CITII 2016

The 10th International Congress on Intelligent and Information
Technologies 2016
CITII 2016
October 26 – 28, 2016
Apizaco, Tlaxcala, México.
Call for Papers
For the tenth time is celebrated at the Technological Institute of Apizaco, the 10th International Congress on Intelligent and
Information Technologies (CITII 2016) is organized by the Computer and Systems Department and the Postgraduate Studies
and Research Division of the same Institute. The CITII is a scientific biannual event has become a traditional forum for
presentation and dissemination of advances in USE OF INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGIES IN THE TECHNOLOGIES OF
THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION (TIC). This congress is of special importance, because it is a unique
academic event, whose central topic is the use of intelligent methodologies in TIC. During three days, a select group of leading
scientists and researchers with similar interest in this strategic area, share knowledge and experiences through their research
and technological development. It has received from its beginnings the technical sponsorship of national institutions as: CICIPN, INAOE, IIMAS-UNAM, ITO, UDLAP, ITESM campus Puebla, CINVESTAV- IPN, ANIEI, UV, I. T. Toluca,
CENIDET, CINVESTAV-UDG, LANIA, I. T. Tijuana, UAM, SMIA. As well as foreign institutions: Université d’Angers,
France; Université Montpellier 2, France; University of Texas at El Paso, EU; CENATAV, Cuba; Universidad de la Coruña,
Spain; Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain; Holon Institute of Technology, Israel; Technische Universita et
Clausthal, Germain; Aalborg University, Esbjerg en Denmark; and more.
The CITII is a forum for meeting, discussion and knowledge transfer where scientists, engineers and students throughout the
world present their original research results, technological innovations and applications, using Intelligent Technologies in
The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to:
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
Human-Computer Interaction
Computational Intelligence
Robotics and Intelligent Control
Artificial Vision
Virtual Learning Environments
Data bases
Software Engineering
Computer Networks and Communications
Web Based Systems
Systems Distributed and Parallel
Applications Development for Mobile Devices
Videogame Development
Submit your paper via the website at:
All submissions should be in Word and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. The original research papers may be written in English
or Spanish. The page limit for papers is ten single-spaced pages. The format of papers is identical to Springer LNCS series
format. The best papers will be published in a special issue of Research in Computing Science, ISSN 1870-4069.
Deadline for Submission of Articles
July 31
Notification of Acceptance
August 31
Final Camera-Ready Papers Due
September 18
Registration Deadline
September 30
Tel. +52(01-241)41-72010, ext. 115. e-mails: [email protected] and [email protected].
Event website: