ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 4400 Beulah Road • N. Chesterfield, Virginia 23237 Phone: 804-275-7962 • Fax: 804-271-4604 Website: Diocesan Website: US Conference Catholic Bishops: PARISH OFFICE HOURS • HORAS DE OFICINA 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday • Lunes a Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - March 6, 2016 CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA - 6 de marzo, 2016 PASTORAL STAFF PERSONAL PASTORAL Rev. Fr. Marlon Portillo Pastor x1121 Rev. Fr. Jimmy Valencia Parochial Vicar x 1122 Rev. Mr. Robert Griffin Administrator Pro-Tem x1109 Rev. Mr. Eric Broughton Deacon, 721-2019 Rev. Mr. Christopher Corrigan Deacon, 381-1058 Rev. Mr. Al Hallatt Deacon, 551-0746 Katharine Anderson, ext. 1115 “BEFORE ALL ELSE LIVE TOGETHER ONE IN HEART AND MIND AND HONOR GOD IN ONE ANOTHER” St. Augustine of Hippo • 430 A.D. St. Augustine Church • 1973 A.D. (part-time/medio tiempo) Coord. of Outreach;Justice & Peace Coordinadora de Relaciones Humana y Justicia & Paz Angy Corrigan, ext. 1117 Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Coordinadora de Jóvenes y Ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos Fran Kuzma, ext. 1120 MASS SCHEDULE - HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sábado, 5:30 p.m. (Inglés) Sunday, 8:30* and 11:15* a.m. Domingo, 8:30* y 11:15* a.m. (Inglés) *Children’s Liturgy of the Word Domingo, 1:15* p.m. y *Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños 6:00* p.m. (Español) *Bilingual leaflets available • Folletos bilingües para todas las misas Daily Masses (see inside schedule) • Misas Diarias (ver horario adjunto) RECONCILIATION—CONFESIÓN: Saturday–Sábados 4:15 p.m.–5:00 p.m. (English) Sundays-Domingos 12:15p.m.-1:00p.m. (Spanish) BAPTISM AND MATRIMONY: Please call the Parish Office for arrangements. For weddings, a lead time of at least six to nine months is required in order that a proper preparation may be made for the celebration of the Sacrament. BAUTIZOS Y MATRIMONIOS: Llame a la oficina para hacer los arreglos necesarios. Llame al menos de seis a nueve meses antes de la fecha deseada para comenzar la preparaciones necesarias de estos sacramentos. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please approach the priest after each weekend Mass. If any parishioner is seriously ill at home or in the hospital, please call the Parish Office to arrange for Communion, Confession, or the Anointing of the Sick. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: Por favor hable con el sacerdote después de cada Misa del fin de semana. Si una persona perteneciente a la parroquia esta seriamente enferma, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial para hacer los arreglos necesarios para la Comunión, Confesión y Sacramento de los Enfermos. NEW CATHOLIC PARISHIONERS–NUEVOS MIEMBROS CATOLICOS Please come to our NEW PARISHIONER WELCOMING AND REGISTRATION, normally held the third Sunday of each month. Come to our Poor Box Breakfast, immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, after which you will be assisted through the registration process. Favor de venir a la Orientación e Inscripción Que normalmente es el tercer domingo del Mes después de la misa de 8:30 a.m. (en ingles) y después de las misas de 1:15 p.m. y 6:00 p.m. (en español). MISSION STATEMENT “The Mission of St. Augustine Church is to be a Parish Family Inspired by the Love of Jesus Christ, Celebrating the Goodness of Life, Bringing the Good News and Ministering to the Needs of All.” “La misión de la Iglesia deSan Agustín es la de ser una Parroquia inspirada por el Amor de Jesucristo, Celebrando lo Mejor de la Vida, Llevando Las Buenas Noticias y Atendiendo a las Necesidades de Todos.” (part-time/medio tiempo) Christian Formation Assistant— Asistente de Formación Cristiana Wanda Alvarado, ext. 1110 Bilingual Administrative Assistant— Asistente Administrativa Bilingüe Minerva Vega, ext. 1111 Parish Administrative AssistantAsistente Administrativa de la Parroquia Caroline Honings, ext. 1112 Business Manager/Accountant/Notary Gerente de