SAN SEBASTIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1112 State Road 16- St. Augustine, FL 32084 Office 904-824-6625 Office Hrs: Monday - Friday 9am - 3:00pm June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekly Mass Schedule Daily Mass: Tuesday - Friday - 8:00am Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00pm Sunday Masses - 8:00am, 10:00am, & 12 noon (español) Confessions Saturdays 3:00pm - 3:30pm or by Appointment Rev. Fr. John D. Gillespie, Pastor Rev. Fr. Heriberto Vergara, Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Pastor Emeritus Deacon James Swanson , Deacon Santiago Rosado & Deacon Earl Kidwell Keep up with Parish Events go to the Link for San Sebas an Facebook hƩps://Ɵancatholiccchurch/ Page 2 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time HOPE AND LIFE Today’s readings tell the story of two widows. The first reading relates the plight of the widow with whom the prophet Elijah stayed; the Gospel tells about the widow of Nain. In each story, the widow’s only son had died. For people who lived in those cultures, the son was the only support of a widow, and the carrying on of the family name by the son was equal to immortality. A widow whose only son has died could lose all hope. Elijah and Jesus are the restorers of hope; they bring the sons back to life. Saint Paul was metaphorically raised from the dead when he experienced the conversion and call from God that he describes in today’s second reading. What are Christians called to do today? We may not be able to raise the dead, but perhaps we can rekindle hope for a single parent. We may not be able to convert a persecutor like Paul, but if we speak the gospel openly and gently with our lives, we might touch a life with the Good News. Mass IntenƟons 06/04 Sat. 4pm 06/05 Sun. 8am 06/05 Sun. 10am 06/05 Sun. 12pm 06/06 Mon. 8am 06/07 Tue. 8am 06/08 Wed. 8am 06/09 Thur. 8am 06/10 Fri. 8am 06/11 Sat. 4pm 06/12 Sun. 8am 06/12 Sun. 10am 06/12 Sun. 12pm 06/13 Mon. 8am 06/14 06/13 Tues. Mon. 8am 06/15 06/14 Wed. Tues. 8am 06/16 Thur 8am 06/15 Wed. 06/17 Thur Fri. 8am 06/16 06/17 Fri. 06/18 Sat. 8am 4pm 06/18 Sat. 4pm - Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: 2Sm 12:7-10,13; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11; Gal2:16,19-21;Lk 7:36- 8:3[7:36-50 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Norbert Thursday: St. Ephrem; Julian Calendar Ascension Saturday: St. Barnabas; Shavuot (Jewish observance) begins at sundown If you would like to donate Altar Flowers in memory or honor of a loved one, Please contact the church office. S pend is $50.00 June 5, 2016 Rev. Fr. James Fischer + Our Parishioners Robert Minchew + Raquel Díaz + No Mass Jude Nwoga, Spec. Int. Richard D. Starkweather Rev. James E. Pearson + Rose Perry + Yvonne Fulfod + Our Parishioners Steve Mangum + HelidaGamboa Gamboa ++ José Hilda and Echeverry + No Mass JoséEcheverry + Marion & Basil Triay + No Mass May Penick + Triay + Marion & Basil May PenickGonzalez + Francisco + Andy Cardenas + + Francisco Gonzalez Andy ++ Alicia Cardenas Ann Muller Alicia Ann Muller + Liturgical Ministers Sat. 4:pm 4pm EM: EM: A. McCaffery, L. Sais, L. Tayloe Lector: E. L. DiGrigoli, Curran, E.D. Gagliardi Shaw, T&F Clarke Server: N. B. Needham, Gagliardi, S. M.Rand Mickler, D.Caro C. Rand, M. Avellan Sun. 8am EM: Lector: Lector: L. P. Curran, Veling E. Gagliardi Server: B. Gagliardi, S.G.Rand Server: N.Wiswedel, Dullard, Sun. 8am EM: L&D Willis, M. Tilger, R Fra anni H. Gieselman J & T Shanklin Sun. 10am EM: Lector: P. Veling Lector: L.. Lachat, JP Gu errez Server: G. Dullard, Server: N.Wiswedel, S. & J. Vieczorek, D. Sleap H. Gieselman Interpreter: Christy Sun. 10am EM: K & K Cowart, G Sexsion, J Bailey J Karamon, B Grimaldi, C Jones G. Gilrain, M Mesmer, J Gaines Lector: L. Lachat, JP Gu errez Server: S. & J. Vieczorek, D. Sleap Interpreter: Christy Celebrants for June 4-5, 2016 4:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm - Fr. John D. Gillespie, Deacon Jim Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Deacon Earl Fr. John D. Gillespie, Deacon Jim Fr. John D. Gillespie, Deacon Rosado * Subject to Change Página 3 Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ESPERANZA Y VIDA Las Escrituras del hoy nos cuentan la historia de dos viudas. La primera