SUMMER NEWSLETTER ,CHOOL 'TART' Mondoy Augutt 8th High School 6935 East Gold Dust Avenue, Scottsdale, AZ 85253 Letter from FRESHMEN STARTAT o 480-484-5500 Gale Holland, Your Chaparral Principal Dear Chapanal Students and Parents: Welcome to our 2016-2017 school year! Our Chaparral staff and I look fonarard to another busy and successful year. We will continue to emphasize the A's, academics, activities, and athletics, which contribute to our tradition of excellence. We are proud to have been awarded the A+ School of Excellence for the second time, as well as recognized by U.S. News & World Report and The Washington Post, and named as one of the Top Ten High Schools in the nation. We will have a split schedule the first day of school, August 8th, with upperclassmen attending class in the morning, 7:45-10:45, and freshmen attending class in the afternoon, 11:00-2:20. Freshmen parents, we invite you to attend classes on that first day with your freshman student. Please report to the auditorium by 11 am for a short program, after which you may accompany your child to classes. This will give both you and your child an opportunity to experience campus and meet the teachers. The schedule for August 8h is printed to the right. Lunch will NOT be served that day. l1:fl) Chaparral encourages Freshmen parents to attend the first day of school. You and your 9th grader will start the day with a Welcoming Assembly at 11:00 AM in the school's auditorium, followed by a shortened schedule for each class. Parking is available in the 7fth Street student !ot. BUS TRANSPORTATION WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR BOTH SCHEDULES AT REGULAR TIMES. PICK UP TIME FOR gTH GRADERS IS 3 HOURS LATER. AUGUST 8h FIRST DAY SPLIT SCHEDUTE Grodes 70,77 & 72 Period Period 3rd Period 1st 7:45-8:!9 2nd 8:24-8:50 8:55-9:19 4th/5th Period 9:24-9:48 Period 7th Period 6th 9:53-10:17 t0:22-10:45 Grode 9 uctions are in this packet and must be printed off and completed. fonn must be ftlled out online. lf you do Iry. not ys.r rs staE.ry attend Chae vitqPdan to Root at 480-484-6517 as soon as possiHq this will allow us to mmer, and I Assembly 1st Period 2nd Period 3rd Period 11:00 -11:40 11:50-12:10 72:76-t2:36 12:42-l:02 4th/sth Period 1:08-1:28 6th 7th Period Period 1:34-1:54 2:OO-2:20 REGUTAR BEIL SCHEDUTE RESUMES AUGUST Chaparral Principal: Gayle Holland Assistant Principals: Tommy Eubanks, Clint Bushbaum, Katie O'Boyle, Amanda Logan gth DON'T MI'' THI' IMPORTANT FIR'T DAY OF 'CHOOL! REGI'TRATION NEWS FOR SENIORS Beginr August lst Freshmen-Monday, From 8 AM-I2 PM Class of 2Ot7 8/l SENIOR YEARBOOK PORTRAITS MUST be taKen before Sophomores-Tues day, 8/2 From 8 AM-|2 PM Juniors-Wednesday, 8/ 3 From I AM-I2 PM SENIOR Registration Thursday August 4th 8 am-72 pm Seniors-Thursday, 8/4 From S AM-l2 PM Make up day-Friday 8/5 September 30 by Duke Photography at 2810 N.7th Ave, Phoenix. There will be no charge for the sitting. Students MAY opt to use Duke to purchase senior portraits, but are under no obligation to do so. You may select any photographer you wish for your senior portrait package, but Chaparral must have the Duke photo for the yearbook to ensure a consistent senior portrait section. NO OTHER SENIOR PORTRAIT WILL BE ACCEPTED for the yearbook other than Duke's. lf you have not been contacted by Duke Photography by the end of July, please call Daryl to set up an appointment at 602265-2605. NEWS FOR FRESHMEN REGISTRATION lS MONDAY AUGUST 1st 8 AM UNTIL 12 PM Freshmen registration begins in the school cafeteria on Monday, August 1st. SAVE TIME DURING REGISTRATION! HAVE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FILLED OUT AND SIGNED: o tUtD ttudent'r Healtft Hirtory }ledicol Emergenqr Form (Murt be updated onnuolly). Itudent lnformctlon Releore Form (included in mciler) To register, you must turn in your Medical Emergency Card, pay class fees (this can be done online before registration), have your Chaparral lD picture taken, and pick up textbooks. Don't forget to complete your Code of Conduct . release form online. o Receipt of poid feer if poid online by ct€dit cord. o Uirit tUtDtr webrite for oll rcgirtrction formr ond updcted informction. BOOK LOCKERS ARE OPTIONAL and will be randomly assigned during registration. The price for a locker rental is 55. PE uniforms will be distributed at registration and PE locks will be distributed during PE classes. Students MAY NOT use personal locks on any Chaparral High School locker. FRESHMEN START SCHOOL AT 77 AM ON AUGUST 8 to altend "Boot Comp" on August 7st from 8:0077:00 or 72:00-3:00. Students will meet in the Auditorium Lobby to check in. Tyro mentors will meet ond greet our ond bring them to their next destinotion. Freshmen will meet some of our outstdnding teachers and leorn what Chaparrdl has to ofier. Teachers will provide students with information that will be helplul for their first yeor of high school such as time management techniques, study skills, communication tools ond more. Cost is 515.00 which can be paid at registrotion or online. This lee includes the All freshmen ore welcome Any outstanding debts must be paid prior to walk-through registration. lf paying by check, write your student's name, student lD and telephone number on the check. t payingwith creh, Chaparrol High School can no longer occept bills over 520.00. Chaparral plonner. THE ATTENDANCE POLICY , "MISS TEN DO IT AGAIN," REMAINS IN EFFECT. SEE YOU THE FIRST DAY OF scHooL !!!! General lnformation BAI{D CAMP Chaparral HS Band Camp will be held July 3o-August 3 at Camp Shadow Pines, Heber, AZ. Please contact Mrs. Mireau at [email protected] for more information. CAFETERIA Breakfast and lunch services will begin Tuesday, August gth. Please visit SUSD's Nutrition-Health eLiving website for more information. GUIDANCE COUNSELORS A guidance counselor will be available in the library on Aug 1-4th to answer general questions during registration. Schedule changes will be made to correct errors like: . . . . No lunch on the schedule. ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance Line (480) 4846600. A Parent/Guardian must always call the attendance line if student will not be in school. Students with late arrivals or early dismissal must always sign inlout in attendance office or their absence is unexcused. Please leave a message on the attendance line for excused late arrivals or early release re- quests. WE ARE A CLOSED CAMPUS. Students may only leave for legal or medical appointments. Verification must be brought back when re-entering school or their absence is unexcused. Two lunches on the schedule. Attendance Notifications Less than a full schedule. 1. Any unexcused absence will result in an automatic call to Student already completed a scheduled course online or during summer school. SCHOOL BUS INFO Bus stops can be viewed at under the Palent menu. Please contact our transportation department @ 480{84-8550 with any questions or check the Transportation Link on our district web page. STUDENT DROP OFF AI{D PICK-UP Parents may drop off and pick up their child in the drive thru lane of the Northwest parking lot off of Gold Dust Avenue, in front of the school's Auditorium. Do not use the bus lane or the 70th Street parking lot for drop offor pick up. Your cooperation will assure the safety of our students and is appreciated. ECAP The ECAP fee is $5 per student per year. ECAP is an unfunded state parents. 2. Once a student reaches 5 absences in a semester the following may occur: * Parent notification. * Disciplinary consequence. *Possible referral to SRO for truancy. 3. When a student reaches 10 absences in a semester the following may occur: x Parent notification. x Student placed on Loss of Credit Contract for remainder of semester. * Possible referral to SRO for habitual truancy. More detailed information may be found in the Student Code of Conduct manual and on Chap- arral website under the Attendance Tab. From the Health Office Students must have current immunizations to register for the 20'16-2017 school year. Students must be compliant with immunizations before entering school. Students will not be allowed to register without veriflcation of immunization. For immunization requirements please visit Arizona Department of Health Services website at: http://www.azdhs. gov/documents/preparedness/ epidem Those students who are noncompliant with the above immunizations must provide proof of compliance in the Health Center by August 8. Fax # 480-484-6545 HEALTH HI'TONY - 'U'D 'TUDENT'' MEDICAL ETIERGENCY FORM MU'T BE TURNED IN EVERY YEAR Emergency cards are not retained from one school year to the next. Please complete the SUSD Studenf's Heart , History - Medical Emergency form prior to registration and bing with you. VISION & HEARING SCREEA"A'G SEPTEMBER 13th- any quesfions prease call our nurses @ 184,6511 DONATIONS OF SALTINE CRACKERS ANO WATER IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. STUDENTS MAY NOT CARRY PRESCRIPTION OR NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICINE Students are not allowed to carry ANY medicationprescription or non-prescription while at school. The exception is emergency lifesar/iro medications such as asthma inhalers and self-injectable epinephrine pens that may be carried by a student with written permis sion. This requires a form, "Consent to carry medication", and needs the signature ofthe physician, parent and student See the school nurse to obtain the form. All other medication must be stored and administered in the nurse s offlce lf a parenvguardian wishes administration of an OTC medication the parenvguardian will complete a "Parent Request for Administration of l\,4edication" Form and must supply the school with the medication in its origi- nal, unopened container and labeled with the stu- mandate. For more information about ECAP, please visit https:// Student Identif ication Cards the prescription container. Students must wear their School ID so that it is visible. For information please refer to SUSD's Student Code of Conduct or visit our campus nurse. ECAPBrochure.pdf. dent's name. Prescription medication must be in OPEN HOUSE ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 18th. REPORT TO YOUR CHILD'S FIRST PERIOD CLASS AT 6:00 PM. Chaparral Athletics Practices and tryouts begin the first week of school. A Grcen Cleararcc Card is needed before a student can tryout for any sport. To obtain a green card, student athletes must complete an Athletic Packet found on our Chaparral Athletic webpage, A current physical dated after3-1-2016 is required forall athletes. Packeb arc available on-line only. Completed packets areto beturned in to the Athletic Department no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday, August sth. Returning Athletes: lf you have not turned in your uniform from last season, a green card will NOT be issued until the Equipment Manager clears your account. Please see Jeff Kovasick in the Equipment Room to return outstanding items. A Spo s Participation Fee of$150.00 is due to the bookstore once an athlete is placed on a team roster. When school begins green cards are issued during lunch periods or after school. Chaparral Firebird Fall Sports BADMINTON FOOTBALL Come out August 8th and join our Please check the football website, Badminton team. Coach Carrie Davis can be reached at cdavis@pvschools. nel or 602-3774724. for game schedules, practice times, updates and coach contact infor- cRosscouNrRY t mation! GOLF. BOYS & GIRTS Cross Country begins bright and early @ 5: 15 am on the track the first day of school, August 8th. Contact Coach Reniewicki at [email protected] or Coach Tillett at [email protected] for more specifics. Ii Boys and Girls Golf: Coaches will hold informational meetings for golf the first week of school. Students should watch Firebird Word and scrolling announcements for information. Contact our Girls Golf Coach Speirs at [email protected] or Boys Golf Coach Peterson at [email protected] SWIM AND DIVE ). -1...,..