April 3 de Abril 2016 2nd Sunday of Easter~ II Domingo de Pascua Welcome/Bienvenidos Fr. Pedro Espinoza Pastor/Párroco Andres Larraza Deacon/Diácono English Mass Misa En Espanol Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacramento de Reconciliación M, W, Th, & F - 8AM Saturday - 5:00PM Sunday - 8 & 10AM L, Mier, Vier - 5:30PM Jue - 7PM Sábado - 7PM Domingo - 12PM, 7PM Friday after the 5:30PM Mass Viernes después de la Misa de 5:30PM Office Hours | Horarios De La Oficina Mon. / Lun. 10:30 AM—6:00 PM | Tue. / Mar.—Fri. / Vie. 9:00 AM—6:00 PM (Closed from / Cerrada de 12:30 PM-1:30 PM) Content/Contenido Intentions and Prayers/ Intenciones y Oraciones _2 Financial Report ♦ Reporte Financero___________ _____ 3 Scholarship 3 Bible Study 3 SALAD BAR 4 Dine & dance/ Cena y Baile 5 Artichoke Kick Off 6 Reflection / Reflexión 7 SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE IS APRIL 8TH PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a multicultural community of faith, called by God to be transformed into Christ’s image. We are moved by the holy spirit to live the Gospel as we serve our neighbors with passionate love and humility. We acknowledge and value the dignity of each person as we build unity through diversity. PA.3 www.olorc.org facebook.com/olorc LA MISION DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Somos una comunidad multicultural de creyentes llamados por Dios a ser transformados en la imagen de Cristo. Somos movidos por el Espíritu Santo a vivir el evangelio al server a nuestro prójimo con amor apasionado y humildad. Reconocemos el valor y la dignidad 11140 Preston St. Castroville, CA 95012 | 831-633-4015 | Fax 831-633-4653 | [email protected] Mass IntenƟons ♦ Intenciones De Misa SATURDAY/SÁBADO ♦ April 2 de Abril, 2016 5:00 Pro Populo 7:00 Miguel Alvarado Perez (†) SUNDAY/DOMINGO ♦ April 3 de Abril, 2016 8:00 Albert Giuriato (B†) 10:00 Ramona Valdivia (†) Abraham Valdivia (†) 12:00 Francisco Olvera (†) Familia Olvera-Perez (IE) 7:00 Omar Ponce (†) Antonia Carpio (†) Euvelia Garcia (†) MONDAY/LUNES ♦ April 4 de Abril, 2016 8:00 Todd Fisher (B) 5:30 Herlinda Rodriguez (A†) Antonia Diaz (†) Ramon Mendoza (†) TUESDAY/MARTES ♦ April 5 de Abril, 2016 8:00 Community Prayer 5:30 Oracion Para la Comunidad WEDNESDAY/MIÉRCOLES ♦ April 6 de Abril, 2016 8:00 5:30 FranciscoGonzalez Diaz (†) Miguel Angel Salvador-Gonzalez (†) Miembros del Grupo De Oracion (EI) Prayer List ♦ Lista de Oración Ramon Garcia (05) Kelly Diaz (05) Margaret Moore (05) Cleo Murasell (05) Eduardo Linares (05) John Reives (05) Sara & Bruce (05) Bob & Bobby Geisler(05) Amy & Frank Reynolds(05) Robert Crowley (05) George Crowley (05) Garcia Family (05) Russ Family (05) Turner family (05) Arizmendez Family (05) Flanders Family (05) Tinajero Family (05) Joe Geisler & fam. (05) Ed Owen & Fam (05) Mel & Sue Hengenen (05) Joseph Arizmendez (05) Page Page 22 Fredy arizmendez & Fam. (05) Stella Jauregui (05) Cristina Platt & Fa. (05) Jami Lipman & Babies (05) Velia Fuentes (05) Alicia Rubio (05) Lydia Martinez (05) Dora & Alfredo Andrade (05) Helen Romero (05) Jo McCormick (05) Nina Goddy (05) Cotty Gonzales & Fam. (05) Walter Lizarazu & Fam. (05) Mary Matte (05) Peggy Guzman (05) Carol Pezzini (06) This list is on a 90 day basis, the # following each name indicates the month in which they will be removed. Esta lista está basada de 90 días, el # que sigue cada nombre indica el mes en que se eliminara. Deceased (†) Difuntos Please pray for our brothers & Sisters who have passed especially the following/Oremos por nuestros hermanos y hermanas que han fallecido en especial los siguientes: ♦ That they may rejoice with the Risen Lord. Que se regocijen con el Señor Resucitado. THURSDAY/JUEVES ♦ April 7 de Abril, 2016 8:00 Israel Rocha (†) 7:00 Daniel, Angelica, y Juana Perez (IE) FRIDAY/VIERNES ♦ April 8 de Abril, 2016 8:00 Yahira, Ulises & Alexander Lezama Lopez (IE) 5:30 Ana PerezVasquez (IE) Fam. Vasquez-Perez (IE) SATURDAY/SÁBADO ♦ April 9 de Abril, 2016 5:00 Johnny Padilla (A†) 7:00 Salvador Alvara (†) Familia Alvara (IE) SUNDAY/DOMINGO ♦ April 10 de Abril, 2016 8:00 Benigna Gonzalez (†) 10:00 Joe Borba (†) 12:00 Jorge Cruz Salvador (†) 7:00 Pro Populo Military ♦ Ejercito Please pray for our parishioners, relatives & friends of our Parish family who are serving their country including/Por favor oren por nuestro feligreses, familiaresy amigos de nuestra familia parroquial que estan sirviendo a su pais, incluyendo: ♦ Darryl Aquino (05) ♦ Nick San Juan Vargas (05) This list is on a 30 day basis, the # following each name indicates the month in which they will be removed. Esta lista esta en una base de 30 diaz, el # que sigue cada nombre indica el mes en que se eliminara. Page 3 FINANCIAL REPORT ♦ REPORTE FINANCIERO March 19-20 de Marzo , 2016 Total Weekly Collection/Colecta Semanal • Weekend Masses/ Misas del Fin de Semana • Electronic contributions/ Contribuciones Electrónicas • Children Collection/ Colecta de Niños • Total $5,754.18 $—$177.00 $5,931.18 • $4,850.00 • • Weekly Collection Needed (Budget) /Colecta Semanal Necesitada (Presupuesto) Average Plate Collection this fiscal year/Promedio de la colecta este año fiscal (26 Sundays/Domingos) Average Plate Collection (Month of February)/ Promedio de la colecta (Mes de Febrero) $4,508.51 $4,615 2nd Collection/ Segunda Colecta $2,506.93 Bake Sale/ Venta de Pan $157.26 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP Time: 7:00pm 9:00pm Location: Youth Room Please feel free to contact: MYRA GONZALEZ (831) 345-4362 Youth Group Dates: April 14, 28 When: Every 1st Tuesday NEXT FOOD BANK DATE April 19th 10AM - 11AM SIGUENTE FECHA PARA EL BANCO DE COMIDA 19 de Abril 10AM - 11AM of the month Next: April 5 2016 Where: In the Chapel at 7pm 1. Capital Improvement– April 16 & 17 2. Catholic Homes Missions Appeal & Black and Indian Missions April 23-24 Recycle Your Easter Eggs Recicle los huevos de pascua Bible Study facilitated by Deacon Andres. Read Acts Chapter 1229 for next bible study Session Upcoming Second Collection Próxima Segunda Colecta Favor de traer los huevos de Pascua bacillos a la oficina para reusarlos el próximo año. Please bring your Empty Easter eggs to the office so we may reuse them for next year. Scholarship Opportunities offered by Our Lady of Refuge Thanks to Bill and Isabel Lauderdale who included Our Lady of Refuge in their will. We have been able to set up a fund to give out scholarships. Thus, we are excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for our new scholarship program. Students who are in need of financial aid for either a private high schools or any accredited college are welcome to apply. All applications must be completed online through our website and all applications are due April 8th. Please visit our website for eligibility criteria and requirements. Page 4 Outreach Unlimited P.O. Box 1447, Marina, CA 93933 · Phone: (831) 251‐8663 · Fax: (831) 533‐5075 Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I‐HELP) March 10, 2016 Dear Friends of the I‐HELP Program: With your strong encouragement and unstinting support, the I‐HELP program for women was successfully launched last November, with the collective intent and expectation that many homeless women in the greater Monterey area would take advantage of the warm meal, overnight lodging, and “come‐alongside” support provided by the host congregations and other community resources, following the general model of the men’s I‐HELP program, now in its 23rd year. Unfortunately, over the past three months, there has been only a very small number of women participating in the program, notwithstanding the best efforts