lectura relata la difícil situación en la que vivía la viuda con la que el profeta Elías se quedó y el Evangelio cuenta la historia de la viuda de Naín, en cada una de estas historias a cada viuda el hijo único de ellas murió. En la cultura de esos países en ese tiempo, el hijo era el sustento para la viuda y quien además continuaba la descendencia familiar que era igual a la inmortalidad. La viuda cuyo único hijo hubiera muerto perdía toda esperanza. Elías y Jesús son los restauradores de esperanza; ellos devuelven la vida a sus hijos. San Pablo, metafóricamente hablando, revivió de la muerte a la vida cuando él se convirtió después de la llamada de Dios de la que él habla en la segunda lectura. ¿A qué están llamados los cristianos hoy en día? Quizá no podemos revivir de la muerte, pero quizá podemos reanimar la esperanza de un padre o una madre soltera. Quizá no podemos convertir a un perseguidor como Pablo, pero si abiertamente hacemos vida el Evangelio en nuestras vidas, podríamos tocar una vida con la Buena Nueva. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Re 17:1-6; Sal 121 (120):1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12 Martes: 1 Re 17:7-16; Sal 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 Miércoles: 1 Re 18:20-39; Sal 16 (15):1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19 Jueves: 1 Re 18:41-46; Sal 65 (64):10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Viernes: 1 Re 19:9a, 11-16; Sal 27 (26):7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32 Sábado: Hch 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Sal 16 (15):1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:33-37 Domingo: 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Sal 32 (31):1-2, 5, 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lc 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50] LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Decimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: San Norberto Jueves: San Efrén; La Ascensión del Señor en el calendario juliano Sábado: San Bernabé; Shavuot (festividad judía) empieza al atardecer 5 de junio de 2016 Ministerio Hispano Ministros: R. San ago, M. Adams, J. Guevara M, & L Quiles, A.M Ng, L. & L Olivares Lectores: L. Mendoza, C. Rivera Ministros: Monaguillo: S. Hernandez, A. Hernandez, Lectores: Monaguillos: M. Hernandez Ujieres: Ujieres: J. Bonzalex, S Ursino, A. Rios, M. Vasquez Preparación para el BauƟsmo….Los padres y los padrinos deben registrarse para las clases de preparación en la oficina de la Parroquia. Para las clases, favor llamar a la Rectoría para ponerse de acuerdo con la fecha y la hora. Si los padres o padrinos no han asis dos a una clase de preparación anteriormente, estas clases son necesarias para el bau smo. BauƟzos en Español ……. Es un requisito para padres y padrinos que no han tomado las clases anteriormente par cipar en ellas. Favor de llamar a la Rectoría. Los bau zos se celebran después de la misa en Español. Bodas…...Favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia con 8 meses de antelación Tel: 8246625 Comunión para los Enfermos …..Las personas que deseen recibir la Comunión en sus casas, favor llamar a la oficina de la Parroquia, o hablar con un ministro eucarís co después de misa. El Coro para Adultos en Español ..Se invita a todos los que sienten el deseo de servir al Señor con su voz o con un instrumento musical, favor hablar con María Hernández después de la misa de 12:00p.m. Para Ofrendas Durante las Misa ...Si deseas que se mencione durante la misa el nombre de un familiar o amigo ya fallecido o que esté gravemente enfermo, favor llamar a Clarita Opiela, Tel: 824-6625 clarita@sansebas Diácono Jim visita cada lunes el Flagler Hospital. Si sabes de algún familiar o amigo – miembro de la parroquia que está en el hospital favor llamar al la oficina de la parroquia (904 824-6625) o avísanos antes o después de las misas durante el fin de semana. Adoración al Sanơsimo …Adoración al San simo Sacramento todos los viernes de 8:30am/6:00pm Page 4 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 A GALLERY OF VETERANS If you were unable to get the picture to us in time For Memoial Day we will be setting up the display again for July 4th and Veterans Day in November 2016. Listed is the information to participate