- Swim & Dive practice will begin the week ofAugust 8th. All practices are held Cactus Park Aquatic Center located at Scottsdale Road and Cactus. Visit the Swim & Dive webpage at or contact Coach Richie K. at [email protected] for more information. VOLLEYBALL Girls Volleyball will hold tryouts starting August 8th in our main gym after school. Contact Coach Burbridge at [email protected] for speciflcs. Calendar Dates To Remember Auoust 2016 First Day of C|asses.............. 8 Open House....................... 18 Seotember 20'16 Labor Day Ho|iday................ 5 Vision & Hearing 13 Picrure Day ....................... 14 October 2016 Districl Recess................... 3 Early Re|ease..................... 5 End of 'lst Quarter................ 7 Fall Break...................... 10-14 November 2016 Early Release...................... 2 Veteran's Day.................... 11 Thanksgiving recess........ 24-25 December 2016 Early Release/Fina|s......... 14-1 5 Januarv 2016 Winter Break...................... School Reconvenes............ Early Re|ease...............-.... 2 3 11 16 Early Release 8 President's Day Holiday........ 20 tuarch 2015 End of 3rd Quarter... --........ 3 Spring Break.................. 6-10 Aoril2016 District Recess... ... ... ... ... ... 14 End of 2nd Ouarter.............. 16 Winter Break...........-.......'19-30 th. Ch!p.r.l rcb3ne lor d.t il., upd.t..,.nd th. mo.t cun nt infomation. 43-1089.01 allows Arizona taxpayers to receive a tax credit of up to S200 for single filers and 54Oo for married filers when A.R.S you give to SUSD. These gifts help pay for extracurricular activities that require an enrolled student to pay a fee. That means taxpayers may help Scottsdale schools AND reduce their state taxbill atthesametime. website. Tax credit forms can be found on our 20L6-20L7 CHS REGISTRATION PROCESS Read, print and COMPLETE the following formsi SUSD Studenfs Health History - Medical Emergency Form (2 pates) This form provides critical information regarding your student's medical history and/or health needs. lf you were notified of immunizations needed, you must provide official written documentation of compliance before your student will be allowed to register. tncluded on this form is the parent Communication Survey concerning the language needs for you, the parent/guardian. Weare required to collect this data from you. Please complete this form, sign and return it to the school. Complete the SUSD Student Release Form (Code of Conduct) - This form is available online. Please refer to the letter enclosed in this packet for directions on how to complete this form. lf we do not receive the form (electronically or hard copy) from you within 14 days of the start of school (or from the date of enrollment after the start of school), we will assume we have permission to release the information indicated on the form. Emergency Contact lnformation: At the start of each school year, you will be asked to verify and update all information on your student's profile. you will be asked to update your address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, marital status, custody status that is listed on file. please rememberto bring a current utility bill so we can update your address if needed in our computer. This profile will be handed out on registration along with your student's schedule. On-line Payments: You are encouraged to utilize the onJine payment option starting July 25, 2016 in order to avoid long lines at registration. On Chaparral's website under "parents" drop down, select online payments, fee/athletic payments. Username is your student's lD. password is student,s last name, first letter capitalized. Print your receipt, bring it to registration, have your lD plcture taken and pick up PE uniform and/or locker assignment if purchased. Fee ScheduleTo determine fees refer to the student fee schedule sheet that is based on the student's course request selection and individual needs. High School students who register for more than six classes will be assessed tuition of 185.00 per course exceeding six per semester and must have prior parental and school administration approval. For more information please read over the fee schedule page. Outstanding debts: Any outstanding debts will need to be paid BEFoRE your registration can be completed beginning July 25,2016 (online) or at your scheduled registration time. Thank you in advance for preparing and helping Registration go smoothly! Scottsdale School District Engage, Educate and Empower Every Student Every Day Education Center 7575 E [4ain Street Scotlsdale. Arizona 85251 Telephone: 480-4846100 FAX: 480-484S206 VVeb site: www.susd.orO Dear SUSD Parents and Cuardians: Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) welcomes you back for the 2016-2017 school year. Enclosed are documents that require vour review & completion. Student Release: This form will be available July 