® 28 de febrero de 2016 WWW.LAPRENSASA.COM AÑO XXVII • NÚMERO 34 Premio a La Prensa Foundation por generar becas Por Roberto J. Pérez [email protected] La Prensa Foundation recibió el viernes 26 de febrero el premio Outstanding Foundation Award conferido por Asociation of Fundraising Profesionals (San Antonio) en la ceremonia anual de premiación, en la cual también fueron reconocidas seis institu ciones filantrópicas, las cuales, en conjunto, contribuyen con fondos económicos y servicios en beneficio de la comunidad. Jim Eskin, de Alamo Colleges Foundation, nominó a la Prensa Foundation para recibir el premio en reconocimiento a la entrega de becas para educación superior en favor de estudiantes de high school que se distinguen por su dedicación al estudio y trabajo voluntario en beneficio de agen cias e instituciones de asistencia social. La ceremonia se efectuó en La Prensa Foundation recibe el premio Outstanding Foundation otorgado por Association of Fundraising Professionals. A nombre Norris Conference Centers, de Amelia Durán, creadora de la Fundación, lo recibe Tino Durán, Publisher de La Prensa. En la gráfica se encuentran Jim Eskin, presidiendo el acto Heather C. Steve Durán y Heather C. Diehl, presidente de Association of Fundraising Professionals. (Foto, R. J.Pérez) Diehl, San Antonio Board Presi dent (AFP). Amelia Durán, propietaria del periódico La Prensa de San Antonio, a través del contacto de esta publicación con diferentes sectores de la comunidad perci bió la necesidad de ayudar a es tudiantes de modestos recursos, que –a pesar de su capacidad y dedicación al estudio– requerían asistencia para continuar es tudios superiores una vez ter minada la high school. Y para responder a esta necesidad es que creó La Prensa Foundation. A partir de entonces, al paso del crecimiento del semanario La Prensa, La Prensa Founda tion continúa en su misión de procurar becas que contribuyan a la educación superior en la comunidad. En el marco de la observancia por National Philanthropy Day, los premios se entregaron en la siguiente lista: Legacy Award a Tom y Pat Frost; Outstanding Foundation, La Prensa Foun dation; Outstanding Youth in Philantropy, TMI Interact Club, Vea Premio en la pág. 10-A Danny J. Anderson es Mayor Taylor and Judge Wolff address el nuevo presidente importance of high school internships de Trinity University Por Lucy Almanza [email protected] Danny J. Anderson, Ph.D., un galardonado profesor y erudito de la literatura mexicana, fue selec cionado como el nuevo presidente de Trinity University. Anteriormente el decano de la Facultad de Humanidades y Cien cias de la Universidad de Kansas, el Dr. Anderson fue instalado formalmente como el presidente número 19 de la prestigiosa ins titución durante la ceremonia de investidura el 19 de febrero en el Laurie Auditorium. “Estoy muy contento de estar aquí. Tenía la esperanza de algún día poder vivir en San Antonio y nunca me imaginaba que podía ser el presidente aquí en Trinity”, destacó el Dr. Anderson con una sonrisa. Nativo de Texas, el Dr. Ander son nació en Houston y creció en Rusk, Texas. Recibió una licenciatura Arte en Español de Austin College y una maestría y doctorado en Español de la Uni versidad de Kansas. Él y su esposa Kimberly, una profesora y bibliotecaria, además de ser padres de dos hijos, tam bién forman parte de la comuni dad. El Dr. Anderson participa en distintos tipos de comités, como la Cámara de Comercio y United Way. El Dr. Anderson también es un aficionado de la cocina mexicana. “Cuando tenemos una reunión familiar, todos quieren que yo prepare comida mexicana, eso significa enchiladas,” dijo entre risas. Y esto se debe gracias a su tiempo que vivió en Puebla, México antes de estudiar en España. “Estudie en España en el año 78 y 79, que fue el año de la transición de la dictadura fran quista a la democracia en España, Vea Nuevo presidente en la pág. 10-A By Christina Acosta [email protected] Last Friday, Bexar County and the City of San Antonio an nounced that they will support SA Works enterprise by extending internship opportunities to high school students. Mayor Ivy Tayor and County Judge Nelson Wolff made it of ficial as they met up with more than 70 public sector and com munity organizations to make this possible for students waiting for the opportunity to be prepared for college or training. Mayor Taylor stated that now was the time to put young minds through a challenge to know if the career path chosen is the right one. “It’s important to encourage See High school internships Mayor Ivy Taylor and County Judge Nelson Wolff address the importance of high school internships. on page 10-A (Photo, Christina Acosta) VIA offers free rides on Election Day By Christina Acosta [email protected] VIA Metropolitan Transit an nounced Wednesday morning that they will provide complimentary rides throughout San Antonio on Election Day. Starting on March 1, The “Ride VIA to Vote,” will offer free pub lic transportation on municipal, state and federal election days for those interested in using their right to vote. “VIA’s board and staff under stand that civic participation is vital to sustaining the continued prosperity of our great region. It is also important to ensure that future generations will enjoy a high quality of life right here in our beloved community,” said Danny J. Anderson, Ph.D., un galardonado profesor y erudito de la Hope Andrade, chair of VIA Hope Andrade, chair of VIA Metropolitan Board of Trustees, announced the “Ride VIA to Vote” initiative literatura mexicana, fue seleccionado como el presidente número 19 Metropolitan Board of Trustees. on Wednesday, which will offer free public transportation on municipal, state and federal election days de Trinity University. (Foto, Lucy Almanza) See VIA on page 10-A in San Antonio. (Photo, Christina Acosta) LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 2-A 28 de febrero de 2016 SAC and Senator Menéndez break ground on Victory Center for veterans Special to La Prensa San Antonio College (SAC), one of the Alamo Colleges, broke ground on a $7.6 million Victory Center for veterans and military personnel during a groundbreaking ceremony on Feb. 24. The event, co-hosted by Texas State Senator José Mené ndez, took place on the SAC campus and featured a short speaking program including re marks from Senator Menéndez, San Antonio College President Dr. Robert Vela and key col lege personnel. In July 2015, Senator Mené n de z an n o u n ce d S A C a nd the Alamo Colleges would receive nearly $9 million in state appropriations to build and enhance student veteran support and training centers at three locations; SAC received the bulk of the funds for its newly conceived Victory Cen ter project. “The Victory Center will meet the unique needs of vet erans and military personnel interested in attending San Antonio College—or any of the Alamo Colleges,” said Dr. Vela. “It will provide a designated space for SAC staff to serve veterans and military personnel with on-site academic, career and social support services necessary to aid in their successful transi tion from military service to academic life.” The Victory Center proposal includes plans for an innova tive Instructional Academy. The Instructional Academy will offer career and technical education courses that lead to a Level 1 Certificate, which equips students with basic knowledge and skill sets for the industry that will employ them, and fast-tracks their educational goals allowing for immediate job placement. “This center represents the commitment San Antonio has for our military families. Our nation’s heroes made sacrifices for our freedom. It’s incumbent upon us, to assist in their next journey as civilians,” said Sen ator Menéndez. “I know this center will enable San Antonio College to better serve veterans while providing them with the resources they so rightfully deserve and have earned.” The facility will be an allencompassing resource center providing a variety of services, including VA and Hazlewood certification, financial aid, enrollment, registration as sistance, job training, targeted academic advising and psycho logical and emotional support. Serving more than 3,000 veterans annually, SAC has the second largest student veteran population in the state of Texas. As well, SAC is one of only 93 schools nationally to earn a partnership with the Department of Veterans Af fairs under the VetSuccess on Campus program. Accomplished. Committed. Ready to Serve. I grew up on the west side. My parents worked hard to provide for our family - sometimes day and night at the family grocery store, Peñas & Piñas Groceries and Meat Market. Like my parents and so many other families in our community, I have worked very hard to build a home and professional career. After practicing law for 30 years and helping hundreds, if not thousands of families, I have learned the law from both sides. Our courts are where I am needed the most. We need to restore professionalism, dignity, compassion and common sense to the 57th District Court. I will do this and much more with your support. As a husband, father and grandfather I promise you that every person, every family, and every business that appears before my court will be treated with respect, compassion, and dignity. I will follow the law and do my very best to render justice in every case. I respectfully ask for your vote and your support. -Edward Piña Sí necesita transporte para votar Llama (210) 971-0057 Votación adelantada Feb. 16th - 26th Día de Elección Tuesday, March 1st Pd. Pol. Ad by Edward Piña Campaign, Dr. Gary Gossen, Treasurer ELIJA SUS RECOMPENSAS -EFECTIVO -PUNTOS -VIAJES SOLICÍTELA EN IBC.COM El acreedor y el emisor de estas tarjetas es Elan Financial Services, de conformidad con una licencia separada de Visa U.S.A. Inc. y American Express. American Express es una marca de servicio registrada a nivel federal de American Express. Lea los detalles en la solicitud o pida informes en su sucursal. SAC and Texas State Senator José Menéndez broke ground on a $7.6 million Victory Center for veterans and military personnel on Feb. 24 to offer academic, career and social support services. (Photo, Leonard Zielger) 28 de febrero de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3-A Celebran la independencia de Texas Por Roberto J. Pérez [email protected] Actores con atuendos del si glo XIX partieron a caballo en una caravana de diez días que tiene como destino el poblado de Washington (Texas), dentro del programa de actos cívicos para conmemorar 180 años de la independencia de Texas. En esta población, en la cuenca del río Brazos, se en cuentra el sitio histórico donde en marzo de 1836 delegados de diferentes regiones del te rritorio que ahora es el estado de Texas se reunieron para firmar la separación de México y constituirse como un país autónomo. En 1845, por decadencia económica y otras razones político-sociales, Texas dejó de ser República y fue anexada a los Estados Unidos como el estado No. 28. La caravana es una repre sentación de hechos históricos que se refieren al mensaje que William Travis, comandante en la Misión de El Álamo, envió a través de mensajeros a la con vención en Washington (Texas) pidiendo ayuda militar cuando la misión estaba bajo sitio. El acto cívico para celebrar la independencia tuvo como es cenario El Álamo el miércoles 24 de febrero con asistencia de autoridades municipales y federales y niños de escuela primaria con discursos alusivos de George P. Bush, Texas Land Commissioner, y Ivy Taylor, alcaldesa de San Antonio. Posteriormente al acto, los mensajeros partieron al sitio histórico de Washington on The Brazos, en donde terminará su Working to honor the San Antonio Missions By U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett Scientific and Cultural Organi zation (UNESCO) designation of the Alamo and all of our San Antonio Missions as a World Heritage site. This designa tion alone, one of only 10 cul tural sites in the United States, should be reason enough to issue these series of stamps. The first time the Alamo was featured on a U.S. post age stamp was for the Texas Centennial, when a stamp only cost three cents. While people all around the world may “Remember the Niños de escuela primaria asistieron a la celebración de la Independencia de Texas, acto cívico el miércoles en la Plaza de El Álamo. (Foto, R. J. Pérez) Alamo,” many are unaware of misión después acampar en su San Felipe, Belmont, Sublime, other beautiful, legendary and paso por diferentes ciudades Altar y Beard para llegar a su unique missions. This series of como Seguin, Gonzalez, Shiner, punto final el 5 de marzo. stamps would help publicize the rich heritage we enjoy and would serve as an appropriate way to celebrate these interna tionally-recognized treasures. A few weeks ago when Fa ther David Garcia, Anna, and Carla came to Washington, they found the federal govern ment shutdown by two feet of snow. But that did not stop them from coming to visit in our office, which remained open. While dozens of children were sledding down Capitol Hill, we discussed world events, im migration, achieving the full promise of the San Antonio Missions’ World Heritage des ignation and planning for San Antonio’s tricentennial. During our meeting, I shared another way to honor San An tonio’s success – my recent request to the U.S. Postal Ser vice to issue commemorative stamps for each San Antonio Mission and another to honor the 300th anniversary of the Alamo. As locals already know, the Missions National Historic Park preserves the largest collection of Spanish colonial resources anywhere in the United States. L to R: Anna Huth, U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, Father David Garcia and Carla Ortiz met on a snowy Last year, we celebrated the Washington day to discuss social justice advocacy in San Antonio and abroad. (Courtesy photo) United Nations Educational, La Prensa. Two venues to advertise your business website & print www.laprensasa.com (210) 242-7900 “After decades in the courtroom, I am ready and able to put my experience and knowledge of Texas law to use for you. I respectfully ask for your vote. Les pido su apoyo y su voto.” -Virgil Yanta Early Voting Feb. 16th - 26th Election Day Tues, March 1st Pol Ad Paid for by Virgil Yanta Campaign, Treasurer Joseph Casseb, P.O. Box 15307, SA, TX 78212 Qualified Proven track record of compleƟng more than 100 jury trials. Experienced Over 33 years of courtroom experience. Compassionate Established legal career built on protecƟng our community. For a Ride to the Polls Call (210) 960-3322 4-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 28 de febrero de 2016 Family Service makes The Neighborhood Place a permanent resource for community By Xochitl Cortez Davis Family Service Association of San Antonio, Inc. announced the purchase and renovation of The Neighborhood Place, formerly known as H.K. Williams El ementary School located in the Edgewood Independent School District. This major undertaking has been made possible because of the impressive lineup of inves tors and donors like The Harvey E. Najim Family Foundation, Valero Energy Foundation, Kronkosky Foundation, The Mays Family Foundation, The Greehey Family Foundation and H-E-B through the agency’s Legacy Campaign initiated in 2015. The Legacy Campaign’s Co- Chairs are Kim Lubel, CST president/CEO and Johnny Hernandez of Grupo La Gloria. “This historic West Side in vestment means children, youth, parents, families and seniors in our community will have a per manent resource to support their needs, provide hope and offer prosperity,” said Nancy L. Hard, president/CEO Family Service. The Neighborhood Place has been managed and operated by Family Service since 2006 and serves over 70,000 annually and consists of many onsite and off site partners that offer programs and services that help to reduce family stress and violence, inci dence of child abuse, as well as keep youth in school, away from drugs and out of gangs. “We have been an embedded partner with Edgewood ISD for decades on their school campuses and neighborhoods and look forward to continuing this successful relationship that benefits children and families,” added Hard. Other services strengthen families with education, work force opportunities and financial literacy. They also provide par enting skills to create stronger, healthier relationships with their children, counseling, emergency clothing and baby items. Family Service Association has been building strong fami lies since 1903. At 113 years, it is the oldest human ser vice agency in San Antonio dedicated to helping children, seniors and families in need. Visit www.family-service.org to learn more about the orga Family Service invested over $5 million to make The Neighborhood Place a permanent resource for nization. residents and community. (Courtesy photo) February 2016 La Prensa Student of the Month Steven Hale Northeast Lakeview College Plan of study: Business Administration Steven Hale, originally from Baltimore, Md., joined the military immediately following high school where he served as a Sgt. E-5 in the infantry division. After a brief stint in the military, he came to Texas and began college at Northeast Lakeview in spring 2015. Transferring in six college credits that he earned in high school and taking a full course load each semester, Hale is poised to complete his course work at Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) this spring – all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. Active at NLC, he is a mem ber of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, where he as sisted the organization plan its inaugural Turkey Fun Run 5K. He is also a member of USA Powerlifting and competes at both the state and national level. His nominator said, “Steven has a commitment to his education and his family. Overall, he is an exemplary citizen and student, and a good, ethical person, worthy of this award.” Already accepted to Texas State University, he will trans fer there in the fall where he will study English. His ultimate goal is to pursue a Ph.D. and teach English at the college level. He says his instructors at NLC gave him the confidence to pursue anything, and that one day he wants the opportu nity to have a positive impact on other young people. 28 de febrero de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 5-A Comentarios... ¿Cuba Libre? Los mejo res amigos de la dicta dura cubana son, en este momento, el papa Fran Jorge Ramos cisco y el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama. Ambos líderes han decidido, por distintas ra zones, cooperar y aliarse con el régimen que por más de medio siglo ha reprimido y censurado a millones de cubanos. Cuba, que tiene como política de estado la constante violación a los derechos humanos, está del lado equivocado de la historia. Y el papa y Obama decidieron pararse al lado del dictador Raúl Castro. Quizás Obama y el papa son mucho más listos que nosotros y lo hacen con el objetivo de democratizar y humanizar la isla a través de más contactos. Pero si ese es el objetivo, se lo tienen muy calladito. El presidente Obama tiene planeado viajar a Cuba a finales de marzo. Será su momento tipo Nixon. El expresidente Richard Nixon con la invaluable ayuda de su ajedrecista planetario Henry Kissinger viajó a China en 1972 y abrió al gigante asiático al resto del mundo. Con ese gesto Nixon no convirtió a China en una de mocracia, de la misma manera en que el viaje de Obama tampoco impondrá en la isla la libertad de prensa, elecciones multipartidistas y la liberación de los presos políti cos. Pero, sin duda, la estrategia a largo plazo tiene que ser mucho más ambiciosa que abrir dos embajadas. Espero, de verdad, entrevistar a Obama dentro de unos años y que me diga que su plan secreto siempre fue la democratización de Cuba y que, a pesar de las duras críticas del momento, tuvo razón con su política de apertura. No hay nada más triste que ver a un dictador morir en su cama y no en la cárcel (como ocurrió con Augusto Pinochet en Chile y Francisco Franco en España). En cuanto al papa Francisco, el pontífice ha sido una verdadera desilusión para los que quieren un cambio en Cuba. Ha ido dos veces a la isla y las dos veces ha tratado a Raúl y a Fidel como si fueran dos legítimos gobernantes (y no los despiadados, matones y tiranos que son). Que frustrante es oír que el papa le llama presidente a un dictador. Durante su visita el pasado septiembre, fue vergonzoso ver cómo arrestaron frente a sus ojos a un disidente cubano que se quiso acercar y el papa Francisco no hizo absolutamente nada por protegerlo. El joven terminó en el piso sometido por los segurosos (miembros de la seguridad del es tado vestidos de civil). El papa en Cuba rehusó reunirse con disiden tes como las Damas de Blanco y con periodistas independientes como Yoani Sánchez. El papa que tan fuerte habló en Estados Unidos contra el maltrato a los inmigrantes y los abusos del sistema capitalista no se atreve a hacer la misma crítica social en América Latina. Me parece incomprensible que en su reciente visita a México el papa no tuvo tiempo para reunirse con las víctimas de sacerdotes pede rastas ni con los familiares de los 43 jóvenes desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa. En cambio, sí se re unió con gobernadores de estados donde matan periodistas como en Veracruz y donde se toleran los feminicidios como en el estado de México. El papa conoce perfectamente el drama de los desaparecidos durante la dictadura militar en Ar gentina. Lo sufrió en carne propia. Entonces ¿por qué dio todo tipo de excusas para medio explicar que él no haría lo moralmente correcto en México? ¿Y la solidaridad? Regresando al tema de Cuba, el papa y el presidente Obama pue den hacer muchísimo para pro mover una transición democrática en la isla. Pero, sus imágenes dán dole la mano al dictador en turno son un duro golpe para los que se han pasado la vida luchando para vivir sin miedo. Me encantaría ir a Cuba du rante el próximo viaje de Obama. Pero el gobierno cubano me ha prohibido la entrada desde 1998, cuando fue el papa Juan Pablo II. No les gustó que en ese entonces entrevistara a disidentes y a perio distas independientes. Si es cierto que Cuba se está abriendo al mundo, lo primero que podría hacer el régimen cubano es quitar las restricciones sobre cor responsales extranjeros y no tratar de imponer su agenda en la prensa mundial. Quisiera ver cómo ha cambiado Cuba y si sus autori dades son ahora más tolerantes. Pero me temo que, otra vez, tendré que ver lo que pasa en Cuba por televisión y por el Internet. ¿Cuba libre? En cualquier bar del mundo se sabe que eso es una mentirita. (¿Tiene algún comentario o pregunta para Jorge Ramos? Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Por favor incluya su nombre, ciudad y país). Just a Thought: Singer/Doctor Patsy Torres In Septem ber 2013, I wrote a column for La Prensa on my longtime friend and internation Steve Walker ally acclaimed singing sensa tion Patsy Torres. I was thrilled to recently discover that she will serve as one of the 2016 Grand Marshals for the annual Fiesta Parade. At the time, I wrote about wheth er or not I was making a difference in people’s lives. I used examples of teachers touching the lives of their students and using myself as one example. As a retired teacher, I would like to believe it to be true. To this day, I can only pray that I succeeded. Like any other teacher, my former students will make that final assessment. Back then, I heard the testimo nial of Patsy Torres in front of a women’s group. Having known her for years and her brother Kip, who was a neighbor of mine in Balcones Heights when I served as a city councilman, I took a lot of photos of her performing. It was the first time I observed her shar ing her story in front of a crowd on how her dream of becoming a doctor became a reality. Ironically, the kind of doctor she became was not the one she envisioned. According to Dr. Patsy in her presentation at the time, her goal was to be like her grandfather who practiced medicine. Turns out her doctor title comes from earning her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, not medicine. Her biography states, “Patsy Torres is one of the most important and influential Tejano entertainers of our time.” She has performed for crowds all over the world that have attracted as many as 100,000 fans at one time. Gracing the covers of publica tions on the national and inter national scene to billboards, Dr. Patsy has been described by Latin Style Magazine as “El Sonido del Futuro.” Her credits are far too nu merous to list in this limited space. While still in college, her first Tejano album yielded a number one hit that later garnered her the Texas Talent Music Association’s “Female Entertainer of the Year.” She shared her story at that time about trying to make it through college while performing. It was truly inspirational. Turns out she didn’t have the money to finish her bachelor’s degree until the administration offered her a deal to have her promote the University of the Incarnate Word without pay, but offered scholarship money to complete her bachelor’s degree. They kept the deal in place all the way through completion of her master’s degree and Ph.D. as she continued to perform all over the world. As a fellow graduate of Incarnate Word, where I obtained my master’s degree many years earlier, I am really proud of my friend. She shared with her all female audience a conversation she had with her grandfather before she applied for the Ph.D. program. She sought his advice on whether to apply to medical school or obtain the Ph.D. since it was her dream to be a doctor like him. He told her that she could better heal people with her music. With that, the rest is history. A champion in her hometown of San Antonio, she continues to this day to be in big demand as a mo tivational speaker and role model for schools, charitable and civic organizations by way of her Ph.D. Based on what she has already accomplished in her music and her motivational speaking, it is a safe bet she is and will continue to “make a difference” in people’s lives. I am looking forward to cov ering her in photos as she reigns as Grand Marshal of the 2016 Fiesta Parade. And as always, what I write is “Just a Thought.” Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran, former Journalist and Justice of the Peace. Entonces no estaría preocupado de que Trump, con todos los prejuicios que tiene contra las minorías étni cas, tenga la posibilidad de pelearle el trono a Hillary Rodham Clinton. Los verdaderos latinos nunca debemos permitirle llegar al poder. Todos tenemos la obligación no simplemente a votar en contra de Trump, sino también de convencer a alguien que, si Trump llegara al poder, sería como la segunda llegada de Adolfo Hitler. Humberto Caspa, Ph.D. es profesor e investigador de Economics On The Move. Segunda llegada de Hitler Por Humberto Caspa Donald Trump, como un gran amarillista que se lo conoce que es, ya está haciendo escándalo por el apoyo que le dio la comunidad latina en las asambleas electorales de Las Vegas. Las cifras indican que más del 40 por ciento de los latinos republicanos votaron por él, 29 por ciento por Marco Rubio y 18 por ciento por Cruz. Lo anterior es una cifra sorpren dente porque tanto Rubio como Cruz son considerados latinos debido a que tienen ascendencia cubano-estadounidense. Una vez terminado el conteo de los votos, Trump dijo al frente de un gran número de sus simpa tizantes que “ganamos el voto de los evangelistas; ganamos con los jóvenes; ganamos con los viejos; ganamos con los que tienen mucha educación; ganamos con los que tienen una educación pobre”. Cuando Trump hablaba sobre los que tienen una “pobre edu cación” es muy probable que en su mente se vislumbrara la figura de una persona latina. La xenofo bia de Trump no tiene límites y su eurocentrismo le hace pensar que nosotros, los latinos, solo vivimos para servirle. Lo triste es que algunos latinos lo apoyen, como aquella colom biana que lo abrazó en uno de los eventos de su campaña política. Esta colombiana dirá y con razón, “todos tenemos el derecho a apoyar a quien se nos peque la gana”. La realidad nos dice que es tas personas tienen problemas y necesitan ayudarse ellos mismos. Estas personas que, de acuerdo a Trump son pobres intelectual mente, no se dan cuenta que, al votar por sus políticas intolerantes, no solamente están deteriorando a su comunidad, sino que se están haciendo daño a ellos mismos. A esta falta de identidad y so bretodo a la negación de soli daridad con su propia gente –es decir al acoso de su propio grupo social— se conoce como “dis criminación estructural”. Este tipo de discriminación sugiere que el efecto las estructuras sociales, como la religión, la educación, la política, costumbres, etc. son tan dominantes alrededor del individuo que no le permite decidir por sí mismo. Le incita a actuar en forma discriminatoria contra otro grupo o contra su propio grupo. Es decir, la persona actúa en forma irracional. El proceso electoral primario del Partido Republicano es como un programa virtual de televisión. ¿Cómo me gustaría que así fuera? COMMENTARY... Calendario de la comunidad BLACK HISTORY MONTH— The history of African American unfolds across the canvas of America, beginning before the arrival of the Mayflower and continuing to the present. From port cities where Africans disembarked from slave ships to the battle fields where their descendants fought for freedom, from the colleges and universities where they have pursued education, to places where they created communities during centuries of migration, the imprint of Americans of African descent is deeply embedded in the nar rative of the American past, and the sites prompt us to remember. Join SAPL this February as we celebrate Black History Month, a time to honor and recognize the central role of Black Americans in U.S. history with a variety of special events and programs. Call (210) 207-2500 or visit MySAPL.org for more details. The event will go on through this month at participating branch locations. SAN ANTONIO STOCK SHOW AND RODEO— The San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo held Feb. 11 – 28 is an 18 day extravaganza that features an award winning PRCA Rodeo and world famous entertainment. The history, tradition and familyfriendly atmosphere is another reason The San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo is a must see in February. They host one of the world’s largest Jr. Livestock Show’s and prestigious Horse Show and raise over a million dollars during Auctions hosted on the grounds. There are endless ways to spend time exploring the grounds, from shopping, to a family-friendly carnival, iconic fair-food, live music, agricultural learning center and much more. For more information about tickets and hours visit www.sarodeo. com. The rodeo is located at the AT&T Center/Freeman Coliseum Grounds, 723 AT&T Center Pkwy. JULIE SPEED: UNDERTOAD— Ruiz-Healy Art is pleased to present Julie Speed: Undertoad, an exhibition of paintings, prints and collages spanning two cities. Utilizing her keen sense of the absurd, Speed ponders the big questions—the role of religion, isolation and longing—with a sly, sometimes dark, sense of humor and a steadfast refusal to offer the viewer any tidy resolutions. It is the emphatically open-ended and omnivorous nature of her work that puts Speed in the vanguard of a return to figurative painting in contemporary art. The exhibition will until Saturday, March 19 at Ruiz-Healy Art, 201-A E. Olmos Dr. OPEN-DOWNTOWN POP UP SHOPS— OPEN is an initia tive of the Center City Development and Operations Department (CCDO) in partnership with property owners and retailers to offer local entrepreneurs a no-cost short-term lease in vacant downtown properties. The program activates vacant properties by introducing new, creative and temporary retail locations with visual aesthetic. Don’t miss your chance to visit four, unique, temporary retail lo cations, which includes: Capistrano Soap Company, Blue Labels Boutique, NIOSA and Scarlette Dove. Call (210) 207-3914 or visit OpenSanAntonio.com. Sunday, Feb. 27 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at La Villita Historic Arts Village, 418 Villita St. PAINT NITE: LAVENDAR MOONLIT SILHOUETTE— No experience required! Just follow along while the Social Painting Instructor guides you step-by-step through the featured painting in about two hours. If you’re feeling creative, change the colors to suit your décor or go completely rouge. We provide all the paint ing supplies: a 16”x20” canvas, acrylic paint, brushes, smock, music and a good time. Monday, Feb. 29 at 7 p.m. at Mimi’s Café, 17315 I-10 West THE BRASS TAP ALAMO BEER DINNER— Tour stop number eight: Join us as The Brass Tap serves up a four-course dinner and pairs them with five ALAMO Beers. The menu includes tempura shrimp salad with feta cheese dressing paired with our German Pale Ale, ALAMO Amber battered fried chicken with potato salad served with ALAMO Fiestaval Belgium White, steak and fries paired with ALAMO Pilsner and Brass Tap donuts with bourbon glaze served with our ALAMO Amber Lager. The cost is $35. For more information on other Alamo Beer Company Siege Week events, visit www.alamobeer.com/siegeweek2016. Tuesday, March 1 from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at The Brass Tap, 17619 La Cantera Pkwy Ste. 2 FUNKY FIRST FRIDAY— The Urban Farm Stand, White El ephant Coffee, Organic Movement and Zollie Glass join to host a family-friendly, healthy addition to Southtown’s First Friday. Taste fresh produce and coffees, see acrobatic yoga demos, select natural food and body care products, hear live music and see glass blown. A marble treasure hunt may be announced during the event, food trucks will be on site and there is easy parking to find. Friday, March 4 at 5 p.m. at The Urban Farm Stand, 1423 S. Presa St. AN EVENING WITH HEROES: THE ALAMO UNDER SIEGE— Have you ever wondered what was happening inside and outside the walls prior to the battle of The Alamo? Come experi ence a recreation of the events and conversations of the evening before the final attack. Seven candlelit scenarios will take you back; you will witness history unfold. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. with tours departing every 10 minutes. The last tour will depart at 10 p.m. Each tour will last approximately 45 minutes. Only 500 tickets will be sold for this event and ticket prices are $20 for adults and children over 12 and $10 for children between the ages of 7 and 14. Children under 7 are free with paid adult. Friday, March 4 at 6 p.m. at The Alamo, 300 Alamo Plaza SCIENCE FIESTA— The event will feature a science fair with posters by San Antonio scientists, a panel on science policy, science-themed artwork and an interactive area for children. In ad dition, best-selling author and journalist, David Epstein will deliver our featured presentation and host a book signing. Of course, no San Antonio fiesta would be complete without music, food trucks and margaritas. For more information: http://sciencefiesta.org/. Saturday, March 5 from 12 to 6 p.m. at La Villita, 418 La Villita St. A Division of Duran Duran Industries, Inc. TINO DURAN Sr. Publisher/CEO LUCY ALMANZA Editor MARCO LOPEZ Production Manager ADDA MONTALVO Spanish Copy Editor JOE AGUILAR Production Assistants JOSE FRANCO Sports Editor MILYANKA ROBERT PEREZ Staff Photographers CHRISTINA ACOSTA Reporters ALYSSA BUNTING Advertising Director KARINA VELA Classifieds MARIA CISNEROS Sales Representative REY GONZALES Circulation Manager JORGE RAMOS STEVE WALKER Contributing Writers EFE News Services La Prensa de San Antonio is published two times a week by Duran Duran Industries, Inc., at 816 Camaron St. Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78212 (210) 242-7900. Subscription price in the U.S.A. $125.00 per year (52 issues). The opinions expressed in the editorials of this publication represent the positions and ideology of this newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions of the management staff or ownership of this newspaper; the contents of which they are solely and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our readers are welcome and will be published, subject to space availability so long as they are signed and have a proper return address. All letters will be reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel, slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and accuracy, ac cording to our style. La Prensa de San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not guarantee in any way the products or services offered, of which only the advertiser is responsible. All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the United States of America. 1119 6-A Burbank High School LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 1120 San Antonio Housing Authority 1121 Mireles Elementary School 1122 John Hoffmann Elementary School 1123 Somerset High School 1124 Gallardo Elementary School 1125 Harlandale Community Center (Gym) 1126 San Antonio Housing Authority 1127 Rayburn Elementary School 1128 Miguel Carrillo, Jr. Elementary School 1129 Spicewood Park Elementary School 1130 Lewis Elementary School 1131 Valley Hi Elementary School 1132 Valley Hi Elementary School Recinto *Posición 1133 Alan Shepard Middle School 1134 Valley Hi Elementary School 1135 Valley Hi Elementary School 1136 Mary Michael Elementary School 1137 Mireles Elementary School 1138 Mission Academy 1139 Mission Academy 2001 Lanier High School 2002 Lanier High School 2003 Margil Elementary School 2004 Frank Garrett Multi‐ Service Community Ctr. 2005 Fenwick Elementary School 2006 Whittier Middle School 2007 Crockett Elementary School 2008 Las Palmas Library 2009 Mead Elementary School 2010 Shepherd King Lutheran Church 2011 Las Palmas Library 2012 Gus Garcia Middle School 2013 Fenwick Elementary School 2014 Memorial Branch Library 2015 Gus Garcia Middle School 2016 Edgewood Gym 2017 Las Palmas Library 2018 Collins Garden Library 2019 Edgewood Gym 2020 Wrenn Middle School 2021 Huppertz Elementary School 2022 Memorial Branch Library 2023 Huppertz Elementary School 2024 Woodlawn Hills Elementary School 2025 Longfellow Middle School 2026 Pat Neff Middle School 2027 Joe Ward Recreation Center 2028 Joe Ward Recreation Center 2029 Sarah King Elementary School 2030 Sarah King Elementary School 2031 Storm Elementary School 2032 Storm Elementary School 2033 Lanier High School 2034 Margil Elementary School 2035 Laurel Heights United Methodist Church 2036 Laurel Heights United Methodist Church 2037 Maury Maverick, Jr. Library 2038 Olmos Basin Clubhouse 2039 Huisache Avenue Baptist Church 2040 Villarreal Elementary School 2041 Sul Ross Middle School 2042 Esparza Elementary School 2043 Stafford Elementary School 2044 Meadowcliff Recreation Center 2045 Woodlawn Elementary School 2046 Young Women's Leadership Academy 2047 Jefferson High School 2048 Huisache Avenue Baptist Church 2049 Linton Elementary School 2050 Powell Elementary School 2051 Fox Tech High School 2052 Edison High School 2053 Edison High School 2054 Kenwood Community Center 2055 Alamo Stadium Convocation Center 2056 Westminster Square 2057 Westminster Square 2058 Westfall Branch Library 2059 Whittier Middle School 2060 Maverick Elementary School 2061 Leon Valley City Hall 2062 Dellview Elementary School 2063 San Antonio M.U.D #1 2064 Dellview Elementary School 2065 Ward Elementary School 2066 Coke Stevenson Middle School 2067 Huisache Avenue Baptist Church 2068 Timberwilde Elementary School 2069 Community Alliance Traffic Safety (CATS) 2070 Barkley‐Ruiz Elementary School 2071 Cassiano Homes 2072 Brauchle Elementary School 2073 West Avenue Elementary School 2074 Memorial Branch Library 2075 Stafford Elementary School 2076 Nichols Elementary School 2077 Jimmy Elrod Elementary School 2078 Knowlton Elementary School 2079 Cassiano Homes 2080 Olmos Elementary School 2081 Pat Neff Middle School 2082 Olmos Elementary School 2083 Jefferson High School 2084 Maury Maverick, Jr. Library 2085 Westfall Branch Library 2086 Carson Elementary School 2087 Carson Elementary School 2088 H. B. Zachry Middle School 2089 Gus Garcia Middle School 2090 Timberhill Villa Retirement Center 2091 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 2092 Shepherd King Lutheran Church 2093 Scarborough Elementary School 2094 Alamo Stadium Convocation Center 2095 Folks Middle School 2096 Health Careers High School 2097 Burke Elementary School 2098 Knowlton Elementary School 2099 Coke Stevenson Middle School 2100 West Avenue Elementary School 2101 Kuentz Elementary School 2102 Fernandez Elementary School 2103 Las Palmas Library 2104 Frank Garrett Multi‐ Service Community Ctr. 2105 Shepherd King Lutheran Church 2106 Timberwilde Elementary School 2107 West Avenue Elementary School 2108 Coke Stevenson Middle School 2109 Ridgeview Elementary School 2110 Colonial Hills Elementary School 2111 Balcones Heights City Hall 2112 Leon Valley Elementary School 2113 Mead Elementary School 2114 Olmos Elementary School 2115 Scarborough Elementary School 2116 Ridgeview Elementary School 2117 Collins Garden Library 2118 Collins Garden Library 2119 Pat Neff Middle School 2120 Mead Elementary School 2121 Ridgeview Elementary School 2122 Health Careers High School 2123 Northwest Church of Christ 2124 Balcones Heights City Hall 2125 Scarborough Elementary School 2126 Leon Valley Elementary School 2127 Northwest Crossing Elementary School 2128 Esparza Elementary School 1002 Edwards St. 818 S. Flores 12260 Rockwall Mill 12118 Volunteer Parkway 7650 S 1604 W 1300 Del Lago Pkwy 7227 Briar Pl 818 S. Flores 635 Rayburn Dr. 500 Price Ave. 11303 Tilson Dr. 1000 Seascape 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. Dirección 5558 Ray Ellison Blvd. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 3155 Quiet Plain 12260 Rockwall Mill 9210 South Presa 9210 South Presa 1514 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd 1514 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd 1000 Perez St. 1226 N. W. 18th St. 1930 Waverly Ave. 2101 Edison Dr. 2215 Morales St. 515 Castroville Rd. 3803 Midhorizon Dr. 303 W. Ramsey Rd. 515 Castroville Rd. 3306 Ruiz St. 1930 Waverly Ave. 3222 Culebra Rd. 3306 Ruiz St. 4133 Eldridge Ave. 515 Castroville Rd. 200 N. Park Blvd. 4133 Eldridge Ave. 627 S. Acme Rd. 247 Bangor St. 3222 Culebra Rd. 247 Bangor St. 110 W. Quill Dr. 1130 E. Sunshine Dr. 5227 Evers Rd. 435 E Sunshine Dr. 435 E Sunshine Dr. 1001 Ceralvo St. 1001 Ceralvo St. 435 Brady Blvd 435 Brady Blvd 1514 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd 1000 Perez St. 227 W. Woodlawn Ave. 227 W. Woodlawn Ave. 8700 Mystic Park 7022 McCullough Ave. 1339 W. Huisache Ave. 2902 White Tail Dr 3630 Callaghan Rd. 5700 Hemphill Dr. 415 S.W. 36th St. 1240 Pinn Rd. 1717 W. Magnolia Ave. 2123 W. Huisache Ave. 723 Donaldson Ave. 1339 W. Huisache Ave. 2103 Oakhill Rd. 6003 Thunder Dr. 637 N. Main Ave 701 Santa Monica Dr. 701 Santa Monica Dr. 305 Dora St. 110 Tuleta Dr. 1838 Basse Rd. 1838 Basse Rd. 6111 Rosedale Ct. 2101 Edison Dr. 107 Raleigh Pl. 6400 El Verde Rd. 7235 Dewhurst Rd. 16450 Wildlake 7235 Dewhurst Rd. 8400 Cavern Hill 8403 Tezel Rd. 1339 W. Huisache Ave. 8838 Timberwilde Dr. 7719 Pipers Lane 1111 S. Navidad St. 2919 S. Laredo St. 8555 Bowens Crossing 3915 West Ave. 3222 Culebra Rd. 415 S.W. 36th St. 9560 Braun Rd. 8885 Heath Circle Dr. 9500 Timber Path 2919 S. Laredo St. 1103 Allena Dr. 5227 Evers Rd. 1103 Allena Dr. 723 Donaldson Ave. 8700 Mystic Park 6111 Rosedale Ct. 8151 Old Tezel Rd. 8151 Old Tezel Rd. 9410 Timber Path 3306 Ruiz St. 5050 Timberhill 6914 Wurzbach Rd. 303 W. Ramsey Rd. 12280 Silver Pointe (at 110 Tuleta Dr. 9855 Swayback Ranch 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. 10111 Terra Oak 9500 Timber Path 8403 Tezel Rd. 3915 West Ave. 12303 Leslie Rd. 6845 Ridgebrook St. 515 Castroville Rd. 1226 N. W. 18th St. 303 W. Ramsey Rd. 8838 Timberwilde Dr. 3915 West Ave. 8403 Tezel Rd. 8223 McCullough Ave. 2627 Kerrybrook Ct. 3300 Hillcrest Dr. 7111 Huebner Rd. 3803 Midhorizon Dr. 1103 Allena Dr. 12280 Silver Pointe (at 8223 McCullough Ave. 200 N. Park Blvd. 200 N. Park Blvd. 5227 Evers Rd. 3803 Midhorizon Dr. 8223 McCullough Ave. 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. 9681 W. 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Middle School Brentwood Middle School Brentwood Middle School Gardendale Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Ralph Langley Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Frank Madla Elementary School Five Palms Elementary School Sky Harbour Elementary School Miguel Carrillo, Jr. Elementary School South San Antonio High School Palo Alto Elementary School Westwood Terrace Elementary School Kazen Middle School South San Antonio High School Kazen Middle School Vestal Elementary School Gillette Elementary School McCollum High School Harlandale Community Center (Gym) Bellaire Elementary School Bellaire Elementary School Harlandale Community Center (Gym) Kingsborough Middle School Virginia Myers Elementary School Gallardo Elementary School Freedom Elementary School Losoya Intermediate School Spicewood Park Elementary School Bob Hope Elementary School Sky Harbour Elementary School Spicewood Park Elementary School Somerset High School Southwest High School Somerset High School Southwest High School Southwest High School Southwest High School Vale Middle School John Glenn Elementary School Adams Hill Elementary School Carlos Coon Elementary School Ott Elementary School Burbank High School Alan Shepard Middle School St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Lowell Middle School Lowell Middle School Dr. Winn Murnin Elementary School Pease Middle School Blue Skies of Texas West (Air Force Village II) Big Country Elementary School Lewis Elementary School Mary Hull Elementary School Westwood Terrace Elementary School Meadow Village Elementary School Henry A Guerra, Jr. Library Perales Elementary School Mission Academy Brentwood Middle School Mission Academy Spicewood Park Elementary School Vale Middle School Alan Shepard Middle School Valley Hi Elementary School Brentwood Middle School St. Leo Catholic Church (Hall) Burbank High School Evers Elementary School Ed Cody Elementary School Ed Cody Elementary School Freedom Elementary School Miguel Carrillo, Jr. Elementary School Carlos Coon Elementary School Spicewood Park Elementary School Mary Michael Elementary School Losoya Intermediate School Galm Elementary School Vale Middle School Bobbye Behlau Elementary School Raba Elementary School Mary Michael Elementary School Vale Middle School Spicewood Park Elementary School Mission Academy Mission Academy Mission Academy Blue Skies of Texas West (Air Force Village II) Burbank High School San Antonio Housing Authority Mireles Elementary School John Hoffmann Elementary School Somerset High School Gallardo Elementary School Harlandale Community Center (Gym) San Antonio Housing Authority Rayburn Elementary School Miguel Carrillo, Jr. Elementary School Spicewood Park Elementary School Lewis Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Valley Hi Elementary School Alan Shepard Middle School Dirección Dirección 818 S. Flores 10403 Dugas Dr. 818 S. Flores 4423 S. Flores 1002 Edwards St. 907 W. Theo Ave. 530 Hoover Ave. 818 S. Flores 10403 Dugas Dr. 818 S. Flores 135 E. Southcross 2385 Horal Dr. 1026 Thompson Pl. 530 Hoover Ave. 834 W. Southcross 135 E. Southcross 135 E. Southcross 135 E. Southcross 115 E. Huff Ave. 115 E. Huff Ave. 635 Rayburn Dr. 834 W. Southcross 834 W. Southcross 201 Hunt Ln. 500 Price Ave. 2454 W. Southcross 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 4423 S. Flores 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 1731 Dahlgreen Ave. