctions, il s’est notamment vu décerner le prix « Theodor Heuss », du nom du premier président de la République fédérale d’Allemagne, en récompense de son « engagement démocratique exemplaire ». Il est également professeur honoraire à l’université de Heidelberg. 34 Viernes 17 de octubre Sesión plenaria Andreas Schleicher Resultados internacionales, éxito y reforma en educación Resumen Las comparaciones internacionales nunca son fáciles y no son perfectas. Sin embargo, pueden ayudar a los países a verse a sí mismos en el espejo de los resultados y de las oportunidades educativas de los líderes en educación del mundo. Esto plantea algunas preguntas: ¿Qué podemos aprender de los sistemas escolares de más éxito del mundo? ¿Puede lo que funciona en un contexto ser un buen modelo en otros? Todo el mundo está de acuerdo en la que la educación es importante, pero esta convicción se pone prueba cuando la educación se pone en una balanza con otras prioridades. ¿Cómo pagan a sus profesores los diferentes países en comparación con otros trabajadores altamente cualificados? ¿Cómo hablan los medios de comunicación sobre los profesores? Lo que hemos aprendido de PISA es que los líderes de los sistemas escolares con excelentes resultados han convencido a sus ciudadanos de que elijan las opciones que valoran la educación, su futuro, más que el consumo en el presente. No obstante, dar un gran valor 35 a la educación es solo una parte de la ecuación. Es interesante comprobar que muchos de los mejores sistemas escolares del mundo muestran un desempeño a la vez alto y equitativo, y también comparten estándares claros y ambiciosos en todas las áreas. Los mejores sistemas escolares aprovechan la diversidad mediante prácticas docentes diferenciadas, personalizan las experiencias educativas y ofrecen alta calidad en todo el sistema escolar. Además, en ningún país la calidad de un sistema escolar supera la calidad de sus profesores. Los mejores sistemas escolares ponen especial atención en la selección y la capacitación de su personal. Miran cómo mejorar el desempeño de profesores con problemas y cómo estructurar la paga de los profesores. Por último, si bien no menos importante, los sistemas de alto desempeño tienden a alinear políticas y prácticas en todos los aspectos del sistema, las hacen coherentes durante periodos largos de tiempo y se aseguran de que se implementen de manera sistemática. La presentación analizará las políticas y las prácticas que han implementado los sistemas educativos que están mejorando más rápidamente. Perfil del orador Andreas Schleicher es director adjunto de Educación y Destrezas y asesor especial sobre Política Educativa del Secretario general de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE). También ofrece supervisión estratégica del trabajo de la OCDE en el desarrollo y la utilización de destrezas y sus resultados sociales y económicos. Esto incluye el Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de los Alumnos (PISA), la Evaluación de competencias de adultos de la OCDE (PIAAC), la Encuesta Internacional de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de la OCDE (TALIS) y el desarrollo y análisis de indicadores de rendimiento de sistemas educativos (INES). Antes de trabajar para la OCDE fue director de Análisis en la Asociación Internacional para la Evaluación del Logro Educativo (IEA). Estudió Física en Alemania y obtuvo una licenciatura en Matemáticas y Estadística en Australia. Ha recibido numerosos premios y distinciones, que incluyen el premio Theodor Heuss, que lleva el nombre del primer presidente de la República Federal de Alemania, por "participación democrática ejemplar". Es catedrático honorario en la Universidad de Heilderberg. 36 Friday 17 October Plenary Cathryn Berger Kaye M.A. Taking Action: A Dynamic Way of Knowing Synopsis By applying academic skills and knowledge to authentic community needs, students become fully engaged. They develop curiosity, ask more revealing questions, address real problems, and confirm that learning matters. Discover the ways this process of service learning has made a difference in the lives of students, teachers, schools and communities. As educators we continually seek advanced strategies to compel understandings that are applicable to the dense and complex issues facing our societies. Across the IB continuum, the idea of bridging academics with community and service is reflective of this imperative. How can we ensure students 37 participate in appropriate and meaningful ways that solidify what they learn and establish transferable ways of knowing that can be applied in the classroom and the community? Service learning becomes a reliable approach for moving academics forward with a high level of engagement motivated by the intrinsic desire to transform ideas into action. Hear memorable stories. See vibrant examples. It has been said that service learning is the fourth wall of the classroom that opens up to the world. Discover the possibilities, challenge your own practices and engage in reflection to extend existing school action to significant ways of knowing. Profile Cathryn Berger Kaye, M.A., author and president of CBK Associates, she travels globally providing professional development programs, conference keynotes, in-depth institutes, customdesigned curricula, and exceptional education and learning resources on service learning, 21st century competencies and approaches to learning, social and emotional realms, school climate and culture, youth engagement, effective teaching strategies, and environmental sustainability. A former teacher, Cathryn is the author of numerous articles and eight books including The Complete Guide to Service Learning: Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility, Academic Curriculum, & Social Action, and two books with environmental advocate Philippe Cousteau to inspire students to be environmental stewards, Make a Splash! for primary levels, and Going Blue for teens. Having taught in rural, suburban and urban settings with years of experience developing custom-designed programmes for schools and districts globally that build connections between applied learning and meaningful action, she is knowledgeable about the landscape of education and communities today. 38 Vendredi 17 octobre Séance plénière Cathryn Berger Kaye Passer à l’action : un mode de la connaissance dynamique Résumé L’application de connaissances et de compétences scolaires pour répondre à des besoins communautaires authentiques permet aux élèves de s’investir pleinement. Cette démarche les amène à développer leur curiosité, à poser des questions plus éloquentes et à aborder des problèmes réels, et apporte la preuve que l’apprentissage est essentiel. Cette présentation vous invite à découvrir la manière dont ce processus d’apprentissage par le service peut changer la vie des élèves, des enseignants, des établissements et des communautés. En tant que professionnels de l’éducation, nous sommes continuellement en quête de stratégies de haut niveau susceptibles de nous aider à mieux comprendre les questions complexes auxquelles nos sociétés sont confrontées. Dans le continuum des programmes de l’IB, cet impératif se traduit par l’idée de création d’une passerelle entre l’apprentissage théorique d’une part, et la communauté 39 et le service d’autre part. Comment pouvons-nous veiller à ce que la contribution apportée par les élèves soit pertinente et riche de sens ? Comment s’assurer que celle-ci leur permet en retour de consolider leur apprentissage et de forger des modes de la connaissance transposables qu’ils pourront réutiliser en classe et dans la communauté ? L’apprentissage par le service constitue une méthode fiable pour faire progresser l’apprentissage théorique et amener les élèves à s’investir pleinement, car il est animé d’une volonté intrinsèque de traduire les idées en actions. Les récits captivants et les exemples tangibles qui vous seront présentés sauront vous en convaincre. On dit parfois que l’apprentissage par le service est le quatrième mur de la classe, celui qui s’ouvre sur le monde. Découvrez les possibilités qui s’offrent à vous, remettez en cause vos propres pratiques et prenez part à la réflexion visant à transformer les actions déjà entreprises par les établissements en modes de la connaissance riches de sens. Profil Écrivaine et présidente de CBK Associates, Cathryn Berger Kaye anime des ateliers de perfectionnement professionnel, présente des conférences, organise des sessions d’étude intensives et conçoit des programmes d’études sur mesure aux États-Unis et partout dans le monde. Elle élabore des ressources d’enseignement et d’apprentissage exceptionnelles consacrées à des thèmes tels que : l’apprentissage par le service, les compétences du XXIe siècle et les approches de l’apprentissage, les aspects sociaux et émotionnels, le climat et la culture scolaires, l’engagement des jeunes, les stratégies d’enseignement efficaces et la durabilité de l’environnement. Elle travaille également en tant que consultante pour le compte du Baccalauréat International. Auteure de nombreux articles et de huit ouvrages, cette ancienne enseignante a notamment signé de sa plume The Complete Guide to Service Learning: Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility, Academic Curriculum & Social Action ainsi que deux ouvrages qu’elle a écrits en collaboration avec le défenseur de l’environnement Philippe Cousteau. Respectivement destinés aux élèves du primaire et du secondaire, Make a Splash! et Going Blue ont pour vocation d’inciter les jeunes à s’engager en faveur du respect de l’environnement. Cathryn Berger Kaye a enseigné tour à tour en milieu rural, en banlieue et en ville et a conçu de nombreux programmes sur mesure axés sur les liens entre l’apprentissage appliqué et l’action significative pour des établissements et des districts scolaires répartis à travers le monde. Ses longues années d’expérience font d’elle une spécialiste du paysage éducatif contemporain et de la relation de ce dernier avec les communautés. 40 Viernes 17 de octubre Sesión plenaria Cathryn Berger Kaye Acción: una forma de conocimiento dinámica Resumen Mediante la aplicación de destrezas y conocimientos académicos a necesidades reales de la comunidad, los estudiantes pueden participar de forma plena, y además desarrollan curiosidad, hacen preguntas más reveladoras, abordan problemas reales y confirman que el aprendizaje importa. Descubra los modos en que este proceso de aprendizaje-servicio ha cambiado las vidas de estudiantes, profesores, colegios y comunidades. Como educadores, buscamos continuamente estrategias avanzadas para inducir comprensiones que sean aplicables a los densos y complejos problemas a los que se enfrentan nuestras sociedades. En todo el continuo del IB, la idea de acercar el conocimiento académico a la comunidad y el servicio refleja este imperativo. 41 ¿Cómo podemos hacer que los estudiantes participen de maneras apropiadas y significativas que solidifiquen lo que aprenden y establezcan formas de conocimiento transferibles que puedan aplicarse en la clase y la comunidad? El aprendizaje-servicio se convierte en un enfoque confiable para hacer avanzar el conocimiento académico junto con un alto nivel de participación motivado por el deseo intrínseco de convertir las ideas en acción. Oír historias memorables. Ver ejemplos vibrantes. Se ha dicho que el aprendizaje-servicio es la cuarta pared del aula que se abre al mundo. Descubra las posibilidades, cuestione sus propias prácticas y participe en la reflexión para extender la acción existente en el colegio a formas de conocimiento significativas. Perfil de la oradora Cathryn Berger Kaye, escritora y presidenta de CBK Associates, viaja por todo el mundo ofreciendo programas de desarrollo profesional, presentaciones en conferencias, cursos intensivos, currículos diseñados a medida, así como excepcionales recursos educativos y de aprendizaje sobre aprendizajeservicio, competencias y enfoques del aprendizaje para el siglo XXI, ámbitos sociales y emocionales, clima y cultura escolar, participación juvenil, estrategias de enseñanza eficaces y sostenibilidad medioambiental. Cathryn también trabaja de asesora para el Bachillerato Internacional. Cathryn Berger Kaye fue profesora y ha escrito numerosos artículos así como ocho libros, entre los que se encuentra The Complete Guide to Service Learning: Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility, Academic Curriculum, & Social Action, y dos libros con el defensor del medio ambiente Philippe Cousteau para inspirar a los estudiantes a convertirse en protectores del medio ambiente: Make a Splash! para niños de primaria y Going Blue para adolescentes. Cathryn Berger Kaye conoce muy bien el panorama de la educación y las comunidades de hoy, ya que ha dado clases en entornos rurales, urbanos y residenciales, y tiene muchos años de experiencia en el desarrollo de programas diseñados a medida para colegios y distritos escolares que crean conexiones entre el aprendizaje aplicado y la acción significativa. 42 Saturday 18 October Plenary Professor Michael Fullan Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Change Knowledge Synopsis This session will first identify powerful push and pull factors in current schools systems. Push factors for students show that students are increasingly bored as they move up the grade levels; teachers are increasingly alienated. On the pull side there are increasing strong pedagogies, which, when coupled with technology accelerate learning. Professor Fullan 43 will then focus on the new learning partnership between and among students and teachers that creates exciting new learning linked to deep learning outcomes. All of this will be connected to change leadership - the kind of leadership and change processes that generate collective ownership and efficacy. Profile Michael Fullan, OC is the former Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Recognized as a worldwide authority on educational reform, he advises policymakers and local leaders around the world in helping to achieve the moral purpose of all children learning. From 2004-2013 Michael Fullan served as Special Adviser in Education to the Premier of Ontario. He received the Order of Canada in December 2012 and holds honorary doctorates from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; University of Edinburgh, Scotland; Newman University College, University of Leicester; and Nipissing University in Canada. Fullan is a prolific, award-winning author whose books have been published in many languages. His book Leading in a Culture of Change was awarded the 2002 Book of the Year Award by Learning Forward (formerly the National Staff Development Council), Breakthrough (with Peter Hill and Carmel Crévola) won the 2006 Book of the Year Award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Turnaround Leadership in Higher Education (with Geoff Scott) won the Bellwether Book Award in 2009, and Change Wars (with Andy Hargreaves) was awarded the 2009 Book of the Year Award by Learning Forward. His latest books are The Principal: Maximizing Impact (in press), Motion Leadership in Action (2013), Stratosphere: Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Change Knowledge (2013), and Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School (with Andy Hargreaves) (2012). 44 Samedi 18 octobre Séance plénière Michael Fullan Intégrer la technologie, la pédagogie et les clés du changement Résumé Lors de cette session, nous identifierons dans un premier temps les principaux facteurs exerçant des courants contradictoires au sein des systèmes scolaires actuels. Certains facteurs tirent les systèmes scolaires vers le bas et montrent que les élèves s’ennuient de manière croissante alors qu’ils progressent d’année en année et que les enseignants se sentent de plus en plus aliénés. Parmi les facteurs qui tirent ces mêmes systèmes vers le haut, on peut citer les pédagogies de plus en plus efficaces qui, combinées avec les bons outils technologiques, 45 permettent d’accélérer l’apprentissage. Dans un second temps, nous examinerons le nouveau partenariat d’apprentissage qui se met en place parmi les élèves et les enseignants, et qui donne naissance à de nouveaux apprentissages très stimulants produisant des résultats éloquents. Ces idées seront rapprochées du concept de mise en marche du changement, c’està-dire les principes de direction ainsi que les processus de changement qui permettent une efficacité et une prise de responsabilité collective. Profil Michael Fullan (O.C.) est l’ancien doyen de l’Ontario Institute for Studies in Education de l’université de Toronto. Internationalement reconnu comme spécialiste de la réforme de l’éducation, il conseille les décideurs et dirigeants locaux du monde entier pour favoriser l’atteinte de l’objectif moral inhérent à l’apprentissage des enfants. De 2004 à 2013, il a officié en tant que conseiller spécial du premier ministre de l’Ontario en matière d’éducation. Nommé Officier de l’Ordre du Canada en décembre 2012, il est titulaire de doctorats honorifiques de l’université Duquesne à Pittsburgh (Pennsylvanie, États-Unis), de l’université d’Édinbourg (Écosse), du Newman University College de l’université de Leicester (RoyaumeUni) et de l’université Nipissing (Canada). Michael Fullan est un auteur prolifique et primé dont les ouvrages sont traduits dans de nombreuses langues. Son livre intitulé Leading in a Culture of Change lui a valu le prix du livre de l’année 2002 de Learning Forward (anciennement National Staff Development Council), alors que l’American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education lui a attribué le prix du livre de l’année 2006 pour l’ouvrage intitulé Breakthrough (écrit en collaboration avec Peter Hill et Carmel Crévola). Le titre Turnaround Leadership in Higher Education (écrit en collaboration avec Geoff Scott) a reçu le prix Bellwether en 2009, et Change Wars (écrit en collaboration avec Andy Hargreaves) s’est vu récompensé du prix du livre de l’année 2009 décerné par Learning Forward. Ses ouvrages les plus récents sont The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact (2014), Motion Leadership in Action (2013), Stratosphere: Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Change Knowledge (2013) et Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School (écrit en collaboration avec Andy Hargreaves) (2012). 46 Sábado 18 de octubre Sesión plenaria Michael Fullan Cómo integrar la tecnología, la pedagogía y el conocimiento del cambio Resumen Esta sesión comenzará con una identificación de los principales factores de incentivación y disuasión de los sistemas escolares actuales. Entre los factores de disuasión se observa que los alumnos cada vez se aburren más según van pasando de curso, mientras que los profesores están cada vez más aislados. Por otro lado, los factores de incentivación incluyen unas pedagogías cada vez más sólidas que, combinadas con la tecnología, 47 aceleran el proceso de aprendizaje. Michael Fullan se centrará a continuación en una nueva colaboración de aprendizaje entre alumnos y profesores que crea un nuevo y estimulante tipo de aprendizaje vinculado a resultados de aprendizaje profundo. Todo esto se relacionará con el liderazgo de cambio: el tipo de liderazgo y los procesos de cambio que generan eficacia y una toma de responsabilidad colectiva. Perfil del orador Michael Fullan es el exdecano del Instituto de Estudios en Educación de Ontario, de la Universidad de Toronto (Canadá). Reconocido como autoridad mundial en materia de reforma educativa, asesora a legisladores y responsables locales de todo el mundo para ayudarles a alcanzar el propósito moral del aprendizaje de todos los niños. Desde 2004 hasta 2013, Michael Fullan ejerció de asesor especial en Educación del Primer Ministro de Ontario. En diciembre de 2012 recibió la Orden de Canadá y tiene doctorados honorarios de la Universidad de Duquesne (Pittsburgh, EE. UU.), de la Universidad de Edimburgo (Reino Unido), del Newman University College (Reino Unido), de la Universidad de Leicester (Reino Unido), y de la Universidad de Nipissing (Canadá). Michael Fullan es un prolífico y reconocido escritor cuyos libros se han publicado en varios idiomas. Su libro Liderar en una cultura de cambio obtuvo en 2002 el premio Book of the Year Award de la organización Learning Forward (anteriormente denominada National Staff Development Council), Breakthrough (con Peter Hill y Carmel Crévola) ganó en 2006 el Book of the Year Award de la American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Turnaround Leadership in Higher Education (con Geoff Scott) logró el Bellwether Book Award en 2009, y Change Wars (con Andy Hargreaves) consiguió en 2009 el Book of the Year Award de Learning Forward. Sus libros más recientes son The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact (2014), Motion Leadership in Action (2013), Stratosphere: Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Change Knowledge (2013), y Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School (con Andy Hargreaves) (2012). 48 Sunday 19 October Plenary Professor Marcus du Sautoy Teaching the Shakespeare of Mathematics Synopsis Governments across the world recognize that a mathematically literate work-force is more likely to capitalize on the ever increasing technological changes that are sweeping through society. The power of Google to hunt out the page you want, the ability of cameras to cram more detailed pictures into tinier memories, the sophisticated games and animations we watch all depend on clever mathematics. To innovate further you need to understand the mathematical language that underpins these technologies. 49 But for me this emphasis on utility misses a key point. What turned me on to the subject was being shown what mathematics is really about. Real mathematics. It was being exposed to the big stories, the Shakespeare of mathematics that inspired me. It is my belief that more children should be given the key to this secret garden. Why can't we include the Shakespeare of maths in the curriculum? We are not frightened to teach Richard III to 13 year olds. Let's be more brave and throw Riemann at them too! Profile Marcus du Sautoy is the Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science and Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of New College. In 2004 Esquire Magazine chose him as one of the 100 most influential people under 40 in Britain and in 2009 he was awarded the Royal Society’s Faraday Prize, the UK’s premier award for excellence in communicating science. He received an OBE for services to science in the 2010 New Year’s Honours List. Marcus du Sautoy is author of The Music of the Primes (Fourth Estate, 2003), Finding Moonshine: a mathematician’s journey through symmetry (Fourth Estate, 2008), and The Num8er My5teries (Fourth Estate, 2010). He has also written for The Times, Daily Telegraph, Independent and the Guardian, and regularly appears on television - most recently as presenter of The Beauty of Diagrams (BBC 4, 2011), and landmark 3-part series The Code (BBC2, 2011). 50 Dimanche 19 octobre Séance plénière Marcus du Sautoy Enseigner le « Shakespeare » des mathématiques Résumé Les gouvernements du monde entier s’accordent sur le fait qu’une population active compétente en mathématiques est plus à même de tirer profit des évolutions technologiques qui ne cessent de s’opérer au sein de la société. Trouver ce que l’on cherche grâce à Google, stocker des photos d’une résolution toujours plus élevée dans des cartes mémoire toujours plus minuscules, voir défiler sur nos écrans des jeux et des animations au graphisme sophistiqué... Rien de tout cela ne serait possible sans le génie des mathématiques. Pour continuer à innover, il est indispensable de comprendre le langage mathématique inhérent à ces technologies. 51 Toutefois, selon moi, mettre ainsi l’accent sur l’utilité des mathématiques éclipse un aspect essentiel. Ma passion pour cette discipline est née lorsque j’ai découvert ce qu’étaient réellement les mathématiques. Les vraies mathématiques. J’ai puisé mon inspiration dans les grands récits, dans ce qu’on pourrait appeler le « Shakespeare » des mathématiques. Je suis d’avis que nous devrions confier la clé de ce jardin secret à plus d’enfants. Pourquoi ne pas intégrer le « Shakespeare » des mathématiques dans le programme d’études ? Enseigner Richard III à des jeunes de 13 ans n’effraie personne. Alors prenons notre courage à deux mains et partons avec nos élèves à la conquête de Riemann ! Profil Marcus du Sautoy est titulaire de la chaire Charles Simonyi de vulgarisation des sciences et professeur de mathématiques à l’université d’Oxford. Il est également chargé de cours au New College au sein de cette même université. En 2004, il s’est classé parmi les 100 personnalités de moins de 40 ans les plus influentes de Grande-Bretagne au palmarès établi par la revue Esquire Magazine et a reçu en 2009 le prix « Michael Faraday » décerné par la Royal Society – la plus haute distinction britannique récompensant l’excellence en matière de communication scientifique. Il a été nommé Officier de l’Ordre de l’Empire britannique en reconnaissance de ses services rendus à la science en 2010. Marcus du Sautoy est l’auteur de La symphonie des nombres premiers (Éditions Héloïse d’Ormesson, 2005), La symétrie ou les maths au clair de lune (Éditions Héloïse d’Ormesson, 2012) et Le Mystère des nombres (Éditions Héloïse d’Ormesson, 2014). Il a également écrit des articles pour The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent et The Guardian et est un habitué des plateaux de télévision. Le public britannique l’a récemment retrouvé sur le petit écran en tant que présentateur d’un documentaire en plusieurs parties intitulé The Beauty of Diagrams (BBC 4, 2011), de même que dans sa célèbre sériedocumentaire en trois épisodes intitulée The Code (BBC 2, 2011). 52 Sábado 19 de octubre Sesión plenaria Marcus du Sautoy Enseñar el Shakespeare de las matemáticas Resumen Los gobiernos de todo el mundo reconocen que una mano de obra matemáticamente culta es más probable que aproveche los continuos cambios tecnológicos que se extienden por la sociedad. El poder de Google para encontrar la página que quieres, la capacidad de las cámaras para meter imágenes cada vez más detalladas en memorias cada vez más pequeñas, los sofisticados juegos y animaciones que vemos... todo esto depende de las matemáticas. Para innovar más es necesario entender el lenguaje matemático que apuntala esas tecnologías. 53 Pero para mí, al poner énfasis en la utilidad se pierde un punto crucial. Lo que me atrajo a la disciplina fue que me mostraran en qué consisten realmente las matemáticas. Las matemáticas de verdad. Lo que me inspiró fue que me enseñaran las grandes historias, el Shakespeare de las matemáticas. Estoy convencido de que se debería dar a más niños la llave de este jardín secreto. ¿Por qué no podemos incluir el Shakespeare de las matemáticas en el currículo? No nos da miedo enseñar Ricardo III a los adolescentes de 13 años. ¡Seamos más valientes y echémosles a Riemann también! Perfil del orador Marcus du Sautoy es titular de la cátedra Charles Simonyi de Comprensión Pública de la Ciencia y es catedrático de Matemáticas en la Universidad de Oxford, así como miembro de la junta de gobierno del New College. En 2004, la publicación Esquire lo eligió una de las 100 personas de menos de 40 años más influyentes de Gran Bretaña, y en 2009 se le concedió el premio Faraday de la Royal Society, el premio más importante que se concede en el Reino Unido por excelencia en la comunicación de la ciencia. En 2010 se le nombró oficial de la Orden del Imperio Británico por sus servicios a la ciencia. Marcus du Sautoy es el autor de The Music of the Primes (Fourth Estate, 2003), Finding Moonshine: a mathematician’s journey through symmetry (Fourth Estate, 2008), y The Num8er My5teries (Fourth Estate, 2010). También ha escrito para los periódicos británicos The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent y The Guardian, y aparece regularmente en televisión, más recientemente como presentador de The Beauty of Diagrams (BBC 4, 2011), y en la destacada serie de televisión de tres partes The Code (BBC 2, 2011). 54 Saturday 18 October Featured Speaker Professor Michael Fullan Question and Answer session Synopsis This session will be a follow-up to Michael Fullan's plenary presentation. During this session participants will have the opportunity to ask questions arising from his plenary and together explore in more depth some dimensions of his morning session. 55 Profile Michael Fullan, OC is the former Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Recognized as a worldwide authority on educational reform, he advises policymakers and local leaders around the world in helping to achieve the moral purpose of all children learning. From 2004-2013 Michael Fullan served as Special Adviser in Education to the Premier of Ontario. He received the Order of Canada in December 2012 and holds honorary doctorates from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; University of Edinburgh, Scotland; Newman University College, University of Leicester; and Nipissing University in Canada. Fullan is a prolific, award-winning author whose books have been published in many languages. His book Leading in a Culture of Change was awarded the 2002 Book of the Year Award by Learning Forward (formerly the National Staff Development Council), Breakthrough (with Peter Hill and Carmel Crévola) won the 2006 Book of the Year Award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Turnaround Leadership in Higher Education (with Geoff Scott) won the Bellwether Book Award in 2009, and Change Wars (with Andy Hargreaves) was awarded the 2009 Book of the Year Award by Learning Forward. His latest books are The Principal: Maximizing Impact (in press), Motion Leadership in Action (2013), Stratosphere: Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Change Knowledge (2013), and Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School (with Andy Hargreaves) (2012). 