Curriculum Vitae Raúl Monroy July 19, 2015 General Information Nationality: Phone Number: Fax Number: e-mail: URL: Mexican +52 (55) 5864 5316 +52 (55) 5864 5751 [email protected] University Education and Degrees Awarded 1993-98: PhD in Artificial Intelligence. Thesis: Planning Proofs of Correctness of CCS Systems, under the supervision of Prof. Alan Bundy and Dr. Ian Green, and examined by Prof. Matthew Hennessy and Dr. Alan Smaill. The University of Edinburgh. 1992-1993: MSc in Information Technology. Thesis: The Use of Abduction to Correct Faulty Conjectures, under the supervision of Prof. Alan Bundy, Dr. Jane Hesketh and Dr. Andrew Ireland. The University of Edinburgh. 1987-1990: MSc in Computer Systems. Thesis: TEC-XINU, an Operating System, under the supervision of Dr. Ralf Eder. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, at State of México (Mexico). 1980-1985: BSc in Electronics. Thesis: A VLSI-Based Short Distance Modem, Using Manchester Code, under the supervision of Dr Emmanuel Moya. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Ixtapalapa (Mexico). Additional training The 1994 International Marktoberdorf Summer School: (organised by NATO) 8 courses lectured by Prof. E.W. Dijkstra, Prof. Tony Hoare, Prof. Allain Martin, Dr. Martin Abadi, Prof. Michael Fourman, Prof. Frederick Schneider, Prof. Manfred Broy, Prof. David Gries, Prof. Samson Abramsky. 1 Parallel Processing: Oklahoma State University at Stillwater. Summer 1990, (50 Hrs), lectured by Dr. K.M. George. Artificial Intelligence: Oklahoma State University at Stillwater. Summer 1990, (50 Hrs), lectured by Dr. B. Mayfield. Object-Oriented Software Construction: Oklahoma State University at Stillwater. Summer 1992, (50 Hrs), lectured by Dr. K.M. George. Advanced Artificial Intelligence: Oklahoma State University at Stillwater. Summer 1992, (50 Hrs), lectured by Dr. D. Miller. Object-Oriented Programming: ITESM, 1990, lectured by Dr. Bertrand Meyer. Quality Control: ITESM. Certified as total quality control manager (250 Hrs) Languages Spanish: Mother tongue English: Fluent: IELTS score = 8 (1996), TOEFL score = 637 (2008), TOEIC score = 925 (1998) Career since Graduation 2014-date: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Escuela nacional de ingenierı́a y ciencias, Leader of the Information Technology Research Group. 2010-date: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, (Full) Professor in Computer Science. 2007-2009: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, Associate Professor in Computer Science. 2007-2007: DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany, Associate and Visiting Researcher. 2006-2007: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, Visiting Researcher (on sabbatical leave from ITESM CEM). 2000-2007: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, Associate Professor in Computer Science. 1992-1999: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, Assistant Professor in Computer Science. 1992-1997: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, Leave of Abscence. 1985-1992: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, Lecturer in Computer Science. 2 1984: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Part time faculty member. Electrical Engineering Department. Teaching Responsibilities My workload consists of 40% teaching, 10% administration and 50% research. I teach only in two terms out of three offered in an academic year. I have been involved in teaching since 1984. I do enjoy teaching. Throughout all these years, I have taught several many courses, including electric circuits, electronics, digital systems, computer organisation, assembly language, computer architecture, computer networks, artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, operating systems, common sense reasoning, logic, probability, quantitative modelling and simulation, numerical analysis, communication and concurrency, computer security, and many other more. During the last five years, I have designed, developed or taught the following courses in computing: undergradate: Quantitative Methods and Simulation, Formal Methods in Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Introduction to Communication and Concurrency, Computer Security, and Numerical Analysis; and graduate: Logic and Probability, Formal Methods in Computer Security, Automated Reasoning and Communication and Concurrency. Research Interests I am interested in automating the use of theorem proving to formal methods of system development. I have recently become interested in issues of computer security and robotics. Currently, my research concerns: • The automated repair of security protocols; • The discovery and application of general search control strategies for uncovering and correcting errors in either a system or its specification; • The design of novel methods for computer intrusion detection; and • The design of novel methods for motion planning (sensor-based robotics.) The main techniques for these lines of investigation have been proof planning, the productive use of failure and process algebras. Quoting Alan Bundy, proof planning is a method that uses an explicit representation of the overall shape of a family of similar proofs. The productive use of failure is collecting evidence of theory misconception and mal-formulation in order to pinpoint flaws and suggest theory development. Process algebras provides a means for modelling, building and analysing communicating systems in terms of a few primitive ideas; they are well-established, both in Industry and in Academia, and have evolved into an ISO-standard, LOTOS. In 2003, I founded the Computer Networking and Security Group (NETSEC), a research group based at Tecnológico de Monterrey. NETSEC is a group 3 of computer scientists with interests in intrusion detection and security of computer networks and automated analysis (and possibly correction if faulty) of security protocols. This group comprehends 4 principal investigators, one postdoctoral participant, six research assistants and over a dozen of MSc students. Jointly, the group has published over 70 papers and graduated 27 students (3 PhD students, 18 MSc students, and 6 undegraduate students) since 2003. The group receives substantial funding from Tecnológico de Monterrey, and from CONACYT, for covering operation expenses, granting scholarships to graduate students and developing infrastructure. The group currently conducts its experiments in two laboratories, one is the computer networking, and the other one the mobile computing. For more information about the Networking and Security Group, the reader is referred to the group’s URL: Recently, I have been appointed to the Chair of Information Technology, a distributed research group, which includes a number of people, including: Julieta Noguez, Lourdes Muñoz, Moisés Alencastre, Miguel González, Neil Hernández, Jaime Mora, Gildardo Sánchez, Luis A. Trejo and Edgar Vallejo, amongst others. Research Grants Held 2015: Formal Verification of Web Applications, Google Faculty Research Awards, (Principal Investigator) with D. Hutter and Victor Ferman. 