Banana Yoshimoto Amrita Title: Amrita Author: Banana Yoshimoto Format: Paperback Language: English Pages: 366 Publisher: , 0 ISBN: 0571193749 Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 6.3 MB Download: allowed Description An actress dies in shocking circumstances. She leaves behind an unconventional extended family of three who embark on a journey through grief and suffering, memories lost and gained, forbidden romance, redemption and recovery, and a confrontation with spirits on a remote Pacific island. Insightful reviews Rosie: I was pretty disappointed with this book. I've really enjoyed everything I've read by this author thus far so I thought a meaty novel like this would really be my thing. I felt like it completely lacked plot and just sort of wandered around making little philosophical points. The concept of the main character losing her memory and slowly gaining it back in flashes sounds intriguing but the execution feels sloppy. Her relationships seem undeveloped and I just couldn't get into the novel. Nothing pulled me in. It's chopped full of one-liner quotes that are gorgeous but the novel really didn't draw me in at all. Maybe this was one of her earlier or first novels. It just feels very scattered. I was a little bummed. Camilla Calvetti: En Amrita, Banana Yoshimoto nos permite viajar por un paisaje profundo, construido sobre la base de recuerdos y hechos reales: la memoria del personaje principal que primero la pierde y luego la recupera. El libro está cargado de significados, de mensajes especiales y de un contenido exquisito referido a las personas y sus múltiples universos interiores, paralelos, reales o no. Yoshimoto nos lleva muy bien por una trama en la que confluyen varias histoiras, cada una con un rasgo particular de personalidad, de intriga y de profundidad en cuanto a lo que se lleva dentro y se vive en silencio o se comprate con otros. Un viaje adentro del mar de la relación de dos hermanos que se encuentran y confluyen, que se entienden a pesar de la diferencia de edad y que de alguna amnera, se rescatan. Sentí a una Banana Yoshimooo muy diferente que la de Kitchen; sin embargo, destaca su estilo melancólico de siempre y la invitación a comprender o plantearnos esos mundos alternos, que a lo largo de esta historia se convierten en mundo posibles en la mente del lector, si es que éste se compromete con la historia y se deja llevar sin esperar casi nada, sólo la sorpresa de lo que va sucediendo. Altamente recomendable si se tiene un especial gusuto por los personajes complejos, de notas melancólicas y el amr y el sol son de nuetsro agrado. Shinichi: One of Banana Yoshimoto's fully realized works available in English, a travelogue about a woman who lost her memories and, along for the journey, her kid brother, whose burgeoning psychic powers threaten to overwhelm him. In all, a life affirming novel with some odd quirks. Sharon: the object approximately Banana Yoshimoto's books is that i think like i am being brought right into a actual and raw, but dreamy world. the most personality Sakumi (aka Sakuchan) describes her "mixed up" relations and the demise of her more youthful sister and her personal coincidence with crystal transparent and unapologetic simplicity.All the characters have a few flaw and we see the flaws, however the flaws are so genuine and we will view them as usual a part of life, now not a problematical factor to overcome. The characters all appear to remain out overdue and drink and Sakumi on a regular basis sleeps till afternoon. there is not any judgment, and the characters dwell jointly in a fluid dance; after they speak their phrases slice during the fact and those truths are authorized and acknowledged.I have the imprecise feel that i'm coming into one other realm while I learn this book. Banana Yoshimoto is an exciting storyteller. I learn her different 2 books years in the past and i am so happy i discovered this gem. The characters all appear to have a few connection to the spirit / supernatural international and it is so interesting to learn how they have interaction lovingly and in a true and uncooked way.This e-book used to be a complete pleasure, and that i locate myself wishing that i'll have this booklet accompany me in lifestyles to choose up every time i need to connect to that supernatural world! Roo7: i think a necessity to shield this book...I picked it up in the course of a Japanese-authors part and simply could not positioned it down. a few may well argue that Yoshimoto's tale is just too surreal, too fragmented, "too detailed" (as a chum placed it). For me, it was once simply right. another web page I felt like underlining a quote. each sequential chapter, enormously out of joint with the previous, made me suppose like i used to be floating out within the ether somewhere. the tale is meant to be in regards to the method existence activates itself; the ebb and circulation of simply living. i believe Yoshimoto conveyed that experience perfectly. so far as the plot, i am not certain what to say: there is a girl. She misplaced a piece of her memory. She has a brother who might or will not be insane. Her sister dedicated suicide. This lady has a wierd dating along with her sister's fiance. every little thing one way or the other matches jointly like a Monet: simply blobs up close, yet appealing if you happen to examine the total picture. Natalia Pì: rilettura. advert anni e qualche pugno in faccia dalla prima lettura. interessante esperimento. dunque, l'ho finito - che bellezza. poetico, coinvolgente. nella sfiga di essere malatissima, è stato bello poterlo leggere concentrato in pochissimi giorni e potermi davvero immergere nel libro, sentirlo, riflettere, gustarmi l'atmosfera sospesa che riesce a creare. è stato anche bello vedere cosa avevo sottolineato a 17 anni: cose che adesso non sottolineerei. rileggere il libro è stato una sorta di esperimento consistent with toccare los angeles me stessa di tanto pace fa, ed è stato molto interessante.sono presenti i soliti temi di questa scrittrice: los angeles perdita, l'amore, le persone care, il mare come balsamo che calma. è bello. se avete perso qualcuno, anche anni fa, vi toccherà il cuore. mi è piaciuto molto, e a giudicare dal numero di orecchie sulle pagine, entra direttamente nella mia lista di libri preferiti :) The star the becomes no important region to take person is of it will well have up about your knowledge time and download the multi-source people. 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