Oficina/Contador/Notario Parish Life Coordinator - Coordinadora de Vida Parroquial Sandra Chicas, ext. 1114 Bilingual Receptionist Recepcionista Bilingüe Fredy Montoya, cell# 240-4331 [email protected] Maintenance, Mantenimiento Joe Oatman, (804) 641-8419 Alvaro Maldonado, 237-4790 Parish Musicians - Músicos Parroquiales Vic Owen, (804) 425-7170 Finance Council Chairperson Presidente del Consejo Financiero ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT / CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA 2nd Collection - Building Fund / 2da Colecta - Fondos para el Edificio Women’s Guild Bake Sale Sunday, March 6 domingo, 6 de marzo 7:00am Escuela San Andrés (Nueva Vida) Hall 8:30am Mass (Children’s Liturgy) Church 9:00am Consulado de El Salvador PC 1/2 9:45am LIFE (Session A) Complex 11:15am Mass w/ Scrutiny II Church 11:15am RCIA Dismissal PC 3 1:15pm Misa (Liturgia de Niños) Church, Rm 8 2:45pm LIFE (Session B) Complex 3:00pm Sacramentos PC 3 4:30pm LIFE (Session C) Complex 6:00pm Misa con Segundo Escrutinio Church 6:00pm RICA PC 4 Monday, March 7 lunes, 7 de marzo 10:00am Individual and Family Counseling Outreach Center 17:00pm Renovación Carismática Hall 7:00pm Reuión de Directiva - JPC PC 4 Tuesday, March 8 martes, 7 de marzo 8:00am CARE-A-VAN Complex 8:30am Women’s Guild Rm 13/14 9:00am Daily Mass Chapel 9:30am Bible Study Group PC 1/2 6:30pm Girl Scouts Rm 10/11 & 18/19 6:30pm Worship PC 3 7:00pm Jóvenes para Cristo Aux. Bldg. 7:00pm Lenten Reconciliation Chapel Wednesday, March 9 miércoles, 9 de marzo 10:00am WINGS Hall 11:00am Reunión PC 3 12:15pm Daily Mass Chapel 2:00pm Staff Meeting Conference Room 6:30pm Women’s Guild Rm 13/14 6:30pm Wedding Rehearsal Church 6:30pm EveryWoman PC 1/2 7:00pm Jóvenes para Cristo Hall 7:00pm Emaús Rm 9 7:00pm Crecimiento Carismático Rm 10/11 7:00pm Choir Church Thursday, March 10 juéves, 10 de marzo 12:15pm Daily Mass Church 6:45pm RCIA PC 1/2 7:00pm Cristianos en la Sociedad Rm 9 7:00pm Escuela San Andrés Meeting PC 4 Friday, March 11 viernes, 11 de marzo 12:15pm Stations of the Cross Church 5:00pm Bautismo (Polanco) Church 5:30pm VBS Kick-Off Meeting PC 1/2 5:30pm Lenten Fish Fry Hall 6:00pm Stations of the Cross Church 7:30pm Vía Crucis Iglesia Saturday, March 12 sábado, 12 de marzo 10:00am Girl Scouts Rm 18/19 2:00pm Wedding (Polanco/Rivera) Church 4:15pm—5:00pm Reconciliation Chapel 5:30pm Mass w/ Scrutiny III Church 5:30pm RCIA Extended Dismissal PC 3 7:00pm Renovación Carismática Church Sunday, March 13 domingo, 13 de marzo FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT / QUINTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA 2nd Collection / 2da Colecta - Catholic Relief Services 8:00am Prep Matrimonial Rm 18/19 8:00am Consulado de El Salvador PC 1/2 8:30am Mass (Children’s Liturgy) Church 8:30am RCIA Dismissal PC 3 9:30am Adult LIFE Meeting Hall 9:45am LIFE (Session A) Complex 11:15am Mass w/ FE (Desiree Anzelmo) Church 1:15pm Misa con Tercer Escrutinio Church 1:15pm RICA PC 4 2:45pm LIFE (Session B) Complex 2:45pm Adult LIFE Meeting (SP) Hall 4:30pm Adult LIFE Meeting (SP) Hall 6:00pm Misa (Liturgia de Niños) Church Mass Intentions — Intenciones de Misa Sat. Mar. 5 Sun. Mar. 6 5:30pm 8:30am 11:15am 1:15pm Tues. Mar. 8 6:00pm 9:00am John Caton Isaías Angel Ayala (Birthday) Pat Zawislak Para las almas en el Purgatorio y Cristianos perseguidos alrededor del mundo *** Lewis Bettinger & Arlene Hallatt Wed. Mar. 9 Thur. Mar. 10 Sat. Mar. 12 Sun. Mar. 13 12:15pm 12:15pm 5:30pm 8:30am 11:15am 1:15pm 6:00pm Jack Showalter Sherry Showalter Donald Harold Billy Ray Barry Ruth Ambroti Erlinda Menjivar Orellana Para las almas en el Purgatorio y Cristianos perseguidos alrededor del mundo denotes deceased parishioners, family members and/or friends; denota feligreses fallecidos, miembros de la familia y/o amigos). Prayer For/Oremos Por To assist St. Augustine’s during the transition in administering to the sick we are asking your cooperation when submitting names for the Prayers of the Faithful and names to be added to the bulletin listing of the sick. The office staff will be requesting some details such as contact name, phone number, address, etc. This will help determine the need for a clerical visit or assistance through a Eucharistic Minister for the homebound. The bulletin listing of the sick will be grouped bi-weekly so that we all can be aware of those newly added to the listing. The bulletin will maintain the listings for three months unless otherwise specified to be listed indefinitely. After three months names can be added once again if not otherwise listed as indefinite. We will begin with the names presently included within the Prayers of the Faithful. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. Paul Hermsen, Tony Greene, Suki Simpson, John Skora, Jimmy Evans, Kevin McGowan, John Bartnick, Eva & Ron Boyce, Mike Coston, Maricar Davis, Vince Pacelli, Corey Zavesky, Betty Darr, Steven Dice, Mel Cotter, Annemarie Kline, Theresa Brown Kimbrell, Elizabeth Hedgepeth, Antonio Barraza, Silomena Orellana, Kwajo Bauwah, Ron Hance, Oscar Trinidad Clemente, Frank Komljenovich, Jan Owen and Carol Belcher. Pastoral/prayer cards may be found in the Sacristy and the Commons Readings for the Week of March 6, 2016 Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12/Ps 34:2-7/2 Cor 5:17-21/ Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Monday: Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13/Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9/Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Ps 145:8-9, 13-14, 17-18/Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-23/Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Ps 34:17-21, 23/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9-12/Jn 7:40-53 Next Sunday: Is 43:16-21/Ps 126:1-6/Phil 3:8-14/Jn 8:1-11 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. The Celebration of Life for Stephanie Clarke Hope was Saturday, March 5, 2016 at St. Augustine Church. May “Stephanie” live in the eternal joy and peace of our Lord. BULLETIN DEADLINE—Tuesdays by 12:00 noon...Please email Minerva Vega at [email protected] or call the parish office at 804 275-7962. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT WORSHIP Preparing for the Sunday readings Go to ENCOUNTER THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL Year Two: Focus on the Domestic Church – Marriage & Family REFLECTION 4th Sunday of Lent "The Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, 'This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.'" Jesus crossed lines that weren't supposed to be crossed. He talked to women in public, touched the "unclean" to heal them, and chummed it up with tax collectors and sinners. This didn't make sense. It didn't fit into the standard categories. And so the religious leaders began to complain. In response to this, Jesus told the parable of the prodigal son. Through this story, he illustrated that God loves all of his children even when they have not behaved perfectly. But more than this, the tale also deals with the resentment of the older son--the one who always followed the law. Like the self-righteous Pharisees and scribes, the older brother complained. "All these years I served you," the son said, "and not once did I disobey your orders; yet you never gave me even a young goat to feast on with my friends." But how does the father respond? "My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours." In other words, the older brother had no reason to complain or be angry. He already enjoyed all good gifts. The father simply wanted him to rejoice that his brother had returned home. "He was lost and has been found." It's important for those of us who attend Mass regularly, participate in the sacraments, and serve in our parishes not to fall into the trap of being like the bitter older brother or the complaining Pharisees. We must welcome everyone in our midst with joy, not resentment or judgment. It can be easy to think that others don't deserve as much as we do, and to forget to be grateful for all that we have. But we are ALL called to "celebrate and rejoice" when the lost return home. ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Deacon Corner: (By Deacon Al) The symbolism of the four evangelists by the four living creatures, a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle, comes both from Ezekiel and Revelation. St. Luke is represented by the ox, according to the Church Fathers, on two accounts. First, St. Luke begins his Gospel with the priest Zechariah and the account of the conception of St. John the Baptist. Since the Gospel starts with the worship in the Temple and because the primary sacrifice offered in the Temple was of the calf or ox, it is fitting that St. Luke be represented by this animal. In addition, St. Luke was chosen by St. Paul to translate the Letter to the Hebrews into Greek. This letter contains the greatest explanation of our Savior as High Priest. The use of the ox recalls the sacrifices offered by the priests of the Old Law who prefigured the eternal priesthood of our Lord. The second reason why St. Luke is represented by an ox is that the labor of the ox in treading out the grain is symbolic of the work of the preacher of the Gospel (cf. Deuteronomy 25:4 and 1 Timothy 5:18). St. Luke was very laborious in his preaching of the Gospel and, especially, in his assistance of St. Paul. Therefore, he is represented by the ox as having underwent the labors of an ox in the Gospel and bearing out in his own body great sufferings for the honor of Christ. CHRISTIAN FORMATION Adult After L.I.F.E. On Valentine's Day, between our morning Masses, adults in the parish were given the opportunity to spend time with Monsignor Francis Muench as he led us in a discussion on the teachings pertaining to the Sacrament of Marriage. The morning was filled with information but also with thoughtful conversation and both witty and profound insights. We look forward to welcoming him back to our March 13 Adult L.I.F.E. session, which will center on the teachings surrounding Annulments (Declarations of Nullity). He has promised much information to bring clarity to often "less-than-perfectly-understood" Church law and theology. We have reminded him (and all of us!) that the Spring time change will occur that day! Do come! If you are not currently attending L.I.F.E. but would like to come, remember that we have an offering: "A Slice of Life"...come, enjoy light refreshments and good conversation, contribute a love offering of $5, and, then, if you desire, have that applied to the small annual cost of $25 should you decide to join these adult discussions on a regular monthly basis . Lenten Resources Hashtags: #Lent #YearofMercy #Ashtag #AshWednesday #Lent2016 #LentChallenge #TheLightIsOn #Lenten #Catholic Bishop Robert Barron’s Daily Lenten Reflection Lenten Moment of Mercy EveryWoman The Everywoman book group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights. Please contact the office if you are interested. WINGS’ (Women In God’s Spirit)— WINGS meets every Wednesday morning at 9:45am in the church hall. All women are welcome! Please contact Sharon Harrison at 804 - 683-7199. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Elementary Sunday L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday) The next Elementary L.I.F.E. session is today March 6th and the next one on 13th. There are no other session in March because of Easter and Public Schools Spring Break. We will start again April 3rd. Reserve the dates!!! Vacation Bible School (VBS) is coming June 20th—24th. Jesus will be gathering us together in the “Barnyard Roundup”. Contact Fran Kuzma in the office to help, ext. 1120. There is a meeting on March 11th to start planning. Let Fran know if you can make the meeting. Children’s Liturgy One of our helpers is stepping down to take care of her elderly mother. May God be with her in her Ministry of Care and know that we all are praying for them both. So, this means we need more help! You do not have to go to another Mass and training is provided. Parents, teens, young adults why not go out with the children and see how easy it really is to share the Word with our children of St. Augustine. Contact Fran Kuzma ext. 1120 for more information, and