2016 online by logging onto rrsrr.susd.ors; Directory; Student Release (Code ofConduct). Ifyou do not have access to a computer, please contact your school's front office staffto obtain a copy. If we do not receive the form (electronically or hard copy) from you within l4 days ofthe start ofschool (or from the date of enrollment after the start of school), we will assume we have permission to release the information indicated on the form. Please carefully review and consider this form. Student Health Historv: This form provides critical information regarding your student's medical history and/or health needs. Included on this form is the Parent Communication Survey conceming the language needs for you, the parent/guardian. We are required to collect this data from you. Please complete this form, sign it and return il to the school. Student Profile - Emergencv Contact Information: At the start ofeach school year, your student's school will require that you verifl, the information listed on the Student Profile Report. Ifthe school needs to contact you or a designated emergency contact for any reason, includinq emersencies, this will be the only location where that information is available to school personnel. Therefore, it is critical that your inform2tion is accurate and kept up to date throughout the school year. Please thoroughly read the attached Emergency Contact Information letter for specific details regarding changes in this process. Ifyou have any questions about these forms. please contact or visit the school office. SUSD STUDENT'S HEALTH HISTORY Student's - lD # EMCRGENCYCAROSARENOTRET Birthday date of Student / INED FROM ONE SCHOOI- YEAR TO l_ Mother/Guardian MEDICAL EMERGENCY _ Il{E NEX[. Th.folldhg iniom.tion murl Gender (please circle): Male / Female Student b.omddld Teacher/Grade_ EVERY SCHOOI YEAito updrt your rhd.nft h..lth r..ordr. Student lives with (please circle): mother/ father/ guardian Home Phone # Work Phone # Cell Phone Home Phone # Work Phone # Cell Phone # # Email FatheilGuard ian Email STUDENT'S DOCTOR INFORMAT]ON: Primary Care Physician Name: Telephone Number: Dentist Name: Telephone Number: Please check El YES if your child has any of the following health condition(s) per a physician's diagnosis. EXPLAIN UNDER **ADDITIONAL HEALTH INFORMATTON** SECT|ON. Medication(s) and dose(s) taken at home: tr O 1. ADD/ADHD Allergies tr o tr tr E] tr tr tr tr tr tr tr El tr tr Food L ist: lnsect stings/bites Latex Medication(s) List: Animals Seasona I Life Threatening List: Arthritis/RheumaticDisease Asthma Autism Birth Defect / Developmental Disorder Cancer Chickenpox/Varicella (if so, give month & year) Connective Tissue Disorder Cystic Fibrosis tr tr tr Diabetes Diabetes D Emotiona l/Psychiatric Disorder (e.9. depression, bipolar) f'I T.,^o. tr tr tr tr tr Endocrine Disorder Gastrointestinal Disorder Genitourinary Disorder Hearing/Ear Disorder o o Type r - Type u - 2. Eating/Weight Disorder 3. lf your child needs to take prescription medication at school, you must provide the medication in the original prescription bottle withthe child's name on it. lf yourchild needstotake anyoverthe-counter medication, you must provide the specific, ageappropriate medication in the original, sealed container. All medication (prescription and over-the-counter) must be brought to the health office by a parent or guardian and a Medication Administration Record completed. Hearing Aids Heart Condition Hemophilia/Factor 8 tr tr tr tr tr tr tr Medication(s) and dose(s) to be taken at school: Hypertension Neuro Disorder (includes migraines) Orthopedic Disorder Seizure Disorder Substance Use/Abuse Vision/Eye Disorder G lasses/contacts a, tr Other: 2. 3. FOR SCHOOL NURSE Circle Action Plan received from parent/guardian: Allergy Asthma Diabetes Seirure **ADDITIONAL HEALTH INFORMATION** Any other information which will help us understand your child physically and/or emotionally: Nurses Note: Othet Student's Last Name First Name lD # PARENTi GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ON THIS ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING: Permissioo sholl be deemed gronted iJ therc is no rcsponse to the following stdtements, Student Teacher/Grade - 2. requestfrom the school. lt isthe responsibilityofthe parent/guardian to update information onthi5 emergencycard with appropriate documentation as changesoccur. 4. financially responsible for ambulance and other health care expenses which may occur as a result of illness or injury of my child. To assure the safety and well-being of my child, the school nurse has permission to share pertinent health concerns wrth appropriate schoolpersonnel. SUSD CODE OF CONDUCT: I hereby acknowledge that I have read the sUsD code of conduct and agree to abide bythe rules and expectations contained therein. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (IN INK) DATE PARENT COMMUNICATION SURVEY: (We are required to collect information regarding whether or not you need interpretation and/or translation services. Please complete the following survey for each parent/guardian reoardless if vou need interoretation or translation services (e.g. if vou speak English. please fill in English). 1. Parent/Guardian Name Native Language 1. lneed oralinterpretation services during conferences, meetings, 2. I etc. _yes_No _Yes _No may need written translation ofschool and district documents. 