2014-date: Information Technology, ITESM, School of Science and Engineering, Research group grant (Principal Investigator); 2007—2013: Aspects of Computer Security, ITESM—Rectorı́a Zona Centro del Sistema ITESM, Grant C-CEM-04/07 (Principal Investigator); 2010—2013: Aplicación de Modelos Estadı́sticos y Técnicas de Caracterización a Tráfico de Red para la Detección de Intrusos, Convocatoria SEP Investigación Básica 2008, Grant 105698 (Principal Investigator); 2010—2013: Automated Repair of Industrial-Strength Security Protocols, Convocatoria Cooperación Bilateral 2009, Grant 121596, (Principal Investigator) with Dieter Hutter (also Principal Investigator); Completed Projects 2010—2012: Planificación de Movimientos y Percepción para Robots: Mundos Tridimensionales y Manejo de Incertidumbre, Convocatoria SEP Investigación Básica 2008, Grant 106475 (Associate Investigator); 2010—2012: ELISA - Sistema de Localizacin y Asistencia Inmediata, CUDICONACYT (Associate Investigator); with Luis A. Trejo 4 2005—10: On the Timely Detection of Mimicry Attacks, CONACyT. Convocatoria SEP Investigación básica, Grant 47557 (Principal Investigator). 2008: Método estadı́stico de detección de ataques al DNS. Fondo Regional para la Innovación Digital en América Latina y el Caribe (FRIDA) 2007 (Associate Investigator); 2007—8: Pursuit Evasion Problems in 3D Environments. CONACyT — National Science Foundation (NSF). Grant J110.534/2006 (Associate Investigator); 2007: On Automatically Patching Faulty Security Protocols. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (CONACyT) — Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD). Grant J110.382/2006 (Principal Investigator), with Dieter Hutter (also Principal Investigator); 2005—6: On the Timely Detection of Mimicry Attacks, Fondo Regional para la Innovación Digital en América Latina y el Caribe (FRIDA) 2005 Grant VI (Principal Investigator); 2003—6: Aspects of Computer Security, ITESM—Consorcio Interrectorı́as Grant CCEM- 0302-05 (Principal Investigator); 2002—4: Computer Security Based on Immune Systems, together with Dieter Hutter from DFKI, Germany. CONACyT-BMBF Grant J200.1442/2002 (Principal Investigator); 2001—4: The Use of Proof Planning to Automating the Verification of Authentication Protocols, CONACyT Grant 33337-A (Principal Investigator); 1997—2001: The Use of Proof Planning to Automate Theorem Proving to Formal Methods of System Development, together with Francisco Cantú and Santiago Negrete. CONACYT REDII (Principal Investigator). While doing my PhD, I was associated with the following project: 1992—7: Communication in safety cases: a semantic approach, SERC Grant GR/J/58619. Research Supervision Research Assisstants (Post-doctorates) 1. Dr. Carlos Arturo Hernández Gracidas, graduated from INAOEP, is carrying out research, following my ideas on Masquerade Detection. Funded by CONACYT (2011 — 2012). 2. Dr. Miguel Angel Medina Pérez, graduated from INAOEP, is carrying out research, following my ideas on Masquerade Detection. His research stay is funded by ITESM, and lasts one year, starting from January 16, 2015. 5 PhD Students 1. Jorge Rodrı́guez Ruiz; Jorge is aiming at detecting malware using a model inspired on biological immune systems; admitted January 2014; 2. Eduardo Aguirre Bermúdez; Eduardo is aiming at providing privacy to android-based mobile devices; admitted August 2013; 3. José Benito Camiña Prado; Benito is aiming at extending his results on Masquerade Detection using Navigation Structures; admitted January 2012. 4. Vı́ctor Hugo Ferman Landa; Vı́ctor is aiming at a method for automated browser-based security protocol analysis; admitted January 2011. 5. Jorge Martı́nez Muñoz; Jorge is working on extending Juan Carlos’s tool, called shrimp, to automatically repair faulty protocols of type group; admitted August 2008; 6. Rosa Elena di Constanzo Lorencez; Rosa Elena is working on a tool capable of detecting vulnerabilities on security protocols; admitted August 2008; 7. Jorge Vázquez Islas; Jorge is aiming at a method for detecting attacks to 802.11; admitted August 2008; 8. Roberto Alonso Rodrı́guez; Roberto is continuing his MSc projects, studying a social characterisation of DNS usage to DNS DoS attack detection; awarded May 2015; 9. Karen Azurim Garcı́a Gamboa; Karen was associated with the project ‘On the Timely Detection of Mimicry Attacks’, admitted May 2005, examined December 2010; awarded May 2011. 10. Juan Carlos López Pimentel, ‘On the Automated Correction of Faulty Security Protocols’: admitted January, 2004; examined April, 2008; awarded May 2008; and 11. Fernando Godı́nez Delgado, ‘On an Efficient and Scalable Architecture for Mimicry Attacks Detection Using Probabilistic Methods: admitted July, 2000; examined November, 2004; awarded May, 2005; MSc Students 1. Jorge Rodrı́guez Ruiz. Detección de impostores en la base WUIL-DS. ITESM CEM; awarded December, 2013. 2. José Benito Camiña Prado, Hacia la detección de intrusiones mediante el análisis del comportamiento del usuario en su sistema de archivos, awarded May 19, 2011. 6 3. Eduardo Aguirre Bermúdez, Modelado de ataques computacionales a “host” utilizando redes de Petri coloreadas, awarded May 19, 2011. 