Molly Morgan, PhD Curriculum Vitae Adjunct Professor Houston Community College 1550 Foxlake Drive Houston, TX 77084 [email protected] Adjunct Instructor Northeast Lakeview College Division of Sciences 1201 Kitty Hawk Road Universal City, TX 78148 [email protected] Research Associate University of Texas at San Antonio Anthropology Department One UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249 [email protected] Education 20062010 Vanderbilt University, PhD in Anthropology, with specialization in Archaeology Dissertation entitled Fixing Residence: Formative Period Place Making at Chiquiuitan, Guatemala. Dissertation Advisor Tom D. Dillehay. 20012006 Vanderbilt University, MA in Anthropology, with specialization in Archaeology 19972001 Vanderbilt University, BA in Anthropology and Classical Studies Teaching Experience Courses Taught: 2014 to Houston Community College, Cultural Anthropology, Physical Anthropology present and Introduction to Archaeology, Adjunct professor. 2008 to present Northeast Lakeview College, San Antonio, Cultural Anthropology and Introduction to Archaeology, Adjunct professor. 2011, spring Texas State University, Graduate Seminar – Archaeological Ceramics Analysis, adjunct professor. summers 2011-2013, 2009, 2006 Texas State University, Introduction to Archaeology, Adjunct professor. Guest Lectures: 2006, fall Hillsboro High School, Advanced W orld History, Lecture presented on the topic of Guatemala’s Civil War as part of a course section on Peasant Wars. Teaching Assistantships: (Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, Anthropology of Art) 2006, fall Vanderbilt University, Life, Death, and the Human Body, Prof. Tiffiny Tung. 2005, fall Vanderbilt University, Introduction to Anthropology, Prof. Norbert Ross. 2005, spring Vanderbilt University, Introduction to Anthropology, Prof. Edward F. Fisher. 2004, fall Vanderbilt University, Images of Culture, Prof. Annabeth Headrick. 2003, fall Vanderbilt University, Images of Culture, Prof. Annabeth Headrick. 2002, fall Vanderbilt University, Rise and Fall of Civilizations, Prof. John Janusek. 2001, fall Vanderbilt University, Rise and Fall of Civilizations, Prof. Francisco Estrada Belli. Publications and Professional Papers 2014 Jon C. Lohse, Karla Cardona, Tom Williams, Victoria Smith, Jason Curtis, Mark Brenner, and Molly Morgan. Del Preclasico al Posclasico: datos ambientales del Lago de Amatitlan. Paper presented at the XXVIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologicas en Guatemala, 2014. 2014 Molly Morgan, Jon C. Lohse, Karla Cardona, Charles Frederick, Mark Brenner, and Jason Curtis. Resultados Preliminares de la Temporada 2011-2012 del Proyecto de Reconocimiento de Sitios Tempranos en la Ladera Occidental de Guatemala. XXVII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologicas en Guatemala, edited by Barbara Arroyo, Luis Mendez Salinas, and Andrea Rojas, pp. 589-602. 2013 Antonio Padilla, Molly Morgan, and Kerry Sagabiel. Enduring the Collapse: Postclassic Occupation at Akab Muclil. In Classic Maya Political Ecology: Agrarian Resource Management,Political Change, and Class Histories in Upper Northwestern Belize, edited by Jon C. Lohse. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, UCLA. 2012 Lohse, Jon, Molly Morgan, Karla Cardona, Charles Frederick, David M. Yelacic, Mark Brenner, Jason Curtis, James E. Barrera, Antonio E. Padilla, Eduardo Bustamante, Julio Cotom, and Mónica Cortave. Informe de los Resultados Preliminares de la Temporada 2011-2012 del Reconocimiento Geo-arqueológico de Sitios Paleoindios, Arcaicos, y del Formativo Temprano de la Ladera Occidental de Guatemala. Report submitted to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia. Guatemala. 2011 Molly Morgan. Early Formative Transitions in Settlement and Subsistence at Chiquiuitan, Guatemala. In Early Mesoamerican Social Transformations: Archaic and Formative Lifeways in the Soconusco Region, edited by Richard G. Lesure, pp.191-216. University of California Press, Berkeley. 2010 Molly Morgan. Fixing Residence: Formative Period Place Making at Chiquiuitan, Guatemala. Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University. 2010 Brigitte Kovacevich, Molly Morgan, Hector Neff, and Oswaldo Chinchilla. The Use of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) on Obsidian Microdebitage: Case Studies from Chiquiuitan and El Baúl, Guatemala. SAS Bulletin: The Newsletter of the Society of Archaeological Studies 33(1):2-5. 2 2009 Molly Morgan, Brigitte Kovacevich, Hector Neff, Oswaldo Chinchilla, Rafael Castillo, y Judith Valle. El use de LA-ICP-MS en microdesechos de obsidiana: Estudio de los casos de Chiquiuitan y El Baúl. XXIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueologicas en Guatemala, edited by Barbara Arroyo, Hector L. Escobedo, Dora Guerra de Gonzalez, Olga de Hazard, Juan Pedro Laporte, and Zoila Rodriguez Giron, pp. 859-872. 