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 14185 Bella Vista 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 6100 Royalgate Dr. 7138 Five Palms Dr. 5902 Fishers Bend 500 Price Ave. 7535 Barlite Blvd 1725 Palo Alto Rd 2315 Hackamore Lane 1520 Gillette Blvd 7535 Barlite Blvd 1520 Gillette Blvd 1111 W. Vestal Pl. 625 Gillette Blvd. 500 W. Formosa 7227 Briar Pl 142 E. Amber St. 142 E. Amber St. 7227 Briar Pl 422 Ashley Rd. 3031 Village Pkwy 1300 Del Lago Pkwy 3845 S Loop 1604 E 1610 Martinez Losoya Rd. 11303 Tilson Dr. 3022 Reforma Dr. 5902 Fishers Bend 11303 Tilson Dr. 7650 S 1604 W 11960 Dragon Ln. 7650 S 1604 W 11960 Dragon Ln. 11960 Dragon Ln. 11960 Dragon Ln. 2120 N. Ellison Dr 2385 Horal Dr. 9627 Adams Hill Dr. 3110 Timber View Dr. 100 N Grosenbacher 1002 Edwards St. 5558 Ray Ellison Blvd. 9883 Marbach Rd. 919 Thompson Pl. 919 Thompson Pl. 9019 Dugas 201 Hunt Ln. 5100 John D. Ryan Blvd. 2250 Pue Rd. 1000 Seascape 7320 Remuda St. 2315 Hackamore Lane 1406 Meadow Way Dr. 7978 Military Drive W 1507 Ceralvo St. 9210 South Presa 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 9210 South Presa 11303 Tilson Dr. 2120 N. Ellison Dr 5558 Ray Ellison Blvd. 8503 Ray Ellison Blvd. 1626 W. Thompson Pl. 4423 S. 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28 de 2016 2116 Ridgeview Elementary School 2117 Collins Garden Library 2118 Collins Garden Library 2119 Pat Neff Middle School 2120 Mead Elementary School 2121 Ridgeview Elementary School 2122 Health Careers High School 2123 Northwest Church of Christ 2124 Balcones Heights City Hall 2125 Scarborough Elementary School 2126 Leon Valley Elementary School 2127 Northwest Crossing Elementary School 2128 Esparza Elementary School Recinto *Posición 2129 Ridgeview Elementary School 2130 Laurel Heights United Methodist Church 2131 Ridgeview Elementary School 2132 Ridgeview Elementary School 2133 Carson Elementary School 2134 Balcones Heights City Hall 2135 Ridgeview Elementary School 2136 Olmos Basin Clubhouse 2137 Ridgeview Elementary School 2138 Ridgeview Elementary School 2139 Nichols Elementary School 2140 Timberhill Villa Retirement Center 2141 Connally Middle School 2142 Pat Neff Middle School 2143 Leon Valley City Hall 2144 Ridgeview Elementary School 2145 Connally Middle School 2146 Balcones Heights City Hall 2147 Ward Elementary School 2148 Mead Elementary School 2149 Health Careers High School 2150 Shepherd King Lutheran Church 2151 Pat Neff Middle School 2152 Fox Tech High School 2153 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 2154 San Antonio M.U.D #1 2155 Ridgeview Elementary School 2156 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 2157 Pat Neff Middle School 2158 Scarborough Elementary School 2159 Carson Elementary School 2160 Community Alliance Traffic Safety (CATS) 2161 Connally Middle School 2162 Scarborough Elementary School 3001 Las Lomas Elementary School John Marshall High School 3002 John Marshall High School 3003 Alamo Heights United Methodist Church 3004 Timberwood Park Elementary School 3005 Kings Grant Club House 3006 Roan Forest Elementary School 3007 Helotes Elementary School 3008 Scenic Loop Playground 3009 Clark High School 3010 Kings Grant Club House 3011 Aue Elementary School 3012 Colonies North Elementary School 3013 Harmony Hills Elementary School 3014 Glenoaks Elementary School 3015 Carl Wanke Elementary School 3016 Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall 3017 Olmos Park City Hall 3018 McDermott Elementary School 3019 Alamo Heights Baptist Church 3020 Terrell Hills City Hall 3021 Terrell Hills City Hall 3022 Rudder Middle School 3023 Colonies North Elementary School 3024 Alamo Heights Baptist Church 3025 Alamo Heights Baptist Church 3026 Frontier Enterprises 3027 Madison High School 3028 3029 First Chinese Baptist Church Hidden Forest Elementary School 3030 Harmony Hills Elementary School 3031 Thornton Elementary School 3032 Alzafar Shrine Temple 3033 Fair Oaks Ranch City Hall 3034 Thornton Elementary School 3035 Carnahan Elementary School 3036 Scobee Elementary School 3037 Castle Hills City Hall 3038 M. H. Specht Elementary School 3039 Wetmore Elementary School 3040 Castle Hills City Hall 3041 Lopez Middle School 3042 M. H. Specht Elementary School 3043 Huebner Elementary School 3044 Hidden Forest Elementary School 3045 Alamo Heights United Methodist Church 3046 Woodridge Elementary School 3047 Woodridge Elementary School 3048 Northwood Elementary School 3049 Oak Grove Elementary School 3050 Scenic Loop Playground 3051 Barbara Bush Middle School 3052 Alamo Heights United Methodist Church 3053 Rudder Middle School 3054 Healing Place Church 3055 Clark High School 3056 Hunters Creek Racquet Club 3057 Ed Rawlinson Middle School 3058 3059 Grace Bible Chapel Northeast I.S.D. Admin. Annex 3060 Northeast I.S.D. Admin. Annex 3061 Coker United Methodist Church 3062 Harmony Hills Elementary School 3063 Harmony Hills Elementary School 3064 McDermott Elementary School 3065 Larkspur Elementary School 3066 Castle Hills City Hall 3067 Larkspur Elementary School 3068 Adante Independent Living 3069 Hunters Creek Racquet Club 3070 Howsman Elementary School 3071 Bulverde Creek Elementary School 3072 Clark High School 3073 Woods of Shavano Community Club 3074 Shavano Park City Hall 3075 Huebner Elementary School 3076 Oak Meadow Elementary School 3077 Huebner Elementary School 3078 Coker United Methodist Church 3079 3080 Blossom Athletic Center Brookhollow Library 3081 Wetmore Elementary School 3082 Bradley Middle School 3083 Madison High School 3084 Bradley Middle School 3085 Oak Meadow Elementary School 3086 Fox Run Elementary School 3087 Bulverde Creek Elementary School 3088 Timberwood Park Elementary School 3089 Thousand Oaks Elementary School 3090 Hill Country Village City Hall 3091 Hollywood Park City Hall 3092 Vineyard Ranch Elementary School 3093 Leon Springs Elementary School 3094 Monroe S. May Elementary School 3095 First Baptist Church of Leon Springs 3096 Leon Springs Elementary School 3097 Monroe S. May Elementary School 3098 Bob Beard Elementary School 3099 Steubing Ranch Elementary School 3100 1103 Allena Dr. 12280 Silver Pointe (at 8223 McCullough Ave. 200 N. Park Blvd. 200 N. Park Blvd. 5227 Evers Rd. 3803 Midhorizon Dr. 8223 McCullough Ave. 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. 9681 W. Loop 1604 N. 3300 Hillcrest Dr. 12280 Silver Pointe (at 7111 Huebner Rd. 10255 Dover Rdg. 5700 Hemphill Dr. Dirección 8223 McCullough Ave. 227 W. Woodlawn Ave. 8223 McCullough Ave. 8223 McCullough Ave. 8151 Old Tezel Rd. 3300 Hillcrest Dr. 8223 McCullough Ave. 7022 McCullough Ave. 8223 McCullough Ave. 8223 McCullough Ave. 9560 Braun Rd. 5050 Timberhill 8661 Silent Sunrise 5227 Evers Rd. 6400 El Verde Rd. 8223 McCullough Ave. 8661 Silent Sunrise 3300 Hillcrest Dr. 8400 Cavern Hill 3803 Midhorizon Dr. 4646 Hamilton Wolfe Rd. 303 W. Ramsey Rd. 5227 Evers Rd. 637 N. Main Ave 6914 Wurzbach Rd. 16450 Wildlake 8223 McCullough Ave. 6914 Wurzbach Rd. 5227 Evers Rd. 12280 Silver Pointe (at 8151 Old Tezel Rd. 7719 Pipers Lane 8661 Silent Sunrise 12280 Silver Pointe (at 20303 Hardy Oak Blvd 8000 Lobo Ln. 8000 Lobo Ln. 825 E Basse Rd. 26715 S. Glenrose 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 22710 Roan Park 13878 Riggs Rd. 18249 Sherwood Trl. 5150 De Zavala Rd. 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 24750 Baywater Stage 9915 Northampton 10727 Memory Lane 5103 Newcome Dr. 10419 Old Prue Rd. 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd. 120 El Prado Dr. W 5111 USAA Blvd. 6501 Broadway St. 5100 N. New Braunfels 5100 N. New Braunfels 6558 Horn Blvd. 9915 Northampton 6501 Broadway St. 6501 Broadway St. 8520 Crownhill Blvd. 5005 Stahl Rd. 5481 Prue Rd. 802 Silver Spruce St. 10727 Memory Lane 6450 Pembroke 901 N Loop 1604 W 7286 Dietz Elkhorn Rd. 6450 Pembroke 6839 Babcock 11223 Cedar Park 209 Lemonwood 25815 Overlook Pkwy 3250 Thousand Oaks 209 Lemonwood 23103 Hardy Oak Blvd. 25815 Overlook Pkwy 16311 Huebner Rd. 802 Silver Spruce St. 825 E Basse Rd. 100 Woodridge 100 Woodridge 519 Pike Rd. 3250 Nacogdoches 18249 Sherwood Trl. 1500 Evans Rd. 825 E Basse Rd. 6558 Horn Blvd. 28703 IH 10 W 5150 De Zavala Rd. 3630 Hunters Circle St. 14100 Vance Jackson 18911 Redland Rd. 10333 Broadway 10333 Broadway 231 E North Loop Rd. 10727 Memory Lane 10727 Memory Lane 5111 USAA Blvd. 11330 Belair Dr. 209 Lemonwood 11330 Belair Dr. 2702 Cembalo Blvd. 3630 Hunters Circle St. 11431 Vance Jackson 3839 Canyon Parkway 5150 De Zavala Rd. 13838 Parksite Woods St. 900 Saddletree Ct. 16311 Huebner Rd. 2800 Hunters Green 16311 Huebner Rd. 231 E North Loop Rd. 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 530 Heimer Rd. 3250 Thousand Oaks 14819 Heimer Rd. 5005 Stahl Rd. 14819 Heimer Rd. 2800 Hunters Green 6111 Fox Creek St. 3839 Canyon Parkway 26715 S. Glenrose 16080 Henderson Pass 116 Aspen Lane 2 Mecca Dr. 16818 Huebner Rd. 23881 IH 10 W 15707 Chase Hill Blvd. 24133 Boerne Stage Rd. 23881 IH 10 W 15707 Chase Hill Blvd. 8725 Sonoma Parkway 5100 Knoll Creek San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Balcones Heights, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Ciudad/Estado San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Balcones Heights, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Leon Valley, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Balcones Heights, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Helotes, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Helotes, TX Grey Forest, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Fair Oaks Ranch, TX Olmos Park, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Terrell Hills, TX Terrell Hills, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Fair Oaks Ranch, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Castle Hills, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Castle Hills, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Grey Forest, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Boerne, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Castle Hills, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Shavano Park, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Hill Country Village, TX Hollywood Park, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Helotes, TX San Antonio, TX 78213 Fox Run Elementary School 3087 ANTONIO 78254 LA PRENSA DE SAN 78216 78204 78204 78228 78229 78216 78229 78254 78201 78254 78240 78250 78228 C.P. 78216 78212 78216 78216 78250 78201 78216 78216 78216 78216 78254 78238 78250 78228 78238 78216 78250 78201 78254 78229 78229 78216 78228 78205 78240 78023 78216 78240 78228 78254 78250 78251 78250 78254 78258 78240 78240 78209 78260 78230 78259 78023 78023 78249 78230 78255 78230 78216 78229 78249 78015 78212 78240 78209 78209 78209 78240 78230 78209 78209 78209 78247 78240 78232 78216 78240 78232 78015 78240 78249 78249 78213 78260 78247 78213 78258 78260 78249 78232 78209 78209 78209 78209 78217 78023 78258 78209 78240 78006 78249 78230 78249 78259 78217 78217 78216 78216 78216 78240 78213 78213 78213 78230 78230 78230 78259 78249 78249 78231 78249 78231 78249 78216 78216 78232 78247 78232 78247 78232 78231 78247 78259 78260 78232 78232 78232 78258 78257 78256 78255 78257 78256 78023 78247 Bulverde Creek Elementary School 3088 Timberwood Park Elementary School 3089 Thousand Oaks Elementary School 3090 Hill Country Village City Hall 3091 Hollywood Park City Hall 3092 Vineyard Ranch Elementary School 3093 Leon Springs Elementary School 3094 Monroe S. May Elementary School 3095 First Baptist Church of Leon Springs 3096 Leon Springs Elementary School 3097 Monroe S. May Elementary School 3098 Bob Beard Elementary School 3099 Steubing Ranch Elementary School 3100 Recinto *Posición Bob Beard Elementary School 3101 Fox Run Elementary School 3101 Hidden Forest Elementary School 3102 Faith Lutheran Church 3104 Fox Run Elementary School 3105 Helotes Elementary School 3106 Rhodes Elementary School 3107 Redland Oaks Elementary School 3108 Murray E. Boone Elementary School 3109 Longs Creek Elementary School 3110 Kings Grant Club House 3111 William P. Hobby Middle School 3112 William P. Hobby Middle School 3113 Encino Park Community Center 3114 Hunters Creek Racquet Club 3115 Oak Hills Terrace Elementary School 3116 Brookhollow Library 3117 Church of Reconciliation‐Episcopal 3118 3119 Gordon Hartman Foundation Wetmore Elementary School 3120 Hardy Oak Elementary School 3121 Bradley Middle School 3122 John Marshall High School 3123 Cibolo Green Elementary School 3124 Tuscany Heights Elementary School 3125 Scenic Loop Playground 3126 Carl Wanke Elementary School 3127 Scenic Loop Playground 3128 3129 John Igo Library Huebner Elementary School 3130 3131 Blossom Athletic Center Churchill High School 3132 Castle Hills City Hall 3133 Katherine Stinson Middle School 3134 Howsman Elementary School 3135 Kings Grant Club House 3136 Cibolo Green Elementary School 3137 Bradley Middle School 3138 John Marshall High School 3139 Glenoaks Elementary School 3140 Oak Hills Terrace Elementary School 3141 Monroe S. May Elementary School 3142 Carnahan Elementary School 3143 Cibolo Green Elementary School 3144 Vineyard Ranch Elementary School 3145 3146 First Chinese Baptist Church Thornton Elementary School 3147 Timberwood Park Elementary School 3148 Ed Rawlinson Middle School 3149 3150 Blossom Athletic Center First Baptist Church of Leon Springs 3151 McDermott Elementary School 3152 Thousand Oaks Elementary School 3153 Faith Lutheran Church 3154 McDermott Elementary School 3155 Frontier Enterprises 3156 Redland Oaks Elementary School 3157 Helotes Elementary School 3158 Church of Reconciliation‐Episcopal 3159 Helotes Elementary School 3160 Churchill High School 3161 Carl Wanke Elementary School 3162 Stone Oak Elementary School 3163 Indian Springs Elementary School 3164 Tejeda Middle School 3165 Kings Grant Club House 3166 Colonies North Elementary School 3167 Bob Beard Elementary School 3168 Helotes Elementary School 3169 Fox Run Elementary School 3170 Castle Hills City Hall 3171 Murray E. Boone Elementary School 3172 3173 Parman Library Aue Elementary School 3174 Colonies North Elementary School 3175 Shavano Park City Hall 3176 Terrell Hills City Hall 3177 Alamo Heights United Methodist Church 3178 Adante Independent Living 3179 3180 Blossom Athletic Center 3181 Grace Bible Chapel Kings Grant Club House 3182 Fox Run Elementary School 3183 Leon Springs Elementary School 3184 Bob Beard Elementary School 3185 Bob Beard Elementary School 3186 Bob Beard Elementary School 3187 Bob Beard Elementary School 3188 Bob Beard Elementary School 3189 Bob Beard Elementary School 3190 Bob Beard Elementary School 3191 San Antonio Central Library 4001 Poe Middle School 4002 Davis Scott YMCA 4003 Bowden Elementary School 4004 Bowden Elementary School 4005 Bowden Elementary School 4006 Wilshire Elementary School 4007 Lamar Elementary School 4008 Wheatley Middle School 4009 Wheatley Middle School 4010 Wheatley Middle School 4011 Smith Elementary School 4012 James Bode Recreation Center 4013 Poe Middle School 4014 Beacon Hill Elementary School 4015 Japhet Elementary School 4016 Travis Early College High School 4017 San Antonio Central Library 4018 Foster Elementary School 4019 Foster Elementary School 4020 Clear Spring Elementary School 4021 Royal Ridge Elementary School 4022 Rogers Middle School 4023 Kate Schenck Elementary School 4024 Highland Hills Elementary School 4025 McCreless Library 4026 McCreless Library 4027 James Bode Recreation Center 4028 Smith Elementary School 4029 M. L. King Academy 4030 Highland Hills Elementary School 4031 Highland Hills Elementary School 4032 Pecan Valley Elementary School 4033 Hirsch Elementary School 4034 Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 4035 Hirsch Elementary School 4036 6111 Fox Creek St. 3839 Canyon Parkway 26715 S. Glenrose 16080 Henderson Pass 116 Aspen Lane 2 Mecca Dr. 16818 Huebner Rd. 23881 IH 10 W 15707 Chase Hill Blvd. 24133 Boerne Stage Rd. 23881 IH 10 W 15707 Chase Hill Blvd. 8725 Sonoma Parkway 5100 Knoll Creek Dirección 8725 Sonoma Parkway 6111 Fox Creek St. 802 Silver Spruce St. 14819 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 6111 Fox Creek St. 13878 Riggs Rd. 5714 North Knoll 16650 Red Land Rd. 6614 Spring Time Dr 15806 O'Connor Rd. 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 11843 Vance Jackson 11843 Vance Jackson 1923 Encino Rio 3630 Hunters Circle St. 5710 Cary Grant Dr. 530 Heimer Rd. 8900 Starcrest 1202 W. Bitters Bldg 1 3250 Thousand Oaks 22900 Hardy Oak Blvd 14819 Heimer Rd. 8000 Lobo Ln. 24315 Bulverde Green 25001 Wilderness Oak 18249 Sherwood Trl. 10419 Old Prue Rd. 18249 Sherwood Trl. 13330 Kyle Seale Parkway 16311 Huebner Rd. 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 12049 Blanco Rd. 209 Lemonwood 13200 Skyhawk Dr. 11431 Vance Jackson 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 24315 Bulverde Green 14819 Heimer Rd. 8000 Lobo Ln. 5103 Newcome Dr. 5710 Cary Grant Dr. 15707 Chase Hill Blvd. 6839 Babcock 24315 Bulverde Green 16818 Huebner Rd. 5481 Prue Rd. 6450 Pembroke 26715 S. Glenrose 14100 Vance Jackson 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 24133 Boerne Stage Rd. 5111 USAA Blvd. 16080 Henderson Pass 14819 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 5111 USAA Blvd. 8520 Crownhill Blvd. 16650 Red Land Rd. 13878 Riggs Rd. 8900 Starcrest 13878 Riggs Rd. 12049 Blanco Rd. 10419 Old Prue Rd. 21045 Crescent Oaks 25751 Wilderness Oak 2909 E. Evans Rd 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 9915 Northampton 8725 Sonoma Parkway 13878 Riggs Rd. 6111 Fox Creek St. 209 Lemonwood 6614 Spring Time Dr 20735 Wilderness Oak 24750 Baywater Stage 9915 Northampton 900 Saddletree Ct. 5100 N. New Braunfels 825 E Basse Rd. 2702 Cembalo Blvd. 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd. 18911 Redland Rd. 10002 Kings Grant Dr. 6111 Fox Creek St. 23881 IH 10 W 8725 Sonoma Parkway 8725 Sonoma Parkway 8725 Sonoma Parkway 8725 Sonoma Parkway 8725 Sonoma Parkway 8725 Sonoma Parkway 8725 Sonoma Parkway 600 Soledad 814 Aransas Ave 1213 Iowa St. 515 Willow St. 515 Willow St. 515 Willow St. 6523 Cascade Pl. 201 Parland 415 Gabriel 415 Gabriel 415 Gabriel 823 S. Gevers 900 Rigsby 814 Aransas Ave 1411 W. Ashby Pl. 314 Astor 1915 N. Main Ave. 600 Soledad 6718 Pecan Valley 6718 Pecan Valley 4311 Clear Spring 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 314 Galway Dr. 101 Kate Schenck 734 Glamis Ave. 1023 Ada 1023 Ada 900 Rigsby 823 S. Gevers 3501 Martin Luther King 734 Glamis Ave. 734 Glamis Ave. 3966 E. Southcross 4826 Seabreeze Dr. 