4. José Ernesto Buelna Sánchez, Verificación de Polı́ticas de Integridad para Sistemas Distribuidos en Tiempo Real, defended April 28, 2010, awarded May 2010; 5. Roberto Alonso Rodrı́guez, Modelos estadı́sticos y de IA para la detección de intrusiones y caracterización de tráfico, defended January 2010 (cosupervisor), awarded May 2010; 6. Ricardo Farrera Saldaña, ‘Análisis y Caracterización de Tráfico en Internet’, defended November 2009, awarded December 2009 (cosupervisor); 7. Armando Aguayo Mendoza, ‘La Monitorización de la Polı́tica de Seguridad de Procesos Mediante Correlación de Eventos’, defended November 2009, awarded December 2009 (co-supervisor); 8. Cuauhtémoc Juan Portas Sánchez, ‘Validación de Polı́ticas de Seguridad en una Red Financiera Mediante Correlacion de Eventos’, defended November 2009, awarded December 2009 (co-supervisor); 9. Anna Valeska Álvarez Béjar, ‘Administrador de Polı́ticas de Seguridad: 2nda Versión’, defended June 2006, awarded December 2006; 10. Vı́ctor Hugo Garcı́a Pichardo, ‘Algoritmo ID3 en la Detección de Ataques en Aplicaciones WEB’, awarded May 2006; 11. Karen Azurim Garcı́a Gamboa, ‘Administrador de Polı́ticas de Seguridad’, awarded January, 2005; 12. Juan Carlos López Pimentel, ‘Verificación Formal de Protocolos de Seguridad en HOL usando el Método Inductivo’, awarded September, 2004; 13. Rosa Saab Asbun, ‘Modelo de un Sistema Inmunológico Natural en Álgebra de Procesos’, awarded September, 2002; 14. Alberto Calixto Simón, ‘Análisis del protocolo TLS’, awarded September, 2001; 15. Maya Carrillo Ruiz, ‘Lógicas de Autenticación Aplicadas al Estudio de Protocolos’, awarded September, 2001; 16. Arturo Rodolfo Castro Lloera, ‘Sistema de Monitoreo Experto Aplicado a Equipos de Cómputo’, awarded December, 2000; 17. Enrique Alejandro Navarrete Paredes, ‘Reconocimiento de Patrones Aplicado a la Exposición Fotográfica’, awarded December, 1999. 7 18. Anabelem Soberanes, admitted January 2005; 19. Raymundo Eybar Piña, admitted January 2005. BSc Students 1. Mauricio Cunillé Blando. Admitted January 2015. 2. Leonardo Mauricio Cañete Sifuentes. Detección de impostores mediante estructuras de navegación, awarded December, 2014. 3. Axel Alejandro Gutiérrez Olivo. Detección de impostores mediante estructuras de navegación. Admitted August, 2014. 4. Eduardo Murillo González. Detección de impostores mediante estructuras de navegación, awarded June, 2012. 5. Jorge Rodrı́guez Ruiz. Detección de DLLs maliciosos. ITESM CEM, awarded May, 2011. 6. Luis Rodolfo Hernández Guzmán. Creación de un API para MATLAB para soporte en el análisis de matrices de co-ocurrencia. ITESM CEM, awarded December, 2010. 7. Velázquez, José Fernando. Caracterización de Ataques al DNS para la implementación de un IDS en un ambiente GRID. ITESM CEM, awarded November, 2008. 8. Garcı́a Garcı́a, Juan Francisco. Implementación de un programa registrador de eventos para la elaboración posterior de un detector de intrusos basado en el análisis del comportamiento del usuario en su interacción con el sistema de archivos. ITESM CEM, awarded May, 2009. Distinctions 2015: Network Security, Summer Course, University of Bremen, Visiting Professor. 2015: National academy of Computer Science. Founding member. 2014: Formal Verification of Web Applications, Google Faculty Research Awards, (Principal Investigator) with D. Hutter and Victor Ferman. 2013: COMIA 2013 2nd best paper award, SMIA; 2012-date: Associate editor of Journal Computación y Sistemas 2012-date: Associate editor of Journal Inteligencia Artificial (ISSN 19883064); 8 2012: COMIA 2012 2nd best paper award, SMIA; 2012: 3rd place for the Rómulo Garza Price for Outstanding Achievements in Science, Technology, and Engineering, ITESM 2012; 2012-2013: Coordinator of the CONACYT Research Network on Information Technology and Communication, REDTIC, 2012; 2010-2012: President of the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence; 2012-date: Member of the External Examination Committee to the National Research Centre for Mathematics, CIMAT, 2012; 2012: Member of IBERAMIA - Inteligencia Artificial Journal Editorial Board - ISSN 1988-3064; 2012: COMIA’12 2nd best paper award, Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence (SMIA); 2011: Fellowship to the Mexican Academy of Sciences; 2010: Professorship at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México; 2009-2012: Technical Committee Member of “Red Temática en Tecnologı́as de Información y Comunicaciones”, CONACYT; 1999-date: National Researcher, rank 2, subject area 7, CONACYT—SNI (12232); 2006: Sabbatical leave to carry out research on the “Automated Correction of Faulty Security Protocols”, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Estado de México; 2006: The Golden Ram Award for Investigation 2006, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Estado de México; 2006: Final to the Rómulo Garza Award, Sistema Tecnológico de Monterrey; 2000, 2002, 2005: Research Grants 33337-A, J200.1442/2002 and 47557, CONACyT; 2005: Research Grant VI, Fondo Regional para la Innovación Digital en América Latina y el Caribe (FRIDA); 2005: MICAI’05 best paper award, Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence (SMIA); 2004: Candidate to best paper award, IBERAMIA’04; 2003—5: ITESM Research Group Grant CCEM- 0302-05, ITESM Consorcio Inter-rectorı́as; 9 2002: MICAI’02 best paper award, SMIA; 2000: Candidate to best paper award and invited to submit journal version to the journal of Automated Software Engineering, ASE’00; 1998: Candidate to best paper award and invited to submit journal version to the journal of Automated Software Engineering, ASE’98; 1994: NATO Scholarship to participate in the 1994 International Marktoberdorf Summer School, in Germany, NATO; 1993-1998: CONACyT scholarship to conduct studies towards a PhD, Artificial Intelligence, at Edinburgh University; 1992: CONACyT scholarship to conduct studies towards a MSc, Artificial Intelligence, at Edinburgh University; and 1987-1991: ITESM scholarship to conduct studies towards a MSc, Computer Systems, at ITESM. Administrative Experience and Committee Membership University Responsibilities • 2005-date: Session Track Organiser at the editions 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43 of the Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico del ITESM; • 2004-date: Member of the team that designed the 2005 BSc Programme in Computer Technology; • 2003-date: Leader of the research group called Computer Networking and Security; • 2004-date: Member of the PhD and the MSc Programme Committee in Computer Science; • 2001: Member of the team that designed the MSc Programme in Computer Science; • 1998, 2005, 7: Organiser of the MSc/PhD Programme Seminar; • 1997-1999: Organiser of the MSc Programme in Computer Science; • 