2009 Molly Morgan. Introduction: The Wilson Family and the History of the Wilson Pottery Sites. In Archaeological Research at the Wilson-Durham-Chandler Site, edited by Molly Morgan, pp.13-18. Archaeological Studies Report No. 16. Center for Archaeological Research, Texas State University. 2009 Richard Kinz and Molly Morgan. Kiln Excavations. In Archaeological Research at the Wilson-Durham-Chandler Site, edited by Molly Morgan, pp.19-24. Archaeological Studies Report No. 16. Center for Archaeological Research, Texas State University. 2009 Molly Morgan and Jon C. Lohse. Kiln Conservation. In Archaeological Research at the Wilson-Durham-Chandler Site, edited by Molly Morgan, pp.25-30. Archaeological Studies Report No. 16. Center for Archaeological Research, Texas State University. 2009 Molly Morgan. Wilson Pottery. In Archaeological Research at the Wilson-DurhamChandler Site, edited by Molly Morgan, pp.32-37. Archaeological Studies Report No. 16. Center for Archaeological Research, Texas State University. 2009 Molly Morgan. Conclusions: A Social Role for Archaeology in the Future of the Wilson Pottery Sites. In Archaeological Research at the Wilson-Durham-Chandler Site, edited by Molly Morgan, pp.43-48. Archaeological Studies Report No. 16. Center for Archaeological Research, Texas State University. 2009 Molly Morgan, editor. Archaeological Research at the Wilson-Durham-Chandler Site. Archaeological Studies Report No. 16. Center for Archaeological Research, Texas State University. 2009 Brigitte Kovacevich, Molly Morgan, Hector Neff, Oswaldo Chinchilla, and Rafael Castillo. The Use of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) on Obsidian Microdebitage: Case Studies from Chiquiuitan and El Baúl. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta. 2009 Lohse, Jon C., James I. Mead, Charles D. Frederick, Lorena Paiz, and Molly Morgan. Preliminary Results from the 2009 Season of Multidisciplinary Research at Chivacabe, Guatemala. Poster presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta. 2008 Molly Morgan, Brigitte Kovacevich, Hector Neff, Oswaldo Chinchilla, Rafael Castillo, and Judith Valle. El uso de LA-ICP-MS en Microdesechos de Obsidiana: Estudio de casos Chiquiuitan y El Baúl. Paper presented at the XXII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas, Guatemala. 3 2008 Molly Morgan, Jon C. Lohse, and Jamie Awe. Preceramic Occupations in Western Belize and Implications for Early Maya Development in the Belize River Valley. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. 2008 Molly Morgan. Investigations at Chiquiuitan Guatemala. Paper presented at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Seminar at UCLA on Sociopolitical Transformation in Early Mesoamerica: Archaic to Formative in the Soconusco Region. 2007 Molly Morgan and Judith Valle. Proyecto Arqueológico Chiquiuitan, Las Conclusiones de la Temporada 2007, Informe Final de Temporada 2007. Presented to the Department of Monumentos Prehispánicos y Coloniales, Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala. 2007 Molly Morgan and Judith Valle. La Evidencia para la Ocupación Formativa Temprana del Sitio Chiquiuitan, Santa Rosa, Guatemala. Utz’ib 4(2):14-17. Asociación Tikal, Guatemala. 2007 Antonio E. Padilla, Molly Morgan, and Jon Lohse. Investigations of Akab Muclil: A Hinterland Settlement in Northwestern Belize. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 4:221-230. 2007 Molly Morgan, Judith Valle, and Francisco Estrada-Belli. Las Conclusiones del Proyecto Arqueológico Chiquiuitan. Paper presented at the XXI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas, Guatemala. 2007 Molly Morgan. Advances in Formative Period Household Archaeology in Mesoamerica. Paper presented at the 72nd Society for American Archaeology conferences, Austin. 2006 Antonio E. Padilla, Molly Morgan, and Jon C. Lohse. Investigations at Akab Muclil, a Late Hinterland Settlement in Northwestern Belize. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Puerto Rico. 2006 Molly Morgan and Judith Valle. Proyecto Arqueológico Chiquiuitan, Investigaciones de una Sociedad Compleja en el Periodo Formativo Temprano en la Costa Sur de Guatemala, Informe Final de Temporada 2006. Presented to the Department of Monumentos Prehispánicos y Coloniales, Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala. 2005 Michael Love, Julia Guernsey, Sheryl Carcuz and Molly Morgan. El Monumento 3 de La Blanca, San Marcos: Una escultura en tierra y barro del Preclasico Medio. Paper presented at the XIX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas, Guatemala. 