Saint Patrick Catholic Church 235 Glen Street Glen Cove NY 11542 “Sketch of Saint Patrick Church” A gift of the artist, Joseph M. Cherubini The Very Rev’d Dom Daniel Stephen Nash, Can. Reg. Pastor The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg. Associate The Very Rev’d Dom Ambros Boyd, Can. Reg. Associate The Very Rev’d Dom Elias Matthew Carr, Can. Reg. In Residence Third Sunday of Lent Dcn. Frank Borchardt Dcn. Juan Guilfú Deacon Deacon PARISH OFFICE: 676-0276 Mass Schedule Fax (516) 674-9137 Weekdays 9:00 am BUSINESS OFFICE 674-8669 Saturday 9:00 am The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg. FAITH FORMATION 671-7223 Ms. Bernadette Heym MUSIC AND CHOIRS 676-0276 Fran Howlett Director SOCIAL MINISTRY 676-5586 Cantalicio Gamarra SPANISH MINISTRY 759-6039 Cantalicio Gamarra Website: EMail: Parish office: [email protected] Fr Daniel: [email protected] Fr Gabriel: [email protected] Fr Ambros: [email protected] February 28, 2016 4:30 pm (Sunday Anticipatory) Sundays 7:45 am Spanish Mass: 8:45 am (Parish Hall) 10:15 am (Family Mass) 11:30 am (Choir) 5:00 pm This week at St. Patrick’s St. Patrick’s Parish Ministries Adoration Saturday, February 27th. 9:00 AM: Carlo, Teresa & Giuseppe Crispano 4:30 PM: Collective Mass Intentions George Ricco (6th Anniv.) Sunday, February 28th. 7:45 AM: Gladys Howell 8:45 AM: Pro populo 10:15 AM: Grace Ammazzalorso 11:30 AM: Anthony Palmieri 5:00 PM: John H. Doxey Monday, February 29th. 9:00 AM: Kevin McDonnelle Tuesday, March 1st. 9:00 AM: Raymond Quinn Wednesday, March 2nd. 9:00 AM: Rev. John Quinn Thursday, March 3rd. 9:00 AM: Le Grand Dal Prá Friday, March 4th. 9:00 AM: Nora Caruso (Living) Saturday, March 5th. 9:00 AM: Francisco Bouza 4:30 PM: Collective Mass Intentions James McCue Dee Martinez (3rd. Anniv.) Sunday, March 6th. 7:45 AM: Eugene Auciello 8:45 AM: Pro populo 10:15 AM: Virginia Donaldson 11:30 AM: John Dobsovitz 5:00 PM: Daniel Gasparello The Blessed Sacrament in the Notre Dame Chapel (Convent) Monday through Wednesday 10 am to 9 pm, ( On Monday ,Eucharist is not exposed) but everyone is welcome to pray, Thursday opens from 6:00 pm to Friday 1:00 am, and reopens Friday from 5:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon) then, from 9:00 pm Friday through Saturday 2:00 pm Closed Sunday. Sacrament of Baptism At 11:00 am on the 1st Saturday of the month. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Preparation classes: the last Saturday of each month. Sacrament of Marriage Engaged and planning your wedding? The process begins by reviewing our Marriage Prep Checklist. This document is available at the Parish Office, or at The link is located on the main page under "Announcements". Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm (Church) Monday to Wednesday immediately after the 9:00 am Mass (Church). If possible, please inform the sacristan or priest before Mass. Parish Faith Formation Provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for children in non-Catholic private and public schools. Grades 1-6 and Children’s Catechumenate on Tuesday 4:15 - 5:30 pm Grades 1-8 and Children’s Catechumenate on Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm R.C.I.A on Tuesday evenings from 7:30—8:30 pm. We will meet (mostly) at St. Rocco’s. All Saints Regional Catholic School Offers an excellent Catholic and academically rigorous education. Nursery to Eighth Grade. For more information please call the School Office (676-0762). Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please contact the Office to arrange a time. In emergency please call the Parish Office/Emergency Line. Apostolado Hispano Let us pray for the family members who have entered into Eternal Life! The 2016 Mass book is open for Masses The offering is $20.00 Celebramos la Eucaristía todos los Domingos a las 8:45 am, el Sacramento del Bautismo se administra el 2do. y el 4to. Domingo de cada mes. Se require previa charla de preparación. Para más información, llamar al 759-6039. Parish Social Ministry We care for our brothers and sisters through our Parish Outreach and Food pantry Program. Open on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. For