1997: Leader of the team that designed the MSc Programme in Computer Science; • 1990-1992: Organiser of three MSc Programmes, one in Computer Systems, one in Information Systems, and one in Manufacturing; and 10 • 1990: Leader of the team that designed the MSc Programme in Computer Technology. External Responsibilities • 2012-2013: Coordinator of the CONACYT Research Network on Information Technology and Communication, REDTIC, 2012; • 2012-date: Member of the External Examination Committee to the National Research Centre for Mathematics, CIMAT, 2012; • 2012-date: Associate editor of Journal of Computación y Sistemas - ISSN 1405-5546; • 2012-date: Member of IBERAMIA - Inteligencia Artificial Journal Editorial Board - ISSN 1988-3064; • 2010-2012: President of the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence; • 2009-2012: Technical Committee Member of “Red Temática en Tecnologı́as de Información y Comunicaciones”, CONACYT; • 2007-date: Joint organiser of the MICAI workshop on computer security (2007, 2008 and 2009); • 1997-date: Served on the Program Committee of the following conferences: ENC’97, ENC’99, ENC’2010, MICAI’00, MICAI’02, MICAI’04, IBERAMIA’04, MICAI’05, MICAI’06, CITA’06, CORE’06, MICAI’07, CORE’07 MICAI’08, MICAI’09, MICAI’10, MICAI’11, and MICAI’12; • 2000-date: Served on Conference Committee of the following conferences: IJCAI’03, MICAI’00, MICAI’02, MICAI’04, MICAI’05, MICAI’06, MICAI’07, MICAI’08 and MICAI’09; • 1997-date: Served as an external reviewer for Convocatoria para Investigación Básica, organised by CONACyT; • 2005-date: Served on the CONACyT committee for the evaluation of applications to student scholarship extensions; • 1994-date: Served as a paper reviewer for the following journals: Expert Systems with Applications, Computación y Sistemas, Systems Man and Cybernetics, etc. • 1994-date: Served as a paper reviewer for the following conferences: CADE, LICS, IBERAMIA, ENC, IJCAI, IROS, ICRA, etc. • 2008-2010: Vice-president of the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence; • 2009: An editor of Springer-Verlag, LNAI series; 11 • 2009: Conference and Programme co-chairman of the 8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI’09), held in Guanajuato City, Mexico; • 2008: guest editor to “Computación y sistemas”; • 2008: Served as external reviewer for Convocatoria Bilateral, CONACyT; • 2008: MICAI local co-chair; • 2007: MICAI workshops co-chair; • 2006: Served on the 4th Seminar for the Development of the National Competitiveness; • 2005: Programme co-chairman of the 4th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI’05), to be held in Monterrey, Mexico; • 2004: An editor of Springer-Verlag, LNAI series; • 2004: Programme co-chairman of the 3rd Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI’04), held in Mexico City, Mexico; • 2000-2006: Secretary Treasurer of the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence; • 2000-date: ACM member (7294044) • 2002: Joint organiser of the workshop on ‘Logic and Computation’, at TAINA’02; • 1999-2005: Served as a host researcher for Programa de Verano de Investigación Cientı́fica, organised by the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias. I have guided the research of about 15 students. • 1999: Joint organiser of the workshop on ‘Logic and Computation’, at ENC’99; Research Visits 1. May 18 — June 3, 2012: Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI). Bremen, Germany; 2. May 29 — June 8, 2010: Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI). Bremen, Germany; 3. June, 2009: INAOE. Puebla, México. 4. 2008—date: CIMAT, Guanajuato, México. 12 5. December 4—17, 2008: Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI). Bremen, Germany; 6. January — March 2007: Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI). Saarbrücken, Germany; 7. August — December, 2006 and then April — July, 2007: Centre for Intelligent Systems and Applications. The University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 8. December 2005: 1 week at the DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany; 9. December 2004: 2 weeks at the DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany; 10. June 2004: 1 week at the University of Nottingham. Nottingham, United Kingdom; 11. July 2004: 1 week at the Universiyt of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 12. December 2003: 2 weeks at the DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany; 13. December 2002: 2 weeks at the DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany; 14. November 2002: 1 week at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana, USA; 15. July 2001: 1 week at the Technological University of Munich at Munich (Germany) and 1 week at the Universiyt of Edinburgh at Edinburgh (United Kingdom); 16. June 1999: 5 weeks at the University of Edinburgh at Edinburgh, United Kingdom; and 17. July 1994: 1 week at the Technological University of Darmstad. Darmstad, Germany. Publications Journal Papers (Indexed) 1. I. Becerra-Durán, R. Murrieta-Cid, R. Monroy, S. Hutchinson and J.P. Laumond. Maintaining Strong Mutual Visibility of an Evader Moving over the Reduced Visibility Graph. Autonomous Robots (AURO) In Press, 2015. 2. S.-M. Martı́nez-Monterrubio, J. Frausto-Solı́s and R. Monroy. EMRlog method for computer security for Electronic Medical Records with logic and data mining. BioMed Research International In Press, 2015. 13 3. C. del-Valle-Soto, C. Mex-Perera, R. Monroy, and J.-A. Nolazco-Flores. On the Routing Protocol Influence on the Resilience of Wireless Sensor Networks to Jamming Attacks. Sensors 15(4):7619-7649, MDPI, 2015. 4. J. Benito Camiña, C. Hernández-Gracidas, R. Monroy, and L. Trejo. The Windows Users and Intrusions Logs Dataset (WUIL-DS): An Experimental Framework for Masquerade Detection Mechanisms. Expert Systems with Applications, 41(3):919 - 930, Elsevier, 2014. 5. Ernesto Buelna and Raúl Monroy. Real-Time Verification of Integrity Policies for Distributed Systems. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 11(6):831 - 843. 2013. 6. R. Alonso and R. Monroy. On the NP-Completeness of Computing the Commonality Amongst the Objects upon which a Collection of Agents has Performed an Action. Computación y Sistemas, 17(4):489 - 500. CIC - IPN, 2013. 