Santa Marta New s Santa Marta New s - Rancho Santa Marta

Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His loving kindness is everlasting. Psalm 106:1 (NASB)
P.O. Box 20028 • El Cajon • California • 92021-0900
(619) 258-1358 www.
ew s
November 2014
Volume 42 No. 11
Our oldest daughter, Rocío, has left us. She is attending
Whitworth College in Spokane, WA. Our oldest son is out of the
house temporarily. Jonathan wants to play organized soccer so he
is residing with Bill & Kaye in San Diego to play on a club team
until November. And the dynamics of our house has been altered.
Change is good and we are adjusting but what we want to bring
out of this is how our daughter and son handle a lifestyle change
in comparison to our ranch kids. Our children have been raised in
a different home environment than our ranch kids. Our kids have
had two parents who have been with them for their whole lives,
raising them together with love, discipline and instilling spiritual
truths. Ranch kids have dorm parents, sometime two or three
different dorm parents during their stay who do their best to serve as loving parents, and they live with six to eight other “brothers or
sisters” that make up their “family.” On top of that, they come into the ranch with emotional baggage from the abuses and rejection of
their pasts. We provide a home for these children, we love them and we teach them about God’s love.
Rocío and Jonathan are doing fine with their changes and are adapting to their new freedoms of not having mom and dad around.
Jonathan is about to get his driver’s license so our perspective on this might change. They are making the right choices managing their
time by studying and choosing the right relationships. Our ranch kids on the other hand have a very difficult time adjusting to change.
Our ranch high school students are living in Ensenada under the tutelage of a Christian family, living in a coed house, two separated
rooms with their own bathrooms, and going to school and studying. They leave the ranch on Sunday afternoon and return Saturday
late morning. It’s a tough schedule and their schools do not help. Most of our kids have some type of learning problem due mostly to
their family situations and emotional status from their past experiences. The public high schools in Ensenada do not cater to slower
than normal students. If you have a learning challenge, most professors will encourage dropping out, finding another school or belittling them for NOT trying hard enough. Our students, especially the girls, are having a hard time adjusting both to their newfound
“freedoms” of living in the city and to the pressure of the school system. Four of our five high school students in Ensenada failed one
or two classes last year and had to take classes and retake exams last summer to recuperate their status.
In order to receive the attention that they need in school we are proposing to enroll our girls, Julia, 18, Sobeida, 17 and Esperanza,
15, in a private school. Private schools in Mexico range from $200 - $400 per month. Currently, because of their low entrance exams,
they are going to school during the afternoon session, from 2 pm until 8:30 pm, and returning to the house at night. If they attend a
private school they will be able to go to school in the morning hours and be at the house by afternoon to do their homework and
chores. Pray with us as we make these decisions. These kids need structure and support and we believe a private school will be
able to provide these needs. It will increase the educational costs considerably for the ranch, but if the change will help them succeed
academically, socially and emotionally, than we give it to the Lord to see how He will provide for these girls. Please read about these
girls below and if you want to help in this endeavor mark your support for them.
Rod and
Blessings, — Rod & Tina
Looking for Partners to come along side our girls
Estimados hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:
mi nombre es Julia tengo 18 años y vivo en Rancho Santa Marta.
El motivo de esta carta es para compartirles que en la preparatoria que actualmente estoy cursando la cual se encuentra en Ensenada B.C. no esta demostrando que
tiene el nivel académico que nos presentaron en un principio. ya que los maestros no asisten a darnos clases y cuando se presentan nos imparten todos lo temas anteriores y concluyen con que tenemos que presentar exámenes al día siguiente y esperan que obtengamos excelentes calificaciones, cuando los temas los impartieron un
día antes. y a raíz de esto estoy teniendo dificultades para obtener los resultados que deseo, ya que me gustaría tener una mejor educación donde pueda aprender día
con día, para que al ingresar a la universidad pueda estar lista y ser competitiva. quiero pedir su apoyo económicamente si es posible, para poder cambiarme a una
escuela privada, donde pueda tener un mejor nivel educativo. gracias por su atención y agradecería su apoyo.
