PARISH STAFF Fr. Robert Merced, O.P., Pastor Fr. Cayet Mangiaracina, O.P., Associate Pastor Rev. Bro. Mauricio Salazar, O.P., Deacon Lea Smith, Parish Secretary Peggy Powell, Data Secretary Carla Richmond, Bookkeeper Trisha Labbe, Director of Religious Education Marli Freas, Youth Minister Cheryl Brothers, Music Director PARISH OFFICE 601 North Oak Street • Hammond, LA 70401 Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Telephone: 985-345-3360 • Fax: 985-542-4191 Parish Website: HOLY GHOST SCHOOL Donna Wallette, Holy Ghost School Principal Holy Ghost School Telephone: 985-345-0977 School Website: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Spanish Mass: 6:00 pm Saturday Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am Youth Mass: 5:00 pm Children’s Church: during 9:30 am Mass Daily: 7:00 am Monday thru Friday (in the Daily Chapel) Holy Days: 7:00 am, 12:15 pm, 6:00 pm RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm BAPTISMS Contact Trisha Labbe at 985-345-3360 ext 28 or email at [email protected] at least 6 weeks in advance. MARRIAGES Contact the Parish Office at 985-345-3360 ext 21 to schedule a marriage at least 6 months in advance. CONFIRMATION Preparation begins in the 9th Grade. Contact Marli Freas at the beginning of the 9th Grade year at 985-345-3360 ext 26 or [email protected]. NEW PARISHIONERS If you have not yet had an opportunity to register, please call the parish office during office hours. We are very happy to have you here in our midst. July 31, 2016 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflec ng on God’s Word “You can’t take it with you,” Aunt Frances used to say. “I never saw a hearse pulling a U-Haul.” Aunt Frances had a point. We expend a lot of effort making money for our families, planning for re rement, and managing our investments. Yet we have no control over when our lives will be demanded of us. And wealth may not be the only “treasure” that we “store up.” We have many ways to preserve a false sense of security, to mask the vulnerability that we humans share. We may install security systems, move into gated communi es, or buy a gun. We may buy SUVs with an lock brakes. We may store up good deeds that allow us to feel smug and self-sa sfied, or grudges that put others in our debt. The scriptures today remind us that whatever we might be banking on to keep us safe is mere “vanity.” —Virginia S llwell Uniforms for Kids Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. In the many Churches that have this adoration, the Eucharist is displayed in a special holder called a monstrance, and people come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day. This a great way to spend some quiet time in prayer and reflection. End your week with some time in Adoration. It is important that all time-slots be filled and committed to, as Jesus cannot be exposed without anyone present. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be Friday, August 5 beginning at 7:30 am and ending with Benediction at 6:00 pm. The schedule is: Mass 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. Friday Morning Prayers 7:30 a.m. - 7:50 a.m. Exposition 7:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Adoration: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Benediction 6:00 p.m. The St. Vincent de Paul Society completed its registra on for Uniforms for Kids. If you would like to contribute to this worthwhile project, please send your checks to: Holy Ghost Church, 601 N. Oak Street, Hammond 70401, A n: St. Vincent de Paul Conference. Thank you for your support." You can help us pass on the “Good News”! Fr. Cyrus Thank You to our Parishioners of faith with thirty-five adults and youth who were UNBOUND would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kindness in welcoming us to speak on behalf of deserving children, youth, and elders in need. Your generous and strong Faith and your con nuing fidelity to the values