further information please call 676-5586. Parish Thrift Shop Open on Mondays and Thursdays and the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (674-3237). We Pray for our Sick..... The church unites in praying for those who are critically ill. Our prayers can be a very effective channel for the healing power of Christ. Some people have a crisis or illness. Others are chronically ill. Both types of situations need the care and concern of the entire Body of Christ. At the request of concerned family members, names of the critically ill will be placed on our prayer list and will remain on the sick list for four (4) weeks. After that time they will be removed from the list. If a member of the family or the sick person himself or herself wishes to remain on the list, they have only to call or e-mail us and we will be happy to oblige. Peggy Williams, Elizabeth Doxey, Tracy Johnston, Jim McCabe, Abigail Sadowski, Michelina Gambale, Eileen Guadagni, Jacob Sagaser, Samantha De Mato, Steve Valli, Gloria Cuellar, Katherine McCarthy, Peter Jablonski, Eileen Stapelton, Mike Solomito, Michelle Butler, Allyn Adams, Jack Swenson, Kim Pomeroy, Fernando Ayo, Angela Bezella , Dorothy Sagaser, Brian Hogan, Joseph Sagaser, Mary Tormey, Carter Suozzi, Raymond Dillon, Angela Grella, Elizabeth Comitino, Mackenzie Borchers, baby Grace Skuches, Maryann Curley, Concetta Macedonio, Philipe Pretto, Louis Guadagni, Alberta Sadowski, Ante Glavan, Mrs. Hazel Reukauf, John Devoti, Christine Williams, Nora Avci, Thomas Wright, Salomon Huamaní, Victor Tosner, Eleanor Tosner, Susan Robertson, Dolores Elisio and Virginia Laudisio . Reflection- The parable in today’s Gospel clearly warns that we, like the fig tree, will be judged by our fruit. While God mercifully provides us with time and opportunity, let us give witness to our faith with deeds of kindness and generosity! General Intercession for Mass– That as merciful stewards, we answer the call to be a “doer,” performing works of mercy for our neighbor in need, we pray to the Lord… Living Stewardship- We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who love actively. How? By serving in a soup kitchen, food pantry, homeless shelter, hospital or assisted living facility. WEEKLY OFFERINGS February 21 , 2016 Collection $11,361.00 Over/Under Actual Budget* Healthy Parish** $14,176.00 $18,000.00 -$2,815.00 -$6,639.00 * Actual Budget is based on historical collections only. It reflects only the bare minimum the parish needs. **Healthy Budget reflects what is really needed to run the parish and prudently maintain the facilities. Thank you for your continued generosity! Weekly Readings Monday: Tuesday: Wedn: Thursday: Friday: 2 Kings 5:1-15a. / Ps 42(41):2-3.43(42):3-4. / Lk 4:24-30. Dn 3:25.34-43. / Ps 25(24):4bc-5ab.6-7bc.8-9. / Mt 18:21-35. Deut 4:1.5-9. / Ps 147:12-13.15-16.19-20. / Mt 5:17-19. Jer. 7:23-28. / Ps 95(94):1-2.6-7.8-9. / Lk 11:14-23. Hosea 14:2-10. / Ps 81(80):6c-8a.8bc-9.10-11ab.14.17. / Mk 12:28b-34. Saturday: Hosea 6:1-6. / Ps 51(50):3-4.18-19.20-21ab. / Lk 18:9-14. Sunday: Joshua 5:9a.10-12. / Ps 34(33):2-3.4-5.6-7. / 2 Cor. 5:1721. / Lk 15:1-3.11- Second Collection This weekend there is a second collection for Snow Removal. Thank you for your generosity. Catholic Relief Services Collection Next week, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection. This Collection supports six Catholic agencies benefiting millions of vulnerable, displaced, and impoverished families and individuals around the world. From direct humanitarian service to helping victims of human trafficking and working to reunify families, the funds from this Collection make a real difference in lives across the globe. How will you help? Next week, please support The Catholic Relief Services Collection and Jesus in disguise. Pastor’s Letter Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! One of the more dramatic and moving ceremonies of the Easter Triduum, the three holiest days of the year, occurs on Holy Thursday at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper: the Mandatum1 or the Washing of the Feet. While this ceremony is not integral to the liturgy – it