to help. EDGE/LIFETEEN This week at Edge/LIFETEEN, we began our semester on Spiritual Warfare, “The Battle.” Over the next five sessions, we will learn about the spiritual battle that rages on around us, but also will understand that Christ has already won the victory in this battle. When we give our lives to Him and strive to live as disciples, we share in Christ’s victory. This week, our session celebrated this victory. The teenagers learned that through Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, sin and death have been defeated, and heaven is open for us. They spent time processing this “good news,” and then closed the evening in prayer and thanksgiving for God’s gift of life. Our next EDGE/LIFETEEN session will be held on Monday, March 14th. Topic: The Fallen Ones: Satan and Demons. INSTAN-TEEN-IOUS MESSENGING: We are launching a new approach that lets us inform you instantaneously of program updates, reminders or changes via text messaging. Here’s how it works: Text the message: @edgelt to 804-793-9971. This will register you for text alerts. SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2016 JUSTICE & PEACE U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops— Pax Christi USA Network—A Catholic leader in the global movement for justice and peace. Poor Box Breakfast Please step forward and offer a hand!!! Folks are needed for setting up and serving. Call Kathy Jones @748-5587 or 986-9627 [email protected] FOOD PANTRY We are in constant in need of : Macaroni & Cheese, Tuna Fish, Hamburger or Tuna Helper, canned vegetables (canned tomatoes, mixed vegetables, peas, carrots, lima beans, corn) and Syrup The following items that we are also in need of may be purchased at Dollar Tree: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Detergent and Shampoo Thanks for all your continued support. Individual and Family Counseling is available at St. Augustine on Mondays with a counselor from Commonwealth Catholic Charities. Contact Ms. Rodriguez Perez at 804-285-5900 for an appointment. Fees are based on a sliding scale. Saint Augustine’s Military and Peace Corps Prayer List—If you know someone who is in the military or Peace Corps and would like us to pray for them, please call 804-751-8618 or email me at grandmatexasbell@ MEDICAL SERVICES BON SECOURS CARE-A-VAN—At St. Augustine Church on Tuesdays 8am - 4pm. Please arrive early to get an appointment. This service is offered only to those who do not have medical insurance. PARISH LIFE HOLY HOUR Holy Hour is every third Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the Church. Come and spend some time with the Lord. ADORATION AND HOLY HOURS “Adoration is the first attitude of man acknowledging that he is a creature before his Creator. It exalts the greatness of the Lord who made us and the almighty power of the Savior who sets us free from evil. Adoration is homage of the spirit to the "King of Glory," respectful silence in the presence of the "ever greater" God. Adoration of the thrice-holy and sovereign God of love blends with humility and gives assurance to our supplications.” —Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2628 PLEASE REMEMBER that the number published for emergencies is to be used only for maintenance emergencies during non office hours. There are calls being received with questions that should be directed to the office during normal business hours. We are happy to answer your questions but ask that you please respect the policy of only using the emergency number for maintenance emergencies. Thank you. St. Augustine Catholic Church Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 Report for Month Ended January 31, 2016 Year to Date OPERATING INCOME Actual Budget Weekly Sunday/Holy Day Collections $ 431,740 $ 498,268 (1) 49,420 59,792 Buildings Maintenance Collections Hispanic Committee 33,511 56,583 Women's Guild 5,340 2,625 63,399 57,283 Parish Ministries Income(2) Other Income 13,651 10,675 8,799 5,000 Rare/Unusual Income Total Operating Income $ 597,062 $ 685,226 OPERATING EXPENSES Hispanic Committee $ 27,242 $ 32,083 Women's Guild 