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 4826 Seabreeze Dr. San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Hill Country Village, TX Hollywood Park, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Helotes, TX San Antonio, TX Ciudad/Estado Helotes, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Helotes, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Grey Forest, TX San Antonio, TX Grey Forest, TX San Antoino, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Castle Hills, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Helotes, TX San Antonio, TX Helotes, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Helotes, TX Helotes, TX San Antonio, TX Castle Hills, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Shavano Park, TX Terrell Hills, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Helotes, TX Helotes, TX Helotes, TX Helotes, TX Helotes, TX Helotes, TX Helotes, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX 7-A 78247 78259 78260 78232 78232 78232 78258 78257 78256 78255 78257 78256 78023 78247 C.P. 78023 78247 78232 78247 78247 78023 78240 78247 78249 78247 78230 78230 78230 78259 78230 78240 78232 78217 78216 78247 78258 78232 78240 78261 78258 78023 78249 78023 78249 78249 78216 78216 78213 78249 78230 78230 78261 78232 78240 78229 78240 78256 78249 78261 78258 78240 78240 78260 78249 78216 78255 78240 78232 78247 78240 78209 78247 78023 78217 78023 78216 78249 78258 78261 78259 78230 78230 78023 78023 78247 78213 78249 78258 78255 78230 78231 78209 78209 78230 78216 78259 78230 78247 78257 78023 78023 78023 78023 78023 78023 78023 78205 78210 78203 78202 78202 78202 78218 78209 78202 78202 78202 78203 78210 78210 78201 78210 78212 78205 78223 78223 78217 78239 78223 78233 78223 78223 78223 78210 78203 78220 78223 78223 78222 78220 78209 78220 Elección Primaria del Partidos Conjuto 1 de marzo de 2016 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 M. L. King Academy Mount Calvary Lutheran Church M. L. King Academy Cameron Elementary School Young Men's Leadership Academy Sam Houston High School Cameron Elementary School 3501 Martin Luther King 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 3501 Martin Luther King 3635 Belgium Lane 545 S. WW White Rd. 4635 E. Houston 3635 Belgium Lane San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX 78220 78209 78220 78219 78220 78220 78219 4162 8-A M. L. King Academy 4037 Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 4038 M. L. King Academy 4039 Cameron Elementary School 4040 Young Men's Leadership Academy 4041 Sam Houston High School 4042 Cameron Elementary School 4043 Recinto *Posición Wilshire Elementary School 4044 E. Terrell Hills Elementary School 4045 Tobin Library @ Oakwell 4046 Krueger Middle School 4047 Riverside Park Elementary School 4048 Ed White Middle School 4049 Windcrest Takas Park 4050 Windcrest Takas Park 4051 Royal Ridge Elementary School 4052 Miller's Point Elementary School 4053 Crestview Elementary School 4054 Crestview Elementary School 4055 Ed Franz Elementary School 4056 Universal City Hall 4057 Universal City Hall 4058 Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Center 4059 Montgomery Elementary School 4060 Montgomery Elementary School 4061 Pecan Valley Elementary School 4062 Park Village Elementary School 4063 Kirby City Hall 4064 Paschall Elementary School 4065 Woodlake Elementary School 4066 Converse City Hall Conference Room #1 4067 Metzger Middle School 4068 China Grove City Hall 4069 Sinclair Elementary School 4070 St. Hedwig City Hall 4071 John Glenn Jr. Elementary School 4072 Harmony Elementary School 4073 Harmony Elementary School 4074 Poe Middle School 4075 Park Village Elementary School 4076 Sinclair Elementary School 4077 John Glenn Jr. Elementary School 4078 Coronado Village Elementary School 4079 Hopkins Elementary School 4080 Universal City Hall 4081 Sam Houston High School 4082 Clear Spring Elementary School 4083 Sam Houston High School 4084 China Grove City Hall 4085 Harmony Elementary School 4086 4087 Ray D Corbett Jr High School(SCUC) Spring Meadows Elementary School 4088 4089 Kitty Hawk Middle School Miller's Point Elementary School 4090 Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 4091 Miller's Point Elementary School 4092 John H. Wood Jr. Middle School 4093 El Dorado Elementary School 4094 El Dorado Elementary School 4095 Thousand Oaks El Sendero Library 4096 Olympia Elementary School 4097 John H. Wood Jr. Middle School 4098 Thousand Oaks El Sendero Library 4099 Ed Franz Elementary School 4100 China Grove City Hall 4101 Krueger Middle School 4102 Lamar Elementary School 4103 John H. Wood Jr. Middle School 4104 Olympia Elementary School 4105 Park Village Elementary School 4106 Windcrest Takas Park 4107 Woodstone Elementary School 4108 Japhet Elementary School 4109 Lamar Elementary School 4110 Cameron Elementary School 4111 Wilshire Elementary School 4112 Young Men's Leadership Academy 4113 Converse City Hall Conference Room #1 4114 Royal Ridge Elementary School 4115 Olympia Elementary School 4116 Tobin Library @ Oakwell 4117 St. Hedwig City Hall 4118 Lamar Elementary School 4119 Wilshire Elementary School 4120 John Glenn Jr. Elementary School 4121 Lamar Elementary School 4122 Bowden Elementary School 4123 Ball Elementary School 4124 Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 4125 4126 Ray D Corbett Jr High School(SCUC) 4127 Ray D Corbett Jr High School(SCUC) Lamar Elementary School 4128 San Antonio Central Library 4129 Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Center 4130 Royal Ridge Elementary School 4131 Judson Middle School 4132 Pecan Valley Elementary School 4133 Royal Ridge Elementary School 4134 E. Terrell Hills Elementary School 4135 St. Hedwig City Hall 4136 St. Hedwig City Hall 4137 John H. Wood Jr. Middle School 4138 Wilshire Elementary School 4139 John H. Wood Jr. Middle School 4140 M. L. King Academy 4141 Park Village Elementary School 4142 Metzger Middle School 4143 Universal City Hall 4144 Kirby City Hall 4145 Kirby City Hall 4146 Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 4147 John H. Wood Jr. Middle School 4148 Royal Ridge Elementary School 4149 Elolf Elementary School 4150 St. Hedwig City Hall 4151 St. John Neumann Catholic Church 4152 Harmony Elementary School 4153 Ed White Middle School 4154 4155 Cotton Elementary School Woodlake Elementary School 4156 4157 Cotton Elementary School Ed Franz Elementary School 4158 China Grove City Hall 4159 4160 Candlewood Elementary School Paschall Elementary School 4161 Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Center 4162 Spring Meadows Elementary School 4163 Olympia Elementary School 4164 Harmony Elementary School 4165 Park Village Elementary School 4166 Sam Houston High School 4167 Elolf Elementary School 4168 Northern Hills Elementary School 4169 Northern Hills Elementary School 4170 Northern Hills Elementary School 4171 Stahl Elementary School 4172 Northern Hills Elementary School 4173 Northern Hills Elementary School 4174 Krueger Middle School 4175 Northern Hills Elementary School 4176 James Bode Recreation Center 4177 Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Center Spring Meadows Elementary School 4163 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3501 Martin Luther King 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 3501 Martin Luther King 3635 Belgium Lane 545 S. WW White Rd. 4635 E. Houston 3635 Belgium Lane Dirección 6523 Cascade Pl. 4415 Bloomdale 4134 Harry Wurzbach 438 Lanark Dr. 202 School St. 7800 Midcrown Dr. 9310 Jim Seal 9310 Jim Seal 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 7027 Misty Ridge 7710 Narrow Pass 7710 Narrow Pass 12301 Welcome Dr. 2150 Universal City Blvd 2150 Universal City Blvd 7700 Mesquite Pass 7047 Montgomery Dr. 7047 Montgomery Dr. 3966 E. Southcross 5855 Midcrown 112 Bauman St. 6351 Lake View Dr. 5501 Lake Bend East 405 South Seguin 7475 Binz‐Engleman Rd. 2412 FM 1516 S. 6126 Sinclair Rd. 13065 FM ‐ 1346 7284 FM ‐ 1628 10625 Green Lake Dr. 10625 Green Lake Dr. 814 Aransas Ave 5855 Midcrown 6126 Sinclair Rd. 7284 FM ‐ 1628 213 Amistad Blvd 2440 Ackerman Rd. 2150 Universal City Blvd 4635 E. Houston 4311 Clear Spring 4635 E. Houston 2412 FM 1516 S. 10625 Green Lake Dr. 12000 Ray Corbett Dr 7135 Elm Trail Dr. 840 Old Cimarron Trl. 7027 Misty Ridge 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 7027 Misty Ridge 14800 Judson Rd. 12634 El Sendero 12634 El Sendero 4618 Thousand Oaks 8439 Athenian 14800 Judson Rd. 4618 Thousand Oaks 12301 Welcome Dr. 2412 FM 1516 S. 438 Lanark Dr. 201 Parland 14800 Judson Rd. 8439 Athenian 5855 Midcrown 9310 Jim Seal 5602 Fountainwood 314 Astor 201 Parland 3635 Belgium Lane 6523 Cascade Pl. 545 S. WW White Rd. 405 South Seguin 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 8439 Athenian 4134 Harry Wurzbach 13065 FM ‐ 1346 201 Parland 6523 Cascade Pl. 7284 FM ‐ 1628 201 Parland 515 Willow St. 343 Koehler Court 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 12000 Ray Corbett Dr 12000 Ray Corbett Dr 201 Parland 600 Soledad 7700 Mesquite Pass 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 9695 Schaefer Rd. 3966 E. Southcross 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 4415 Bloomdale 13065 FM ‐ 1346 13065 FM ‐ 1346 14800 Judson Rd. 6523 Cascade Pl. 14800 Judson Rd. 3501 Martin Luther King 5855 Midcrown 7475 Binz‐Engleman Rd. 2150 Universal City Blvd 112 Bauman St. 112 Bauman St. 308 Mount Calvary Dr. 14800 Judson Rd. 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 6335 Beech Trail Dr. 13065 FM ‐ 1346 6680 Crestway Dr. 10625 Green Lake Dr. 7800 Midcrown Dr. 1616 Blanco Rd. 5501 Lake Bend East 1616 Blanco Rd. 12301 Welcome Dr. 2412 FM 1516 S. 3635 Candleglen 6351 Lake View Dr. 7700 Mesquite Pass 7135 Elm Trail Dr. 8439 Athenian 10625 Green Lake Dr. 5855 Midcrown 4635 E. Houston 6335 Beech Trail Dr. 13901 Higgins Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 5222 Stahl Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 438 Lanark Dr. 13901 Higgins Rd. 900 Rigsby San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Ciudad/Estado San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX Live Oak, TX Live Oak, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX Universal City, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Kirby, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX China Grove, TX San Antonio, TX St. Hedwig, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX China Grove, TX San Antonio, TX Schertz, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX China Grove, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX San Antonio, TX St. Hedwig, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Schertz, TX Schertz, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX St. Hedwig, TX St. Hedwig, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX Kirby, TX Kirby, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX St. Hedwig, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX China Grove, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX 78220 78209 78220 78219 78220 78220 78219 C.P. 78218 78218 78209 78218 78210 78218 78239 78239 78239 78109 78233 78233 78233 78148 78148 78109 78239 78239 78222 78218 78219 78244 78244 78109 78244 78263 78222 78152 78263 78223 78223 78210 78218 78222 78263 78148 78219 78148 78220 78217 78220 78263 78223 78154 78244 78148 78109 78209 78109 78233 78233 78233 78233 78148 78233 78233 78233 78263 78218 78209 78233 78148 78218 78239 78233 78210 78209 78219 78218 78220 78109 78239 78148 78209 78152 78209 78218 78263 78209 78202 78223 78209 78154 78154 78209 78205 78109 78239 78109 78222 78239 78218 78152 78152 78233 78218 78233 78220 78218 78244 78148 78219 78219 78209 78233 78239 78109 78152 78239 78223 78218 78212 78244 78212 78233 78263 78244 78244 78109 78244 78148 78223 78218 78220 78109 78217 78217 78217 78247 78217 78217 78218 78217 78210 Olympia Elementary School 4164 Harmony Elementary School 4165 Park Village Elementary School 4166 Sam Houston High School 4167 Elolf Elementary School 4168 Northern Hills Elementary School 4169 Northern Hills Elementary School 4170 Northern Hills Elementary School 4171 Stahl Elementary School 4172 Northern Hills Elementary School 4173 Northern Hills Elementary School 4174 Krueger Middle School 4175 Northern Hills Elementary School 4176 Recinto *Posición James Bode Recreation Center 4177 Lamar Elementary School 4178 Stahl Elementary School 4179 4180 Ray D Corbett Jr High School(SCUC) Krueger Middle School 4181 Kirby City Hall 4182 Lamar Elementary School 4183 Lamar Elementary School 4184 Crestview Elementary School 4185 Lamar Elementary School 4186 Judson Middle School 4187 Universal City Hall 4188 Metzger Middle School 4189 Metzger Middle School 4190 Converse City Hall Conference Room #1 4191 Windcrest Takas Park 4192 Metzger Middle School 4193 Coronado Village Elementary School 4194 Windcrest Takas Park 4195 Converse City Hall Conference Room #1 4196 Converse City Hall Conference Room #1 4197 Elolf Elementary School 4198 John H. Wood Jr. Middle School 4199 Rogers Middle School 4200 Rosewood Rehabilitation & Care Center 4201 Harmony Elementary School 4202 San Antonio Central Library 4203 San Antonio Central Library 4204 Clear Spring Elementary School 4205 Royal Ridge Elementary School 4206 Sinclair Elementary School 4207 Sinclair Elementary School 4208 John Glenn Jr. Elementary School 4209 Tobin Library @ Oakwell 4210 San Antonio Central Library 4211 Sinclair Elementary School 4212 Sinclair Elementary School 4213 Pecan Valley Elementary School 4214 Harmony Elementary School 4215 Harmony Elementary School 4216 Harmony Elementary School 4217 Harmony Elementary School 4218 Harmony Elementary School 4219 Sam Houston High School 4220 *Sujeto a cambiar 7700 Mesquite Pass 7135 Elm Trail Dr. 8439 Athenian 10625 Green Lake Dr. 5855 Midcrown 4635 E. Houston 6335 Beech Trail Dr. 13901 Higgins Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 5222 Stahl Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 13901 Higgins Rd. 438 Lanark Dr. 13901 Higgins Rd. Dirección 900 Rigsby 201 Parland 5222 Stahl Rd. 12000 Ray Corbett Dr 438 Lanark Dr. 112 Bauman St. 201 Parland 201 Parland 7710 Narrow Pass 201 Parland 9695 Schaefer Rd. 2150 Universal City Blvd 7475 Binz‐Engleman Rd. 7475 Binz‐Engleman Rd. 405 South Seguin 9310 Jim Seal 7475 Binz‐Engleman Rd. 213 Amistad Blvd 9310 Jim Seal 405 South Seguin 405 South Seguin 6335 Beech Trail Dr. 14800 Judson Rd. 314 Galway Dr. 7700 Mesquite Pass 10625 Green Lake Dr. 600 Soledad 600 Soledad 4311 Clear Spring 5933 Royal Ridge Dr. 6126 Sinclair Rd. 6126 Sinclair Rd. 7284 FM ‐ 1628 4134 Harry Wurzbach 600 Soledad 6126 Sinclair Rd. 6126 Sinclair Rd. 3966 E. Southcross 10625 Green Lake Dr. 10625 Green Lake Dr. 10625 Green Lake Dr. 10625 Green Lake Dr. 10625 Green Lake Dr. 4635 E. Houston Converse, TX 78109 78244 28 San Antonio, TX de febrero de 2016 Universal City, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Ciudad/Estado San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Schertz, TX San Antonio, TX Kirby, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Live Oak, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX Universal City, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Universal City, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX Converse, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX Converse, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX San Antonio, TX 78148 78223 78218 78220 78109 78217 78217 78217 78247 78217 78217 78218 78217 C.P. 78210 78209 78247 78154 78218 78219 78209 78209 78233 78209 78109 78148 78244 78244 78109 78239 78244 78148 78239 78109 78109 78109 78233 78223 78109 78223 78205 78205 78217 78239 78222 78222 78263 78209 78205 78222 78222 78222 78223 78223 78223 78223 78223 78220 Elección Primaria del Partidos Conjuto 1 de marzo de 2016 EMPLOYMENT: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Event and meeting plan ning, Record, monitor expenses,raise monthly invoice,Must possess a valid driver’s license, send your cover letter and salary expectations to : [email protected] (02/28/16) -------------------------Need a baker specializ ing in Mexican bread & cookies. Good working environment. Please call (210) 226-2979 or apply in person at 2200 W. Martin. (02/28/16) -------------------------Restaurante Mexicano: Solicita meseras, Lavaplatos y liniero. Aplicar en persona 1438 Divi sion. (03/06/16) SE BUSCA INSTALADOR DE ESCALERAS. EXPERENCIA PREFERIDO. COMPAÑIA DE ESCALERAS EN SAN ANTONIO. (214) 9577739 (03/09/15) Looking for experience line-server and tortillera for Mexican Restaurant (210) 386-5516. (02/28/16) -------------------------Drivers CDL-A: Steady Year-Round Miles! Sign-On, Monthly & Annual Bonuses! Great Benefits Package! Long Haul U.S./Canada. 855645-7789 (03/06/16) -------------------------¿Prisionero detrás de un escritorio? ¿Cansado de vivir cheque a cheque? Llame (210) 264-1340. (03/06/16) -------------------------Se solicita persona para limpieza de casa. Info. Yolanda (210) 7248167. (03/02/16) -------------------------Solicito yarderos, mecánicos, de México. Rento departamento. Compro madera (210) 362-0875. (03/16/16) -------------------------Shipley Donuts: Im mediate hiring for bak ers, cutters and fryers with experience, but also willing to train. Shift hours start 3 a.m. 40 hours plus overtime, 7 days a week. (210) 313-6262. (02/28/16) -------------------------Drivers: CO & O\Op’s: Earn great money Run ning Dedicated! Great Home time and Benefits. Monthly Bonuses. Drive Newer Equipment! 855582-2265 (02/28/16) -------------------------Solicito ayudante con transporte, experencia en istatacion y remod elacion de baños. (210) 414-8301 (02/28/16) HOMES: CASH for HOUSES FAST. Any conditions, any area, we buy all types of real estate, 25 yrs. exp., close quick (210) 300-4000 sellmy placetoday.com (02/28/17) TIMATES, CALL OR TEXT (210) 834-8180 OWNER JESSE SANCHEZ. (02/28/16) -------------------------$7.50 SERVICIO A DOMICILIO, REFRIGERADORAS, LAVADORAS, SECADORAS Y ESTUFAS. UN AÑO GARANTÍA. LLAME A (210) 2915431. (02/28/16) -------------------------Mecánica automotriz: Arreglamos transmisio nes automáticas, traba jos eléctricos con com putadora. ¿Automóvil no prende? ¡Llámenos! (210) 721-9978. (02/28/16) -------------------------Pintura, tile mosaico, cerámica, plomería, cercas de madera, alambre, textura, shower reparación, sheetrock, carpintería, pongo puertas y ventanas reparación. Habla con Jesús Villa. Llame a (210) 254-4502. (03/09/16) RENT: Miraculous Prayer Renting 1 & 2 B/R Apt. Dear Heart of jesus, in Call (210) 924-0331. the past I have asked for (03/06/16) many favours, this time I ask for a special one SALE/VENTAS/ (mention favour). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and Vendo Viagra genérico place it within your own 100mg. $10 pastilla. broken heart where your Llame (210) 489-9239. Father sees it. Then in (03/20/16) his merciful eyes it will -------------------------- become your favour not Me urge vender 2 lotes mine. Amen. en el cementerio San Say this prayer for 3 days Fernando III (210) 363- and promise publication 5179. and your favour will be (02/28/16) granted no matter how -------------------------- imposible REMODELING SALE: E.C.B Air condition unit Doors, Blinds, Wall Novena To Mirrors, Windows, St. Jude Shutters, Kitchen Cabi Most holy Apostle, St. nets, Kitchen Counter Jude, faithful servant Tops, Kitchen Sink, and friend of Jesus, the Disposal, Chandelier, Church honors and in Lot Price for everything vokes you universally, $1,300.00 OBO Call as the patron of difficult 210-452-7282. Joe cases, of things almost (03/09/16) despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and SERVICOS: alone. Intercede with God for JESSE’S FLOORS me that He brings vis AND BATHROOM ible and speedy help C O M P L E T E R E - where help is almost de MODEL, FREE ES- spaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may re ceive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and suf ferings, particularly - (make your request here) - and that I may praise God with you and all the saints for ever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor grant ed me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encour age devotion to you. Amen. R.V.P Para los casos más difíciles Ante ti vengo con la fe de mi alma, a buscar tu sagrado consuelo en mi difícil situación, no me desampares de las puertas que se me deben de abrir en mi camino, sea tu Brazo Poderoso el que las abra para darme la tranquilidad que ansío (tres peti ciones difíciles). Sú plica que te hace un corazón afligido por los duros golpes del cruel destino que lo han vencido siempre en la lucha humana, ya que sin tu poder divino no intercede en mi favor sucumbiré por falta de ayuda. Brazo poderoso, asís teme, ampárame y condúceme a la glo ria celestial. Gracias dulce Jesús (rezar quince días empe zando viernes). Pub licar antes de los ocho. Confío en Dios Padre y en su misericordia divina, por eso pido a Él que ilumine mi camino y me otorgue la gracia que tanto de seo. Gracias Padre por oírme. Mande publi car y observe lo que ocurrirá el cuarto día. D.M. Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus O most holy heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you, and 28 de febrero de 2016 with lively sorrow for my sins I offer you this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to your will. Grant, Good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you. Protect me in the midst of danger. Comfort me in my afflictions. Give me health of body, assis tance in my temporal needs, your blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death. Amen. E.R.M L.P.M Saint Expedite Prayer of Urgent Needs in Thanks- LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO giving for a Quick Recovery Saint Expedite you lay in rest I come to you and ask that this wish be granted (Re quest) Saint Expedite now what I ask of you Saint Expedite now what I want of you, this very second Don’t wait another day, Grant me what I ask for I know your power I know you because of your work I know you can help me. Do this for me and I will spread Your name with love and honor so that it will be invoked again and again. Expedite the wish with speed, love, honor and goodness. Glory to you, Saint Ven, Espíritu Santo, Expedite. llena los corazones de P.A. tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu El Espíritu Santo amor. Envía, Señor, Ven, Espíritu Santo, tu Espíritu y todo será llena los corazones de creado. Y renuevas la tus fieles y enciende faz de la tierra. en ellos el fuego de tu Oremos. Oh Dios, amor. Envía, Señor, que ha enseñado a los tu Espíritu y todo será corazones de los fieles creado. Y renuevas la con la luz del Espíritu faz de la tierra. Santo, concédenos el Oremos. Oh Dios, don del mismo Es que ha enseñado a los píritu seamos siempre corazones de los fieles siempre del bien y con la luz del Espíritu gozar de su consuelo. Santo, concédenos el Por Cristo nuestro Se don del mismo Es ñor. Amen. píritu seamos siempre M.M.C. siempre del bien y Novena Los tres gozar. ángeles Thank You-M.M.C Novena Los tres ánge les Protectores: San La sombra de El Espíritu Santo Gabriel, San Miguel, ALAMO COLLEGES PROPOSAL INVITATION The Alamo Colleges is receiving sealed proposals prior to 2:00 PM Local Time, unless otherwise indicated, on the dates shown. ________________________________ Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal for Purchase of Employee Assistance Program Services CSP 16A-007 Deadline: 3/24/2016 For more information, contact Tina Farias at 210/485-0115. _________________________________ Proposals to be delivered as follows: By U.S. Mail: Alamo Colleges Purchasing and Contract Administration Department 1819 N. Main Ave., Box 693 San Antonio, TX 78212 y San Rafael. Prenda 3 velas blan cas en un plato con agua y azúcar y haga su petición. A los tres días publique esta oración. Aunque no crea mire que pasa el cuarto día. San Miguel Arcángel, San Miguel Arcán gel, defiéndenos en la lucha. Sé nuestro amparo contra la per versidad y acechan zas del demonio. Que Dios manifieste sobre él su poder, humilde mente te lo pedimos. Y tú, oh Príncipe de la Milicia Celestial, con el poder que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno a Satanás, y a los demás espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén. M.M.C Oración a María Rosa Mística Oh María, Rosa Místi ca, Madre de Jesús y también Madre nues tra! Tú eres nuestra esperanza, nuestra fortaleza y nuestro consuelo. Danos des de el cielo tu maternal bendición en el nom bre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, Amén. Rosa Mística, Inmac ulada Virgen, Madre de la gracia, en honor de tu Divino Hijo, nos postramos ante Ti, para implorar la mi sericordia de Dios. No por nuestros méritos, sino por la bondad de tu corazón maternal, pedimos ayuda y gra cias, con la seguridad de ser escuchados. (Rezar un Avemaría) Rosa Mística, Madre de Jesús, Reina del Santo Rosario y Madre de la Iglesia, Cuerpo Místico de Jesucristo. Te pedi mos para el mundo destrozado por las discordias, el don de la unión, de la paz y de todas las gracias que pueden convertir los corazones de tan tos hijos tuyos. (Ave maría) Rosa Mística, Madre de los apóstoles, haz florecer alrededor de los altares eucarísti cos, numerosas vo caciones sacerdotales y religiosas, que con la santidad de su vida y el celo ardiente por las almas, puedan ex tender el Reino de tu Hijo Jesús por todo el mundo. Derrama, Oh Madre sobre nosotros tus dones celestiales. Salve, Oh Rosa Mística, Madre de la iglesia, ruega por 9-A nosotros. M.M.G. San Pedro ¡Oh! Felicísimo apóstol San Pedro. Singularísimo prín cipe de los discípulos del redentor, primer vicario de Jesucristo en su Iglesia Católica, confesor de sus dos naturalezas, divina y humana, sencillo pescador a quien dio el Salvador el distin guido título de pie dra fundamental de su templo militante; por esas prerrogati vas concedidas a tus excelentes virtudes y, especialmente a la de tu Santísima Sombra, pues con ella se libra el que con devoción implora tu amparo a tu sombra se libra el caminante, con tu sombra se auxilia al que sorprende el mal hechor, tu sombra re frigera al afligido, al enfermo y a cuantos te piden favor. ¡Oh! Sombra prodigi osa por cuya inter cesión obró el Señor tantos favores y tan admirables prodig ios, permíteme, Pe dro Santo, que a tu sombra los pecadores alcancen el perdón de sus culpas, para que arrepentidos se alisten en las banderas de la gracia y a tu sombra no pierdan el derecho que tienen a la gloria. Amén. Oración a Santa Clara de Asís Gloriosa Santa Clara de Asís, por aquella fe inquebrantable que te hizo servirte de las cosas terrenas bus cando las del cielo, por aquella esperanza firme con que ven ciste todas las dificul tades que se oponían a tu santificación, por aquella caridad pura y ardiente que te movió en todo los momen tos de la vida, yo te suplico con humilde confianza que inter cedas ante Dios y me obtengas su favor en lo que te pido (hágase la petición) y esper anza firme y caridad ardiente para con Dios y el prójimo. Padre nuestro, Avemaría y Gloria. M.C.G. By hand delivery or courier service: Alamo Colleges Purchasing and Contract Administration Department 1743 N. Main Ave, Bldg. 41, Room 101 San Antonio, TX 78212 Proposals received will be publicly acknowledged in the Conference Room #401 at the hand delivery address. Specifications are available by visiting Alamo College’s website www.alamo.edu/district/purchasing/bids. If You are Looking for Immediate Work, We are Looking for Regional Drivers. Weekly Hometime! Detention Pay after 1 HR! No East Coast; Top Pay, Benefits; Monthly Bonuses & More! CDL-A, 6 mos Exp. req’d EEOE/ AAP 1-800-395-3331 ext. 4904 www. drive4marten.com ¿Le gustaría empezar una amistad interesante? ¿Está cansado de buscar por donde quiera a una persona especial con quien compartir su vida y sigue sin encontrarla? La Prensa de San Antonio le ofrece una mejor alternativa. Envíenos su anuncio personal, mencione su nombre, edad, peso, estatura, sus gustos. Envíe su carta acompañada de $5. Su aviso se publicará durante dos semanas. Mande $15 si quiere que se publique durante cuatro semanas. Conteste todas las cartas aunque no esté interesado. Una nota de “No gracias, tal vez la próxima ocasión” es muy importante para la persona que le escriba. ¿Desea contestar un anuncio? 