2. Parent/Guardian Name 1. I need oral interpretation services during conferences, meetings, 2. I may need written translation ofschool and district documents. Native Language etc. Please note: lfthe second parent/guardian does not apply, please check not _yes_No _Yes _No applicable. E Not Applicable PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (IN INK) DATE PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (IN INK) DATE 502 - 2015-2017 Scottsdale School District Engage, Educate and Empower Eyery Student, Every Day Emergency Contact Information Parents and/or Guardians: At the start ofeach school year, your student's school will require that you veriS, the information listed on the Student Profile Report. Ifthe school needs to contact you or a designated emergency contact for any reason, including emerqencies, this will be the only location where that information is available to school personnel. Therefore, it is critical that your information is accurate and kept up-todate throughout the school year. Students will onlv be released to persons listed on the Student Profile Report, including emergency contacts that you authorize to assume temporary responsibility. In the unlikely event there is a significant emergency at your school; initial notification to parents/guardians will be done through an automated calling system. This automated system will provide information regarding the emergency and instructions for parents/guardians to follow. The contact information listed on the Student Profile Report will be the only source of information for the automated calling system. In an emergency, we ask that you wait to be contacted through this system. Please do not call or respond to the school unless directed to do so. Start-of-year changes to student information may be completed by the transmission ofthe Student Profile between the school and home, in person at the school site, or at the Centralized Enrollment Office during enrollment procedures. Parents/guardians will be required to provide ID. Data may not be changed via phone or fax. If changes are necessary: Parents/guardians needing to modifo any information should make all corrections directly on the Student Profile Report, sign and date the document, and return it to your school. Your signature authorizes the changes. Only authorized parents/guardians can make changes to student data, so parents/guardians must provide identification. Ifyou are not completing the changes in person, identification must be copied and stapled with the Student Profile Report. For address changes, parents/guardians will need to provide appropriate documentation for the change requested (lease agreement or current utility bill). Attach a copy ofthe proof of residency along with identification if not completing in person. . . o If NO o changes are necessary: Ifno changes are necessary, parents/guardians must simply sign and date the Student Profile Report indicating everything is current and return it to your school. Ifyou need to update your information during the school year, please see your school,s office staffor visit the Centralized Enrollment office. Thank you for your assisiance in ensuring the safety ofyour student. Scottsdale Inteteer, School District Educar y Habilitar a Cada Estudiante Tdos los Dias Centro de Educaci6n 7575 E. Main Street Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Telefono: 480-484-61 00 Facsimil: 480-484-6206 Pdgina \.\eb: w!wv.susd.oag Estimados padres de familia y tutores legales del SUSD: El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Scottsdale (SUSD) les da la bienvenida de nuevo al affo escolar 2016-2017. A continuaci6n se les adjuntan los documentos que necesitan revisar y comoletar. Hoia de autorizaci6n oara hacer oriblica Ia informaci6n del estudiante: Esta hoja estarii disponible en linea en el mes dejulio de 2016 accediendo las secciones de la p6gina web del SUSD en u rr u .susd.orq: Directory (Directorio\1 Student Release (Hoja de permiso para publicar Ia informaci6n estudiantil), Code ofConduct (C6digo de Conducta). Si no tienen acceso a una computadora, por favor comuniquense con el personal de la oficina de la escuela para que les entreguen una copia impresa. Si no recibimos la hoja (electr6nicamente o impresa) de parte de ustedes, dentro de l4 dias despuds del inicio de las clases (o desde la fecha de la matricula despu6s del inicio de las clases). consideramos que contamos con su permiso para publicar la informaci6n que se indica en la hoja. Por favor revisen y prdstenle mucha atenci6n a esta hoja. Historial de salud del estudiante: Esta hoja proporciona informaci6n de vital importancia concerniente al historial m6dico del estudiante o sobre sus necesidades respecto a la salud. Con esta hoja se incluye adem6s una Encuesta de Comunicaci6n para los Padres concerniente al idioma que hablan ustedes: los padres/tutores legales. Estos datos son un requisito que tenemos que recopilar de parte de ustedes. Por .favor complelen esta hoja, Jirmenla y devudlvanla a la escuela. Perfil del estudiante - Informaci6n de contacto en caso de emergencia: Al inicio de cada afio escolar, la escuela a la que asiste su hijo les pedirii que verifiquen la informaci6n incluida en el Reporte del Perfil del Estudiante. Si la escuela tiene que comunicarse, por cualquier motivo, con ustedes o con un contacto designado, incluvendo emerqencias, este ser6 el rinico medio disponible para el personal escolar. por lo tanto, es de vital importancia que su informaci6n sea precisa y la mantengan al dia durante el afio escolar. Por favor lean toda la carta que se les adjunta sobre la Informaci6n de contacto en caso de emergencia para enterarse de los detalles especfficos relacionados con cambios en este proceso. Si tienen preguntas sobre estas hojas que tienen que llenar, por favor comuniquense con la oficina de la escuela. HISTORIAL