Dear Brothers in Christ: My name is Julia, I am 18 years old and live at Rancho Santa Marta. The purpose
of this letter is to share with you that the high school that I am actually studying at in Ensenada, BC is not
showing the high academic level that it professed to have. Teachers miss classes regularly and when
they are present they teach us past themes and give us little time to prepare for exams. Because of this I
am having a difficult time obtaining the grades that I want. I would like to have a better education where
I can learn day by day so that when I begin my studies in a university I will be ready and competitive. I
would like to ask you to support me economically if it is possible so I can change to a private school
where I can receive a higher academic level. Thank you for your attention and I thank you for your support. Julia
Hola estimadas personas que estan leyendo mi carta mi
nombre es Esperanza Amanda, vivo en Rancho Santa
Marta, me gustaria que por medio de esta carta encontrar
a una persona que le gustaria ser mi representante, el
motivo es por que el lugar donde estudio no cuenta con el
nivel educativo que yo esperaba.
Probablemente y me equivoque pero como estudiante
creo que puedo desarrollarme mejor en un entorno donde
haya mas competencia a nivel educativo. Agradesco de
corazon que se hallan tomado el tiempo para leerla.
Espero con mucho entusiasmo su respuesta :) Con cariño:
Esperanza Amanda
Hello to all the people who are going
to read my letter. My name is
Esperanza Amanda, I live at Rancho
Santa Marta. I would like to find,
Esperanza Amanda, 15
through this letter, a person (or people) who would like to be my supporter. The purpose of this letter is
because the place where I am studying does not have the standard
of education that I thought it would. I might be mistaken but as a
student I would like to mature as a student in a school where there
is higher standards of teaching. I thank you for taking the time to
read this letter and I anxiously wait with much enthusiasm for your
With love: Esperanza Amanda
Julia, 18
Quiero empezar todo desde cero, pero en diferente escuela. Sinceramente no siento que
aprendí mucho en mi escuela pero sí quiero
seguir estudiando. Para mi una escuela privada
es mas estricta, comprensiva y con mucha
seguridad. Me gustaría estudiar allí en la
mañana, que en la noche, tendré mas seguridad.
Creo que el maestro no faltaría dará la atención
que se ocupa. Y sea necesaria para que siga
adelante teniendo una actitud positiva y comprensiva.
I would like to start from point
zero, but in a different school.
To be sincere I do not believe I
learned much in the school
where I was studying. For me a
private school is more strict,
they have more understanding
Sobeida, 17
and much safer. I would like to
study in the morning, than in the
night, for security reasons. I believe the teachers would not
be so absent so they can give the attention a class needs.
This would be necessary for me to move ahead with a positive
and understanding attitude. Sobeida
Thank you to
those who gave in
Memory and in
Honor of Loved
In memory of Anna June
Treat from Beatrice
Slice of Livermore, CA
In memory of Mervin
Leroy Coval of Fair
Oaks, CA from his
widow, Isabel Coval
Who’s who at Santa Marta
It’s Norma Gordon!
Ever wondered who handles the day-to-day operations and
responsibilities of our U.S. office - Bethesda Teaching Ministry? That would
be me! For
As We Gather for Thanksgiving
those of you I
haven't had a
Praise the
Lord! Oh
chance to speak
with, my name is
Richard, Norma &
thanks to
Norma Gordon.
the Lord,
daughter, Haley
My husband
for He is
church in San Diego, have 3 children and 6 grandgood; children. I have had the wonderful blessing of being in our U.S. office
For His loving kindness is everlasting.
since 2009 managing the paperwork and operations that support RanPsalm 106:1 (NASB)
cho Santa Marta. When you call, write or email our office, I get the
Let us not forget to praise our Lord for
wonderful opportunity to share with you all that God is doing at the
what He has done in our lives and in the
Ranch! Your calls always put a smile on my face! The best part of my
lives of our loved ones this Thanksgiving
job is getting to watch how God provides for every single need we have
every day. I can personally tell you that with every prayer lifted up, God
Praise Him for His handiwork! Praise Him
has used you to meet the need! Whether in materials, workgroups,
for our families and for your extended
prayer, financial, or donations, He is using you for His very good work
Santa Marta family. Praise Him for He is
good and His loving kindness is everlasting!!
thru Santa Marta to reach the special children of Baja! Our wonderful
success could not be done without you! It is great to put a face to
Praise Him from whom all things flow!
names, so maybe you could pray about visiting with us soon! God bless!
Rancho Santa Marta
As you can see, old barn was
torn down, ground was leveled,
ditches dug out, concrete
poured in, plumbing and
electrical laid out so we are
ready for BLOCKS! We have
calculated that it will take
around 18,000 blocks to get
the job done. Martin and
Jerónimo are ready to take on
this phase of the building. If
you want to help it’s only a
little over a dollar per block.
Every dollar and block counts.
We could use your help in
getting this building up!
For use right here!