56 Samedi 18 octobre Conférencier invité Michael Fullan Séance de questions-réponses Résumé Cette séance fait suite à la séance plénière présentée par Michael Fullan. Les participants auront la possibilité de poser leurs questions suite à son intervention et pourront revenir plus en détail sur des aspects évoqués le matin même. 57 Profil Michael Fullan (O.C.) est l’ancien doyen de l’Ontario Institute for Studies in Education de l’université de Toronto. Internationalement reconnu comme spécialiste de la réforme de l’éducation, il conseille les décideurs et dirigeants locaux du monde entier pour favoriser l’atteinte de l’objectif moral inhérent à l’apprentissage des enfants. De 2004 à 2013, il a officié en tant que conseiller spécial du premier ministre de l’Ontario en matière d’éducation. Nommé Officier de l’Ordre du Canada en décembre 2012, il est titulaire de doctorats honorifiques de l’université Duquesne à Pittsburgh (Pennsylvanie, États-Unis), de l’université d’Édinbourg (Écosse), du Newman University College de l’université de Leicester (RoyaumeUni) et de l’université Nipissing (Canada). Michael Fullan est un auteur prolifique et primé dont les ouvrages sont traduits dans de nombreuses langues. Son livre intitulé Leading in a Culture of Change lui a valu le prix du livre de l’année 2002 de Learning Forward (anciennement National Staff Development Council), alors que l’American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education lui a attribué son prix du livre de l’année 2006 pour l’ouvrage intitulé Breakthrough (écrit en collaboration avec Peter Hill et Carmel Crévola). Le titre Turnaround Leadership in Higher Education (écrit en collaboration avec Geoff Scott) a reçu le prix Bellwether en 2009, et Change Wars (écrit en collaboration avec Andy Hargreaves) s’est vu récompensé du prix du livre de l’année 2009 décerné par Learning Forward. Ses ouvrages les plus récents sont The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact (2014), Motion Leadership in Action (2013), Stratosphere: Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Change Knowledge (2013) et Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School (écrit en collaboration avec Andy Hargreaves) (2012). 58 Sábado 18 de octubre Orador destacado Michael Fullan PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS Resumen En esta sesión se ampliará la presentación plenaria de Michael Fullan. Los participantes tendrán aquí la oportunidad de plantear preguntas surgidas durante la sesión plenaria y explorar en grupo algunos aspectos de la sesión matinal con más profundidad. 59 Perfil del orador Michael Fullan es el exdecano del Instituto de Estudios en Educación de Ontario, de la Universidad de Toronto (Canadá). Reconocido como autoridad mundial en materia de reforma educativa, asesora a legisladores y responsables locales de todo el mundo para ayudarles a alcanzar el propósito moral del aprendizaje de todos los niños. Desde 2004 hasta 2013, Michael Fullan ejerció de asesor especial en Educación del Primer Ministro de Ontario. En diciembre de 2012 recibió la Orden de Canadá y tiene doctorados honorarios de la Universidad de Duquesne (Pittsburgh, EE. UU.), de la Universidad de Edimburgo (Reino Unido), del Newman University College (Reino Unido), de la Universidad de Leicester (Reino Unido), y de la Universidad de Nipissing (Canadá). Michael Fullan es un prolífico y reconocido escritor cuyos libros se han publicado en varios idiomas. Su libro Liderar en una cultura de cambio obtuvo en 2002 el premio Book of the Year Award de la organización Learning Forward (anteriormente denominada National Staff Development Council), Breakthrough (con Peter Hill y Carmel Crévola) ganó en 2006 el Book of the Year Award de la American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Turnaround Leadership in Higher Education (con Geoff Scott) logró el Bellwether Book Award en 2009, y Change Wars (con Andy Hargreaves) consiguió en 2009 el Book of the Year Award de Learning Forward. Sus libros más recientes son The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact (2014), Motion Leadership in Action (2013), Stratosphere: Integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Change Knowledge (2013), y Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School (con Andy Hargreaves) (2012). 60 Saturday 18 October Featured Speaker Dr. Robin Ann Martin Co-presenter Alanna MacPherson Can, M.A. student Teacher development across disparate cultures: A case study Synopsis One unique challenge of teacher development for international education runs parallel to that of international schools: How to cope with and perhaps even benefit from teachers' experiences that are essentially disparate in terms of their linguistic, professional, and cultural backgrounds. In 2014, we faced this challenge head-on with an MA course entitled Curriculum in an International Context. The video conferencing elements of the course created the initial challenges of delivery, but the real work was creating open-ended activities and discussions that would engage teachers with widely varied levels of experience and English fluency. More notably were the cultural differences, having local/national teachers from Turkey and northern Iraq (with Kurdish and Turkmen identities), alongside of expatriate 61 teachers from Syria, England, Canada, the United States, the Philippines, and Thailand. This presentation will analyze the Moodle forums, presentation assignments, and midterm projects that evoked collaboration across and within cultures. In particular, with the help of one course participant who chose this case study as her own midterm project, we will address these inquiry questions: (1) How did comfort levels with the English language influence participation in the course? (2) How did participants' varied levels of teaching experiences contribute to their collaborative learning? (3) What cultural differences were acknowledged by course participants? (4) How can we make the most of cultural differences for optimizing teacher learning and participation in the design of future courses? Profile Dr. Robin Ann Martin Dr. Martin works as an assistant professor at the Bilkent University Graduate School of Education in Ankara, Turkey. Her current work includes teaching general courses in curriculum and instruction for pre-service and in-service MA students. Since 2010, she has served as coordinator of the graduate school's IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning for pre-service teachers. From 2006 to 2009, Dr. Martin worked with teacher trainees of English as a foreign language at a private university in The Sultanate of Oman. Her doctorate in curriculum and instruction is from Iowa State University, and she has an MA in educational psychology from the University of Iowa. In the U.S.A., she served as teacher, tutor, administrator, and researcher in small private schools in California, Oregon, and Washington. Alanna MacPherson Can, M.A. student Ms. MacPherson Can works as the PYP Coordinator at Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent Erbil College (IDBEC) in Erbil, Iraq. She is currently participating in the Masters of Curriculum and Instruction programme at Bilkent Graduate School of Education in Ankara, Turkey. Ms. MacPherson Can has been working as a classroom teacher since 2011 and PYP Coordinator since 2013 at IDBEC. Previously she worked as lower primary classroom teacher in Egypt, Qatar, and China. 62 Samedi 18 octobre Conférencière invitée Robin Ann Martin Coconférencière Alanna MacPherson Can, étudiante de deuxième cycle universitaire Le perfectionnement professionnel des enseignants dans des cultures d’ici et d’ailleurs : étude de cas Résumé Il existe, au niveau du perfectionnement professionnel des enseignants travaillant dans un contexte d’éducation internationale, un défi allant de pair avec celui auxquelles les écoles internationales sont confrontées. Ce défi consiste à s’accommoder, voire à tirer parti, des expériences diverses et variées qu’ont les enseignants en termes de parcours linguistique, professionnel et culturel. En 2014, l’établissement où je travaille a décidé d’aborder cette question de front par le biais d’un cours de maîtrise portant sur les programmes d’études dans un contexte international. Ce cours était en partie donné par vidéo conférence, ce qui présentait une première difficulté, mais le véritable enjeu consistait à créer des activités ouvertes et à provoquer des échanges amenant les enseignants à se confronter à des expériences variées ainsi qu’à des niveaux d’anglais divers. Il est important de souligner que les différences culturelles étaient nombreuses, puisque le groupe était composé d’enseignants locaux ou nationaux originaires de Turquie et du 63 nord de l’Irak (avec des identités kurdes et turkmènes) ainsi que d’enseignants expatriés venus de Syrie, d’Angleterre, du Canada, des États-Unis, des Philippines et de Thaïlande. Cette présentation proposera une analyse des forums Moodle utilisés, des travaux demandés aux participants et des projets intermédiaires qui ont nécessité une collaboration entre et parmi les différentes cultures. Grâce à l’une des participantes qui a choisi cette étude de cas comme projet intermédiaire, nous pourrons notamment aborder les questions de recherche suivantes : 1) En quoi le niveau d’anglais des participants a-t-il influencé leur implication dans le cours ? 2) Comment les niveaux d’expérience divers des participants en termes d’enseignement ont-ils contribué à un apprentissage coopératif ? 3) Quelles différences culturelles ont été identifiées par les participants ? 4) En quoi pouvons-nous tirer parti des différences culturelles pour améliorer la formation des enseignants et leur participation à l’élaboration des cours de demain ? Profil Robin Ann Martin Robin Ann Martin est maître de conférences à la Bilkent University Graduate School of Education à Ankara en Turquie. Elle est actuellement impliquée dans l’enseignement de cours généraux sur les programmes d’études et l’enseignement destinés aux étudiants de deuxième cycle universitaire en formation initiale ou continue. Au sein de sa faculté, elle coordonne depuis 2010 le certificat de l’IB en enseignement et apprentissage destiné aux enseignants en formation initiale. De 2006 à 2009, elle a travaillé avec des enseignants d’anglais langue étrangère stagiaires dans une université privée du Sultanat d’Oman. Elle est titulaire d’un doctorat en programmes d’études et enseignement de l’Iowa State University et d’une maîtrise en psychologie éducationnelle de l’University of Iowa. Aux États-Unis, elle a été tour à tour enseignante, tutrice, chercheuse et membre de la direction dans des établissements privés de petite taille situés en Californie, dans l’Oregon et dans l’État de Washington. Alanna MacPherson Can, étudiante de deuxième cycle universitaire Alanna MacPherson Can exerce la fonction de coordonnatrice du PP au Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent Erbil College (IDBEC) à Erbil, en Iraq. Elle suit actuellement le master spécialisé en programmes d’études et enseignement proposé par la Bilkent Graduate School of Education à Ankara en Turquie. Alanna MacPherson Can travaille à l’IDBEC en tant qu’enseignante titulaire depuis 2011 et en qualité de coordonnatrice du PP depuis 2013. Elle avait auparavant occupé des postes d’enseignante titulaire dans des établissements de premier cycle secondaire en Égypte, au Qatar et en Chine. 64 Sábado 18 de octubre Oradora destacada Dra. Robin Ann Martin Copresentadora Alanna MacPherson Can La formación de profesores de culturas diferentes: caso práctico Resumen Uno de los desafíos típicos de la formación de profesores para la educación internacional tiene un claro paralelismo con un desafío al que se enfrentan los colegios internacionales: descubrir cómo abordar e incluso aprovechar las experiencias dispares de los profesores en lo que respecta a sus circunstancias lingüísticas, profesionales y culturales. En 2014 decidimos agarrar el toro por las astas y tratar este tema en una asignatura de máster llamada "El currículo en un contexto internacional". Las primeras dificultades para impartir el curso surgieron con las videoconferencias, pero la labor más ardua consistió en la creación de actividades y debates abiertos que facilitaran la participación de profesores con muy distintos niveles de experiencia y fluidez lingüística en inglés. Lo más destacable fueron las diferencias culturales, ya que tuvimos profesores de Turquía y el norte de Iraq (de identidad 65 kurda y turcomana) junto a profesores expatriados de Siria, Inglaterra, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Filipinas y Tailandia. En esta presentación se analizarán los foros de Moodle, las presentaciones de los alumnos y los proyectos con los que se consiguió la colaboración entre las diferentes culturas. En particular, gracias a la ayuda prestada por una de las participantes en la asignatura, que eligió este estudio de caso para su proyecto, abordaremos las siguientes preguntas de indagación: (1) ¿Hasta qué punto influyó el nivel de inglés de los alumnos en su participación en la asignatura? (2) ¿Cómo contribuyó el variado nivel de experiencia pedagógica de los participantes a su aprendizaje colaborativo? (3) ¿Qué diferencias culturales observaron los participantes? (4) ¿Cómo pueden aprovecharse plenamente las diferencias culturales para aumentar el aprendizaje y la participación de los profesores en el diseño de futuros cursos? Perfil de las oradoras Dra. Robin Ann Martin Robin Ann Martin trabaja de profesora adjunta de la facultad de educación de la Bilkent University de Ankara (Turquía). Actualmente imparte cursos generales de máster sobre currículo y enseñanza para docentes en ejercicio y en formación. Desde 2010 es coordinadora en la universidad del Certificado del IB de enseñanza-aprendizaje para docentes en formación. Entre 2006 y 2009 trabajó con docentes en formación de inglés como lengua extranjera en una universidad privada de Omán. Obtuvo su doctorado en currículo y enseñanza en la Iowa State University y su máster en psicología educativa en la Universidad de Iowa. En EE. UU. ha trabajado como profesora, tutora, directiva e investigadora de varios colegios privados de California, Oregón y Washington. Alanna MacPherson Can Alanna MacPherson Can es la coordinadora del PEP en el colegio Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent Erbil College (IDBEC) de Erbil (Iraq). Actualmente estudia en el Máster de Currículo y Enseñanza en la facultad de educación de la Bilkent University de Ankara (Turquía). Alanna MacPherson Can trabaja como profesora desde 2011, y como coordinadora del PEP desde 2013 en IDBEC. Anteriormente trabajó como profesora de la primera etapa de primaria en Egipto, Qatar y China. 66 Saturday 18 October Featured Speaker Cristóbal Cobo Ph.D Hacking education: what if the traditional knowledge currencies are not enough? Synopsis This presentation, based on a set of international research, aims to challenge some of the taken-for-granted assumptions that exist on education. We will explore how alternatives knowledge currencies as well as more flexible mechanisms of skills recognition need to be included into the formal education. Some of the questions to be explored are: Are schools doing enough to embrace 67 expanded learning? What alternative tools for knowledge recognition can be adopted in the digital era? Can creativity be assessed? How will these new currencies affect our teaching and learning practices? How can we provide an education that remains meaningful beyond graduation? How should we rethink education in the 21st century? Profile Cristóbal Cobo (Ph.D) is a research fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, where he coordinates research on innovation, open knowledge initiatives and future of learning research projects. Currently he works on Internet Science and OportUnidad project (funded by European Commission). Cristóbal has been a Visiting Fellow at the Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance, University of Oxford and Professor and director of Communication and New Technologies and editor of the educational platform of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences , Mexico. External Evaluator for National Science Foundation and MIT Press (US), International Labour Organization (UN), International Development Research Centre (Canada). Invited Expert for RAND EU in future trends on technology and education commissioned by the Bureau of European Policy Advisors (BEPA). Dr Cobo currently serves on the board of the Global Open Educational Resource (OER) Graduate Network. 68 Samedi 18 octobre Conférencier invité Cristóbal Cobo Métamorphoser l’éducation – Et si les formules traditionnelles d’acquisition des connaissances ne suffisaient plus ? Résumé Cette présentation, qui repose sur un ensemble de recherches internationales, s’attache à remettre en question certains présupposés en matière d’éducation qui sont fermement ancrés dans les esprits. Nous nous pencherons sur la nécessité d’intégrer dans l’éducation formelle de nouvelles formules d’acquisition des connaissances ainsi que des mécanismes plus souples propices à la reconnaissance des compétences. Différentes questions méritent ainsi une attention particulière : les établissements scolaires déploient-ils suffisamment d’efforts pour promouvoir 69 l’apprentissage élargi ? Quels autres outils de reconnaissance des acquis peut-on adopter dans l’ère numérique ? La créativité peut-elle faire l’objet d’une évaluation ? Quelles répercussions ces nouvelles formules auront-elles sur nos stratégies d’enseignement et d’apprentissage ? Comment pouvonsnous proposer un enseignement dont l’intérêt ne se limite pas à la réussite aux examens ? De quelle manière devons-nous procéder pour repenser l’éducation au XXIe siècle ? Profil Titulaire d’un doctorat, Cristóbal Cobo est un chercheur rattaché à l’Oxford Internet Institute, au sein de l’université d’Oxford. À ce titre, il coordonne les recherches sur l’innovation, les initiatives consacrées au savoir libre, ainsi que les projets de recherche dédiés à l’avenir de l’apprentissage. Il participe actuellement aux projets « Networks of Excellence in Internet Science » et « OportUnidad », tous deux mis en place par la Commission européenne. Cristóbal Cobo est titulaire d’une bourse de recherche au Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance de l’université d’Oxford. Il exerce également plusieurs fonctions au sein de la Faculté latinoaméricaine de sciences sociales, au Mexique, en tant que professeur et directeur des communications et des nouvelles technologies d’une part, et en tant qu’éditeur de la plateforme d’enseignement d’autre part. Il travaille par ailleurs en tant qu’évaluateur externe pour le compte de la National Science Foundation et de MIT Press (États-Unis), de l’Organisation internationale du Travail (ONU) et du Centre de recherches pour le développement international (Canada). À la demande du Bureau des Conseillers de Politique européenne (BEPA), il collabore avec RAND Europe pour définir les futures tendances en matière de technologie et d’enseignement en tant qu’expert invité. Cristóbal Cobo siège actuellement au conseil d’administration du Global Open Educational Resource (OER) Graduate Network (réseau des diplômés régi par la Chaire UNESCO dédiée aux ressources éducatives ouvertes). 70 Sábado 18 de octubre Orador destacado Cristóbal Cobo Adentrarse en la educación: ¿y si los tipos tradicionales de conocimiento no son suficiente? Resumen Esta presentación, basada en un conjunto de investigaciones internacionales, aspira a cuestionar algunos de los supuestos aceptados que existen sobre educación. Exploraremos cómo se tienen que introducir en la educación formal herramientas de conocimiento alternativas, así como mecanismos más flexibles de reconocimiento de destrezas. Algunas de las preguntas que se explorarán son: ¿Los colegios hacen lo suficiente para fomentar un aprendizaje ampliado? ¿Qué otras herramientas de reconocimiento de aprendizaje se pueden 71 adoptar en la era digital? ¿Puede evaluarse la creatividad? ¿Cómo afectarán estas nuevas modalidades a nuestras prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje? ¿Cómo podemos ofrecer una educación que siga siendo significativa para los alumnos después de su graduación? ¿Cómo debemos replantearnos la educación en el siglo XXI? Perfil del orador Cristóbal Cobo es investigador asociado del Oxford Internet Institute de la Universidad de Oxford, donde coordina proyectos de investigación sobre innovación, iniciativas de conocimiento abierto y el futuro del aprendizaje. Actualmente trabaja en Network of Excellence in Internet Science y el proyecto OportUnidad (financiados por la Comisión Europea). Ha sido investigador visitante en el Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance de la Universidad de Oxford; profesor y director de Comunicación y Nuevas Tecnologías y editor de la plataforma educativa de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (México); evaluador externo de la National Science Foundation and MIT Press (EE. UU.), la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (ONU) y el International Development Research Centre (Canadá); y experto invitado para RAND EU en tendencias futuras sobre tecnología y educación encargado por la Bureau of European Policy Advisors (BEPA). Actualmente es miembro del consejo de Global Open Educational Resource (OER) Graduate Network. 72 Sunday 19 October Featured Speaker Dinos Aristidou Knowing me, knowing you; Experiential learning, empathy and the art of reflection Synopsis We reflect in order to learn and we learn by reflecting. Reflection is the bridge between internal and external experiences that leads to deep learning. But what exactly do we mean by reflection and why is it so important, particularly in an international programme? Is it a moving river in which we catch glimpses of ourselves or is it a mirror that we hold up to frame our world? Reflection is a complex concept and a challenging skill for children and young people and yet it is a key skill required by many programmes. Without it, experiential and contextual learning run the risk of being superficial. Without it, understanding both self and an 'other' becomes impossible. It is an essential component of emotional intelligence and empathetic action, a way to capture our fluid identities and to make sense of our personal, social 73 and global interactions. There is, however, a fundamental difference between the act of reflection and the different modes of representing and recording reflection. This presentation will examine the role reflection plays in meaning making and learning through metaphor as well as delving into the multi faceted nature and art of representing reflection, which though required, is often not explicitly taught. Using elements of the presenter's work as a playwright, the art of meaning making and giving voice to self and others will engage participants from all subject areas with practical strategies for developing effective reflection required for meaningful affective, cognitive and somatic teaching and learning. Participants are required to bring pen and paper or any other device for the recording of text. Profile Dinos Aristidou is a playwright, director and education consultant who specialises in working with educators, communities and young people, both in the UK and internationally. He is a workshop leader, examiner and consultant for the IB and has taught on the post graduate Arts Management Diploma at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. He is also an Artsmark validator and trainer for Trinity College, London. He has worked for a number of organisations in the UK, directing large scale work with young people for Birmingham Royal Ballet as artistic director of a new ballet with over 80 young people. He has also worked with UCAN, training blind young people to be workshop leaders and facilitators. As Development Officer for Children and Young People and Creative Learning Programme Manager at the Arts Council of England, South East, he has contributed to cultural policy and learning initiatives in the UK. His research and interest in cultural memory, experiential and contextual learning has led to the development of site learning programmes at the SEARCH museum in Gosport, the American Museum of Natural History, New York and the British Museum, London. In 2012 he was commissioned to write a play as part of the 2012 Cultural Olympiad for the South East. He is at present working on a commissioned play for production in spring 2015 and is running a two year programme developing young writers 16-25. He is a part of the artistic team and a board member of the International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA). 74 Dimanche 19 octobre Conférencier invité Dinos Aristidou Se connaître soi-même et connaître les autres – l’apprentissage expérientiel, l’empathie et l’art de la réflexion Résumé C’est pour apprendre que nous opérons un travail de réflexion, et c’est par la réflexion que passe l’apprentissage. Le travail de réflexion est une passerelle entre nos expériences intériorisées et externalisées qui permet d’approfondir l’apprentissage. Mais qu’entendons-nous au juste par « travail de réflexion » et pourquoi est-il si important, en particulier dans le cadre d’un programme international ? S’apparente-t-il plutôt à un cours d’eau qui nous renvoie des fragments de notre image, ou est-il comme un miroir que nous tendons devant nous afin de capturer le monde ? Pour les enfants et les jeunes, le travail de réflexion représente un concept complexe et une compétence difficile à acquérir. Pourtant, il s’agit d’une capacité essentielle, exigée par de nombreux programmes. Sans elle, l’apprentissage expérientiel et contextuel peut rester superficiel. Sans elle, se comprendre soimême et comprendre l’autre devient impossible. La réflexion est une composante indispensable de l’intelligence émotionnelle et des actes d’empathie envers autrui. 75 Elle nous permet de capter la mouvance de nos identités et de mieux comprendre nos interactions à l’échelle personnelle, sociale et mondiale. Il existe cependant une distinction fondamentale entre la réflexion en tant qu’acte et les différentes modalités de représentation et de consignation de la réflexion. Cette présentation viendra examiner le rôle que joue le travail de réflexion dans la création de sens et dans l’apprentissage par la métaphore. Elle se penchera également sur la nature multiple de la réflexion et sur l’art de représenter le travail de réflexion qui, bien qu’il soit souvent exigé, n’est souvent pas enseigné de manière explicite. La présentation s’appuiera sur des éléments du travail de dramaturgie du conférencier et abordera la création de sens ainsi que la capacité à se donner la parole et à donner la parole à autrui. Elle invitera les participants, quelles que soient les matières qu’ils enseignent, à envisager des stratégies concrètes permettant de développer une réflexion efficace – celle-là même qui leur servira à donner du sens à l’enseignement et à l’apprentissage affectifs, cognitifs et somatiques. Il est demandé aux participants de se munir de quoi écrire et de prendre des notes pendant la présentation. Profil Dinos Aristidou est dramaturge, directeur de théâtre et consultant en éducation. Spécialisé dans le travail avec les éducateurs, les communautés et les jeunes, il mène des projets au Royaume-Uni et dans le monde entier. Il travaille pour l’IB en tant qu’animateur d’atelier, examinateur et consultant, et a enseigné dans le cadre du certificat d’études supérieures en gestion artistique du Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Il est également validateur et formateur du programme Artsmark pour le Trinity College à Londres. Il travaille pour plusieurs organismes au Royaume-Uni, et a notamment été directeur artistique d’une production inédite pour le Royal Ballet de Birmingham qui a impliqué plus de 80 jeunes. Il est également impliqué dans des projets auprès d’UCAN visant à former de jeunes aveugles aux rôles d’animateurs d’atelier et de médiateurs. Au Royaume-Uni, Dinos Aristidou a contribué à plusieurs initiatives sur l’apprentissage et liées à la politique culturelle en tant qu’expert-conseil en développement pour la branche enfance et jeunesse du ministère de l’Éducation, et en qualité de responsable du programme apprentissage et créativité du Conseil des arts du sud-est de l’Angleterre. Il se passionne pour les domaines de la mémoire culturelle et de l’apprentissage expérientiel et contextuel, et ses recherches l’ont conduit à développer des programmes d’apprentissage spécifiques pour le musée SEARCH de Gosport et le British Museum à Londres, ainsi que pour le musée américain d’histoire naturelle de New York. En 2012, il a été invité à écrire une pièce de théâtre dans le cadre des olympiades culturelles 2012 du sudest de l’Angleterre. Actuellement, il travaille sur une commande dont la production est prévue pour le printemps 2015 et il gère un programme sur deux ans visant à développer le talent de jeunes écrivains âgés de 16 à 25 ans. Il fait partie de l’équipe artistique de l’association de théâtre des écoles internationales (ISTA, International Schools Theatre Association), dont il est également membre du conseil d’administration. 