The Latin American Unit at the Truman Institute, The Department of Romance and Latin American Studies and The European Forum at the Hebrew University cordially invite you to the International Colloquium on SPAIN - ISRAEL 30th ANIVERSARY OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS FUTURE PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES April 4 2016, from 9:30 to 19:00 Abba Eban Hall at the Truman Institute, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus. (The event will be held partly in English and partly in Spanish) alem mmunity For further information, call 02‐588‐2329 Visit our website at Like us on Facebook: Truman Institute 9.15-9.45: Recepción y café / Gathering and coffee Miguel José Moro Aguilar, Encargado de negocios a.i. de la Embajada de España en Israel. 9. 45-10.15: Salutaciones / Greetings Moderadora/Chair: Ruth Fine Charles Powell, Real Instituto Elcano. D. Miguel José Moro Aguilar, Chargé d´affaires a.i. of the Embassy of Spain in Israel. Paloma Roman Marugan, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Amb. Yossi Gal, Vice President for Advancement and External Relations, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Mauricio Dimant, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Carmen Álvarez, Director of the Cervantes Institute, Tel Aviv. 15.00-16.30: Mesa redonda: Relaciones científicas y académicas (en español). Round table: Scientific and academic relations (in Spanish). 13.30-15.00: Almuerzo/Lunch. Menahem Blondheim, Director of the Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Moderador/Chair: Ruth Fine, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Noam Shoval, Director of the European Forum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Amb. Alon Bar, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Israel. D. José Benarroch, President of the World Sephardic Union. Juan Villar, Consejero, Embajada de España en Israel. Sonia Sánchez, Centro Sefarad-Israel, Spain. Claudia Kedar, Director of the Iberian and Latin American Section at the Department of Romance and Latin American Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 10.15-11.45: Israel and Spain: economic relations and foreign policy (in English) España e Israel: relaciones económicas y política exterior (en inglés) Moderadora/Chair: Claudia Kedar, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. José María Blasco Ruiz, Economic and Trade Counsellor, the Embassy of Spain in Israel. Leonardo Senkman, Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén. 16.30-16.45: Café/Coffee 16.45-18.45: Round table: Israel and Spain in the cultural arena (in English) . Mesa redonda: Israel y España y las relaciones culturales (en inglés). Moderador/Chair: Florinda Goldberg, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Carmen Álvarez, Director of the Cervantes Institute, Tel Aviv. Ahuva Spieler, Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Israel. Alfred Tovias, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Yossi Benarroch, World Sephardic Union. Gonzalo Escribano, Real Instituto Elcano, Spain. Myriam Nahon, el Abanico de España en Israel. Itay Zehorai, Head of Economic Research - The Israeli Export & International Cooperation Institute. Silvina Schammah Gesser, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 11.45-12.00: Café/Coffee Martina Weisz, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 12.00-13.30: El rol político de España en el conflicto de Medio Oriente (en español) Spain as a political player in the Middle East conflict (in Spanish) Moderador/Chair: Arie Kacowicz, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 18.45-19.15: Clausura / Closure: Alfred Tovias, Ruth Fine 19.15: Cocktail
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