7. K. A. Garcı́a, R. Monroy, L. A. Trejo, C. Mex-Perera, and E. Aguirre. Analyzing Log Files for Post-mortem Intrusion Detection. Journal of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics — Part C 42(6):16901704. IEEE Computer Press, 2012. 8. I. Razo-Zapata, C. Mex-Perera, and R. Monroy. Masquerade Attacks Based on User’s Profile. Journal of Systems and Software 85(11):26402651, Elsevier, 2012. 9. R. Monroy. Editorial. Computación y Sistemas 16(4):379-381, CIC - IPN, 2012. 10. R. Monroy. Editorial. Polibits 46:3-4, CIDETEC - IPN, 2012. 11. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. On process equivalence = equation solving in CCS. Journal of Automated Reasoning 43(1):53-80, Springer, 2009. Springer. 12. R. Monroy and G. Arroyo-Figueroa. Editorial, Special Issue on Innovative Applications of AI. Computación y Sistemas 14(1):3-4, CIC del IPN, 2009. 13. J.C.-López P. and R. Monroy. Formal Support to Security Protocol Development: a Survey. Computación y Sistemas, special volume celebrating 50 years of Computing in Mexico, 12(1):89-109, CIC - IPN, 2008. 14. Juan C. López P., Raúl Monroy and Dieter Hutter. A method for patching interleaving-replay attacks in faulty security protocols. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 174(4):117-130, Elsevier, 2007. 15. B. Tovar, L. Muñoz-Gomez, R. Murrieta-Cid, M. Alencastre-Miranda, R. Monroy and S. Hutchinson. Planning Exploration Strategies for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. Journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(4):314-331, Elsevier, 2006. 14 16. R. Monroy, R. Saab and F. Godı́nez. On Modelling an Immune System. Computación y Sistemas. 7(4):249–259, 2004. 17. Raúl Monroy. Predicate Synthesis for the Correction of Faulty Conjectures: the Proof Planning Paradigm. Automated Software Engineering, 10(3):247–269, 2003. 18. R. Monroy and A. Bundy. On the correction of faulty formulae. Computación y Sistemas, 5(1):25-37, 2001. 19. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. Planning Proofs of Equations in CCS. Journal of Automated Software Engineering 7(3):263–304, 2000. Edited Books • A. Hernández-Aguirre, R. Monroy and C.-A. Reyes-Garcı́a, editors, Proceedings of MICAI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘09, LNAI Vol. 5845, 2009. Springer. • A. Hernández-Aguirre, R. Monroy and C.-A. Reyes-Garcı́a, editors, Proceedings of the 8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘09, IEEE Computer Science Press. • R. Monroy, G. Arroyo-Figueroa, E. Sucar and H. Sossa, editors, Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the 3rd Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘2004, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2972, 2004. • A. Gelbukh and R. Monroy, editors: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Theory, J. Research on Computing Science, Vol. 16, ISSN 1665-9899, IPN, 2005, printing 500; • A. Gelbukh and R. Monroy, editors: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Applications, J. Research on Computing Science, Vol. 17, ISSN 1665-9899, IPN, 2005, printing 500. Book Chapters • M. González-Mendoza and R. Monroy. Inteligencia Artificial. Chapter in, Julio Ernesto Rubio Barrios (ed.), Nuevas tendencias tecnológicas, Tecnológico de Monterrey. 2010. pp: 1-31. (in press) • A. de Albornoz, P. Escamilla-Velasco, R. Brena-Pinero, R. Monroy, R. Soto Rodrı́guez, S. Cerón-Alegre, M. Valenzuela-Rendón, E. VallejoClemente. Inteligencia Artificial. Chapter in Las Megatendencias Tecnológicas Actuales y su Impacto en la Identificación de Oportunidades Estratégicas de Negocios. ITESM. México. 2009. Grupo de Desarrollo Regional. pp: 105-117. 15 • R. Monroy, M. Alvarado and M. Osorio. Logic and Computation, Chapter in, H. Sossa and G. Arroyo, editors, MICAI/TAINA 2002, avances en inteligencia artificial. Centro de Investigación en Computación-IPN, 2002. • A. Aliseda and R. Monroy. Logic and Computation, Chapter in, J. M.Ahuactzin, editor, Encuentro Nacional de Computación, ENC‘99. Universidad de las Américas, 1999. Invited Papers 1. R. Monroy. Some Encounters on the Productive Use of a Failed Proof Attempt or a Counterexample. In, G. Sidorov, A. Hernández-Aguirre and C.-A. Reyes-Garcı́a, editors, Proceedings of the 9th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘10, LNAI Vol. 6437, pp. 1 12, 2010. Springer. Conference Papers 1. J. B. Camiña, J. Rodrı́guez, and R. Monroy. Towards a Masquerade Detection System based on User’s Tasks. In, A. Stavrou, H. Bos and G. Portokalidis, editors, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, RAID. LNCS vol. 8688, pp. 447 - 465. September, 2014. Springer. 2. J. C. López-Pimentel, V. Ramos Fon Bon and R. Monroy. A Web Service for Signing and Authenticating Digital Documents based on Symmetric Cryptography Protocol. International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC) 1(2): 434-444. The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2012. 3. B. Camiña, R. Monroy, L. Trejo, and E. Sánchez. Towards Building a Masquerade Detection Method Based on User File System Navigation. In, I. Batyrshin, and G. Sidorov, editors, Proceedings of the 2011 Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Part I, MICAI’11, LNCS vol. 7094, pp. 174 - 186, 2011. Springer. 4. J. C.-López-Pimentel, R. Monroy, and V. Ramos. Symmetric Cryptographic Protocol for Signing and Authenticating Digital Documents. In, V. Snasel and Y. Imai, editors, Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications, ICDIPC’2011, LNCS (Communications in Computer Information Sciences Series) vol. 188, pp. 9-23, 2011. Springer. 5. Karen Garcı́a, E. Aguirre, R. Monroy and C. Mex-Perera. An Architecture for Forensic Intrusion Detection on System Logs. In, D. He, X. Chen and M. Reza-Abdi, editors, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information Security and Artificial Intelligence, ISAI 2010, pp. to appear, 2010. IEEE Computer Science Press. 16 6. I. Becerra, R. Murrieta-Cid and R. Monroy. Evader Surveillance under Incomplete Information. In Vijay Kumar, editor, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2010, pp: to appear, IEEE Computer Science Press. 7. L.-A. Trejo, R. Alonso, R. Monroy, E. Sánchez, J. Vázquez, and M. Maqueo. Using Cloud Computing MapReduce operations to Detect DDoS Attacks on DNS servers. In Proceedings of 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference, IBERGRID 2010. 