Ernest Hemingway Fièsta

Ernest Hemingway
Title: Fièsta
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Format: Paperback
Language: Indonesian
Pages: 456
Publisher: Bentang, 1120176000
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 7.6 MB
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The quintessential novel of the Lost Generation, The Sun Also Rises is one of Ernest
Hemingway's masterpieces and a classic example of his spare but powerful writing style.
A poignant look at the disillusionment and angst of the post-World War I generation, the novel
introduces two of Hemingway's most unforgettable characters: Jake Barnes and Lady Brett
Ashley. The story follows the flamboyant Brett and the hapless Jake as they journey from the
wild nightlife of 1920s Paris to the brutal bullfighting rings of Spain with a motley group of
expatriates. First published in 1926, The Sun Also Rises helped establish Hemingway as one of
the greatest writers of the twentieth century.
Insightful reviews
Jr Bacdayan: I’m sitting here in my balcony right around sunset with a bowl of peanuts in front
of me and a mug of iced tea in my hand and I’m suddenly thinking to myself I could be in Spain
right now. But oddly, it doesn’t seem to appeal to me at all. I’m somewhat annoyed by the
possibility of another busy week looming just ahead of me. Wait, scratch that, not possibility but
certainty. I’m grossly evading any academic assignment I might have had and am feeling more
potent knowing that I’m above it all. Really, the amount of paperwork I have is insanely comical.
I’m really considering dropping out of the university out of indolence. I could really use a
breather right now. But gallivanting in Spain with a bunch of alcoholic ex-pats? I dunno. There
might have been a time when that would have sounded sexy and chic, but those times have
passed. Really, I was more interested in the art of bullfighting than the misadventures of Jake
and the gang. I had no idea why I wasn’t as keen as I normally was in reading this Hemingway.
Is it Hemingway’s prose? God, no. Is it me? Is it the generational gap that led to my
indifference? Maybe. Is it all the absinthe? I can’t say, I haven’t been alcohol’s best friend as
of late, but it doesn’t seem enough to actually estrange me from literature. Hmmm... What’s my
problem then? Till now, I’m actually not sure. It might be the seeming pointlessness of the
book, just a drunken adventure after another with no closure at all. But that’s arguable. I get the
whole lost generation thing, but I can’t say that it strikes me as particularly redemptive to them.
I know that Hemingway wrote this book to contradict Gertrude Stein, to sort of imply that the lost
generation wasn’t really lost at all. He put the passage from Ecclesiastes quoting that “one
generation passeth away, and another generation cometh… but the earth abideth forever” and
“the sun also rises” to signify that no generation was really lost but that they tread on and live
despite all the misfortunes and war put in their way. But coping with life through alcohol and
endless vacation seems a bit too escapist for me. I don’t want to get preachy, but even I know
that’s the life homeless welfare people lead. Well, if you’re looking for escapism, then voilà!
Here you go. But, really it’s not the type of book that sends a good message, or even gives you
a snippet of wisdom. Maybe, dear old Ernest wrote it thinking here’s how not to cope with a
scarred-life, but I very much doubt that. Then again, it might be the only way a man can live
without his penis, or a woman can live without her sense of fidelity. Sure, these are broken
people scarred by war, rejection, and some just out of plain foolishness, but I hardly think that
living such unkempt lives is a result of their lack of childhood. Maybe it is. Maybe, they
contained their playfulness all those times of war and now that they’re adults, they’ve
channeled it into their lives somehow. But this is all speculation; Ernie didn’t develop his
characters beyond their usual desire for an aperitif and a good fuck. Who cares about the
psychological well-being of a bunch of alcoholics anyway? Clearly not the author, so why should
I care too? Maybe I’m overthinking this stuff. Maybe this was written basically to entertain, and I
wasn’t entertained much. I guess that’s what it all boils down to. The fiesta was really
something though. I would still have read it just for that. If you want to read this book, good.
Don’t let me deter you. If you’ve read this and loved it, great. But, if I changed your opinion in
anyway, then let me offer you this excerpt.
“While we were waiting I saw a cockroach on the parquet floor that must have been at least
three inches long. I pointed him out to Bill and then put my shoe on him. We agreed that it must
have just come from the garden. It was really an awfully clean hotel.”
That really made me laugh. The free flow of this book, I guess, is what gives it appeal. But the
fact that it can have a cockroach type of conversation shows you the general aimlessness of it.