76 Sábado 19 de octubre Orador destacado Dinos Aristidou Conocerse a sí mismo y a los demás: aprendizaje experiencial, empatía y el arte de la reflexión Resumen Reflexionamos para aprender y aprendemos reflexionando. La reflexión es ese puente entre las experiencias internas y las externas que nos conduce al aprendizaje profundo. Pero, ¿exactamente a qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de la reflexión y por qué es una habilidad tan importante, especialmente para los programas educativos internacionales? ¿Se trata de un río en movimiento en el que divisamos nuestro reflejo o es más bien un espejo que usamos para encuadrar nuestro mundo? La reflexión es un concepto complejo y una habilidad difícil de desarrollar para niños y jóvenes. No obstante, es una de las habilidades principales de muchos programas. Sin ella, el aprendizaje experiencial y contextual correrían el riesgo de quedarse en un plano superficial. Sin ella, resulta imposible entenderse a uno mismo y entender a los demás. Se trata de un elemento esencial de la inteligencia emocional y la acción 77 empática, una forma de capturar nuestras fluidas identidades y darles sentido a nuestras interacciones personales, sociales y globales. Existe, sin embargo, una diferencia fundamental entre la acción de reflexionar y las diferentes formas de representar y registrar la reflexión. En esta presentación se estudiará el papel que desempeña la reflexión en la construcción de significado y el aprendizaje a través de metáforas, y se ahondará en la polifacética naturaleza y arte de representar la reflexión: algo que se exige pero que no suele enseñarse explícitamente. Utilizando algunos elementos de la obra teatral del ponente, el arte de la construcción de significado y la expresión personal y ajena, los asistentes a esta sesión, independientemente de su área disciplinaria, aprenderán estrategias prácticas para desarrollar la reflexión eficaz que se necesita para una enseñanza y aprendizaje significativos desde el punto de vista afectivo, cognitivo y somático. Se ruega a los participantes que traigan papel y bolígrafo o algún dispositivo para poder anotar textos. Perfil del orador Dinos Aristidou es dramaturgo, director y asesor educativo que se especializa en el trabajo con educadores, comunidades y jóvenes, en el Reino Unido y en otros países. Trabaja como responsable de taller, examinador y asesor del IB y ha impartido clases en el diploma de posgrado de gestión artística del Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Además, es evaluador de Artsmark (programa principal del Consejo de las Artes de Inglaterra) y docente del Trinity College (Londres). Ha trabajado para varias organizaciones británicas y ha dirigido grandes producciones juveniles para el Birmingham Royal Ballet en calidad de director artístico de un nuevo ballet con más de 80 jóvenes. También ha colaborado con UCAN, una cooperativa artística, formando a jóvenes ciegos para que se conviertan en responsables y facilitadores de talleres. En su trabajo de director de desarrollo para niños y jóvenes y director de programas educativos creativos del Consejo de las Artes de Inglaterra (sección sureste), ha contribuido a la política cultural y a iniciativas educativas del Reino Unido. Su investigación e interés personal en los campos de la memoria cultural, el aprendizaje experiencial y el aprendizaje contextual han traído consigo la creación de programas educativos internos en el museo SEARCH de Gosport (Reino Unido), el Museo americano de historia natural (Nueva York) y el Museo británico (Londres). En 2012 recibió el encargo de escribir una obra de teatro para la Olimpiada cultural del sureste de Inglaterra de 2012. Actualmente está trabajando en una obra bajo encargo que se producirá en la primavera de 2015 y también gestiona un programa de dos años de duración para formar a jóvenes escritores de 16 a 25 años. Además, Aristidou es miembro del equipo artístico y la junta directiva de la Asociación teatral de colegios internacionales (ISTA, por sus siglas en inglés). 78 Sunday 19 October Featured Speaker Dr. Fran Martin Ways of knowing: the place of cultural knowledge in developing intercultural understanding and respect Synopsis In this session, Dr. Fran Martin proposes an expanded view of culture that goes beyond race, ethnicity and nationality, and a pedagogy that is founded on ways of knowing that are multiple, relational and fluid. She will draw on an online learning resource, 'Frameworks for Intercultural Learning',(www.gpml.org.uk) that has been created using the outcomes of a recent research project and meets the demands of two IB units - global learning and ways of knowing. Central to intercultural learning are the relationships between those in conversation. The aim is to understand these relationships by exploring two alternative ways of being and knowing, each of which will be used as a lens for understanding 79 how the concepts of cultural similarity and difference are constructed: objectbased and relational. The first describes a relationship between the self (the knower) that is separate from the object (the known); the second focuses on the space between the self and the other where knowledge is co-created through the relationship. Both are important ways of knowing and being, but in the Western world, the object-based tradition dominates and through the processes of neoliberalism there is a danger that it is coming to dominate on a global scale – and Dr. Martin argues that this is detrimental to developing intercultural understanding and respect. Profile Dr. Fran Martin started her career as a primary school teacher in 1980. She taught in primary schools for thirteen years, and for three years as an advisory teacher for primary history and geography education before entering into the university sector in 1993. Since then she has worked in three universities in Initial Teacher Education, specialising in geography, environmental studies, and global citizenship education. In 2011-2012, Dr. Martin was president of the Geographical Association in England; the theme for the year was Geographies of Difference. This drew on her research interests in ethno-geographies, ethno-knowledges, global partnerships and critical intercultural learning. She was a principal investigator for an Economic and Social Research Council project, 'Global Partnerships as Sites for Mutual Learning'. A major outcome of the project has been deeper understanding of what it is possible to learn from intercultural interactions. This is profoundly affected by not only the socio-cultural-historical backgrounds of those in conversation, but also the ways of knowing of different societies. Currently Dr. Fran Martin is working on a book, Transforming Intercultural Learning: Learning to live with difference. 80 Dimanche 19 octobre Conférencière invitée Fran Martin Modes de la connaissance : la place des connaissances culturelles dans le développement de la compréhension et du respect interculturels Résumé Au cours de cette session, Fran Martin proposera une vision de la culture dépassant largement les notions de race, d’ethnicité et de nationalité, ainsi qu’une pédagogie fondée sur des modes de la connaissance multiples, relationnels et fluides. Elle s’appuiera sur des ressources d’apprentissage disponibles en ligne (sur www.gpml.org.uk, site disponible en anglais) qui fournissent des cadres pour l’apprentissage interculturel. Ces ressources, qui ont été créées à partir des résultats d’un projet de recherche récent, répondent aux exigences de deux domaines spécifiques à l’IB : l’apprentissage à l’échelle mondiale et les modes de la connaissance. Les liens qui existent entre des individus qui participent à une conversation sont le noyau de l’apprentissage interculturel. L’objectif est de comprendre ces liens ou relations en étudiant deux modes d’existence et 81 de connaissance distincts (pouvant agir chacun comme un prisme qui nous aidera à comprendre comment les concepts de différence et de ressemblance culturelles se construisent) : le premier fondé sur le rapport sujet-objet, le second sur la relation à l’autre. Le premier mode décrit une relation entre « je » (sujet connaissant) séparé de l’objet (ce qui est connu). Le second porte sur l’espace entre « je » et l’autre, où la connaissance se crée conjointement, à travers la relation établie. Ces deux aspects constituent des modes importants de connaissance et d’existence. Cependant, dans le monde occidental, c’est la tradition du rapport sujet-objet qui domine, et, en raison des avancées du néolibéralisme, il existe un risque que ce mode devienne prééminent à l’échelle mondiale. Fran Martin défend la thèse selon laquelle une telle situation serait néfaste au développement du respect et de la compréhension interculturelles. Profil Fran Martin a débuté sa carrière dans l’éducation en 1980 en tant qu’enseignante de classes primaires. Après avoir enseigné une douzaine d’années dans des établissements primaires et occupé la fonction d’enseignante consultative pour l’histoire et la géographie au niveau primaire, elle a intégré l’enseignement supérieur en 1993. Depuis lors, elle a travaillé dans trois universités dans le domaine de la formation des enseignants. Elle est spécialisée dans les domaines de la géographie, des études de l’environnement et des études civiques internationales. Fran Martin a présidé l’association géographique d’Angleterre en 2011 – 2012. Le thème de travail de l’association cette année-là était les géographies des différences, un thème directement lié à ses domaines de recherche de prédilection : l’ethnogéographie, les ethno-connaissances, les partenariats mondiaux et l’apprentissage interculturel critique. Elle a par ailleurs été l’un des principaux chercheurs à la tête d’un projet du conseil britannique de recherche économique et sociale sur le thème des partenariats mondiaux en tant que terrains d’apprentissage réciproque. L’un des principaux aboutissements du projet a été celui de mieux comprendre les possibilités d’apprentissage résultant des interactions interculturelles. Ce potentiel est profondément influencé non seulement par les origines sociales, culturelles et historiques des participants mais aussi par les modes de connaissance des différentes sociétés. Fran Martin travaille actuellement à l’écriture d’un ouvrage sur la transformation de l’apprentissage interculturel et la tolérance des différences (Transforming Intercultural Learning: Learning to live with difference). 82 Sábado 19 de octubre Oradora destacada Dra. Fran Martin Formas de conocimiento: el papel del conocimiento cultural en el desarrollo del entendimiento y el respeto intercultural Resumen En esta sesión, Fran Martin nos propone una visión de la cultura más amplia de lo habitual, que sobrepasa los límites de raza, etnia y nacionalidad, así como una pedagogía basada en las formas de conocimiento, que son múltiples, relacionales y fluidas. Se basará en un recurso didáctico en línea, Frameworks for Intercultural Learning (www.gpml.org. uk), que se creó utilizando los resultados de un proyecto de investigación reciente y que cumple los requisitos de dos unidades del IB: aprendizaje global y formas de conocimiento. Las relaciones entre los interlocutores son el núcleo del aprendizaje intercultural. El objetivo de la sesión consiste en comprender estas relaciones mediante el análisis de dos formas alternativas de ser y conocer, cada una de las cuales 83 se usará para comprender cómo se interpretan los conceptos de similitud y diferencia culturales: la basada en objetos y la relacional. La primera describe una relación entre el yo (el actor del conocimiento) y un objeto separado de él (lo conocido); la segunda se centra en el espacio que existe entre el yo y el otro, en el que, a través de la relación, se crea conjuntamente el conocimiento. Ambas formas de ser y conocer son importantes pero, en el mundo occidental, predomina la tradición basada en el objeto y, con los procesos del neoliberalismo, existe el peligro de que esta tradición llegue a ser la predominante a nivel mundial. Según Fran Martin, esta posibilidad iría en detrimento del desarrollo del entendimiento y el respeto interculturales. Perfil de la oradora Fran Martin comenzó su carrera como profesora de educación primaria en 1980. Dio clase en colegios de primaria durante trece años y fue profesora asesora de historia y geografía en la educación primaria durante tres años, antes de adentrarse en el sector universitario en 1993. Desde entonces, ha trabajado en tres universidades en el campo de la formación inicial de docentes, especializándose en la enseñanza de geografía, estudios ambientales y ciudadanía global. En 20112012, cuando Fran Martin era presidenta de la Asociación geográfica de Inglaterra, el tema anual de la asociación fue "Las geografías de la diferencia". Esta elección surgió de su investigación en el ámbito de las etnografías, los etnoconocimientos, las asociaciones globales y el aprendizaje intercultural crítico. Fue una de las investigadoras principales de un proyecto del Consejo de Investigación Económica y Social titulado "Las asociaciones globales como centro de aprendizaje mutuo". Uno de los resultados más importantes del proyecto fue una mejor comprensión de lo que puede aprenderse de las interacciones interculturales. Estas se ven claramente afectadas no solo por el contexto social, cultural e histórico de los interlocutores, sino también por las formas de conocimiento de las diferentes sociedades. Actualmente Fran Martin está escribiendo un libro titulado Transforming Intercultural Learning: Learning to live with difference. 84 PRE-CONFERENCE THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER PRE-CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 08:00 - 10:00 PRE-CONFERENCE WELCOME 10:00 - 10:30 PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS 10.30 - 12:00 LUNCH & EXHIBITION 12:00 - 13:00 PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS 13:00 - 14:30 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 14:30 - 14:45 PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS 14:45 - 15:45 OVERVIEW THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER REGIONAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 14:00 - 17:00 CONFERENCE OPENING AND PLENARY: DR. YONG ZHAO | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 17:00 - 19:00 85 KEY WELCOME RECEPTION 19:00 - 20:30 ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC OVERVIEW FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER REGIONAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 08:00 - 08:45 BRAMANTE 6 History and Memory: Deeper connections for TOK instruction Using the Design Cycle to teach robotics through cooperative learning BRAMANTE 10 BRAMANTE 11 BRAMANTE 12 MYP eAssessment developments Drop In to visit the IBEN team BRAMANTE 1 BRAMANTE 2 BRAMANTE 3 Nadeem Memon Helen Jeffery, Kimberley McDonald, Jill Shadbolt, Joseph Hamkari Richard Penrose, Robert Harrison CONTINUUM Marta Soriano Cuba, María de Carmen Castillo Cubero, Mercedes Blasco Peña Gerard Calnin CONTINUUM Desarrollar la Inteligencia Emocional a través de los atributos en EI HEADS CONTINUUM Mapping skills across the IB Continuum HEADS CONTINUUM Matt James Dominic Robeau, Mike Worth, Cathryn Berger Kaye, Chantell Wyten, Concepción Allende-Urbieta, Conan de Wilde HEADS CONTINUUM Just-in-time rather than just-in-case: Informal and social learning for teachers Bringing the IBCC core to life Centring Arab culture and heritage in the IB curriculum: A Dubai case study - CANCELLED Angela Riviere Adrian Kearney Ruairidh MacKenzie Leading through capacity building Pedro Pozo IB strategy and engagement in Africa, Europe and Middle East Fiona Clark, Katrin Fox, Concepcion Allende-Urbieta BRAMANTE 14 Kathleen Naglee Engagement in the Extended Essay: the role of reflection BRAMANTE 5 Indigenous knowledge systems and crossing epistomological boundaries in education BRAMANTE 9 David Clapp, 3 IB DP Students BRAMANTE 7 Scientific creativity live BRAMANTE 8 Branka Sreckovic Minic Working through the five-year self-evaluation James Swetz, Melanie Swetz BRAMANTE 15 BERNINI 4 BERNINI 3 Successful IB DP Online Learning as a new 'Way of Knowing' How do we know we are internationally-minded in a national school? SESSION ONE 10:15 - 11:15 BERNINI 2 Christine Orkisz Lang, Anika Sommer HEADS BERNINI 1 Inquiry-based primary mathematics curriculum development HEADS CONTINUUM TINTORETTO 1 PLENARY: PROFESSOR ANDREAS SCHLEICHER | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 08:45 - 10:00 Anne Olde Loohuis, Camelia Kazemi KEY COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 11:15 - 11:45 ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 86 Different Ways of Knowing in the classroom: The effect on teaching and learning Understanding student potential and performance monitoring for the IB Diploma Rebecca Hamer Stephen Burke, Jamie Scott 87 KEY LUNCH & EXHIBITION 12:45 - 14:15 ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC The future of online learning The concept of concepts Bringing TOK into the student's preparation for the Extended Essay Teaching, learning and assessing for understanding across the IB Continuum HEADS University application strategies for IB coordinators and counsellors Chris Drew CONTINUUM HEADS Alexandra Holland, Naheed Bardai CONTINUUM HEADS Graham Ranger, Fidelis Nthenge Elizabeth Swanson, Patricia Deo Denise Perrault, Paul Gallagher CONTINUUM HEADS Alex Klaiss Janice Dennis, Michael Perry, Rebecca Hawtin-Russell John Cannings, Thomas Brodie Louis Marchesano, Christopher Overhoff CONTINUUM Andrew Atkinson, Pamela Bender, Erin Albright BRAMANTE 6 New School Enhancement Services for for IB World Schools in 2014 BRAMANTE 7 Jenny Gillet BRAMANTE 8 Demistifying TOK (for coordinators and non-TOK teachers) BRAMANTE 9 Nuria Miró, Monika Horch, Juan AntonioFernández-Arévalo BRAMANTE 10 Metodología de aprendizaje orientada al servicio y basada en proyectos CONTINUUM DIRECTORES DE COLEGIO Vani Veikoso Twigg Using MYP assessment criteria to promote autonomy, mastery and purpose BRAMANTE 11 Teachers' practices, values and beliefs for inquiry-based teaching in the PYP Inter-cultural intelligence in schools BRAMANTE 12 Esmat Lamei, Iman Radwan Pluralism: A key challenge of the 21st Century - Kofi Annan BRAMANTE 14 J’entends et j’oublie. Je vois et je me rappelle. Je fais et je comprends Leading an effective evaluation: CIS/IB synchronised visits BRAMANTE 15 Karin Martin, James Brightman CONTINUUM Developing and supporting a multilingual learning community DIRECTEURS Carolyne Marshall, Kim Gration CONTINUUM HEADS BERNINI 1 BRAMANTE 1 BRAMANTE 2 Addressing student well-being: How every teacher can engage with PSPE BRAMANTE 4 BRAMANTE 3 FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER BRAMANTE 5 SESSION TWO 11:45 - 12:45 BERNINI 2 BERNINI 3 TINTORETTO 1 OVERVIEW BERNINI 2 BERNINI 1 TINTORETTO 1 Igniting the Mind One Article at a Time BRAMANTE 1 Language learning in an international context BRAMANTE 2 33 points to Oxford PhD: exploring the longitudinal value of the IB Diploma Programme BRAMANTE 3 Critical thinking and essay writing with rationale: Theory and practice BRAMANTE 4 Enhancing teaching & learning using effective assessment BRAMANTE 5 Building a powerful and integrated learning and communication platform for your school BRAMANTE 6 Making the IB Continuum happen: Effective systems for planning, assessment and reporting BERNINI 3 Creating the new IB public website ATL in the DP Dina Khalaf Angelica Nierras BRAMANTE 7 Clive Ungless, David Jepson BRAMANTE 8 Alison Chapman BRAMANTE 9 Timo ter Berg The future classroom: Why the digital textbook is becoming the preferred choice BRAMANTE 10 Emily Price Ensuring your school makes sweet music: How to strike the right note in school acoustics Measure, monitor, and motivate reading progress in your learners BRAMANTE 11 Brad Philpot Studying political sciences today Online IBDP Courses: what you need to know BRAMANTE 12 New York Times in Education Meet myON - Your intuitive digital library! BRAMANTE 14 Maria Löfgren Nicolai itsLearning Vincenzo Galasso Cristofer Gore Nicholas Johansson, Nadim Sherif Robin Theakston Lori Gully, Kawther Saa'd Aldin EXPO SESSIONS 13:40 - 14:10 The Association of Swedish IB Schools - ASIB FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER ASSOCIATION MEETING 13:40 - 14:10 IB World Schools Association in the United Arab Emirates BRAMANTE 15 OVERVIEW Matt Puddy Coles Wilkinson FOCUS GROUPS 13:40 - 14:10 Matthew Shaw KEY Jenny Gillet ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 88 OVERVIEW FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER PLENARY: CATHRYN BERGER KAYE M.A | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 14:15 - 15:15 89 BRAMANTE 6 BRAMANTE 7 The new venture in implementing the IB philosophy The Year of food: Mathematical thinking through meaningful contexts BRAMANTE 8 The future of programme evaluation Desarrollo de IB en España Renee Kennedy, Ursula Manners ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC CONTINUUM HEADS Deirdre Jennings HEADS CONTINUUM HEADS CONTINUUM Using field work to enhance our Ways of Knowing Peter Murphy David Burton, Damian Kerr, Barry Mansfield, Tim Logan, Jonathan James, Amber Herisson Learning across boundaries: The World Studies Extended Essay iPads in science classes - making a useful use of the technology! Exploring designerly ways of knowing Broadening the impact of IB programmes in Your School Angela Riviere Walter Gammon Andrew Mayes Heather Lapper, Shane Tastad CONTINUUM HEADS BRAMANTE 4 ATL: Teaching thinking tools & skills explicitly Angela Hopkins, Peter Fidczuk Knowing our students: Connecting student wellbeing and student learning HEADS BRAMANTE 3 Learning focussed data dashboards Ali Ezzeddine, Mariam Noureddine, Mais Taha Maripe Menéndez, José Varela BRAMANTE 11 BRAMANTE 2 IB recognition updates and developments - UK, US, Canada, Australia Carla Marschall Andrew Atkinson, Erin Albright BRAMANTE 12 BRAMANTE 1 Understand your own culture through mastering your mother tongue HEADS BERNINI 1 Involving students in curriculum evaluation BRAMANTE 5 Silvia Bettini Tima Alzaim, Sadeem Al-Kadi BRAMANTE 14 Terri Walker Jane Whittle BRAMANTE 15 Andrew Watson BRAMANTE 10 International-mindedness: How do we really know? BRAMANTE 9 TINTORETTO 1 BERNINI 3 What's in a review BERNINI 2 Ways of Knowing: Sustainable teaching for a sustainable world KEY SESSION THREE 15:45 - 16:45 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 15:15 - 15:45 BERNINI 3 BRAMANTE 9 BRAMANTE 10 Igniting the Mind One Article at a Time BRAMANTE 12 BRAMANTE 14 Naviance career and university readiness in a global society BRAMANTE 3 Darryl LaGace Luiss Using the professional community as a curriculum resource BRAMANTE 4 Brad Philpot Starting from scratch Prof. Daniele Gallo Steven Bates, Mike Betnun Charlotte Vale BRAMANTE 7 BERNINI 1 BRAMANTE 1 BRAMANTE 2 Nonrational Ways of Knowing in the history classroom Adriaan van der Bergh Oscar Van Nooijen IB teacher Professional Development: Russian practices Konstantin Bezukladnikov, Boris Kruze, Mikhail Novosyolov CONTINUUM HEADS Digital game-based learning: Get into the game! David Clapp CONTINUUM HEADS Creating science Conan de Wilde The DP Coordinator as pedagogical leader Fiona Clark, Katrin Fox, Concepcion Allende-Urbieta SESSION FOUR 16:45 - 17:15 Laura Wellesley CONTINUUM IB World Student ConferencesA university/IB partnership BRAMANTE 6 New York Times in Education HEADS BERNINI 2 You Have mobile devices.. Great, But.. Now what? Kees van Ruitenbeek EXPO SESSIONS 16:45 - 17:15 Language learning in an international context FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER ASSOCIATION MEETING 16:45 - 17:15 Association of Dutch IB World Schools - ADIB BRAMANTE 11 OVERVIEW KEY CONFERENCE EVENING DINNER AND ENTERTAINMENT ROME CAVALIERI WALDORF ASTORIA BUS TRANSPORT PROVIDED PLEASE SEE PAGE 157 18:30 - 23:45 ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 90 OVERVIEW SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER BRAMANTE 8 Illitaunikuliriniq: teaching/learning/assessing readiness skills Inquiry and language teaching: Embracing a conceptual shift BRAMANTE 9 Developing conceptual understanding BRAMANTE 10 Inclusive education in the IB: An update on current developments Integrating content and language learning Louise Banahene, Stuart Hodgson Alison McNulty, Ursula Manners KEY COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 11:15 - 11:45 91 BRAMANTE 12 IB and progression to Russell Group institutions Concepción Allende-Urbieta ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC BRAMANTE 14 Preparando la Auto-evaluación Quinquenal Anthony Tait, Jan Stipek BRAMANTE 15 BRAMANTE 1 Explore the world of IB Professional Development BRAMANTE 2 Robert Harrison Rachel French Jayne Pletser, Kala Parasuram Addressing Ways of Knowing through ICT teaching Farah Samhoun, Arsola Mouralli, Hadi Bou Hassan HEADS Adrian Kearney, Peter Murphy, Andrew Derry CONTINUUM HEADS Heads to Heads session HEADS Lorna Caputo, Kyle Hawkins Sonsoles Castellano, Nancy Wiest, Lisa Sheryl Westbrook HEADS Fernando Ramirez, Eduardo Cary Ena Peeva, Damian Kerr, Laura Wellesley HEADS BRAMANTE 6 BRAMANTE 7 Encouraging creativity through music and movement Jaime Weiler, Katrina Englart BRAMANTE 11 i3e Inteligencia emocional en entornos escolares Placement and movement within language acquisition CONTINUUM HEADS BERNINI 1 Engaging Alumni through IB Alumni Network Ildiko Murray BRAMANTE 4 TIZIANO 1 Teacher collaboration for accreditation: A case study of evaluating the DP BRAMANTE 5 SESSION FIVE 10:15 - 11:15 BERNINI 2 BERNINI 3 TINTORETTO 1 PLENARY: PROFESSOR MICHAEL FULLAN | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 08:45 - 10:00 DP Assessment Forum Richard Penrose, Hayley Smith Are you interested in starting an IB programme at your school? 1 hour lecture style with audience Q&A Richard Henry, Heather Lapper, Marjolein Scheulerman From ways of knowing to the knowledge framework: Integrative strategies and TOK Ric Sims BRAMANTE 5 BRAMANTE 6 BRAMANTE 8 BRAMANTE 9 BRAMANTE 10 BRAMANTE 11 Facing the facts: Opportunities and challenges of online learning BRAMANTE 12 19 Years in the making: MYP projects BRAMANTE 14 BERNINI 3 BERNINI 2 Ways of Knowing: Rapport, meaning, reflection, and mastery A journey towards inclusion Conceptual thinking and transfer in the PYP Lama Kalash Catriona Tuimaka Angela Riviere, Dominic Robeau, Jenny Gillet, Liina Baardsen School authorization: Consultation and authorization stage BRAMANTE 2 BRAMANTE 3 What enables 'Great Learning' to take place? Towards a leadership culture that supports the IB Mission Roz Trudgon, Nick Lee, Sue Austin Ian Piper Sumaya Alyusuf Rebecca Naughton, Gretchen Bade Edward Lawless Danielle Veilleux Mary Donnellan, Caroline Brokvam HEADS IBEN workshop leaders sharing good practice BRAMANTE 4 Fidelis Nthenge, John Sauer, Margareth Harris, Katrin Fox Traci Salter, Martha Ross CONTINUUM HEADS Developments in the DP: A conversation with DP curriculum managers Shannon de Groot, Doug Sessions SESSION SIX 11:45 - 12:45 BERNINI 1 A way of knowing: International mindedness A bilingual education model school : Pros and challenges Pedro Párraga Marchal CONTINUUM TIZIANO 1 Ways of knowing who we are as global citizens Internet como fuente de recursos en el aula: hacia un nuevo enfoque metodológico Dorsaf Kouki CONTINUUM HEADS BRAMANTE 1 Professional Development past, present and future with the IB CONTINUUM Fatema Paretha An Integrated CAS project: Building the Mghira Disabled Center CONTINUUM HEADS Knowing what to question and questioning what we know SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER CONTINUUM HEADS TINTORETTO 1 OVERVIEW Sergio Pawel, Chris Charleson KEY LUNCH & EXHIBITION 12:45 - 14:15 ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 92 93 BERNINI 3 BERNINI 2 Middle East IB Association - MEIBA TINTORETTO 1 Meet myON - Your intuitive digital library! TINTORETTO 2 itsLearning BRAMANTE 1 For the good of our students: Enhancing collaboration between teachers & college counselors BRAMANTE 2 Critical thinking and essay writing with rationale: Theory and practice BRAMANTE 3 Enhancing teaching & learning using effective assessment BRAMANTE 4 Building a powerful and integrated learning and communication platform for your school BRAMANTE 5 Naviance career and university readiness in a global society BRAMANTE 6 Making the IB Continuum happen: Effective systems for planning, assessment and reporting TINTORETTO 1 Association of IB World Schools in Norway TINTORETTO 2 SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER Association of IB World Schools in East Africa Association of IB World Schools in Norway KEY ASSOCIATION MEETING 15:30 - 16:00 Adzo Ashie Clive Ungless Steven Bates, Mike Betnun Angelica Nierras Tor Øyvind Andersen Marius Sommer Strand ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC BRAMANTE 7 Alison Chapman BRAMANTE 8 Timo ter Berg BRAMANTE 9 Rosanna Montalbano Ensuring your school makes sweet music: How to strike the right note in school acoustics You have mobile devices.. Great, but.. now what? BRAMANTE 10 Coles Wilkinson The successful IB student: A testimonial from Universita Bocconi Technology in education: A blessing or a curse? LMS, digital textbooks & MOOCs simplified BRAMANTE 11 Matt Puddy What can we learn from the world's top performing mathematics curricula? BRAMANTE 12 Hana Kanan Online IBDP Courses: what you need to know BRAMANTE 14 EXPO SESSIONS / FOCUS GROUPS 13:40 -14:10 ASSOCIATION MEETING 13:40 - 14:10 OVERVIEW El Certificado de Estudios con Orientación Profesional del IB Barbara Prevosti Cristofer Gore Darryl LaGace Nicholas Johansson, Nadim Sherif Robin Theakston Lori Gully, Kawther Saa'd Aldin Concepcion Allende-Urbieta SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER FOCUS GROUPS 15:30 -16:00 BRAMANTE 12 OVERVIEW ATL in the DP Jenny Gillet FEATURED SPEAKERS: PROFESSOR MICHAEL FULLAN | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM DR. ROBIN ANN MARTIN | TIZIANO 2 CRISTOBAL COBO PH.D | TIZIANO 1 14:15 - 15:15 BRAMANTE 6 Knowing as young learners: The power of stories Gioko Anthony, Jonathon Marsh BRAMANTE 7 BRAMANTE 3 Infusing technology for early years literacy support Giovanna Rampone Give me 5. Engaging your students with creative design units Reflection in the IB Core BRAMANTE 8 BRAMANTE 1 BRAMANTE 2 Ways of knowing and the IB Curriculum: The journey of an Italian teacher Robin Press A festival of ideas: Independence, creativity and the Learner Profile Jesús Castillo Albalate, Cecilia Villavicencio John Cannings, Thomas Brodie Hadrian Briggs Birgitte Amina La Cour SESSION SEVEN 15:30 -16:00 When was the last time you climbed a mountain? BRAMANTE 4 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 15:15 - 15:30 KEY CARAVAGGIO LECTURE WITH MR. CLAUDIO STRINATI | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 15:30 - 16:00 ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 94 BRAMANTE 5 Continuum on experimentation: A plan for hands-on work BERNINI 3 Ways of Knowing in the Arts BRAMANTE 6 El libro, un poderoso recurso para el conocimiento BERNINI 2 Model UN and the IB MYP BRAMANTE 7 Global politics : The new kid on the DP block for 2015 BERNINI 1 Academic Honesty: Principles into practice BRAMANTE 8 Revealing the hidden side of Africa; by The Best of Both BRAMANTE 1 PYP Professional Development planning for schools and teachers BRAMANTE 9 Is faith Faith? BRAMANTE 2 High wires and safety nets BRAMANTE 10 DP Assessment Forum Mapping technology skills in the curriculum BRAMANTE 11 Service Learning across the continuum Harvard and MIT-style innovation for the 21st-Century High School BRAMANTE 12-14 The New TOK Course and the role of the Ways of Knowing Christina Haaf, Michael Bindon Angelika Kuster Sue Richards, John Sauer HEADS Celina Garza Thomas Bernard Kinane CONTINUUM HEADS Raija Johnson HEADS Andrew Derry César Prado Monica Azpilicueta, Maria de los Angeles Portela Liina Baardsen Anna McDermott, Berk Coymak, Alice Burchell Marc Starr Richard Penrose, Hayley Smith Repeat session Cathryn Berger Kaye CONTINUUM HEADS Michael Lynch CONTINUUM TINTORETTO 1 The applicability and impact of using the IB’s Learner Profiles as a framework for discussing bullying in the MYP BRAMANTE 3 SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER BRAMANTE 4 SESSION EIGHT 9:00 - 10:00 OVERVIEW Jenny Gillett FEATURED SPEAKERS: DR. FRAN MARTIN | TIZIANO 1 DINOS ARISTIDOU | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 