2004 Molly Morgan and Jeremy R. Bauer. Preclassic Maya Ritual, Architecture and Elite Transformations: New evidence from Cival, Peten, Guatemala. Paper presented at the 69th Society for American Archaeology conferences, Montreal. 4 2003 Estrada-Belli, Francisco, Judith Valle, Chris Hewitson, Marc Wolf, Jeremy Bauer, Molly Morgan, Juan Carlos Perez, James Doyle, Edy Barrios, Angel Chavez, Nina Neivens. Teledetección, Patrón de Asentamiento e Historia en Holmul, Peten. Paper presented at the XVII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicos, Guatemala. 2003 Fowler, William R. and Molly Morgan. Introduction to Special Section: Papers in Honor of T. Patrick Culbert. Ancient Mesoamerica 14(1):47-48. 2003 Estrada-Belli, Francisco, Jeremy Bauer, Molly Morgan, and Angel Chavez. Symbols of Early Maya Kingship and Cival, Peten, Guatemala. Antiquity, Project Gallery 77:298. 2002 Fowler, William R. and Molly Morgan. Introduction to Special Section: Historical Climatology in the Maya Area. Ancient Mesoamerica 13(1):265. Grants, Fellowships, and Awards 2013 National Science Foundation grant for $43,950. Proposal entitled Understanding Climate Change and Environmental Transition: Analyses of Sediment Core Materials from the Sesecapa Lagoon, Pacific coastal Guatemala, PI Molly Morgan. 2011 National Geographic Society / Waitt Grants Program grant number W191-11 for $13, 950 to support Geoarchaeological Reconaissance for Paleoindian, Archaic, and Early Formative Settlements on Guatemala’s Western Slope, directed by Jon C. Lohse and Molly Morgan. 2009 National Science Foundation dissertation enhancement grant. $9,375. 2008 California State University at Long Beach. Visiting Researcher Program of the Institute for Integrated Research in Materials, Environments, and Societies. $2,000. 2008 Vanderbilt University Conference Travel Grant. Domestic Travel Grant. $500. 2007 Vanderbilt University Conference Travel Grant. International Travel Grant. $1,000. 2007 Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. Research Grant. $4,020. 2007 Vanderbilt University Graduate School Dissertation Enhancement Grant. $1,785. 2006 Institute of International Education’s William J. Fulbright Foreign Scholarship – Fulbright grant for research in Guatemala. $18,000. 2006 New World Archaeological Foundation Aid for AMS Radiocarbon Dating. $1,835. 2005 Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences Travel Award for Early Cities: New Perspectives on Pre-Industrial Urbanism. $150. 2004 Vanderbilt University Conference Travel Grant. International Travel Grant. $1,000. 5 2004 Vanderbilt University Arts and Sciences Summer Research Grant. $4,000. 20012006 Vanderbilt University, Department of Anthropology Teaching Assistant Fellowship. Collegiate Service 20082013 Anthropology Club, Recognized Student Organization, Northeast Lakeview, Faculty Sponsor. Advisor and mentor to students in club regarding learning activities outside of the classroom (travel, internships, volunteer opportunities, etc). 20122013 History and Heritage Committee, Northeast Lakeview, Time Capsule Subcommittee. Committee work involved participation with students, faculty, and staff in planning and implementing the dedication of a time capsule by the College. Archaeology Experience 2013present Understanding Climate Change and Environmental Transition: Analyses of Sediment Core Materials from the Sesecapa Lagoon, Pacific coastal Guatemala, Project Director. 20112013 Reconocimiento Geoarqueológico para Asentamientos Paleoindios, Arcaicos, y del Formativo Temprano en Ladera Occidental de Guatemala, Co-Director. 2009 Proyecto Arqueologico y Paleontologico Chivacabe, Project Archaeologist. 20082009 Center for Archaeological Studies, Project Archaeologist. 2008 Institute for Integrated Research in Materials, Environments, and Societies, California State University at Long Beach. Visiting Researcher for LA-ICP-MS study on obsidian microdebitage. 20062009 Proyecto Arqueológico Chiquiuitán, Project Director. 2005, summer Maya Research Program, Blue Creek Regional Political Ecology Project, Site supervisor. 20022004 Ancient M esoamerica Archaeology Journal, Managing Editor. 2004, spring Archaeology Project at La Blanca, Excavator. 2004, summer Ceramic Analysis, Assistant Analyst for Dr. Barbara Arroyo. 6 2003, spring and summer Holmul Archaeology Project, Excavator. 20002002 Ancient M esoamerica Archaeology Journal, Editorial Assistant. 2002, spring Projecto Arqueológico Cancuen, Excavator. 2002, summer Maya Research Program, Blue Creek Regional Political Ecology Project, Lab Director. 2001, summer Maya Research Program, Blue Creek Regional Political Ecology Project, Volunteer. 2001, summer Holmul Archaeology Project, Excavator. 1999, summer Virgin River Anasazi Project, Student participant in the University of Southern Utah’s archaeological field school. 7
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