MARTES 29 DE MARZO DE 2016 12.03 (11:03) NOTTINGHAM (A5) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 12.48 (11:48) NOTTINGHAM (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 1.32 (12:32) NOTTINGHAM (A5) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 500m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 2.19 (1:19) NOTTINGHAM (A5) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 32344 Wildest Amy 31.22 55133 Old Fort Casino 31.54 36351 Gurtmullen Toddy 31.39 63321 Caribbean Belle 31.50 13353 Ardera Mott 31.13 32134 High Spy 31.85 64251 Creevy Captain 31.30 26341 Caspers Ron 31.30 1555 Tynwald Nikita 31.05 24535 Haliska Miller 31.31 34626 Slaneyside Royal 31.34 63666 Roxies Cool 31.35 2645 Gino Fantastico 30.90 24463 Paws For Aplaws 31.31 51243 Tracksofmytears 31.36 66665 Modest Diva 31.02 65622 Confey Patch 31.14 62225 Quivers Gene 31.56 41465 Fantasy Patch 31.30 63652 Bouncing Kate 31.32 25135 Derryhogan Watty (w) 31.23 33221 Desert Roger (w) 31.32 22532 Romeo Global (w) 31.20 2524 Maggies Echo (w) 31.29 Re.: (4)iGino Fantastico, (2)iArdera Mott, (6)iDerryhogan Watty. 12.11 (11:11) PERRY BARR (A5) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (5)iQuivers Gene, (2)iHigh Spy, (6)iDesert Roger. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 12.57 (11:57) PERRY BARR (A2) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iTracksofmytears, (6)iRomeo Global, (2)iCreevy Captain. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 1.42 (12:42) PERRY BARR (A5) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iModest Diva, (6)iMaggies Echo, (2)iCaspers Ron. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 2.27 (1:27) PERRY BARR (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 6124 Alias Smith 29.24 2524 Shendus Star 28.70 12164 Tashas Belle 29.10 34312 Tenacious Clyde 29.35 12551 Farranrory Dan 29.23 31526 Bodens Boyo 28.82 43342 Doreens Baby 29.08 13316 Down South 29.45 25443 Strategy Service 29.26 54412 Highfire Hawk 28.84 65163 Wicky Tom 29.25 23624 Highfire Swift 29.47 31441 Ooaar Yawant Sum 29.33 35221 Alabama Slammer 28.95 32215 Mums Jeweller 29.37 12126 Murleys Jill 29.42 10325 Godsend Gold 29.19 15142 Sorcery (w) 28.83 65411 Its Only Me (w) 29.25 43534 Slaneyside Fitts 29.43 35415 Dromineer Fairy (w) 29.06 14415 Great Bolt (w) 28.84 61412 More Sue (w) 29.27 40145 Beach Belle (w) 29.26 Re.: (6)iDromineer Fairy, (5)iGodsend Gold, (4)iOoaar Yawant Sum. 12.19 (11:19) NOTTINGHAM (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (3)iHighfire Hawk, (1)iShendus Star, (4)iAlabama Slammer. 1.04 (12:04) NOTTINGHAM (D2) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (1)iTashas Belle, (3)iWicky Tom, (2)iDoreens Baby. 305m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 1.47 (12:47) NOTTINGHAM (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS Re.: (2)iDown South, (6)iBeach Belle, (1)iTenacious Clyde. 500m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 2.33 (1:33) NOTTINGHAM (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 33615 Salacres Paris 30.88 13155 Tynwald Xerox 18.33 20121 Liosgarbh Colleg 31.31 61151 Old Fort Melody 31.23 63451 Bonnan Bolt 30.63 24402 Barefoot Denis 18.40 63612 Tuftys Foxy 31.09 13244 Capla Crusader 31.11 43442 Peroni 30.86 13254 Express Sienna 18.51 21641 Sunnycroft Black 31.09 56442 Caribbean Ice 30.95 44644 Fairway Amber 30.77 55423 Must Be Twinkle 18.33 13154 Salacres Aidan 31.18 53663 Collision Ivy 30.91 41134 Capla Azzuri 30.86 22251 Wince (w) 18.45 51366 Slaneyside Fran 31.08 62233 Deviance 31.00 64213 Salacres Jimmy (w) 30.80 31244 Slaneyside Glen (w) 18.30 15436 Jaxx The Boomer (w) 30.98 34421 Hangover Emmet (w) 31.11 Re.: (2)iBonnan Bolt, (3)iPeroni, (4)iFairway Amber. 12.28 (11:28) PERRY BARR (A7) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (1)iTynwald Xerox, (3)iExpress Sienna, (6)iSlaneyside Glen. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 1.12 (12:12) PERRY BARR (A7) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iSalacres Aidan, (2)iTuftys Foxy, (1)iLiosgarbh Colleg. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 1.58 (12:58) PERRY BARR (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iCollision Ivy, (5)iDeviance, (2)iCapla Crusader. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 2.44 (1:44) PERRY BARR (A8) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 24336 Laurens Lucca 29.50 63246 Pearl Street 29.41 64125 Swift Sushi 29.01 54616 Aero Nizuc 29.88 15652 Soonic Claire 29.32 36523 Seathwaite Hage 29.32 54413 Ballybride Katie 28.78 26562 Effernogue Heidi 29.48 53661 On The Market 29.58 22343 Icecool Quattro 29.41 22341 Barracuda Dez 29.00 63632 Leahs Rocket 29.58 21215 Danzey Athena 29.46 52432 Beautys Hi 29.23 23351 Mohito On Time 28.96 52366 Seathwaite Kado 29.85 62341 Unbelievablejeff (w) 29.64 53166 Ascot Rory (w) 29.34 4611 Elmslea Shane (w) 28.90 50332 Flomur Liberty (w) 29.98 13635 Coppice Alice (w) 29.44 24244 Yeah Marty (w) 29.32 23352 Castell Rocky (w) 28.93 3606 Slip The Ruse (w) 29.77 Re.: (4)iDanzey Athena, (2)iSoonic Claire, (5)iUnbelievablejeff. 12.34 (11:34) NOTTINGHAM (A2) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iBeautys Hi, (5)iAscot Rory, (1)iPearl Street. 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 1.18 (12:18) NOTTINGHAM (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (2)iBallybride Katie, (1)iSwift Sushi, (4)iMohito On Time. 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 2.04 (1:04) NOTTINGHAM (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (2)iEffernogue Heidi, (1)iAero Nizuc, (5)iFlomur Liberty. 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 2.51 (1:51) NOTTINGHAM (A5) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 34213 Shift Trooper 30.59 26236 Ballybride Bolt 31.39 45331 Trapper Amanda 31.09 63323 Capla Ruby 31.20 34443 Glamour La La 30.63 11566 Haggswood Mumbai 31.66 11144 Salacresbenidorm 30.77 46535 Salacres Irish 31.35 31134 Salacres Peter 30.85 26416 Slaneyside Trail 31.42 21144 Farran Perk 30.92 12316 Get There Maybe 31.54 62515 Old Fort Jo 30.74 22525 Salacres Adele 31.50 33416 Tanners Oisin 30.86 22625 Active Pluto 31.18 53665 Swift Rifle 30.57 65246 Swift Obama (w) 31.66 514 Dark Brindle 30.84 42611 Ravenview Davi 31.30 23565 Capla Fire 30.65 53213 Voltair Kid (w) 31.49 36512 Haggswood Impact (w) 30.95 33163 Tynwald Aidie (w) 31.36 Re.: (4)iOld Fort Jo, (1)iShift Trooper, (3)iSalacres Peter. 12.42 (11:42) PERRY BARR (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (3)iSlaneyside Trail, (1)iBallybride Bolt, (6)iVoltair Kid. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 1.27 (12:27) PERRY BARR (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (2)iSalacresbenidorm, (4)iTanners Oisin, (3)iFarran Perk. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 2.12 (1:12) PERRY BARR (HC) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iActive Pluto, (1)iCapla Ruby, (3)iGet There Maybe. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 2.58 (1:58) PERRY BARR (A8) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 41422 Bogcross Jingle 29.19 53141 Boundtobefreddie 29.28 13521 Runaway Daise 29.22 55633 Derryhogan Velma 29.52 42336 Brogeys Lane 29.36 42432 Griffs Boy 28.96 44231 Salems Classic 29.31 3225 Aero Shadow 29.85 43365 Drumcrow Jen 29.03 24251 Nomadic Fairy 29.04 61246 Charleys Gooner 29.01 15245 Ooaar Isthat You 29.60 42552 Headford Send 29.23 1134 Strides Slippy 29.31 26352 Ballymac Smith 29.07 43312 Wilbrook Sunny 29.58 16254 Steragel Sammy 29.26 56315 Barracuda Jill (w) 29.10 61514 Black Range 28.86 46321 Maireads College (w) 29.51 61453 Broadhaven Lady (w) 29.40 11654 Bruis Venture (w) 29.13 2411 Gracious George 28.51 25232 Kerryfort (w) 29.76 Re.: (1)iBogcross Jingle, (3)iDrumcrow Jen, (5)iSteragel Sammy. Re.: (5)iBarracuda Jill, (2)iGriffs Boy, (3)iNomadic Fairy. Re.: (6)iGracious George, (1)iRunaway Daise, (4)iBallymac Smith. MARTES 29 DE MARZO DE 