DE SALUD DEL ESTUDIANTE DE SUSD Apettido deI estudiante. Fecha de nacimiento del estudiante I - EMERGENCIAS #delD Nombre / Madre/Tutora legal Sexo (por favor MEDICAS marque): Masculino / Femenino E[ Maestro/Grado estudiante vive con (por favor marque): Madre /Padre/ Tutor tegal Tet. det hogar Tet. det trabajo Tel. Celutar Tet. det hogar Tet. det trabajo Tet. Cetutar Correo elect16nico Padre/Tutor legal Correo elect16nico INFORMACION DEL MEDTCO DEL ESTUDIANTE: Nombre del medico del estudiante: Nrlmero de tel6fono: Nombre del dentista: N0mero de telefono: Por favor marque EI Si, si segun el diagn6stico de un m6dico su hijo padece alguno de los siguientes problemas de salud. ExpLtQUE SALUD" si tr n si ADD/ADHD Atergias a: n I r n Alimentos Lista: Picaduras de insectos L6tex Medicamento(s) Lista: tr Animates 0 Cambios de clima D Ponen [a vida en petigro ! Lista: Artritis/ Reumatismo tr Asma ! Autismo D Enfermedad cong6nita/Probtemas det desarrollo ! ! tr ! C6ncer Varicela (lndique e[ mes y et aio) Desorden det tejido conjuntivo Fibrosis quistica del p6ncreas I r r n Diabetes - Tipo 1 Diabetes - Tipo 2 Problemas de alimentaci6n/peso Emocionates y/o psiqui6tricos (depresion, bipotar) tr Tipo: tr Problemas de tas gt6ndutas endocrinas tr Problemas gastroi ntesti nales tr Probtemas deI tracto genitourinario D Problemas de audici6n /oidos tr Usa audifonos tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr Problemas del coraz6n Hemofilia/Factor 8 Hipertensi6n Probtemas neurot6gicos (inctuyendo migrana) Problemas ortop6dicos Convulsiones/ ataques Uso/Abuso de sustancias Problemas de [a vista Lentes/Lentes de Contacto Otro: EN LA sECCtoN ..tNFORlilActON ADtCtoNAL DE LA Medicamento(s) y dosis que toma en [a casa: 't. 2. 3. hijo necesita tomar un medicamento recetado por un m6dico, usted debe proporcionar e[ medicamento en et envase original de ta receta y con et nombre det nino. Si su hijo necesita tomar cuatquier otro medicamento que se puede comprar sin receta m6dica, usted debe proporcionar e[ medicamento especifico, apropiado a [a edad det nino y en e[ envase originat settado. Todo medicamento (con receta y sin receta m6dica) debe entregarse en ta enfermeria, por intermedio del padre o tutor legal y ademds deben ltenar el formutario de Registro para Administrar Arledicamentos. Si su Medicamento(s) y dosis que tomard en la escuela: 1. 2. 3. FOR SCHOOL NURSE Circle Action Ptan Received from parent/guardian Allergy Asthma Dlabetes Seizure Other: Nurse Note: lNFoRvlAcl6N ADlcloNAL DE LA SALUD- cuaLquier otra informaci6n que nos ayude a comprender mejor fisica o emocionatmente , <u hii^. _ Apettido det estudiante Nombre #delD Maestro/Grado LA FIRMA DEL PADRE DE FAATILIA/TUTOR LEGAL EN ESTE DOCUMENTO CONFIRA4A LO SIGUIENTE: Lo tolta de resPuesto o cuolquiero de los siguientes decloraciones '1. 3. 4. se considerord como un penniso de oproboci6n: Conocimiento de que et C6digo de Conducta del Estudiante est6 disponibte para tos padres y tos estudiantes tanto en tas p6ginas web det Distrito ( y la escueta. Disponemos de copias det C6digo de Conducta det Estudiante que se pueden soticitai en las escuetas. cuatquier cambio que ocurra. En caso de un accidente o enfermedad y no se pueda obtener autorizaci6n para tratamiento m6dico por parte det padre o det medico personat, la persona que abajo firma, otorga el permiso y asume toda la responsabitidad para que [a enfermera o ta administraci6n de ta escueia solicite asistencia m6dica dL emergencia, inctuyendo to( servicios de una ambutancia. Reconozco que serd responsabte del pago de ta ambulancia y cuatquier otro gasto de asistencia m6dica en que se pueda incurrir como resultado de ta enfermedad o tesion de mi hiio. Para asegurar el bienestar y ta seguridad de mi hijo, la enfermera de ta escueta tiene permiso para compartir tos probtemas de salud de mi hijo con el personat apropiado de la escuela. [a escueta. CODIGO DE CONDUCTA DEL SUSD: Por intermedio del presente documento reconozco que he leido el C6digo de conducta del sUsD y estoy de acuerdo en respetar las reglas y expectativas de su contenido. FIRMA DEL PADRE/ TUTOR LEGAL (EN TINTA) FECHA ENcUESTA SoBRE LA coMUNlcAcl0N coN Los PADRES:(Estamos obligados a reunir informaci6n con respecto a si usted necesita o no los servicios de interpretaci6n y/o traducci6n. Por favor complete la siguiente encuesta para cada uno de los padres/ tutores legales. sin imoortar si usted necesita o no los servicios de interpretaci6n o traducci6n (Ejemolo: Si usted habla ingl6s. oor favor escriba en ingl6s.) - 1. Nombre del Padre/Tutor Legal ldioma Principal: 1. Necesito servicios de interpretaci6n en conferencias, reuniones, etc. 2. Podria necesitar traducci6n de documentos de [a escueta y det distrito. 2. Nombre del Padre/Tutor Legal 1. Si Si No ldioma Principal: Necesito servicios de interpretaci6n en conferencias, reuniones, etc. 2. Podria necesitar traducci6n de documentos de [a escueta y det distrito. POR FAVOR NOTE: Sl la encuesta no es No si No _si No pertlnento para un segundo padre/ tutor, marque E No es pertinente (N/A) FIRA,IA DEL PADRE DE FAMILIA/TUTOR LEGAL (CON TINTA) FECHA FIRMA DEL PADRE DE FAMILIA/TUTOR LEGAL (CON TINTA) FECHA fi2 - 2016-2017 Scottsdale School District Interesar, Educar y Habilitar a Gda Estudiante Todos los Olas Informaci6n de Contacto en Caso de Emergencia Padres o tutores legales: Al principio de cada aflo escolar. la escuela de su hijo requerirri que ustedes verifiquen la informaci6n indicada en el Informe del Perfil del Estudiante. Si por algrin motivo, inclu)rendo las emersencias, la escuela necesita comunicarse con ustedes o con la persona que fue asignada