1.- Envíe su carta dentro de un sobre en blanco, con timbre postal de .44 cts. y con el número clave que le haya interesado (aparece abajo, a la derecha). Incluya $5. 2. No olvide incluir su número de teléfono, escriba con letra clara es muy importante. La Prensa de San Antonio, P.O. Box 830768, San Antonio, Texas 78283 Me gustaría conocer a un hombre que sea detallista que crea en Dios, que le guste vivir una vida sana sin problemas familiares ni económicos, que sea trabajador, fiel, amoroso, cariñoso, divorciado, soltero o viudo, que quiera una relación sana y estable. Soy ciudadana, pero nací en México. Me gusta leer, viajar, soy fiel, muy cariñosa, me gusta caminar. Me gustaría que nos entendiéramos. Yo estaré esperando tu amor. Llámame, escríbeme. Te espero. Manda tu foto y número de teléfono. Te espero con mucho amor. D-243 ----------------------------¡Hola! Me llamo H. Soy algo alto, cuerpo normal, un poco blanco, trabajador, sin vicios. Me gusta divertirme sanamente, vivo solo. Tengo dos hijos que viven en mi país. Busco una mujer seria, trabajadora, noble y con deseos de amar y ser amada. Interesada mandar su número para empezar a conocernos sin juegos, ni mentiras. Te espero. C-244 ----------------------------- Caballero jubilado sin vicios, de buen carácter, de mente moral y espiritual de EUA, en busca de una damita que sea seria, de carácter humilde, hogareña, sin vicios, que sea de estatura y peso regular. Que sea cariñosa, sin problemas familiares, que sea honesta. Para una amistad seria, no importa origen ni estado migratorio. Con fines matrimoniales. C-245 ----------------------------Dama de 46 años desea conocer un gran caballero que sea fiel, amable, detallista, romántico, trabajador, sin problemas económicos ni familiares. Soy divorciada. Me gusta una vida sana, no tomo, no fumo, no tengo vicios, me considero que soy muy romántica y quiero una relación seria para fines serios y estable. Quiero que nos conozcamos y si se llega a un compromiso está bien. Espero tu llamada, foto y dirección. Tengo una hija y un hijo grandes, viven aparte. D-247 ----------------------------Deseo conocer un gran caballero que sea trabajador, detallista, amoroso, cariñoso, que no tenga vicios, de buen carácter, humilde de corazón, estabilidad económica, que sea muy romántico. Me considero ser una dama romántica, fiel, soy divorciada, amorosa y cariñosa, me gusta la estabilidad y ser fiel. Quiero una relación estable para fines serios, sin problemas familiares. Hay que conocernos y te aseguro no te arrepentirás. Espero tu llamada, dirección y foto. Te espero con mucho amor. D-248 ----------------------------¡Hola! Soy un hombre soltero. Tengo 56 años. 5’10’’, 220, ojos azules y calvo. Me gustan los libros, música, películas y ejercicio. He aprendido español. Estoy buscando una mujer simpática, de 45 a 60 años. Bonita, fiel, con intereses similares. C-249 ----------------------------Soy puertorriqueña. Mido 5’6’’. Peso 195. Tengo 62 años, soy viuda y busco un amigo con quien compartir un buen rato. Soy hogareña, me gusta la cocina, me gusta hacer chistes. Soy muy alegre. Si hay alguien de 62 a 68 años que quiera ser amigo o algo más, estoy libre y en Texas. Llámame. D-246 ----------------------------Señor retirado. En mis sesenta años, joven bien parecido, bien vestido. Busco una muchacha o señora joven, de los 30 a 60 años de edad, que no tenga compromisos, sea cristiana y que no sea mentirosa, que sea trabajadora, limpia y romántica. Seria con otra gente, pero alegre conmigo. C-250 ----------------------------Soy un hombre católico, divor ciado, de buen corazón. Soy de San Antonio, vivo en un rancho. Estoy de buena salud, gracias a nuestro Dios. Estoy en mis 70´s, pero no los muestro. Me gusta la música norteña. Toco guitarra. Voy a San Antonio cada año al Conjunto Festival. Busco una mujer sincera, hogareña, que le guste el rancho, los animales, caballos. Que no sepa mentir ni jugar juegos. Para una relación seria. De 35 a 55 años, piel blanca, ojos claros o de color, no más de 5’7 y 135 -140 libras. Yo tengo 5´7. Peso 170 libras. ¡Tam bién tengo una Harley Davison! Me gustaría que toque el acordeón o que quiera aprender. También que no fume, pero en todo Cristo es el primero, porque sin él no tenemos nada! Llámame para platicar y si no se puede podemos ser amigos, porque todos necesitamos una linda amistad. ¡Bendiciones! C-251 ----------------------------Hello to whoever reads this serious message. I need a man that has a clean pure heart and is not ashamed to be a child of God like me. I am hoping to meet the man that has a strong foundation to stand on with faith and believes in God and has a relationship with Jesus. A friend that I can have a conversation with that has to do with all goodness and will say to me that everything will be alright. I ask to please speak clear English. Age 55-60, ht. 5’10 -5’12, weight average. Hope to hear from someone that is a Christian Brother. God Bless and God be with you. D-253 ----------------------------Hola, soy viudo mexicano-america no, militar retirado de 82 años, de 5’4” de altura, 139 lbs. (delgado). Me gusta el baile, ir de paseo a pueblos cercanos, ir a las pulgas, parques, salir a comer y más. Sin vicios, educado. Busco señora/ amiga que tenga tiempo para salir de casa. Prefiero señora sola de 55 a 65 años, de 4’5”, de no más de 135 libras. (delgada). Me gustaría conocerla y hablar socialmente con usted. Vivo en San Antonio. Disculpe mi español, si gusta, llámeme para hablar. C-254 ----------------------------Hola, soy un caballero de 57 años. Soy alto, buena onda, pelo negro, no gordo, guapo, muy decente, muy cariñoso, me gusta el cine. Busco una dama de 45 a 55 años sin niños, por favor. Que sea cariñosa y romántica y se valore. Quiero lo mejor para ti. Señora de México, físico mediano o regular, buen cuerpo. Que sea confiable, para una relación seria. Amén. Sin bromas. C-225 10-A Nuevo presidente... entonces presencie la referéndum constitucional y toda la tran sición democrático – un momento histórico”, recordó. “Pero antes de ir a España, yo tenía dudas de mi nivel en español y fui a México para practicar y llegar a España con más confianza”. Además de ser fluente en inglés y español, el Dr. Anderson ha mostrado ser un líder eficaz a lo largo de su carrera al recibir nu merosos galardones, incluyendo el Premio ING a la Excelencia en la Enseñanza. Se unió a la facultad de Kansas en 1988 como profesor asistente de español y fue nombrado el profesor de tiempo completo en 2003. El Dr. Anderson después descubrió trabajos administrati vos. En Kansas, también fue el jefe del departamento de español y portugués, decano asociado del Colegio de Programas Interdisci plinarios, vice decano de asuntos académicos, y rector provisional y vicerrector ejecutivo. Ahora en Trinity University, el Dr. Anderson tiene nuevas metas. El nuevo presidente busca man tener un alto nivel de excelencia, ampliar el reconocimiento nacio nal y mantener a Trinity relevante con el paso del tiempo. Su visión para Trinity incluye garantizar que la universidad sea reconocida como la modelo del siglo 21 de las artes liberales y las ciencias de la educación de acuerdo al plan estratégico “Trini ty Tomorrow”. Después de asumir su nuevo puesto, el Dr. Anderson se reunió con todos los departamentos aca démicos en la universidad para conocer los puntos más fuertes de Trinity; además de interactuar con los alumnos durante el desayuno y en eventos comunitarios. “Estoy tratando de averiguar cuáles son las cosas que van cambiando y debemos de prote ger, fortalecer, y, a la vez, buscar las cosas que vamos a hacer más relevantes,” comentó. Uno de los detalles funda mentales de la universidad es la integración de la experiencia educativa. “Tenemos programas en artes y ciencias y en áreas profesionales, entonces esa com binación de todas las áreas es interesante”, comentó. “Tener esa mezcla de ingeniería, nego cios, educación, y todas las áreas tradicionales de ‘liberal arts y sciences,’ es muy importante”. Utilizar la locación y el espacio del campus también es otro de los objetivos principales. Diseñado por el famoso arquitecto O’Neil Ford en 1952, el campus se en cuentra a 10 minutos del centro, lo cual brinda oportunidades de aprendizaje a los estudiantes. “Me encanta que los estudian tes salen de aquí para hacer con LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO High school internships... (Viene de la pág. 1-A) exiones con la ciudad,” dijo Dr. Anderson. “El campus aquí es bellísimo y sirve para crear rela ciones muy cercanas para que la gente se sienta estar en un espacio protegido para tener la oportuni dad de explorar y aprender”. Asimismo, la universidad busca conservar su oferta educativa intensamente individualizada. “Hay un profesor por cada nueve alumnos. Tenemos profesores que realmente les encanta trabajar con los alumnos y ellos son motivados a lograr mucho más de lo que se esperaban”. A pesar de ser una universidad privada, Trinity cuenta con una gran diversidad – algo que el Dr. Anderson busca continuar. “El 90 por ciento de alumnos reciben una beca para asistir a Trinity. Tenemos estudiantes de todos los niveles socioeconómicos, de casi todos los estados y de varios países”, comentó. “Estable cer relaciones significantes con gente diferente es fundamental para la vida en nuestro país y nuestro mundo. Eso enriquece la experiencia educativa para todos”. Actualmente, la universidad tiene estudiantes de México y Latinoamérica, así como países como China, Tanzania, España, Vietnam, Tailandia, entre otros. “Las historias de éxito son im portantes porque cuando la gente tiene dudas es importante señalar que hay gente con becas, con mucha necesidad económica, pero gente muy emprendedora que pudo llegar aquí y lograr mucho éxito”, concluyó. Premio... 28 de febrero de 2016 students in their high school years to pursue specific pathways if they tap into a career they are interested in or passionate about. It may give them the spark to persist their career, graduate from high school and go on for some sort of additional training or higher education. In order to give them that vision at an early age, we will allow them to take the steps necessary to prepare for ultimate success,” addressed Mayor Taylor. Judge Wolff and Mayor Taylor VIA... have taken affirmative action to allow high school students to follow their dreams. In fact, there will be at least 16 part-time internships offered at the Com missioners Court, Emergency Management, Facilities Manage ment, Bexar Heritage and Parks, Information Technology, Judicial Services, Public Works and the Public Information Office. “We are concentrating on the public and nonprofit sector. It is changing the pipeline of education and giving us hope and ideas for (continued from page 1-A) students about what they could do as far as skills training and deciding where to go from there,” expressed Judge Wolff. This program will support SA Works’ ultimate goal of creating 20,000 experiential learning op portunities by 2020.The intern ship descriptions will be posted on both Bexar County HR and SA Works websites by March 31. Interviews and intern selec tion will occur in May and the selected students will begin work on June 6. (continued from page 1-A) “VIA is committed to provide enhanced access and allow our community to exercise their right to vote, one of the most important privileges as Americans. We must make sure that we provide con nections for people who work, go to school and play throughout our community.” The “Ride to VIA to Vote” will provide complimentary public transportation throughout the VIA service area to passengers who present a valid voter reg istration card to the bus or the van operator when boarding on Election Day. This includes regular bus ser vice and VIAtrans paratransit service. Registered VIAtrans customers must schedule their trip in accordance with VIAtrans policies and procedures. “This is a significant step that will remove an obstacle on a way to vote… Every segment of society whether individuals, businesses or the community will benefits from the resource of public transportation. It expands polling locations for many to have the opportunity to take part in this most important right we have, which is our right to vote,” said City of San Antonio Councilman Ron Nirenberg from District 8. For additional information regarding routes and schedules on Election Day, call (210) 3622020. (Viene de la pág. 1-A) y Outstanding Service Organiza tion a Elf Louis. Outstanding Volunteer Fund raiser fue entregado a Nancy y Vernon Torgerson; Outstanding Pet of the week Fundraising Professional co rrespondió a Tammi Woodard (CFRE). Y Debra y Stephen Walker recibieron el premio Outstanding Philantropist. LOCK & GO Bring a little “Mischief” into your home! This lustrous silvercoated 7-year-old is pretty vocal about getting out and meeting her new family. Her sweet and loving nature is a match for her sweet trill of a voice. She’ll enjoy spending time indoors with her new companion, asking for and receiving affection. Be sure to give her plenty of gentle brushings, she enjoys them, and she’ll enjoy looking her best in her new home. Come by and visit this green-eyed beauty at the San Antonio Humane Society soon! Lic. #B12044 Adoption fees for Cats: Less than 5 Months - $65 Over 5 months of age - $30 *Adoption fees may vary This adoption fee includes: spay/neuter surgery, first set of vaccinations, microchip, de-wormer, flea and heartworm prevention, collar, tag, complimentary wellness exam within the first 5 days of adoption, 14 day complimentary follow up care at any VCA animal hospital, 30 days 24PetWatch Pet Insurance, and a starter bag of Hill’s Science Diet pet food. For more information, visit the San Antonio Humane Society at 4804 Fredericksburg Rd., visit SAhumane.org, or call (210) 226-7461. La Prensa, raíces en la cultura de San Antonio We cannot guarantee when this offer will be repeated in the newspaper. Clip this offer and please call today! 25,000.00 Whole Life Insurance. Now, from United of Omaha Life Insurance Company ... $ Are you between the ages of 45 and 85? Then this GUARANTEED ACCEPTANCE policy is for YOU! >> Choose from 4 benefit levels - up to $25,000! >> Rates “lock-in” at the age you enroll - never go up again! >> Call for your FREE all-by-mail enrollment packet! >> CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-293-1616 Or enroll online at www.unitedofomahalifedirect.com Why this policy? Why now? Our graded death benefit whole life insurance policy can be used to pay funeral costs, final medical expenses...or other monthly bills. You know how important it can be to help protect your family from unnecessary burdens after you pass away. Maybe your own parents or loved one did the same for you. OR, maybe they DIDN’T and you sure wish they would have! The important thing is that, right now, you can make a decision that could help make a difficult time a little easier for your loved ones. It’s a responsible, caring and affordable decision. And, right now, it’s something you can do with one simple phone call. You may have been putting off purchasing life insurance, but you don’t have to wait another day. This offer is a great opportunity to help start protecting your family today. NO medical exam! Plus... NO health questions! Proceeds paid directly to your beneficiary ... with NO Income Tax due! Builds cash value and is renewable up to age 100!**... Then automatically pays YOU full benefit amount! Policy cannot be canceled – EVER – because of changes in health! Your affordable monthly rate will “lock-in” at your enrollment age ... $25,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 Male 79.75 88.50 111.00 136.00 163.50 221.00 301.00 413.50 Male Female Male Female 16.75 14.00 10.45 8.80 18.50 15.50 11.50 9.70 23.00 19.25 14.20 11.95 28.00 21.50 17.20 13.30 33.50 26.00 20.50 16.00 45.00 35.00 27.40 21.40 61.00 49.50 37.00 30.10 83.50 70.25 50.50 42.55 Benefit Age 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-85 Female 66.00 73.50 92.25 103.50 126.00 171.00 243.50 347.25 Benefit Male 32.50 36.00 45.00 55.00 66.00 89.00 121.00 166.00 Female 27.00 30.00 37.50 42.00 51.00 69.00 98.00 139.50 Benefit $3,000.00 Benefit In WA minimum benefit amount available is $5,000.00. Life Insurance underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company, 3300 Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha NE 68175; 1-800-775-6000. United of Omaha is licensed nationwide except New York. Policy Form ICC11L057P or state equivalent (in FL: 7722L-0505). This policy contains reductions, limitations and exclusions, including a reduction in death benefits during the first two years of policy ownership. ** In FL policy is renewable until age 121. This is a solicitation of insurance, an insurance agent (In OR & WA: producer) may contact you. AFN44167 28 de febrero de 2016 11-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO La Cuaresma desintoxica cuerpo y alma Por José I. Franco [email protected] Desde el Miércoles de Ceniza (10 de febrero) hasta el domingo 27 de marzo (Domingo de Pas cua) quienes por tradición siguen la Cuaresma (40 días de absti nencia en el consumo de bebidas embriagantes y comidas que contengan carnes rojas) estarán dándole un descanso al sistema digestivo y cardiovascular, desin toxicando cuerpo y alma. Sin entrar en detalles religio sos, aplaudo la “valentía” de individuos (conocidos) que una vez más, con bendiciones del Creador Divino, se han puesto firmes en decir no al consumo de bebidas embriagantes, así como su abstinencia por comer carnes rojas, ir a los bailes y conciertos musicales durante los fines de semana. La Cuaresma hace bien a un buen número de personas que durante 40 días siguen paso a paso costumbres de su cultura y religión. Los que sufren durante ese pe riodo son propietarios de restau rantes que sirven menú preparado con carnes rojas, quedándose cortos en la máquina registradora, dándole oportunidad a centros gastronómicos que durante el año se especializan con menús de productos del mar (mariscos), los cuales se ven llenos hasta el tope. El viernes 19 de febrero acudí a un restaurante especializado en sándwiches, ensaladas, frutas y caldos. La sección donde acostumbro saborear mi orden preferida se vio solitaria, con escasa clientela en el salón principal. En ese restaurante lo único que sirven en carnes rojas son tocino, jamón, caldos de carne de res, albóndigas en platillos estilo italiano, y rebanadas de carne asada (de res), por lo que creo que los fieles seguidores de la Cuaresma (entre ellos clientes asiduos al restaurante que por lo menos visito dos o tres veces por semana) en viernes prefieren visitar el restaurante que sirve mariscos de su preferencia. En su abstinencia, quienes siguen la Cuaresma, también incluyen su ausencia en bailes, conciertos musicales y otro tipo de diversión extrema. Durante uno de los recorridos por los campos deportivos que realizó los fines de semana, en la cobertura de las acciones en ligas independientes de béisbol y fútbol soccer, me encontré con varios jugadores que llevan por tradición la Cuaresma. A ellos respetuosamente los felicito y les doy ánimos para que no de caigan porque con sus amistades han dejado de libar y saborear platillos preparados con carnes rojas, lo cual –emocionalmente los incomoda– ya que de repente dejaron de suministrarle al cere bro el líquido ambarino (cerveza) y al estómago las ricas carnitas de puerco, carnes asadas, barbacoa y el revitalizador menudo. Ante la falta de alcohol en el sistema sanguíneo el individuo comienza a ser blanco del sín drome de la sobriedad descon trolándose momentáneamente, ya que por no percibir el cerebro los sumos del alcohol se le desesta biliza la memoria y le hace caer en crisis nerviosa y de ansiedad. Sin embargo, muchos de ellos, por conocer los síntomas de absti nencia que provoca la Cuaresma, saben controlar los estragos corporales “aguantándose” hasta que se abran las puertas del cielo (Sábado de Gloria), para luego, “victoriosamente”, celebrarlo retomando su costumbre y pasión por unas cervezas bien heladas y algunas botanas de contenido en carnes rojas. Personalmente recomiendo a quienes guardaron la Cuaresma que sigan adelante en su plan por abstinencia del consumo de bebidas alcohólicas. Con la so briedad obtenida durante 40 días ya han dado el primer paso para la cura del alcoholismo y su plan alimenticio. Sería bueno y saludable que extiendan la Cuaresma, al menos por lo que resta del 2016. Ya verán que no se van arrepentir. Ello lo apreciarán sus seres que ridos y quienes les rodean y a la vez se estarán ayudando para no contraer enfermedades incura bles, entre ellas cirrosis hepática, diabetes y obesidad. Por último, les recuerdo a mis tres lectores que el consumo de productos del mar provee mayor proteína (pura) que ayuda a me jorar la salud. Existen mil maneras de pre parar mariscos para su consumo inmediato o para dejarlo en re frigeración