2016 Re.: (5)iMaireads College, (4)iWilbrook Sunny, (2)iAero Shadow. MARTES 29 DE MARZO DE 2016 3.08 (2:08) CRAYFORD (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 380m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 4.17 (3:17) SUNDERLAND (HC) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 261m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 5.27 (4:27) CRAYFORD (H3) 380m Hurdle CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 6.33 (5:33) SUNDERLAND (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 450m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 62143 Killahara Ruby 23.66 22362 Kilkenny Way 16.83 5543 Gortshanboy 24.29 24221 Dash Time 27.92 32331 Stunning Jojo 23.81 22623 Drumna Regent (w) 16.53 11420 Gaelo Gals 24.34 50354 Soft Palm 28.12 13214 Key Shot 23.71 43312 Allowdale Mary 16.47 15164 Lisdrum Paul 24.42 14366 Lodge Snapper (m) 27.85 65443 Village Blackie (w) 23.63 21452 Glenburn Angel (m) 16.51 52530 Mullrook Da Girl 24.44 56561 Coonough Misty (m) 28.12 43323 Near The Bowery (w) 23.70 36141 Kevinsfort Vera 16.28 4355 Rummy Spitfire (w) 24.29 12131 Casino Bound (m) 28.18 2431 Striker (w) 23.82 2166 Haggswood Senor 16.39 56432 Gloreen Haka (w) 24.35 35233 Charity Bet (m) 28.00 Re.: (3)iKey Shot, (2)iStunning Jojo, (5)iNear The Bowery. 3.18 (2:18) SUNDERLAND (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (5)iKevinsfort Vera, (4)iGlenburn Angel, (6)iHaggswood Senor. 450m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 4.28 (3:28) CRAYFORD (A7) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 380m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (1)iGortshanboy, (2)iGaelo Gals, (4)iMullrook Da Girl. 5.37 (4:37) SUNDERLAND (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (1)iDash Time, (5)iCasino Bound, (3)iLodge Snapper. 450m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 6.38 (5:38) CRAYFORD (S3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 540m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 56214 Derrane Phoenix 28.30 31263 Blackrose Mable 23.94 54135 Farloe Grace 28.00 22512 Blackrose Jo 34.35 32343 Autumn Amelia 28.10 65244 Glenside Line 24.10 11122 Marketsfield Bar 27.99 16153 Lynton Mia 34.38 63 Toblerone Lady (m) 28.27 31512 Monagea Blitz 23.99 31113 Move Over Antony 27.90 21610 Monmore Diamond 34.37 12342 Palace Jack (m) 28.00 31230 Tinas Lill 23.78 21433 Taranis Bid (m) 28.09 14224 Lordsbury Dolly 34.38 24132 Poolie Wish (m) 28.16 51224 Farran Major (w) 24.05 53163 Shellam Storm (m) 28.04 12142 Fridays Sean (w) 34.37 43555 Leamaneigh Lucy (m) 28.00 1435 Mance Rayder (w) 23.99 41614 Druids Romano (m) 16.37 15423 Southest Twister (w) 34.07 Re.: (4)iPalace Jack, (2)iAutumn Amelia, (5)iPoolie Wish. 3.27 (2:27) CRAYFORD (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS Re.: (3)iMonagea Blitz, (4)iTinas Lill, (1)iBlackrose Mable. 380m Flat 4.38 (3:38) SUNDERLAND (A2) Farloe Dana 28.12 65526 Fairest Belle 24.11 32236 Shaneboy Aoife 28.19 11542 Black Selection 23.78 1216 Wajas Storm 27.87 26151 Upagumtree 24.16 2334 Ballymac Salt 28.48 23210 Crinkill Ruby 23.83 31565 Autumn Hotdog 27.80 2222 Pullyasoxup 24.12 21225 Move Over Anita 28.47 36111 Berrycool 23.86 4021 Viking Harris (m) 27.83 52445 Suirview Fire 23.98 46115 Killanin Socks (m) 28.30 33411 Clash Tenor (w) 23.63 12164 Dynamo Blue (m) 27.82 24223 Askja (w) 24.20 23312 Cashen Tundra (m) 28.23 33126 Rathbeg Belle (w) 23.93 22311 Helfor Rocket (m) 27.97 52613 Memory Girl (w) 24.09 51551 Homestead Sally (m) 28.25 450m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 4.48 (3:48) CRAYFORD (A7) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (6)iMemory Girl, (1)iFairest Belle, (3)iPullyasoxup. 