10:00 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK & EXHIBITION 11:00 - 11:30 CLOSING PLENARY: PROFESSOR MARCUS DU SAUTOY | MICHELANGELO BALLROOM 11:30 - 13:15 LUNCH & EXHIBITION 13:15 - 14:15 95 KEY END OF THE AFRICA, EUROPE AND MIDDLE EAST REGIONAL CONFERENCE 14:15 ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC STRANDS STRANDS Workshops are categorized by strands which will allow participants to find areas of the conference programme in which they can find meaningful participation. These strands are created to provide guidance and to focus interests. The strands are categorized as followed: CREATIVITY CURRICULUM HIGHER EDUCATION LANGUAGE AND CULTURE LEADERSHIP TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH STRANDS Les ateliers de la conférence sont organisés par thèmes, afin d’aider les participants à identifier les domaines susceptibles de les intéresser dans le programme de la conférence. Ces thèmes ont été créés pour orienter les participants et regrouper les intérêts. Les thèmes de la conférence sont répertoriés ci-après : CRÉATIVITÉ PROGRAMME D’ÉTUDES ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR LANGUE ET CULTURE DIRECTION RECHERCHE TECHNOLOGIE ÁREAS TEMÁTICAS Los talleres están categorizados por áreas temáticas, lo que ayudará a los participantes a encontrar áreas del programa de la conferencia que les puedan resultar significativamente provechosas. Estas áreas temáticas se han creado para brindar orientación y especificar diversos intereses. Las áreas temáticas son las siguientes: CREATIVIDAD CURRÍCULO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR LENGUA Y CULTURA LIDERAZGO INVESTIGACIÓN TECNOLOGÍA 96 MY PLANNER PRE-CONFERENCE THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER PRE-CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 08:00 - 10:00 PRE-CONFERENCE WELCOME 10:00 - 10:30 PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS 10.30 - 15:45 CONFERENCE THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER REGIONAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 14:00 - 17:00 CONFERENCE OPENING AND PLENARY 17:00 - 19:00 WELCOME RECEPTION 19:00 - 20:30 CONFERENCE FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER WORKSHOP SESSIONS 1 10:15 - 11:15 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 2 11:45 - 12:45 ASSOCIATION MEETINGS / EXPO SESSIONS / FOCUS GROUPS 13:40 - 14:10 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 3 15:45 - 16:45 ASSOCIATION MEETINGS / EXPO SESSIONS / FOCUS GROUPS 16:45 - 17:15 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 4 16:45 - 17:15 97 MY PLANNER CONFERENCE SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER WORKSHOP SESSIONS 5 10:15 - 11:15 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 6 11:45 - 12:45 ASSOCIATION MEETINGS / EXPO SESSIONS / FOCUS GROUPS 13:40 - 14:10 FOCUS GROUPS 15:30 - 16:00 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 7 15:30 - 16:00 CONFERENCE SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER WORKSHOP SESSIONS 8 09:00 - 10:00 98 PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER 10:00 – 15:45 The 8 pre-conferences are designed to empower participants to develop their academic strategies and enhance their IB programme knowledge with IB programme specific developments in mind. The pre-conferences also provide participants an opportunity to share best practices, take discussion to new dimensions and to gain in-depth insight. Leadership (executive) with Michael Fullan Presenter: Professor Michael Fullan Former Dean of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Recognized as a worldwide authority on educational reform, he advises policymakers and local leaders around the world in helping to achieve the moral purpose of all children learning. Leadership (aspiring) with Allan Walker TIZIANO 2 Presenter: Professor Allan Walker Joseph Lau Chair Professor of International Educational Leadership, Dean of Faculty of Education and Human Development and Director of The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change at The Hong Kong Institute of Education. POP: Planning, Organization and Portfolios for the MYP Arts, Design and PHE Presenters: Andrew Mayes IB Curriculum Manager MYP design and physical and health education Danielle Veilleux Curriculum manager MYP arts, individuals and societies and MYP 99 TIZIANO 1 BRAMANTE 4 Theory of Knowledge (First Assessment 2015) BRAMANTE 6-7 Presenters: Jenny Gillett MA, MA Oxon IB curriculum manager DP Philosophy, History and Theory of Knowledge Richard van den Lagemaat PhD Founder and director of InThinking Launching the new IB Guide to Inclusive Education BRAMANTE 8-9 Presenters: Jayne Pletser MA IB Curriculum Manager for Inclusive Education IBCC in Practice BRAMANTE 10-11 Presenters: Dominic Robeau MA Acting Head of IBCC Programme Development, International Baccalaureate Mike Worth B.Ed (Hons) B. Tec, ACGLI, DATA- IBCC Coordinator & CAS Coordinator at Greenfield Community School, Dubai, UAE Chantell Wyten B.Ed (Hons) IBCC co-ordinator in a UK pilot school Cathryn Berger Kaye MA Author and president of CBK Associates Conan de Wilde IBCC Coordinator at International School of Geneva Concepcion Allende-Urbieta DP and IBCC School Services Associate Manager, International Baccalaureate Academic honesty THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER 10:00 – 15:45 Dr. Kala Parasuram IB Assessment Access and Inclusion Manager BRAMANTE 12-14 Presenter: Dr. Celina Garza Academic Honesty Manager Get on board: new destinations for MYP professional development BRAMANTE 15 Presenters: Robert Harrison Ph.D IB Head of MYP Development Stanley Burgoyne Head of Professional Development, MYP KEY Margareth Harris MYP School Services Manager ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 100 SESSION ONE FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 Inquiry-based primary mathematics curriculum development 101 Christine Orkisz Lang, Leader of Primary Mathematics/Teacher, Vienna International School Anika Sommer, Grade Level Leader/Teacher, Vienna International School TINTORETTO 1 CURRICULUM What should be said to a teacher who says that they have "only touched on" a particular area of the maths curriculum? This is the challenge schools are faced with: an overcrowded curriculum with the intent of "covering" as much content as possible. We have designed our new documents to provide teachers with the focus and time needed to help students truly build conceptual understanding by ensuring that learning is developmentally appropriate and vertically articulated. In moving away from an outcomes-based approach to Mathematics teaching, the curriculum now provides a structure for the creation of rich, realistic Mathematics planners which will help to develop each strand in a holistic way. Scientific creativity live David Clapp, Head of Science, St George's British International School 3 IB DP Students BERNINI 3 CREATIVITY A group of 4 DP students from St George's British International School Rome will present and lead this interactive workshop. The eight ways of knowing are introduced within the context of science and technology. The designs for four simple but innovative scientific experiments are presented. The audience is assembled into small teams for the analysis and evaluation of the methodology of the designs. Teams report briefly to the workshop and reply to questions from the presenters. The presenters conclude the workshop, summarising the audience responses and giving some personal views related to their IBDP courses on the nature of scientific knowledge and the nature of scientific creativity. BERNINI 2 CURRICULUM Kathleen Naglee, Director, International School of Estonia Using the Design Cycle to teach robotics through cooperative learning Pedro Pozo, HoD of Art and Technology, Colegio de San Francisco de Paula BERNINI 1 TECHNOLOGY Teachers of Technology at the bilingual school, San Francisco de Paula in Sevilla, Spain, would like to share with you their experiences in teaching robotics through fun. It is a practical session where participants will get a glance at the programming of a Lego NXT robot. The idea behind this project is to increase the motivation of our students by combining three different T&L strategies in the same project: 1) Using the Design Cycle as a methodological framework 2) "Approaches to Learning" strategies based on cooperative learning to channel the project: elder students, with previous experience in programming acting as mentors. 3) Participation in an external international school competition, "First Lego League", as a motivation tool. BRAMANTE 1 CURRICULUM Angela Riviere, Curriculum Manager, Diploma Programme, International Baccalaureate This session will firstly contextualise the role of reflection in the core, highlighting the differences in the way in which reflection is understood and developed in TOK, CAS and the EE. Taking as its specific focus student reflection in the EE, participants will be given the opportunity to explore, discuss and plan for the role that engagement and reflection will play in the 2016 iteration of the EE, including its assessment. Special emphasis will be given to the role of the Researcher's Reflective Space and the supervisor in facilitating student reflection. IB strategy and engagement in Africa, Europe and Middle East Adrian Kearney, IB AEM Regional Director, International Baccalaureate BRAMANTE 2 LEADERSHIP HEADS CONTINUUM This session will provide an overview of the AEM regional strategy and engagement with associations of IB World Schools and key strategic relationships which contribute to strengthening IB’s reputation and profile in the region. We will review progress against the 2014 regional strategic objectives and look at the key strategic themes for 2015 and beyond. There will be opportunity for participants to discuss and share their ideas on the regional priorities. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 Memory as a new Way of Knowing (WOK) in the Theory of Knowledge course often lends itself to cursory interpretations in the Area of Knowledge (AOK) of history. Memory is often viewed by students as a repository of knowledge not as an authentic way to gain new personal and shared knowledge. Thus, students have missed the intention of adding this method to the Ways of Knowing. This session will help TOK teachers explore the deeper meanings of memory in history to help guide students in their exploration of this Way of Knowing. Engagement in the Extended Essay: the role of reflection KEY History and Memory: Deeper connections for TOK instruction 102 Just-in-time rather than just-in-case: Informal and social learning for teachers FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 Matt James, Head of Online PD, International Baccalaureate 103 BRAMANTE 3 TECHNOLOGY HEADS CONTINUUM New approaches to online learning are rapidly integrating into every modern educational institution, giving teachers and students the opportunity to learn at a time and place that suits them. Alternative forms of PD are now becoming available which perfectly meet your needs and bring additional value to your professional growth. In this session, we will introduce you to the array of new online professional development opportunities offered to IB schools. Whether you are an IB teacher, a school coordinator or Head of School, come and share your views about informal and social learning that can complement formal professional development, and help shape the IB's online PD offer for the future. Successful IB DP Online Learning as a new 'Way of Knowing' Branka Sreckovic Minic, IB MYP / DP coordinator / SBC (Pamoja), International School of Belgrade BRAMANTE 4 TECHNOLOGY HEADS The session demonstrates some less obvious ways in which online learning positively enhances student motivation, engagement, and overall learning. This mode of learning additionally helps students build new relationships and partnerships with the online teacher, other students around the world and the school site-based coordinator. The latter not only has access to what students learn, but can follow the students' learning journey. In its symbiosis, online learning, together with this partnership, positively contribute to students' overall achievements, in the online, as well as their regular DP courses. This session will use evidence from the school's experience (2010-2014) collected by the school site-based coordinator. The value comes from having 15 out of 15 successful students in 4 years, who took four different Pamoja Education courses and had ten different online teachers. It provides useful insight to new ways of teaching and learning. Desarrollar la Inteligencia Emocional a través de los atributos en EI BRAMANTE 5 CREATIVIDAD Marta Soriano Cuba, Maestra en Educación Infantil y Primaria, International School SEK-Santa Isabel María de Carmen Castillo Cubero, Maestra en Educación Infantil y Primaria, International School SEK-Santa Isabel Mercedes Blasco Peña, Coordinadora de Educación Infantil, International School SEK-Santa Isabel Presentar estrategias, actividades, herramientas... eficaces para desarrollar habilidades emocionales y sociales a través de los atributos del perfil IB, para los alumnos de Educación Infantil. Spanish How do we know we are internationally-minded in a national school? James Swetz, General Director, Bilkent Erzurum Laboratory School Melanie Swetz, Head of English, Bilkent Erzurum Laboratory School BRAMANTE 6 CURRICULUM HEADS CONTINUUM The presenters will take the audience through one national school's journey to define international-mindedness, measure the school's development of the concept in students and teachers, identify tools for implementation, and discover ways in which to increase and measure future success. Examples will be presented verbally and visually on efforts that were successful and those that were less successful, speculating why they were less successful. Working through the fiveyear self-evaluation BRAMANTE 7 Fiona Clark, DP School Services CURRICULUM Associate Manager, International Baccalaureate Katrin Fox, DP School Services Manager International Baccalaureate Concepcion Allende-Urbieta, DP and IBCC School Services Associate Manager, International Baccalaureate This sessions aims to help schools through the Diploma Programme five-year self-study. This will be done by a short introduction, some group work and then time for questions and answers. Indigenous knowledge systems and crossing epistomological boundaries in education BRAMANTE 8 RESEARCH Ruairidh MacKenzie, French Coordinator Compass International School - Doha Bringing the IBCC core to life BRAMANTE 9 BRAMANTE 10 Gerard Calnin, Senior Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne LEADERSHIP HEADS International research has CONTINUUM consistently confirmed that the most important in-school variable responsible for improving student outcomes is teaching quality. Critically, the second most important variable is the quality of leadership. But modern, effective schools can no longer depend on a single, charismatic leader: they require a team of leaders operating coherently and strategically. But how do we, as leaders, build the capacity of our senior leadership team and all of our teachers so as to maximize the opportunities for all students to reach their potential? This workshop sheds light on our 'ways of knowing' through an examination of the research into effective leadership practices which have been demonstrated to impact student outcomes. The session will also explore a number of strategies for helping to build the capacity of leadership teams and teachers within the school. Participants will have the opportunity to examine capacity building strategies for schoolbased teams. Dominic Robeau, Acting Head of IBCC Programme Development, CURRICULUM International Baccalaureate Mike Worth, IBCC coordinator, Greenfield Community College Cathryn Berger Kaye, Service learning author and consultant Chantell Wyten, IBCC Coordinator, King Ethelbert School Concepción Allende-Urbieta, DP and IBCC School Services Associate Manager, International Baccalaureate Conan De Wilde, IBCC Coordinator at International School Geneva FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 This session is a presentation of a Master's dissertation (from IOE) on Indigenous Knowledge Systems and their incorporation into formal education-based on fieldwork undertaken in rural Mozambique in 2012. This session will contain a presentation on the background of the research, literature review (introduction to Indigenous Knowledge, its legitimisation and how it relates to education, including exploration of existing bilingual and intercultural education models and an introduction to local curriculum in Mozambique). There will be a presentation of the methodology and findings of the research, and a discussion of the implications of research findings for the IB programme in special reference to TOK and Environmental Systems and Societies. There will be a question and answer part, as well. Leading through capacity building KEY This session focuses on how the IBCC core could be implemented in a school. It highlights the possible practices associated with each element of the core - the reflective project: understanding ethical dilemmas; language development: examples of language development from around the world; community and service: an overview of service learning, and approaches to learning: emphasising life skills and career-readiness. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 104 Centring Arab culture and heritage in the IB curriculum: A Dubai case study - CANCELLED BRAMANTE 11 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 Nadeem Memon, Director of Professional Development, Razi Education Among the inspection measures of an outstanding school in the UAE is the ability to integrate local culture and heritage into curriculum, teaching, and learning. Grounded in the concept of international-mindedness, the IB curriculum framework neatly lends itself to achieving this measure. However, with the influx of expatriate educators in the UAE, reinforcing local culture before introducing students to global cultures is increasingly challenging. One IB school in Dubai has established the vision to centre culturally relevant teaching as part of the school philosophy. New teachers are provided an induction program about cultural sensitivity, understanding, and relevance, along with on-going curricular support to integrate local culture and heritage into lines of inquiry. This interactive workshop will illustrate examples of how expat teachers engaged student learning through culturally relevant teaching, and how such a model can be applied to other schools in the region. Mapping skills across the IB Continuum BRAMANTE 12 Helen Jeffery, MYP Coordinator, CURRICULUM International School of London, Qatar CONTINUUM Kimberley McDonald, PYP Coordinator, International School of London, Qatar Jill Shadbolt, PYP Coordinator, International School of London, Qatar Joseph Hamkari, DP Coordinator, International School of London, Qatar This session will look at the continuum of Approaches to learning in the IB programmes and specifically how these skills can be mapped to enhance student learning throughout the school. The approaches to learning provide students with the tools to take responsibility for their own learning and when mapped and developed as a whole school, the learning is consolidated and strengthened. 105 MYP eAssessment developments BRAMANTE 14 Richard Penrose, Head of DP TECHNOLOGY Assessment, International Baccalaureate Robert Harrison, Head of MYP Development, International Baccalaureate Robert Harrison, Head of MYP Development and Richard Penrose, Head of DP Assessment will present an update on developments in MYP eAssessment: both onscreen examinations and ePortfolios. Drop in to visit the IBEN team Anne Olde Loohuis, IBEN Coordinator PYP & MYP, International Baccalaureate Camelia Kazemi, IBEN Coordinator DP, International Baccalaureate BRAMANTE 15 CURRICULUM CONTINUUM Meet the regional IBEN team and ask any questions you may have. HAESE MATHEMATICS Specialists in mathematics publishing www.haesemathematics.com.au New editions for IB MYP Fully revised to reflect MYP: The Next Chapter SNOWFLAKE Your favourite mathematics textbooks online ? easy to navigate, student friendly approach ? mimics print book for quick reference ? includes our full range of interactive features Call at our exhibition booth to see Snowflake in action. Leaders in Mathematics for 35 years th 1979 INFINITY Test and Homework Generator IB MYP IB Diploma 2014 Cambridge IGCSE Cambridge Additional Mathematics For further information contact: s for Contact u mple of a free sa INFINITY! KEY 35 Supporting international programs: ROOM PYP DP MYP IBCC [email protected] 106 SESSION TWO FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 Addressing student wellbeing: How every teacher can engage with PSPE 107 Carolyne Marshall, Primary Principal, Luanda International School Kim Gration, IB MYP Coordinator, Luanda International School TINTORETTO 1 CURRICULUM In this interactive session, participants will have the opportunity to explore a range of practical techniques that can be used to teach personal, social and physical education throughout the PYP. Experience will be shared of creating and implementing a programme of SELF (social, emotional learning focus), incorporating ideas and experiences suggested by students and using mindfulness techniques/routines within and outside the classroom. Developing and supporting a multilingual learning community Karin Martin, Linguist, International School Carinthia James Brightman, Founding Director, International School Carinthia BERNINI 3 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE CONTINUUM Language is not only the major medium of communication, it is also a fundamental tool to nourish personal and cognitive development. In our rapidly changing world, interconnections and global mobility will increase much more rapidly in the future. As a consequence, the number of learners in schools who are confronted with the task of building knowledge in a language that is not their mother tongue is growing quickly. In order for these learners to be successful, a clear school language policy is a must, explicitly describing fundamental issues about how languages are learned, outlining the cognitive advantages of multilingualism, and suggesting how to foster the mother tongues of the school community. This presentation will synthesize the latest research on multilingualism and give you an overview about how the recently born International School Carinthia is making multilingualism a pillar of its program from day one. J’entends et j’oublie. Je vois et je me rappelle. Je fais et je comprends. Esmat Lamei, Propriétaire, PDG et chef d'établissement, Oasis International School Iman Radwan, Coordonnatrice du PP, Oasis International School BERNINI 2 CRÉATIVITÉ DIRECTEURS French Teachers' practices, values and beliefs for inquiry based teaching in the PYP Vani Veikoso Twigg, Teacher, The KAUST School BERNINI 1 RESEARCH This session will share findings from 2010 published research (http://jri.sagepub.com/cgi/ content/abstract/9/1/40) on how teachers have developed their 'ways of knowing' that assists them with inquiry teaching in the PYP. We will discuss what I have found since the research was published, as well as find out from other participants how their schools are developing structures (or have developed structures) that support teachers who are new to the IB PYP. Metodología de aprendizaje orientada al servicio y basada en proyectos BRAMANTE 2 CURRICULUM Jenny Gillet, Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate This session is aimed at non-TOK specialists, specifically DP coordinators and non-TOK teachers. The session aims to explain TOK in a user friendly way, helping to understand what it is and why it is important, and to provide practical tips on how to engage teachers and students effectively with TOK. New school enhancement services for IB schools in 2014 BRAMANTE 3 Andrew Atkinson, School Services Director, International Baccalaureate Pamela Bender, Head of Pre-Authorization, International Baccalaureate Erin Albright, Head of Post Authorization, International Baccalaureate LEADERSHIP HEADS CONTINUUM This session from our Global School Services team will present the new school enhancement services being trialled in 2014 and 2015. These exciting new optional services around areas such as leadership for groups of schools, curriculum planning and alignment and DP assessment data analysis, were identified by IB stakeholders in 2013. In the longer term these will be offered at multiple tiers from selfservice to highly tailored consultancy packages and the session will report on the trials. The session at the conference will seek feedback and interest from schools wishing to engage with this initiative. Highly experienced heads and educators are also welcome to see how they may become involved in supporting the delivery of these services. Come along to this informative session where your views can be shared on this important global undertaking. FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 « J'entends et j'oublie. Je vois et je me rappelle. Je fais et je comprends » – proverbe chinois. L'enseignement « hors les murs » est une stratégie pédagogique prévoyant l'utilisation de lieux autres que la salle de classe. Sachant qu'en milieu naturel, l'enfant développe davantage ses capacités à apprendre et son sens des responsabilités, la planification quotidienne des activités pédagogiques en reflétera l'importance. À la question : « Où pourrait se jouer le meilleur de l'école...? » Nous répondons : « Hors les murs....! » Documents à l'appui, nous vous exposerons notre démarche et partagerons des sources de souvenirs intarissables. Demistifying TOK (for coordinators and non-TOK teachers) BRAMANTE 1 CURRÍCULO Nuria Miró, Directora, Colegio Montserrat DIRECTORES DE COLEGIO Monika Horch, Vicedirectora, CONTINUUM Colegio Montserrat Juan Antonio Fernández-Arévalo, Coordinador del IB, Colegio Montserrat KEY Aprender haciendo es un método dirigido a la creación de productos reales que sirvan como soluciones para problemas reales. Mostraremos cómo se puede usar esta metodología en todo el currículo y en todos los años. Spanish ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 108 Different Ways of Knowing in the classroom: The effect on teaching and learning BRAMANTE 4 RESEARCH FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 Rebecca Hamer, Manager Assessment Research and Design, International Baccalaureate Education not only influences what students and teachers know, ideally it changes how they know as well. The six ways of knowing that are most common in the classroom determine how students interpret many everyday experiences and situations in learning and teaching, how they interact with their teachers and the quality of their learning outcome. Teachers' ways of knowing in turn influence how they shape the learning environment, how they use teaching materials and the type of learning they evoke in their students. When teacher and students employ different ways of knowing, they often do not really understand what the other is talking about, leading to mutual misunderstandings and disappointments. 30 years of research uncovers the profiles of these six ways of knowing and supports teachers in changing their teaching so as to support student development toward independent thinking and learning. Understanding student potential and performance monitoring for the IB Diploma BRAMANTE 5 LEADERSHIP Stephen Burke, Assistant Principal, International School of Geneva (La Grande Boissière) Jamie Scott, International Recognition Manager, CEM, Durham University The Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring (CEM), Durham University, UK provides a standardised assessment system used by DP schools for baselining students' ability and measuring their progress. The data allows students and teachers to set meaningful targets and to track students' progress compared to expectations. Effective target setting supports schools in monitoring, ensuring assessment is accurate and supporting schools' work in guiding students with university admissions. It also supports schools with their own self-assessment. In this workshop the presenters will summarise the data available for IB students and demonstrate how this can be used to support school improvement by using specific examples from The International School of Geneva. The workshop will be jointly led by CEM and the Assistant Principal of the school, Stephen Burke. Leading an effective evaluation: CIS/IB synchronised visits BRAMANTE 6 LEADERSHIP Graham Ranger, Director of School Support & Evaluation, Council of International Schools (CIS) Fidelis Nthenge, Head of School Services AEM, International Baccalaureate HEADS The workshop will draw on schools' experiences in CIS-IB synchronized visits, at different stages of the CIS accreditation cycle. Contributions will be made by those who have recent experience in participating and leading such teams. We will use extracts of self-studies, evidence leading to evaluations, and examine how best to lead action planning as a result of the recommendations made in CIS-IB synchronised visits. 