With no resolve whatsoever, I’m treating this book as a cockroach from the garden. Hemingway
was fairly young when he wrote this, and I know it’s gained popularity because of the lost
generation and the total abandonment of responsibility in their adventures thus making it a
perfect escapist book, but I simply feel that this is inferior to my previous Hemingways: A
Farewell to Arms and The Old Man and the Sea. Still, a sub-par from Hemingway is preferable
to the average piece of junk you see in the best-seller shelves these days. Alas, he did better.
The sun also rises when you have a particularly bad hangover and it glares at you till you go
blind. Well, at least you had some semblance of fun drinking the night before, or so you think.
Rakhi Dalal: Jake's final condition frequently escapes the contemporary reader, who lacks the
historical context for reading the novel. If one misses the ironic and understated references, it
may not seem like "such a hell of a sad story" as it did to Hemingway. Unless one understands
the moral background of the period, one may find the Latin Quarter life nostalgically romantic
and fail to see the reflection of America self-destructing in the twenties. The blithe reader may
see Cohn as the cause of all the troubles. It was not Cohn; it was the times. It was Jake Barnes,
impotent in more ways than one, caught in his times, his value system jerked from beneath his
feet. He is, finally, the prewar man stripped of all defenses, bereft of values, seduced and
abandoned by his times. If at Botin's he gets a bit drunk listening to Brett, perhaps we can
forgive him, for both the reader and Jake realize that he is a most ineffectual man in a most
unpromising place.
These concluding lines from essay "The Sun in Its Time: Recovering the Historical Context" by
MICHAEL S. REYNOLDS has prompted me to read the work again. This is a good essay
indeed and explains much of the background of this work, which, according to the author is not
a tribute to the "Lost Generation". I found his interpretations and opinions interesting.
Will be reading this again hence.
Sofía (?????): Una novela de imágenes.
Vale la pena leer esta novela para apreciar los siguientes detalles: el texto fragmentado, una
critica de la novela psicológica y una técnica innovadora empleada por Hemingway.
El protagonista de una novela del siglo XIX tiene su biografía, su carácter, su mundo interior,
sus opiniones y sus relaciones con el mundo que lo rodea, este personaje posee un cierto
intelecto que le permite ver la realidad como un único sistema. Él intenta conceptualizar el
mundo, penetrar su espíritu y descubrir la esencia de las cosas. Nosotros lo observamos desde
el nacimiento hasta su muerte pasando por diferentes etapas de su vida, los detalles se
relacionan con el argumento principal, todas las líneas tienen su desarrollo y su terminación, y
el autor nos brinda toda la información sobre los personajes, tanto los principales como los
secundarios. No hay nada de eso en "Fiesta". Hemingway introduce un personaje pseudo
psicológico de nombre Robert Cohn, a través de él analiza y critica la novela del siglo XIX y
crea su propia estrategia en "Fiesta". Entonces, ¿quién es Robert Cohn? Lo que sabemos de él
es que en la universidad practicó el boxeo para vencer a sus potenciales enemigos pero no
tenía enemigos, nadie lo notaba, nadie quería burlarse de él, no le importaba a nadie. Cohn lee
novelas románticas y cree en los estereotipos y el tonto romanticismo que se plantean en ellas.
Él no posee verdaderos sentimientos, no sabe apreciar la belleza, estando entre los preciosos
paisajes se aburre y se duerme. Cuando él conoce a Brett con quien después tuvo un breve
romance, en vez de descubrir su personalidad y enamorarse de sus características reales la
trata como si ella fuera una dama de una novela caballeresca. Cohn recrea escenas teatrales
deleitándose en su trágico papel, observandose a si mismo desde fuera. Cohn no puede vivir
una vida real porque se encuentra cautivado entre las páginas de esas novelas románticas que
leyó. Hemingway rechaza este personaje falso y engendra un nuevo personaje (Jake Barnes) –
un personaje que está orientado hacia el mundo exterior. Mientras los colegas de Hemingway
(me refiero a Joyce, Gide, Huxley) trabajan sobre el hombre que reflexiona, él crea un hombre
que observa.
«El coche subió colina arriba, atravesó la plaza iluminada y, siempre ascendiendo,
volvió a la oscuridad; luego, ya en terreno plano, se metió por una calle oscura, detrás
de St. Etienne du Mont; bajó suavemente por el asfalto, pasó entre los árboles y el
autobús parado de la Place de la Contrescarpe, y giró por la empedrada Rue
Mouffetard. A cada lado de la calle había bares iluminados y tiendas abiertas todavía.