para contactar en caso de una emergencia, este perfil serii el rinico medio en el que esta informaci6n estani disponible al personal escolar. Por lo tanto, es de gran importancia que su informacirin est6 al dia v sea exacta durante todo el ano escolar. Solamente las personas indicadas en el lnforme del Perfil del Estudiante podr6n retirar a los estudiantes de la escuela, incluyendo a las personas asignadas como contacto de emergencia, que ustedes autoricen para que asuman la responsabilidad temporal del estudiante. En caso de que haya una emergencia de importancia en la escuela, el aviso inicial para los padres o tutores legales se harii mediante un sistema automatizado de llamadas. Este sistema automatizado les proporcionani informaci6n sobre la situaci6n de emergencia y les darii a los padres o tutores legales las instrucciones que deben seguir. La informaci6n del contacto de emergencia indicada en el Informe del Perfil del Estudiante, serii la [nica fuente de informaci6n que tendremos para el sistema automatizado de llamadas. En caso de una emergencia, les pedimos que esperen hasta que nos comuniquemos con ustedes mediante este sistema. Por favor, no llamen o respondan a llamadas de la escuela, a menos que se los indiquen. Los cambios de la informaci6n del estudiante al principio del afro escolar se pueden completar entre el hogar y la escuela actualizando el Perfil del Estudiante, ya sea en persona, en la escuela o en la Oficina de Matriculaci6n Centralizada durante los procedimientos de matriculaci6n. Los padres o tutores legales deberiin presentar una identificaci6n. Los cambios no se pueden hacer por tel6fono o fax. Si hav necesidad de hacer cambios: Los padres o tutores legales que necesiten modificar cualquier informaci6n deben anotar las correcciones directamente en el Informe del Perfil del Estudiante, firmar y fechar el documento, y devolverlo a su escuela. Su firma autoriza los cambios. Solamente los padres o tutores legales autorizados pueden hacer cambios en los datos personales del estudiante para Io cual deben proporcionar su identificaci6n personal. Si ustedes no hacen los cambios en persona, deben enviar una copia de su identificaci6n y adjuntarla al Informe del Perfil del Estudiante. Para los cambios de direcci6n, los padres o tutores legales deberiin proporcionar la documentaci6n adecuada para poder hacer el cambio que solicitan (un comprobante del contrato de alquiler de su domicilio o una cuenta de pago de los servicios priblicos actuales). Si ustedes no hacen los cambios en persona, adjunten una copia del comprobante de su domicilio y una copia de su . o . identificaci6n personal. Si NO hav necesidad de hacer ning(n cambio: o Si no hay necesidad de hacer ningtn cambio, los padres o tutores legales deben simplemente firmar y fechar el Informe del Perfil del Estudiante, indicar que toda la informaci6n est6 al dia y devolverlo a su escuela. Si durante el aiio escolar necesitan actualizar esta informaci6n, por favor comunfquense con la secretaria de su escuela o visiten la Oficina de Matriculaci6n Centralizada. Muchas gracias por su ayuda facilitando la seguridad de su estudiante. '\[F I I rll Students may be required to pay reasonable supplemental fees for elective classes and science classes beyond those required for graduation. Students testinS for college credit or for credit outside ofthe Scottsdale School Unified School Dlstrict will be responsible for test fees. Examples of this testing would be lnternational Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement testing. No fees are charged for student access to or use of computers or materials related to computer use. Additional fees may be added for courses or adivities; all fees are subject to change based upon the AZ state legislature's funding for K-12 education. Fees mu5t be paid forallfee-based courses. Studentswho have outstandinS balancesfor previous courseswillnot beallowed totake additional fee-based courses until allfees are paid. High school students who register for more than six class credits will be assessed tuition of S185.OO per course exceeding six per semester and must have prior parental and school administration approval. 1"t Semester Courses must be dropped on or belorc9/6/16. Students have until the end of 1't Semeste t, 72/!6/76, to request a refund. Semester Courses must be dropped on or before 2/1/17. Students have untilthe end of 2d Semester, 05/25/u, to request a refund. For Career and Technical Education work erperience credits that exceed six, a tuition waiver will apply to the seventh credit and no more. 2 A tuition waiver will apply to students taking credit recovery courses. to pay these fees because of economic hardship should contac-t their counselor. NOTE: Any student or family not able ACNVTY FEES Athletic Fee (for participants) S1so/Activity 55Aear Transcript Fees ECAP Fee Porchlrert Current Students S5 Activity Card (optional) MS Student Activity Card (optional) Parent Activity Card (optional) S€nior Citizen Activity Card (optional) S3OAear S3o/Year S5o/Year S15/Year Porchmert Former Students S1o Additional Fee for PaperTranscript (US Mail) s2.2s Unofficial Transcript: Current Students (in person) Official Transcript: Current Student (in person) Official or Unofficial Transcript: Former Students Ss l-ls Student ParkinB S100Aear Musical Instrument Use Fee S50/Year Uniform Fee Rentalfor Book Locker Rentalfor PE locker Ss PE No Charge s10 S1s 5s ART 6840-6841 6810-6811 6842-6a43 6844-6845 5805-6807 6846-6847 5180-5181 6850-68s1 5852-6853 6854-6855 68s6-5857 l Studio Art I Studio Art AP DrawinS and Painting Drawing and Painting Drawing and