in the Gallery of Veterans : We are asking for copies of pictures of Veterans (living and deceased) from our Parish families. Pictures must be copies, no larger than 5” x 7”, PLEASE PRINT on the back of the photo: Name, Rank, Branch of Service, Years of service and Battles/Wars. A Box to place copies of photos is located in the gathering space. Congratulations go out to Father Thomas P. Walsh on the Anniversary of his Ordination, June 11, 2016 . “MARK YOU CALENDAR” Theme Barnyard Roundup San Sebastian Vacation bible school June 27th — July 1st 9am - 12pm Registration forms are available at the display in the Gathering space. Must be turned in by 6/1 Registration ages are: 3yrs to 17yrs $5 per child For more info contact Kelly Emilio at 919-630-7964 or [email protected] Lectors Needed for the Sunday 8:00am Mass Please contact Susan Donlon at 824-6625 ext 107 Or 904-315-1352 or [email protected] Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 June 5, 2016 The San Sebastian 500 club Drawing every Saturday after mass through July 30th Extra Tickets packets are available at the 500 club April 16, 2016 $ 100.00 - Don Quigley April 23, 2016 $ 100.00 - Juan Garcia April 30. 2016 $ 200.00 - Jose Guevara May May May May 07, 14, 21, 28, 2016 2016 2016 2016 $ $ $ $ 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 - Anne Corley Carole Hutnan Dr. James Bernard Tom Ennis SAN SEBASTIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT EVERY FRIDAY 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM Most would travel great lengths and at great expense to see their favorite Superstar. The Greatest Superstar of them all appears at San SebasƟan Church every Friday. Get up close and personal. One on one conversa ons are encouraged. All requests will be heard. Admission is absolutely free. Everyone is welcome. All Glory to God! Congratulations June June June June July July July July July 04, 11, 18, 25, 02, 09, 16, 23, 30, 2016 2016 2016 2016 $ $ $ $ 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 $ $ $ $ $ 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 Congratulations To: Ron and Cathy Rabino Married at San Sebastian Church 5/15/16 and Kate Burchfield & Daniel Vogel Married at San Sebastian Church 5/21/16 There are 3 Windows Remaining they are: The First Day of Creation, The Second Day of Creation and The Fourth Day of Creation To All 2016 Graduates Sharing the cost with other families is anoption. For additional information and pricing contact: Wilfredo Cardona at 824-1822 or email [email protected] Allen McCaffery at 377-2446 or email [email protected] and Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 or email [email protected] Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6 June 5, 2016 IMMEDIATE OPENING : Mission Nombre de Dios, Church Customer Service Position 35 hours a week, benefits, good telephone and computer skills, people oriented and multi-tasking a must. Send resume and dioceasan employment application to lbarrancotto@missionand Application can be obtained online at NO PHONE CALLS Seeking Volunteers to run the Sound System during Masses. Prior experience in music and sound engineering helpful. If interested please contact Bill Loughlin 904-377-7874 or [email protected] • Volunteers needed in the church on Monday from 9am –12pm to answer phones and other office duties. Backgound, fingerprints and PGC are required. Please Contact Tyra Rousseau at the church office at 824-6625 ext 102 or email [email protected] • $670,971.14 collected to date Religious Education Enrichment Center Pledge Cards Pledge Payment Envelope 10-10-10 Donation Can REEC Contribution Envelope Building Funds Needed $900,000 The Religious EducaƟon Enrichment Center • Special PLEDGE Envelopes • PLEDGE Cards • CONTRIBUTION Envelopes • 10-10-10 Donation CANS • Please Place all donations in Offertory Basket available at the Capital Campaign displays located In front of both Children’s Chapels in the church $900,000 $900,000 $800,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Page 7 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 The San Sebastian Warriors grades 6-12 are welcome to attend Regular Meetings are suspended for the summer. Please watch the bulletin for information on summer trips to Ave Maria University and Disney . For