of the program staff, board members, and others who have been working so diligently to launch the program and to see it succeed. Despite our continued attempts to increase the number of women served, we must acknowledge at this juncture that since the beginning of the program, the number of nightly participants has not proved sufficient to justify continued operation of the program in a suitable and cost‐effective manner. For this reason, at its most recent (March 2) meeting, the OU Board of Directors, with considerable reluctance, voted to suspend operation of the women’s I‐HELP program in its current form, effective on March 11. We intend to immediately launch a detailed survey and analysis of the particular living conditions and/or life‐style situations that would prevent or discourage otherwise well‐ suited women from taking advantage of the lodging, meals, and related support services provided by an outreach program of the general I‐HELP type. We are hopeful that this survey will identify modest but very effective operational changes that will allow a more broadly enrolled and more highly successful women’s program to be reintroduced within the relatively near future. Your past, current and, we hope, continuing support is highly valued and very much appreciated. We welcome your comments, suggestions, and any other feedback you would care to offer concerning the women’s program or any other aspects of the broad I‐HELP undertaking. With the sincere thanks and best wishes of the entire OU Board, John Clark Salad donations can be dropped off at Richard’s Hall the morning of the salad bar We Need Volunteers: We are looking for volunteers in English or Spanish to help us with baptism celebrations or/ and baptism classes. Please call the office if you are interested. No experience? No worries, we help train you. Ocupamos Voluntarios: Estamos buscando voluntarios en Ingles o Español para ayudarnos con las celebraciones de bautismo y con las platicas de bautismo. Si le interesa favor de hablar a la oficina. No tiene experiencia? No se preocupe nosotros le ayudamos. Place the “ I donate Electronically” card in the collection basket For your own box set of cards for the collection please call the office or email [email protected] with your request to have them mailed to your home Buscas un Nuevo Rumbo Para Tu Vida? No te conformes con una vida a “Medias” Tu puedes tener una NUEVA VIDA Acompáñenos para un retiro de pate de la Escuela de Evangelización Abril 8-10 Comenzando el Viernes a las 6pm En el Salón Richards hall de Nuestra Señora del Refugio en la esquina de la calle crane y Mc Dougal street en Castroville Para Mas información: -Ana 831-783-6958 -Rolando 831-970-6149 -Yolanda 831-905-6481 Page 6 JOINING THE COMPANY OF BELIEVERS What will help you to believe? Today’s scripture readings tell of faith and doubt. They offer stories “recorded to help you believe,” as the passage from John’s Gospel (20:31) remarks today. There is an urgency about this. On this Second Sunday of Easter we are challenged to join the company of believers—countless men and women who witnessed the power of the apostles’ faith. There is no doubt that this power comes from Jesus Christ. The second reading, from the book of Revelation, reports John’s mystical vision of the Son of Man, who proclaims, “Once I was dead, but now I live” (Revelation 1:18). The Gospel gathers everyone but Thomas to see the Risen Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit from him. Like Thomas, we who have come along later must have faith so that we can have life. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Page 7 UNIRSE A LA COMUNIDAD DE CREYENTES ¿Qué te ayudará a tener fe? Las lecturas bíblicas de hoy hablan de la fe y de la duda. Se “escribieron… para que ustedes crean”, como nos dice hoy el pasaje del Evangelio de san Juan (20:31). Tiene esto una cierta urgencia. En este Segundo Domingo de Pascua se nos lanza un desafío a unirnos a la comunidad de creyentes –un sinnúmero de hombres y mujeres que dan testimonio del poder de la fe de los Apóstoles. No hay duda que este poder viene de Jesucristo. La segunda lectura, del libro del Apocalipsis, relata la visión mística de Juan sobre el Hijo del Hombre, el cual proclama: “Estuve muerto y de nuevo soy el que vive” (Apocalipsis 1:18). El Evangelio reúne a todos excepto a Tomás para ver a Jesús resucitado y recibir de él el Espíritu Santo. Al igual que Tomás, los que hemos llegado más tarde debemos tener fe para poder tener vida. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Sal 40 (39):7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lc 1:26-38 Martes: Hch 4:32-37; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Miércoles: Hch 5:17-26; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Jueves: Hch 5:27-33; Sal 34 (33):2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Viernes: Hch 5:34-42; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Sábado: Hch 6:1-7; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Domingo: Hch 5:27-32, 40b-41; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13; Ap 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] HELPING YOUR NEIGHBOR If you truly want to help the soul of your neighbor, you should approach God first with all your heart. Ask God simply to fill you with charity . . . with it you can accomplish what you desire. —St. Vincent Ferrer AYUDAR AL PRÓJIMO Si de veras quieres ayudar el alma de tu prójimo, debes primero acercarte a Dios con todo tu corazón. Simplemente pide a Dios que te llene de caridad. . . con ella podrás lograr lo que deseas. Business manager & Young Adults: Baptisms: Bulletin & AMA: Rel. Ed.: Marriage Encounter: Director of Liturgy & Music: Music Coordinator: Servers/ Acolytes: Eucharistic: Lectors: Ushers: Stewardship: Retrouvaille: Gift Shop: Altar Society: Cursillo: Adoration: Highway Clean Up: Italian Catholic Federation: Chair of Finance : Forever 7 Dance: Children’s Choir: Youth Group: Bread Ministry: Brenda Delgado Aideé Segura Aideé Segura Sr. Jaise Thomas Bob & Anne Herendeen Sandra Gonzalez Paul Ruiz Gloria Wilcox Sandra Gonzalez Kathryn Knauf Manuel Osorio Carlo Cortopassi Lisa Brom John & Diane Corgait Barbara Hughes Richard & Linda Klos Cindy Stefani Gloria Wilcox Amelia Dorado Leonora Barlow Carlo Cortopassi Berenice Estrada Cindy Stefani Myra Gonzalez Deborah Sober 633-4015 633-4015 633-4015 633-4015 663-2452 633-4015 261-6604 633-3597 633-4015 663-6799 682-8068 633-2130 682-0126 479-1260 633-6240 663-2312 633-5012 633-5397 741-6128 633-4015 632-6310 254-0253 578-1995 345-4362 521-0993 —San Vicente Ferrer Manejadora de Negocios: Bautizos: Bulletin/ PAM: Catecismo: Encuentro Matrimonial: Liturgia y Música: Monaguillos: Eucaristia: Lectores: Enfermos/ Ancianos: Consejo De Finanzas: Retrouvaille: Sociedad Guadalupana: Grupo de Oracion: Sociedad Santa Marta: Grupo De Envangelizacion: San Pablo de Colores Cursillo: Adoracion Al Santisimo : Clase de Biblia: Groupo De Jovenes: Ministerio de Pan: Coro de Niños: Brenda Delgado Aideé Segura Aideé Segura Hr. Cristina Bortolotti Rosalio y Salud Porras Sandra Gonzalez Alicia Medina Sandra Gonzalez Jose Cornejo Monica Linares Bertha Castillo Lucia Marquez Oscar Ruiz Jose Cruz Susana Cruz Lucia Marquez Dulce Lustre Guadalupe Martinez Ana Garcia Julia Calderon Ruben Nuñez Ruben Nuñez Myra Gonzalez Deborah Sober Lidia Serrato 633-4015 633-4015 633-4015 633-4015 272-9745 633-4015 632-0263 633-4015 633-4925 540-8905 633-4504 633-3921 633-4015 915-9248 383-4576 633-3921 794-1163 633-1856 633-4015 262-4087 566-8055 556-8055 345-4362 521-0993 633-4015
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