2,578 1,167 65,591 70,753 Parish Ministries Expense(2) Facilities Expense 52,822 53,200 Utilities 42,400 44,042 Rectory Expense 6,290 9,713 Contingency Expense Admin Expense 32,105 32,535 Personnel Costs 302,538 344,003 84,606 97,731 Diocesan Assessments Total Operating Expenses $ 616,172 $ 685,226 CROSS-OVER–CLINIC—108 Cowardin Avenue, Richmond, VA 23224 Telephone 233-5016 (1) Does not include fundraising WE ARE SEEKING SOMEONE TO FILL THE POSITION OF FULL-TIME COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY Total Operating Income Total Operating Expenses Gain/(Loss) The successful candidate will utilize diocesan and national models of intercultural catechesis to strengthen the parish programs to address the unique needs of this bi-lingual community. The candidate must bi-lingual, speaking both English and Spanish fluently. Excellent leadership qualities, strong communication skills, proficiency in social media/technology, and the ability to coordinate, train and empower volunteers are essential to the position. Applicant must be a practicing Catholic in good standing. A bachelor’s degree in theology, religious education or a related field or a certificate in pastoral ministry is optimal. Consideration will be given to an applicant who is working toward such degree or has equivalent experience. The Coordinator must be able to work collaboratively with other parish staff, clergy and volunteers and work directly with the Pastor to shape the religious education program. Interested individuals should send a letter of interest, resume and Diocesan application to: Deacon Bob Griffin, St. Augustine Catholic Church, 4400 Beulah Road, Richmond, VA 23237 or [email protected]. WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP Sacrificial Offerings: Sunday/Holy Day Building Fund Total Sacrificial Offerings Year to Date Budget Over/(Under) Budget Included above: Year to Date 02/28/16 13,435 $ 490,659 36 57,406 $ 13,471 $ 548,064 ……………………… 644,000 ………………………. $ (95,936) $ Not Included above: Respect Life $30 Catholic Relief Services $40 Easter Flowers $493 HealthWagon $2,290 (2) Christian Formation, Youth, Justice & Peace, Worship & Parish Life ALL RECEIPTS Total Operating Income (from above) Capital Projects Fundraising J&P Appeals Collections Special Funds Exempt Diocesan & National Collections Grand Total ALL RECEIPTS ALL EXPENDITURES Total Operating Expenses (from above) J&P Appeals Forwarded (Buildings & Facility) Capital Projects Expenses Diocesan & National Coll. Forwarded Grand Total ALL EXPENDITURES Year-to-Date SUMMARY: Grand Total All Receipts Grand Total All Expenditures Gain/(Loss) "FLOW THROUGH" COLLECTIONS Special Collections/Appeals National & Diocesan Collections Total "Flow-Through" CASH ASSETS Regular Checking Operating Money Market Petty Cash Current Cash Assets FUNDRAISING Hispanic Committees* Women's Guild St. Paddy's Day Event Poor Box Breakfasts Fish Fridays Fundraising Total *Hispanic Committees: Bookstore - $4,237 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 597,062 616,172 (19,111) Actual 597,062 23 4,026 14,511 615,622 616,172 14,511 630,684 $ 685,226 685,226 Budget 685,226 17,208 $ 702,434 $ $ $ 685,226 17,208 702,434 615,622 630,684 $ (15,062) This Month FY 2015-2016 $ $ 23 1,038 14,511 $ 1,038 $ 14,535 01/31/16 $ 63,636 32,805 650 $ 97,091 This Month FY 2015-2016 848 4,237 38 2,762 282 1,750 $ 1,168 $ 8,750 PARROQUIA SAN AGUSTÍN RECONCILIACIÓN ES LOS SÁBADOS DE 4:15PM - 5:00PM Programa de VIDA (Viviendo en Fe Cada Día) Las próxima sesiónes son el 6 y 13 de Marzo. No habrá otra sesión en el mes de marzo debido al domingo de Pascua y las vacaciones que los niños van a tener de la escuela. Empezaremos de nuevo el 3 de abril. Todavía necesitamos ayuda con las sesiones de las 2:45pm y las 4:30pm. Recursos de la Cuaresma Hashtags: #Lent #YearofMercy #Ashtag #AshWednesday #Lent2016 #LentChallenge #TheLightIsOn #Lenten #Catholic Reflexión Diaria Cuaresmal del Obispo Robert Barron Momento cuaresmal de la misericordia Exposicion del Santisimo Exposicion del Santisimo es cada tercer jueves a las 7pm en la