more information about the group contact Youth Leader Kelly Emilio at 919-630-7964 / [email protected] Religious Education Classes for K-8 Have been suspended for the Summer & will resume with the new School Year. For more information please contact Religious Education Director Susan Donlon at 824-6625 ext 107, Cell 315-1352 or email [email protected] Religious Education classes for High School are suspended for the summer! The Children’s Choir Rehearsals are Tuesdays at 6:00pm in the church. For additional information on the Children’s Choir and the Children’s Home School Choir contact Lynne DuPont at 824-1334 The Columbian Squires Circle 5367 (young men of the Knights of Columbus) Michael Ryan, Chief Counselor, Columbian Squires 5367/ 904-797-7418 or emial [email protected] Next Squires meeting will be Sunday, June 5, at 6:00pm in the Knights Hall CPS (Cathedral Parish School) SUMMER CAMP Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm, Register Early, space is limited. For more information call The office at CPS 824-2861 San Sebastian Vacation bible school June 27th — July 1st 9am - 12pm Registration open for 3yrs to 17yrs $5 per child Registration forms are available at the display in Gathering space. Page 8 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time San Sebastian Ladies Guild No Meeting in July See you Thursday August 4th at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall For a potluck Dinner and Bingo Party All women of the parish are welcome to attend. For more informa on contact Ladies Guild President Mary Horn at 904-377-6738 Power of Prayer Group Intercessory Prayer Group meets every Thursday after the 8am mass in the Library. If you have a prayer request please contact us or join us. For more information contact Joann or Lansing Roy at 904-571-0156 or email [email protected] Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Group 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 2pm in the Garden. For more info. contact Leaugeay McKean at [email protected] June 5, 2016 The Bi-lingual Healing Mass Next Bi-lingual Healing Mass is Thursday July 14, 2016 7:00pm in the church VOLUNTEERS needed for the San Sebastian GIFT SHOP Consider just 1 hour a month After a masses on the weekend If Interested contact Tyra at the church office 824-6625 or email [email protected] The next Bible Study will begin in August. Check bulletin for further details. Prayer Blanket Ministry Our parishioners generously make and donate hand made blankets for those sick and in need of comfort & compassion. Now available : PRAYER CLOTHS for our Troops to carry with them in their pockets. Prayer cloths are available depicting: Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force or a generic material with the American Flag. Items available at the church office. DIVORCED and SEPARATED SUPPORT MINISTRY Leaugeay McKean at the church office or email [email protected] Meets Wednesdays at 7:00pm in KC Hall For more info Pete Nolan 904-687-8486 MEN’S Prayer Group Meals for Moms Mission 1ST Sunday night of each month at 6pm in the Parish hall kitchen to make a meal for Moms-to-be at St Gerard Campus. Food dona ons welcome. For more info. Contact Karen Town at 201-874-3406 or [email protected] Are you a Secular Franciscan? Do you feel called by St. Francis of Assisi? Next Meeting July 9th, starting with Rosary at 8:30am and Mass at 9am at Our Lady of La Leche. Infor mation located in the Gathering Space or call Maura at 904/825-9101. The second Sat. of the month 9:00am at San Sebastian Knights Hall Contact: Wilfredo Cardona 824-1822 or Deacon Earl Kidwell 819-5451 INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC??? RCIA has day and evening sessions. Contact Susan Donlon at 824-6625 or 315-1352 or [email protected] Page 9 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 Knights of Columbus Council 11046 Knights of Columbus Event Schedule Please join us in standing vigil & prayerful witnessing to the dignity of life; every second Wednesday from 10-11am at A Women’s Choice of Jacksonville 4331 University Blvd. Carpool leaves from the church at 9:15am. As a group, we Pray the Rosary Fridays at 2pm during the ExposiƟon of the Blessed Sacrament For more info. about our Respect Life Commi ee call Lane 823-8887 or [email protected] VOLUNTEERS