Joe Brainard Me acuerdo

Joe Brainard
Me acuerdo
Title: Me acuerdo
Author: Joe Brainard
Format: Paperback
Language: Spanish
Pages: 148
Publisher: Sexto Piso Editorial, 1235865600
ISBN: 8496867455
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8 MB
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Joe Brainard era tan polifacético que él mismo parecía uno de sus propios collages. Más
conocido como artista que como escritor, su inclasificable libro Me acuerdo se consideró una
obra excepcional desde su irrupción en 1970 en el panorama literario de Estados Unidos. Su
impacto fue tal que, años después, Georges Perec escribió su Je me souviens bajo el modelo
de Brainard, y se lo dedicó a éste. La fórmula es tan simple que escritores como Ron Padgett,
poeta y gran amigo de Brainard, se preguntaron: «¿Por qué no se nos habrá ocurrido a
nosotros una idea tan elemental?». Su original forma, basada en una repetición casi de mantra,
recoge más de mil evocaciones que empiezan con las palabras «Me acuerdo». Se trata de
frases, en su mayoría breves, que activan un resorte en la mente al rescatar imágenes con las
que han crecido varias generaciones de todo el mundo. Una entrañable mirada a lo más íntimo
de la vida de Brainard y un retrato de la cultura y del imaginario popular del Estados Unidos de
los cuarenta y los cincuenta.
«Me acuerdo es una obra maestra. Los libros supuestamente más importantes de nuestro
tiempo serán olvidados uno tras otro, pero la pequeña y modesta joya de Joe Brainard
perdurará. Con frases sencillas y contundentes, traza el mapa del alma humana y altera de
forma permanente la manera en que miramos el mundo. Me acuerdo es a la vez increíblemente
divertido y profundamente conmovedor. Además, es uno de los pocos libros completamente
originales que he leído.»
«No recuerdo la génesis de I Remember, pero desde el momento en que Joe Brainard enseñó
la primera versión a los amigos, cuando la leyó en público, todo el mundo se dio cuenta al
instante de que había dado con algo maravilloso, y muchos de nosotros nos preguntamos
cómo no se nos había ocurrido una idea tan evidente. La originalidad de Joe radicaba en la
frescura con la que miraba las cosas.»
[Considered an exceptional work ever since its publication in 1970, this book gathers more than
1,000 evocations that begin with the words “I remember.” It consists of phrases, most of them
brief, that flip a switch in the reader’s mind by eliciting images with which several generations
from around the world have grown up. The result is an endearing glimpse of Brainard’s life and
a portrait of the culture and popular imaginary of the United States during the 1940s and 50s.]
Insightful reviews
Joseph Nicolello: There is an audio out there which I am unsure still exists of Brainard reading
say thirty minutes of I Remember. I had a dream last night of a friend showing it to me recently,
and loving not just the reading but the concept. Found a copy in the library today after a
psychedelic case of deja-vu, and boy, over a nice lunch of double-espresso and another
mention from a co-worker (Mind you, a professor in Astrophysics) brought up the girl who
dances with teddy bears and occupies the American mind more-so these days than the twilight
of American culture, I was livid, and when I get livid, I turn off my phone and excuse myself
briefly for the bathroom. The dream came back: Brainard. Beautiful book. I mean, in terms of
star-systems I did/do actually find it amazing, but the bitterness in my wanting to write this kind
of book without being obvious in imitation, even though Brainard is obscure/whatever, leaves
me disjointed. Actually, in a Hegelian sense, that star is a mere half-star. The other half is that I
don't remember the other half, although it must exist; yet how can I say it must exist when I'm
unsure of what it is - It could possible exist, then, but that is implausible. The doxological
ramifications of a church banging bells all night, while freight train horns echo throughout this
town. It's like trying to catch a butterfly in the adolescent firefly frame of mind - forget it.
I remember the October wind
and my reality television obsessed
co-workers, with greater credentials,
in some senses, than mine: Then I
remember there would be a tomorrow,
and to make it function by any means
necessary. Falling asleep thinking to
self: Concern not one's self with the
Super Bowl, or Rome, or Manhattan in a
garbage can; concern yourself with what
concerns you most; then theoretically
subtract a digit or three; then add in
an exclamation point; then go to sleep,
and get to work in the morning, thinking,
'I remember last night.'
And even if you don't,
remember it anyway, because
it probably meant something.
And today means more.
Brainard 2016 or I will continue my path of never voting (for reasons other than jury duty).
Abby: This is the kind of artsy, English major book that I think just about everybody would enjoy.
My grandparents might have enjoyed it more than I did in some respects, because there was
more than one cultural reference from the '50s that went flying over my head. But as many have
said before me, this book is rather brilliant and endlessly entertaining.
Phoebe: I wonder at my total absorption and obsessive reading response to this sort of form,
which I'm calling my "povel" shelf, creds to Geraldine Kim, whose book is called *Povel*. I think
it has something to do with the attractiveness of individual subjective narrative "voice" without
the imposition of linear or cause-and-effect narrative form. Not a story but more like a picture.
And the poemy form-fronted thing.
Charles: I enjoyed this publication whilst I first learn it over thirty years in the past (the variation
with the yellowy-orange French-looking cover, released through complete court docket Press). I
enjoyed it for the glamour of all of the references to American manufacturers and customs,
which made it look either genuine and other-worldly. I enjoyed the full unavailability of a few of
the thoughts and how others weren't purely on hand yet shared. and that i enjoyed the sexiness
of it, and how it jogged my memory of attractive moments (and people) i would forgotten, even particularly - the undesirable moments (and people) in a fashion that nobody else ever had.
taking a look at it now, after thre decades, i locate that I nonetheless love it.
La Stamberga dei Lettori: Inizio l. a. recensione con un verso preso da una canzone di Fabrizio
De André, Amico Fragile:Valeva los angeles pena divertirvi le serate estive con un
semplicissimo "Mi ricordo".Il perché della citazione è presto detto: oltre all'ovvio collegamento
con il titolo di Joe Brainard c'è anche il fatto che tutta l'opera si basa su corti paragrafi – due o
tre righe di media – che cominciano tutti, consistent with l'appunto, con “Mi ricordo”.In effetti lo
spunto, proprio come cube De André, è semplicissimo, e ancorché più che comune. Paul
Auster, il multiforme creatore della Trilogia di long island tra gli altri, lo ammette nella
prefazione, ma aggiunge che nessuno ha ottenuto lo scopo di trascendere le esperienze
personali ed elevarle a poesia come Brainard.Continua
Ted: Brilliantly simple, and adaptable as an workout for one's personal writing or workshops at
any level. shrewdpermanent in its resistance to order, the way it insists on ultimate unusual and
wondrous and haphazard. an excellent book. i'm hoping sooner or later once we colonize house
that i will take this to the Moon with me.
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