is, in fact, entirely optional – its powerful symbolism speaks eloquently. Until a few weeks ago, the liturgical law of the Church unambiguously permitted that only men (as in males, and presumably, if one is particular about these sorts of things, as one should be, only adults) might have their feet washed at this ceremony; nevertheless, chronic disobedience to this mandate (no pun intended) has been rife for many years in many parishes and on many levels, setting up conflicting expectations and confusing the faithful. As we move through Lent towards Holy Week and its magnificent ceremonies, a few clarifications and thoughts on this topic might be helpful as well as instructive and interesting. On 6 January, 2016, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, at the direction of Pope Francis, published a rescript modifying the liturgical law concerning the Mandatum by changing the words “the men who have been chosen…[for the footwashing]” to “those who are chosen from among the People of God…”, thereby clearly allowing for women and children as well as men. The Latin is clearer than the English, since Latin sensibly has two words for “man”: vir, as in an adult male person, and homo,2 as in man (a human) in the generic sense. Many have argued that since Pope Francis, on his first Holy Thursday in the See of Peter, washed the feet of women (and even non-baptized persons), the law had been changed by that very fact and that the Pope’s act was licit. As to questioning the second assertion, I nolo contendere 3 because “Prima Sedes a nemine iudicatur.” 4 Of the first assertion, however, a respectful examination might bring us some valuable clarity. There is no question that the Holy Father has the authority to change positive liturgical law. But did Pope Francis do that by washing the feet of those persons forbidden by the rubrics? No. Unequivocally. That’s not how law works. Neither the maxim “what the lawgiver does is licit” nor “what is done (and presumably tolerated) in the presence of the lawgiver is licit” is, in fact, licit, or more to the point, accurate. The pope, like every bishop and priest, is bound to follow Canon law, (which binds one to liturgical law) unless he himself changes that law. _______________________________________ 1 which means “commandment”: Mandatum novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos. (I give to you a new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.) The traditional and quite reasonable explanation of the common name for this day – Maundy Thursday – is that it comes from Mandatum. Some theorize speciously that “Maundy” A comes from the alms given by the King of England to certain beggars before Mass on this day, which were called “Maundy purses” or “Maundy baskets”. This seems a bit contrived and backwards; dragging in the possible etymology of maundy as coming from “mendicare” (to beg) seems desperate. There is no compelling phonological evidence to favor a transformation from [mend-] to [maund] over a transformation from [mand-]. A While there is some possible support for “maunder” as an obsolete verb meaning “to beg” (in the 1550’s), the happier discovery – a new one for me – is the more common (well, relatively) and recent (the 1740’s) meaning of maunder as “to talk or move about in a rambling, foolish, or meaningless way.” As in: “That priest just maundered through the homily again.” 2 Utterly unrelated to this discussion, but interesting linguistically, one should note that the word homosexual does not include, as many think, the Latin word homo (man) but the Greek prefix homo (ὁμο-) meaning “same”. 3 It’s a correct if pretentious bilingual sentence! 