8. D. Hutter and R. Monroy. On the automated correction of protocols with improper message encoding. In, L. Vigan‘o and P. Degano, eds., Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and Issues in the Theory of Security, ARSPA-WITS’09, LNCS Vol. 5511, pages138-154. Springer, 2009. 9. R. Murrieta-Cid, R. Monroy, S. Hutchinson and J.-P. Laumond. A complexity result for the Pursuit-Evasion Game of Maintaining Visibility of a Moving Evader. In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA’08, pages pages 2657-2664, USA, 2008. IEEE Computer Society Press. 10. Juan C. López P., Raúl Monroy and Dieter Hutter. On the Automated Correction of Security Protocols Susceptible to a Replay Attack. In, J. Biskup and J. Lopez, eds., Proceedings of the 12th European Symposium Research Computer Security, ESORICS 2007. LNCS Vol. 4734, pages 594-609, Germany, 2007. Springer. 11. C. Mex-Perera, R. Posadas, J.-A. Nolazco, R. Monroy, A. Soberanes and L. Trejo. An improved Non-negative Matrix Factorization Method for Masquerade Detection. In, R. Vázquez and J.-A. Dı́az, eds., Proceedings of the 1st Mexican International Conference on Informatics Security, MCIS 2006, Mexico, 2006. IEEE Computer Society Press. 12. R. Posadas, C. Mex-Perera, R. Monroy and J. A. Nolazco. Hybrid Method for Detecting Masqueraders Using Session Folding and Hidden Markov Models. In, A. Gelbukh and C. A. Reyes, eds., Proceedings of the 5th Mexican International Conference on AI, MICAI 2006, LNAI Vol. 4293, pages 622-631, Mexico, 2006. Springer. 13. Rafael Murrieta and Raúl Monroy. A Hybrid Segmentation Method Applied to Color Images and 3D Information. In, A. Gelbukh and C. A. Reyes, eds., Proceedings of the 5th Mexican International Conference on AI, MICAI 2006, LNAI Vol. 4293, pages 789-799, Mexico, 2006. Springer. 14. Anna A. Álvarez, Karen A. Garcı́a, Raúl Monroy, Luis A Trejo and Jesús Vázquez. A Tool for Managing Control Access Policies in Organisations. In, H. Yoshiura, K. Sakurai and K. Rannenberg, eds., Proceedings on the 17 1st International Workshop on Security, IWSEC 2006, LNCS Vol. 4266, pages 378-388, Kyoto Japan, 2006. Springer. 15. Vı́ctor H. Garcı́a-Pichardo, Raúl Monroy, Maricela Quintana. Web Attack Detection Using ID3. In, John Debenham, editor, Proceedings of the 2nd IFIP International Symposium on Professional Practice on AI, IFIP Vol. 218, pages 323-332, Santiago, Chile, 2006. Springer. 16. Fernando Godı́nez, Dieter Hutter and Raúl Monroy. On the Use of Word Networks to Mimicry Attack Detection. In, G. Müller and G. Schneider, eds., Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Computer Security, ETRICS’06, LNCS Vol. 3995, pages 423-435, Freiburg, Germany, 2006. Springer. 17. L.-A. Dennis, R. Monroy and P. Nogueira. Proof-directed Debugging and Repair. In, H. Nilsson and M. van Eekelen, eds., Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, pages 131-140. 2006. 18. R. Murrieta-Cid, A. Sarmiento, T. Muppirala, S. Hutchinson, R. Monroy, M. Alencastre-Miranda, L. Muñoz-Gómez, R. Swain. A framework for reactive motion and sensing planning: a critical events-based approach. In A. Gelbukh, A. de Albornoz and H. Terashima, Proceedings of the Fourth Mexican International Conference in Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘05, LNCS Vol. 3789, pages 999-1009, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, Springer-Verlag. Best Paper Award Recipient. 19. F. Godı́nez, D. Hutter and R. Monroy. On the Role of Information Compaction to Intrusion Detection. In H. Unger, editor, Proceedings of Fifth IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Systems ISSADS 2005, LNAI Vol. 3563, pages 83-98, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, 2005. Springer-Verlag. 20. F. Godı́nez, D. Hutter and R. Monroy. Audit File Reduction Using NGram Models. In A. Patrick and M. Yung, eds., Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, FC‘05, LNCS Vol. 3570, pages 336-341, Roseau, The Commonwealth Of Dominica, 2005. Springer-Verlag. 21. F. Godı́nez, D. Hutter and R. Monroy. Service Discrimination and dit File Reduction for Effective Intrusion Detection. In C.H. Lim M. Yung, eds., Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Security plications, WISA 2005, LNCS Vol. 3325, pages 101-115, Jeju Island, rea, 2005. Springer-Verlag. Auand ApKo- 22. J.C. López and R. Monroy. A Rippling-Based Difference Reduction Technique to Automatically Prove Security Protocol Goals. In C. Lemaı̂tre, C.A. Reyes and J.A. Gonzales, eds., Proceedings of the IX Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IBERAMIA 2004, LNAI Vol. 3315, 18 pages 364-374, Puebla, Mexico, 2004. Springer-Verlag. Candidate to Best Paper Award. 23. Raúl Monroy. A Process Algebra Model of the Immune System. In M.G. Negoita, editor, Proceedings of the 8th Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES‘04, LNAI Vol. 3214, pages 526533, Wellington, New Zealand, September 2004. Springer-Verlag. 24. F. Godı́nez, D. Hutter and R. Monroy. Attribute Reduction for Effective Intrusion Detection. In J. Favela, E. Menasalvas, and E. Chávez, eds., Proceedings of the 2004 Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC‘04, LNAI Vol. 3034, pages 74-83, Cancún, Mexico, 2004. Springer-Verlag. 25. R. Monroy and M. Carrillo. Automatic Formulation of Security Properties Under the Inductive Approach. In M.H. Hamza, editor, Proceedings of IASTED‘03, Applied Informatics-Software Engineering, pages 1020-1025, Innsbruck, Austria, 2003. Acta Press. 26. M. Carrillo and R. Monroy, Towards Automating the Use of the Inductive Approach for the Verification of Security Protocols. In H. Sossa and G. Arroyo, eds., Proceedings of MICAI/TAINA‘02, avances en inteligencia artificial, pages 125-134, Merida, Mexico, 2002. Centro de Investigación en Computación-IPN, 2002. 27. R. Saab, R. Monroy and F. Godı́nez. Towards a Model for an Immune System. In Coello-Coello, C., de Albornoz, A., Sucar, L.E. and Battistutti, O.C., eds., Proceedings of the 2nd Mexican Internation Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘02, LNAI vol. 2313, pages 401-410, Mérida, Mexico, 2002. Springer-Verlag. Best Paper Award Recipient. 28. R. Monroy. Concept Formation via Proof Planning Failure. In R. Nieuwenhuis and A. Voronkov, eds., Proceedings of the 8th International Conference in Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, LPAR‘01, LNAI Vol. 2250, pages 718-731, La Havana Cuba, 2001. Springer-Verlag. 