Painting Drawing and Painting lB Art Design Sculpture/3-D Sculpture/3-D Sculpture/3-D Sculpture/3-D S50 /Year S60 /Year ll S60 /Year lll 560 /Year ill Honors 560 /Yea r 6866-6867 5868-6869 lV 560 /Year 924G9245 $60 /Year 560 /Year 925G9255 647 4-6875 6476-6877 5886-6887 (SL) Design ll lll 560 /Year Design lll Honors S60 /Year Design lV 550 /Year DesiSn 6812-6813 6862-6863 5854-6855 Senior Art Seminar S60^ear ll lll Photography/Digital Media Photography/Digital Media Photography/Digital Media lll Honors Photography/Digital Media Graphic DesiSn/Advertising Art Graphic Design/Advertising Art Fashion and Textiles Fashion and Textiles Fashion and Textiles lll lV ll lll I ll Honors S60/Year 560 /Year 560 /Year S50 /Year S35 /Year 535 /Year S60/Year S60/year 560/year CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FEES 1486-7481 AdvancedSportsMedicine 8692-8693 Eiotechnologyl 8696-8697 Biotechnolo8yll 5930-6943 CMAS r. I, It, rV, V 1822-7823 Culinary I 1824-7825 Culinary ll 9214-9279 En8ineerinS Design l/Drafting l 9266-9299 Engineering Design ll 9240-9245 Graphic Design/Advertising Art )15l)eme5ter 925G9255 9174-9779 9490-9491 7 484-7 485 Graphic Design/Advertising An ll Health Care Asst. (Nursing Services) Hospitalityflourism Mgmt- I Sports Medicine, lntro to S25lsemester 5900-6901 S25/Year 6902-6903 S2slYear 6926-6927 TechnicalTheatre I TechnicalTheatre Il TechnicalTheatre lll S20/Year S35/Year 535Aear 530/Year 80 I 535/Year S3s/Year Sloo/Year S15/Year S20/Year 520 /Yeat 520 /Year 520 /Year FOC EGmCIm (continued) DANCE 7000-7001 7002-7003 7004-7005 Dance I Dance ll Dance lll S15 Aear S20 /Year 7005-7007 7008-7009 Dance lV S2O/Year Performance Dance Ensemble S20 /Year S20 /Year IB 5182-5183 5270-5271 lB Art Design (HL) lB Dance (SL) 560 /Year 5192-5193 lBTheater(SL) S20Aear S2o /vear s180-5181 5299 lB Art Design (SL) 560 /Year Student Proqram Fee S35 /Year Music Theorv/Composition ll Concert Choir Varsity Choir S1s/semester Advanced Vocal Ensemble Women's Choir Men's Choir Beginning Strings S2o MUSIC 8946 6722-6723 6724-672s 6726-6727 6732-6733 6734-6735 6740-674t 6750-6751 6752-6753 6742-6743 6746-6747 6748-5749 6760 Marching Band Symphonic Band S40/Semester SaoAear S+0Aear SaoAear S+oAear S2olsemester Wind Ensemble Band Auxiliarv Concert Band Jazz Ensemble Percussion Ensemble Beginnine Guitar Advanced Guitar Concert Orchestra Advanced Concert Orchestra Symphonic Orchestra Music Theorv/Comoosition I S20/Semester 525 /Year 52s /Year Sqo /year S40 /Year S40 /Year S1s/Semester 676L 6780-678L 6782-6783 6784-6785 6786-6787 6788-6789 6758-6759 6756-6757 6930-6931 5938-6939 5940-6941 6942-6943 6944-6955 Szo /year 520 lYear /year 520 lYear S20 /vear S+0 /Year Piano S2o CMAS l: Rock Music Fundamentals S30 /Year CMAS ll: Songwriting /fechnology CMAS lll: Songwritingi/Digital Music S30 CMAS lV: Advanced Songwritins S30 /Year CMAS V: Guided lndependent Studv S3o S30 Aear /Year /Year /vear THEATRE 5900-5901 6902-6903 6904-6905 Theatre Theatre I ll Advanced S20 Theatre /Year S20 Near SZ0 /Year 5908-6909 6910-6911 6926-6927 Technical Theatre Technical Theatre ll Technical Theatre lll I WORTD TANGUAGE NOTE: Language lab programs may necessitate a S10 headset purchase. Headsets are available at all SUSD high school bookstores and are available for purchase in middle school offices, as well. 8'r S20 /Year S20 S20 /Year /Year 5935 E. Gold Oost Av.. scottrd.le, A2 85253 Join CHAPTS joining the Chaparral High Association of Parents & Teachers (CHAPTS), you help advance the educational needs of our students and teachers. Through generous membership donations, CHAPTS funds: By Teacher Training and Supplemental Teaching Materials, Classroom Technology, Library Alde, Copy room Aide, Project Graduation, Firebird Scholarsh ip, Student Clubs, Honors Assembly and much more Memberships are available for a little as S50 and increase to 52,000+ All member families are recognized on the website and receive access to the student directory. To join go to http ://chapts.orslmembership/parents-ioin-here/ Online Directory The online directory is only available to CHAPTS members on a password protected, secure CHAPTS a password site. Onceyou join instruction on how to download the app to your phone. will be emailed to you as well as The online directory also has options to print and/or save the directory as a pdf to your computer. Chaparral Weekly Newsletter To receive the weekly electronic newsletter and keep up to date with what is happening at Chaparral, your correct email address must be in the My School Anywhere directory system. You do NOT have to join CHAPTS to be in the directory, but your email must be in the directory so the weekly newsletter can be emailed to you. CHAPTS ,:.i{1, 6915 E Gold Dsn Soott5d.l€, AZ Avr. 6553 Advertise Advertise with us and get your business noticed and support the students, teachers and staff at Chaparral! We accept advertising for our newsletter and online directory. To find out more please go to htto://chapts.orsladvertisins/ Volunteering CHAPTS provides volunteers for many activities at Chaparral including the college & career center, library, registration, bookstore, project grad, hospitality and health screening. To find out more about volunteering please go to http://cha ots.orglvolu nteer-opportu n ities/ Support Chaparral Do you shop - Passive Fundraising at Fry's? Please link your card. For instruction go here http://cha pts.o rgleven ts/passive fund raisins/ Are you Social? Website - www.chaots.ors Follow us on Facebook - httos:// Follow us on Twitter - Follow us on Linkedin - httos:// Lgg22i06231 -
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