FOR ALTAR SOCIETY JUST SHOW UP …..Mondays from 8-9am we meet in the church to: change & clean altar linens, restock votive candles, clean, dust, water flowers, & straighten pews. Teams are needed to alternate Cooking once a month for FOOD & FUN FRIDAY. If Interested contact Susan Donlon at the Church office 824-6625 or [email protected] USHERS NEEDED ALL MASSES Sat. 4pm, Sun. 8am, 10am & 12 pm Contact Terry Pacetti, 669-6000 or [email protected] FOOD SHARING DonaƟons of Meat always appreciated Team A - Lydia Quiles 687-8169 or email [email protected]. Team B - Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 or email cheryl7567@a .net. Meal prepara on is the 3rd Tuesday, of the month @ 2pm in the parish hall. Knights Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Knights Hall. Monthly Socials, Everyone is invited to the Knights of Columbus Pot Luck Dinner Social 4th Tuesday of the month. Joining The Knights of Columbus. or transferring into our Council contact the Grand Knight ~ Mike Ryan 797-7418 Pancake Breakfast, 2nd and 4th Sun. of each month after 8am & 10am masses. Squires, Meets the 1st Sunday at 6pm. For more info call Mike Ryan -797-7418. Ministry of Caring Our Mission is: No member of our Parish Family will grieve alone; We pray, visit the sick & bereaved; assist with funeral plans; & host funeral receptions in the parish hall. If you are interested in joining this ministry or are in need of assistance, contact Orpha Wiseman at 904-824-5748 MUSIC MINISTRY Mass Times Sat. 4pm mass Sun. 8 & 10am mass Sun. Spanish mass Tues. Children’s Choir Rehearsal Times Sat. 3:00pm - Church Tues. 7:00pm - Church Wed. 6:00pm - Church Tue. 6:00pm - Church SAN SEBASTIAN LIBRARY located in the Gathering Space: Books, tapes, movies, & music, for young & “old”. Open during church hours. Please return items within 2 weeks. Contact Susan Donlon at 315-1352 VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO HELP WITH OUR WEEKLY BREAD PICK UP. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT TOM OPIELA AT 904-825-4178 If you have a knowledge of Balance Sheets, Income Statements and are interested in serving on the Parish Finance Council please contact Gerri Sexsion at 904-309-3889 or [email protected] Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 10 Activities for the week of: June 4 - June 11, 2016 06/04 Sat 12:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm Funeral Confessions Mass Wine & Cheese Social Wedding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/05 Sun 8:00am Mass 9:00am Gift Shop open 9:00am Coffee & Danish 10:00am Mass 10:00am Liturgy of the Word, K-4th 11:00am Gift Shop open 11:00am Coffee & Danish 12:00pm Mass in Spanish 6:00pm Squires ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/06 Mon 8:00am 8:00am No Mass Altar Society .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/07 Tues 8:00am 6:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm Mass Funeral Visitation Funeral Prayer Service Knights, 1st degree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/08 Wed 8:00am Mass 11:00am Funeral ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/09 Thur 8:00am 9:00am 6:00pm Mass Prayer Group Spanish Choir June 5, 2016 Weekly Offertory Collection Goal $12,400.00 Monthly Mortgage Collection Goal $15,000.00 COLLECTIONS WEEKEND OF May 28-29 2016 OperaƟng FaciliƟes Maintenance Church Mortgage Religious Ed Center Weekly E-Giving Youth Group Outreach for Poor 10-10-10 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,048.15 38.00 15.00 3,088.88 1,526.00 76.00 00.00 00.00 Second CollecƟons:. June 05, Church Mortgage Fund June 12, Parish Support Religious Educa on June 19, Facili es Maintenance June 26, Religious Educa on Enrichment Center July 03, Church Mortgage Fund ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/10 Fri 8:00am Mass 8:30–6pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00pm Focus Group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/11 Sat 9:00am Men’s Fellowship 3:00 - 3:30pm Confessions 4:00pm Mass 5:00pm Wine & Cheese ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06/12Sun 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm Mass Pancake Breakfast Mass Children’s Choir Liturgy of the Word, K-4th Pancake Breakfast Mass in Spanish MMP, garden A Prayer Service for all Fathers, Saturday June 18, 10:00am San Lorenzo Cemetery, US Hwy 1 South St. Augustine. This is a very special way to honor all fathers, living or deceased. For details call 904-824-6680 10-10-10 Donation CANS for the Religious Education Enrichment Center Cans available in gathering space ON-LINE GIVING E-giving is short for Electronic Giving. It is an automatic transfer program that allows you to make contributions without the hassle of writing checks. 