of the Gospel of Jesus Christ are indeed a blessing. I am personally grateful for all the though ul a en on you provided to me. If you have not yet done so and would like to form an alliance of friendship with a child, a teenager, a seminarian, an elder, or a child with special needs, call 1-800-875-6564 or contact our website at seeking to learn more about the Catholic Faith. You ONLINE GIVING Prayer for Protec on against Storms and Hurricanes Go to and sign up for online giving. Simply click on “create an account” on the bo om of the church homepage. Then, enter the needed informa on, and submit. You will receive an email with a verifica on link to finish se ng up your account. If you don’t see the email, check your spam folder. It’s that simple to give any me and from anywhere using a computer, smartphone or tablet. RCIA What good news? – The Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith! In 2015 we walked a journey can help the next class learn and grow in the faith by becoming a member of our R.C.I.A. team. Please join us for an open house in the Parish Hall Annex on Sunday August 14 between 10:30 and 1:00 for a brief introduction to the R.C.I.A. team in Holy Ghost Parish. If you have any questions please contact Wanda Hutches, R.C.I.A. Coordinator, [email protected] or 985-687-6502. Our Father in Heaven through the intercession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, spare us during this Hurricane season from all harm. Protect us and our homes from all disasters of nature. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. In and Around Our Parish Baby Bottle Campaign Restora on House works in our community to help teens, youth, women and families that are facing a crisis pregnancy. They have been reaching out to people in need for over 30 years! Our church wants to support them in this ‘front-line’ ministry (again) this year by joining with them for their annual Baby Bo le Campaign. Please pick up an empty baby bo le from the Gathering Area, take it home, and fill it with coins, bills or checks, and then return it to the church by July 31. Your dona ons mean that the women and unborn children that need help in our own community always have a place to turn to for support and encouragement.” Holy Ghost Parish School of Religion (PSR) 2016-17 Schedule for K-8th Teacher Orienta on for K-8: Sunday, August 21 a er 9:30 am Mass in the Parish Hall Annex Parent Orienta on for K-8 (R ): Sunday, August 28 a er 9:30 am Mass in the Parish Hall Annex. This mee ng is for parents of PSR children only, meaning those students who are not in a Catholic School, but are either in a public school, private school, or home-schooled. The first PSR Class will be held September 11 from 10:45 am to 1:00 pm. Go to the church website for more informa on Baptism Seminar Baptism seminars are held the First Tuesday of the month. The next seminar is August 2 at 6:30pm in the Daily Mass Chapel. No registration is needed and they are open to people from other church parishes who need to attend a baptism seminar. Baptisms are celebrated the third weekend of the month following the masses. Information for registering your child for baptism and obtaining godparent forms can be accessed on the church website:, under the red Religious Education tab, under Baptism. For further assistance, please contact Trisha Labbe at (985) 345-3360, ext. 28 or [email protected]. Parent and Candidate Informa on Mee ng August 28, 2016 1:30 PM to 2:30PM in the Parish Hall & Annex 11th & 12th Grade Candidate Prepara on Classes September 11, 2016 Confirma on Immediate Prep Class I 2:30pm to 6:00pm September 18, 2016 Confirma on Immediate Prep Class II REGISTRATION FORM & FEE DUE 2:30pm to 6:00pm September 25, 2016 Confirma on Immediate Prep Class III SAINT’S NAME & ESSAY DUE 2:30pm to 6:00pm October 2, 2016 Confirma on Immediate Prep Class IV 2:30pm to 6:00pm October 9, 2016 Confirma on Immediate Prep Class V 2:30pm to 6:00pm October 16, 2016 Candidate & Sponsor Confirma on Prepara on End of the Year Retreat (Lunch Provided) Candidate 9:00am to 6:00pm; Sponsor 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm Confirma on is Monday, October 17, 2016 at 7pm at Holy Ghost Catholic Church *Candidates must be at church for 6:15pm; Sponsors 6:45pm Any ques ons? Please contact the Holy Ghost Business office at 985-345-3360 ext 21. † A Meal will be served following the 5:00 pm Mass from 6:00 to 7:30 after every class in the Saxon Youth House Readings for Next Week First Reading………...