Amanda Quick Seduction

Amanda Quick
Title: Seduction
Author: Amanda Quick
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 352
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0553593730
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9.7 MB
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Townsfolk called him devil. For dark and enigmatic Julian, Earl of Ravenwood, was a man with
a legendary temper and a first wife whose mysterious death would not be forgotten. Some said
the beautiful Lady Ravenwood had drowned herself in the black, murky waters of Ravenwood
Pond. Others whispered of foul play and the devil's wrath.
Now country-bred Sophy Dorring is about to become Ravenwood's new bride. Drawn to his
masculine strength and the glitter of desire that burned in his emerald eyes, the tawny-haired
lass had her own reasons for agreeing to a marriage of convenience. One was vengeance, and
in its pursuit she would entangle Julian in a blackmail plot, a duel at dawn, and a dangerous
masquerade. The other reason was dearer to her heart, but just as wild a quest: Sophy Dorring
intended to teach the devil to love again.
Insightful reviews
Tammy: didn't really like that she was so deceitful about the supposed "rape". I really disliked
her after she pulled that trick and couldn't bounce back to liking her again. Liked the hero but
not the heroine. She was obsessed with being "forced" a bit too much for me. Especially when
he did nothing to warrant such worry.
Barbara Vey: I'm a huge Amanda Quick fan and was shocked to find I hadn't read this one.
Turns out it was published in 1990. While I enjoyed it, her later books are so much more
Instead try the Lavinia Lake/Tobia March trilogy or any of the Arcane Society books. All must
reads for me.
FreeNightFalls: This is the first book I read by Amanda and that's why it holds a special place in
my heart. With this book my obsession with historical romance began and there was no turning
I loved how Sophie irritated Julian and made him go crazy. It was so sweet. I also enjoyed the
erotic scenes, and even though Julian was so arrogant, it fit the storyline well.
Andrea: No sabía como calificar el libro, porque three estrellas es poco y se podría pensar que
no es muy bueno. Sin embargo quiero defenderlo, principalmente por los angeles protagonista
SOPHIE. Julian, es un viudo que guarda malos recuerdos de su matrimonio, marcado por
infidelidades y humillaciones. Ahora quiere una esposa para procrear y que no le reason
mayores problemas. Los motivos tajantes para eso, es que no pretende volver a enamorarse. Y
va a pedir l. a. mano de una humilde Sophie. Sophie es una mujer que le gusta leer, está
informada y eso me encantó, es distinta a los personajes que uno suele leer en las novelas de
época, ella no es fea, pero tampoco es despampanante, pero es inteligente y astuta. Así que
ella se va a empeñar en sacar esa coraza que tiene Julián y tratar de mantener un matrimonio
basado en el amor.
Erica: Julian was once a whole prick. He taken care of Sophie like a dumb baby all of the time,
and he or she sat there and took it. This publication was once terrible, with thoroughly unlikable
major characters. There relatively wasn't a lot of a plot, until eventually the end. pass this one
Christelle: Julian, riche et cynique comte de Ravenwood, après un ultimate mariage désastreux,
songe à se remarier, pour perpétrer son titre, et demande l. a. major de Sophie, jeune et naïve
girl de l. a. campagne. Malgré les rumeurs selon lesquelles il aurait tué sa première femme,
Sophie accepte à three conditions: qu'elle puisse gérer son argent comme elle le désire, lire ce
qu'elle veut et surtout, que le mariage ne soit consommé qu'après une période de three mois,
délai qu'elle souhaite mettre à revenue pour retrouver le meurtrier de sa sœur.J'ai été assez
déçue par ce livre, principalement à reason de l'héroïne que j'ai trouvé profondément irritante:
partant du principe que le mariage est une felony pour les femmes et que les maris y ont tous
les droits (ce qui a l'époque était, certes, effectivement le cas), elle se braque dès que le héros
essaie de faire des tentatives de rapprochement, prenant toutes ces manifestations de
séduction ou de tendresse comme un moyen de l'asservir, voire même de l. a. violenter... Le
héros, aussi macho qu'il soit, a une persistence d'ange...
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