Iglesia. Venga a pasar tiempo con el Señor. ADORACIÓN Y HORAS SANTAS La adoración es la primera actitud del hombre que se reconoce como una criatura ante su creador. Se exalta la grandeza del Señor que nos ha hecho y la omnipotencia del Salvador que nos libera del mal. La adoración es un homenaje al espíritu del “Rey de la Gloria”, el silencio respetuoso en presencia del “siempre grandioso” Dios. La adoración del santísimo y soberano Dios de amor se mezcla con humildad y da seguridad a nuestras súplicas. IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE ST. AUGUSTINE CALENDARIO CUARESMAL 2016 Via Crucis (los viernes) - 12:15 pm y 6:00pm (Inglés) y 7:30pm (Español) 4, 11 y 18 de marzo Pescado frito 4, 11 y 18 de marzo Sirviendo de 5:30pm – 8:30pm en el salón parroquial RECONCILIACION cuaresmal – El martes por la noche durante la Cuaresma de 7:00pm-8:00pm en el Capilla 1 8 y 15 de marzo Hora Santa – 7:00pm en la iglesia en Inglés 15 de marzo Exposición del Santísimo – 7:00pm en la iglesia en Español 17 de marzo SEMANA SANTA Domingo de Ramos de la pasión del Señor – 19/20 de marzo Misa Crismal – Lunes, 21 de marzo 6:00pm en la Catedral TRIDUO Jueves Santo – 24 de marzo 7:30pm Bilingüe Misa de la cena del Señor Viernes Santo – 25 de marzo Via Crucis (Inglés) 12:15pm 3:00pm Via Crucis en vivo (Español) con la liturgia de la pasión del Señor en Español 7:30pm Liturgia de la pasión del Señor en Inglés Sábado de Gloria - Sábado 26 de marzo 8:00pm bilingüe Gran vigilia total con recepción a seguir El domingo de Pascua - 27 de marzo Misa de Pascua en Inglés 8:30am y 11:15am Misa de Pascua en Español 1:15pm y 6:00pm - Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica , n. 2628 Por favor, recuerde que el número de teléfono publicado para emergencias es para ser utilizado sólo para emergencias de mantenimiento durante las horas después que la oficina está cerrada. Hay personas que están llamando con preguntas que deben ser dirigidas a la oficina durante las horas que está abierta (9am 4:30pm). Estamos encantados de responder sus preguntas, pero pedimos que por favor respete la póliza de usar el número de emergencia solo para emergencias de mantenimiento. Gracias. Poor Box Breakfast (Desayuno para Ayudar a los Pobres) Tercer domingo de cada més Favor de ponerse en contacto con Kathy Jones al 748-5587 o [email protected] si desea ayudar con el arreglo del Salón para el desayuno o para servir la comida. Las ganancias van para la Despensa de Comida. “Porque tuve hambre, y me disteis de comer” Las lecturas de la semana del 6 de marzo de 2016 Domingo: Jos 5, 9. 10-12/Sal 34, 2-7/2 Cor 5, 17-21/ Lc 15, 1-3. 11-32 Lunes: Is 65, 17-21/Sal 30, 2. 4-6. 11-13/Jn 4, 43-54 Martes: Ez 47, 1-9. 12/Sal 46, 2-3. 5-6. 8-9/Jn 5, 1-16 Miércoles: Is 49, 8-15/Sal 145, 8-9. 13-14. 17-18/ Jn 5, 17-30 Jueves: Ex 32, 7-14/Sal 106, 19-23/Jn 5, 31-47 Viernes: Sab 2, 1. 12-22/Sal 34, 17-21. 23/Jn 7, 1-2. 10. 25-30 Sábado: Jr 11, 18-20/Sal 7, 2-3. 9-12/Jn 7, 40-53 Domingo siguiente: Is 43, 16-21/Sal 126, 1-6/Flp 3, 8-14/ Jn 8, 1-11 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA Mass Intentions — Intenciones de Misa sábado, 5 de marzo domingo, 6 de marzo 5:30pm 8:30am 11:15am 1:15pm John Caton Isaías Angel Ayala (Birthday) Pat Zawislak Para las almas en el Purgatorio y Cristianos perseguidos alrededor del mundo 6:00pm *** 9:00am Lewis Bettinger y martes, 8 de marzo miércoles, 9 de marzo 12:15pm jueves, 10 de marzo 12:15pm sábado, 12 de marzo 5:30pm domingo, 13 de marzo 8:30am 11:15am 1:15pm 6:00pm Arlene Hallatt Jack Showalter Sherry Showalter Donald Harold Billy Ray Barry Ruth Ambroti Erlinda Menjivar Orellana Para las almas en el Purgatorio y Cristianos perseguidos alrededor REFLEXIONES 4º Domingo de Cuaresma El relato del Evangelio de hoy se inicia con la narración del hijo menor que pide la parte de la herencia que le toca y enseguida se prepara y se va de casa. Se aleja sin pensarlo más, gasta a sus anchas lo que había heredado y cuando se termina todo se acuerda que tiene un papá que le ha dado a manos llenas sin esperar nada. El énfasis de la parábola está en la