1. Go to the church web site 2. Click on E-Giving or (Donate Now) Follow the easy directions to set-up Page 11 PRAYER LIST Week 1 Skeeter & Marcella Butler* Jerry Delany Connie Mosher* Janie Phillips* Valerie Roberts* Stephen Thomas* Week 2 Rita Blanco Anita Guevara* Rebecca Law* Michael Lischio Fred Meeks* Thomas Neuslein* Denise Orr* Lee Tavares* John Uvegas* Week 3 Tony Aziles Norma Bloom* Jen Brown* John & Rose Busketta* Catherine Dailey* Audrey Largent* Carmen Medina* John & Violeta Michta* Nancy Smith* Sally Walton* James Watcke* Week 4 Wayne Holt* Tommy Kynard* Ada Nackashi* Terry Noll Rick Schroeder* Mike Stadnicki Sage Stinson* Dennis Zornman Week 5 Kate Burchfield Dan Burkhardt* Audrey Burnett* Andy Butler* Colleen Caro* Rita Kreuter* Madison Masters* Arthur & Lorraine McGinnis* Joe Patrick* Maureen Patrick* Belinda C. Rose* Week 6 Bill Boehm* Sr. Anne Haarer* John Kotlinski* Cecelia Lavinghouse* Jane Schroeder* David Shields* Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 To add names to prayer list call the church office or email tyra@sansebas Please Pray For The Repose of The Souls of: John Welch, Dr. Joseph P. Magre, Irma Parker, Volunteers are always needed for all of our ministries. If interested please contact the heads of ministries listed below for Information and scheduling MINISTRY CONTACT LIST Adoration/ Wilfredo Cardona………………...824-1822…..………[email protected] Altar Servers/Susan Donlon………………….824-6625………. [email protected] Altar Society/Church Office…………………..824-6625…….……[email protected] Baptism Preparation…………………………..824-6625………[email protected] Bread Pick Up/Tom Opiela…………………...825-4178……………[email protected] Bible Study / Mickey Mickler………………….377-4749……………[email protected] Bulletin Request– Marietta Moser....………...824-6625……………[email protected] Children’s Choirs-Lynne Dupont……………..824-1334……………[email protected] Confirmation-Adults or Youth-Susan Donlon 824-6625………[email protected] Choir Director - English Judy Bernhard……..540-4605……………[email protected] Choir Director -(Spanish)/Maria Hernandez...000-0000……………[email protected] Diaper Drive/Donna McNary………………….806-2844……………[email protected] Extraordinary Ministers/ Jenene Karamon….824-8145…………….jenenekaramon@yahoo,com Facilities Manager/Allen McCaffery………….824-6625…………[email protected] Food & Fun Friday/ Susan Donlon ……………824-6625………[email protected] Food Sharing Team A Lydia Quiles ………..687-8169……………[email protected] Food Sharing Team B Cheryl Manucy……..824-3403……………[email protected] Gift Shop/Tyra Rousseau…………………..…824-6625….………[email protected] Finance Council /Gerri Sexsion…………… ..309-3889…………[email protected] Holy Orders/ Fr. David Ruchinski.……………262-3200…………..Diocese of St. Augustine Homeless Donations/Linda & Bob Curran…..000-0000…………[email protected] Hospital Ministry/ Deacon James Swanson…824-6625………[email protected] Intercessory Prayer Group/ Jo Ann Roy……..571-0156………[email protected] Knights of Columbus / Mike Ryan…………. ..797-7418………[email protected] K of C Squires / Mike Ryan…………………...797-7418…………[email protected] Ladies Guild / Mary Horn .....……………… ...377-6738…………[email protected] Lectors/Susan Donlon……………………….. .824-6625………[email protected] Marian Movement of Priest/Leaugeay McKean…824-6625……[email protected] Men’s Prayer Breakfast/Deacon Earl Kidwell.819-5451…………[email protected] Ministry of Caring/ Orpha Wiseman………….824-5748………… current e-mail Office Manager (Office) Tyra Rousseau……..824-6625………[email protected] Office Espanol Clarita Opiela…………………824-6625………[email protected] Church Office (Espanol) Doriana Borerro……824-6625….…[email protected] Parish Council Chairman/ Linda Curran……..000-0000…………[email protected] Prayer Blanket Ministry/Leaugeay McKean….824-6625...…[email protected] Recycle Program/Tyra Rousseau…………….824-6625….