….…………….....Wisdom 18:6-9 Second Reading….……..........Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-12 Gospel Reading………….....…...........Luke 12:32-48 Stewardship of Finance 1st Collection.…………..………..…….…...…..$16,684.41 Online…………...……...………….……...………$1,819.75 Total……………...…….………...…..…….…....$18,504.16 No Second Collection next weekend Flowers on the Altar The Flowers on the Altar are donated In loving memory of Fr. Ed Everitt, O.P. You are invited to a Breakfast sponsored by From Holy Ghost Parishioners Bereavement Ministry A Ministry of Catholic Women West St. Tammany Chapter The Family of Friday, August 19, 2016 B ’ P 9 am—Noon Charlene Bredo Norman would like to thank the Bereavement Committee for their kind show of sympathy during the family’s time of loss. Our Speaker: Denny Charbonnet Banns of Marriage Task Plauche and Lauren Garlepied on August 5 The 15th Na onal Catholic Singles Conference Join hundreds of single Catholics of all ages at the Na onal Catholic Singles Conference, September 30— October 2, 2016, held at the Embassy Suites Dallas DFW Airport North in Grapevine Texas. The weekend includes talks by dynamic speakers, music, social events, prayer, food, fellowship and more! Space is limited so register now! For more informa on and to register visit www.NathionalCatholicSingles,com ( or call 888.267.8885 x 4). Use promo code NCS CDFW to receive a special discount) Denny Charbonnet traveled with her children halfway across the world to discover that the Blessed Mother was closer to her than she could have ever imagined. While on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in 1987, Denny experienced an undeniable, life -changing interaction with the Blessed Mother and the Holy Spirit. Involvement with the Charismatic Renewal further solidified her conversion experience and launched her into a lifelong relationship with our Lord and his Mother. Tickets: $15.00 NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR OR AFTER TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 Available at Most Holy Trinity Church, 4465 Hwy. 190 E. Service Rd., Covington Friday, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m or St. John the Baptist Church, 11345 St. John Church Road, Folsom, Monday - . Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Prayers for the Sick Cheryl Frey, Leonce “Lee” Durand, Laura Breslin, Leon Latino, Jr. Frank and Jean Lugo, Ann Henritzy, Anna Pizzolato, Danny Rivers, Teresa, Stella, and Mark McKew, Pam Bordelon, Karen Fleetwood, John Marlbrough, Dudley Dominguez, Debra Coulson, Deb Hill, Joe Moschitta, Carol Terre, Mary F. Schillace, Cynthia Boucher, Johnnie Rogers, Dominick Schillage, Phil Graziano Sr., Suzanne Robert, Rose Dorsa, Gene Myers, Joan Rosato, Elizabeth Vineyard, Myra Guarino, James Holbeck, Charles Norman, Chip Norman, Karen Dubuisson, Joey Mayeaux, Priscilla Palazzalo, Dolly Rhodes, Russell Tallo, Sr., Lisa Clague, Philip Mistretta, Wesley Ridgedell, Rosalie Costanza, Craig Inman, Larry Garofalo, June Cawvey, Frances Cicet, Marcie Neumann, Virginia Pat Gunderson, Gail Stromeyer, Kathy Lovell, Barbara Alack, Elsie Wyble, Charles Boyne, Rose Dominick, Daisy Norman, Louis Lorio, Juanita Boehm, Goldie Krafft, Mike Guzzardo, Cindy Costanza, John Ferrara, Fred Trapp, Audrey Martinez, Susan Spring, Arthur Daussat, Morris Bankston, Monette