4 Canon 1404 states unambiguously: “The First See [the Pope] is judged by no one.” But it is a great principle of law, Canon and otherwise, that for the changing of a law to take effect, it must not only be undertaken by one with the authority to do so (which the Pope certainly has) but it must be explicit and be promulgated, neither of which was done. Now, however, that has changed. Anyway, why should one care about such (apparently, at least to some) unimportant laws? Sir Thomas More’s response (at least Robert Bolt’s unforgettable imagining of the same) should mutatis mutandis serve as an answer.5 Remembering that the Mandatum only very recently appeared in the Mass, although it had a previous history as part of Papal Liturgies, where the feet of 12 priests were washed by the pope, we might be surprised that it was only in 1955 that Pope Pius XII inserted it into the Mass. For centuries, Abbots in monasteries washed the feet of their monks on this day – but not at Mass - and many monarchs, both male and female, copied the practice, washing the feet of and then feeding 12 poor men or women on Maundy Thursday. The King of Spain and the Emperor of Austria maintained this tradition into the 20th Century. Such rites clearly imitate of Christ’s charity, service and humility and, as such, have a breathtaking power (as long as one does not look on them with cynicism) to move us. The Pope’s decision has happily ended an unfortunate confusion. The introduction of the Mandatum into the Mass, borrowing from the papal custom of washing the feet of priests and seen in light of the actual current instruction of the Roman Missal (from 1970) on the purpose of the ceremonies of the Mass on Holy Thursday (in particular, as the celebration of the institution of the priesthood, together with the symbolism of 12 (by custom if not by law) men) – all of this – served to interfuse two possible meanings of the rite. The first meaning is that the washing of the feet is simply (but profoundly) a gesture of humble service – what Christ did for others (for all of us), we should do for each other. This is certainly present in the Gospel appointed for this Mass. As such, it is clear that there need not be (in fact, there should not be) only men whose feet are washed. It is also now clear – but it was not always – that this is Pope Francis’ intention. The other meaning of the rite, however, which certainly does not contradict the broader significance of the example of humble service the Lord displayed in washing the feet of the disciples – was that of the preparation and purification of the 12 apostles in particular for the priesthood into which He was initiating them on that very evening. The deeper meaning of the words of the Gospel about how He is purifying them (with its Old Testament echoes in regards to the installation of the priesthood) “Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.” clearly point to this mystical, theological understanding. Naturally, if this is the principal symbolic intention of this Rite (which, certainly, was the majority opinion originally) then the reason why only men could be chosen is clear and, also, not a question of discrimination, since the question of the ordination of women has been definitively answered by the Church’s Magisterium. Confusion in this matter serves no good cause but only causes pain. While I personally find that the Mandatum during the Mass (as opposed to at some other point – perhaps before the Mass, or after it) more beautifully and vividly supports the second rather than the first interpretation and would prefer its codification in that way, I am however happy that there is now an authoritative reading of the intention which I accept it unreservedly: the Mandatum has nothing to do with the inauguration of the priesthood; its symbolism is to be that of the simple (but profound), primary meaning of the example of humility and service which the Lord gave us. As such, there is certainly no reason why women and men, as well as even children, should not be included in the Rite. Since the number 12 is, however, not required (or even mentioned) by liturgical law – which is most fitting given the now-settled interpretation of the rite – we will invite a suitable cross-section of the parish to come forward for the Mandatum so that we all might experience and learn from this radical example of service. May we all learn to follow the Master Who came to serve and not to be served, and fulfill His Great Commandment - not only in appreciating its symbolic representation but in carrying it out in our lives as we love one another as He has loved us. – Father Daniel ____________________________________ 5 From the incomparable play (also movie) “A Man for All Seasons” William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law! Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that! Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake! Stations of the Cross Join us as we walk the Stations of the Cross every Friday (except Good Friday) after the 9:00 AM Mass and at 7:30 PM in the Church. Also, Via Crucis at 8:00 PM in the Parish Hall in Spanish. Lenten Season Fast and Abstinence: Catholics who have reached their fourteenth (14th) year are bound to abstain entirely from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. All Catholics between the ages of eighteen (18) and fifty nine (59) inclusive are also bound to observe the law of fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This means limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food between meals. Two other light meals, which together do not equal a full meal, may be taken during the day. The Canonry of Saint Leopold presents “ Vatican Two (Re)views“ 3/1 Dignitatis Humanae – the Declaration on Religious Liberty 3/8 Nostra Ætate I – the Church’s Relations to Abrahamic Religions 3/15 Nostra Ætate II – the Church’s Relations to non-Abrahamic Religions 3/22 Gaudium et Spes I – the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World 3/29 No meeting - Easter Recess We start at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center of the Church of Saint Rocco 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, NY 11542 For more information, please contact us at [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Rosary 8:30AM– First Saturday of every month at St. Patrick’s Church. COME !!! Pray for Peace throughout the world ! Continental Breakfast offered in the Msgr. Healy room following Mass and prayers. Let us Pray for the Men and Women serving our Country Jacqueline Solomito, US Navy An invitation to service After Mass during the weekend of January 9th and 10th, members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society described the work they do to help the needy. Since that time, in response to the wish of our Pastors, our local group has met to answer questions and begin the process of organizing a new “Conference.” With thanks to those who have joined us, once again, we ask Parishioners to help us as we help the needy and build our new organization. Please contact Gordon Hedwig or Terri Zenobio to learn what you can do. Gordon Hedwig, 516-314-2204 [email protected] Terri Zenobio, 516-822-3132 x113 [email protected] All Saints Regional Catholic School • Founded in 1990 Supported by the Parishes of: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Phone: 516 676-0762 • • Faith Foundation Future From the Dean’s Desk Dear Parishioners, I am happy and proud to give you an update regarding our Eighth Grade Students. As you may be aware in the Fall of 2015 the students applied for admission to the various Catholic High Schools on Long Island. During the past few weeks students were notified, and the process is finally complete with a wonderful outcome! The students will attend the following high schools in September: Chaminade, Our Lady of Mercy Academy, Sacred Heart Academy, Kellenberg Memorial, and St. Dominic High School. Thanks to the generosity of parishioners, alumni, benefactors, and parents, the Administration, Faculty and Staff are able to continue to provide a superior Catholic education for our students. Congratulations to the members of the Class of 2016, their parents, and the All Saints Family! Sincerely, Joanne Fitzgerald Congratulations to the winners of the All Saints 2016 Science Fair First Place Second Place Third Place Ellie Haff Are we hearing correctly or only what we want to hear? Jane Maleady & Nicole McCormack How can you use air pressure to create a functional mode of transportation? Chris Brosnan & Peter Thais What surface has the most bacteria? Honorable Mentions: Jenna Stanco - How do windmills produce electricity? Jack Federman - How do earthquakes occur? Why Choose All Saints? From a Student: “ ASR prepares students to lead creative