29. M. Carrillo and R. Monroy. Lógicas de autenticación aplicadas al estudio de protocolos. In Proceedings of the 27th Conferencia Latinoamericana en Informática, CLEI‘2001. Mérida, Venezuela, 2001. CLEI. 30. R. Monroy. The use of Abduction and Recursion-Editor Techniques for the Correction of Faulty Conjectures. In P. Flenner and P. Alexander, eds., Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE’00, pages 91-99, Grenoble, Francia, 2000. IEEE Computer Science Press. Candidate to best paper award. 31. E. Navarrete, E. Garcı́a and R. Monroy. Reconocimiento de patrones en la exposición fotográfica. In L.A. Trejo, editor, Proceedings of the 26th Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática, CLEI 2000, Atizapán, Mexico, 2000. CLEI. 19 32. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. Searching for a Solution to Program Verification = Equation Solving in CCS. In O. Cairó and F. Cantú, eds., Proceedings of the Mexican Internation Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI‘00, LNAI Vol. 1793, pages 1-13, Acapulco, Mexico, 2000. Springer-Verlag. 33. R. Monroy. The Use of Proof Planning Failure for Correcting Faulty Conjectures. In J.M. Ahuactzin, editor, 2nd Mexican Conference in Computer Science, ENC’99, pages 1-6, Pachuca, Mexico, 1999. Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia de la Computación. 34. R. Monroy. On the Correction of Faulty Formulae. In A. de Albornoz, and M. Alvarado, eds., Taller de Inteligencia Artificial, TAINA‘99, pages 56 - 68, D. F., Mexico, 1999. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. 35. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. Planning Equational Verification in CCS. In D. Redmiles and B. Nuseibeh, eds., Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE‘98, pages 43 - 52, Hawaii, USA, 1998. IEEE Computer Society Press. Candidate to Best Paper Award. 36. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and I. Green. Annotated Term Rewriting for Deciding Observation Congruence. In H. Prade, editor, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI‘98, pages 393-397, Brighton, England, 1998. Wiley & Sons. 37. R. Monroy. Observant: an Annotated Term Rewriting for Deciding Observation Congruence. In S. Negrete, editor, Encuentro Nacional de Computación, ENC’97, pages 40-50, Querétaro, Mexico, 1997. Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. 38. R. Monroy, A. Bundy, and A. Ireland. Proof Plans for the Correction of Faulty Conjectures. In F. Pfenning, editor, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, LPAR’94, LNAI Vol. 822, pages 54-68, Kiev, Ukraine, 1994. SpringerVerlag. Also available from Edinburgh as Research paper 681. Journal Papers (peer-reviewed) 1. B. Cervantes, M. González-Mendoza, R. Monroy, C.-E. Galdámez-Blanco, E.-I. Garcı́-Pérez. Hacia la construcción de una herramienta para la creación de bitácoras para Android. Journal of Research in Computing 93:111-120, CIC del IPN, 2015. 2. J. Rodrı́guez-Ruiz, R. Monroy and J.-B. Camiña-Prado. Hacia la detección de impostores mediante un modelo basado en tareas. Journal of Research in Computing 62:45-56, CIC del IPN, 2013. Selected as the 3rd best paper of the conference, award granted by the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence. 20 3. J.-B. Camiña and R. Monroy. WUIL: una base de datos para probar mecanismos de detección de intrusos. Journal of Research in Computing 62:57-66, CIC del IPN, 2013. 4. R. Alonso, R. Monroy, L. Trejo. Complejidad computacional de un caso especial del cálculo de grupos en las redes de interacción. Research in Computing Science 55(1):138-154, CIC-IPN, 2012. Selected as the 2nd best paper of the conference, award granted by the Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence. 5. J. Vázquez, R. Monroy and L. Trejo. Un Nuevo Esquema para la Detección de Ataques en Redes Inalámbricas. Research in Computing Science 55(1):297 - 308, CIC, IPN, 2012. 6. B. Camiña, C. Hernández and R. Monroy. Hacia la detección de impostores mediante grafos de navegación. Research in Computing Science 55(1):285 - 296, CIC - IPN, 2012. 7. J. C. López-Pimentel, V. Ramos Fon Bon and R. Monroy. A Web Service for Signing and Authenticating Digital Documents based on Symmetric Cryptography Protocol. International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC) 1(2): 434-444. The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), 2012. 8. K. A.-Garcı́a-Gamboa, E. Aguirre-Bermudez, R. Monroy and C. MexPerera. Forensic Intrusion Detection on System Logs. In, A. Gelbukh (ed.), Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial, pp: 231—241, 2009. 9. R. Alonso-Rodrı́guez, J.Vázquez-Islas, L. A.-Trejo-Rodrı́guez, R. Monroy and E. Sánchez-Velázquez. How Social Networks Can Help to Detect DDoS Attacks on DNS Servers. In, A. Gelbukh (ed.), Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial, pp: 261—270, 2009. 10. E. Aguirre-Bermudez, K. A.-Garcı́a-Gamboa and R. Monroy. Coloured Petri Nets for Modelling Host-Based Attacks. In, A. Gelbukh (ed.), Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial, pp: 281—290, 2009. 11. Carlos Mex-Perera, José Zamora-Elizondo and Raúl Monroy. Intrusion Detection for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Based on a Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. Journal of Research in Computing 40:131-140, CIC del IPN, 2008. 12. M. Alencastre-Miranda, L. Muñoz-Gómez, R. Murrieta and R. Monroy. Local Reference Frames vs. Global Reference Frame for Mobile Robot Localization and Planning. In, A. Gelbukh and C. A. Reyes, eds., Journal of , Mexico, 2006. IEEE Computer Society Press. 21 13. K. Garcı́a, R. Monroy and J. Vázquez. An Artificial Manager for Security Policies in Organizations. Journal of Research in Computing Science. 17:97–106, 2005. 