380m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 5.57 (4:57) SUNDERLAND (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 450m Flat 111 GALGO ULTIMAS CARRERAS 6.47 (5:47) SUNDERLAND (A5) 23.70 Re.: (6)iHelfor Rocket, (2)iWajas Storm, (5)iDynamo Blue. CAJON 380m Flat Trumpers Gemma ULTIMAS CARRERAS MEJOR TIEMPO 5.47 (4:47) CRAYFORD (A8) 24532 3.37 (2:37) SUNDERLAND (A1) GALGO 450m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS Re.: (4)iLordsbury Dolly, (1)iBlackrose Jo, (3)iMonmore Diamond. GALGO Re.: (4)iBerrycool, (5)iClash Tenor, (3)iCrinkill Ruby. CAJON Re.: (3)iMove Over Antony, (6)iDruids Romano, (1)iFarloe Grace. GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (5)iCashen Tundra, (1)iShaneboy Aoife, (2)iBallymac Salt. 450m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 6.56 (5:56) CRAYFORD (A5) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 380m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 31231 Lisneal Emily 27.85 52210 Quick Step Mary 23.97 53553 Gaffers Rumble 28.04 65313 Get On Coco 23.99 31141 Canvas Taylor 27.74 61525 Fawkham Boycie 23.93 34251 Adraville Crash 28.27 62556 Zenas Bobby 23.69 44414 Hes The Guvnor (m) 27.63 33543 Mr Socks 24.16 21342 Caulry Daddy 28.27 3324 Townsend Rebel 23.82 53241 Meadows Luther (m) 27.85 25156 Comanche Creek 23.93 41623 Supersonic Moon (m) 28.12 65533 Gloreen Penny 23.67 1145 Crafty Blasio (m) 27.80 12342 Brackenstone Lar (w) 23.99 36312 Rathcoole Blue (m) 28.31 55426 Besomi Lewis (w) 23.80 4336 Farloe Bugatti (w) 27.67 1623 Baby Danger (w) 24.11 21126 Castlegore Myia (m) 28.13 16632 Express Koko (w) 23.92 Re.: (2)iCanvas Taylor, (3)iHes The Guvnor, (1)iLisneal Emily. 3.47 (2:47) CRAYFORD (A8) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iComanche Creek, (1)iQuick Step Mary, (6)iBaby Danger. 380m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 4.58 (3:58) SUNDERLAND (A5) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (3)iCaulry Daddy, (4)iSupersonic Moon, (5)iRathcoole Blue. 450m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 6.07 (5:07) CRAYFORD (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (3)iTownsend Rebel, (1)iGet On Coco, (4)iGloreen Penny. 380m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 7.04 (6:04) SUNDERLAND (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 450m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 55416 Newlawn Mandy 24.30 45264 Bingly Bongly 28.35 24516 Shedidntseeit 24.24 32215 Banana Sky 28.58 35534 Mulroy Razzle 24.44 42016 Gitana 27.87 2152 Sharp Focus 24.00 4156 Barnagrane Oak 28.36 43632 Barrack Bound 24.34 14455 Poolie Annie (m) 28.32 16651 Squeaky Clean 23.91 44412 Denwill Denise (m) 28.46 24552 Curragh Fantasy 24.40 10155 Random Meave (m) 28.23 6465 Dippy Slippy 23.86 36162 Loughside Stefi (m) 28.58 22434 Newlawn Gretta (w) 24.47 33456 Dudleys First (m) 28.32 2561 Deadly Catch (w) 23.82 36152 Collens Choice (m) 28.31 64343 Tinas Western (w) 24.22 30131 Daring Dynamo (w) 28.82 03320 Suirview Zippy (w) 23.89 32334 Mill Champers (m) 28.28 Re.: (4)iCurragh Fantasy, (5)iNewlawn Gretta, (3)iBarrack Bound. 3.57 (2:57) SUNDERLAND (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (2)iGitana, (3)iPoolie Annie, (6)iDaring Dynamo. 450m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 5.08 (4:08) CRAYFORD (A1) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (2)iSharp Focus, (5)iDeadly Catch, (1)iShedidntseeit. 380m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 6.17 (5:17) SUNDERLAND (HC) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (1)iBanana Sky, (3)iDenwill Denise, (5)iCollens Choice. 640m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 7.11 (6:11) CRAYFORD (A5) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 380m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 12222 Riu Britney 28.04 42431 Sheknowstherules 23.65 1534 Zulu Lady 41.63 66212 Newlawn Emma 24.14 42641 Bisco Kid 27.89 16313 Southfield Harry 23.61 62665 Powerstown Ivory (m) 41.87 25153 Jacobs Jet 23.98 13442 Group Flyer 28.06 12554 Quivers Cindy 23.79 31166 Demon Bound (m) 40.85 5161 Bernies Toughguy 24.02 33414 Boherash De Niro (m) 28.10 11513 Burgess Master (w) 23.61 25432 Piercestown Jan 40.62 22132 Milltown Molly 24.17 16312 Honeypound Time (m) 27.86 21425 Stepit Up Louie (w) 23.60 1431 Tullymurry Wand (m) 40.72 4565 Harmless Man (w) 24.03 1264 Silverthorn Pip (w) 28.39 30143 Droopys Sandiego (w) 23.59 33321 Clonlusk Pride 40.66 16461 Darkcat Vadar (w) 24.03 Re.: (3)iGroup Flyer, (5)iHoneypound Time, (1)iRiu Britney. 