and productive lives with God. Everyday before lunch, grades 3 - 8 go over to the church and talk to God. We just sit there and relax. It helps us clear our minds and focus on God. Also, ASR has a fabulous singing group called Schola. It is run by Ms. Fran. We are the only school on Long Island to have Schola. Right now we are preparing for NYSSMA.” ~ Violette AbouEid New this year! FREE Before-care and After-care! Registration for the 2015-2016 school year is ongoing. Contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office at 516 676-0762 ext. 202 The Diocese of Rockville Centre St. Rocco’s Church Golden Wedding Liturgy Honoring Couples Married Fifty Years or More First Friday Sacred Heart Ministry “This Spring, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday, April 10th at the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville and on Sunday, April 24th at the Church of Maria Regina in Seaford. Both liturgies will begin at 2:30 PM. March 4th, Holy Mass 11:00 AM in Church, followed by lunch in the Parish Hall. Couples may register for ONE liturgy. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at the Parish Office. All are welcome! For more information and directions call: 516-676-248 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, NY 11542 Registration must be received by the Office of Worship by March 25th for the April 10th liturgy and by April 8th for the April 24th liturgy. If you have any questions you may call 516-867-6340. Thank You The Life Center of Long Island sincerely thanks Saint Patrick’s Parish for their donation to the baby bottle campaign. Your generosity raised $2,051! May God bless you for your support of life! Adam Trent Saturday, March 19th 7 PM in the Parish Hall Tickets on sale now! Advance Sale – Adults: $35 Children: $10 (ASR-7) At the Door – Adult: $40 Children: $15 (ASR-7) Reserved row tickets: - Adult: $50 Children: $35 Special Tickets: $100 - only 4 available Meet and Greet Adam Trent prior to the Show with a special photo op and receive an autographed DVD You will also have prime seats front row Only 4 of these tickets are available and may be purchased through WeShare OUTREACH PANTRY We are in need of the following items: Pasta sauce, soup, canned fish or meat, cereal, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, red beans, tomato sauce, juice, black beans, canned fruit, canned vegetables, sardines, pancake mix, syrup, parmalat milk, rice and toiletries. Please, bring your donations to help our less fortunate brothers & sisters. Thank you in advance for your generosity ! SUPER BONANZA RAFFLE $25.00 Daily Prize Winners February 21st - February 27th Buy your tickets online. A great way to ensure your seats and also a great way to make sure your weekly donation to the Parish is taken care of. Check it out! THE DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE 02/21 02/22 02/23 02/24 02/25 02/26 02/27 Shelala Lorraine & Peter Heffernan Delia Calero Maryanne Cassella The McCarthy Family Tanya Moore Lorraine & Peter Heffernan Congratulations to all the Winners! Is presented by the National Safety Council Complete the Defensive Driving Class (DDC) and reduce your Insurance expense for the next 3 YEARS ! Please join us on Saturday, March 19, 2016 8:30 am - 3:00 pm Msgr. Healy Room Cost: $45/pp space is limited. Payable to: Martin Hirshfield Send to: Driver Ed. PO Box 314, Dept. A, Lake Grove, NY 11755 * There will be booklets in Spanish Habrán folletos en Español For registration & information call: 631-360-9720 Immigration Services March 14th & 28th 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm John Paul II Room Citizenship Classes Held every Tuesday 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm John Paul II Room Al Anon Is there a drinking problem in your family? We can help! There is a regularly scheduled Al-Anon group that meets Monday at 12:30 pm John Paul II Room All Saints Regional Catholic School • Fundado en 1990 Apoyado por las Iglesias de: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Acreditado por la Asociación Middle State de Universidades y Colegios Teléfono: 516 676-0762 • • Fé Fundación