14. A. Calixto and R. Monroy. TLS Analysis Using CADP. Studia Informatica Universalis, 2(2):234-249, 2002. Doctoral External Examining • External examiner, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey, 2015, PhD, Carolina del Valle. • External examiner, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, 2015, PhD, Israel Becerra. • External examiner, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV), 2015, Lil Marı́a Xibai Rodrı́guez Henrı́quez; • External examiner, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV), 2013, Cuauhtemoc Mancillas López; • External examiner, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT), 2013, PHD, Ubaldo Ruiz López; • External examiner, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás Hidalgo, 2011, PhD, Anastacio Antolino Hernández; • External examiner, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey, 2009, PhD, Rafael A. Ayala Rodrı́guez; • External examiner, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey, 2008, PhD, Marcelo Fernández; • External examiner, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey, 2003, PhD, Jaime Solano; and • External examiner, Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Morelos, 2005, PhD, Juan Segura. MSc External Examining • External examiner, ESIME — Culhuacan, IPN, 2015, MSc, Ilce Belén Ramı́rez Osnaya. • External examiner, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, 2010, MSc, Israel Becerra. Book Reviews 1. Long, L. and Long, N. Introducción a las computadoras y a los sistemas de información, 5ta edición, Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, 1999. 22 Magazine Papers 1. Raúl Monroy. Obituario Tardı́o por Donald Michie. La Jornada de Oriente, Junio 2, 2008. 2. Paralelismo en Computación. Soluciones Avanzadas, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp 4 – 10, Octubre, 1993. Guest Lectures 1. ‘Detección de impostores basada en navegación de archivos’, CINVESTAV, Mayo, 2015. 2. ‘Inteligencia Artificial en la Seguridad Informática’, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás Hidalgo, Abril, 2015. 3. ‘Information Flow in Disaster Management Systems’, Intelligent Disaster Management Workshop. February, 2015. 4. ‘A model based on social structures to detect traffic anomalies on DNS servers’, 9th Latin American Workshop on Logic/Languages Algorithms and New Methods of Reasoning 2014 (LANMR‘14). November, 2014. 5. ‘Detección oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, Rtronics. Universidad Tecnológica de Tlaxcala. Septiembre 2013. 6. ‘Detección oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, Rtronics. Congreso Mexicano de Inteligencia Artificial. Mayo 2013. 7. ‘Detección oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, Rtronics. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, campus Valle de México. Abril 2013. 8. ‘Detección oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, Rtronics. Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México. October 2012. 9. ‘Detección oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, Semana ingenierı́a. UNAM, FES Aragón. October 2012. 10. ‘Detección oportuna de impostores y la base de datos WUIL-DS’, II Encuentro internacional en ingenierı́a de sistemas e informática, EIISI‘2012. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. October 2012. 11. ‘Aprovechando la adversidad, descubrimientos en la reparación automática de protocolos’, 2do Congreso nacional de ciencias básicas. Universidad Autónoma Juárez Tabasco. August 2012. 12. ‘Descubrimiento sobre el uso productivo del fracaso al intentar verificar un modelo’, II Encuentro internacional en ingenierı́a de sistemas e informática, EIISI‘2011. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. October 2011. 23 13. ‘Las redes temáticas de investigación del CONACYT’, VI Congreso nacional de investigación. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Octubre 2011. 14. ‘On Automatically Fixing Security Protocols”, Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, ENC‘2011, SMCC. March 2011; 15. ‘Some Encounters on the Productive Use of a Failed Proof Attempt or a Counterexample”, MICAI‘2010, SMIA. Noviembre 2010; 16. ‘Some Encounters on the Productive Use of a Failed Proof Attempt or a Counterexample”, Semana de la investigación 2010, ITAM. Octubre 2010; 17. ‘Corrección automática de Protocolos de Seguridad’. Seminario de investigación. Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas, IIE. Septiembre, 2010; 18. ‘On the Automated Correction of Faulty Security Protocols’, Research Seminar at DFKI, Bremen. June 2010; 19. ‘Corrección automática de Protocolos de Seguridad’. Seminario de investigación. Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, CIMAT. Mayo 14, 2010; 20. ‘Corrección de Protocolos de Seguridad’. INTROMISIÓN 2008. Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM. Noviembre 24, 2008; 21. ‘Métodos Formales en el Desarrollo de Software’. 1er Congreso en Inteligencia Artificial y Robótica. Universidad Autónoma de México. Noviembre 21, 2008; 22. ‘La Situación de la Computación en México (Panelista)’. Congreso Celebración de los 25 años de los Posgrados en Computación en el CINVESTAV. CINVESTAV. Septiembre 4, 2008; 23. ‘On the Automated Correction of Security Protocols Susceptible to a Replay Attacks’. Seminario del CINVESTAV. CINVESTAV. Mayo 12, 2008; 24. ‘A complexity result for the Pursuit-Evasion Game of Maintaining Visibility of a Moving Evader’. Segundo Taller de Robótica y Planificación de Movimientos. CIMAT. México. Febrero 2008; 25. ‘México ¿Crecimiento o Estagnación de la Cooperación en Investigación en los Programas Marco de la Comunidad Europea?’. LA-Winds. Diciembre 7, 2007; 26. ‘On the Automated Correction of Security Protocols Susceptible to a Replay Attack’, Seminario Internacional en Sistemas y Computación de la VI Semana Cientı́fica “Ciencia y Vida”, Fundaci’on Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, Tunja, Colombia, Octubre 26, 2007; 24 27. ‘On Patching Faulty Security Protocols’, Scottish Theorem Proving seminar, School of Computer Science at St Andrews University, St Andrews, UK, October 13, 2006; 28. ‘A method for patching interleaving-replay attacks in faulty security protocols’, CISA seminar, Centre for Intelligent Systems and Applications of the School of Informatics at Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK, August 31, 2006; 29. ‘On Automatically Patching Faulty Security Protocols, seminario de investigación, Centro de investigación en Matemáticas, CIMAT, Guanajuato, July 6, 2006; 30. ‘Audit File Reduction Using NGram Models’, 36 congreso de investigación y desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, N.L., 2006; 31. ‘Guı́a para preparar propuestas de investigación y artı́culos de revista’, 36 congreso de investigación y desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, N.L., 2006; 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