109 Alexandra Holland, Curriculum Development Manager, Aga Khan Academies Naheed Bardai, Acting Principal of Senior School and Vice Principal of the Diploma Programme, Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa BRAMANTE 7 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE HEADS CONTINUUM Inter-cultural intelligence in schools Chris Drew, English and TOK Teacher, Raha International School BRAMANTE 8 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE HEADS This interactive presentation explains and explores three specific CONTINUUM world views with the goal of becoming a better cultural learner, rather than a cultural critic. As an important first step toward understanding the many layers of culture and the perspectives of others, this information will help identify some of our own values, beliefs and assumptions. Because of these connections, the presentation has potential for both personal and professional reflection, as well as rich discussion. The content has direct connections to the TOK Area of Knowledge, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, as well as the term international-mindedness, but is also relevant to developing a school culture, communication with parents, marketing and classroom pedagogy. BRAMANTE 9 CURRICULUM Elizabeth Swanson, Teacher, International School of Düsseldorf Patricia Deo, Teacher, International School of Düsseldorf Research has shown that people are motivated when they feel a sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose in what they are doing. In order to create this in our classrooms, we will explore practical classroom strategies for promoting student ownership over their learning and on assessments as a result of understanding and applying the MYP assessment criteria. The strategies have been designed to foster the reflection process so that students are more aware of how their daily learning experiences connect with reaching the highest bands of the assessment criteria. Through this interactive workshop, participants will experience how using strategies such as these can also encourage students' self-evaluation and allow for formative feedback in the summative assessment process. University application strategies for IB coordinators and counsellors BRAMANTE 10 HIGHER EDUCATION Alex Klaiss, IB DP Coordinator/Assistant Headmaster, Prague British School Each year around the world, students at IB schools begin considering where they might want to study and then endeavour to apply to universities in various countries. This session will explore students' options in studying at some of these places. Some of the special opportunities as well as hurdles of applying to these universities will be analyzed. Some countries' education ministries have special requirements for their national students studying at an IB school, and these need to be taken into consideration by IB Coordinators and futures counsellors. In addition, students, in consultation with their parents, IB Coordinators and counsellors, need to be realistic and pursue IB course choices and career options that roughly correspond to their academic abilities as well as their interests and aspirations. This session will look into various strategies which coordinators and counsellors can use to guide students most effectively. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 Diversity can lead to many outcomes; conflict, cultural relativism, or passive tolerance are all possible reactions to difference. Pluralism is an approach that goes beyond tolerance to active engagement and the development of mutual respect. A commitment to pluralism requires recognition that, whilst diversity is a reality of our world today, how we engage with this diversity is a choice. As we use our various Ways of Knowing to engage with the world, pluralism will help us approach difference and diversity in a manner that leaves us open to possibilities and capable of enlightened action. A pluralistic disposition is not acquired simply as a result of living or working in a diverse environment. Schools must make a conscious effort to "teach" pluralism to all members of the community. In this session, we will explore ways that school leaders and teachers can explicitly develop the necessary dispositions and skills in their community, through all aspects of school life. Using MYP assessment criteria to promote autonomy, mastery and purpose KEY Pluralism: A key challenge of the 21st Century (Kofi Annan) 110 The future of online learning Denise Perrault, Head of online learning development, International Baccalaureate Paul Gallagher, DP Coordinator/Assistant Principal, Riverview High School BRAMANTE 11 TECHNOLOGY HEADS CONTINUUM A review of IB initiatives in the online world will be presented. Enhancement endeavors, pilot programmes, instructional innovations now underway will all be reviewed. In addition, predictions about the future (both bold and not so) will be comprehensively discussed, as well. FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 The concept of concepts BRAMANTE 12 Janice Dennis, Director of Studies/ Primary Principal, Kuwait Bilingual School CURRICULUM Michael Perry, Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher, Kuwait Bilingual School Rebecca Hawtin-Russell, PYP Coordinator, Kuwait Bilingual School This is a practical session that will look at using a conceptual lens as a tool to engage students and lead to deeper understandings. As we are PYP educators based in Kuwait, we will use bilingual educational, teaching local Arabic students in English, as our conceptual lens during this session. Bringing TOK into the student's preparation for the Extended Essay John Cannings, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Core Consultants Thomas Brodie, Director of Studies, Carlsbad International School BRAMANTE 14 CURRICULUM This session includes a short presentation on the use of the Ways of Knowing and Areas of Knowledge to help students carry out research questions. Participants will be given Extended Essay titles and asked to see which Area of Knowledge is relevant to the Essay, apply the knowledge framework to explain how research might be carried out on this topic, and highlight which Ways of Knowing could be used in the research. 111 Teaching, learning and assessing for understanding across the IB Continuum BRAMANTE 15 CURRICULUM Louis Marchesano, Educational Consultant, CONTINUUM Ed-Lightenment Educational Consulting Christopher Overhoff, IBA Volunteer/Consultant, Morikami Park Elementary School Current research on teaching and assessing for understanding is applied to the entire IB Continuum in a practical approach that teachers can implement at all levels and in all programs of the IB Continuum. Teaching for conceptual depth of understanding requires different instructional and assessment practices. The session will demonstrate how to create a single integrated approach to instruction, assessment and reporting that reinforces 21st century learning goals and aligns with IB pedagogy supported by current research and literature in education. ASSOCIATION MEETINGS / EXPO SESSIONS / FOCUS GROUPS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS IB World Schools Association in the United Arab Emirates BERNINI 2 The Association of Swedish IB Schools - ASIB BERNINI 1 Maria Löfgren Nicolai KEY IB World Schools Associations - The International Baccalaureate is currently working closely with IB World Schools across the region to support initiatives concerning the formation of Associations of IB World Schools at a national or sub-regional level. These associations provide a forum for school collaboration, informal gatherings and the exchange of good practice. Associations are often active in negotiating university and government recognition for IB programmes and can assist IB World Schools, teachers and students in their communities - from implementing IB programmes to providing a forum for schools collaboration. During these focus sessions, members of the Associations will come together to discuss matters regarding the implementation and recognition of IB qualifications at a national or sub-regional level. Please feel free to join any of these sessions to learn more about the work of the Associations and contribute to their activities. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 Dina Khalaf 112 EXPO SESSIONS Igniting the Mind One Article at a Time TINTORETTO 1 FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 The New York Times in Education/ International New York Times 113 This session will provide a tutorial on The New York Times in Education programs. Edited from London, Paris, Hong Kong, and New York, The New York Times's global reporting can add to your curriculum, making it fresher and more relevant for your students. Our education programs seek to support efforts to develop students’ competencies and skills while enhancing engagement outside the classroom. Through news articles, videos, discussion questions, and other resources provided on the nytimes.com platform, students will expand their understanding of how the world works in the 21st century. Language learning in an international context BRAMANTE 1 Brad Philpot, Director of Philpot Education How can international education prepare young individuals for the challenges of the 21st century? In a world that is becoming more diverse, Eastern-centric and technology-driven, employers are seeking young individuals who are more flexible, multilingual and adaptable. In this talk, Brad explores how such challenges can be tackled in the language classroom through pedagogically-sound educational materials. He will draw on examples from his new textbook English B for the IB Diploma, showing how language skills, intercultural skills and critical thinking can be developed simultaneously. He will demonstrate how the English B curriculum can be informed by the IB’s Approaches to Teaching and Learning, the Learner Profile and Howard Gardner’s Five Minds for the Future. This engaging and interactive talk will be followed by a question and answer session. 33 points to Oxford PhD: exploring the longitudinal value of the IB Diploma Programme BRAMANTE 2 Emily Price, School Relationship Coordinator, Oxford Study Courses Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful tool which you can use to change the world”. But an IB education is far beyond a formal exam or a piece of paper. This session will contextualise the myriad of research on IB graduates at university by looking at the story of one IB student. It will offer a practical example of the holistic, pedagogical value of the IB Diploma Programme and provide information on supporting students as they enter higher education. Critical thinking and essay writing with rationale: Theory and practice BRAMANTE 3 Timo ter Berg, CEO, ReasoningLab In general, structured thinking and writing is a problem for many students. More specific, while critical thinking and structured writing is becoming increasingly central in undergraduate education, many students struggle to reason clearly, to structure and analyze argumentation and write a good essay. However, most dedicated courses to improve students' critical thinking have only limited result in learning outcomes. We present a method to teach critical thinking that has been shown to be very effective in a 5 year Australian research program. This method emphasizes deliberate practice of reasoning and writing skills by argument mapping, a technique to visualize the underlying logic of argumentation and writing. We present an online programme, Rationale, that has been developed to facilitate the implementation of this technique into teaching practice, and show examples of its use in IB education. EXPO SESSIONS BRAMANTE 4 Alison Chapman, International Schools Consultant, GL Education Join GL Education for an overview of their approach to student assessment which incorporates measures of attainment, ability and attitudes to provide a unique profile of each student. The teaching challenges addressed by this session will include: •Admissions • Personalising teaching to suit a student's preferred learning style • Using ability scores and attainment data to set baselines and measure value add • Identifying gifted and talented, and SEN students • Accurately assessing the true potential of EAL students • Communicating IB targets effectively with parents and students • Having internationally recognised benchmarks to aid self-assessments and inspections Delegates attending this session can request a free trial of GL’s assessments and a webex review to support their analysis of their own data. BRAMANTE 5 Clive Ungless, Director of International Operations, Finalsite David Jepson, Director of IT, TASIS The American School in England In this talk we will show how Finalsite provides a range of tools to enhance learning and communications among all constituents in a seamless and connected manner. We will cover private communication portals, Learning Management Systems, data integration and other key elements that provide for a comprehensive and truly engaging environment. The Finalsite Platform is fully responsive across all devices and platforms. We will showcase one leading international school's successful implementation and how it has enhanced learning for the whole school community. Making the IB continuum happen: Effective systems for planning, assessment and reporting BRAMANTE 6 Angelica Nierras, Managing Director, Faria Systems Inc. ManageBac is the leading planning, assessment and reporting system for IB World Schools founded by three former IB Diploma students in 2007. This presentation will cover best practices for effective implementation and programme management, as well as an introduction to ManageBac as a system solution. FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 Find out how international schools are using this detailed insight to enhance their teaching effectiveness through the delivery of personalised learning. Building a powerful and integrated learning and communication platform for your school The presentation will address curriculum planning, assessment and reporting on ManageBac, with close attention paid to the MYP Next Chapter transition, recently released support for IBCC and the Community Project, and planned improvements for the 2014-2015 academic year. KEY Enhancing teaching & learning using effective assessment ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 114 EXPO SESSIONS Studying political sciences today BRAMANTE 7 FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 Vincenzo Galasso, Director of the Bachelor in International Politics and Government, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi 115 The new Bachelor degree in Political Sciences and Government offered by Università Bocconi starting from 2015/2016 especially addresses IB students: curious learners who take the time to explore subjects and issues in depth, who are able to research and evaluate issues with strong analytical basis, who are ready to be challenged in order to make the world a better place. This session will provide insights about the teaching methods and subjects typically studied in a Bachelor degree in Political Science with hints and tips related to making the most of such a programme. Ensuring your school makes sweet music: How to strike the right note in school acoustics BRAMANTE 8 Cristofer Gore, Internatinal School Sales Specialist, Wenger Corporation Acoustics for music suites What makes the music suite different from the rest of the school? Why and how are acoustics critical to student learning? The seminar, designed for school principals and music administrators, will explain the four critical factors - Acoustics, Floor Plan, Storage, and Equipment - in constructing a music suite and offer tools to better understand the differences between “stick-built” acoustical rooms and truly sound-isolation acoustical rooms. All participants will receive a free Planning Guide for school music facilities. The Future Classroom: Why the Digital Textbook is becoming the preferred choice BRAMANTE 9 Nicholas Johansson, CEO, Lanterna Online Nadim Sherif, School Solutions Consultant, Lanterna Online Engaging students with varying levels of ambition and abilities can be a challenge. Where traditional textbooks fail to adapt to student and teacher needs, digital textbooks can accommodate the different challenges in the classroom. Automatically marked tests, videos and interactive elements are just the beginning. This session will cover the possibilities a digital textbook offers and how Lanterna Online is able to help students and teachers from all over the world. Measure, monitor, and motivate reading progress in your learners BRAMANTE 10 Robin Theakston, Scholastic Educational Publishing in International Markets, Scholastic Inc. It is no secret that students who read independently become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than those who do not. How do today’s educators motivate and guide students to become lifelong independent readers? This session explores how educators are making use of digital technology to measure, monitor, and motivate reading progress. EXPO SESSIONS BRAMANTE 11 Lori Gully, Head of Business Development, Pamoja Kawther Saa'd Aldin, Regional Development Consultant, Pamoja Pamoja Education serves as the sole provider for online IB DP courses, offering 16 courses to 2000 students world-wide. Join us to discuss how it works, how to sign up, and how successful students are in the online environment. Meet myON - Your intuitive digital library! BRAMANTE 12 Matt Puddy, Export Sales Manager, Capstone myON is an internationally used digital library which automatically adjusts to each individual user and their ability level. This enhances the learning experience and increases literacy levels - all of which can be tracked and reviewed by the educator through a full reporting suite. Find out how you can be using it in your school for increased English learning levels. itsLearning BRAMANTE 14 Coles Wilkinson, Managing Director International Schools Division FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 Online IBDP Courses: what you need to know FOCUS GROUPS BERNINI 3 The IB's Online Media Manager, Matt Shaw, will present the process of developing the new IB public website from concept to working reality. Delegates will learn about the process of designing, building and running a modern website, as well as getting an exclusive preview of the new website, scheduled for launch at the end of the year. BRAMANTE 15 Jenny Gillet, Curriculum Manager, IB CURRICULUM This session will focus on Approaches to Teaching and Learning in the DP. It will be an opportunity to hear more about the DP ATL pilot which took place in 2013-2014, as well as the new materials that will be launched in January 2015. The session will be led by Jenny Gillett (DP curriculum manager for TOK, history and philosophy), who has led the development of the DP ATL materials. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 Matthew Shaw, Online Media Manager, IB ATL in the DP KEY Creating the new IB public website 116 SESSION THREE Ways of Knowing: Sustainable teaching for a sustainable world FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 15:45-16:45 Andrew Watson, Director, UWC in Mostar 117 TINTORETTO 1 LEADERSHIP HEADS The priorities of education have to change. The presentation will explore and develop innovative and practical approaches to incorporating cutting edge sustainability thinking into strategies for delivering high quality education to the next generation of learners who will face a sustainability challenge of unprecedented scale, urgency and complexity as the century advances. The session aims to sow the seeds of a transformational educational experience by investigating the nature and systems-level, inter-dependent causes and consequences of sustainability in its broadest sense, encompassing the key environmental, social and economic drivers. By focussing on how IB philosophy and programmes create a framework for redefining how and what we teach and learn, the session challenges delegates to imagine, create and articulate the challenges in making sustainability the heartbeat of twenty first century education. What's in a review? Terri Walker, Curriculum Manager PYP, IB BERNINI 3 CURRICULUM This session will focus on the Programme Review for the PYP. Participants will hear the latest review updates for the programme and participate in an activity designed to generate, connect with and extend thinking about significant issues and big ideas embedded in the review. Session participants will be also be invited to share their ideas, their views and responses through various avenues: forum, social media and focus group sessions to address each strand of the review. Carla Marschall, PYP Coodinator, Zurich International School, Baden Campus BERNINI 1 CURRICULUM HEADS The Year of food: Mathematical thinking through meaningful contexts BERNINI 2 CURRICULUM Silvia Bettini, Teacher, Bilingual European School This workshop tells the story of year one students' investigations of mathematics through concepts of hunger, food production, and food waste. Their inquiries into restaurants, recipes, ingredients, the kitchen and other contexts are all related to mathematics and lead to relevant action. Throughout the inquiry process, teachers and children collaborate to further develop the contexts and explorations, following the children's questions and hypotheses. Teachers observe and document children's perceptions and interactions to better inform their planning. They design thinking routines around the investigations. Often the contexts are directly related to units of inquiry, such as Sharing the Planet and How We Organize Ourselves. At the heart of this work are the words of Maria Montessori, "Through movement we come in contact with external reality, and it is through these contacts that we eventually acquire even abstract ideas. BRAMANTE 1 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Ali Ezzeddine, PYP coordinator, SEK international school Mariam Noureddine, Arabic teacher, SEK international school Mais Taha, Arabic teacher, SEK international school At the SEK International School Doha, 3 languages are taught from the age of 3 years old - English as the language of instruction and Arabic and Spanish as additional languages, and both languages are the mother tongue language for the majority of the kids. During this session the presenters will share how they are promoting cultural understanding and how the language policy reflects the diversity of the school. Arabic IB recognition updates and developments - UK, US, Canada, Australia BRAMANTE 2 HIGHER EDUCATION Angela Hopkins, Recognition Manager, Government and Accreditation, International Baccalaureate Peter Fidczuk, Development and Recognition Manager, International Baccalaureate The objectives of this interactive session are three fold: providing recognition updates, discussing the IB's ongoing recognition strategy and garnering feedback from the audience on important recognition issues. We will provide the audience with the latest university and government recognition updates and developments from around the region as well as key higher education markets around the world (i.e. US, UK, Canada, Australia). We will present newly available resources and collateral aimed at better informing higher education institutions of the value of an IB education, and point you to where all these resources can be found and best utilized. We will also discuss the current initiatives the IB is undertaking as part of its continued commitment to better understanding the postsecondary patterns and pathways of our students and most effectively meeting their needs. There will be time for Q&A and discussion around the more pertinent recognition related issues. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 15:45-16:45 How might students' opinions or perceptions provide an alternative way of knowing about a curriculum's success? How might students participate in curriculum evaluation and support school improvement? In what ways might educators analyze student perceptions in order to better serve a school's diverse population? This session will explore these questions, investigating strategies and making use of student feedback, work and extracurricular interests in curriculum development. The role of research tools such as video interviews, student artwork and surveys will be discussed. Considering curriculum development from a concept-driven approach, the session will also provide ways to assess for internationalmindedness by collecting students' perspectives of "big ideas" uncovered in the school program. Lastly the session will focus on the role of student groups, e.g. student council, in gathering and analyzing data from peers about the curriculum. Understand your own culture through mastering your mother tongue KEY Involving students in curriculum evaluation 118 Learning focussed data dashboards Peter Murphy, Director, Vienna International School and Chair of Regional Council BRAMANTE 3 LEADERSHIP HEADS FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 15:45-16:45 Vienna International School will demonstrate some exciting developmental work in the production of a data dashboard to inform the learning process. We will present the the work that has gone into developing the digital interface, the sources of data (hard and soft) that the system collects. The session will illustrate how teachers can use the dashboard to gain a much bigger picture of the students that they teach. 119 ATL: Teaching thinking tools & skills explicitly Deirdre Jennings, MYP Coordinator & science teacher, Vilnius International School BRAMANTE 4 CURRICULUM What is a "thinking tool" and how can I use it to teach & learn all 6 levels of thinking skills (in terms of Blooms taxonomy levels)? Participants will be introduced to ENV analysis (variable analysis) and learn how to structure learning activities to teach this thinking tool to their students. The participants will then learn (and try out for themselves) how this leads to improvements in the skills of observation and analysis, as well as pattern recognition. Then we will explore examples of activities (from a variety of subject groups) where students use this tool to complete tasks/challenges involving analysis, compare and contrast, evaluation, conclusion, synthesis, and create actions. Using field work to enhance our Ways of Knowing Renee Kennedy, IB Geography and Humanities Teacher, Tashkent International School Ursula Manners, DP and MYP Science Teacher, Tashkent International School BRAMANTE 5 CURRICULUM HEADS CONTINUUM Field studies offer students an experiential approach to learning that has benefits beyond the day of the fieldwork. When students gather their own data, they are more apt to refine the methodologies, question their approaches to learning and reflect on the process. In a classroom setting, students tend to accept models and data as "fact". But in a fieldwork setting, students are confronted with the limitations of the models. This translates to more thoughtful data analysis and higher-level thinking. Join us in this interactive session as we examine the benefits of field studies. While recognizing that Administrators and IB Coordinators have budgetary constraints and pressures to balance the needs of multiple programs, this session aims to lay out clear arguments for encouraging and supporting field work in your school. From strengthening crossdiscipline activities, to increasing analytical and reflective skills, field studies should be integral to expanding our ways of knowing. International-mindedness: How do we really know? Jane Whittle, MYP Coordinator, International School of Bologna BRAMANTE 6 RESEARCH There is a lot of research and IB publications on international-mindedness, but what exactly does this look like in the IB classroom? How as educators do we really know what an internationally-minded student looks like? How do our students know when they are being internationally-minded? Following an introduction and presentation on classroom research from the MYP, the participants will discuss in small groups the answers to the bigger questions of the workshop. The aim will be to share good practice and to perhaps form an interest group who would continue this work beyond the conference. Tima Alzaim, PYP Coordinator/ PYP Educator, King Faisal School Sadeem Al-Kadi, Pre-School Principal, King Faisal School BRAMANTE 7 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE HEADS The future of programme evaluation Andrew Atkinson, School Services Director, International Baccalaureate Erin Albright, Head of Post Authorization, International Baccalaureate BRAMANTE 8 LEADERSHIP HEADS CONTINUUM Programme evaluation is a critical moment in the life of a school and can serve as a source of new dynamism and momentum for your IB programme. Global School Services staff will present some short-term improvements in programme evaluations that are being developed as well as new services to support schools between evaluations. Beyond that, how should programme evaluation evolve in the future? The GSS team will summarise current research in the area of school effectiveness and improvement that will shape revisions to programme evaluation. The session will also cover the new IBEN role of School Service Lead Educator being trialled in AEM for both evaluation and authorisation. Should all schools be evaluated in the same way on the same timetable? How should we use new tools and virtual environments to collect evidence and respond to schools? We look forward to hearing your ideas as we invent the next generation process. Maripe Menéndez, IB Regional Manager Spain, Responsable regional del IB en España José Varela, President Association of IB Schools in Spain (ACBIE) BRAMANTE 9 EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR Descripción de los principales desarrollos y retos del IB en España. Sesión informative conjunta entre IB y ACBIE, Asociación Española de Colegios BI. Spanish Knowing our students: Connecting student wellbeing and student learning BRAMANTE 10 CURRICULUM David Burton, IB MYP Coordinator, International School of Paris Damian Kerr, Vice-Principal for Student Wellbeing International School of Paris Barry Mansfield, Secondary School Principal International School of Paris Tim Logan, PSE Coordinator, International School of Paris Jonathan James, IB ATL Coordinator, International School of Paris. Amber Herisson, Head of Languages, International School of Paris How might schools explicitly connect student wellbeing to student learning? How can the changes to the IB programmes support this process, particularly the updated approaches to learning? The International School of Paris is a diverse 3-programme IB World School. At the AEM 2013 Regional Conference, the school shared experiences in developing a dynamic language program in an inclusive and equitable learning environment. A critical aspect of the school culture is a wellbeing philosophy and program that places the students at the centre and aligns explicitly to the IB programmes. The ISP team will describe how the school moved historically from a 'behaviour management' to 'student wellbeing' philosophy, what leadership and organisational structures are in place to support student well-being and what new initiatives are being developed, including mentoring programs, personal and social education courses, extra curricular activities and the role of learning support. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 15:45-16:45 This session covers the history of the IB in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and how it has developed to become one of the most sought after programmmes in the region. It is delivered in both languages (English and Arabic) keeping in mind the Islamic culture and the requirements of the ministry. This session will go in-depth into the shift from a culture that focuses on single subjects, to a new approach that integrates teaching from different fields under the unit of inquiry. Desarrollo de IB en España KEY The new venture in implementing the IB philosophy 120 Learning across boundaries: The World Studies Extended Essay FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 15:45-16:45 Angela Riviere, Curriculum Manager International Baccalaureate 121 BRAMANTE 11 Exploring designerly ways of knowing BRAMANTE 14 CURRICULUM Andrew Mayes, MYP Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate CURRICULUM In an increasingly interconnected world future employers will demand graduates who are able to engage with complex issues from multiple perspectives. As IB students reflect on the world in which they live and want to live, facing the challenges and complexities of the 21st century, the World Studies Extended Essay offers them an opportunity to explore issues of global significance through sustained independent enquiry, fostering a broader view of knowledge: one more closely linked to the way in which the world actually works. Finding solutions to the world's most pressing problems necessitates a blurring of traditional lines, and the navigation of competing perspectives in order to gain a deeper, more considered understanding of these problems: a mode of thinking that crosses disciplinary boundaries. Blurring the lines and thinking across boundaries are important features of an inquiring, reflective IB student and the World Studies Extended Essay adeptly embodies this. iPads in science classes making a useful use of the technology! Walter Gammon, Teacher, Qatar Academy BRAMANTE 12 TECHNOLOGY Building on the list of apps presented at last year's Regional Conference, this presentation will focus on the use of iPads in Science classes in a very practical way, to both collect and manipulate data. It will begin with a run through of some of the new apps available to iPad users. As a group we will then run through a couple of quick experiments, actually collecting and manipulating some data. If time allows, there will be a discussion of the new Subject Guide, and the changes that have come in at this revision. There will be a pack of takeaway ideas for assessments that integrate the technology into the students' work. There will be a Physics slant but included will be activities for the teachers of the other Sciences to take away - including Sports Science! The session is suitable for experienced teachers looking to use more technology in their labs, and for teachers new to the IB looking for help and guidance in the assessment of their students. HEADS Thinking like a designer can CONTINUUM transform the way individuals develop products, services, processes and even strategy. Designers have developed their own ways of knowing that can be utilised to analyse situations, develop insights and inform decision making. Participants will explore designerly ways of knowing and consider how it can be used to develop better solutions and more effective strategy. Broadening the impact of IB programmes in your school Heather Lapper, Regional Development Manager AEM, International Baccalaureate Shane Tastad, Principal, The International School of Helsingborg BRAMANTE 15 CURRICULUM HEADS Session for schools with IB programme(s) interested in offering more than one/two/three programmes. Find out how a continuum of IB education can provide an articulated pathway to creative, critical thinking and a truly holistic educational experience for your students. Learn first-hand how offering more than one IB programme can impact your school's culture, community and conversation ASSOCIATION MEETINGS / EXPO SESSIONS / FOCUS GROUPS EXPO SESSIONS Language learning in an international context BRAMANTE 9 You have mobile devices.. Great, But.. Now what? BRAMANTE 10 How can international education prepare young individuals for the challenges of the 21st century? Learn how one large urban school district transformed teaching and learning through a successful anytime, anywhere digital programme. Darryl LaGace a former Chief Information and Technology Officer who rolled out this successful mobile learning programme, will share best practices for planning, deploying and managing iPads within an educational setting. With the right preparation and solutions in place to keep devices safe, managed, and meaningful in classes, your mobile learning programme can be a success! Plus you’ll get to ask your questions and get real-world answers! In a world that is becoming more diverse, Eastern-centric and technology-driven, employers are seeking young individuals who are more flexible, multilingual and adaptable. In this talk, Brad explores how such challenges can be tackled in the language classroom through pedagogically-sound educational materials. He will draw on examples from his new textbook English B for the IB Diploma, showing how language skills, intercultural skills and critical thinking can be developed simultaneously. He will demonstrate how the English B curriculum can be informed by the IB’s Approaches to Teaching and Learning, the Learner Profile and Howard Gardner’s Five Minds for the Future. This engaging and interactive talk will be followed by a question and answer session. KEY Darryl LaGace, EVP Global Business Development, Lightspeed Systems ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 16:45-17:15 Brad Philpot, Director of Philpot Education 122 EXPO SESSIONS Igniting the Mind One Article at a Time BRAMANTE 11 FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 16:45-17:15 The New York Times in Education/ International New York Times 123 This session will provide a tutorial on The New York Times in Education programs. Edited from London, Paris, Hong Kong, and New York, The New York Times's global reporting can add to your curriculum, making it fresher and more relevant for your students. Our education programs seek to support efforts to develop students’ competencies and skills while enhancing engagement outside the classroom. Through news articles, videos, discussion questions, and other resources provided on the nytimes.com platform, students will expand their understanding of how the world works in the 21st century. Luiss Prof. Daniele Gallo, Law Department; Camilla Viganotti, International Development Office BRAMANTE 12 LUISS Guido Carli is an independent university founded in 1974 and located in the heart of Rome. It consists of four departments (Economics and Finance, Business and Management, Political Science and Law), three schools (School of European Political Economy, LUISS Business School and School of Government) and offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate education. Naviance Career And University Readiness In A Global Society BRAMANTE 14 Steven Bates, International Account Executive, Hobsons Mike Betnun, Senior International Account Executive, Hobsons Uncover the best practices for supporting MYP and DP students to reach their post-secondary aspirations. Learn how Naviance can help administrators maximize student success and academic achievement by engaging students and families every step of the way. Students will see the link between their academic achievement, co-curricular and service activities and what universities require for admissions. Naviance provides a centralized hub for students and families to access all of their university and career exploration related resources. Students can research and evaluate their university options from our global database of higher education institutions. Administrators can electronically send transcripts and supporting materials to over 2,200 academic institutions. Students may take a number of psychometric assessments that generate full-length reports which identify their unique strengths and interests and relate these to future careers and college majors. Join us to learn how over 450 international schools across 95+ countries are benefiting from our platform and services. SESSION FOUR Laura Wellesley, Global Recognition Manager, International Baccalaureate BERNINI 2 HIGHER EDUCATION HEADS BERNINI 1 David Clapp, Head of Science, St George's British International School CREATIVITY The DP revised Group 4 curricula refer to a multitude of scientific methods, in contrast to science education's singular "fair test" model. The associated revised criteria for Group 4 internally assessed work allow far greater scope for students to experience the plurality of these methods first-hand both through direct experimentation and through use of secondary data. They are now encouraged to engage with science across the range of the TOK "eightfold path" from reason to memory but not leaving out intuition, imagination and even emotion. The audience will be shown examples of current DP students' Group 4 experimental work at St George's British International School Rome that elucidates the creative element at work in the various scientific methodologies described. The talk concludes with a celebration of the cultural breadth of the scientific enterprise through references across a wide range of cultures, each indicative of a way of knowing now accessible to a DP student. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 16:45-17:15 This session will overview the new developments in the IBWSC conference model and highlight the benefits of hosting, as well as the outcomes for students and educators who attend. Student participants, volunteer educators, and university partners from previous IBWSCs will be represented on the panel to share their experiences and respond to questions. Creating science KEY IB World Student Conferences - A university/ IB partnership 124 Digital game-based learning: Get into the game! Adriaan van der Bergh, Technology Integration Specialist, International School of Düsseldorf BRAMANTE 1 TECHNOLOGY FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 16:45-17:15 In this session you will learn about the many benefits of playing video games. We will explore why video games have not impacted our education system to a large degree and why the "edutainment" industry is declining. Possible ways of bringing relevant games into the classroom will then be discussed. 125 Nonrational Ways of Knowing in the history classroom Charlotte Vale, Teacher of history and philosophy, Rome International School BRAMANTE 2 CURRICULUM Part of learning about the past is understanding how our interpretations of events have formed. In my experiences students can be too quick to dismiss nonrational ways of knowing in history and assume the evidence is unreliable, and yet can be blinded by emotion when the history being studied is part of their cultural heritage. The presentation will begin with a discussion of emotion as a way of knowing in history; how it can be useful, and how to help students look at events objectively? I will also consider what I believe to be an over-emphasis of emotion when teaching certain subjects and how this can have a detrimental effect on students' understanding. I will then go on to consider one of the new ways of knowing to the IB curriculum: imagination. I will show the important role imagination can play when learning about the past. Through the use of tools such as counterfactual thinking students can consider causation and significance in a rigorous and interesting way. Using the professional community as a curriculum resource Conan de Wilde, IBCC Coordinator International School of Geneva BRAMANTE 3 CURRICULUM CONTINUUM This session will present the problems associated with the gulf between educators and employers. An IBCC Coordinator will then present one model, used at the International School of Geneva, of encouraging businesses to participate in curriculum development and assessment. The session will be divided between a 20 minute presentation and a discussion between participants. Starting from scratch Oscar Van Nooijen, IB Diploma Programme Coordinator, The Abbey School BRAMANTE 4 LEADERSHIP HEADS The session will cover the CONTINUUM challenges faced by the presenter when he first took on the role of Diploma Programme Coordinator during his first year of teaching. He will reflect on the ways in which the multiple and diverse responsibilities of a DP Coordinator in a medium-sized setting served as an excellent introduction to understanding whole school teaching and learning in a UK school context. IB Professional Development: Russian practices BRAMANTE 6 HIGHER EDUCATION Konstantin Bezukladnikov, Professor, Perm State Humanitarian HEADS Pedagogical University CONTINUUM Boris Kruze, Associate Professor, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University Mikhail Novosyolov, Senior Lecturer, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University The DP Coordinator as pedagogical leader FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 16:45-17:15 The IB programmes supplement the Russian national educational standard. It is impossible for the IB schools to work effectively without specially trained personnel able to implement IB programmes. Based on a set of IB teachers' professional competencies, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University regularly holds bilingual teacher development. The reconciliation of the Russian educational standards with IB requirements is challenging. Teaching staff is trained in the IB programmes and also participates in international seminars and workshops. We will explore how IB professional devlopment is worked out and teaching staff are selected. Additionally consulting and expert seminars, conferences, workshops and advisory visits are organized and the necessary teaching materials are acquired. BRAMANTE 7 Fiona Clark, DP School Services LEADERSHIP Associate Manager, International Baccalaureate Katrin Fox, DP School Services Manager International Baccalaureate Concepción Allende-Urbieta, DP and IBCC School Services Associate Manager, International Baccalaureate KEY To assert that the DP Coordinator should be seen as the pedagogical leader in the school. What does this mean? What does this look like? ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 126 SESSION FIVE Teacher collaboration for accreditation: A case study of evaluating the DP TINTORETTO 1 LEADERSHIP SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 Ildiko Murray, Diploma Programme, Coordinator American International School Kuwait 127 The session will offer practical tips and advice to school leadership on how to approach the Diploma Programme accreditation or evaluation process in their own schools. The lecture is presented in the context of a case study, specifically how my own school, the American International School Kuwait, completed the 5-year guided self-study for the required Diploma Programme evaluation during the 2013-2014 academic year. As DP Coordinator, I was responsible for leading the preparation of the evaluation. I participated in the IB workshop, "Evaluating Your DP", before starting the preparation of the self-study, which served as a starting point for our evaluation process. This case study is also informed by the research that I am undertaking for my doctoral thesis in Curriculum Studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. This session will briefly highlight the collaborative evaluation practices that teachers engage in for accreditation. Placement and movement within language acquisition BERNINI 3 Jaime Weiler, Language Acquisition CURRICULUM Facilitator, The KAUST School Katrina Englart, MYP Coordinator, The KAUST School How do we place a student in the appropriate Language Acquisition phase? What placement tools can we consider? How do we know when a student is ready to move to the next phase? When are they ready for Language and Literature? This session will look at the journey of a language acquisition student throughout the MYP at The KAUST School in Saudi Arabia. You will learn about the policies and practices in place at this school which have helped maximize student language learning and movement along the language continuum. Encouraging creativity through music and movement BERNINI 2 CREATIVITY Fernando Ramirez, PYP music teacher, SEK international school Eduardo Cary, PE teacher, SEK international school During this session, participants will discuss and explore the connection between music and movement and how it can be implemented in a PYP school to promote creativity. The presenters will share their experience during the session. BERNINI 1 CURRICULUM Lorna Caputo, EAL Team Leader, International School of Zug and Luzern Kyle Hawkins, PYP Coordinator, International School of Zug and Luzern Heads to Heads session TIZIANO 2 Adrian Kearney, IB AEM Regional Director, International Baccalaureate LEADERSHIP Peter Murphy, Director, Vienna HEADS International School and Chair of Regional Council Andrew Derry, Principal of the British International School Budapest, and member of the Regional Council Heads of Schools are invited to join this interactive session with panelists representing the Heads Council, the Regional Council, and senior IB leadership. There will be open discussion on current IB initiatives and how they fit the needs of IB World Schools across the region. IB Heads of Schools are encouraged to reflect on current support and where the IB could focus attention in the coming year. Updates from the most recent Heads and Regional Council meetings will also be discussed. BRAMANTE 1 Anthony Tait, Global Professional Development Director, International Baccalaureate Jan Stipek, Global Head of Professional Development: Diploma, International Baccalaureate CURRICULUM HEADS CONTINUUM IB educators enjoy many professional development options for career growth and lifelong learning. In this session, you will explore the world of the IB's exciting offerings for face-to-face and online workshops and other multimedia opportunities. Have you seen our PD E-catalogue? This easy-to-use online tool should be the first stop on your journey to take your professional development to the next level. We will show you how to think beyond Category 1 PD compliance and explore hundreds of Category 3 workshops and other experiences and resources. Find out how you can gain an IB educator or leadership certificate by studying with one of the universities in our network. Come meet some of the IB PD team, learn how you can become a workshop leader or developer, and share your ideas on how to bring relevant and cutting- edge professional development learning opportunities to the world of IB education. Preparando la Autoevaluación Quinquenal BRAMANTE 2 Concepción Allende-Urbieta, CURRÍCULO DP School Services Associate Manager, Responsable adjunto de Servicios a los colegios del PD, International Baccalaureate SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 Notwithstanding the fact that PYP documentation affirms that planning should be informed by a concept-based approach and that teaching and learning should be inquiry-driven, many specialist teachers working in the PYP remain unsure as to how to engage with the complexities of the PYP conceptual framework and how to employ an inquiry-based approach to their subject. The International School of Zug and Luzern supports language (EAL and Language B) specialists in their efforts to plan teaching and learning engagements through the use of PYP planners and concept- and inquiry-based teaching methods. The PYP Coordinator and the EAL Team Leader from ISZL will run an interactive workshop that will give practical strategies to educators who are trying to move towards aligning Language B and EAL standalone curricula with their school's Programmes of Inquiry. Explore the world of IB Professional Development Cada Colegio del Mundo del IB se evalúa regularmente para comprobar que las normas y aplicaciones concretas de los programas del IB se mantienen. La evaluación tiene lugar al menos una vez cada cinco años. Como parte del proceso, el colegio participa en una autoevaluación que es un elemento clave del proceso continuo de mejora. Esta sesión tiene como objetivo preparar a los educadores para la autoevaluación de los cinco años. Spanish KEY Inquiry and language teaching: Embracing a conceptual shift ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 128 IB and progression to Russell Group institutions SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 Louise Banahene, Head of Educational Engagement, University of Leeds Stuart Hodgson, University of Leeds 129 BRAMANTE 4 HIGHER EDUCATION HEADS This session will provide tips on CONTINUUM how to maximise applications to Russell Group institutions in the UK. It will give guidance to IB teachers from admissions tutors of three highly competitive courses. Finally, this interactive workshop will provide the opportunity for participants to be an admissions tutor. They will review sample personal statements to judge who should be made an offer. Integrating content and language learning BRAMANTE 5 Alison McNulty, Secondary English LANGUAGE Language Coordinator, AND CULTURE Tashkent International School Ursula Manners, DP and MYP Science Teacher, Tashkent International School Tashkent International School is a linguistically and culturally diverse school where the majority of students are not English first language speakers. This can produce tension between the learning and teaching culture in the school. This presentation will describe the pilot project carried out in the secondary school with a specific focus on work done with 9th grade science students. It will demonstrate how content and language teachers working collaboratively can significantly increase accessibility to course content for non-English first language speakers and so improve learners' motivation and results. The presentation will cover the background to the school and its Language Policy, the school's professional development programme, the investigation of teaching and learning cultures, and the development of a collaborative programme for science students at 9th grade. Engaging Alumni through IB Alumni Network BRAMANTE 6 Ena Peeva, Student, IB Alumni Council LEADERSHIP Damian Kerr, Vice Principal for HEADS Well-Being & Mathematics Teacher, International School of Paris Laura Wellesley, Global Recognition Manager, International Baccalaureate Over the years IB Alumni around the globe have created the reputation of the programme, and with their success in the real world, have shown what IB students are capable of. Recently, a campaign for engaging alumni through chapters was started with the aim to one day reach out to every IB Alumni. This panel session, featuring alumni and professionals, will offer to its attendees different perspectives on how to maintain the value of the IB experience in action via the IB Alumni Network. i3e Inteligencia emocional en entornos escolares BRAMANTE 7 Sonsoles Castellano, Directora de INVESTIGACIÓN politica educativa, Colegio San Patricio CONTINUUM Nancy Wiest, Directora de idiomas, Colegio San Patricio Lisa Sheryl Westbrook, Directora Técnica de idiomas, Colegio Tagus La sesión consistirá en explicar una forma de trabajar las competencias emocionales en la escuela de forma sostenible. Para ello se expondrán los contenidos de una investigación llevada a cabo durante dos años en tres centros educativos. La presentación se realizará con ejemplos prácticos de trabajo en el aula. Bilingual - Spanish and English Robert Harrison, Head of MYP Development International Baccalaureate BRAMANTE 8 CURRICULUM Developing conceptual understanding BRAMANTE 9 Rachel French, PYP Coordinator, Frankfurt International School CURRICULUM Combining theory and practical examples this session outlines the importance of scaffolding students' thinking to make connections between knowledge (factual examples) and transferable conceptual understandings. Rachel French will share examples from unit planners, scope and sequence documents, student work samples and short video clips that illustrate a concept-based curriculum in action. This session is based on the work of Dr Lynn Erickson and Dr Lois Lanning. Although most of the examples come from PYP level, the content is equally relevant for MYP and DP teachers. BRAMANTE 10 Jayne Pletser, Curriculum manager for inclusive education, International Baccalaureate Kala Parasuram, Assessment access and inclusion manager International Baccalaureate CURRICULUM HEADS There have been a number of new developments and initiatives in the area of inclusive education in the IB. The IB's managers for inclusion will provide an update on these current developments that span assessment, curriculum and creation resources for IB world schools. Kala Parasuram, the Assessment access and inclusion manager, will elucidate on new pathways to accessibility and inclusion in IB assessments. Jayne Pletser, the Curriculum manager for inclusive education, will inform the audience about the IB's new resource, the 'IB Guide to Inclusive Education' and the learning stories on inclusion garnered from IB world schools. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 College and career readiness has become a touchstone of the educational landscape. But when should we start getting students ready for post-secondary success, how should that success be defined? What skills are required, and how will they be assessed? This discussion focuses on the development of successful learners in the MYP, considering the IB's continuum of Approaches to Learning skills in the context of emerging national and international paradigms. Inclusive education in the IB: An update on current developments KEY Illitaunikuliriniq: teaching/ learning/assessing readiness skills 130 Addressing ways of knowing through ICT teaching SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 10:15-11:15 Farah Samhoun, English Coordinator, German School Beirut Arsola Mouralli, Human Resource, German School Beirut Hadi Bou Hassan, Physics Coordinator, German School Beirut BRAMANTE 11 TECHNOLOGY HEADS This session will introduce the audience to examples derived from the German School Beirut's actual experience in implementing technology across all grade levels. We will show technology as an integral part of the curriculum construction to engender students' ways of knowing, which will enhance their life learning skills. This session revolves around the ways of knowing as a foundation to our practices, as we have noticed that the use of technology in our curriculum ensures the development of the 8 different ways of knowing, being Perception, Reason, Emotion, Language, Intuition, Memory, Imagination and even Faith. We aim at tackling a variety of examples from different subjects across all levels to show the efficacy of these methods. These examples will discuss the planning of a high-tech interactive classroom, in various subjects, involving students with the technology present in a classroom, and ensuring utmost learning experience through engendering the ways of knowing. DP Assessment Forum Richard Penrose, Head of DP Assessment, International Baccalaureate Hayley Smith, Manager of DP Subject Operations, International Baccalaureate BRAMANTE 12 CURRICULUM Richard Penrose, Head of DP Assessment and Hayley Smith, Manager of DP Subject Operations will present a summary of the May 2014 assessment session which included the introduction of marking of some components in parts rather than as whole scripts. A substantial part of the time will be devoted to Q & A on DP assessment issues. 