y, posteriormente, deleitarse sin haber perdido su sabor original. Todo está en que se den el suficiente tiempo para su preparación casera y los puedan compartir entre familiares, amis tades y vecinos. Que sigan disfrutando de la Cuaresma y cumpliendo con sus obligaciones religiosas. Nunca es tarde para darle un descanso a nuestro aporreado físico. Hagan un buen plan de salud. Primero visitando a su doctor de cabecera. Segundo eligiendo pro ductos comestibles que les haga una mejor digestión. Y tercero, hacer ejercicio en el deporte de su predilección, sin faltarles con sumir bastante agua para hidratar el físico. Les garantizo que en el primer mes de llevar este plan van a lu cir una figura que sus amistades envidiarán (el mensaje va para varones y mujeres). Hasta la próxima D.M. Telling about an Alzheimer’s diagnosis - the person, family and friends (Caregiver) When you learn that a member of your family has Alzheimer’s, you may feel hesitant telling family, friends or even the person with the disease. The decision to tell the person about the diagnosis • In general, so long as a person retains his/her competence to un derstand, it is important to tell the truth in a supportive manner. • Disclosing the diagnosis early in the disease process allows the person to continue to live a qual ity of life and play an active role in medical, legal, financial and personal decisions to be made now for the future. • The Alzheimer’s Association asserts that the person be told the truth about the diagnosis in a supportive manner, as long as a person retains his/her competence to understand. Tips when discussing the diagnosis with the person • Have a family meeting with the person, family members, the phy sician and other health care profes sionals to discuss the diagnosis. • Explain that Alzheimer’s dis ease is a medical condition — not the fault of the person who has it. • Share materials on Alzheim er’s with the person. • Be sensitive to the person’s reaction — he or she may not understand or accept all that the diagnosis means. • Reassure the person that you will be there to provide help and support. With family and friends • Explain that Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging, but a disease of the brain that results in impaired memory, thinking and behavior. • The disease is a medical con dition and not a psychological or emotional disorder. • The disease does not take all the strengths and abilities away from the person. • You and the person value friendship and want to continue enjoying the company of family and friends. Telling about the diagnosis Telling others about your diag nosis allows them to help and sup port you to make medical, legal, financial and personal decisions now for the future. Tips when discussing your diagnosis with family and friends • Explain Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging, but a disease of the brain that results in impaired memory, thinking and behavior. • The disease is a medical con dition and not a psychological or emotional disorder. • Tell your loved ones how you feel about your diagnosis, and al low other family members to do the same. • Assure friends that although the disease will change your life, you want to continue enjoying their company. With your employers and co-workers • Explain that you have a neuro logical/brain disorder that affects your memory and thinking. • You may find job-related tasks more difficult to perform as the disease advances. • Discuss the possibility of switching to a position that better matches changing abilities and Beginning at Age 50, men and women at average risk for developing colorectal cancer should have a colonoscopy every 10 years. Make sure you stay healthy for your Valentine. Schedule your colonoscopy today! 210.504.5053 Other Services: Appendectomy Biopsy Breast Cancer Breast Reduction Colectomy Colonoscopy Endoscopy Fistula Removal Gallbladder Removal Genetic Testing Consultation Hemorrhoidectomy Hernia Repair Port Placement Skin Tag Removal Wound Debridement Dr. Maria Palafox is dedicated to serving surgery patients on San Antonio’s South Side. If you have any general surgical need, call her today. Dr. Palafox graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge and went on to pursue both her medical degree and a post-residency fellowship in critical care. She is a highly skilled professional trained in the most advanced laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques, has extensive breast surgery experience, and is adroit with the latest advances in genetic testing. 9 th A n n ual S p ring Fest Saturday, March 19th 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Family Health Center - Southwest strengths. • Another option is to discuss re ducing your work hours, applying for disability benefits or exploring early retirement options. • Decide with employer who else will need to know about your diagnosis, such as coworkers and clients with whom you work closely. 8019 S. New Braunfels Ave, Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78235 Insertionwww.MariaPalafoxMD.com Order #1004 Dr. Palafox habla español con elocuencia. For questions regarding this insertion ord please contact: Chris Pagano Recruitment Advertising Phone: 832-437-1477 Fax: 832-553-259 Please remit invoices reflecting IO number to: Patriot Advertising, Inc., Attn: Accounts Payable, 1801 East Ave Katy TX 77493 AND THE DAY AFTER PUBLICATION FAX OR EMAIL proof of advertisement/tear Fax: 832-553-2599 or [email protected]. Client: Vitas - Jackie Duffy Pub: La Prensa - San Antonio Insertion Date: Feb 28, 2016 Section: Healthcare Cost: $645.00 Account Rep: Chris Pagano Size: 3 x 6 + Color Rate: $15 p.c.i + 375 Color Internet: Cost Centers: San Antonio - 206-29 All contents are property of Patriot Advertising Inc and are for the use through Patriot Advertising Inc. exclusively. Materials may not be reproduced by any vendor or publication. Copyright 2009 Patriot Advertising Inc. 2121 SW 36th Street • Games • Parade • Petting zoo Special appearances by Daisy Bee, Spring Bunny and Pony Chocolate! Building a team with Leaders like you! At VITAS® Healthcare, we help our patients and their families face some of the most important decisions they will ever make. Likewise, when choosing a new career path it’s important to partner with an organization with a proven record of growth and success. VITAS is built with leaders like you. VITAS® has immediate openings for Bilingual Registered Nurses! (Job ID# 2016-45817) Pre-register for your mammogram and screenings for your children* at healthyUexpress.com or call 358-7020. * Bring your insurance or Medicaid card & your child’s immunization record. • Qualified candidates must possess a minimum of two (2) years experience as a Registered Nurse • Minimum of two (2) years experience in hospice, medical/surgical or home health preferred. • Currently licensed as a Registered Nurse in Texas • Bilingual in Spanish/English required Please visit our website to apply, and reference JOB ID above: WWW.VITAS.JOBS We offer an extremely competitive and comprehensive benefits package! • Health, Dental, & Vision • Life Insurance • Accident Insurance • Legal Insurance • Generous Paid Time Off • Tuition Reimbursement • Employee Assistance Program • Affinity Program EOE/AA/M/F/D/V To apply, please visit: WWW.VITAS.JOBS LEADERS IN HOSPICE CARE • Egg hunt • Health screenings • Healthy snacks LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 12-A This Week In Sports Former 49ers tackle Anthony Davis will apply for reinstatement Former San Francisco 49ers offensive tackle Anthony Davis, who retired last June from the team, is currently apply ing for reinstatement to go back to the field in 2016.The 2010 first-round pick became one of a handful of 49ers to retire last offseason, but now Davis is ready for more tackles. 28 de febrero de 2016 Gianni Infantino named new FIFA president FIFA made an announcement on Friday that Gianni Infantino will be the ninth president after being elected at the world governing body’s extraordinary congress in Zurich. The FIFA presidential election went on a second round of voting for the first time in 42 years, and has its first new head since 1998. Holy Cross cheerleaders win 12th NCA championship By Ariana Vega Holy Cross of San Antonio’s cheerleaders won their 12th na tional title at the National Cheer leaders Association (NCA) High School Nationals in Dallas on Jan. 22-24. The Knights com peted in the open intermediate division. “We have had a roller coaster of a year with the obstacle of switching to a difficult divi sion…our kids did their best and practiced every day like if they had never won before,” said Coach Gaona, cheer coach at Holy Cross of San Antonio. “As a team we were nervous to see whether or not all of our hard work would pay off, how ever, when the announcer said ‘and our NCA National Cham pions from San Antonio, Texas’ the whole team collapsed on the floor in tears while they were all hugging each other; it was defi nitely a moment we will never forget,” Coach Goana said. The Holy Cross Knight Cheer leaders have the distinguished honor of being in the NCA’s Hall of Fame for the 12th time. “Holy Cross is proud of our national champion cheerlead ers,” said Henry Galindo, prin cipal. “They are dedicated stu dents who understand that hard work leads to success.” This win was led by Jose De La Garza, choreographer, and coaches Giselle Rodriguez, Stephanie Gaona and Amanda Robles. Cheerleader squad includes: Lauren Aguayo, Alyssa Castel lanos, Juliana Guerrero, Cath erine Ramos, Alexia Chapa, Jasmine Plascencia, Alyssa Barcena, Erica DeLuna, Deja Gonzalez, Autumn Silva, Ryan Robles, Caitlyn Rodriguez, Rebecca Perez, Daja Asberry, Sarah Asberry, Bella Filoteo, Stormee Perez, Bryanna Men diola, Juliet Padilla, Gabriella Quintanilla and Marissa Ro driguez. Holy Cross of San Antonio is an independent Catholic coeducational college preparatory middle and high school, cen trally located in San Antonio’s West Side. The Brothers of Holy Cross founded the school in 1957 steeped in tradition and education. Based on the principles of the Brothers of Holy Cross, the school’s educational mission helps break the cycle of poverty and opens doors to higher educa tion. For more information, visit The Holy Cross Knight Cheerleaders have the distinguished www.HolyCross-SA.org or call honor of being in the NCA’s Hall of Fame for the 12th time. (210) 433-9395. (Courtesy photo) Juan Lamadrid: “San Antonio FC será un equipo combativo” Por José I. Franco [email protected] Juan Lamadrid, nativo de Tepic, Nayarit (México) ex ar quero profesional y entrenador con carnet de la United States Soccer Federation B Licence, recientemente firmó contrato con el nuevo club San Antonio FC (SAFC), afiliado a la United Soccer League (USL). SAFC es propiedad de la em presa Spurs Spurs & Entertain ment (SS&E). Lamadrid, de 45 años de edad, llegó convencido al campo de entrenamiento de SAFC, dirigido por el director técnico Darren Powell, de lograr realizar un ex celente trabajo en coordinación con los arqueros Josh Ford y Matt Cardone, ya fichados oficial mente, y con porteros aspirantes (invitados) a quedarse dentro del roster. El trabajo de Juan Lamadrid también cubrirá la supervisión de jugadores integrantes de la defensa, el medio campo y en la delantera. Lamadrid denota energía y firmeza en su persona. Es un indi viduo que gusta salir adelante en cada agenda que se le encomien da, lo cual lo ha recompensado adquiriendo prestigio en el balom pié de paga y con organizaciones que ayudan a la comunidad en programas deportivos. Experiencia Juan Lamadrid a la edad de 17 años hizo su debut en el balompié profesional mexicano (Tercera División), donde jugó una tem porada con el equipo Soles de Hermosillo y seis campañas en la Segunda División con los clubes Coras de Tepic, Zacatepec y Tam pico Madero. En su ascenso a la Primera División tuvo la fortuna de jugar durante dos temporadas con el renombrado plantel Chivas de Guadalajara. Tras haber jugado por ocho años en el fútbol mexicano, en el año de 2006 decidió mudarse a Los Ángeles, California, donde trabajó con el club Chivas USA, afiliado a la Major League Soccer (MLS), donde lo asignaron para trabajar con las fuerzas básicas en la CD Chivas USA San Ber nardino Academy. Así ganó cinco campeonatos internacionales y un subcampeonato en el año 2008 en el torneo Copa Chivas Interna cional, celebrado en la ciudad de Guadalajara. Su labor en la preparación de talento joven le abrió las puertas de la oportunidad en el circuito de preparatoria y colegial, siendo nombrado asistente de entrenador técnico con el equipo de Los An geles Valley College. Viendo el crecimiento del balompié infantil y juvenil, La madrid decidió fundar su propia organización a la cual nombró Valley Youth Soccer Academy, con sede en Sun Valley, Cali fornia. Su academia de entrenamiento logró enviar numerosos jugadores requeridos por equipos profesio nales, incluyendo al club Chivas de Guadalajara, así como también al Tijuana FC, Pachuca, Chivas USA Youth Development. Asimismo, bajo su dirección la academia también logró preparar futbolistas en el circuito colegial y fue buscador de talento para la or ganización USA Youth National Teams, afiliada a la United States Soccer Federation, y trabajó en campos de entrenamiento para el club Boca Juniors USA. “En el año 2010, mi esposa – que tiene familiares aquí en San Antonio– me sugirió mudarnos a Texas, llegando a estas benditas tierras (San Antonio) donde se nos dio excelente bienvenida. Tuve la fortuna de ser contrata do por el director técnico Paul McGinlay, del equipo Trinity University Tigers, quien hasta la fecha me tiene asignado como coach de porteros”, comentó Lamadrid. En prácticas Durante las prácticas celebra das en el STAR Soccer Complex, durante la segunda semana desde que se abrió el campo de entre namiento el jueves 18 de febrero, el director técnico Darren Powell y su segundo de abordo, Andy Thomson, se han dado a la tarea por hacer rendir el tiempo en la hora que han venido dedicando para checar a jugadores profesio nales ya fichados y a futbolistas invitados. De acuerdo a Preston Petri, director de información de SAFC, al equipo han llegado dos porte ros en calidad de invitados (sin firmar). Por igual, entre el llamado segundo equipo (suplentes), los directores técnicos esperan se guirlos viendo en acción para de terminar qué decisiones tomarán para cuando se llegue la fecha del recorte de elementos. Por su lado, el entrenador La madrid, en la práctica del jueves 25, se dedicó a trabajar con arqueros invitados, aportando sus experiencias y señalándoles jugadas erróneas, la cuales ahí mismo sobre la grama se tuvieron que corregir. Por igual, al final de la jor nada, Lamadrid lo hizo con el mediocampista angelino Carlos Álvarez, quien en su camiseta viste el No.10. “Bueno, le estaba indicando a Carlos Álvarez cosas que tene mos que corregir para estar en buen forma de juego. A la vez di la bienvenida a esos detalles, ya que tenemos cinco semanas para estar en óptimo estilo de juego. Cada detalle que no se vea bueno, al final del entrenamiento, lo revisamos y al siguiente en trenamiento le damos solución”, explicó Lamadrid. Una experiencia más en la foja del ex arquero Lamadrid fueron los años en los que trabajó como entrenador de porteros y asistente del director técnico Alen Marcina con el desaparecido equipo Scor pions, con el que trabajó del 2011 al 2015. “Juan, con su experiencia, ayudará a los porteros. Lamadrid conoce al arquero Matt Cardone, a quien ya ha entrenado con el equipo colegial Trinity Univer sity. Su carisma es apreciado por todos, ya que él es dedicado a su trabajo, por lo que también nos es tará ayudando con jugadores que juegan diferentes posiciones”, añadió Powell. Lamadrid tuvo excelente pa labras para convocar a los afi cionados y que comiencen a respaldar a los jugadores, ya que ello también les ayudará a estar en excelente forma para el primer partido a jugarse en el estadio Toyota Field el sábado 9 de abril contra el equipo visitante Swope Park Rangers, sucursal del club Sporting Kansas City afiliado a la MLS. “Este es un proyecto que todos deben de apoyar. Estoy orgullo so de ser parte de la familia de los Spurs. Mi ambición es lograr impactar con cambios en el fútbol en todos los niveles. El equipo va a respaldar programas en fútbol infantil, juvenil, high school y co legial (los beneficiados serán va rones y mujeres). Por lo que San Antonio FC va a ser un equipo combativo y con gran energía en la evolución del fútbol soccer”, indicó Lamadrid. Juan Lamadrid, ex arquero profesional, nativo de Tepic, Nayarit, en el campo de entrenamiento Darren Powell, director técnico del equipo San Antonio FC, captado hablando con jugadores ya fichados e invitados al campo de entrenamiento. (Foto, Franco) marcó su debut con el nuevo equipo San Antonio FC. (Foto, Franco) 28 de febrero de 2016 13-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO You can rock José Canseco jugará en el the Rock n’ legendario estadio Colt 45 Roll Marathon Por Sendero Deportivo Linda Vela [email protected] I recently ran the Humana Rock n’ Roll half marathon, which is 13.1 miles long. My personal time was three hours and 13 min utes. This was my first marathon and definitely a feat I had never thought of doing. It was one of the most exciting and empowering experiences of my life. I never imagined I would run in a marathon. I was inspired by a personal friend of mine Martha Sanchez, and there it began. I said if she can do it, I can do it too…and I did! I was challenged beyond what I could imagine. I was in my sixth mile, ready for the marathon to be over, but I kept running, walking and stay ing close to runners who kept a steady pace. What was such a huge empow erment was that San Antonio was such a great support. So many people throughout the marathon route cheered us on. It was en couraging! Sticking to the plan was not easy, but it was worth it. Running at least three times a week and keeping myself moti vated to run in the elements was not an easy task. Preparation and perseverance pays off! I reached the last stretch of about two miles, and I met up with a runner named Mary Lempke. She noticed my struggle, my ex haustion and pulled me through to the finish line. I couldn’t be lieve it…there it was, the end. It seemed I would not get there, but I did, and it was exhilarat ing! If I can do it, you can too! My colleague Franco is quoted by saying, “If you have legs, you have everything!” Let’s go rock the Rock n’ Roll Marathon this December. Registration is currently open for the Humana Rock n’ Roll Marathon 2016. For more information or to register online, visit runrocknroll.com/ san-antonio. La noble afición de San Anto nio este fin de semana tendrá la oportunidad de ver en acción al ex jardinero ligamayorista José Canseco, quien estará vistiendo la franela del equipo “Pistoleros” de Colt 45 que dirige el gerente general Jaime Guerrero. José Canseco, refuerzo del equipo Colt 45. (Foto, cortesía) Por José I. Franco [email protected] Bravos y Diablos retoman liderato Víctor “Picho” Velázquez y el relevista JJ Mendoza. Por Diablos, el abridor derecho Max de la Cruz lanzó toda la ruta, con labor de 10 ponches y 4 carreras. La derrota fue para el abridor Francisco Cadena, quien en seis entradas concedió 4 imparables y Álvarez, dejaron tendidos en el campo a Warriors de Nairobi, que perdieron con pizarra de 9 a 8 carreras. Red Sox doblegó 7-3 a Mine ros de Rosita, con la quinta victoria para el derecho José Espinoza. O’s con el zurdo Moisés Cer vantes noqueó al campeón Colt 45 con marcador de 5-1. La derrota fue para Jaime Guerrero. Broncos de Reynosa S.A. sin jugar subieron al liderato con 7 victorias por 2 derrotas, seguidos por Red Sox y Colt 45 que tienen marca de 7-3. El lanzador zurdo Moisés Cervantes guió al equipo O’s a holgada victoria de 5-1 carreras ante el campeón Colt 45. (Fotos, Franco) Tecolotes vs. Indios de Nava van por título del playoff en Tex-Mex IBL Los anillos que estrenarán el manager y coach que guie a su equipo a la conquista del tí tulo del playoff (Liga de Invierno 2015-16) en el circuito dominical abierto estuvieron en exhibición durante los dos partidos de semi final que se jugaron en el estadio Capito Park. El campeón Tecolotes (tem porada de verano 2015) eliminó a su rival de la pasada final, los Juggernauts, que en 10 episodios cayeron abatidos por el contun dente bateo del lanzador Tyler Cales, quien conectó cuadrangu lar con un compañero en base, poniendo la pizarra a favor por 6 a 4 carreras. Raúl Originales comenzó lan zando por Juggernauts, siendo relevado por Alfredo Ochoa y Daniel Rodríguez. Cales compartió honores del MVP con su compañero José To rres, prospecto que entró de emer gente a cubrir la pradera derecha. A como van pasando fechas en el circuito del Torneo Dominical Potranco III, que se encuentra honrando a sus padrinos Isidoro Gómez (Lolo), Lupe y Brayan Guerrero (padre e hijo quienes juegan para el equipo Piratas de Sabinas), los partidos han subido de calidad beisbolera, ya que están cerca los playoffs. El campeón Diablos de la tem porada de verano 2015 y Bravos, campeón del playoff (verano), con sus victorias ante Rieleros 7-4 carreras, y Piratas 5-3 reto maron el liderato en la tabla de posiciones. El estadio Coach Arthur Bain volvió a registrar un buen número de espectadores. En el primer partido entre Bravos y Piratas aplaudieron el trabajo monticular del picher ganador Renee Martin, que se impuso ante el abridor rival “Canseco y Alejandro (Pato) Ortiz, quien fue campeón jon ronero en Liga Mexicana, nos estarán reforzando en el cuadran gular categoría Veteranos que se jugará el sábado 27 y domingo 28 de febrero. Con ello se pretende atraer afición al estadio Colt 45 y continuar presentando grandes partidos”, dijo Guerrero. Rol de juegos Sábado 27 a las 10 a.m. se enfrentan Austin Red Birds vs. Red Sox S.A. 1 p.m. Amigos de Eagle Pass vs. SA Colt 45. Domingo 28 a las 10 a.m. jugarán equipos perde dores por trofeos del tercero y cuarto lugar. A la 1 p.m. los equipos gana dores irán por el banderín y el segundo lugar. En cuanto a los resultados del comienzo de la tercera vuelta temporada invernal. Cachorros de Nava, con picheo de Hilario un cuadrangular, siendo relevado por el derecho Eric Granado, quien cerró el partido. Este domingo 28 de febrero en el partido matutino se miden Piratas y Diablos. A la 1 p.m. irán Bravos y Riele ros, que se disputarán el clásico de fin de temporada. Eric Granado, de Rieleros, cerró el partido ante Diablos. Max de la Cruz, campeón picher de verano, guió a efectiva victoria a los Diablos contra Rieleros, que solo le marcaron cuatro anotaciones en el clásico dominical. (Fotos, Franco) Juggernauts llenaron las bases, con dos outs en la pizarra, el siguiente bateador pegó lago globo por el jardín derecho que fue atrapado sorpresivamente por José Torres, quien salvó el picheo de Cales. Por su parte, Indios de Nava del magnate Juan Martínez “Pachín” y su coach Rudy Barrientez cele braron la captura del campeonato de la temporada y la eliminación por abultada pizarra contra Mar lins del timonel y jugador Will Nash. El jardinero izquierdo de In dios, Tim Palincsar, ganó título de cuadrangulares con 8 estacazos en la temporada regular. Ante Marlins pegó jonrón con dos compañeros por delante. Este domingo 28 de febrero se jugarán dos partidos de la serie pactada a ganar 2 de 3 partidos, con el primer cotejo a las 10:30 a.m. y el segundo a las 2 p.m. “En caso de finalizar empatados El receptor de Indios de Nava, Donnie Atkins, felicitó al lanzador derecho Caleb Whiteley (11), quien lanzó toda la ruta para eliminar a los Marlins y pasar a la gran final vs. Tecolotes. 