4.07 (3:07) CRAYFORD (S7) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iBurgess Master, (6)iDroopys Sandiego, (1)iSheknowstherules. 540m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 5.18 (4:18) SUNDERLAND (A2) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 450m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (5)iTullymurry Wand, (4)iPiercestown Jan, (6)iClonlusk Pride. 6.22 (5:22) CRAYFORD (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 380m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (4)iMilltown Molly, (6)iDarkcat Vadar, (5)iHarmless Man. 7.18 (6:18) SUNDERLAND (A7) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 450m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 52213 Too Many Drinks 34.83 22323 Starcash Victor 27.71 41154 Blade Runner 23.87 35644 Cu Deich Paw 28.30 66422 Cals Mix 34.86 56616 Kaydas Babe 27.89 11264 Jacobs Miller 23.67 23443 Knockroe Oak 28.36 53553 Sarah Free 35.02 12115 Pity Me Magic (m) 27.78 26211 Gunger Deen 24.05 46643 Sellout Sanchez (m) 28.72 42662 Shoemakers Jack 34.57 45451 Coonough Lady (m) 27.91 1544 Severn Ace 23.99 31235 Blue Jasmine (m) 28.47 01363 Hatfield Elvis (w) 34.67 61344 Ryecroft Chris (m) 28.00 21641 Reagrove Rubik 23.85 26435 Farnes Flo (m) 28.41 36655 Barra Bounty (w) 35.55 41653 Coppice Amy (w) 27.84 56515 Guarantedmaster (w) 23.87 42421 Chaotic Seraph (w) 28.60 Re.: (1)iToo Many Drinks, (3)iSarah Free, (5)iHatfield Elvis. Re.: (3)iPity Me Magic, (1)iStarcash Victor, (6)iCoppice Amy. Re.: (3)iGunger Deen, (1)iBlade Runner, (6)iGuarantedmaster. MARTES 29 DE MARZO DE 2016 Re.: (4)iBlue Jasmine, (5)iFarnes Flo, (6)iChaotic Seraph. MARTES 29 DE MARZO DE 2016 7.28 (6:28) NEWCASTLE (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 480m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 8.06 (7:06) KINSLEY (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 462m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 8.43 (7:43) SHEFFIELD (OR) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 280m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 9.19 (8:19) NEWCASTLE (HC) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 640m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 14363 Ear We Go 29.81 41665 Metroline 28.11 46212 Swords Zero 16.11 41416 Attykitt Viking 40.26 13325 Blackhouse Bella 29.72 13443 Swift Balotelli 28.21 35231 Tin Soldier 16.45 13654 Mollys Bonnie 40.01 13155 Goldrush Lisa 29.71 11443 Clondarrig Ann (m) 28.34 21411 Geelo Jaguar (m) 16.05 35626 Romeo Squadron 39.89 23462 Dotland Rihanna 29.68 11512 Tullymurry Pick (m) 28.26 13114 Geelo Bolt (m) 15.90 3523 Target Bullet 40.29 62315 Alnwick Tassy (w) 29.77 22213 Tromora Buddy (w) 28.18 6123 Crewe Bay Ace (w) 16.16 26244 The Moppitt 39.96 61556 Jumeirah Jewel (w) 29.75 61342 Bialann (w) 28.30 35325 Connor Hawk (w) 16.09 42341 Target Eagle 39.45 Re.: (4)iDotland Rihanna, (3)iGoldrush Lisa, (2)iBlackhouse Bella. 7.33 (6:33) KINSLEY (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 462m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (2)iSwift Balotelli, (4)iTullymurry Pick, (5)iTromora Buddy. 8.11 (7:11) SHEFFIELD (A2) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iGeelo Bolt, (3)iGeelo Jaguar, (1)iSwords Zero. 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 8.48 (7:48) NEWCASTLE (D2) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS Re.: (6)iTarget Eagle, (5)iThe Moppitt, (4)iTarget Bullet. 