Frederick Taylor Dresden

Frederick Taylor
Title: Dresden
Author: Frederick Taylor
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 584
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0747570841
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 7.2 MB
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At 9.51 p.m. on Tuesday 13 February 1945, Dresden's air-raid sirens sounded as they had done
many times during the Second World War. But this time was different. By the next morning,
more than 4,500 tons of high explosives and incendiary devices had been dropped on the
unprotected city.
At least 25,000 inhabitants died in the terrifying firestorm and thirteen square miles of the city's
historic centre, including incalculable quantities of treasure and works of art, lay in ruins. In this
portrait of the city, its people, and its still-controversial destruction, Frederick Taylor has drawn
on archives and sources only accessible since the fall of the East German regime, and talked to
Allied aircrew and survivors, from members of the German armed services and refugees fleeing
the Russian advance to ordinary citizens of Dresden.
Insightful reviews
Brawno: This book puts the infamous Dresden raid into historical perspective and debunks the
commonly held assumptions that the raid was just a horrible war attrocity commited by the Allies
in revenge when the war was in its last stages. It covers in great detail the military equipment
being produced in Dresden at the time of the raid, as well as its critical railway links for the
movement of troops and equipment. Also interesting was the history of fire bombing and how hit
and miss it was to create the sort of firestorm that incinerated Dresden. I came away with a
much different perspective on the Dresden raid than I had before I read the book.
Steve Markham: I found this book fascinating as I don't know very much about the bombing of
It was well written and provides a balanced overview of the events of that Tuesday night in 1945
with plenty of background research and eye whitness stories.
BC: This isn't a bad book, it just seems to be missing a few things. Overall, it does a good job of
first describing the events that took place in Dresden in Februarty, 1945, and then of secondly
looking at the ways people remember the firebombing of Dresden. Taylor does a reasonable
enough job of debunking the myths surounding both the event (that Allied planes actively
attacked civilians with machine-guns) and the city (that it had no industry, and was essentially a
militarily useless open-city). My main critiques:
The writing style seemed both rushed and somewhat contrived. Too many fragments. Like this.
Very distracting. There were a few instances of typos and other editing mistakes.
Historiographically, there is a major gap in the discussion of David Irving. Taylor calls Irving a
historian, but never once mentions the fact that he's a proven holocaust denier who uses the
raid on Dresden to establish a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the Allies. This isn't
something that you can gloss over when mentioning that Irving's body-counts for the event are
orders of magnitude beyond official reckonings. Taylor does problematize the East German
reception of the events, but does not do the same thorough job when it comes to David Irving. I
would have liked more complete footnotes.
I liked how the narrative moved between British/American and German points-of-view. There
were a few questions that stil feel could be interesting in discussing Dresden. Would anyone
feel different if Dresden had had better air defence? Are we partly worried that it wasn't a fair
fight? Would the Allies have felt less guilt if they had lost some significant number of bombers?
Taylor mentions at one point that Dresdeners were getting their just desserts for burning the
synagogue in town, but not once does Taylor mention the other horrific crimes of the regime. I
kept thinking to myself that on an individual level, I felt compassion and pity for Dresdeners, but
on a larger scale, part of me feels that this action is a simple form of payback for what the
German nation inflicted on the rest of Europe.
Anthony Cleary: Clear, dispassionate and factual, the writer leaves conclusions to the reader.
The questions remain, and the textual content merits extra visits after the preliminary facts is
digested. The examine printed by way of this booklet is remarkable. heritage is delivered to
existence - in all its unpleasantness. No facet is favoured - in simple terms humanity is pitied for
its failings.
Michael Flanagan: I good rounded examine the fireplace bombing of Dresden, one of many
extra debatable of the Allies Air crusade over Germany. the writer brings the vibrancy of the
town to the pages. by way of telling the background of the enduring Saxon urban and its
humans correct as much as the day of the bombing.Frederick Taylor then leads us into the hell
of the evening and following days, letting the folk who lived via it inform their stories. besides
this he additionally tells the tale of the folks concerned and their purposes at the back of the
bombing of Dresden. A relocating narrative of the horror unleashed through region bombing and
the next firestorm. A e-book that are supposed to now not be left unread.
César Lasso: Empecé este libro porque quería documentarme sobre Dresde, l. a. ciudad de l.
a. antigua Alemania del Este donde he estudiado alemán en julio y agosto. No ha sido una
lectura seguida: a finales de junio avancé bastante pero en los dos meses siguientes, como
estudiante y turista y divirtiéndome por vacaciones, toqué poco esta obra.Me ha parecido un
trabajo de divulgación excelentemente documentado y razonado, constando al ultimate una
extensa bibliografía. Sin embargo, se me ha hecho un poco largo y, por momentos, repetitivo.
El objetivo para el que lo usé se ha visto satisfecho: aun cuando el libro describe al pormenor
los angeles trágica noche del thirteen al 14 de febrero de 1945 (uno de los bombardeos más
sistemáticos y destructivos de l. a. historia), nos pone en antecedentes desde los remotos
orígenes de los angeles ciudad en l. a. Edad Media, cuando period un poblado fronterizo entre
sajones y eslavos. Y sigue con detalle contándonos su desarrollo en l. a. época barroca,
cuando se ganó el apelativo de los angeles “Florencia del Elba”, su destrucción a manos de
los prusianos en los angeles Guerra de los Siete Años, el crecimiento del antisemitismo en el
siglo XIX, el período de entreguerras y el ascenso del nazismo, antes de entrar propiamente en
los angeles descripción minuciosa de las horas de terror que supuso l. a. destrucción a manos
de los aliados de uno de los tesoros culturales de l. a. humanidad. Sí he echado en falta más
noticias del Dresde comunista y sobre todo del Dresde posterior a los angeles reunificación
alemana; pero, claro, el subtítulo del libro acota el interés del autor y una historia common de
los angeles ciudad habría sido un trabajo excesivamente extenso.El bombardeo fue una
pesadilla. Algo que me ha fatigado un poco ha sido el intento del autor de combatir mitos y
falsedades sobre el mismo, lo que hacía un poco marear los angeles perdiz con una lluvia de
datos. los angeles proposal que se desprende es una atrocidad justificada: Dresde no period
una ciudad tan inocente como quieren hacer ver los neonazis alemanes: period cuna de
cultura, sí, pero también prestaba un significant apoyo al esfuerzo de guerra alemán.Aunque
muy bien escrita, no recomendaría esta lectura para simples propósitos de entretenimiento: sí
los angeles recomiendo, por supuesto, a quien, como yo, tenga un specific interés por esa
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