1-1 el tercer partido lo jugaremos el domingo 6 de marzo”, dijo el presidente Gilberto Rodríguez Sr. “Esos anillos me los voy a llevar al empeño”, añadió el timonel Martínez. José Torres, de Tecolotes, recibió felicitaciones del picher Tyler Cales con quien compartió honores de MVP. Por igual de compañeros y de su papá y coach Gustavo Torres. 14-A LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO a r b e l e C Del 24 de febrero al 8 de marzo heb.com/texfest ©2016 HEB, 16-0629 28 de febrero de 2016 28 de febrero de 2016 Niños y jóvenes en festivales de El Mercado Texto y fotos por Roberto J. Pérez En el tablado de Farmers Market la Academia de Baile de Teresa Champion hizo su primera presentación antes de la primavera con beneplácito del público que acude a este escenario los fines de semana en conciertos gratis. En esta primera presentación, además de cumplir con el entretenimiento que provee la administración de El Mercado durante todo el año, la academia presentó a la nueva generación de artistas cuyo interés y dedicación garantizan la tradición y las expresiones sensibles de la cultura en los años por venir. 2 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 28 de febrero de 2016 El dinámico personal de Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E), entre ellos la mascota The Coyote, se dio a la tarea de visitar escuelas dentro del distrito escolar San Antonio Independent School District (SAISD) celebrando su tercera gira de lectura denominada “Rodeo Read Trip”. En su visita al centro de aprendizaje (biblioteca) patrocinado por los Spurs en Bowden Elementary School, el legendario basquetbolista George Gervin, apodado “The Iceman”, participó de nueva cuenta leyendo libros ante los pequeños alumnos y presenciando lecturas que personal de SS&E realizó en diversos grupos. El programa de lectura del “Rodeo Read Trip” y el SAISD ha redituado excelentes resultados. Los pequeños estudiantes han sobresalido en sus estudios, en los que se incluye la lectura de libros, escritura y desarrollo de habilidades académicas. Al “Rodeo Read Trip” se unió por segundo año consecutivo el concejal Alan E. Warrick, II, representante del Distrito 2. (Fotos, Franco) Alan E. Warrick II, concejal por Distrito 2, por segundo año participó en el programa de lectura “Rodeo Read Trip”. “En el concilio seguimos apoyamos programas de lectura”, dijo Warrick. En el Spurs Learn & Play Center (biblioteca) de Bowden ES personal de SS&E, “The Iceman” Gervin y el concejal Alan E. Warrick II celebraron el programa de lectura del “Rodeo Read Trip”. The Coyote, a señas y con su presencia, hizo más emotiva la visita del personal de SS&E en la Estudiantes después de haber leído su libro favorito posaron con los distinguidos visitantes George biblioteca de la escuela primaria Bowden Elementary School. Gervin “The Iceman”, concejal Alan E. Warrick II y The Coyote. Seguidores del equipo Indios de Nava, que ganó la temporada invernal en Tex-Mex IBL, se dieron cita en el estadio Capitol Park donde presenciaron el pase de su club a la gran final a jugarse este domingo 28 de febrero contra Tecolotes. De izquierda a derecha aparece Benito Martínez, Alejandro Becerra (El Cachorro Mayor), Héctor Ibarra, dueño del club Águilas de La Sauceda, Manuel Ibarra (La Sauceda, Coahuila), Tomás Contreras, de Nava, Coahuila, Beto Ibarra (Nava, Coah.). Ricardo Gómez, AJ Gómez, el niño Brandon Contreras Ibarra, José Gómez (Josesito “El Peligroso”) y Jesús Vargas, comentarista de los equipos Indios de Nava y Águilas de La Sauceda. Los buenos amigos, señor Tino Durán Publisher de La Prensa y don Antonio O. Muñoz, fueron captados por la cámara de Milyanka en su restaurante favorito, Estela’s Mexican Restaurant, donde saludaron amistades y saborearon delicioso desayuno como ha sido su costumbre por años. Felicidades y que El Creador Divino les siga bendiciendo. Luis Rodríguez, apodado “La Güicha” y reconocido beisbolista y popular entrenador de fútbol soccer (tercero de izquierda de pie), acudió al legendario estadio Colt 45 para saludar a renombrados jugadores, amistades y paisanos oriundos de la región carbonífera del vecino estado de Coahuila. “Me ausenté del béisbol por unos años, pero aquí estoy de regreso para ver en que puedo colaborar con el equipo Mineros de Nueva Rosita”, dijo Rodríguez, quien tuvo el placer de saludar al famoso lanzador fronterizo Luis Alfonso “Chorejas” Velázquez (primero de izq. de pie) y a los hermanos Chon y Miguelito Rodríguez, así como al “Rielero Mayor” Juan Sánchez, coordinador general de Liga Dominical Potranco III. Luis Rodríguez se destacó en el béisbol jugando, dirigiendo y patrocinando al club Cardenales de Nueva Rosita y en el fútbol con el equipo Taxisteco FC en Liga. Arredondo logró la captura de campeonatos en las temporadas de invierno y verano. Abel Pinales y Felipe Mendoza, recientemente, formaron un Dueto Karaoke con equipo musical profesional y DJ con un extenso repertorio que ponen a disposición de quienes tiene fiesta en puerta. A ellos se les pueden contactar llamándoles a sus respectivos teléfonos: (210) 980-8838 Pinales y (210) 422-9288 Mendoza. El portero y beisbolista Juan Jaime González (La Moñona) posó con su gran amigo Rubén Saldaña. Ambos militan con el club Mineros de Rosita. Saldaña estableció marcas de bateo en Liga Norte de Coahuila y Liga Mayor de Torreón y se probó con los clubes Águilas y Pericos de Puebla. “Estoy contento porque nos encontramos aquí jugando para el mismo equipo”, dijo González. 28 de febrero de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 3 Obras de arte contemporáneo en Luminaria 2016 La primera versión de Luminaria 2016 en San Antonio Museum of Art presentó el sábado anterior novedosas muestras de arte contemporáneo creadas por artistas locales. (Fotos, Roberto J. Pérez) El público está invitado al Esperanza Peace and Justice Center (922 San Pedro) para apreciar la exhibición de fotografías y carteles que describen la carrera de las damas de la canción Rita Vidaurri, Beatriz Llamas, Blanca Rosa y Janet Cortez. Varios conciertos esperan al Ballet Folklórico Bendiciones en José y Gloria de Hoyos, los Reyes del Barrio, representan en La mascota Torchy estará muy activa en las semanas de Fiesta esta temporada y el público está invitado a su presentación en Fiesta 2016 a Action United for Entertainers and Diverse Artists 2016 visitando escuelas para distribuir libros de dibujo, que a la (AUEDA) La Villita el 5 de marzo a las 2 de la tarde. vez que ilustran, entretienen a los niños. 4 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 28 de febrero de 2016 Boudro’s Bistro celebrates National Margarita Day By Christina Acosta [email protected] Price Range: $$ Salt the rim, mix the alcohol, your flavor of choice and make it the biggest top shelf beverage you can gulp— a drink that will let you loose after a hard day at work or the weekend. National Margarita Day took place last Monday and many Americans gathered together to drink up the alcoholic beverage around family, friends and loved ones. Whether drinking a strawberry or lime margarita, many do not know where the popular drink came from. Before I get into the review of the restaurant, here are a couple of stories of how the margarita came about. The popular history of the margarita came in 1938 when Carlos “Danny” Herrera developed the drink at his Tijuana-area restaurant, Rancho La Gloria. Herrera created the cocktail for one of his customers, an aspiring actress named Marjorie King, who was allergic to all hard alcohol other than tequila. To make the liquor more palatable to King, he combined the elements of a traditional tequila shot—a lick of salt and a wedge of lime—and turned them into a refreshing drink. Another story that surfaces is the legend of Margarita Sames, a wealthy Dallas socialite who claimed that she whipped up the drink for friends at her Acapulco vacation home in 1948. One of the guests was Tommy Hilton, who eventually added the drink to the bar menu at his hotel chain. As the celebration of National Margarita Day rang in, Boudro’s was the prime spot to find the best margarita in town. As you walk into the restaurant, customers will find an ambience to not only relax and enjoy the company of people, but to also enjoy the view of the Riverwalk. La Prensa stopped by to celebrate and I must say that I was impressed by the service as well as the food that pairs well with the popular drink. The ultimate drink that I tried and I would highly recommend at Boudro’s is the Prickly Pear Margarita. With tequila, triple sec and frozen fresh lime juice layered with prickly cactus pear puree, it was sweet with a kick of sourness. In order to not get buzzed quickly after sipping, my waiter made sure that I had something in my stomach to absorb the alcohol. They brought out two tasty appetizers that also carried a hint of citrus and spice of their own. The first one was the Tuna Tartare Tostados, something different from what you see between two breads. With chives, capers, red onions, avocado, mirin and olive oil drizzle, you do not get a strong fishy flavor, but a zest of sour and sophistication. The Chile-Fried Gulf Oysters, however, were one you should This year, National Margarita Day was celebrated at Boudro’s Bistro with a Prickly Pear Margarita that included a sweet and sour take on the popular beverage. (Photo, Christina Acosta) not miss on the menu. On yucca chips with Serrano honey aioli, pineapple pico de gallo and greens, this fried finger food carried a hint of tanginess, combining a fruit and a sauce that is mainly found as a dip for fries. This was an ultimate experience to revel a great drink with added dishes to balance out the powerful sweet and sour drink. Boudro’s Bistro is the ultimate destination for one margarita that upstages the original. If you are interested in celebrating the magic behind the Margarita at any given time, visit Boudro’s Bistro, located at 421 E. Commerce St, or www. boudros.com for more details. ` 28 de febrero de 2016 2016 Oscar predictions: La Prensa picks in 10 categories By Lucy Almanza [email protected] The 88th annual Academy Awards will air this Sunday at 7:30 CT on ABC and since the nominations were announced, it has become one of the most discussed ceremonies in years. From the lack of diversity to the thought of Leonardo DiCaprio finally winning his first Oscar, this year’s awards ceremony has sparked many heated debates all over the country, especially on social media. The #OscarsSoWhite has been trending on Twitter, leading to many actors boycotting the event. However, millions will still tune in to watch the winners of the coveted award. Chris Rock will be this year’s host and will hopefully bring some humor to the three-hour program. The Best Picture nominees include: “The Big Short,” “Bridge of Spies,” “Brooklyn,” “Mad Max: Fury Road,” “The Martian,” “The Revenant,” “Room” and Spotlight.” Mexican director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu’s film “The Revenant” leads with 12 nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (DiCaprio), Best Supporting Actor (Tom Hardy) and Best Cinematography (Mexico’s Emmanuel Lubezki). “The Revenant” tells the story of Hugh Glass (DiCaprio), a 19thcentury explorer and fur trapper, who was mauled by a bear and left for dead by the other members of his expedition team. It’s interesting to note that La Prensa recently found a collection of one-of-a-kind historical papers dating back to the 1930s, and one of them included the story “La Caza del Oso,” printed on Jan. 19, 1932, which is the story of the bear attack featured in the nominated film. The Actor in a Leading Role is probably the most talked about category because of DiCaprio. He La Prensa’s collection of one-of-a-kind historical papers dating back to the 1930s includes the story “La Caza del Oso,” which is the story of the bear attack featured in the “The Revenant.” Leonardo DiCaprio is nominated for Best Actor. (Courtesy photo) is the clear favorite and many are rooting for him to take the golden statue home. DiCaprio will be going against Bryan Cranston nominated for “Trumbo,” Matt Damon for “The Martian,” Michael Fassbender for “Steve Jobs” and Eddie Redmayne for “The Danish Girl.” The Actress in a Leading Role category is also star-studded with Cate Blanchett being nominated for “Carol,” Brie Larson for “Room,” Jennifer Lawrence for “Joy,” Charlotte Rampling for “45 Years” and Saoirse Ronan for “Brooklyn.” So, who will win? La Prensa decided to join the Oscar fun and predict the winners of 10 of the most popular categories. Here are our overall predictions. Feel free to play along at home! Best Picture: The Big Short, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, The Revenant, Room, Spotlight LP pick: The Revenant Actor in a Leading Role: Bryan Cranston, Trumbo; Matt Damon, The Martian; Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant; Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs; Eddie Redmayne, Tejano Music Awards Fan Fair del 17 al 20 de marzo el festival, además de disfrutar de la música, los asistentes también tendrán acceso a sesiones de firma de autógrafos de artistas como Grupo Siggno, Joe Posada, Las Fénix, Tejano Hwy 281, Rubén Ramos “El Gato Negro”, Patsy Torres, Miss Latina San Antonio Teen Sydney Gonzalez y Miss Latina San Antonio Queen Giselle Mata. La participación de grupos como La Mafia y otros también están programados para los cuatro días. Para este año, explicó Mendoza, están programadas las participaciones de más de 125 bandas, aparte de los headliners. Entre las bandas que tocarán figuran: Big Circo, Saraly y La Promesa, Tropa F, Bad Boy de Valle, Los Enmascarados, Anna Roman, Ernestine Romero, La Dezz, Natajja, Savannah Votion, XS Band, Albert Zamora, Noemy, Sabor Latino Legacy, Frankie Caballero Jr., Amber Rose, Ángel González y Vimana, Liberty Band, Los García Brothers, La Fiebre, David Marez, Grupo Ondo, Rio Jordan, Javier Galván, Juaquin Cura, Devin Banda, La Calma, Mike y Los Fabulosos, Los Dudes, Ricardo Castillón y La Diferenzia, Robert Velasquez and The Latin Legends, Remedio con Raulito Navaira, Sesi, Joe Bravo, Eddie Gonzalez, Boni Mauricio, y más. Además vienen bandas de Monterrey (México) como Mike y Los Fabulosos, Dezigual, Texadoz y Saraly y La Promesa. De acuerdo a Mendoza, el género de música tejana ha evolucionado con el paso de los años. Ahora muchas bandas lo han fusionado con norteño y hip hop, además utilizan otros instrumentos musicales, cantando tanto en inglés como en español. La Tejano Music Award Fan Fair 2016 es un evento familiar que ofrecerá comidas y bebidas tradicionales así como mercadería alusiva a Tejano Music. El evento es organizado por Texas Talent Musicians Association (TTMA), con sede en San Antonio, Texas. Esta asociación también organiza la 36th Annual Tejano Music Awards Show, que este año se llevará a cabo el sábado 12 de noviembre en el Tobin Center of the Perfoming Arts. La programación de los conciertos puede consultarse en www.tejanomusicawards.com Los horarios y las presentaciones están sujetas a cambio sin previo aviso. The Danish Girl LP pick: Leonardo DiCaprio Actress in a Leading Role: Cate Blanchett, Carol; Brie Larson, Room; Jennifer Lawrence, Joy; Charlotte Rampling, 45 Years; Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn. LP pick: Jennifer Lawrence Actor in a Supporting Role: Christian Bale, The Big Short; Tom Hardy, The Revenant; Mark Ruffalo, Spotlight; Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies; Sylvester Stallone, Creed LP pick: Tom Hardy Actress in a Supporting Role: Costume Design: Carol, Cinderella, The Danish Girl, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant LP pick: The Danish Girl Directing: The Big Short, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Revenant, Room, Spotlight LP pick: Alejandro G. Iñárritu, The Revenant Writing (Original Screenplay): Bridge of Spies, Ex Machina, Inside Out, Spotlight, Straight Outta Compton LP pick: Tie between Bridge of Spies and Straight Outta Compton ‘Cinderella,’ Majestic Theatre and Fairy Godmother Project invite S.A. to donate dresses for girls in need Special to La Prensa The Fairy Godmother Project, Majestic Theatre and the company of “Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella” are pleased to announce that Más de 125 bandas harán bailar beginning Friday, Feb. 26 through a miles de fanáticos de la música Sunday, April 10, donations of tejana completamente gratis durante formal and semi-formal dresses for los cuatro días que dure el Tejano teens, shoes, purses and costume Music Awards Fan Fair 2016 el jewelry will be accepted at the folpróximo mes de marzo. lowing locations: Del jueves 17 a domingo 20 del • Majestic Theatre Box Office, mes próximo, el histórico Market Monday through Friday from 10 Square será el escenario, de 12 del a.m. to 5 p.m. and up to show time mediodía a 11 de la noche, para on performance nights. The Majestic bandas provenientes de Arizona, Box Office is located at 226 East California, Michigan, Colorado, Houston Street. Minnesota, Nuevo México, Ohio, • Lifeway Christian Book Store Texas, Florida, México entre otros at The Rim in conjunction with Air1 lugares. Radio will collect prom dresses on La ceremonia de arranque del Saturday, March 12 only. Lifeway festival se realizará el jueves 17 de is located at 17802 La Cantera marzo en Market Square para el Parkway. corte del listón y el momento en que All dress sizes are accepted. Doun concejal de la ciudad presente nations must be age-appropriate and una proclama para San Antonio. in good condition. Dress donations “Estarán presentes patrocinamust be on hangers and dry-cleaned dores y artistas como Michael prior to drop-off. Tuxedos, men’s Salgado, Elida Reyna y Grupo or boy’s clothing are not accepted. Sólido”, adelantó Félix Mendoza, The Fairy Godmother Project is representante de Texas Talent a nonprofit founded and helmed by Musicians Association (TTMA, Carmen De La Rosa. It provides San por su sigla en inglés), asociación Antonio high school girls with prom organizadora del evento. dresses if they can’t afford them. Durante los cuatro días que dure Gently worn and new prom dresses of all sizes and styles are needed for a giveaway at a free conference for girls that will take place on Saturday, April 30 at Palo Alto College. For donations and conference information, visit on Facebook at The Fairy Godmother Project San Antonio or at www.significantu.org. “Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella,” the 2013 Tony Awardwinning Broadway musical from the creators of “South Pacific” and “The Sound of Music,” will play eight performances at the Majestic Grupo Sólido será una de las más de 125 bandas que se presentará en los cuatro días del Tejano Theatre on April 5-10, presented by Music Awards Fan Fair 2016 en Market Square. (Foto, cortesía) Por Adda Montalvo [email protected] Jennifer Jason Leigh, The Hateful Eight; Rooney Mara, Carol; Rachel McAdams, Spotlight; Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl; Kate Winslet, Steve Jobs LP Pick: Alicia Vikander Makeup and Hairstyling: Mad Max: Fury Road, The 100-YearOld Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared, The Revenant LP pick: Mad Max: Fury Road Foreign Language Film: Embrace of the Serpent, Mustang, Son of Saul, Theeb, A War LP Pick: A War Formal and semi-formal dresses for teens, shoes, purses and costume jewelry can be donated until Sunday April 10. “Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella” will play eight performances at the Majestic Theatre on April 5-10. (Photo, Carol Rosegg/Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella Tour Company) North Park Lexus Broadway in San Antonio’s 2015-2016 season. This partnership is especially close to Cinderella cast member Audrey Cardwell’s heart. Cardwell, who has spearheaded this initiative in several tour markets, references the following as part of her inspiration: “Beauty in a woman is a rare treasure that will always be admired. Graciousness, however, is priceless and of even greater value. Without it nothing is possible; with it, one can do anything.” - Charles Perrault Cardwell says, “Cinderella reminds us that anything is possible, no matter your circumstance. Being a part of this show is a great honor, and it is just as thrilling to be a part of this wonderful partnership. The heartbeat of our show is kindness, and I hope that this partnership can spread the show’s message in a more tangible way, by providing girls with the resources to have a fairytale evening of their own.” “Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella” is delighting audiences with its contemporary take on the classic tale. This lush production features an incredible orchestra, jawdropping transformations and all the moments you love—the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more—plus some surprising new twists! Be transported back to your childhood as you rediscover some of Rodgers + Hammerstein’s most beloved songs, including “In My Own Little Corner,” “Impossible/ It’s Possible” and “Ten Minutes Ago,” in this hilarious and romantic Broadway experience for anyone who’s ever had a wish, a dream... or a really great pair of shoes. Tickets for “Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella” start at $35 and are available by calling Ticketmaster at (800) 982.ARTS (2787), at all Ticketmaster outlets including the Majestic Box Office, or online at www.BroadwayInSanAntonio.com and www.ticketmaster.com. The Majestic Box Office does not accept single ticket orders over the phone; all ticket sales must be made in person. Majestic Box Office hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday hours vary weekly, call (210) 226.3333 to verify. Orders for groups of 10 or more may be placed by calling (210) 226-5967. “Cinderella” opens with performances at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday; 2 and 8 p.m., Saturday and at 2 and 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. For more information please visit www. CinderellaOnBroadway.com. For venue information and performance schedule, please go to www.MajesticEmpire.com. 6 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO 28 de febrero de 2016 IHOP will offer free pancakes on March 8 Day to support local charities Special to La Prensa “Fallout 4” DLC will expand on an already massive open-world experience. (Courtesy photo) By Trey Hilburn III “Fallout 4” was a big contender for Game of the Year of 2015, for good reason. The massive open-world RPG experience allowed gamers to traverse the