131 Are you interested in starting an IB programme at your school? BRAMANTE 14 CURRICULUM Richard Henry, Head of Development AEM, HEADS International Baccalaureate CONTINUUM Heather Lapper, Development Manager AEM, International Baccalaureate Marjolein Scheuierman, Applicant Schools Coordinator, International Baccalaureate At the end of the session school representatives will know the requirements to become a candidate IB school. There will be an explanation of the authorization process and how to best prepare for the application for candidacy. This session is aimed at school representatives who are considering implementation of an IB programme. Schools introducing IB for the first time or schools planning to add an additional IB programme are both welcome. The first half of the session will provide a detailed outline of the process and requirements while the second half will allow for discussion with the IB Regional Development team. From Ways of Knowing to the Knowledge Framework: Integrative strategies and TOK BRAMANTE 15 CURRICULUM Ric Sims, Teacher, Katedralskolan This session will examine how the new TOK curriculum can be used to achieve integrated knowledge at a number of levels. The key ingredient is the knowledge framework, a powerful structure that tracks how disciplines weave ways of knowing together into shared knowledge. The vocabulary of the knowledge framework provides vertical and horizontal integration within the TOK classroom: for example, by allowing comparisons between different subject disciplines, areas of knowledge or whole knowledge spaces. But, perhaps more importantly, it provides a structure that enables DP subject teachers to create links with TOK and each other to provide a space in which interdisciplinary discourse can take place. SESSION SIX Fatema Paretha, EAL Teacher International Community School TINTORETTO 1 CURRICULUM HEADS BERNINI 3 CREATIVIDAD Pedro Párraga Marchal, Maestro/Psicopedagogo Colegio Internacional SEK Santa Isabel A través de los recursos musicales que nos ofrece Internet, analizaremos el nuevo papel del profesor como mediador y catalizador. El taller tendrá un carácter lúdico y práctico, siendo necesaria la participación activa de los asistentes. Revisaremos de qué manera pueden beneficiarse tanto los alumnos como los profesores de los recursos que nos ofrece la red: instrumentación, lenguaje musical, danza, canto... en el marco de una auténtica perspectiva internacional. Spanish ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 CONTINUUM Using the eight conceptual triggers of form, function, causation, change, connection, perspective, responsibility and reflection to inquire deeper into the knowledge that we as IB teachers and leaders hold to be true. Challenging our own perceptions, beliefs and values so that we may encourage our students to challenge theirs likewise. A reflection on what knowledge we may be taking for granted, the inevitable transference of personal views when interacting with students and the need to question everything! Internet como fuente de recursos en el aula: hacia un nuevo enfoque metodológico KEY Knowing what to question and questioning what we know 132 A bilingual education model school : Pros and challenges SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 Lama Kalash, PYP Coordinator, Dar al Marefa School 133 BERNINI 2 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE The bilingual education model at Dar Al Marefa School in Dubai, UAE is a unique model since it aims to develop bilingualism in the following ways. It is designed as a dual language model where the instruction of the PYP takes place through the medium of two languages; Arabic and English. It emphasizes the cognitive and academic richness of exploring knowledge across academic areas from multiple cultural perspectives using both languages. Teaching and learning take place in both languages almost equally (60%/40%). The learning environment contains displays of the two languages inside and outside classrooms. Cultural relevance identity stems from local to global and is integrated within the PYP planning. However, there are many challenges that face any bilingual school during its journey. During our interactive session, we will be discussing the actions Dar Al Marefa School has taken to facilitate teaching and learning in a bilingual approach. Conceptual thinking and transfer in the PYP Catriona Tuimaka, Teacher, Discovery College BERNINI 1 Developments in the DP: A conversation with DP curriculum managers TIZIANO 1 CURRICULUM Angela Riviere, Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate Dominic Robeau, Acting Head of IBCC Programme Development, International Baccalaureate Jenny Gillet, Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate Liina Baardsen, Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate. This interactive session with DP curriculum managers will allow Heads, DP Coordinators and teachers the opportunity to engage in a dialogue on curriculum developments, course reviews and latest innovations. School Authorization: Consultation and Authorization Stages BRAMANTE 1 CURRICULUM Fidelis Nthenge. Regional Head of School HEADS Services, AEM CONTINUUM John Sauer, PYP School Services Manager, AEM Margareth Harris, MYP School Services Manager, AEM Katrin Fox, DP School Services Manager This session is aimed at providing candidate schools with guidance in the following stages of authorization: Consultation stage and Authorization stage. How do schools ensure a successful authorization? RESEARCH This session moves beyond teaching and learning around a single central idea, to helping students construct and explore additional big ideas. This idea-centered focus increases conceptual depth and emphasizes the ability to transfer conceptual understandings within and across disciplines, to students' personal lives and to the real world. PYP units of inquiry are focused around disciplinary and transdisciplinary concepts, that are explored through broad key concepts which serve as a lens to help students explore the central idea. Rather than unpacking a central idea at the beginning of a unit, what if guided inquiries led students towards developing an understanding of not only one central idea, but additional supporting big ideas that the students themselves come up with as a result of these inquiries? What if explicit teaching, illustrating to students how these understandings could transfer, followed this? This session follows the journey of two teachers who did just that. IBEN workshop leaders sharing good practice BRAMANTE 2 Roz Trudgon, Consultant, IB Educator LEADERSHIP & Consultant Nick Lee, IB Educator (IBEN) Sue Austin, School Service Lead Educator (SSLE) This session is an opportunity for existing IBEN workshop leaders from all programmes to share good practice through their experiences in leading IB Professional Development workshops. Participants are requested to bring one example of good practice and one example of not so good practice based on personal experience. Participants should be prepared to discuss their experiences. BRAMANTE 3 Ian Piper, Director, Danube International School Vienna LEADERSHIP Towards a leadership culture that supports the IB Mission Sergio Pawel, Chief Academic Officer, ISL Group Chris Charleson, Head of School, ISL Qatar BRAMANTE 4 LEADERSHIP HEADS In this session we will describe how the close alignment between the IB and the ISL Group mission served as a basis for a profound re-examination of our leadership structure. After unpacking the literature, practices and our experiences about "Teachers as Leaders" and "Leaders as Teachers" balance, we have developed a platform for continuous professional learning. In this session, we will share the processes and structures that benefited our implementation with the view to assist Heads and Administrators who are intending to embark in building leadership capacity. BRAMANTE 5 Dorsaf Kouki, IB Arabic and French / CAS, CoordinatorAmerican Cooperative School of Tunis, Tunisia CREATIVITY The session will include a presentation on a sample outreach CAS project integrating Language B (Arabic and French) / Art / Music / Technology / Math / Physics / Environmental science. In parallel, there will be a Q and A and discussion about the integration process at all stages of the project. Together the group will brainstorm about other similar projects integrating Creativity and other core subjects for CAS and via CAS. Professional Development past, present and future with the IB BRAMANTE 6 Shannon de Groot, Regional Head of PD, International Baccalaureate Doug Sessions, Global Head PD Business Development, IB LEADERSHIP HEADS CONTINUUM This session will present a combined global and regional approach to professional development, looking at where PD was and currently is, as well as where PD is going in the future. The session will focus on a strategic vision of lifelong learning, including workshop innovation and development plus improved delivery models for the future! ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 The session will give a definition of 'Great Learning', and will then share a framework for the various constructs and controls that either enable or prevent a school from successfully delivering 'Great Learning'. The various elements that impact on 'Great Learning' are described both in terms of the whole school and on the classroom level. The ideal of Great Learning as well as the model have been adapted from the work of Damon, Gardner and Csikszentmihalyi on 'Good Work' and the subsequent 'Good Project'. The elements in terms of constructs and controls draw on Gardner's work on "Five Minds for the Future", Harvards "Project Zero", Hattie's work on "Visible Learning", Perkins' work on "Life-worthy learning", Dweck's work on "Growth Mindset" and Kahneman's work on Human Rationality. An Integrated CAS project: Building the Mghira Disabled Center KEY What enables 'Great Learning' to take place? 134 SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 135 Ways of knowing who we are as global citizens BRAMANTE 8 Traci Salter, Vice Principal / IB Coordinator, English Schools Foundation Martha Ross, International Education Consultant, Independent LANGUAGE AND CULTURE As global citizens, we have diverse backgrounds, perspectives, experiences, journeys and connections. Students seek various ways of knowing who they are and who the people around them are, as unique cultural beings. Share in how we can create understandings for our students, imagining and relating to worlds beyond themselves, thereby appreciating more of their own lives, as well as the ways they know and connect to the lives of others. See how purposefully selected resources can provide opportunities for our children to identify similarities within their lives, as well as provide alternative ways of knowing, thinking and being, as a global participant continually striving to make the world a better place. Join us in reflecting on how, when designing and embedding platforms and practices within our schools, we encourage ways of knowing, so we capitalise on the potential for enriching and transforming students views of their world, and the worlds of others. A way of knowing: international mindedness BRAMANTE 9 Sumaya Alyusuf, Curriculum Manager Continuum Development, International Baccalaureate CURRICULUM CONTINUUM An IB education recognizes that there are diverse ways of knowing which create different world views as contexts for action. Seeking to understand how and why diverse world views are constructed is an important aspect of being internationally minded. This interactive workshop will explore the link between diverse viewpoints and international-mindedness. It will look at how both can be promoted through the development of multilingualism and inclusion practices to inform action through global engagement throughout the continuum of IB programmes. Ways of Knowing: Rapport, meaning, reflection, and mastery Rebecca Naughton, Teacher, American Community School at Beirut Gretchen Bade, High school teacher, American Community School at Beirut BRAMANTE 10 TECHNOLOGY HEADS CONTINUUM This presentation will be about Ways of Knowing for both teachers and students to ensure the classroom is a meaningful and engaging place to learn. The four categories will discuss building meaningful rapport in the classroom using technology tools (including web 2.0 tools), making connections between the material and students' lives to facilitate authentic learning, using self-reflection as a tool to identify the impact a teacher has on the classroom and going beyond using form surveys to identify students' needs, and identifying educational technology tools that can help to meet students where they are by using resources that are relevant in the students' lives Facing the facts: Opportunities and challenges of online learning BRAMANTE 11 TECHNOLOGY Edward Lawless, Principal, Pamoja Education The IBDP revised Group 4 curricula refer to a multitude of scientific methods, in contrast to science education's singular "fair test" model. The associated revised criteria for Group 4 internally assessed work allow far greater scope for students to experience the plurality of these methods first-hand both through direct experimentation and through use of secondary data. They are now encouraged to engage with science across the range of the TOK "eightfold path" from reason to memory but not leaving out intuition, imagination and even emotion. The audience will be shown examples of current IBDP students' Group 4 experimental work at St George's British International School Rome that elucidates the creative element at work in the various scientific methodologies described. The talk concludes with a celebration of the cultural breadth of the scientific enterprise through references across a wide range of cultures, each indicative of a way of knowing now accessible to an IBDP student. 19 Years in the making: MYP projects BRAMANTE 12 Danielle Veilleux, MYP Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate CURRICULUM A journey towards inclusion Mary Donnellan, IB DP Coordinator, Copenhagen International School Caroline Brokvam, Senior School Principal, Copenhagen International School SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 11:45-12:45 Personal Project has been a key feature of the Middle Years Programme since the publication of the first MYP Personal Project guide in 1995, and with the introduction of the Community Project in the publication of MYP Projects in 2014, this area of the MYP has grown and strengthened over almost two decades of development. This session will look at the continuing implementation of the Personal Project; the 2014 objectives, requirements and modes of presentation, as well as introducing the Community Project as an optional addition for schools ending the MYP in year 5 of the programme. Schools ending the MYP in years 3 or 4 of the programme will be exploring the mandatory implementation of the Community Project and this workshop will introduce the objectives, proposed timelines for implementation and sample projects. BRAMANTE 14 CURRICULUM KEY This session is a description of how one school began the journey towards inclusion, specifically within the Diploma Programme. Examining the roles played by Learning Support, Counsellors, teachers and students, this session will look at the positives, problems and pitfalls involved in adopting an inclusive approach to student participation in the Diploma Programme. In 2011, Copenhagen International School, for the first time, began to provide formal learning support within Grades 11 and 12 for students requiring inclusive access arrangements. The journey has been (and still is) a challenging one, but there has also been much to celebrate. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 136 ASSOCIATION MEETINGS / EXPO SESSIONS / FOCUS GROUPS 137 Association of IB World Schools in East Africa BERNINI 3 Adzo Ashie, Regional Manager International Baccalaureate Middle East IB Association of Schools - MEIBA BERNINI 2 15:30 - 16:00 SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Association of IB World Schools in Norway (DP) TINTORETTO 1 Tor Øyvind Andersen Association of IB World Schools in Norway TINTORETTO 2 Marius Sommer Strand Hana Kanan IB World Schools Associations - The International Baccalaureate is currently working closely with IB World Schools across the region to support initiatives concerning the formation of Associations of IB World Schools at a national or sub-regional level. These associations provide a forum for school collaboration, informal gatherings and the exchange of good practice. Associations are often active in negotiating university and government recognition for IB programmes and can assist IB World Schools, teachers and students in their communities - from implementing IB programmes to providing a forum for schools collaboration. During these focus sessions, members of the Associations will come together to discuss matters regarding the implementation and recognition of IB qualifications at a national or sub-regional level. Please feel free to join any of these sessions to learn more about the work of the Associations and contribute to their activities. EXPO SESSIONS TINTORETTO 1 Matt Puddy, Export Sales Manager, Capstone myON is an internationally used digital library which automatically adjusts to each individual user and their ability level. This enhances the learning experience and increases literacy levels - all of which can be tracked and reviewed by the educator through a full reporting suite. Find out how you can be using it in your school for increased English learning levels. Coles Wilkinson, Managing Director International Schools Division For the good of our students: Enhancing collaboration between teachers & college counselors TINTORETTO 2 BRAMANTE 1 Rosanna Montalbano, IB Schools Liaison, Oxford Study Courses No one is better equipped to understand students’ talents, abilities and academic propensities than a trusted teacher. A chemistry or a biology teacher will know early on if a student has an ability in these areas, or if applying for med school would be a bridge too far. A history teacher would be able to tell if a student can make him or herself understood in a second language sufficiently to deal with the required historical analysis and essay writing at a very challenging university. This is why it is important for teachers and college counselors to keep in close touch. It should be a partnership that has the students’ best interests at heart. This presentation will explore the advantages to the student of this two-way street, and highlight ways to enable closer ties between counselors and teachers. BRAMANTE 2 Timo ter Berg, CEO, ReasoningLab In general, structured thinking and writing is a problem for many students. More specific, while critical thinking and structured writing is becoming increasingly central in undergraduate education, many students struggle to reason clearly, to structure and analyze argumentation and write a good essay. However, most dedicated courses to improve students' critical thinking have only limited result in learning outcomes. We present a method to teach critical thinking that has been shown to be very effective in a 5 year Australian research program. This method emphasizes deliberate practice of reasoning and writing skills by argument mapping, a technique to visualize the underlying logic of argumentation and writing. We present an online program, Rationale, that has been developed to facilitate the implementation of this technique into teaching practice, and show examples of its use in IB education. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 itsLearning Critical thinking and essay writing with rationale: Theory and practice KEY Meet myON - Your intuitive digital library! 138 EXPO SESSIONS Enhancing teaching & learning using effective assessment BRAMANTE 3 Alison Chapman, International Schools Consultant, GL Education SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 Join GL Education for an overview of their approach to student assessment which incorporates measures of attainment, ability and attitudes to provide a unique profile of each student. Find out how international schools are using this detailed insight to enhance their teaching effectiveness through the delivery of personalised learning. The teaching challenges addressed by this session will include: •Admissions • Personalising teaching to suit a student's preferred learning style • Using ability scores and attainment data to set baselines and measure value add • Identifying gifted and talented, and SEN students • Accurately assessing the true potential of EAL students • Communicating IB targets effectively with parents and students • Having internationally recognised benchmarks to aid self-assessments and inspections Delegates attending this session can request a free trial of GL’s assessments and a webex review to support their analysis of their own data. 139 Building a Powerful and Integrated Learning and Communication Platform for Your School BRAMANTE 4 Clive Ungless, Director of International Operations, Finalsite David Jepson, Director of IT, TASIS The American School in England In this talk we will show how Finalsite provides a range of tools to enhance learning and communications among all constituents in a seamless and connected manner. We will cover private communication portals, Learning Management Systems, data integration and other key elements that provide for a comprehensive and truly engaging environment. The Finalsite Platform is fully responsive across all devices and platforms. We will showcase one leading international schools successful implementation and how it has enhanced learning for the whole school community. Naviance career and university readiness in a global society BRAMANTE 5 Steven Bates, International Account Executive, Hobsons Mike Betnun, Senior International Account Executive, Hobsons Uncover the best practices for supporting MYP and DP students to reach their post-secondary aspirations. Learn how Naviance can help administrators maximize student success and academic achievement by engaging students and families every step of the way. Students will see the link between their academic achievement, co-curricular and service activities and what universities require for admissions. Naviance provides a centralized hub for students and families to access all of their university and career exploration related resources. Students can research and evaluate their university options from our global database of higher education institutions. Administrators can electronically send transcripts and supporting materials to over 2,200 academic institutions. Students may take a number of psychometric assessments that generate full-length reports which identify their unique strengths and interests and relate these to future careers and college majors. Join us to learn how over 450 international schools across 95+ countries are benefiting from our platform and services. EXPO SESSIONS BRAMANTE 6 Angelica Nierras, Managing Director Faria Systems Inc. ManageBac is the leading planning, assessment and reporting system for IB world schools founded by three former IB Diploma students in 2007. This presentation will cover best practices for effective implementation and programme management, as well as an introduction to ManageBac as a system solution. The successful IB student: A testimonial from Universita Bocconi BRAMANTE 7 Barbara Prevosti, Guidance and Recruitment Office, International Services, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Learn about how the IB curriculum supports academic performance at Bocconi, the top Italian Business School located in Milan: real examples taken from current students will be displayed, together with suggestions and tips for prospective students interested in applying to one of the Bocconi Bachelor Programs taught entirely in English in the areas of Management, Economics, Finance and Political Sciences. BRAMANTE 8 Cristofer Gore, International School Sales Specialist, Wenger Corporation Acoustics for music suites: What makes the music suite different from the rest of the school? Why and how are acoustics critical to student learning? The seminar, designed for school principals and music administrators, will explain the four critical factors - Acoustics, Floor Plan, Storage, and Equipment-in constructing a music suite and offer tools to better understand the differences between “stick-built” acoustical rooms and truly sound-isolation acoustical rooms. All participants will receive a free Planning Guide for School Music Facilities. You have mobile devices.. Great, But.. Now what? BRAMANTE 9 Darryl LaGace, EVP Global Business Development, Lightspeed Systems Learn how one large urban school district transformed teaching and learning through a successful anytime, anywhere digital programme. Darryl LaGace a former Chief Information and Technology Officer who rolled out this successful mobile learning programme, will share best practices for planning, deploying and managing iPads within an educational setting. With the right preparation and solutions in place to keep devices safe, managed, and meaningful in classes, your mobile learning programme can be a success! Plus you’ll get to ask your questions and get real-world answers! ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 13:40 -14:10 The presentation will address curriculum planning, assessment and reporting on ManageBac, with close attention paid to the MYP Next Chapter transition, recently released support for IBCC and the Community Project, and planned improvements for the 2014-2015 academic year. Ensuring your school makes sweet music: How to strike the right note in school acoustics KEY Making the IB Continuum happen: Effective systems for planning, assessment and reporting 140 EXPO SESSIONS Technology in education: A blessing or a curse? LMS, Digital Textbooks & MOOCs simplified Online IBDP Courses: what you need to know BRAMANTE 10 Lori Gully, Head of Business Development, Pamoja Kawther Saa'd Aldin, Regional Development Consultant, Pamoja 13:40 -14:10 Nicholas Johansson, CEO Lanterna Online Nadim Sherif, School Solutions Consultant Implementing technology in education can be scary. How can we ensure it doesn't take more time from teachers? We believe that the use of right technology can help teachers free up time so they can focus on what they do best: Teach! In this session, we will simplify the tech jungle for you, what you should consider when using technology at school and why it shouldn't be scary. What we can learn from the world's top performing mathematics curricula? BRAMANTE 12 Pamoja Education serves as the sole provider for online IB DP courses, offering 16 courses to 2000 students world-wide. Join us to discuss how it works, how to sign up, and how successful students are in the online environment. BRAMANTE 11 Robin Theakston, Scholastic Educational Publishing in International Markets, Scholastic Inc. A look at how consistent structure and visual representations can build a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics from a very early age. Explicit teaching of problem solving strategies and process prepare students for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These are the best practices of top-performing Singapore, Republic of Korea, and Hong Kong. FOCUS GROUPS 141 CURRICULUM ConcepcionAllende-Urbieta, Responsable adjunta del Programa del Diploma y responsable del COPIB, International Baccalaureate Una explicación del Programa COPIB. Como implementarlo y el impacto que ha tenido en los centros educativos donde se imparte. Preguntas y respuestas sobre el programa. Spanish ATL in the DP BRAMANTE 14 15:30 - 16:00 13:40 -14:10 El Certificado de Estudios con Orientación Profesional del IB Jenny Gillet, Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate BRAMANTE 12 CURRICULUM This session will focus on approaches to teaching and learning in the DP. It will be an opportunity to hear more about the DP ATL pilot which took place in 20132014, as well as the new materials that will be launched in January 2015. The session will be led by Jenny Gillett (DP curriculum manager for TOK, history and philosophy), who has led the development of the DP ATL materials. KEY ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 142 SESSION SEVEN When was the last time you climbed a mountain? SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 15:30-16:00 Robin Press, Teacher, IBDP Coordinator, The Anglican International School Jerusalem 143 BRAMANTE 1 CREATIVITY When my oldest niece was an infant, I was fascinated with watching her. She changed so quickly and she seemed to learn something new every day. There was a period when she learned to turn over from her back unto her stomach, but frustrating for her, she couldn't seem to turn back over. We watched her struggle, resisting the urge to help too much and finally, she got it. Since then she's learned to walk and talk, to ride a tricycle and recently, festooned in a little tutu, to do a plie. I'm still fascinated; she is fearless. That is what we ask of our students every day. When was the last time you climbed a mountain? Studied a new language? Tried to stand on your head? When was the last time you put yourself in the vulnerable place of the "new learner"? This will be a talk, rich in anecdote, with some accompanying slides, about the value of new experiences for us as teachers and how to use those experiences to enhance our understanding of the challenges faced by our students. Ways of knowing and the IB Curriculum: The journey of an Italian teacher Giovanna Rampone, DP Coordinator, Deledda International School BRAMANTE 2 CURRICULUM The session will reflect on the Italian Education System in relation to the IB continuum. Specifically it will seek to answer the question related to the theme of the annual conference: What is ‘a Way’? There are many dictionary definitions but the presenter has chosen the one that defines it as ‘the course travelled from one place to another: Route’. But like all good ToK teachers that answer is not enough. Infusing technology for early years literacy support BRAMANTE 3 Gioko Anthony, Vice Principal PD and TECHNOLOGY Outreach, Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa Jonathon Marsh, Professional Development Coordinator Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa The session will present how teachers were introduced to technology, and how they planned their lesson infusing the technology and delivered technology-infused sessions. There will also be a session to explain the students' results before and after infusing the teachnology for literacy support. Birgitte Amina La Cour, Teacher, Copenhagen International School BRAMANTE 4 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE BRAMANTE 6 TECHNOLOGY Jesús Castillo Albalate, IT Coordinator and Technology Teacher MYP, SEK institution Campus CIudalcampo Cecilia Villavicencio, DP Coordinator, SEK Institution Campus Ciudalcampo The aim of the presentation is to show 5 Creative experiences in technology, now called Design. Experiences are : 1.Big Wall. Using a white board of 20 meters long were able to create a timeline on which to show scientific and technological advances connected with historical events. 2.Design of structures with Minecraft. Videogames are a powerful tool that used well can improve the learning process. In this case the students have made several designs of buildings, bridges and monuments. 3.How its made? Students analyze episodes of this famous programme following the phases of the design cycle. 4.LEGO INNOVATION LAB. How to transform your traditional lab to a LEGO innovation lab. We will show some of the machines and robots made by students with a methodology based on teamwork. 5.E-portfolio. Examples of evidences of learning, projects and design folder using the Evernote application. ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 15:30-16:00 Stories are one of the oldest and most universal forms of communicating knowledge. Even very young learners are able to use stories as a way of knowing. Differences in early oral language and literacy development in many cultures are often correlated with differences in gender. However, creative stories are an integral part of play and learning for both boys and girls in Early Years classrooms from the dramatic play area to the block corner. Supporting students to record their stories with photos extends not only their play, but creates a meaningful purpose of oral language and early literacy development. As students create books to share their knowledge through their stories, they reflect, retell, sequence, cut, paste, add text, page numbers, and language takes on a new form. Knowing through photographed stories becomes inclusive of all students, especially those otherwise challenged by fine motor, oral language and early literacy development. Give me 5. Engaging your students with creative design units KEY Knowing as young learners: The power of stories 144 Reflection in the IB Diploma Core John Cannings, Fellow of Royal Geographical Society, Core Consultants Thomas Brodie, Director of Studies, Carlsbad International School BRAMANTE 7 CURRICULUM SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER 15:30-16:00 This session is a brief look at the different demands for reflection within the IB Core. It will also consider the need to outline to students the purpose and requirements of each demand. This session will add a further strand of coherency across the core. 145 A festival of ideas: Independence, creativity and the Learner Profile BRAMANTE 8 CREATIVITY Hadrian Briggs, Senior Teacher (Academic), The Red Maids' School The session will describe a successful initiative at a UK DP-only school to integrate the learner profile and TOK- thinking (including Ways of Knowing) into all aspects of school life through a 'Festival of Ideas.' This week-long initiative (currently in its 2nd year) comprises of three main strands, a creativity challenge, a selection of events and speakers for the whole school community and a cross-curricular themed project aimed at a specific Year Group. The session will show exactly how the initiative was conceived, planned and executed allowing delegates to take away a successful model to their own schools. This practical session will encourage you to get involved with your creative side, to consider possible themes which might be appropriate for your school environment and give you a chance to ask questions and develop the concept further with your input. Integrated Information Systems for International Education Learn more about our integrated school management suite: ManageBac Planning, Assessment & Reporting for the IB Continuum OpenApply Paperless admissions & enrollment InterSIS International school information system Free ay 60-D a i r T l! The trusted choice of 4 in 5 IB Diploma Students and over 1,400 leading IB World schools. +44 208 133 7489 Integrated Information Systems for International Education +852 8175 8152 +61 02 8006 2335 Visit : http://managebac.com KEY +1 866 297 7022 Email : [email protected] ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 146 SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER 09:00-10:00 SESSION EIGHT 147 The applicability and impact TINTORETTO 1 of using the IB’s Learner Profiles as a framework for RESEARCH discussing bullying in the MYP: Lessons from a mixed method practice based research project Michael Lynch, School Counsellor, Bladins International School of Malmö This presentation will provide results from research conducted for the Jeff Thompson Research Award (December 2013). The title of the research is 'Evaluation of an IB informed prevention approach to bullying with MYP students: Using a mixed methods approach incorporating a quasi-experimental design within a Swedish IB school'. Using a survey (Olweus 1996) we will explore if the IB informed modules appear effective in reducing the experiences of bullying for students in MYP who received the modules when compared to students who do not receive the modules. We will do this through focus groups, the views of students on their experiences of receiving the modules, and feedback from a short survey of teaching staff on their experiences of delivering the modules. Ways of Knowing in the Arts BERNINI 3 Christina Haaf, Curriculum Manager DP Music and Dance, CREATIVITY International Baccalaureate Michael Bindon, Curriculum Manager DP Theatre, Film and Visual Arts, International Baccalaureate The Arts are one of the areas of knowledge in TOK as outlined in the guide for first examination in 2015. This session will offer practical approaches to teaching The Arts as an area of knowledge by accessing them through a range of ways of knowing. Ways of knowing in The Arts will be looked at from a range of angles and by considering a variety of cultural perspectives. The session will offer practical approaches, advice and resources in order to unlock The Arts as part of the new TOK course. Whilst the session is geared at sparking interest and discussion, there will be instruction and sharing innovative and practical approaches to examine The Arts from a TOK perspective. The session will be held by IB Diploma Programme curriculum managers in The Arts. Angelika Kuster, MYP Coordinator, Qatar Academy BERNINI 2 CURRICULUM Academic honesty: Principles into practice Celina Garza, Academic Honesty Manager, International Baccalaureate BERNINI 1 CURRICULUM The principle of academic honesty is fundamental to all IB programmes. Despite numerous publications explaining the importance of upholding academic honesty and offering guidance on avoiding misconduct, the IB continues to see an increase in the number of misconduct cases. This trend raises the question: do our stakeholders really understand what it means to uphold the principle of academic honesty? All IB World Schools are required to have an academic honesty policy but this needs to be embodied in the classroom; skills and values around academic honesty must be cultured and this can only be achieved with an integrated approach which includes the whole school community. Academic honesty must be viewed as a positive attribute to assessment and learning, and an essential skill for further education and life. However, students cannot achieve this alone, they need guidance from their teachers. BRAMANTE 1 LEADERSHIP Sue Richards, Head of HEADS Professional Development PYP, International Baccalaureate John Sauer, PYP School Services Manager AEM, International Baccalaureate Ongoing professional learning for teachers and school leaders has been identified as one of the key contributors to quality schools. When we talk about professional development in relation to the IB, this means a commitment to being critical and self-reflective, dedicated to lifelong learning and continuous improvement. PD should be ongoing for all educators, irrespective of experience, not only for continuous professional and personal growth, but to ensure that we keep improving the learning experiences and outcomes of all our students. In this session we will work together to explore a range of models of professional development that promote lifelong learning and build a community of IB educators. Participants will collaborate in designing a professional development plan for themselves and/or for their school by exploring the core elements of IB professional development, such as the global architecture and pathways for learning. High wires and safety nets BRAMANTE 2 Andrew Derry, Director, Vienna International School and Member of Regional Council LEADERSHIP How do we know when students are successful? Everyone is talking about 21C schools and 21C learning; what do they look like, how do we create them? We probably all agree that the elements that go to create this may include a constructivist, inquiry-based, tech-rich, learnercentered, personalized learning environment. However, how do we balance this with the pragmatic realities of external exams and standardized testing? How do we set the bar very high and yet still build in all the safety nets to ensure all our students are successful? ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER 09:00-10:00 Both, the IB MYP and Model United Nations (MUN) aim to develop caring, informed global citizens. During this session, we will take a closer look at the IB Philosophy, considering what constitutes an IB Education and how this fits with the mission of the Model United Nations. We will be considering the interplay between inquiry, action and reflection and exploring whether MUN can provide genuine opportunities for this interplay to occur. Considering the new MYP Global Contexts, we will investigate whether items on a MUN agenda can provide that real life context for learning. We will look at the MYP Approaches to Learning and examine whether the skills that successful MYP students develop can be seen in preparation for and during a MUN conference. Finally, we will share ideas how this can be embedded within your curriculum or used in other ways. PYP Professional Development planning for schools and teachers KEY Model UN and the IB MYP 148 Mapping technology skills in the curriculum BRAMANTE 3 Raija Johnson, Principal, Oulu International School CURRICULUM HEADS The session will focus on mapping the technology and literacy skills in IB programme where national, international curriculum and CLIL pedagogy are integrated in the school curriculum and in school ethos. Harvard and MIT-style innovation for the 21stCentury High School SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER 09:00-10:00 Thomas Bernard Kinane, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School BRAMANTE 4 CREATIVITY HEADS CONTINUUM There are many ways to teach innovation and creativity. This lecture will present key ways that Harvard and MIT continue to produce innovative graduates by teaching both. A Harvard Medical School professor will collaborate with his former student, now an MIT research scientist, to profoundly change your view of creativity. They will demonstrate what 'Harvard-MIT' creativity is, and how it may be replicated at the high school level. This talk will draw from lessons learned from years of teaching in and learning from the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, a program that brings together MIT, Harvard Medical School (HMS), Harvard University, and Boston area teaching hospitals in a unique collaboration that integrates science, medicine and engineering to solve problems in human health. Continuum on experimentation: A plan for hands-on work César Prado, Deputy Head of Study, Colegio de San Francisco de Paula CURRICULUM CONTINUUM This session will describe the process to successfully implement an educational practice. The details about the motives behind putting up this experimental programme will be explained along with its expectations, and why and how the IB programmes provide a valid and helpful framework for this structure, in spite of being required to meet with national curriculum standards. A detailed report of the steps taken, problems found and resource and personnel requirements will be presented as a possible example for other schools interested in developing such a programme, and to show the feasibility of this practice and what mistakes can be avoided. El libro, un poderoso recurso para el conocimiento BRAMANTE 6 Monica Azpilicueta, Coordinadora PAI, LENGUA Y Colegio Internacional SEK - Atlantico CULTURA Maria de los Angeles Portela, Bibliotecaria del centro, Colegio Internacional SEK - Atlántico Describiremos el Plan Lector, justificando los cambios que debemos afrontar en él para obtener óptimos resultados. Se resaltará la importancia de trabajar las inteligencias múltiples en el aula en el proceso de aprendizaje individualizado para obtener una enseñanza de calidad y de qué manera potenciarlas con la llegada del próximo capítulo del PAI. Se explicará el procedimiento a través del cual se han conseguido los objetivos marcados para cada uno de los componentes de la comunidad de aprendizaje. Se aportarán datos reales así como reflexiones de alumnos, docentes y bibliotecaria, confirmando cómo el cambio metodológico empleado en el Plan Lector fue el detonante para conseguir TODOS los objetivos que nos habíamos propuesto. Spanish 149 BRAMANTE 5 BRAMANTE 7 Liina Baardsen, Curriculum Manager International Baccalaureate CURRICULUM Revealing the hidden side of Africa; by The best of both Anna McDermott, IB Student, British School of Brussels Berk Coymak, IB Student, British School of Brussels Alice Burchell, British School of Brussels BRAMANTE 8 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE This session is a student presentation on how their service work in a student-led charity has altered their perceptions about Ghana. From a year 9 Geography textbook lesson on the issues of poverty in Ghana through to their expedition this summer as year 12 students they will show the real side of Ghana - and ask 'is this Africa?' The students will present the Best of Both model that encourages a different approach to charity work through relationship building and promoting the best from both communities and cultures. The learning of the project covers key concepts such as gaining knowledge, seeking truth and recognising perspectives. BRAMANTE 9 Marc Starr, IB DP Coordinator, Dubai American Academy CURRICULUM This session involves the exploration of the new Ways of Knowing of faith in TOK and how its connections to the Areas of Knowledge beyond Religious Knowledge Systems. DP Assessment Forum Richard Penrose, Head of DP Assessment, International Baccalaureate Hayley Smith, Manager of DP Subject Operations, International Baccalaureate BRAMANTE 10 CURRICULUM Richard Penrose, Head of DP Assessment and Hayley Smith, Manager of DP Subject Operations will present a summary of the May 2014 assessment session which included the introduction of marking of some components in parts rather than as whole scripts. A substantial part of the time will be devoted to Q & A on DP assessment issues. Repeat Service Learning across the continuum BRAMANTE 11 Cathryn Berger Kaye, President, CBK Associates LEADERSHIP HEADS Students benefit by applying CONTINUUM knowledge and skills to address real world issues. Since a critical way of knowing occurs through experience, implementing service learning within academic classes has value in PYP, MYP, DP and within CAS. Find out the essential components of service learning best practice that increases student engagement, curiosity and inquiry while establishing meaning and purpose. Discover transformative ways to infuse the five stages of service learning: investigation, preparation, action, reflection and demonstration. The New TOK Course and the role of the Ways of Knowing SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER 09:00-10:00 Global Politics is an exciting addition to the Individuals and Societies subject group of the Diploma Programme. After a three-year pilot, global politics will become available as a mainstream subject available to all DP schools in 2015. Response from pilot schools on this conceptual, contextual course that explores significant political issues of our time is of uniform enthusiasm. This is an interactive session intended to give participants more insight into the subject, its objectives and their match with IB philosophy and pedagogy, the Global Politics curriculum and assessment, and experiences from pilot classrooms. Listening to and developing our own and others' partial, preliminary perspectives on issues we care about is at the heart of the Global Politics course. Hence, it aims to cultivate an important way of knowing for young people inhabiting an interconnected world where the ability to reach beyond difference towards shared understandings holds such potential. Is faith Faith? BRAMANTE 12-14 CURRICULUM Jenny Gillett, Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate This session is aimed at TOK teachers. The focus is on the new TOK course, and in particular on the role of ways of knowing in the course. KEY Global politics : The new kid on the DP block for 2015 ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 150 Discovering the MYP g the MYP Discovering the MYP Discoverin Fation Orienta irn in l & Dessn&&Time PersonaExpSpace velopm resseio l ent ra u & Cu fic on tilt Scien al Innovati ic n & n h c e T zatio g the MYPity Wh ring the Discove ering Discov Discoverin g the MYP MYP P the MY at are il ali conseque the e Glob ustainab at is the natur nc commones of our S Wh e hu rpose of in over Disc w is the meaning do What and pu manity? A series of activity-based workbooks How e wexp sion? and “when”? “where” sthativlive ore?ofldres tand cre rs & unde ip ch we in whi ties tionsh i t n de Rela ythingd? te is ever How connec You will explore You will explore rights and respons personal histories ibilities homes relationship and journeys theturning pointsbetween in communities humankind discoveries sharing explorations finite resource You will explore with other people s and migrations of humankind and with the relationships which we other living access to the ways in © International things equal opportu between, and theideas, Baccalaureate interconnectedness express of, individuals and nities You will discover andOrganization 2014 • www.ibpublish peace and beliefs culture, civilizations, conflict from personal, on,global perspectives. the ing.org/myp local e nature, c.resolution. reflectand explor feelings, in which we and © International Baccalaureate tion of the aestheti Organization 2014 the•ways www.ibpublishing.org/myp our apprecia natural world interaction and values creativity the and enjoy our its laws extend the people and s use 2014 • www.ibpublishing.org/myp between humanOrganization les how Baccalaureate ific princip l © International . natural world of scient g logica needs t tandin techno s to their s the impac their unders scientific and environment t of environment s adapt the impac unities and y how human comm on activit advances on human nments of enviro /myp e? 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CLAUDIO STRINATI Date: Saturday 18 October Time: 15:30 - 16:00 Room: Michelangelo Ballroom (Plenary room) Presenter: Mr. Claudio Strinati Language of Presentation: The presentation will be conducted in Italian. (English translations available) Please feel free to join this inspiring lecture on the most important works of Michelangelo Merisi, known as Caravaggio (1571 - 1610). Make sure to reserve your spot by filling in the signup sheet at the registration desk in the lobby of the Rome Marriott Park Hotel. "Rest on the flight into Egypt" by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - The Yorck Project. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons Caravaggio Biography Mr. Claudio Strinati Caravaggio was the first painter at the beginning of the Seventeenth century to state that an artist must represent only what is “real” without inventing anything but only representing personal experience in their work. Despite this, Caravaggio’s paintings represent religious stories, as was very common in a city like Rome, depicting the life of Christ, the Virgin and the Saints of the Catholic Church. Caravaggio’s paintings are religious but their intention is not to represent religion but the simple truth of everyone’s life. He invented a style that was to be imitated by many in the coming centuries: the dramatic contrast between light and shadow, a simple symbol of the two parts within each individual, the good (the light) and the evil (the shadow). Claudio Strinati holds a degree in Literature with a major in Art History. He started his career of Art Historian in the Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities and Tourism and retired as Director in October 2013. Claudio organized prestigious exhibitions both in Italy and abroad. From 2001 - 2009 he directed the Polo Museale Romano. In 2010, he designed the successful commemorative exhibition on Caravaggio at Scuderie del Quirinale, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the death of the master. He won the Capalbio prize 2014 for his book Il mestiere dell’ artista (Sellerio 2014). He has been awarded the Legion of Honour for organizing prestigious exhibitions in France. The most recent being Les Borgia et leur temps at the Maillol museum in Paris 2014-2015. Currently Claudio Strinati is Scientific Director of the Sorgente Group Foundation, Institute for Art and Culture, and he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo at the municipality of Rome. KEY "The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew-Caravaggio" (c. 1599-1600) by Caravaggio. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 152 CONFÉRENCE SUR CARAVAGE, PRÉSENTÉE PAR M. CLAUDIO STRINATI Date : samedi 18 octobre Heure : 15h30 – 16h00 Salle : Salle de bal Michelangelo (salle plénière) Conférencier : M. Claudio Strinati Langue : la conférence sera présentée en italien. (Une traduction en anglais sera proposée.) Ne manquez pas l’occasion d’assister à cette conférence captivante consacrée aux œuvres les plus emblématiques de Michelangelo Merisi, dit Caravage (Caravaggio, 1571 – 1610). Veillez à réserver votre place en vous inscrivant sur la fiche mise à votre disposition à la réception située dans le hall du Rome Marriott Park Hotel. "The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew-Caravaggio" (c. 1599-1600) by Caravaggio. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons "Rest on the flight into Egypt" by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - The Yorck Project. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons Caravage Biographie de M. Claudio Strinati À l’aube du XVIIe siècle, Caravage fut le premier peintre à affirmer qu’un artiste doit s’attacher à représenter uniquement la « réalité », s’interdisant ainsi toute invention, et à dépeindre exclusivement son propre vécu dans ses œuvres. Les tableaux de Caravage représentent néanmoins des histoires religieuses – thème en vogue dans une cité telle que Rome – et mettent en scène la vie du Christ, de la Vierge et des Saints de l’Église catholique. Claudio Strinati (1948) est titulaire d’un diplôme universitaire en littérature avec une spécialisation en histoire de l’art. Il a débuté sa carrière d’historien de l’art au ministère des Biens et des Activités culturels et du Tourisme de la République italienne où il a officié en tant que directeur avant de prendre sa retraite en octobre 2013. M. Strinati a monté de prestigieuses expositions en Italie et à travers le monde. Il a dirigé le Polo Museale Romano de 2001 à 2009. En 2010, la Scuderie del Quirinale lui a confié l’organisation d’une exposition commémorant le 400e anniversaire de la mort du maître, intitulée Caravaggio, qui a remporté un véritable succès. Lauréat de l’édition 2014 du prix Capalbio pour son ouvrage Il mestiere dell’ artista (Sellerio, 2014), il a également été décoré de la Légion d’honneur en reconnaissance des expositions remarquables qu’il a organisées en France, dont la plus récente – intitulée Les Borgia et leur temps – se tient actuellement au musée Maillol à Paris jusqu'en 2015. Claudio Strinati occupe désormais le poste de directeur scientifique de la Fondation Sorgente Group pour les arts et la culture et siège au conseil d’administration de l’Azienda Speciale Palaexpo de la municipalité de Rome. Si les œuvres de Caravage sont religieuses en substance, elles n’ont pas vocation à dépeindre la religion mais plutôt la vérité sans artifice de la vie du commun des mortels. Il est l’inventeur d’un style qui sera copié par de nombreux artistes des siècles suivants : le contraste dramatique entre la lumière et l’ombre qui symbolise simplement la dichotomie propre à tout être humain, à savoir le bien (la lumière) et le mal (l’ombre). 153 CHARLA SOBRE CARAVAGGIO IMPARTIDA POR CLAUDIO STRINATI Fecha: Sábado 18 de octubre Hora: 15:30 - 16:00 Sala: Michelangelo Ballroom (sala plenaria) Orador: Claudio Strinati Lengua de la presentación: Italiano. (Habrá interpretación al inglés) Le invitamos a que asista a esta inspiradora charla sobre las obras más importantes de Michelangelo Merisi, conocido como Caravaggio (1571 - 1610). Para reservar su plaza, complete la hoja de inscripción que habrá en el mostrador de registro en el lobby del Rome Marriott Park Hotel. "Rest on the flight into Egypt" by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - The Yorck Project. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons Caravaggio Biografía de Claudio Strinati Caravaggio fue el primer pintor al principio del siglo XVII que declaró que un artista debe representar solo lo que es "real", sin inventar nada, únicamente representando experiencias personales en su trabajo. A pesar de ello, las pinturas de Caravaggio representan historias religiosas, como era muy común en una ciudad como Roma, mostrando la vida de Cristo, la Virgen y los santos de la Iglesia Católica. Claudio Strinati (1948) tiene una licenciatura en Letras con especialización en Historia del Arte. Comenzó su carrera como historiador de arte en el Ministerio de Bienes y Actividades Culturales y Turismo de Italia y se jubiló como director de dicha institución en octubre de 2013. Claudio Strinati ha organizado prestigiosas exposiciones en Italia y el extranjero. Desde 2001 hasta 2009 dirigió el Polo Museale Romano. En 2010 diseñó una exitosa exposición conmemorativa sobre Caravaggio en Scuderie del Quirinale, con ocasión de los 400 años de la muerte del maestro. Claudio Strinati ganó el premio Capalbio en 2014 por su libro Il mestiere dell’ artista (Sellerio, 2014). Fue galardonado con la Legión de Honor por organizar prestigiosas exposiciones en Francia, la más reciente de las cuales es Les Borgia et leur temps en el museo Maillol de París en 2014-2015. Actualmente, Claudio Strinati es el Director Científico de la fundación para el arte y la cultura Sorgente Group y es miembro del Consejo de administración de la Azienda Speciale Palaexpo en la municipalidad de Roma. Las pinturas de Caravaggio son religiosas pero su intención no es representar la religión sino la simple verdad de la vida de cada persona. Inventó un estilo que muchos utilizaron en los siglos venideros: el drástico contraste entre luz y sombra, un simple símbolo de las dos partes que existen dentro de cada persona: el bien (la luz) y el mal (la sombra). KEY "The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew-Caravaggio" (c. 1599-1600) by Caravaggio. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 154 LEZIONE SU CARAVAGGIO CON IL PROF. CLAUDIO STRINATI Data: sabato 18 ottobre Ora: 15:30 – 16:00 Aula: Salone Michelangelo (aula plenaria) Presenta: Prof. Claudio Strinati Lingua della presentazione: la presentazione si svolgerà in italiano. (Disponibili traduzioni in inglese) Vi invitiamo a partecipare a questa affascinante lezione sulle opere più importanti di Michelangelo Merisi, detto il Caravaggio (1571 - 1610). Per assistere alla lezione occorre compilare il modulo di adesione presso il banco di registrazione nella hall del Rome Marriott Park Hotel. "The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew-Caravaggio" (c. 1599-1600) by Caravaggio. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons "Rest on the flight into Egypt" by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - The Yorck Project. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons Caravaggio Biografia del Prof. Claudio Strinati Agli inizi del Seicento, Caravaggio fu il primo pittore ad affermare il principio che un artista deve rappresentare solamente ciò che è effettivamente "vero", senza inventare niente ma raccontando nelle sue opere soprattuttole proprie esperienze personali. Ciò nonostante, i dipinti di Caravaggio raffigurano spesso storie sacre, come è frequente in una città come Roma, ritraendo la vita di Cristo, della Vergine e dei Santi della Chiesa Cattolica. Claudio Strinati (1948) è laureato in Lettere con specializzazione in Storia dell’arte. Ha iniziato la propria carriera di storico dell'arte presso il Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, di cui è stato Direttore sino all'ottobre del 2013. Il Prof. Strinati ha organizzato mostre di grande prestigio sia in Italia che all'estero. Dal 2001 al 2009 è stato Direttore del Polo Museale Romano. Nel 2010, è stato ideatore dell'acclamata mostra commemorativa Caravaggio presso le Scuderie del Quirinale, in occasione del 400° anniversario della morte del maestro. Nel 2014, ha ricevuto il Premio Capalbio per il suo libro Il mestiere dell’artista (Sellerio 2014). È stato inoltre insignito della Legion d’Onore francese per le prestigiose mostre organizzate in Francia, tra cui la recente Les Borgia et leur temps presso il museo Maillol di Parigi (2014-2015). Attualmente, Claudio Strinati è Direttore Scientifico della Fondazione Sorgente Group per l'arte e la cultura, nonché Consigliere di Amministrazione dell'Azienda Speciale Palaexpo del comune di Roma. Nonostante lo sfondo religioso, i dipinti di Caravaggio vogliono rappresentare non tanto la religione, quanto piuttosto la semplice verità della vita autentica di ciascuno di noi. L'artista inventò uno stile che fu poi ripetutamente imitato nei secoli successivi: il contrasto netto tra luce e ombra, simbolo semplice delle due forze che convivono in ogni individuo, il bene (la luce) e il male (l'ombra). 155 Q A How do you know your students have fulfilled their potential? Base-line student ability & measure their progress CEM IBE A standardised assessment & monitoring system for the IB Diploma • An independent & objective measure of student ability • Predictive data informs target setting and progress monitoring • Support student guidance • In-depth student, subject & cohort Value Added analysis to support performance review To request example assessment reports contact [email protected] REGISTER NOW www.cem.org/ibe KEY to baseline student ability next academic year ROOM PYP MYP DP IBCC 156 BUS TRANSPORT FOR CONFERENCE EVENING VENUE, CITY CENTRE & HOTELS Bus transport will be provided to and from the Conference venue (Rome Marriott Park Hotel), the Conference Evening Venue (Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria) and the following hotels: Hilton Rome Airport, Hilton Garden Inn Airport, Sheraton Golf Park Rome, Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Centre, Novotel Roma EUR, IBIS Style Roma EUR. Rome Marriott Park Hotel Thurs 16 Oct Fri 17 Oct Sat 18 Oct To centre (Via Teatro Marcello) To Conference Evening venue (Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria) To centre (Via Teatro Marcello) 17:30 16:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 21:15 21:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 Return to Rome Marriott Park Hotel Thurs 16 Oct Fri 17 Oct Sat 18 Oct From centre (Via Teatro Marcello) From Conference Evening venue (Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria) From centre (Via Teatro Marcello) 22:00 22:45 22:30 22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 00:00 22:15 22:30 23:00 23:30 00:00 22:30 23:00 23:15 23:30 00:00 Regional Conference IB Africa, Europe and Middle East has gone mobile! Download the free IPhone/Android app here: http://guidebook.com/g/IBAEM Or search in Appstore / Google Play for Guidebook and then IBAEM 157 BUS TRANSPORT FOR CONFERENCE EVENING VENUE, CITY CENTRE & HOTELS Hilton Rome Airport, Hilton Garden Inn Airport, Sheraton Golf Park Rome, Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Centre, Novotel Roma EUR, IBIS Style Roma EUR Thurs 16 Oct Fri 17 Oct To conference venue (Rome Marriott Park Hotel) To conference venue (Rome Marriott Park Hotel) 08:00 07:30 15:30 Return to each hotel Return to each hotel 17:15 21:00 To conference evening venue (Rome Cavalieri Waldorf Astoria) 18:15 Return to each hotel 23:30 Sat 18 Oct Sun 19 Oct To conference venue (Rome Marriott Park Hotel) To conference venue (Rome Marriott Park Hotel) 07:45 08:00 Return to each hotel 16:30 Special tours by Access Italy For more information, visit the Registration / Information desk in the main lobby. www.accessitaly.net/ibo-Tours.aspx 158 Join a new generation of learners and leaders • improve the quality of your classroom teaching • increase your access to teaching jobs worldwide • interact with leading academics Take the next step to become an IB-certiied educator. 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