290m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 9.24 (8:24) KINSLEY (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 462m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 26526 Shanless Draper 28.13 44626 Black Limo 28.97 33424 Queenies Tommy 17.42 52425 Lara Lu Clampett 28.17 64544 Local Whistler (m) 28.04 43222 Proper Pearl 29.20 16144 Jumeirah Lord 17.13 43113 Killieford Style 28.16 31611 Ballymac Credit (m) 28.31 43153 Haroldinio 29.25 35122 Miserable Bob 17.39 14455 Lorcans Lad (m) 27.83 11221 Swift Lomu (m) 28.33 12312 Local Fortune 29.35 31253 Romeo For Sure 17.38 41626 Here Comes Suzi (m) 28.04 35214 Malbay Duchess (m) 28.22 54441 Swift Twister (m) 29.11 53241 Fabulous Boogie 17.45 35332 Arksey Flyer (m) 27.92 65661 Smooth Hound (w) 28.04 23122 Coolavanny Sean (w) 29.55 1 Coloured Sal (w) 17.48 11214 Arbour Stone (w) 28.25 Re.: (2)iLocal Whistler, (4)iSwift Lomu, (5)iMalbay Duchess. 7.39 (6:39) SHEFFIELD (A1) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS Re.: (1)iBlack Limo, (5)iSwift Twister, (2)iProper Pearl. 500m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 8.16 (7:16) NEWCASTLE (A7) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (3)iMiserable Bob, (4)iRomeo For Sure, (1)iQueenies Tommy. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 8.53 (7:53) KINSLEY (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 462m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (3)iLorcans Lad, (5)iArksey Flyer, (6)iArbour Stone. 9.31 (8:31) SHEFFIELD (OR) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 660m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 61321 Dooneen Annie 29.26 44451 Fire Thorn 29.98 66153 Old Fort Sheriff 28.09 51162 Ascot Becky 39.64 64411 Swift Bush 29.40 51366 Farloe Zuko 30.08 50134 Maintenance Man 28.18 41543 Borna Mindy 38.93 11125 Reflected Light 29.01 22264 Patsarma 30.02 63331 Ballymac Shadow (m) 28.25 14332 Billys Bullet 13404 Droopys Gigi 28.92 15215 Slaneyside Jude 30.17 66411 Tornaroy Task (m) 28.40 1126 Malls Pet 39.28 51213 Geelo Brenny (m) 29.07 33235 Woodys Boston 30.18 44446 Listen Tianna (w) 27.97 3133 Glenpadden Ace 38.91 45326 Droopys Gonza (w) 29.17 44652 Goldrush Mazie (w) 29.98 21312 Glenvale Rickie (w) 28.30 13244 Mottos Mixer (w) Re.: (4)iDroopys Gigi, (3)iReflected Light, (5)iGeelo Brenny. 7.44 (6:44) NEWCASTLE (HC) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS Re.: (1)iFire Thorn, (2)iFarloe Zuko, (6)iGoldrush Mazie. 480m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 8.22 (7:22) KINSLEY (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS Re.: (2)iMaintenance Man, (3)iBallymac Shadow, (6)iGlenvale Rickie. 462m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 8.58 (7:58) SHEFFIELD (OR) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (2)iBorna Mindy, (3)iBillys Bullet, (5)iGlenpadden Ace. 9.36 (8:36) NEWCASTLE (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 25263 Farrahs Fancy 29.96 36535 Mountainview Gal 28.49 26252 Lightfoot Chloe 29.27 0121 Ellaal 29.34 21323 Coolavanny Star 30.03 65426 Kentroad Jenny 28.46 53351 Hes All It 29.30 25435 Woe Becky 29.29 23332 Welcomed Guest 29.91 22343 Ivenewsforyou (m) 28.51 12111 Horus 29.78 14246 Cragbrien Daisy 29.13 34241 Swift Silverlily 29.55 60432 Killieford Wish (m) 28.48 31421 Ballycowen Colm 29.12 312 Droopys Highwire 29.50 12151 Troika Flow 29.12 43166 Perdys Nora (w) 28.42 21411 Geelo Onesie (m) 29.21 61555 Geordie Jasper 29.29 41225 Mill Slip (w) 29.05 13154 Rockvale Linnet (w) 28.44 63444 Gemma Golden (w) 35335 Drumna Gin (w) 29.42 Re.: (4)iSwift Silverlily, (6)iMill Slip, (3)iWelcomed Guest. 7.49 (6:49) KINSLEY (HC) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (3)iIvenewsforyou, (4)iKillieford Wish, (6)iRockvale Linnet. 462m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 8.27 (7:27) SHEFFIELD (OR) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (4)iBallycowen Colm, (1)iLightfoot Chloe, (5)iGeelo Onesie. 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 9.04 (8:04) NEWCASTLE (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (1)iEllaal, (2)iWoe Becky, (4)iDroopys Highwire. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 9.41 (8:41) KINSLEY (D2) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 268m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 26454 Melwood Beauty 28.94 23211 Swift Jinx 29.06 65334 Swift Sissoko 29.87 33554 Howya Mags 16.50 43664 Giveusahug (m) 28.26 2111 Bansha Rooskey 29.01 55546 Millview Fox 29.79 54111 Tornaroy Tigra 16.67 26442 Koka Kola 28.30 21122 La Carbonero 29.01 65611 Challenger 29.82 31425 Accordian Ed (m) 16.42 44412 Mad Eye Cyclops (m) 28.42 13323 Yahoo Pearl 29.03 10324 Spuds Place 29.92 11663 Mother Shauna (m) 16.33 24111 Gaelforce Lucy (m) 28.06 22436 Killacolla View 28.99 12623 Romeo Hero 29.95 56155 Las Vegas Rover (w) 16.53 33111 Jubilee Jen (m) 28.14 11212 Clives Legacy (w) 29.20 12231 Geordie Cassie (w) 29.94 20243 Welton Autumn (w) 16.47 Re.: (5)iGaelforce Lucy, (6)iJubilee Jen, (3)iKoka Kola. 7.56 (6:56) SHEFFIELD (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (3)iLa Carbonero, (1)iSwift Jinx, (2)iBansha Rooskey. 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 8.32 (7:32) NEWCASTLE (HC) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (5)iRomeo Hero, (6)iGeordie Cassie, (3)iChallenger. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 9.09 (8:09) KINSLEY (D4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (3)iAccordian Ed, (4)iMother Shauna, (6)iWelton Autumn. 268m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 9.47 (8:47) SHEFFIELD (OR) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 32223 Kowloon Ronnie 29.36 22332 Festive Lady 29.96 45353 Nametab Expresso 16.81 52311 Light Foot Mata 28.58 14122 Isnt That Nice 29.43 36215 Pal Logan 30.01 64166 My Pebbles 16.93 5365 La Maqina 28.70 12554 Maisie Moo Moo 29.63 16244 Nans Ruby 29.71 56265 Mountcashel Tom (w) 16.77 22331 El Salvador 45344 Winetavern Mouse 29.43 52216 Slaneyside Lynch 29.52 21014 Affleck Pandora (m) 16.83 32252 Calco Flyer 36142 Swift Darius (m) 29.14 22222 Corrig Dee 29.38 22643 Trade Violetta (w) 16.84 1110 Lightfoot Scolar (m) 28.66 32231 Yarborough (w) 29.50 46352 Mollys Clyde 29.10 45164 Kaypee Danut (w) 16.87 11211 Making Paper (m) 28.78 Re.: (5)iSwift Darius, (1)iKowloon Ronnie, (2)iIsnt That Nice. 8.01 (7:01) NEWCASTLE (A8) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (5)iCorrig Dee, (1)iFestive Lady, (4)iSlaneyside Lynch. 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 8.37 (7:37) KINSLEY (A2) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Re.: (3)iMountcashel Tom, (5)iTrade Violetta, (4)iAffleck Pandora. 462m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 9.14 (8:14) SHEFFIELD (OR) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 61556 Babs Dusty 30.14 11311 Old Fort Gem 28.29 25344 Lowgate Jet 52345 Elwick Candy 30.40 26661 Whiteys Flynn (m) 28.00 11116 Milford Taylor 11112 Dark Invader 30.35 3315 Shawlands Kirk (m) 28.09 22115 64453 Offshore Louis 30.41 30216 Hulla Stone (m) 27.93 2424 Mischief Mystery 30.38 44313 Clonavaddy Hazel (m) 15323 Nyla Lucky (w) 30.30 14113 Nippy Bolt (w) Re.: (3)iDark Invader, (1)iBabs Dusty, (5)iMischief Mystery. Re.: (6)iNippy Bolt, (1)iOld Fort Gem, (4)iHulla Stone. 500m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO Re.: (1)iLight Foot Mata, (5)iLightfoot Scolar, (6)iMaking Paper. 9.52 (8:52) NEWCASTLE (A3) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 21143 Payday Kitten 29.22 29.69 31422 Rory Jane 29.33 Qatar Fortune 28.92 33251 Ballymac Izzie 29.37 2424 Some Turbo 29.24 32141 Fabulous Trip 29.34 27.92 02 Rafas Wee Jet (m) 14155 Drumna Brandy (w) 29.37 27.90 35334 Holdem Lee (w) 63144 Liams Flyer (w) 29.41 Re.: (3)iQatar Fortune, (4)iSome Turbo, (5)iRafas Wee Jet. MARTES 29 DE MARZO DE 2016 Re.: (2)iRory Jane, (1)iPayday Kitten, (3)iBallymac Izzie. MARTES 29 DE MARZO DE 2016 9.57 (8:57) KINSLEY (A6) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 462m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 20365 Maglass Vic 28.34 42245 Rizzoli Bob 28.48 55436 Lightning Asset (m) 28.37 21522 