wastelands of a postapocalyptic world in a completely immersive experience. Gamers were joined by companions along the way that helped you on what seemed like endless quests. When weary gamers finally looked back at the total of hours that they put into playing “Fallout 4,” they discovered that it equaled days or even weeks without a second feeling wasted. Personally, I’m 58 hours in and I’m still not finished with the central story. So is there ever too much of a good thing? Put simply, if that “good thing” is “Fallout 4,” than the answer is, no. The developers over at Bethesda have an early Christmas present for “Fallout 4” fans. Downloadable content is to be rolled out over the next three months. This will expand the already enveloping world of “Fallout 4,” to include “Automatron,” “Wasteland Workshop” and “Far Harbor.” “Autromatron” is set for release in March and will introduce gamers to a wasteland filled with evil robots. Gamers will be tasked with seeking out and destroying said robots. You will then be able to take the scrap and customize your very own killer-robots that fight for you. Fully customizable paint, armor and abilities will all be part of the fun. I’m probably the only one thinking about building Johnny 5 from “Short Circuit” but that is ok… for now. In April, “Wasteland Workshop” gamers will go from hunting robots to capturing wild irradiated creatures. You can then have the creatures fight for you or against other wild creatures. Pet Deathclaws are probably cute, right? Imagine “Pokemon” but gritty, bloody and occurring during the apocalypse, and you are probably starting to get the picture. In May, partner with Nick Valentine and travel off the coast of Maine to search for a young woman and her colony of synths. This expansion is said to feature “one of the largest landmasses for an add-on ever created.” The new area will contain more quests, settlements and weapons. It is safe to say that the “Far Harbor” DLC will add to the massive amount of hours you have probably put into “Fallout 4.” This DLC can be purchased as one season pass package as well as individually. Dust your power armor off and get ready for the next three months. Whoopi Goldberg to perform at the Majestic Theatre Special to La Prensa Returning to the stage to share her unique observations on current events and anything else on her mind, Whoopi Goldberg will perform at the Majestic Theatre (224 E. Houston St.) on Friday, June 24 at 8 p.m. Whoopi Goldberg is known throughout the world for her accomplishments as a performer, best-selling author, producer and humanitarian. She is one of an elite group of artists who have won Grammy, Academy, Golden Globe, Emmy and Tony awards. Her films include “The Color Purple,” “Ghost,” “Sister Act,” “The Lion King” and “How Stella Got Her Groove Back,” and her many television credits range from series, mini-series and talk shows to movies and specials. She is moderator of Emmy Award-winning “The View” and was seen recently in the feature film, “Big Stone Gap.” Her latest Whoopi Goldberg will perform at the Majestic Theatre on Friday, June 24 at 8 p.m. Tickets start at $49.50. (Courtesy photo) producing project, “According to Alex,” premieres on Centric in October and her latest book “If Someone Says ‘You Complete Me’…Run!” is available now. Tickets for Whoopi Goldberg ($49.50 - $125.00) are available at the Majestic Theatre Box Office, ticketmaster.com or by phone at 800.745.3000. All tickets subject to applicable service charges and fees. For more information, please visit majesticempire.com On March 8, pancake lovers nationwide will once again flock to their local IHOP restaurant to enjoy one free short stack of buttermilk pancakes in celebration of the brand’s annual National Pancake Day. Now in its 11th year, IHOP restaurants will give away millions of free pancakes from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and ask guests to leave behind a voluntary donation for their local Shriners Hospital for Children, Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and other local charities. Restaurants in the San Antonio area will be supporting the Shriners Hospitals for Children. In what has become a cultural phenomenon, over the last 10 years, National Pancake Day has raised $20 million for meaningful local charities. Last year alone, IHOP restaurants served 6.6 million free pancakes—which would have created a stack nearly 19 miles high—and raised $3.5 million for children’s charities. In 2016, IHOP aims to raise another $3.5 million. All donations collected will remain in the local communities where they Breakfast Icon IHOP aims to raise $3.5 Million during 11th annual National Pancake Day to support Shriners Hospital for Children, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and other local charities. (Courtesy photo) are raised and will be used to fund life-saving equipment, research, community outreach events, educational tools and much more. “Every pancake we give away has a purpose on National Pancake Day. Through the generosity of our guests and the hard work and commitment of our franchisees and their team members, we will help fund life-saving treatment and care for children in need,” said Darren Rebelez, president, International House of Pancakes, LLC. “On behalf of everyone in the IHOP family, we are so grateful to our guests who have turned this into such an incredible event that truly makes a difference in the lives of these kids.” Prior to National Pancake Day, participating local IHOP restaurants supporting Shriners Hospitals for children will also sell “Miracle Medallions” for $1 and $5. The medallions will be available for purchase beginning Feb. 1 through March 8. Guests who purchase a $5 Medallion will receive a $5 discount coupon that can be used during their next visit to IHOP. For more information on National Pancake Day, please visit www.ihoppancakeday.com. 28 de febrero de 2016 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO ‘A War’ dissects the battlefields of life By Christina Acosta [email protected] Becoming a soldier comes with a price as many have to fulfill duties in and out of the battlefield—the effects are expansive and farreaching. Director Tobias Lindholm, known for his work in “The Hunt” and “Hijacking,” tells the story of a soldier who confronts many battles that he must keep with him in order to maintain his life as a commander, father and even a friend. Lindholm gave the opportunity for viewers to see more than the “Hollywood glamorous” angle of the many wars that revolve around a soldier. Company commander Claus M. Pedersen (Pilou Asbæk) and his men are stationed in an Afghan province. Claus is an understanding, thick-skinned commander who orders the soldiers to find those who are seen as a threat to the community. Meanwhile back in Denmark, Claus’ wife Maria (Tuva Novotny) is trying to hold everyday life together with a husband at war and three children missing their father. This takes a toll on one of their children, as his behavior changes at home and at school. When they communicate, you can hear a father who loves his children, but is aware that his job is important to contribute to the family’s income. On the other hand, the mother tells her husband that she needs his help because their children need a male role model. Then one day, Claus’s life gets shaken up during a routine mission as the soldiers are caught in a heavy crossfire. In order to save his men, Claus makes a decision that results in grave consequences Company commander Claus M. Pedersen (Pilou Asbæk) goes through many battlefronts and confronts them with strength, bravery and integrity. (Photo, courtesy of Magnolia Pictures) for him – and his family back home. He chooses to do whatever it takes to save the life of one of his comrades; however, it is unknown if he was supposed to give orders for an airstrike. Once Claus is happy that he has saved his friend from death, he is discharged from his position and must await trial for causing needless collateral damage. It is during trial that Claus must make the ultimate decision to either cave in and label himself a criminal or fight like hell to be the male role model his family needs. European films are enjoyable to watch because they give an audience the raw footage behind the plot of the movie. In a sense, you can understand the character’s emotion and circumstances without adding the “Hollywood glamour” many American films fail at portraying. “A War” is a brilliant film that does not glamourize war, but instead goes deep into the theme of the true meaning of a battlefield. The message behind the storyline is that soldiers not only go through a war as a job, but are also obligated to make quick decisions to save the lives of their colleagues and to keep the enemy away. They also go through the war outside of their job, which includes the ones they leave behind at home. For Claus, it was leaving his wife the responsibility of parenthood. Her work at home became more difficult without his help or opinion on how to deal with a situation. Ultimately, Lindholm successfully tells a story of a soldier breaking through the barriers of war and even an ending that many soldiers go through once they go back home. It opens the door of understanding the footsteps of a soldier once the battle is over. “A War” is now playing in select theatres. 7 En “Zootopia” los sueños se hacen realidad Por Adda Montalvo [email protected] Es una nueva comedia de aventuras y es sobre animales realizando sus sueños. Walt Disney Animation Studios continua su larga tradición de películas sobre animales (“Bambi”, “Dumbo”, “The Lion King” y otras). Y su más reciente producción y próximo estreno es “Zootopia”. “Zootopia” es una ciudad mamífera como ninguna otra, está poblada solo por animales y está diseñada para que las diferentes especies se desenvuelvan en su hábitat natural. Por ejemplo, hay una Plaza Sahara para los animales del desierto y hay un Tundratown para los osos polares y los alces, por ejemplo. La promesa de esta moderna metrópolis es que “no importa la que seas, puedes ser lo que quieras”. Y bajo esta premisa es que se desarrolla la historia de la oficial novata Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin) quien, cuando llega a la ciudad, descubrirá que no será fácil ser la primera conejita en una fuerza policial de animales grandes y pesados. “Decidida a probarse a sí misma, acepta de inmediato cuando surge la oportunidad de investigar un caso, aunque eso signifique trabajar junto a un zorro charlatán y esta- fador llamado Nick Wilde (voz de Jason Bateman) para resolver el misterio”, sintetiza Disney. Rich Moore, uno de los directores de la película, define a “Zootopia” como una película de “cuates”. “Judy y Nick –un conejo y un zorro– son enemigos por naturaleza. Por lo tanto estos personajes no se llevan bien al principio. Ellos traen ideas preconcebidas sobre ambos, creencias que no son certeras”, afirma. En ese sentido, la película juega con los estereotipos y prejuicios. Para esto, Disney contó con la consejería de un experto en prejuicios, el Dr. Shatki Butler, afirma Clark Spencer, productor de la película. El especialista dijo: “es difícil estar prejuiciado contra alguien una vez que lo conoces. Esa idea fundamental se desdobla de forma bella en nuestra historia de un conejo y un zorro, enemigos naturales, en donde ambos asumen algo sobre el otro, pero aprenden que sus suposiciones son erróneas una vez que son forzados a trabajar juntos”. El elenco de voces de “Zootopia” incluye la participación de Idris Elba como el Chief Bogo, jefe búfalo de Judy; Nate Torrence como la encantadora chita Clawhauser y Bonny Hunt y Don Lake como los padres conejos de Judy, entre otras. El reparto también incluye la voz de la cantante colombiana Shakira como la Gacela. La población de “Zootopia” está formada por 64 especies de animales que incluso usan ropa. Para darle más realismo a los personajes digitales, el equipo de Disney pasó 18 meses de investigación, que incluyó viajes a África, Disney’s Animal Kingdom y el Museo de Historia Natural del condado de Los Ángeles. “Estudiamos cómo interactúan en el mundo salvaje, cómo socializan y cómo las comunidades individuales se construyen en el mundo natural”, agrega Byron Howard, también director de la cinta. Además de tener una banda sonora compuesta específicamente para la película, esta también incluirá una nueva canción interpretada por Shakira: “Try Everything”, que describe el viaje de Judy de ser una conejita de un pequeño pueblo hasta convertirse en una policía de una gran ciudad. La letra de la canción fue compuesta por la ganadora del Grammy Sia a dúo con Stargate. “Yo creo que realmente captura el espíritu de la película”, afirmó Shakira. “No solo en términos musicales, sino en la letra también. Es una canción sobre no tener miedo de tus sueños y de tener voluntad para luchar por ellos”. “Zootopia” se estrena el viernes 4 de marzo. Ratings: Instant Classic Excellent Good Okay Awful Judy (coneja) y Nick (zorro) forman una inusual pareja de policías en “Zootopia”. ¿Podrán confiar uno en el otro estos dos enemigos por naturaleza? (Foto, cortesía Disney Studios) “Death Race 2050” llegará este año en DVD Por Adda Montalvo [email protected] Universal Picture Home Entertainment anunció recientemente que ya inició la filmación de “Death Race 2050”, que es un nuevo remake de la película de ciencia ficción del culto de 1975 “Death Race 2000”. Este nuevo remake retomará las ideas de la cinta original y contará especialmente con la participación del productor original: Robert Corman, leyenda del cine-B. “Esta es una increíble oportunidad para mí y para millones de seguidores de ‘Death Race 2000’ de experimentar la intensidad, el suspense y el humor negro de la versión original, ensalzada por un joven elenco de protagonistas, vehículos espectaculares y acción desternillante, literalmente”, comentó Corman, quien se logró gracias a elevar a categoría de héroe al protagonista de la película, que luce más bien como un villano. La nueva “Death Race 2050” contará una historia similar a la original: “En un futuro no muy distante, América está controlada por un gobierno corporativo y omnipotente que mantiene a las masas sumergidas en un mundo de entretenimiento virtual y violento. El evento más destacado del año es la ‘Carrera de la Muerte’, donde un variopinto grupo de conductores compiten en una carrera por el país, tratando de obtener puntos por matar a los peatones y otros conductores. El actual campeón actual y favorito de la carrera es un personaje mitad hombre, mitad máquina, llamado Frankenstein. Él, sin embargo, desconoce que Uno de los afiches originales de la película “Death Race 2000” estrenada en 1975. El remake, bajo el nombre de “Death Race 2050” será lanzada este año. (Foto, cortesía) tendrá que vérselas con un espía rebelde como copiloto”. La versión original, que puede verse en YouTube, contó con conocidos actores como David Carradine (ya fallecido), quien interpretó a Frankenstein (el piloto medio humano, medio máquina), y Sylvester Stallone como “Machine-Gun” Joe Viterbo, antagonista de Frankenstein. Con la idea de competir con otras populares películas de distopías de finales de los años setentas –que combinaban deportes y entretenimiento en masa sangriento como “Rollerball–, Roger Corman se decantó por la historia de “Death Race 2000”, escrita por IB Melchoir y por Paul Bartel como director. Para esta nueva versión “Death Race 2050” el reparto estará constituido por el actor Manu Bennett (de la saga de The Hobbit) como Frankenstein, Malcom McDowell (A Clockwork Orange) como el “Chairman”, Burt Grinstead (NCIS), Marci Miller (Viper), Folake Olowofoyeku (The Beaver), Anessa Ramsey (Footloose), Yancy Butler (Hard Tar- get) y Charlie Farrell (Cantar). La película estará dirigida por G. J. Echternkamp, basándose en el guion original de Matt Yamashita y G.J. Echternkamp. La producción estará a cargo de Roger Corman y Luis Llosa. Sin embargo, “Death Race 2050” no será estrenada en cines, sino irá directamente a DVD, Blu-Ray y Formato Digital. Universal 1440 Entertainment, división de producción que forma parte de Universal Picture Home Entertainment, que no ha anunciado todavía fecha de estreno. 8 LA PRENSA DE SAN ANTONIO SABF announces nine winners in student writing contest Selena Flores, the SABF fiction contest winner, 7th/8th grade division, and the Texas Cavaliers. (Courtesy photo) Special to La Prensa The San Antonio Book Festival (SABF) has announced nine winners from among 175 entries across 40 schools throughout Bexar County for its third annual fiction writing contest. Young writers from 7th to 12th grades were asked to showcase their creativity and storytelling abilities on the theme of “Not All Heroes Wear Capes.” Selena Flores, a 7th grader at Rhodes Middle School, won first place in the 7th/8th grade division for her story “Here on a Winter Day.” Anais NuñezTovar, a 10th grader at Providence Catholic School, won first place in the 9th/10th grade division for her story “Strength for Another.” In the 11th/12th grade division, Niraja Surendran, an 11th grader at Ronald Reagan High School, won first place for her story “Bear.” “The quality of the winning submissions this year was outstanding,” said fiction contest co-chair Shannon Stephens. “It’s a reflection on an entire community of teachers, librarians, educators and families who encourage these bright kids to work on their stories and submit.” First place winners receive an array of prizes. In addition to a cash prize of $250 for themselves and $500 for their schools, they get their story published in the Texas Cavaliers program and ride in the Cavaliers float in the River Parade. Whataburger also provides meals for one year to the first place winners. The three winning students were surprised in their classrooms with balloons and cookies by Texas Cavaliers and volunteers from the San Antonio Book Festival, the signature program of the San Antonio Public Library Foundation. “The Texas Cavaliers are proud to once again sponsor this event that matches our mission of helping to improve the lives of San Antonio children,” said Cavaliers King Antonio, R. Hunt Winton III. “The Book Festival and San Antonio Public Library Foundation do a tremendous job of encouraging and fostering the love of reading and writing in our children. This contest is just one of those programs.” Second place winners will receive $150 and third place winners $100. All nine winners will be recognized at a special awards program at the San Antonio Book Festival on April 2. The winning stories can be read online at saplf.org/festival. The 4th Annual SABF will take place on Saturday, April 2 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Central Library and Southwest School of Art. It is free and open to all. The festival draws thousands for readings, panel discussions, book sales and signings, recipe demonstrations, children’s and teen activities, food and a vibrant marketplace. The list of 85+ authors is on the Book Festival website, saplf.org/festival/. 28 de febrero de 2016 Yard House to open a second S.A. location this spring at the Shops at Rivercenter Special to La Prensa After opening its first Yard House at The Shops at La Cantera, Yard House, the awardwinning dining destination known for its menu of American favorites, crafted cocktails and an endless fleet of tap handles featuring the best American craft beers and imports, will open a second San Antonio location this May at the Shops at Rivercenter. Yard House also has locations in Addison, Houston and Friendswood, which opened in early December, and will also open its first Austin location this spring. “Texas is a great market for us,” said Craig Carlyle, president of Yard House. “And San Antonio has been an excellent community for our brand. We first opened here in 2009, and the time felt right to add a second San Antonio location. The Shops at Rivercenter offers a great tenant mix and energy, plus we love the vibe and visibility of the iconic River Walk.” Yard House will begin the hiring process as more than 200 jobs will need to be filled including front of the house positions, from servers and bartenders to front desk, as well as “heart of the house” positions including prep and line cooks. To learn more about job opportunities, potential team members should visit yardhouse.com/careers. Open daily for lunch, dinner and late-night dining, the new Yard House will span more than 13,000 square feet on two levels with seating for approximately 420 guests. The spacious floor plan, which is lofty and open, has an industrial vibe with a mix of warm woods and stainless steel accents as well as an original collection of thoughtprovoking art by California artist Jerome Gastaldi. Yard House’s calling card is its draft beer selection, and the Shops at Rivercenter will Open daily for lunch, dinner and late-night dining, the new Yard House will span more than 13,000 square feet on two levels with seating for approximately 420 guests. (Courtesy photo) boast 130 taps including several reserved for local and regional brewers. The beer is delivered fresh and perfectly chilled from a glass-enclosed keg room that houses hundreds of steel barrels. It’s then transported through miles of overhead tubing which feeds into the collection of taps displayed at the center-island bar. The keg room maintains a consistent 34-36 degrees and can house as much as 4,000 gallons of beer at any given time. Beer is served by the halfyard, traditional pint glasses and goblets with nine-ounce shorty and six-pack sampler options. Yard House is also known for its Chalkboard Series, which features a selection of small, limited release beers from mostly craft brewers that rotate frequently keeping the selection both innovative and fresh. These featured beers are listed on a digital chalkboard prominently displayed above the center-island bar. The menu of American favorites includes a selection of globally inspired flavors, from salads and grilled burgers to seafood, steak and ribs. Guests can also enjoy an array of gluten- sensitive options plus a menu of vegetarian dishes made with gardein, a blend of garden vegetables and protein that have the look, taste and texture of chicken. Happy Hour, which will take place Monday to Friday from 3 to 6 p.m. and Sunday to Wednesday from 10 p.m. until closing, features select full-portion appetizers starting at $5. As with every Yard House location, music will play a pivotal role as a continuous playlist of classic rock promises to fill the space. Each Yard House has its own distinct playlist pulling from a library of about 5,000 songs with no two locations playing the same song at the same time. In addition, a collection of flat screen monitors viewable from nearly every seat will be strategically placed throughout the restaurant displaying the latest sporting and world events. Yard House is slated to open at the Shops at Rivercenter in early May. For more information, visit www.yardhouse.com. Like us on Facebook at Facebook. com/YardHouse or follow us on Twitter @YardHouse.
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