Garon, Richard Seale, Emerson Bean, Audrey Nuccio, Steven Bourque, Donna Skinner, Thelma Brettillo, James Christina, Janice Breuhl, Ken Yeomans, Brandy Estopinal, Anna Bass, Linda Freire, Alena Governale, Freddie Dubois, Elise Boyle, Anthony Prescia, Jr., Jeanette Ernst, Bonnie Shettles, Daisy Arvello, Jay Burchfield, Robert Goodwin, Dru Frederick, Frank Schiro, Mary Cashio, Audrey Costanza, Carlo Bentivegna, Lillie Giacone, David Hebert, Mary Fardella, Robert Egan, Mass Inten ons Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM AUGUST 1 - 7 Sco Chauvin+ Che a Lamonte Monistere+ Victor & Alfrieda Cieutat+ Louis Pizzolato+ Timmy W. La no+ Sat 4:00 PM PURGATORIAL Sat Sun Sun 6:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM If you seek intentions for someone who is sick, please call the Holy Ghost Office so we can include them in our prayer list. Please keep in mind that we pray for all the sick in the prayers of the faithful at every Mass. Pilgrimage to Fa ma Our “Special” 7 Day Pilgrimage to Fa ma Portugal will be offered from 3 airline Gateways of Newark, New York and Boston. The Price of $1599 is the all inclusive price includes airfare, 4 star hotel, 2 meals per day, tour guide and deluxe bus and more. We can also assist you securing air from your home city to one of the 3 gateway airports. We will also fly from Miami Interna onal but the pilgrimage will be one day longer and the all inclusive price will be $1699 The travel dates from Newark, JFK, and Boston will be Nov. 14-20 and from Miami will be Nov. 14-21, 2016 Brochures and reserva on forms are available at the Catholic Tour. Call 1-877-627-4268 toll free or email [email protected] Sun Sun 11:30 AM 5:00 PM REQUESTED BY: Lauren Becnel Joseph Monistere Janet Cieutat Harold & Anna Amerson Ella Sullivan Paul Arvello+ Wife & Children Joe & Annie Gennardo+ Lena Bonfiglio Joseph Phillip Notariano+ Sisters & Families Phillip & Virginia Notariano+ Daughters & Families Rosemary Perricone+ Marie Rusciano Charles Accardo & Family+ Family Vic & Marie Pizzolato+ Family Patricia A. Lee+ Sister, Gaynell Lee Margaret Magliolo+ Husband & Family Grace Anzalone+ Collis & Mary Rose Lee Anthony LaMonica+ Wife, Virginia & Family Vic Bender+ Ronnie & Bridget Fugarino People of the Parish Frank Hervieu+ Deacon Wallace Gainey, Jr.+ Geraldine & Children Gainey Family Joseph Longo+ Longo Family Anna & Paula Distefano+ Distefano Family Dr. Albert J. Douce e+ Wife, Carol Geraldine Pranzerone+ John & Sharon Grave e Dominick & Grace Anzalone+ Family Pete Muscarello+ Thursday Rummy Friends Sammie & Peggy Gennardo+ Mom & Dad Josephine Demarco+ Carla Richmond & Family Peter Silessi+ Pat Bender Jerome Huebinger+ Wife & Children Anna, Joe Demarco & Fmly+ Family Elyria J. Vigee+ Carol Guillot Kerry Owen Thomas, Sr.+ Louis "Ray" Notariano+ Stella Cecilia Gagliano+ Cecilia A. Giannobile Brothers & Sisters Nona & Poppa Support Those Who Support Us: Parish Bulletin Advertisers Our parish bulletin is provided to us at no cost to you through the generous support of local businesses (often, parishioners as well!). When you use their services, please be sure to thank them for their support to our parish! If you would like to advertise in our bulletin please contact Robert Mathews at 225-937-8385 or [email protected]. Survivors of Suicide (S.O.S.) If you someone you know have lost a loved one to suicide, you are invited to a end a Non-Denomina onal Free Support Group every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00 pm at The St. Albert Student Center. For more informa on call Angie Arnone 985-351-1073 or Jo Schneider 985-687-4144. COME PRAY THE ROSARY Join us in honoring our beloved Mother, Mary, by reci ng the Rosary on Sundays 25 minutes before Mass. Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Oficina de Holy Ghost: 985-345-3360 Preparación para Bautizos: Rosa Robichaux, teléfono 985-542-9479 Preparacion para Primera Comunion: Rosa Robichaux, teléfono 985-542-9479 Preparación de Ministros de la Eucaristia: Rene Abadie, teléfono 985-542-7859 Preparación de Lectores: Coco Sandino, teléfono 504-228-9398 Coro y Quinceañeras: Veronica Holt, teléfono 985-320-1707 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura Eclesiastés 1:2; 2:21-23. Segunda lectura Colosenses 3:1-5, 9-11. Evangelio Lucas 12:13-21. Horario de clases de Confirmación del 2016 Preparación de Acólitos o monaguillos: Rene Abadie, teléfono 985-542-7859 28 de Agosto, 2016 1:30 pm a 2:30 pm en el saló n parroquial Primera reunión con los padres y estudiantes que van a recibir el sacramento de la confirmación Confesiones Clases de Preparación para los grados 11 y 12 Todos los Sábados de 3:00 p.m. a 3:45 p.m. 11 de Septiembre, 2016 Clase de Confirmación # 1, 2:30 pm a 6:00 pm Durante los días de semana llamar para hacer una cita con el sacerdote al 985-345-3360 Preparación religiosa para los grados “Kinder Garden” al Octavo grado. AVISO IMPORTANTE Las clases que se mencionan a continuación tienen como objetivo el ayudar a estudiantes que no asisten a escuelas católicas a que aprendan y se intruyan en la fé. Todos los estudiantes que van a recibir la Primera Comunión tienen que asistir a estas clases por un período de dos años. (Visite nuestra página del internet al, busque donde dice, “En Español” y ahi encontrará las fechas de retiro y preparación para la Primera Comunión). Domingo, 28 de Agosto, después de la Misa de las 9:30 am. Reunión para los padres de estudiantes del “kindergarden” al octavo grado en el salón parroquial. Esta reunión es para los padres de estudiantes que no están en escuelas católicas. Horario de Septiembre 2016 Septiembre 11, de 10:45am a 1:00pm, sesión #1 Septiembre 28, de 10:45am a 1:00pm, sesión #2 Septiembre 25, no hay clases (Día para la familia) Inscripción y cuotas Todos los niños del “Kindergarden” al quinto grado deben completar un formulario de inscripción que incluye una cuota de $ 35.00 dólares por niño y $15.00 dólares por cada niño adicional. Todos los estudiantes de los grados 6 al 8 deben completar un formulario de inscripción y pagar una cuota de inscripción de $ 35.00 dólares. Esta cuota cubre el costo de alimentos, y cualquier otros gastos y actividades fuera de la escuela. 18 de Septiembre, 2016 Clase de Confirmación # 2, 2:30 a 6:00 pm (todos los formularios y pagos deben de estar completados para esta fecha) 25 de Septiembre, 2016 Clase de Confirmación #3, 2:30 a 6:00pm Para esta fecha deben haber elegido el nombre de su santo y escrito un ensayo 2 de Octubre, 2016 Clase de Confirmación # 4, 2:30 pm a 6:00 pm 9 de Octubre, 2016 Clase de Confirmación #5, 2:30 pm a 6:00pm 16 de Octubre, 2016 Retiro de fin Año para candidatos y padrinos/madrinas. ( Se propocionará almuerzo) El retiro para candidatos es de 9:00 am a 6:00 pm; El retiro para los padrinos/madrinas es de 12:00 a 6:00 pm. Celebración de la Confirmación Lunes 17 de Octubre, 2016 a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia Espíritu Santo. Todos ls candidatos deberán estar en la Iglesia a no mas tardar de las 6:15 pm. Los padrinos/madrinas a las 6:45 pm Para más información por favor contactar a Marli Freas a su correo electronic [email protected], o al teléfono 985-345-3360 ext. 26 Se servirá cena todos los días después de la misa de 5:00 pm, de 6:00 a 7:30pm, en la casa de los jóvenes INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address: Holy Ghost #291050 601 N. Oak Street Hammond, LA 70401 Contact person: Peggy Powell @ 985-345-3360 Software: Win 7-SP1, MSPub 2010, Adobe Acrobat X Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 4 content pages + this page = 6 (6-8-JL; 1 advt) Date of publication: (Sunday’s date) Day & time of transmission: Tuesday by noon Special instructions for Production: FedEx shipping address: Special instructions (for delivery): FedEx tracking e-mail:
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