Futuro Desde el Escritorio del Decano: Queridos Feligreses, Estoy contenta y orgullosa de hacerles saber lo que vienen realizando nuestros alumnos del Octavo Grado. Como es de su conocimiento, en el Otoño del 2015 los estudiantes aplicaron para la admisión a las diferentes Escuelas Católicas de Secundaria en Long Island. Durante las últimas semanas los estudiantes fueron notificados, y el proceso ha sido completado con un resultado maravilloso! Los estudiantes asistirán en el mes de Septiembre a las siguientes escuelas: Chaminade , Academia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced , Kellenberg Memorial, y a la Escuela Secundaria de St. Dominic. Gracias a la generosidad de los feligreses, alumnos, benefactores, padres de familia, la administración, la facultad y al personal quienes son capaces de seguir ofreciendo una educación católica superior para nuestros estudiantes. Felicitaciones a los miembros de la Clase de 2016, a sus padres y a la familia de All Saints! Joanne Fitzgerald Felicitaciones a los Ganadores de la Feria de Ciencias 2016 de All Saints Primer Lugar Segundo Lugar Tercer Lugar Ellie Haff Estamos escuchando correctamente o solamente lo que deseamos escuchar? Jane Maleady & Nicole McCormack Cómo podemos usar la presión de aire para crear un modo funcional de transporte? Chris Brosnan & Peter Thais Qué superficie tiene más bacterias? Menciones Honorables: Jenna Stanco - Cómo los molinos de viento producen electricidad? Jack Federman - Cómo se producen los terremotos? Por qué elegir a All Saints? Nota de un Estudiante: " ASR prepara a los estudiantes a tener vidas productivas y creativas con Dios. Todos los días antes del almuerzo, los grados 3-8 van a la iglesia a estar con Dios, nos quedamos sentados a conversar con él. Nos ayuda a aclarar nuestra mente y a concentrarnos en Dios. ASR también tiene un grupo musical llamado Schola Fabulosa. La cual está a cargo de la Sra Fran. Somos la única escuela en Long Island que tiene Schola. En estos momentos nos estamos preparando para NYSSMA.” ~ Violette AbouEid Nuevo este Año! Programa de Cuidado antes y después GRATIS! La Registración para el periodo escolar 2015-2016 está abierta. Contacte a Carol Filippone en nuestra Oficina de Registración 516 676-0762 ext. 202 Éxodo 3: 1-8, 13-15 Esta sección del libro del Éxodo comienza con un relato de la relación entre Dios y los israelitas. Se trata del mismo Dios de los patriarcas. Es un Dios que se preocupa de la situación del débil y el pobre. Dios intervendrá personalmente para salvarlos. La aparición de dios causaba temor, porque se creía que nadie podía ver a Dios y permanecer vivo. La afirmación de dios como “Soy el que soy” aparentemente significa pronunciar la fuente del nombre personal del Dios de Israel. Se explica a menudo como el ser absoluto y totalmente necesario, Dios como fuente de todo lo creado. Esta revelación de la identi- dad divina y de su compromiso con el pueblo adquirirá un nuevo sentido durante el exilio israelita en Babilonia. 1 Corintios 10:1-6, 10-12 La carta de Pablo a los cristianos de la comunidad de Corinto está llena de consejos sobre como mantener la fe. En la lectura de hoy él les recuerda que no deben dar su nueva fe por sentado. Fe significa que somos llamados a la conversión, a regresar a Dios todos los días. La Cuaresma es un tiempo de penitencia, tiempo de conversión. Nuestro reto es ofrecer evidencia de que somos verdaderos seguidores de Cristo. Recen: Señor, enséñanos el significado de la conversión. Ayúdanos a vivir vidas de servicio y amor. Lucas 13:1-9 Algunas veces cuando escuchamos acerca de un terrible accidente o escuchamos de personas que han sido perseguidas, pensamos que esas cosas no debían pasar. Algunas personas en tiempos de Jesús pensaban que esos sufrimientos eran castigos porque ellos eran pecadores. Jesús aclara el punto en el evangelio de hoy. El dice que el sufrimiento viene de las injusticias del mundo. En nuestro trabajo de seguir lo que Dios quiere de nosotros, la paciencia que nos viene de Dios, como regalo, es una esperanza fundada. Es una seguridad y al mismo tiempo una garantía de que el resultado no se va a estropear. Y