Íbamos separados y, al descender por la vieja calle, una sacudida nos hizo acercar. A
Brett se le había caído el sombrero y tenía la cabeza echada hacia atrás. Veía su rostro
a la luz de las tiendas abiertas, luego se hizo la oscuridad, y después, al desembocar
en la Avenue des Gobelins, volví a verlo con claridad. El piso de la calle estaba
levantado y había hombres que trabajaban a la luz de las lámparas de acetileno. La
cara de Brett era blanca y la esbelta línea de su cuello se perfilaba al fulgor de las
lámparas. La calle se hizo nuevamente oscura y la besé.»
Para Hemingway observar es verdadero, auténtico, mientras reflexionar está distorsionado por
los estereotipos. El autor nos permite mirar a través de los ojos del protagonista (Jake Barnes),
ver el objeto al cual se dirige su mirada y sentir las emociones del personaje de la manera más
auténtica posible. La conciencia de Barnes busca la apariencia pero no quiere decir que él no
piensa nada, eso sería imposible, pero su mente no busca motivos de lo ocurrido, no intenta
reducir todo a una fórmula causa y efecto. Sus reflexiones obedecen a una imposibilidad ética
de seguir estereotipos, es decir a ser libre. Ahí, en este punto que se presenta en toda la obra
de Hemingway nace mi amor por sus historias. Los personajes de este autor siempre están
viviendo al límite, la conciencia de la muerte los hace buscar la libertad y el propio "yo".
El texto de la novela esta fragmentado en todos los niveles. No existe ni el pasado ni el futuro
para los personajes, son como aquellos locos que en la ruta suben a tu auto para bajar en un
pueblo cercano y desaparecer de tu vida para siempre. No existe el panorama, tampoco la
perspectiva, solo lo particular, lo casual. No conocemos las biografías de los protagonistas
excepto la de Cohn que es el personaje pseudo psicológico. Ninguna línea argumental tiene
finalización. Las escenas son como las fotos casuales, no se relacionan entre ellas, y la misma
estructura se mantiene en los diálogos: no se observa una consecuencia lógica, se crea la
sensación de que cada uno habla con sí mismo.
La técnica narrativa de Hemingway tuvo repercusión en la obra de Camus. En "El extranjero"
se utiliza la misma estrategia pero Camus va más allá. Él elimina todo lo subjetivo, todo lo
relativo y nos regala uno de los mejores personajes de la literatura universal: el hombre
"Fiesta" es una novela de una belleza exótica, creo que es una lectura obligatoria para los
conocedores de la buena literatura, para los que saben apreciar lo nuevo y valoran la presencia
Chloe: Hemingway hasn't ever been an in depth buddy of mine. we have now had a few
dalliances, to be sure, yet he is by no means been one of these writer that I name lengthy
distance on a wet evening simply to be reassured by means of the sound in their voice. it isn't
that we do not get along. it's only that our dating has consistently been extra like that of friendsof-a-friend. We simply hadn't had the chance to get falling down inebriated with each other and
confess the pains and tribulations of existence to every other. thankfully The solar additionally
Rises has good enough libations to collapse these interpersonal obstacles and make allowance
for a few severe bonding.Alternating among Twenties Paris and Pamplona, The sunlight
additionally Rises moves me as not anything loads as a unique being affected by severe
quantities of post-traumatic stress. For the world-weary twenty first century reader, it can be
tricky to wrap our minds round the sheer historical enormity of the so-called nice warfare that
Europe was once nonetheless convalescing from within the 1920s. it really is an
comprehensible alienation. because the Treaty of Versailles we've seen villainy and barbarism
on a scale that might be unthinkable to the genteel squaddies of WWI: Auschwitz, Hiroshima,
My Lai, the Contras, September 11, precision-guided missiles, Pearl Harbor. From WWII ahead
the realm has been engulfed in a near-constant kingdom of warfare, either scorching and cold,
beamed instantly into our residing rooms because of CNN. those are pictures that we're very
time-honored with.To the writers of the misplaced Generation, however, international warfare
One got here out of nowhere and fully altered the best way the realm can be viewed. The
advances of had made it attainable for people to be exterminated on a scale that boggled the
mind. Remember, this can be just a couple of a long time after Alfred Nobel claimed that his
invention of dynamite could so surprise infantrymen and politicians that it can herald an period
of worldwide peace. Oh to be so innocent! in its place we obtained a continent-wide clash that
threw away the gentlemanly principles of wrestle and printed truly the brute animal lurking
underneath the veneer of civilization.Is it any wonder, then, that bullfighting types the center
piece in the back of this marvelous novel of alienation? A customized steeped in culture and
history, the place each circulate is completely scripted and unalterable. A superbly brutal balet
among beast and men, violence as functionality art. What may be farther from the barbarity of
