Susan Sontag: The Complete Rolling Stone Interview Book PDF

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Susan Sontag: The Complete Rolling Stone Interview
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Book Author: Jonathan Cott
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What people Say:
A great book to dip into, almost everything Sontag says is quote-worthy - her devotion to thought
and life and art, and how articulate she is when discussing them, are truly inspiring and intimidating,
especially if you imagine her being interviewed in that cover pose, brazenly undressing you with her
eyes, astride a window ledge.
What she has to say about illness and cancer in western culture is fascinating. I didn't agree with
everything here, and there is a touch of superiority and narcissism
A great book to dip into, almost everything Sontag says is quote-worthy - her devotion to thought
and life and art, and how articulate she is when discussing them, are truly inspiring and intimidating,
especially if you imagine her being interviewed in that cover pose, brazenly undressing you with her
eyes, astride a window ledge.
What she has to say about illness and cancer in western culture is fascinating. I didn't agree with
everything here, and there is a touch of superiority and narcissism (from both Sontag and the
interviewer Jonathan Cott) - all those references to Proust and real artists choosing between "life
and The Project"...still, kind of refreshing too I guess, that intellectual unashamedness.
Arolas Uribe
Tremenda Susan Sontag, una pensadora imparable. En la entrevista, se pasea cómoda por ideas
como la enfermedad, el feminismo, las metáforas y la literatura. Nunca la habÃ-a leÃ-do y la
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sentÃ- vanguardista y crÃ-tica de su tiempo y del actual. Me encantaron sus divagaciones sobre las
metáforas, que yo nunca me habÃ-a cuestionado, o la forma en que piensa al machismo y la
misandrÃ-a. "Los hombres se definen por su represión a las mujeres". Sontag sospechaba de los
absolutos e, incluso, de sus propias re
Tremenda Susan Sontag, una pensadora imparable. En la entrevista, se pasea cómoda por ideas
como la enfermedad, el feminismo, las metáforas y la literatura. Nunca la habÃ-a leÃ-do y la
sentÃ- vanguardista y crÃ-tica de su tiempo y del actual. Me encantaron sus divagaciones sobre las
metáforas, que yo nunca me habÃ-a cuestionado, o la forma en que piensa al machismo y la
misandrÃ-a. "Los hombres se definen por su represión a las mujeres". Sontag sospechaba de los
absolutos e, incluso, de sus propias reflexiones, y eso me encantó. Me sorprendió lo adelantada y
resuelta que estaba respecto de los relatos en primera persona. "Yo no me identifico del todo con
las voces de mis relatos", "Quiero escribir sobre cosas que imagino o cosas que suceden sobre el
mundo, no sobre mÃ-", "Escribo para sacarme ideas de encima". Maravillosa. Es un libro para leer
más de una vez, porque es tan profunda y compleja que se necesita tiempo para meditarla,
digerirla. Por el contrario, me cargó Jonathan Cott, el entrevistador, sus preguntas me sonaron
recargadas y pretenciosas; como intentando parecer inteligente al lado de Susan Sontag. Como
contemporáneo de la escritora, debió saber que ese intento es fútil y estúpido.
One is always in good hands when the name Jonathan Cott is mentioned in the byline. He was
probably one of the few reasons to read Rolling Stone Magazine during the 60's and 70's. Cott is
rarity in that he's a profound interviewer who also listens to his subject matter. He has total
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understanding of his subject matter's work - and using that as the foundation of his various
interviews, one gets profound observations on an artist's work. This is a book length interview with
the always fascinating
One is always in good hands when the name Jonathan Cott is mentioned in the byline. He was
probably one of the few reasons to read Rolling Stone Magazine during the 60's and 70's. Cott is
rarity in that he's a profound interviewer who also listens to his subject matter. He has total
understanding of his subject matter's work - and using that as the foundation of his various
interviews, one gets profound observations on an artist's work. This is a book length interview with
the always fascinating Susan Sontag. Culturally it's a perfect match-up between these two writers.
Sontag conveys her thoughts on photography, writing and cancer (illness) in a profound manner. It
is very much like being a dinner guess - or the book version of "My Dinner with Andre." Two super
smart people chatting away and one tends to just nod (as the reader) up and down. My favorite Cott
book is his interview with Glenn Gould. That, is a must-have and must-read. And without a doubt
this book is a must for the Susan fan, but beyond that it is such an enjoyable conversation. I think a
lot has to do with Cott himself. He's an extremely skilled interviewer.
Liz Una Kim
Simply euphoric. The entire experience was like third wheeling on a dinner date with two extremely
intelligent personalities and having absolutely nothing to contribute, but too in awe to leave.
Whatever yo. Susan's my gal pal.
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so great! instant inspiration. amazing to follow her train of thought from one subject to another, & to
feel the passion she has for it all. (she begins many of her responses with "look," or "listen,") also
fascinating as a snapshot of her life & thought at a particular moment (1978), when she had just
finished her book Illness as Metaphor, and was also, among many other things, going to CBGB to
see Patti Smith. occasionally annoying is the interviewer Jonathan Cott dropping some quote f
so great! instant inspiration. amazing to follow her train of thought from one subject to another, & to
feel the passion she has for it all. (she begins many of her responses with "look," or "listen,") also
fascinating as a snapshot of her life & thought at a particular moment (1978), when she had just
finished her book Illness as Metaphor, and was also, among many other things, going to CBGB to
see Patti Smith. occasionally annoying is the interviewer Jonathan Cott dropping some quote from
some artist or literary figure in almost every question, but naturally Sontag takes it in stride &
ALWAYS has something interesting, even mind-blowing, to say. the absolute antidote for ennui,
frustration, or whatever else ails you. filled with lines to make you scream in delight, ideas to pursue,
authors to find & read. glorious!
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