Cluain Air Dean (m) 28.52 24313 Dundrum Honey (m) 28.73 56534 Cissies Bell (w) 28.42 Re.: (4)iCluain Air Dean, (5)iDundrum Honey, (6)iCissies Bell. 10.02 (9:02) SHEFFIELD (OR) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 500m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 20 21 22 23 Onyagorocco Quivering Joe Roxholme Mandy Saint Bosco Snowdon Apache Snowdon Doll Too Many Pints Trapstyle Solar Uncle Eoins Gem Wilson Jay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Alnwick Barry Batoutofhell Exchange Trigger Fabulous Tour Fabulous Town Klockwork Tip Lisacaha Debi Romeo Icardi Slaneyside Free Slaneyside Gran Spice Girl Lucy Tullylee Woodys Ariana Clonkeen Snowy 28.75 62231 Thirteen Bags 28.99 11611 Mustang Chick 11112 Patchys Kerry 212 Clever Jamie (m) 28.87 RESERVAS DE NOTTINGHAM 60311 Coolboy Blitz (w) 28.82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10.07 (9:07) NEWCASTLE (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 480m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 15525 Sir Henry 29.42 24565 Iona Patch 29.50 55142 Megeo 29.37 01232 Nyla Ruby 29.47 46263 Queenies Wee One 29.47 13343 Lip Bound (w) 29.51 Re.: (3)iMegeo, (6)iLip Bound, (2)iIona Patch. 10.12 (9:12) KINSLEY (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 462m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 1666 Anthonys Swan 28.15 41334 Keady Silver 28.01 34421 Jacks De Boy (m) 28.07 51116 Droopys Echo (m) 28.10 64542 Sandyhill Avril (m) 28.21 626 Princeoffortune (w) 28.27 Re.: (3)iJacks De Boy, (4)iDroopys Echo, (2)iKeady Silver. 10.17 (9:17) SHEFFIELD (OR) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS 500m Flat GALGO MEJOR TIEMPO 511 Roxholme Hottie 242 Satin Mark 29.08 64122 Lowgate Rock 29.40 63531 Catrigg Croft 29.05 11222 Ribble Aon (m) 54542 Viking Jack (w) 28.92 Re.: (1)iRoxholme Hottie, (2)iSatin Mark, (6)iViking Jack. 10.22 (9:22) NEWCASTLE (A4) CAJON ULTIMAS CARRERAS GALGO Abbodabbo Teddy Aero Farah Ballymac River Boulta Primrose Burnt Rubber Carriglad Roisin Furnisher Factor Grenadier Vic Haggswood John Hell Letloose Joes A Star Kilara Lauren Kilhoran Katie Killacolla Big Mays Sheik Pelisse Pond Penelope Power Jack Rogers Rocket Salacres Biaritz Salacres Kyle Salacres Large Sober Return RESERVAS DE SHEFFIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ballyhide Master Delivery Boy Indalo Rock Kowloon Mickey Russanda Rachel Swift Erne RESERVAS DE SUNDERLAND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bartlemy Queen Bit View Twinkle Etherley Milano Glenside Poppy Gurtnacrehy Ammo Jens Delight Killie Princess Lets Go Smiley Linton Las Vegas Moanteen Rooney Pepperspray Slaneyside Gooch Swift Rosie Unique Mind Utopia Veyron RESERVAS DE PERRY BARR 480m Flat MEJOR TIEMPO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Baker Boy Bigfoot Playboy Blue Fella Carrots Fast Fit Hero Highfire Farid Leamaneigh Fawn Rosegarland Magi Tweet Girl Vigorous Maggie 43452 Fabulous Sequel 29.42 66012 Unknown Road 29.43 65216 Norman Light 29.41 42213 Boydslass Smiler 29.31 33626 Romeo Intro 29.38 RESERVAS DE KINSLEY 53235 Fearsome Mantra (w) 29.63 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Re.: (4)iBoydslass Smiler, (3)iNorman Light, (2)iUnknown Road. RESERVAS DE CRAYFORD Acid Queen Bartlemy Ace Blackrose Kent Boots Of Pride Cuando Dietrich Diesel Marco Dog From Uncle Dun Scairth Get There Topps Guinness Express Ilewin Wotevah Lads Miranda Moyar Eske Tyrur Mandela Vancouver Jonas Velvet Vera Westminster Lady RESERVAS DE NEWCASTLE 55461 Re.: (4)iPatchys Kerry, (3)iMustang Chick, (5)iClever Jamie. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Aero Muddy Ballymac Keegan Blue Haze Clarkestown Hero Elite Mick Farnes Visa Irey Moll Jer Star Killieford Texan Lefanta Music Pablo Jayden Polish Susy Raparee Sandy Renbrack Rosie Rhythm Prince Sensible Minnie Strike The Line Tinker Tyler Too Dear MARTES 29 DE MARZO DE 2016
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