the good War? This clash among codified habit and brute strength performs out very evidently
within the bullfighting scenes, but performs out a section extra subtlely in different sections of
the book. Of specific curiosity to me have been the conflicts over woman Brett Ashley, the
promiscuous paramour of approximately each male personality within the brief novel.After
having a quick affair with Robert Cohn, an American Jew with a crippling inferiority advanced as
a result of rampant anti-semitism with which he's always confronted, Brett takes up with Pedro
Romero, the younger bullfighter who's the famous person of the fiesta. Cohn reveals himself
obsessed, however, not able to enable pass of Brett or see her with one other man. His habit
turns into more and more eratic and finally ends up with Cohn bursting into Romero's lodge
room the place he unearths the article of his obsession entwined within the younger matador's
sheets. the resultant struggle among Cohn and Romero very skillfully turns the bullfighting
metaphor on its head as Cohn takes up the function of the matador, very capably heading off
Romero's headstrong assaults and dancing round him with an identical ability that the younger
Spaniard makes use of within the ring. Likewise, outdoors of the principles of the ring, Romero
is published to be simply as obdurate because the bulls he dispatches, taking punch after punch
from Cohn but refusing to even recognize his pain, not to mention his defeat. i feel it used to be
during this scene the place my nascent love for Hemingway used to be kindled.Some readers
will be thrown off through the scenes describing the bullfights (I locate it unusual that violence
opposed to animals usually conjures up extra of an outcry than violence opposed to people
(perhaps a fabricated from an ingrained cultural misanthropy?) yet that could be a subject for a
complete different argument) but those are brief and serve to raised set the level for the nature
drama that unfolds within the streets round Pamplona. Hemingway's detailed austerity is on
complete show here, he by no means makes use of 5 phrases while 4 will do. but instead of
distracting me, because it did in backyard of Eden, i discovered it compelling. Plain-speaking
shouldn't ever be stressed with simplicity, as Hemingway very aptly demonstrates here. Now
that i have ultimately had an opportunity to get to understand Papa Hemingway, i will be able to
inform that we will get alongside particularly good in next literary adventures. Now the single
query is which of his works to select up next.
Lena Webb: I gave this one famous person simply because I wasn't the right age to drink or
quite get pleasure from a lot of something while I first learn it, and that i have not learn it back
since.I'm nearly yes i might nonetheless hate it though.
Amanda: this can be my favourite booklet of all time. At any rate, it is certainly at the most
sensible ten checklist and through a ways my favourite Hemingway (and I do love a few
Hemingway). the 1st time I learn this, I enjoyed woman Brett Ashley. Is she a bitch? Sure, yet i
do not believe she ever deliberately units out to harm anyone. And it'd be argued that she has
cause to be one: her first real love dies within the struggle from dysentery (not precisely the
such a lot noble of deaths) and she's bodily threatened by way of Lord Ashley, pressured to
sleep at the flooring beside him and his loaded gun (and let's make clear that,no, that isn't a
euphemism, simply in case you are a perv). Then we've the only guy who may perhaps make
her happy, Jake Barnes. Poor, bad Jake, who does not have a gun, not to mention a loaded
one (yup, that is a euphemism--snicker away). i feel Brett is without doubt one of the such a lot
tragic figures in American literature. dissatisfied by way of the warfare and the way it irrevocably
replaced her life, she attempts to fill the void with alcohol and sex--and destroys herself within
the process. However, upon rereading the novel, i spotted how eclipsed Jake have been by
means of Brett in the course of my first reading. I additionally learned how I had misinterpreted
him in the course of my first reading. i presumed Jake was once as misplaced because the
remainder of the "Lost Generation," yet I now think that he's the one person who isn't misplaced
(with the exception of invoice Gorton, whose line "The street to hell paved with unbought filled
dogs" might be my favourite within the book). If there is someone with cause to renounce on life,
it really is Jake. Does he pine for Brett? Yes. Does he come to hate Cohn for his affair with
Brett? Affirmative. Does he recover from Brett and become aware of that, whether appropriately
outfitted for a sexual relationship, a dating along with her might finish as tragically as all of her
different conquests? Abso-damn-lutely. After all, Brett is Circe, in keeping with Cohn, and
somebody lured into her mattress will lose their manhood. The good fortune of the connection
among Brett and Jake hinges at the proven fact that Jake actually has not anything to lose
during this respect. pass published at This Insignificant Cinder
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