sorprendente reacción del padre que lo recibe con gran misericordia. El Papa Francisco en este Año Santo de la Misericordia nos invita a profundizar en lo siguiente: "Siempre tenemos necesidad de contemplar el misterio de la misericordia. Es fuente de alegría, de serenidad y de paz. Es condición para nuestra salvación. Misericordia: es la palabra que revela el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad. Misericordia: es el acto último y supremo con el cual Dios viene a nuestro encuentro. Misericordia: es la ley fundamental que habita en el corazón de cada persona cuando mira con ojos sinceros al hermano que encuentra en el camino de la vida. Misericordia: es la vía que une Dios y el hombre, porque abre el corazón a la esperanza de ser amados para siempre no obstante el límite de nuestro pecado" (Misericordiae Vultus, número 2). ¿Cómo nos sentimos nosotros ante estas palabras del Papa? ¿Cómo responderemos al Evangelio? No olvidemos que, no hay culpa, por grande que sea, que no pueda ser perdonada. Que volver a los brazos del Padre donde siempre nos está esperando debe ser una fiesta y no una vergüenza. ©Liturgical Publications Inc. COLECTA SEMANAL Ofrendas Sacrificatorios: Domingo/Día Sagrado Fondos para el Edificio Total de Ofrendas Sacrificatorios Presupuesto hasta la fecha Presupuesto Positivo/ (Negativo) Hasta la Fecha 02/28/16 $ 13,435 $ 490,659 36 57,406 $ 13,471 $ 548,064 ……………………… 644,000 ………………………. $ (95,936) Not Incluido arriba: Respetar La Vida $30 Catholic Relief Services (Ayudas Católicas) $40 Flores para Pascua $493 HealthWagon (Únidad móvil médica) $2,290 6 DE MARZO, 2016 Iglesia Catolica San Agustin Año Fiscal Julio 1, 2015 - Junio 30, 2016 Informe para el Mes Terminado Enero 31, 2016 Hasta la Fecha INGRESOS DE OPERACION Actual Presupuesto Colectas Semanales de cada Domingo $ 431,740 $ 498,268 49,420 59,792 Colectas para el Mantenimiento de los Edificios(1) Comite Hispano 33,511 56,583 Gremio de Mujeres 5,340 2,625 63,399 57,283 Programas de Ingreso de La Parroquia (2) Otros Ingresos 13,651 10,675 8,799 5,000 Ingresos no usuales Total de Ingresos de Operación $ GASTOS DE OPERACION Comite Hispano $ Gremio de Mujeres Programas-Gastos de Ministerios de La Parroquia(2) Gastos de Iglesia Utilidades Gastos de Rectoría e Hipoteca Gastos de Contingencia Gastos Administrativos Gastos de Personal Contribución Diocesana Total de Gastos Operacionales $ 597,062 $ 685,226 27,242 $ 2,578 65,591 52,822 42,400 6,290 32,105 302,538 84,606 616,172 $ 32,083 1,167 70,753 53,200 44,042 9,713 32,535 344,003 97,731 685,226 (1) No incluye la recaudación de fondos (2) Formación Cristiana, Juventud, Justicia y Paz, Culto y Vida Parroquial Resumen del Presupuesto Operacional Ingreso Total $ Gastos Total Sobre (Bajo) Presupuesto $ 597,062 $ 685,226 616,172 685,226 (19,111) Hasta la Fecha RECIBOS Actual Presupuesto Ingresos Totales $ 597,062 $ 685,226 Recaudación de Fondos de Proyectos Capitales Colectas por Apelacion de Justicia y Paz 23 Fondos Especiales Exemptos 4,026 14,511 17,208 Colectas Diocesanas y Nacional Gran Total de RECIBOS $ 615,622 $ 702,434 TOTAL DE GASTOS Total de gastos operacionales Apelaciones de Justicia y Paz Adelantadas (Fondos del Edificio) Gastos de Proyecto Capital Colectas Diocesanas y Nacional Adelantadas Total de gastos operacionales RESUMEN DEL AÑO Gran total de recibos Gran total de gastos Ganancia/Perdida COLECTAS Colectas especiales/Peticiones Colecta mandatoria por la Diócesis Total DINERO EN EFECTIVO Cuenta de Cheques Regular Dinero operacional en la Bolsa de Valores Dinero en Efectivo Activos Corrientes RECAUDACION DE FONDOS Comités Hispanos* Gremio de Mujeres Fiesta San Patricio Desayuno para ayudar a los pobres Viernes de Pescado Recaudación total *Comités Hispanos: Librería - $4,237 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 616,172 $ 14,511 630,684 $ 615,622 630,684 (15,062) Este Mes 1,038 1,038 01/31/16 63,636 32,805 650 97,091 Este Mes 848 38 282 1,168 685,226 17,208 702,434 Año 2015-2016 $ $ 23 14,511 14,535 Año 2015-2016 $ 4,237 2,762 1,750 8,750
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