esa seguridad y paciencia de Dios nos debería inspirar, consolar e impulsar. Nos debería inspirar a extender la misma paciencia a los demás. Nos debería consolar porque sabemos que, por nosotros mismos, no merecemos que Dios nos espere tanto A pesar de vivir en una cultura en la que parece que todo se nos debe, que se tiene derecho a todo, en el fondo, sabemos que no hemos ganado nada. La paciencia de Dios con nosotros nos debería impulsar a cambiar nuestras vidas, a estar preparados, no porque Dios nos vaya a castigar, sino porque lo amamos y le agradecemos su infinita misericordia. Ser misericordioso es tener un corazón compasivo. La misericordia, junto con el gozo y la paz, son efectos del amor; es decir, de la caridad P. Sergio G. Román | Fuente: Desde la fe "Al amigo se le conoce en la enfermedad y en la cárcel” Las prisiones son un verdadero infierno. No sólo por las penas físicas -que se agravan por la sobrepoblación y por el daño que se causan entre sí los presos- sino, sobre todo, por la pena moral del remordimiento en los culpables y de la justa indignación en los inocentes, que también los hay. Algunos tratan de aliviar, en lo posible, las penas de ese infierno y visitan con frecuencia a los presos: son las madres y las esposas. Algunas perseveran aunque la sentencia sea larga, muy larga o para siempre; otras, los dejan solos. ¿Qué es? La palabra misericordia tiene su origen en dos palabras del latín: misereri, que significa tener compasión, y cor, que significa corazón. Ser misericordioso es tener un corazón compasivo. La misericordia, junto con el gozo y la paz, son efectos del amor; es decir, de la caridad. Pasaporte para el cielo ¿Qué se necesita para ir al cielo? ¿Acaso rezar mucho? ¿No faltar a los mandamientos? Pues resulta que lo que Jesús nos pide es que seamos misericordiosos con Él; y lo somos si nos comportamos misericordiosamente con los más necesitados. Si deseo, pues, ir al cielo, más me vale que comience a preocuparme efectivamente por los prójimos que necesitan de mí. “Bienaventurados los misericordiosos...” No sólo en los tiempos históricos en los que vivió Jesús antes de su ascensión, sino en estos tiempos en que vivimos, hace falta la misericordia. Cuando la desgracia alcanza proporciones desmedidas, la misericordia se vuelve una necesidad que atienden oficialmente las organizaciones mundiales o nacionales. Sabemos que la ONU y otras organizaciones filiales ayudan a las víctimas de guerra, a los refugiados, a los que padecen hambre. La Cruz Roja es el paladín de la ayuda voluntaria y desinteresada a los que sufren. En México, y en casi todos los países, hay obras semejantes que se distinguen por su altruismo y filantropía. A nivel de católicos, tenemos Cáritas (Caridad) que trata de expresar en obras la fe de la Iglesia. Todos estos movimientos necesitan de tu colaboración. La medida de tu compromiso dependerá de la conciencia que tengas de la urgencia de ayuda de tus hermanos necesitados. Una persona que da su tiempo, su dinero y lo que es y sabe a este tipo de organizaciones, se llama “voluntario”. ¿Te gustaría serlo? Pero también puedes serlo de una forma autónoma o formar equipo con tu familia o tus vecinos. Sólo se necesita un corazón compasivo y, como seguramente ya te habrás dado cuentas, tú lo tienes y lo tienen tus hijos, tu esposa y toda esa gente buena con la que convives. No necesitamos buscar a quién ayudar, la vida misma nos va presentando la oportunidad. Basta tener los ojos abiertos y, más que los ojos, el corazón. Hagamos de nuestras obras de misericordia una cuestión de familia en la que todos participemos, cada quien de acuerdo con sus posibilidades y su edad. Cuando íbamos al catecismo nos enseñaron que las obras de misericordia de dividen en Quizás no esté a nuestro alcance adoptar a un huérfano de guerra o ir a socorrer a los damnificados de un terremoto en el otro lado del mundo, pero sí lo está el dar compañía a un solitario, el visitar a un enfermo, el ayudar a un estudiante a pasar un examen, el conseguir trabajo a un amigo, el acudir al novenario de un difunto... ¡tantas cosas que podemos hacer! 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