………[email protected] Religious Education/Susan Donlon…………..824-6625………[email protected] Respect Life/Lane Campau……………………823-8887…………[email protected] RCIA/Susan Donlon……………………… …...824-6625………[email protected] Rosary Makers/Susan Donlon………………...824-6625………[email protected] Sacrament of Baptism/ Susan Donlon……….824-6625………[email protected] Sacrament of Marriage—church office……….824-6625…………[email protected] Secular Franciscan– Maura Needham………..825-9101………...No Email Sunday Communion Service/St. Aug. Rehab.315-2485…………[email protected] Ushers/Terry Pacitti…………………………….669-6000…………[email protected] Youth Group (The Warriors) Kelly Emilio.919-630-7964……… [email protected] Vacation Bible School/ Kelly Emilio……...919-630-7964…………[email protected] Wine and Cheese/Anne Gagliardi…………….825-0367…………[email protected] Web Master/ Sound Board /Bill Loughlin……..377-7874…………[email protected] Page 12 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 5, 2016 LS1 Juan Carlos Bermejo Sgt. Evan Burgess Capt. Michael Burns, USN CPO José Camacho Sgt Dusty Davis 1st Lt Vito John Errico Tipper” Chris Esdonge, Jr “Col. Dave Francis Lcpl Frutos Lt. Betsy Hoyos 2LT Nestor L. Lugo Lt. Col Sean Navin Maj. David Pasquale PFC Justin Peeples Spec Jason Polly Lt Victor A. Ramos Marcos Rios Sgt Julian R. Taylor Cpl Julia A. Taylor Pvt Zachary Thompson AM2 Omar Samanamud Chief/WO Charlie Sharpe PFC Robert Young Lt. Mark M. Walstead OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES RECYCLING FUNDRAISING PROGRAM - ALUMINUM CANS (Beer & Soda cans only) behind Knights Hall. Paper Dumpster available in the front parking lot. No phone books, no plastic bags. the Box Tops for Education - Look for the official Box Top for Education on different food products. We also accept coke reward Codes, Sunny D Labels, and Kellogg's Family Reward Codes Donation Box will be located in the gathering space. For more information contact Karen Town 940-6877 Food Drive - Please bring non-perishable food items for needy families in our community every 3rd weekend of the month. Thank you for your continuing generosity. Diaper Drive -Diaper Drive for diapers & wipes to be donated to St. Gerard House. We can only accept donations that are packaged. A basket for your donations is available in the Gathering Space For more info, contact Donna McNary 806-2844 Food & Fun Fridays - 4th Friday of the Month - San Sebastian hosts a meal from 2pm–4pm for the elderly and those on fixed incomes. If you have a neighbor or friend who would benefit from this event, invite them to join us. To Volunteer . please contact Susan Donlon at the church office 824-6625 ext 107. Food Sharing of St. Augustine - An evening meal for the homeless in St. Aug. the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm. To volunteer for this great community outreach contact Lydia Quiles 6878169 or email [email protected]. or Cheryl Manucy 824-3403 or email [email protected]. Donations needed for the homeless in St. Augustine - needed are small travel sizes: shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, washcloth, toothbrushes, combs, socks, hand sanitizer, Band-Aids, Neosporin, tweezers, nail clippers, razors, sunscreen, sunglasses, adult sizes . Donation basket located in the gathering space. St. Augustine Health and Rehabilitation Center, Mass - celebrated every 3rd Friday of the month at 10:00am. St. Johns County Pet Adoption & Holding Center - A donation basket is located in the Gathering Space. needs: pet foods, treats, blankets, towels, and toys. The Corporal Works of Mercy - “People who want to do good things for people in need”. The following organizations in St. Johns County need your time & talent: Catholic Charities, Community Hospice, St. Gerard House, St. Francis House, Salvation Army, Council on Aging, St. Vincent De Paul Society, Habitat for Humanity, United Way of St. Johns, Homeless Coalition, Welfare Federation of St. Johns, & many more. Pamphlets with contact info located in gathering space. Prison Ministry - For more information contact Fr. Thomas Walsh at 824-6625 St. Gerard Campus is in NEED of Volunteers for the FRONT OFFICE Call - 904-829-5516 St. Vincent de Paul, St. Augustine - Needs volunteer cashiers at the Thrift Store. If interestedcontact the store (904) 824-3333 and ask for Joe or Barbara.
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