NIS DIRECTIVE PRIVACY CYBERSECURITY XVIII JORNADA INTERNACIONAL THREATS IOT ANALYTICS BIG DATA DE SEGURIDAD DE LA INFORMACIÓN GDPR Overhauling Cybersecurity Strategies to address the Digital Transformation #18ISMS #CyberSecurity #Privacy Registro: Salón de Baile (Planta 2 - Círculo de Bellas Artes) Welcome coffee. Track 1: Teatro Fernando de Rojas Palabras de bienvenida/ Welcoming remarks. ENRIQUE SÁNCHEZ DE LEÓN, Director General, APD. GIANLUCA D´ANTONIO, Chairman, ISMS Forum Spain; Academic Director, IE Master of Cybersecurity; Chief Information Security Officer, FCC Group. Ponencia/ Keynote 09.15 hs The role of the public-private collaboration and information sharing in addressing new cyber threats. PETER YAPP, Deputy Director Operations, UK National Computer Emergency Response Team. Securing and protecting data against ever-changing threats. 09.45 hs JOHN SUMMERS, Vice President, Security Business, Akamai Technologies. Security Intelligence for strategic decision-making. 10.15 hs DAVID FRANCIS, European Cybersecurity Officer, Huawei. VIJAY DHEAP, Global Product Manager - IBM Master Inventor - Big Data Security Intelligence & Mobile Security, IBM. TIM GRIEVESON, Chief Cyber & Security Strategist - EMEA, HPE. SIAN JOHN, EMEA Chief Strategist, Symantec. Track 2: Sala B Ponencia/ Keynote General Data Protection Regulation. Ponencia/ Keynote Privacy Shield: A partial solution to a wider problem. 09.15 hs 09.45 hs Presentación/ Presentation 10.15 hs Preside/ Chair: FERNANDO PICATOSTE, Partner, Deloitte. 11.00 hs JENS-HENRIK JEPPESEN, Representative and Director for European Affairs, Center for Democracy & Technology. Código de buenas prácticas en protección de datos en proyectos de big data EMILIO ACED, Responsable de la Unidad de Evaluación y Estudios Estratégicos, Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. CARLOS A. SAIZ, Vicepresidente, ISMS Forum; Director, Data Privacy Institute; Attorney, Partner and Head of Governnance, Risk & Compliance, Ecix Group. ELENA MORA, Subdirectora Marco Regulatorio de Seguridad, Mapfre. Coffee break Securing your data from the threat within. JUAN LARA, Director of Security Strategy, Imperva. 11.30hs Presentación/ Presentation 11.30hs Information sharing and indicators of compromise. 12.00 hs STEVE KENNY, UK Privacy Cluster. RAIMUND GENES, Chief Technology Officer, Trend Micro. RAÚL PÉREZ, Global Security Solutions Architect, Panda Security. LAURENT MARECHAL, Southern Europe Data Protection Owner, Intel Security. DAVID GROUT, Technical Director Southern Europe, FireEye. Workshop 12.00 hs Ciberseguros: La transferencia del ciberriesgo en España ÁNGEL VALLEJO, Director de RRII, THIBER. Internet of threats. RAÚL SILES, Fundador y Analista de Seguridad, Dinosec. DAVID BARROSO, Fundador, CounterCraft Preside/ Chair: EDUVIGIS ORTIZ, Global Alliances & Innovation Director Cybersecurity, Prosegur. Managing shadow data. 12.50 hs CARL LEONARD, Principal Security Analyst, Forcepoint. FREDERIC BENICHOU, Regional Director CASB product line, Blue Coat. PATRICK GRILLO, Senior Director, Fortinet. Mesa Redonda/ Round Table 12.50 hs Preside/ Chair: ARI KNUUTI, Cybersecurity expert. 13.40 hs 14.10 hs Ciberjercicios 2016 MIGUEL REGO, Chief Executive Officer, INCIBE. FERNANDO SÁNCHEZ, Director, Centro Nacional para la Protección de las Infraestructuras Críticas. GIANLUCA D´ANTONIO, Chairman, ISMS Forum Spain; Academic Director, IE Master of Cybersecurity; Chief Information Security Officer, FCC Group. Security vs Surveilance: Law enforcement access to secure communications. BRUCE SCHNEIER, Security Guru. Cocktail-Lunch NIS Directive and European cybersecurity market. 15.30 hs JAKUB BORATYNSKI, Head of Unit Trust and Security, Directorate-General Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission. THREATS SAP vulnerabilities-and-exploits. 16.00 hs ANDREAS WIEGENSTEIN, Chief Technology Officer, Virtual Forge. MARKET LUIS MARTÍN, Chief Executive Officer, Barrabés. El mercado de la ciberseguridad en España. 17.30 hs 18.00hs 18.30hs BIG DATA JORDI GASCÓN, Senior Director Presales, CA Technologies. The CEO's view on cybersecurity and privacy as key innovation factors. 17.00 hs CYBERSECURITY BUSINESS CONTINUITY Identity-Centric security. 16.30 hs MIGUEL REGO, Chief Executive Officer, INCIBE. Gin tonic patrocinado por Panda y entrega de premios * Le agradecemos la entrega de los auriculares de traducción simultánea a su salida. NIS DIRECTIVE ANALYTICS CLOUD IOT PRIVACY GDPR
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